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israeli military now says an additional nine soldiers have been killed inside gaza. they were hit by an anti-tank guided missile while operating in the northern part of the strip for the very latest, chief fox news correspondent jonathan hunt joins us live from jerusalem. jonathan lauren, it is 8 a.m. here in israel. and within the last couple of hours, we got that news from the israeli defense forces that nine soldiers were killed in one incident tuesday day morning. they were fired on by with an anti-tank tank, guided missile fired by hamas fighters. nine un soldiers killed. that is separate to the two soldiers killed that we reported on yesterday. so it brings to 11 the total number of idf soldiers killed in gaza since the ground operation began. now, the israeli defense forces , meantime, put out these videos showing an israeli strike against a vehicle that they said was carrying exactly those kind of anti-tank guided missiles. their ground operations continue. you meantime, as they push further into the northern end of the gaza strip, and they appear to be trying to essentially encircle gaza city and cut off the hamas fighters there before they move into the city in force and try to take out the fighters who will be above ground and below ground in that extensive tunnel network we've talked about, talked about in the meantime, they also struck today just north of gaza city. there is an area known as the jabalya refugee camp. it is not a tented refugee camp that you might think of. it is actually a contiguous part in a sense of gaza city. but they struck there a huge air strike that collapsed several buildings. now, the idf says that they are killed. a hamas commander for a significant player, they say, in the hamas command and control structure in the northern gaza strip. they say they also killed in that strike dozens of other hamas fighters. now, hamas has said that the hamas run health ministry, that that hundreds of people were killed in that strike. we do not have any independent confirmation of those numbers, which clearly come from hamas itself. but the operations continue at this hour. but the breaking news we have got in the last couple of hours, lauren, the sad news that nine israeli soldiers were killed tuesday morning when they were hit by an anti-tank guided missile fired by hamas. lauren all right. thank you so much, jonathan harden coming to us from jerusalem with the latest on the war in israel. thank you so much. and we stay with fox news. we will have the latest on all that is happening in the middle east and, of course, around the world. i'm lauren greene in new york. and nownl o peaceful pro-life advocates. mayb e you still finally get to bot the bottom of the lying and conspiracy theorietohes and frankly, lawbreaking surrounding the russia hoax and lid law e. maybe you can stop the never ending investigation into donald trump 24 seven 365 maybe you can stop, using your fbigeno agents to protect the biden family enterpris protecte. m ces maybe you can stop your agentsor inom censoring what turned out to be very truthful information about hunter biden's before the election. and why were your agentsection. meeting weekly with big tech companies befores before the 20 election so that now the role of the fbi, why didn't your fbir arrest every single person responsible for 574 riots in the summer of 2020?an dozens dead, thousands of cops injured, billions in property damage next to zero consequences? mr. wray, i want you to know something. us i grew up in my householdwi fami a lot of law enforcementh we revere the two members of my family, my grandfathers, i grew children that were in the fbi. i grew up revering the fbi. how about you stop weaponizingzi politicizingng justice i in america? how about you return the fbi to its once former greatness, which was the law enforcementtie agency in the entire world? you can start by nowr protectig our homeland and getting out of politics forever. start to focus on real threats. . everyday americans, terrorism, terr enforcingmigrat immigration law. according to a new poll,ion la % of the american people are worried about the wae worrir in gaza and how it will lead to terror attacks right here at homr e. so where are the fbi investigations into all of these pro-hamas groups and individuals now flaunting their rabid and hatred of america on our very streets? ,on college campuses, not just domestic terrorism. ther e are now growing calls from around the world for an islamic war intifada against americans, us soldiers have been attacked dozens of times at bases in the middle east. lookmiddlelook at that map righ, take a look, a good look. at that, including six strikes since by it is pointless. you know airstrike against s aito empty in syria. a. and now we have the iran back. who is the rebels in yemen. i they have now engaged warring against the u.s., against israel, declaring war agains t israel and vowing to ramp up h their attacks. we have other iranianin in lebanon and iraq striking u.s. and israeli positions all over the region. and meanwhile, china's aggression and hostilitya's aggl that too has reached a boiling point. russia is no russiaw a big red button away from destroying the world de. nuclear weapons and tonight, as we fact eface what are real serious, clear and present danger to our country, our countrycountr, the states of america is no fortress. in fact, our doors sadly wide open. >> look for yourself. let me i need numbers again. don't feel about me. how many people has this me intocountrn let the country? >> let me say at the outset that our job would be a lot easiery. if the broken immigration system wasn't in this sector. >> i wans t a number. how many people have you let into this country? i shouldi shou als also. how? okay, i'll give you the number. it's about 6 million. about 1.7 million as no one got. a wage. now, again, we don't knowwe kno who these people are. >> we just know that they've come to this hav and they're residing somewhere. >> how many times mayorkas or kamala harris or joe biden or circle back jen psaki or kariner jean-pierre said, all thend border is closed, the border is secure. they've lied to us. a mayorkas has lied to us. he wouldn't answer the question because the numbere ths are fray horrifying. yeah, 8 million is about right. millionsmillio of illegal immigs inside america, thanks to joe biden. no bident fulfilling his oathfon and enforcing the laws of this heuntrg e lawsy and the constitn he swore to uphold. and we have no idee noa where w they are, who they are, wherehy they came from, and why they're heree . and according to leaked federal data, there have been nearly 2 million known gateways under biden. and among those who at leastmhed temporarily apprehended by border patrolze, we know of thousands of special interest illegal immigrantillis the middle east have been stopped, including over 3000 from egypt, 659 from iran, 538 from syria. more than 22,000 illegal immigrants have been l apprehended. china one there. and then they buy upy our farmland, our ranchland and land near military installation. ianother 22,000 from russia.y i'm sure they're just herear visiting because they like itga here. since, of course, putin began n hiinvahis invasion, the biden administration, they know it. they're lying about it. they continu le to lie about itr they're still doing nothing to secure the border. itt is i is now a clear and preo danger to everybody watching this show as we speak . there is now yet another massive caravan now traveling t through mexico, towards texas or arizona. vettarizonand they will walk ri. they won't have any vetting or background checks and mostiden will be provided thanks to joe biden. they wil l be and abetted, given transportation anywhere in the continental us compliments e of you, the american people. thisri is a perfect opportunity for known terrorists and violen andt criminals to slp in undetected while border patrol agents are tied up processing, you know, the millionsng of people in thee caravans ultimately over three years, biden as national security coordinator can't seem to answer any questions er quest about the dire risk that is wid posed by his wide open border policies. >> watch for yourself. eae fbi director said today the ongoing war in the middle east has raised the threat of an attack against americans in the united states to a whole nother unitedt . has the white house considered the possibility that a terrorist coul could bed be inn the country right now after crossing the southern border? >> peter, we are always concerned about the potential presence on u.s. soil of terrorists coming from overseas. >> that's something we're always worried about. is possible that somebody wan who wants to commit a terrorist attack during a timets of elevated threat cross the southern border into the unitedto the states alreadya >> i couldn't possibly answer that question. peter all i can do is tell hav >> ythat we are we have remain vigilant to that potential threat. >>bl all could possibly answerty you're an idiot if you think they haven't already crossed ho, in. joe biden opened our border, refused to uphold the law of this country. he told illegal immigrants to come one come all and he incentivized their journey with free health care, food, shelter, phones and transportation. stop he did nothing to force mexico to stop the flow. and he immediately halted construction of our border wall, which, by the way, was was g. and now he's trying to hire 87,000 new irs agents, all while ignoring the incredible for more border patrol agents. >> as all of this chao of s, ran the biden administration, all they have done ahe to allpee of you, the american people, is lie and lie and lie overan and over and over and over again. >> take a look. it sound loo ss most folks like a crisis. >> well, look, it's way down now. and we'v waynoe gotten control of precisely that. >> the border is close d. nor could i have been clearer t and continue to be so.s >> which is the border is closed. the united. states will continu to enforce our laws and securere our border at the border. >> we are working to make the border more secure. you're confident this border secure>> w we have a secure bori and that that a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration. we agree that the borders is secure. the bordersecure not closed, ane border is not secure. three years straight and runnin yg. a it is still not secure after 8 million illegal immigrants. well, frankly, the damage is done. it's too late. they can limit now the damage if they wanted to. >> what are the odds? th, extremists,y s criminals are already here plotting, planning, scheminghero coordinating the next 911 or worse, all while biden's is worried about tiger moms and dads at school board meetings were fixated over trump undep. r biden. we are sleepwalking into a dangerous new world. this administratioa gs newn natt any terror attacks result our result of their policies have open borders, they will haveve blo blood their hands.h >> here with reaction, florida senator marco rubio. senator, can you answer the question, is our border secure? we've beenr boe have to for>> three straight years. our border is not just oura unsecure. it's a migratory crisis of epic crisf eps. without precedent in american history, this is never happened before in the history of this country. e adfirst of all, the administration is lying. they know for a fact that trafficking networkt s hav links to terrorist groups, are involved in the traffickint of people. now, it's a business that they have and they move people around the world and they get them in their. theo but you tell me that an islamist linked network that movest netw people that not are willing to pay the money isn't also willing to move wik about itr thin this way. last year, over 900,000 people in a 12 month period entered the united enter states illegally and were released into the country by the biden administration. by the bion.900,000 people. if just 1/10 of 1% of those people are terrorists, that is 900 terrorists that across the borders. and those are the ones that we ones w ie in anduntry. processed and released into the country. thisr is widethat's open and everybody in the world knows it. and that's why they keep comin g . and look, it's angry. you know, it angers any country to see people from other places b showing up at your border demanding to be let in. havinge leeople people in thisy argue that somehow they have a right to come in and not just have a right to comend in, but u have an obligation to now provide billions of dollart s, which is what they're asking for. okay. and this whole deal that they're asking forin or a supplemental, they're not asking for money to enforce the law. they're asking for more moneyiving to do what they are doing now, in essence, waving people inn ar faster. >> that's what they're asking for. but it is an unsecure borderm across which anybody from anywhere in the world can come i . and listen, maybe some of those people, when they get here, have islamic sympathiet s. siml sympathies. and they're not necessarily terrorists. they don't consider themselvesel that way. but then they come here, they see the headlines, they hear the call to action. fire fired up just like people that are born in this country that are out there now supporting hamas. e imagine people that already come with that preconceived idea with th about it being insd to a lone wolf attack, which is the number one threat and then the other threat, john, and i'm sorry seans, be so fired about it, but it's a big deal.fb we know for a fact. in fact, the fbi said it todaytp that iran has tried to conduct operations inside thiser country. and we know for a factlah that hezbollah has invested in theinvesame same capability, the ability to attack americans here in the homeland for assassination, for mass casualties as a point of leverage agains levert. us just like these attacks by proxies in the middle east as a weapon, they have knoat, they know that conducting attacks in the united states is another weapo n they can threaten us with if they think we're going to do something to them. this serious is a serious crisin >> how is it possible when mayorkas has asked a simpleis question after have been telling us the borders closed and securesed an, which he's ben lying about, and he's asked a simple question about how d many people are.t or he can't answer that question or john kirby can't answerkirb question. i can't possibly know. amon ngg the 8 million illegalegal immigrants we've allowed in. whether people have radical associations. well, didn't they swear an oat weh to uphold the rule of law and our constitution? >> so joe bide n have a magical right to enforce only the don't he agrees with. isn't there a process if you don't like the law ou, you go through the process of changing the law. they're playinreg a game with uh the first thing they're saying is the law is being complied with. what they're arguing wng that w have asylum law. someone crosses, they claim asylum. m the lathey the law says we haa to let them in. we have to let them stay until they get a court . that manyllowing don't show up for. so they're arguing they're following the law. what? they're noy are t telling you, s how that's how they interpret the law and how that law in being interpreted by migrants is, look, all wesa have to do is get into the u.s., say the magic words, we're goiny the magig to be rele we're going to be released, and we're going to be sent to any city we wany t to and they're going to pay for it. and that's what's driving this incentivdriving e, people to coe and everybody in the world knows it. and the other lie, they keep saying is we have a broken legal immigration system. the the main thing that's a brm thbroken our illegal immin system is that it is cheaper and faster and easier to come illegally than it is to come legally. imagine if you're someone out there that's been waiting 10 yeg ten years because you applied for a visa and you're waiting, ut but somebody you know came here illegally and is now maybe even on the verge of gettingl back residency because they have some political backing in the countrin thea y to grant them ae to citizenship. imagine what a sucker you feel liker yo. that's the thing that's broken about our immigration system was we are incentivizing to come illegally and we are refusing. this administration refused res. to enforce the law. and that's why no matter peoppeople feel about ukraine, people come to us and say, but how can we deal with that without securing our border first? securi bhow can that not be a py before anything else that we do? and they havd theye poisoned thl on an important policy matter because people look at tha impot and say, how can we deal with t that until we deal with this right here at home? >> welhie l, senator, thank yout i hope americans are hearing you. we appreciate being with us. us today on the hill. mayorkas wasn't just grilled over the border watch this b exchange with senator josh hawley. >> take a lookr . this is a paraglider, a hamas paraglider depicted here with a machine gun flying into israel. she posted it under her onlineta alias with the celebratory free palestine. wo mr. secretary, what's going on? is this is this typical of people who work at dhs? this is an asylurkt dhmg and immigration officer who is posting these, frankly, prot slogans and images the dayre that israelis are being slaughtered in their beds. >> what have you done about this? donfour things i'd like to say to you. number one, your question you to suggest that that is emblematic of the men and women of the department of homeland security is despicable. >> i'm sorry, what havspicable. e you.nd this person works for y the department of homeland security. have you firedou? e of that was one of four answers. have you fired her? one. >> have you fired her? don't come to this hearing room. >> when israel has been invaded and jewish students are buriedrd cated in libraries in this country and cannot be escortede out because they are threatened for their lives. you have employees who are ployees wh celebrating and you are saying it's despicable for me to asit the question here now. >> missouri senator josh hawlesr ? well, did they fire a senator? i like an answer. did we ever findd we they did nt fire they did not fire her. that's the answer, sean, is he finally admitted that she's stilhel on the payroll after all of this. she posts these images celebratinating thg the terrori. celebrating hamas, boasting g that she is an asylum officer in our government and she's still on the payroll . >> the mayorkas has liedss to congress repeatedly. i thought it was illegal to lie to congress. secu he has told us again and again the border is secure. he has tol. d us again and againt is the border is closed. at what point is he heldthis accountable and what should that accountability be for lying to congres bs and lying to the american people? >> he is a liar. e need >> yeah, my view is,s sean, is that he needs to be impeached. i mean, really, i think we have it has risen to the level whenrt you systematically disregard the laws of this country, wheny you systematicallywhen mislead the american people and lie, you said, lie and lie. and lie to congress and the american people,no you're not b doing your job and you should be removed. he's not going to resign. joe biden is not going to remove him. he is going to have to be prmoved by the house. and i think that that proceeding should go forward, if eveoc f ir there was a candie for an impeachment inquiry, it would be my caucus. >> let me ask you, do you havellio any doubt among the 8 million noople that joe biden n allowed into this country illegally? frankly, not just allowed. aidthey have been aiding and abetting in the lawbreaking we had. we had a system where the watefr was secure and closed and policies that were working undeclosed ar president my question is, you know, do you have any doubt in your heart or mine? >> because i hav ominde that, in fact, among the 8 million, maybe 10 million by the end of this year of these illegal immigrants, that peoplee that have terror ties are in this countryterroriz plotting, planning, scheming, another 911 or worse. t no doubt whatsoever. we knohe.w sean, that there hav been almost 170 people on the terrorist watcterror h list just this last year who have been apprehended now. hein k about all the people who've got away. 17time170, an all time record. that's all we know about >> our border is not secure and it is an invitation to every terroristt out theresn to come across come into this country. tr norththey're sending any of o illegal aliens home, sean, of the of the millions who've come comn th across the border 9 last few years, 99% of themntry are still in the country, 99%. so this is what you get with an open border. you get crazy people coming across who want to hurt jewishco americans, who want to kill all americans, who are plotting terrorists, but incidents. and we're not going to know until it's too lats toe. ou >> well, let me ask you thisers last question. when you see these numbersof pee of people showing up now on our border, larger and larger numbers fromrge are number, the, specifically iran, syria, but also china and also russia.h and i look at these numbers. why are they coming here c, senator? i don't have a good feelingd fel about itinabou. borde well, they're coming here because they know the borders open . tute they're coming here because they don't like it, sean. i mean, this is the thing acat worries m tt woe. what you're getting at is that we've got people flooding across our border. we've got memberros of the chinese communist party who are coming into the country. we've been warned that folks h who are tied to hamas are coming in, posinamasg as gaa refugees. we don't know who's coming in other than that. that.all kinds of folks who are dangerous. and it's open season and . >> this is a clear and presentop danger to the american people. great job todale. greaty. >> thank you for joining us tonight. we appreciate it. i hope all all of you at home remember this night. >> remember these policies. ong. and i pray to god that i am wrong. coming up an alarming amountit of anti-semitism and a shocking around the world and right i hee in our country. we'll check in, especially, by the way, this is happening at the the u.n.. former u.n. ambassador nikki haley will join us. by the way, live audience. show thursday. tickets absolutely free. head ove r r to hannity .com. >> register will love to see it >> register will love to see it thursday night salon poseg, makers of powerful pain reliefer patches for 89 years believes in continuous improvemen pt like rounded corners that 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in europe before world war two. in russia, an angry lynch mob storming an airport looking for aftesh people to attac tk and harass after rumors spread of a flight landing from israel. meanwhile, anti-semitic comments i are apparently nowin flooding chinese social media. thefson in nevada arrested after threatening the life of a jewisht senator. anti-semitic messages projected onto the internet in state highway. signs in the state of georgia. anti-semitic fliers posted around the knoxville area in tennessee. ee there have been reports of anti-semitic graffiti and vandalism in rhode island, connecticut and montauk, long island, new york. well, anyway, actual swastikas now drawn on the doors and windows of restaurants. ivy ate cornell university. ivy league institution. a student is in custody and facing federal charges after making vile anti-semitic threats on a school message boartic d. new and in new york city, another ivy league school, columbia universitynother s. y un their faculty under fire afterra 100 of them signed on towh a letter calling the hamas attackat quote, as just one salo in the ongoing war between an occupying state and the people it occupies. sick these people are sick, repulsive, disgusting. this hatred needs to end right now. and by the way, not one wordusel for that useless, historically anti-americaesn anti-semitic organization known as the uunited nations. up >> now we have all these globalist groups, the wef. i don't cares if it's a w.h.o.. >> a lot of good they were we covered. we we needh co leave as a count. all of them knew we need to never give them another penny. >> get out of the paris climate accord. they are useless. global acc institutions. now, on top of that, in turkey. you have erdogan now. he needs to immediately be kicked out of nato for the antio and threats against israel as well. it was the reaction. 2024 presidential candidate, also a former governor and former u.n. ambassador. >> i know ambassador, you spent time at the u.n.. i think america is wasting billions every wasti supporting that organization. we're wasting moneney on the wef . we're wasting money on the w.h.o.. we are wasting money in th monee paris accords. >> china, india are are, quote, developingiaveloping nations. and we pay the bulk of money for all of these organizations . >> am i right? am i wrong r? >> you're absolutely right. it's why i fought it the whole time. i didn't fe got out of the human rights council. it's why i said we should get out of theofrce. world organization. it's why the un is such a farce. llbut you know what? i'll tell you, sean, as i expected this from the u.n., i you expect all kinds of ridiculous things at the un. i fought this battle b every da for two years. what i don't expect expectt is e what's happening in our cities and what's happening on our collegure campuses, because thee protests that we're seeing, are you telling that these professors, that these college students, they are a terroristae organization, that i asked foren a vote at the united nations and the majority of the countries, the u.n., sean,d ha agreed that hamas was a terrorist organization. yet we have americans protesting saying that they support an organization that is a terrorist organization. tthat killed 33 americans. that took almost 20 hostage. that said death to americado the and continues to say death to america every day. so do these americans want to see them destroy america? and if they dodo, every one of t them is dangerous to our country. ever ery siy single one of them, because that's what hamas preaches, is death to americmer so when they get up there and they hold those signs or they get upset on whym people won't hire them, it's because companies don't want to hire someonebecausdon'ts to destroy our country. that's why i think every name needs to be notified. i mean, it needs to be published. every face needs to be and. shepublish >> and we need to call this out for the hate that it is. this is goin g be very clear and acceptable in america. >> governor. >> ambassador, i don't know what you prefer. knshould the united states say in time? okay. oka should the united states say out to the u.n., you're out, g to get out. >> no longer are we going to b eonge the home and no longer are we going to fund it. if you're president, if you gouu elected president, would you do that? > i would do is is it. dramatically defund it. t you know, i think that you have to look at the fact why does statu.s. stay and why do republican and democrat presidents stay in. they stay in because on the security council, we're one of five vetoes. and if we don't veto these bad things from happening. these bad things happen to us. >> the number of things that we stopped at the u.n. ambassador,v the reason you have to give them money giv, you did hear what was said this past week and we do know that then that the country of iran is in november, i think they become the head of the world human rights commission. hat really, the people that kill women that don't wear a head t wecovering, the people that te and and throw them off the tops of buildingse and murder them, really, they're going to be the head of the human right. s commission of the u.n.. why? i guess why not? why not tell them to the us out of the human rights? well, i mean, i thin ightk could leave, but then russia and china are in charge. >> that's the whole proble imeae with all that, yes, we could tell them to leave new york and they'll go to london. they'll go to paris, they'll yot go somewhere else. but we don't want them to be in charge. but look be i but look at what biden did. biden allowed fo ar a visa forng the iranian foreign minister to come to the u.n. and speak on the world stage in america, c a speech that threatened america. what sense doea. sense ds that r >> you should never allow weterrorist on our soil. they are threatening us. it's those things we need to fix. defund fix the u.s. as muchr hu as possible. get out of the human rights commercial. maright'get out of the paris cl agreement. but don't let these people come to our soil and threatenlet them america. >> should they? should nato removeemove turkey e i believe nato's should remove turkey. erdogan has become nothinger but more radical as every year is passed and theassd andye been a useless partner. i believe they should be kicked out of nato. cked what do you think? >> turkey continues to show why are not a true partner? turkey continues to show why they don't belonbelong in natogf nadeau this is just one more example of that. i feel like nato's hasfeel tried to make turkey work. turkey's not working. and as anti-isisot as theyl are right now, no, they don't need to be. and nato washankou. all right. thank you, governor. appreciate it. up next, biden is failin stageg on the world stage. his approval rating, it li nowking here at home like rock. and the white house is now furious with house republicans e . okay. we'll check in with newt gingrich as we continue. and thank you for being with a thank ymoderate us. she founded the feeling of finding the psoriasis t she's been looking for. t she's been looking so tech2 is the first of its kind. kind. once to severe plaque psoriasis for to severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clea clear skin. it's like the feeling it's like the feeling of finding your back is back ore finding psoriasis. >> can't deny the splendor leadg of these thighs once daily. soty so to is provektn to getections more people clearer skin thancln the leading pill. don't take it. don't take it. you're allergic to stickg ma, serious reactions can occur so you can lower your ability you can lower your ability to fight infection c infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liverhe jak f or kidi problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to. had a vaccine or plan to. so taknhaque 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fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. are you president joe reelection bid is in serious jeopardy tonight. whoodisapprovahil rating stands at a whopping 56%. biden reportedly now losing support fast from muslim americans. apparently their over his stance on israel and jews hiding at home , sending out vp kamala harris to attend to matters overseas. he's too tired. anyway, he better buckle up because a stand alone t bill supporting israel, israel's right to defend itselo f could very soon be on his desk as soon as this weekend, which by the way, joe has just threatened to veto. wo threatew. >> here with reaction to all of this, former house speaker newt gingrich. mr. speaker, what's y your reaction to that? ow >> well, i mean, how stupid can you be? e is well, your joe biden is stupid. you want to you want pre to he's pretty stupid. and now he's going to set ann h all time record. i think that speakerk th mike johnson may well become fit a historic figure in the first couple weeks of his speakership because he's doing two things, not just one. first, he is saying we're going take this huge, gigantic $106prs billion proposal, which is really five different bills, as i noticed noted in a newsletter. gingrich with 60 more are going to deal with the first one, which is the moseal t urgent. that's israel, and we're going to bring it up. and you really to vote against helping israel. second, he's established the principle of actually offsetting the spendinspendig b. cutting spending for the irs. so the bill does note bill incre the deficit, does not increase the debt ceiling, does not increase the inflation rate. now, people people in the onnate don't like this because they love to spend money and they understand that once you get a principl arinciplee tu have to offset this emergency funding. the world gets to be more complicated. it's a brilliant move, i think. on speaker johnson'slian part and it sets the stage for a very interesting showdowr ann. between the biden white house, the biden republicans in the coo senate versus the conservative republicans in the senatee resi and the house republicans. >> ask you thisde i'm very bravely going to the washington sewer and swamp tomorrow, and i'm going to have a town hall with thethe re republican caucupus, and we've invited all of them to come on. >> i don't know how many will come. i think a lot of peoples. actually have rsvp and to me,f it's a it's a matter of simple math. mr. speake. r. they will win together or they will lose together. they have to bitedn ane united n agenda. stick to that agenda. you've all you've always shown. and i've watched you over the years. you're 90, ten, 80, 20, 70, 30 guy. find those issues where find, you know, eight outf of ten agreeing, seven out of ten agree, nine out of ten agreeing and go with those issues. that could be the bordere bo and order. that can be energy. that's certainly canared be for israel and demanding that europe take care of ukraine. >> will they do that?w an because it only takes a few and they lose. if they don't stand together, they will lose together. so i think i think i think on the israeli vote, they're going to get a bunchon of democrats. we've already had i know one florida democrat who saie fe he's voting for it. >> he's not going to be. i'm sure it kind of complementws the lead paid for as a part of that. >> right, congresswoman, to leave and others. i >> but, you know, but -- but, you know, here's the greatest challenchallenge for the hard b right members of the republican conference. it's notn or no, it is. you have a chance now to makea a real statement to stand upstan for a single bill rather thann for huge bills rolled into one, to stand up for the principle of offsetting the spending by having spending cuts and by setting a stage houe where the house republicans become the fulcrum of conservative ism on which the senate and the white house have to maneuver or you can blow the whole thing up, in which case you underminee the brand new speaker you just picked. you weaken aid israel when the whole country basically believes we should be helping against this terrorist onslaught and you undermine joh principle that speaker johnson is setting, whic h is we're going to offset emergency spending by cutting othersendinb spending. now, i would say as a nservaticonservative, that is py dumb not to vote for this bill, given the alternatives. bu not that versus perfection, give. ven the alternatives and the house is able to unify the conference so the senate is not going to go alonggo with it. they'll shred it and then they'l l end up in conference at, you know, where is the line all republicans can unite against the senate. we have about 40 seconds. >> okay. you just have to remember nancy reagan's sloga n and the drug war. just say no. pass a good, strong israel only bill with offsets and sit there and say, no, we're not going n to screw around. we're not going to agree to some stupid big spending idea . we you can yell at us all you want to. we're pretty happy being conservative happys and yn seen to be happy being weird. but i wouldn't take seriously those those senate. i think of them as biden republicos they . ans. >> they're no longer rhinos. they're biden republicans and by the way, at that point, then they'll be responsible for fo and the house willegy. have done their job. pretty good strategy. i thin k. s think you might. i think you know this game pretty well. you might have beeimp yo spinvolved a time or two anyway. speaker, i tried to study iti t i think you do. i think you lived it also. all right. t straight ahead tonight, thanks to the left and biden-nomics, fast food pricesden fast is skyrocketing. you all know it. you won't believe how a big macn meal, which i kind of like costs in one town. >> larry kudlow straight aheado. . . >> this is a special alert israel is under attack and israel's enemies seek our. the people of israel need immediate help. >> rockets 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american journalist evan gershkovichare american mam beginning to end shop now at show allegiance .com. all right so the left had a control. inflation has now hit a new target and that is fast foodt mcdonald's chipotle they announced they're going to raise their menu prices. california governor gavin newsom signed into law a minimum wage hike for fast food workers at large. changefast at astounding 20 bucs an hour. meanwhile, mcdonald's announced a large increase in revenue as menu prices are now soaring in many parts of the country. some locations charging, for examplationse, $18 for a big mar or a quarter pounder cheese meal. but it's not just fast food that is reeling from the lef tu inflation. it's also coming for your halloween candy. ha the candy inflationt doub hit double digits for the second year in a row. here are the reaction post of kudlow fox business. larry kudlow look, larry, becaus i want to be respectful here because, number one, i love mcdonald's. >> i love fast food. and i don't know if you do, but i do. but i don't eat it often because i want to stay in good shape. put that aside. in20 bucks an hour meansve you're going to have to raise prices significantly. at what point do signi get to wo people are not going to be able to afford to go to, quote, fastf food places? well, i think you get there. i mean, the whole proble them with the biden economy and biden nomics is thatbide mir class working folks or o lower income folks, john, cannot afford this economy. that's been going on for a couple of years. maye y you about mcdonald's. i don't know whether they're pricing it right oght or not. you shouldn't eat that stuff because it's way too fattening and your f heart, your heart and arteries, i stay away from it. >> but, larry, no offenseu will to candy. admit go ahead, take a shot. i love admitting i like it. i just it need it much.ip thi >> i just i just want to slip that and that's all. i'm just hurting just a little bit to have some fun. it's late at night and we can all have some fun. but look, the halloween cand y yea story is a great story. the last two yearson, it's up 27%. that's insanity. now, look at since biden came in, go from february 20, 21 tote the latest report in september this year. consumer price level , all items up 79%, john. groceries up 20%, gasoline up sy 53%. that's why i say people have jobs. but inflation, the price level has gonel thaster than the wage level. and so they're very unhappy ey arecampers. they're losing, by some estimates the last couple of yearsyear, they've lost about $7,000 in real median ofpical family income. this is a reversal of what you had during trump years whenl typical families increasedes their median income by about $7,000. you know, gasoline was left at about two, $2.25. so today2. down, but it's still $3.50. so look at that gap. food prices are getting smashed because oil is 80 to $90. right. 80 to $90 because of the war0 dr against fossil fuels and fracking and drilling. trump left that thing around 40 to $50. so we're making iran40-5 rich, we're making russia rich, and we're making our work. isd folks poornd. and that's one reason why the poverty rate has gone up. for heaven's sakesy pove. polic >> so let us get a new policy. let us get a new group in thes white house. all right. let's make this nono it not makt any harder than it needs to be. >> that would pretty much solve the border problem, the energy problem, the crime problem that would solvegy b the chaos on the world stage. and yeah, that would bringtage our back from the brink. right. larry, i'm with you on that. i'll takth you ie guy with the y tweeting late at night. i'll take that guy back. i think he didi thin d a good jr somebody with those policies. if he doesn't want to do itmpert anyway. thank you. appreciate it. haming up, weird behavioureciatm biden at the white house and the halloween event last night. oh, we've goent.t the tape and we'll explain why. in my opinion, halloween opinioe are teaching our children to be socialistsalists.. daily healing, a powerhouse daily healing, a powerhouse lotion that moisturizeive. and smooths dry skin with seven moisturizers and three vitamins and new gold bond healing sensitive, clinically to heal and moisturize dry sensitive skin gold bond when a cyber thief transfers the title of your home out of your name. it's a race against time to stop the theft of your hard earned equity. many people don't know this has happened until long after it's done. you, as the homeowner, think you still own a house. three months later, you start getting foreclosure notices and you realize you've got four mortgages on your house you didn't even know existed. so when's the last time you checked on the title to your home? find out if you're already a victim at home. title >> oh, hello, it's me. talking socks made from magical alpaca, the coziest most versatile fiber i package with buttery, soft on feet, kitty feet, feet running, jumping, 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for live updates and continuing coverage. >> stay with fox news provided for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordablenroll care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses. offering peace of mind as you what's most important? enroll now at your gym talk. hi joe biden got into in th the spirit of last night with a ghostly performance of the white house and their trick orla treat event. looking lost, dazed and confusedndonfuse, dropping , even coughing into his hand while giving the kids. hillary. our co-host at the big money show on fox business. ds.g brian greenberg. >> so okay.. i really don't wani dotn' joe coughing his hande and handing me candy. i don't even want joe near anyr kids, to be honest. but here's my question. questi i always say once a yea, you know, halloween is a liberal holiday, teaching kids to be socialists because we have them knocking on doors, begging for free. >> adam schiff now, okay, han you get the joke. liberals and columnists would, right? hannity says it's ys aa socialist holiday. how stupid are these people? people?they're pretty stupid if they take that joke seriously. by the way, sean, i'm a capitalisty.. 364 days a year. but on halloweenn hallow, i to u socialist because the kids go out and they get the candd yh and, they come home and i say 10% for the big guy and i meaneo itn'. so i don't want you taking that away from me. but sean actually, i was just t out for 3 hours trick or treating tonight with myrewith . and i got to tell you, it's good to be out in neighborhood seeing people door to door, face, face, giving out candy. i know they're doing trick ore sneezedoin at, the white house. and they can do that all they want. but i will take anythingwill, america, that brings communities physically together. thats communiti love halloween. i got to tell you, i love soso you support the socialistcl holiday. you know, you're teaching your kids to beg for free. that's it. r i just want to tie every stop. i want something for free. i want to teach you about d taxes. when dad gets his cut, they all say, waiadt a second, i had taxes. and that's the best capitalist e tahe best lesson you can teac. >> all right. for all the, dumb libera dopl columnists out there and commentators, it's a joke. >> i'll speak likee , >> it's a joke. it's a joke. yeah, know that? >> that's scary. quit the whisper. that's scary. and halloween, wher.had hen tou kids, that's even scarier. all right, brian, thank you. two programming notes. before we go, we are headeded or to our nation'sl have capital tomorrow. we will have house speaker mike johnson and a lot mjohnso w top republican lawmakers. are they going to stay together? liveill they stay audience shoy tickets are free. just go to hannity tor.como to and register. i promise you'll have a great time. do it now. seime.s go fast. >> all right. in the meantime, set your dvr so you never, ever, evert an episode of hannity. but it was any time. all the time. all the time. foxnews.cowsm handycam in the meantime, let not your heart beat troubled. greg gutfeld is next to put a smile on your face. >> have a great night. >> wow. this a fox news aler

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Immigration System , Visa , Thbroken , Brm , Nut , 10 , Ten , Backing , Citizenship , Verge , Gettingl Back Residency , Sucker , Liker Yo , Countrin Thea Y To Grant Them Ae , Waiadt A Second , Matter , Res , Py , Incentivizing , Securi Bhow , Ukraine , Home , Thl , Mayorkas Wasn T , Senator , Anything , Say , Policy Matter , Thank Yout , Welhie L , Havd Theye , The Hill , Tha Impot , Josh Hawley , Lookr , B Exchange , Alias , Here With A Machine Gun , Onlineta , Immigration Officer , What S Going On , Secretary , Prot , Asylurkt Dhmg , Palestine , Dhs , Frankly , Things , Israelis , Images , Slogans , Beds , Dayre , Donfour , The , Number One , Women , Men , What Havspicable , Person Works For Y The Department Of Homeland Security , Students , Hearing Room , Jewish , Buriedrd Cated , Four , Lives , Josh Hawlesr , Employees , Missouri , Ployees Wh , Sean , Payroll , Celebrating Hamas , Stilhel , Images Celebratinating Thg , Boasting G , The Mayorkas , Congress , Secu , Asylum Officer , Government , Againt , Accountability , Liar , Need , Jobs , Tol , S Sean , Level , View , Whenrt , Said As You , You Systematicallywhen , Wheny , Candie , Proceeding , The House , Fir , Prmoved , Eveoc , Doubt , System , Joe Biden N , Watefr , Caucus , Abetting , Impeachment Inquiry , Noople , Aiding , Aidthey , Heart , President , Trump Is My Question , Undeclosed Ar , Ominde , 10 Million , Peoplee , Another , Scheming , We Knohe W Sean , Ties , No Doubt , Countryterroriz Plotting , Record , Terrorist Watcterror H List , Hein K , Now Er , 17time170 , 17 , 170 , Millions , Illegal Aliens Home , Themntry , Invitation , Comn Th , Terroristt Out Theresn , Tr Norththey , 99 , 9 , Incidents , Toe , Ou Well , Last Question , Numbersof , Pee , Russia H , Here C , Memberros , Tute , Acat Worries M Tt Woe , Borde Well , Itinabou , Feelingd Fel , Season , Folks H , Kinds , Chinese Communist Party , Posinamasg , God , Job Todale , Amountit , Presentop , Greaty , Song , Country , U N , Tickets , Anti Semitism , Nikki Haley , Former , Audience , Shocking , Register , Com , Salon Poseg , It Register , Ove Rr To Hannity , Makers , Pain Reliefer , Improvemen Pt , 89 , Medicine , Corners , Waterd , Spain , Array , Peeling , Sizesliciou , Ingredients , Dial , Turn , Circlees , Salon Pass It Slts , Water , Mess , Stove , Flavors , Burns , Sugar , Pune , Flashes , Drinks , Ogres , Soe , Walmart , Google Com Spells , 40 , A , Stovetop , Hi , Messes , Protector , Scraping , Distress , Market , Kitchen , Match , Stove Garde , Luca , Candy , Stoves , Stove Guard , Cheese , Macaroni , Red Staining Sauce , Ooey Gooey , Tin Foil Trick , Brands , Fda , Precision , Premium , Comparison , Competition , Burner , Fire Retardant , Bpa , Pfoa , Type It , Guard , Door , Model , Drawer , Micro Guard , Goodbye , Website , Shipping , Spider , Voila Order , Stock Gawker Com , Fun , Item , Stores , Microwave , Processing Fee , Screen , Qr Code , Prime Inflatioare , Still Garcon , American Madem , Show Allegiance , Consc A Conscience , 380y American , Terror Attacafter K , Rise , Existence , 380 , 1400 , Businesses , Examples , Echo , Europe , World War Two , Paris , Worl D David , Stars Of David Paintednted Buildings , Lynch Mob , Comments , Flight Landing , Social Media , Airport , Rumors , Flooding Chinese , Aftesh , Thefson , Attac Tk , Nowin , Nevada , Life , Internet , Signs , Messages , Fliers , State Of Georgia , State Highway , Fee , Jewisht , Tennessee , Restaurants , Reports , Graffiti , Vandalism , Swastikas , Windows , Montauk , Long Island , Ivy , Cornell University , Connecticut , Boartic D New , Ivy League , Student , Charges , Custody , Universitynother S Y Un , Columbia , Estate , Salo , Letter , Faculty , Attackat Quote , Afterra 100 , Towh , 100 , Organization , Nations , Useless , Uunited , Disgusting , Good , Count , Institutions , Penny , Paris Climate Accord , Needh Co Leave , Global Acc , Turkey , Candidate , Nato , Top , Antio , 2024 , Ambassador , Moneney , Th Monee , Wasti , Organizations , Quote , Bulk , Developingiaveloping Nations , India , Human Rights Council , Farce , Battle B Every Da For Two , Llbut You , World Organization , Theofrce , College Students , Campuses , Terroristae , Cities , Professors , Collegure , Countries , Vote , Majority , D , Foren , Death , Hostage , Tthat , 33 , Americmer , Single , Dodo , Ery Siy , Face , Shepublish , Name , Companies , Whym People Won T , Them , Goin G , Hate , Knshould , Oka , You Gouu Elected , B Eonge , Presidents , Security Council , Republican , Vetoes , Statu S Stay , Democrat , Five , Reason , Money Giv , Tv , Head , T Wecovering , Hat , Of Buildingse , Human Right , Te , Human Rights Commission , Kill Women That Don T Wear , Human Rights , S Commission , Proble , Imeae , Ightk , London , Yot Go Somewhere Else , Foreign Minister , The World Stage In America , Fo Ar A Visa Forng , Ca Speech , Sense Ds , Fix , Weterrorist , Maright Get Out , Sense Doea , Muchr Hu , Defund , Paris Cl 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Nservaticonservative , Ven The Alternatives , Bu , Line , Alonggo , Drug War , Sit , Offsets , Sloga N , Nancy Reagan , Conservative Happys , Fans , Fo , Strategy , Rhinos , House Willegy , Beeimp Yo Spinvolved , Big Macn Meal , Skyrocketing , Left , Fast Food Pricesden , Biden Nomics , Larry Kudlow , Costs , Town , Special , Aheado , Targets , Crosshairs , Homefellowshs , Enemies , Rockets , Teams , Groundru , Everything , Fear , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Urgentr , Israel Deliveringsh Foo , Emergency , Aid , Rush Food , Suppliest Nonowhere , 45 , 5 , Shower , Bath , Scan , 1 800 9454616 , 9454616 , Interest , Installation Costs , Bath Remodel , Payments , Jacuzzi , Offer , 65 , Price , Stress , Tab , Waiting , Safer , 348286 , Roast , Dad , Time Travel , Ham , Holiday Buffet , Evan Gershkovichare , Pterodactyl , Table , Let S Go , Mam , Inflation , Menu Prices , Chipotle , Target , Foodt Mcdonald S , Gavin Newsom , Fast Food Workers , Revenue , Increase , Mcdonald S , Law A Minimum Wage , Changefast , California , Fast Food , Parts , Locations Charging , Quarter Pounder Cheese Meal , Lef Tu Inflation , Examplationse , 18 , Halloween Candy , Row , Digits , Larry Kudlow Look , Kudlow Fox Business , Reaction Post , Candy Inflationt Doub Hit , Prices , Shape , Aside , Point Do Signi , In20 Bucks , 20 Bucks , Economy , Whole , Food Places , Thatbide Mir Class Working Folks , Fastf , O Lower , Maye Y , Cannot , Stuff , F , Shot , Go Ahead , Arteries , Ip , Shouldn T , No Offenseu , Yearson , Look , Story , Bit , Halloween Cand Y Yea Story , Consumer Price Level , Report , Items , Insanity , Tote , 27 , February 20 21 , 79 , 21 , Price Level , Groceries , Gonel Thaster , Ey Arecampers , 53 , Families , Some , Reversal , Yearsyear , Family Income , 7000 , 000 , Down , Food Prices , Gasoline , Gap , 0 , 3 50 , 50 , 2 25 , 25 , Right , Fracking , Drilling , War0 , Fossil Fuels , Iran40 5 , Policy , Group , Polic , Work , Poverty Rate , Isd Folks 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Anythingwill , Door To , Trick Ore Sneezedoin At , Cut , D Taxes , Stop , Socialistcl Holiday , It Th Soso , Dumb Libera Dopl , Commentators , Capitalist E , Taxes , Lesson , Teac , Likee , Capital , Programming Notes , Whisper , Mjohnso W , Nation Sl , Wher , Hen Tou , Lawmakers , Dvr , Evert , Liveill , Seime S Go Fast , Shoy , Hannity Tor Como , Night , Episode , Smile , Foxnews Cowsm Handycam , Greg Gutfeld ,

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