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>> where you going? where you going, sir? where you going? >> north carolina. >> where you going? >> meet your new neighbors. biden running travel agency. chaos at the capital. the antiwar movement. >> to take somebody off the campaign trail, to put him in jail, i would just be very reluctant to do that. >> wait, democrats don't want t put trump in prison anymore? plus ♪ >> jesse: before careers in politics many american presidents found success outsid of washington. warren harding took struck gold publishing newspapers. herbert hoover, the bushes wildly successful in the oil business, donald trump you know dealt real estate. these men were industry pioneer until duty called. joe biden is different. this president has revolutionized a whole industry from the white house. in just three years, biden has made himself the world's most successful travel agent. business is booming so much tha his travel agency is losing track of orders. people has this administration let in by that of come in as a known or unknown getaway. approximately, i don't need an exact number? i need numbers for a don't filibuster me, how many people has this ministration led into the country? >> let me say at the outset tha our job would be a lot easier i the broken immigration system was fixed-rate. >> mr. secretary, i want a number. it's about 6 million. the biggest travel market and his history, joe biden is to th travel industry what steve job was to computers or henry ford to cars. their camping outside our borde like midnight sneaker release, but they are packing a full itinerary. >> where you from? senegal, where you going? >> new york. >> where you from? >> senegal. >> were you going. >> where you going? >> senegal very. >> where you going? >> los angeles. >> smart man. what you say to joe biden? >> the american president. >> like him? >> at. everything is good. joe biden is good? but not from? >> no, no, no. we thought tsa pre- check was a game changer. joe biden is transforming international travel as we know it. never before has international travel been so easy. at the top of an app, thousands of foreign nationals can be. and from anywhere in the world to our country courtesy of biden . you can now make an appointment to break into the country. biden's travel agents split the numbers do the talking. >> congresswoman, the border is secure in the border is not opened. the entire hemisphere is suffering a migration crisis, w are seeing an movement of peopl from country to country, it is not restricted to the southern border. >> our approach to handling the borders is working. >> jesse: it's not just the number one app in latin america. the opentable for illegals in i the mid east too. iran, syria, iraq, and afghanistan all of the app. >> 600,000 known used to, the terrorist attack. >> almost 8,000 migrants that w considered known and suspected terrorist these the travel app to enter the country. it's clear for terrorist. at the same time, iranians are firing rockets at enter militar bases in biden image shuttling them into the country. he doesn't care what you look like as long as your money is green. every savvy businessman knows, you need to create demand for your product. biden's travel agency motto is fast, streamlined processing. and successful recycling. those are the phrases they use to ask congress for money. remember, these aren't foreigners, these are future customers. we checked the travel app and i has five stars throughout the third world. here is the head of a caravan briefing of what a good travel agent biden is pretty get the administration has thus the power and america has not been paying attention to what is happening. mexico is being using the app with other countries to make sure all this immigration comes straight into the united states. they charged a 20 or $30 and then pushing them in and pushin them in. they are able to have this crisis fred. >> but biden is of full cervica service travel agency. travel, agent biden, all you ca fly coach or is just what you need. for it of texas? biden and kamala will fly you t new york and the middle of the night. afraid to fly? free bus tickets. pete will take you right to you hotel. how does florida sound? don't you worry your head, hote accommodations, of course they're taking care of. how about a room in the heart o midtown? looks like we have a room for you at the roosevelt. would you like to upgrade to th penthouse? our bellhop mayorkas will help with the bags. rooms to room 405 pronto. for the affordable fees of $0, the biden travel agency will grow up gladly come their meals two. it gotten feedback about american food, we hear you, onl culturally appropriate meals from now on. you look like the senator from pennsylvania. eric adams will do your laundry. he is handing out million-dolla contracts to laundry companies to help the migrants stay fresh. in are you a dream or perhaps? we will pay for your college. just like americans, you too ca learn about how racist white people are. i can see you little foreign snowbirds getting anxious as th weather drops great you're probably not used to this climate, we get it. we like to leave new york too. the democrats have you covered. one-way tickets out of new york are being offered. you can fly to san francisco fo free. where newsom will cater to your every wind. you can carjack someone he won' call ice. identify as a black trans woman because you are entitled to fre money bear there's also sanctio airy cities who will gladly welcome you. do you like the sound of that? a public you into chicago. we have a beautiful cop for you at the station, the airport or an elementary school. here is two beers tickets on us for the only compliment about the travel agency is that they can't get enough customers here fast enough. st. louis is begging for more b grins, i mean customers. st. louis says they need more foreigners because americans aren't having enough babies. i didn't say that, that's what st. louis is saying. we have enough money to pay for this? what is really question. we will just defund the police. and word has gotten out for a view can see caravans marching for miles and miles. i'm sorry, the biden travel agency has raised expectations anything less than cradle to th grave welfare is unacceptable. here now, tell me learn. it's funny, he doesn't pay for us to leave the country only fo the third world to come in. >> or for those that are stuck in foreign nations that would like to get back to the united states, they might have to pony up some money after the fact to cover that tab. we are importing poverty, terrorism, dependence, and democratic voters. everyone coming across that border is coming in one of thos categories. the numbers are shocking. no one can estimate the million that have come in, some say 6 million, some site seven, som 8 million, it's probably closer to 8 million when you consider all they got a ways that we can't estimate and they can't give a straight numbers on that. to put that in perspective, tha is more people that have entere under the biden administration then the individual populations of 38 u.s. states. that's about 13 wyoming's that we let into this country. how do we pay for these people? how do we feed these people? i'm not sure. i am sure they are probably a-o with that fan. >> if you were a third world migrant looking for it may be a four or five year stay here in the united states, where would you choose to live? i would say it's a tossup between new york and san francisco and new york they wil do your laundry, but in san francisco they will let you, crime and not tell anyone to ge those are interesting perks, bu i think even these migrants fro third world countries if they went to san francisco would probably be appalled and though that they got sent back home th same thing with new york city. i don't want to say this but if i were from a third world country i'd want to come to somewhere like florida or tennessee. i happen to live in tennessee s please don't come here, but i think it's quite obvious our country is failing and we are starting to look at the countries we are importing people from. the biden travel agency, five stars for sure. >> five stars freight we looked at the app and it does have fiv stars. it's not a joke. tommy, always a pleasure. happy halloween. >> happel halloween. gap in newsom is back from his china torpor at he was in china so long he almost got a work visa. he thought he was working for his presidential campaign, but he was working for them for it he fell all over chinese kids playing basketball. in than he followed around a bi chinese bird, we have those her too, did he bring up fentanyl? no. did he bring up covid? no. if you brent bring up slave labor? these are just issues that cost is blood and treasure, he was there to talk about the big stuff you're at. >> i talked about the most important issue in our lives, everything else is situational, this is the most sustainable issue, it's changing everything. there is no more consequential issue in the world today in increasingly short term the issue of climate change very. >> climate change has become an excuse for democrats to avoid talking about immediate issues. why be held responsible for fixing today's problem when you can pretend to fix so-called problems in 100 years. newsom doesn't need to tackle homelessness, drugs, or crime because the climate white warm .6 degrees next century. he things china cares about the very democrats of it up with ou tax dollars. they say they are saving the planet tomorrow when we really want them to save our country today. ahead, america is getting sucke punched. ♪ joint pain was killing my creativity. blue-emu gave me my hobbies back. it's the arthritis pain relief our joints rely on. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. (david jeremiah) when the rapture occurs, the world will capture the moment. the world will reel with concern from watching the strange, mind-boggling, and unbelievable video footage that goes viral across the globe. "then we who are alive and remain "shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air." (david jeremiah) when christ comes for his people, it will be in the twinkling of an eye. billions of people will exit this planet in an instant, but billions will be left behind. it will be chaos on our globe but incredible, glorious joy in the skies. (male announcer) capture a thrilling glimpse of the rapture in "the great disappearance." in 31 short, easy-to-read chapters, dr. jeremiah answers questions about the next event on god's prophetic calendar. "the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. >> secretary of state anthony blinken dressed as kids up as zelensky is the ukrainian flag and went. linked twice if you're not okay. he showed up the next morning and testified on capitol hill. the hearing focused on the war in israel, but kick it not in the face of an intensifying at the end of the system and aroun the world. >> shame on you all. the american people have one support and this brutal war. >> [indiscernible] >> democrats continued to be confronted by the antiwar left and the antiwar left obviously doesn't see how profitable or a and clearly doesn't understand politics because siding with terrorist doesn't help them sta in office unless you are the an of them running to your distric braidwood democrats are struggling with is navigating through their party's rough antiwar waters. it's a lot easier just to throw people out of the room. >> 10,000 people have been killed. the un has called for. i'm just asking you, you're a good guy. i know you're a nice guy. >> asking the senator a question . >> did you notice the guy that kicked the guy out was dressed up as fetterman. and that was for halloween. or if you don't have that kind of muscle, don't worry, you could still just explain yourself. don't worry about that told the to sit down and shut up. >> president joe biden over $100 billion of funding for israel, taiwan, and ukraine. and you want is bundle these together. >> it is not the way to have a conversation if you want to hav a conversation it you are welcome to come talk to me afterwards. >> our going to wait for me, right? >> i will wait for you and i will listen to you and i will respond you. to keep the president is not speaking to the american people. >> that is your opinion. but sit down, we've heard your opinion. >> it's amusing watching democrats glorify the antiwar movement when republicans are i charge and then quarantine them when democrats are on the show? jane fonda ionized, her mug sho was almost as iconic as trumps. it would be as liberty during the iraq war. code pink tried to smear condoleezza rice with fake bloo at a hearing, remember? >> we're criminal. >> cindy sheehan lost her son during the iraq war. the media gave her a book deal, network tv interviews, journalist went to her for hot takes on foreign policy. in than she made a career endin mistake, she criticized obama and then we never heard from he again. see how that works? your hero if you protest a republican war, and an insect t be swatted away if you protest democrat one. you have to be a foreign in the right side of certain people. of former presidential candidat and one of the leading antiwar protesters. tell me what is going on with the antiwar left protest movement, dennis. >> first of all, great to be with you. i actually think partisanship i the problem. it leads to polarized thinking. the dems are for warm now, the republicans than when i was in the house. the question today is how do we avoid world war iii. how do we stop the escalation and how do we protect israel from being destroyed if the escalation continues. these are the kinds of things i'm thinking about right now an i'm sure many viewers are as well. >> why do these people get celebrated when they run up to her with blood all over their hands. and if you do something like that to blinken, you'll probabl be thrown in the slammer never to be heard from again. >> one of the reasons i was abl to work with both sides of the aisle when i was in congress as i never personalized it. i found that on the other side of the aisle, people we're deeply spiritual as well, that they believe that in this world we're made in the image in likeness of god and we don't want to keep committing the crime of cain versus abel where brothers are killing brothers. the theory says were made of 99.9 percent of the same thing. i try to find out where the commonalities are in the existing congress, they exist among people no matter what their party happens to be, but right now i can feel the foreig politics very ty can feel it, the war is really on the edge right now and we have to really think about how we move away from this moment where everything could be lost. >> if we are 99 percent alike, that is jesse watters and denni kucinich, that is some eye-opening stuff. >> my brother. >> brother from another monarch thank you, i love you too. and out-of-control texas teenager going around sucker punching strangers and filling it. alfred lewis, 19 runs up on strangers and a park and throws haymaker's from behind. his friend films it and then they posted. local news station confronted lewis and lewis says no one's perfect. >> i just made a mistake, everybody makes mistakes. all you see is the bad part about it, but what people didn' see was that i shook his hand after and i gave the man a hug. >> apparently the huggy alibi didn't stick trade lewis and hi friend he did the filming have both been charged with aggregat aggravated robbery and assault fred court documents say they too had a gun on them and tried to rob their victims at gunpoin before recording the assault on camera. it doesn't sound like a hug. donald trump finally found a lawyer he likes. eric holder. you know, that lickt treat? de-lick-able delectables? yes, just hurry. hmm. it must be delicious. delectables lickable treat. this is a special alert. israel is under attack and israel's enemies seek our destruction. the people of israel need immediate help. rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. our people are targets in their own homes. many have lost everything and fear for their lives. the international fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. your urgently needed gift of only $45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. time is literally running out. what we need you to do is to act now. (♪) we come from a long line of cowboys. (♪) when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. 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[cheers and applause] >> he may be the first presiden in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time. >> he's done something so serious that there should be prosecution against him. >> democrats are campaigned on arresting him for years, the resistance have made mere mortals into superheroes. michael cohen drop dressing up as superman. biden's campaign strategy is don't trip and lock him up. and democrat judges are all in. jamaican born obama donor who calls herself a judge is slapping trump with a gag order because biden's prosecutor doesn't like being called deranged. you think donald trump is going to respect a gag order? he doesn't see a gag order as a threat, he sees it as a challenge. and the judge is this close to throwing trump in jail for talking. you can go to jail now for talking if you're running against joe biden. every time trump is arrested or mug shot, he raises millions an his poll numbers shoot up. democrats are realizing he is more dangerous from jail. and now, eric holder is telling democrats just like biden told iran, don't, don't, don't, don' lock him up. eric holder is begging democrat to restrain themselves from doing the one thing they wanted to do more than anything and i mean anything for the last couple of years. >> i think there are a number o things you can put monetary fines on him as the judge did i new york, perhaps strip his ability to use truth social. i tried to be as creative as possible if i was the judge, bu i would be reluctant to take a person a former president, the leading candidate in one of our major parties and put them in jail. >> because you'd be worried about the political consequence are the reaction and the country ? >> jesse: to put him in jail, i just would be very reluctant to do that. >> jesse: clay travis, weight, they don't want to lock up trum now? >> i think they're recognizing, happy halloween, everybody that the scariest thing to democrats is putting trump behind bars because it would help them. if trump is watching right now and i think he's probably come to this calculus on his own, getting arrested before the trials even began in getting pu in jail would 1 billion percent be beneficial to him because adil legitimizes all of the already illegitimate trials, if they're putting him in prison before they even do anything. i would be goading, i would be trying to get these judges to put me in jail at this point if i were trump because i think it benefits him. it ends in so much of this craz carnival if they put him in prison. >> do you think trump will respect gag order? no one can shut him up. is lawyers, nobody can shut him up here it. >> here's the other thing i hea very few people talking about i the big picture. it is that trump is winning everything in these legal battles and the more they react to him and the more they try to prosecute him, the better off h is. i think he has recognized that that he's basically back to these guys into a corner. i wouldn't have expected eric holder to acknowledge it. i think trump is absolutely in control here because they can find him five or $10,000, who cares, but he keeps pushing the ultimate. >> what would be the one thing he should say to get hit with a gag? it's got to be a good one. it's got to be juicy. >> i think just pointing out that the judge is already decided that he needs to be imprisoned and that she has no business whatsoever actually sitting for this trial and that he welcomes her trying to put him in prison because she has n ability to do it calling out he lack of power, i think that might be the ultimate trigger for her. to get it's going to be a special one, whatever that post is. it's going to be special. thank you, happy halloween. >> happy halloween, appreciated. >> democrats coming for your guns, but more importantly, for your leaf blower. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. my name's dan and i live here in san antonio, texas. my wife magda and i have been married for 39 years. about three or four years ago, i wasn't feeling as if i was as sharp as i used to be. i wanted to try something that was over-the-counter. i saw the prevagen commercials. after a short amount of time taking prevagen, i started noticing a difference-- that i'm remembering this, i'm remembering that. i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. i feel as if it's brought me back to the good 'ol days. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. so... i know you and george were struggling with the possibility of having to move. how's that going? we found a way to make bathing safer with a kohler walk-in bath. a kohler walk-in bath provides a secure, spa-like bathing experience in the comfort of your own home. a kohler walk-in bath has one of the lowest step-ins of any walk-in bath for easy entry and exit. it features textured surfaces, convenient handrails for more stability, and a wide door for easier mobility. kohler® walk-in baths include two hydrotherapies— whirlpool jets and our patented bubblemassage to help soothe sore muscles in your feet, legs, and back. a kohler-certified installer will install everything quickly and conveniently in as little as a day. they made us feel completely comfortable in our home. and, yes, it's affordable. i wish we would have looked into it sooner. think i might look into one myself. stay in the home and life you've built for years to come. call... to receive $1,500 off your kohler® walk-in bath. and take advantage of our low monthly payment financing. ♪ >> jesse: we've heard the democrats call us climate deniers, election deniers, you know it's worse, crime deniers freight assault ski racks skyrocketing in seattle, but seattle is in denial. >> violent crime is up 25 percent, do you feel safe? to get i feel very saphier. >> never seen crime in seattle. >> people getting robbed and carjacked red. >> i never heard of anyone getting robbed fred keay think it's a social issue that could be solved by giving people thei basic needs 50 i saw a lot of people cheering on my way down her. and they were bothering you? >> forget about what yet seattl does look at what they do. more than a quarter million residents say they want to leav seattle, typically humans don't want to flee from safety. and you can't deny this soccer league for poor kids just canceled it season because a nearby homeless camp became a threat. kids kicking soccerball surrounded by vagrants, gangs, and drug addicts aren't the crowd that parents envision and vision for the last straw came when someone drove their car across the field. the league shut down, but not before they discovered a more sinister threat. soccer field is surrounded by 5 offenders. dean aldridge joins me now. dean, these kids must be pretty upset, what are they saying? >> they are just sad and very children should be sheltered from this, they shouldn't see this stuff that looks like a third world country. >> how close was this disgustin scene encroaching on the field? >> 15 yards away from our eight. may be ten or 15 yards away. >> so they had to pass through this stuff just to go play? you have to drive through it. >> two our fields, yes. >> and the city doesn't care? >> specifically, king county executive del constantine doesn't care apparently. >> does he even know that this exists? >> he knows. he knows, he will just not allo the police officers to do their job. we don't have a homeless proble can we have a while was problem. >> okay, so what exactly is thi homeless encampment, it looks humongous? >> its gargantuan spirit it is huge. there's probably five or 600 people living in this camp from dealing drugs to prostitution, gangs, it's horrible. it's absolutely horrible. >> it looks like a cracked out ewok village. the even have slides. tell me there are no kids and this place. >> god only knows, it so bad ou here, that the king county workers won't even go in there and clean it up now. the union won't let them go in, they have to contracted out. the clean it once a month and i all comes right back. >> i have seen hamas tunnels that look better than this. tell me a little, what are the parents saying? >> the parents are mortified, but i'm in a tough spot, these are underprivileged kids that are financially challenged. if i cancel this season, where do we go? if i cancel the season, then it's like i don't care about ou poor children, so i'm in a lose lose situation for the county's been saying they were going to take care of this problem for three years. >> we're going to contact the county and see if we can straighten this out because thi is unacceptable. you can't have every game be an away game if you know what i mean. after feel safe and while they kick these balls for thank you so much, coach, and we will get back to you on this. this is pretty sick. >> thank you very much, jesse, appreciate your. >> every year american homeowners waged a month-long war against mother nature. it's leaf season, the worst season of all. every saturday you give up your whole afternoon to rake your lawn. then three days go by in your yard is covered again with leaves, rinse and repeat for th only saving grace in all of thi is that using a leaf blower is fun and faster. it's loud, it's powerful and yo just blow the leaves into a big pile your kids jump in. most importantly it's effective. if you didn't have lee floor th job takes forever and trust me, i used to not have a leaf lower my whole life. if democrats get their way, and they will, your gas powered lea blowers, sayonara. why? climate change obviously. a new study from three lefty nonprofits says this, running one gas powered leaf floor for one hour is just as bad as driving a car from philly to florida. i'm not sure i believe that. also, the study says leaf blowers give your kids asthma. also visit he says belief lower make your children death. what will save the children? going electric. by an electric leaf lower parad we have a feeling the people wh funded the study don't care about asthma or deaf kids. they want to be in your regular leaf lower so you have just by inexpensive leaf lower from the funny how that works freight up next to an interview the vampire . struck out with the cheap seats? important things aren't worth compromising. at farmers, we offer both quality insurance and great savings. (crowd cheers) here, take mine. calers mb klein hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) i've struggled with weight my whole life. i'm sure you're like me and you've tried diet after diet. if you want to stop the insanity, try golo. >> jesse: meet haley schweitzer, she's 28 and lives in ohio. two looks like she's dressed up from hollowing following. for the last two years, her she has identified as a vampire. she has identified as a vampire. primetime has questions. haley schweitzer joins me now. are you saying that you like to suck blood? >> no, i am not interested in sucking anyone's blood, i like energy in good vibes. >> do you wear teeth like that with fangs all the time? >> as often as i can think can get uncomfortable sometimes, bu as often as i can i am going around everywhere like that. >> so haley, every day you dres up as a vampire. you identify as vampire and the you go about your day? >> i do go about my day and there are times sometimes well will wear cozy sweater or something really cozy, but that doesn't mean i'm not a vampire it just means arms wearing something else, there are other vampires like me they don't choose to cosplay or have a story on tik tok, but i choose to because it's an outward reflection of myself. >> what you do for work? >> i am a social media managers so basically i hype up people social media. >> do you go into an office? >> no, i work from home so i ca sit here and look like this. >> i figured. what do your parents think of this? >> they are so proud, my dad messaged me the other day and was talking about how everybody has read articles about me and he said i'm so proud i love you and i'm so proud that you are living your truth and being yourself and being open and out about it. >> in your dad isn't peter schweitzer, the guy that knows all about the biden crime family ? >> he is definitely not that. and you identify as a vampire, spiritually, sexually, and always that we can possibly imagine. >> and always that you can possibly imagine, for me it's more of a spiritual thing because of the energy work that i do. i am not alone, there are so many of us out there. i like having opportunities lik this to kind of present what being a living vampire is because i'm sure vampires get a bad rap, they think were out to suck their blood, but as i said i'm not interested in doing that . >> jesse: when you say energy work, clarify that. >> there is energy all around us . if you go into a concert or a crowded place, there is energy around you that it's not on you or in you, it's around here. i like take take that energy an suck it through like a vampire. >> haley, suck my energy throug right now. >> are you sure about that? >> yes. >> all right. >> jesse: did you just heard that? you heard that, right? did you hear that? i'm feeling it. haley, something just happened. i don't feel so good. >> i've done it over the internet so far so that's great. >> jesse: that's awesome, go relax. hang tight and we will see you next halloween. >> thank you so much for having me. ♪ business correspondent madison , i have an issue we have to discuss. i've noticed today is halloween and dads are leaving for work early. i don't know if this is kosher, but dads are leaving for work a like 4:00 o'clock when it still light out to go trick-or-treating with their children. now if i was 20 years old and i was trying. >> started in the business and would tell my office manager that i've got to leave work early for halloween to trick or treat? i don't know if that would go over too well. am i wrong? >> i think you're wrong because i think as you probably know we answer to our boss, but we also answer to our wives and children . i know my dad had to come on halloween with me because we were elite trick-or-treaters we had a lot of candy i possibly could not carry all of it, wher does that candy need to go? dad carried an extra pillowcase. you dump your candy and and you keep hitting houses. if you are calling out the dads that want their kids to have pillowcases full of candy, that's on you, i don't know if you want to be on that side. >> you were elite. yes. >> what did you wear that was s elite that you got so much cand that your dad had to leave work early in leave everybody else high and dry so he could carry an extra sack? >> i'm half indian, my mother side is indian and i love my culture, but i am indian, so i was in india impaired. >> 's of your indian you can dress up hurt. >> there has been a controversy about whether ron desantis is wearing lifts. here is the governor's response. >> what they're trying to say was this that in your boots you have heels. >> no, those are just standard off the rack. >> how tall you, governor? >> 5'11". >> why don't you wear tennis shoes and dress shoes? >> i wear tennis shoes when i workout. >> do you think this is true? >> there is a lot of speculatio on the internet. >> jesse: you not going to go there. >> he played baseball. may be the next step is just bringing out the tape measure. >> guys never lie about their size. >> guys live. they lie about their height, it happens. it is the era of short kings, tall princes, you just have to own your height. maybe this is the year when we elect someone under 6 feet tall. it doesn't happen often, but it could. >> jesse: so you're saying he does wear lifts or he doesn't? i am saying that i like his cowboy boots and he should keep rocking that looks. that's where i'm going to leave it. >> you are a diplomat for halloween. trick or treat, madison. these are really special photos. we have halloween gg. look at that child. she is a unicorn and there is magic coming out of that horn cornbread we also have another hallowing custom we would like to show you. you have our state manager here. what is he dressed as? it took me about three minutes to figure this out. she is rubbing her belly, she's got the address on. look at her feet, can we get he feet? the feet is the best part. now text me what you think she is dressed at. let's do some text. rest from iowa. what are the chances joe's travel agency would send me to aruba this weekend? i'd like to stay for six months. jim from glen pool oklahoma tub at the biden travel agency didn't offer flights out of afghanistan. that is harsh. vicki from south carolina, the sticky cme have a job at the biden travel agency clicks thes are good text tonight. dan from oregon, trump can run the country from prison, fine with me. james from tennessee. if trump goes to jail, do the secret service agents serve jai time with him? that is a legitimate question and many people are speculating that if he is convicted and sen to prison, how are the secret service agents going to protect them from prison gangs? leary from warren ohio. you should challenge gavin newsom to a game of basketball. mary from florida, you never show my text, maybe i should just call hannity. have the acosta answers tomorrow night and remember i'm waters and this is my world. >> >> welcome to hannit

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Accommodations , Heart O , Care Of , Midtown , Rooms , Bellhop Mayorkas , Th Penthouse , Bags , Fees , Roosevelt , , 405 , Meals , Biden Travel Agency , Senator , Feedback , American Food , Onl , Two , Migrants , Laundry , Eric Adams , Laundry Companies , Contracts , College , Americans , Dream , Pennsylvania , Democrats , Ith , Climate , Snowbirds , Weather , Gap In Newsom , Someone , San Francisco , Tickets , Wind , Call Ice , Woman , Black , Station , Airport , Cop , Sanctio Airy Cities , Fre Money Bear , Chicago , Beers Tickets , Louis , Compliment , Elementary School , B Grins , Americans Aren T , Babies , That S What St , Anything , Police , Caravans Marching , Word , Cradle , View , Th Grave Welfare , Funny , Nations , Everyone , Terrorism , Fact , Voters , Poverty , Dependence , Tab , No One , Som , Ways , Come In , Thos Categories , Site , 8 Million , Seven , Wyoming , States , Perspective , Populations , Entere , 38 , 13 , Stay , Fan , Third World Migrant Looking , Four , Crime , Anyone , Tossup , Perks , Thing , Tennessee , Back Home , Somewhere , Freight , Joke , Sure , Have Fiv , Happel Halloween , Campaign , Pleasure , China , Work Visa , Tommy , China Torpor , Basketball , Fentanyl , Chinese , Bi Chinese Bird , Covid , Stuff , Blood , Lives , You Brent , Treasure , Cost , Slave Labor , Climate Change , Problem , Drugs , Issues , Problems , Homelessness , Newsom Doesn T , Excuse , Fixing Today , 100 , Things , Planet , Tax , Sucke , Family , Arthritis Pain Relief , Spain , Products , Creativity , Hobbies , Joints , Retailers , Blue Emu , Rapture , Globe , David Jeremiah , Strange , Concern , Video Footage , Mind Boggling , Christ , Lord , In The Air , Eye , Billions , Instant , Clouds , Twinkling , Disappearance , Incredible , Glimpse , Announcer , Chapters , Glorious Joy In The Skies , 31 , Questions , Books , Calendar , Dr , Event , The Great Disappearance , God , Secretary Of State , Flag , Anthony Blinken , Zelensky , War , Hearing , The World , Israel , System , Face , Capitol Hill , The End , Support , Shame , Indiscernible , Politics , Terrorist Doesn T , Office , Antiwar , Left , Siding , Them Sta , Party , Waters , Distric , Braidwood , 10000 , Guy , Fun , Question , Guy Out , Don T Worry , Muscle , Fetterman , Way , Conversation , Funding , Ukraine , Taiwan , 100 Billion , 00 Billion , Conversation It , Talk To Me , Opinion , Republicans , Watching Democrats Glorify The Antiwar Movement , Sit Down , Show , Jane Fonda , Mug Sho , Ionized , Iraq War , Liberty , Fake Bloo , Condoleezza Rice , Code Pink , Journalist , Cindy Sheehan , Tv Interviews , Media , Book Deal , Son , Network , Obama , Mistake , Works , Insect T , Foreign Policy , Hero , Career Endin , Republican , Side , Candidat , Wall , Great To Be With You , Partisanship , Protest Movement , Protesters , Dennis , Escalation , Thinking , Dems , World War Iii , Viewers , Kinds , Something , Aisle , Sides , Hands , Slammer , Abl , Reasons , Likeness , Well , Cain Versus Abel , Brothers , Theory , Killing , 99 9 , Commonalities , Edge , Matter , Denni Kucinich , 99 , Brother , Alfred Lewis , Sucker Punching Strangers , Monarch , Teenager , I Love You , 19 , Everybody , Local News , Friend Films , Strangers , Haymaker , Park , Behind , Perfect , Mistakes , Huggy Alibi Didn T Stick Trade Lewis , Part , Hug , See , Hand , Assault , It Doesn T , Court Documents , Friend , Filming , Victims , Gun , Gunpoin , Camera , Robbery , Hi , Aggregat , Yes , Eric Holder , Lawyer , Delectables , Lickt , Attack , Treat , Alert , Destruction , Enemies , Delectables Lickable , Help , Homes , Many , Crosshairs , Fear , Targets , Rockets , Response , Gift , Aid , Ground , Teams , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , 45 , 5 , Supplies , Medicine , Families , Water , Emergency , Rush Food , Jewish , All Of Us , Cowboys , Line , Branch , Rinvoq , Check , Ulcerative Colitis , Results , Legacy , Uc , Damage Rinvoq , Symptom Relief , Colon Lining , Remission , Leave Bathroom , Urgency , Infections , Ability , Chance , Blood Clots , Fatal , Tb , Reactions , Cancers , Risks , Lymphoma , Doctor , Death , Intestines , Heart Attack , Skin Cancer , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Tears , Stomach , Stroke , 50 , 1 , Abbvie , Gastroenterologist , Trump , Escalator , Cheers , Arrest , Impeachment , Applause , Presiden , Prospect , Prosecution , Campaign Strategy , Trip , Superman , Mortals , Resistance , Superheroes , Michael Cohen , Gag Order , Judge , Judges , Donor , Prosecutor , Slapping , Jamaican , Doesn T Like Being , Threat , Challenge , Poll Numbers , Millions , Mug Shot , Don T , The One , Clock , Truth , Bu , Fines , Parties , Person , Consequence , Reaction , Weight , Clay Travis , Trum , Bars , Trials , Calculus , Pu , 1 Billion , Point , Goading , Craz Carnival , More , Lawyers , Nobody , Battles , The Big Picture , Guys , Better Off H , Corner , Gag , Hit , Ultimate , Who Cares , 0000 , Trial , Post , Trigger , Special One , Leaf Blower , Guns , Sotyktu , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , Back , Kind , Feeling , Finding Psoriasis , Pill , Splendor , Thighs , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Changes , Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Infection , Liver , Triglycerides , Vaccine , Labs , Jak Family , Find , Hiding , Dermatologist , Jak Inhibitors , Dan , My Name , San Antonio , Prevagen , Over The Counter , Commercials , Wife , Difference , Amount , Magda , 39 , Prescription , Stores , Walk In Bath , Home , Kohler , Possibility , Comfort , Bathing Experience , Spa , George , Handrails , Walk In Baths , Exit , Entry , Step Ins , Mobility , Door , Stability , Surfaces , Hydrotherapies , Feet , Feel , Muscles , Installer , Legs , Bubblemassage , Whirlpool Jets , Life , Advantage , Call , 500 , 1500 , Payment Financing , Climate Deniers , Seattle , Denial , Skyrocketing , Freight Assault Ski , Election Deniers , Crime Deniers , 25 , Fred Keay , Carjacked Red , People Thei , Safety , Soccer League , Humans , Residents , Parents , Gangs , Season , Kids Kicking Soccerball , Camp , Straw , Drug , Vision , Crowd , Vagrants , Car , League , Offenders , The Field , Soccer Field , Children , They Shouldn T , Dean Aldridge , Third World Country , Scene , Play , Disgustin , 15 , Ten , Eight , King County Executive , City , Doesn T Care , Del Constantine Doesn T Care , Our Fields , Police Officers , Homeless Proble , Thi Homeless Encampment , Prostitution , Spirit , 600 , Place , Slides , Horrible , Cracked Out Ewok Village , Tunnels , Won T , King County Workers Won T , Union , Hamas , Mortified , Spot , Little , Underprivileged , County , Care , Don T Care About Ou Poor Children , Situation , Game , Thi , Away Game , Balls , Homeowners , Mother Nature , Leaves , Leaf Season , Repeat , Lawn , Grace , Afternoon , Leaf , Oyo , Pile , Lee Floor Th , Study , Gas , Lefty Nonprofits , Lea Blowers , Sayonara , Leaf Blowers , Leaf Floor , Philly To , Kids Asthma , Electric Leaf , Belief , Parad , Save The Children , Vampire , Interview , Asthma , Seats , Savings , Farmers , Crowd Cheers , Insurance , Aren T Worth Compromising , Calers Mb Klein Hi , Diet , Guitar Music , Insanity , Try Golo , Golo , 60 , Meet Haley Schweitzer , 28 , Ohio , Hollowing Following , Energy , Teeth , Vibes , Fangs , Everywhere , Vampire It , Sweater , Times , Vampires , Story , Something Else , Reflection , Arms , Tik Tok , Social Media , Social Media Managers , Dad , Articles , Isn T Peter Schweitzer , Crime Family , Energy Work , Opportunities , Trap , Concert , Energy Throug , Internet , Business Correspondent Madison , Work , Dads , Trick Or Treating , 00 , 4 , Wives , Boss , Office Manager , Trick Or Treat , Halloween , Pillowcase , Trick Or , We , Wher , Elite , Pillowcases , Hitting Houses , Leave , Thigh , Mother , Sack , Cand , Indian , My Culture , Controversy , India , Ron Desantis , Governor , Boots , Rack , Tennis Shoes , Shoes , Speculatio , 11 , Height , Step , Tape Measure , Size , Baseball , Kings , Wear Lifts , Princes , 6 , Rocking , Cowboy Boots , Diplomat , Madison , Child , Unicorn , Magic , Horn Cornbread , Photos , Halloween Gg , Hallowing Custom , State Manager , Belly , Text , Chances , Address , Rest , Joe S , Iowa , Biden Travel Agency Didn T , Tub , Flights , Aruba , Glen Pool Oklahoma , Jim , Six , Cme , Fine , Thes , South Carolina , Oregon , Vicki , Agents , Secret Service , Sen , James , Prison Gangs , Hannity , Gavin Newsom , Warren Ohio , Mary , Acosta , Hannit ,

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