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Here in jerusalem. As we continue our live breaking coverage of the war in israel on americas late newsrael, fox at night, fullr coverage of the war coming right now, but we have a Breaking Nowwe Hav news update on the Mass Shooting in lewiston, maine. The suspect, 40yearold, robert card, accused of killing 18, hamas found dead with ad selfinflicted gunshot wound. C. B. Cotton is gathering more information and we gesl get to her live in minute. Meantime, sunrise in gaza, 48 minutes away and the Ground Fighting between hamas and Israeli Defense forces is reportedl e gunfy happening right now. And the ground war hasnt. Officially even begun. And were told the expanded Ground Operation Es in the earln going are aimed at prepping the battlefield and laying a pathway for more Israeli Soldiers to join the fight. Tonight, team fox coverage. The chief National Securityov Correspondent Jennifererag with more on the u. S. Response to iranian proxy u On Americannc troops. The chief correspondent Jonathan Hunt on his experience in gaza. Our chief internationariencel Correspondent Harrigan has more on the escalating tension with hezbollah hezboll. But we begin with alex hogan. Shes live in tel aviv with the new phase in israels ground war on hamas. E alex . Mas. Good evening, terry. So were seeing again repeated airstrikes on the gaza strips we overnight. For hours, we sa saww the Skylie Light Up with artillery. H ar you can take a look at some of this footage just from earlier on tonighttilln see. This continued for hours. And the idf is also stepping up Ground Operations, a move played out with tankhs and also by sea in the last 24 hours,cusn with the idf saying that they were mainly focusing on Hamas Infrastructureamas and tunnels. And as the strikes continue tonight, the international is really weighing in with an overwhelming majority. The United Nations General Assembly backed Resolution Calling for an immediate nations humanitarian truce. That resolution backed by arab states does not hold legality, but it does hold some weightd. Here in tel aviv, a Rocket Strike from gaza made a direct hit on aavfromn apartment build today, injuring three people. Three weeks into the war,apar the country still mourning those killed in the october 7th attacks. Yesterday, we visited some of those victims who are still in a mobile more the bodies the are being kept in these Refrigerated B trailers and forensic analysts are working around the clock for the lasted trail 20 days. Som but the problem is, so manyan te of these victims in these trailers were tortured. To so there is little dna evidence to go off. Arrivi unfortunately, so many of the bodies arriving hereng, we pry werent able to physically even try and prmy them open. Why is that . Many of them were burnt, severely burntntrely. If we try to move them, theyll just crumble. It is still Early Morning here it is quiet on the streets of tel aviv, but we have been hearing a lot of jets overheadhw the night. And as the strikes continue in the gaza strip, we are now s hearing a response from hamas militants saying that they are ready, fire back at israelis with full force. Israeliswe expect to hear a lotr that kind of propaganda. Alex, you. Now to the chief international correspondent, steve harrigan. Hes live in norther steven isrl with more on hezbollahs potential reaction to expanding Ground Operations in gaza. Steve trace throughout t the afternoon here, we heard a number of explosions behind me o about two miles back. Re thats where lebanon is. And it was Israeli Forces responding to strikes from hezbollah. The past two weeks, hezbollah has lobbing antitank missiles b into positions insidbinge. Northern israel, a basically contained micro war on here. Between the two sides. Today, irans Foreign Ministerrr ,hezbollah, has its finger on the trigger. There have been Protestsr Therei as well in lebanon almost on a daily basis. Many of the people in those Protestsny Calli Calling on hez to take a more active role in the fightin. Israel. I s there is no that we are in the battle. We are in this war in gaza. But the tacticr ins on how we go the confrontation are in the hands of hezbollah leadership and to the leadership of the battle. He what hezbollah decides to do next could depend on how the Ground Operation Goes Ford israel in gaza if there is a high civilian body count, there could be intense Pressureere Co On Hezbollah to join the fighting more actively, despite warningsul a israel andi United States here in northern israelte, Tens Of Thousands of israelis have already voted with their feet. They hav. E their homes. Ow when you drive up here,. You really have to bring your own food. O businesses, restaurants, homes shut down for fearat f could be ahead. Trace, back to you. Steve, well get back to you svl as well as the news warrants. Steve harrigan live for us in northern israel. We talabouk a lot about urbane warfare and how difficult the battle in gazaould be. T gaza and its not just the fact that gaza is among the most densely populated on the planet ,but it also has more than a thousand miles of these underground tunnels. Sand the chief correspondent, Jonathan Hunt, has spent plenty of time in. Und tu he joins us more with this. This is going to be a verynnl be difficult battle for the israelis. Its going to be a horrific battle for the israelirrifics. The defense minister, yoav thn todayl be agai that it is going to be a long, long battle and anybody who spent any time in gaza will know that leaving aside juste ago si the the network ofa beneath gaza city, the Maithn City In Gaza and khan yunis down in the south where theres another big network of tunnels underneath and around that City Leavin Ag that aside, just the cities themselves are so densel y packed, a Densely Builtarfare that kind of Urban Warfare is every soldiers nightmare. Now, the Israeli Soldiers anyon are probably better trained than anybody in dealing with that kindg with kin of thih they are prepared for anything. A ey have the kind of weaponavfs that other military forces around the world would love to have. A lot of technologechnology. I think were going to see that has not been used before, which play out now. E horr but this is going to be horrific. Ifnobody should think that hamas has just been planning for this since seventh. Obviously, they were planning for the aftermath of this as. They planned for the Terrorist Attacks themselves. So they have had Plenty Timeng to prepare. They know what theyre doing. And they said again toda. Y, we are ready. Specifically, jonathan, im curious about the tunnelsn n themselves. Youve been in there. What do they look like . And how formidable are they f r Israeli Soldiers . Wellll, they have been building them up for more than a decade now. Remember, hamas took over gaza t in 2007 and all part of a very Long Term Plan tunnels. Entary they were pretty rudimentary to begin with, but they have now with withte rei concrete. Theyre concrete reinforced. They have a variounforce s whereo pl they can get together and plan these things. An things. Weey have all the facilities they need. And we heard the one hostage who came out last week, the grandmother who talked, shae was talking about how much medical supplies they had. So all ol of thef supplies thate been going in before october 7th, a lot of that has not gone anywhere near the Palestinian People. Its gone straightit going downe those tunnels where its been stockpiled. They are well prepared, which is an indicationrepared. Theyve s been preparing for quite some time. Jonathan, back to you as the news warrants. Thank you. The chief National Security correspondent, Jennifer Griffin,k yo first broke this sy last night about the us striking iraniay utn proxiese in syria. She is back live at the pentagon with more on ifr that warning shot had the intended effect. Jennifer, it doesnt sound liked the strike on syria was a really effective deterrent. Well, trace, we certainly saw that there was already drone strike on u. S. Forces in iraq, t but that drone failed. It was shot down by u. S. Ow troops. So we are not sure whether iran got the message or not, but we just learned that President Biden has sent a War Powers Notification war in to congress explaining why he ordered airstrikes, those irgc sites in syria last night. In the letteinr he referenced article 51 of the un charter, which allowsf th for the right to selfdefense under international law. E he called the action necessary and proportionate. And he also vowed that there would be more if there were more attacks on u. S. Troops. Also learned that defense secretary austin spoke with his counterpart in israel, yoav gallant, tonight and underscored the importance of protecting civilians in gaza and focusing on the deliveryns of humanitarian aid delivery for civilians. Ihe said his focus is stillfocu on getting hamas to release the hostagesetting. Meantime, as the middle east stands on the precipice of a massivs e invasion traced by the Israeli Military into gaza, e il that were told could last months and could triggermy a reaction from hezbollah in the north and other iranian ths who will try to test the u. S. Military across the region, tying the back down in the middle east. Its important to look at Who Benefitsn Th right now fromts fo the actions of iran and hamas. Its notm palestinians. Its not even tehran. Its someone who we are no longer talking about every hour on the news. Russian president vladimir putin. Its no coincidence that top hamas leader nthats, including s founder, made their way for meetings with Putin In Moscow yesterday. Extins forces in ukraine are experiencing heavy losses, so much so that moscow has had to rely on iranian drones for any success on the battlefield s. We were the first to report, we you said on air last night about those u. S. Warplanes. We now know it was an f16 and an f15 that took part delivering the response to ten s days of attacks on u. S. Bases in iraq and syria bombing those two Iranian Proxy Facilities in Southern Southeastern Syria near the town of abu kamala, on the border with iraq. One was an irgc weapons depot. As we reported, and another and ammunition storage site. A senior u. S. Defense official tells fox there were no casualties at either the sites. The pentagon went out of its fay, were told, to make surr se Iranian Forces were not at the facilities they targeted. Cithis target was about as low on the escalation ladder. One can get designed to send a message to iran, not to continue testing u. S. Resolve by expanding the conflict. Its not clear that they got that message. Iranian proxies launched drone at u. S. Forces at the alasad base in iraq. It was intercepted. It was the 20th attack on ush. Bases since october 17th and the first since the u. S. Carried out the pair of airstrikes in syria last night. Its important to remember t tracy, finally, that there are 900 u. S. Troops in syriaop at small bases. Part of the antiisis mission, they are preventing about 50,000 isis affiliate men, Women And Children currently being guarded at the alhola currentl camp from being released. That would give isis the a fresh start in the middle east, of course. Those u. S. Troops are in harms sty tonight, part of this iran proxy war. And, jen, while ivt ife youg want to go back to those strikes, i just want to understand how wereo ba they from u. S. Strikes in the past . You know, they were reall y quite similar to strikes we saw in march. In fact, march 23rd, the u. S. Carried out a pair of aire we strikeres in that very same aren near deir ezzor. And it was again, to stopd been that was after u. S. Troops hadtl been targeted in and repeatedly by those iranian proxy forces. Pd you know, periodically theyve had to do this t. Messa iran seemed to get the message back then. Gebackbut the question now is, what is irans long term goal . And is the ayatollah going to order nasrallah to open up the Northern Front with hezbollah . Hezbh has 100,000 missiles, medium and long range missilesrt that target israeli cities. Trace. And that changes everything. Jennifer thriffin live at the pentagon. Jen, thank you. Lets bring in garett exner, a former marinank you,e corps sl operations officer, and nathan sayles, former ambassador at and coordinator for counterterrorism. Gentlemen, thank you both. Gentk you bod it looks like isrt appears, at least in the early tag, is taking proper steps,ld prepping the battlefield, laying a pat. H for more troopsra to go in. Is that a Fair Assessment . It is. It looks like israel is doing everything that a modern military would do before engaging in a large offensive operation. Theyre conducting shaping operations, raids and strikes. Ertarytheyre preparing the battlefield according n. Yheir operational desig they have a Success Story thats planned out. They probably prepped for for years that they would eventually have to do it. Wouldand want to move Hamas Inn Area thats thats not advantageous for them but is advantageous for the israelis. And it like theyre doinge they that in a in a very deliberate way. Yeah. Nathan, we talk about preppingw. The battlefield but the the times of israel tonight reporting that there were actually clashes between hamascy and Israeli Soldiers. Does that surprise you in the early going of these types of ground wars . , thin no trace. K i think thats all to be expected. Israelth a is being strategic and patient. Theyre not going to in to a ground war in an emotional. R they have clear strategic objectives which are very ambitious. Lets be clear. They want to degrade hamas to the point that it is no longer capable of governing the gaza strip. And they want to Destroyble T Military Capability so that its no longer capable of threatening israetol in theie way we saw horrifically on october seven. So i think h expec we have to et what were seeing now, all these Border Skirmishee Bos these relatively low grade clashes. This is just the tip of the iceberg. And we should expect to see the intensity of the conflict ramp up, maybe not overnight, maybe not tomorrow. But that is clearly where this is headed. Yeah, i want to play this this is general jack keane. Play the sound bite and well get your take on this. Garetht your garre. , you want to stop the irgc proxies from attackingo u. S. Troops, then go out thereps and kill thethen gm. Go conduct extensive multiple strikes against command and control. Their leaders, take down all their offensivleadere systes rockets, missiles and drones. Take down their entire logistical infrastructure. Ethat is what should have been done last night. Extensive strikes. Thats phase. One. Gary, basically hes saying the United States response, those strikes on syria was weak and they should have been robust. What you think . Y i think hes exactly right. You know, wevriave had 90 stri, 90 plus strikes or attacks on u. S. Service members from iran and their proxies since President Biden took office. Weve responded now four oruildn five times. And each time it seems to be a building in the middle of the desert. Theres almost no casualties for each one. If you contrast that with the last con administration in. Policy of Strategic Powerful Stras Go right after the head of the snake, it actually deters iran frof thm aggression in the region. Yeah, it really does. And nathan, you know, the former i secretary of state,ompe mike pompeo, says the only way to stop them is to t go after the leadership inside iran itself. Ive got 30 seconds fo r you. Uple well, clearly blowing up a couple of warehouses in the desert, a message, but its not the message the administration wants to sen d the it sends the message iran sees is weakness. Is they that the United Stateso prepared to talk a big game, but not actually to act to protect the lives of our soldiers. You know, we actually hit Triple Digits todae digiodayy, 100 strikes on american soldiers in syria, in iraq, Acrosssoldiers The Region since President Biden took office. You want to stop it . You cann tookt take out a coupr of empty warehouses. You got to go after command and control youve got to impose real costs, go after commanr d and control. Nathan sales, garrett exner. Gentlemen, thank you both. Meantime, Breaking News Tonightt on the massive manhunt in Mainet Robert card has now been found dead. Police sayound card killedt 18 people on a rampage two nights ago. C. B. D 18 cotten is live in lewin with the very latest on this. And c. B. What did we learn of that News Conference . How did they find the suspecd t hi, trace. Kno well, we know this suspect was found with an apparent selfinflicted gunshotf wound t a heavily wooded area in lisbon, which is only a a 15 minute drive from here in lewiston, where the Mass Shooting occurre d. Rnor now, tonight, maines governor had an impassionedr speech or conversation about this, Sayingersation Robed is dead. Four words that are going to going to have people, the thousands here in maine, second largest City Sleeping Th a bit easier tonight. Now we know, trace, this is not. The conclusion everyone wanted,e but the governor emphasizing thisd. He cant hurt anyone else like many people, im Breathingi A Sigh Of Reliefgh tonight knowing that robert card is no longer a threat to anyone. I know are some people and many people who share that sentiment. Ntiment. So know that his may not bring solace to many, but now is a time to heal. G nes now this late breaking newslitte comes little more than 48 hours after an intense Searc Sh The Accused Killer First began today. Dive teams zeroingbegan. In onne the Androscoggin River near the boat ramp. Work cards, Subaruthe Boat was d abandoned. A rifle found in that car is now being tested to see whether it was used in the shooting. According tested if itg to law g sources. This gun, one of many,un t the suspect owned, again, according to our sources, the suspect is Accusedhe Sourceg 18 people and injuring more than a dozen. Peoplo behind another key clue for investigators, a suicide note which was found as they looked through his home and boat in. Now, investigators are continuing to process the scenes where these community were gunned down. A bar and a Bowling Alley. The Bowling Alleys manager, a youth bowling coach, a 14 year old boy and his father among the victims. Investigators revealing card was found early this evening, but theyre staying tightlipped on ho. W he may have been in the woods. We found that bod wooy at 745 and its 1025 now. So theret 7 continues45 be a lt of work that needs to be done here at the scene with the medical examiners. s 10 45 now where cards, body it is near that boat ramp where again, dive teams were searchin g, searching today and zeroing in. Now, the question Many Community Membermunitys Have Iss this Army Reservist who had a documented history of mentalt. Health struggles, how was he able to keep his weapons tracede p hi . Thank yo back to a veryin good question. C. B. Cotten, live for us on the scene. Thank you. Lets bring in retired nypd inspector and founder of ops desk. Wag, paul moore, Als Retiredo Pt looks like the suicide note was legit. Were you surprised to hear this you s . Well, yes and no. The thing that i posited earlier actually said on the air today was that when guys like this kill themselves, its often its generally their final statement, the world. And theres going to be some significance to it. And ill confess confess was a t puzzled as to why maybe the dogs had found him, because generally, as i said, if youre going to make a statemenhim. T you want peopleo hear it. Now, according to the heardting, his body was foun only about a mile away from where the abandoned car was. Mile fand reportedly, it was fod next to the dumpster at the place Recycling Plant, maine recycling that fired him f two weeks ago. So to me, thats a pretty clear statement. The police fired him. His sister in law said that that wass sisterone of one of ts that was leading to some of the mental troubles that hwas moe ws more recently having feeding into his paranoia. Paranoi and i think if that reporting is accurate, that he was found near the dumpste thatsr, i think thats a message as well, that, you know, he felt at least he was tryin wg to communicate that hed been thrown out by these folks. And so jus im just glad that,sr frankly, hes no longer a threat because in light of his Gripee Againstit that location, you know, could have gone another way. I got coune about 40 secondsr you, paul, but i but i was kind of surprised that he was so closd he wase e to the area where they were looking. I mean, it just amazes me that he didnt try to get further away and maybe he did and came back so we dont know a lot of the facts right now. So, you know, anything is possibe and weve beens possb keeping our minds open regarding this. Wew, my understanding is that they did deploy deployed dogs and. I am surprised that maybe the dogs, after following his scent from the car car didnt go right to that location if he was there at that tim te, there were still questions, wheres the boat, for instance . Where about all this other Reportinr Repot G regarding jets and all this other stuff that weve been very cautious about thosthe those stories, those questions remain. Theyre going to linger and. They didnt answer many questions tonight at the News Conference. Paul mauro, thank you. Meantimesence. , under 30 minutes now until sunrise in israel. It is unclear if the groun d is done for the night, but well check in with our Corresponden T on the ground in tel aviv. And the parents of one of the hostages held by hamas, n ex their experience as our breaking News Coverage continue. S. Fox news is proud to bring you this. Shes a hero momen you dont lo even today. Only a quarter of stemsome graduate this, women. Ly fli they go, oh, you dont look like an engineer. There is thips preconception. Some things are for boys. Some things are for boys. But diversity drives innovatio. My goal is to really flipe. The script. Pick something you love and go for it. How do we live in space . How do we live on the moon . I want to help figure out. You can create the blueprint. If you can see her. You be her. Oh, hello. Its me. Talking socks made for magical alpaca. 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Im rhino dragon. And obviously, youre a little baby cake. Yeah. Im not going to be a little baby cake. They printed up the. Its a done deal. It does. A little baby cake. You cant argue with the jacket. Little baby cake. Whats gotten into him . Classic little baby cake. Well, that was a doozy. On to the the seconds where the zany neighbor from across the hall always gets the biggest laughs. Just keep going. The israelhamas war the israelhamas war impact ron desantis on wha goli, taste your goals. Plan for the tools and tips you need to start your Emergency Preparedness today. Continuing our breaking News Coverager breaki of the Mass Shooting in maine, the man suspected of walking into a Bowling Alledy and fire, then walking into a pool hall again, opening fire has now apparently shot himself. 40yearold robert card, accused of killing 18 people, wounding 13, wasd ac dead tonigt in lisbon, maine, near a Recycling Plant where he oncec worked and was apparently recently fired. Worked card, who investigators say killed 18, left a suicide note and that at 7 45 p. M. Eastern time, his body was found a selfinflicted gunshot wound. Itss unclear how longwa card my have been dead. And we also dont know what kind of terrain not the boy was found in. Well have more updates. Kirby cotton is working another story, updates as we get the meantime, weg on are back live c in jerusalem with our breaking News Coverage of the war or israeli are making inroads into gaza with what the Israeli Defense minister an expanded ground operation. Lucas tomlinson, is in tel avive with more on this new phase of the war. Lucas trace. Today, Israeli Forces launched its largest assault into gaza since the October 7th Massacre and continued its target assassin. Nations of senior hamas leaders were ramping up our capabilities and its going to take a while. It wil we havent put a timeline on it. L takeits to take a long time. I this is something were obligated that will never happen to us again. We got a slap in the face and were going to make Sure Thismake Sur Thing never happenn again. Now, Israeli Forces, Mechanized Forces launched a that assault from the east on the west coast. Israeli commandos from its 13. Those are israels navy seals. Trace they launched a raide sea. In Southern Gaza from the sea. The idf says all israeli left the target following the operation. These moves are meant to off hamas and keep them guessing at israels true intention thes when it comes to any potential invasion. We spoke to an israeli polic hae colonel who talked about whats at stake here, a man who blasted his way down Southlh October 7th and destroyed his own police station, taken over by hamas. Y hama we seek for life. We seek for peace. They seek for death. And sixth, for murder and massacre. So this is the big difference. And the thinthatg that unites un neither the Western World is the humanity. We didnt want this thing to happen. Numbe today, israel said the number hostages being held b by hamas has risen to 229,s and that includes up to ten americans straight. Lucas tomlinson live for us in tel aviv. Lucas, thank t you you. H we spent time in jerusalem with the family of 23 year old Hirsch Goldberg poland, taken hostage by hamas on october seven. During the attack, hirsch was hit by a grenade. He lost part of his right arm. Os his friend was killed. Hirsch was able to putshow a tourniquet on his arm and video shows him being puttr into a hamas truck and driven to gaza. That was 21 days ago, and his parents have heard Nothingthat G since. Watch. Since 9 a. M. On saturday morning, october 7th, when wewa knowta our son was taken and critically wounded. And weve subsequently seen a vide o it. We know nothing. E and thats got to be thats got be the hardest part. Yeah, the hardest part is knowing that ourre son experienced a really awful, traumatic experience, saw a lot of people killed, including his very close friends. Thats really the most awful. And that hes now critically wounded somewherlly woune. But certainly the lack of information is painful. What is your thought on your son and being in this position . Look, i say throughout day, if he got the treatment he needed ,i think he can be strong and he can survive. And throughout the day. My mantra is, we love you, be strong, survive. We lovove, be strong, survive. Y. And the other night when we slep were in new york and i couldnt sleep i mean, sleep is like i dont even know what sleep is. Thats been sosl. Since weveth really slept. I was up. It was the middlle oe the night, you know, i was trying so hardea to go to sleep. And i said, i started Doin G Mantra of be strong, survive, be strong, survive. Trong,and i was talking to him. And all of a sudden it occurred to me that i was talking to me to and im talking to us, too. a and thatst what we can do,e se is just keep praying that he somehow hears his parents calling to him, be strong, survivurvivee, be strong, survi. Bu they told me theyre not political, but do hope that this Ground Invasion would be held for a short amount of time so that they could give diplomacy a chance to maybe bring their son out. Lets bring in the middle east bureau chief for the christian broadcasting network, chris mitchell. And the whole concept is a lot of families, chris, feel the very same way. They feel as if maybe thiswi Ground Invasion is going to ruin the diplomatic effortsp. Mark regev, who is a Topso Adviser to benjamin netanyahu, he thinks the opposite. And he said this. Watce saih. One of the goals of our operation is to free the hostages the and bring theme all home. And we believe that is best achieved by Hitting Hamas and Hitting Hamas hard. Two schools of thought. Chris, where do you come down on this . Well sin, now, ever since the veryt beginning, there were two goals that they had. They wantot to defeat hamas. They want to get the hostages. And theyre almost the h at oddh with one another. I talked to a Special Forces guy the other daother o y and h said one of the hardest Military Operations is to get a hostage. Gs i but when you multiply that by over 200 hostage as in location2 throughout gaza and in the midst of a Ground Invasions ,it almost seems insurmountable that you get them. You know, the truce, the day i was down near the western wall, there was the global day of prayer for the rescue of thet hostages and the missing. And i talked to a rabbi. He said, the talmud says that the greatest anguish is for for parents, just like we heard. Right, that their loved ones is capture d and what theyre saying that what he also said when he talked to me there was he said, you know, negotiations are going on. Diplomacy is going on. But what theyre doing as well is theyre looking up to god. Yeah, the Goldberg Pollardunknow Family was saying that the unknown is really the most painful thin mosg of all. Here is the son of another one of the hostages. Watc h. H. Sion i believe the ground low invasion will lower our chances to see the because the minute they start the Ground Invasion, i it would be a proof for me that its more important for israel to go on a vengeance way. And we thought a couple of days ago that maybe this Thinle O Would Bg be delayed foe of weeks, but it doesnt look like that anymore. It looks likt noe theyre up. Not full ground war yet, but ite looks like its Headinading Ge A that direction. Yeah, theyre shaping the battlefield right now. They were in a Few Nights Ag Fs they went in last night with expanded coverage. So it really does look like theyre going to go after hamas. Yeah, and its such a dilemmae for the for for the military and political leaders right now, how to balancalancee the plight of the hostages and trying to defeat hamas. I want to knowt to covered thish area for a long time. And what do you make of these reportreports. S, the idf reports that there is a Command Center for hamas underneath the biggest hospital in gaza . I think its true. And k ever si ever since the otr operations have been going on since 2008, nine, 12, 14, 16 and 21, it seems like the hamas leadership, the top leader 16s go under this hospi. They understand that israels not going to deliberately bomb a hospital. So its their commandhe and center and they know theres theyre going to be safe there. So i believe Those Reports And N Ey for and i think theyve known that for many years. The family i talked to said they have had no t of life, no communication whatsoever. Weve heard nothing from of these hostages. Yeah, well, its hard. I mean, you only have onlyoreleased, scation. And deliberately they take them in different locationsiberatel,y of them probably in the tunnels. Yeah. And it just going to take anmelh hard for any Military Operation to rescue them. E that. Chris, thank you very much. I appreciate it. Well, coming up, Collegeg Up Cow divided over the war. We clearly know that Sparking Walkoutsouts and violence. But what if we told you that we are keeping track of the collegesof t holding antiisrae protest and the number is now past 50 . We w well show you them nextil. Ellroys asylum was a living. Theres something here you cant understand the haunting without understanding the history. Thousands of patients and every one left. This place has all the markings of a heart. I want to find out exactly what theyve experienced here and try to connect them with anyone here, with here. With us. My hand just got cold. Its starting to feel like were picking a fight. 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Eastern with big new kick off. Its a party out here. Lets go the best pregame, the best announcers, the biggest games. Oklahoma, kansas, big new on fox. Are you tired of that old worn out bath or shower now you can have a new one installed in just one day with a new limited time offer from jacuzzi bath remodel. Were waiving all Installation Costs with no interest and no payments for one year. Jacuzzi has been making water feel great for over 65 years, and now you can get a gorgeous custom bath remodel at a price you can afford with no stress and no mess. Ive trying to get him to remodel that bath for years. I called and they didnt. Just one day and at a price we could afford every time stepped over my old tab, i worried i might fall. I dont have those anymore. With jacuzzi, you can get a safer, easy entry shower to keep you feeling comfortable and independent at home. Your new jacuzzi, bath or shower is waiting. Now is the best time to call. Were waiving all Installation Costs with no interest and no payments for one year. Go to jacuzzi, Bath Remodel Com or call 800 3482867 call nowg us and if youre just joining us, an update now on the breakingma News Coverage of the Mass Shooting in maine. The man suspected of opening fire ispected ofn, a bowling ala hims hall has now apparently shot himself. 40yearold robert carr, ro 18, woundinging 13, was found dead tonightng 1 in lisbon, maine. N, it was near a Recycling Plant where he once worked, gotrked a fired. Card, who Investigatornd Wass Sy killed the 18, left a suicide note. And then andef at 7 45 p. M. Easn time tonight, his body wasel located with a selfinflicted gunshot wound. In how long card may have been dead. That might be key to the wholeeh search and rescue operation. And we also dont knowe what kind of terrain the body was found in. Well have more update Foundin T Live Report with c. B. Cotton coming up at the top of the hour. Meantime, debate over israels war on hamas on Us College Campuses has now spilled overisl into violence. Christina coleman is livs wite with what went down at Tulane University in louisiana. Christina, good evening. Good evening, tracy. I got pretty chaotic at aan propalestinian rally in new orleans near Tulane University. Takeesity. Look at this. Witnesses say a propalestinian supporter Triesad Light A flag, an israeli flag on fire, sparking a fight in big crowd. Ng the propalestinian protesters were also seen f Carrying Bannee that read from the river to the sea. Palestin toe will be free. Or its rhetoric that effectively calls for the state of to cease. To exist. Th you can see, many israeli counterprotesters. Also at that rally, univpresidene prt, Tulane University, called the violence serious and deeply troubling. The antidefamation league, or adl, says on wednesday, studentsd or more than 100 colls nationwide staged a walkout, lkt demanding an end to us aid to israel. The u. S. Government, who is complicit with the of Thevernme Palestiniantn people to not only call for a cease fire, but to stop funding of the Israeli Occupying, colonizing state. S the adl says some of those Student Walkouts included language that explicitly condoned or praised hamass actions. That murderous group that killed more than 1400 people in israel with their surprise attack. Israel wmany jewish jewish studw say theyre worried about their safety. These acts of antisemitismse are getting more and more extreme. It doesnt feel like were in americawere in in 2023 anym. It feels like were in 1939. Nazi germany. Bangin and take a look at this, that banging on glass tookn in place at cooper union in new york. The ad new yk. L says anti israelel protesters noticed jewish students in the Colleges Library and started banging on the glass wall, chantinbangeg free palestine. The jewish students stayed inside. They said they fel sht intimidated and vulnerable. Nypd assisted in those students out of the library and manyth campuses are beefing Upe Beef Security nationwide in responsil to all the violence, the violent chants and all of these protestennd thes. E frm trace. Yeah. Christina coleman live for us in los angeles. Christina, thanklos an. Ngela. Lets bring in defense of Freedom Institute spokeswoman angela morabitlasty angela, you know, a couple of weeks ago when we heard about harvard, we hearedmy about of these schools. Everybody was kind of shocked. Youre like, oh, my goodnesss t how is this happening on on these elite schools . Well, we have now collected a lista lil of t of all the schs that have had these antiisrael protests. And its amazing. I want to put the scrollests. On the list. Look at the numbers. Were running them fast, angela, because ther numbers. E are 50ther two schools that are having these. What do you think about that . Ever sy leader of a university on your list needs to do two things. Th first is take a long, hard looka in the mirror and ask themselvessk why so many of ther students are out there in the streets cheerleadinge street for terror. Hamas teaches its children that the murder of israelimurdes that the murder of jews is justified. And it is an indictment of American Higher Ed that so many of our students have apparentlyy stud learned the sameers ne thing. And the second thing these College Leaders needed to do too is marshal every available resource to keep their jewish studentsjewish student safe. This is a civil rights issue. Every student has right to access an education free from discrimination. And its time aoube for these University President s to step up. I just thinitk its to playe some sound from some of these students, just as here to hear what theyre saying and toderstd really kind of understand where theyre coming from. Ominbecause its well, its f tois watch these students from nyu. Its important to be here today becausy. E. I young people do not support not the in palestine, do not support the occupation of palestine. And so were here to sho paw support. Theyre using the death of innocent israeli civilians, innocent jewinnoces. I mean, theyre using these atrocities as a way to legitimize movement. Angela theyre using the atrocities as a wayment. To legitimize their movement. Students could not be more wrong. They are cheerleading. For terrorism and they are espousing antisemitic hate. It is time for everybody, whether youre on a College Campus or not, to step and challenge that rhetoric wherever and whenever you hear it. These students are theoretically in college to get an education. Well, theyve mis educated, so m its time for them to learn the facts. History. Yeah. A fox article says here about Wellesle Sayy in an email last week to students who live at munger hall Residence Hall leader s condemned israel for the action it has taken against hamas. It insisted thert hamas. E shoulo space, no consideration, and no support for zionism within the Wellesley College community. When people tell you who they are, you really should listen. Angela, i got 15 seconds fovr you. Exactly. College campuses are the birthplace ares of safe spaces and trigger warnings. And the people who say silence is violence. Well, there is real and horrific violence being carried out against innocent. And so many students are willing to celebrate it and so man y College Leadersnothin are willing to sit on their hands and do nothing. This is a watershed moment in American Education that should really be reckoning for what students are and are not being taught. In angela morabito, great to have you on. Thank you. Than mk you. Jerusa well, minutes away from the sunrise here in jerusalem in in gazaoperations escalate. Coming up, final thoughts from oue day 22 ofwl thou israels war on. Hamas. We plan to offer retirement, but i wish we had more cash. 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K and i think looking some of these stories in moments of conflict, especially when were in other place ess likee ukraine, when we when we see con countries in conflicflt having these people who step up doctors, dentists, were not whed to seeings o art bodies, by do what they can to help their communities, to helpatn ts their countries. Its remarkable to see that strength when again s rem n many are grieving and continue to do so. Lucas tomlinsond , the parallels of urban combat. Right now, trace is not t clear if The Hundreds Of Mechanizehed Israeli Forces that went into gaza are still there, or whether theyve or compl out. Yeah. Steve harrigan the unusual Battlee Field is is your topic thats right, trace. I think its unusual that not only the enemy combatantenems le gaza, but the civilians as well. Civilia aand i think this realy presents an extraordinary challenge for the Israel Naryiit Military and might in the end limit the time they have to carry t their operations. Yeah, Jennifer Griffin, who benefits now from the actions of iran and hamas . Well, trace, its a good question. Its important to look at Who Benefitsd Qu Importa right now m the actions of iran and hamas. Its not the palestinians, its not tehran. Its someone who were not talking about every hour on the news right now. Russia n president vladimir putin, whos very happy. No one is talking about ukraine right now trace. Yeah. Jonathan hunt. Abrainh. Tougg youre talking about battle in gaza. Yeah. And interesting to note the preparatioresting note thne going on now. Clearly the Israeli Military steppingy the is up its preparations for what will be a full Ground Invasion. Israeli officials also stepping up the preparations of ther whaw israeli civilians for what will be to come. It is going to be a hard battle. There will bcasualties e israeli. They know that Christina Coleman parents have to worry about violence c, these propalestinian rallies. Yeah,olence its heartbreaki. Its very disturbing. Im im blown away by these College Students who aren showing their support for hamas, this murderou fros groupa its really despicable. Yeah. Your work has beens. You all. Na thank you all for joining final thoughts and thank you for watching. Americas late news fox news at night. Itracr. Gallaghe continuing coverage of breaking news coming up right after the break. Are you tired of that old worn out bath or shower . Now you can have a new one installed in just one day with a new limited time offer from jacuzzi bath remodel. Were waiving all Installation Costs with no interest and no payments for one year. Jacuzzi has been making water feel great for over 65 years, and now you can get a gorgeous custom bathroom model at a price you can afford with no stress and no mess. Ive been trying to get him to remodel that bath years. I called and they didnt. Just one day and at a price could afford. Every time i stepped over my old tab, i worried i might fall. 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Pick an order everything you need. Slap the label onto the box and its ready to goand get 2. Our cost for shipping like were cut in half just that go to ship station. Com slash tv and get two months free. Israeli troops are on the move here along the gaza. The idf says it is increasing those Ground Operations canons continue to thunder. There are 900 u. S. Tro is a foxm kevin corke in washington. The Israeli Military says its expanding its Ground Operations in gaza with infantry and Armored Vehicles backed by strikes from air and sea. Israel actually entered Northern Gaza overnight and expanded Military Operations in the besieged palestinian enclave. An Idf Spokesperson says forces are still on the ground in gaza. Prior nights, troops have conducted brief incursions before return to israel. Lets bring in chief correspondent Jonathan Hunt, who joins us live from jerusalem with the very latest. Jonathan, good morning. Good morning to you, kevin. And the language is important here. The Israeli Defense forces not saying that a full Ground Invasion is underway, say, but there is a change in the operation quite clearly. And there is a change in the language they have sent in Armored Vehicles. We know that they put out video of those Armored Vehicles going into gaza overnight. Now they are saying that those vehicles, at least some of them, and some of the forces along with them, are staying in gaza. Now, that is a change to what we have seen over the last few days when we have had incursions of israeli troops going in. But they have withdrawn after a number of hours. Now, we dont know when they say they remain in there whether the intent is for these forces that have gone in to remain in there for as long as it takes, or if they are simply in there for a few more hours. We quite simply dont know what this is. And remember, kevin, weve talked all along about the potential for a massive Ground Invasion. Now, what may end up being a massive Ground Invasion could start in these small spurts. Dozens of tanks, for instance, Rolling Into Gaza at one point rather than hundreds. And eventually you build up and you end up at the hundreds of tanks. Et cetera. So we dont know. Israels military leaders know how they want this to play out. They have not told us with very good reason. So we dont know exactly exactly what we will see here. But also know in the last 24 hours, we saw intense, massive airstrikes in Northern Gaza in particular. And we learned from the idf that they carried out Something Like 150 airstrikes against what they called underground targets. Now, those included parts of the extensive Tunnel Network that weve been talking about, the Tunnel Network that hamas has built throughout Northern Gaza in particular underneath gaza city. And then as you go down south, theyve also built an Extensive Network under khan younis further to the south. But it was the northern Tunnel Network that seems to have been targeted in these overnight strikes. They have also been targeting a number of hamas Military Commanders among those that they took out in the last 24 hours was the commander order of what they called hamass aerial operations. Now, this is the guy, according to the Israeli Defense forces, who was organized using paraglider strikes, drone strikes. And youll remember, of course, during the Terrorist Attacks of october 7th, some of the hamas terrorists, any entered israel from gaza using paragliders. So the Israeli Defense forces now saying, kevin, that they have taken out that particular commander now for all. For more on all of this, i want to go to former military Intelligence Officer john jordan. John, thank you for coming back with us in these early hours of the morning. What do you make of this statement . We now have from the idf that they have sent Ground Forces in and for the moment at least, those Ground Forces are staying inside gaza. Gaza. What does that say to you, john . Well, first of all, its a mistake to think that the offensive was ever going to be some sort of desert storm lightning quick, all at once offensive. Instead, what the israelis have planned here is a conditions based offensive, based upon a series of steps. Once theyve achieved certain goals, smaller goals was the neutralizing of certain arms, cash or command and control node based on their intelligence. Then theyll make that next step and then reassess. So theyre not theyre making steps based upon conditions as they see them unfold. So its a flexible plan that is going to roll out based upon the intelligence gathered and the success they have with airstrikes and during these limited ground incursions, each building upon the other jonathan. So, john, weve seen weve seen Shock And Awe certainly from the air in terms of the number of airstrikes. But what youre saying is you dont necessarily get Shock And Awe immediately on the ground. You build and build and build. So eventually we may say, oh, this is a massive Ground Invasion, but it will have built over days or even weeks. Jon, is that correct . Yes, thats exactly right. And theyre doing it with each incremental step they gather new intelligence, new facts. Theyre able to observe the behavior of hamas fighters, understand how well coordinated are they in a certain area, how well armed are they . And then they have a menu of options which they select. The next step. So what in your view, will be The Next Step . Does it just is it simply a question of a greater and greater force, or are we seeing sort of Reconnaissance Operations here which will lead to more targeted strikes . And then they move in behind those targeted strikes, john. Well all of these things are happening at once, jonathan. Reconnaissance is happening while theyre while theyre doing these attacks and incursions in real time. Its the warfare now happens a lot faster. The cycle time is faster. And so what youll see is incremental steps going forward. There may be more incursions from the sea, but the israelis will continue to test gain ground, gather information and then make and then make and then make the next move based upon conditions that they encounter and intelligence that they uncover. Now, what of the us role here, john, will we be with the assets that we have in the region . Are us forces helping in the gathering of intelligence and sharing that with the israelis or, or is the intelligence operation within gaza, do you think, purely the Israeli Defense forces . Is there a us role in intelligence gathering . Well, first of all, its a great question. And the israelis have the best intelligence as to what goes on in gaza. This is a plant. Theyve had to consider this possibility for a long time and have plans on the shelf that theyve continuously updated as they uncover new intelligence, whether its Signal Intelligence or eavesdropping on phone calls, human intelligence, spies and operatives, and constantly updating this plan. The us right now is being very careful to try to avoid being involved in an israeli arab conflict. The administration wants to at least preserve the aearance of being supportive of israel. But not wanting to escalate or being involved directly. So i doubt that a Us Intelligence assets are being used for that reason. And the fact that the israelis are at best positioned to gather their own intelligence in this case. Now, if it moves on to iran, if this goes into lebanon or that becomes a wider war, then Us Intelligence will become more involved out of necessity. Yeah and john, we were just looking at a map showing the positioning of us forces in the region. Jordan, do you think is it your view that if we go to this Ground Invasion, which looks absolutely inevitable, i think we would all agree. Do you think that inevitably sparks a region wide conflict . Iran would appear not to be backing away from a region wide conflict. If anything, fanning the flames is because it seems that they have calculated that that is in their interest to tie not just israel, but the us and many more nations up in in a regional conflict. So is it inevitable . Well, it depends upon the iranians perception of this of the Us Administration is willingness to impose costs, whether its the political 180 degree turn to reinstitute the trump era sanctions or potentially a strike on some of the Oil Terminals in the strait of hormuz, that iran has upon which their economy is so depends. But it all depends upon iranian perception of americas americas willingness to take risks, because thats deterrence requires not only the perception that you have force, that you are willing to take risks in using it. That is the game theory dimension of deterrence, which is which is so crucial here. So if the iranians believe that we will not do anything, they will become bolder. If they believe there will be serious costs, they may they may hang out hamas to dry. And thats the real issue, is will they hang out hamas to dry or not. So talking of action from the us and deterrence action, john, first of all, there is the array of us assets in the region and then those assets have been used. We saw f15 and f16 fighters, for instance, carrying out those strikes against what were told were ammunition Storage Facilities in eastern syria. Is that enough of a deterrence or is it going to have to step up a long way from that kind of isolated Strike Problem . Ably not enough . Jennifer griffin had some fantastic reporting from the pentagon earlier when she said that the pentagon had told her or her sources had told her that the United States had made sure that there were no iranian Republican Guard personnel. There before that strike, those strikes happened. Now that those two airplanes, basically, they just moved some rocks around in the desert, the idea of sending a message. But the fact that there was great pains made to not injure or risk injury to iranian irgc personnel communicates very loudly to the iranians that so far the us is not willing to. The iranians have no reason to believe the us will use force in such a way that the us incurs risks of escalation and that undermines the very nature of deterrence. Hmm. Interesting. And then on the diplomatic level, john, we saw thanks to in large part to brett baiers excellent interviews with the saudi crown prince, we got the information about the progress that was being made in talks between normalizing relations to some extent, at least between saudi arabia and israel. It would appear that that is at least put on pause for quite some time. If this develops further into a much wider war, you get all of the pressure that will be on so many key arab nations diplomatically. Theres a lot of dominoes that could fall here as well. Well, you just hit the nail on the head there, jonathan. The other dimension to this war is the Public Relations or informal war component. And that is the battle for the opinions, Hearts And Minds and attitude of the general public of so many of these arab countries. Yes. The leadership of saudi arabia and some of these other countries and many people in them will recognize the existential threat that iran poses, poses to them. But at the same time, they have domestic Political Sentiment at home to worry about. To the extent that iran can leverage hamas to undermine the ability of these other arab governments to make peace with with with israel, that that that that undermines the emergence of a bloc that could is a threat to iranian iran becoming a hegemon in the region. So thats a big part of why iran is doing this, is to prevent that, because iran sees itself wants to become the great power in the region and just cannot handle the is cannot, doesnt want to deal with the fact that the Abraham Accords happened and that saudi arabia and israel and some of the more Powerful Arab States could make peace with israel. Thats an existential threat to the Iranian Regime and their ambitions. Yeah, absolutely. And john, before i let you go and we really thank you for your for your time this morning , the bringing it back to what is happening in gaza now. Weve been showing the video of that column of Armored Vehicles moving into gaza and as we look at a live picture of the gaza the israel gaza border now, but weve seen the pictures of those Armored Vehicles rolling in at some point and in in small doses, its already happening. But at some point, its going to have to happen on a larger scale. Urban warfare for the israeli troops. How difficult a job is it going to be once they are involved really on the ground, street by street building, by building, block by block, fighting with the hamas forces . John yeah, its going to be immensely difficult. But the israelis are doing everything they can to mitigate those costs by by doing this in a very flexible way, by gathering intel as they conduct the offensive rather than charging headlong into these carefully laid ambushes. So what the israelis are doing here is a very is very sophisticated. Some of the weapons that im hearing that theyre using are some are very sophisticated. Also specific types of ammunition that may penetrate a person but not go past that person. Specific types of precision guided munitions for buildings to minimize Collateral Damage to adjacent buildings and the and the real time gathering of intelligence. This is a different type of Urban Warfare. This is going they learned the lessons from fallujah and a lot of these and a lot of their own previous experience. So this is going to unfold differently than what the media is largely expecting. There is no requirement that it become this Giant Conflagration all at once. Theres nothing stopping from the israelis from doing this patiently and carefully and in a very sophisticated way that we havent seen before. Yeah, i think its something we are all learning as we go. John that, you know, when they talked about destroying hamas, we all assume, those of us with without the military, we backed the military education. We all assume youre going to see this huge wave of tanks going in after air strikes, air strikes ahead of them. Its cetera. But thats not that doesnt appear to be your saying the way that this necessarily works, the Israeli Defense forces much more sophisticated than they were a few years ago, obviously. And as you rightly point out, i think militaries around the world have learned the lessons of fallujah in iraq. I was there then when that became such a hotbed and then also mosul. Theres a lot of lessons that have been learned. And all of them, it seems, are going to be applied by the Israeli Defense forces in this conflict. Do you think, john . Yes absolutely. And i would add that in addition to the institutional, the experiential learning, the technology has changed. So i would look for this to basically what were seeing right now, and obviously anything can change anything can happen is to see a continuation of this more patient strategy. Another part of this is israel is hoping that they may get the side benefit, the off chance that the that hamas becomes unpopular with a lot of the palestinian population, not that the palestinian population will ever side with israel because they never will. But you might see internal divisions inside of gaza and this more Patient Pressure Approach is not only more efficient in terms of saving Israeli Soldiers lives, it may accelerate the whole thing by exacerbate dating some existing divisions inside of gaza. John, your analysis is so fascinating and so valuable to us. We thank you very much for being with us. At 515 in the morning, east coast time, 12 15 p. M. Saturday here here in jerusalem, kevin, there is certainly a lot developing right now with this revelation from the idf that for the first time they are leaving some of the Ground Forces that have entered gaza in there. Its not an incursion and a retreat back to the israeli side of the border. On this occasion, it appears that these forces, according to the idf, are staying there. They are not a massive number of forces, but it is significant, kevin, that they have given the order this time for those forces to stay inside gaza. We wait to see if that means theyre going to be in there for a few hours. Kevin or whether this may be the beginning of a much wider Ground Invasion and whether those forces will build and build over the coming hours and days. Kevin trip. Mendous conversation you just wrapped. Up there. Jonathan, in the short time that we have left, though, i wanted to get your sense of what you felt like, the appetite for this was on the ground there in israel and i ask that because and i thought john made a great point. He said, listen, there will be a battle of Hearts And Minds. And im just curious, especially when i read reports here domestically and even globally, that there is, at least on some College Campuses, jonathan, there is some support for the Palestinian People, not necessarily support for hamas making that distinction foreign. What is the mood, what is the feeling there in israel as you see it at this hour . I think the mood in israel, kevin, is very much like it was in the United States after 911. This is a nation and for the vast majority of people, citizens who believe that the time has come for a very radical rethinking of israels approach to hamas and i have not heard anybody in the time that i have been here disagree with Prime Minister netanyahus assessment and the assessment of the Israeli Defense forces that hamas has to be destroyed. It has to be rendered so completely dead, decimated that it cannot reform, cannot take control of gaza and that nothing like the horrible events of. October 7th can ever happen again. It seems to me that the israeli population, leaving aside whatever pro palestinian protests weve seen in the United States, the israeli population stands, as far as i can tell, for four square behind Prime Minister netanyahu in his declaration that hamas must be destroyed. Kevin you made such an outstanding point there. And particular for our domestic audience, when you make the parallel or the comparison and you say imagine nine divided by 11, even on a grander scale, if you want to look at It Numerically and sort of harken back to what the mood was like in the country, you and i both remember very well this groundswell of not just patriotism, but resolute determination to rid the country of the evil. And in this particular case, there is this sense, as you lay it out, that hamas and again, making the distinction between hamas and the Palestinian People, there are families there who are unfortunately going to be caught up in this whole circumstance. But again, that resolute determination to rid the threat that would seem to be the mood there in israel jonathan, as always, we certainly appreciate your time this morning, my friend. Be safe, as of course, i know you will be. And the same goes for you and the rest of your crew. And a reminder, everybody, fox News Coverage of the war in israel between the israelis and hamas continue as jonathan and our entire crew will continue to bring you live reporting. In fact, well be back with you at the top of the hour with more news and updates as it becomes available. In the meantime, im kevin corke here in washingtonm jerusalem. These used cars look the same, but how can you tell which ones the better deal . Bring in dad from sarasota. Hey, dad, this ones broken. Dads are great. But lets say show me the carfax valley. You get the most accurate price on the vehicles accident history. Look for me and stop overpaying. Shop at the all new carfax icon. 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And the idf says this is allgicf part of a strategic effortfo to specifically target ammunition, infrastructure and tunnelnitions the idf also stepping up Ground Operations. A move played ouns a movt with s and by sea in the last day. Day and as these. Continue, wear are seeing a lot of global concern. Athe United Nations General Assembly backed a resolution that is calling an immediate humanitarian truce. And that resolutiogen does notst hold any legality, but it does hold a lot of international weight. Now, here in tel aviv, a Rocket Strike fro lotm, gaza made a dia hit on an apartment building, injuring mad three people. In three weeks of the war. The country is still those killed in the october 7th attacks. And yesterday we visited mournie some of those victims who are still in a mobile morgueom. The bodies are being kept in these refrigerated trailers and forensic analysts are working around the clock for the laste bodies days. But the problem is so many of these victims in these trailers were tortured. So there is little dna evidence to go off of. Unfortunately, so many of the bodies arriving here , we werent able to physically even try and pry them open. Why is that . Many of them were burnt, severely burnt. And if we try to move them, theyll just crumble. And forensic analysts say that so far theyve managed identify about 800 bodies or body, but still hundreds of people remain unidentified t this point. Trace the heart rending task. Hi tracealex thank you. We spent time in jerusalem with the family of 23 year oldrl Hirsch Goldberg poland, taken hostage by hamas Back Ongoldbe October 7th during the attack. Hirsch was hit by a grenade. He losrgack he ht of his right. His friend was killed. Hirsch was able to put a tourniquet on his arm. We know that much. And then video shows o him being put into a hamas truck and driven to gaza. That was 22 days ago. And his parents have Heard T Nos A Word since. Watch. Since 9 a. M. On saturday morning, october 7th, when we know that our son was taken and critically woundedknow. We v and weve subsequently seen a video of it. We know nothin ag. And thats got to be thats got to be the hardest part. Yeah, the hardest part par is knowing that our son experienced a really awful, traumatic experience, saw lots of people killed, including very close friend. Thats really the most awful. And that hes now critically wounde now hesd. But certainly the lacke of informationlack is. R th what is your thought on your you posiand, him being in this position . Look, i say throughout. The day if he got the treatment he needed, i think he can i be strong. He can survive. And throughout the day, my mantriva is, we love you, be strong, survive. We love you, be strong, survive. And the other night, when we were in new york and, i couldnt sleep. I mean, sleep is like, i dont even know what sleep is. Thats so long since weve really slept. I was upuldnt. It was the middle of the night, you know, i was trying so hard to go to sleep, and i said, i doing the mantra of be strong, survive, be strong, sle and i was talkingnd i to him. And all of a sudden it occurred to me that i was talking to me occurr and im talking to us, too. Edand thats what we can do, i is just keep praying that he p somehow his parents callings pa to him, be strong, survive,rviv be strong, survive. And you dont know. Rachaee. L goldberg went and spokespok at the United Nations last week in new. N new she flew there because she t wanted to get the word out about her son. The reason that she wantedhe to get the word out, chris mitchell, is because she hasnt heard anything. I mean, these can you imagine being a parent and youre your son is missing. Heldrd captive and you have no concept of where he might be what condition he might be in you. Its it is psychological, devastating. You know, you trace the other day i talkedgica to ri and he said in the talmud, the jewish teachings, they say that is the worst anguishats that anyone can have is when their their loved one is taken hostage. They dont know where they are. They dont kno hostagew condition they are. You know, hirsch was was wounded. Know so we dont know what kindca of medical attention hes received. And were talking about hostages, the way fromd ta Holocaust Survivors to babies. And so all these parentslk we ss some of the other night, its something called the global day of prayer for the hostages and the missing. And we talked to many of themndw and the anguish is just the same as the goldbergs. And theyre theyre saying, you know, negotiations are going on, diplomacy is going on, but theyre d were saying, lets pray to god and pray for a miracle. What amazes me is, you know, we talk about the number of hostages. There are 229 now. F four have been released. The numbers just moving. Im not quite sure why that is. Maybe its because they just donse they t have the informat. But what kind of amazes meat is that there are 40 countries involved in this crisis, 40 Different Countries who all want over how this is handled. H and yet none of thesow te counts ,qatar is doing negotiations. Has anybody been proof of life in any of these scenarios . Yeah, i dont think anyone has t the four that have been released. Right. And right now i was talking to a special forceheeleased. S gy the other day and he said one of the most the hardest Military Operation s is to get a hostage released. And when you multiply that overy 229 times, yeah, understanding t 22the conditions right now and with israel going in more and more on the ground in gaza ,its going to be extremely difficult to find these and rescue them. I wonder if because the hopean was when they released two and they released two more people thought well maybe hamasw trying to buy some time here. Maybe, you know, maybe they cany they canbe release them, you know, in dribs and drabs and then looks like israel is going in. So it looks like that window may be at least very closing. O does that take a lot of hope away from a lo slowlt these peo . It does to a certain degree. And as jonathan was saying in a previous segment, you know, part of the strategy of hamasma is to take these hostagesages and in exchange to get Prisoners Released i, gilad shalit was was taken in forfo five years. They negotiated his release and he took over a thousand prisoners. I think that was part of hamass strategs y. But i dont think its necessarily going to work this time becaus e of happened i on october seven. I want to play this sound bite. This is whatto sound a son of oe ho the hostages had to say about his deadst. I believe the Ground Invasion will lower our chances to see hostages because the minute they start the Ground Invasion, it be a proof for me that itsts more important for israel to go on a vengeance way. But we have interviewed some other families, chris, who say, you know, i dont know, im torn. Im dont know if we should waiti dont we shoul or i dontn should be proactive and go in and get theseand get people. Yeah, i think thats the same question. Israeli leaders and military leader lears and s have been asm the very beginning. They want to defeat hamas. They have to g o in. I on the other hand, they want to rescue these hostages sndo i that is the question theyve been weighing all the way through. This is as hostagesthe quest, four days ago was like one of the one with a top topic. As as time goes on, do they do they kind of to lose sight s of this hostagige mess that wenk have on our hands . I think whats going to happen as they go in further haey g is thats goingfocu to be the focus. And then hopefully during that militars pefully y, as it s to expand throughout gaza, the hope is the prayer is thatl they can release and find some of these hostages. Anbut hamass strategy is to hie them, put them in secret the locations, likely in thes we hav tunnels that weve been talking about throughout the show. The goldberg polling family is in agony and you can see why. Its just the unknow isn is really damag what is so damaging them, of course. Michele, great to have you on, as always. Thanink you. Well, coming up, College Campuses divided over the war, sparking walkouts and violence. H and what if i told you that we are keeping track of the trlleges holding antiisrael protests and that numberac is nw well past 50 . Well show you those schoolswe nextsh. Its time for a new shower. But you dont want the hassle. You just want it done. Re bath from start to stunning. 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The man suspected of walking into a Bowling Alley and openinof int g fire, then walking into a pool hall and again opening fire has nowool hall apy shot himself. 40yearold robert card, accused of killing 18, was found dead tonight in lisbon, maine. D g 18 fouhe was found near a recg plant where he once worked and apparently was recentle y card, who investigators say killed all thosegators people, a suicide note. And then at 7 45 p. M. Eastern time, his body was found with a selfinflicted gunshot wound. Its unclear how long card may have been dead. And we also know what kind of terrain the body was found in. Longwe will have updates as we get them. Meantime, lets brin kind terrgl sergeant jon karpinski, former Swat Team Member john, its great of you to help us out here. Are you surprised that that his body was found so closeso co to the search area . And again, in deference we dont know the terrain was that he was found in . O yeah, i mean, these are the things that we dont know. So we have got to wait a little more information. But i know they had dogs out there. At you we we would expect that, you know, you might find him a little. But you have to understand these types of searches encompass one, two, three towns. We had officers from towns. Ov the country. They had three, three different states there. So manpower wao manps tough fort large amount of area that they had to search. Sof area t you expect that that coulda be a problem . We dont really know how closepb e they were to that area. Yeah, i mean, i think thats a Fair Assessmentot t. I guess my my my thing is probably the timing here, too, john because, you know, we thought when you found the car that he was either t a boat and gone or he had carjacked somebody, stolen a car had wasit gone. He really never it appears beeneally never left the never. And it was i mean, he couldd have been dead for the part of 48 hours. Yes. I mean, thats very possible. Again, its unknown hav they havent released those details, but i would suspectgh, based on everything ive seen in investigating some of these in the pasg somet that that was probably more immediate then later. Oint yeah, thats a good point. You know, i go back to the original where you have this guy who literally self reports that hes having these mental visions of killing people to the military and they have a yellow flag law in maine, but not a red flag law. But the yellow flag law says that Law Enforcement needay to take away their weapons. Im not pointing fingers here, john, but at some point this in time, you have to think this guy, you know, this guy might have fallen the cracksgut have a little bit. Well, all of the things that theyve released and ive looked at so far mean it does. He was institutionalized generally. H of fl thats enough of a flag to to take care of that. Ago takebut dont know where yo were the authorities notified. None of that is come out now. This is going to be the final phase in whats going to happen now. Nothese things happen in three phases. You have the initial response. Then you have a tactical phase looking for a resolution. In this case, the suspect provided. His own resolution. But now youre going to have these detectives, an investigator. Theyre going to do the investigation looking into all of these thingto allheses, e theres a lot of things that were done just because this suspect t expired, this caseose. Doesnt close. Theyre going to just start now and they have to look at things. What was his motive for doing this . Hisand in do all the research that helps prevent some of these in the future. And we also want to know whereot the breakdown was here so that it doesnt happen again. Yeah, and ive got about 20 seconds left for a job, but i want to know he left a suicide note. Is, in your experience, somebody who leaves a suicidexpe note usually follow through with that . Yes, i would say 99 of thee we times, if we have a note, woulknow, we would have a body. Its pretty common. Its not the exception to the rule , but the rule. E rule so that would sound about right. Yeah. Jack pinsky, great to have you on. Thank you, sir trace . Thank thank you. T so its amazing becausrae you sg the violence out at tulaneut at university protests. Well, we have now figured outute and done the math. Ther me are 50 plus colleges where they have had anti israel protests. Christina coleman is live for us in los angeles with mor e on this story. Christina, whats going on here . Hi, trace a lot. You know, it got very violent at a propalestinian rally in new orleansin, Tulane University. Take a look at this. Witnesses say a supporter triede to light the National Flag of israel on fire, sparking a fight in this big crowd. The propalestinian protesters were also seen carrying bannerns that read from the river to the sea. Be fstine will be freestinia. Its rhetoric that effectively calls for the state of israel to ceasee exist. As you can see, many c proisraeli counter protestersaa at that rally. The president of tulane called the violence seriou slenc and deeply troubling. The antidefamation league, or adl says on wednesday, students at more thanam 100 colleges nationwidation e su walkouts, demanding an end to u. S. Aid to israel. The u. S. Government, who is complicit with theouts, the Palestinian People to not only call for a ceasise fire, to stop the funding of the Israeli Occupying coloniesil state. The adl says some of thoseisl students included language that explicitly condoned or praised hamass actions. That murderous group that killed more than 1400 people in israel with their surprise attac atk. Many jewish students now say theyre worried about their safetyy jewish s. Worrie these actd s of antisemitism are just getting more, more extreme. It doesnt feel like were in america in 2023 anymore. It feels like were in 1939. Ar nazi germany. Take yeah, take a look at that. That banging glass took placen at cooper union in new york. The adl says anti protesterss notice jewish students in the colleges student and started slammingare on the glass while chanting palestine. The jewish students stayed inside. They said they fel palestine. T and vulnerable. Nypd assisted squirting them and escorting them out of the library safely. Many campuses now beefing up security nationwide in response to this violent rhetoric. And all of these protests tracre. There will clearly be more, though. Christina coleman live for us in los angeles christina,les thank you. Well, the sun, as you can see, th, day 22 ofrusalem the war as Ground Operations in gaza escalate. Up next, well have some final thoughts from some of the best correspondents in the world. They belong to uong tos. Were going to put them all together and get all together and get their final thoughts next next. 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So we were hearing food, water, a lot of resources that simply they do not have at this point. This is a a clear humanitarian make it a little bit for more complicated for the u. S. , especially since the white house trachee says therethere are still several hundred americans there in gaza as welal. Lucas tomlinson its taken a minute for the uss eisenhowe r i get in region. Thats right, tracy. Still in the atlantic. Some of her escorts just the azores, the uss philippine sea, just completed a port calll and rota, spain. So were looking for the Eisenhower Strike Group to make her way intod a l in the mediterranean and eventually through the suez and get on positioe eisen get o station in the middle east. Yeah. Steve harrigan probably hae t. Se topic one how to win an urban war, Urban Warfare. Are. Whats your advice . Trace i tried to think of if atd seen an urban war where the attacker one i could think of just one that would be russia in grozny in chechnya. And the problem is it took them ten years and byy an the accordg to the un, the city of grozny yearthe most destroyed on earth. Trace yeah, that is a very true thing. Jonathan hunt, to you. The fate of the hostagesd once the ground war starts, and that is on the mind of at least 229 families and the hostages right now to hamas are worth has much more alive than they are dead. But if when that Ground Invasion begins, trace, it changes the dynamic of everything. It is terrifying timesverythingr the families of those hostages. Its only going to become more terrifying and still, wea should point out again that there has been no proof of life givece pout again to ano families from 40 Different Countries. Christina coleman, your heart h goes out to those who lost loved ones in the main shootingn. Thats right. Es for, as you know, 18 killed, 13 injured and just lots8 of prayers to the families of the victimski. Those survivors, they have a long road ahead of them, a lot of traum d a, justhead absolutely horrible. Yeah, it really is horribledt. If you didnt hear the breaking news, the shooter, the suspecteeaking d shooter wad dead of a selfinflicted gunshot wound. Foun been here all week covering the war. I am heading back to the west coast. Hot woun i see you back on fox news at night in los angeles on monday. Our war correspondents will take very good care of you. Well sex news night in los a. Again, im Trace Gallagher in jerusalem. Goodnight. He hits his mark center stage and is crushed by a stage and is crushed by a baby grand youre replacing me. Customize and save with liberty. Liberty . He doesnt even have a mustache. Only pay for w. Every day is every day, every day, every every. R legacy weve come from a long line of cowboys. When i see all of us out here on this ranch, i how far ourhe r legacy can go with thyroid eyen. Disease. 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