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In addition to fox news at night that encompasses all Breaking News we are live in jerusalem covering the ongoing war in israel and we will continue to do so. Right now there is significant Breaking News in the United States. There has been a Mass Shooting in lewiston, maine. That is 36 miles north of portland. We are told that at least one maybe two active shooters have targeted three separate locations in lewiston including a Walmart Distribution Center, a local bar and a third location that has not yet been identified. We are told, remember, this is the early going. These numbers may change. A lot of numbers when you are talking about shootings. They change. You can see at the bottom of the screen we are told that at least 22 people have been shot and killed. There are dozens more reportedly injured. The number we are hearing right now is 30 and its possible that one suspect might be in custody. We dont know that because they are putting out pictures now of a potential suspect. Someone carrying a gun. We also have not identified the third location. We can tell you that lewiston, 36 miles away from portland, as we said, is very much a bluecollar town. Home to bates college, roughly 1800 or 1900 students. But lewiston is really very much a bluecollar town. I want to bring in bill melugin who is live with the very latest on this. Bill, tell me what you are hearing about the details of the shooter. Reporter trace, i can tell you we are listening in on the Police Scanners. Right now what it appears they are doing is looking for a white vehicle that they have put photos out of. I dont know if we have those photos in just yet. Once we knew we can splash them on the screen. The Lewiston Police department a short time ago on facebook put out photos of what appears to be a white subaru outback. They asked the public if anybody knows anything about this vehicle, please call or email and reach out to us. Potentially because it may belong to this man here. This is the gunman that the Sheriffs Department put surveillance photos out of earlier this evening. He is walking in with some type of a rifle. Walking into what appears to be a Bowling Alley in some of the other photos you can see Bowling Balls and pins on the door. Apparently some halloween decorations. Some of the Cotton Spiderweb on the door. When the Sheriffs Department put these images out they were responding to, quote, two active Shooter Events. We dont know if that meant two shooters or two locations. We have since confirmed from Law Enforcement shooters there were shootings at multiple locations as you mentioned a bar, a Walmart Distribution Center and an unknown third location. I am being told we have photos of the car. This is what the Lewiston Police department put out a short time ago. This is a vehicle of interest that we have been listening in on the scanners. They have been looking for this vehicle and asking for the public to contact them if they have any information on it whatsoever. Pointing out that the front bumper of this vehicle may be painted black. We know that the Central Maine Medical Center, one of the hospitals in town, posted that they are, quote, responding to a mass casualty, mass Shooter Event. I am just getting an update now that Central Maine Medical Center is no longer taking any more patients now. That would go to the cause of there being so many potential patient flaps. Law enforcement sources telling Jacqui Heinrich at least 22 people are dead and around 30 people are injured at least right now. The latest update we are getting, Central Maine Medical Center in maine Near Lewiston is not taking anymore patients. What we know now, there is a manhunt underway. The Sheriffs Department and the Police Department urging locals to lock their doors, shelter in place. We have no updates from Law Enforcement about anybody being in custody right now. There have been some scattered reports that potentially somebody is in custody. We have not heard that from Law Enforcement. Those are the folks we are waiting for the update on now. As long as they tell people to stay in place there is some potential threat going on in that town. We advise people to listen to Law Enforcement. The governor of maine advising locals to do the same. She has been briefed. Governor janet mills of maine is aware of the situation and has been briefed and is telling folks to listen to their local Law Enforcement. I think the headline right now, police have put out images of the vehicle they are looking for. We have no confirmation that anybody is in custody. They put these photos out about 30 to 45 minutes ago showing a lone gunman walking into what appeared a Bowling Alley armed with a rifle. We dont have confirmation that this car is tied to the gunman in that photo. However, i think its safe to say this is a vehicle of interest. They are looking for it and asking for the public to give any information. They posted this on the Police Facebook page. I was reading through the comments, the locals in lewiston are engaged in helping with police. Some people say they saw it down by a river earlier. They believe they saw it parked somewhere. You will have the locals working handinhand with Law Enforcement to get the tips in and help the officers find the vehicle and see if its potentially tied to the suspect. You can see these are obviously Surveillance Images we are getting from what appears to be inside a Bowling Alley. We dont know where this image is coming from, but police are going through security footage. Any photos they have to get this information out to the public as fast as possible. We can tell you the trend Maine State Police is taking the lead in this investigation. However Law Enforcement sources tell fox the fbi is unseen and is responding and is going to be assisting with this investigation. Trace, the atf will be responding as well once they get the hands on the gun. They will run an Emergency Trace on it. Back to you. Bill, standby. We are getting information from some of the locals. This picture you are looking up, keep it on the screen, bill is right. We said there was an on identified third location. Now we are being told, by the way, from walmart, that this did not happen. We said first because the reports from police came in that it happened. The first scene was a Walmart Distribution Center. Now walmart is saying there was no shooting that happened on their property. We are unclear if that is an indication the shooting might have happened close to the property, near the property. Walmart is saying it did not happen on the property. The initial report was the shooter reportedly the man you are looking at here walked into some kind of Distribution Center, some kind of business and opened fire. Then went to the second location which as bill mentioned appears to be a Bowling Alley. The local News Stations in lewiston and portland are reporting the second location was in fact a Bowling Alley. And the third location was a bar or as they are specifying a pool hall. There are three separate locations. It is unclear where the majority of the victims are. Were they in the Bowling Alley . Were they in the pool hall . What happened at this apparent number one location. That is a big key. The other concern is were there more than one suspect . Police are now telling everybody to shelter in place. There were reports they had a suspect in custody. If that was the case and it was only one shooter the shelter in plays order would have been let down. It remains, which gives us an indication that they at least believe they are looking for Somebody Else or they are definitely looking for Somebody Else. I want to bring in former fbi special agent Nicole Parker. Shes a Fox News Contributor and former d. C. Homicide detective and bring in Homicide Detective ted williams, a lawyer and everything investigator. Thank you for coming on. Nicole, you first. We find these three different locations. You have a shooter go in with a highpowered rifle. We have 22 confirmed dead from police and as many as 30 wounded. Thats a lot of bullet shots in a short amount of time. Its absolutely tragic. This is a very complex crime scene for Law Enforcement. Your talking multiple crime scenes all at wants. Is one of the guests in the previous segment talked about, the Law Enforcement is highly trained for this. Its called alert training. Law enforcement officers are taught to go towards the gun fire. Whether you have a block or a pistol or handgun few go up against the rifle and you go in and save lives. I think it so important that the media, you are instrumental in helping to solve these cases for Law Enforcement. I cannot tell you how important it is for the media to report on this. If the subject is still on the loose, which we understand he maybe. Continue to show the picture. Someone in the Viewing Audience knows who this person is and needs to be out in the media. If you know who this individual is, you need to contact 911 immediately and provide any and all tips to Law Enforcement right now. If the subject or subjects are on the loose, the Law Enforcement needs the public and the community to continue to put out those pictures as much as possible. That is critical in finding who this individual was. If you would stand by nicole. Before i get to ted i want to play some sound. Here are some of the witnesses who were in and around those areas. Watch this. Thank god my son has technology where he has a smart phone. He has got the scanner and he is following it all. So i have had all my friends on the phone with me to make sure they are safe. I told them to lock your doors, lock your windows. You dont know what this person is capable of. I know its early, ted, but when you look at the early going and look at three different buildings, three different locations, what do you make of this . Does this sound like a spot to spot to spot targeted shooting or Something Else random . What is your take on this . Trace, we really dont know. I can tell you in each one of these scenes there will be physical evidence that Law Enforcement will have picked up like cartridges, bullet cartridges. They are trying to make a decision as to whether to have one or more shooter. In some cases we understand Law Enforcement are going to come to the cameras and give us more information. But as nicole said earlier, one of the things we want to do is to shelter in place. Anybody that has seen anything to contact Law Enforcement right away and provide that information to them. This is such a tragedy. When you look at the fact we are talking about from what we know 22 individuals who are dead and possibly up to 50 individuals that are injured. With what the good thing about it is they have a photo of the guy. They have a long rifle. Again, we dont know if he operated by himself or with others. But they are also looking for a vehicle. This is where the public can become engaged and can help. If they know of a white vehicle or a Station Wagon there with black bumpers on it, they should immediately call Law Enforcement to let them know about that suspected car. Thats good advice. I want to go back to you. We can see on the side of the screen one of the locals in lewiston, maine is waiting. Their waiting for a News Conference waiting to be held. In your assessment, is it early in your indication of a News Conference to be held . Ive covered dozens, maybe hundreds of shootings. The News Conferences are always a little bit later after some of the things have calmed down. Most notably after a suspect is in custody for they are held when a suspect is not in custody and they need help and they need help fast. What is your take . Thats right. It could be a number of reasons they are holding it. This is good. You want to have the Press Conference as quickly as possible. When there is an active Shooter Event and a tragedy such as this, there are all Hands On Deck. There are multiple Law Enforcement agencies locally and federally. Everyone has a different role and responsibility. You have individuals going towards the gunfire. They are trying to save lives. I always say you stop the killing first and then stop the dying. That is the first responsibility. That is going on in one scene. I have responded to multiple active shooters. You have people responding to the actual crime scene and then you have those that their responsibility is to set up a command post and create a communication center. Its important for the community to be involved as quickly as possible. Thats another responsibility of a group of individuals. What you will see next is the Press Conference. You and the Community Members can be informed so you know what you can do to help. And also to let you know to continue to shelter in place. Stay in a safe location and followup Law Enforcement tells you. The way that communication occurs is through this Press Conference. Until you hear anything, you shelter in place and stay where you are and stay calm. We will go back as soon as we find out more information about a News Conference and put that block down there that had an interesting reporter in there. Some interest on when this Press Conference and News Conference might happen. That will give us a great deal of information about what is going on. You can see the posture of the Police Officers. This was an all Hands On Deck scene. There is is an abundance of Police Officers that came from apparently towns all over, maybe as far as portland which is 36 miles away. We want to clarify something we said at the top. Walmart made a very specific plea saying this did not happen on our property. We were saying because the initial report said earlier that this was in fact happening on a Walmart Distribution Center. Then it went on to a pool hall and a Bowling Alley or Bowling Alley and pool hall. The number is not clear. When you are talking about three different venues and a number of people. 22 dead, we are hearing 30, 40 or 50 may have been wounded. Thats a lot of people. If it wasnt some type of Distribution Center to begin with it was at least a place where there were a lot of people. You are absolutely right, trace. It was certainly a place where there were multiple amount of people congregating. And certainly unfortunate, those people were a target under the circumstance. I dont know if it was a Distribution Center. We do know that there was a bar and we do know there was a third location. At each and every one of those locations are crime scenes. You have Law Enforcement officers that are processing those scenes as we speak. They are at all of the cameras that they can come across in that area, trace. To try to make a determination if they can find or see photos of that car or photos of the main suspect that we have seen with the long rifle. Thats very instrumental. They are probably going that photo up as best they can to see if they can get the Public Policy help so the public can get engaged in this horrific incident that has taken place. And to help Law Enforcement to bring this one individual that is known at this time to justice and make a determination as i said earlier as to whether there are more than one individuals involved. I can tell you at this stage, i am sure that Law Enforcement officers know as to whether there is more than one individual involved. And perhaps, trace, at the Press Conference we will learn something. You are right, trace. Normally win there is a Press Conference, that happens after the person is neutralized or it happens when Law Enforcement is trying to get information out to the public. We dont know which one of the situations. Hopefully we will learn something very soon. Hopefully we will, ted. Thank you and standby. I want to point out we keep seeing these pictures. We should note that we talked about lewiston, maine. It is central maine hospital that bill melugin was talking about earlier. That is the primary hospital that these wounded people would be taken to. Its a level 2 Trauma Center. Its a highcaliber Trauma Center which is very good news for those who might be wounded in some capacity. We have found in our experience when you have a level 2, level 1 Trauma Center in the area, that the outcomes are much better. Sometimes these smaller areas like lewiston dont have these big topnotch Trauma Centers. Apparently this one does. That at least bodes well for the people who have been taken there. We are told that a number of people have been taken there. If you are just joining us, you can see at the right hand top of the screen, lewiston, maine. We are now being told there was a shooter, at least one shooter. It might have been two. There might be one of two in custody and there might not be. We have gotten no information of from police at this point. We can tell you they are at least scheduling a News Conference. We do not know at what point the News Conference will happen. There are 22 people that police say are confirmed to have been killed in this shooting that had three different locations. You can see on the lefthand side of the screen at least 30 wounded. That number could rise. All of these numbers could rise. You go back to the most lethal shooting in history in las vegas and you look at these numbers in the bottom of your screen. We could be looking at one of the most lethal shootings in american history. I want to bring in david. The fbi is assisting Maine State Police in this. David is our doj correspondent with more information on this. David, what are you hearing about the investigation and what is going on . I spoke to a Senior Source in the department of justice which oversees the fbi. Attorney general Merrick Garland has been briefed. Christopher wray has been briefed. I just got a statement. If the fbi Boston Office that is handling this, the Satellite Office that is working with the local offices in maine. At this point we know that its the Maine State Police and the Lewiston Police that are handling this investigation. A senior Law Enforcement source told me to be very careful with the numbers of those deceased and those injured because those can fluctuate. We want to get the best information from the authorities when we hear from them on camera. Those are the people on the scene at the Lewiston Police department and the Maine State Police. Generally, the fbi has their Evidence Response Team there. There are swat teams working together to try to not only help the victims, but most importantly get this suspect to make sure that the suspect is not harming anyone else. Again, as you noted, their worst initial reports that there may be more than one suspect. At this point it is not clear. Obviously authorities are looking for the person in that picture that we see right there, which my sources is believed to be a Bowling Alley. We know a Bowling Alley is involved as one of the locations. That is where we are right now with the fbi. They are on scene assisting. Any other information we will pass along. The source was adamant to be careful about those numbers because those numbers often fluctuate. Trace . Thats a good point. We have covered a number of shootings. Every time they give us numbers in the early going they definitely change. Sometimes they go lower. Its unexpected. Sometimes the death toll goes lowered. Many times they go higher. The number of wounded always tends to change pretty dramatically at the end of the day. David we will get back to as news breaks. Jump back in if you have information. I want to bring in retired nypd inspector paul morrow with more information on this. Its great to have you on here. As you look at the picture on the screen of the suspect that Police Believe is a suspect in this shooting, you have three locations. We said a Walmart Distribution Center. Walmart has one knocked that down and said it did not happen on our property. It may have happened near the property. We are getting no information from police. And then onto a Bowling Alley or pool hall and then to a Bowling Alley or pool hall. Three locations. What is your take when you hear that this person went from place to place to place . It seems like specific intent. What do you think . I would offer a couple things. First of all, one of the hard facts we seem to have is that a Bowling Alley was involved. I have been to lewiston. Its not a big place. The population is about 35,000 for the entire town. My understanding that is if sits the Bowling Alley in question, it was a bad break. Maybe it was cognizant or maybe not. This was apparently planned. There was an advertisement put out that there were no lanes available because this was a night that the Bowling Leagues all came to the Bowling Alley to have their games. Unfortunately, that probably meant the place was quite crowded. Three Locations Seam to be in the mix. The second one seems to be a bar. The third one seems to be a little bit vague. Let me just jump in if i can. There is some new information coming in that maybe it was only two. We said earlier that walmart came in initially and said it did not happen on our location. The possibility that people are walking this back a little bit. The possibility is that it might have been only two locations meaning the pool hall and the Bowling Alley. They seem like similar locations. As you said its league night at the Bowling Alley. Maybe Something Else going on at the pool hall. The suspect apparently knew that on a wednesday night in the northeast that both of these places would be filled with people. Im sorry, go ahead. Exactly. It looks like there is a decent amount of time between the two locations. Obviously, look, the cops know who he is. I have a name. I will not say it because its not confirmed. If i know that, they know that. They know the car and who it comes back to. What they are doing now as some of your prior guests have alluded to is set up a command post and starting to petition out responsibilities. There are the people that are kinetic going with long guns to try to find this guy. There are also investigators and people doing intelligence work for lack of a better word. They are looking back at this guys passed. One thing they will look at is if he has military training. It looks like he is familiar with that gun. There might be another clip on that gun. It looks like he was quite ready to do what he did. To get that kind of body count, you have to say to yourself, he is certainly familiar with guns. They will look back at his contacts and where you might go now are seek refuge, et cetera. We will do be doing a lot of electronic stuff. Looking at his phone and social media. They will try to scrape where he may be going now. They will also look at a rural area outside lewiston. Maine is a rural state primarily. What they are looking to do is trying to locate the car and look for things like a traffic camera, License Plate Reader and things like that. Try to get the car. Right now the car is key. Im sure there are investigators already talking to associates of his. As ted williams said, the key question now is does he have an accomplice . They will talk to any significant others he has like family. What has his mindset been . What is the motivation . These are all clues what you might be getting next. Right now he is not in custody. A very active situation. Simultaneous with all this there is all kinds of Detective Work going on beneath the surface. You talk about Detective Work going on. Is happening in the public as well. We are getting worried that somebody has called in and spotted somebody who might fit the description of the suspect and might be driving the description of the car the suspect was in on highway 196. I am unclear if that is going away from lewiston are going towards portland. We dont know that. But you look at the different pictures the police are putting out and you can see that the shooter is on a different platform in each picture. These might be pictures of the different venues. He is walking across the crosswalk and one of them in the previous one he is walking across a red carpet. Its interesting that they are putting out different angles and different pictures of this person who went in to two separate places and opened fire. My question to you, paul, you brought up a good point. I want to expound on that. If this guy knew there was a Bowling League at the Bowling Alley and if this guy knew some information about the pool hall and who might have been there, might this person have been targeting a Bowling League or some people in some capacity in a pool league . This might have been a preplanned event and targeting a Certain Group of people . It is certainly preplanned because we know that he obviously kept shooting. He went in, which means he was loaded with plenty of ammunition. He had extra clips and probably had extra guns, handguns on him, et cetera. There was some level of planning. He probably knew since he is probably from the area, that the Bowling Alley was going to be filled with people. One of the things i have learned doing these kinds of things, not only responding in real life but responding on air, is that the first reports that come out of an incident like this the first ones are wrong. These things are breaking fast. We have been through a lot of these. What looked like a walmart location and now we are hearing it is not a walmart location. We have to reserve judgment. The police are on it. You have federal assets now. They will be doing everything they can to look back into this guys life to see where you might be going and talk to people that might give some indication of what his motive is. At the end of the day all of those things might come up empty. A lot of times when you talk to families and say we had no idea. Right now you dont know. Let me just jump in very quickly if i can. You can see a picture of the hospital. We are talking about central maine hospital. One of the local journalists on scene is saying that he is hearing reports about a Security Guard inside the hospital that is now telling people to duck down behind something because there is concern, fears or some knowledge that the suspected shooter be doubling back and going to the hospital trying to get those who are wounded again. Would you find that unusual, all . It seems like in that State Of Mind you would want to flee the scene and not go to a third or possibly fourth scene looking for some victims that you didnt kill in the first place . What that indicates to me is he is on a suicide mission. Hes got to know that the pulp place is swarming with Law Enforcement. I am sure he sees all kinds of police all over the place if he actually goes back to the hospital. That tells me that this guy unfortunately are fortunately is willing to do everything he can to inflict as much damage and make whatever point it is he is making here. Hopefully he is just neutralize before he does anything further. I dont know the nature of the injured. I dont know the people known to him. I dont know if some are Law Enforcement. We dont know if he was engaged. We dont know very much about this. At this point the Press Conference will tell us a lot more. As your prior guests mention, a Press Conference now while he is not apprehended is unusual. The police know who he is. What they want to know is if there is an accomplice and to get the word out. Shelter in place. If you know this guy, dont talk to him and dont open your door to him. Anything that might be helpful to the police get it to them forth with. This is a dangerous individual. Previously, i didnt want to stop you, but when i talked about preplanned i didnt intend to mean the shooting itself. What i was getting at is was this preplanned to go after a Certain Group of people that he knew were going to be bowling . Its a small area. Its not a big city. Its a small bluecollar town or a smallish bluecollar city. The concept of going after somebody, if you knew that soandso Bowling League was here, would you go after that specific Bowling League . Might this turn out to be a targeted shooting on a mass scale . As the old scan goes, love or money. Does he have a gripe again Somebody Specific . Was he at the Bowling Alley looking for somebody and didnt find them and then went to the bar looking for them . Was he doubling back to the hospital because he feels like a couple targets got away . Is it something as pedestrian as a gripe about the Bowling League . God help us. You really hope its not something that is just so lowlevel. But there is no motive that explains this. We will have to wait and see what he is motivated by. That is something that is important. This is a question that the detectives are really asking now to anybody they can. They want to know is he going somewhere else . If he has a particular gripe again somebody and hasnt found that person or if its a group of people, is he going around lewiston or a related area looking for those people . They want to get into his mind as much as they can then find the targets and take this guy out. Here is the tweet from w gme photojournalist. He is saying we are at Central Maine Medical Center in lewiston where an armed Security Guard just advised us to duck down behind the cement wall as he said the shooter may possibly be in the area of the hospital. Again, that might be precautionary, paul. But it might not be. It would be very unusual if that were the case. It really would be. It could be something as simple as somebody saw a car that looked like his car. It could be mistaken identity kind of thing. It went out on the airwaves and everybody is being careful. But it could be. As i said earlier we try to rationalize these things to make them make sense. At the end of the day they never do. Trying to piece together why it happened and how it happened ends up often being a very fruitless escapade. I think that the Press Conference hopefully will tell us more. I think the cops know a lot more right now. The Maine State Police are a capable organization. Unless it turns into a terrorism thing, it will go to the federal level. Assuming it is what it looks like right now, very capable organization. The Maine State Police, i have dealt with them on a couple things. They know what they are doing. They are marshaling all the resources. Im sure there is an executive and command post. He is everyone doing what they need to do to go in the right direction. One thing he did quickly which is a sign of sophistication has got an Information Officer scrambled up to say start putting facts together. We have to tell the camera sooner rather than later and tamp down speculation. Thats a good sign. I want to point your attention to the lower righthand side of the screen. Somebody is at the podium. This is not the News Conference. When that happens we will take you live. There is information being given. They are setting up. That could happen sometime in the next few minutes. That would be very important when it comes to getting information out to the public. Those are mainly local Tv Reporter Setting up their microphones and making sure that they are ready when the News Conference starts. When it starts, we will get back to it. Meantime i want to switch back if i can. We have been notified that the white house has been notified about this. President biden is fully aware of this. We will get to kevin in just moments with an update on the white house reaction. I want to swing back to bill melugin with an update on Scanner Traffic and possible sightings of the suspect. What are you hearing and seeing. We are Hearing Chatter that the Press Conference has likely been pushed back at least 30 minutes. The soonest of will be is 11 00 eastern. It sounds like this is very much an active ongoing manhunt for the suspect. We are listening to the Police Scanner in that area in the other room. We are hearing that there is a situation in lisbon falls which is about 15 minutes to the southeast of the lewiston area. What we are listening to is a Police Helicopter above, a possible sighting of a suspect vehicle, multiple callers calling and saying they potentially saw the vehicle. It sounds like a vehicle that is similar to that description has been found near some sort of boat launch in the area. We can hear the helicopter above telling the Fire Department on the ground to stay back. You are, quote, way too close to the scene. Everything we are listening to right now indicates this is very much an active manhunt. This person is still on the loose. That is likely one of the reasons why we have not had the Press Conference yet. As paul and others have been saying they typically like to have Press Conferences after a suspect is in custody. I can tell you based off listening to the Scanner Traffic, which we have to add with a grain of salt, Scanner Traffic can be wrong and is often wrong when it comes to numbers. That sort of thing. It can give you valuable contacts. You are listening to what police are doing right here, right now. Based off the Scanner Traffic there is a situation going on in the Lisbon Falls Area, about 15 minutes southeast of the lewiston area with a possible sighting of the suspect vehicle. You heard the white house has been notified. Attorney general Merrick Garland has been notified. Alejandro mayorkas has been notified. The federal government across all branches are being notified. Am just getting told by a producer right now there is now a be on the lookout for a second vehicle possibly involved in the Mass Shootings which is being described as a black pickup truck. That is new information now as well, trace. We dont have further details on what kind of pickup truck that is going to be or if it is potentially a second shooter involved. It is all very fluid. We are waiting to get details. Over an our ago when the Sheriffs Department put the photos out of this gunman, they were responding to, quote, two active Shooter Events. We dont know if they meant two different shooters are two different locations. We are still waiting for some new information on that. A producer just handed me a sheet of paper. There is a bolo out for a second vehicle involved which is a black pickup truck with a black cat. Now Law Enforcement is looking for two vehicles. They have got the white vehicle that they have put the photo out of. If you want to splash that on the screen. It appears to be a subaru outback. It is white. Police say it potentially has a blacked out front bumper. The Police Department asking anybody to send them information if they have information on that vehicle. We are listening to an ongoing situation in the Lisbon Falls Area where this is a potential sighting of a suspect vehicle. The Fire Department is being told to stay back. A helicopter is circling. Apparently a new bolo going out for a second vehicle, possibly involved in these Mass Shootings. Being described as a black pickup truck with a black cat. That would be two vehicles of interest that Law Enforcement will be looking for right now. No Press Conference yet. No confirmation that anybody is in custody. We are Hearing Chatter that the Press Conference is likely delayed to a minimum of 11 00 eastern. We are hearing it is the Police Department having the Press Conference. As paul and others half reference, we cover the shootings a lot. They always like to have either of the suspect down or the suspect in custody before they like to give the information to the public and have a Press Conference so they can assure the public there is no longer an active threat going on. Everything we are hearing on our end indicates this is an active manhunt. Shooter has not been in custody. We are refreshing feeds for Law Enforcement every 30 seconds waiting to see if there is any update. So far no confirmation that anybody is in custody. Im getting handed another note that the black pickup truck they are potentially looking for keeps circling. I apologize if i of pronounce this incorrectly. Keep circling this abatis area near lisbon halls with the hazard lights on. It is being considered a possible second suspect. I want to stress this is Scanner Traffic. It is not confirmed. Take what you are hearing with a grain of salt. The Scanner Traffic will often glean some insight into what police are doing right in this moment. Based on what we are listening to it appears there is potentially a second vehicle of interest. Maybe a second suspect they are potentially looking for. This Press Conference has been delayed. We have been watching that live shot for over an our waiting for somebody to come to the podium. It doesnt look like it is close to Getting Started in anyway. We dont see any police or city officials. We will obviously keep an eye on it and wait for someone to come into the frame. The bottom line right now for the better part of two hours, Law Enforcement has been warning folks to stay inside, shelter in place and stay indoors. We dont have any reports of anybody in custody. Based on scanner reports this is very much an active manhunt. Back to. Or an active manhunt for two. I want to bring in former acting dhs secretary chad wolf as we look at this new video coming into us. What do you make of this shooting . What we are hearing now is maybe two locations, a Bowling Alley and a pool hall where this person went in and opened fire. We have 22 dead and at least 30 wounded. That number could rise as the night goes on. It will likely rise as the night goes on. What do you make of this person and now reports that there is some concern that this person might be doubling back to the hospital to go after victims that were not killed in the initial shooting rampage . Thanks for having me on. Its important to let Law Enforcement do their work. As i heard another individual say, a lot of information that we usually hear and see in these incidents usually turns out to be wrong. A lot of people are trying to provide a lot of information to Law Enforcement. Its really important to let them do their work and try not to jump to conclusions. Trying to understand who this individual is and what are his motives behind this. Then of course this is a local and state Law Enforcement issue. Between the white house and the doj, dhs and others, they are there to lend support. What our Law Enforcement resources. They are interested to know if there is any connection to terrorism or not. It doesnt sound like it in this case. But we dont know enough about it at this point. Whether its just a local issue of some individual having an issue with a number of folks there or something more. There still a lot to learn. I always caution not to jump to any conclusions based off this. I think its really important that the officials are trying to get as much information out there. It appears as though they need some additional help trying to understand who this individual is. Its interesting you bring that up. We dont know enough about this to say we dont know if the motivation behind this was anything but just vengeance. Who knows what the motivation was . I am coming to you from jerusalem right now. We are in the midst of a war here in israel. There has clearly been a lot of bad blood across the United States and across the world over this conflict here in the middle east. You are wondering if there is any connection from this to the middle east, which is why you can attest to the fact that the feds, the locals and everybody, by of the way, we should note that we do have a name of a suspect. But we are going to hold it for the time bin. We dont want to be wrong. We will wait until Police Released that name. They clearly have the name. They know who this person is. They have scanned his Social Media Footprint of and down and sideways. They kind of know if there is any nefarious intent that might have led up to this in the days and weeks that we have just seen. I think that is right. The number that have been wounded and unfortunately perhaps maybe dead, these are not small numbers. What it points to is sophisticated impotence. It took a lot of planning. How many other accomplices and individuals are involved . These are thanks Law Enforcement is looking at at the moment. As you indicated, whether it has any nexus to something going on elsewhere in the world is something they are very interested in. That will tell us more in the coming hours and the next 24 hours. Thats good advice. We will get back to as the news warrants. Thank you. I want to swing back to kevin and get some reaction from what the white house is being told. What are you hearing about this . Reporter the president as you know has been briefed on what is happening in lewiston, maine. He will continue to receive updates. We got that from our correspondent Mark Meredith speaking with his sources. Having covered so many of these, unfortunately, you know how this basically goes. The white house will go into overdrive overnight. They will collaborate not only with their partners domestically, but also as was mentioned by paul earlier, they want to make sure this doesnt have some sort of external impacts. Say a foreign influence. We dont know. You mentioned we may have the name of the potential shooter. We are not going to released up until we have more information. These are the sorts of things that the folks at the white house will consider. I mention the president has been briefed. That is commonplace. What happens in a circumstance like this is they will send a note and it will go either through the Chief Of Staff or directly to the president s team and they will say mr. President here is what is happening now. We want to make sure you are aware is what is going on at this hour so we wont bother you unless and until it rises to the level that that needs to happen. Its not like hes it all night. In a circumstance like this. Teams of people at the white house will be working all throughout the night trying to get as much information as possible. And they will want to make sure there is a federal circumstance that involves agencies and they can help and will help. If the circumstance is terrorist related and im not saying it is. But if it is, naturally that would raise the level to the federal Law Enforcement getting involved. Right now this looks like a state and federal collaboration. I am looking at notes coming across. We are trying to get more information. I heard bill mention a black pickup truck. Sometimes in a circumstance like this you will have an active shooter situation where the suspect decides to carjack or run off with another vehicle in an effort to give the slip to Law Enforcement. Not saying we are sure of that. But in circumstances like this, the information is fluid. We continue to follow it and we hope we will have more information can perhaps by way of a News Conference at the top of the hour. We will get back to you as the news warrants. In a lot of these situations people will report anything. Bill melugin was talking about Scanner Traffic. People will call in and report anything if a truck is driving around tapping its brakes too much. People will call and say hey there is a suspicious vehicle. Sometimes it is. Sometimes its not. But everything is in play in situations like this. When its pleas, it is all Hands On Deck. When its information, everything is in play and everything is being considered. We are getting some information. This comes from a woman named kathy labelle, the coowner of a place that i believe is called schemengees bar and grille. This is the restaurant, the pool hall we have been talking about. This is apparently that plays. She is saying she was not at the restaurant at the time of the shooting. But was told that a person walked into the restaurant and started shooting. The staff ran out, she said in the shooting continued. Again, that we believe is one of two locations. We think there are two cajuns now. We initially said three. It appears to be two locations. We have been notified in the lower righthand side of your screen here that the News Conference has been pushed back until at least the top of the hour, maybe longer. Police are trying to get their information and get a suspect. They dont want to get out too early and get ahead of this thing. Its important to note that we believe two sites now, a Bowling Alley and a pool hall. As paul mauro was saying there might be some indication from his contacts that the person who went into this Bowling Alley new that there was a Bowling League and might have known some people in that Bowling League. That might have been what caused him to go there as location one or location two. As bill was saying earlier as you go up to some of the surrounding towns, what happens is you have a lot of people reporting what looks like a suspect vehicle or what might be the suspect vehicle. We can tell you that police know exactly who this is an they are doing a social media check to find out exactly what his intent might or might not have been. Did he leave a message . Paul mauro was saying this is a suicide mission. Did he leave a message . Thats go back to Nicole Parker and ted williams. Did he leave any indication that he was going to do this, that there was any kind of suspicious activity that might have led up to this . Right. Now that they have the name of an individual they believe is a suspect, you are right. They will go back and scrub all of social media. They will identify who this person is Family Members and friends with. They will start to contact them. Reviewing their text messages. Anything they can get. Any Electronic Communications they can detect. Did this person have a grievance . What was it about today that caused them to carry out this most heinous act . Like you mentioned before, right now it is a local case. If they get into investigating it and determine there is a link to any form of terrorism, then it will go to the fbi. They are working handinhand right now. The number one concern is apprehension of the suspect and neutralizing the threat. Until that occurs thats the number one priority. Always behind the scenes there are analyst and Law Enforcement officers that are doing a full scrub on this individual. Determining the motive is important. Paul mauro mentioned is there a certain Bowling Alley . Did he go somewhere else . The Behavioral Analysis unit is heavily involved in that later on. Right now it is to determine where you might go next if he is not in custody. The pictures the media are showing are important. If anyone knows this person, contact Law Enforcement immediately and provide any tips that may be helpful leading to his apprehension. Is interesting, ted. We have been doing these were a lot of years. When its a School Shooting or inside the building, we know the protocols. We know the police go from door to door and closet to closet and floor to floor. Thats the way they process this. Everybody who walks out is initially considered a suspect because they dont know who the suspects actually are. In a situation like this where you are talking about lewiston, maine where you have all of this open area on all sides of this city, ted, where do you begin . Do you begin with Traffic Roadblocks . Do you begin with some kind of scanner data . What is the methodology going on right now . Trace, the methodology going on is everything that you just said. They are using Law Enforcement officers and helicopters. They are using Law Enforcement officers on highways. They are using Law Enforcement officers all along the route that this person may a traveling. The good thing is if they have identified this person, one of the things they also try to make a determination is as to whether there were any accomplices. Also, you said it and i agree with you wholeheartedly, that they are looking at his social media sites. They are trying to determine if there was some kind of manifesto that this person may have left out there. As nicole said, one of the things they are doing is talking to his family, his friends, his relatives. Anybody that knows him. They are zeroing in on this one person. But at the same time realizing that they have at least two crime scenes. They are having to process those crime scenes. In doing so, that is what gives them clues as to whether this person acted alone or whether he was with someone else. As you said, trace, we have covered many of these. One thing we covered as you remembered was out in las vegas, the las vegas shooter that shot down into the crowd. That leads me to believe that i am kind of skeptical about the possible shooter responding back to the area to go to a hospital or something. When these things happen, what i find is the thought of war and everybody sees something that may very well be helpful. But a love of things that are seen and said are helpful to the investigation. I want to go back to what ted was saying. He brings up a good point when we talk about these types of shootings. We oftentimes go back to basic protocols and what they were doing. I am wondering that if police are looking at this as ted was saying, if police are looking at this as somebody local. They have got to be all over that house. Whoever this person was living they are all over the house and all over the family and friends. Everybody right now is really in the mix as far as information and how to contact this potential shooter. Absolutely. They are identifying any known addresses, last known addresses where you may have been staying and who he is friends with. Going to those homes and executing and doing circumstance searches. This is an all Hands On Deck effort. This is a fairly small town, a very small area. This is going to require Law Enforcement to come from all over. I guarantee the fbi will have headquarters. The Response Team from the fbi will be there once its the appropriate time to start processing the crime scene. Everyone will be assisting one another. Right now the number one goal is to identify this individual and put this individual in custody. This needs to end. I want to go process with both of you very quickly. I look at the numbers and a look at the person that theyve got coming out of a couple locations. The numbers are very high. You have got 30 wounded, at least 30 wounded. We have heard numbers that are higher. We are going with 30 because police have not notified us of a different number. We will stick with what we have. 22 dead in the maine shooting. Thats the number the police have given us. You are talking about 50 to people who were shot. We dont know all of them were shot. Maybe some were hurt running out of the bar and running out of the Bowling Alley. We are putting the numbers together at 52. He pointed out the Las Vegas Shooting was in the 50s. One of the deadliest shootings in the United States history. Youve got a situation where its the same. That person out of the Mandalay Bay Hotel was shooting at thousands of people. This person went into two places and somehow hit 52 people. It seems like a big number for one shooter or am i wrong on that . Well, its not so much a big number for one shooter as it is that this person knew his target, i believe. He wanted to try to take out as many people as he could. As paul said earlier and nicole has said and you have said, by the way, that Bowling Alley, if on a given night like tonight that there were a specific large amount of crowds at the Bowling Alley and the shooter knew that, he knew that was the most attractive target for him. And so, in these kinds of cases, just as in las vegas or where you have the shooter shooting down into the crowd and this performance. What you have here in the Bowling Alley, and i dont know this. Its more likely than not that most of these casualties and injuries could very well have taken place at that Bowling Alley because that would be the largest venue. That venue would hold the largest amount of people. It is all a part of the investigation. Hopefully Law Enforcement will come to the cameras and let us know something here very soon. As all of us have said, normally win Law Enforcement is coming to the camera it is because number one, they want to give out information that they want the public to be engaged in or they have neutralized the shooter and have captured or killed the shooter or shooters and they want to make that announcement. I dont know which one. But hopefully soon we will have more information here, trace. Nicole, he look at the scene here and ted makes a good point. We have brought it up with paul morrow as well. We first thought it was a business. Then you think this is likely a disgruntled worker. We had seen that scenario so many times. Disgruntled worker goes after somebody in his workplace. Then he goes to two other places. Now you think its two places. One is a Bowling Alley and one is a pool hall. The first thing that strikes you is if the person knew there was a Bowling League and was targeting that Bowling League, these leagues tend to be friends. Oftentimes coworkers who are in these leagues. Is that a connection that police will look at, nicole . They will be looking at everything. One thing i know for certain they are looking at is the pathway to violence. These violent offenders dont just wake up one day and say im going to shoot up a Bowling Alley. This could have been planned for days, weeks or even months. We know there is a lot of strife going on in the world right now. I talk about it on fox many times. This is an opportunity for those to get attention. A lot of people are watching the news. He went in and killed 22 individuals and injured several others. To go in and look at the motivation and ideation and pathway to violence will be extremely important in understanding why this person did this. Its probably a very well planned out attack. But he didnt put anything over his face. Thats very beneficial for Law Enforcement right now. A lot of Violent Crime scenes that he worked in, they want to cover themselves. They dont want to be seen. This individual went in with a rifle and he had no qualms doing that. Again, the media this was some kind of Suicide Attempt . Is that what we are getting at . He went in and his face was not covered. He knew everybody would know him. He knew they would have his name widgeon and its. But yes, he went into these places knowing full well they would know specifically and exactly who he is. I would go as far as saying that we know this was a Suicide Attempt or he attempted suicide. I can tell you many times active shooters, particularly school shooters, a very large percentage of them have Suicidal Ideation. That is not uncommon. It is quite common. I cannot tell you at this point. It would be premature to state what his motive was. Everything has to be looked at. You can leave nothing on the table at this point. The fact that he may have had a Suicidal Ideation is not out of the realm of possibility. Many active shooters do. Ted williams i have about 32 seconds. We will hit the top of the hour and reset. Give me your thoughts on what we have talked about so far. What do you take away this . Its the same thing we have always said, trace. That is they have got to catch this shooter or killer. He is out there. I dont believe that a suicidal nature was his plan. His plan was to kill and to kill as many people as he could. Unfortunately, we know he killed. Ted williams and Nicole Parker, standbys. Thank you. We are still covering Breaking News

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