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Voting for speaker. This time louisiana congressman mike johnson is the fourth nominee for republicans. Hello, and welcome. Im sandra smith in new york, a big welcome back to you, john. John good to be back, john roberts in washington, and this is america reports. Remains unclear whether mike johnson will have the support to win the job. Chad pergram, of course, has been watching this for what feels like weeks now, because it has been weeks. Chad, whats the latest . They are getting very close to taking yet another ballot here for Speaker Of The House. What they have been doing the past couple of minutes here is putting into nomination the candidate for this particular round, of course mike johnson, the new one here and pete aguilar, the chair of the Democratic Caucus is again nominating Hakeem Jeffries, the democratic leader. This feels different than some of the other chapters we have been through over the past couple of weeks. I talked to a couple members a few minutes ago, members who indicated previously they had reservations with jim jordan. Ken calvert at one point was against jim jordan, he told me he is for mike johnson. You had someone like mike rogers, the chair of the Armed Services committee, at one point he said he would not vote for jim jordan at all, then he was for jordan but indicated he is for mike johnson. You know, mike johnson has never served in the upper tiers of the leadership and one source say to me maybe they need add clean breakaway from the people like Steve Scalise and tom emmer, the people directly under kevin mccarthy, and also away from somebody like jim jordan who, you know, some republicans felt was a little too far to the right, too toxic, did not like his strong arm tactics and go with somebody that a lot of people outside the congress dont know. Mike johnson. There has never been a Speaker Of The House from louisiana. He would be the 56th speaker overall here, but again, it will come down to one factor. Its about the math. When we went through some of those other candidates, you know, they had more than 20 votes against them. It was clear tom emmer, after a couple hours of conversation with his opponents, that he was never going to be able to overcome that delta, and so he withdrew after four hours. Its a different case here with mike johnson, partly because you had, you know, hard right conservatives supporting him and moderates, like mike lawler supporting him, so the wide swath of all different corners of the republican conference, they seem to have coalesced, but its about the math, and he can only lose four votes. They just had the quorum call, they brought everybody to the house chamber, and if he loses just the right number of votes, even though more republicans appear to be for him, hes not going to be Speaker Of The House. So, this is the math, the algebra, 429 members, so the magic number would be 215 if all members vote for someone by name. Back to you. John you know, mike johnson, a frequent guest on this program, chad, but i dont know many people who had him on their bingo card as potentially the next Speaker Of The House. He is the deputy chair of the house gop conference, but i mean, talk about the darkest of dark horses here. How did he rise . Well, its simply because they went through this war of attrition, burning through the typical candidates, you know, the front runners, the scalises, the jordans, the emmers, and the first ballot yesterday against tom emmer, he only garnered 34 votes. And one thing ive always talked about when it comes to leadership elections, its not about partisan politics, its about particle politics, who gets into the leadership is decided at the subatomic political level. There are very small factors that determine as to why somebody gets in. Why john boehner was in 2006, a time and place eric kanter was supposed to be the Speaker Of The House. Kevin mccarthy was supposed to be Speaker Of The House in 2015. Particle politics. You can never know who is expected to rise when the moment comes down the pike and this might be the moment for mike johnson. John leave it to you, chad, to bring bosans and quirks into politics. Thank you as always. The Hadron Collider of politics on capitol hill. Sandra christopher bedford, executive editor at the common sense society. Rep aguilar is speaking on the floor right now, he nominated jeffries, says the past 22 days are about finding someone to pass the extreme litmus test, and race after who can appease donald trump, and Elise Stefanik blasted Biden Policies on the border and beyond, received boos for that, can republicans get this done . Its more about ideology than personality and the signs this morning they might be able to get this done, in part because just like you were talking about, johnson is an unknown, really, he has not made all the enemies. Steve scalises team and his friends were upset with the way they felt he was done, and they were angry, previously, they were not going to side with jim jordan or anyone else. Now they have someone from their own state, they have a strong relationship with, somebody who used to be the head of the republican studies committee, friendships with the Freedom Caucus as well. Seems to be inoffensive to everyone. Somewhat of an unknown but no one is standing up against him the way they have against previous speakers. A path available. John so chris, i mean this is the interesting thing about washington, d. C. We had mccarthy, then scalise, then jordan, then emmer. All people who were very wellknown in the republican party. Johnson is somebody who has kind of stayed out of the limelight. We pointed out he was the deputy chair of the House Republican conference, he was also involved with the we just want to listen to the roll call, hang on a second. Johnson. Aguilar. Jeffries. R allen. Johnson. Alred. Jeffries. Babin. Johnson. Bacon. Johnson. Baird. Johnson. Balderson. Johnson. Balint. Jeffries. Banks. Johnson. Barr. Johnson. Barragan. Jeffries. Bean of florida. Johnson. Beatty. Jeffries. Bentz. Johnson. Bera. Jeffries. Bergman. Johnson. Beyer. Beyer. Bice. Johnson. Biggs. Johnson. Bilirakis. Johnson. Bishop of georgia. Jeffries. Bishop of north carolina. Johnson. Blumenauer. Jeffries. Blunt rochester. Jeffries. Boebert. Johnson. Bonamici. Jeffries. Bost. Johnson. Bowman. Jeffries. Boyle of pennsylvania. Boyle of pennsylvania. Brecheen. Johnson. Brown. Jeffries. Brownley. Jeffries. Buchanan. Johnson. Buck. Johnson. Bucshon. Johnson. Burlison. Johnson. Bush. Jeffries. Calvert. Johnson. Cardenas. Jeffries. Carey. Johnson. Carl. Johnson. Carson. Jeffries. Carter of georgia. Johnson. Carter of louisiana. Jeffries. Carter of case. Jeffries. Casten. Jeffries. Castor of florida. Jeffries. Castro of chu. Jeffries. Ciscomani. Johnson. Clark of massachusetts. Jeffries. Clarke of new york. Jeffries. Cleaver. Jeffries. Cline. Johnson. Clyde. Johnson. Cohen. Jeffries. Cole. Johnson. Collins. Johnson. Comer. Johnson. Connolly. Jeffries. Correa. Correa. Costa. Jeffries. Courtney. Jeffries. Craig. Jeffries. Crane. Johnson. Johnson. Crenshaw. Johnson. Crockett. Jeffries. Crow. Cuellar. Jeffries. Curtis. Johnson. Davids of kansas. Jeffries. Davidson. Johnson. Davis of illinois. Jeffries. Davis of north carolina. Jeffries. Dean of pennsylvania. Jeffries. Degette. Jeffries. Delauro. Jeffries. Delbene. Jeffries. Desaulnier. Jeffries. Desjarlais. Johnson. D duarte. Johnson. Duncan. Johnson. Dunn of dunn of dunn of johnson. Ellzey. Johnson. Emmer. Johnson. Escobar. Jeffries. Eshoo. Jeffries. Espaillat. Jeffries. Estes. Johnson. Evans. Jeffries. Ezell. Johnson. Fallon. Johnson. Johnson. Fitzgerald. Johnson. Fitzpatrick. Flood. Johnson. Foster. Jeffries. Foushee. Jeffries. Foxx. Johnson. Lois frankel. Jeffries. Scott franklin. Johnson. Frost. Jeffries. Fry. Johnson. Fulcher. Johnson. Gaetz. Johnson. Gallagher. Johnson. Gallego. Gallego. Garamendi. Jeffries. Garbarino. Johnson. Mike garcia. Johnson. Robert garcia. Jeffries. Garcia of illinois. Jeffries. Garcia of texas. Jeffries. Gimennez. Johnson. Golden of maine. Jeffries. Goldman of new york. Jeffries. Gomez. Jeffries. Tony gonzalez. Johnson. Vicente gonzalez. Vicente gonzalez. Good of virginia. Johnson. Gooden of gottheimer. Jeffries. Granger. Johnson. Graves of louisiana. Johnson. Graves of missouri. Johnson. Green of tennessee. Johnson. Green of texas. Jeffries. Greene of georgia. Johnson. Guthrie. Johnson. Hageman. Johnson. Harder of harshbarger. Johnson. Hayes. Jeffries. Hern. Johnson. Higgins of louisiana. Johnson. Higgins of new york. Jeffries. Hill. Houlahan. Jeffries. Hoyer. Jeffries. Hoyle of issa. Johnson. Ivey. Jeffries. Jackson of illinois. Jeffries. Jackson of north carolina. Jeffries. Jackson of texas. Johnson. Jackson lee. Jayapal. Jeffries. Jeffries. Jeffries. [cheering] johnson of georgia. Jeffries. Johnson of louisiana. Johnson. [cheering] johnson of ohio. Johnson. Johnson of south dakota. Johnson. Jordan. Johnson. [applause] joyce of ohio. Joyce of ohio. Johnson. Joyce of johnson. Kamlager. Jeffries. Kaptur. Jeffries. Kean of new jersey. Johnson. Keating. Jeffries. Kelly of illinois. Jeffries. Kelly of mississippi. Johnson. Kelly of pennsylvania. Johnson. Khanna. Jeffries. Kiggans of kildee. Jeffries. Kiley. Johnson. Kilmer. Jeffries. Kim of california. Johnson. Kim of new lalota. Johnson. Lamalfa. Landsman. Jeffries. Langworthy. Johnson. Larsen of washington. Jeffries. Larson of jeffries. Latta. Johnson. Laturner. Johnson. Lawler. Johnson. Leaf california. Jeffries. Lee of florida. Johnson. Lee of nevada. Jeffries. Lee of pennsylvania. Jeffries. Ledger fernandez. Jeffries. Lesko. Mast. Johnson. Matsui. Jeffries. Mcbath. Jeffries. Mccarthy. Johnson. [applause] mcgovern. Jeffries. Mchenry. Johnson. [applause] meeks. Jeffries. Jeffries. Meng. Jeffries. Meuser. Johnson. Mfume. Jeffries. Miller of illinois. Johnson. Miller of ohio. L johnson. Miller of west virginia. Johnson. Miller meeks. Johnson. Mills. Johnson. [applause] moolenaar. Johnson. Mooney. Johnson. Moore of alabama. Johnson. Moore of utah. Johnson. Moore of wisconsin. Jeffries. Moran. Johnson. Morelle. Jeffries. Napolitano. Jeffries. Neal. Jeffries. Norcross. Jeffries. Norman. Johnson. Nunn of iowa. Johnson. Pallone. Jeffries. Palmer. L l panetta. Jeffries. Pappas. Jeffries. Jeffries. Payne. Jeffries. Pelosi. [applause] peltola. Jeffries. Pence. Johnson. Perez, perez, perez, perez, pfluger. Johnson. Phillips. Jeffries. P jeffries. Quigley. Jeffries. Ramirez. Raskin. Jeffries. Reschenthaler. Johnson. Rogers of washington. Johnson. Rogers of alabama. Johnson. Rogers of jeffries. Ruppersberger. Jeffries. Rutherford. Johnson. Johnson. Salinas. Jeffries. Sanchez. Santos. Johnson. Sarbanes. Jeffries. Scalise. Johnson. [cheering] scanlon. Jeffries. Schneider. Jeffries. Scholten. Jeffries. Schrier. Jeffries. Schweikert. Johnson. Austin scott. Johnson. David scott. Jeffries. Scott of johnson. Sessions. Johnson. Sewell. Simpson. Johnson. Slotkin. Jeffries. Smith of missouri. Johnson. Smith of nebraska. Johnson. Smith of new jersey. Johnson. Smith of spanberger. Jeffries. Spartz. Johnson. Stansbury. Jeffries. Stanton. Jeffries. Stauber. Johnson. Steel. Johnson. Stefanik. Johnson. Steube. Johnson. Stevens. Tenney. Johnson. Thanedar. Jeffries. Thompson of california. Jeffries. Thompson of mississippi. Jeffries. Thompson of tiffany. Johnson. Timmons. Johnson. Titus. Jeffries. Jeffries. Tokuda. Jeffries. Tonko. Jeffries. Torres of california. Jeffries. Torres of new york. Jeffries. Turner. Johnson. Underwood. Jeffries. Valadao. Johnson. Van drew. Johnson. Van dyne. Johnson. Van orden, van orden, jeffries. Velazquez. Jeffries. Wagner. Ment ment walberg. Johnson. Waltz. Johnson. Wasserman schultz. Jeffries. Waters. Jeffries. Watson coleman. Watson coleman. Jeffries. The house will come to order. The clerk, the staff and deserve to have the attention of the house. Clerk will continue. Weber of texas. Johnson. Webster of florida. Johnson. Wenstrup. Johnson. Westerman. Johnson. Wexton. Jeffries. Wild. Jeffries. Williams of georgia. Jeffries. Williams of new york. Johnson. Williams of texas. Johnson. Wilson of florida. Wilson of florida. Jeffries. Wilson of south johnson. Wittman. Johnson. Womack. [cheering] johnson. Yakym. Johnson. Zinke. Next speaker of the peoples house, mike johnson. [cheering] johnson. The clerk will now call the names of the members who did not answer the first call of the roll. Beyer. Jeffries. Boyle of pennsylvania. Boyle of pennsylvania. Correa. Correa. Gallego. Jeffries. Vicente gonzalez. Vicente gonzalez. Van orden. Van orden. Any members who did not answer the call of the roll, they may come to the well and vote at this time. John so there you go, and thats something we have not seen in a long time. Unanimous vote for Speaker Of The House. Mike johnson of the great state of louisiana becomes speaker elect. Now just some formalities to undertake and then the Speaker Of The House. Sandra lets get right to it with chad pergram. The vote is still open, but johnson does appear to have the votes to be elected speaker, and chad, really interesting, there was a lot of hints being dropped along the way about who he is, references to his firefighter father who was critically injured in the line of duty, obviously his louisiana background, but your thoughts as we await the gavel. The fact that, you know, we are going to have the two top leaders in the House Republican brass hailing from louisiana. Mike johnson, now the speaker elect of the house and also you are going to have Steve Scalise, the majority leader. Hes a few years older than mike johnson but they knew each other in school and back and forth over the years. The two top leaders in the House Of Representatives here. Heres whats going to happen on the house floor. They are tallying the votes right now, and mchenry, the speaker protem will announce the unofficial total. 220 to 209. At that point, a committee of members who will bring the new speaker elect into the house chamber, he will be welcomed by Hakeem Jeffries, the democratic leader on the dais, and a speech total right now. Of which the honorable mike johnson of the state of louisiana has received 220 votes. [cheering] and the honorable Hakeem Jeffries of the state of new york has received 209 votes. Therefore, the honorable mike johnson of the state of louisiana having received a majority of the votes cast is duly elected speaker of the House Of Representatives for the 118th congress. [applause] the chair appoints the following committee, mr. Scalise, mr. Emmer, miss stefanik, mr. Hudson, mr. Palmer, mrs. Mcclain, mr. Mccarthy, mr. Donalds, mr. Hern, mr. Bergman, washington, mrs. Rogers john just doing business in the house now officially appoint mike johnson as Speaker Of The House, the Escort Committee and the ceremony for that. Let us jump to the rose garden of the white house where the president is holding a Press Conference with australias prime minister. Lets listen in. Saudi arabia about making sure there is real hope in the region for a better future. About the need, i mean this sincerely, about the need to work toward a greater integration for israel while insisting that the aspirations of the Palestinian People will be part, will be part of that future as well. Im convinced one of the reasons hamas attacked when they did, i have no proof of this, instinct tells me, because of the progress toward reintegration for israel and overall. And we cant leave that work behind and one more word on this. I continue to be alarmed about extremist settlers attacking palestinians in the west bank that pouring gasoline on fire what its like. This was a deal, the deal was made, and they are attacking palestinians in places that they are entitled to be. And it has to stop. They have to be held accountable. And has to stop now. Prime minister, mr. Prime minister, i want to thank you for your partnership and your friendship, quite frankly, during this difficult hour. Over the past few weeks and for many months before we have seen each other and we have seen our Alliance Grow more critical than ever and we need to make, continue to make this important progress and our discussion today we have done just that. First, we are pioneering new advancements in innovations, deepening cooperation and feels like biotechnology, advanced batteries, quantum computing, cybersecurity and a lot more. Also signing new Technology Safeguard Agreement to create more opportunities for American Space companies to launch vehicles from australia. And we have launched a new Artificial Intelligence initiative between our National Laboratories to drive revolutionary responsible research on humanitys biggest challenge, fighting hunger, curbing pandemics, predicting natural disasters, ending cancer as we know it. Most of our wives are over at the Cancer Institute right now, and so much more. Second we are accelerating action on climate change. I thought we had a very good meeting this morning and with secretary kerry and your team and we are all together on that. In may we established the climate critical Climate Critical Minerals and Clean Energy Compact to elevate our climate cooperation alongside our defense and economic cooperation. And we are already beginning to see the impacts. We have created a Critical Minerals task force to build secure critical mineral supply chains. We are also investing in sustainable infrastructure in the pacific islands, including 65 million for a subsea Communication Cable to boost connectivity in the region, and we are Modernizing Funding for small and mediumsized businesses across indopacific to help the transition to clean energy. And finally, our alliance, alliance between australia and the United States is an anchor. I believe this from every fiber of my being, anchor to peace and prosperity in the indopacific and around the world. Quad partners, india and japan, to ensure the indopacific remains free, open, prosperous and secure. And also together with the united kingdom, generational investments in our shared security. Last week i sent congress a Budget Request with commitments to boost our Submarine Production and maintenance capacity here in the United States. I want to thank you, mr. Prime minister, for the historic Investments Australia has made to strengthen the submarine Industry Base as well. Democrats and republicans alike understand the Strategic Value of occus in the nation, and urge congress to pass it this year. And unwavering support for ukraine, both countries, australia is a critical partner, together with the United States and 50 other nations, 50 other nations we have been able to put together, all doing our part to support ukraine and thank you mr. Prime minister for the new package of military aid you recently announced, and its for ukraine. Look, australia and the United States also share in my view a commitment to upholding International Rules of the road, including fr

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