Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702

other islamist countries and so they were able to get themselves together a lot quicker and they were able to convince the people to vote for them. of course it did not take very long before they realized the mistake they had made, what do you do at that point? it is a terrorist organization. a few campaigns have tried to speak up for themselves, but they get mowed down in the streets. >> ainsley: thank you for explaining this to us. i know your father passed away and your mother married you off to member of al qaeda. you left and your mother vowed to have you killed. god bless you, thank you for coming on. her book is called "unveiled," you see behind her. third hour of "fox and friends" starts right no. >> brian: we start with the white house, president biden expected to take questions today in a news conference. can you imagine that? first time since hamas brutal attack on israel. he shouted some answers, but that attack happened three weeks ago. >> lawrence: secretary of state blinken confirmed at least 33 americans were killed by the terrorist group and 10 americans are missing. >> ainsley: families of american hostages are being held hostage in gaza, their families are lobbying today demanding lawmakers do more to bring their loved ones home. >> steve: i'm in capitol hill in washington, big news is mike johnson has emerged new front-runner, fourth front-runner for house speaker. could see a vote as early as 12:00, when things kickoff. right now 8:02 in new york city, rather in washington, d.c., where i am, we have team coverage of the top two stories. mark mered ith is in washington. first trey yingst is on the ground in southern israel, it is a little after 3 in the afternoon. trey. >> hang on, get ready, hang on. >> ainsley: still not working. his microphone -- they will fix the audio. check in with mark meredilth first. >> mark: a lot going on in the white house, busy day with the state visit with the australians and growing safety concern about u.s. forces across the middle east serving in iraq and syria. while attacks are being carried out by third party militia, it is thought to have iran fingerprints all over them. no u.s. troops have been killed, there was an american contractor who suffered a heart attack after seeking shelter when a drone attack was heading their way. we heard blinken yesterday at the un meeting. >> the u.s. does not seek conflict with iran, we do not want the war to widen. if iran or proxies attack u.s. personnel anywhere, make no mistake, we will defend our people, defend our security swiftly and decisively. >> mark: president biden will offer on-camera reaction and take questions today. he is welcoming the prime minister of australia to the white house. on tuesday he spoke with the crown prince of saudi arabia in effort to keep the conflict from getting larger or widening. a lot of fear this could grow larger by the day. there will be a lot of pomp and circumstance, including dinner tonight, pan-roasted halibut, and notable announcements, u.s. sparking agreements for artificial intelligence, better space contributions and an effort to tackle climate train. back to you guys. >> steve: so the president will be taking some questions from the press, we have not seen this for a very long time. is this one of those wide open press conferences where he has a list of 10 people or a bilateral thing where he says something, the prime minister of australia says something and one reporter from each country? >> >> mark: if histories a guide, i imagine the latter, each leader likely take two questions. fox will be in the rose garden, my colleague jacqui heinrich will be there and have questions ready, whether or not she gets called on is the big question. traditionally we have seen that the president has the questioners chosen whether from the associated press, wall street time journal. new york times. given so much concern about the developments overseas, i would expect all my money that this is what the questions will focus on, what is happening behind the scenes, what are conversations happening with israel and u.s. relationship with qataris and the saudis, talk what is happening on the u.s. diplomatic front and over there. >> lawrence: any conversation behind the scene about what they will do to the terrorist strikes our military bases or comba embassies? any pushback from the generals? what is happening there? >> mark: we heard two sides, state department comment from secretary antony blinken at the un. you have to wonder what preventative measures they are taking. there was a ship in the red sea that was able to take out missiles fired from yemeni, obviously the u.s. is well aware where weapons and groups are targeting. we see state approach and military approach, whether or not we see a direct response to iran is yet to be seen. that is why they are trying to keep this conflict from getting larger than it already was. >> lawrence: he loves don't. don't cross the border, they do. don't invade ukraine. don't, but nobody ever listens. >> brian: no reprisal. >> ainsley: brian interviewed former ambassador, he said when our president says don't and they do, hold them accountable. >> brian: that is all they understand in that region. >> lawrence: thanks, mark. >> brian: the attacks are more serious than we were told recently. live at a hospital in gaza, eight arriving and sirens going off in southern israel after a rocket fell. let's go back to trey yingst in southern israel. trey. >> trey: israelis continue strike along the gaza strip, death toll rising to 5700 people. the factions inside gaza despite airstrike by the israeli military maintain to fire on major population centers with long-range rockets. today sirens sounded in northern israel north of haifa, israel third largest city, indication they can fire to the north and to the south. you had a rocket fired toward southern city of elott today. getting hit by israeli military as infiltration attempt by militants. the army took out -- in the gaza strip. infrastructure across gaza being destroyed as we speak and death toll rising. take a look at the second largest city in gaza, khan yunis. >> lays in a hospital bed of khan yunis, the young gazan's mother were killed in an airstrike, she and her young brother survive. they feed her with a bottle. my sister was protecting the boy, he was not injured, the daughter was injured. i'm sure he feels the absence of his sister, as we say, twins are always connected. since the war on october 7, 2000 palestinian children killed in israeli airstrikes and shelling. according to aid group, save the children, with hospitals in gaza running low on supply, doctors worry vulnerable patients like joakim could die. >>-- 10 other babies -- according to minister the hospital is expected to -- upcoming 48 hours -- >> trey: today we visited israeli hospital in southern israel in the city of ashdod where mothers were delivering babies in fortified area. rocket fire is targeting cities as people try to continue their lives, seek medical attention and deliver babies into the world. northern border with israel and lebanon, 18-tank guided missiles taking place everyday. hezbollah firing on different community and army positions and israelis continue to strike both command centers in southern lebanon. back to you. >> brian: tragedy is tragedy, israelis don't aim for children and hamas target children. i think that is a huge difference. >> trey: the war is incredibly difficult for palestinian civilians and for israeli civilians, many caught amid crossfire. this is war between israeli army and hamas and islamic jihad, there are civilians amid cross fire and two million civilians inside gaza and 9 million israeli civilians, it is tragic to watch what unfolds on the ground, no winners in war. >> lawrence: trey, forgive my ignorance, palestinians that are there on the ground, are they aware there is terrorist activity happening in the buildings they are living or not aware? >> trey: hamas controls the gaza strip, they controlled it since 2007 and much of the rocket fire from gaza is coming from civilian areas, highly populated areas, it is one of the most densely populated areas on earth. it is why it is difficult to operate inside gaza and you see high casualty rate. they have to fire into cities. they dropped leaflets warning people to head south. this is on the strip before a ground operation has taken place. the expectation is -- and you hear the likely artillery in the strip behind me. the expectation is the rate will rise, we are looking at urban airfare, street to street combat, fighters and militants are hiding and many tunnels are underneath civilian areas. >> ainsley: thank you so much. steve, you are in washington interviewing individuals that have stories, some lost parents, some lost a sister, their entire family. the last hour of people just waking up, why don't you set this up, steve? >> steve: i tell you what, ainsley, on capitol hill today, a group of family members of people who were taken hostage by hamas are speaking to lawmakers about their families because when you watch the news, you hear numbers about the number of people dead, it is heartbreaking, but to hear the stories and see these people holding pictures of their loved ones, it brings it home and makes it clearer. we have eye guy here, mark, his entire family taken hostage and a 20-year-old kid from college, his name is netta adzili, his parents were taken hostage just a few feet from him. taken hostage. he was with us and this is what he had to say about how his life changed on october 7. >> i don't blame them for not believing it, i don't entirely believe it myself. i don't claim to understand what twisted mind think that it somehow justified because they slaughtered and kidnapped innocent people. this is an act no human being can do. >> steve: they're your parents. >> and i want them back so bad. i just want my parents back. >> ainsley: and there are his parents, steve, looks like in front of the statue of liberty in new york. >> steve: yeah, i know, it is just so heartbreaking. they will be telling their stories on capitol hill again this morning and this afternoon and they will be back with us in about 20 minutes to tell us more of the horrors of hamas. >> brian: with 200 plus hostages there, if you start the ground campaign, they claim israel killed 22 in their bombing, they start the ground campaign, do they lose their lives? you don't start, you lose the world and they begin to forget, they say, why don't you negotiate ceasefire and this is part of hamas's plan. grab hostages and make israel make a tough decision. >> lawrence: brian, this is also -- steve, what you are doing is great down there. as this war continues, there will be conversations about israel stopping a ceasefire. this is why the shelling, this is why they are going after them. this did not have to be this way. hamas did not have to brutally rape these people. held them captive, behead children, that never had to happen. >> steve: great point about how these family members are essentially human shields to keep israelis from taking them out. the same time, i asked about that question and they said they are all united in one thing, that is hamas has got to pay for what they have done to their family. >> brian: they killed guys already, they got to get more. steve, don't move, another big drama on capitol hill seems as though the republicans found their guy. four is the charm, i've said that, you have known that for years, that has been my catch phrase. congressman mike johnson, evangelical christian, extreme conservative, constitutional conservative, big defender of donald trump on his definitelies team, will not get pushback on truth social. we lost what, 19 missed the vote yesterday. three voted present. >> ainsley: michael waltz told us roll call last night and nobody objected to johnson, 20 members were not there, but should be there today, he said best result in last three weeks and i have learned last night there were some mccarthy hold outs. >> brian: 43 for mccarthy. >> ainsley: michael waltzed i'm cautiously optimistic. some are saying he's a good man, has a great shot, really strong christian. >> lawrence: steve, you are on the ground, there was an allegation they were trying to put mccarthy up as speaker and then jim jordan as the assistant speaker, as well. >> steve: referred to as unity ticket. >> ainsley: that will not happen, right? >> i spoke to them earlier, a lot of people say stuff. here is what is going to happen, today at noon, reconvene in the house and have a vote. if johnson doesn't make it, that will mean moderate republicans will work with democrats and make mchenry essentially the temporary speaker -- >> brian: against his will. >> steve: third day of january, just to get things done. i was speaking to congressman collins, when he's in his district, people are going, you have frozen government for three weeks. you have to do something. >> brian: solely to blame. the thing with mchenry, he is like, i don't want it, stop bringing my name up. >> ainsley: doesn't the speaker get to fly on private plane to and from washington? >> brian: hang your bowtie. >> steve: if johnson does become speaker, there will be two people from louisiana in the first and second position of leadership, you have him speaker and you have scalise -- >> lawrence: majority leader. >> steve: an old hand at leadership stuff, scalise could become one of the most powerful majority leaders congress had in a long time. >> brian: to further give sense mike johnson is the guy, i have a moderate that wrote me and said he is for him and a conservative that said we're all in, no objection we know of. never gotten this type of feedback on anybody. >> lawrence: pray this goes through. >> ainsley: this is what kat cammack said on x, congratulations to my friend, congressman mike johnson as new speaker designee, made incredible strides bringing our conference together. he is a good man. he believes in we the people and we serve on the subcommittee, new era of vision, faith and here, let's do this. >> brian: and she writes, don't read this on the air. >> ainsley: i asked her permission. she sent me a proper and told me i could, it is on social media. >> ainsley: carley, i think is upstairs, i heard her laughing. >> carley: i like the bowtie and unity ticket, can't pass one speaker, go for two at a time. >> brian: i want to see the counting. >> carley: hope this ends today. news to get to, new details revealed in case involving two teens face murder charges for killing a las vegas police officer last month. both were seen laughing and making gestures at the victim's family. new dashcam shows a suspect refusing to take the situation seriously. >> you should -- somebody, why? >> i'm hungry. >> i'm hungry, too. >> probably get us a meal. >> not being dramatic, but -- >> 20 to 30 years. >> hopefully. >> a lot more than that. >> ainsley: both suspects pleaded not guilty in the case, trial date set for next year. fox news alert, three million americans are under winter weather alert, as they wake up to snow, waves of snow hitting the northern cascade and rockies with worst of the store expected in montana, download the fox weather app on any tv connected device. snow in parts of the country, if you can believe it. >> ainsley: love to get snow issue last year we barely got any. >> people in montana can barely take it. >> not in new york, it shuts down. >> brian: next white house walk-back, karine jean-pierre clarifying her comment downplaying antisemitism. we have not seen any credible threat, when israel is sing edded out because of antijewish hatred, that is antisemitism. >> brian: right, that was not your initial question, she couldn't hear the question. briefing room blunder headline. >> ainsley: manhunt underway for a suspected killer believed armed and dangerous, we have a live report from the ground next. my skin and joints, i'm feeling this moment. along with clearer skin skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. this she■s a hero moment. even today, only a quarter of stem graduates are women. they'd go, oh, you don't look like an engineer. there is this preconception. some things are for boys. but diversity drives innovation. my goal is to really flip the script. pick something that you love and go for it. how do we live in space? 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>> well, i mean, if we just look at the library of the george washington university from last night or day of rage that palestine students justice for palestine students calling for campuses for tomorrow, endorsing not only commending, endorsing hamas charter, clear call for the annihilation for the state of israel and murder of jews and we think there is no rise in antisemitism as fbi warns as there is security up in every single jewish constitution, jewish students on campus targeted for identity, we have a really big problem and i want to be clear, international holt remembrance alliance includes double standard against state of israel, enabled on every single space, university spaces, international institutions, social media spaces. if we are not clear that antizionism is hutated form of antisemitism targeting jews on the streets of the united states, we will not be able to identify and combat it. >> ainsley: thank you. more "fox and friends" coming up. right, you have to do it yourself. in 2015, my dad had the idea to revitalize american textile manufacturing with bedding crafted from cotton grown on our family farm. we created red land cotton to give you the best farm, the home products possible. because it's more than quality products. it's a labor of love from our family. go to redland cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. buy a tablo and you can watch the top networks and more for free. - switching to tablo has really been a money saver. - with tablo, i can record something on my phone. i can pause it. i can go get a drink. i can come back. i can continue in the family room. - tablo is so easy to set up. - [narrator] order a tablo total system with a tablo and tv antenna and pay just 109.95. retails for 129.95. tablo. pay once and watch forever. order today at ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. ( ♪ ) constant contact. helping the small stand tall. >> brian: this is an unbelievable day of news, don't miss a minute. around 12:30 with the australian president, our president will finally take questions, first time since october 7 when israel was attacked and he made the trip to tel aviv. the house gets together and pick a speaker, they will actually pick a speaker if they get the 19 people to come back to work today and get to work. looks like it will be mike johnson. 10:00, back to the civil trial that should never be happening against donald trump. his archenemy michael cohen will be there for day two of his trial. donald trump has chosen to sit there and take it all in, he doesn't have to be there. series of protests across new york city, what an embarrassment, nyu, hunter, schools will get together and march and protest against israel and for palestine, which does not exist and for hamas which runs everything. talk about what this conflict looks like. it is so much bigger than just gaza. to do that, let me bring in hussein al hussein. great to see you. go to tutorial about the conflict and who the enemy is and how big the conflict can get. look at the map, point out israel and west bank and gaza. there are other players in the region. >> brian, two camps here, one is led by iran. it includes iraq, syria and lebanon. and some militias in west bank. and uae, has peace treaty and you have saudi arabia, which was on way to peace before iran started this whole thing on october 7 to stop peace. >> brian: archenemies they have detante right now if iran was not anti-israel would not be a problem or need for militia in syria, and lebanon and gaza where hamas exists. take a look at another area that is important, point out power players going against israel. >> the most dangerous one is hezbollah in lebanon on the northern border of israel, south lebanon. lebanon does not have a president or government, hezbollah is running the show. >> brian: caretaker president, hezbollah has it. >> then you have hamas, of course, which is engaged in war with israel. >> brian: right. >> you have militias in southern syria, israel been striking syria. >> brian: hezbollah here, assad fallen apart propped up by russia and iran and they lob rockets aringly and do strike with punity when they feel a terror threat, they will do preempative strikes, correct? >> correct. you have pro-militias that have explosive drones. >> brian: keep in mind, we decided to leave iraq under obama administration, all of a sudden in comes isis, working with iran, when all said and done, iran had influence and this is why the iranian militias are hitting our base, we opened the door to that. this is the problem and qatar is interesting country, they have hamas leadership there. >> south hamas leadership live in doha and get funding from qatar and so much support in terms of self-power qatar offer them. >> brian: qatar is helping to get hostages out of here. >> correct. >> brian: a lot of people in israel say whatever the dicey situation, we need their influence, they have it over hamas to a degree. take a look at how this war could get bigger. we got israel, they are focused here. how could this get bigger? >> we know hezbollah has started cross-border attack on israel and israel is responding. >> brian: early as today. >> that is upon haing. we have militia in iraq and syria targeting u.s. bases in iraq and syria and threatening to expangd. >> brian: the question is why haven't we hit back yet to show them it is not okay to hit america with impunity. they look at us as the problem for supporting israel. >> you have iran, the revolution guard just conducted maneuvers in the gulf presumably because they want to support hamas in war. >> brian: right over here, we have our presence with the eisenhower and evidently the gerald r ford will come in this region. why is it important to show naval presence? >> we have to convince iran it is not in their interest to get in war. >> brian: they come here and try to take out israel, we're going to let them know you are going to be punished. >> absolutely. >> brian: they realize that? >> we hope they realize that. >> brian: right, uae, in we think saudi arabia, part of the abraham accord, but it stops because of october 7. fortunately yesterday, nbs, crowned prince of saudi arabia said they are ready to resume peace talks when the war starts. >> brian: his best interest, i want piece and have relation with china and the u.s. and i want defense agreement with u.s. and i want to grow my economy. >> that is correct. >> brian: great to see you. see how this gets -- plays out and see if it becomes bigger and are we truly ready? thank you. steve, back out to d.c., where you are. >> steve: thank you very much. happening today, anti-israel students planning to join pro-palestinians for mas walk outs on college campuses across the united states. our next guest experience horrors of hamas 1st hand and lobbying members of congress to help release more hostages. our panel joins us once again. mia, start with you this time. for folks who are just joining us, you were actually at the music festival where the guys came paragliding in. you made it out by the grace of god, but a lot of your friends did not. >> yes, i'm here on behalf of my friends who are either kidnapped or dead. one of my best friends, ahmet, you mentioned a lot of people are saying this is made up, i just sent you many videos volidating what i'm going to say now. i was taking a left turn -- >> steve: after the shooting started. >> yeah, my friend had to take a right turn because the cars blocked the left, she went right, next kibbutz is rahim. they found this public shelter and let me tell you, the public shelters don't have any doors, not the ones that can be unlocked, they don't have doors. she arrived 7:40 and had time to text her friends and family she's taking shelter and she's fine. 15 minutes later, not how this story is ending. the terrorists found the shelter and started throwing grenades. there were 30 people, they evacuated 15 of them. we don't know whether they are kidnapped, dead or what happened to them. she was one of the family who stayed with three friends, all four in the shelter at that time. terrorists began throwing grenades inside. they had to make a decision to sacrifice themselves and their body part to save the majority of the people inside, they start throwing outside grenades. >> steve: just killing everybody? >> no, protecting people inside. terrorists are throwing grenades inside, just people having fun and enjoying life and love, defend by throwing the grenades oud, losing their body parts. in the footage, people do not have body parts. terrorists came and said anyone conscious, go outside, we will spry everybody inside to make sure there is not single survivor. my friend decided to go outside and they started piling people, i have footage showing they had to throw them inside, some of them not having body parts. when her turn, they are talking about raping her, they decided to throw her back inside and by some miracle, what happened, they decided now is the time to leave, maybe they heard the army heading, alarms, they left with the truck and she remained in the shelter where they continued throwing grenades. we lost two of our friends there. another survived because he was lying piled in bodies, one on top of another. this is just to show you how inhumane the terrorists are. how can you rip signs of people kidnapped when they don't even care about innocent life. my friend survived by a miracle, they did not put her on the truck, they had to stay and one person kept throwing the grenade and they did not rape her. she is traumatized for life, she lost hearing and has so many wounds on her body. >> steve: thank you for telling the story and you got out of there to witness that. in the commercial just before we started, i said to adlele, how many friends did you lose at your kibbutz and you said too many to count. >> not just my kibbutz, entire region, i was a teacher in the school for almost 40 years and each time i turn on the tv, i learn of someone else captured, kidnapped, murdered, slaughtered, i cannot count how many friends i lost. >> steve: just a few words, adlele, explain how israel changed on october 7, how do you put into words? >> i used to describe myself as a peace activist, on october 7, something in my d.n.a. switched and i -- first of all, we have to say to ourselves, october 7 was just the first shot. they did not only murder people, did not only kidnap people, didn't only have us sitting there waiting to be slaughtered next, next stage our entire communities have been displaced and we don't have a home to go back to. >> steve: you are homeless. >> it is going to take until we can get back home. >> steve: indeed and mark's cyst erand brother-in-law and three children, all taken hostage by hamas. and you are from a family of holocaust survivors. >> yes, i was born in the ex soviet union and my family are holocaust survivors, my grandparents and all the family lost in the holocaust. i heard a lot of stories about it firsthand from my family, also read a lot of testimonials and read a lot of stories about children hiding in shelters and hiding and trying to keep quiet while soldiers rummage outside. they were hearing the soldiers outside and waiting for the door to be opened and be shot. i never in my life, imagined that those pictures would come into reality, i never. i know it happened 80 years ago, i didn't expect it would happen in israel and that night actually my sister-in-law escaped from the kidnapping, her son and my nephew and brother are still in gaza, she managed to escape last moment and told me the story and the first time, first association they had was what happened in the holocaust and it is unimaginable and something like that happened again. i think with some luck, today we have live in a different world, we have israel to make sure it will not happen again. we have the united states and the rest of the world understanding what it is and will not let it happen again. >> steve: and gabe, you helped organize these family members go to capitol hill. it is important for members of congress and american public to hear their stories. the same time, you know, correct the record. when things are out there like the hospital hit that hamas said the israelis hit the hospital a week or so ago, now we know that it was a being roet that was launched in palestine, from palestine -- gaza that is to say. >> the blood line of the hospital hit by rocket was very telling and show thousands of people marching today and yesterday for the palestinians, for hamas are a bunch of hypocrites because when they thought it was israel that bombed the hospital and killed supposedly 500, they were marching on the streets and it was members of congress and found out it was rocket from hamas, we heard nothing, silence, that is hypocrisy we're hearing. this is fight for our lives, lives of jewish people, not just in israel, here in the united states. we are glad to be here in washington to speak to members of congress and share the stories, they cannot look away. >> steve: you can't look away or stop listening to the stories, they are horrific. >> steve: adelle, mark, mia, and gabe, thank you for telling your stories. powerful stuff. lawrence, back to new york. >> lawrence: great job, i hope the congresswoman from michigan, rashida tlaib, heard those comments. in three hours issue house expected to reconvene for a speaker vote this afternoon. let's check in with dana perino what is coming up at top of the hour? >> dana: amazing to hear the testimony in d.c. thank you. two dozen military members injured since hamas attacked israel, is iran behind it? what will the president do about it? update from mideast including israel prime minister, controversial decision being made today after pressure from the biden administration, the clock is ticking and we'll have the latest. will vote for a speaker be a squeaker? mike johnson may have votes, we can know today, d.c. getting anxious, we will see you at 9:00, for a big show. this is a special alert. israel is under attack and israel's enemies seek our destruction. the people of israel need immediate help. rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. our people are targets in their own homes. many have lost everything and fear for their lives. the international fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. your urgently needed gift of only $45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. time is literally running out. what we need you to do is to act now. >>law >> let's look at the for cast. we have a lot going on across the map. cold fronts moving across the central u.s. northern rockies the next big storm system that will impact the central u.s. warm across the east coast and cooler temperatures on the way for much of the country over the weekend. fox for your forecast details. >> ainsley: touching stories in d.c. >> steve: powerful stories and you will find them here every morning. >> brian: more on this on the radio. stay within yourself. >> bill: good morning. coverage continues right now. israel's fight for survival against enemie

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Children , Civilians , Difference , Target , Cross Fire , Many , Israeli Army , Islamic Jihad , Two Million , 9 Million , Winners , Ignorance , Much , Hamas Controls The , Activity , Buildings , 2007 , Areas , Gaza , Earth , Strip , Casualty Rate , Ground Operation , Warning , Expectation , Rate , Artillery , Parents , Hiding , Interviewing , Fighters , Individuals , Airfare , Tunnels , Street To Combat , Group , Family Members , Cup , News , Number , Numbers , Pictures , Name , College , Kid , Netta Adzili , 20 , It , Life , Feet , October 7 , Mind , Human Being , Statue Of Liberty , Horrors , More , Ground Campaign , Bombing , 22 , 200 , Ceasefire , Plan , Decision , Part , Why Don T , Grab Hostages , Don T Start , Doing , Down There , Captive , Question , Human Shields , Family , Guy , Charm , Republicans , Big Drama On Capitol Hill , Don T Move , Four , Constitutional Conservative , Extreme Conservative , Evangelical Christian , Catch Phrase , Donald Trump , Team , Truth , Michael 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702

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other islamist countries and so they were able to get themselves together a lot quicker and they were able to convince the people to vote for them. of course it did not take very long before they realized the mistake they had made, what do you do at that point? it is a terrorist organization. a few campaigns have tried to speak up for themselves, but they get mowed down in the streets. >> ainsley: thank you for explaining this to us. i know your father passed away and your mother married you off to member of al qaeda. you left and your mother vowed to have you killed. god bless you, thank you for coming on. her book is called "unveiled," you see behind her. third hour of "fox and friends" starts right no. >> brian: we start with the white house, president biden expected to take questions today in a news conference. can you imagine that? first time since hamas brutal attack on israel. he shouted some answers, but that attack happened three weeks ago. >> lawrence: secretary of state blinken confirmed at least 33 americans were killed by the terrorist group and 10 americans are missing. >> ainsley: families of american hostages are being held hostage in gaza, their families are lobbying today demanding lawmakers do more to bring their loved ones home. >> steve: i'm in capitol hill in washington, big news is mike johnson has emerged new front-runner, fourth front-runner for house speaker. could see a vote as early as 12:00, when things kickoff. right now 8:02 in new york city, rather in washington, d.c., where i am, we have team coverage of the top two stories. mark mered ith is in washington. first trey yingst is on the ground in southern israel, it is a little after 3 in the afternoon. trey. >> hang on, get ready, hang on. >> ainsley: still not working. his microphone -- they will fix the audio. check in with mark meredilth first. >> mark: a lot going on in the white house, busy day with the state visit with the australians and growing safety concern about u.s. forces across the middle east serving in iraq and syria. while attacks are being carried out by third party militia, it is thought to have iran fingerprints all over them. no u.s. troops have been killed, there was an american contractor who suffered a heart attack after seeking shelter when a drone attack was heading their way. we heard blinken yesterday at the un meeting. >> the u.s. does not seek conflict with iran, we do not want the war to widen. if iran or proxies attack u.s. personnel anywhere, make no mistake, we will defend our people, defend our security swiftly and decisively. >> mark: president biden will offer on-camera reaction and take questions today. he is welcoming the prime minister of australia to the white house. on tuesday he spoke with the crown prince of saudi arabia in effort to keep the conflict from getting larger or widening. a lot of fear this could grow larger by the day. there will be a lot of pomp and circumstance, including dinner tonight, pan-roasted halibut, and notable announcements, u.s. sparking agreements for artificial intelligence, better space contributions and an effort to tackle climate train. back to you guys. >> steve: so the president will be taking some questions from the press, we have not seen this for a very long time. is this one of those wide open press conferences where he has a list of 10 people or a bilateral thing where he says something, the prime minister of australia says something and one reporter from each country? >> >> mark: if histories a guide, i imagine the latter, each leader likely take two questions. fox will be in the rose garden, my colleague jacqui heinrich will be there and have questions ready, whether or not she gets called on is the big question. traditionally we have seen that the president has the questioners chosen whether from the associated press, wall street time journal. new york times. given so much concern about the developments overseas, i would expect all my money that this is what the questions will focus on, what is happening behind the scenes, what are conversations happening with israel and u.s. relationship with qataris and the saudis, talk what is happening on the u.s. diplomatic front and over there. >> lawrence: any conversation behind the scene about what they will do to the terrorist strikes our military bases or comba embassies? any pushback from the generals? what is happening there? >> mark: we heard two sides, state department comment from secretary antony blinken at the un. you have to wonder what preventative measures they are taking. there was a ship in the red sea that was able to take out missiles fired from yemeni, obviously the u.s. is well aware where weapons and groups are targeting. we see state approach and military approach, whether or not we see a direct response to iran is yet to be seen. that is why they are trying to keep this conflict from getting larger than it already was. >> lawrence: he loves don't. don't cross the border, they do. don't invade ukraine. don't, but nobody ever listens. >> brian: no reprisal. >> ainsley: brian interviewed former ambassador, he said when our president says don't and they do, hold them accountable. >> brian: that is all they understand in that region. >> lawrence: thanks, mark. >> brian: the attacks are more serious than we were told recently. live at a hospital in gaza, eight arriving and sirens going off in southern israel after a rocket fell. let's go back to trey yingst in southern israel. trey. >> trey: israelis continue strike along the gaza strip, death toll rising to 5700 people. the factions inside gaza despite airstrike by the israeli military maintain to fire on major population centers with long-range rockets. today sirens sounded in northern israel north of haifa, israel third largest city, indication they can fire to the north and to the south. you had a rocket fired toward southern city of elott today. getting hit by israeli military as infiltration attempt by militants. the army took out -- in the gaza strip. infrastructure across gaza being destroyed as we speak and death toll rising. take a look at the second largest city in gaza, khan yunis. >> lays in a hospital bed of khan yunis, the young gazan's mother were killed in an airstrike, she and her young brother survive. they feed her with a bottle. my sister was protecting the boy, he was not injured, the daughter was injured. i'm sure he feels the absence of his sister, as we say, twins are always connected. since the war on october 7, 2000 palestinian children killed in israeli airstrikes and shelling. according to aid group, save the children, with hospitals in gaza running low on supply, doctors worry vulnerable patients like joakim could die. >>-- 10 other babies -- according to minister the hospital is expected to -- upcoming 48 hours -- >> trey: today we visited israeli hospital in southern israel in the city of ashdod where mothers were delivering babies in fortified area. rocket fire is targeting cities as people try to continue their lives, seek medical attention and deliver babies into the world. northern border with israel and lebanon, 18-tank guided missiles taking place everyday. hezbollah firing on different community and army positions and israelis continue to strike both command centers in southern lebanon. back to you. >> brian: tragedy is tragedy, israelis don't aim for children and hamas target children. i think that is a huge difference. >> trey: the war is incredibly difficult for palestinian civilians and for israeli civilians, many caught amid crossfire. this is war between israeli army and hamas and islamic jihad, there are civilians amid cross fire and two million civilians inside gaza and 9 million israeli civilians, it is tragic to watch what unfolds on the ground, no winners in war. >> lawrence: trey, forgive my ignorance, palestinians that are there on the ground, are they aware there is terrorist activity happening in the buildings they are living or not aware? >> trey: hamas controls the gaza strip, they controlled it since 2007 and much of the rocket fire from gaza is coming from civilian areas, highly populated areas, it is one of the most densely populated areas on earth. it is why it is difficult to operate inside gaza and you see high casualty rate. they have to fire into cities. they dropped leaflets warning people to head south. this is on the strip before a ground operation has taken place. the expectation is -- and you hear the likely artillery in the strip behind me. the expectation is the rate will rise, we are looking at urban airfare, street to street combat, fighters and militants are hiding and many tunnels are underneath civilian areas. >> ainsley: thank you so much. steve, you are in washington interviewing individuals that have stories, some lost parents, some lost a sister, their entire family. the last hour of people just waking up, why don't you set this up, steve? >> steve: i tell you what, ainsley, on capitol hill today, a group of family members of people who were taken hostage by hamas are speaking to lawmakers about their families because when you watch the news, you hear numbers about the number of people dead, it is heartbreaking, but to hear the stories and see these people holding pictures of their loved ones, it brings it home and makes it clearer. we have eye guy here, mark, his entire family taken hostage and a 20-year-old kid from college, his name is netta adzili, his parents were taken hostage just a few feet from him. taken hostage. he was with us and this is what he had to say about how his life changed on october 7. >> i don't blame them for not believing it, i don't entirely believe it myself. i don't claim to understand what twisted mind think that it somehow justified because they slaughtered and kidnapped innocent people. this is an act no human being can do. >> steve: they're your parents. >> and i want them back so bad. i just want my parents back. >> ainsley: and there are his parents, steve, looks like in front of the statue of liberty in new york. >> steve: yeah, i know, it is just so heartbreaking. they will be telling their stories on capitol hill again this morning and this afternoon and they will be back with us in about 20 minutes to tell us more of the horrors of hamas. >> brian: with 200 plus hostages there, if you start the ground campaign, they claim israel killed 22 in their bombing, they start the ground campaign, do they lose their lives? you don't start, you lose the world and they begin to forget, they say, why don't you negotiate ceasefire and this is part of hamas's plan. grab hostages and make israel make a tough decision. >> lawrence: brian, this is also -- steve, what you are doing is great down there. as this war continues, there will be conversations about israel stopping a ceasefire. this is why the shelling, this is why they are going after them. this did not have to be this way. hamas did not have to brutally rape these people. held them captive, behead children, that never had to happen. >> steve: great point about how these family members are essentially human shields to keep israelis from taking them out. the same time, i asked about that question and they said they are all united in one thing, that is hamas has got to pay for what they have done to their family. >> brian: they killed guys already, they got to get more. steve, don't move, another big drama on capitol hill seems as though the republicans found their guy. four is the charm, i've said that, you have known that for years, that has been my catch phrase. congressman mike johnson, evangelical christian, extreme conservative, constitutional conservative, big defender of donald trump on his definitelies team, will not get pushback on truth social. we lost what, 19 missed the vote yesterday. three voted present. >> ainsley: michael waltz told us roll call last night and nobody objected to johnson, 20 members were not there, but should be there today, he said best result in last three weeks and i have learned last night there were some mccarthy hold outs. >> brian: 43 for mccarthy. >> ainsley: michael waltzed i'm cautiously optimistic. some are saying he's a good man, has a great shot, really strong christian. >> lawrence: steve, you are on the ground, there was an allegation they were trying to put mccarthy up as speaker and then jim jordan as the assistant speaker, as well. >> steve: referred to as unity ticket. >> ainsley: that will not happen, right? >> i spoke to them earlier, a lot of people say stuff. here is what is going to happen, today at noon, reconvene in the house and have a vote. if johnson doesn't make it, that will mean moderate republicans will work with democrats and make mchenry essentially the temporary speaker -- >> brian: against his will. >> steve: third day of january, just to get things done. i was speaking to congressman collins, when he's in his district, people are going, you have frozen government for three weeks. you have to do something. >> brian: solely to blame. the thing with mchenry, he is like, i don't want it, stop bringing my name up. >> ainsley: doesn't the speaker get to fly on private plane to and from washington? >> brian: hang your bowtie. >> steve: if johnson does become speaker, there will be two people from louisiana in the first and second position of leadership, you have him speaker and you have scalise -- >> lawrence: majority leader. >> steve: an old hand at leadership stuff, scalise could become one of the most powerful majority leaders congress had in a long time. >> brian: to further give sense mike johnson is the guy, i have a moderate that wrote me and said he is for him and a conservative that said we're all in, no objection we know of. never gotten this type of feedback on anybody. >> lawrence: pray this goes through. >> ainsley: this is what kat cammack said on x, congratulations to my friend, congressman mike johnson as new speaker designee, made incredible strides bringing our conference together. he is a good man. he believes in we the people and we serve on the subcommittee, new era of vision, faith and here, let's do this. >> brian: and she writes, don't read this on the air. >> ainsley: i asked her permission. she sent me a proper and told me i could, it is on social media. >> ainsley: carley, i think is upstairs, i heard her laughing. >> carley: i like the bowtie and unity ticket, can't pass one speaker, go for two at a time. >> brian: i want to see the counting. >> carley: hope this ends today. news to get to, new details revealed in case involving two teens face murder charges for killing a las vegas police officer last month. both were seen laughing and making gestures at the victim's family. new dashcam shows a suspect refusing to take the situation seriously. >> you should -- somebody, why? >> i'm hungry. >> i'm hungry, too. >> probably get us a meal. >> not being dramatic, but -- >> 20 to 30 years. >> hopefully. >> a lot more than that. >> ainsley: both suspects pleaded not guilty in the case, trial date set for next year. fox news alert, three million americans are under winter weather alert, as they wake up to snow, waves of snow hitting the northern cascade and rockies with worst of the store expected in montana, download the fox weather app on any tv connected device. snow in parts of the country, if you can believe it. >> ainsley: love to get snow issue last year we barely got any. >> people in montana can barely take it. >> not in new york, it shuts down. >> brian: next white house walk-back, karine jean-pierre clarifying her comment downplaying antisemitism. we have not seen any credible threat, when israel is sing edded out because of antijewish hatred, that is antisemitism. >> brian: right, that was not your initial question, she couldn't hear the question. briefing room blunder headline. >> ainsley: manhunt underway for a suspected killer believed armed and dangerous, we have a live report from the ground next. my skin and joints, i'm feeling this moment. along with clearer skin skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. this she■s a hero moment. even today, only a quarter of stem graduates are women. they'd go, oh, you don't look like an engineer. there is this preconception. some things are for boys. but diversity drives innovation. my goal is to really flip the script. pick something that you love and go for it. how do we live in space? 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>> well, i mean, if we just look at the library of the george washington university from last night or day of rage that palestine students justice for palestine students calling for campuses for tomorrow, endorsing not only commending, endorsing hamas charter, clear call for the annihilation for the state of israel and murder of jews and we think there is no rise in antisemitism as fbi warns as there is security up in every single jewish constitution, jewish students on campus targeted for identity, we have a really big problem and i want to be clear, international holt remembrance alliance includes double standard against state of israel, enabled on every single space, university spaces, international institutions, social media spaces. if we are not clear that antizionism is hutated form of antisemitism targeting jews on the streets of the united states, we will not be able to identify and combat it. >> ainsley: thank you. more "fox and friends" coming up. right, you have to do it yourself. in 2015, my dad had the idea to revitalize american textile manufacturing with bedding crafted from cotton grown on our family farm. we created red land cotton to give you the best farm, the home products possible. because it's more than quality products. it's a labor of love from our family. go to redland cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. buy a tablo and you can watch the top networks and more for free. - switching to tablo has really been a money saver. - with tablo, i can record something on my phone. i can pause it. i can go get a drink. i can come back. i can continue in the family room. - tablo is so easy to set up. - [narrator] order a tablo total system with a tablo and tv antenna and pay just 109.95. retails for 129.95. tablo. pay once and watch forever. order today at ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. ( ♪ ) constant contact. helping the small stand tall. >> brian: this is an unbelievable day of news, don't miss a minute. around 12:30 with the australian president, our president will finally take questions, first time since october 7 when israel was attacked and he made the trip to tel aviv. the house gets together and pick a speaker, they will actually pick a speaker if they get the 19 people to come back to work today and get to work. looks like it will be mike johnson. 10:00, back to the civil trial that should never be happening against donald trump. his archenemy michael cohen will be there for day two of his trial. donald trump has chosen to sit there and take it all in, he doesn't have to be there. series of protests across new york city, what an embarrassment, nyu, hunter, schools will get together and march and protest against israel and for palestine, which does not exist and for hamas which runs everything. talk about what this conflict looks like. it is so much bigger than just gaza. to do that, let me bring in hussein al hussein. great to see you. go to tutorial about the conflict and who the enemy is and how big the conflict can get. look at the map, point out israel and west bank and gaza. there are other players in the region. >> brian, two camps here, one is led by iran. it includes iraq, syria and lebanon. and some militias in west bank. and uae, has peace treaty and you have saudi arabia, which was on way to peace before iran started this whole thing on october 7 to stop peace. >> brian: archenemies they have detante right now if iran was not anti-israel would not be a problem or need for militia in syria, and lebanon and gaza where hamas exists. take a look at another area that is important, point out power players going against israel. >> the most dangerous one is hezbollah in lebanon on the northern border of israel, south lebanon. lebanon does not have a president or government, hezbollah is running the show. >> brian: caretaker president, hezbollah has it. >> then you have hamas, of course, which is engaged in war with israel. >> brian: right. >> you have militias in southern syria, israel been striking syria. >> brian: hezbollah here, assad fallen apart propped up by russia and iran and they lob rockets aringly and do strike with punity when they feel a terror threat, they will do preempative strikes, correct? >> correct. you have pro-militias that have explosive drones. >> brian: keep in mind, we decided to leave iraq under obama administration, all of a sudden in comes isis, working with iran, when all said and done, iran had influence and this is why the iranian militias are hitting our base, we opened the door to that. this is the problem and qatar is interesting country, they have hamas leadership there. >> south hamas leadership live in doha and get funding from qatar and so much support in terms of self-power qatar offer them. >> brian: qatar is helping to get hostages out of here. >> correct. >> brian: a lot of people in israel say whatever the dicey situation, we need their influence, they have it over hamas to a degree. take a look at how this war could get bigger. we got israel, they are focused here. how could this get bigger? >> we know hezbollah has started cross-border attack on israel and israel is responding. >> brian: early as today. >> that is upon haing. we have militia in iraq and syria targeting u.s. bases in iraq and syria and threatening to expangd. >> brian: the question is why haven't we hit back yet to show them it is not okay to hit america with impunity. they look at us as the problem for supporting israel. >> you have iran, the revolution guard just conducted maneuvers in the gulf presumably because they want to support hamas in war. >> brian: right over here, we have our presence with the eisenhower and evidently the gerald r ford will come in this region. why is it important to show naval presence? >> we have to convince iran it is not in their interest to get in war. >> brian: they come here and try to take out israel, we're going to let them know you are going to be punished. >> absolutely. >> brian: they realize that? >> we hope they realize that. >> brian: right, uae, in we think saudi arabia, part of the abraham accord, but it stops because of october 7. fortunately yesterday, nbs, crowned prince of saudi arabia said they are ready to resume peace talks when the war starts. >> brian: his best interest, i want piece and have relation with china and the u.s. and i want defense agreement with u.s. and i want to grow my economy. >> that is correct. >> brian: great to see you. see how this gets -- plays out and see if it becomes bigger and are we truly ready? thank you. steve, back out to d.c., where you are. >> steve: thank you very much. happening today, anti-israel students planning to join pro-palestinians for mas walk outs on college campuses across the united states. our next guest experience horrors of hamas 1st hand and lobbying members of congress to help release more hostages. our panel joins us once again. mia, start with you this time. for folks who are just joining us, you were actually at the music festival where the guys came paragliding in. you made it out by the grace of god, but a lot of your friends did not. >> yes, i'm here on behalf of my friends who are either kidnapped or dead. one of my best friends, ahmet, you mentioned a lot of people are saying this is made up, i just sent you many videos volidating what i'm going to say now. i was taking a left turn -- >> steve: after the shooting started. >> yeah, my friend had to take a right turn because the cars blocked the left, she went right, next kibbutz is rahim. they found this public shelter and let me tell you, the public shelters don't have any doors, not the ones that can be unlocked, they don't have doors. she arrived 7:40 and had time to text her friends and family she's taking shelter and she's fine. 15 minutes later, not how this story is ending. the terrorists found the shelter and started throwing grenades. there were 30 people, they evacuated 15 of them. we don't know whether they are kidnapped, dead or what happened to them. she was one of the family who stayed with three friends, all four in the shelter at that time. terrorists began throwing grenades inside. they had to make a decision to sacrifice themselves and their body part to save the majority of the people inside, they start throwing outside grenades. >> steve: just killing everybody? >> no, protecting people inside. terrorists are throwing grenades inside, just people having fun and enjoying life and love, defend by throwing the grenades oud, losing their body parts. in the footage, people do not have body parts. terrorists came and said anyone conscious, go outside, we will spry everybody inside to make sure there is not single survivor. my friend decided to go outside and they started piling people, i have footage showing they had to throw them inside, some of them not having body parts. when her turn, they are talking about raping her, they decided to throw her back inside and by some miracle, what happened, they decided now is the time to leave, maybe they heard the army heading, alarms, they left with the truck and she remained in the shelter where they continued throwing grenades. we lost two of our friends there. another survived because he was lying piled in bodies, one on top of another. this is just to show you how inhumane the terrorists are. how can you rip signs of people kidnapped when they don't even care about innocent life. my friend survived by a miracle, they did not put her on the truck, they had to stay and one person kept throwing the grenade and they did not rape her. she is traumatized for life, she lost hearing and has so many wounds on her body. >> steve: thank you for telling the story and you got out of there to witness that. in the commercial just before we started, i said to adlele, how many friends did you lose at your kibbutz and you said too many to count. >> not just my kibbutz, entire region, i was a teacher in the school for almost 40 years and each time i turn on the tv, i learn of someone else captured, kidnapped, murdered, slaughtered, i cannot count how many friends i lost. >> steve: just a few words, adlele, explain how israel changed on october 7, how do you put into words? >> i used to describe myself as a peace activist, on october 7, something in my d.n.a. switched and i -- first of all, we have to say to ourselves, october 7 was just the first shot. they did not only murder people, did not only kidnap people, didn't only have us sitting there waiting to be slaughtered next, next stage our entire communities have been displaced and we don't have a home to go back to. >> steve: you are homeless. >> it is going to take until we can get back home. >> steve: indeed and mark's cyst erand brother-in-law and three children, all taken hostage by hamas. and you are from a family of holocaust survivors. >> yes, i was born in the ex soviet union and my family are holocaust survivors, my grandparents and all the family lost in the holocaust. i heard a lot of stories about it firsthand from my family, also read a lot of testimonials and read a lot of stories about children hiding in shelters and hiding and trying to keep quiet while soldiers rummage outside. they were hearing the soldiers outside and waiting for the door to be opened and be shot. i never in my life, imagined that those pictures would come into reality, i never. i know it happened 80 years ago, i didn't expect it would happen in israel and that night actually my sister-in-law escaped from the kidnapping, her son and my nephew and brother are still in gaza, she managed to escape last moment and told me the story and the first time, first association they had was what happened in the holocaust and it is unimaginable and something like that happened again. i think with some luck, today we have live in a different world, we have israel to make sure it will not happen again. we have the united states and the rest of the world understanding what it is and will not let it happen again. >> steve: and gabe, you helped organize these family members go to capitol hill. it is important for members of congress and american public to hear their stories. the same time, you know, correct the record. when things are out there like the hospital hit that hamas said the israelis hit the hospital a week or so ago, now we know that it was a being roet that was launched in palestine, from palestine -- gaza that is to say. >> the blood line of the hospital hit by rocket was very telling and show thousands of people marching today and yesterday for the palestinians, for hamas are a bunch of hypocrites because when they thought it was israel that bombed the hospital and killed supposedly 500, they were marching on the streets and it was members of congress and found out it was rocket from hamas, we heard nothing, silence, that is hypocrisy we're hearing. this is fight for our lives, lives of jewish people, not just in israel, here in the united states. we are glad to be here in washington to speak to members of congress and share the stories, they cannot look away. >> steve: you can't look away or stop listening to the stories, they are horrific. >> steve: adelle, mark, mia, and gabe, thank you for telling your stories. powerful stuff. lawrence, back to new york. >> lawrence: great job, i hope the congresswoman from michigan, rashida tlaib, heard those comments. in three hours issue house expected to reconvene for a speaker vote this afternoon. let's check in with dana perino what is coming up at top of the hour? >> dana: amazing to hear the testimony in d.c. thank you. two dozen military members injured since hamas attacked israel, is iran behind it? what will the president do about it? update from mideast including israel prime minister, controversial decision being made today after pressure from the biden administration, the clock is ticking and we'll have the latest. will vote for a speaker be a squeaker? mike johnson may have votes, we can know today, d.c. getting anxious, we will see you at 9:00, for a big show. this is a special alert. israel is under attack and israel's enemies seek our destruction. the people of israel need immediate help. rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. our people are targets in their own homes. many have lost everything and fear for their lives. the international fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. your urgently needed gift of only $45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. time is literally running out. what we need you to do is to act now. >>law >> let's look at the for cast. we have a lot going on across the map. cold fronts moving across the central u.s. northern rockies the next big storm system that will impact the central u.s. warm across the east coast and cooler temperatures on the way for much of the country over the weekend. fox for your forecast details. >> ainsley: touching stories in d.c. >> steve: powerful stories and you will find them here every morning. >> brian: more on this on the radio. stay within yourself. >> bill: good morning. coverage continues right now. israel's fight for survival against enemie

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Children , Civilians , Difference , Target , Cross Fire , Many , Israeli Army , Islamic Jihad , Two Million , 9 Million , Winners , Ignorance , Much , Hamas Controls The , Activity , Buildings , 2007 , Areas , Gaza , Earth , Strip , Casualty Rate , Ground Operation , Warning , Expectation , Rate , Artillery , Parents , Hiding , Interviewing , Fighters , Individuals , Airfare , Tunnels , Street To Combat , Group , Family Members , Cup , News , Number , Numbers , Pictures , Name , College , Kid , Netta Adzili , 20 , It , Life , Feet , October 7 , Mind , Human Being , Statue Of Liberty , Horrors , More , Ground Campaign , Bombing , 22 , 200 , Ceasefire , Plan , Decision , Part , Why Don T , Grab Hostages , Don T Start , Doing , Down There , Captive , Question , Human Shields , Family , Guy , Charm , Republicans , Big Drama On Capitol Hill , Don T Move , Four , Constitutional Conservative , Extreme Conservative , Evangelical Christian , Catch Phrase , Donald Trump , Team , Truth , Michael Waltz , Definitelies , 19 , Members , Last Night , Result , Roll Call , Some , Man , Outs , Michael Waltzed , 43 , Shot , Assistant Speaker , Mccarthy Up As Speaker , Allegation , Jim Jordan , Stuff , Ticket , Unity , House , Johnson Doesn T , Make It , Mchenry , Democrats , Speaker , Will , District , Third Day , Congressman Collins , Bowtie , Plane , Doesn T The Speaker , Louisiana , Hand , Leadership , Congress , Majority , Him Speaker , Leaders , Position , Leadership Stuff , Majority Leader , Scalise , Conservative , Moderate , Objection , Sense , Friend , On X , Congressman , Congratulations , Anybody , Type , Feedback , Designee , Kat Cammack , Subcommittee , Strides , Conference , Vision , Faith , Carley , On The Air , Social Media , Permission , Counting , Can T Pass One , Case , Teens , Details , Murder Charges , Both , Police Officer , Las Vegas , Situation , Suspect , Somebody , Victim S Family , Gestures , Dashcam , Meal , 30 , Snow , Fox News Alert , Winter Weather Alert , Suspects , Trial Date Set , Three Million , Tv , Store , Rockies , Parts , Weather , Device , Worst , Montana , Northern Cascade , Snow Issue , Antisemitism , Karine , Threat , Edded , Comment , Walk Back , Antijewish , Jean Pierre Clarifying , Hatred , She Couldn T , Briefing Room Blunder Headline , Killer , Armed And Dangerous , Manhunt , Skin , Reactions , Skin Skyrizi , Report , Joints , Joint Pain , Stiffness , Fatigue , Swelling , Starter Doses , 4 , 2 , Everything , Doctor , Nothing , Infections , Movement , Infection , Risk , Ability , Symptoms , Vaccine , Skyrizi , Women , Preconception , She , Stem Graduates , Quarter , Engineer , Boys , Sa Hero Moment , Space , Goal , Diversity , Innovation , Script , Figure , Blueprint , Moon , Prices , Opposite , Little , Names , Arenas , Lower , Mint Mobile , Goat , Their , Inflation , Ads , Customer , Oh H Ho , Business , Network , Level , Speed , Downloads , Comcast Business , Devices , Uploads , 10g Network , The Next Generation , Wifi , Card , Internet Bundle , Powering Possibilities , 59 99 , 800 , 9 99 , Wife , Hunt , Air Force , Aaron Pennington , Police , White Bmw , Vehicle , Hunter , Bow Hunter On Monday , Boston , Massachusetts , 70 , Hunters , Anyone , Video Cameras , Trail Cams , Veteran , Help , Neighbor , Face , Court Documents , Marital Problem , Teams , Problems , Investigators , State Police , Sign , Forest , Suicide , Warning Anyone , United States Military Personnel , 911 , Regime , Bases , Milittia , Irgc , Proxy , Term , Escalation , Prospect , Folks , Program , Convoy For Fighting Antisemitism , Partners , Murder , Humanity , Bludgeoning , Rape , Burns , On Civilization , Antisemitismic , Civilization , Assault , Shore , Campuses , Support , Hate , Excuses , On Social Media , Europe , Fronts , Answer , Facts , Rise , Sound Bite Put , Muslim , Stop , Paper , Library , Day Of Rage , George Washington University , Students , Palestine , Commending , Justice , Call , Annihilation , Hamas Charter , Jews , Jewish , Campus , Constitution , Identity , Fbi , Problem , Double Standard , International Holt Remembrance Alliance , Antizionism , Institutions , Form , Social Media Spaces , University Spaces , Hutated , Cotton , Family Farm , Dad , Idea , Bedding , Textile Manufacturing , 2015 , Products , Land Cotton , Love , Labor , Farm , Go To Redland Cotton , Dot Com , 15 , Order , Leadership Positions , Line , Code , Satisfaction , Duty , Mentality , 32 , Handout , Loan , Newday Usa , Promise , Peach , Aren T , Shipments , Sizes , Shapes , Isn T Just Freight , Old Dominion , Tablo , Networks , Phone , Money Saver , Drink , Family Room , Tv Antenna , Narrator , Retails , 109 95 , 129 95 , Tablotv Com , Contact , Music , Automation , Message , Constant Contact , Stand , Australian , Trip , Tel Aviv , Trial , Michael Cohen , Looks , Protests , Series , Schools , Protest , Embarrassment , Nyu , Tutorial , Hussein Al , Map , Players , Point Out Israel , Camps , Enemy , West Bank , Uae , Militias , Peace Treaty , Peace , Archenemies , Caretaker , Show , South Lebanon , Preempative Strikes , Terror Threat , Correct , Rockets Aringly , Russia , Administration , Pro Militias , All Of A Sudden In , Drones , Isis , Door , Influence , Qatar , Base , South Hamas , Terms , Funding , Doha , Degree , Haing , Expangd , Haven T , Maneuvers , Impunity , Gulf , Presence , Eisenhower , Gerald R Ford , Interest , Nbs , Prince , Abraham Accord , War Starts , Peace Talks , Relation , Defense Agreement , Piece , Economy , China , Back Out To D C , College Campuses , Pro Palestinians , Mas Walk Outs , Experience , Panel , 1st Hand , Mia , 1 , Friends , Paragliding , Music Festival , The Grace Of God , Behalf , Yes , Ahmet , Turn , Shooting , Videos , Cars , Left , Next Kibbutz , Rahim , Doors , Shelters , Ones , 40 , Terrorists , Throwing Grenades , Story , Ending , Grenades , Body Part , Body Parts , Footage , Oud , Go Outside , Survivor , Miracle , Army Heading , Leave , Truck , Alarms , Another , Top , Signs , Bodies , Grenade , Person , Body , Hearing , Wounds , Kibbutz , School , Teacher , Adlele , Words , Someone , Kidnapped , Murdered , Peace Activist , Dna , On October 7 , Wall , Kidnap , Communities , Didn T , Brother In Law , Cyst Erand , Holocaust , Survivors , Sex , Grandparents , Soviet Union , Testimonials , Soldiers , In My Life , Sister In Law , Reality , 80 , Association , Time , Kidnapping , Nephew , Luck , Rest , Gabe , Public , Record , Hospital Hit , Being Roet , Blood Line , Hypocrites , Show Thousands , Hospital Hit By Rocket , Bunch , 500 , Fight , Hypocrisy , Silence , Listening , Adelle , Congresswoman , Comments , Issue , Job , Michigan , Rashida Tlaib , D C , Military Members , Speaker Vote , Afternoon , Testimony , Dana Perino , Pressure , Ticking , Update , Clock , Votes , Squeaker , Latest , Big Show , 9 , Alert , Crosshairs , Homes , Enemies , Targets , Destruction , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Supplies , Gift , Medicine , Aid , Emergency , Water , Rush Food , 5 , 45 , Storm System , Northern Rockies , Coast , Law Let S Look At The For Cast , Weekend , Temperatures , Fox Weather Com , Coverage , Survival , Radio , Stay , Bill , Enemie ,

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