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This administration has lessened those and we believe that really is a big part of why iran felt emboldened enough to allow its proxies to wage this attack. Neil real quickly. Tom emmer did clear a hurdle by getting republican support, what there was within conference for potential vote on the house floor. That he will be probably shy of the votes that he needs. Do you agree with that assessment . I have to be candid. The closest to 217 votes is our former speaker that was about four votes shy when he left office. As of today, the most popular republican by far is in fact Kevin Mccarthy. That cause as lot of us the question of did we get rid of the right man to get an alternative when theres no alternative. Were going to a conference in a few minutes. As emmer tries to get to 217, a lot of us are asking the question what was wrong with the person to that almost had 217 on the day he left office. Neil do you know whether he or maybe at your behest would try entertaining for his old job . I cant speak for the former speaker. Nobody should accept this job based on the idea that one person can call for your ouster and four can execute with it the help of the democrats. Theres no question at all. We as republicans have to lead a rule change that make it possible for a speaker to have some buffer to do what he or she thinks is right rather than living in fear of the tyranny of four or five people. Neil i dont know whether those four or five people are trump loyal assetses. I mentioned that, donald trump speaking to reporters in the middle of his civil trial as a rino, tom emmer and he might be hurt by his votes on same sex marriage as well as his Election Certification Vote certifying the last president ial election. That stuck in Donald Trumps crawl. What do you think of that . Weve had can kids that were opposed from the left and right. What we have is a system that got broken that we have to fix. Historically i have voted for people that i did not support in the first go round. But i went to them because the majority of republicans did. Thats what you do as part of a party. We have to get back to that tradition. Until we get back, i dont think mother theresa could get 217 votes as a republican. I think thats important. We have to fix the system. The question is, who is best to lead us. I think that will be the person the closest to 217 and with a little nudging, we do the right thing and get back to work. Martha you might get closer to 217. Youll never know. Congressman, thanks very much. Good seeing you again. Thank you. Neil hes rights. Anybody that hey have put up has had a devil of a time, this is the third speaker pick in as many weeks. Were on top of that. Also on top of whats happening in Southern Lebanon regarding hezbollah. You heard so much about hamas. As Steve Harrigan reports, theyre quite a menacing factor themselves. Steve . Certainly right, neil. Iranian backed hezbollah deemed a Terrorist Organization by the u. S. Has more than 150,000 rockets aimed right at israel. We had another warning today to hezbollah not to open a second front against israel. That came from israels president. I think hezbollah is playing with fire. I think their iranian empire of evil that is backing them and operates day in and day out to destabilize the middle east and the region is playing with fire. Weve had skirmishes between two sides. 31 hezbollah soldiers killed, five israel soldiers killed. Hezbollah is containing the fighting using the shorter range antitank missiles. Saudi arabia is now evacuating its diplomatic families and doing so by military planes. Back to you, neil. Neil thanks, steve. Steve in beirut, lebanon. Senator ron johnson of wisconsin kind enough to join us. I did want to get your take on a separate issue that the senate hopes to take up. That is funding combining funding for ukraine and israel that the house cant take up right now because they dont have a speaker. How do you feel about that . We should handle them separately. The support for helping israel is strong. Its bipartisan. Whether you agree or not, the funding for israel has more support in the house. We have to get this passed as quickly as possible. One thing republicans have been talking about is our totally unsecurity border in our own land. The Southwest Border is just a National Security crisis that people need to fix that before we fund more for ukraine. One of the positions that people hold, again, to support israel, but dont combine the two because i think youll make it difficult to pass any support for israel then. Neil the pentagon was confirming that u. S. Forces have come under attack more than a dozen times in the last week, sir. Did you get confirmation of that . The next obvious question would be what do we do about that . Only what i read in the news. Sandra you know, the fact of the matter is, the Obama Administration and now the Biden Administration have funneled tens hundreds of billions in to the largest State Sponsor of terror hoping to appease them, hoping to buy better behavior from them. This has enboldened them. We have to cut off that funding and recognize iran for the maligned force that they are and stop funding them. Neil when the israelis august the about everything leads to iran, can you envision a situation where not United States but israel certainly takes on iran and tries to deal with iran on its own . Would you support that . First of all, if Iran Goes Nuclear that is a existential threat to israel. One of the things that america should have done awhile ago is provided israel with Bunker Busting bombs and refuelling aircraft to be able to deliver those to deter iran. To deter iran so they never have to be used. By not doing that, iran continues to rush toward becoming a nuclear power. They have never abandoned that goal. Theyve been emboldened and were watching the results by this barbaric slaughter from one of their cutouts, hamas. Neil let me ask you in a different way about iran and how you deal with them, sir. Another issue that has come up is this provocative behavior wont stop unless not just israel does something about it but the United States. We have advisers in israel now were told that are helping out. Im just curious what you make of that and how far they should go. Well, again, were dealing with a big mess created by the obama and Biden Administration coddling and funding hundreds of billions of dollars in to the largest State Sponsor of terror. Now we have to deal with it. It starts with stop funding them, recognize them for being terrorists and deal with them. Neil thanks, senator. I apologize to leave you right now. Breaking news concerning tom emmer, the majority whip. The third choice to be speaker by The Republicans, but hes out as well. Taking himself out of the unaring. Chad pergram has more. What happened, chad . Republicans just met in their conference meeting. They took a twohour break. Tom emmer, the republican from minnesota, he did not leave the room. He heard from members that were against him. He got 117 members of the House Republican conference voting for him earlier today. Thats a far cry from needing 217 to win on the floor. He was able to get that number somewhere in to the low 200s. But finally he felt that he just could not bridge that gap. Remember that steve scalise, the majority leader dropped out after 30 hours here. Tom emmer has dropped out after about 3 1 2 hours. He left rather abruptly. We never saw him come this way. He left the office building. Republicans are now back to square one. I want to go back to something that was said. There was a statement that was put out by former President Trump shortly after tom emmer secured the nomination. Keep in mind he didnt have the full support of President Trump or tries versa. Trump said hes out of touch with republican voters. Voting for a globalist rino like tom emmer would be a big mistake. I speak a little bit against with eli crane, a republican representative from arizona. He said that he was starting to hear on the Telephone Lines and emails and Everything Else from the base that they did not want tom emmer to be the speaker of the house. You had jim banks, republican from indiana, who was running for the senate indicated that he would never vote for tom emmer, viewed him as a moderate. He said we dont have a conservative person to be speaker of the house. So tom emmer is out. So tom emmer is out. Neil could Kevin Mccarthy be hit it it takes two to make a thing go right it takes two to make it outta sight it takes two to make a thing go right it takes two to make it outta sight one, two, get loose now it takes two to make a. It takes two to make a. It takes two to make a. It takes two to make a. It takes two to make a. It takes two to make a. Stay two nights and get 5k bonus points. Book direct at bestwestern. Com. Ameritrade is now part of schwab. Bringing you an elevated experience, tailormade for trader minds. Go deeper with thinkorswim our awardwining trading platforms. Unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. And sharpen your skills with an immersive Online Education crafted just for traders. All so you can trade brilliantly. Are you guys watching . This is my favorite part. Youre watching. Okay, time to get your own bed, hank. Chewy has great prices. Hope you like plaid. I do. Who wants popcorn . Shop and get a 30 egift card through november 5th. At chewy. Rich has more. These types of attacks have been ongoing several days now. The pentagon here sees irans fingerprints all of these types of things. Asked whether the pentagon or the military will retaliation, officials refuse to say, but they say they do reserve the right to respond in a time and place of their choosing. The pentagon sending the u. S. S. Carrier strike group, thousands of troops are also on stand by to deploy to the region if needed. A senior u. S. Defense official confirms the administration has sent marine lieutenant james glenn and several other officers to advise israeli leadership of operations in gaza. Axios reported this. Glenn ran the Marines Special operations and worked on the fight against isis. Theyre temporarily with their Military Expertise to just go through and discuss the hard questions that the idf should consider as they plan various scenarios. Then theres the diplomatic push with Antony Blinken at the u. N. Security council this morning. He was in israel last week. Hes urging china to play a constructive role in the region. Members of this council, permanent members in particular, have a special responsibility to prevent this conflict from spreading. I look forward to continuing to work with my counterpart from the peoples republic of china to do precisely that when he visits washington later this week. Chinas top diplomat is expected to come to washington to meet with senior u. S. Officials in an attempt to diffuse the tension between the u. S. And china. Neil thanks, rich edson at the pentagon. To adam smith of washington. Sits on the House Armed Services committee. Very good to have you, sir. Your take on this delicate balance we seem to have with china throughout this. They are supposedly signing ships to the area. We already have ships in this area. This could easily escalate. What do you think . I think theres a huge risk of that. The reason we moved our Carrier Battle Groups in to the area and the reason we have upgraded our forces is to protect the forces in the area as you pointed out in syria and iraq. We have troops there primarily to keep isis at bay, which is still an issue. So we need to send a clear message that we will defend and protect those troops and to stop this conflict from spreading to discourage hezbollah from getting it to it in the north and to keep iran from starting a broader war. Thats the strategy. This could spread out of control in to something very dangerous not just for the region but for the world so we need to be in a position to deter that. Neil theres been a growing call from the u. N. , countries say a cease fire is a good idea rye now. The israelis are not for that dedefer to the israelis on this. What do you think of a cease fire . I dont think that makes sense right now. Look, you saw the hundreds of hamas militants that went in and slaughtered people in its israel. Those militants are still in gaza. The people that supported and planned that attack are there as well. To say to israel at this point that if they can take out those people that just carried out that attack, that they shouldnt . That doesnt make sense. You cant have a cease fire. What israel needs to do is be concerned about the humanitarian situation in gaza. Its a mistake to block humanitarian aid, to block food, water, medical supplies and even fuel. Blocking fuel creates a humanitarian crisis and undermines the mission to defeat hamas. So no, there shouldnt be a cease fire. But the world needs to Work Together as the pie den administration has led to get humanitarian assistance in to civilians in gaza. I know theres risk in that. The risk is that some of that will wind up in the hands of hamas. The risk of having to world watch as the people in gaza suffer horribly is also a big risk to israel that i hope that they will properly balance. Neil you probably heard the news that tom emmer has taken himself out of the running as speaker. The third time weve seen this play out in as many weeks. There is a building sort of school of thought that the only way for this to be resolved is for democrats to weighin and maybe vote for one or other of the republican names that have been mentioned or new ones to come. Would you ever consider that . Certainly. Weve been open to that for some time. If the Republican Leadership works with democrats on issues that are important to us. Were not going to vote for like a Speaker Mccarthy who is going to govern from the extreme right wing of the republican party. Were not going to do that for practical reasons. We dont support those policies. We dont support the partisan impeachment that has been launched. We dont support 30 cuts in housing and education and healthcare. Neil would you have support add tom emmer, sir . He obviously voted for that certification of the electoral result. He voted for same sex marriage. T the former president called him a rino. Would you consider Something Like that or its a moot point . Its a moot point. We could consider it. We want some promises, if you will. We want some legislative things to move forward. We want dont shut down the government. Honor the appropriations deal. The bipartisan appropriations deal that we did last may and that Kevin Mccarthy lied about and went back on and pass the bills and give us a vote on a supplemental for ukraine, for the border and israel as well. If a republican speaker candidate said he he or she, but at this point its only been hes would give us those things, yes, we could consider it. Were not going to empower a republican speaker who is just going to shut down the government and continue to not honor the appropriations deal. So if they reached out to us, yes. Thus far every candidate has refused to do that. So The Republicans have to get to 217 on their own. Neil the reason why i mentioned Kevin Mccarthy, at least he did find a way to work with democrats and get enough votes for a way to keep the government lights on. No, he didnt, neil. Neil would that work for you . He didnt. You saw what he did. He tried absolutely everything and couldnt get it done. He jammed through that deal, didnt tell us about it. And then blamed us for wanting to shut down the government after we provided the votes to keep the government open even though he didnt consult us at all. So no, Kevin Mccarthy did not work with democrats. I understand how this place works. If you want to govern that way, you can govern that way. Different people have done it that way. If you dont have 217 votes to do that, then youre not governing either way. Thats the trap were in right now. Neil ill put you down as a maybe. Thats fair. Thats fair. Neil congres when youre ready to begin treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia, calquence helps you do the fighting. And you can do the exploring. You can do the splashing. The sightseeing. And the playing. Calquence is an oral targeted therapy for cll. More patients begin with calquence than any treatment of its kind, and calquence is proven to work better than chemoimmunotherapy in patients with previously untreated cll. Calquence may cause serious side effects, which may lead to death. These include serious infections with fever, chills, or flulike symptoms; and bleeding problems that may increase with blood thinners. Decreased blood counts are common and can be severe. New cancers have happened, including skin cancers. 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Congressman mike flood of nebraska kind enough to join us. He introduced the house unity pledge. Anyone considering running for speaker that would support the one that was chosen. Were not there, are we, congressman . No, that unity pledge looks smart today, doesnt it . Neil so what happens now . A few minutes before before i came on your show, tom emmer let the conference know that he was withdrawing. He wants to be the best whip can be. I knew something was up when we had the Voting Pencils on the seats. I thought that was odd. When we left at 2 00, we nominate add speaker designate. He quickly withdraw. Patrick mchenry, our speaker pro tem is taking over the process now and he says we need to regroup and figure out what we do next. Neil you know, congressman, you know this better than i do, but Chad Pergram Has said congressman kevin hern and congressman mike johnson are entertaining putting themselves back in the mix for speaker. How do you feel about that . Last night was catching the Candidate Forum. We had eight men up there that were going through the ropes. I thought they all did well. Thats what is so frustrating. We have a great bench of leaders in the republican party. Its hard to pick between them. Mike johnson and kevin hern both did a fantastic job today. Also i think theres others that are interested in putting their name in that maybe havent been on the radar yet. Whether or not we go back to a Candidate Forum or we can figure out how to start voting again, that is up to the conference. It would take a unanimous Concept Motion to Everybody Go Without Objecting and go straight in to forum. Were trying to sort that out right now. Neil what about Kevin Mccarthy . You know what . He did a great job. Theres a lot of us in the conference that want that. Hes not signals to anyone that thats anywhere where he is at. He was behind tom emmer. Before that he was firmly behind jim jordan. I was behind jim jordan. He presented our conference a unique opportunity to come together as a party. Im not just talking about the House Of Representatives, im talking about the schism and every state party for the gop in the nation. I felt like jim jordan could put this two sides together. Neil are you worried about how this makes your party look, congressman . Not that this is your fault. The way it looks, if republicans cant govern among their own, how are they going to govern in the house, period . Its embarrassing. It needs to end now. Ive said a long time, i dont want to sit in a room in the basement of the u. S. Capitol and talk about our feelings. The American People need us to govern. The soldiers, the sailors and marines potentially in harms way right now. They have bigger things to worried about than sitting in a room packing one capable republican over another. People want us to move on. When i was in nebraska sunday, i could see the anxiety in some of my constituents faces. People that i have known for a long time. Theyre nervous, theyre worried. They never had to worry about the House Of Representatives not having a leader. So they want to know where were going and want to know when its going to be fixed. Neil when it comes to a gop unity pledge, would you push that for the new wave that might be some of it is an old waive wave to entertain and come back and running again . Theres a number of members who for a variety of reasons dont sign pledges. I can appreciate that. As somebody in politics, i get it. The other side, i think that there are some folks that have such different views about where this conference needs to go that no unity pledge is going to solve that. I think we need to talk about unity and ultimately we have to decide where were going and find the right person to implement that strategy. Theres a lot of differences in that room. You have folks on the Appropriation Committee that stood against jim jordan. People like on the bacon who was on that. Then you turn around and certainly both sides have the same problem. Neil are you interested . I was speaker of the nebraska legislature, which is officially nonpartisan. Its like herding cats on methamp methamphetamine. They followed me to washington d. C. No, i think i need more than 15 months to do that job. Neil you might have disparaged cats. Thanks, congressman. Thanks for taking the time. Following the latest from jerusalem. Theyre looking at this Ground Invasion that could be imminent. Theres no way of knowing for sure. Trace gallagher is there. Our fox news at night anchor with more. Trace . Neil, if you look in it where around the middle east, that is the big topic, when is the Ground Invasion. While the Israeli Forces are prepping for this Ground Invasion, they had their hands full because tie they had to defend israel from four different fronts. You had rockets coming from hamas and from lebanon from hezbollah. You had rockets from syria coming to israel that didnt hit anybody in open territory. Also there was a dive team, a hamas dive team that had to be stopped from reportedly landing on a beach in southern israel. That beach area is still on Lockdown Tonight in response, israel went out and killed four top hamas leaders. They also launched some 400 air strikes, neil, 400. That is like the numbers that they had in the early days of this war. You had the prime minister, benjamin netanyahued, he was with idn soldiers today. He told them that theyre his quote was the next stage is coming. The big question around the world is when is it coming because the United States clearly has this fear that this is tipping and this could become a regional war. Only one or two steps away from that, neil. Neil im wondering as well about how the israelis are digesting all this, trace. They know that such an invasion might be imminent. They know about the growing call to get a cease fire going or get the hostages release and hold off such an attack. Its got to be scary and enormous pressure at the same time. It is. It depends who you talk to. If you talk to the families that have hostages being held, they will mostly tell you that they would like to see the Ground Invasion held off for a little while to at least give diplomacy or what theyre saying is diplomacy a chance to get the hostages out. Theres Family Members out, even if its just one, two, three or five at a time. They would like to see some people get out before the troops go in there. We were at a kibbutz today, neil, in jerusalem. These are all people that were attacked. They were all in kibbutz down on the ground. They have regathered now in jerusalem. You talk to them. They spend their days visiting friends and family and hospitals and attending funerals. Some attending as many as four or five funerals. One of my big concerns because im a dad, what is happen toing the kids, right . All of these children, Theres Hundreds Of Children and of all ages and theyre not being taught. Theyre not being coached and wondering what to do. Theyre trying to organize a lot of this. A lot of these parents, one in particular we spoke to believes that this is becoming a lost generation for many israeli kids. Listen to him, neil. Its like a lost generation. Missing out in lessons. How are they going to keep up . How are they going to finish their grades, their tests . Go back home in a month or whatever . How do they go back to class . Theyre missing class mateds. How do we deal with that . What do i tell my kids . Yeah what do you tell your kids . His son, six months ago was about to go to school and had to hide underneath the school bus for several minutes because there are Air Ride Siren as above. How do you explain that to a 7yearold . Thats what a lot of families are dealing with. How do you teach your kids about the ground war . How do you teach your kids about the holocaust and what led up to this . Its amazing the conversations that you have with the people that are immeshed in this for the past 18, 19 days. Neil what i like about you, you never forget that, the important stuff. Please be safe, my friend. Thank you. Neil all right. Lets go to john hannah, the former National Security adviser to dick cheney. John, a mess getting messy here and growing pressure on israel too cool it or hold off on this invasion. What do you make of it all . I think the invasion is coming, neil. The israelis with u. S. Support. The president of the United States haas been very strong as has the congress that this is not the time for a cease fire. Theres other parties in europe including the Prime Ministers in germany and france that have said similarly that now is the time for israel to fight hamas. The israelis are going in with the american cover. What we need to help them with is thinking through the entire strategic frame work of how do they go in and not only defeat hamas militarily and politically, but what comes the day after. Thats, of course, the 64,000 question that nobody has a great answer to right now. Neil if you get rid of hamas and i have no doubt that they would succeed in doing that, that they would reoccupy that region. That invites a lot of problems. Yeah, no. This is has been the conundrum for israel for 20 years. You can hit hamas, hit them hard, debilitate their military, but no one has been wanting to have israel go back in and send their boys and daughters to reoccupy gaza. No other arab party has really wanted to do that either or proven that its capable of doing that. So now that israel has faced this october 7th Inflection Point in which it cannot any longer afford to live with hamas and simple followed the old wash, wins and repeat cycle of waiting for the next war, they have to figure out and the americans need to hem them with this having but through these terrible experiences in iraq and afghanistan, what do you do with this territory the day after. Neil the role of iran and who israel ups us to taking on iran even though we would hold back, what do you make of that very quickly . I think deterring iran, deterring hezbollah from escalating this war is critical. I think thats where the United States has the most marginal utility in this crisis, to make clear to the iranians and hezbollah as we have tried to do, the president has tried to do with his rhetoric and these military deployments it will be a very painful day for them if they attempt to challenge us and they wont only be dealing with israel, but with the full force of the United States military as well. I think thats where we are. I think the president of the United States knows that he cant be in a position where he looks like hes bluffing. Neil john hannah, thanks very much. Marjorie taylor green has weighed in saying about time emmer, she liked him as a person but couldnt support him as speaker of the house. The search goes on with no greg im greg gutfeld with

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