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In tone on what could come as the Washington Post reports that the white house is very, very, very worried that this war is going to get out of hand. National security adviser Jake Sullivan warning that this could spiral in to a regional conflict. Theyre now preparing for an Evacuation Plan if needed that would move hundreds of thousands of americans out of the region. Obviously that would be a herculean task. We remember how difficult it was to get 124,000 out of afghanistan in that very difficult exit back in august of 2021. Heres john kirby just moments ago. Watch. It would be imprudent and irresponsible if we didnt have people thinking about different scenarios. Were not at a point of execution of evacuations right now. Martha this is one of the women released from hamas custody yesterday. They still have her husband. We dont know when this first photo was taken. This is her before and this is her after she was held for 17 days. She spoke of being beaten with sticks, held in a spider web of muddy at times tunnels. In moments, fox news Senior Correspondent mike tobin who has been in the tunnels in his reporting in 08. He will tell us what its like down there. First to Jacqui Heinrich who has just left a short time ago todays briefing. Hi, jacqui. Hi, martha. As you point out, in the span of a few days, the message that weve been hearing out of the pentagon has shifted considerably as our team there points out last week nobody on the record would confirm that iran was behind the attacks on u. S. Forces in the region by these proxy groups. Now the u. S. Is saying that we hold iran responsible. The pentagon today they detailed 13 attacks on u. S. Forces over the last week, ten in iraq and three in syria. At the same time, white house officials are being very careful about how exactly theyre calling out iran. We want to see all measure of protection for civilians and pauses in operation is a took and tactic that can be done for periods of time. Its not the same of saying a cease fire. Right now a general cease fire benefits hamas. That was the wrong sound bite. We hoped to get to that later on. To continue on, as that sound bite just played out, Secretary State Antony Blinken has called for humanitarian pauses to be considered to protect civilians in gaza. Even though the white house is also saying today that a cease fire would only help hamas. So you just heard john kirby trying to make the case that a humanitarian pause and a cease fire are not exactly the same thing. But to look back on the sound that we did not play for you, what john kirby said is that theres no question that iran is backing these proxy actors that are attacking u. S. Forces. However, he did say theres no indication right now that any nation state or actor is preparing to imminently enter this conflict. The u. S. Is watching this closely. Ten americans are still unaccounted for in gaza. The conversations between hamas and qataris to get the hostages out and secure safe passage for civilians still continuing. Martha very difficult, complicated. Jacqui, thanks. Jacqui heinrich reporting at the white house. Take a look at this. This is mike tobin down in these tunnels back in 2008 inside of gaza. Now, we know yesterday one of the hostages, one of the freed hostages, two women that were released, she referred to it as a spider web. You can see why when you look at this area. Mike joins us from Southern Israel and also with what he knows about what its like in these hidden tunnels in gaza. Hi, mike. Hi, martha. The tunnels that i went to in 2008 were really the early prototypes of what they know call the metro. These were used for smuggling with egypt. They would dig the tunnels but they wont got in there. They would put motors at either end and haul things across in makeshift sleds. They were used for smuggling back then. The war was intended to close the tunnels back then. That was long before the tunnels had proliferated in to the metro now with miles and miles of tunnels that are reinforced with concrete. That is the stuff that youll have where the hostages have been. Its a valuable intelligence resource. They have been there, they have seen it. One woman describes walking for miles over wet soil and being taken into a group of 25 and separated in to a Smaller Group where she stayed. Heres her story. We walked for a few kilometers on the wet ground. Theres a huge network of tunnels. Beneath it looks like spider webs. That was her daughter handling the translating. She said her initial captors were cruel to her. They beat her, forced her to lay on a motorcycle with her feet on a one side and her torso on the other side. The people that held her, her captors, she said they were kind. They fed them, made sure that they had medicine. A great deal of planning. They had sanitary products for the women staying there. So a great deal of thought went into that. Keep in mind that also is part of the hamas propaganda game. They want to make it seems like theyre kind to the prisoners and they want to make it seem that theyre doing something humanitarian by releasing the people that they took hostage in the first place. Martha . Martha as we mentioned, both of the womens husbands as we understand it are still being held in these tunnels. Its an exscrewsating excruciating situation. Theres been flyers dropped asking about the whereabouts of the hostages and a reward for more information about where they might be. Hugh, you have extensive experience in these situations. We have you on the phone now. Thanks very much for being with us. Thank you, martha. Martha so when you hear about this womans account and she talks about how she was taken with 25 people at first, then they divided them in to Smaller Groups. She talks about the huge network that was handling all of this. What goes through your mind as someone who has tried to wrestle with coming up with a plan to rescue people. Its a tragic story as it always is. Each hostage case, whether its one person or many people is its own war. Its not simply a battle in another war. Its its own war. So what we have going on in those tunnels right now is a war within a war. The planning obviously was undertaken with great secrecy. The execution, too. Be mindful, it takes a lot of effort to hold a hostage, to keep the cat and mouse game going. Im not sure that hamas or others have the stability on the ground or the direction. These proxies are going a bit rogue on iran and their supporters. Theyre probably hard to reach or finding it difficult to communicate with whomever. Im not in the administration, but in these situations, its obvious the civilians base is a battle space. Martha with regard to the americans, hugh, we spoke with Robert Obrien yesterday. We know theres negotiations with the egyptians and qataris usually theres a Proof Of Life or proof that theyre held. Then the conversation starts. I asked john kirby yesterday, he said no, we have no Proof Of Life for Tern Americans that theyre calling unaccounted for right now. What do you think of that . Proof of life is usually a necessary metric. We have Hostage Cases that we tonight have Proof Of Life but we assume theyre alive. Theres a lot of other Circumstantial Evidence right now that would tell us these people are alive. I believe that hamas realizes these individuals are worth more as hostages as human shields. Because as hostages, they offered them a chance to perhaps do some type of triangulated situation. Martha weve seen in axios that israel and the Biden Administration wand to get the hostages out of gaza. If israel has a big package, we will do things in return. Is that the kind of deal you can imagine . A large scale handover in terms for delaying the Ground Invasion potentially or not carrying it out potentially, i suppose . Weve become too used to the hostage scene. We need to maintain a sense of moral outrage in each and every days. The taking of an american is far greater than the taking than any of our land. We have to come back with an elevated response diplomatically and military and not get passive this is another hostage case and what we can do to trade out for that. Lets maintain that level of moral outrage. Also, keep our voices high as the consequences in this case. These are innocent people. The idea of trading them for hardened criminals who have been indicted an convicted in our prison or elsewhere has too accepted a phenomenon. We have to stand by our morals and be a civilizing element in this very uncivilized setting. Martha great comments. Great experience that you have with all of this. Thanks, hugh. Hope you join us again as this goes on. Listen to this Israeli Foreign minister. Eli cohen today slamming u. N. s Secretary General Antonio Gutierrez after israel said he justified hamas violent blood shed when he said the attacks on october 7 didnt happen in a vacuum. Watch this. Little fear. Only nine months. They have not caused evil but they are victims of evil. This is not be described by word. Mr. Secretary general, in what world do you live . Definitely this is not our world. Martha my next guest, john poland was at that u. N. Security Council Meeting today. His son was last seen loaded in to a pickup truck at the Music Festival october 7. John, we can only imagine how excruciating every day is for you and your family as you wait for news on your son. First of all, sir, what goes through your mind when you listen to this back and forth and you hear the u. N. Secretary general say it didnt happen, this situation didnt happen in a vacuum. So martha, i keep saying and have said it for 18 straight days, im here in the capacity of hershs dad. Theres no partial success here. Theres no 90 success. Its success or failure. I want to bring hersh home. Its disheartening to hear how its so politicized. This is not just a question about hersh or a question about israeli citizens. Theres 220 hostages representing 33 countries. Lets stop politicizing this, turn this in to what it is. A global humanitarian catastrophe. The whole world an Foreign Ministers should be screaming to get these people out and dont politicize them. Martha so, you know, have you heard anything since i know that you understood that he lost part of his arm. He was in a shelter. He tied it off with a tou tourniquet. Have you heard anything since then, john . We have not. The information you just talked about was initially provided by three Eye Witnesses that were in the bomb shelter who survived the carnage under dead bodies and were eye witness to what happened. We have since that time seen the video of the actual kidnapping, which confirms everything weve been told. In the video, hes seen loaded on a truck with a stump of a left arm bleeding out and for 18 days were looking for information and hoping that hes gotten medical care and that he is still alive and is okay as could be in these circumstances. We know nothing. Martha i cant imagine. Ive heard your wife as well talk about what a strong young man he is. That he was protecting others in this situation. Im trying to figure out, when you hear the white house and we spoke with john kirby yesterday, he said your son was born in california, correct . To ahead. Yes. Born in california. His sisters were born in chicago. When he was 8 years old, we moved to israel. We have been looking in jerusalem. We could back once a year to visit grandparents and cousins. Were trying everything we can to get help from the american government, get help from the Israeli Government. Hes a child of both countries. Like i said, one of the 33 countries represented among the hostages. Martha so when john kirby says ten americans are unaccounted for, is it your understanding that your son is in a group or in the group of 200 plus that hamas says that they are holding hostage and we have reason to believe that number is fairly accurate . The Israeli Government listed him as a hostage. We dont know. We have no Proof Of Life. We dont know once he was loaded in the pickup at 9 00 a. M. On october 7 if he was tossed out the truck after 30 seconds or if he made it in to gaza where his phone was last pinged. We dont know his status. Officially hes still listed as kidnapped. Martha you know, i dont know how you and your family are doing. You sound very strong. I know youre very focused on this mission. But you know, my heart just breaks thinking about what youre going through. I cant imagine as a mom of three kids. Tell us about how youre all doing, john . Youre right to say you cant imagine. Its true. We cant imagine the life were living. I dont know. We wake up every day after barely sleeping. We continue the mission. Like i said, we succeed or we dont. Theres nothing in the middle. Thats what carries us. It helps hearing from people that we know, the support, hearing from people we dont know of messages of support bringing hersh home. It all strengthens us. The messages of support and people saying theyre thinking of us. It all helps. Its carrying us through life right now. Youre right. It is unimaginable. Martha well, you are very strong and for every family like yours and hersh and we hope and pray that hersh comes home to you and you have a happy end to this story. And for each hersh, theres more than 200 others that are also in the same situation. These families suffering in ways that they could never have imagined. So we thank you for talking with us, john. It helps us to remember these individuals that were talking about that are in this situation. We hope that the government here and there can do Everything Possible to bring your son and everyone else home. Its so important, martha. News cycles move quickly. We need to keep this on the agenda. Dont forget about the hostages. Martha thanks very much, john. All right. So moments away now, we expect theres going to be a briefing for the House Foreign Affairs committee and the white house has signalled today that theyre very, very, very those are their adjectives concerned about where all of this is heading, about the immediate dangers that iran is posing to military installations all throughout this region, potentially to americans, its proxies are activated and they pose a threat. That is something that the government is telling us in no Uncertain Terms that theyre very, very worried about. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael Mccaul will join us. He will be part of the briefing. Well also speak with Retired General Frank Mackenzie who oversaw the u. S. Withdrawal from afghanistan and has spoken very honestly about how he thinks about how that was carried out. He joins us next. Its potentially a dangerous environment. Were taking it very seriously. Our commanders on the ground have the right to defend themselves and their troops. Martha so minutes away, we expect the House Foreign Affairs committee will get a classified briefing on iran. Obviously this issue is becoming front and center. Theres a lot of fears about what the pentagon is warning could be a serious escalation from iran and its proxies potentially on u. S. Troops. So heres a bit of what we heard from Brigadier General ryder a short time ago. Watch this. Were posturing Additional Forces in the region for two reasons. One, again, to bolster our deterrence efforts and to send a message that we will protect our forces. We will maintain the right of selfdefense. Martha with that, we bring in texas congressman Michael Mccaul. Chairman, good to have you with us today. Lets start there with this additional Troop Posturing as we heard it described by the Brigadier General. What is your sense of where this is going in terms of escalation with iran . Well, the Force Posture is very important to provide deterrence to an escalation. Our biggest concern right now, martha, is escalation. Were trying to contain this conflict to gaza with hamas. We dont want to see the iran Terror Proxies light up like hezbollah in lebanon. They have 100,000 rockets. They would overload the iron dome of israel. Thats where the Carrier Strike groups and forces are moving to the Eastern Mediterranean on the eastern side and then also in the persian gulf were seeing these Carrier Strike forces moving to that region, which could hit the Houthi Rebels in iran and on the east Med Terrainian To Counter Hezbollah and hamas. This is important from a Force Posture standpoint to provide that very deterrence. Martha what is your understanding about what is your opinion in terms of the posture of israel right now . We just watched an interview last hour about these 300,000 troops that have been massed on the border. Theyre not going in or a Ground Invasion im sorry. Hang on a second. Were going to listen to the former president here talking about the situation. Watch this. We didnt even make the deal. This is many years ago. Trying to figure out what relevance does this have to this scam case . Its a scam. Political interference. Its a fight against a political opponent that is leading him in the polls, this is a scam case. Im trying to see buffalo bills. When was that . Many years ago. We had the financing, we had everything. I believe it was a 1. 4 billion deal. I said what does this have to do with this case . The whole case is a hoax. Mr. President martha we thought he was making a comment about iran. Hes talking about the case that hes involved in makes no sense. I apologize, chairman mccaul. I go back to you. What is israel being told about whether or not they need to pause, whether or not they should be going in, are they listening to us . How involved are we in that decision . We have our top generals from centcom that conducted the iraqi housetohouse firefight, if you will. It will be very similar to what theyll have in gaza to help train the idf forces, the Israeli Forces before they go in. Also, with respect to the air strikes, theyre being very effective in taking out command and control and top leadership as well. Also finally, part of the slowness of this is to help get the civilians south in gaza, get the hostages out before the ground phase begins. Most importantly, its to preposition our assets and that would be these Carrier Strike groups that are that have moved in to the Eastern Mediterranean, now moving in to the persian gulf. Once theyre prepositioned, the ground game will probably begin. It will start fairly eminently. Martha why do you say that . Because to some extent, israel is waiting for our Force Posture to get in to place with our prepositioned assets, that being the Carrier Strike groups. In the event of an escalation, we need our assets there to respond to show you how serious it is, you know, ive been dealing with repealing the 20001 aumf. Now weve been asked to look at including Terror Proxies of iran in an authorized use of military force. Martha so in terms of theres an estimate, 900,000 americans when you look across all of these countries, lebanon, you know, israel. Our forces, we have about 3,500 between iraq and syria. Is there any going to be any recommendation about moving those people, civilians out and potentially repositioning our own military . Yes. In fact, i know on the israel side theyve had to move and evacuate the northern part of israel in the event of a hezbollah rocket attack. That is were trying to do this in a smart and measured way. Once the ground phase begins, it begins. Theres no turning back. Thats what we want to make sure that we have all the prepositioned assets to respond in the event of an escalation, which would be the worst Case Scenario of a twofront war between lebanon and hamas and gaza. Martha is there any suggestion that youre listening to that if theres a release, a large release of hostages, that israel might forego the Ground Invasion in to gaza . I dont think so. I mean, they just experienced their 911. They got massacred on the border. The children were beheaded. I asked the israelis to release the photos. They want revenge. They want to eliminate hamas from gaza so that they will no longer provide a threat. Not only to israel but to the Palestinian People who they oppress every day. Israel is very intent on conducting this operation. Its a question of timing and when the right time is. Martha let me ask you a quick question. A piece written by former president obama. He said as President Biden noted during his recent visit to israel, america itself has at times fallen short of our higher values when engaged in war. In the aftermath of 911, the u. S. Government was not interested in heeding the advice of our allies when i came to steps we took to protect ourselves against alquaida. He said he understands the rage that israel feels right now, but hes urging caution when it comes to the human costs. He talks about the thousands of palestinians that have been killed. What would you say to that . Of course we want to work with our nato allies. Lets be honest. Were working directly with israel, the United States military, to conduct this operation. Were not going to have our boots on the ground but were assisting them. Israel has every right to defend herself. Whether its the former president obama, the u. N. Secretary general, this narrative that somehow hamas is the victim when in fact they were the perpetrator of a grotesque massacre. Martha we have to go. Thanks, chairman mccaul. Good to have you with us today. It was the blunt assessment from former centcom chief Frank Mackenzie following the u. S. Exit from afghanistan that killed 13 American Service members. Martha i believe history will view the decision to come out of afghanistan and the way we did and the manner with were directed to come out as a fatal flaw. Martha General Mackenzie joins us right now with his advice for this moment for President Biden as his team signals that theyre worried that things could get out of hand in the middle east. Veteran homeowners. Are you applying for a car loan . The Monthly Payments can be expensive. With an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. I wanna hold you forever hey little bear bear. Im gonna love you forever cmon, bear. You dont. You dont have to worry. Be by your side. Ill be there. With my arms wrapped around. The first time you made a sale online with godaddy was also the first time you heard of a town named dinosaur, colorado. We just got an order from dinosaur, colorado. Start an easy to build, powerful website for free with a partner that always puts you first. Start for free at godaddy. Com martha white house today confirming reports theyre making plans for possibly evacuating hundreds of thousands of americans from the middle east if conflict in the region spirals Out Of Control. The plans evoking memories of the Biden Administrations 2021 withdrawal from afghanistan and the chaos during which 13 American Service members lost their lives. Retired general Frank Mackenzie oversaw this exit and he said this to our Jennifer Griffin in september. I have a lot of regrets about how it ended in afghanistan. I have a regret with the basic decision, which i think is the wrong decision and i particularly regret that we did not choose to begin to evacuate our people, our embassy personnel, our american citizens and our atrisk afghans at the time we made the decision to bring out our combat forces that was a serious mistake and led to the events of august 2021. Martha joining me now, Frank Mackenzie, Executive Director of the global and National Security institute at the university of south florida. Good to have you with us today. Glad to be here. Martha i want to commend you for taking responsibility and for expressing regrets. It isnt something that we hear from leaders very often these days. So as hard as that might have been, i think its a commandable action on your part. So you have a lot of experience leading Central Command and overseeing things in afghanistan. As you hear this discussion about potentially we know theres hundreds of thousands of americans between israel and afghanistan. Excuse me. And gaza that may need to be extricated from that area. What goes through your mind . What do you want people to take into account . You need to begin early as you deal with the problem. The problem in gaza and u. S. Citizens in gaza is different than the problem in israel. Israel has modern infrastructure, welldeveloped air fields. Theres a lot of ways to get people out of israel should we need to do that. Gaza is a more tactical problem. You need to get them out of the place where fire is being delivered. You need them south. You need to get these people across the border crossings. Thats what Hour Department of state is trying to do. The message is clear. Its not an easy thing to do. The best way to try to minimize impact on our citizens still there. Martha one of the things that is important are the words that you use and how the words describe the mission and bring clarity to what youre trying to do. This is from jerome marcus, a fellow at George Mason Center for middle east law in the wall street journal. He says israel needs uncomfortable surrender from has mass. They need to establish the credibility of its efforts in the world eyes. The destruction of hamas has no meaning in international law. Its too vague for israelis being asked to sacrifice everything. Do you agree with him on that . I think what israel needs and i know theyre working on it, you need a plan for what it looks like as the Military Campaign ends. We have some experience at that. So i would be if i were the israelis, id like careful at what is the political end state. All wars have some form of a political end. Who do you want governing in gaza . Who is that going to be . If not hamas, who else . Shouldnt be hamas probably. Who are you going to go to provide those functions and give you somebody that you can do political business, economic business, all the things that need to happen to ensure that theres some form hoff stability and peace there at the end of the Military Campaign. I do believe israel needs to go in and eradicate hamas. I believe that you need to be precise, find who those people are and how youre going after it. Israel will do that and try very hard too mitigation the Collateral Damage to people that are not affiliated with hamas when they go in. It will be a very high bar. Hamas will try everything that they can do to maximize civilian casualties. Martha what do you make of these reports that the u. S. Is trying to reign in israel and is that why were hearing these dire statements coming out of officials at the white house about how concerned they are about all of this spiralling Out Of Control . Are they trying to use that language to keep israel reigned in as that report said . So i think by moving u. S. Forces in to the theater, were doing the right thing. What were doing is the purpose of the forces, the carriers that were just discussed, the air defense missiles and the High Altitude defense are all designed to signal to iran that you dont want to enter this conflict. We know from past experience, we know clearly that iran looks at our Force Posture in the theater and makes decisions based off of that posture. Sending the forces in is a wise and prudent thing to do messaging iran and im sure were doing it at various levels and various means, this is not the time to come in. As you message iran, you message hezbollah. Its important to convey to them, they dont want to get in this fight. The consequences could be very grave for them. I do believe theres the possibility of escalation. We control that escalation by being firm with our Force Posture, being firm with our messages and standing behind israel as they prepare to go in this operation, which i believe is eminent. You cant keep forces in Attack Positions forever. You need to decide what youre going to do. The israeli economy cant stand the longterm mobilization without something happening. Were on the cusp of something happening. Thats what i get the sense of. We want to confine that operation in to gaza. We dont want it to expand to lebanon. We dont want iran to attack. Worrisome that their attackses on the forces in iraq and syria have increased over the past few days. Thats not a good sign. Although with the iranians, you always wonder about their ability to actually effectively command and control their proxy groups, the shiia forces that fight in iraq and syria. Well see the next few days if they listen to the very clear signals, the very clear signals that theyre being sent that now is not the time to enter this fight. Martha before i let you go, you were critical of the Biden Administrations handling of the exit from afghanistan. Do you think the Biden Administration is capable of handling what is about to unfold in the middle east . I think you are what you do. I think theyre doing everything right so far. I think its important to get forces in the theater. They have done that. Important to signal to iran that now is not the time to do something provocative. At the same time, were talking to the israelis. We have a lot of experience in combat, far more experience than israel going back to our experiences in iraq and other places as well. We know a lot about it. The marine three star that went in is a talented officer. He can work with them to refine their procedures. The idf is very good. Im confident of one thing. The israelis will do everything that they can to minimize the Human Consequences of that action. Its important that they do so. Its also important that they think about what happens at the end and what is the end stage of this operation. I know theyre giving that great thought right now. Martha obviously we lost 13 Service Members in afghanistan at the abbey gait. It was tragic. How concerned are you about our Service Members right now who are in these 19 bases . We already have seen drone and missile attacks. Nobody was hurt in iraq. Also some skirmishes in yemen as well. How concerned are you about our young men and women out there today . Im concerned, but i know u. S. Central command is concerned as well. Theyre doing a lot of things to protect our forces. Unfortunately the battlefield is a place where chance is always a part of what you do. So theres no givens on the battlefield. I think were doing everything we can to protect our people. Remember the aim of the iranian iran has a couple of objectives here. One is we know, central to irans philosophy is the destruction of the state of israel. The second of is the ejection of the United States from the theater. The actions that were seeing right now are to prevent that from occurring. Martha what would be your advise to President Biden if he asked . I think we need to continue along the trail were on. We need to be persistent in our messaging. We need to continue to add forces in the theater based on availability, based on the Central Commander and the chairman and the secretary of defenses read of the situation. We need to ensure that this conflict does not spill out. That could lead to a theaterwide war. If Lebanese Hezbollah comes in or if iran comes in, large scale, then the gloves will be off and no telling where it could go. Nobody wants that to occur. Martha weve seen russia make moves in the Biden Administration. Now we see these very bold moves by hamas. Clearly a proxy of iran. Is this attributed to the weakness that they see from the white house . You know, its a complex question, martha. I think certainly people drew certain lessons from the way we exited afghanistan. At the same time, you have to show how we handled ukraine. We have been an International Leader and stand against evil. You also have to calculate that. So i dont think its as easy as citing one example that was handled well and something that was handled poorly. Martha thanks, general. Great to have you with us. Thanks. I enjoyed being here. Martha hope to see you soon. Breaking just moments ago, former President Trump talking about the Battle In The House over choosing a new speaker. Lets watch it. Tom emmer is finished. Hes a rino. Looks like hes finished. Do you support anybody else as speaker, sir . Ill let you know. The former president speaking at his civil fraud trial. He says hes done nothing wrong. He has said that repeatedly and that trial continues this afternoon. As tensions flare on College Campuses across the u. S. Over the war in the middle east, play right david mamet spokes to americas newsroom earlier today. Thanksgiving is coming up. When your kids come home from college, dont send them back. Stop funding antisemitic hatred. The liberals have never done anything for the jews. The only person that ever did anything for the jews was trump. He brought peace to the middle east and liberal jews are saying i dont like this trump. Its time to stop putting our head in the sand. Martha well, not mincing any words there. Joining me now, mark penn, former Clinton Adviser and pollster. He has a new piece as well. His is in the messenger and headlined the Generation Gap on israel and hamas. Strong words there. He says dont send your kids back to college when they come home on thanksgiving. Its not worth it. What do you say . Well, theres certainly an enormous gap here. When we look at the American Public and we have a poll back last friday, the harris poll, it showed american support for israel 84, hamas, 16. When you go to college age kids, 52 support israel, 48 support hamas. Compared to those over 65, its 95 to 5. When i probe deeper, wow, are these college age kids misinforced . 45 believe that israel bombed the hospital. Most believe i ran is not behind everything. Theyre in another world when it comes to information, far removed from reality. Martha raises questions about what theyre learning, mark. They dont understand world war ii. Its not their fault. They werent taught about it in high school. They dont understand the dynamic that is an important part of our countrys history. They didnt watch schindlers list, an amazing field that puts you in the shoes of jewish people and what they suffered during that period. Just their look of understanding of this situation. Theyre happy to wave a palestinian flag around. They dont even know what theyre saying when they say from the river to the sea, theyre talking about the annihilation of the jewish state of nine million people. Something most of them dont support when you ask them. But theyre out there chanting things that they dont understand. An enormous disconnect because of the information base. Do they really understand the holocaust . Do they understand what happened in world war ii . Do they understand how israel was formed . What the jewish people are and how it is their homeland . No. It doesnt appear that they have the basic facts compared to the older generation. The Younger Generation didnt even live through 911. They dont have a basic understanding of terrorism and how it affected us here let alone martha and most schools dont the teach 911. How are they supposed to you have to teach these things at home. When they come home for thanksgiving, you might want to watch schindlers list and have a discussion about it, have an open conversation about their thoughts on all of this. That is what needs to happen. It really has to happen at home. Doesnt happen at school. Excellent piece. Thanks. Always good to have you with us. Thanks for joining us today. Thank you. Martha lets go live to jerusalem and trace gallagher. Hi, trace. Good afternoon. Hi, martha. Martha trace, tell me what youre seeing there. Were hearing all about how there are all of these 300,000 troops ready to go. The pull an push between the United States and israels leadership and even some strife between netanyahu and some members of his own leadership in terms of what should happen and when. Yeah, the big news locally all across israel is this impending ground war. If you look at the totality of what is happening now, israel has their hands full. They had to defend themselves from 4 different areas. Test test. Test test

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