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And tonight, according to one former british navy elcome tchief, we are just six s away from world war three. The middle east is a tinderbox ready to blow the media mob is spreading nothing but hamas propaganda at a breakneck pace. Americas current socalled leaders there are totally, completely incompetent. But its not just biden and his socialist friends in the hamas caucus. Another democrat, named sheilain jackson lee, was named one ofot the meanest Memberalist Frs Of S by her own staff and for pretty good reason. Weve not been able to independently confirm the audio youre about to here. But listen to this profanity laced tirade allegedly from the congresswoman directed at a long suffering member of her staff. Dio take a listen. He i dont want to do a bad thing. I want you to havear butrofanit. I want you to read it. I want you to say, congresswoman. Thats what i want. All right, houston. And i mean, houston, texas, you have a problem. Congresswoman lee is now running to be the next mayor of americas fourth largest city. Weve got the full recording straight ahead tonight. But first, it is 4 a. M. Gaza to time, 9 p. M. On the east coast,n 6 p. M. On the west coast, where joe biden now in washingtoigr an is likely sleeping after another long weekend at the beach. Ast coasthe westst. But it wasnt just any regular weekend off for joe biden. According to reports hes now worried sick that apparently we are on the verge of a much broader conflict in The Middle East. And he has good reason to worry. As we speak, the all powerful uss Gerald R Ford Aircraft Carrier strike group is now brsition, position off the coast of israel. Another Carrier Strikelict in j the uss eisenhower, that is isra the Persianus Gulf to assist american troops a who have beeni under constant attack from iranian proxies. A shocker once again for the past two weeks. Meanwhile, u. So have b. Military advisers, they are now on the ground there in israel tonight. This also includes a Three Star General from the marine corps. The British Royal navy is also deploying ships to the regionrs and there are reportedly nowitio six chinese warships in the area. Deploying g. Are escalatin this is a very troubling situation, to say the least. Ifng ation to america wants to avoid a global war. We will need clear, determined leadership, moral clarity, something we not getting from joe biden and his administration. Instead, we are getting stall tactics. Were getting confusionng and messages. On his way to the Beach Fromstration Toldseemingly israel to delay its invasion. Take a look around the now, a short time later, the white house walked back that statement and said that Biden Misheard the question. But then again today,t back biden seemed to once again double down, floating a Ceas Tar Fire if american hostages are returned. Take a look. Wellettake a l, the u. S. Orderig the hostages for a cease fire deal. Why you have a cease fire. Haa chances, however should havea been. Now, could you imagine Ifgini A World Leader Floatedf , a ceae fire two weeks after nine 1101 . Israel has every right. And frankly, an obligation t to defend their people. Eliminate hamas prevent gaza from being a launching pad. Of tens and, tens and tens of thousands of rockets into israel. The same thing, by the way, with lebanon to the north and hezbollah. Tht joe biden has been playing both sides. My sources in israelme thing, ti very clear. Hes saying one thing publicly and something elseeen very differently behind the scenes. He says israel has a right to selfdefense, but is reportedly attempting to stall the Ground Invasion into gaza. Hes sending Military Advisers to israel and 100 million to the palestinians, which we know will end up in the hands of hamas, the terrorist organization. So tonight, biden is not just literally waffle ing because of his inherent weakness, but also because of his thatrnal strife inside his own party and inside that crazy brain of his. Hid by the way, thats democrats, including members gf congress, are supportin terrorist groups who stated whosm is Thetfor Destruction of israel. And meanwhile, their friends are all toohe b happy to vilify israel. With hamas, straighta mob th out propaganda. And today, well, give some credit to the New York Times. They admit that they, quote, relied too heavily on claims by hamas following a blast in a parking lo timest. It never hit the hospital in gaza caused by a misfire from. Thats right. Another iranian backed terror group, the islamic. Now, this is the same New York Times now publishing articles mbout the conflict in gaza fro what . An antisemitic socalled journalist with a history praising hitler and the. Now, sadly, the New York Timesht is not the only Hamas Praiathizer in the american press. Reuters fake news. Cnn, the Associated Press all publish hamas propaganda as fact. The ap, which is a disgraceful far left organization, they wont letess. Their reporters refer to hamas as a terror grouws, cnn,p. Eve and apparently the ap thinks that beheading kids, Young Womelefer to hroup. N, torturing grandma, killing innocent young kids at a concert, taking hostages. Thats just part of the, quote, resistance. And on cable news, forget it. Its worse than ever. According to reports, mf, dnc,nd they had temporarily pulled three of their muslim anchorkil off the air last week becauseane of an apparentr. Anti because of apparent antisemitism concerns. But as media conce icon reports, one of them is, quote, back on the air and quote, of the as antiisrael as ever. Lastm ck on th week we had mehd. I dont even know this guy appeared on an msnbc show where he literally compared israel to russia while giving hamas the terror group a free pass. Luckily it was a show that verye few people have ever watch, hosted by some Guy Namedarede , have ev i dont know, chris christie. Ho. Stopher somebody hayes i doubt many of you have ever heard of this person. Another mf, dnknow, chc conspiry theorist, as usual. Can you imagine rooting camas just two weeks after they murdered 14 innocent citizens . Even if you take out population and extrapolate it out, that would be the equivalent of 38,000 Plus Americans being killed in a single day. E and tonight, virtually no one on the left is ready or willinleft is g or capable of tg the truth about this conflict. Hamas is very popular among palestinians living inside of gaza, but it receives the bulk of the Funding Ling Theand organization from i, including the military planning, including the rockets. And so to similar Terror Groups in yemen, iraq and Syriarror Gro and lebanon, where hezbollah is launching a near Constant Streamsyria an of rockets into. Ive been there. Ive been on the gaza border. Ive been to the neighborhoods, what they call a kibbutz, where rockets had hit one townon t in particular, 10,000 of them in a periohe give beed of ten d so i would say gaza can no longer be that launching pad. That has to be one of the military goals of israelthia at this time. And unlike joe biden. Aunching, Prime Minister of isr, Clnjamin Netanyahu is very clear about what what must be done to defend his countrust he has moral clarity, something he hing with most american leaders today. Take a look. I mean, come on. If hezbollahlarity. Mistake ericr with israel, it will make the mistake of its life. We will it with a force it cannot even imagine. And the consequences for it. Willthe lebanese state will be devastating. Israel must do whatever itdet takes to ensurate its existence and protecting its citizenry, including taking off the head of the snake. Now, forg taking far too long, the mullahs of iran. Number one, State Sponsors of terror. They have enjoyed relative safety and comfort while they sow moles o chaos, murder,n violence all throughout the world. But those days could soon be numbered hereoon be. Reaction. Hes on the ground in jerusalem. Fox news at night host traceght gallagher. I dont know what your sources in israel are telling you, trace, and i know youve been on the ground now for a while. But mine are vernt know y clear that clear they feel that theres pressure from the administration to delay and stop the the Ground Incursion for varying var reasonyings. And they say theyre saying one thing publicly and something very differently behind the scenes. Are you hearing the same . Yeah, we are hearing there is pressure to delay the Ground Invasion. But youre right, john, theres a little bit of confusion because tonight the president said that they should worryarin about getting the hostages out and then after that, they can e as ifbout the ceasthe are he one was connected to the other. But just moments aftere sahat, john kirby said that he didnt think it was a good idea it was to work on a cease fire because that israel has right to defend itself. The question here comes down to the Grounel Has Od War and as of people are now conflating the words cease fire with Ground Wartis down tground w. And that seems to be a mistake because the administration has advised that they dont think a ground war right now is the right to go. They believe that they should wasin, get out the Hostagenow Ii and then move from there. But you have the israelis, the Israeli Defense minister frh who said today that his forcesis are ready to Graeli O As Soon Ae Word comes down. The question is, when will word come down . There is an immense amount of political pressure for when Benjamin Netanyahu to give the word for thiwiword cs to be. There were two hostages released tonight, sean, and thats putting more pressure on because a lot of the families of the hostage s are saying lets hold off and wait until we get the other hostagesges and then go in on the ground. It all kind of comests back to whats happening in the northern part of the country, countries. Of thed on, whichh is hezbollah. They fired a rocket into Kiryat Shmona tonight. Kiryat shmona, a town of 22,000, has been evacuated. Nobody was injured there, but it was a rocket came, we believe, from a Military Base in lebanon israel, fired on that Military Base. Le you this idea or i this concept that things are bubbling up. S are there have been a number of rockets coming in. And the Concer En A Numn is that if Thisthis G Ground War goes forward in the nextro days, that hezbollah will attack. Thinking that Israeli Forces are preoccupied, they will attack, and then have a war on two fronts. And that puts immense pressurel on Biden Administration, because then in some capacity, somet those warships out there off the israeli coast in some capacitye. The president would have to do something. And the Question Becomescapacith right now, theyre theyre kind of caught between a rock and a hard place. Okay. So they got over 210 hostages. Lets lets out the scenario. Okay. Sot hamass plan will release two hostages in a week that prevents israel from ever Fullmas Willy itself. Again, one city that i had been a border town with gaza. So i wrote literally, you know, they have their kids have to play an undergroundey have playground, bunkers. They cant even play outside. But i went to the Police Station in that town while i was there. W the progression over the years. The rockets are getting bigger and more lethal and more deadly. But, you know, 10,000 Rocketgebs Hitting One Town in ten years. That means that gaza can no Longer00 Rockes that be that la. The only way thats going to happen is if israel is freee to fully defend itself. I have a hard time Imaginingi Co trace gallagher, you know, israel or any other country, if we lost the equivalent of 38,000 americans in a day. Listening to anybodys advice on how we should defend ourld df land, our country, our people. So it seemenland, s a little presumptuous, you know, for the Biden Administration to be puttingmina hostages, you know, Hostage Timeline is on this when probably they need to act sooner rather than later, because during this time theyre going to be rearming. Timetheyre going to be reorganizing. Theyre going to be preparing their next attack. They will be setting traps. Am i wrong on that front . Are i theyve already set upth traps. I mean, theyve been in there working on thie next attack. Din s years shot. For i mean, this this attack was preplanned with a purpose. They have already set these traps up. They already have these tunnelsa where blair experts believe a lot of these hostages might they o held. So the trap was already set. Doe question now, what do you do . I think its a foregone conclusion at some point in tim youe the Israeli Defense forces will go in on the ground. The question now is, is whenon o does the political pressure make them dela y, that there are 218 now hostages in there and there was a push by qatarth to get 50, 60, maybe as many as 70 of those. It didnt happen. Instead, they released two hostages. The administration the israeli administration, that is, did not want those hostages released on sunday when hamas first asked because theyre afraid that this dripen. Drab trickle of people could delay this Ground Invasioney rer inevitably, for invariably Muchp Longereo than they anticipate. Ip soat the question noed. W is whag happens to these Ground Forces and do you jusrot continue the air strategy and wait and se e how many hostages come out . Theres a lot of experts we talked to sean, who in the next two or three days you will seeof movement of these Israeli Defense forces on the border, gaza, Go Intothed Gaza in some capacity, maybe not the all out ground war, but in some capacity. And then you will the navy and you will see the air force and the ground force that israel has promised for the past 17 days. All right, trace reporting. Well be watching you at 11 p. M. Eastern time tonight. Thank you for being with us. We appreciate it. Now, as The Middle East erupts in a full fledged war, a new threat also emerging at home. According to a report our federal government is now d that terrorists from eas hamas, hezbollah, may g our southern border as we speak. Here with reaction to that. R more, director of national intelligence, john ratcliffe. You know, were Nobulla W Overional Seven And A Half million illegal immigrantsratcliff thate biden has been aiding and abetting into this country e year, be 8f th million. We know that we have caught some people on the terror list. We also know last in the last week, 19 iranians and 17 syrians were trying to get intot this country, how they got to the border, who paid for their trip t to, the border, what their intentions are. I just have to believe nonewhatt of them were good. I contend. Believe you think im offou base that of that 8 million unv unvetted illegal immigrant. Ille bidens, that jen allowed into this country unvetted. I guaranten has allowed ine ther cells that he is allowed in. Is that rational thinking on my part . And how do we possibly weed themlls that out and find them n that they are in here . Its unfortunate. Unfortunately, it is rational thought there, sean. I mean, nothing the lunacy of the Biden Administrations approach to iran than this. Four weeks ago, joe biden sent his Top National Security official, his adviser, jake sullivan, out to brag publicly about how great things were in The Middle East, how quiet it was, how they didnt have to spend any time in The Middle East. And now, four weeks lateto brag joe biden has to send out his top Law Enforcement official, the fbi director, to warn americans that hamas and hezbollah may be bringing the same atrocities committed against israelis and americans over there to our homeland. And you know, that warning, sean, unfortunately, is coming too late. As armstrong just pointed out or gallagher just pointed out, this operation has been planned by hamas, hezbollah and iran for the better part of a year. They would have already sent their bad actors here. They would have likely taken Ham Advantage of an open border are r the Biden Administration. And as you talked about, undes remember, thereadvant a 7,000 increase in suspects from the terror watch apprehended in the Biden Administration versus the Trump Administration. Spect and they are coming fromlist countries like syria, lebanon,strati iran, yemeonn. And, you know, so to to to think that that theyre not already here, i think really doesnt make mucy h sense. Nse. T and the worst part of it, sean, is four months ago, you heard joe bidens homelandji security secretary mayorkas, under testimony and questioning from joe from jim jordan. He asked those terror watch suspects that were apprehended ,have they been released into the country . And his answer under oath was,a i dont know. We dont know where they are. His andont knit just really uns the idiocy of of how they have approached this problem. Well, lets say that is reporting and everybody is correct and anticipate adding that the ground war in gaza is going to begin. Oing to the first thing i wouldt is that hezbollah in the north they will accelerate their attacks into israel. Theyll be firing more missiles. I would expect that the israelis will be prepared for they part. It. Ra heres where things become. We enterte theto israe a zone w. Knows what could happen. The iranians hav more the have beenthe ir threatening to get involved directly now if they have a two front war. Gaza in the south, lebanon, hezbollah in the north and iran gets involved. I would argue, john ratcliffe, and you would know better than me that at that point all bets r are off at that point. You know, israel will have do whatever is necessary to Survivet Israel and pushed at the wall that could send the entire region into conflict ,in my view. And it could just be a head on battle against, iran. Conflic and if that happens, i would bet on israe could jl because it think theres any option that would be off the table. Is that a possibility . Its a its a its a very likely possibility. I mean, youre right, john. You i meanre r, actually, we dont n know just with respect to what hezbollah can do fro m the north ,with 75,000 Precision Guided munitions guns, whether they can overwhelm the iron dome even without iran engaging. And, you know, sean, youve pointed some of the things poind that the the Biden Administration has done with youome of that bi, know, g the Gerald Ford Class and Eisenhower Strike Groups into the Eastern Mediterranean things in the last two and a half weeks that are good for israel. But theyve spent two and a half years helping Iran Buildingmoving G iran enriching and Ryan Emboldening iran. These things werent happeningnd ,sean, because they couldnt happen in the Trump Administration. They was broke and it was the reversal of the policies of the Trump Administration that has enriched iran. And theres a direct and proximate cause to these events to to those policies roa reverse been taking place. And youre right, all bets are off. Eve those no one knows whethero is is in a position to be ablewa to against these threats right now. Scary times ri. John ratcliffe, thank you. We appreciate you being with us. All right. Radical alist celebs continuing to spout their propalestinian Talking Points despite hamass brutality. Alsops continuing , more major screw ups from your Mainstream Media mob. We will chronicle that. Also later, Virginia Governor glenn youngkiner, vi on the biden nomics disaster. And you ever think can see a Credit Carrg D Interest Rate at 30 . Because thats where we are at eight year im sorry e 8 . Ar fixed rate mortgag yeah thats bidennomics. Straight ahead, everything i do, thats for my health is an accomplishment. Concerns of getting screened faded away. To my astonishment, my doc gave me a script. I got it done without a delay. I screens with god landed in my way. 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So if war is raging in israel. Ea why are so many celebritiesging spewing pro hamas Talking Points now . According to a new report. Audience members out of the Dave Chappelle show in boston last week after he criticizedal israel defending itself and Bombing Gazaoule Show and t students supporting palestinians should not be losing jobs over it. Thats not what happened, dave. I to think youre a funny guy, but you need to be a little bit more informered. The 31 groups, for example, at harvard. They were Blaminthe 31g israel, the victims of terror for what happened, and onlctims oy. Thats just pure ignorance. And the rest of the hollywood, n by the way, they cant help themselves predictably. You have dozens of socalledat. Celebrities writing Biden A Letter Calling For a, quote, an immediatu have de deescalation cease fire in gaza and israel. Whdiate dey dont they send thao hamas, the terror group that killed the 1400 israelis and took all the hostages . Meanwhil e, after a brief hiatul over there, at most dnc, e us you know, nbc news and tom brokaw. Yeah. Mehdi hasan returned to msg,and dnc and the airwaves where he continues to spew his anti israel Talking Points. Take a look at this. Because a lot in the rest of the world would say okay if youre going to compare ukraine and israel. Biden and a lot of people in america may see ukraine and israel as the same. A lot of people Around The World Se E russia and israel lot to say israel is the occupier of the west bank and gaza. Rld onna breisnt making sure civils dont get unnecessarily killed in conflica lo t a key part of International Humanitarian law . So tonight, with an israeli Ground Invasion of gaza still looming,itten is the kini of war, a year long war, perhaps according to israels own top minister, that the Biden Administration has really signed up for. Maybe we should be telling them to put down their arms and stop killing innocent women and children and taking innocent men, women and children hostage. Thatd be a good start. And if if hamas lays dow armns o their arms, one else has to die. They started this war. Israel didnt want war. But israel will win this war. Now, first, Israel Special envoy for combating antisemitism, noah tisch. Peace with us, founder of theoyr lawfare project. Ti brooke goldsteinsemit is with us now. Lets get your take on this first here proje. T. I dont think i get shocked often, but the level of virulent hate and antisemitism i never thought id see in my lifetime. And its not just on college, university. Thought it is its not just in hollywood. Its, you know, in the streets of new yors not jties. K. I mean, times square is packed. Its all over the world its in great britain. It is in other parts of europe. It is in australia, other continents. And itsits an a little shock chucks my conscience, and im sure it does yours as well. S wl it actually, sadly, is not shocking. Omething all this is something that im sure brooke and talked to as well. Its been a huge part of mythisi work for many, many years. Antizionism is antisemitis m. And this is these are the days where all the antisemites are crawling out of their holes. I want to talk to Hollywood Fori A second because you were referring to a letter that came oushis are l the ant by, A Sma Of Hollywood people, the usual hacks like Susan Sarandoywood P jumps to bash israel at anyash point. T however, only recently a new letter was sent to President Biden with a lot of big celebrities that is actually calling to release the hostages without Demandingoi A cease fire. Some of the people that are signing the letter are katy perry bloom, justin timberlake, tiffany haddish, zoe saldana, the lettt, chris rock, a lot wel of people. So data, there is actually a ce that is happening in hollywood. Finally and a lot of people in the intelligentsia and elites are taking a pause, p rethinking their position ins and on on hamaeo the entirety of The Middle East. And i hope this actually trickles down at some ,because this has been a verythn lonely and aggressive and antisemitictile climate out there. You know, well said. And, brooke, dow i go to you because, you know, if you look at one border city, 10,000i wilg rockets in ten years, thats like a constanook at ot barrage. Of rockets. Theres no freedom. Barragey outside. Vitamin d is kind of vital and important. Fresh air is kind of importante for kids, but theyre in there playing in and playgrounds that are underground, in bunkers. Thats their everyday life. Ats the way they live and yet nobody seems sympathetic to that factli or the fact the same thing is happening in the north with hezbollah and out of lebanon. At some point, doesnt israel need to have a protective zone where thesesnt e rockets can nv longer be fired into their border cities, that itthe wont be tolerated, that no long innocent people are goingro to die . And if you attack the israelis and you commit acts of terro in. R, you are going to pay the ultimate price. And that is israel is to destroy you. Thats what i would want america to do if we were attacked. That should have been the policy for israel for quite some time. Israel could have wiped out hamas a long time ago, mak time. D out hae mistake about that. But you know whats so appalling and im happy that you mentioned the 10,000 rockets, because when i was in israel, just two years ago,i when 5000 rockets were being shot at me and my children, nobody in hollywood was calling for a cease fire. Nobody in Hollywood Nownow is is Writing Letters calling for the cessation of the incitement to violence and actual violence happening against jewish students across the country. Nobody is calling for an end to the prohamas rallies that are happening in new yorkss ,in london and sydney, where theyre calling for gassing the jews. And as a Human Rights Attorney with a expertise is in the laws of armed conflict. Im appalled at these nflict i cease fire demands because they do not mention hamas. They are solely about dictating to israel how to defend her citizens from a brutal Terror Attack and like Dave Chappelle, who Sit In The West from their position of privilegem a r and attempt to dictate to the jewishut. People, the Indigenous People of israel, how to protect their own women to pr and children. Israel is not going to listen to Them Becausotect E has no choice. It must eliminate the hamas and the entire western world should be thanking israel for doing what it has to dohas o on the front lines of a war linem. Isla d terrorism. What do we do about the root cause now and that of course, being the number one State Sponsor of terror. That would be the iranian. They have gotten away with these proxy wars for decades, decades. Terror at some point, theyve got. Tns. To pay the price. At is this the point . I dont know when the point is, but they definitely do have to pay the price. When you look back at literally almost every conflict, certainly The Middle East, you see the tentacle reach iran. So you look at hezbollah and you findt know iran, thati in israels north. You look at hamas and israel, Soutn Ddle Entaclesh and you find iran. So iran is the number one State Sponsoring of terrorism in theso world and the number one antisemitic sponsorthe in entire world as well. And they absolutely need to be stopped. We should not negotiate with them. We should definitely not fundati them. Im very happy that that funding was was stoppeth we shod to them. And everybody should acknowledge the human rights that you have in iran are the human rights that youre going to have in the west if they get their way. And this is to what, brook and s saying, this is what Everybody Needs to understand. Israele in the w is fighting the westsw war. Israel is on the front linith be at the forefront of a worldwide war against islamic radicalism,e islamic nazism. Forefrthat is acting a massacre on our people. And its coming to the west ifw its not stopped. So when the United States went after we United States decided to go after isis, nobody was standing with a stopwatch and trying to stop the United States and saying, all right, enough now, fire. How can you have a cease fire with hamas when they broke every cease fire, every cease fire that israels ever a cea with them . So this was periodically, g. In, to what would crossinsewh every few months thered be rockets thrown out of gaza. Israel would attack. Rocket then hamas guard cease fire. Israel would agree. And within a couple of days isr s on, days, month, months, it would happen again. So why would we sign a Ceasewhyo Fire after this systematic massacre of Israeli Citizens . Its o its just not going to happen. You know, id ask these idiots a if it was your child that was beheaded, your baby that was Beheadeood Ia your daughter kidnapped or or killed, Wouls Ur Daughd you want your country to defend your family and get thosefamily people. I think the answer is obvious anyway. No a. Brooke, thank you both. Now, after wrongfully blaming israel for the strike that hit a hospital in gaza last week, the new york toilet paper times now admits that they relied too heavily on hamassrooke th in is initial reporting of the incident. Here was reaction. Tly on fox contributors Ari Fleischer and charlie hurt. Ari, you know, they rely toooure much on the Terror Group Hamas as information. Why would you rely on any information . Never mind too much. Im having a hard time understanding that philosophy. But understand something, sean, if todays covered theneverm allied dday invasion of 1940 four, the United States wouldnt have had the will to win world war two. Undethe New York Times were full of stories about innocent french People Killed by bombs that went off straight. Innocent were killed. On of the claimed this. They would hav. E covered dday invasion as if it was a failure. How Many Americans were killed on the way in . Its all negative for the people who do the good naziw things, and in this case, the people doing the good things. How tol. Israel is fighting a modern dayw islamic movemenayt. Is and could you imagine if that modern day Islamic Movement was successful . Can you imagine if they controlled jerusalem, if moey controlled tel aviv, would there be any jews remaining . Would christians be allowed to go to the Churci Successh of the Holy Sepulcher . These are the stakes and this is why israel deserves and needs the backing of everybody in this country. Jeru aviv . , most thisple back israel. But the New York Times does not. Needs a back and toionht israe blame israel first. And thats why the new york time s is just isolated to a small group of College Educated democratic readers. Mall gro thats all they have left. And, you know, they have y. Istored democ this if you even go back to world war two, dont they, charlie . Well, they certainly do. And i think not only. Is it blame israel first . Its also blame america first. They hate the principles for which the country stands, which is kind of amusing consideringd. Theyre in the First Amendment business. Consit endment would almost be comicam that particular story about the hospital if it werental that Nh Horrifying and all the details werent so horrifying. And of course, starting with the number of dead, apparently to hamas, 10 to 50 people. That wasnt enough dead people. So they had to up it to 500. The New York Times ran with that. Theres an old saying you dont negotiate with terrorists. Well, not only do you not negotiate with them, you dont interview them and ask them what happened, because if theyre going to willings an old to behead people and terrorize peoplenegoti, theyre probably e willing to lie. And its too bad the new york s to learn this in suchubli a public way. You know, i dont reallyc wa see it changing. And what im having a hard time. Ar chang a hard i really compred is that thisin is such a cut and dry issue. If you have any sense of decency, see if you have a heart, mind and soul and a conscience i dont think you can take hamas aside here. But we see worldwide whats happening and whats happening on our country and how sit is how do we deal with that . Ultimately, the sliverhow do of americans who have taken hamas aside all cut from the same clothat the. College educated, liberal, postgraduate degree, the very people who run and work for the New York Times and send the signal the rest of the major media. Thank goodness america now has ve outlets, conservative outlets that have broken from media that are much more willing to tell the truth to the American People but dont cover what hamas says because they know hamass lies and theyre much more willing to wait on a story than to rush it, Put It On The Air and, lookt at the damage the New York Times did they . They sparkedheto the muhe riots that took place in beirut, toey sparked the riots that took place in jordan. They resulted in canceling. President bidens trip to the west bank. This is the damage the New York Times has inflicted. They still didnt return those pulitzer they earned for the russia hoax and the lies they told their two for three long years. All right. Thank you both. We come back. Bidennomics disaster. He knows no depths as Interest Rates are hammering Everyday Americans from everything to. Mortgages, credit card Interest Rates now as high as 30 . Virginia governor Glenn Jonkere will weigh3 in when we continue. Garth brooks, Blake Shelton ,carrie underwood. Zac brown, reba mcentire. Theyre all from oklahoma. And thats where our next big giveaway, this lake house and carson land. Welcome to your next one country giveaway. Were giving away this fully furnished four bedroom, three and a half bath right here in the heart of middle america. Urself of middle america. Urself sign up today at one country icon. Its to this Halloween Trick or this Halloween Trick or treat yourself the blender. Ous two portable blender. Its to die for blankets. Who gives you monstrous power for a delicious smoothie, shake or frappe . Anytime, anywhere. Cleaning blankets. Who is scary . Easy. Easy. Just recharge quickly with any Usb Port Loogie on over to blend jet. Com and order yours today. 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With Mortgage Rates now averaging 8 for a 30s to year fixed Rate Mortgage under donald trump, werugh e in the 2 range, the 3 range. So what caeraging n you do now . Y we needed a change in leadership and that change couloud start well, in about 17 days in the commonwealth of virginia. Here with more is governor glenn youngkin. You know, we have two thirds of the country, governor, living paycheck to paycheck. Some people just are usingrds ot their credit cards just to bait ,buy bare necessities. What are they to do here . Well, sean, joe bidens foreign has caused International Chaos and his border Policse Intery has calles caused a national security, a drug and a humanitarian chaos. And biden nomics is causing an economic chaos and hum. And youre right, families are living paycheck to paycheck. I mean, for the average family in virginia and america, theyre spending 700 more a month to buy the exactaving pa same that they bought two years ago, much at a much lower price. Muyce outerbridge fa, groceriess and clothes for their kids. And this is what bidennomics is delivering. And thats why were working so hardgas , virginia, to try to kp The Cost Of Living down. In fact, this week, sean, weren sending out our Tax Refund Checks try to k, 200 for thoseg individually and 400 for those filing jointly because its their money, not the governments. Were doing everything we can to keep tax rates, tax ratesis e down and provide virginians a chance to make ends meet. In thihe s. S biden economy. So two weeks from tomorrow is actually 15 days, not 17 days. You have a really important ta and that right nowot 70 the state senate is daa four voe more a four vote lead democrats over republicans, house of delegates. Republicans have a five leave vote majority. Mmocrats youre really hard for two republicans to get control of both houses beforeh hous your election. God. Ectionirginia wases i thought republicans would never be competitive again. Ay ivirginia how realistic is that . The house delegates and the senate goe s republican. Sean, our elections are on a knifes edge. We can hold our house and flip our senate, but every single one of the key races is tight and. We are doing everything down the stretch to get the vote out. You know, the the winner. Doing everythin election is the one who gets the most votes. Its the people that show up. And so were pushing hard to get republicans off the sidelines. Thats why we pushed we pushed our Early Voting Program so hard earlye most v a peopl on. Ay so were asking everybody to go to secure your vote. Virginia jd. Com, make a plan to vote early. We got two weeks to get the vote out. In fact, this saturday, every one of our precincts will be open early. Weve got to get the vote out. And if we do this, sean, we can, in fact, demonstrate in 24 short months a state that was on. Can be found and common sense conservative leadership deliversthisf our. I mean, we just we just said ofl job growthea record with 230,000 more virginians working in just 22 months of work. When we came in, we were nearwo. Bottom and now were near the top in job growth. We have the largest workforc ar the bottom. E, the history of virginia. Elections have consequences, and thats why were pushing so hard to get everybody out to vote. Weve got Greaob T Answers To Theybody Challenges of today. Job growth, Empowering Parentsh back in the blue. Making government work for people as opposeallengesth and o them what to do all the time. And all The Other Side has is to sell feaem what r. We are going to drive through this to the end. We did it in 2021 and heres our chance to show yet againthe. That commonsense conservative leadership not only work21 here but even those voters who who are in the middle, and many democratonly wse s along with us in order to show that virginia n and demonstrate to the nation that we can turn a state completely around. Governor, every single republican, every conservative in every state needs to adoptaru your mentality. , vote by mail, bank your vote, whatever you want to call it. Bankour state has legal ballot harvesting, get involved l. That as wel its going to be very interesting. Just well,ha two weeks from tomorrow is the big day. Governor, great to have you. Thank you. All right. Week straight ahead tonight, a disturbing new Audio Recording from a prominent y. Mocrats fr have yo allegedly berating one of her staffers. We got the tape. Well check in with clay and tomi lahren straight ahead. This feels like something you do not want to be alone. I think its going to be a long night. Dont be scared. No problems. Well, it looks like he may have. A visitor. John. What . What was that . I got to get out of here. I was alone. Hello. Im your Virtual Assistant from the future. Ive been sent back in time by your future to tell you to not wait another second to start your weight loss. Think about it. 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The Hillary Clinton backed candidate for houston mayo r, congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee, was allegedly caught on a leaked Audio Recording audio beg a staff member. Now, fox has not independently verified recording. Ecording many people say its her. Take a listen. Erdont want to believe that. I want you to have a brain. I want to read it. I want to say, congresswoman. Thats what i want. When i called jerome lee on the set of day like a fat, stupid idiot, talking about what he doesnt know during his mobile work that i could ever have put together. Youve got to know that. Now, he did try multiple times to reach out to congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee. Ansheilahis campaign for commen. We havent heard back from them. For comment. Her campaign reportedly issued a statement to the Houston Chronicle accusingicle her opponent of leaking the audio, calling it a low handed p political tactic. E on chronicle said the campaign did ret acknowledge of the voice the recording was the congresswomans. It was reaction. Outkick foundedoutkick r clay t, along with the host of our case. S. I lahren is fearles lahren tomi, i just think, you know, she sounds like a lovely persoe typen. You know, i think the type of person youd want as a mapeople mayor. About why why are people upset at that . Yeah, shes clearly got some spice and some to her. But sean, what i think is really interesting about this is thates a the democrats really parade themselves like the Loving Speciall and the tolerant party. They love everybody, especially ouworker owners. E lo you know, we hear that they love the middle class. They love the lowetr class. They love the people that work for them. Well, when theyre caught on a l hot mic, theyre berating their staff, calling them donquit names, quite unloving ,quite intolerant. We all have a bad moment, but ig bunt knowoingget away how sheg to get away from this one. She sounds like a lovely persokn. But i think they can haven her over on the left. You know, clay, my understanding is youre kind of the Big Guy Over At Outkick and i imagine if that was you on tape. E of well, who knows, sean,ting theres probably a tape out there of me reacting like this to some fourth down play calls on having money on games so i can get a pretendi. Oh, boy. That i dont occasionally. Oh, we got to have a little bit. But actually when i, yeah, when i saw this story, sean, i actually thought it was jill biden reacting to to joe being told that he had to work on a weekend as opposed to going out to the beach again. But heres the problemh agai. Yeah, we got another way. You tell me what you like. That. That was far too articulate for joe. That was well, i said, jill. Angry that theyre trying to get joe to workt unders. A yeah, we would not apologize. Oh, yeah, if it was joe. Words i dont even think cancognitiv get those words out. Cognitively speaking. Did you sehe e the tape We Playedr Forc Last week of joe biden on Air Force One . I did. Mo i just i mean, the thest int moa interesting thing i thought about that Air Force One tape was actually nott joe, joe, whoe know has diminished Cognitive Function and cant stay up after, you know, the sun goes down. It was actually his secretar y of state Karine Jeanpierre like looming in the backgroun d, Terrifiedf Wh of what he might say when he went back to talk to the pres w wens. And obviously it wasnt good. Stt i think our standardor for expectation for joe biden is if he doesnt fall going Downallyll The Stairs and he actually manages to exit a stage, it was a hell of a performanc was cee him. Yeah. I can only imagine if that was donald trump. Tomi lahren would have been a very different reaction about, wow, this man is not beig equipped to be president. And i think, well, you know, sean, leading up to the 201602 election, as as the 2020 election, all we heard from the left was nonstop analysi ovs over Donald Trumps mental state, his physical abilities. They spent shows over another Fake News Networks assessing that. But now they are rather quiet radio silent, in fact,theyr about joe biden, the big guy there. But you see his entire staffth g white knuckling it every time he speaks and for good reason. Hes going to have to come outwm of the basement at some point. Best of luck to you guys. All right, tommy, thank you. And clay, well have a couple of i know you love rs and w your tennessee volunteers. Well have a few vets that i know, don. Im going to win bets. We anyway, thank you both. Unfortunately, thats all the time we haveleft left this even. Quick reminder, a Live Audience studs wednesday, thursday nigh t in new york city. Studio guests, piers morgan, nikki haley, brian greenberg, emily companion, and jason chaffetz. Tickets are free. Hannity dcoms let not your heart be troubled. Break felt here to put a smile on your face. This is a fox news alert. Im lauren

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