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The squad and the ceasefire i is the worst that i could ever have put together. Tell them they made it. Leep c hino, that for me, my new favorite congress woman, mr. Cons frank biden and miss mandy wardj. What is joe bidens Brother Doinoeg . Plus, whats your superpower . I can go from hello there to hello there. How may i help you . American president must speak clearly in times of war. The commander in chief must make it clear to our friends and our enemies exactly where we stand. We will not only defend , rselves to the alamo but will make it very certain that this form of Trickery Shal This Fol never again and dangerous. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones. And unite the civilized world against radicahe civill ic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely fromec the face of the earth. Soatly from President Biden, wa to israel and hugged their leader, vowing u. S. Full support today, called for a cease fire as the u. S. Supporting the hostages for a cease fire deal. Why did you think Wdeale Shod Have A cease fire . Cease fire. We should have trusted reliefesl and now we can talk. All right. So in the last three days,east 3 joe biden has said israel should delay ground operations. Then israel should have a cease fire. Then israel should not have a cease fire and then wait until hostages are released and then we can talk. Efire t joe biden doesnt haveve cea the verbal precisionse or the backbone to lead our country in a dangerous world. Ry in a its now been reported that je biden is forcing the israelis to delay ground operations, handing a major victory to terrorist. Biden is dragging the war out in israel like hes dragging the war out in ukraine. Were hearing the white israelt ins all of the hostages released from gaza before hae Israeli Ground campaign and hamas has over 200 hostagesa and are drip, drip, drip, dripping them out. Last week to out this week, buying time and buying good p. R. In the arab world, tha even in congress. Meanwhile, the whiterarld. T even house doesnt even know how many hostages there are. Host do we have any updates on the plight of any other Americans Still being held hostage . I wish i knew the answers to those. Jonathan. We dont have a Great Sensers T of how many more americans s. Are in the pool. All were hearing Fromr The White House is i dontheari know. And were scared. The white house is Leakingthe Wh all over d. C. That theyre terrified of this thing tumbling into world war three. It doesnt Show Strength when our Defense Secretaryworl broadcasts. Hes worried. Werd war iii. Nt showe concernl escalation. In fact, what were seeing is a is the prospect of af a si significant escalation esca on our troops and our our people throughout the region. You know who should be worried about escalation . Our enemie s. And americas top diplomat is telling our enemies exactlytn what were worried about. How concerned are youg y escalat about iran trying to escalate this war . War . We are concerned. Fac in fact, wt wee expect that thes a likelihood of escalation, escalation by iranian proxies directed against our forces, directed against our personnel. This is not what we want, notor. What were looking for. We dont want escalation. We dont want to see a second or third front develop. So over the last 48 hours,. U. S. Bases in iraq and syria have been attackedee a sec by in drones. Hezbollah, backed by iran, is stepping up attacks against i israel from the north. I thought Biden Warneds stepping our enemies. Dont, dont, dont. Now he is warning israel. Dont, dont, dont. Bidens reportedly holding back israel from Striking Hamas and hezbollah. Biden wa our and if anybody else wasg hama wondering if the United States is running out , the whitewhite and ha house Just Announced we were. How big is the concern that the u. S. Is dangerously low on what it should have for its own defense right now . Well, of course, its a concern. Its something that we watch very, very closely. And with every single aid package that goes to ukraine and now israel, the Department Of Defense has to do an assessment to make sure that we can continue to meet our own war plans, our own operational needs. So biden running out of bullets, running out of money and running his mouthao. Heres why were in this mess. Biden was totally unprepared age and right when he came into office. Bu pulled most of our air defensesllets. From the mideast. The patriot antimissile batteries disappearefice he d be biden said the iranians were good little boys. Now iranian proxies s e Firing Missiles all over the desert and biden is caught with his pants down. Biden is telling israel dont launch the ground invasion. And so we can put our missilensy Defense Systems back in the region because of this thing escalatest. Were not prepared. So joes pushing a cease fire because he didnt see this coming. Just like you didnt see the Taliban Takingt see this ovr afghanistan, just like you didnt see the russians or the chinese or the cartels. Ista. Now, the terrorists haveju the cloct see tk on their side. Theyre digging their tunnels deeper, more Arms Shipments are coming in. And all israel is doing is launching airstrike s, which then hamas films and then socalled civilians crawl outeyn of the rubble and they hand the tape to al jazeera and the aradb world explodes. Mobs swarm our embassies, mobsom form our cities. The squad calls for Ceaseba Fires and the cease fires arrive. Biden is delivering the cease fire that the squads called for. Biden wants to stop, talkoweb and shower both sides with casoa. Biden gave a speech in the oval office. Remember, Evilveech In T Will Ks Rolling until its confronted and the president onted. S already gone back on his word. Joining me now, former Trump State Department Senior Adviser and Senior Fellow at the center for the national interest, christian whiton. Sn o this clocks tickingck and the United States is not preparedti states. What does this mean . Well, it means youll seeing increasing distance, i think, betweedistthink n israel and the United States. Unfortunately, despite biden going over there and quite boldly meeting with netanyahu, whom he had Nevehere Andh r been willing to receive in the white house itself. You see this pressure on israel not to invade, giving hamas more time to prepare or giving more time for islamists acrossme the middle east to make their case in islamists here in the United States, to mak eee their case. But what happens when the combat actually begins on the ground in gaza, dontpent you think . Now everyone knows that bideh an is going to be leaningno on the israelis to stop as quickly as possible, whethe r or not hamas is rooting out . And then what happens ifout . Hama s is destroyed as adestro Military Force . Israels going to Haveye A Milil in place some sort of political entity in gazal place so to repe the vacuum it creates or else hamas just comesvacuum back. Thats not going to be a popular decision. And israel needs the support of the United States. Thats unambiguous. And theyre getting the exact opposite. Christian, why is the Defense Secretary telling everybody were scared . Ion, w that is bizarre to me. Ive never reallhysecrety heard anything out of this Defense Secretary thats particularly inspiring or insightful. You know, he should be explaining calmly the implements we have around the world. And we do have a verying ca significant military. We have capabilities d be brought to bear, not just to support the mission against hamas, but also to deter iran. Iran really has been pushing Hamas Buagainst that open door. S its been attacking tankers, not just random oihithe agl tans in the Strait Of Hormuz or hee sea of oman, but ones that have been headed to the United States. And as you mentionedad, this Defense Department pulled air defense batteries out of the middle east, out of saudiut of arabia. Irans other proxy army there, Who Issaudi Arab the one of thr. They have hamas. They have hezbollah. They have the u. S. They have others as well, Firing Missiles at our allies, saudi arabia, the uae and this Defense Department doing nothing about it, really. Can you interpret what the president said today . I heard three things. I heard, yes. Cease fire. No cease fire. At our a Outi Hearages and then talk. What does that mean . D re, no, its clear as mud. And you know, we used to have a policy of not negotiating with terrorists. It wasnt even were not going to pay terrorists off. Its were not even going to talk to them because to talk to them and certainly to pay them is to encourage them to take more americans hostage. And this is a president who traded a serious russian arms dealer for brittany griner. Im glad shes home. E but for five americans held hostage in iran, im glad theyre home. But for 6 billion and is Nowheh Presumablyos i mean, were talking to hamas to get our people out. Im glad. I hope we get them out. But hamas is going to want something in return. And the question is, what is this administration offering . O. Its not good. Ut. The way to end Wars Humanelyrds is to fight them decisively, aggressively. We need to gethuma in there andt this over with and not give hamas more time. I couldnt agree more. Chris, thank you so much. Thank you, jesse. There so, Joe Biden Alsano pushing for a cease fire in israel because his radical base hi is ramp all over the country. Pro terrorism protests broke out in brooklyn saturday where mobs locked horns with police, closed down the prohamas mob, chucked eggs at cops, blasted fireworks in the streets. In 19 arrested in chicago yesterday. A propolice steny and crew jumped a proisrael protester. Watch. Hey, hey, hey. Oh, no. Thi i dont remember this leves lel of violent promuslim action during the war on terror. Why isnt anything on te being done to protect all of us . What arrrything b done e you. So after violent mobs clash with cops, beat israeli protesters and made innocent girls cry on campus wir synagogues shut down after jewish moms made their children stay hometer the at school and after the fbi and the nypd put out alerts raising the threat level, the white house said it hadntsa seen any threats to jews. The real threat was islamophobia. What level of concern level o right now about the potential rise of antisemitism in light of everything thats going on in israel . So a couple of things. Look, we have not seen any credible threat. But look, muslim and those perceived to be muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate fueled attacks. And certainly President Biden te understands that many of our muslim Arab Americans an puslim palestinianamerican loved ones and neighbors are worried about the hatehe being directedi at their communities. Binders a liar. Lastcan loved year. They were over six times more hate crimes against jews b. Uslims six times more. Congress just ramped up security around the capitol because over a thousand jews were slaughtered by radical ngress rmuslims. T of t the president of a detroit synagogue was stabbehed outside of her home on saturday. The first thing cops say we have no suspects, but this is definitely not a hate crimee. How do they know and why are they going out of their way . Because if this woman was targeted, its not a hate crime. Thats a domestic terrorman wa attack. And with biden calling for e, it gives the squad time to accuse israel of war crimes. Attah the government of israel for many years have been thtaining innocent palestinians without charges. The hostages that israel is holding. Shou that is also something that should be discussed. Thatome s. Me up over yearld and that is absolutely why,lutey you know, the numbers in the estimates, i believe, are in the thousands. The Estimre But War Crimes Dt Justify war crimes. Or the l for the last five years, all you heard from the left was them wailing about political violence, hate speech, domestic terrorism. So isnt It Suspiciousous Th that now theyre quiet . Eell, its because their basat is guilty of political violence, hate speech, and potentially domestic terrorism. But just like they do with the bordeand potentism. R inflationer, in and crime, the white house lies whitsu itse and tells you itfl not happening. Debra lee is a jewish conservative commentator n. And top u. S. Ambassador. Whats going on with binder . Its absolutely crazy. We are terrified watching whats happening right now. And to be told that, oh, she literally named every single group except for jews whents cz jp was defending that. And we have we are scaredbart for our lives. We are staying home from schools. We are staying home from our synagogues. We have extra security if there are no threats against us. Why do we have extra cops in every single stat e . Syna why are jews across the world scared for their lives right now . If thes Sittingwireoe Extra back watching these arabs march, screaming from the river to the sea. Palestine shal jorld or theires . L be free. That is calling for the of jews. We have reasons to be scared right noreasons w, and especialy with People Advocating for a cease fire. Thats just the more political correct way to say that you dont stand with israel, you stand against israel. So if you have millionsand of arabs cheering on hamas,arab cheering on the Palestinian Resistancech and rooting for that side, why wouldnt she say in that context that theres no threat against jews . I think that she is just so tied to her agenda thats woke agenda that its never the jews, its always every other group. Its racism. Hink sheits antiislam, its nr the real hate thats happening. Theyre so deeply tied to this agenda. And even when the facts are right in front of them, jews since the 80s, when the fbi started counting, jews have made up over 50 of all violent hate crimegrouiislam. Sb there is so much evidence to show that we are highly targeted. This is the highest level 50 t hate cc hate since the holocaust. This was a mass holocaust, ifd we have nobody we have you are defending us, but we need more people, especially in our government. In our governm going to say thee more. Jesse watters is that what youre saying . I absolutely agree with ive been saying that for many, many years, very smart people. Yi was actually in give biden some credit for the way he handled this until i saw that ceasefire clip. Pyeah, i was going to say hes good. He was unequivocal in americas support of our biggest ally. But even when he tries to do the right thing, you just cant stop falling on the ground or letting words fall out of his mouth. He is not a leader and hes created this environment for enemies of america and the west to be emboldened Likd The Ceeths in ukraine, like in israel. And it is terrifying. And we must Stand Up Now Befor D the wee other world actors like china get involved. Theyre already moving their ships towards israel. So now or never, its a good thing were running out of ammo just at the right time. Yeah, we maybe we can ask israel, but i think theyre using all their is up now, too. Deborah, thank you. Thank you. A comiccon attack on america. Tp we just barelyro stopped it. 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Ring theemerson attempted to mae his way to the Pilot Equipment and shut down the planes engines. Thankfully, the crew was able to Subduethankful Emerson L police picked him up after the flight was diverter the fld to portland. Hes now been charged with 83uno counts of attempted murder. And we scrubbedf his social media profile and we only found two political posts, one asking democrats for a bailout during covid and another calling out trump on january 6th. Police have an established Animal Motives for why emerson tried to kill nearly 100 americans in a Kamikaze Attack. The Airline Industry hardeneditc its security after 911 andur introduced new protocols, technologies, equipment to keep the threats out of the cockpit. F but what happens when t the threats cominghe from within the cockpit . Brian sacco is a retired Airline Pilot and he joins me now. Ryan, Have You Eveairline Pilork anything like this before e, jesse . Great to be on the show. J heard of things like this. O weve seen in the pastf seen in the majority of threats actually in the airlines and in the airport actually come from internale majori. So as a corporate pilot, as a Airline Pilot, we were trained for this. I actually went through a program called the ph. D. Progm program, which is a federal Flight Deck Officer program, and they trained thousandsrograf of pilots to actually carry firearms in the flight deck. But its a huge issue if this is true, if what people are saying is true, this will be an issue movingilot forward. Because as a pilot, you really dependent on that jump seat to get to and from work. Yeah. Of ase jump see guys startend ao almost tackling the pilot. He tries to take the aircraftuyl down. They subdued him physically. So youre saying these pilotmo s are usually strapped . They could have shot them, but instead they wrestled theme. To the ground . Well, yeathey ch, far those are carrying firearms. I dont believe that thedo two pilots in command of this aircraft were fellows. T were but we are trained and, you know, the jump we ag, you know, not only was this a pilot, but this was a pilot for the company that has only been there for 30, 69 days. Hes been there for nine years. And from the sounds of it, on the streets, like i am still connected with all of the pilots, like this is out 90 left field. Nobody was expecting this. And if its trueor 9 , Everythingif It that is being said, there will need to be new protocols and nethat is e will nw systemse to prevent this from happening in the future. Yeah, we dont know if this gudoy is mentally ill. We dont know if hes prohamas. Iwe dont know anything about this guy. All we know is that he tried to kamikaze a jet down in us soil and kill 80 americans from the inside. What are people sayings fr about this guyom t . Well, you know, word on the street, you know,ight people are shocked. You know, as as a tight community, you know, theres you know, 300 plus thousand pilots who are commercial active. I dont know exact number in the u. S. , but Everybody Knows everybody, jesse. People are, you know, shooken up about this. You know, not only from a Standpointmunity T Of A Flighb but this is a serious crime. I mean, theresse. S 80 people, 75 people on this, you know, eab 170 aircraft going down to San Francisco where he was, you know of a st, where he livei so he was commuting. But you knowsco what peopleliv. Are saying is that, you know, was the response from the airlines. Wheres the response fro commum prudent . So, listen, you know, we need we need answers where weee need answersd answ. I havent seen pete. I guess he put out a little statement. Thats fine. This guy lives in San Francisco. Who knows . Anythings possible. Thank you so much. And im glad. Im glad we got guys like you. Lets put it that way. Well, jesse. Jesse, im here to keep you safe. Many things i can do to help you out. You let me know, okay . We appreciate it. Thanks so much. Im next. Sheila jackson lee is now my new favorite congresswoman. F s fox news is proud to bring you this. You this. Shes a hero moment, even only a quarter of Stem Graduates are women. Graduates are women. Theyd like an engineer. There is this preconception. There is this preconception. Hat and some things are for bo . But diversity drives innovation. My goal is to really flipcreate the script. Pick something that you love and go for it. How do we live in space . How do we live on the moon . I want to help figure that out. You can create a blueprint. If you can see her, you can be. Have you ever felt leg pain . Restlessness, cramps, tingling, swelling, numbness, itchiness or coldness . 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Thats the kind of staff i want to have, too. Wahow hard is it to tell me the date . You just have to look at the calendar. You cant continue to allow mistakes to happen without consequences. Someone has to be heldhow ha accountable. You know, something to anotherrd is itdate . Haeeting. And i dont have the information. Nobody gave me the informationn. En i need to ensure my schedule. And, you know, if they didnt make their case and nobody knows that in my office, nothing. I gave it to you. Your job was to get it on the calendar. Imprinted on your brain was send me the Informationion Ba back then, congresswoman. I made sure that the obeids con that you gave meperwork for soandso date and said, youre going to go mobile. And here were going to have a put together. Youve got idiots. No god made managing nobody. Nobody respected them. Not what youre doing. You aint doing it. Ing. This is an example of i gave it to you. This is not childs work. Misleading statements. Primetime reached out to the congresswomans staff for comment. They told us theyd get back to us with a statementeach out,h they never did. Sounds like theyre still making mistakes and they learned nothing. Now, jacksonlee is accusing her political opponent of leaking a Phone Conversation she had with her own staff. Congresswoman, i hate to break it to you. Fox is in the hen house. Your Staffl Opponetion she leakf its imperative you clean house now. Congre i was a houston resident, id put a Sheila Jackson lee hou Sign On Mystonsheila j yard andr sticker on my truck. Its not like the republicans are going to win in houston anyway, but thats the kind an Political Leadership i want in a politician. Budt kind of leadership is dea today. Everyones too afraid of h. R. , of feelings. N a what about my feelings . What about the bosss feelings . What . The feelings of the people. Sheila jackson lee ghosted because they didnt tell her the event was on the calendar. Sheind if you need more evidence that im on the right side of the issue, The View Disagreessted tell her. His was this was verbal abuse working for you so bad that we cant even play a little bit of it. This can play a little bit of it because its almost all its emotional abuse. D that its its toxic. Snd frankly, if she wa w anything other than a congresswoman, shed probably be taken to h. R. And fired. But since theres no speaker whos going to censure her, youre going to refer to the Ethics Committee. The view is a toxic work environment. Just ask any of the last seven view cohosts who cried themselves to sleep every night until they got fired. Red. Also, its too bad to play the soundbite on the view. Ask n these ladies talk about tapesrit pad fakehe. Joy does. T to send Sheila Jackson lee to the Ethics Committee whip so congress can pull fire alarms, take gold bars, home insider trade, and marry their brother. Le oh, and harassed staffers and silenced them with cash commss can p a secret slush funh but they cant tell their staff, do your jobar. Then apparently, working is unethical in congressaff to jimmy fallon is the hosts th of fox across america. You have to agree with me. Stop it. Ill meet you halfway on this. Okay i. And people should know Sheila Jackson, also available as a motivational speaker. Shes phenomenal. She comes in, she roughs up the staff. Heres the thing. It is absolutely possible that those staffers because givehamotivatin the level of frn in her voice, i can see this nos a very basicstauffergiven s not fulfilled. Yes. Th is knownsaid, shelfilled. As the biggest monster in the T History Of Congreshe Bigs and pe watching at home. No, no, no, no. Shes like banned commercial airlines. Ill give you two examples. Continentals head. Of government outreach, the late great continental airlines. Yes. Governmentt her andtacinental say, well never let you fly again if you dont Stop Berating staff. Neves on the no fly list. No. United airlines hadfly ag to apologizeaiop parad, giving n a 500 voucher after Sheila Jackson lee took the womans seat on a plane. Shes known as a monster like his horrible backstagela jacksas go. She is like a nine on he a scale of one to gutfeld. Okay. You see what i mean . You know that it was Terrible Service on the airline. Why do you know they didnt lose your bags . W it was how do you know jerome orirle someone like jerome was workin. G on the airline that day . You want to know how i know . Route up . You want to know . No. Listen, i want to be you on this, okay . So i dont get a staff to be thisat people like peytothn behr. Im like, im getting paid in cigars and tied pots. It heres the deal. In 2014, okay,m the Washington Annie Magazine wrote an article considering her the biggest monster in congress. She does have a history of being different. Okay. This is the most researcharticl youve ever done for far ande es awayt mons is the one chance i. To not be the worst person in the room. Thiaway. Ths was my super bowl not water. All right. Well, listen, thank you very much. And then get to be the were gt you a staff. Theyre coming. I think you finally deserveery u to have the ratings. Very need to step back. A staff of one. Genally de. N thisenoughch so Dave Chappelle was performing in boston this weekend. He started talking about israel. Gaza reportedly condemnedtac the Terrorist Attack on israel, but then accused israel of war Crimesised Israe and said peoplo support palestinians shouldnt lose their jobcrimess. Somebody in the crowd yelled, shut up at chappelle. And then they started going at it. A bunch of people stood up and walked out of the show. Shut s started chanting free palestine. The show went off rails. But those who have followed chappelles career, theyre not surprised. Apelle he spent his entire career mixing it up. Here he issot rised. , back a few years ago. These are your bones. Keep coming to earth. Think of and it made me think of an idea for a movie. Sounds dumb, but hear me out in my movie idea. We find out that Thesethat T Aliens are originally from eartoriginalh, that theyre fron ancient civilization that achieved Interstellar Travel and left the earth thousands of years ago. Some of the planet they go to when things go terrible for them and the other planet. So they come back to earth, decide that they want to claim the earth for their very own. Its a pretty good plot line. To and thi call it space jews. So why is joe bidens so why is joe bidens Brother Naked . The chase ink business premiere card is made forbreakt people like sam, who make everyday products designed Smarter Likehr a smart coffee. 5a grinder. Fedoras. Fresh beans for you. Ohsh back onhases of, genius. 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Fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. Bipartisan support for israel after returning home to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Happens. And youre going to be exceptionally stink free and smell as good as humanly possible. The biden family has what youd call a history. They lose their documents in chinatown. They lose their crack pipes, they lose their diamonds, their diaries, they lose their laptops, they lose their minds. The biden family has been completely compromise ized. Theyre a living, breathing black male operation. And fortunately for them, and unfortunately for us, its happened again. A photo of frank biden, the brother of the us president , was discovered on a Dating Website. The daily mail talked to frank biden. He admitted the photos is, but he said he didnt post it. Yup, he said he was hacked. I have absolutely no comment. I could care less. I havent even looked at it. They must have hacked my phone. Anything that is revealing picture of some kind is between mindy and me. I really dont want to start my day off this way. Definitely didnt post it anywhere, though. Frankie forefinger says any pictures are between him and his girlfriend, mindy. Prime time, texted frank. Frank texted us back, said no comment. Thank god. Texted thats all. He texted back. Now we have to givus back commee four fingers credit. Hes 69 and hes been putting in worck. K. Same now, we dont know if hes on the same stuff rfk jrs on, but he looks great. This photo of fingers has been up. You ready for five years. Figur soes i guess hes saying he was hacked five years ago and hes just finding out about it today. Now, if you hacked fabulous frankie, four fingers phone, would you post texts betweens fi him and joe . Would you post texts between him and hunter o r wouldstead you instead take one photo of a naked bathroom selfie and post it on a Dating Website called guys with iphones aka . And if joe bidens brothers . Thats fine. Who cares . And if joe bidens brother and his girlfriend are intoy some crazy stuff, have at it. But you realize what you are. Youre a Blackmail Target in really good shape. Now, we also just found out joe biden bought his 3 millionu Vacation House isen cash just five months after joe biden left the vice presidency. He dropped 3 million on hiss beach house. Werertgage when ratese. At 2 . Where the money come from . Is anybody interested . Is anyone investigating . Intereste they want to throw trr prison for sayinowg maralago is worth more than 18 mil. But biden can have 3 million liquid after a Public Sector salary his whole life had the great Pleasure Of Being T Manas the poores in congress for 36 years. I didnt think he should make money while youre in office. Hu i had the dubious distinction of being listed as the poorest man in congress. I was listed for the entire time i was in the United States congress as the poorest man in the United States congress. I my net worth was net zero a couple of times. Had the poorest man in congress buy a beach house for 3 million cash. So speaking tour. Time he doesnt know how to talk ores book sales as. By a no ones read his book. Be did Hunter Helllp Hiion Inm with payment . We know he helped pay joes bills. Hunter also shut down a Chinese Business partner for 10 million. Remember from the beachpay jo house that joe paid cash. Now, we also found ouetlls. Thankssiness p to house oversigt committee, that joes other brother, jimmy the chin, not the one on the Dating Website. E joes the one, that i on the Dating Website wrote joe. Sorry, ga that was frank. Rank. Hey, get frank and jimmy confused sometimes. He wrote Joe A Check Formeti 200,000. Now, the whitemes. House says just jimmy was just paying a loan back. Joe gave hi n m a 200,000 loan to your brother on a politician. It doesnt make sense that ryans the founder of America First majority. Th first of all, before we get to the cash, before we get to the house. Right. Got to say fingers. Otta s looksay good. I mean, i guess my first response, jesse, was whats up with the biden men thinking they should just be posting naked selfies all over the s the place . But it felt like he was trying to pull an austin powershi. Thats not my bag, baby. Ce ive been se . T up and if its between you and mindy, you might want to have a conversation about why thats being posted up. On a a a site. But again, youre right. I mean, the Biden Familyag is just a walking blackmail operatioain,bot biden. And the question is, what are people blackmailing them over and getting in return . Blackmail . You mean a vile blackmail . Thats correct. I just want to make sure the audience understands. Go ahead. And the question is, i mean, you think about this joe biden multiple times bragging hes the poorest man in congresn audiennds. S. Career politician has never made more than 235,000 a yearth2 while hes in office. And suddenly35, less thanhes six months later is paying almost 3 million in cash. I mean, the peopl pion ine th that cash into him, they werent doing that withouio strings attached. This associate at a chinese oil Companinthat Wy with ties to th. He wasnt doing this out of the goodness of his heart. Art. The other Foreign National interest to shoveling money at the family, theyre not doing it because they like the bidens or think theyre a charity case that needs help. I dont think theres any question nownationaling mone th. Completely corrupt and compromise. And jess i dont think the, i guess my nt question is, are the doj and the corporate propagandaestn as completely corrupt . Because, you know, if this thandist a republican, there wod already be people pounding on the table saying we have to have a federal investigation. And the corporate propagandists over the last 48 hourssaying be whipping up the narrative. Yeah, this is this is a crock. Instead, theyre shrugging their shoulders and the doj under the corrupt a. G. Garland. I think their first thought is were not going to get to the bottom of this. How do we cover up and make it go away . Well, i just want to know if the fbis Lookinthe Ver It ug joe bidens brothers phone hack, because that i wouldnt if i would be looking into that if i were an fbi agent. That seems like a real important thing. Do right. Right. Well, you know, actually, it could be blackmail. T im going to ask the fbi ifhe i theyre looking into it, and ill let you guys know m going to beseat. And on the edge of your seat. Of course. And i bet the answer is the fbi, the doj are making sure this all goes away as quickly as possible, just likecourse the diary, just like. S, t the laptop. All right, dan, thankhe fbi, you. Op. Does joe biden have the comic con vote . How is joe biden doing . Anybody thats over 56 took it out of congress. Youre too old to be Making Decisions for me. Im sorry. Anybody thats decrepit needs to go , man. How many Bathroom Trips are you making each day . Try super beater. Advanced the one selling formula in its category made with pros defend triple action blend to help reduce urges to. Find it at walmart or these retailers. Even if youre careful, there are more ways than ever for Identity Thieves to steal your information information. Lifelock alerts you to threats you could miss if your identity is stolen. A dedicated Restoration Specialist will help fix it. 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Dressing up, of courses becausf who are you . The witch doctor girlfriend . Im the adult spider. Gwen. Uncle fester. Michael jackson. Id like to have hair just like that. Can i haveter. Michael that . I dont know. Do you consider yourself a nerd . One the percent. Yourse i am a nerd. Lf i just look at you. Im a nerd. And im pretty proud of it. How would you solve the israelpalestine conflict . I probably try to make peace. I guess id use my ice powers to make everyone chill out. Everybody Man A Business And Le Despise Chillt people han lane. I cant do this. Theyll makel of me. Ill be embarrassed. Whats your superpower . I can go from hello there to hello there. How may i help you . Let me. How is joe biden doing . I have no comment on that. Hes sleepy, joe. Hes sleeping. Anybody thats over 56 to get out of congress, youre too old to be Making Decisions for me. Im sorry. Anybody thats decrepit needs go. The great love. Im going to vote for him in 2024. Im wellthere. , anyway. I l what are we going to doe from about all this crime . Im going to freeze ws. Minal 2 thats what im going to do. All right, everyone. Joe abolish it. Rime . Right. How are we going on to abolisthe h crime, michael . Were going to crime with dancing. Lets see. You do it. That would take over all of the crime and organize it. So youre a big fanf the of organized crime. Doc, your girlfriend is. Are you from new jerse cr youy . Its a stereotype and its offensive. Wheres batman . We in new york city, right . M. Where is batman . I am batman. Who would make a better president . And joe biden or superman . Superman. Hes gorgeous. Who would be a better president . Joe biden or a little Red Riding Hood . Little Red Riding Hood. We need more women in office. Kamala is doing. You do . Ha whats your biggest accomplishment . Yeah, thatst woul bette, you ki there. We love that for her. De nt hothat is immoral. Rks whic who would make a better president , uncle feste getr . A joe biden. Uncle fester for president. So we should havmoe the Addams Family instead of the biden family, basically. Theyre probably a little less d. Oke they might be a little bit easier. Im not going to lie. I dont think theyre in bed with china. I think is ithn bee add with thm are you in bed with china . I would like to bes o the bi. Probably the best place ive ever been in my life. Youre going to be on jessemily. Watter s time. Would what do you want to tell jesse . I love you, jesse. Tune lbly the best plaer been l come on. Come on. Hello. Its very nice to meet you. Heres some advice. Set deadlines for yourself and then hit them. Also set Artificial Deadlinespee for other people. And then make them hit them. K. Works great. Lets do texs t. T. Rosemary from minnesota. This message is for joe. Please avoid giving our enemies a list of our weaknesses. Hes always handing out lists. Loretta from fort myers, florida youre dead wrong to support the congresswoman. I hope you do not talk that wayd to johnny, man. Hope they donta. Yo have any of those conversations recorded. John and robin from massachusetts. Unds l sounds like somebody skipped their sensitivity training. Do they evenikkipped do sensitii training in congress . Suzy fromviining california. Maybe jackson should hire employees based on merit. Probab she probably doesly leave michigan. Happy national tv talk show host. Nationalg. E. Ee from thank you, lee. Its about time. I feel t appreciated. Always remember im waters. And this is my

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