Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702

8 o'clock in los angeles at 6 am in jerusalem. this is breaking news coverage of israel's war on hamas on america's late news fox news at night. >> breaking tonight 48 minutes to sunrise in israel. in state 18 of the war. 2 more hostages have been released. both are in hospital in tel aviv. we will update their conditions in moments. first, to the overall battle. israel is promising a ground war and saying israeli forces are ready. the biden administration is advising against a ground war. while israel decides what to do in gaza, northern israel is taking rocket fire. lucas tomlinson is live in tel aviv with the latest on the ground. lucas? >> trace, earlier this evening and is really helicopter brothers to elderly israeli hostages released by hamas to hospital in tel aviv behind me. this is fenced most are toward navy base and extracted his forces to get ready for ground combat. pricks keep preparing for will come soon. we are preparing thoroughly for the next step. a multilateral operation in the air, ground and c. do your work. get ready. we will need you. >> despite the ongoing hostage crisis israel continuing to release airstrikes on gaza. israeli air force as a killed 5 hamas commanders and striking gaza. the security forces have out to hunt down and kill all those responsible for the october some of the massacre. the special unit has been formed to carry out the mission. the reports the white house of putting pressure on israel to delete its ground invasion and give time of the eisenhower strike group to move into position and get those anti-ballistic mystery battles. john kirby pushed back on micromanaging cause for delay. >> we are not dictating terms to the israeli defense force. they should their operations both present and future.i won't do that. we talked for the very beginning with their israeli counterparts about thinking through the ramifications of their operations. >> pressure from european governments as well. later on today emmanuel mccrimmon comes here to tel aviv to be israel's part mr. benjamin netanyahu to discuss the war the fate of hostages. there some 8 or so french it's really hostages being held in gaza along with attendant missing americans. many held belief to cause as well.>> we will talk about them pure lucas tomlinson live. thank you. to the 2 really hospitals released. now being treated in an tel aviv hospital. the husbands are being held captive along with 218 others. the malicious up on their condition and why the percent free. bill, good evening. >> trace, good evening. a senior diplomat tells fox news both hostages released by hamas are elderly women who are in " back condition. both are is really citizens and have been identified 79-year-old marie cooper an 85-year-old york fed the sheets. both are kidnapped and could boot when hamas attacked on the seventh. gradually husbands were kidnapped but not released. both women are peace activists regularly transported patients from gaza to hospitals in israel for medical treatment. a spokesperson for the minister office added after being handed over there making their way this time to a medical center in israel that was specially organized and prepared to receive them. their family members will be waiting for them there. these hostages or polices happened days after hamas released to american hostages but they were holding the gaza strip. he was state department said today as far as they are where hamas is not getting anything in exchange for frank these hostages. qatari sources tells fox news is like the saturday the qatari government was " optimistic kamc but there were close to securing the police between 70 and 90 won't nationality civilian hostages from hamas is a qatari's continue to mediate and help with ongoing negotiations. foxes told those negotiations are still ongoing. qatari sources tells fox news that hamas has indicated they're willing to negotiate the release of all of them civilian hostages of all nationalities but, they're not willing to negotiate the release of any israeli soldiers. trace, we will set it back to you. >> bill, thank you. that's bring in christina poe coache a california senate candidate and hamad from bel air. come to jerusalem.i was on the plane with them coming over. we had amazing conversations. these hostages who were release christina today, it's got to give the people you met with today some hope. >> i was talking to the sister of one of the hostages that is still missing and being held by hamas. she had tears in her eyes. i get emotional thinking about it. it gives her hope and happiness because she knows the family of one of the rescued hostages. for her she still praying for her sister's safe return home. >> i can imagine. and rabbi, you spoke with the mother of a 19-year-old. i want to play some sound you got for us of this moment and then we will get your response. watch this. >> we need them home right now. not tomorrow, not the day after. right now. >> she is resolute rabbi. you listen to this woman and she's not sad, she is resolute. she wants her home. i have a 19-year-old. i can imagine without families going through. what should she say to you? how would she strike you? >> when you weren't filming you could see in her eyes i knew my child home. off the camera you could see in the eyes what's going on wiser no condemnation? why is the media not talking? there's a lot of media that are dropping the stories moving on. we as rabbis came from hotbot around the world, we will be here for you to raise the consciousness around the world. >> it's an amusing effort. he spoke to a 21-year-old, mother of a 21-year-old. we have some video of this. there you are christina hugging this woman. what was the take away? what was your conversation with her like? >> that's shelley, her son is omar. he was off the music festival. her big message is that the world cannot stop talking about this. the new cycle cannot move on until all those hostages are back. she said while she's been fighting this fight to get her son back. all of a sudden instead of having the support of the world and doing that and condemning hamas she's having to fight to exist. that's how she feels. >> when the cameras go home rabbi and the news cycle changes. these people are sitting there like wait a minute. we still have missing family members. what is it you want people to take away from your visit here? >> from my visit and the work we're doing is redoing so much good.the good today is putting light on the situation. but like the situation we've got a keep on keeping these lives alive. remember jimmy carter went on for hundreds and hundreds of days is almost forgotten. is a relies from around the world. not just americans which we care about. these are people from around the world besides the rate is release. i love everybody out there to keep talking about the man praying. we're going back to our city's ever going to each city will adopt one of the hostages. in saint, we are not going to keep quiet until they come home. >> i mentioned we flew all night. you guys have a different job to do than i do. what was your take away christine? you're running from office in california. what is your take away? >> and submit an incredibly emotional to see whether going through and how strong they remain. important point is we have to stop this what about his and we have been seeing.when these hostage families are taught about their experience people are saying what about the palestinians? it's okay to condemn hamas and we cannot mitigate act as if their experience doesn't matter and their lives and these hostages don't matter. they deserve to come home. >> rabbi, you will be back. you brought a lot of stuff with you. when you leave, and go home the first story you tell 70s what? >> first thing i tell people is you don't know the power of just being there for someone. that's all the world has to know. go and hug somebody and be there for someone. i ask everybody out there. hug somebody. the world needs it. >> rabbi christina best of luck to you. it's great meeting with you and find with you. best of luck. now the overarching military strategy that's bring it retired lieutenant colonel daniel davis. a senior fellow ella terry expert. former greenberry derek anderson who has trained with the israeli defense forces. it's great to have you both. a senior us defense official. talk about point austin secretary of defense had this to say dan and colonel i want to play this for you then get your take. watch. >> what were seeing is a prospect of a significant escalation of attacks on our troops and our people throughout the region. because of that we are going to do what's necessary to make sure our troops are in a good position and they are protected. that we have the ability to respond. >> you've got people going after us troops in the middle east colonel. it changes the entire picture in this region. >> trace, i've been arguing about this and pleaded with anyone who will listen on fox news for years. our troops there have never been there for american national security interest. i said specifically these guys are sitting out there they will be a target for any of these regional actors if anything turned sideways elsewhere. now it's turned sideways and you've got the prospect that either iranian backed group or god forbid iranian group if things go even worse could attack and kill americans. so far no americans have been killed. i've seen many people on the hill say if any of them aren't that they're going to be called for strikes against wrong that would be a disaster. that could suck us into a war we don't need to fight. >> derek, the stock with the ground invasion. we talk about this every day. it's a most daybreak. we wonder if dating will be the day. is it a great idea? servicing idf is holding back aside from the political pressure? do they need more time to get ready to get a line? to figure out what they are facing? >> trace, i think there's a few factors to take into consideration.not necessarily any of the array of lee's fault. the last couple days we've seen a lot of political leaders showing up into israel to meat with that yahoo. at the end of the date when i was in the greenbrae spread vips come in all the time. that seizes your operations and stops operations. security has to be in place. the man seen the israelis and idf using aerial in our terribly flyers to soften the target that is gaza. so they can allow a pathway for the ground forces to go in and their special operations to going into precision time rates. the big thing is this hostage situation. we've seen over the last 3 days and last week these poor hostages that have been released. i think there's some gamesmanship going on with hamas whether trying to potentially give one or 2 hostages here and there to try to delay the ground force for these release. at the end of the day when the israelis go in it will be deliberate and it will be methodical. it will bring it to hamas. >> i wonder colonel, the people i just interviewed when they say one or 2 are coming out at a time. the whole conclusion is yeah, it's one or 2. we want them out, we don't care how slowly they come out. we want them out. is there in your estimation colonel, a reason to go when now with this ground invasion? >> no, absolutely not. i'm emphatically saying israeli defense force would be wise to hold off 2 or 3 months. i would recommend they isolate the whole gaza strip especially the section where they're focusing their forces. that does 2 things number one, it makes hamas weaker by the day because they don't have any supplies. if a hard time getting food and water much less fuel. it gives the israelis sign a chance to continue to prepare to train and do intelligence reverberation on the battlefield so they have a good plan. then to rehearse it before going in. the us spent 3 months before he went into falluja in 2004. we needed every bit of those days. i think the same thing is true here and gives time for the hostages if qatar can bring out 70 of them. >> i guess the last question to you would be derek, if this ground war started today, doesn't mean they jeopardy for hezbollah as well as hamas or does hasbulla get this from the north? >> i think 15 is watching every single thing the israelis are doing. there's no doubt in my mind that as soon as israel breaks the berm as we used to call it into gaza that hasbulla will ramp up their operations and their attacks on the north. i think one consideration to taken to fact is for every day israelis are delaying. for good reason. for most of the park. that is given amongst the opportunity to put things like mctis in pace. but obstacles in place to the ground force. as soon as israel starts moving into gaza there's no doubt hasbulla will ramp up their operations in the north. >> lot of people have shared that opinion. colonel, derek, thank you both. meantime the pentagon is deploying more aerial defense systems to the middle east after iranian backed terror groups launched drone and missile attacks on us troops in the region. lauren greene is up with more than a troubling twist in the war. lauren, good evening. >> good evening tryce. drones targeting us forces in the middle east. this time in syria or defense official saint to attack drones were taken down with no injuries reported. this follows other recent drone and rocket incidents in the region. >> we know are wrong is closely monitoring these events in some cases actively facilitating the attack since burn on others. who may want to explain the conflict for their own good or for that of a ron. we know around schools to maintain some level of deniability here. we are not can allow them to do that. >> just last week over a span of 9 hours the uss carney brought down 15 drones and 4 cruise missiles. the carney was in the red sea when intercepted these missiles. ron backed hutus are from yemen. the pentagon says it has not seen a direct order from a ron supreme leader for attacks on us troops. thousands of marines and sailors are now ready to respond. thousands of troops are ready to deploy in the us is sending more missile defense systems to the region. that includes the eisenhower carrier strike group which is currently sailing to the persian gulf in direct proximity to a wrong. it marks the first time a us aircraft carrier will be operating at central command waters since the 2021 afghan withdrawal. this is also on top of american aid to israel. what the pentagon tells us is do daily deliveries of ammunitions there. trace, back too. >> lauren greene. let's bring in fleur hassan deputy mayor of jerusalem. great to have you on. it really is. it's one of those things what's important to us to get a feel for what's happening locally. i know you say you stand with all mothers of israel. why is that? why do you say that? >> israel is a country that is very much family oriented. it's very important. it's very interesting. even though we've had so much conflict israel comes out as the 4th happiest country in the world. why is it? people are very connected to the families. when you have 220 captured hostages they feel like everybody children. that's member here. it's a small country so everybody knows somebody. a friend of mine son is a shared hostage. we are all in pain for each other. we are all supporting each other. i really pray for their safe return. >> that some guest on papacy who said we cannot forget about the story. we can't walk away and take the cameras away because these people need us. >> this is the story. we have to keep pressure on this. otherwise the world will forget it it's easy to forget when you look at the wider conflict. this is what it's about. >> you have to get the story right. today the new york times walked back a story where they came out with a hospital bombing in gaza. they got it wrong and they got it wrong big time because if big headlines. they posted it and went viral and there were tens of millions of views. when they want to back for a few hundred thousand views. you have to get the story correct. rex trace, a woman was a head of a synagogue in detroit got killed. so why did this woman get killed? >> the point is the minute you use hamas as your credible source for your news and for your information you're putting jews everywhere in the world in danger when you actually say something that is not accurate and is eventually blood liable. >> it is. i want to play this this is from the israeli government support person. he puts in this formally twitter. >> or whiston witnessing holocaust involving real-time. as people are casting doubt on the magnitude of the atrocities that hamas committed against our people. tomorrow, the government press offer smoke screen for foreign media, gruesome and as yet unseen footage of the barbarity's perpetrated against our people. >> our team screen those videos. they said they were horrific. they describe some of them to us. would you recommend people see these videos?>> i'm torn about that. i'm not sure i can be the person to look at these videos. i think that were traumatized enough. it's really incredible how people are still not believing the stories. you know how many interviews i've been asked whether verse 20 or 40 decapitated babies and whether they were really decapitated. stated people to visit different if the burnt alive or decapitated. does it take away the cruelty. maybe if the style is taking shape and it is taking shape. that's a narrative of hamas and everyone around the world is swallowing it. you attribute to the people down the street and don't take this ever happened. we don't think there are real hostages. maybe this is when it taints this is what we need to do. >> rot of time but when president biden said you should not be consumed by rage. what was your thoughts? >> i think israel is doing a very good ob not to be. i will tell you why. an impulsive response to the massacre that happened what it meant to go in there straightaway. and we are waiting. it's tactical. strategic. when not doing this out of revenge. were doing this because we have no choice and we need to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure. >> debited mayor, thank you for coming on. best of luck too. >> lester 30 minutes of sunrise. as a really defense force classic with enemies on multiple fronts. we will check in with steve harrigan. he is on the ground in lebanon. you will me to journalists just back from brother in israel who says this war might soon go an entirely different direction. as we continue our breaking news coverage on fox news @ night. e le-y (aidyl) hi, i'm aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. i struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. with all the yo-yo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. thanks to golo, i've been able to steadily go down the sizes in 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i don't know. it's until things will settle down in this area. >> israel's goal is to create a 2 mile buffer zone along the border with lebanon. to keep something safe and to allow the military free rein operate in case the war does in fact widen. overnight somewhere strikes by this israeli military striking with a say asisi cells inside of southern lebanon. cells were firing antitank missiles into multiple positions inside israel. the past 2 weeks this low-level fighting scene from a 9 hasbulla fighters killed, 5 israeli soldiers killed here in beirut it's been regular to see public funerals for hasbulla soldiers. >> will select for those still in lebanon? >> think there's a growing fear among a lot of nations here. the us embassy has issued one warning and then the more urgent warning leave this country really are still plans to fly. number of other nations doing the same, sink it out for the airport shut down. teresa? >> 2 harrigan live in lebanon. steve, thank you for bringing joe rosenberg new york times best selling author and editor of all israel news. it's great to have you on. the rocket that hit there. the respondent. israel responded but we see more of this alignment of time for this thing gets out of hand. >> could get apocalyptic. so israel 11 on porter all day. artillery orders, automatic weapons fired a missile attack. i interviewed israelis along the border including former lieutenant colonel's israeli terminals come back. there to find most of his israel not going to work with hasbulla. if this think it's de-escalated many of the aircraft strikes leave the troops and tanks leave their man to be slaughtered later. they are terrified jerusalem, the distant vision makers here wanting to fight to the people that are going to come slaughtered. >> under bloomberg got it right because her headline read the following hostages in hasbulla is to rethink as a ground war. as of one of those moments where like, we've got a couple of things dribbling here. >> israelis trying to trust their leadership that takes more time to prepare for foreign concept we will do that.we want to move postings into safety. we want leaders to come to the atrocities and stay with us. if it's hesitation this is the worst case scenario. i think love, knows run is 84 percent enrichment of just shy of weapons graded. that plus the hasbulla threat just 10 or 15 times worse than hamas suggest the possibility that netanyahu and his team are not planning an immediate invasion of gaza but will go after a run and hasbulla. israelis in the north are terrified they might not. >> go back to gaza since maybe not right away. his gaza ground war inevitable? >> absently have to navigate the hamas terrorist infrastructure. this was more jews killed one day then and anytime since holocaust. israeli government has a covenant with israeli people. if you are sons and daughters. i have 2 sensor israeli military.we give us. dollars. israel failed to focus on the failure. with a focus on winning. we have to win on 3 fronts. moss, hasbulla and around facing existential peril which israel, we've been saying it which is now a feeling. >> is not to say go directly after a wrong. >> ever talk to says is a moral moment. text that opens up another can of worms.china and russia. >> compared to what? imagine months asisi had nuclear weapons right now. what would we do? ron is threshold. i don't want this. israeli citizen. jerusalem. my sons served. tell you everybody talking to is more fearful of us not defending ourselves against every front end being handcuffed by the west paralyze decision-making here in jerusalem. >> visited it wrong if hasbulla is decimated by israel? >> is devastating except now run will accelerate into the phone. that's why there's a growing feeling that you can't just deal with north and south. personal coming from? it's coming from that term of service in tehran. if they lose their 2 teams and then there's this close to nuclear weapons they will go all in. so hasn't paid a price. the running leadership, 45 years. he has attacked them and made them be punished except economically. since 1979. everybody. we are either being sought down will be slaughtered later. i'm hearing his people and israelis look, we knew were in danger. we feel it like we never have before. this is a transfer israeli leaders. think injuries. >> knew tonight rallies and protests wrapping up on college campuses over the israel months for parkinson's of student safety. here's alexis mcadams. >> tonight, to protests campuses across country. acclimate university of provosts only show for jewish students on campus. many were scared safety.>> there's opening the death of his release see it through the rallies. they singsong and is just awful. >> on college companies like columbia university students handing out palestinian and rumps even hanging palestinian flags on campus statues. harvard university students standing in solidarity with the palestinian people putting more protest this week as well. member this, the students governmentally ripped down posters of hostages kidnapped by hans could face disciplinary action according to the school. conversing tells fox investigating the incident after nearly 10,000 students signed a petition calling for the school to take action. >> makes you feel scared class. scared to wear jewish star on public. >> from chicago to boston cousins marching with the palestinian people. in the suburbs of chicago and arrested after he affirmed his gun during tooling protests. watch this. out in brooklyn and pro-palestinian protest turned violent. source of nypd say the group started throwing eggs and puddles on film. watch. from college campuses in columbia to the city streets across new york nypd says he remains on i learned was born protests are continuing. teresa? >> alexis, thank you. 15 minutes until sunrise in jerusalem where we are in tonight the rest of the week. coming up we will talk:sister still missing after attending a music festival on october 7. she joins us live here next. wi'e to let in the lyte. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at x many people don't know with a start and what conditions are in most musical possible attack. it's bringing doctor still holding up reuniting his sister it's great to have you on. your sisters 27 years old. she has crohn's disease she was taken the day the music festival. have you heard anything or seen anything gotten anywhere in the home? >> no. we 7 october i was in touch with her. her on what's out and she told me there's a terror attack outside of the festival. she told me she will try to come back home. i told her please open a map and see if there's any option that you can run another way or drive another way. she told me no, every things okay, our police officers here and everything's okay. the last message i got from her is the she will let me know when she's coming back that was at 7:30. since then i don't know what time stopped for us. >> .2 hostages released tonight. we believe international pressure is working to explain to you. i believe mother trying to release 2 hostages and another to and this is just to ease the pressure from the international pressure on them. we see that it's working. it's proof that it is working. it's a mind game. release of 2 prisoners, not prisoners, there hostages or abducted release of them is not enough. were talking about 220 abducted civilians better in their homes right now. we don't know what their health conditions are. we don't know if they're healthy we know some of them are wounded. >> i want to put this up because i wonder if this is you. this is reuters produces hostage families face dilemma. as israel prepares to invade the gaza strip. many films of hostages seized by hamas completed the government to rein in the war effort and negotiate the release of their loved ones. to feel like that to think they should go on? >> i don't know. i don't have the inside intelligence the government house our house. i don't know what is a condition of the hostages. i'm begging the government in the army to put them ducted people in their first line. the most important thing to deal with right now. i hope there doing that. what is the right way to go. if the pressure of the israeli army get and will hope to release the abducted or not. i don't know. >> you believe tomorrow is among the 220? do you have an instinct you were feeling? to fill it? >> my feeling is changing most of the time yes, i think we wish for her. to be alive. sometimes, i don't know, i'm sorry. just for me. to be alive. know if it's the best thing for her. because, this is an organization and i know with they did in the villages. in such a horrifying thing to the civilians. no if it's the right thing. >> 's awful of luck to you. thank you for coming on. republicans will try and try again to elect a speaker this week. already one of the candidates try to get the nomination dropped out. that leaves 8 gop members hoping to convince the caucus to give them the gavel. bill militias back with the latest on that. bill. >> cases been 3 weeks since kevin mccarthy was ousted from his role as the house republicans not been able to design on a new leader. the house essentially doubled the modern meantime. unable to legislate. tensions are rising as of right and ministrations asking for more than $100 billion in funding ukraine, israel southern border. renowned tom ever seen as a front runner commanding most support is endorsed by mccarthy.he tossed around the idea of electing speaker tim patrick mchenry to his position which would allow the house to function on a temporary basis. duty alaska airlines pilot accused of trying to shut down the engines on the plane has not been charged with 83 counts of attempted murder as well as endangering aircraft. 44 your joseph david emerson is being held without bill following this incident sunday night. alaska airlines has a flight departed from everett washington headed to san francisco for the flight crew reported a " credible threat related to an unauthorized person in the flight deck jump seat. according to the records emerson heavily subdue crewmembers after he attempted to shut down the plane's engines in flight. person is scheduled to appear in court tomorrow. today, with detroit police announcer for the stabbing death of synagogue president and political strategist's mental rule was not a dream. was found dead on saturday in front of her home in a neighborhood outside of detroit. the skaters discovered a trail of blood knitting@ they believe she was downed and killed. police say that working with blood spatter experts to confirm the trajectory. the motive for the murder remains unknown suspect has yet to be identified. however, to try pd does not believe there's anyone at risk regarding this incident. teresa? >> bill, thank you. daybreak is here. sunrise seconds way. the next question is when will israeli troops make the move into gaza? we're back with our panel. final thoughts from jerusalem live all week. nextmp. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can dramatically relieve ra and psa symptoms, including fatigue for some. it can stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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do you think it's going to happen? do you think they're going to want a bigger attack day by day? it's become apparent role. >> have 2 choices in israel. we can wait for them to slaughter us we can take the fight to hasbulla and to of wrong which is 84 percent nuclear enrichment. we cannot be solders on 2 sites. already losing over deterrence. we can't let ourselves be slaughtered. we have to hit hard decisively and overwhelmingly now. >> to you talked about the hostages. probably in a pattern here bill weight will be seen more dribs and drabs of hostages? his countrymen to get more involved and we see big number of hostages in the coming days they. >> the qatari's say they have between 70 and 90 to be released working on. from hospice perspective i think with the suit or releases because for them they believe it's great pr. look at these videos are putting out. nice there for their helping these elderly women's hands guiding them to a vehicle after they saw their neighbors and connect their husbands were in custody. there seems real nice guys who feel bad for these elderly women. these public added videos, spinning out ridiculous. working for some people the world. that's why the putting the videos out they want public opinion to switch. maybe letting the civilians goal. start a ground invasion of the gaza strip. that something people gotta keep an eye out. they want to race what happened on october 7. >> is anti-israel protesters. they had a family member missing they might have a different perspective. spiritually, war, or green? what's your take away? >> era political solutions military solutions. i interviewed rabbi near jerusalem that's waging a spiritual battle getting prayer with christians and jews. for him this is his irondale says is necessary to defend israel. >> meeny laurent this is what he relies on to give him sustenance? >> the bible calls to prayer. he calls him to pray for the piece of israel. it's either true or not. god says pray for the piece of israel is going to pray for the piece of israel.>> lauren, colonel, bill, joel, i thank you won't. thank you for watching america's late news -israel. we'll see right back here tomorrow jerusalem. have a great some things are f. but diversity drives innovation. my goal is to really flip the script. pick something that you love and go for it. how do we live in space? how do we live on the moon? i want to help figure that out. you can create the blueprint. if you can see her, you can be her. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702

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8 o'clock in los angeles at 6 am in jerusalem. this is breaking news coverage of israel's war on hamas on america's late news fox news at night. >> breaking tonight 48 minutes to sunrise in israel. in state 18 of the war. 2 more hostages have been released. both are in hospital in tel aviv. we will update their conditions in moments. first, to the overall battle. israel is promising a ground war and saying israeli forces are ready. the biden administration is advising against a ground war. while israel decides what to do in gaza, northern israel is taking rocket fire. lucas tomlinson is live in tel aviv with the latest on the ground. lucas? >> trace, earlier this evening and is really helicopter brothers to elderly israeli hostages released by hamas to hospital in tel aviv behind me. this is fenced most are toward navy base and extracted his forces to get ready for ground combat. pricks keep preparing for will come soon. we are preparing thoroughly for the next step. a multilateral operation in the air, ground and c. do your work. get ready. we will need you. >> despite the ongoing hostage crisis israel continuing to release airstrikes on gaza. israeli air force as a killed 5 hamas commanders and striking gaza. the security forces have out to hunt down and kill all those responsible for the october some of the massacre. the special unit has been formed to carry out the mission. the reports the white house of putting pressure on israel to delete its ground invasion and give time of the eisenhower strike group to move into position and get those anti-ballistic mystery battles. john kirby pushed back on micromanaging cause for delay. >> we are not dictating terms to the israeli defense force. they should their operations both present and future.i won't do that. we talked for the very beginning with their israeli counterparts about thinking through the ramifications of their operations. >> pressure from european governments as well. later on today emmanuel mccrimmon comes here to tel aviv to be israel's part mr. benjamin netanyahu to discuss the war the fate of hostages. there some 8 or so french it's really hostages being held in gaza along with attendant missing americans. many held belief to cause as well.>> we will talk about them pure lucas tomlinson live. thank you. to the 2 really hospitals released. now being treated in an tel aviv hospital. the husbands are being held captive along with 218 others. the malicious up on their condition and why the percent free. bill, good evening. >> trace, good evening. a senior diplomat tells fox news both hostages released by hamas are elderly women who are in " back condition. both are is really citizens and have been identified 79-year-old marie cooper an 85-year-old york fed the sheets. both are kidnapped and could boot when hamas attacked on the seventh. gradually husbands were kidnapped but not released. both women are peace activists regularly transported patients from gaza to hospitals in israel for medical treatment. a spokesperson for the minister office added after being handed over there making their way this time to a medical center in israel that was specially organized and prepared to receive them. their family members will be waiting for them there. these hostages or polices happened days after hamas released to american hostages but they were holding the gaza strip. he was state department said today as far as they are where hamas is not getting anything in exchange for frank these hostages. qatari sources tells fox news is like the saturday the qatari government was " optimistic kamc but there were close to securing the police between 70 and 90 won't nationality civilian hostages from hamas is a qatari's continue to mediate and help with ongoing negotiations. foxes told those negotiations are still ongoing. qatari sources tells fox news that hamas has indicated they're willing to negotiate the release of all of them civilian hostages of all nationalities but, they're not willing to negotiate the release of any israeli soldiers. trace, we will set it back to you. >> bill, thank you. that's bring in christina poe coache a california senate candidate and hamad from bel air. come to jerusalem.i was on the plane with them coming over. we had amazing conversations. these hostages who were release christina today, it's got to give the people you met with today some hope. >> i was talking to the sister of one of the hostages that is still missing and being held by hamas. she had tears in her eyes. i get emotional thinking about it. it gives her hope and happiness because she knows the family of one of the rescued hostages. for her she still praying for her sister's safe return home. >> i can imagine. and rabbi, you spoke with the mother of a 19-year-old. i want to play some sound you got for us of this moment and then we will get your response. watch this. >> we need them home right now. not tomorrow, not the day after. right now. >> she is resolute rabbi. you listen to this woman and she's not sad, she is resolute. she wants her home. i have a 19-year-old. i can imagine without families going through. what should she say to you? how would she strike you? >> when you weren't filming you could see in her eyes i knew my child home. off the camera you could see in the eyes what's going on wiser no condemnation? why is the media not talking? there's a lot of media that are dropping the stories moving on. we as rabbis came from hotbot around the world, we will be here for you to raise the consciousness around the world. >> it's an amusing effort. he spoke to a 21-year-old, mother of a 21-year-old. we have some video of this. there you are christina hugging this woman. what was the take away? what was your conversation with her like? >> that's shelley, her son is omar. he was off the music festival. her big message is that the world cannot stop talking about this. the new cycle cannot move on until all those hostages are back. she said while she's been fighting this fight to get her son back. all of a sudden instead of having the support of the world and doing that and condemning hamas she's having to fight to exist. that's how she feels. >> when the cameras go home rabbi and the news cycle changes. these people are sitting there like wait a minute. we still have missing family members. what is it you want people to take away from your visit here? >> from my visit and the work we're doing is redoing so much good.the good today is putting light on the situation. but like the situation we've got a keep on keeping these lives alive. remember jimmy carter went on for hundreds and hundreds of days is almost forgotten. is a relies from around the world. not just americans which we care about. these are people from around the world besides the rate is release. i love everybody out there to keep talking about the man praying. we're going back to our city's ever going to each city will adopt one of the hostages. in saint, we are not going to keep quiet until they come home. >> i mentioned we flew all night. you guys have a different job to do than i do. what was your take away christine? you're running from office in california. what is your take away? >> and submit an incredibly emotional to see whether going through and how strong they remain. important point is we have to stop this what about his and we have been seeing.when these hostage families are taught about their experience people are saying what about the palestinians? it's okay to condemn hamas and we cannot mitigate act as if their experience doesn't matter and their lives and these hostages don't matter. they deserve to come home. >> rabbi, you will be back. you brought a lot of stuff with you. when you leave, and go home the first story you tell 70s what? >> first thing i tell people is you don't know the power of just being there for someone. that's all the world has to know. go and hug somebody and be there for someone. i ask everybody out there. hug somebody. the world needs it. >> rabbi christina best of luck to you. it's great meeting with you and find with you. best of luck. now the overarching military strategy that's bring it retired lieutenant colonel daniel davis. a senior fellow ella terry expert. former greenberry derek anderson who has trained with the israeli defense forces. it's great to have you both. a senior us defense official. talk about point austin secretary of defense had this to say dan and colonel i want to play this for you then get your take. watch. >> what were seeing is a prospect of a significant escalation of attacks on our troops and our people throughout the region. because of that we are going to do what's necessary to make sure our troops are in a good position and they are protected. that we have the ability to respond. >> you've got people going after us troops in the middle east colonel. it changes the entire picture in this region. >> trace, i've been arguing about this and pleaded with anyone who will listen on fox news for years. our troops there have never been there for american national security interest. i said specifically these guys are sitting out there they will be a target for any of these regional actors if anything turned sideways elsewhere. now it's turned sideways and you've got the prospect that either iranian backed group or god forbid iranian group if things go even worse could attack and kill americans. so far no americans have been killed. i've seen many people on the hill say if any of them aren't that they're going to be called for strikes against wrong that would be a disaster. that could suck us into a war we don't need to fight. >> derek, the stock with the ground invasion. we talk about this every day. it's a most daybreak. we wonder if dating will be the day. is it a great idea? servicing idf is holding back aside from the political pressure? do they need more time to get ready to get a line? to figure out what they are facing? >> trace, i think there's a few factors to take into consideration.not necessarily any of the array of lee's fault. the last couple days we've seen a lot of political leaders showing up into israel to meat with that yahoo. at the end of the date when i was in the greenbrae spread vips come in all the time. that seizes your operations and stops operations. security has to be in place. the man seen the israelis and idf using aerial in our terribly flyers to soften the target that is gaza. so they can allow a pathway for the ground forces to go in and their special operations to going into precision time rates. the big thing is this hostage situation. we've seen over the last 3 days and last week these poor hostages that have been released. i think there's some gamesmanship going on with hamas whether trying to potentially give one or 2 hostages here and there to try to delay the ground force for these release. at the end of the day when the israelis go in it will be deliberate and it will be methodical. it will bring it to hamas. >> i wonder colonel, the people i just interviewed when they say one or 2 are coming out at a time. the whole conclusion is yeah, it's one or 2. we want them out, we don't care how slowly they come out. we want them out. is there in your estimation colonel, a reason to go when now with this ground invasion? >> no, absolutely not. i'm emphatically saying israeli defense force would be wise to hold off 2 or 3 months. i would recommend they isolate the whole gaza strip especially the section where they're focusing their forces. that does 2 things number one, it makes hamas weaker by the day because they don't have any supplies. if a hard time getting food and water much less fuel. it gives the israelis sign a chance to continue to prepare to train and do intelligence reverberation on the battlefield so they have a good plan. then to rehearse it before going in. the us spent 3 months before he went into falluja in 2004. we needed every bit of those days. i think the same thing is true here and gives time for the hostages if qatar can bring out 70 of them. >> i guess the last question to you would be derek, if this ground war started today, doesn't mean they jeopardy for hezbollah as well as hamas or does hasbulla get this from the north? >> i think 15 is watching every single thing the israelis are doing. there's no doubt in my mind that as soon as israel breaks the berm as we used to call it into gaza that hasbulla will ramp up their operations and their attacks on the north. i think one consideration to taken to fact is for every day israelis are delaying. for good reason. for most of the park. that is given amongst the opportunity to put things like mctis in pace. but obstacles in place to the ground force. as soon as israel starts moving into gaza there's no doubt hasbulla will ramp up their operations in the north. >> lot of people have shared that opinion. colonel, derek, thank you both. meantime the pentagon is deploying more aerial defense systems to the middle east after iranian backed terror groups launched drone and missile attacks on us troops in the region. lauren greene is up with more than a troubling twist in the war. lauren, good evening. >> good evening tryce. drones targeting us forces in the middle east. this time in syria or defense official saint to attack drones were taken down with no injuries reported. this follows other recent drone and rocket incidents in the region. >> we know are wrong is closely monitoring these events in some cases actively facilitating the attack since burn on others. who may want to explain the conflict for their own good or for that of a ron. we know around schools to maintain some level of deniability here. we are not can allow them to do that. >> just last week over a span of 9 hours the uss carney brought down 15 drones and 4 cruise missiles. the carney was in the red sea when intercepted these missiles. ron backed hutus are from yemen. the pentagon says it has not seen a direct order from a ron supreme leader for attacks on us troops. thousands of marines and sailors are now ready to respond. thousands of troops are ready to deploy in the us is sending more missile defense systems to the region. that includes the eisenhower carrier strike group which is currently sailing to the persian gulf in direct proximity to a wrong. it marks the first time a us aircraft carrier will be operating at central command waters since the 2021 afghan withdrawal. this is also on top of american aid to israel. what the pentagon tells us is do daily deliveries of ammunitions there. trace, back too. >> lauren greene. let's bring in fleur hassan deputy mayor of jerusalem. great to have you on. it really is. it's one of those things what's important to us to get a feel for what's happening locally. i know you say you stand with all mothers of israel. why is that? why do you say that? >> israel is a country that is very much family oriented. it's very important. it's very interesting. even though we've had so much conflict israel comes out as the 4th happiest country in the world. why is it? people are very connected to the families. when you have 220 captured hostages they feel like everybody children. that's member here. it's a small country so everybody knows somebody. a friend of mine son is a shared hostage. we are all in pain for each other. we are all supporting each other. i really pray for their safe return. >> that some guest on papacy who said we cannot forget about the story. we can't walk away and take the cameras away because these people need us. >> this is the story. we have to keep pressure on this. otherwise the world will forget it it's easy to forget when you look at the wider conflict. this is what it's about. >> you have to get the story right. today the new york times walked back a story where they came out with a hospital bombing in gaza. they got it wrong and they got it wrong big time because if big headlines. they posted it and went viral and there were tens of millions of views. when they want to back for a few hundred thousand views. you have to get the story correct. rex trace, a woman was a head of a synagogue in detroit got killed. so why did this woman get killed? >> the point is the minute you use hamas as your credible source for your news and for your information you're putting jews everywhere in the world in danger when you actually say something that is not accurate and is eventually blood liable. >> it is. i want to play this this is from the israeli government support person. he puts in this formally twitter. >> or whiston witnessing holocaust involving real-time. as people are casting doubt on the magnitude of the atrocities that hamas committed against our people. tomorrow, the government press offer smoke screen for foreign media, gruesome and as yet unseen footage of the barbarity's perpetrated against our people. >> our team screen those videos. they said they were horrific. they describe some of them to us. would you recommend people see these videos?>> i'm torn about that. i'm not sure i can be the person to look at these videos. i think that were traumatized enough. it's really incredible how people are still not believing the stories. you know how many interviews i've been asked whether verse 20 or 40 decapitated babies and whether they were really decapitated. stated people to visit different if the burnt alive or decapitated. does it take away the cruelty. maybe if the style is taking shape and it is taking shape. that's a narrative of hamas and everyone around the world is swallowing it. you attribute to the people down the street and don't take this ever happened. we don't think there are real hostages. maybe this is when it taints this is what we need to do. >> rot of time but when president biden said you should not be consumed by rage. what was your thoughts? >> i think israel is doing a very good ob not to be. i will tell you why. an impulsive response to the massacre that happened what it meant to go in there straightaway. and we are waiting. it's tactical. strategic. when not doing this out of revenge. were doing this because we have no choice and we need to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure. >> debited mayor, thank you for coming on. best of luck too. >> lester 30 minutes of sunrise. as a really defense force classic with enemies on multiple fronts. we will check in with steve harrigan. he is on the ground in lebanon. you will me to journalists just back from brother in israel who says this war might soon go an entirely different direction. as we continue our breaking news coverage on fox news @ night. e le-y (aidyl) hi, i'm aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. i struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. with all the yo-yo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. thanks to golo, i've been able to steadily go down the sizes in 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i don't know. it's until things will settle down in this area. >> israel's goal is to create a 2 mile buffer zone along the border with lebanon. to keep something safe and to allow the military free rein operate in case the war does in fact widen. overnight somewhere strikes by this israeli military striking with a say asisi cells inside of southern lebanon. cells were firing antitank missiles into multiple positions inside israel. the past 2 weeks this low-level fighting scene from a 9 hasbulla fighters killed, 5 israeli soldiers killed here in beirut it's been regular to see public funerals for hasbulla soldiers. >> will select for those still in lebanon? >> think there's a growing fear among a lot of nations here. the us embassy has issued one warning and then the more urgent warning leave this country really are still plans to fly. number of other nations doing the same, sink it out for the airport shut down. teresa? >> 2 harrigan live in lebanon. steve, thank you for bringing joe rosenberg new york times best selling author and editor of all israel news. it's great to have you on. the rocket that hit there. the respondent. israel responded but we see more of this alignment of time for this thing gets out of hand. >> could get apocalyptic. so israel 11 on porter all day. artillery orders, automatic weapons fired a missile attack. i interviewed israelis along the border including former lieutenant colonel's israeli terminals come back. there to find most of his israel not going to work with hasbulla. if this think it's de-escalated many of the aircraft strikes leave the troops and tanks leave their man to be slaughtered later. they are terrified jerusalem, the distant vision makers here wanting to fight to the people that are going to come slaughtered. >> under bloomberg got it right because her headline read the following hostages in hasbulla is to rethink as a ground war. as of one of those moments where like, we've got a couple of things dribbling here. >> israelis trying to trust their leadership that takes more time to prepare for foreign concept we will do that.we want to move postings into safety. we want leaders to come to the atrocities and stay with us. if it's hesitation this is the worst case scenario. i think love, knows run is 84 percent enrichment of just shy of weapons graded. that plus the hasbulla threat just 10 or 15 times worse than hamas suggest the possibility that netanyahu and his team are not planning an immediate invasion of gaza but will go after a run and hasbulla. israelis in the north are terrified they might not. >> go back to gaza since maybe not right away. his gaza ground war inevitable? >> absently have to navigate the hamas terrorist infrastructure. this was more jews killed one day then and anytime since holocaust. israeli government has a covenant with israeli people. if you are sons and daughters. i have 2 sensor israeli military.we give us. dollars. israel failed to focus on the failure. with a focus on winning. we have to win on 3 fronts. moss, hasbulla and around facing existential peril which israel, we've been saying it which is now a feeling. >> is not to say go directly after a wrong. >> ever talk to says is a moral moment. text that opens up another can of worms.china and russia. >> compared to what? imagine months asisi had nuclear weapons right now. what would we do? ron is threshold. i don't want this. israeli citizen. jerusalem. my sons served. tell you everybody talking to is more fearful of us not defending ourselves against every front end being handcuffed by the west paralyze decision-making here in jerusalem. >> visited it wrong if hasbulla is decimated by israel? >> is devastating except now run will accelerate into the phone. that's why there's a growing feeling that you can't just deal with north and south. personal coming from? it's coming from that term of service in tehran. if they lose their 2 teams and then there's this close to nuclear weapons they will go all in. so hasn't paid a price. the running leadership, 45 years. he has attacked them and made them be punished except economically. since 1979. everybody. we are either being sought down will be slaughtered later. i'm hearing his people and israelis look, we knew were in danger. we feel it like we never have before. this is a transfer israeli leaders. think injuries. >> knew tonight rallies and protests wrapping up on college campuses over the israel months for parkinson's of student safety. here's alexis mcadams. >> tonight, to protests campuses across country. acclimate university of provosts only show for jewish students on campus. many were scared safety.>> there's opening the death of his release see it through the rallies. they singsong and is just awful. >> on college companies like columbia university students handing out palestinian and rumps even hanging palestinian flags on campus statues. harvard university students standing in solidarity with the palestinian people putting more protest this week as well. member this, the students governmentally ripped down posters of hostages kidnapped by hans could face disciplinary action according to the school. conversing tells fox investigating the incident after nearly 10,000 students signed a petition calling for the school to take action. >> makes you feel scared class. scared to wear jewish star on public. >> from chicago to boston cousins marching with the palestinian people. in the suburbs of chicago and arrested after he affirmed his gun during tooling protests. watch this. out in brooklyn and pro-palestinian protest turned violent. source of nypd say the group started throwing eggs and puddles on film. watch. from college campuses in columbia to the city streets across new york nypd says he remains on i learned was born protests are continuing. teresa? >> alexis, thank you. 15 minutes until sunrise in jerusalem where we are in tonight the rest of the week. coming up we will talk:sister still missing after attending a music festival on october 7. she joins us live here next. wi'e to let in the lyte. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at x many people don't know with a start and what conditions are in most musical possible attack. it's bringing doctor still holding up reuniting his sister it's great to have you on. your sisters 27 years old. she has crohn's disease she was taken the day the music festival. have you heard anything or seen anything gotten anywhere in the home? >> no. we 7 october i was in touch with her. her on what's out and she told me there's a terror attack outside of the festival. she told me she will try to come back home. i told her please open a map and see if there's any option that you can run another way or drive another way. she told me no, every things okay, our police officers here and everything's okay. the last message i got from her is the she will let me know when she's coming back that was at 7:30. since then i don't know what time stopped for us. >> .2 hostages released tonight. we believe international pressure is working to explain to you. i believe mother trying to release 2 hostages and another to and this is just to ease the pressure from the international pressure on them. we see that it's working. it's proof that it is working. it's a mind game. release of 2 prisoners, not prisoners, there hostages or abducted release of them is not enough. were talking about 220 abducted civilians better in their homes right now. we don't know what their health conditions are. we don't know if they're healthy we know some of them are wounded. >> i want to put this up because i wonder if this is you. this is reuters produces hostage families face dilemma. as israel prepares to invade the gaza strip. many films of hostages seized by hamas completed the government to rein in the war effort and negotiate the release of their loved ones. to feel like that to think they should go on? >> i don't know. i don't have the inside intelligence the government house our house. i don't know what is a condition of the hostages. i'm begging the government in the army to put them ducted people in their first line. the most important thing to deal with right now. i hope there doing that. what is the right way to go. if the pressure of the israeli army get and will hope to release the abducted or not. i don't know. >> you believe tomorrow is among the 220? do you have an instinct you were feeling? to fill it? >> my feeling is changing most of the time yes, i think we wish for her. to be alive. sometimes, i don't know, i'm sorry. just for me. to be alive. know if it's the best thing for her. because, this is an organization and i know with they did in the villages. in such a horrifying thing to the civilians. no if it's the right thing. >> 's awful of luck to you. thank you for coming on. republicans will try and try again to elect a speaker this week. already one of the candidates try to get the nomination dropped out. that leaves 8 gop members hoping to convince the caucus to give them the gavel. bill militias back with the latest on that. bill. >> cases been 3 weeks since kevin mccarthy was ousted from his role as the house republicans not been able to design on a new leader. the house essentially doubled the modern meantime. unable to legislate. tensions are rising as of right and ministrations asking for more than $100 billion in funding ukraine, israel southern border. renowned tom ever seen as a front runner commanding most support is endorsed by mccarthy.he tossed around the idea of electing speaker tim patrick mchenry to his position which would allow the house to function on a temporary basis. duty alaska airlines pilot accused of trying to shut down the engines on the plane has not been charged with 83 counts of attempted murder as well as endangering aircraft. 44 your joseph david emerson is being held without bill following this incident sunday night. alaska airlines has a flight departed from everett washington headed to san francisco for the flight crew reported a " credible threat related to an unauthorized person in the flight deck jump seat. according to the records emerson heavily subdue crewmembers after he attempted to shut down the plane's engines in flight. person is scheduled to appear in court tomorrow. today, with detroit police announcer for the stabbing death of synagogue president and political strategist's mental rule was not a dream. was found dead on saturday in front of her home in a neighborhood outside of detroit. the skaters discovered a trail of blood knitting@ they believe she was downed and killed. police say that working with blood spatter experts to confirm the trajectory. the motive for the murder remains unknown suspect has yet to be identified. however, to try pd does not believe there's anyone at risk regarding this incident. teresa? >> bill, thank you. daybreak is here. sunrise seconds way. the next question is when will israeli troops make the move into gaza? we're back with our panel. final thoughts from jerusalem live all week. nextmp. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can dramatically relieve ra and psa symptoms, including fatigue for some. it can stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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do you think it's going to happen? do you think they're going to want a bigger attack day by day? it's become apparent role. >> have 2 choices in israel. we can wait for them to slaughter us we can take the fight to hasbulla and to of wrong which is 84 percent nuclear enrichment. we cannot be solders on 2 sites. already losing over deterrence. we can't let ourselves be slaughtered. we have to hit hard decisively and overwhelmingly now. >> to you talked about the hostages. probably in a pattern here bill weight will be seen more dribs and drabs of hostages? his countrymen to get more involved and we see big number of hostages in the coming days they. >> the qatari's say they have between 70 and 90 to be released working on. from hospice perspective i think with the suit or releases because for them they believe it's great pr. look at these videos are putting out. nice there for their helping these elderly women's hands guiding them to a vehicle after they saw their neighbors and connect their husbands were in custody. there seems real nice guys who feel bad for these elderly women. these public added videos, spinning out ridiculous. working for some people the world. that's why the putting the videos out they want public opinion to switch. maybe letting the civilians goal. start a ground invasion of the gaza strip. that something people gotta keep an eye out. they want to race what happened on october 7. >> is anti-israel protesters. they had a family member missing they might have a different perspective. spiritually, war, or green? what's your take away? >> era political solutions military solutions. i interviewed rabbi near jerusalem that's waging a spiritual battle getting prayer with christians and jews. for him this is his irondale says is necessary to defend israel. >> meeny laurent this is what he relies on to give him sustenance? >> the bible calls to prayer. he calls him to pray for the piece of israel. it's either true or not. god says pray for the piece of israel is going to pray for the piece of israel.>> lauren, colonel, bill, joel, i thank you won't. thank you for watching america's late news -israel. we'll see right back here tomorrow jerusalem. have a great some things are f. but diversity drives innovation. my goal is to really flip the script. pick something that you love and go for it. how do we live in space? how do we live on the moon? i want to help figure that out. you can create the blueprint. if you can see her, you can be her. 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