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Waits as Israel Masses its military might along the gaza border and vows a massive grand invasion of gaza is coming. That could spark a regional conflict in wa what is already a deadly crisis. Good evening i am Jonathan Hunt in los angeles with a special two hours of Fox News Live on the latest developments in the middle east. 7 p. M. Herey on the west coast, 5 a. M. In israel. Israelis and Palestinians Facing Prospect Ofs for you further death and destruction. It may be the beginning of a far more Aggressive Campaign. Israeli warplanes continue to found gaza on what is Monday Morning there with no foreseeable let up, a s sign Israeli Defense forces are paving the way for the next stage of the war that could trigger a broader middle east conflict. That evidence on lebanon where hezbollah launched Cross Border Attacks despite strong warnings from israeli Prime Minister netanyahu. In washington. More ominous words from Secretary Of State Antony Blinken. Who said u. S. Is ready to protect American Forces in the middle east should the israel hamas war es escalate. With so many innocent lives on the line, a world looks on and wonders, can diplomacy do anything to prevent a wider war . We have Fox Team Coverage Steve Harrigan in beirut, and alex hoff with President Biden in delaware, and aaron cohen with us here in l. A. And Lucas Tomlinson in tel aviv. We begin with lucas, live on the ground in tel aviv. Good evening. Reporter jonathan, israel longest serving Prime Minister traveled north to speak to his Command Ors Os and issue the following warning. If hezbollah goes to war with israel it would make the mistake of its life, we will cripple it with a force it cant imagine and the consequences for it and lebanese state will be devastating. Reporter the last time israel and hezbollah went to war was 2006, israeli response so intend, hezbollah leader admitted h he didnt think that capture of the Israeli Soldiers at the time would lead to the war, if you asked him had he known on july 11 it would lead to a war, would i do it again, he said not. Absolutely not. Yesterday here in tel aviv, a bipartisan delegation of 10 senators came to meet israeli counterparts and families of some hostages and see videos of hamas massacres, they spoke to the press afterwards. Who a moral failing if we did to the stand here with a resolute voice, unshakeable conviction and unbreakable resolve to say we stand with israel. In this war grows it is coming to your backyards. It is genocide. Ham has has not just hamas does not just hate the jewish people, like me, it wants to kill us. Reporter bloomenthal said that iran gave hamas The Green Light to carry out the massacre, white house long stated it sees no direct evidence with irans affect in that decision. They ordered uss Ei Eisenhower to the middle east. This may be a bit more difficult because of the underground network of tunnels they had along time to prepare for a fight. I think you will see a fight that is characterized by a lot of ieds and boobytraps and really grinding activity going forward. Reporter austin ordered pl Ballistic Missile system to the region. And a growing threat from iran. Today u. S. Embassy in baghdad ordered nonessential personnel to evacuate the embassy. In beirut we will hear from Steve Harrigan today is 40 anniversary of beirut barracks bombing. Thank you, lucas. That bombing took so Many American lives. And beirut and people across lebanon has have seen so much violent since then. Chief International Correspondent Steve Harrigan is live in beirut for us Monday Morning there. Reporter good morning, this State Department, u. S. State department is ramping up warnings to american citizens who are in lebanon. The warning was make plans to leave lebanon because of a worsening security situation, a few days ago, but now it is leave lebanon now. The State Department is telling americans leave while there are still flights, a number of airlines have canceled flights. Hard to get insurance, Even National airline has canceled flights but moved some planes out of the country, u. S. Embassy saying get yo out now, if you cant afford it well give you an emergency loan. Some hezbollah fighters Firing Antitask missiles antitank levels. Two weeks of skirmishing, so far left at least 26 hezbollah fighters dead, and 5 Israeli Soldiers dead. And real preparation for possible Northern Front is underway on both sides civilians in lebanon near the border with israel scrambling north, israel taking measures across its border to move civilians back out of a possible line of fire, they are trying to create a buffer zone two miles long to keep Civilians Safe for what may be ahead. Steve harrigan, Monday Morning thank you there in beirut. President biden of briefed today on the war between israel and hamas, he spoke with israeli Prime Minister b Benjamin Netanyahu, pope francis and other World Leaders in several call, Alec Alex Hoff is joining us live. Reporter good evening, the president has been very much on the grid while in delaware. Spending much of today on the phone, even as he took a Late Afternoon beach walk with the first lady. You could see him pull his cell phone out and talk it didnt end this weekend. Regarding the call with Prime Minister netanyahu, white house said, the leaders affirm there will be continued flow of critical assistant in to gaza, president expressing appreciation for israel support in helping to accommodate release of two american hostages. The two have f spoken 8 times since hamas launched its attack on israel. And the question does linger if the u. S. Has encouraged israel to delay its Ground Operation in to gaza until hamas hostages are freed, we asked the president about that yesterday. Are y you have you any word . Reporter president said he is talking with the israelis, he is speaking to Prime Minister toward, and seastSecretary Of State Antony Blinken avoided answers that same question. Israel has the right, and obligation to defend itself. Were not in The Business Of Second Guessing what they are doing, were talking to them on a regular basis. About how they did it. Reporter secretary Antony Blinken adding that United States is prepared to respond if any american personnel or troops or targeted by escalating violence that including from iranian proxies. All right alec thank you. Joining us general David Perkins, re retired u. S. Army fourstar general, thank you, is the are the u. S. Forces arrayed in the best way possible for what could be coming in terms of a regional conflict here . Well, there are significant forces there. And the two Carrier Strike groups with other assets that are there, as well as intelligence assets, are being positioned to make a very clear signal to other nations involved whether iran or a proxy like hezbollah that the u. S. Is very intent in containing this conflict to gaza. The israelis are doing their preparation of the battle space for their next operation, i think that u. S. Is mainly focused on making sure that this does not spread to the greater middle east. You look at hezbollah, in lebanon. General, you look at the missiles that were fired up through the red sea intercepted by uss carney by Houthi Rebels in yemen last week, you have to think that governments in the middle east dont control any of that. The lebanese government does not control hezbollah. The government in yemen does not control the Houthi Rebels, this is all about iran is it not . Iran. Is the government there. This calls most of the shots, hamas would not have been what they did in israel without a green light from iran, and hezbollah does anything and houthis as you say, clearly have the go ahead from iran, that is why you have seen both u. S. Administration, and the israeli leadership and very important the Bipartisan Group of u. S. Senators there today, very adamantly passing the message to iran they will be held responsible for actions of their proxies. The iranians, they are not going to be deterred by u. S. Battle groups, are they . In the region . They are not. Only thing that would defer iranians deter iranians if they have some level of assurance they will pay a greater price than benefit they get out of this. I think that is what you are seeing here is an escalation not only of the capabilities of the United States, but of the rhetoric which has not been there. It is a different environment that i think that i iranians have dealt with previously, they would be best to heed, i think, the accusations that are made against them, as well as ramifications of what would happen. If israel goes in on the ground in gaza as seems inevitable, is it equally inevitable that we we a regional conflict . I think it is very clear that the israelis will defeat hamas, destroy their ability to to export terrorism. I dont think it is a given it has to spread to a regional conflict, and the ability to stop it will reside with United States in our other western allies, diplomatic and mil Mille Stressture that can be brought to bay, that is the key part, contain a great irmidder middle east connect. General David Perkins thank you so much. Now for more on what Israel Ground invasion in gaza might look like we bring in aaron cohen, a former Israeli Special forcing member and counterterrorism expert, aaron stu for being here. Whatever it looks like. It is going to be ugly, gaza is a horrible place for israeli troops to go into. How prepared do you believe they are for this . I think the odds are hamas had a lot of time to prepare gaza to turn it to a monster boobytrap, i think tactic we see with hamas in gaza with tunnels will be directly correlated to their ability to hitandrun raids. I believe israel is looking at right now, is how can we reduce hamas ability to to pop out from Underground Hole connected to a tunnel. Infiltration technique from below ground where they brought israeli hostages kidnapped back to the tunnel systems, we have hostage element. That is the tricky part that will dictated by intelligence, i think time now is building as much intelligence, and prepare the second piece or cluster that will be t the incursions. It will be messy. That appears to have happened down today the southern end of gaza. Where Israel Forces went in 2006. We know that done work. Took them 5 years to get him back. Finds those hostages is such a difficult job. It is difficult. Israel has a lot of experience in dealing with it, the brits ma may have invented Hostage Rescue but the israelis have mastered it. Israel has a lot of experience with it, intelligence gathering apparatus some of the highest quality in the world. That is a big piece. But israel is very good at it. Right, they are also very good at, as we saw in wake of the 1972 munich murders, we saw them0 hunt down every terrorist involved in that, you think that is going to happen. I believe there is conversations right now, at hq. And i think that just like we saw in 72 with golda meyer commissioned a covert operation to really go after it and liquidate key leaders. All of these key terrorists, i think israel is talking about that very significantly right now, i would not be surprised in President Biden was in on some of those pieces there israel advantage being able to select it didnt on israel making sure hamas and hezbollah and the leaders of the Terrorist Organizations are a high price for the massacre that happened on october 7, israel again with their Hostage Rescue and intelligence and experts as being able to hunt down, they could take 15 or 20 years, but israel will go after them, it will be with vengeance. Briefly you think that the hamas has prepared for this. But israel is better prepared than it ever has been for what is going to be a tough fight. Agreed, israel has a lots of catching up to do, they had to Disband Counterterrorism Units after oslo agreements. We speak the language and culture. We know the mannerism, you have 20 years of catching up to do, i think you will see riisrael do what it does best, they are smart commanders. All right, aaron well be back to you. Thank you so much. Coverage of the on going war between israel and hamas continues. After the break. Jonathan israel continues to strike at hamas in gaza, and strike at what israel says are testers in west bank are terrorists in the west bank, and hostilities ramp gd up in lebanon between israel soldiers and iran backed group hezbollah. Joining us now is etay milna, in new york. Thank you very much. I was struck by your Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu telling troops to this is due or die. Quote, they should die. This seems like he is framing this as very much a Battle For The Future of israel. Yes, jonathan, there is no doubt that if a war should start from the north, it would be a major one. Not the same as we have in the south. With hamas. Hezbollah is much stronger army. Or brigade. And much better equipped. It has 200,000 rockets. They are more accurate and more substantial. But were preparing for any scenario, i can assure you, if they choose to start a war with israel, like the Prime Minister said, that would be the biggest mistake they have ever done. Jonathan this you are sitting there in new york, do blu do you believe as you talk with World Leaders and people at united nations, israel is getting the support it needs and in your view deserves . I think it depends on who are the countries that were talki about, if we talk about western world, yes, start with the unwaivers support of United States not just with word bus with actions. Two Aircraft Carrier that president sent to our region. And also the security consul on tuesday. And decision that the u. S. Is promoting. But if talking about other countries, the nonaligned countries of muslim world and china and russia, no. Were do not getting support the opposite. Jonathan and ita y was a struck by King Abdullah of jordan criticizing israel saying there is no military solution here, when you get a moderate in middle east like King Abdullah saying those words, that is not good for tamping down the atmosphere, is it . You have to issue that King Abdullah is coming from a country that has roughly 70 population that is ethnically malaysians. Palestinians, very hard for him to stay neutral on it. And so if most of the the public in our country they dont see same reality as we do for example, the news about the hospital, a few days ago, cnn and fox news and American Networks were very quick to come up with the truth. But, the arab world, network like aljazeera are still sticking up with the lie this israel struck the hospital and killed 500 people. And itay on mood of israeli peal, it has been now people it has been two weeks almost 48 hours since the horrific Terrorist Attacks. Are you concerned that the Israeli Citizens are running out of patients, they want po see patience, they want to see action more than what they are seeing the Ground Invasion and the end of hamas. The beginning of the end with those tanks rolling across the border in to gaza . I think Israeli Public understands it since two weeks and 48 hours as you said, that there is no way that israel is live with hamas on its border, there is not a reality, after what weve seen the horrific scene we all got in our phones and the pictures, there is no other solution other than eradicates hamas or anyway they can ever threat us again. The israel public by large is many of them are reservists and they are already enlisted and just waiting for action, that is the situation you cannot hope for a long time, when you have more than 300 thousand troops, as reserves, there is only certain time that you can hold them in this position. Jonathan yep. They and we all wait to see when Prime Minister netanyahu will give that order to go. Eday milner thank you so much. Well be back with more on the coverage on the war between israel and hamas. Theyd go, oh, you dont look like an engineer. There is this preconception. Some things are for boys. But diversity drives innovation. My goal is to really flip the script. Pick something that you love and go for it. How do we live in space . How do we live on the moon . I want to help figure that out. You can create the blueprint. If you can see her, you can be her. Type 2 diabetes . Discover the ozempic® trizone. I got the power of 3. I lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. 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Living with Type 2 Diabetes . Ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. Jonathan middle east and world on high alert as israel repaired to launch a likely Ground Assault in gaza. Idf continues to attack from the sky with targeted airstrikes across the gaza strip on who know day mooning in gaza. U. S. Military making moves Secretary Of State ant Antony Blinken said they will protect american personnel. We go to Lucas Tomlinson in tel aviv. I was struck by the strength and determination of the remarks by Prime Minister netanyahu as he visited the troops in the north. Near the border with lebanon. Very clear message from Prime Minister netanyahu to the soldiers. Reporter in is no question. The longest serving Prime Minister netanyahu also a former commander, he served in one of israeli most elites units. His brother was killed in a raid in 1976. Rescues hundreds of hostages in e uganda. There is no question, a big pep talk today. Netanyahu spoke with commandos on the border with hezbollah also a warning to hezbollah do not enter this conflict. Officials here on the ground say israel can handle both hamas and hezbollah, but remember what happened last time in 2006, last time israel and hezbollah went to war it was devastating for lebanon with a series of airstrikes. This was a big warning today from netanyahu. Jonathan going back to the thousands of troops waiting to go into gaza. I wonder who the mood is as you see it of israelis, two weeks and two days since Terrorist Attacks still no Movement Across the border, are they getting impatient. People here are ready, they want to see hamas eradicated. They dontn t a long incursion dont want a long incursion. After this massacre on october 7 what changed evereverything, similar to what happened in United States on 9 11. People dont want to see the purpose for hamas to be able to launch the kind of attacks it did two weeks ago, offer again . Lucas tomlinson in tel aviv thank you. With us now, former National Security ad adviser u. S. Navy captain, captain bob wells, do. You see this Ground Invasion at inevitable atthispoint . Atthispoint, thank you for having me on, it is important for everyone to consider that fact that were doing deliberate planning. In particular in United States looking at commitment of United States to defense of israel. Also trying to shape a new condition of deterrents, civilian lives of important, hostages are important. We have two distracts underway, diplomatic track and Military Track. Jonathan and looking at that diplomatic track does diplomacy stand a chance atthispoint, when you look at hamas there is no real diplomatic channel to hamas it runs through iran. And the iranians are going to do and tell their proxies to do whatever iran wants, are they not . Well certainly weve been Fighting Twilight War with iran with their proxies not just hamas but hezbollah and houthis and iraq and syria. The point, of dialogue to get to leaders of hamas we have done that you through qatar, we were successful with release of two american hostages. A Phone Conversation with a leader of hamas indicated they were willing to release all 200 ofs hostages including israelis if they would hold off on the actual assault in to gaza. Were also looking at humanitarian effort, which is important to support palestinians, diplomacy is working. It is very slow, deliberate. Also the Military Track we have the carrier ford and strike group weaker thize en Eisenhower Strike Group coming and we have supporting israelis, were looking at targets. With regard this civilian life, were not likes terrorists. Our targeting needs time. And this time before this Ground Assault begins it very important. Jonathan captain bob wells thank you for your expertise. Mentioning hostages there, there are more than 200 as we know, well talk to a relative of one of the hostages about their Pain Ande Torment when we come back after a quick break. Meet the traveling trio. The Thrill Seeker. The soul searcher. And ahoy its the explorer each helping to protect their money with chase. Woah, a lost card isnt keeping this Thrill Seeker down. Lost her card, not the vibe. The soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. Hey oh yeah, the explorer shes looking to dive deeper. All while chase looks out for her. Because these friends have chase. Alerts that help check. Tools that help protect. One bank that puts you in control. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Uncomfortable. I want the mental part of it to be uncomfortable, so that when the game comes, its easy. You got to mentally wake up and make a decision on who you want to be that day. How can i get better. How can i take this opportunity to step into a new level. Im all about things that work. And with oofos, i saw a product that was working, that was helping. You know, i actually feel better. I feel stronger. I feel faster. Jonathan so many families going 3 so througho much pain and holding out hope that their loved ones ta take hostage will be freed much right now believed to be 212 people held by hamas somewhere in gaza, 10 of those are americans. Netta hayman is joining us now, her 84yearold mother, was abducted from her home at kibbutz. Netta thank you for being here, i cannot imagine what you are going through. How are you doing . Im doing im worried and sad, and angry. That is how im doing. What have you heard anything about your mother . Do you have any idea. Have officials told you anything about where they think she might be. No, but we know that they took her, we have a video we saw they took her. And she is going up to a car. This is the last thing we know. And israeli arm or government does not know more than this. Jonathan when you saw that video, what on earth went through your mind. Last tuesday. Jonathan what thoughts did you have as you watched . Your mother taken . Horrible to see that. But, because of we know they took her. Alive. And not injured. It gave hope. Jonathan and what do you make of people netta, who would take an 84yearold lady as a hostage . They are not people, theyre not human, they are terrible monsters, i dont know how to call it. Jonathan what are you doing, how do you get through every hour every day . As you wait for news . I dont let myself get down, i am doing interview all over the world. In israel, and United States in europe. We do everything that we can to bring her back. I try to be an opt mist. Jonathan what do you want the world to know about your mother . I the to know she is very she needs her medicine. I dont think she could survive for a long time in their she is a very good woman. That doesnt want to hurt anything. Even not the people in gaza. She just wants to live in peace in her house in the kibbutz. It a haven she built for a long time. Jonathan i think it is important for people to know, netta, people who are not familiar with kibbutz system, they are peaceful life areas, if you could address your mother right now, what would you say to her . I will say [ speaking in spanish ]. Mommy were waiting for you, we love you. We will do everything that we need to bring you back home. Netta, that is a beautiful message to your mother. We look forward to the day when you are indeed reunited with your 84yearold mother. Thank you so much netta for being here. Well be right back. Thank you very much. [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. [speaker] but Wounded Warrior project helps you realize its possible to get out there [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. [narrator] through Generous Community support, weve connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and Mental Health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and Life Skill Training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. Wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey. Theyve helped me realize its possible to rise to the top again. Its possible to get the help i need for me and my family. Its possible to hate pushups again. To feel understood. To begin healing both inside and out. To feel like myself again. And now i know anything is possible. gentle music jonathan welcome back to our continuing coverage of israels War Against Hamas, we bring back in aaron cohen for analysis. Prime minister netanyahu message to the troops in the north on border with lebanon strong. This is the war. It is due or die they should die. Prime minister netanyahu is absolutely clear to his troops north and south. Yes, Remember Bb Nat Netanyahu is one of our warrior sons. We have a lot of Spec Op Units in israel, coming down talking to the special operators is a big deal, that sets tone here, is warrior through and through. He lost his late brother at the raid. It shows how personal this is for him, he was affected by what happened to his brother, but the country is now affected. This is a positive message he is sending. Go to thousands of waiting to dark cross border to gaza, they have been waiting a long time, as a veteran of the idf yourself, how does frustration build up . You think maybe a bad analogy, but a Sports Team Waiting to go if the game is canceled or postponed there is frustration. An emotional price, do the idf troops feel that. I believe there is anxiety. You have a lot of reservists called in. We treat tactics like we treat medicine, units that deal with harts and lungs. I can tell you from my sources that collective feeling of going into gaza and handling business is high. Motivation is high. There is a lot much determination. This not israels first time being attacked on multiple fronts. Or Imam National counterterrorism unit. Everyone is on a high level of readiness. Jonathan is there a limits to how long you can keep that size much size of force waiting. I believe israel trusts its leadership, i know that the officers on the ground are doing an excellent job of making sure that everyone is mentality prepared and focused, they understand that while time is not a friend of the hostages, it is a friend of this incursion, it allows israel to be able to get all of the intelligence they need so it is actionable and safer for our troops when they move into the south. Israelis are spartz, t smart, they trust their command, officers making sure moral stays high, there is an increases sense of anxiety, but you know this is not israels first time, it is okay to get focused get their gear ready, let air force do what they have to do. Jonathan we have talked a lot about how difficult it will be when in a go in. In gaza with the tunnel system, and hamas had a lot of time to prepare. When hamas was preparing the initial Terrorist Attack they were planning for what came after. They knew israel would come after them. How prepared is the Israeli Public for the inevitable for the. Israeli military. Israel has come together, im hoping that sends a strong signal to americans and allies to come together, were seeing is stages of potentially global situation. Leading to iran. However, the u Israeli Public. Everyone serves in military it is collective. There is a lot of support. Jonathan aaron well be back to you at the top of the hour, i want to talk to you more about the role of iran in this and what israel and the world can do about that. Coverage will continue, as we hear that israel continues to strike targets in gaza. We will be back after a short break with continuing coverage of u. S. Israelis War Against Hamas. sfx Thunder And Rain youve been so kind and generous i dont know how you keep on giving for your kindness im in debt to you for your selflessness my admiration for everything youve done you know im bound im bound to thank you for it la la la la la la la la la la la oh, i want to thank you show my gratitude my love, and my respect for you i want to thank you my biggest fear in the middle of my addiction was that i would never be able to get over it, and that my kids wouldnt have a father. Crippling depression, anxiety, exhaustion. I was in prison, and her mom had a heart attack. Theres a lot of institutional issues and challenges that suggest to us that dads arent essential, and ive always rejected that. Sometimes, you dont have to know everything about being a dad. You just got to be there. 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Israeli forces. Prime minister netanyahu warns them. And in washington Secretary Of State Antony Blinken vows that u. S. Will protect American Forces in the middle east should israelhamas war escalate. No one can say where this conflict is headed or when, what is certain is that Hundreds Of Thousands of innocent civilians in gaza are desperate for food, shelter and medicine while the fate of more than 200 hostages taken by the Hamas Terrorists remains in libo, time is not on their side. We have Fox Team Coverage, Steve Harrigan in beirut, lebanon, alex hoff with President Biden in delaware, former Israeli Special forcing member aaron cohen and Lucas Tomlinson in tel aviv. Israel is battling in gaza and, but tensions running high with hezbollah at the israellebanon border, Steve Har Harrigan is there. Now inevitable do people of lebanon think a war is. Reporter i think there is a lot of fear along older generation. People who well remember what happened after 2006. 34 day war between hezbollah and israel. And destruction of large sections of this nation of lebanon was really devastating. Billions of Dollars Worth of damage, for a lot of the younger generation, who may not have that clear imagine there is anger, anger at what they are seeing now happen in gaza. And i think if we see a Ground Operation by the israelis, a high casualty county think there would be a lot of pressure on hamas to join the flight, there is a real split depending to generations. Jonathan the lebanese people and government really have no control here. Do they . Hezbollah is not answering to them or to the government of lebanon, but to only to the paymasters in iran. Reporter it really interesting who does have control. I think even among many in hezbollah there is real hesitation for an all out war with israel, there is a sense that they have gained tremendously in power, and control here, since 2006. And that could be lost in a major war, the warning by Prime Minister netanyahu was just stunning. He threatened unimaginable disaster, here in lebanon, destruction you cant imagine, that is quite a warning and a warning that Israeli Military is capable of carrying out. Jonathan Steve Harrigan in beirut, lebanon, Monday Morning thank you so much. We go live to fox news correspondent Lucas Tomlinson with latest on the ground in tel aviv. Steve mentioned it, strong words from Prime Minister netanyahu to the troops today. Reporter right. And netanyahu is a former commander. One of u israel most elite Commando Units it was very symbolic there. A strong message for hezbollah saying dont do it, do not cross the line and do not come in or launch a barrage of rockets on israel. Hezbollah unlike hamas has much more advanced rockets, for years we respected iran held outfit Hezbollah Rockets with the gps guidance. Very concerning and perhaps your next guest can speak to that. It is concerning a more precease rocket and precise rocket and hezbollah has some Ballistic Missiles, most viewers remember the scud missiles from iraq war, that is why Defense Secretary austin sends the antiBallistic Missile patriot systems. So much smaller unguided rockets, iron dome is not used to shoot down Ballistic Missiles that is where thaad will come in and patriot system. Jonathan l lucas in told aviv thank you. President biden was briefed today on the on going war between israel and hamas, he spoke with pope francis and israeli Prime Minister netanyahu. In separate calls and other World Leaders, fox news correspondent alex hoff is joining us from delaware. Where the president. Reporter good i evening, president received National Security briefings from his team yesterday and today, he has stayed very active on his phone. Still on the phone, a lot this weekend. Regarding call with Prime Minister netanyahu, white house said that, leaders affirm they will continue to flow of critical assistances to gaza. President expected his appreciation. And release of two american hostages that happened friday. Administration still trying to sort out h how many of 10 Americans Still unaccounted for how many are held hostage or already dead. That adds to the question whether u. S. Has or is encouraging israel to delay the Ground Invasion until hostages are freed. Reporter he is talking to israelis, this is how Secretary Of State Antony Blinken responded to the same question. Israel has not only the right as we said, but the obligation to defend itself. Were not in The Business Of Second Guessing what they are doing, were talking to them on a regular basis about how they do it. Reporter and secretary ant aAntony Blinken added that u. S. Is prepared to respond. Were concerned at possibility of iranian proxies escalating their attacks against our own personnel or own people. Were taking every measure to make sure we can defend home, if necessary Pond Decisive respond divisively, not what were looking for or not what we want but well be prepared if that is what they cl choose to do. Reporter president to return to washington tomorrow. Jonathan alex hoff thank you so much. We still have with us here right now aaron cohen, former member of the Israeli Special forces and counterterrorism expert. Were delighted to have you with us. I want look at much talked about potential for regional conflict behind this. Iran. How on earth do we get or do israelis get iran to change its behavior. It seems to be a lost cause. We say in arabic within israels reach. The leader of hezbollah. A lebanese leader of hezbollah, potentially hiding out. Israel does and he is within our reach. Take s you to israel has conducted airstrikes all the way into ir iraq. Israel has incredible reach, our Intelligence Agencies are, they are no stranger to getting farther east. Jonathan to that point, as far as we know, they struck two airports in syria over last 24 hours. They conducted that raid also in rest bank, so israel in the mood right now that it will attack targets wherever it feels the targets are. Israel will conduct operations that are actionable based on eel time intelligence that threaten Israel Security over left. Israel, the polic gloves are off, if that means reaching out to iran and saria, you remember. There was a lots of action to be able to naturalize eyes isis, israel had data on the big targets right now, and Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu is not afraid to do what it takes to i dont like to use term reprisal. Back to 73 after munich attack. And every leader of Black September was neutralized. Jonathan you talk about data they have on targets, i get feeling that least reliable data might be in gaza itself. On the Hamas Terrorists who are hiding out in the network of tunnels, this is a horrible thought to be an idf Special Forces member at entrance to a tunnel. It is gaza is difficult, ill take you bbbback o oslo in 97. There is a lot of catching up. Focus will take that u. S. Technology listens to phone calls, and getting as many Quiet Spec Op Bootses on the ground to chart a map to get ready for boobytraps and ambushes. We have an incredible asset. And gas, water there are all things that are looked at in relation to the hostages there is a lot of information israel has not stopped for last 15 days, things are moving fast. Gaza is the challenge but were watching up, israel is in process of catching up quickly. Jonathan aaron great to have you, we well be back later. War between israel and hamas is causing a dire humanitarian crisis in gaza. Gazas 2. 3 million in population, remains under fire, israel has warned them to get out of the north but many are stuck, with barely anything to eat or drink, Border Crossing in south between egypt and gaza was opened for a sh short time this weekend to allow passing of 20 trucks with humanitarian aid, we bring in dr. Jeanette. Also on stand by to go to israel. She is an active member of rescuers without borders. Great to have you here. I know first from first hand experience the great work you have done. You are on stand by. What is most needed in terms of aid right now. For medical perspective, we have a lot of people who have been injured from Gunshot Wounds and explosions and bombings and attacks, common injury is hemorrhaging and then aftermath infections, in gaza there is no fresh flowing water. Well see infections from that. Luckily, we started to see now, opening at rafah border with about 20 humanitarian aid trucks that brought in about 44 thousand bottles of waters, that is enough for a day for 20,000 people. Human body with go 3 days without fresh water before infection sets in, we see happening also, a lot of burns, and lacerations and infections and broken bones,s without proper treatment or medical supplies, we see complications and limbs lost, and see death happening because of that. Most important need right now in addition to you know fresh clean water, is medical supplies anitbiotics, surgical, wound care kits, surgeons are using sneedles. Then, hospitals are running on generators that about to run out of fuel for that. Healthcare system is on the brink of collapse right now. Jonathan your view as a medical professional, you see aid go in. A lot of those medical supplies of going to end up going to hamas. And to the terrorists who are fighting israel. There is no authority in gaza other than hamas. How do you respond as a medical doctor, to people who would take that aid from the civilians who need it most . Jonathan it is tough, it is challenging, Health Ministry in palestine, is hamas. They do have a lot of control, we have to keep in mind there are more than 2 million innocent civilians and 600 americans, and over 200 hostages. They all need medical care and potential antibiotics or surgeries or continuous care after surgery for example. It is challenging and difficult. One of thes those things we try to st provide as much care as possible do the best we can, provide care to those who need it most. Healthcare providers have to do with limited resources is triage. It is difficult to say who say see first and treat first. It is a challenge. Sad to see this is happening at hands this terrorist organization hamas. Putting the palestinians in this situation and israelis in this situation in the first place. Jonathan dr. Jeanette thank you. We will be back after the with more on coverage of israels War Against Hamas. When youre ready to begin treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia, calquence helps you do the fighting. And you can do the exploring. You can do the splashing. The sightseeing. And the playing. Calquence is an oral targeted therapy for cll. More patients begin with calquence than any treatment of its kind, and calquence is proven to work better than chemoimmunotherapy in patients with previously untreated cll. Calquence may cause serious side effects, which may lead to death. These include serious infections with fever, chills, or flulike symptoms; and bleeding problems that may increase with blood thinners. Decreased blood counts are common and can be severe. New cancers have happened, including skin cancers. Heart rhythm problems with fast or irregular heartbeat, dizziness, feeling faint, chest discomfort, or shortness of breath, have happened. 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That is what she felt and saw, she was murdered in her safe room with her beloved dog, my brother, the sweetest guy, always helping everyone. He married his sweetheart they traveled the world for about a year, before they had came back to the kibbutz, they had their twin girls and later the baby, they woke up saturday morning, with alarms of missiles and they ran to of safe rooms, who was supposed to protect you from shrapnel. But not from people, you can open the door from the outside. They were shot through the window. And the door and they still held them close. Both parents shot, and so, their house was burned to smoke them out as they did with so many houses, they managed to stay in. And die together. And not be abducted. It was a lot of bravery around kibbutz. With them and so many other stories, we had a one of 4, dead or abducted. Rene, if i could just step in, your brother, i believe on that terrible morning, you got a text from him. Then Pre Presumely that was last you heard. Yes, i was writing what is going on, i said stay safe, he was texting in the wkibbutz with people, when my sisterinlaw texted she was shot, we didnt hear from them again, this was a very brutal attack. The cruelty they presented was displayed was unimaginable it was cruel, and other k kibbutzes next to us they beheaded 40 babies, they t they toretured people, tied them with with hands behind their backs, and parents in front of the kids, they mutilated them, and taking eyes out of people, and fingers and watching the pain. And super nova music fetival they raped women on bodies of their dead friends and then leaded them up to took them to gaza. The stories you can see are not about land it is about idenomic people, waiting for cars, shooting people, pulling dead beards ou bear bodies out of the car. They had terrorists who would shoot thing they and they took the bodies and loaded them in, they had. I i appalled by the antisemitism coming up. It was such pr for world to think, we deserve this, so many lives this is appalling and if you want to know the israeli society, listen to us and see the atmosphere and 1 wo wonderful people we have here. Jonathan rene, i spent time on one of the kibbutz that was attacked. In 2005, when the israeli troops were withdrawing from gaza,y want to say, that everyone that i met on that kibbutz there was committed to peace, were so, so sorry for your loss, and grateful for you having courage to talk to us, this evening here. This morning, from southern israel where you are, weish you all of the love and strong in the world. We wish people to come back home. Yes. Jonathan absolutely. Without discrimination. People, babies and children. Grandparents. Rene and you thank you so much our coverage continues after a break. Make your dream car. A reality. 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A few days ago that warning was to make plans to leave, they have upped that. Telling americans they should leave while planes are still flying, Embassy Offering financial loans to americans who are unable to afford a flight out, israel launched airstrikes against some hezbollah positions in southern lebanon, they were striking positions where hezbollah fighters were using antitank missiles to fire to israeli positions. After two weeks of skirmishes so far 26 hezbollah fighters have been killed, 5 Israeli Soldiers killed, we see more and more preparation on both sides of the border, civilians trying to get away, from what could be a larger fight, israel evacuated 14 more communities along the northern border, more than 15,000 people now on the move. Back to you. Jonathan Steve Harrigan in beirut elebanon, Monday Morning. As Israel Battles Hamas In Gaza and what it says are Terrorist Targets in west bank, Israel Military prepares for what may be the huge Ground Invasion of gaza, joining us now ohio Secretary Of State, former green beret, frank la rose, you trained alongside the idf, they are preparing for what will be a really ugly fight in gaza. How capable are they are winning that strike . Fight. Jonathan they are the best in the business because they have to be, often times as green berets we train with foreign militaries, when we train with idf, we learn from them. They have experienced urban combat, it most difficult. In gaza is among worst case. A highly populated area, densely populated, that is crisscross by hundreds of miles of subterranean tunnels, you talking about warfare in a 3 dimensional space against a foe proven they are more than willing to use human shields. Israelis use rockets to protect their people, and hamas uses people to protect their rockets. They have a difficult job. Jonathan you mentioned urban warfare. You are an expert in how that kind of war has to be fought. It is really slow, you have to go floor by floor, home by home, highrise, it just is and has to be very slow and methodical . For example when my team and i were in iraq we would train for days or weeks to do assault a single structure imagine day after day going structure to structure in this dense area, a key will be move as quickly as they can to not get bogged down. One of the worst case is get stuck in place. Urban warfare always favors the defenders, just the nature of that terrain. Gaza is among worst to try toto conduct urban warfare. Jonathan how concerned are you that u. S. Getting dragged into a regional conflict . Certainly, the hope is that the objective to not have to be in this situation. We need to do right now is provide the diplomatic support and the military support in terms of armament and funding that israel needs, when it comes to rescues american hostages there needs to be that ability for us to come along side the israelis, that is a special operation mission. If hezbollah decides from north to get involved, you could find a larger regional conflict here. But that is something that Everyone Wants to avoid. There is one group that hezbollah answers to that iran, iran needs to be held accountable not only for what hamas does but hezbollah as well. Jonathan frank la rose. Ohio Secretary Of State, former green beret if you for your service and being here. Pea well be right back with more of our coverage of u israel a s War Against Hamas. Jonathan welcome back to continuing coverage of israels War Against Hamas and potential for a wider region alaal conflict. Here in southern california. We usel usually have you in studio. Chiron i was fascinated by information, you talked about you described. As a defining moment for the 21st century. Thank you. I am sorry im not with you. Under these conditions, we really do have to have some hard conversations. Think about this is grander terms. If you think about 21st century we welcomed it with 9 11. That was a defining moment for United States we embarked on global war on terror. It took us a couple decade to wind out of that war. With the defeat of isis that campaign that President Donald Trump oversaw. Diminished and degraded isis as a threat to u. S. And the west. But our eyes were off other conflicts that were Brewing Blike the coming Great Power Competition and on going issues surrounding israel and the middle east. Here we are, with all of those potentially colliding now. I say this a defining moment because what were facing has all of the features of a potential world war iii. I dont mean it to alarm the audience, it is so multifaceted you talked about a second front with hezbollah and lebanon in the north, hamas in the south. Difficulty of urban warfare there is a potential third front with que golan heatinhuheights, that would be a complete up in flames. If that happens, it is really a total war. It means broader most middle east. Is part of this. And russia as we know is is a lined with iran. Jonathan and i think one person who is very happy to have focus away from what he is doing right now is vladimir putin. He is not doing anything to calm the flames in the middle east. Also, happy to see this conflict would appear is iran, you describe as mother ship of hamas. In gaza, mother ship of hezbollah in lebanon. And iranian certainly dont seem to be doing anything at all to step away from conflict. They seem to be encouraging it. You get it quite right starting with russia. You and i did a lot of talking when you were in ukraine at beginning of that war about r russias activity this week its attempt to take out key parts of eastern and southern ukraine, territory that kyiv was able to retake last year. They were bombing attacking there was loss of life. Have we not been talking about that this weekend. We have been focus on middle east. Also putin said, since this conflict started israel and United States are unable to address the israelpalestinian or israelarab conflicts he is trying to add salt to wound, and iran there is no hezbollah or hamas without the puppeteer that is the iranian regime, those in tehran that provide money, material, resource and support. I would go so far to say hezbollah is the biggest Partner Nonstate Actor But State actor of iran in the world. It is a full partner in all that iran does. To hurt the we. Kiron, are we headed for regional conflict, do you think we could pull the brakes on this. I have been thinking about that a lot today, it is you know a question that we need to keep talking about. I believe that israels meticulous mobilization and precision with which it will undertake this effort is already giving pause to hezbollah, to hamas. Who is just so weak, it uses people, civilians as shields, i believe if they do the call y they wont want to conflict at the level that israel is prepared to undertake. For israel this is about survival. And as you know from your time in ukraine, when the will is there you start to win. And even with hezbollah 100,000 reservists it can mobilize israel is mobilized 360 thousand. Jonathan it is a big number. A lot of big numbers there. We hope it does not last for years or decades. Or months. Kiron thank you. Well be back with more on the israelhamas war after the break. From chrome to duckduckgo. Duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. Unlike chrome, the Duckduckgo Browser has privacy builtin. 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Good news, i want to talk to a methodology israel developed in late 70s, limited Penetration Room Clearing, it was designed and developed for rescue team. It is brilliant, i can till you israel has one of most brilliant methodologies for clearing a room without stepping foot inside. And to Law Enforcement agencies here, who are listening, get onboard with it. Limited penetration. Small groups of highly trained lead infantry, to be able to clear the rooms from outside of that frame, that is critical due to mass amounts of explosives and boobytraps that are set for them. That is what it was set for. To counter terror. They will face it. Boobytraps and they will face explosives and the nightmare of this warren of tunnels. It is there is no easy way in. That is why you want to behaviorally based methodology to clear the rooms and tunnels, when rounds start flying at the idf troops, you want to have methodology that is behalfbehavioral based. This limited Penetration Room Clearing is built around that, it is psychologically based on how human will reacts under stress allows more rounds to go straight and more focus and more concentration of fire what is better for hostages and adjusted and slow and deliberate. Hostages will be front and center of every soldiers thought. Hostages are at the fronts and center of every soldier right now. They will be at tip of their minds as they move into gaza. Fortunately for israelis they spent a lot of time dealing with terrorism this method is designed for counterterrorism. It 3 thit lethal, accurate and highly selective and allows for greater reduction of loss of innocent life. Very quickly. You have faith in the capabilities of the idf. I have faith in the idf, they have a lot of experience in urban warfare, working the tunnels, dealing with hezbollah in the north, and reaching out as far out as they need, dealing with iran. The price we pay have to a ji jewish 78. State, aaron cohek you. Thank you for watching as we watch troops massing on the border of gaza, as israel prepares for what could be a huge Ground Invasion. Aimed at destroying hamas, keep it on fox news for continuing coverage are the war in the middle east. Im Jonathan Hunt in los angeles, good night. Businesses need 5g solutions today. Thats why they choose tmobile for business. Mlb partners with tmobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. Aaa relies on tmobiles network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. And were helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. Nows the time to see what americas largest 5g network can do for your business

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