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Striking back against hezbollah militants along their northern border in lebanon as idf expect to prepare on the ground in gaza. This comes as two american hostages has been released and some humanitarian aid was allowed in today. Im griff jenkins. Gillian hi, griff, good to be with you, im gillian turner. Asking for 105 extrA Billion Dollars for funding for israel, ukraine as well as the southern border. Griff, i understand youve got Breaking News coming into the news room. Griff our focus is the events focused on unfolding in israel. Custom and border released the Migrant Encounters Ending Fiscal Year 2023, the highest ever on record, more than 269,000, bringing fiscal year 2023 to the highest year ever on record, 2,475,000 plus migrant encounters, and it shatters last years record which was at the time the highest on record by nearly 100,000. And it really speaks to the concern ive just come from the last 10 days on the border. Weve had a Record Number of special interest aliens, while i was just in eagle pass. We had six iranians, some three syrians and lebanese migrants coming from countries that we have to look deeper into to vet them to see if they have any potential connections to terror. More on that as we get it, gillian. Gillian thank you for that reporting, griff. Weve got Fox Team Coverage on this, and greg palkot is on the ground at the lebanese border. We begin with trey yinst we found in Southern Israel this afternoon, hi, trey. Gillian, good afternoon, we have some Breaking News, fox news obtained and reviewed an israeli Interrogation Video of a hamas militant who participated in the october 7th massacre. I need to warn our viewers what im about to describe is incredibly graphic, gives new details what took place two weeks ago. In the video you see a hamas militant. Hes in a white cloth jump suit sitting across from an israeli interrogator. Asking him questions. And he was captured outside of a small community, a kibbutz that sits on the border with gaza. In the video he describes the preparation and coordination for this assault on Southern Israel. He talks about a Telegram Group that the hamas fight,had and they were communicating as the massacre took place, sending videos as they got them, as they were killing civilians in their homes. And this interrogator asks him about islam, he acknowledging. In the religion youre not to kill women, children, elderly people, but he describes what the hamas commanders told them to do. Commanders said they could do whatever they felt like doing and that this was a suicide mission, telling them they should not plan on coming back. New details about what exactly was going through the mind of these militants as they entered and slaughtered so many innocent people. He says commanders told them to step on the heads of civilians to behead them and do whenever they felt like and went on to talk about how hamas and isis are being compared, the interrogator asked him about this comparison and he agreed, he said we burned, we slaughter and beheaded people and went on to ask more questions. And this interrogator was pushing this hamas fighter and this militant to get more information from him and he said, we became animals. Things that humans do not do. And when the interrogator asked him, what type of things did you do to these civilians after you killed them. He described them and we cant describe them to you because they are too graphic to explain on television. But it gives you a sense of what exactly took place more than 1400 israelis slaughtered at the hands of hamas militants who entered Southern Israel on october 7th, starting this conflict thats erupted behind us and we do know by this video that we obtained and reviewed, they were given coordinated, specific plans to come into israel and put all beliefs aside with one goal in mind, to inflict as much terror on the civilians population here as possible. Gillian. Gillian trey, important reporting this morning for us. T thank you very much. Griff a harrowing report from trey. Tensions along the israellebanon border, as concerns grow between hezbollah and israeli forces. Greg palkot is at the israellebanon border. It official, the iranianbacked Hezbollah Group is in the fight or at the least, israels defense minister yoav gallant says that. He made a visit to the troops not far from where we are now, confirmed what weve been seeing and talking about the past week that its getting pretty nasty here, take a listen. Hezbollah has decide today participate in the fighting and is paying the price for it. We must be vigilant and prepare for every possible scenario. Great challenges await us. Hezbollah and related shooting from the nearby border, rockets, antitank missiles, mortars, infiltrating with small arms fire. Israel responding with artillery, tanks, antidefense missiles, drones, an idf s f Spokesman Says the past two weeks in this sector 45 members of hezbollah killed along with civilian casualties. Six Israeli Soldiers killed, and one was israeli, omer balva, he was called up and he was killed on a mountain nearby. Its a bit quiet here, griff. The military ordered this and other towns to be evaluated, but as the major Ground Invasion expected to happen looms down south with israel going after hamas in gaza. And expectations are that things will heat up here as well. Griff indeed. Greg. A quick followup. We saw a New York Times article today and some other places reporting about possible efforts on behalf of the Biden Administration to dissuade israel in that their potential actions with hezbollah on the northern border. Do you know anything about that . The New York Times had a pretty wellsourced article saying that israel pretty much at the beginning of this wanted a onepunch against hamas in the south and hezbollah in the north, but white house officials, including secretary blanken and President Biden and others tried to calm israel down not to lurch ahead in the north and however, the acknowledgment is, a mistake, a bigger strike by hezbollah or a reaction to that invasion down south could turn this thing into another caldron as well. Back to you. Griff greg palkot. Great reporting as always. Stay safe. President biden talked yesterday to the two released by hamas, a mother and daughter, and is in Delaware Planning to spend the remainder of the weekend at home. And peter doocy with whats going on over there to try to rescue the remaining honistages. Just to build on, the president and his team are supportive of israel however they want to hit back at hamas, but, he appeared late last night to confirm some of these reports that behind the scenes, he is pressuring the israelis and netanyahu to kind of slow down. A Ground Invasion in the south inaudible . No, the president was far away and he didnt hear the full question. The question sounded like would you like to see more hostages released . He wasnt commenting on anything else. Just before that, President Biden gave credence to theories that hamas attacked in response to talks that israel was having to improve relations with saudi arabia. President biden said in a fundraiser in northwest d. C. , i think one of the reasons they acted like they did, why the folks moved on the hamas hamas moved on israel like they have, they knew i was about to sit down with the saudis who are not my i wouldnt call them the greatest democracy in the world. His team is trying to get aid to palestine rather, into gaza, but theyre saying that theyre going to stop if it is intercepted by hamas. Its important for people to remember what hamas is. This is a terrorist organization. Its not a state, its not a government, though they believe that they are, you know, in terms of governance of gaza, theyre a terrorist organization. They dont abide by the laws of war like israel does or the United States does, two democracies. We know this is a top priority for President Biden, but we dont know exactly what he is doing while hes decamped to the Rehoboth Beach house for the weekend. Gillian all right, peter doocy at the white house with us. Griff for more reaction from capitol hill as the house continues its search for a new speaker. Were joined now by republican congressman from new jersey and the House Foreign Affairs committee, chris smith, also on the Bipartisan Task force for combatting antisemitism. And congressman, thank you for joining us. I want to start with your reaction to the latest of what were seeing out of israel, the release of two hostages and now, of course, tensions simmering, not only in the south of gaza, but baby as you heard from our report maybes as you heard, in the north with hezbollah. Israel is israel, and facing an existential threat for their existence. And every moment of congress, to read the Hamas Charter in 1988 when we doubled down. It called for destroying every jew you can find. If theyre hiding behind a rock, they claim in that horrible document, its a its again, its their blueprint for the eye n anilelation of israel. There will be no israel, they want it to be driven into the sea, but the antisemitic hatred that is increased by the work that u n. R. A. Does. Our president has given A Billion Dollars to the work relief agencies. Ive heard hearings in the past and scheduled one for the second week of november. U unra is an incubator of hate, overflowing with antisemitic hate and passing it on from one generation to the next. Griff you mentioned Members Of Congress. Lets focus specifically on your colleague rasheeda tlaib. And immediately after the bombing, shown that it came from a downed Islamic Jihad missile, not an israeli one. But tlaib put up a message that israel bombed the hospital and then she took to the microphones and had this to say, listen here. People think its okay to bomb a hospital. President biden, you need to understand that, were literally watching people commit genocide and killing a mass majority like this and we still stand by and say nothing. Griff congressman, has she lost, in your opinion, moral clarity on what is happening and should there be some consequences for her . I would add creditability to clarity. And endorsed by President Biden who has looked at it and the Intel Community over here in the United States, it was the rockets that are emanating out of gaza that crashed into or right next to that hospital. Here we go again. The big lie repeated often enough, tlaib owes an apology to the israelis for doing that and her credibility is shot. Griff should she says consequences . There will be no consequences. Never is, unfortunately. The media needs to call her out. Im calling her out, its outrageous to falsely accuse israel of something that they did not do and she did it after the information was clearly and unmistakenly shown. And israel goes out of its way for civilians. What does hamas do . Hide their headquarters, Missile Launchers and implement of terror next know schools and other places almost begging the question, and begging the israelis to take it out and yet, with all of that, the israelis go out of their way, again, to lessen the impact on civilians. Griff congressman i have 20 seconds. Are we any closer on the House Of Representatives on the republican side to get any candidate to 217 votes it become speaker . Why he, i think come tuesday when hopefully there will be a vote in our conference and quickly brought to the floor we will coalesce around one of our members. Weve got a great bench, wonderful, wonderful Members Of Congress who are running. I liked all three that ran before including jim jordan. And of course, scalise a tremendous leader as Majority Leader and kevin mccarthy, a magnificent job. Griff who are you looking at . Theyre all good friends, part of the problem. Griff thank you for your time as always. Thank you so much. Gillian joining us now from the other side of the aisle, joining us from florida, sheila mccormick, on the Veterans Affairs committee, too. And lets pick up where your republican colleague chris smith just left off. There are some republicans running for speaker or plan to, i believe we have a list we could put up on the screen. Is all of this disarray on the republican side making it more complicating the administrations effort to project strength and power abroad during this disrupting middle east war . I think it does. Right now we need to pass a supplemental and make sure were showing our support for israel is unequivocal and iron clad, but we cant do that if were not working as a congress and what were seeing more and more, this republican civil war is hampering us being a good partner, and ally. You mentioned the supplemental President Biden is now asking you and your colleagues for. Take a listen to what j. D. Vance has to say about the president s priorities and i want to get your response. I think what the president did is completely disgraceful. If he wants to sell the American People on 60 billion more to ukraine, he shouldnt use dead israeli children to do it, it was disgusting. Gillian is coupling aid for ukraine with aid to the israelis and palestinians the right way for the president to be pursuing this package sm. Absolutely, especially when we see the cr we didnt have a chance to pass a cr, a shortterm one. We need to replenish our stock piles and make sure that were taking advantage and everything we can to make sure that were safe and secure. We have to be moving forward. I think that harsh language, extreme language is what led to this republican civil war that were seeing right now and the stalemate that were seeing in congress. We have to start focusing on a bipartisan way to move forward and thats going to include looking at our National Security and prioritizing it not just for israel, but ukraine. If theyre getting as much aid as the u. S. Can afford as quickly as possible, isnt attaching more aid on ukraine after trillions of dollars, just complicate the efforts . It seems to undercut the administrations own objectives. Not exactly, because what were looking at is the accumulate cumulative what were in right now and ukraine and we have to help israel. Part of our strength as a nation is we can chew gum and walk at the same time. We have to do the two things we need to do for the entire Security Mission that we have in place. What were seeing in israel, theres definitely a need there to protect israel and to allow israel to defend itself and make sure were finishing the work when it comes to such an evil group as hamas and terrorist organizations, but theres another evil were looking also at which is also russia and ukraine and thats an evil that we have to deal with, also, and we can do to simultaneously. As leaders of the entire world, this is our responsibilities and we must take our responsibilities. I want to ask you this before i let you go. If you can respond to your colleague, congresswoman rasheeda tlaib, shes contradicting the intense against assessment and the president s assessment that she claims that israel is behind the attack on a Gaza Hospital this week and the president says it was not the case, it was a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket. Is anybody among your colleagues trying to sort of talk reason to her about this . Explain how evidence from the Intelligence Community works . Im not sure about the video when that was taken. I know in the beginning when the reports came out we werent sure and slow to move, but i understand that rashida is in a tough place and she has family in palestine. Is that an excuse to saying that israel is behind the attack. No excuse for promoting misinformation, when we look at israel and entire world we have to understand where she is and everyone not in that situation we have a responsibility to make sure its clear. As i mentioned im not sure when that video was taken and when she actually made the statements because i havent seen her make the statements after once it became crystal clear. On wednesday after the president said publicly in israel that israel was not behind the attacks, she went out with other colleagues of yours, joined a protest, an antiisrael protest in front of the house steps and reiterated those comments. Well, you know, those comments being made arent true, but what we have to do is not put ourselves in a position where were fighting each other in Interrin Inte internally, and focus on work. And israel has what it needs, and most of the conversation we need to be having at this moment. How do we get our congress to function and serve as allies. How do we get a speaker elected. How do we make sure we have someone in speakership to help us move forward in a bipartisan manner, that needs to be our focus not targeting our colleagues who are suffering right now and thats what we have been working on. How do we live up to our reputation as americans, being good allies and not a part of this evil and lets focus on the evil. Hamas is a terrorist organization. We saw 14 days ago what they did to children, we saw to people at a, just at an event theyre doing as a family. And thats what we have to focus on and how to we respond to this threat. Gillian congresswoman, thats the time that we have. Griff palestine protests erupting on College Campuses across the nation this weekend. Weve got more on that next. Woman why did we choose safelite . We were loading our suv when. Crack safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when theyd arrive with a replacement we could trust. Thats service the way we want it. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Dry skin is sensitive skin, too. And its natural. Treat it that way with aveeno® Daily Moisture. Formulated with nourishing, Prebiotic Oat. Its clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. Aveeno® vo in three seconds, pam will decide. pam im moving closer to the grandkids wait. I got to sell the house vo dont wait, just sell directly to opendoor. Easy as pie. pam piece of cake. vo whichever. Get your Competitve Offer at opendoor. Com. sean i wish for the amazing new iphone 15 pro jason sean do you mean this one the one with titanium . 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[speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. [speaker] but Wounded Warrior project helps you realize its possible to get out there [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. [narrator] through Generous Community support, weve connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and Mental Health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and Life Skill Training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. Welcome back. More antiisrael protests in capitals across the country this weekend. New york demonstrators are hosting a national day of action to, quote, Flood Brooklyn for palestine. Cb cotton joins us with the details from brooklyn. Hi, cb. Good afternoon, gillup gillian. Organizers are saying an end to u. S. Sponsor in gaza. Weve got a Crowd Gathering in brooklyn. Like other propalestine rallies, it could be thousands. Even though the mayor says there are no threats in the area. Another one, a thousand people turning out to one organized by the Group New York city democratic socialists of america, according to n. Y. P. D. The crowd marching to the park to Kirsten Gillibrands office where more than a hundred people sat down in the middle of the street to chant for sews fire. Nearly 150 people taken into custody and issued some msummons according to n. Y. P. D. From harvard to portland, at times propalestine and proisrael groups clashing. And one told that shes scared. Im honestly scared to share that on campus and thats really, really upsetting, especially at a school like nyu, he talk about inclusion, they talk about sharing your identity, but that stops at jewish and that stops at israeli. Now, as these protests continue. Deep pocketed alumni are saying that theyre not doing enough to fight antisemitism. And a former ceo is severing ties. Gillian griff. Griff a 28yearold new yorker is now safely back in the u. S. After she survived the israeli Music Festival that came under attack by hamas two weeks ago. Matt finn is live with more of her story. Hey, matt. Hey, griff. We spoke with natalie, and shes an american citizen with an israeliborn mother and two weeks ago today, she was at that tribe of nova Music Festival when Hamas Terrorists invaded and started slaughtering people. And at first she tried to get away by car, but began running on foot. We began running and truly every decision we made would have either saved our lives or got us killed. I remember after we had gotten to safety, one of my friends i was with, while we were running, we passed by a ditch and there were a bunch of kids hiding in this ditch, and they were telling us to come hide with them. And last minute, my friend said, we shouldnt do this. This isnt a good idea. If we hide in this ditch and the terrorists come and theyre above us, theres no where for us to hide, theres no where for us to run. Theyre going to shoot us. So we decided to continue running and not hide in the ditch. I later found out those that stayed in the ditch to hide were shot and killed. Natalie says she ran for four hours and found safety in a town and found a Good Samaritan that let her hide in the trunk of his car to get to the border out of israel and now shes trying to spread the word she was one of many innocent people at this Music Festival when those armed Hamas Terrorists invaded and started killing people, griff. Griff what harrowing story. Matt finn, thank you. Thank you, griff. As we await the idfs how highly anticipated Ground Invasion inside gaza. Well take you live to Southern Israel with a report from there. Stick with us. My dad was a ha. He used to do side jobs installing windows, charging Something Like A Hundred Bucks a window when other guys were charging four to fivehundred bucks. He just didnt wanna do that. He was proud of the price he was charging. 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To try to put that into perspective usually 450 trucks crossing the border a day. 20 trucks is a drop in the bucket. And food and water, no fuel. Does that mean foreign nationals can get out . No one holding a foreign passport, in fact, no one got out of the gaza strip today. The air strikes continue to go into the gaza strip. Israel says theyre picking up the pace. And of those in the gaza strip 700,000 have Evacuated South of wadi gaza, that translates to gaza valley. A dent in the landscape, a division between the North And South and people in the south are supposed to be safe from the israeli air strikes. Also, in the gaza strip, the mother and daughter duo, natalie and Judith Raanan is now free of their hamas captors, out of the gaza strip, taken to an israeli base in the southern part of the country and reunited with family and theyve maintained a low profile since then. Im in the town just north of the gaza strip. This town has been the subject of 1154 rockets since october the 7th. 189 of those rockets have gotten through the iron dome defense system. Some of them made direct hits last night. No injuries. Gillian mike tobin for us, griff. Griff one of the missing israelis is 19yearold idf soldier serving during the attack and were joined by her uncle. Thank you for taking time. Have you received confirmation as to the whereabouts of ronnie . Hi, thanks for having me . No, we havent heard any new news and the status has remained for the last 14 days the same. Last week we received a formal communication that shes missing and no news since then. So, we have no idea where is she. We have no idea how is she doing, is she hurt, nothing. Griff and youre looking at pictures on your screen of ronnie. Shes a 19yearold idf soldier stationed at the kibbutz, one of the hardhit areas where the Hamas Terrorists went in and unleashed unthinkable horror. You must have been quite startled when you got the news that she was missing from there . Yes, but it was an ongoing event as you can imagine. Saturday morning we started with the barrage of rockets on the entire country and later on, we started to see the Hamas Terrorists. And we last received we knew that she was there and we asked her mother if shes in communication with her, how is she doing, if she heard from her. The last communication with her was 9 30 in the morning and texted her mom and said, hi, mom, dont worry for me, im okay. Her mom said, i love you. She replied, i love you, too. Dont worry, im okay and for an emoji of red hearts and thats the last communication. And after that, in the afternoon when we didnt hear from her, we start today look for any piece of information and we called people that we know. We called, you know, reporters, and i think by Saturday Night we understood that something is wrong and on sunday morning, the parent went through the entire country through all the hospitals and they gave the d in. A samples. We managed to speak with some people that were at that base and weve got a little bit of information, but nothing since then. So, you know, it was gradual, but still, its a devastating State Of Mind to be. Griff elad, i cant imagine the anguish that you and your family are going through and families just like yours with missing israelis like ronnie. What would you like to say to our american and worldwide audience . What do they need to hear about whats happening there . I think they need to hear first as you speak with the humanitarian and all of this stuff by hamas and what about the humanitarian for the kidnapped people, anything to eat or drink or taken medical care of. Thats the humanitarian crisis. I think the other thing that people need to understand, this is not a normal war, this is not a military situation. This is the hamas terrorist came in to kill, slaughter, and murder as many jews as they can. You saw a few segments ago about the nova Music Festival. They rounded up and killed more than actually slaughtered more than 300 people there so i think that the people of the United States and the rest of the world in the civil world need to understand that these are not the same values that were talking about. These people are going, you know, if theyre going to have an opportunity theyre just going to eliminate us. We need to destroy them first and we cannot speak with hamas isis. Griff elad levy, the uncle of ronnie, a soldier now missing. Elad, thank you for taking time and well keep ronnie in our thoughts and if you have any updates. Thank you very much. Griff gillian. Gillian well, the Biden Administration continuing to show support for israel now with the deployment of warships to the region and putting 2000 troops on standby. Well give you the details straight from the pentagon coming up next. Hi, im michael, ive lost 70 pounds on golo. I spent thousands on other diets that didnt work. On golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight. Youre not gonna believe this thing is possible but it is. [music this little light of mine] in the worlds poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. Theyre shunned, outcast, living in pain. You can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. A surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a childs life forever. Please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. Thousands of children are waiting. She runs and plays like a puppy again. His 2s are perfect hes a brand new dog, all in less than a year. When people switch their dogs food from kibble to the farmers dog, they often say that it feels like magic. But theres no magic involved. dog bark its simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need instead of dried pellets. Just food made for the health of dogs. Delivered in packs portioned for your dog. Its amazing what real food can do. This is a special alert. Israel is under attack and israels enemies seek our destruction. The people of israel need immediate help. Rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. Our people are targets in their own homes. Many have lost everything and fear for their lives. The International Fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. Our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. Your urgently needed gift of only 45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. Time is literally running out. What we need you to do is to act now. The United States is moving another ship closer to israel. The u. S. S. Mount whitney left italy on wednesday to join the two Carrier Strike groups and vessels to provide support in the mediterranean. David spunt is there with the latest. The u. S. S. Carney shot down 15 drones and four Cruise Missiles using ground to tear technology, the first time weve used that in combat since 2016, which is definitely something to note. The pentagon right now in a watch and wait posture, but at the same time, moving several naval vessels in the area shut any issues arrive regarding the hezbollah, Lebanese Hezbollah or any type of iranian proxy like the houthi missiles or rebels, rather. And u. S. Intelligence forces they say this was, in fact, a palestinian rocket that hit that hospital and other sources, and President Biden confirmed via the Defense Depth Rocket originated in palestine and following the rockets fired at the u. S. And coalition forces, in iraq. One hit an empty Storage Facility and two drones targeted the garrison in syria. U. S. Coalition forces destroyed one of the drones while the other resulted in minor injuries to u. S. Forces. Now, at alassad air force, western forces shot down two drones and damaging the second resulting in minor injuries to coalition forces. One American Contractor died at a cardiac episode while seeking shelter for attack. The u. S. Has 2500 troops in iraq and 900 in syria roughly reminding us the u. S. Is still active in those regions, though the focus now is on israel and gaza. Now, important to note that the pentagon is viewing what happened in iraq and syria as separate incidents from this hamasisrael conflict going on right now in the middle east. Nonetheless, theyre still watching and waiting should any conflicts arise. Griff. Griff david spunt, live david, thank you. Thank you. Gillian well, two weeks into the israelgaza war Israeli Intelligence is now in the spotlight. Some experts are pointing to the Surprise Nature of the October 7th Hamas Terror Attacks of an Israeli Intelligence short coming. Join me now is u. S. Army veteran and contributor. Bret. What do you make of, i guess, criticism some from folks that the fact that hamas was able to execute this series of Terror Attacks on the same day as evidence that Israeli Intelligence somehow failed . And if thats true, is it not also evidence of major u. S. Intelligence failures . Well, look, i mean, its tough to start placing blame right now. I think we really should let the israelis focus on the fight, but that being said, there are a lot of questions mounting over the massive Intelligence Failure and when the dust settles someone at the top is going to have to answer for this and netanyahu. And he runs his platform against the Terrorists Group and regularly breaches about this as a reason for him being in power. This was an edges it failure at its core, gillian. I wonder how the best spy agency in the word missed this. Mosad always had an aura of Ins Vinceability because of successes globally, but this looks at its reputation and raises doubt about the countrys readiness to face what is really a much weaker organization. How is it they didnt see it or other western intelligence agencies. I think that people got complacent, overconfident that this wouldnt happen, but we did hear that there were some reports that even netanyahu was warned by neighboring governments and learned recently they potentially ignored egypts warning that gaza was planning Something Big and that netanyahu was personally warned approximately 10 days before the attack. And a lot of the resources were shipped to the west bank and not on gaza, as they should have been. When you look at hamas preparation, it was extreme detail in the villages they went to, down to the number of Security Guards and civilians, detailed maps and battle plans. It was planned to detail, wonder how it was missed especially just in the month of this intelligence of Information Gathering you would have thought that maybe the hamas op operatives may have disclosed this. They will have to answer to. Gillian weve seen mass scale protests in world capitals over the course of the last week, some folks, you know, either protesting the Israeli Government or the american government, some shades, some echoes of the benghazi terrorist attacks although so far no americans or anyone have lost their lives in protests. And bottom line, hamas needs to go put down not just a threat to israel, but to our way of life. Hamas during the initial invasion had isis and documents let on them. Were also vulnerable. This is an evil that cant exist in our world today. Look what hamas did in the few days that they were able to penetrate israels defenses when people werent looking at them. They murdered, raped, pillaged, methodically, it was cold. We need to help focus on israel helping to crush hamas. And destroying the Operation Centers we need to fully eliminate that and not just contain them so it doesnt happen again, hamas is a danger to our way of life and israel has to do what it does to root out terrorism. Theyre Holding American hostages, and that alone for people it rally around them. Gillian thanks for joining us for sharing your expertise. And good luck when you travel there next week. Griff gavin newsome, protesters gathered outside of his State Capitol building. More on that next. Makes every day a confident day. A neverhidemysmile day. A lifeoftheparty day. A takeontheworld day. A believeinmyself day. A flashmynewteeth day. Because your clearchoice day is the day you get your confidence back for good. 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He visited israel yesterday meeting with patients in a Medical Center in tel aviv and he made the stop ahead of his visit to china for a trip focused on climate issues. In a statement, newsom pledged californias support in helping to provide medical aid to israel and gaza and after meeting with some of the patients in israel he said, what the israeli people have experienced is nothing short of barbaric terrorism. He went ahead and said that after meeting with these people, mentioning how one woman covered herself among dead people to survive. Now, yesterday israels president also shared a photo of newsoms visit on social media and wrote in part, we will never forget our friends who stood by israel in our most difficult times. Medical supplies are badly needed in this region, as various aid groups collect donations worldwide to help innocent victims. Tims. And theyre warning people to verify trustworthiness of Media Sources or charities theyd like to donate, and go to the bbbs website. 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