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Wow tonight the world is on the brink and the white house is n the brink and the white house is panicking because joe bidens president , the United States, now sponsoring a double proxy war against the iranians and the russians. China is eyeing taiwan and north korean weapons were just discovered in gaza. The State Department has just issued a Worldwide Travel warning to all countries. When is the last time thats happened . Americans arent even safe in france. Our enemies are being mobbed by angry muslims. Our Military Bases are under attack in iraq, and we just had to shoot down two iranian made missiles. How was your week . Well, this right now breaks putin is in china meeting with xi, where theyre coordinating mideast policy. Two American Carrier strike groups are in the mediterranean in. And biden just tested one of our new nuclear weapons, detonating a massive bomb in nevada. And we keep catching middle easterners, sneaking across the secure southern border. Axios reports top Officials Say this has been the, quote, heaviest, most chilling week since biden took office. The Biden Administration is, quote, rattled, according to this report. Doesnt that make you feel safe . They say this matrix of crises pose an epic concern and historic danger. Washington fears these wars can spread but have no fear. Last night, joe biden announced hes a wartime president. This morning, i returned from israel. They tell me im the First American president to travel there. During the war, i boarded a train with blacked out windows for a ten hour ride each way to kyiv to stand with the people of ukraine. Im told i was the First American in a war zone not controlled by the United States military since president lincoln. We cannot and will not let terrorists like hamas and tyrants like putin win. I refuse to let that happen. Biden is a proxy wartime president. They ignore the fact that his policies got us into these proxy wars. So forget bidennomics. Biden is running as general patton. Its an election year. War sells. The Inflation Reduction Act doesnt. Heres proof. Biden is getting slaughtered by trump in almost every swing state georgia, arizona, wisconsin, pennsylvania. North carolina. Biden loses in a landslide if the election was today. So biden is pivoting. Hes running on guns and butter. Biden is asking congress for 800 billion. But biden says dont worry, the taxpayers are just funding defense contractors. These proxy wars are made in america. We send ukraine equipment sitting in our stockpiles. And when we use the money allocated by congress, we use it to replenish our own stores, our own stockpiles with new equipment, equipment to defeat Defense America and is made in america. Patriot missiles for air defense batteries made in arizona. Artillery shells manufactured in 12 states across the country. And pennsylvania, ohio, texas. And so much more. You know, just as in World War Two today, patriotic American Workers are building the Arsenal Of Democracy and serving the cause of freedom. Bidens proxy wars, same thing is his jobs plan. Were Building Back better an Arsenal Of Democracy. Biden loves democracy everywhere in the world except here. Here hes arresting trump. Now, if it seems like biden is funding all sides of these words, its because he is. Hes sending 6 billion to the iranians, 100 million to hamas. 14 billion to israel. 60 billion to ukraine. 5 billion to the saudis. And 2 billion for taiwan. Biden is like a vegas bookkeeper. Because the big guys getting in on the back side to the chinese, the russians, the ukrainians are sending his family millions. And its not like anyone is tracking the money because the pentagon lost 6 billion in ukraine. And biden, State Department is admitting, yeah, hamas is probably going to get their hands on the aid. The people with guns inside gaza are hamas. And so hamas may try to divert this assistance and keep it from getting to the civilians who who it is intended for. We think thats a legitimate concern. See, its the thought that counts. Bidens policies got us into these proxy wars, and now he wants to run as a war hero. All of these invasions happened on his watch. That doesnt make you a war hero. It just means he cant deter anybody. The world does what it wants while joe wags his finger and hands out weapons. Now, to be fair, i understand the argument why we have to do it, but we shouldnt be in the position where we have to do it because the president has turned his back on the American People. Here he was last night Accusing Americans of hate crimes. I know many of you in the muslim iraqi community, the arabamerican community, the palestinianamerican community and so many others are outraged at harvey saying to yourself. Here we go again. With islamophobia and distrust. We saw after 911, we must, without equivocation, denounce antisemitism. We must also, without equivocation, denounce islamophobia. Joe biden spent more time last night fighting hate crime than he has in three years, fighting real crime. Hate crimes are less than 1 of crime. And biden spent 5 minutes in an Oval Office Address Castigating Us Over Isms and phobias. But americans are getting murdered, shot, mugged, and the mans dead silent. There are some war zones in america that joe hasnt visited. North philly, the southside of chicago, the mexican border. Mr. President , if you have some downtime in between fighting russia and iran, could you fight the cartels, the gangs here . Maybe inflation. Thatd be great. Vivek ramaswamy is a republican president ial candidate, so the they. How did you interpret joe bidens address last night . I think it was incoherent and trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth and the elephant in the room, jesse, is that all of the spending is against the backdrop of being 33 trillion in the hole with our National Debt. So at a moment when we are increasingly, i worry, sleepwalking our way into major conflict, god forbid world war three, we have failed to protect our own homeland in this country. Basic border defenses, cyber defenses, Missile Defenses thats missing in the United States of america. And if that can happen in israel, a Defense Breach of that magnitude that can happen right here in the United States. And thats something that nobodys talking about. Its against that backdrop that we have this failed leadership and my top Foreign Policy objective right now, i think its an emergency is to protect this homeland in the context of whatever it is we might consider doing abroad. So hes asking the American People to trust him, trust this wartime president , trust him after afghanistan. And at the same time, hes doxing special forces. They put out a picture of biden shaking hands with a bunch of special operators while he was there in israel. And he put their faces all over the internet and then said, oops, sorry about that. I dont know if thats going to make people trust you or not. Well, look, i think that one of the biggest problems is this is also the same problem, the same president put the policy issues to one side. It is a failure of execution. Think about the botched exit from afghanistan. That was a disaster. Even if that was the correct policy decision, look at the way it was executed. So any time a u. S. President tells the American People dont actually just trust me with that, any open debate, i would say reject that premise, but especially when its a president who has repeatedly failed to execute. Thats not a president that the American People can trust. And i do think jesse, its going to take somebody from outside of the existing Foreign Policy establishment. Joe biden, remember, he voted yes on the war in iraq to avoid repeating some of those same mistakes weve made in the last 25 years. Six and a half trillion dollars spent, Thousands Of American lives sacrificed in iraq and afghanistan, 20 years later, the taliban still in charge and a hostile antiamerican regime in iraq. We have to make sure we dont repeat those same mistakes. Joe biden has given me no confidence in that direction. To the contrary, i think were going to need a change in leadership to lead us to peace. But he says hes going to lead us to peace and then were going to have jobs because of it. He says all of these bullets are made in america. So i think i have one Rule Of Thumb here, jesse, and i hope its productive for the people in congress who are debating this. Every one of those dollars, that 100 billion, you better make the case by cutting Something Else here at home. Let the American People really understand that were not playing in fantasy land here, that 33 trillion National Debt is real. Dont be duped by biden nomics on the economic argument, but dont be duped by this Military Homeland Investment Argument either. Get real. What are we giving up in return for bundling these . And i think its a mistake to bundle the israel discussion with the ukraine discussion. It is a gambit to avoid debate on the merits on either one. So, jesse, my Foreign Policy is really simple. Avoid world war three, declare independence from china. Thats the real long run threat we face and then secure this homeland. And ironically, were hearing none of how were accomplishing that from this president or a bipartisan Foreign Policy establishment. Were not. Were just here and trust us. Ive been in this business a long time. All right. Thank you so much. Nice jacket. Its good to see you. Thank you. Its cold in iowa here, so were staying warm. I bet. So the squads becoming too hot to handle. For the last two weeks. Theyve been leading an intifada against President Biden, cleverly using the palestinians as cover. Today, the hamas caucus set up shop outside the capitol and called for a cease fire. Hamas gets a free shot at israel. Oh, and they accuse joe biden of wanting them dead. Also, a car is not what mr. President up. Thats not what the people that do act like a bill to. A cease fire. Residents calling me tell me, rashida, the previous president , wanted to ban us and probably put us in concentration camps. Thats what just to die. But by shame on them. Oh, god. So its only the palestinianamerican who flew a palestinian flag outside her office threatened to sabotage joe bidens reelection. Im going to speak the language, mr. President. Michigan is important state for you. So is pennsylvania, and so is georgia. And guess what, mr. President . We will not forget. Oh. So the squad is threatening to mobilize minorities and young voters against their own partys president for helping a democrat allied defeat terrorism. And members of congress are now calling on leadership to deny Intelligence Briefings about israels war plans to delete. The thought is, i guess she could be a security risk. And then omar, who married her brother, actually asked joe biden, whats wrong with you . Israel has dropped more bombs in the last ten days than we dropped in a whole year in afghanistan. Where is your humanity . Where is your outrage . Where is your care for people . What is wrong with you . Oh, dear. So biden only won the white house because the democrat base was united. The far left held their breath and yanked the lever. Now the far left are engaging in open Political Warfare with the sitting president. And donors are already defunding universities for siding with hamas. And those same donors are going to defund democratic campaigns if they dont denounce the squad. And so far, House Democrats have chickened out. Now, get used to seeing what were about to show you, because the hamas caucus is going to be hounded by reporters as long as this war lasts. Why dont you want israelis to go after the terrorists that burned, tortured, killed their babies and children and still have them hostage . Why dont you want the israelis to go after the terrorists that did that . How many more killings is enough for you . Is it a thousand more . 2000 more . 3000 palestinians would make you happy if they died. Do you. Will you be fine if all of the people of gaza were gone . Would that make you happy . Charlie leduff is the host of no b. S. News hour. Charlie, im sorry, that was. My ears are still ringing, but how big of a problem is this right now . In terms of nationally, politically or here at home . I proceeded to leave ostensibly works for the people. Which one will you tell me at home . Because i can see how its playing nationally as she popular back there. Nobody knows who she is, man. Look, its shes better known for entering legislation to rename post office. This is a much more violent city, detroit, than chicago is, or north philly. And we get nothing. What we get out of her is defund the police, let people out of prison. But you wont see her, say, down the street because she doesnt walk the streets. Shes busy upping the capitol, screaming and hurting my ear, by the way. Then she is correcting things. I should tell you, brother, this is a swing state. We have eight of the most violent 50 cities in america and we get buckets. We get this stuff. We get israel just bombed a hospital. No leadership there. No big harm. Lets find out what happened. Lead. Try to get this thing tamped down. No, we go on. We go on the steps and we blame the israelis. It looks like it may be hamas. Probably. Im not going to say. But where is that . Were not having that. Were not having a rational discussion. So shes focused on violence in gaza and she doesnt give a lick about violence in her own district. Not that i can see. And look, i knew her father is a good man. You know what i mean . Hes like, good new american. And he called me up and called her a nut. All i know about her is cheated on a property tax. Three times and never paid the city back, which she to pay back the taxes. But i grew up with palestinians. This is an arab center of america. There are points to be made. Wars should stop, but this is not the way to get it done. And she wouldnt come on my show last night because she was busy brokering a cease fire in the middle east. Thats how you broker a cease fire. Shes not brokering a thing. Are you saying that to leaves . Father told you that his daughters a nut . Yeah, he told me shes a nut. Shes a scam. That she didnt live at the address she did when she was running for office. He called me up out of the blue. I call her up and say, hey, your old man called me. Whats going on with that . She goes, well, he abused me. And im like, this is nuts. This familys nuts, man. And so now you get to see what we live with around here. All right. Well, good luck in detroit. I remember a couple of years ago, you took me down to a tour of detroit, and you were basically the mayor there, so maybe you should run for her seat. Why . I get along with everybody. I dont need. See . Thats right. Once youre in office, everybody hates you. Charlie leduff thank you so much, damon. So now Hamas Terrorists are taking designer drugs. Businesses need by d solutions today. Thats why they choose tmobile for business. Mlb partners with tmobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. Triple relies on tmobiles network to stay connected nationwide so they can help get their members back on the road. And were helping Panel Innovate to stop the spread of wildfires. Nows the time to see what americas largest 5g network can do for your business. So heartbreaking. At this Holocaust Museum in israel, you see the names, the faces of jews that were brutally murdered. This great cloud of witnesses cries out to us. Comfort, comfort my people. Were in a race against time to reach every Holocaust Survivor in israel and the former soviet union. Many are poor and hungry, and they have nowhere to turn to settle some personal appeal led by israel or niraj has had such a hard life from the day that she was born, the holocaust, and watching her sister esther die of hamas, which can. We were so hungry that we would go with my mother and find lives and grass and we would pick them up and eat it. Still today, shes suffering with no there to help her. Dare we turn our back on her now . For 25, you can rush a food box to a Holocaust Survivor or an elderly. 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They gave us drugs, Hallucinogenic Pills that would make you go to battle not caring if you live or die. Its believed some jihadist fighters are using the drug captagon, a dangerous and powerful amphetamine. Captagon is so hallucinogenic, it can make a user hear voices and see things that arent there. Captagon pills were found in the pockets of dead Hamas Terrorists. Called the poor mans cocaine and the jihadi pill. Itll keep you up for 4 to 5 days at a time. This little amphetamine is keeping terrorists awake and fearless on the battlefield. War vet Johnny Joey Jones told prime time this amphetamine makes terrorists feel invincible and they keep coming at you even when theyre riddled with bullets. This would explain why the jihadists were laughing like hyenas when they emptied Machine Gun Fire into that rave. Syria is the Mideast Narco State manufacturing and exporting captagon. Its a 5 billion industry and gaza is flooded with is jihadi pills creating sadistic killers . Zombies for jewish blood . Amber smith is a former combat pilot and the former Special Assistant to the secretary of defense. And she joins me now. This is a huge advantage that hamas has. What can we do about that . Hijazi what people need to remember is that when were talking about modern day terrorism and modern day terror tactics, they have changed and they have evolved. A large body count is no longer enough for them. So mass a mass casualty of americans or our allies is no longer what theyre looking for. What they want now is they want to do these massive and barbaric and savage, sadistic killings and torture that we saw in the Israel Massacre that this captagon is allowing them to do, and then they want to videotape it. Why do they want to videotape it . Because they want to terrorize the world. That is their new strategy to carry out these horrific attacks, videotape it and then give it to the world in order to terrorize them. And its working. And when a terrorist strategy works, theyre going to continue to do it. So the old style terrorism, where we saw massive body counts, a bomb or a hijacking, something significant in those methods. Now they want to see savagery display it to the world. And this Captagon Drug is allowing them to carry out these brutal attacks. So what does captagon make hamas feel like . What . So theyre just cool, calm and collected while theyre butchering babies. Theyre wide awake. What is the psychological effect . So, captagon, its the Terrorist Drug of choice and theyre all using it. Its known as the jihadist drug. Its an amphetamine that hops them up and allows them to brutally attacked people. They dont feel pain. They dont need to sleep. They have no remorse. They essentially cant be taken down. They have this super strength when theyre on it. It can last for hours into days and it allows them get into this zombie like nonhuman state where they are able to have extreme focus to carry out these attacks. So itll probably come to manhattan in like a year. We expect its overseas in the middle east right now. It is rampant. It is used among all terrorist organizations. Weve seen it with isis. Weve seen it with hamas. Weve also seen it since the Syrian Civil War broke out on both sides. We saw with the terrorists who killed 38 people in tunisia on the beach, dozens of british citizens. He was likely on captagon. And its its booming business in the middle east right now. And the assad regime in syria is the theyre the ones that are capitalizing on this drug being used by the terrorists. And since it so successful, you can absolutely bet when they get the chance to use it on american citizens, on the homeland, that they absolutely will. All right. Amber smith, thank you so much. Thanks, jesse. Fox news alert. Primetime has learned details of what the Israeli Ground operation in gaza will look like. Joint air Ground Operations will include f15s helicopter gunships, drones, tanks, bulldozers and significant infantry. And the infantry is going to be protected by armored personnel with, of course, what we reported, the teddy bear clearing the rubble. And once Northern Gaza is cleared, phase two begins mopping up pockets of resistance. The idf will be Blowing Holes through walls, urban combat, tunnel battles. Phase three will turn Northern Gaza, a demilitarized zone, a buffer. And then the diplomats will take over. But hamas is armed to the teeth with foreign manufactured weaponry that have been smuggled into the tunnels for over a decade. Fox got an inside look. This is a hamas ied, improvised explosive device, a roadside bomb. This one is designed to be a shape charge, if you will. The top of this all becomes molten molten metal at a pinpoint with the design of penetrating armor, killing everyone inside of a tank. More ieds here. Roadside bombs. These are simple mines as you go in this direction. This is a launcher for a rocket propelled grenade. And as you see here, this store of rocket propelled grenades. Whats significant is look at the color. The green ones are old soviet legacy. If you look at these gray ones, these are made by north korea, very significant. And in terms of where theyre getting their development, if you look across this cache of weapons, you can see a mortar tube there next to their theres just one mortar bomb laying on the ground actually behind some debris there. Those are made in iran. Michael grover is a former green beret. So, mike, how describe the quality of this weaponry . So from the pictures that i saw from the video that i saw in the reporting, it actually looks like its high quality meaning it was transported in not cash or stored on the ground. So im actually surprised by that. Foreign weapons overseas is very common. I saw it personally in yemen, libya, iraq and afghanistan. But when you see these and the condition of them, it means theres a good solid logistical underground network known as a rat line. And im actually taken aback by that. All right. So they have a foreign weapons supply chain thats running pretty smoothly right into these tunnels. And it does betray the sophistication, at least the training and the dedication of these hamas fighters, that theyre cleaning, the weapons that theyre keeping operational. Do you see that as a threat . Yes, its a massive threat. I think at 2021, you had a hamas leader report that theres over 300 miles underground, a hundred feet under gaza. Thats concern to say the least. But when you look at the condition of the weapons systems, the organization, when i saw the videos of the attack in israel, i monitored those videos for my own channel and i realized, man, this is an organized attack. And what im surprised by is the Intelligence Community not only realizing this attack was going to happen, but not seeing the training that was going on. But its likely that training was going on underground, even the parachuting, because that seems difficult underground. Yes. When i saw that man, it blows my mind. It blows my mind. Its like theres no way theyre doing this. Theyre very creative, but they have the technology and theyre using rudimentary tactics with. I mean, when you take a paragliding, you convert it into a killing machine. Its like, where are they getting their training from . Where are they doing their training and why are we not seeing this . Why our Foreign Service intelligence agencies not identifying this . Maybe maybe it was the first time out of the parachute. They were just hopped up on some of these designer drugs, the jihadi pills and all that took was just one and they were there. Have you ever heard of those pills before . Yeah, its common. Like in many of my combat rotations, i did nine trips overseas. I think every rotation ive seen a terrorist takes some kind of amphetamine to hop themselves up. Its very common when you when you get hop, theres a its a disassociated. You dont feel emotion. Youre a robot and you can see what kind of damage it does. Do american soldiers take anything . Performance enhancement wise to compete against these savages that are all hopped up on jihadi pills . Yeah, its used in a Contingency Effort when were doing Long Duration operations. So when i was a sniper and b to three bravo company, second battalion, Third Special forces group, we used to do Long Range Reconnaissance or sniper stay behinds. And if we were going into extended hours, we had the ability to take an infected man that was approved through the command in an extremist circumstance. But it is not common for you to take those as a normal routine, something a little more intense. A cappuccino. Just a little bit. Just a little bit. A little bit more intense than a black rock coffee. All right, mike, thanks a lot. And thanks for your service. And thanks. Fox news alert. Hamas has released two americans who were held hostage since october 7th. Coanchor of America Reports John Roberts more. Jesse, some good news here in the war against hamas, the two american hostages, judith and natalie ronan, who were at kibbutz nahal oz, where 100 people were massacred back on october the seventh. Were released for, quote, humanitarian reasons by hamas. They are now back in israeli hands and will be reunited with family soon. But the secretary of state, Anthony Blinken, saying that there are still ten americans who remain hostage in gaza, along with some 200 israelis. Blinken calling on hamas to release all of those remaining hostages without condition. But hamas, he knows that it has a very powerful Bargaining Chip because right after the release of the hostages, there was a lot of talk about, well, should israel cease its Bombing Campaign, not just suspend the Ground Operations, but cease its Bombing Campaign so that negotiation can continue to try to release these hostages . And this is the way that hamas works. They dangle a carrot and say, aha, we want to play nice now. We want to negotiate. But blinken said never take what hamas says at face value. Would you take what isis says at face value . Would you take what al qaeda says at face value . You mentioned the three phase operation. We dont know when thats going to underway. A lot of rumors that it was going to happen this weekend. We will see. But israel is determined to work on its own timetable and not let anyone else dictate it. And one of the reasons why Jesse Michael oren, the former israeli ambassador to the United States, put it in a way that people at home can really understand here. Israel is called october 7th. Its 911. 1400 people die. 3000 people died in americas 911. But if it was proportional to the population, the 1400 that died here in israel would be represented by 50,000 deaths on americas 911. Yeah, puts it into perspective. And we dont buy anything that hamas says for humanitarian reasons. Thats garbage. I do want to talk to you about the timetable, because the president , as he was leaving washington, was asked about that. Listen. How would you call the ground operation, get more on the ground . So i dont know if you could hear that, but the reporter said, will israel delay their Ground Invasion until they get the hostages out . And the president said, yes. Well, i mean, he went further than Anthony Blinken did because Andrea Mitchell at the State Department asked blinken that exact same question today. And blinken went into a long answer about why nobody should believe anything that hamas says. Israel i dont know if theyve formulated an exact plan to get the hostages out, but freeing the hostages is part of the ground when it gets underway. And jesse, its looking like a certainty that it will get underway. The only question is, will it be today . Will it be tomorrow or will it be next week . Okay, john, thank you so much. Stay safe. Well, here is a 200,000 check that went right into joe bidens checking account. Fox news is proud to bring you this. Shes a hero moment. Even today, only a quarter of Stem Graduates are women. They go, oh, you dont look like an engineer. There is this preconception. Some things are for boys. But diversity drives innovation. My goal is to really flip the script. Pick something that you love and go for it. 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And now theyre paying it forward. One of the biggest Teachers Unions in the country teamed up with the democrat socialists here in new york to throw a pro hamas rally in midtown manhattan. How does help raise test scores . No one knows. We sent gianni 3 to 3005 three, three, three. Palestine. What are we calling for today . Were calling for a cease fire. Cease fire and palestinian. I will say it to the day i die. Im so serious. This is a cease fire. A cease fire . Where . And palestinian. If we for a cease fire, how are we going to defeat hamas . Three. That is a separate question. Mosque bomb their own hospital. Thats not the truth. The United States is beyond complicit. It is enabling israels of gazans and palestinians. Are you proud to be an american . No. So are you leaving the United States . No. Why do we want to be born on it . Chris rufo is a Manhattan Institute senior fellow. Annie joins me now. Thats kind of strange to see. Palestine. Yeah, its its funny. It would be funny if it werent so tragic. The fact of the matter is that american kthrough12 education and our University System have been captured by radical leftists in the past. This would be the Communist Party Usa or the black Panther Party or an assortment of campus radicals. But unfortunately, this is now mainstream in School Districts and College Campuses all over the country. The Teachers Unions are now going onto this bandwagon and what they want to see is violence abroad, the same kind of violence that they enacted against the United States at home in that summer of 2020. They have the same ideology and the same bloodlust. So youre going to have kids going to school, you know, after 12th grade, and theyre already going to be radicalized. They dont even have to wait to get to college. Yeah, thats right. They want to start the radicalization at the earliest possible stages. Weve seen this with Critical Race Theory and the kind of violence that hamas enacted in gaza. Is the violence that they would love to see here in the United States. Fortunately, we havent seen that in recent years, but its something we should absolutely be prepared for because ignorance plus ideology equals violence. You saw it in those clips you showed. And we need to stop it. All right. And i think some of those people need to be on a watch list that johnny interviewed. Chris, always a pleasure. Thank you. Fox news alert. House oversight has been digging into biden familys personal and business records. And look what they found. Its a check from jimmy the chin, joe bidens brother to biden for 200 grand. Heres what happened. Jimmy shook down a failing american medical company, said he could use his last name to get Big Investments from the middle east. You know, sell in the biden brand. So jimmy promises a Company Money from the middle east gets 200,000 and then sends the 200,000 to his brother joe the same day. Now, the white house says jimmy was just repaying a loan that joe gave him. So joe biden on a Taxpayer Salary his whole life is loaning his brother, 200,000, whos got multiMillion Dollar houses and works in the private sector. Does it make any sense . Theres more where that came from and well keep you updated on monday. Ahead, new details about the death of obamas personal chef ,whether because of discomfort, lack of mobility, your lifestyle or occupation, you sit in actively way too many hours a day that sedentary inactivity is terrible for your health. Its time to add some extra steps to your day. Introducing ulips a premium quality, automatic Seated Exerciser that strengthens legs, increases mobility and boosts circulation without physical strain or impact. Its the easiest exercise youll ever do. Ellipse fits perfectly under my desk and it is so quiet that none of my coworkers even know im using it. Strengthen and tone your legs, increase your Mobility Flexibility and balance. 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Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. And refills cost as little as 2 each. Half of what i pay before i go to harrys. Com slash tv to claim your 5 trial. Well, the race for the speaker of the house is still happening. Fox News National correspondent Bill Milligan has the story. Hey, jesse, will the House Republicans voted via secret ballot today to remove jim jordan as their Speaker Nominee . This is after he failed to win the speakers gavel following three separate house votes. Jordan lost that third vote this morning. He hemorrhaged even more support with even more republicans voting against him this time. Then the first two votes. So House Republicans huddled Behind Closed Doors today to try and figure out a path forward. And after an anonymous vote, they decided to drop jordans nomination. But i felt it was important that we all we all know the message to the question. If they wanted me to continue in that in that role. And so we put the question to them. They made a different decision. And the house has essentially been dead in the water since previous speaker, kevin mccarthy, was removed 17 days ago. Since then, republicans have been unable to find a new leader and democrats are pouncing on all the infighting to month ten of the house. Republican majoritys Chaos Dysfunction and extremism and the Biden White House also piling on, writing in part, quote, House Republicans need end their chaotic infighting in their competitions to out extreme another and instead join President Biden in working on urgent priorities for American Families shared by both parties in congress. So the question who may republicans nominate next . Kevin mccarthy is already endorsing House Majority whip tom emmer, Byron Donalds announce his candidacy, and representative kevin hern says he is planning throw his hat in the ring. But jesse, the kicker here, House Republicans have gone home for the weekend. They are punting this big decision until sometime next week because apparently theres not enough going on in the world. You know what . Im putting your hat in the ring. Bill mulligan for speaker problems. Thanks. Thanks, jesse. Up next, new details about the death of obamas chef. The virus that causes shingles is sleeping in 99 of people over 50. Its lying dormant, waiting and could reactivate shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks and it could wake at any time. Think you are not at risk for shingles. Time to wake up because shingles could wake up. You if youre over 50. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. With empires low prices. Guarantee youll get quality garbett hardwood and laminate at a great price will be any competitive offer. Guarantee schedule. Now behind me, 5882 305 today. 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I dont even know theyre there. You know, ive used other hearing aids before that were bulky. These are light and easy to use. Stop missing out on important conversations are wasting thousands of dollars on expensive Hearing Aids Order now and youll get to see ici recharge, hearing aids and a portable charging case were just 297 or opt in to our easy plan and your order ships free supplies are limited. Dont delay better hearing is just a phone call away. 879 8600 again thats 877 nine 8600. This is a very active front in here. Another explosion there, a huge garage. The troops massed along the border as we watch and wait for the long anticipated operation to begin. This regional conflict is quickly evolving. Stay with fox news for continuing coverage. The family of Natalee Holloway can finally have some closure. Nearly 20 years after the 18 year old was brutally murdered in aruba wednesday in an alabama court. Holloways Duran Vandersloot described how the grisly we lay down together in this hand, start kissing each other, and i start feeling her up again. And she tells me no chance of new me in the when needs me in the. I get up on the beach and i kick her extremely hard and in the face and shes laying down ,unconscious, possibly even even dead, but definitely unconscious. And i see right next to her, theres a theres a huge cinder block laying on the beach. I take this and i smash her head in with it completely. Uh, face basically, you know, collapses in. Even though its dark, i can see her is collapsed in. I decide to take her and, uh, to put her into the ocean. So i grab her and i have a pool and have to walk with her into the ocean. Van der sloot will serve 20 years in prison. Fox news alert. We have new information tonight in the drowning death of obamas personal chef to free campbell. The Massachusetts State Police responded to our foia request and released their report with some redactions to the report. Obama was on the scene shortly after campbell went missing. Report also states an unmanned staffer jumped into the water, went too far. He fell off his board, but it was already too late. He disappeared. We also now know that Secret Service has Surveillance Footage of campbell from obamas compound moments before he entered water. So were going to see if we can get that and we may have that for you. Again, were very, very sorry for it. Too far. His family. That was a serious, serious tragedy. And well have more on monday with, frankly, four fingers. Were not going to want to miss it. Dvr the show and always remember, im waters and this is my world

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