Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

>> i'm pierino, jessie watters and greg gutfeld. >> it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. fox news alert, a brand new photo showing the two american hostages who were released by the hamas terrorists. >> judith and her 18-year-old daughter natalie who were from outside chicago are now with israeli forces and undergoing medical care. >> mike tobin is in southern israel with more. >> mike? >> well, natalie and judith were from livingston, illinois, a release from hamas captivity. >> they're out of the gaza strip. >> they're either at an israeli base in southern israel and i'm headed in that direction where they're scheduled to be reunited with family and some of the family members have been on a special report expressing their hopes to get their loved ones reis. >> the hamas terrorists have brought them into one of the family's house. >> they stayed there, and they get the hamas gathered them with another family and they brought the both of them in there and the eyewitness told them that about 30 minutes later, they handcuffed jude sun natalie and both of the men that were there after murdering one of her brother that was lying dead in the other room. >> we're very anxious to be able to reunite them with their loved ones. >> we share in the relief that their families, friends and loved ones are feeling. >> but there are still ten additional americans who remain unaccounted for in this conflict >> every single one of them should be released. >> natalie and jude -- judith were met at the crossing and were at gaza. >> retired israeli general who was worn born out of retirement by that prime minister benjamin netanyahu and given this very difficult task of securing the release of 198 tasks now believed to be held by hamas and islamist jihad. >> it should be noted that both the u.s. and hamas gave credit to the qataries for striking the deal that secured their release. >> thanks, mike. >> it might complicate israel's ground invasion. >> republican candidate nikki haley warning it could be hamas trying to buy time and delay. >> two prayers have been kansas and we've got 200 more to go. >> that's the first thing i'll say. >> the second thing i'll say to the biden -- biden administration is don't fall for it. >> they're going to throw two hostages throughout to keep israel from going into gaza and two, because they want to see if they can get something out of it. >> okay. >> jessie, i'll start with you, why these two -- they're over 200, as i understand the hostages -- why two americans? why not israelis? i mean, they had a whole group to choose from. >> probably shouldn't say it, but american hostages, in terms of the international landscape, very valuable, especially when we're responsing -- sponsoring israeli assaults through these weapon transfers. >> they're trying drive a little bit of a wedge here. >> i understand the tactic. >> iran is involved, the qataries are kind of tangent nally involved. >> this is the only kind of -- that they have. >> they're begging other arabs to get involved, despite a few miss frildss yemen and this is a way to say, you know what, if you just halt this ground invasion, we'll release the hostages. >> i'm not buying it. >> they could do a drip, drip, drip, and i don't think israel right now is as concerned with returning hostages as they are with decimating hamas. >> so they're going to go in pretty soon examine they're going to go with f-16s and with bulldozers, tanks, drones and the infantry going to go house to house do, to door and it's going to be ugly, and then they're going into the tunnels and they're going to go in with tunnel rats wknives and maybe even flood them and the goal, it looks like, it's to push half the population south into southern gaza and create a northern -- be maybe like a dmz where there's no hamas there -- i guess they kind of have control over the situation. >> maybe you give it like a buffer designation, and i don't know if they're going to have time to do that. >> they say they're going to do this for a year. >> they could have a year, because as this ground assault develops, all of these arabs, who are angry already, are going to be watching al-jazeera and jordan and saudi arabia and lebanon and they're going to see the devastation, and the destruction and it's going to look very bad so they're going to mount mobs against embassies and they're going to scream into the air and it's going to get tense, and so it's -- does the united states and does israel, do they have the focus and the determination to let this ground assault play out, no matter what the pr collateral damage is? >> i've just been advised that president biden has spoken by phone with the family of the two americans who have been released so that is a good thing, but let me go to you, katie, what kind of intelligence do you think we can gather from these two women who have been released? >> well, they certainly know maybe where they were held, but they also could have been blind- folded. >> they were blindfolded into the gaza strip. >> clearly they didn't know where they were and of course, they can talk about how they were treated, which i can't imagine the things that they went through but they're going to need some time, too, to really think about what is going to happen to them and they deserve some space. >> the intelligence will take care of themselves what the israelis know and what the u.s. knows in terms of hostage situation. >> we're grateful for their release, obviously, but it's a very lobar for hamas and they should be given no good will and that goes for qatar as well when it comes to this release. >> the secretary of state mentioned ten americans who are still unaccounted for, 20 americans were killed as a result of this incursion, and hamas is using hostages in the gaza strip as human shields to, as a way to avoid accountability and to avoid accountability for what they've done and what they did and the americans need to push the israelis to do what they have to do to get this job done. >> there is not a lot of time and space for this to happen, and especially if we're going to be sending in aid without any conditions of releasing hostages as well, when their there are photos of hamas using aid from unesco during their assaults in israel. >> so i hope they can be helpful in terms of giving the americans and israel intelligence to free other hostages but given them hundreds of miles of tunnels will be very difficult to use anything maybe that they came up with to find the others. >> you know, jessica, there are -- there are people who are hoare giving hamas credit saying, you know, -- the showing the humanitarian side, but you don't try to obliterate a people and burn people alive, kill children and go when they go to sleep in their own beds and suddenly become humanitarian, do you? >> no, i don't think so, and i think it is important the that people, when they discuss this massacre, continue to reiterate the -- that they gouged their eyes out; that they took grandparents who needed urgent medical care, didn't care. >> raped women, to went a peaceful music festival and did the most gruesome things you could ever imagine, pure barbarism and what they did was something smart and strategic. >> they had to go with americans first because we're the ones that are funding all of this. >> we also know from past president that israelis will trade a lot for hostages. >> they have before traded up to 1,000 people for one israeli to come home. >> now, i think it's important that there are only 15 million on us on the planet right now, 6 million of us were exterminated. >> every life counts but you better believe the terrorists know that netanyahu thinks about it. >> that's not how joe biden necessarily thinks about. >> that's a different kind of game. >> what he said last night, we have to hold iran accountable. >> we know that they're watching him. >> i want to repeat something from yesterday that general pat ryan, the spokesman at the pentagon said that's really important, you have to trust us that we know more than do you and it's very clear two hostages are out today. >> hopefully it will increase on a daily basis that we get more and more out and we can continue to squeeze them in and they are so afraid that what's coming coming that they let all these 200 people out but people need to have more confidence in the american government and the israeli government that they know what we know, and to et make sure -- >>. >> what we saw, i think it's yesterday -- >> is see ninety-two it's what you generally see any kind of leader talking to the forces before going to war and then all of a sudden, there was a lull today because of the negotiations. >> when do they go in now? >> i don't know. >> i'm no expert on military but i do know had media pretty well and at the will report used the hostage release to say isn't this a moment for a pause? ie, cease fire, which, again, we can all pretty were agree is part of the hamas plan; they hold the cards. >> they have 200 hostages so they may be doing this as part of a pr crusade to put off a ground invasion. >> we're not really that bad after all. >> we didn't really kill as many people as think and they're hoping that our media will treat it as such. >> the media, as we've seen this week, are really good at being used, and this is the problem and the challenge of the microcoverage of this war. >> hamas exploits it. >> they know that we react to every single thing they could and you have to be aware that they have an ulterior motive because they know that which is why it's important that it's important for and us as americans and these viewers who step back and say, maybe the threat is exaggerated, they just released hostages. >> this is their strategy; this is their tragedy. >> it's good to be hopeful but do not be naive. this moment by moment coverage requires an on-going commentary that is at the mercy of confusion. >> nobody knows anything and you're right -- it's what we don't know that matters, right so i think pull back and who is going stewed what?ck and who is israeli -- israel has decided their course. >> the release of these hostages is good but then anticipate something bad because that's war -- you may think it's a humanitarian gesture; i don't think so. >> okay. >> we're following the breaking news -- >> coming up, the squad is rage against israel and joe biden again. >> the radical lawmakers are spewing more hatred and demanding a cease fire. 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[ cheering and applause ] >> most of america is not with the people that don't escalate and don't facility -- facilitate a cease fire but you're not obviously talking to these americans. >> how many more killings is enough for you? is 1,000 more 2,,000 -- how many of the palestinians would make you happy if they die? >> they're getting grilled by hillary vaughn over why she isn't isn't calling for a cease fire between israel and hamas [ [un discernible] >> do you think israel should just lay down their arms and not trade the hostages -- how can israel have a cease fire with terrorists whose entire mission is to wipe out -- >> how can they have a cease fire if they're trying to wipe out -- >> so jessica, phillips saying that israel ceases and whatever terrorist groups of the day just keeps firing. >> you see that hamas has not stopped firing rockets and they have not been coming in from the north, from lebanon into israel, so they're calling for a cease fire when the people who started this whole thing aren't even putting their arms down. >> right. >> it was a very quick moment of silence for their -- on their behalf for the massacre and within 24 hours or so it was moved to this, and like i just said fyou were not leading your argument or whatever, however you're speaking about this, with who committed this atrocity, who started this? this isn't about litigating settlements in the west bank or going back to 1967 lines. >> it's terrorism. >> it's really interesting to see, so this cease fire proposal out of congress had 13 signature tore ease, and then you look -- signaturetories. >> elizabeth warren, people, very far and progressive left who are not touching wit a ten- foot pole. >> they want to make sure that humanitarian aid gets into gaza. >> they're not calling for a cease fire. >> no one showed up on september 12th and told us, why don't you guys all get back in bed and right, we don't have to talk about what happens next? it's infuriating -- the democratic leadership, honestly, i don't let it's some sort of dereliction duty. >> i think they're just annoyed and this is just such a side show. >> biden speaks for us. >> this is -- not worth our time. >> so jessie, you can argue appear series of cease fires have led to what happened for october 7th, this idea that you can do a cease fire, which is not a treaty or a peace agreement and you can just manage this group that says they want to kill all the jews on the planet, but really they don't mean it that much. >> a cease fire is not a terror effective strategy it and might sound good to the anti-semitic wing but you can't win the war on terror with cease fires, and -- and they know that. >> they're just appealing to the fringe and they took direct threats at their president. >> they said they're not going to vote for the top of the ticket. >> they named swing states. >> they named pennsylvania. >> they named georgia. >> they named michigan. >> you say it's a side show. >> this is a loud side show and this side show could have legs, jessica. >> these are people who are appealing to a younger demographic that brought out of the wood work. >> these are not small gatherings. >> this was not a small gathering, the ones -- johnny -- they're gathering downtown right now and you're underestimating the visceral hatred that they're tapping into right here and omar seems angry at jiish people more than she's angry at hamas, and they have to understand that hamas brought the suffering upon the palestinian people. >> the jewish people did not, so this is going to be a big problem for joe biden electorally and it's going to be a big problem for the democrats in terms of their brand. >>. >> so, greg, i think we need 1,000 joan rivers' response for this type of thing when they call her a cease fire. >> it's bad because omar, what happened to loving your brother, you know. >> at this point, why are we covering them? jessica is partly right in that they hold no sway over the party but they do hold sway over us, you know, because they're interesting. >> you know, they drive your emotions, but i think why are we giving these wrong-headed nut cakes the us a general. >> let them fill in the hours at msnbc. >> the squad is their only viewers and soon to be hosts. >> if inn fact, if i was msnbc -- i think there are five -- there are five in the squad -- there's one dude. >> call the squad and the motto is it's the five without brains, cause it's another problem with this moment by moment coverage is having a comment on the vomit that comes out of their mouths. >> may we pull out from these chuckle heads, too.. we've got enough hate bubbling out from hamas in the streets and these freaks -- they don't deserve our time, as you said, but we do, to your point, jesse we do need to look at our culture. >> we need to step back and realize that this isn't really about their influence on the party; it's about their influence on a younger generation who have lost the ability to love this country, maybe never did. >> jessica, twice the show -- >> i think omar actually had a heart attack. >> i'll let you know if there are anymore. >> judge just to go back to the smear that the squad has per purpose -- perpetuated to -- from their own rockets from islamic jihad and hamas has fired rockets every single day and nobody is freaking out about that being a war crime. >> you know, the thing about this that is very disturbing and should be disturbing to everyone who has got at least half a brain is that it is already the idea that israel threw the rocket, or the missile into that hospital has been debunked. >> we've got vish bull and audio and communications between hamas leaders -- it clearly was not israel and the squad calling for a seas fire and -- cease fire and continuing to rail against israel, to me, makes them accomplice wit hamas. >> israel has the -- with hamas. >> israel has the right to defense herself. >> israel was attacked and children went to sleep in their own beds and became victims of unspeakable tr torture and abuse and violence and massacre. >> it was palestinian who voted hamas into power in 2007 when israel said we're done, you can have gaza, and they voted for huh place and hamas charter is to massacre all the jews. >> all right. >> let's stop playing, you know, pussy foot around here. >> they can talk about anything around now. >> how many more do you want to die? well maybe you ought to start with the fact that the israelis were living a peaceful existence there, allowing 20,000 palestinians to come through their border every day to work and make a living and go back to gaza that the israelis are the ones that are providing water and electricity when gaza could have been, as they said, the singapore of the middle east on the mediterranean, but hamas prevented it, and as the world now bloomberg,, too is like israel, be careful, slow down, hogwash! >> they lost lives. >> they've got hostages. >> israel knows what they're doing. >> let them fight. >> they have a right to fight. >> they have a having right to defend themselves and as my friend says, it's not 67; it's not 73. >> this is everything to do with the existence of israel as a nation state. >> indeed. >> up next, president biden's speech on israel falls completely flat as tensions rise around the world. i've started thinking about getting botox® cosmetic >> my name el 3w4r57 hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight. >> president biden's big speech on the wars in israel and ukraine missing the mark. >> the president getting slammed with a mostly meandering address and trying to link the two conflicts together. >> funny to share while making israel and ukraine succeed is vital to american's history. >> history has taught us when -- terrorists don't pay -- terrorists don't pay a price for their aggression, it causes more chaos and death. >> iran is a -- supporting russia and -- in ukraine and supporting hamas and other terrorist groups in the region that will continue -- we'll continue to hold them accountable, i will might add. >> we cannot and will not let terrorists like hamas and the putin win. >> i refuse to win that -- let that happen. >> biden's speech did not do well -- rockets based in iraq where american troops were and a new report says this, quote, never before weave have we talked to so many private officials who in private are so worried about so many overseas conflicts at once. >> biden, however, earning high prize from his former chief of staff -- >> thank god joe biden is our president, not donald trump. >> i thought what you saw was a savvy and experienced president navigate something very difficult territory, doing some of it that was pursuasive and effective. >> okay, judge judy -- >> you want to come to me first -- >> do you think he was effective in communicating why the american people should get behind him in this project? >> no. >> first of all, i wanted to hear more about the hostages. >> i wanted to hear more about the fact that americans are -- were killed in israel. >> i didn't to want hear about ukraine. >> i especially didn't to want hear about ukraine given the fact that we've given them 200 million a week ago and the 200 billion he's promoting 16 billion is for ukraine and 14 billion is for israel. >> you know, it was like -- he did exactly what what i didn't want him to do. >> yesterday i said, i don't want him leveraging israel to give more money to ukraine and that's exactly what he did and i said, i wanted america respected at the end of that speech. >> i wanted the world to understand they were going to deal with america. >> the guy is just -- i mean, vis wall -- visceralee you look at him and you're not afraid of him. >> he's an example of how we don't have any power. >> let me tell you something, when he tells israel to restrain herself and not be blinded by rage after what they did to the innocent jews and israelis? how can he possibly say that? and he says he's going to punish iran is going a pay a price? you want to talk about money -- how about you cut off the funding. >> iran claimed -- how can you even think that we're better off with joe biden -- you've lost it, okay. >> donald trump gave us the abraham accords. >> donald trump sanctioned, he enforced the sanctions against iran. >> donald trump pulled outside of the iran nuclear deal when obama was sending love letters to them saying we can work on this thing together, and there were no beheadings when trump was president, and the caliphate was destroyed when he was president. >> so i'm -- we're in the middle two of wars right now, on the verge of a third. >> we've got one and a half million got aways and we've got all kinds of foreign nationals and we've got kind of a clueless guy talking about indo pacific and comparing ukraine to israel. >> here is the difference. >> russia wants ukraine. >> the arab world, hamas wants to not just the land of israel, they want ooh kill every jew inside. >> that's the difference. >> he ought to understand. >> i think i had forgot ben the obama love letters -- were these love letters to men? >> to -- >> no -- >> remember that? >> there is something off putting about using a horrible event as part of a package deal, right? i mean, imagine after 9-11 saying, we also need to fund a conflict in iraq -- oh, wait. >> but the -- the attack on october 7th should stand alone, and i think he -- it was like he took something new and ugly and married it to something that's been around, like in a -- an arranged marriage between a scared teen and an old rich dude. >> so if you get to age ukraine, then you must be anti-israel. >> i think that's why we can't have nice things -- i don't know. >> this is the opposite of clarity. >> it should have been about the here and now. >> it should have been about october 7th, not a dragged out war, which somehow our interests -- mysteriously vanished from our mental shelf space over a year ago. >> i mean, do we -- the ukraine war is such an interesting war because how much do we hear about it anyway? we don't -- we'll hear about it when one thing happens and it's not even a consistent some, it's like where did it go? >> we'll only hear about it when they ask for more money. >> do you think that ron clain was accurate when he said this was a savvy presidential address? >> i'd like to quote et illustrious brit -- >> thank you, jessica. >> you're very welcome. >> this will be remembered as one of the best, if not the best speeches of this presidency. >> he was firm, he was unequivocal and he was strong. >> now, how you felt about it definitely depends on where you stand right now in terms of the ukraine funding, and this is something that is splitting republicans in congress, who think that this can't be a blank check forever. >> but there is something to be said for what president biden was doing in defining his strategy writ large versus just talking about israel on its own. >> he didn't use the phrase access of evil but he did define a new access of evil, russia, hamas, and china, israel israel, ukraine and taiwan, something that we talk about all the time -- they're not incurred upon, taken over, more massacres, et cetera. >> the love letter front, kim jong un, i believe got the sweetest of love letters from donald trump and bier, who died from on donald trump's watch, seeking mercy for their son, took him off life support so please don't give me this that everything is all hunky-dory -- >> donald trump brought him home. >> he's bed. >> any who, i think that it is really important that he -- and i think it was a major sticking point and we're going to talk about it the next block. >> not only did he talk about anti-cem titsim and islamaphobia and greg said we need to live 2349 present and i agree. >> we've got to start with every conversation, this is what hamas did to israel. >> we've made tremendous mistakes at home. >> we put cops in mosques and surveilled these people. >> we did racial profiling up the wazoo and treated the moderate moslim population in this country as if they were all about to be arrested for a crime that they did not commit. >> and i don't want a repeat of that. >> there is a six-year-old palestinian-year-old boy who was murdered because of islamaphobia in this country and much -- he's the president for all americans and that includes the muslim population. >> the comparison, though, between right crazy and left crazy as bit weird. >> you're crazy -- your crazy is based on structures of contact deem yeah, medical establishments now, enter entertainment media, not this one bag who should get the death penalty for killing a muslim child as crazy person but he's not on the columbian faculty 55. >> he's not a politician, part of the squad. >> he's just a crazed nut bag who should be killed. >> i agree, and also with respect to the two sizing things that we're now seeing, i don't see thousands of people in the streets, chanting kill all the muss lijds. >> -- muslims. >> i do see them chanting kill all the jews that death to america. >> i want to say one thing that caught my attention during biden's speech, which was so ridiculous and infuriating at a time that we're in when he brought up the two-state solution -- >> yeah. >> the delusional ivory tower idea about the two-state solution with who? with hamas and gaza? with the palestinian authority who released a call to the immans in the west bank today to talk about killing jews in their sermons or should it be islamic jihad who is trying to fight a civil war with the palestinian authority because they're too moderate, they're jew hatred and anti-israel is too moderate. >> it's an academic idea that's been floated for far too long. >> it should be dead in the water because israel clearly cannot be neighbors with any of these people who are in the streets celebrating what happened on october 7th, and they celebrated after 9/11 as well. >> let's not forget that. >> this idea that he just threw in theseth two-state solution at a time when israel hasn't even invaded gaza to avenge what has been done was just a distraction, and it's not helpful in fighting the evil that continues, not just in the middle east but that we're seeing pop up on college campuses all over the country. >> thank you, kate. next, more on biden getting slammed for ignoring the pro hamas hating rampid on college campuses next >> -- accusing president biden of trying to have it both ways. >> the president talking about anti-semitism and islamaphobia but not addressing the -- >> here at home we have to be honest with ourselves. >> too much hate has given too much us a jex -- oxygen, raising anti-semitism and islamaphobia right here in america. >> so katie, obviously anti-semitism was a huge theme of his speech last night -- do you think it had to be -- this is what's going on with college campuses or it's not enough to talk about anti-semitism, which is what is the problem, right? >> anti-semitism is that these people on college campuses have married themselves to promoting terrorism -- terrorism and anti-western ideology that has spilled over into a number of places in the country. >> i'm glad to see finally that with this issue, a lot of corporations and ceos aresation, your little project and you're screaming about how it's okay to kill babies in their crib for your freedom fighter agenda is not appropriate for the real world? it needs to stay in the balance of the college -- bounds of the college campus. >> i don't when the left lectures america about things they are not doing. >> they're not an islamaphobic country. >> we've let in millions of refugees over the past two decades as we've fought the war on terror so it would have been nicer for him to focus on the real issue here and his refusal to address it directly is why this has been a problem inside the democratic party and why it's in college campuses all over the country. >> do you think that, jessica, a conversation? >> he's such a ridiculous co-host. >> he's making all kinds of faces -- >> i'm ready to explode. >> look at him. >> talk to me, talk ooh me. >> you can't mention the pro dentures because they don't look like white supremacists, right? they don't look like the acceptable races? that's why he couldn't do it and then he makes those four words, the four words that makes me sick right here in america -- this is not what this is about. >> the only hate comes when you divide a country and he can't stop doing it. >> it steaks the last person to lecture anybody on hate. >> if he could, and he, would he would have blamed this whole thing on trump supporters, which is why he couldn't talk about the protest -- protestors, not a white soul in there. >> what i was going to say -- was that he spent more time talking about hate crimes last night than he's talked about real crime in three years. >> he wants to fight hate crime much harder than he wants to fight actual crime. >> and actual hate crimes are less than 1% -- >> the real ones -- if they're real. >> the what happens demrins. >> they want to talk about hate crimes because they're concerned about what inspires the criminal well, instead, they should be focusing, as the judge says, the victim, and joe biden doesn't care about the victims. >> he just wants to sound like an academic. >> take us home -- >> joe biden, you know, is clueless. >> he's clueless when it comes to making sure that there are consequences to anything, whether it's consequences to crime, consequences to iran, consequences to people on the left who are basically calling for, you know, the hamas and the palestinian side, as opposed to the side of the victim and it's -- we're in a hell of a mess. >> that's all i have to say. >> i just throw my hands up and say this is just a mess. >> i missed last week, this was a strong speech. >> now we're back to usual. >> up next, the speaker mess is getting worse and jim jordan drops his bid for the gavel. >> n because there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. now they're focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

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>> i'm pierino, jessie watters and greg gutfeld. >> it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. fox news alert, a brand new photo showing the two american hostages who were released by the hamas terrorists. >> judith and her 18-year-old daughter natalie who were from outside chicago are now with israeli forces and undergoing medical care. >> mike tobin is in southern israel with more. >> mike? >> well, natalie and judith were from livingston, illinois, a release from hamas captivity. >> they're out of the gaza strip. >> they're either at an israeli base in southern israel and i'm headed in that direction where they're scheduled to be reunited with family and some of the family members have been on a special report expressing their hopes to get their loved ones reis. >> the hamas terrorists have brought them into one of the family's house. >> they stayed there, and they get the hamas gathered them with another family and they brought the both of them in there and the eyewitness told them that about 30 minutes later, they handcuffed jude sun natalie and both of the men that were there after murdering one of her brother that was lying dead in the other room. >> we're very anxious to be able to reunite them with their loved ones. >> we share in the relief that their families, friends and loved ones are feeling. >> but there are still ten additional americans who remain unaccounted for in this conflict >> every single one of them should be released. >> natalie and jude -- judith were met at the crossing and were at gaza. >> retired israeli general who was worn born out of retirement by that prime minister benjamin netanyahu and given this very difficult task of securing the release of 198 tasks now believed to be held by hamas and islamist jihad. >> it should be noted that both the u.s. and hamas gave credit to the qataries for striking the deal that secured their release. >> thanks, mike. >> it might complicate israel's ground invasion. >> republican candidate nikki haley warning it could be hamas trying to buy time and delay. >> two prayers have been kansas and we've got 200 more to go. >> that's the first thing i'll say. >> the second thing i'll say to the biden -- biden administration is don't fall for it. >> they're going to throw two hostages throughout to keep israel from going into gaza and two, because they want to see if they can get something out of it. >> okay. >> jessie, i'll start with you, why these two -- they're over 200, as i understand the hostages -- why two americans? why not israelis? i mean, they had a whole group to choose from. >> probably shouldn't say it, but american hostages, in terms of the international landscape, very valuable, especially when we're responsing -- sponsoring israeli assaults through these weapon transfers. >> they're trying drive a little bit of a wedge here. >> i understand the tactic. >> iran is involved, the qataries are kind of tangent nally involved. >> this is the only kind of -- that they have. >> they're begging other arabs to get involved, despite a few miss frildss yemen and this is a way to say, you know what, if you just halt this ground invasion, we'll release the hostages. >> i'm not buying it. >> they could do a drip, drip, drip, and i don't think israel right now is as concerned with returning hostages as they are with decimating hamas. >> so they're going to go in pretty soon examine they're going to go with f-16s and with bulldozers, tanks, drones and the infantry going to go house to house do, to door and it's going to be ugly, and then they're going into the tunnels and they're going to go in with tunnel rats wknives and maybe even flood them and the goal, it looks like, it's to push half the population south into southern gaza and create a northern -- be maybe like a dmz where there's no hamas there -- i guess they kind of have control over the situation. >> maybe you give it like a buffer designation, and i don't know if they're going to have time to do that. >> they say they're going to do this for a year. >> they could have a year, because as this ground assault develops, all of these arabs, who are angry already, are going to be watching al-jazeera and jordan and saudi arabia and lebanon and they're going to see the devastation, and the destruction and it's going to look very bad so they're going to mount mobs against embassies and they're going to scream into the air and it's going to get tense, and so it's -- does the united states and does israel, do they have the focus and the determination to let this ground assault play out, no matter what the pr collateral damage is? >> i've just been advised that president biden has spoken by phone with the family of the two americans who have been released so that is a good thing, but let me go to you, katie, what kind of intelligence do you think we can gather from these two women who have been released? >> well, they certainly know maybe where they were held, but they also could have been blind- folded. >> they were blindfolded into the gaza strip. >> clearly they didn't know where they were and of course, they can talk about how they were treated, which i can't imagine the things that they went through but they're going to need some time, too, to really think about what is going to happen to them and they deserve some space. >> the intelligence will take care of themselves what the israelis know and what the u.s. knows in terms of hostage situation. >> we're grateful for their release, obviously, but it's a very lobar for hamas and they should be given no good will and that goes for qatar as well when it comes to this release. >> the secretary of state mentioned ten americans who are still unaccounted for, 20 americans were killed as a result of this incursion, and hamas is using hostages in the gaza strip as human shields to, as a way to avoid accountability and to avoid accountability for what they've done and what they did and the americans need to push the israelis to do what they have to do to get this job done. >> there is not a lot of time and space for this to happen, and especially if we're going to be sending in aid without any conditions of releasing hostages as well, when their there are photos of hamas using aid from unesco during their assaults in israel. >> so i hope they can be helpful in terms of giving the americans and israel intelligence to free other hostages but given them hundreds of miles of tunnels will be very difficult to use anything maybe that they came up with to find the others. >> you know, jessica, there are -- there are people who are hoare giving hamas credit saying, you know, -- the showing the humanitarian side, but you don't try to obliterate a people and burn people alive, kill children and go when they go to sleep in their own beds and suddenly become humanitarian, do you? >> no, i don't think so, and i think it is important the that people, when they discuss this massacre, continue to reiterate the -- that they gouged their eyes out; that they took grandparents who needed urgent medical care, didn't care. >> raped women, to went a peaceful music festival and did the most gruesome things you could ever imagine, pure barbarism and what they did was something smart and strategic. >> they had to go with americans first because we're the ones that are funding all of this. >> we also know from past president that israelis will trade a lot for hostages. >> they have before traded up to 1,000 people for one israeli to come home. >> now, i think it's important that there are only 15 million on us on the planet right now, 6 million of us were exterminated. >> every life counts but you better believe the terrorists know that netanyahu thinks about it. >> that's not how joe biden necessarily thinks about. >> that's a different kind of game. >> what he said last night, we have to hold iran accountable. >> we know that they're watching him. >> i want to repeat something from yesterday that general pat ryan, the spokesman at the pentagon said that's really important, you have to trust us that we know more than do you and it's very clear two hostages are out today. >> hopefully it will increase on a daily basis that we get more and more out and we can continue to squeeze them in and they are so afraid that what's coming coming that they let all these 200 people out but people need to have more confidence in the american government and the israeli government that they know what we know, and to et make sure -- >>. >> what we saw, i think it's yesterday -- >> is see ninety-two it's what you generally see any kind of leader talking to the forces before going to war and then all of a sudden, there was a lull today because of the negotiations. >> when do they go in now? >> i don't know. >> i'm no expert on military but i do know had media pretty well and at the will report used the hostage release to say isn't this a moment for a pause? ie, cease fire, which, again, we can all pretty were agree is part of the hamas plan; they hold the cards. >> they have 200 hostages so they may be doing this as part of a pr crusade to put off a ground invasion. >> we're not really that bad after all. >> we didn't really kill as many people as think and they're hoping that our media will treat it as such. >> the media, as we've seen this week, are really good at being used, and this is the problem and the challenge of the microcoverage of this war. >> hamas exploits it. >> they know that we react to every single thing they could and you have to be aware that they have an ulterior motive because they know that which is why it's important that it's important for and us as americans and these viewers who step back and say, maybe the threat is exaggerated, they just released hostages. >> this is their strategy; this is their tragedy. >> it's good to be hopeful but do not be naive. this moment by moment coverage requires an on-going commentary that is at the mercy of confusion. >> nobody knows anything and you're right -- it's what we don't know that matters, right so i think pull back and who is going stewed what?ck and who is israeli -- israel has decided their course. >> the release of these hostages is good but then anticipate something bad because that's war -- you may think it's a humanitarian gesture; i don't think so. >> okay. >> we're following the breaking news -- >> coming up, the squad is rage against israel and joe biden again. >> the radical lawmakers are spewing more hatred and demanding a cease fire. "take a . a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ >> biden talks good game but they >> and the -- quad democrats are agitated again over israel. >> they had a big week of calling for cease fires and spreading hamas propoganda that blamed the jewish state for the hospital explosion. >> had they were back in the rally backing hamas, and bashing joe biden. >> calling on congress for more bombs and more weapons -- [ crowd booing] >> which we know will only lead to more violence and more death and more atrocity and absolutely not -- absolutely not -- most america is not with you, mr. president. [ cheering and applause ] >> most of america is not with the people that don't escalate and don't facility -- facilitate a cease fire but you're not obviously talking to these americans. >> how many more killings is enough for you? is 1,000 more 2,,000 -- how many of the palestinians would make you happy if they die? >> they're getting grilled by hillary vaughn over why she isn't isn't calling for a cease fire between israel and hamas [ [un discernible] >> do you think israel should just lay down their arms and not trade the hostages -- how can israel have a cease fire with terrorists whose entire mission is to wipe out -- >> how can they have a cease fire if they're trying to wipe out -- >> so jessica, phillips saying that israel ceases and whatever terrorist groups of the day just keeps firing. >> you see that hamas has not stopped firing rockets and they have not been coming in from the north, from lebanon into israel, so they're calling for a cease fire when the people who started this whole thing aren't even putting their arms down. >> right. >> it was a very quick moment of silence for their -- on their behalf for the massacre and within 24 hours or so it was moved to this, and like i just said fyou were not leading your argument or whatever, however you're speaking about this, with who committed this atrocity, who started this? this isn't about litigating settlements in the west bank or going back to 1967 lines. >> it's terrorism. >> it's really interesting to see, so this cease fire proposal out of congress had 13 signature tore ease, and then you look -- signaturetories. >> elizabeth warren, people, very far and progressive left who are not touching wit a ten- foot pole. >> they want to make sure that humanitarian aid gets into gaza. >> they're not calling for a cease fire. >> no one showed up on september 12th and told us, why don't you guys all get back in bed and right, we don't have to talk about what happens next? it's infuriating -- the democratic leadership, honestly, i don't let it's some sort of dereliction duty. >> i think they're just annoyed and this is just such a side show. >> biden speaks for us. >> this is -- not worth our time. >> so jessie, you can argue appear series of cease fires have led to what happened for october 7th, this idea that you can do a cease fire, which is not a treaty or a peace agreement and you can just manage this group that says they want to kill all the jews on the planet, but really they don't mean it that much. >> a cease fire is not a terror effective strategy it and might sound good to the anti-semitic wing but you can't win the war on terror with cease fires, and -- and they know that. >> they're just appealing to the fringe and they took direct threats at their president. >> they said they're not going to vote for the top of the ticket. >> they named swing states. >> they named pennsylvania. >> they named georgia. >> they named michigan. >> you say it's a side show. >> this is a loud side show and this side show could have legs, jessica. >> these are people who are appealing to a younger demographic that brought out of the wood work. >> these are not small gatherings. >> this was not a small gathering, the ones -- johnny -- they're gathering downtown right now and you're underestimating the visceral hatred that they're tapping into right here and omar seems angry at jiish people more than she's angry at hamas, and they have to understand that hamas brought the suffering upon the palestinian people. >> the jewish people did not, so this is going to be a big problem for joe biden electorally and it's going to be a big problem for the democrats in terms of their brand. >>. >> so, greg, i think we need 1,000 joan rivers' response for this type of thing when they call her a cease fire. >> it's bad because omar, what happened to loving your brother, you know. >> at this point, why are we covering them? jessica is partly right in that they hold no sway over the party but they do hold sway over us, you know, because they're interesting. >> you know, they drive your emotions, but i think why are we giving these wrong-headed nut cakes the us a general. >> let them fill in the hours at msnbc. >> the squad is their only viewers and soon to be hosts. >> if inn fact, if i was msnbc -- i think there are five -- there are five in the squad -- there's one dude. >> call the squad and the motto is it's the five without brains, cause it's another problem with this moment by moment coverage is having a comment on the vomit that comes out of their mouths. >> may we pull out from these chuckle heads, too.. we've got enough hate bubbling out from hamas in the streets and these freaks -- they don't deserve our time, as you said, but we do, to your point, jesse we do need to look at our culture. >> we need to step back and realize that this isn't really about their influence on the party; it's about their influence on a younger generation who have lost the ability to love this country, maybe never did. >> jessica, twice the show -- >> i think omar actually had a heart attack. >> i'll let you know if there are anymore. >> judge just to go back to the smear that the squad has per purpose -- perpetuated to -- from their own rockets from islamic jihad and hamas has fired rockets every single day and nobody is freaking out about that being a war crime. >> you know, the thing about this that is very disturbing and should be disturbing to everyone who has got at least half a brain is that it is already the idea that israel threw the rocket, or the missile into that hospital has been debunked. >> we've got vish bull and audio and communications between hamas leaders -- it clearly was not israel and the squad calling for a seas fire and -- cease fire and continuing to rail against israel, to me, makes them accomplice wit hamas. >> israel has the -- with hamas. >> israel has the right to defense herself. >> israel was attacked and children went to sleep in their own beds and became victims of unspeakable tr torture and abuse and violence and massacre. >> it was palestinian who voted hamas into power in 2007 when israel said we're done, you can have gaza, and they voted for huh place and hamas charter is to massacre all the jews. >> all right. >> let's stop playing, you know, pussy foot around here. >> they can talk about anything around now. >> how many more do you want to die? well maybe you ought to start with the fact that the israelis were living a peaceful existence there, allowing 20,000 palestinians to come through their border every day to work and make a living and go back to gaza that the israelis are the ones that are providing water and electricity when gaza could have been, as they said, the singapore of the middle east on the mediterranean, but hamas prevented it, and as the world now bloomberg,, too is like israel, be careful, slow down, hogwash! >> they lost lives. >> they've got hostages. >> israel knows what they're doing. >> let them fight. >> they have a right to fight. >> they have a having right to defend themselves and as my friend says, it's not 67; it's not 73. >> this is everything to do with the existence of israel as a nation state. >> indeed. >> up next, president biden's speech on israel falls completely flat as tensions rise around the world. i've started thinking about getting botox® cosmetic >> my name el 3w4r57 hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight. >> president biden's big speech on the wars in israel and ukraine missing the mark. >> the president getting slammed with a mostly meandering address and trying to link the two conflicts together. >> funny to share while making israel and ukraine succeed is vital to american's history. >> history has taught us when -- terrorists don't pay -- terrorists don't pay a price for their aggression, it causes more chaos and death. >> iran is a -- supporting russia and -- in ukraine and supporting hamas and other terrorist groups in the region that will continue -- we'll continue to hold them accountable, i will might add. >> we cannot and will not let terrorists like hamas and the putin win. >> i refuse to win that -- let that happen. >> biden's speech did not do well -- rockets based in iraq where american troops were and a new report says this, quote, never before weave have we talked to so many private officials who in private are so worried about so many overseas conflicts at once. >> biden, however, earning high prize from his former chief of staff -- >> thank god joe biden is our president, not donald trump. >> i thought what you saw was a savvy and experienced president navigate something very difficult territory, doing some of it that was pursuasive and effective. >> okay, judge judy -- >> you want to come to me first -- >> do you think he was effective in communicating why the american people should get behind him in this project? >> no. >> first of all, i wanted to hear more about the hostages. >> i wanted to hear more about the fact that americans are -- were killed in israel. >> i didn't to want hear about ukraine. >> i especially didn't to want hear about ukraine given the fact that we've given them 200 million a week ago and the 200 billion he's promoting 16 billion is for ukraine and 14 billion is for israel. >> you know, it was like -- he did exactly what what i didn't want him to do. >> yesterday i said, i don't want him leveraging israel to give more money to ukraine and that's exactly what he did and i said, i wanted america respected at the end of that speech. >> i wanted the world to understand they were going to deal with america. >> the guy is just -- i mean, vis wall -- visceralee you look at him and you're not afraid of him. >> he's an example of how we don't have any power. >> let me tell you something, when he tells israel to restrain herself and not be blinded by rage after what they did to the innocent jews and israelis? how can he possibly say that? and he says he's going to punish iran is going a pay a price? you want to talk about money -- how about you cut off the funding. >> iran claimed -- how can you even think that we're better off with joe biden -- you've lost it, okay. >> donald trump gave us the abraham accords. >> donald trump sanctioned, he enforced the sanctions against iran. >> donald trump pulled outside of the iran nuclear deal when obama was sending love letters to them saying we can work on this thing together, and there were no beheadings when trump was president, and the caliphate was destroyed when he was president. >> so i'm -- we're in the middle two of wars right now, on the verge of a third. >> we've got one and a half million got aways and we've got all kinds of foreign nationals and we've got kind of a clueless guy talking about indo pacific and comparing ukraine to israel. >> here is the difference. >> russia wants ukraine. >> the arab world, hamas wants to not just the land of israel, they want ooh kill every jew inside. >> that's the difference. >> he ought to understand. >> i think i had forgot ben the obama love letters -- were these love letters to men? >> to -- >> no -- >> remember that? >> there is something off putting about using a horrible event as part of a package deal, right? i mean, imagine after 9-11 saying, we also need to fund a conflict in iraq -- oh, wait. >> but the -- the attack on october 7th should stand alone, and i think he -- it was like he took something new and ugly and married it to something that's been around, like in a -- an arranged marriage between a scared teen and an old rich dude. >> so if you get to age ukraine, then you must be anti-israel. >> i think that's why we can't have nice things -- i don't know. >> this is the opposite of clarity. >> it should have been about the here and now. >> it should have been about october 7th, not a dragged out war, which somehow our interests -- mysteriously vanished from our mental shelf space over a year ago. >> i mean, do we -- the ukraine war is such an interesting war because how much do we hear about it anyway? we don't -- we'll hear about it when one thing happens and it's not even a consistent some, it's like where did it go? >> we'll only hear about it when they ask for more money. >> do you think that ron clain was accurate when he said this was a savvy presidential address? >> i'd like to quote et illustrious brit -- >> thank you, jessica. >> you're very welcome. >> this will be remembered as one of the best, if not the best speeches of this presidency. >> he was firm, he was unequivocal and he was strong. >> now, how you felt about it definitely depends on where you stand right now in terms of the ukraine funding, and this is something that is splitting republicans in congress, who think that this can't be a blank check forever. >> but there is something to be said for what president biden was doing in defining his strategy writ large versus just talking about israel on its own. >> he didn't use the phrase access of evil but he did define a new access of evil, russia, hamas, and china, israel israel, ukraine and taiwan, something that we talk about all the time -- they're not incurred upon, taken over, more massacres, et cetera. >> the love letter front, kim jong un, i believe got the sweetest of love letters from donald trump and bier, who died from on donald trump's watch, seeking mercy for their son, took him off life support so please don't give me this that everything is all hunky-dory -- >> donald trump brought him home. >> he's bed. >> any who, i think that it is really important that he -- and i think it was a major sticking point and we're going to talk about it the next block. >> not only did he talk about anti-cem titsim and islamaphobia and greg said we need to live 2349 present and i agree. >> we've got to start with every conversation, this is what hamas did to israel. >> we've made tremendous mistakes at home. >> we put cops in mosques and surveilled these people. >> we did racial profiling up the wazoo and treated the moderate moslim population in this country as if they were all about to be arrested for a crime that they did not commit. >> and i don't want a repeat of that. >> there is a six-year-old palestinian-year-old boy who was murdered because of islamaphobia in this country and much -- he's the president for all americans and that includes the muslim population. >> the comparison, though, between right crazy and left crazy as bit weird. >> you're crazy -- your crazy is based on structures of contact deem yeah, medical establishments now, enter entertainment media, not this one bag who should get the death penalty for killing a muslim child as crazy person but he's not on the columbian faculty 55. >> he's not a politician, part of the squad. >> he's just a crazed nut bag who should be killed. >> i agree, and also with respect to the two sizing things that we're now seeing, i don't see thousands of people in the streets, chanting kill all the muss lijds. >> -- muslims. >> i do see them chanting kill all the jews that death to america. >> i want to say one thing that caught my attention during biden's speech, which was so ridiculous and infuriating at a time that we're in when he brought up the two-state solution -- >> yeah. >> the delusional ivory tower idea about the two-state solution with who? with hamas and gaza? with the palestinian authority who released a call to the immans in the west bank today to talk about killing jews in their sermons or should it be islamic jihad who is trying to fight a civil war with the palestinian authority because they're too moderate, they're jew hatred and anti-israel is too moderate. >> it's an academic idea that's been floated for far too long. >> it should be dead in the water because israel clearly cannot be neighbors with any of these people who are in the streets celebrating what happened on october 7th, and they celebrated after 9/11 as well. >> let's not forget that. >> this idea that he just threw in theseth two-state solution at a time when israel hasn't even invaded gaza to avenge what has been done was just a distraction, and it's not helpful in fighting the evil that continues, not just in the middle east but that we're seeing pop up on college campuses all over the country. >> thank you, kate. next, more on biden getting slammed for ignoring the pro hamas hating rampid on college campuses next >> -- accusing president biden of trying to have it both ways. >> the president talking about anti-semitism and islamaphobia but not addressing the -- >> here at home we have to be honest with ourselves. >> too much hate has given too much us a jex -- oxygen, raising anti-semitism and islamaphobia right here in america. >> so katie, obviously anti-semitism was a huge theme of his speech last night -- do you think it had to be -- this is what's going on with college campuses or it's not enough to talk about anti-semitism, which is what is the problem, right? >> anti-semitism is that these people on college campuses have married themselves to promoting terrorism -- terrorism and anti-western ideology that has spilled over into a number of places in the country. >> i'm glad to see finally that with this issue, a lot of corporations and ceos aresation, your little project and you're screaming about how it's okay to kill babies in their crib for your freedom fighter agenda is not appropriate for the real world? it needs to stay in the balance of the college -- bounds of the college campus. >> i don't when the left lectures america about things they are not doing. >> they're not an islamaphobic country. >> we've let in millions of refugees over the past two decades as we've fought the war on terror so it would have been nicer for him to focus on the real issue here and his refusal to address it directly is why this has been a problem inside the democratic party and why it's in college campuses all over the country. >> do you think that, jessica, a conversation? >> he's such a ridiculous co-host. >> he's making all kinds of faces -- >> i'm ready to explode. >> look at him. >> talk to me, talk ooh me. >> you can't mention the pro dentures because they don't look like white supremacists, right? they don't look like the acceptable races? that's why he couldn't do it and then he makes those four words, the four words that makes me sick right here in america -- this is not what this is about. >> the only hate comes when you divide a country and he can't stop doing it. >> it steaks the last person to lecture anybody on hate. >> if he could, and he, would he would have blamed this whole thing on trump supporters, which is why he couldn't talk about the protest -- protestors, not a white soul in there. >> what i was going to say -- was that he spent more time talking about hate crimes last night than he's talked about real crime in three years. >> he wants to fight hate crime much harder than he wants to fight actual crime. >> and actual hate crimes are less than 1% -- >> the real ones -- if they're real. >> the what happens demrins. >> they want to talk about hate crimes because they're concerned about what inspires the criminal well, instead, they should be focusing, as the judge says, the victim, and joe biden doesn't care about the victims. >> he just wants to sound like an academic. >> take us home -- >> joe biden, you know, is clueless. >> he's clueless when it comes to making sure that there are consequences to anything, whether it's consequences to crime, consequences to iran, consequences to people on the left who are basically calling for, you know, the hamas and the palestinian side, as opposed to the side of the victim and it's -- we're in a hell of a mess. >> that's all i have to say. >> i just throw my hands up and say this is just a mess. >> i missed last week, this was a strong speech. >> now we're back to usual. >> up next, the speaker mess is getting worse and jim jordan drops his bid for the gavel. >> n because there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. now they're focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. 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Block , Anti Cem Titsim , Conversation , Mistakes , Cops , Mosques , 2349 , Crime , Moslim , Wazoo , Repeat , Six , Old Boy , Comparison , Muslim , Entertainment Media , Structures , Death Penalty , Crazy , Contact , Bag , Establishments , Person , Nut Bag , Child , Respect , Faculty , Politician , Sizing , 55 , Thousands , Attention , Muss Lijds , Muslims , Two State Solution , Palestinian Authority , Call , Ivory Tower , Jew Hatred , Civil War , Sermons , Immans , Neighbors , Israel Hasn T , Theseth , 9 11 , Kate , College Campuses , Pop Up , Pro , Distraction , Hating Rampid , Ways , Anti Semitism , Theme , Oxygen , Jex , Last Night , Ideology , Issue , Number , Places , Corporations , Ceos Aresation , Babies , College , Agenda , Fighter , Freedom , Crib , Balance , Bounds , Lectures , College Campus , Refugees , Islamaphobic Country , Millions , Refusal , Dentures , Talk To Me , Co Host , Faces , White Supremacists , Words , Races , Four , Anybody , Supporters , It Steaks , Couldn 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