Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

invasion into gaza any moment, defense minister tells troops to prepare to see the strip from the inside. you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. two more attacks on u.s. military bases happening overnight in iraq. our troops have come under attack four times since wednesday, around the same time president biden was pledging to send aid to our allies and bring our hostages home. >> president biden: we are facing an inflection point in history, the decision we make today will determine the future for decades to come. american leadership holds the world together. american alliances keep us safe. american values make us a partner other nations want to work with. put that at risk and walk away from ukraine and turn our backs on israel, it is just not worth it. >> todd: trey yingst live in israel with the latest, trey. >> trey: todd, carley, good morning. overnight there was a lull in being roet fire from the gaza strip indication that hamas and islamic jihad are trying to preserve their stockpile they have left. we are standing close to the gaza border. we have been watching all day as israeli fighter jets pummel rockets. factions have resumed rocket fire targeting communities in southern israel with rockets and mortars. as developments happen, we understand they are prepping for a ground invasion in southern israel. we spoke with a colonel in the israeli military who gave details on what he believes the timeline for this will look like and how long it could take. take a listen. >> we are furious. right now we have a national, historical mission to do, clear gaza from hamas regime. and mention these pictures encourage us to do the right thing and convince us that we should be prepared for a long battle. >> trey: american support continues to flow into israel. yesterday you saw armored vehicles arrivin in the jewish state. we understand more could be on the way today. alongside that colonel was new york governor kathy hochul who spoke about her experience seeing this firsthand. take a listen. i'm here to tell the world, the fight must go on to ensure this never happens again. hamas must be eradicating. we protect innocent civilians. hamas did not care about the civilian, israel and civilized world will make sure they can protect innocent lives while making sure that hamas is decapitated. >> trey: watch our camera cut out of the side. you can see right there, there are rockets coming off the northern part of the gaza strip. as you were listening to the sound, they were fired toward southern and central israel, trying to get a determination on where sirens are sounding. looks like ashkelon and ashdod. >> carley: you were saying there was a lull in southern israel and another incoming rocket. it does show the ongoing war that you are experiencing right now and there are a number of militant groups rising up in support of hamas, obviously hezbollah and lebanon is a major concern. the uss carney intercepting cruise missiles yesterday launched by houthi forces in yemen. where do the houthis factor into the mix? >> trey: a sense of iran proxies across the region. overnight targeting american positions in baghdad, iraq, where there is permanent u.s. presence with rockets and we know from yemen, the houthi rebets backed by iran have cruise missiles according to u.s. officials were intercepted by american war ship in the red sea. >> todd: each day more and more incidents, the fear of a wider conflict grows. trey, thank you. >> carley: thank you so much. big night for president biden calling on congress to pass what he is calling urgent request to fund the war in israel and ukraine and request is expected to cost around $100 billion. >> todd: jackie ibanez has more. >> jackie: president biden delivering that speech promising israelis they would never be alone, pledging emergency funding saying protecting our allies is the cornerstone of american security. >> president biden: i will send urgent budget request to support israel and ukraine. smart investment that will pay dividends for american security for generation, keep american troops out of harm's way, help us build a world that is safer and more prosperous for our children and grandchildren. >> the white house will request money from congress today. it will include 14 billion for israel and 60 billion for ukraine. as they fight their own battle against russia. several republicans say israel and ukraine aid should be separate. >> why is joe biden going on national television and selling people on an ukrainian escalate when joe biden is talking about the terrible tragedy in israel? it is a separate country and a separate problem, i think what the president did is disgraceful. if he wants to sell the american people on $60 billion more to ukraine, he should not use dead israeli children to do it, it was disgusting. >> president biden addressed iran last night saying they shouldn't be left off the hook. >> president biden: iran is supporting russia in ukraine and it is supporting hamas and other terrorists groups in the region and we will continue to hold them accountable. >> jackie: some say his stance on iran has been too weak. >> if hezbollah comes in, next question, what do you do with iran and how will you handle that? normalizing relation is huge mistake, it is a terrorist state. 13 days ago in parliament they chanted death to america, death to israel. >> jackie: today at the white house, they will discuss issues like global clean energy agenda and artificial technology. >> carley: thank you so much. bring in rabbi who served as ambassador to, david friedman and rebekah koffler. we wanted to have you both on at the same time, last night the president did connect the two wars, the war with israel against hamas and ukraine against russia and says the united states needs to fund both. listen to more from the president last night. >> president biden: we walk away from ukraine, we turn our backs on israel, it is not worth it. we cannot and will not let terrors like hamas and tyrants like putin win. i refuse to let that happen. moments like these, we have to remember who we are, we are the united states of america. the united states of america. and there is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together. >> carley: rabbi, he mentioned iran and said we cannot give up on a two-state solution. what are your thoughts on the president's remarks? >> i think the president lying to israel during a time of war was incredibly important and the hug he gave israel was critical, aircraft carrier more important. if you look at the speech last night, it was disappointing for two reasons. number one, you can't conflate the ukrainian war with the israeli war. conflating them is a mistake. we have 30 dead americans, 10 missing american hostages and what biden lectures israel according to rules of war. he did not talk about ukrainian with rules of war, it is given israel will conduct itself with rules of war. the need to have a two-state solution and to give $100 million to gaza while we have missing americans is demonstrating weakness. it is disappointing. >> carley: the president explained why the war in ukraine mattered. he said if we don't stop putin for controlling ukraine, he will not stop at ukraine. he is expected to ask for $60 billion for assistance to ukraine and $10 billion to israel. >> rebekah: good morning, my deepest prayers for israel and jewish people all over the world and for fellow americans and all hostages held by hamas. i agree with the rabbi. it is a mistake to conflate the two issues, security of israel and ukraine. it is also deeply cynical and crafty, joe biden politicized tragic event in israel and has robbed israel to give to ukraine so he can continue to pursue his nonsensical policies, throwing money into ukraine will not produce victory. it hasn't done anything. hasn't moved the needle on the battlefield, ukrainian counter offensive has stalled. putin will not invade a nato country, he is not suicidal. it is illogical to claim putin military is so weak it is struggling in ukraine and on the other hand, to say that he's going to invade nato, that would trigger article five and putin would be finished. it is nonsense, biden is lying. >> carley: rabbi, you have been living this horror for two weeks now, do you think there is anything that people in the u.s. might be missing or might not know about this conflict and the day-to-day struggles israel is going through right now? >> i think it is important to know that significant population has been called up as a volunteer army. you have nearly 500,000 mostly men of working age now at the border protecting the civilians of israel. it would mean 20 million americans called up in 48 hours, not returning to jobs or their families. if you think there is a war, for example, after 9/11, we sent men and women to afghanistan and iraq, i've been providing dinner at army bases that are 45 minutes from my house with frontline being an hour and a half. this is not far away war, this is immediate war. the second piece, the will of the israeli people is enormous and premise of giving humanitarian aid to gaza today while there are 200 missing hostages, americans, brits and israelis, it is nonsensical, like when biden was releasing pressure on iran, you don't fund money to gaza. money to gaza is money to hamas. >> carley: absolutely, the president pledged $100 million. we know that hamas skims money off the humanitarian aid and makes tens of million of dollars as a result. i think there will be question about how the money is used and if it should be going to them. thank you for joining us this morning. another fox news alert, congressjim jordan expected to speak today, what this means for the president's aid package. >> todd: and there is this. >> i want you to know, we cannot protect your children from pro-terror student organizations because the united states of columbia university will not speak out. >> todd: we'll have more of this scathing criticism from one columbia university professor, that is coming next. 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look at kevin mccarthy, jim jordan, steve scalise, why does it matter which one is speaker? he said it is a popularity contest like running for high school class president, but this is not high school, this is the real world and they got to get it together. >> todd: no matter what network you watch or follow, results were like jim jordan dropping out. he is not dropping out. add that to the mix of confusion, we are as frustrated as you. >> carley: jim jordan up for a third vote expected today. hope this wraps up soon, it is urgent. the u.s. army is charging private travis king with several crimes after they fled to north korea. he faces eight counts, desertion and soliciting child pornography. his mother says she loves her son unconditionally and is concerned about his mental health. he's been in texas since september and has not publicly explained his action. >> todd: columbia university professor calling out anti-israel protesters on his campus while shaming the school's president for refusing to denounce them. watch. >> we cannot protect your children from pro-terror student organizations because the president of columbia university will not speak out against pro-terror student organizations. they were celebrating the rape of teenage girls in a music festival in the name of resistance. >> todd: wow issue the professor says he fears for his safety and would never send his own daughter to columbia. the school has not responded to the criticism. citizens touching down in nashville and arriving to cheers and applause to supporters waving american and israeli flags. >> carley: stay with us. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. type 2 diabetes? 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>> i have no good word for that, like how could the holocaust happen. my wife and i were crying over it when we saw the images. we didn't realize it would go up to 1400 dead. very difficult. >> carley: equivalent of 50 to 60,000 americans. >> todd: walk us through your journey since october 7. >> since october 7, everything in israel has shut down, the economy has shut down, there are no schools, no daycares. we have been running to bomb shelters. it's been difficult, especially with young kids to explain what is going on. they can feel something is wrong even if they can't fully understand. we have just been living in fear. i can give an example. there was an alert given in israel, which ended up being a mistake one of the first days of the way, terrorist infiltration alert and i ran with my wife to a bedroom. we don't have a safe room, we tried moving the couch to block the door and both grabbed knives because we would not allow ourselves to be taken hostage like those people. >> carley: that is why you needed to get out. what was the moment like when you landed at the airport and you saw people waving american and israeli flags? >> beautiful and extremely difficult. israel is our home, my youngest was born there, my stuff is there, life is there, work is there. it is difficult to see both the happy images and to know you are landing in the united states even though everyone is being very supportive, it is difficult to leave your home. >> carley: bittersweet. >> todd: it is difficult to travel with a two year old and seven month old, how are they doing and what is next for you and your family? >> they are doing okay, not great, but okay. for now, i think my wife and the boys will be in the united states for as long as they need and i will, i'm hoping to go back whenever possible. >> carley: israel is your home and you are determined to get back there. yeah. >> carley: you and so many other israelis have incredible resolve about you, something to be adm admired. rabbi, we hope you see a safer israel at some point soon. god bless. >> todd: israeli forces told to be ready because ground invasion in gaza could happen any moment. >> carley: israel fights hamas and ordering evacuation of another town bordering lebanon after attack from hezbollah. lieutenant colonel robert lerner is an idf speaksperson and is here to tell us what is coming up next. >> todd: fox news alert, awaiting a ground invasion into gaza at any minute, troops are preparing to see the strip from the inside. >> get organized, be ready, the order will come. thank you so much, guys, we trust you employees. good luck and we'll see you again. we will see it from the inside, i promise, that is a promise. >> carley: lieutenant colonel lerner, thank you for joining us. i know you are hesitant to talk about timelines and details, but a comment like that is notable. what can you tell us about the current state of things? >> you have seen how we are rallying reservists and including our forces to get them prepared for potential ground operation when instruction does come. we are i would say training them, equipping them and getting them on spot with their task, specific task for specific units that will help fulfill our mission of destroying and dismantling hamas. i can't say when or where, we are preparing. >> todd: how was the special counsel by the defense minister received by the troops? >> i think society in general, when we look in the aftermath of the massacre of the south of israel and 1400 israelis butchered and murdered, israeli society is very prepared for a long fight against this terrorist organization. everybody realizes something drastic has to change and by drastic, i mean hamas can never be allowed to governor the gaza strip in israel. when you look at society as whole and the military, reflection of all of israel, we are preparing ourselves and we are -- we listen to our leaders and we are making our tasks clear so that we can achieve our goals. >> carley: speaking of preparation, ministry of defense and idf announced plans to evacuate in areas, israeli towns near lebanon, northern border of israel. that could be taken as another sign this war will involve hezbollah. >> we have seen over the last two weeks and we are day 14, since the massacre of our war on hamas. we have seen ongoing escalation of hezbollah attack against forces and civilians. it is limited in scope and guided by iran. yes indeed, it is increasing and doing what any reasonable, responsible country does, moving civilians out of the line of fire. while we announced this mor morning -- you had a good pro pronunciation there. it will be evacuated, we have evacuated other communities along the border. we are concerned hezbollah will take advantage of this and they are trying to draw our attention to the north where we want to be focused on the south and destroying and dismantling hamas and i have two recommendations for lebanon. country of lebanon, take responsibility, this is your sovereign country, your sovereign border, your responsibility to make sure hezbollah don't attack us and our second message to hezbollah, watch very closely how we are destroying hamas and think very carefully if you want to cross that threshold. >> todd: hezbollah with news we reported at the top, the u.s. intercepting incoming from yemen and the question becomes, a broader regional conflict. are you, is the idf, prepared to fight not just a one-front or two-front war, but a multi-front war? >> indeed, we have recruited 300,000 reservists because we understand potential for broader conflict in the region and we have ability to fight on one, two and on multi-fronts, if need be. it is not something we are looking for, not something we're trying to engage, but if need be, we will be prepared. >> carley: president biden made it clear the united states stands with israel for as long as it takes. lieutenant colonel peter lerner thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. reporters have been trying to get answers from rashida tlaib after her anti-israel rant earlier this week. >> president biden, not all of america is with you on this one and you need to back up and understand that. >> todd: reporters say she is dodging questions about when she's going to delete this tweet. joe concha on next to break it all down. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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>> joe: and we regret the error doesn't cut it here. why did it happen? it was pathetic attempt to try to prop up the commander-in-chief in joe biden to show he is hands-on in handling wars, multiple wars going on around the world. look at the president's schedule today. he doesn't get daily briefing until 9:30 a.m., it is friday and there isn't a war going on. he attends a summit at noon and campaign reception at 6 and flies to his beach house in delaware for the weekend. look at the optic and that is one thing and the way this president conducts himself on a daily base during a tense time in the middle east and that says quite another. >> todd: joe, he did have a 15-minute speech last night. rashida tlaib dodging questions about blaming israel where she said this was israel's fault despite the fact it wasn't israel's fault. one reporter writing rashida tlaib would not respond when i asked if she would consider taking this post down after biden says he believes israel did not bomb the hospital. and rashida tlaib refused to say anything rushing from house floor to car waiting to pick up up outside the capitol building. your reaction to her refusing to comment. she accused the president of the united states in her party to refuse to facilitate a ceasefire and help deescalate. >> joe: todd, carley, this has been viewed millions of times and she still refuses to take it down. delete the tweet because the information is false. if this was a tweet by somebody from hamas or somebody sympathetic from al jazeera, this is one thing, this is a u.s. congresswoman throwing out misinformation, lies, call it what it is. it could get american people killed. she doesn't seem to care and when she ush pushes this law israel launched a strike on the hospital in gaza and hundreds were killed and we see evidence where the hospital is standing and that missile did not come from israel, it came from inside gaza, islamic jihad misfired and hit a parking lot next to it. we see media outlets reporting hundreds are killed and hundreds were not killed and it is still called an attack. it is not an attack when coming from inside gaza. it was misfire. between rashida tlaib and media, this is type of stuff that is life and death stuff and she should take this tweet down. she will not, this is somebody who doesn't care about the american people, particularly those being held hostage. this is a political agenda. >> todd: how should democrats and white house handle this going forward? attention is on the republicans, this is a real problem for democrats, huge problem for democrats. when should they do about it? >> joe: we saw hakeem jeffries and nancy pelosi both be asked do you condemn what rashida tlaib and ilhan omar are tweeting as far as blaming israel for the strike on the hospital and both said, we have not seen the tweets. they played dumb. they will not get any condemnation inside the party. they will continue to tweet. >> todd: standard nancy pelosi you have moo, i don't know what you are talking about. she has full documentation all the time in her purse. joe concha, thank you. students gathering at university of washington to honor martyrs of palestinian and ari hofman joins us live to explain. >> carley: what is coming up on "fox and friends"? >> lawrence: president biden addresses the nation, calling to send more to both israel and ukraine. it comes as america makes first mark in the war. navy destroyer shooting down cruise missiles potentially heading toward israel. we'll ask senator tom cotton what an aid package could look like, plus trey yingst is on the round as israeli forces gather. tanks are just away from a main crossing in gaza. how long are we from a ground invasion? ask former commander of idf gaza division. and take a look back at history from the iran hostage crisis to the killing of salomani. that is coming up on "fox and friends," don't go anywhere. to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ solitaire grand harvest /* ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating learer skin... my way. ♪nothing is everything♪ with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. i realized i needed to make a change when i looked in the mirror and did not recognize myself. i felt sick, i felt sluggish, i was diabetic, and my cholesterol was high. after about a week or two of being on golo, i felt my energy increasing and my weight shedding. i was going to a christmas party with my husband, so i decided to try on the dress that my daughter wore to her prom when she was 18, and to my surprise, it fit me perfectly. my children have seen a changing in me. i'm not sitting around anymore, i'm just moving and just seeing that i got up and changed my life. we are not supposed to feel sick and tired as we age. since being on golo, i look and feel better than i did in my 20s. i truly feel like i'm back to the best me i can be. 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"fox & friends" right now. >> brian: here we go. a fox news alert. smoke on the hills along

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