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Hello. Welcome to hannity. Buckle up. [cheers and applause]. Sean welcome at home. We have a two hour live show with our Studio Audience tonight. Along with a ton of Breaking News out of israel. Gaza. A lot of talk and chatter tonight that the Ground Invasion into gaza may be begin in the next two hours. We will keep you updated and here at home we had president wrapping up his second rare prime time address from the oval office. Hiss message to you the American People give me more money including 14 Billion Dollars for israel. 60 billion for ukraine. Take a look. I will send to Congress An Urgent Budget Request To Support Israel and ukraine. Its a smart investment that will pay dividends for American Security for generations. And help us keep american troops out of harms way and build a world that is safer for our children and grandchildren. Sean three years ago we had sound policies. Our border was secure. We were energy independent. The world was mostly peaceful. We had a few mean tweets that triggered liberals. Something in the trump years. Alliance led up to the Abraham Accords with the United States and egypt and jordan and the united arab emirates. They were all united and Getting Along Better than ever in our lifetime. Thats all blown up because of the failure of joe bidens Foreign Policy. We are on year two of a war in europe. Week two of a brand new war in the middle east. After 32 americans were killed along with 1400 innocent, men, Women And Children in the largest barbaric Terrorists Attack in israel and 11 americans are still unaccounted for and likely hostages. 203 are being held. Including small babies. The Hamas Terrorists are sending out videos on the internet torturing these babies. Young women and adults are used as propaganda props. According to one senior israeli official the idf was given the green light to launch a fullscale Ground Invasion into the gaza strip. That could happen at any moment. The Israel Defense chief told his soldiers to prepare for a fullscale Assault Phase two against hamas. Just before joe announced 100 million in u. S. Tax dollars in aid for the Palestinian People. You have to be kidding me. Does he believe the money will go to the Palestinian People. Hamas has the destruction of israel as a top goal. That money will end up in the hands of hamas. I have seen this up close and personal. Money from the United States and from israel. A network of under ground tunnels. I have been in them. They are sophisticated. Cement, and long miles and miles. 100 feet underground. Going from gaza to israel. Its insane what they have done with the money that was otherwise earmarked for hospitals and infrastructure and schools. No, they spent that money to plan, plot to kill more israels and take more hostages. The administration has no way to track the aide once it crosses the border that hamas controls. In other words, biden is gifting terrorists 100million in u. S. Taxpayer assistance. Get something for it like the hostages. If you want the electricity in gaza turned back on, give the hostages back upon you want water and services, give the hostages back. Otherwise you get nothing. After biden was sworn in the white house send hundreds Million Dollars that ended up in the hands of hamas. He is making the same mistake. Tens of billion dollars that iran is enjoying after biden eased sanctions on iranian oil. They are seeking nuclear capability. They were involveding in the plotting and scheming from israel. From afghanistan to iran to the border to federal spending and decision makingings. This administration has been horrendous over step of the way. Last night the white house tweeted this picture. Look at this. How do you make a mistake like this. Its Joe Biden Meeting with the u. S. Special forces. Heres the problem. They were not blurred out in the original post. Hours after they showed members of the elite special forces, the white house said oops, so sorry. We regret the error and any issues it caused. Thats it . Who made that mistake . Why are they still working . No accountability at the Biden White House and no leadership there. We said many times the lights are on at the white house but nobody is home. We saw that in Air Force One last night. Joe biden sleeps a lot. He gets up late. Goes to bed early want tonight was a late night for him. I bet he is exhausted. He already had his warm milk in a sippy cup and in dream land. He should be watching the show. I am offended. [laughing]. Sean sorry. Lots of time off in delaware. How do you buy a beach house on a senators salary and have a beautiful corvette worth hundreds of thousands of dollars . Thats the top secret information he didnt have his Beach Home Rated for. They only do that to donald trump . When joe is actually awake at the white house he has fits of rage and struggles to communicate. That was obvious during the trip to israel. World leaders said no to meeting him the egyptians didnt want to meet him. Neither did jordan. Not even the Palestinian Authority would meet with him. This is him on Air Force One. This is joe at his cognitive best. Take a look. Can you talk about the impact of meeting the survivors and first responders. Look i [silence]. I spent an hour and a half [inaudible]. I dont know how to say this. Virtually every mass shooting, every circumstance where a large of people have been victimized, i shock to the defense department. They said its highly unlikely that was the israels. It had a different foot print. Anyway, thats why i didnt say it at first. I wanted to make sure i knew. Look [silence]. I am not suggesting that hamas deliberately did it either. Thats the whole thing. [inaudible]. Its not the first time hamas has launched something that mal func functioned. Sean he is telling the Terrorists Group hamas to learn to shoot straight. How is this acceptable. Anthony blinken horrified. This is a train wreck they all know he is a cognitive mess. At what point does somebody stand up for joe. Somebody in his family. Anybody that cares about this guy . Joe, you are not up to the job anymore. Its not good for you. Its not good for the country. Its not good for the world. Let us be clear. Republicans need to elect a speaker soon and reopen the peoples house. We also need a president. That is more important. Not a mumbling, lifeless empty suit look at that. Just tired from one little trip. No one in the media mob would holdim accountable. No Late Night Comic will play the tape. Their ratings would go up 50 in a week. Journalists no longer care about truth. This week dozens of major outlets, abc, nbc, cbs, fake news cnn, msnbc, the New York Times and the Washington Post and bloomberg, they all push hamas propaganda on the issue of the hospital being struck by israel. They got their Talking Points from the Palestinian Press themselves. They did no fact checking. Nbcs far left disinformation specialist ben collins rushing to blame israel for the explosion. Passing off hamas propaganda as fact. The New York Times did the same thing. Publishing lies from terrorists over and over again. Reuters and bloomberg. All of these networks. Hundreds killed in israel strike on gaza hospital. Palestinian officials say. Okay, thats a reliable news source. Tonight joe biden said israel was not behind the explosion. The idf presented intelligence that proved otherwise. The damage has been done. The propaganda has taken hold among those that hate israel. Did anyone expect that in this time, this age, this era, woke political correctness, did you ever think you would see vir virulent antisemitism on our college universities. How chilling is this . The world is more dangerous than ever before based on the horrific events of the past three years its obvious who we elect to the oval office matters. I would rather have somebody that send out a few mean tweets that the new axis of evil iran, china and russia and add north korea they are watching. They are taking advantage of america without a president that is cognitivey on their game. Biden promised to return to no normal cy. I respect the guy that struck fear in Vladimir Putin and the mull as in iran. I dont think they would mess around with that guy. Its time for us to restore americas standing on the world stage. The opposite is happening. I didnt get any more confidence out of joe biden tonight. Everything is worse. Everything is more chaotic. Can you better off than you were four years ago . Ask yourself what policy that joe biden implemented benefitted you the American People. Both at home and abroad . Where has he been successful . As a bonus everything is more expensive. Record high inflation. Bad news on mortgages. New Home Construction came to a Screeching Halt because 30 year fixed Rate Mortgageses are 8 . With donald trump it was 2. 8 for a 30 year fixed rate mortgages. Now you will pay thousands more just on the Interest Rate on the home you buy. Nobody is buying a home. If you have a 3 fixed rate morgueate you wont sell it. On the ground in israel working aroundtheclock, its 4 15 a. M. John roberts. I felt bad for brit because we banged up on him want not on purpose. We think the world of him. John we do. I think President Biden did not giver the forceful statement about iran that many think he should have. In israel its not that important. Israel knows this president is behind. He issued that declaration that israel was not responsible for the explosion at the hospital which is what inflamed the tinderbox of the middle east. The global media spread hamas propaganda Around The World. Churchil said a lie is halfway Around The World before the truth gets out of bed. The global media forgot that and spread the disinformation from hamas Around The World and it inflamed the arab world. We will see if that will die down. You said at the beginning of your monologue, there is a sense something could happen imminently in israel. We get that same sense. The tea leaves. The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Defense Minister visited the troops and he said if you have not seen the inside of gaza you soon will. Then what is happening on the northern border. The big threat from lebanon is hezbollah firing off missile. The israelis have tanks and selfpropelled howitzers. The only reason why they are up there is to support a Ground Incursion into lebanon. Its not a Massive Force that hezbollah will come swarming across the border. Is there something about to begin in lebanon as well. The Prime Minister yesterday supported israel and said we want you to win. Is something imminent . The tea leaves add up in that direction. The concern about the Ground Invasion is what happens to the 203 hostages that hamas is holding . Hamas said they are in good health and taken care of. But if Israel Swarms across the border into gaza, does that put their lives to risk. President biden said we are pursuing every heavy to bring their loved ones home. But a Ground Operation in gaza would put all of this at risk. The threat of escalation increases as well. We will issue watching and waiting here in jerusalem to ceo what happens. Sean i was in israel during a flair up and seen the border towns near gaza. The underground playgrounds that kids play in. I have witnessed and been in the tunnels. A network of tunnels. The money spent to build those tunnelings. Tunnels. Thats american and israeli money to be used for infrastructure and schools and hospital. Why do i have no confidence the president wants 100 million to go to the pins. Palestinians. Could that include the release of the hostages. Get something from this and the location of all of the other tunnels to be destroyed so they cant use them in the future to attack israels . Some negotiation here . John if hamas cared about the Palestinian People there might be room for some negotiation like that. But lets not forget. Israel believes that hamas broke into the United Nations building and stole fuel and other materials from the United Nations. Hamas knows how to do this. Steal relief aid. If there are truck loads of relief aid coming into gaza and hamas is the only and sole power on the ground in gaza, how can you ever believe that hamas is not going to take at least a portion of that and tell use it for its own purposes and not to keep the Palestinian People safe . Sean john, thanks for stayings up early in the morning for us. We appreciate it every day this week. The white house. So far President Biden has had an unusually busy week. It hasnt been a good one. With the latest Fox News White House correspondent peter doocy. I played the tape and look at the audience reaction and its horror. They cant believe what a horrible category moment that was for President Biden. The question is did anyone bring that up today . Anyone talking about that in the Washington Press corp . No Press Briefing today. I would say with issues of Foreign Policy thats what President Biden considers to be his expertise. When you see clips like that, its just him being more deliberate to make sure he doesnt say the wrong thing at a time when one wrong word could have people attack israel from the north. People start to attack israel from the south. Iran start to shoot missiles at u. S. Troops in the world. My read is somebody that watches every single comment that President Biden makes. He was being really, really deliberate on a trip. He is more dressed up than we are when we travel with him. I am in a full sweat suit. I think he was just trying to be as deliberate as possible. While that was happening, on the way back, there was this post, he talked about meeting with first responders. The White House Social Media channel posted photos of four special patriots. Operators. Those are the faces of people that Fight Terrorists Around The World and dont want the terrorists to know who they are or where they are when they return back to the United States. We dont know in the person responsible for that have been punished. We dont know if the white house thinks that something they should be punished for. They took it down because they understand the sensitivity of the situation. Tomorrow President Biden will have some european leaders here . They will talk more about this. The election in 2020 was not about Foreign Policy. 2020 was all about covid. For the first couple of years really it felt like all of his biggest addresses were about the advances that the country made against the pandemic. Now he has to convince the United States that he is in control and that the United States can take control of two different wars without sending u. S. Troops to fight in them. We will see if he can do it. Sean a great point. Peter, the president Referenced Tonight America after 911. We lost 2,907 americans. If you compare populations with all of the people that were murdered, beheaded and women raped and the children beheaded. All of the people taken hostages. It would be the equivalent of losing 38,000 americans in a single day. My question is. If i lost my child and my baby was beheaded or a loved one of mine was raped or taken hostages or murdered there would be rage that would last in me for The Rest Of My Life. Although i know the lords prayer says forgive us as we forgive. I would have a hard time and struggle The Rest Of My Life to repress that rage. This is justifiable anger here that they have. Not only that, to me the goal has to be for israel, gaza can no longer be a staging ground to fire Tens Of Thousands of rockets into israel cities. Thats a main goal, right . Yes, when he tract about mistakes that the u. S. Made after September 11th 2001. How the United States stayed engaged in afghanistan after bin laden was caught and killed. That was the main reason to go. He was the vicepresident when they got bin laden. He thought that was the time of for the United States to pull out and move on. If terms of the rage, they are prioritizing keeping innocent civilians in gaza safe. Last time i talked to President Biden was on friday. I asked what worried him about an Israel Ground operation into gaza . His answer was death. When he talked tonight about bringing terrorists to justice. I dont think he is worried about terrorists dying. Hes taken out terror leaders. He is talking about innocent civilians. He is working the phones to get aid to the innocent civilians. If hamas take the food, water and medicine, it will stop. I think when he talks about he wants them not to make any mistakes, its just he wants to make sure that the israels adhere to the rules of war and innocent people are not caught in the cross fire which is almost impossible if innocent people are used as Human Shields. Sean they were told if you stay you will die. Joining us now Fox News Contributor charlie hurt and tomi lahren and former Senior Advisor to donald trump. Tommy miller. The ground war appears imminent. Idf forces have been given the green light. I expect it to happen now. First ever all the oval office address, i hope our enemies were not listening to that. Our enemies will be comforted and our allies terrified. It was atrocious want we spento much time when we have american hostages taken by terrorists and spent time fundraising for ukraine. This was not the time to do it. There is a lot of americans who are upset about the amount of time he spent talking about ukraine when we are dealing with israel and hamas. Speaking to earless and what they need to do. We need to be realistic israel y need to do. We need to be realistic israel is confronting terrorists. No civilian casualties is not the reality ever war. That will lead to the Palestinian People and the israeli people entangled in a war that is never ending. Sean charlie, i wanted to hear about the brutality. I wanted more perspective on the member of people killed. I wanted to hear more about americans killed and more about american hostages and israel hostages. They wanted to hear more about iranian and i didnt hear that tonight. A lot of that confusion is what has led to the crisis in the first place. This administration sent mixed signals and empowered irans hand and cut off our Energy Supply in the United States of america. They opened the spigots for iran. Iran hasnt been wealthier than they are today in 10 years this terms of giving money to the country of iran in exchange for hofstras. Everything that joe biden has done has empowered iran and empowered our enemies. Stages. Everything that joe biden has done has empowered iran and empowered our enemies. Under donald trump we never had a war because he operated with prosperity for america and power abroad. Is this the return to normalcy. In joe bidens mind two new wars sparked because of his policies as President Biden. Thats what he was thinking about returning to normal. Hes been part of the problem for 50 years. One of the smartest people in washington on Foreign Policy. They have gotten it wrong forever. Donald trump got a lot of things right and made improvements that nobody said were possible want he want to undo that progress and return the middle east to the chaos hes known for 50 years. Joe biden refused to take responsibility for the fact his policies led directly the to wars that are taking place. His policies led to the war in ukraine and of financing and funding and enriching iran and undoing the trump policies led to the hamas attack on israel. His repeal of one of the core trump policies is why we dont have hosts home. The trump doctrine included this if you murder americans, you die you murder our people you die that was the trump policy. He took out general soleimani. Terrorists dont fear us and iran doesnt take us seriously. People are trampling over our flag and citizens. Sean he took out soleimani and the alqaeda leader in yemen. He didnt want a long protracted war. In Ukraine Europe is not doing their fair share on their continent. Joe put handcuffs on the ukrainians on day 1. Wouldnt allow poland to take fighter jet. Then you get to the issue of Cluster Bombs. Well, now we have Cluster Bombs a year and a half later. Thank aul. With reaction to tonights address the cohost of americas newsroom and the the five dana perino. I felt bad piling our friend brit hume whom we respect and admire. As we listened to you. I had written down these words. The words cliche. Disjointed. Back and forth. Where is the discussion of the brutality . You and i were in sync tonight. Dana yes, i almost felt like the commentary after the speech we did was, if you put it all together, that would have been bidens speech and a good one. I was prepared all day to love the speech and applaud it. I ist i wanted to say wow, america. I didnt feel that way. Martha maccallum made a point that apparently they had written this ukraine speech a while and stopped it with the atrocities of october 7. Thats not good enough. Some things are missing. The previous guest talked about the obama and Biden Administration. Gets if back further. Obama invited russ into the middle east and a terrible relationship between obama and netanyahu and the israels at the time. Then you have the afghanistan withdrawal under biden. Continued tension with the israels. I said at the debate the further we get from September 11th, the closer we get to september 10th. A point we have not mentioned yet. The country of qatar. They are quasifriends. The leadership of hamas lives in qatar in laps of luxury. Maybe the president is saying this behindthescenes. If a single hair of an american hostages is armed you and iran will be held responsible am you better tell aims not to tell hamas not to do that. I would love to hear more about the americans being held. I am sure the president cares about them. I didnt think the speech hit any bench marks. Sean it missed the mark on a lot of fronts. Coming off a horrible moment for him on avers one. Air force one. It makes me cringe watching it. I didnt have any expectations of joe biden tonight. I played the best of joe biden every night and dont like the hits i have been playing. I prefer taylor swift music. You stayed up late. Thank you very much. We appreciate it. [applauding]. Sean the left continues to push its radical woke agenda. Huckabee is signing Executive Orders banning woke antiwomen words. Great to have you. I am doing great. Sean lets talk about that and your reaction to the president. The idea we have this absolute initant. Insanity. The left is pushing it woke agenda trying to erase the differences of women versus men. Ignoring science and biology and women have a unique perspective. Only women can give birth no matter how many different ways they say it. That fact is based in science and reality. We are no longer going to allow them to redefine terms that weaken and demean women here in state government. Documents and here in the state of arkansas. Sean lets talk about the issue of where we are in immigration. Last week 19 iranians were discovered at our border 17 syrians. With the president of the United States aiding and abetting Eight Million Illegal Immigrants into this country and giving them Free Transportation and 99 once they get in they stay. They are not going anywhere. We have people on the terrorists watch list they caught. I worry about how many they didnt catch. I have to wonder. You as a governor, how do you feel about the fact that in all likelihood terrorists, people that have terrorists sympathies have gotten into this country and terror cells exist. No vetting of any of these people. What do we do about that . Not only as a governor but as an american citizen i am frustrated. Everybody else should be too. This is the policy this administration allowed to weaken our country and embolden our enemies. The reason we are fighting two different wars are because of the disastrous policies of this administration. Empowering iran and weakening our board border and the withdrawal from afghanistan. They fail or weaken the strength of our country. We cant allow them to continue pushing these policies that hurt our country and our alryes. Allies. Governors across the country are fighting back against these outrageous policies including at the border. What they allowed to take place is a travesty. Its one of the many examples where this administration has failed the American People and allowed their reckless not only to weaken us at home but abroad as we are seeing unfold with the situation in ukraine. Sean you are doing a great job in arkansas. Happy about the fact you won that race by a huge margin. Congratulations. In oped published this morning ahead of Bidens National address ohio senator urged congress not to use the war in israel to push for more ukraine funding. Doubled down this during bidens speech saying this disgusting. Using dead children in israel to sell this disastrous ukraine policy. He is with us. They sent hundreds of billion dollars there. I stated this earlier. Two huge mistakes. Why hasnt america insisted europe put up their fair share of the money . They relied on america to put the bulk of money forward. Why did america not pause and say wait a minute . Why going into another long protracted conflict because joe biden wont allow poland to give migs and wont allow Cluster Bombs. To fight a war win the war. Joe hasnt fought this war to win it and neither as ukraine or europe. You raise an interesting point. Right now america doesnt need client states. We need real allies. For european to carry their fair share they are depending on our generosity. We cant afford it. We cant support the weapons necessary to fight a two or three front conflict if china invades taiwan. We know right new there are Artillery Shells the israels need for their operation in gaza we sent to the ukrainians. Why did we allow our capacity to get to the wont where we dont make enough Artillery Shells to support our friends . Given that reality why is joe biden going on National Television and selling people on a ukrainian escalation when joe biden is talking about the tragedy in israel. Ukraine is a separate country and problem. I think what the president did is disgraceful. If he wants to sell the American People on 60 billion more to ukraine, he should understand use dead israel children. It was disgusting. Sean it was. What did you want to hear . I wanted to hear more about the americans killed and the absolute brutality and terror committed against israel. I wanted to hear more about irans involvement. Why do you think the president was bouncing back and forth in a disjointed way tonight . Unfortunately i think its because he has no leadership and recognizes his policies are responsible for the state for the world. He had a difference tone. Instead ever acknowledging hes been a failure, he has to do better. What i would love to see. China benefits from this chaos. Why was joe biden talking about the rise of Islamic Phobeio after September 11th. There were 1500 dead israels. The idea this is a challenge for this country is absurd sean we are seeing virulate antisemitism. Everyone here agrees. Thats right, sean. Sean good to see you. When we come back more disturbing reports of antiisrael sentiment Around The World. Brooke and lara trump are next. To my astonishment. My doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay. I screened with cologuard and did it my way. Cologuard is a oneofakind way to screen for colon cancer thats effective and noninvasive. Its for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your provider for cologuard. I did it my way this is a special alert. Israel is under attack and israels enemies seek our destruction. The people of israel need immediate help. Rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. Our people are targets in their own homes. Many have lost everything and fear for their lives. The International Fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. Our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. Your urgently needed gift of only 45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. Time is literally running out. What we need you to do is to act now. When you need to prepare for unpredictable adventures. gasp you need weathertech. [hot dog splat. ] laser measured floorliners front and rear. [drink slurp and splat. ] scream Seat Protector to save the seats. [honk ] theyre all yours were here hey, i knew you were comin. So i weatherteched the car can we get ice cream . We can now. Kid proof your vehicle with American Made products at weathertech. Com. vo in three seconds, janice will win a speedboat. woman bingo im moving to the lake. Gotta sell the house. vo ooh thats a lot of work. woman ooh vo dont worry. Skip the hassels and sell directly to opendoor. woman bingo. vo get your competitive offer at opendoor dot com. [cheers and applause]. Sean tonight was Ice Cream Night for the audience. [laughing]. Ice cream night and football night. Nice catch. With each passing day there are new reports of antiisrael radicals right here in america and even in our own government. A state Department Official quit his job because he is disgusted the United States is Playground Aid to israel. Providing aide to israel. And a Home Land Security Office has been placed on leave after she attacked multiisrael in porters. Oo posts. Harvard Students Holding a die in, in support of palestinians and a professor in u cdavis is in under fire for implying that zionist journalists in the United States should be attacked and killed. You cant make this up. Joining us with Reaction Human Rights attorney brook and lara trump is back with us. Brook that, question of the radical rise of antisemitism on college campuses. We saw it in times square. Its a cancer i never believed in my life time would be this large. Your reaction . I have to say, i want to thank you for raising awareness about this issue which poses a National Security threat to this country. Its not antiisrael protests. Its antijewish. Nothing scares me more than than elected member of Congress Rashida tlaib spreading a modernday blood libel that israel shot at hospital. We have Evidence Recording of hamas officials saying it was a rocket from Palestinian Islamic jihad. Yet she is spreading this inciting violence and operating as a prarm of the Hamas Terrorists group. When hamas is holding u. S. Citizens as hostages. I want to make an announcement today. Breaking news. Project lawyers filed an official complaint with the Office Of Congressional Ethics bens rashida tlaib. Against rashida tlaib. [cheers and applause]. The Legal Community and Jewish Community wont sit back and watch this happen. She is violating rule number 1 of the house. She must act at all times and reflect the credibility of our government. I dont know anything that threatens the credibility of our government that an elected official who goes to a rally and further incites violence and went to a prohamas rally after 300 people broke into the capitol and 300 were arrested. She must be investigated. This cant stand. Sean and the number of people in radical ties in in administration. Lara trump, come your fatherinlaw was president , when he was president , something happened in my life time i never thought i would see. That was an alliance with the United States, israel, egypt, jordan, saudi arabia and the united arab emirates. They were all in agreement. Intelligence sharing was going on. Things i didnt think i would see in our lifetime. Happened because they stood against the region. Look at how far we have fallen from where we were in just three short years. Its terrifying. There has been a 180 degree change in everything. Not just here in america. But now around the wourld. Its dangerous. People are dying. Children are beheaded. Horrific to see what happened. You have to look at what it was that donald trump did. It was peace through strength when he was president of the United States of the no new wars were started. You referenced historic Peace Agreements in the middle east. It happened under donald trump. Isis eradicated. Solemnly dead. Soleimani dead. We had a robust, Strong Military ready to go at a moments notice. When donald trump was president , the enemies new dont try it. If you mess with america, if you mess with our allies there will be hell to pay. The truth now is it doesnt matter whether you are a republican or a democrat. Americans realize right here in in moment have we ever needed donald trump back more than we do right now. God willing he will become the 47th president of the United States. Things were better forern. We need him back. [cheering and applauding]. The interesting part of this. The trial based on fouryearold information to take place during an selection Election Year in venues not fair to him. 15 seconds. Imagine that. They are doing Everything Possible to stop this one man. They know when donald trump gets a second crack at things in the white house, the gloves are. Off. He is taking down the swamp. Thats why we will win. Sean thanks you. More hannity ahead. Sean we are continuing [cheers and applause]. Sean thank you. We are continuing our coverage of israel being at war with hamas and Bidens Oval Office address earlier tonight. Some of our grupp coming address senator tim scott in studio, Victor Davis Hanson, mike wal be Morgan Ortagus and a lot more. Another Breaking News night of hannity, been a busy night, starts right here and right now. Sean welcome to hour two of hannity, thank you all for being here, we have our Studio Audience here tonight. [cheers and applause]. Sean thank you. Thank you for joining us at home. We start this hour with a fox news alert. It is 10 00 p. M. In the east coast of the United States, 7 00 p. M. On the west coast. It is 5 00 a. M. In gaza. We are monitoring activity on the ground at the border between israel and the gaza strip and on the northern side with hezbollah with a lot of fire going back and forth throughout the day. This is in gaza where israeli troops now are amassed in huge numbers. Idf officials have issued the green light for the Ground Invasion to begin. Hamas has now had more than a week to turn over the hostages to surrender, to disarm. They have refused to do so. Israel has been warning the civilian population to be careful. Instead they continue to launch rockets from behind Human Shields right into board towns, israeli neighborhoods and threaten other barbaric acts of violence. Now israel will undergo an arduous difficult war to eliminate hamas from this earth and prevent it from ever again be a staging area for hamas or any Terrorist Groups to fire rockets into Border Cities and israel. This is all taking place at 11 americans are now believed to be held in captivity inside of gaza along with around 200 others. This is a nightmare come to life. Everyone responsible has to now pay a huge price. Anyway, here with the very latest on the ground in israel tonight, it is now 5 02 a. M. His time, john roberts whos been phenomenal and generous with his time. Sir. I know youre probably tired thank you for your coverage. Reporter not tired at all were living on eastern time and israel time at the same time. We were chatting a little while ago for the potential of a Ground Operation going into gaza. It was a week ago that everybody thought the idf would be going in, but that was delayed and delayed and then biden came and richard came. The storm clouds are gathering for something. When you take a look at it yesterday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Defense Minister johan galant well to the front lines near gaza, johan galant saying if you havent seen inside gaza yet you soon will. And the fact that President Biden tonight in his speech said that he talked to israel about observing the laws of war, all of that taken together might give you a reasonable expectation that something is about to happen. At the same time, there are increased tensions in the north. Hezbollah, out of lebanon, has been harassing the idf and the towns along the border firing some missiles, mortars and anti tank missiles into the area. The idf has been responding. They hit a couple observation posts today. The Israeli Air Force even hit a couple hezbollah positions. And there is a lot of armor, sean, that has a mass order that border, tanks as well as self propelled artillery, the 155 millimeter howitzer, and you wouldnt bring that up there unless you were potentially thinking about crossing the border with it. Because its not like hezbollah is going to swarm out of the north in some sort of mags invasion in israel it would rely on its rockets to try and get that job donement a big problem for israel, too, i was in 2006 for the war with hezbollah, they were all dumb bombs, they didnt have terrific range. There were a lot coming in, some of them made it all the way down south, but none got near tel aviv. But now sean hezbollah has got precisionguided missiles that could be inside tel aviv inside 70 seconds. So the threat to israel much more dramatic than it was 17 years ago. The uk Prime Minister was here yesterday. He said that the uk is standing fully behind israel saying, devote, we want you to win. One of the big concerns, though, about a Ground Operation as the 203 hostages that are being held by hamas, if hamas is to be believed, they are being well taken care of at the moment but if israel goes across the border with all of that armor thats been amassing just north of the gaza strip, things could change and change rapidly. But well stay on it sean and let you what we see. Sean let me ask you this, sean. Every indication is kreshths the gaza Ground Invasion is eminent and youre right one of the biggest concerns would be the hostages. Another, we have to assume, especially in light of tensions being heightened in the north with hezbollah and will be monday, that that is that would probably ratchet up at the beginning of any Ground Invasion. Onethird factor is, and its unknown at this time, at least they are saying that they potentially could get involved, of course im talking about iran. So not only a 2front war, to me that would change the equation on everything if, in fact, iran gets involved until this. Any thoughts . Reporter its hard to see how iran would get directly involved. Its not like they have a military that can proceed scombrekt power across the region. If they really wanted to i guess they could fire a few missiles at israel, but if they were to do that the idf would, in a hurry be down in iran bombing a bunch of facilities that its been itching to take on, a lot of Oil Refineries maybe some Nuclear Sites as well. Israels been looking for an excuse to do that. I would expect irans involvement would be to give its proxies the green light to go ahead and start attacking israel. Which is why, sean, it was so glo glaringly missing any tough words towards iran. Iran should have been involved in one of this dont dont dont dont. Other past president s might have had a little tougher language toward the idea of, you know, heres a message directly to the leadership in tehran. If you decide that youre going to get involved until this fight, that is going to have consequences. Sean yeah. Reporter none of that language. Sean another things the 6 billion biden promised iran in exchange for the hostages and weve since been told and widely reported that in fact a secret deal was secured that the money would not go to the iranians, Marsha Blackburn was on my radio show yesterday saying i would like to see that secret deal in writing and i would like to see the senate weigh in on this as well and i would like it to be official and not some secret deal and a wink and a nod between the iranians and joe biden. Well see what happens there. But if the money gets into their pocket i think we have a pretty good indication what they would do with that money. John roberts it is 5 07 your time, officially your time to get to bed. Reporter stop counting. Sean thank you for being with us. John roberts thanks. Joining us now with more reaction to bidens speech and looming Ground Invasion seemingly he have dent 2024 president ial candidate, the good senator from South Carolina, tim scott is with us. Thank you. Sean lindsey likes to think that hes the senior senator. Are you going to let him get away with that . Only for today. The fact of the matter is im running to be president of the United States so lindsey can be the senior senator, almost said senior citizen. Senior senator of South Carolina. Sean thats going viral in South Carolina now. Thanks for coming in t i know youve been in new york the past couple days great to have you with us. This is getting serious and all indications i have on the ground is its eminent. Increased activity in the north with hezbollah and lebanon. I would imagine that any Ground Invasion would result in ratcheting up in the north also. Now were talking about the potential of a serious 2front war. Yes. Sean thats a challenge from anybody. Absolutely. One of the things we need from this president is collar tichlt he doesnt seem to be able to speak clearly. He gave a speech tonight, remember, our ally israel was bombed by a Terrorist Organization and tonights speech focused more on ukraine than it did on israel. Unbelievable, number one. Number two, if we are going to send the kind of message that has strength in it, we need the gerald r. Ford and the sixth fleet prepared in the mediterranean as a deterrent tell iran consequences are coming if you bomb israel. And second. Sean ive got a tough question. Yep, yep. Sean okay. Would the words of joe biden, would they take it sear sglufl would he back it up . Would he mean it . Yeah. Sean im not sure he would. Shaurngs unfortunately, you are smart you raise a really good point. Number one, look at his past actions. I always say as a guy who spent time in financial services, what you do in the past can indicate what youll do in the future. The afghanistan withdraw. Devastating, number one. Number two, telling putin, dont attack these areas from a cyber warfare. Number three, a small incur gentleman might be okay. Number four, lets get the russians to work with the iranians on a new deal for ibf. Number five, the first message he sent after the conflict started the october 7th was to tell israel to stand douvenlt i think your point is solid as a rock. The weakness of this president has caused chaos and conflict Around The World, so we need a new commander in chief so that what we say we mean and that means there are consequences that follow. If we were not loyal to our allies, no one believes well be lethal to our adversaries. Sean okay. How do you explain the Obama Biden Administration and the billions they gave i ran. Yes. And now explain joe biden wanting to give 6 billion to i ran. Now, that is after he lifted sanctions and allowed the iranians now to sell all their oil and because we artificially reduced our out put, that reduced the worlds supply, that increased prices dramatic, Nvsh The Studio is stealing it, okay. A wind fall. Sean they got rich, more money for terror, then getting six billion they think from the us. We know thats fungible, the word everybody uses. Totally agree. Sean so based on that their action what is it about them that they do not seem to understand the evil that i iran . They have said it over and over again, i would start believing it, that they want to wipe israel off the map, death to israel, death to america. I believe they believe that with all their heart and they think they would be doing gods well if they did it. Period. The only thing i would add is they dont want to just eliminate israel. Hamass mission is to eliminate every single jewish person on earth and then attack western democracy. Theres a little satan called israel and a big say tape called america. Any president of the United States who doesnt understand that cannot walk and chew gum at the same time and my opinion anage indication of responsibility and not to send a clear money to iran hop sends money to hamas and hezbollah and the push bank in the west bank against the Palestinian Party who cancelled their meeting because they were able to disrespect the president of the United States. What is their rationale and thinking, if we be really nice to i ran and show them kindness. People who say they want to wipe you off the face of the earth i dont think are kind people. Believe them. Sean believe thefrjts all i can tell you is the Reagan Doctrine of speech through strength worked, deck ate, liberal radical leadership from the far left whos more interested In Appeaseing the squad and antisemites and their party, then they are calling up for the right thing. Sean i call it the hamas con sense. All the evidence shows it was not israel responsible for the Hospital Bombing that killed 500. First of all the hospital barely got any damage, it was in the parking lot. No way 500 people died. How do you react . The media, every single major Media Organization in this country and Around The World, bbc, french press, every American Network i could mention, New York Times, Washington Post, abc, nbc, css, msnbc, fake news cnn. Evil terrorists are believed over the state of israel. Unbelievable. Sean why wouldnt they check their sources. Brother from the New York Times, i said it yesterday will say it again and will probably say it tomorrow as well. Check your facts because at the tend of the day, the falls prop beganeding caused consternation and the mobilization of hezbollah. You saw iran say theyre going to start having consequences based on a lie. Sean yeah. By the way, arent you missing home . Dont you hate new york . I am leaving tomorrow morning, so my answer is hit the road tim and dont come back no more no more. Sean if you work a single day in new york they tax you right . So youre going to be taxed for the two days youve been here. I thought it was 12 hours, but two days, who can tell. Sean if youre here one minute they attack you. Move to South Carolina, do your show remote from South Carolina. Bring your audience with you, well have a great old time. Sean yes. Great to see you. Appreciate it. All right. Now more on israel eminent ground war lets bring in former official Elbridge Comey and aaron cohen. Start with you, all indications are they have the green light, its a go. We saw an increase in activity with hezbollah on the border with lebanon, israel had already evacuated 28 communities in the area in the hopes of protecting lives. So it seems that they do begin the Ground Incursion into gaza, that there will be an increase of Military Activity in the north, and now we are fighting a 2front war. And then with the big question mark, does iran get involved . Your thoughts. My thoughts are that is reels, this aint the first time weve gotten into it with multiple countries attacking us from multiple directions. Theres already actions weve neutralized a Couple Dozen Terorsists on the northern front, using drones special artillery we have assets on the ground hitting targets. We have activity regarding gaza sean. Let me set the teachability i believe that is reels going to go into gaza and the reason why is because they have to. Im going to bring you back to 1997 during the oslo accords. We made peace, sat down, our then Prime Minister rabean who was a treasurer, one of the modern who helped change the desert into a beautiful country, believed in peace, got the israelis behind him and what happened is we ended up taking over our cover unit that was responsibility for the overall maintenance in gaza and its not the idea of commanders fault. I believe it was a decision that was made in order to try and make peace at the time it was arrafat so we havent had the ability to go in and clear it out so the terrorists dont keep growing and getting the intel we need. Right now israel has 20 years worth of work that they have to make up for and its going to be bloody, its going to be messy, there will be tunnels, we have hostages but you know what . Like i said to you before, this is when israeli comes together, the israelis are smart poised audacity. Now a little sprinkle of resolve but i think youll see israel doing what it does at its finest, spring board through multiple ops, and break out special operations military apparatus. Sean evan it seems obvious to me the foreign leader wouldnt meet with our President Joe Biden in the middle east yesterday. They flatout rejected him. It also angers me to no end that he is that naive, that he can give six billion to the iranians and is pushing israel so hard on the issue of aid to the Palestinian People, knowing full well or if he doesnt know theres a level of ignorance that frankly is unforgivable for a u. S. President. But wanting to give a hundred Million Dollars in humanitarian aid. We all know that that money is going to humanitarian aid. And they keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Now, if they want to really give money, and they want to ensure its used for humanitarian purposes, maybe theres checks and balances they could put in place, but i wouldnt give them one red cent, unless and until they released every single hostage first. Why does joe not try to get anything out of these people and hes willing to throw hundreds of misof dollars out. Good to be about you sean on this sober night but as it looks like the incursion into gaza may start. Look, if youre thinking p what a judge war is or a just cause you look at whats necessary and the degree of provocation and clearly there was the most abominable provocation in the atrocities of the post war era against israelis. Theres no question that against the israelis from a Strategic Point of view they have to go in and destroy deterrence. The famous strategist said, sometimes you need the flashing sort of vengeance and its very clearly to mow talking to israeli friends and watching online and tv, that people in israel feel that kind of vengeance very deep and just way. That doesnt mean going in and levels the whole place for its own sake but it has to be thorough going and the destruction of the hamas apparatus than is going to be very, very difficult and i think the Biden Administration the vibe you get is they kind of want it both ways. They want it done clean and of course, hamas is the one who set it up that way. So i think this is where were going to start to see the dynamic go and where i think its very important for the United States to back as we goat through this difficult operation but simply has to happen from a Strategic Point of view and kind of a justice Point Of View to rye store some semblance of justice after this abomination. Sean what are we to make, if i ask ask both of you, and maybe eldridge ill stick with you for a minute here. Of the Iran Anycomment that the time is up. That sounds like an eminent threat of their possibility involvement on top of a 2front war. Now were looking at the number one State Sponsor of terror threatening israel simultaneously. Reporter well, i thought that was very concerning, my understanding the iranians have been sending various different messages, i think in the message, john, in israel said the limited ability of him to directly impact. But above all hezbollah and other Terrorist Groups in the country. That is very dangerous, it is although i think most. Sean go ahead. They do, and i think hezbollah is, of course, a cats paw there so its almost the same thing they could unleash. I think its very important, the idf is capable as mr. Cohen has pointed out. Theyre nothing looking for us to get in war but to back them up financially in terms of military and financial support. Sean if i could add to that please. Sean please, go ahead. We have a little expression. And im talking to my iranian friend, youre not out of our reach. You know . And to our friend ismail, enjoy that 6star hotel in cue and the. Youre not in our rep recentlying. Were lessening to every phone, thousands of them and our intelligence Capabilities Even though we have 20 years to catch up with and tunnels we have to get to and hostages we have to get to, this is what we do. Were masters of this craft when it comes to whose and the rescue sean and we have an incredible unit, which specializes in explosive Ordinance Disposal in those tunnels. And all the time that we have right now that were sitting on, right now its a friend, not to the High School Tajs but to the direct action against hamas and theres about 40,000 waiting there. But the israelis focused and getting prepared tonight. Again none of this is without within our reach. So, you know, we have a capability to get to everybody. Sean yeah. Ive known the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, for almost three decades, aaron, and one thing i can say, with 1,000 certainty, that one front war, 2front war, iranian involvement, youre right, Bibi Netanyahu will do everything to protect and preserve israel and if iran enters i predict they lose in the south they lose in the north and if the iranians want to get involved theyre going to lose there, too. And israel will do whatever is necessary that they remain a state cause caught. Thats it and it wont matter what the rest of the world thinks at that point. Do you agree with me africanamerican . I agree with you 100 , netanyahu doesnt mess around, an officer, one of the incredible raids in the subpoena take down when we took the first aircraft down. His brothers a shisher and i think bibi has a ton of strength. We lost his brother a National Treasurer and were grateful for the support and were with you for sure. Our prayers are with you as our invasion seems eminent. And god be with you. Coming up state Department Released a rather unsettling word wyatt. Morgan ortega stay join us as we continue, thank you for being with us. Sean what a great crowd we have. With the United States firmly standing with our ally and partner israel, the State Department is now warning all americans traveling anywhere Around The World to be extra cautious no matter where theyre going. The Department Warns of the potential of terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against u. S. Citizens and their interests. Now, one group fueling those concerns is hezbollah in lebanon, which is now threatening both israel and the u. S. , and recently led a Riot Near Beirut where attendees were chanting, you got it, death to israel, death to america. Here with reaction, florida Congressman Mike Waltz and former state Department Spokeswoman morgan ortega. She worked with mike pompeo. Congressman, let me begin with you, how real is this threat, and what would you tell the American People traveling abroad and why is it so widespread . Well, sean, i would tell every one of them to be incredibly cautious now. But, sean, i hold the main stream media, that completely showed their true colors, and their bias in how they responded to this explosion in the hospital in gaza over the last 24 hours, i hold them completely responsible for this. This wasnt just an, oops, we made a mistake, lets put a correction on the next page of the New York Times or the back of the front page. This was incendiary, it caused blood in the streets. There are people storming our embassies because of the misinformation that they grabbed onto. And i keep, and others keep asking, would they have done this if putin in russia had said ukraine had bombed a snooped would they have paused for a moment and said putin has a long history of lying and gotten to the facts . Yet they didnt do that with the terrorist group hamas. They immediately ran with it. And my other question is, for President Biden, he just did it again in his speech. Why does he keep raising human rights in the same breath of israel . Did he say that about ukraine or any other ally . No. Why does he keep saying that about israel . And the only thing i can think of is bannedering to the progressive antisemitic left. But is on it makes no sense and now you have americans all over the world in danger, we have embassies talking about evacuating. You have riots in the streets. This is disgraceful. It should be called out. There should be firings and accountability. And, yet, we have a shoulder shrug. Even for members of congress. Its truly unacceptable. Sean morgan, you work very closely with former Secretary Of State mike pompeo, he was on the program last week. Hezbollahs claiming that theyre a thousand times stronger than they were before. If thats true it just means that the iranians have been arming them. Lets xrar and contrast. If it was the Trump Administration and it was Secretary Of State pompeo, what would the message be back to hezbollah basically threatening everybody . Well, we would tell them if you touch the hair on the head of an american they be it will be your head for doing it and thats exactly what mike pompeo and President Trump did in the last administration. We threat islamic republican of iran know they would be accountability for any loss of life and it didnt matter if any proxy were cuppenable or the quds force they would be held responsible just the same sean. So when you look at what hezbollah is claiming, they could have anywhere from 60 thousand, sean, to A Hundred Thousand fighters. The last time israel took on hezbollah, its been a few years, it was in 2006 and that was not an easy war. Whats more than concerning is the amount of weapons and rockets, sean, that they have been able to stockpile. We know that since the beginning of the Biden Administration, for three years now, the economic sanctions that we put in place in the Trump Administration have not been enforced. So thats around 80 billion more in oil revenue that the islamic republican of i ran can use to fund hamas and hezbollah and weapons to stockpile. We also know they have expanded that your of Ballistic Missiles and made Suicide Drones. These same Suicide Drones they are shipping to russia, russia is using them in ukrainian cities against innocent civilians. So in many ways we are funding both sides of the war as it relates to russia and ukraine. We dont know whats going to happen with the aid were sending for hamas and we could be funding both sides there. Sean bidens policies by being so permissive and allowing iran to get their oil on the world market again has enriched them to the tune of 80, a hundred Million Dollars already the snobol one State Sponsor of terror. You talk about hezbollah and their stockpile of weapons. Havent the israelis also been preparing for this day . Arent they aware that they have needed more munitions to prepare for a 2front, maybe 3front war . Yeah, there theyre a tiny country who have had to take on multiple front wars. We see that on the anniversary of the yom kippur war. Its still a behemoth of a Challenge Receiving a lot of military aid from the United States but actually purchase a lot of weaponry as well and theres a lot of capabilities we share with both nations. But make no mistake, this is a tiny nation, sean. This is a nation like the size of new jersey. So no matter how prepared israel is, you still know that hezbollah and not just hezbollah, by the way, but the she a proxies that iran has throughout the region, have the capability to inflict immense harm on the civilian operations and israel. This will be a bloody nasty horrific fight for the people of israel and thats why we need to be with them not only today and tomorrow but in the coming weeks and months as World Opinion tries to turn on them quickly as we just saw with the hospital. Sean they turned on them and they did nothing. Imagine when they have to fight back. Congressman waltz what is your recommendation to the u. S. . What should our policy be. If you were talking to joe biden, i know hes asleep, he had his warm milky. Yeah. Sean, you have to raise costs with iran. You have to make them believe that this will cost them too much. They will shover. Thats what President Trump did when iranianbacked militias in i racked attacked our shipping, President Trump didnt hit militias jump he hit general amani and then de. So israelis can take out hamas and theyll keeping pumping them with weapons all day long. At only until we go after the head of the snake and make them feel the cost that this peace will be restored. Appreciate you quickly. When we come back the ever brilliant Victor Davis Hanson gives us his take. And the hundred Million Dollars that biden wants to send to gaza that we all know would end up in the hands of hamas straight ahead. No. No. Nuhuh. Yeah. Oh. Yes. Oh yeah. Yes. Isnt this great . Yeeaahhhh yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. Oh hey would you like to join us . No. We would love to join you. Were traveling all across america talking to people about their hearts. Ooh, take this exit. Hows the heart . I feel like its good. You feel like its good . How do you know when its time to check in on your heart . 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And cirkul has over 40 flavors, so your water can be as unique as you are. Try cirkul. Your water, your way. Now with even more flavors. Available at walmart or drinkcirkul. Com. Sean so in addition to the billions of dollars in aid that biden is requesting for israel and ukraine, well, joe also announced that he is sending 100 million to gaza for socalled humanitarian relief without a plan to prevent hamas from taking it all. Now, this is a similar strategy that biden used in iran. So, you know, we can expect, what, similar results . Anyway, we asked the great Victor Davis Hansen senior fellow at the hoover institute. So, the palestinians Elected Hamas the last election, i believe, correct me professor if im wrong, in 2006. The indoctrination ive been showing over and over again that they have with cartoons and young children, i mean, it is beyond despicable to me. So this money, lets say joe and hes been pushing it very hard the last two days, when he was in israel pushing it hard. Lets say that hundred Million Dollars he sends for humanitarian relief, why do i have no confidence that any of that money is going to get to the Palestinian People and that hamas will use it like they have used past monies to build tunnel networks, some of which ive been in myself. Because you know, sean, theres never been any history of any money going to hamas and gaza, or, for that matter, the Palestinian Authority that wasnt diverted, in some part, to weapons, its all fungible, they know that. But what the really strange thing is, sean, if you think this out, why did we give this hundred million to hamas . And the reason was is that joe biden went over there, and then this fake news story went out and it enraged the middle east, it enraged people at home fired up the left wing in the democratic party. He was snubbed by jordan who we give A Billion Dollars to. He was snubbed by egypt that we give several billion dollars, he was snubbed by the Palestinian Authority and he was angry about it. So he said were going to give you then he said the most important thing i heard this entire crisis and it was very little reported on. Joe biden said its like what they used to say, if you cant hit the target, and that was in response to the rocket that hit the hospital, and what he was really saying was, i wouldnt have been embarrassed, we wouldnt have these protests, i wouldnt have to give the hundred million if Islamic Jihad would have just hit the target and not missed. Appear then this caused the problem and the fake stories and then all this chaos, and then we had to pay what does that really mean sean . That really means that if they had just fired a missile at tel aviv and killed jews as they intended then we wouldnt have had a problem. And that was one of the sickest eariest things i heard through this entire war. Sean im not a big supporter of Making Ransom payments and that was the 6 billion that joe made in the deal with iran. He says now, he claims now and there are reports now that they have a secret deal that iran will not get the unin. Iran is contradicting those reports saying they are getting the money and will spend it any way they want to spend it. Absolutely. Sean im looking at this figure if youre going to give them the money, can we get the hostages back . Can we get something for this money. Were giving them 1. 2 billion per hostage and we know that will do two things. That money is going to go into the middle east Terrorist Machine and its going to green light that practice of taking more hostages. And this comes on the heels of lifting the sanctions, et cetera. My prorex i think iran is in a difficult position still, sean, because he have but they always say we didnt do it, they did, they planned it but they always say they didnt do it. They keep saying were going to do this and that but they use senior gas, Hezbollah Rockets now and then shoot things from yemen but they havent done what they say theyre going to do and that is to destroy israel and they know why. Because this is the first time it is 150 aircraft that will soon be off the coast of beirut and near iran and they know that if they attack that fleet, or hezbollah attacks that fleet, even joe biden will be forced to respond. And right now the world is looking at iran and i dont think the russians and the chinese are going to do anything. They say theyre their allies but china just wants oil and they have their own problems with them. They dont have friends, the middle east private countries privately despise them and i think theyre going to talk talk talk but they know if they do anything for the first time in their history theres no restraints on israel. And hezbollah can do a lot of damage but in 26 it was a terrible war with mistakes made. But they sent beirut back to the middle age, go back in there and bomb all those Missiles Sites that were shielded and embedded in beirut. Even the economic minister of beirut, of lebanon the other day said if were going to war well be in bad shape we havent still recovered from 2006. So i think for all the talk, iran has gotten into position. There is no restraint on the United States or israel if they tried to invade or sent missiles at. Sean if they want to test the resolve of israel and Prime Minister netanyahu, not only funding two proxy wars one from the north one from the south and then involve themselves, they are paying with israels existence is threatened as far as im concerned. We have about 15 seconds, do you agree . They think theyre in the most confident position theyve ever been, theyre actually in the most Perilous Sdmroo way said. Straight up Victor Davis Hanson a leader, about his political future, anyone want to guess who it might be and tell you when we get back. 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One in particular raising some eyebrows, carolina governor gavin newsom will land in israel tomorrow. See, that does not at all heighten speculation about future political ambitions, does it . Do you think . No. Okay. Anyway here with reaction, the cohosted of the big money show, Brian Bremberg and Fox News Contributor joey jones. Great to have you both here. Good to see you both. Thanks for having sglus so i got in this debate with ron desantis and Governor Desantis sorry Governor Newsom that is november 30th. Right. Now i have interviewed gavin newsom twice. He has sworn up and down both times, no, under no circumstances as i getting in this president ial race. Is he running. I dont know if hes running but ron desantis had a win commitly and i dont mean to frame its this way because this issue in israels way more important than positively text but ron desantis said hey im going to gets my people out of there he went and got his people out thereof. Reporter he sent planes by the way and unlike joe biden he didnt charge americans for the flight home. Maybe thats i big part of it. It looks very political to me. Even kathy hochul going over. Sean kathy hochul is going . I would rather see her at nyu or cornell trying to do something with these students that are supporting hamas and palestine. You have a governor in california, you have a high schools in zach that marched down through the halls and students that were jewish were hiding from them because they were so aggressive. You have a school today in sacramento, a high school. You have professors at berkeley battling over whether hamas is a Terrorist Organization. I feel like gavin newsom has plenty to do in his own state when it comes to this. Sean i would say that, too, first thing gavin i would cut taxes just saying. Brian. Heres the problem with what hes doing. So hes going to israel on his way to china, okay . China buys about 87 of irans oil. What does iran do with that oil revenue . It funds hamas to murder israelis. I mean, this is the stupidest trip you could ever make in sequencing if you want to show the American People that you can be a leader on a foreign stage. Its a Slap In The Face for israelis. Sean are they doing this because theyre losing population and bleeding billions in tax dollars like new york is bleeding billions in tax dollars, because people like me have decided i am getting the hell out of here . Yeah. I mean, the exodus from california to texas. Sean im not the billions guy im just saying, every person that leaves in the state, thats less taxlings. It reminds me of bill de blasio. He messed up new york city and said you know what im going do . Run for president. Gavin newsom has taken california and turned it into a dump and he said the way to fix that is to be president of the United States. Its the wrong thing, fix your own state deal with your own problems. Maybe if you did that people would look at you. For all the californians coming to georgia because of the industry we built down there. Live somewhere around there. Sean i lived in alabama and lived in georgia, birmingham is the capitol of georgia. If youre a californian and moving there it is. Im trying to get our senate seats back. Sean i understand completely. I do think theres some ambition there, well find out. I like the idea, when you look at these two governors, though, ron desantis and gavin newsom, red versus blue, state versus state you cant have two different ideologies. Yeah. Sean how do you even begin to possibly bridge the gap with these different views . You have to make them talk to etch a other and not past each other. Thats your job. Sean oh, i have to make thats your job. You have to make that happen. Sean thats a high bar brian. Youre the guy for it but America Needs that debate doesnt it . Do we need that bridge that gap or show the differences . I think americans have to make a choice. Sean then why are people leaving one state and moving to the other, why does one have 13. 5 state income takes and one has no state income tax. You dont need to bridge the tax show the californians moving to florida and texas and tennessee why its not our tax policy but the culture and how we treat each other, when we go out in opportune and say yes, sir, yes, maam, and states across the country is the respect we have each other is what creates a culture even in the business we create and the money we earn. We dont have that everywhere in our country. You know what . Its also tax policy, that helps a lot. A great Business Environment makes everyone happier. Sean i was out in california, 7 a gallon for gasoline florida 3. 50. How do you have such a difference like that . You drive to florida and buy goods on the way. Sean fill up your tank while you can. Joey brian great to see you both. Quick break. More hannity straight ahead. 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Available at walmart or drinkcirkul. Com. Sean go have fun tonight. Twohour marathon, what a great crowd. Thank you all for staying and being troopers. Unfortunately thats all the time we have left this evening, thank you at home for being with us as well. Next week Live Audience shows sign up on hannity. Com, tickets are a Million Dollars sorry theyre free, wednesday and thursday, hannity. Com, go and register. Set your dvr, never, ever, ever miss an episode. Stay with Fox News Channel all night for coverage of israels war with hamas and Trace Gallagher fox news at night. Trace good evening im Trace Gallagher 11 00 p. M. On the east

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