Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

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Are the supplies that you are lacking . What we are planning and this is the most important thing is to build a new shelter for ventilated patient. This is what we need now. There were rockets in the area of jerusalem. We treated already in the last day some casualties from injuries from iran, jerusalem, and this is the most important thing that we need to do now large shelter we can treat patients over there. We need equipment for this place. We need ventilators. We need a lot of equipment for this specific place. We have shortterm we can put ventilated. New Intensive Care in the shelter. Ainsley there is the website. We are putting it up on the bottom of our screen if you want to donate. Brian im sure everyone does. Stay safe. The second hour of fox friends starts right now. This is a fox news alert. Since we hit the air an hour ago we have seen a lot of smoke along the border as fighting continues. New information from the idf as they report they have arrested more than 60 Money Operatives of hamas in the west bank area. Lawrence overnight President Biden returning home after visiting israel where is he pledging 100 million in humanitarian aid for gaza, which he says israel was completely on board for. I got no pushback virtually none. Let me ask you it again. I got no pushback. Brian glad he repeated himself. Did i not get it the first time. This as we learn the u. S. Navy is sending another warship. The uss Mount Whitney to the eastern mediterranean, meanwhile, back here in the states, theres this. [chanting. Chanting] ainsley several hundred protesters arrested at the u. S. Capitol chanting things like ceasefire now. This comes as part of a larger trend we are seeing of antiisrael propalestinian protests popping up all across the country. Lawrence we got you covered. Team coverage. Alexandria hoff is live at the white house ahead of President Bidens primetime speech tonight but first go to our own trey yingst live inside a home in israel hit by hamas terrorists. Tell us about the scene, trey. Good morning. Right now we are with the Israeli Military in one of the communities that is very close to the gaza border. Less than a mile away. We could look in add israelis were hitting specific buildings. I want to show you inside this house. One of the First Communities to be massacred last weekend. Im not going to give you the name for security purposes. We will talk about that more later i do need to warn our viewers what you are about to see is incredibly graphic. Viewer is advised. Crossed the border just last weekend. If you look here on the door of the shelter, you can see bullet holes, hamas fighters firing trying to destroy the locks of these doors where they then slaughtered the residence of ref this small community. You can see the floor here covered in blood. There was a struggle. People simply trying to survive as they were at home on a weekend with loved ones. There are bullets on the ground, evidence of the war crimes committed against this Quiet Community where more than 25 of the population was killed or is missing. Im going to take you outside here so you can see more of this area along the gaza border. One of the hardest hit places. Its now controlled by the israeli army but that fighting continues in the distance. I want to give you an update on the Southern Front here. Last night vrabel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with war cabinet in tel aviv. Understanding that the Ground Operation is likely just hours, possibly days away, President Biden visiting here yesterday, giving the green light to the israelis to move forward with that operation. As you mentioned, the northern border remains very active this morning. The israeli army telling us today that antitank guided missiles were fired into Northern Israel. And the israelis are already responding with airstrikes in southern lebanon. Guys, back to you. Ainsley trey, i mean, my goodness. Its hard to watch. We need to tell the story. You are having propalestinian saying it didnt happen. Blood in that hallway. Decorations up on the walls. Family lived there totally ambushed in the middle of darkness of night. Do you know what happened to them and was that a bedroom . That is a shelter room . It had a window in it so i was confused by that. Was that a bedroom or was that a shelter . So that was a bomb shelter. Its reinforced room that every house in this community has its supposed to be the only safe location for a family when there is infiltration alert or rocket sounding. They were locked inside. And can you see those bullet holes. I want to show you the scene here though of the house. Lawrence they set it on fire. Trey next door. It tells a horrific story. When families were able to keen the door closed and we heard so many stories of people just holding the door shut as militants fired on them. When they were able to survive that initial attempted breach by hamas these fighters burned down the homes with people inside. Their neighbors, thats the case here. This house is totally charred, just the remains. I want to tell you a story, again that, we spoke about earlier in the week. Our engineer for fox, his brother lived in this community and was home when the master took place. Thats exactly what happened to his house. They were inside of a shelter. These militants fired on the door. When they were unable to breach the door they burned down the house. Just by a miracle, pure chance, his brother and his brothers wife survived. And we actually saw their home here in this community there is nothing left. It looks like a pile of charred remains. And that was just one piece of hope aany horrific story. But again 25 of the population is dead or missing in this area agriculture and making paint. These were not soldiers these were not come watt tantaros. For the people in the streets of america saying that this didnt happen, i ask that they believe their eyes because we are showing you these images live. The blood on the floor, the bullet holes in the sides of shelters. These people were slaughtered. They were massacred in their homes. And they are so close to gaza. We will bring you these images later. We have to be careful with the Security Concerns right now. Because we still heard gunfire in the distance and we have seen the airstrikes. But our cameras capturing as the israelis are hitting hamas positions inside gaza. And we are so close, just to give you a sense of where we are. We can see individual buildings inside the strip where hamas fighters are located. And the israelis are preparing for those orders to enter. Guys . Lawrence trey, if you could take a moment, and you have been doing this for a while. You have been to a multitude of scenes. And we hate to compare, but why is this one so much different than some of the other war zones that you have been in . This is so different because of the timing timing and how unexpected they are. People were home with their loved ones and in moments these militants entered this community and started firing on their houses, on their loved ones. As it compares, it has to do with the timing. Because it was so unexpected, people had nowhere to hide think had nowhere to run. We shelsheltered in place. We heard so many stories of bravery woe should talk about those stories because people grabbed whatever weapons they had. And they simply fired what they could. And many people were saved as a result. They were able to to just make it through like our engineers brother. Just simply trying to survive. But as it compares, it has to do with the timing. Brian trey, think about this. You have the israelis worry about getting innocent people aid and you have hamas trying to kill innocent people as their target. That is the contrast. In egypt they were begging egypt to give aid to individuals giving 100 million in the hope its getting to the right people. At the same time, hamas says if i get the chance, i would like to kill more holocaust survivors, more babies, more children, more unarmed civilians. That is the different approach to this, which i think people Around The World are not understanding. They are not. And we should talk about this. The israelis have warned some civilians to head south and get out of gaza. Despite. So misinformation, i do want to show you something here, guys. Because this is a moment that i just on Live Television here, and they are pointing out to me. Did i not know this was the exact house but now we are on the other side i see it is. This is the home of the brother of our engineer from fox. And i just want you to look at the scene for a second. Ainsley he was in the bomb shelter there and they set the house on fire. Was the Bomb Shelter Fireproofed . Is that how he survived . How did he get out . He waited there for 16 hours and during that time there was no information. We were one the first as this massacre was taking place. Our engineer, is a professional. So he, rather than stay home, he showed up to work so he could let the world know what was happening here. And help our team as we got this story out and these images out in the early hours of this massacre. I want to take you through what it was like while he was there. This is when you see this. What does it feel like. Horrible, horrible. Just trying to think whats happened to them being in the safe room, no communication they didnt have the phone with them when the sirens start. They run from the bed to the shelter. Usually its mortars and missile that is hitting the community. No one was expecting this one. And when they at some point they understood actually was there for 12 hours, i think. No communication to the outside world. What did it feel like . You were with us in the south and i saw you checking your Phone Waiting for that call there was anticipation. What did it feel like in those moments. Hard, hard. It was very hard. And we cover a lot of stories Around The World. But nothing like that. And for me, especially, i mean we try to do the job, you remember the first day, we have been here, outside. But it was difficult for me unknowing what is happening inside. Trey its the unknown. It shows you how close. Thank you for sharing that it shows you how Close To Home this hit for so many people. But just a taking you through those moments, we were watching as dead and injured Israeli Social were being dragged out of jeeps, laid on the pavement, they were trying to resuscitate their friends. We to bring you images we understood such a massacre was unfolding before our eyes. He stayed with us making sure our shot was up. Making sure we could tell the millions of people watching what was happening in real time even when he didnt know his own brother was alive thats just one story i think you should know about what occurred here. Brian if you told me that day it would be so important to get the word out that story can wait. It needs to be told. Because already people are forgetting or denying that it happened. They will not be able to do that if they watched you this morning, trey, thank you. Lawrence thanks, trey. Ainsley i wonder what will happen to those communities close to the border now. Brian who would ever move there. Ainsley so scary to be right there living basically on the other side of the border of terrorists who want you dead and taught at young age that you should die. Lawrence brian, you were talking about the importance of telling this story and its coming to me as we are watching the live images that trey was there. There is no excuse. The information is out here. The scenes are out here. Were showing it every single we have been doing this for almost three weeks, showing, telling the stories. There is no reason to lie about this they are dying for the humanitarian side on the other side. They want the hospital to be hit by israel. They want to show what is going on over there. They will believe that they will believe what they want to believe, which fundamentally go back to disinformation in this election, soon. But, about an hour ago we had a chance to catch up with a guy we met three years ago. His name was mosab yousef. His book is called the son of hamas. His dad was one of the founders of hamas. Was a member of hamas. He was arrested multiple times and later he would decide to flip and become a christian and flipped on the organization. Became an informant. Wrote a book about it. So, when this thing hans with hamas and now that organization finally, that Terrorist Organization is finally going to get blown up. We thought it was important to have him on the show to talk about the mindset of the terrorists and what they arent. And they are not people that want to live side by side with israelis. Listen to his definition of the group he grew up in. I cannot convince the entire world of truth. Right now people are emotional. They hate to see children dying. Even though hamas is killing the people at the hospital and we have evidence of that, but they still blame israel. People can blame whoever they want, you know, but now we have to concentrate. We have to focus. Public opinion is very important. But, unfortunately its not the time to win the public opinion. Its the time to win the war against the most Brutal Terrorist Organization living today, you know. And later on when people look back at the situation, they will understand what we are doing. We should not be afraid of the public opinion. We have to explain as much as we can but now we have to concentrate on our goals. Taking them down. Lawrence this is someone who grew up the in culture and understands it. So many people want to be politically correct on this issue. This is a guy that knows what Radical Islam is and what needs to happen to defeat it. Ainsley and became a christian when he was imprisoned. Brian david hail is a former u. S. Ambassador to lebanon. Understands the threat our industry was under maybe today had to be abandoned and understands the region. Ambassador, great to see you. Do you worry that people dont understand hot bad guys are . Yes, eye do worry about that. Your coverage just now is a potent reminder of what we are dealing with. The images from october 7 are shocking and no analyst of Foreign Policy can forget what happened, not only was it a case of widespread murder and rape but people photographing themselves doing it and posting them online. This is a new level that we have not witnessed before in gaza and israel. And we have to remember whats at stake. Its huge. Ainsley thats whats hard for us because when you see those images, when you see the safe room bullets through there what happened on the other side of that door . How fearful were they . When you see the blood in the hallway, what happened to those individuals in their own homes that were decorated and had furniture in them and normal night and they wake up to that terrified. This is not the 1930s. This is not medieval. This was 12 days ago, ambassador, thats what is hard for us to understand. Take us to the mindset of hezbollah and hamas hezbollah has been a creature of iran since it was founded. They cooperate and coordinate very close whether i tehran and hamas and the other proxy groups in the middle east and take money from tehran. And the sad irony is lebanese are victims as well. Its hezbollah Making Decisions of life and death in coordination with tehran that affect all lebanese and, yet, they are not nationally elected office. Of course it also effects greatly the safety and security of israelis living in the north. Lawrence you know, ambassador, as we talk about the identity of these terror groups. I guess the big question is what do these terrorists respond to . Because there seems to be a lot of folks in the administration as well as in liberal media feel like they can be negotiated with. What type of force needs to be met with for them to understand that we mean business . Well, i think october 7th should be a reminder to anyone who well meaning, may have believed that negotiations are possible. Its simply out of the question. And Frankly Hamas is killing jews today christians tomorrow and muslims the next day. This has to be dealt with not through negotiation. A comprehensive strategy that doesnt allow iran to say oh well these are proxies, we dont really control them. No, it has to be a comprehensive strategy that deals with both iran and the local dimensions it is exploiting and real problems that these groups are exploiting and its consistent. That means it has to be bipartisan. One of the problems we see our foes in the middle east know they can outwait a president for four years or so. So we have to express National Determination and unity of purpose and putting pressure on where the problem lies, which is tehran and its proxies. Brian right. Starts with tehran. We dont want to say that out loud. Im a little confused. Hezbollah, do they want this fight and do they want it now . They had to have been part of this. There was a meeting about a week or so before october 7. In beirut. A secret meeting actually not so secret, the leadership of hamas, hezbollah, Islamic Jihad have to believe that they have been part of giving hamas this extra edge that we didnt see before in terms of training and capability now we see theyre putting pressure on israel. Whether this is a reuse harder for israelis to do what they have to do in gaza. Whether tehran actually has a strategy that we dont know about that they will open a northern front. We dont know, there is also the risk of miscalculation. Right now most of what is hangs is posturing. Dangerous but in the rules of the road that have been in place for the last 15 years. Miscalculation or misunderstanding during a period of transition can lead to events taking over. The other thing i would say is that the biggest risk that would bring hezbollah into this if there is a sign of weakness. Of if the gain in gaza is somehow not up to standard, if israel stumbles, if they havent identified clear object and realistic objectives, thats when hezbollah will say just like the west was showing weakness before october 7th, now is the time to move because the idf is struggling. Ainsley ambassador, were you scared to be the ambassador . I know you have been the ambassador to pakistan, to jordan, and to lebanon. Not exactly the safest places. I have must have pissed someone off early in my career but i always felt safe. I felt we have an impressive Security Establishment at the embassy. We also dont take a lot of risrisks which is now we are calling for american citizens to leave. This is a matter of prudence. Our first responsibility as a State Department is the safety and security of americans one of the difficulties in lebanon. Dual nationals. They are not tourists. They live there, homes are there, families there. They usually dont want to go until its too late. Which is what we saw in 2006. No more commercial flights, charter flights are hard to arrange. Becomes much riskier and military has to get involved. We really want people to. Brian get out. Wake up and take precautions and get out. Brian because then it becomes our responsibility. David hill, thank you. Coming up propalestinian protesters swarm the u. S. Capitol and is three times the charm for jim jordan to win the gavel. I will pretend as if i dont know the answer to that Jamaal Bowman false fire alarm. Almost three weeks does he face any repercussions. Mike lawler unpacks it all, next. And the feel telling the kids dont cry let them cry. Brian i cant even listen to that new york congressman mike lawler is demanding aan apology from the Squad Members qualify the idf did not bomb the hospital. The rest havent, have they congressman . No, they are a disgraceful bunch the fact that Rasheda Tlaib stood outside yesterday in this rally saying and repeating this vile, disgusting lie that israel bombs the hospital and offering no remorse despite the fact that the administration said it was a lie shows what a disgusting person she is. She has no Business Serving in the House Of Representatives and, you know she showed more anger and upset at a lie than she did for the fact that you had 40 babies slaughtered, refusing to comment when fox news asked her for comment about it. She has no Business Serving in the House Of Representatives its disgraceful. Ainsley she is such a disrupter. Look at this video, are this was detroit in 2016. Brian trump rally. Before we knew who she was. Thats her being dragged out of a trump rally. How does she continue to get elected . Do a lot of people in her district think the same way she does . Do they believe they dont look at the evidence that israel didnt do the hospital, bomb the hospital . It was from within . These folk have promulgated this lie that israel is the oppressor in gaza. Meanwhile the Real Oppressor is hamas, a Terrorist Organization that uses civilians in indiscriminately as shields to try to protect themselves they need to be eliminated, period. The fact that we have sympathizers as members of congress is so unbecoming and so horrifying and you think about it, when you walk through the halls of the House Of Representatives, and you see where Abraham Lincoln sat and John Quincy Adams and you think about the history of this chamber and the things that we have fought for in this country, to make sure that people are free. And you have people that defend Terrorist Oppressors and attacked the free state of israel, and the only democracy and Beacon Of Hope in the middle east and these people attack them, its disgusting. Its vile. And, like i said, they have no Business Serving in the House Of Representatives. Lawrence all right, congressman. I want to get your comments on Something Else today. You are expected to have another speakers vote today, jim jordan is apparently only nominee. It looks like you guys just cant get the job done. I saw some of your representatives and some of your colleagues upset at some of the calls that they are getting from voters. What is it going to take for you guys to get your act together . Well, listen, voters obviously have the right to weigh in with each of us and express their views. And i respect that. Certainly in my district, i have received a lot of calls. Many in favor of, many against. But i will tell you, the biggest challenge here, as i told jim jordan last friday, is if we cant get consensus, if we cant get the conference together, the 20 people who throughout the course of the year have undermined the conference, led by matt gaetz, who voted to remove speaker mccarthy, teaming up with 208 democrats to do it, if we cant get those folks in a room with folks like me in Swing Districts and the folks that are now opposed to jordan, were never going to be age to lawrence but respectfully, congressman, the gaetz thing is passed us now. We have a new nominee thats on the floor. And the question is why arent you voting for him . Respectfully, its not passed us. Thats the challenge were. And what i have said to. Lawrence mccarthy is no longer the nominee. What i have said to jim jordan from the symptom you have to get the right people in the room so you can hash it out. Lawrence im not asking about im asking you about. With all due respect you can yell at me about it. But with all due respect, if we dont get everybody in the room to hash out the path forward it doesnt matter hot speaker is all right . We can elect a new speaker, but we still need 218 votes on the floor to pass our appropriations bills, to deal with aid to israel. To deal with the crisis in ukraine. To dealing with our border. If we cant compromise within the conference, forget about the democrats, within the conference, were not going to be able to govern. And that is the fundamental problem here. So, when you had 8 people team up with 208 democrats to unceremoniously remove Kevin Mccarthy without cause, and then they move to block Steve Scalise because they wanted jim jordan, you create a problem within the conference and what im saying is if you want to fix it, as i told jim jordan last week, get everybody in the room that needs to be there and fix it. Ainsley yep. Thats the only way forward. Ainsley dont leave the room until it is fixed. We told jim stay in the room until you get 217. Dont put it on the floor until you have it. Brian he did. He went without it and less votes yesterday. Ainsley it was a gamble and he lost. Thank you so much. Thanks, congressman. You saw it here live 20 minutes ago, Trey Yingst Touring A Home Hit by hamas. It was a devastating scene. It really shows the horrifying reality to the israelis are facing. We are going to check back in with trey coming up. Your brain is an amazing thing. But as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. Thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. The secret is an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. At stores everywhere without a prescription. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. 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Cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis or psoriasis. Serious allergic reactions, severe Skin Reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. I move so much better because of cosentyx. Ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. Im sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. I went from a size 20 to a size 6. Before golo, nothing seemed to work. I was exercising for over an hour every day. It was really discouraging. But golos so easy, the weight just falls off. Ainsley this is a fox news alert. Right now rockets fire in tel aviv, so lets check back in with trey yingst, is he on the ground in israel. Trey, whats going on . Yeah, guys, 13 days into this war, hamas still has the ability to target israels second largest city of tel aviv. Just moments ago, sirens were sounding throughout the city. Sending hundreds of thousands of people to bomb shelters. Now, those rockets were coming off of the northern part of the gaza strip, we understand. And we want to take you here and show you a live image of gaza. This gives you a sense of just how close we are. Less than a mile from the border with gaza. We have watched as israeli fighter jets target positions along the gaza strip. You can see in the distance there. The mosques inside gaza. And i want to show you the cars along the edge of this community. Again, i want to wait on the name because there are some very sensitive Security Movements happening now as we are with the army. You can see the hamas militants that entered last saturday lit cars on fire here along the edge of the community. They wanted to distract as 67 as possible as they slaughtered people in their homes. Homes like the one behind me that was burnt down with people inside, we talked with a number of Israeli Soldiers in this area. They say they still have to remain vigilant. There are reports that indicates hamas fighters could be within israeli territory. And it complicates the measures as Israeli Forces prepare and try to brace for the orders that are expected in the coming hours or days to launch that Ground Invasion into the gaza strip. In terms of rockets, the israelis tell us more than 6500 rockets have been fired into southern, central and Northern Israel since this war began 13 days ago. And were getting new numbers in today from the west bank where more than 60 hamas operatives were arrested by Israeli Security forces overnight. Remember, there are settlements, small Communities Just like this one in the west bank. And as our cameras saw just a few weeks ago when we were embedded with the Israeli Military, there are hamas fighters there and they are armed, they have ammunition and weapons. And certainly its part of the calculation that the israelis have to make right now as they worry about this Southern Front the northern fronts and developments there and also internally in the west bank as they try to stabilize this rapidly unraveling situation. Guys . Brian yeah, trey, those 60 just real quick, those 60 captures, for the most part, are they capable of flipping . Does israel have a good track record of getting them to talk and maybe help with the future Ground Operation . Trey they will try to get as much information as possible from the individuals they have arrested. But we understand there are mass arrest raids happening in the west bank each and every night. To try and get anyone who would have any information about what took place here in the south and what is to come, and its not just hamas operatives there are reports today that Gazan Workers who were in the west bank and israel. Remember, there were work permits approved before this war started for palestinians to enter israel. And work for different organizations and companies as laborers. So some of them were still inside israeli territory when the war kicked off. They certainly couldnt go back into gaza. The israelis want to gather as much information from them as they can and see if anyone has any sort of intelligence about what took place. But we should note, again, that the israelis are concerned. There could be hamas operatives still inside this territory. So they are on high alert. In this community along the border, we see different posts that they have taken over. They have guns pointed toward the gaza strip, understanding that in the distance, there could still be incursions into southern israel, that they would have to deal with. I do want to touch on the north here though very quickly because we are getting alerts that the israelis are responding right now against hezbollah positions in southern lebanon. Remember, we reported just about 30 minutes ago there were antitank guided missiles, once again, fired into Northern Israel. And the israelis now, not wasting any time in their response there. They are trying to send a message to hezbollah that when they act here in the south, if there is any sort of large scale operation in the north, they are taking the gloves off and they will fire on any positions there in southern lebanon. Its a very volatile situation. There are multiple fronts open as we speak. In the distance we can hear israeli drones overhead. They are buzzing along the gaza strip, trying to determine the next target for israeli fighter jets, as noted we will have video in the next few hours of those fighter jets targeting gaza. We are reporting in this community along the border. Its a very active front as they first try to gather information, conduct limited raids into gazan territory to gather bodies and intel. And prepare for that ultimate Ground Operation that we do expect is coming up here in a matter of hours or possibly days. Lawrence so close to it, trey, stay safe. So to another fox news alert. Just, in a u. S. Official tells fox news that drone targeted a u. S. Base in syria yesterday. Its unclear how many drones were involved or if anyone was hurt. The attack unfolded on the same day as two other attempted Drone Attacks on bases in iraq that host u. S. Troops. Brian here at home President Biden landed at Joint Base Andrews overnight after his i think nine hour trip there is he set to deliver a prime time address tonight from the oval office. Ainsley Martha And Bret will be hosting that tonight 8 colon hour. Alexandria hoff has all the details. This address this evening will likely reflect the same sentiment the intention behind this trip which was to reaffirm the u. S. commitment to israel plain and simple. This trip that the president took also resulted in a deal with egypt to allow for the gaza Border Crossing to open to humanitarian aid. And the president spoke to that in a very rare interview that took place on board of Air Force One yesterday. Take a listen. I was very blunt about the need to support getting humanitarian aid to gaza. Get it to gaza and do it quickly. I dont know what you picked up in israel, but i got no pushback. Virtually none. President biden also committed 100 million in humanitarian assistance to gaza and the west bank and announced new sanctions against hamas. President biden arrived back at Joint Base Andrews late last night just after midnight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern tonight, he will be addressing the nation. The world really from the oval office. Its a move that signifies the weight of the crisis in the middle east. Meanwhile, you mentioned this earlier in the show propalestinian protesters they swarmed the capitol yesterday demanding ceasefire to israel and gaza around 300 were arrested in that. And the far left sentiment has riled fellow democrats, really. Caused a are rift including John Fetterman who stated now is not the time to talk about a ceasefire. We must support israel and efforts to eliminate the hamas terrorists. Hamas does not want peace. We can talk about a ceasefire after hamas is neutralized. And several additional protesters were booted from a hearing yesterday for President Bidens nominee for americas ambassador to israel. His name is jacob lu. The senate is quickly working to confirm lew. There is pushback from trucks on that because of what he did with president obama. I dont know if it will be enough to oust him or not confirm him. Thanks, alexandria, appreciate it right now at least, 203 people are being held hostage by hamas. The attention turns to an elite unit now, the Israeli Defense forces. Reportedly on standby to help. Maybe they are actually in gaza. We dont know. Our next guest trained with that group which famously led to 170s raid saving more than 100 hostages from the palestinian hijackers that were in you gone da at the time. Here with more u. S. Navy seal cammeron hamilton. You are familiar with these guys . Good morning, brian, thank you for having me. Yes, i am. They are really remarkable unit that has an adaptive profile of training and unique set of capabilities to deal with special circumstances just like this. Brian Benjamin Netanyahus brother died in that raid. He definitely knows that unit and has inaffinity for it. Do you sense they might be in the area already, in gaza . I would anticipate so. I think they have likely been there for a while. As well as intelligence and robust infrastructure. Israel is not new to this set. They have had to mold and deal with challenges like this. My understanding is they have probably been on the ground in gaza for quite some time as well as in other regions. Brian when they go in, what kind of force are they facing . I heard up to 20,000 . Do you think its less or more . If you are referring to the hamas militants, there are some estimates that put their numbers even up at 30,000. Its difficult to fehrmanly say. You will have various groups within that organization. Some of which are more radical and more firm than others. And you have got others on the fringes of the outskirts that are able to be coerced into fighting for hamas. Likely though, they will face Tens Of Thousands within gaza and it will be a very kind of a grueling and difficult warfare going door by door. Block by block, street by street, trying to clear and ultimately weed out these terrorists. Brian what people have said to me the thing thats more challenging there than iraq and afghanistan is the tunnels, that you will clear a building and they could just bubble up again and take that building back. Thats correct. One of the unique characteristics of urban warfare in such densely populated region is once you clear you have to hold. So thats going to be a characteristic which is why that is very difficult to attain with. That ultimately thats why israel has brought in a lot of reserve troops. And they are looking at a very comprehensive strategy as they engage and enter gaza. Because as they clear, as they obtain foot holds, they have to keep it. They have to ensure that the enemy isnt popping up behind them or that the enemy isnt able to infiltrate to their rear and ultimately reek more havoc. Brian decide are they going to fortify and run and try to dress up like a civilian and just get out because they are opening up some passageways eventually that rafah gate. Cammeron hamilton, thank you. Thank you, brian. Brian still ahead, Hate Hits Home as iconic jewish deli vandalized with a swastika after the owner proIsraeli Social media post. He speaks out, next. If you struggle with cpap. [man struggles]. You should check out inspire. No mask. No hose. Just sleep. Learn more and view Important Safety Information at inspiresleep. Com look who Saved Slider Sunday again here we go. A perfect kings hawaiian slider. Tastes good too kings hawaiian slider sunday. The only way to sunday tide is busting laundrys biggest myth. That cold water cant clean. 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Ainsley Joran Van Der Sloot revealing how he carried out the murder as extorsion plea deal and will finish out a sentence in peru for separate homicide charge. Our next guest is not completely buying his story. According to transcripts, he said she refused sexual advances, so he crushed her head and dragged her body to the ocean and let her go about kneedeep water and walked home. Why dont you believe him . Well, ainsley, because he is a double murderer, he killed Natalee Holloway and Stephanie Florez and you cant believe what he says. He is coldblooded and good at lying and managed to escape justice for decades now. You cant believe killers, especially when they have a motive to lie and here he wanted to get a plea deal that would see him sent back to peru, so he didnt have to stay in the united states. Ainsley he is spending 28 years in peru because of stephanies murder and more for a drug scandal and they add not add, congruent with yearings hes serving in peru. It is statute of limitation . Natalee holloway would have been 37 on saturday and could have had a wonderful life. That is right, he robbed two young women of their lives. Natalee holloway was barely 18 years old when he murdered her in a violent, vicious and brutal way and he deserves to get a pine box sentence. And he might, but might be free before wed like to see it. Ainsley powerful victim impact statement. He taunted our family, she lost her degree as a teacher because she spent so much time searching for the body and she said, by the way, you look like hell. Hand it over to lawrence. Lawrence to this, Hate Hits Home, iconic new york city deli gets vandalized with a swastika after the owner posted proisrael content on social media, saying we stand with israel. The deli owner joins us. When you saw the swastika outside of your deli, what was your reaction . At first, i was shocked and upset and angry and upset this is happening in my city. Lawrence this is personal for you because of your family background. Definitely personal. My family came from europe after the holocaust and i grew up here knowing about the horrible things and raised to know horrible things can happen to jewish people again. In the great country of america, that seems it is not possible, these days it is more possible and that is frightening. Lawrence you have been charitable and given to mediva c center in israel. Did police catch the person that did this . No, it is open investigation that nypd is looking into. You mentioned a phenomenal organization and we had donated 100 of sales this past friday to the group for the day of jihad to counter the hate with the good they do and raising money for them. Lawrence you have been public about your sports, now this has happened, issue are you afraid . I am not,a frayed to walk about new york, i am afraid of what the future holds. We are seeing scary things happening not just in new york city, Around The World. People are outraged there is a swastika put on my store and that is fantastic. What can be done more, there are other signs of hate out there. Ive seen hamas flags. Heard people chanting from the river to the sea and that is essentially calling for murder of jewish people to wipe oud Jewish Population in state of israel. Hamas stand for not to just kill jews, but all over the world. People should have the same outrage when they see a swastika. Lawrence what is your message to young people on the street protesting with the hamas flag that say they dont stand with hamas, they stand with the palestinian people. What do you say to them . So many people are sensitive to everything going on today. We see hyper sensitivity in this world. When somebody stands with the flag believing they have a just cause. When you see women being brutalized and teenage girls being raped and babies being burned alive, it is okay to say that is wrong. It is an obligation. If someone

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