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Yeah maier before the sixday war and telling me how terrible everything was, which it was. She kept flipping the maps up and down behind her. She looked at me and said would you like a photograph . And i thought she just we were outside her office and were standing there having the photograph taken like you and i are standing with the press and she without looking at me she said i am, she said dont worry. We jews have a secret weapon. We have no place else to go. Well, the truth of the matter is, if there werent an israel we would have to invent one. The truth of the matter is that i believe that as i went home its true. You dont have to be a jew to be a zionist. And i think the security and safety of the jews worldwide is anchored in the continued vibrance of the state of israel. Thats what i think its about at its core. And so ive admired people in this country for so long and im convinced that more people know from your responses to whats happening as opposed to just what War And Peace is about. [inaudible] but i would like to talk to you privately if i can. [applause] [shouted questions] dana President Biden on ground in tel aviv. Looked like he wanted to take questions from the press. He was led away by Secretary Of State Antony Blinken. Well have everything you need to get caught up today. Im dana perino. Bill hemmer is off today. Good morning to you, gillian, thank you for being here. Gillian im Gillian Turner and this is americas newsroom. President biden is in tel aviv. The fallout over the Gaza Hospital Bombing Hanging over his trip with major implications across the region. Dana predictably hamas immediately blamed israel for the attack and caused protests across the middle east. Israel claims Islamic Jihadist and has Video Evidence. President biden is backing up israels assessment. Gillian President Biden and president netanyahu emphasizing the viciousness of the hamas attacks that ignited this round of fighting. October 7th hamas murdered 1400 israelis. Maybe more. Thats 209 11s and why october 7th is another day that will live in infamy. President biden they committed evils and atrocities that make isis look somewhat more rational based on what ive seen and appears as though it was done by the other team, not you. Dana general Keith Kellogg is here in analysis and team fox coverage. Jacque heinrich at the white house. Jonathan hunt is on the Hospital Bombing. First we have to get to Trey Yengst In Southern Israel for an update this morning. Hi, trey. Dana and gillian good morning. I want to start with breaking news. We are getting reports of clashes along the northern border between israel and lebanon. Quite the juxtaposition between President Biden speaking alongside israeli Prime Minister netanyahu getting his sense of the visit oh than the ground. Not just one to say hello and provide support bust to plan for the future. There is a regional war developing as we speak. Not just in the north but also the south. We saw it ourselves along the border today watching the israelis strike the gaza strip and images from the alahli hospital in gaza city. The debate surrounding what happened with the explosion at the hospital at the forefront of President Bidens visit. It canceled meeting today with palestinian president abbas and more questions about what occurred. I want to take you to the playbyplay of what we know. There is a lot of fog of war right now in the hospital after math and what happened in gaza. Last night there was an explosion in gaza city at a hospital where hundreds of palestinians were sheltering inside the main city, the Population Center in gaza. Following that explosion, hamas immediately came to reporters like myself and said the israelis conducted an air strike against the hospital. We then turned to the Israeli Military and asked for comment and evidence about what took place. About an hour later the israelis got back to us and started to provide comment and evidence. The israelis say Islamic Jihad Rocket Misfired. It went up in the air and israelis say it landed in the hospital yard. Islamic jihad is the second largest faction behind hamas. Today ive been speaking with palestinians on the ground including one man who sent Video Evidence from the hospital. There was no crater, a lot of shrapnel and many bodies. We continue to investigate. The israelis providing new evidence to fox news about a phone call between hamas operatives who talked about the misfire that took place around the time of this tragedy inside gaza. All of this is happening and sparking regional unrest. It gives you a sense of just the flash point that the middle east is facing right now. Following the images that came out from the hospital in gaza last night. There were protests and riots outside of the American Embassy in beirut, lebanon, also outside the israeli consulate in install bull and outside the Israeli Embassy in jordan. It gives you a sense of how delicate the situation is. There is a real understanding despite the evidence presented arab World Leaders arent able to say the israelis are correct in all of this. The leader of the Palestinian Authority, saying it was indeed the israelis. Canceling his meeting with President Biden and putting the region into a tailspin that is going into a difficult situation in the days ahead. Dana from where you are im just curious about President Bidens visit. Do you have any feeling or any thoughts about that visit . Does anybody recognize he is there from where you are . I know youre quite far away from where he is currently in tel aviv. Absolutely recognize he is here, as he was initially meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, we were with the Israeli Military in a community along the border that was targeted by hamas militants 12 days ago. What was taking place, President Biden was meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and at that moment there were air strikes taking place along the gaza strip. Black smoke rising from the horizon. Well have more of that video later for you. But it shows just how active the conflict is. The understanding on the ground here is that President Biden was not just, as i said, here to give support, shake hands on the tarmac and fly back to the United States. He had very substantial meetings in the israeli war room to get an understanding about what comes next. The understanding from israeli media and officials were talking to each and every hour is that President Biden is giving the green light for the israelis to move forward with a Ground Operation into gaza and the concern and part of the preparation right now and the belief on the ground is that iran will direct its proxies including hezbollah to increase their fire on israel and The Americans and israelis alike trying to determine what their response will be. Dana. Dana one last one for you, trey. The president was going to be going to jordan but that meeting has been canceled. Abbas said he wouldnt do it. The jordan jane king canceled it. The president went directly to israel and will head home after his meetings today. What about that cancellation and what do you think that means in terms of the protests were seeing now on the screen thats happening right now in beirut and other capitals in the world . Its not good because were so deep into this war that the fog of war can change even the perceptions of World Leaders that are broadly considered to be more moderate leaders in the region. Jordanians, egyptians, many gulf countries pointing the finger at israel despite the evidence they have provided. It creates a very challenging situation. I want to talk about one thing inside gaza. We arent just dealing with The Americans working around the clock behind the scenes to get the hostages released and trying to cut a deal they can ahead of the expected Israeli Ground invasions but hundreds of americans cities trapped inside gaza. We spoke with intelligence sources who indicate there are hundreds of u. S. Citizens inside gaza. We talk about aide workers and Palestinians Americans who havent been able to get out. Last hour i was texting with a palestinian American Woman from utah. She was there visiting her father sick in the gaza strip when all this started. The massacre 12 days ago in southern israel. She has been texting and calling me saying she is terrified. She said she has gone to the border four times at the direction of the State Department and every time they have not been able to cross on that southern rafah crossing to egypt. She said one time the crossing was bombed while there were foreign citizens there. It gives you a sense of the terror the american citizens inside gaza are facing. They werent expecting a war. They are stuck inside and pleading with the u. S. State department to get them out before this Ground Operation begins. There is really no safe place to be inside gaza. Were not just talking about the hostages. Also the innocent civilians slaughtered in southern israel and learning about the after math of that but the Hundreds Of American Citizens Inside Gaza with no way out. Dana fear is rising there. Please stay safe. Thank you. Gillian israel meanwhile has put forward new audio depicts hamas operatives discussing the gaza Hospital Bombing. If true that evidence bolsters israels claim it was from a Rocket Misfire from the jihad. Jonathan hunt has the details. 11 is disputing it was a deadly explosion at one of the major hospitals in gaza city killing possibly according to hamas hundreds of people. Whats in dispute is the source of the explosion. Palestinians were quick to blame and israeli strike. Those claims spread through the region sparking anger across much of the arab world. But israel says this had nothing to do with them and has offered video and Audio Evidence that israeli Officials Say prove this was a rocket fired by Islamic Jihad in gaza. They say the rocket mal functioned and fell directly onto the hospital. Still fully loaded with fuel, that rocket. It had not traveled far and that is what sparked the huge Explosion Israelis say that we have seen quite clearly. Israel also released what Officials Say is audio of a conversation between hamas and Islamic Jihad members discussing in arabic the alleged misfire. Listen here. [speaking native language] President Biden meeting with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today said he agrees with the israeli assessment. President biden based on what ive seen it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you. But there is a lot of people out there not sure. So we have to overcome a lot of things. President Biden Hinting there at the stark fact his words and the israeli evidence quite simply will not convince many palestinians and their supporters and the impact of that explosion will likely reverberate for days, having already changed the course of President Bidens Diplomatic Mission in the middle east and possibly therefore the course of this war. Gillian. Gillian The Mission Evolving by the hour. Thank you very much. Dana President Biden standing with israel over the deadly attack on the hospital in gaza saying the hit likely came what he called the other team. Jacque heinrich is live at the white house with more. Good morning, jacque. Good morning to you, dana. Want to point out the president was just asked in that event a few moments ago based on what information he is backing up israels claim that they were not responsible for this Hospital Bombing. The president said it with as based on data that he was shown from u. S. Defense officials. So that is the first explanation that we have gotten for how he can be so sure of this. But the president backing up israels claim that they were not responsible is a significant moment not only shaping the rest of his trip but maintaining u. S. Resolve to stand behind israel as it faces tests of public support. President biden i want you to know you are not alone. You are not alone. As i emphasized earlier, we will continue to have israels back as you work to defend your people. Well continue to work with you and partners across the region to prevent more tragedy to innocent civilians. Some Progressive Democrats were quick to seize on hamass claim that israel was responsible calling for a ceasefire and even laying blame on biden. Congresswoman tlaib. This is what happens when you refuse to have a ceasefire. Omar said bombing a hospital is among the gravest of war crimes. Potus needs to ask for a ceasefire. The messages are still up on their pages. It prompted the jordanians, egyptians and palestinian authorities canceled talks with biden focused on safe passage for civilians. Those talks are scheduled to happen by phone on bidens return flight. I know you are tracking we arent going to jordan. We noted that president abbas put out a positive statement urging calm in the wake of the explosion at the hospital. The president intends to speak with both president abbas and president cc on the flight home tomorrow night. We expect the calls to happen on the way back. The other reason that biden is in israel is to send a strong message to actors in the region like iran and its proxies not to get involved. Not stoke this fight or they might face possible u. S. Response. Of course, just how effective this is only time will tell, dana. Dana Jackie Heinrich at the white house. Thank you so much. I want to bring in general Keith Kellogg. A Fox News Contributor and very good to have you here. Want to read to you this from the wall is journal. The headline is bidens trip to israel carries risks for u. S. Policy and his own legacy. The visit raises political and diplomatic stakes for President Biden who vowed an end to forever wars. The fact that we have an ideological war with people that want to kill western civilization is not something that the President Biden started. But now this is firmly on the oval office and on the resolute desk. How do you think the trip for the president is going so far . Thank you for having me. Look, lets be very clear. 30 americans have been killed so far as a result of the attack 12 days ago. We have 19 or more missing out there has hostages. Were into the game and fight right now. We have to understand that. By moving the Carrier Strike groups ford and ice the message needs to go to iran. Dont get involved or support hezbollah coming in from the north. We can touch you not with fighter jets from on the board of Carrier Strike groups but guided missile destroyers. They can range tehran and the Nuclear Facility and range anywhere out there with 100 pound war head on each of their gps guided. Back off, iran. Dont support this. Let the israelis handle hamas. They did it in 2014. Stayed about a month. They will have to go much harder methods. People need to get used to seeing casualties in soldiers and civilians. It will happen, dana, because when you go into a city fight, it is doortodoor, floor to floor, you are pistol range combat. I have been in it. It is tough fighting and you have to expect some collateral damage. You knowed to harden yourself for that. The president needs to be full up in support of israel and my disappointment in abbas cans selling the meeting with the jordan yens as well. I know why they did that. There is an economic need to it. Abdullah has a problem in jordan. 50 of the population in jordan are palestinian. The queen is palestinian. Abbas is there as well. You need to remind them were paying you, we the United States are giving you 250 million a year. Jordanians you get 1 billion from the u. S. And egypt you get 3. 5 billion and you knowed to come on board and support or you wont get any money. Economics are important in the region as well. A dual effort the messaging has to be clear and clear to iran as well. Im hoping the message is genth to them. Dana i want you to listen to general david petraeus. What is going to follow . If we take down hamas, the terrorists, and Islamic Jihad and dismantle the political wing, who will be responsible for gaza . Who will take care of the Palestinian People . The Prime Minister should offer a vision that includes this is what life will be like for you if we exterminate hamas, that has been the mission that has been given. Dana what do you think of that, sir . I think its a foolish statement. Here is what i mean by that. Look, dana, they shouldnt have to determine what will happen in palestinian or in gaza or Palestinian Authority. Thats why they have abbas there. They need to figure that out. Hamas is a Terrorist Organization. Its not the Palestinian People. The people in gaza voted them in. They voted for hamas in. Thats a Terrorist Organization and israelis will have to handle that. They have now been the largest loss of life of jews since the holocaust. Americans have been killed. They need to take this to the finish. I wouldnt worry about the end state. Finish hamas and tell abbas the Palestinian Authority you need to figure this out and you need to make sure there is no terrorism. If you are serious about having a palestinian state you need to come on board. The reason why its important the president went there and the message we send to iran. I dont worry about that end state. Thats somebody elses problem. What israel has to do is kill a Terrorist State in hamas. Dana general Keith Kellogg, thank you for your time and well be in touch. Thanks, dana. Gillian were looking at live pictures of riots outside the u. S. Embassy in beirut. Alex hogan joins us. The global concern about whether this war will spill out into neighboring countries there is already major protests underway in neighboring areas like this now. The live images outside the u. S. Embassy where we can see some of those protestors being sprayed by a water cannon, what appears to be just across from the embassy right there. This is the footage we have from last night where again protestors were there outside the u. S. Embassy being sprayed with water and also the Security Forces using some tear gas on them to prevent some of the attacks that we saw there. Tensions only continue to escalate. The State Department has approved the departure of some nonemergency u. S. Personnel and families from the area and a level four do not travel advisory for americans to lebanon, also includes the border with syria and israel. Other protests breaking out like this scene right here. This is in yemen with other protests and demonstrations taking place in jordan as well. Well try to pull up some of that footage there as you see in the top right part of your screen. Those scenes playing out in yemen last night. All of these riots are fueled by rage in much of the arab rule over the blast last night that killed 500 people at a hospital in gaza. And these latest scenes show the damage of the charred buildings, belongings, blood on the ground outside of that hospital. Hamas is blaming the Israeli Military. Israel says it was a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket. The director of the hospital is urging for an end to the war. The u. S. Says officials are telling reuters the u. S. Military was able to intercept an attack on drones on forces that were fired toward iraq. Again this all taking place while all of this footage is coming out now. This is very important to know how different this kind of attack is. This is something we have not seen in at least a year according to u. S. Officials. That attack again two intercepted drones on u. S. Forces in iraq. This footage coming out remarkable to see whats playing out. Gillian Alex Hogan In London today. Thank you. Lets bring in noah, who served in the idf and special envoy for combating antisemitism in israel offered a book called israel. A simple guide to the most misunderstood country on earth. Thanks for being in the studio with us. Thank you for having me. Gillian it turns out antisemitism is alive and well here at home in america as we have been seeing over the last couple of days. A lot of what were seeing, protests, specifically in new york, cant be explained away as sort of antiisraeli policy or antinetanyahu or even propalestinian freedom. People in Lower Manhattan Last Night Were Chanting and burning the josh flag. Weve been seeing this for a long time. A huge part of my work was trying to explain to the American People and the rest of the world that antisemitism took a new shape. It is not really only antijosh racism, which it is. Antisemitism is a shape shifting conspiracy. Thousands of years of josh existence it changed. Sometimes about race and religion. This time it is about signism and israel. The entire Conspiracy Theory about the jewish people that sounded in the old days like jews drink christian blood, right . That was blood bible that was used to kill jews. Today it sounds like idf kills children which is a modern day blood liable. We see the effects today on the ground. When people in sydney and new york and walk down The Streets Of London they dont chant we dont Like Netanyahu. We dont like a certain policy or the other. They literally chant gas the jews. And hold swastika. This murderous doctrine has been around for thousands of years and it shape shifted. The new face of antisemitism and its causing blood. Dana what do you say many News Organizations jumping to conclusion to take hamass word for it that 500 innocent people were killed in a Hospital Bombing by israel. It turns out not to be true. There is video and Audio Evidence of this. The headlines barely changed. No correction and they dont explain it. Does that when you talk about antisemitism, do you think of that as all a part of that pie . Sadly, it is part of the pie. I got the notification from all these News Organizations saying israel shot a hospital, 500 people dead im like are you taking a Terrorist Organizations news report at face value . Why would people do that and jump to the conclusion that israel immediately did this . I got on the phone with my contacts in the idf. Israel is democracy. We dont put out Press Releases until we verify what the truth is and sources are. Im in touch with them. We can confirm there is a hospital is never a target of the idf. What is the palestinian Islamic Jihad. All News Organizations reported it was israel. After that it was difficult. A lot of News Organizations pulled it back and changed and announced it is like well, both sides this side says one thing. Dana they changed the headline a little bit but the correction goes without amplification or explanation. The worst thing about it is in the arab world in arabic it is almost impossible to change the tide. Dana thats why you see the protests. They arent we dont Like Netanyahu or this occupied territories in the west bank should be a palestinian sidebyside with israel. No, its gas the jews, kill the jews. Thats what this is. I really hope people are understanding this. The other thing people need to understand is this doctrine, the murderous doctrine is not israels problem. This is coming for the jews and coming for the christians and coming for western values. This is why were fighting this on behalf of the entire free world. Gillian a lot of the most prestigious universities in america are facing wide scale protests, antiisrael, antijewish protests this week. There is starting to be a little bit of pushback now. Take a look at this from the wall is journal oped by a wellknown berkeley law professor. He writes if you dont want to hire people who advocate hate and practice discrimination, dont hire some of my students. If you are a legal employer when you interview students from berkeley, harvard or any other school ask them what organizations they belong to. Ask if they support discriminatory bylaws or other acts and resolutions blaming jews and israelis for the hamas massacre. Do you endorse that way of i dont think after 9 11 we would have hired as americans anybody who would say i support al qaeda. I think that was pretty clear for everybody. Im very happy to see this coming from berkeley law. Berkeley law was the one that a few months ago passed in their Constitution A Law that they said that if they have any speaker who supports israel or zionism they would not be inv invited. They left out the entire jewish community. I went to berkeley tried to have conversations with a lot of people. I was attacked viciously. What has happened to the universities in america is not new. It has been going on for decades. A well funded by nefarious forces antiisrael bias and hate that is intended to Delegitimize Israel East right to exist as a jewish state. That is whats happening. It is not by accident but by design. The bds movement on campus spearheading all this hate needs to be investigated by the f. B. I. It is not free speech. This is incitement for murder. Dana thank you for what you do. Stay in touch with you. Thank you so much. As weve been talking about some Progressive Democrats rushing to blame israel for the Hospital Explosion that killed 500 gazans citizens. This is mark levin. Great to have you here. This is representative tlaib after this explosion saying israel just bombed the Baptist Hospital killing 500 palestinians. Doctors, children, patients just like that. Potus, this is what happens when you refuse to facilitate a ceasefire and help deescalate. The war and destruction approach has opened my eyes and many muslimamericans like me. We will remember where you stood. I dont believe, mark, she is taking that back, even given the evidence we have this morning. Well, glad to see you and glad to be here. The Democrat Party has a problem and it is affecting the entirety of the United States. They have a hamas wing in the Democrat Party, tlaib is one of them. There is more than one. They call themselves democratic socialists. They had a massive rally or whatever they call it about a week ago where all the antiseamites and jew haters, i might america haters. She is the result of a 30, 40 year effort by hamas and their various Terror Surrogates to infiltrate our College Campuses through students for justice in palestinian. We know this from the Holy Land Foundation litigation. Care is another organization that is linked closely with the Democratic Party and the f. B. I. And obama administration. She is the consequence of these things. She is heralded all across the middle east by not just palestinians but the most radical terrorists in the middle east and she is proud of it. So she serves here not as a support of the United States, which she hates, but as a support of these various movements in the middle east and when she comes under attack, she pulls her race card and also then takes a few steps back because thats what they are taught. In that meeting in philadelphia where hamas decided and their funders decided they have an influence in the educational system and media system and political system in the United States, thats what they said. Dont be obvious supporters of who we are. Use propaganda, use techniques, you know, come across as sort of soft but we know that what you are and what you are doing is what we support. So look, here is the bottom line. We have allowed our College Campuses to get away from us under the rubric of free speech and Academic Freedom that they dont support. We have allowed our media pretty much to hire a number of these individuals as hosts, bring them on as guests, we have given tenure to professors, many of whom come out of the middle east and surrogates for this movement and they are all around us. It is not wokeism. This is planned, there is many scholarly documents in this. They follow the money, they follow the litigation in the past. They follow the names of the individuals who have come into this country. This is why havent a wide open border is absolute suicide for this country. So you see all these riots going on all over the world. These arent spontaneous. They are feeding them lies. Feeding them propaganda. They have funded these things. Theyre organizing it and giving troops and militia in the streets to do what they do. I want to say one thing. The Gaza Health Ministry that puts out the numbers and so forth, it is hamas. Hamas Terror Headquarters sits on a hospital in gaza. Hamas targeted this hasnt been reported in israels hospital last week. They targeted a hospital. Nbc, msnbc, abc and reuters were implying that israel was responsible. All the information they had was propaganda from a Nazi Terrorist Organization called hamas. Thats all they had. Abbas is the moderate. I want people to understand the Palestinians Authority there is nothing moderate about them. He was the mastermind who funded the Terrorist Attack in 1972 in munich against the israeli athletes. He is the one who does it. Abbas is the one who hands out pensions to terrorists coming out of the Palestinian Authority territories against jews. We pass the Taylor Act In Congress Which Biden will not enforce which says if you dont lay off this terrorism, we have to cut you off because you are using american Taxpayer Money for this. It was trump who cut off that. It was an open spiciot. The u. N. Security counsel wont call hamas or Islamic Jihad terrorists. They can get money for refugees. Refugees, palestinians, and so we give them a billion dollars. In fact, we gave them 75 million about three weeks ago. And its worked through the system. A third goes to the palestinians, when they say we are very careful methods for watching where the money goes, no, they dont. They dont have careful methods. How will they be able to track all this stuff when they couldnt track covid19 . In years ago tlaib would have been expelled from congress. Disloyalty to america. Not criticizing or verbally attacking american, disloyalty to america. What you will find is in america these people in the streets, they are not only hate israel, they not only hate jews, they hate america. They hate america. And the Democrat Party has a problem within its own ranks. If i may with joe biden. Joe biden has done more than appease iran, the mastermind. He funded them. Iran was on its back and economically in desperate shape. Their people were rising up and they were working towards overflowing the government. In comes biden and through the oil money as i explained over the last ten days, mostly through the oil money they have gotten anywhere from 50 to 100 billion and the spigot is still on. And qatar, thats where the head of the hamas terrorists, they are living in five star hotels and kids have expensive cars. Turkey, our nato ally, several hamas leaders are given safe haven in turkey. We have to put our foot down with socalled alley. This tiny country of israel. Exactly, they are surrounded. So the extent we have influence with socalled moderate arab regimes, it is time to exercise it and stop appeasing them. Dana u. N. Miss will embargo on iran expired at midnight. I dont think i havent seen any reporting that the United States or allies tried to stop that from happening. That is so shocking and other than you and a few others mentioning it, you wont find this mentioned in most of the american media. Which is focused on a hospital that the terrorists themselves hit if in fact they hit it. There is some reporting coming out of the middle east it hit the parking lot. No evidence that 500 people died. And yet that goes on and on and on and you hit on the most important point all day. The cap on iran for making, distributing drones and missiles is now off. So they can provide them to any country they want whether its russia against the ukrainians, whether its china against taiwan, whether its any country on the face of the earth. This was part of the obama deal. At some point the caps come off. The cap came off, biden doesnt talk about it. Blinken doesnt talk about it. Most of the media in america are too busy focused on attacking israel. The fact is what you mentioned is a direct threat to the United States because its the same country, iran, thats moving at blazing speed to get its nukes. Theyre building icbms, put the nuke and them and then what do we do . Dana stay with us for a moment while gillian and i try to sort out whats happening on the street. Weve been watching the protest in beirut. Now looks like there is engagement. Im not sure who is there in the uniforms with the riot gear, Riot Protection Gear trying to push these people back. Lots of explosions, i dont know if theyre rocket fire. Grenades . I heard gunfire a few moments ago. Last night the Lebanese Military was pushing back protestors who were converging on the u. S. Embassy in beirut. Folks right now running down the streets with shields and body armor appear to be in military uniform. They are likely the Lebanese Military but you are seeing this in realtime. The protests underway since late last night have just escalated in this part of beirut. Dana this is near our embassy, right . Heightened concerns. Also i believe, gillian, there was a travel four alert level four travel alert for Embassy Staff in lebanon saying nonessential staff and families should try to leave. Gillian the State Department issued travel warning for americans to lebanon to not travel. Dana were going to be right back with you. Well look at the pictures live outside of the u. S. Embassy in beirut. One of many protests across the middle east. President biden is in israel at the moment. Well take a quick break and be right back. That first time you take a step back. I made that. With your very own online store. I sold that. And you can manage it all in one place. I built this. And it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. Godaddy. Veteran homeowners. Are you applying for a car loan . The Monthly Payments can be expensive. With an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. Gillian youre looking at live pictures of beirut, lebanon right now. Protests erupting into violence a short while ago. What began as a protest in front of the u. S. Embassy by Lebanese People Last Night became volatile. The sound of gunfire and rocket fire in the residential area in beirut not far from the u. S. Embassy. The Lebanese Military pushed back protestors as they converged on the embassy. A couple managing to get inside the actual compound. They are now out in the streets pushing protestors back as they again try and approach the American Embassy. You can see there riot gear is in full effect. Military personnel are equipped with shields and gas masks as they are confronting these protestors right now. Dana right before we were in the break you saw about 30 protestors some get forcibly removed from that area and start running away from the scene. Well continue to watch this. This is near the embassy. Not just right outside it. John roberts from israel is reporting for us there sending me a note in that commercial break. Near enough there is enough concern that the Lebanese Military is pushing back these protestors. But hamas has called for a day of unprecedented rage. So you are probably going to see a lot more of this as the day goes on. President biden still on the ground. Expected to leave fairly soon on a return to washington, d. C. There is also a stunning report saying the Biden Administration sent more than a million taxpayer dollars to a United Nations agencies that has ties to hamas. Fox businesss Hillary Vaughn joins us from capitol hill. It is being looked at. The reason why under President Biden aid to the palestinians picked back up after it was cut off under president trump. A new report from open the books found that under biden nearly 1 billion has been handed over in aid in palestinians. But now there is more focus on how the money was used and if it fell into the wrong hands. Secretary of state Antony Blinken was asked in may 2021 how they can guarantee that aid given to gaza would not end up Helping Hamas. Blinken said at the time there is no guarantees, quote, we all know in life there are no guarantees but well do everything that we can to insure this assistance reaches the people who need it most. The money was going to the United Nations relief and works agency. A group accused by watchdog groups of Helping Hamas recruit and store weapons. A state Department Spokesperson telling fox business they have measures in place to make sure the money given to the u. N. Is not going to the wrong place. The state Department Takes very seriously its Oversight Role of unrwa programs and finances. They have string unlit policies and procedures to prevent funds and programs from benefiting terrorists. Now there is even more blowback here on capitol hill. Republicans taking major issue with President Bidens assurance that he wants to continue to give aid to gaza. Make sure humanitarian aid makes it there. Republicans said any aid given to gaza right now would essentially be helping terrorists and hamas. Dana. Dana thank you for that. All right. Were going to continue to look at some of these pictures out of beirut. This is near the embassy, gillian. What we saw just a few minutes ago there were several protestors, they had a lot of them Wearing Masks or bandanas over their faces. You were counting about 30 of them tossed out of a building started running away having clashes with the Lebanese Military. The lebanese dont want a war with hezbollah or hamas. They will want to get this calmed down for the safety of their own citizens there in lebanon. Gillian it appears the Lebanese Military is trying to clear protestors out of this residential area in beirut that is not that far from the u. S. Embassy. We want to go ahead and bring in mike singh for some analysis of all of this. He is former senior director for Mideast Affairs for the National Security council and Managing Director of the washington institute. Mike, thanks for being with us. Lets get your reaction to the live pictures were getting from beirut at the moment. It appears that what began as protests, a rally last night outside the American Embassy has become a violent clash between the Lebanese Military and protestors. Very concerning because one of the top u. S. Concerns and israeli concerns as the fighting goes on in gaza is that this conflict will spread across the region and that it will spread to include u. S. Targets. Of course, that is somewhat what were seeing here on the screen in beirut. And there is, i think, a very real risk. Remember, you have u. S. Aircraft carrier, the u. S. S. Gerald ford and marines sitting off shore in the eastern mediterranean. There is a risk it ends up drawing in u. S. Military involvement especially if the embassy is directly targeted. Gillian President Biden is in tel aviv. He has said since his arrival that the attacks by hamas make isis look tame and also said that he has seen evidence from the pentagon that shows israel was not behind the attack at alahli hospital. Why do you think biden is in the region . I think we have to commend President Biden for going. It is a risky step to go. Risky physically. I think hamas would like nothing more than to start Firing Rockets wherever Air Force One is parked, frankly. But it is also politically risky. As you know, whenever a president travels usually you like to have everything carefully choreographed and its not the case here. The president is taking a risk that he can go and not just show solidarity with israel but somehow advance american interests and advance israels objectives and there is certainly no guarantee there. Especially with everything thats going on in a region that really now is boiling. It is good, frankly, to see him show support for israel with respect to this alleged Hospital Bombing that took place yesterday because that again was a story that all of the major news outlets simply took and ran with despite a lack of evidence. All they had was essentially a hamas allegation, which now looks to be incorrect. But the damage of that allegation has been done. You see that around the region. Gillian do you think the president believes or advisors believe and are telling him he whats a chance to prevent a full scale Israeli Ground invasion inside gaza . Is that perhaps the reason why he is there now despite the Security Risks . I doubt it. I think, you know, what he has said is the u. S. Has israels back and said hamas needs to be destroyed. The analogy i make is the Jerry Mcguire analysis, help me help you visit. Where if the u. S. Is going to provide the diplomatic cover for what may be a long and messy Israeli Military operation, i think President Biden wants there to be some procedures or framework in place for humanitarian aid access to gaza that we arent indifferent to the suffering of the palestinians people. The real target is hamas and not palestinians at large. Gillian thanks for joining us. Have to leave it there. Appreciate it. Dana we are looking at riots in beirut. President biden is visiting israel. We are awaiting President Bidens remarks. Well be right back. Megawatts of power, rails and open road, and essential services of every kind. All running on countless invisible networks, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. But the same aipowered security that protects all of google also defends the systems running americas infrastructure. For these services. For the 336 million of us living here. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose new neuriva ultra. 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Bill hemmer is off today. Good to be with you. Gillian im Gillian Turner. We are waiting to hear from President Biden. It was a month ago that these two leaders re

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