Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240703

>> oh, wow. oh, what, what? what? i love. >> tonight, events in the middle east spiraling out midd. trol i an airstrike at a hospital in gaza has left hundreds dead . >> but it's not what it seems. >> hamas claims israel struck the hospital. >> israel denies struc it. fault >> they say a faulty hamaset rocket fired from gaza hit>> their own hospital. >> number one, israe numl does r target places like hospitals. they're not a target for us. s ouldn't and we wouldn't have deliberately hit a hospital. number two, we know that at the time of the of this tragedyt that hamas was firing a barrage of rockets at tel aviv and thevr center of the country. >> the idf has just released surveillance footage showinghed a rocket launch towards israel, igniting mid-flight and thendire propelling directly down into gazactly. >> there that is right there, the surveillance camera timestamp also directlyo th corresponds to the moment the hospital was struc thek. >> the idf also reportedly have recorded a conversatio n among jihadists that links them to the misfire. this is incontrovertible evidence that hamas's orchestratedeviden a globalormai disinformation campaign to thwart the israeloni ground operation before it begins. >> hamas has a history of blaming israel for selfted inflicted rocket accidents. and as we've been reporting,t hamas rockets are built in garages, jerry riggedin from water pipes. >> and 20% missed their target. but th 2theie information war is critical to israel's enemies. >> these enemies don't hav e open societies, so lies are highly effective. open iran is now warning israel that an axis of muslim resistanceg is forces could be coming together to retaliate. >> and just breaking forces c. >> european embassies are under assault. islamist s have planted a palestinian flag into an embassy compound in lebanon.s been and tear gas has been deployedng against a growing mob. a >> this is almost 40 years to the day when a suicidein bomber drove a truck packed with explosives into our marine barracks in beirut, killing 241b american service memberser. tack embassies all over the region are under attack. thi embathe israeli embassy in d is being surrounded and peppered p with fireworks. jordan is also seeing islamicss. protests swarm the israeli embassy last night. got a better idea on that. >> and meanwhile, a secondopenin front appears to be opening up in the northern israel plan hezbollah was just caught planting explosives alongsideouw the israeli border. the terrorists could be laying the groundwork fororr a full sl invasion. >> israel so far has neutralizeo d incursions into their northern flank. >> but for the pask but 70 2 ho hezbollah has been exchanging heavy artillery fire with the idf in intelligence sources tell prime time that thisime th new northern front is slowing down israel's ground assault in the southisrael. ce >> intelligence indicates hezbollah is timing their northern i campaignroun to coincide with israel's ground operations in gazionsa, o stretching the idf thin and complicating their mission . >> the longer israel delays its groua, .nvasion of gaz the more dangerous it gets. hamas has begun striking keys ha israeli cities with a blizzard of missiles. of mison dome is currently blocking missiles descending into the capitol of tel aviv, wherpitol ofe president biden it to visit tomorrow. bei >>ng the iron dome is beingtestd tested. d iran the war appears to be opened on two fronts. and iran is mobilizingsies a the entire islamic world as embassies are underer attack. oi >> a new report says the biden administration is discussing military options to protect israel if the situation isn s to escalate. the pentagon has already activated 2000 u.s. service members who are ready to deploy. when ordered. >> general michael khairallah, gemichae central command, has just arrived in israel to coordinate operationsin. . two aircraft carrier strike groups are in the mediterranean. fter strthe u.s., eisenhower ane uss ford in a big showrd. of force. >> right now, the u.s. has t around three dozen military bases throughout the middle the and about 600 soldiers conducting counterterror operations. >> israel has asked the united states to not send soldiersoldir on to their soil. >> and so far, israel has been highly effective from the air. e >> just overnight, 200 hamas teo terror cells were wiped out, including a hamas headquarterses where a top hamas commander and hostage negotiator were eliminated. israel's top leadership targetth ,the butcher, the top hamas warlord who earned his name from conducting medieval torture tactics against captured israelis. >> after spending 22 years in an israeli jail, the butcher 20 in a prison ied swap. and he's dedicated to his life pris. geance >> but the butcher is suspected to be lodged deep intobu the hamatche expectes tunnel sy, a nasty and treacherous subterranean battlefield that will require extreme tenacity. israel wil will have to act quicke ou and take a page out of egypt's playbook e, an alternative to sending tunnel rats sendd combatand-to-han knife fights and blind shootouts would be flood ing gaza's terror tunnels, releasing thousandg s of gallona of sea water and sewage water intol system has been shown to work in the past. >> back in 2015 and 2018, whensg hamas was caught smugglinght weapons through their border, egypt flooded their tunneleis full. >> 37 hamas tunnels were takenke out of commission, unleashingo the floodgates into hamas's dark holes may be the best war option to finish this war efficiently. joining me now, delta forcera veteran pat mcnamara and former nato supreme allied commander, retired general philip breedlove. all right, breedlove, right now, it's eedlove. a very tenuous you h situation. you've got embassies under assault, a northeravn front loo, like it's just been opened. the iron dome is under siege iro and we have a major humanitarian catastrophe. >> how does this change the calculation in israel in terms of their ground operation? e >> well, first of all, thanks for having me on., an noand i'm not sure that it will change their calculation. >> israe l has been very deliberate. i think they're getting ite getv right before they go in. they've been doing the preparation of the battlefield, both in terms of intelligence and military preparation. and i think when the timecorrec is correct, their intel is correct. and their missiot, n is well defined in relation to the hostages. they will go in the flooding>> j of the tunnels. >> doeesths that sound appropri or would you go in with men or would you just maybe knock themh out with some nonlethal gaems? o >> well, first of all,f jesse, we need to make sure that they're not hiding hostages in those tunnels. if if we were to use t the tactics which were well employed by egypt, as you talked about in the past, if wee were to use those and not havean good intelligence about what is in those tunnels, it coule dt be a problem for us, couldn't it? so i think that what we needha l to be patient for is israel d and characterize the battlefield, and then they will use the appropriate way to attack these problems. >> macnamaraeld and these idf s must be chomping at the bit. they've been waiting about tenbe days to be unleashed into gaza. the clock is still ticking. >> what's going through g their minds right noazw? rill, first off, thank you, jesse watters, for having mee tm here. >> and welcome to my world. y world.soso i agree with the g. as far as the tunnels go, itt bt could be absolutelely catastrophic because, you know, they're going to use those. they're goin.g to leverage them and for a hostage taking and they're going to flood them full of hostages and then fighting in tunnel s is is a really bad notion. you've got a losyooss s of cont. there's no real mapping system and loss of comms goes out the window. >> you know, we are whether we wi, the the world's watchdogs and whether it's self-appointed or not. and right now, we'renoht we're w asleep at the wheel. >> were asleep at the wheel. i'm just bringing this back to how we got here in the first place. you know, i mean, startingi u with with giving up bagram and $7 billion worth of weapons and 13 troops lostd 13 and, you know, cowering to china and then, kevin gifting the hamas $6 billion right there. soso, yeah, the the troops. are chomping at the bit. no doubt this is unfortunately going to be a war of attrition e as we've already seen with the hospital. and as soon as the hospital bombing happened s th, i wasthin thinking you'd have to be an idiot to think that israel did it. k itthere's no tactical advanta there whatsoever. and whether intentional oratsoes unintentional, by hamas, it gives them a tactical advantage becaustagee now they could rall troops, they could motivate troops all over the worl d. g that i mean, it's a horrible thing that happened, but it did happen did. but it's going to be a war of attrition, unfortunately. oro >> there's going to be a lotop of collateral damage in order for troops to go into, which is horrible. again, they're going to have to soften up groun hoin order to get a foothold. >> and they're definitely softening it up througldheh the air. no doubt about that. so, breedlove, now you have the vip coming to town. t he's coming to tel aviv. this is the us president. you'veo got carriers in the mediterranean. how risky is tha t situation? is well, it's always a risk whenyo you taketa this level of vip ino a war zone. we we've done it before. and so the folks that are going to be taking care of him yoll be very diligent and be prepared. but as you know, israel was surprised. >> and now we need to make surat we don't get surprised in the future. i think it's really important, though'sy , that that this particular vip has giveniden a pretty strident message to iran and others who would meddle in the middle east. and as you open the top of the hour, you talked about the growing pieces of thishour, yo t along the border with lebanon, n probably soon in the golan and other places p. d so >> and so now it's time for for our vip, as you mentioned,ight to go and set the world straight abo w about what weess are going to do in support of israel. >> i don't knoi w if he's going to be able to do that in this situation with this kind of volatility and his credibilit and hisy is really gg to be tested. so we don't know if this is really going to deliver goodmaybl maybe days after he leaves. but we just we hopt wee this gos off well, because i can see him telling iran to stand down. they could be a rational actor. yot you're dealinge with hezbollah. you're dealing with hamas with faulty rockets. anythingng with could happen. k this seems like a dumb move. let's see if you can pull ite se off. n pullmcnamara, breedlove, you s are the best. >> and thank you so much formc your service. d thank >> thank you, sir. thank you. >>ea that was the middle east.s dominos into violence. inpresident joe biden is on hisd way. his timing could not be worse. >> just as he walked up the stairs onto air force one, western embassies in lebanon were swarmedembassie and a hospl in gaza was annihilated. >> the leader of the palestinian authority hasity ha canceled his plans to meet with joe biden. and noelles w the king of jordaa ally, has also jusllt announced that he'll be snubbing the american president. it's been a's r for the biden administration from the very beginning. the crowy n prince of saudi arabia made blinken the secretary of state. wait forn, the 8 hours before mg with him and the administratio n signs refugee safe passageway plan to egypt blewy o up in let than 20 4 hours. >> prime time was shockeimd d that president biden decided to fly into an israeli war zon e . as netanyahu prepares for tanyahu forround campaign against hamas in gaza, we don't see how it's possible that netanyahu can oversee the launch of ground operationsn and meet with the president at the same time. therefore, president biden'sel trip will only delay israel's ability to strikayl's e hamas quickly, delaying the israeli war plan only helps hamasives and gives the arab world time to align and wreak havoc. is biden stalling netanyahu in order to talk him out of a large scale counterattack? >> well, cnn is reportin g that biden will tell netanyahu to be cautious and be cognizant of collateral damage. biden' s also personally. attaching himself to this conflict. biden is att this shakes out,e he'll have seriousse political ownership of i t. >> and knowing how hamas rockets are inaccurate, we pray nothine g happens to the o president for his sake and for the sake of the countruntry.y. g >> now, what the president should be doing is giving israel his full support from u.s. soil. but we fea sr biden's narcissism is propelling him to undertake shuttle diplomacy like a secretary of state who thrives on the so-called y of peace process. >> this is a dangerous game. we hopa .e biden isn't being influenced like he has been throughout his presidencyi by the far left. >> it is in the interests of every singl>>s ofe actor in s region to have a cooling actor of tensions here. i don't believe that any singular actor wants to se te an escalation in violence, an escalation in the vote, and in the volatile and such in the volatility of the situation. ty of thwhat's important to note about a cease fire is that it's not one sided. israelt does have a right to to self-defense. i think what we need to take a look at in this situationio is in isf collective punishment qualifies as defense. >> it's not in the interest of israel to cool tensions. israel is interested in completely destroying hamas. the only people who want a ceasefire right now are hamas and aoc. >> and this is cominm thg from the same woman who came out against trump's assassinatio nro of soleimani. this is coming from the same woman who's voted to fund ukraine's ability to defend itself for as long as it takes. and aoc never said a word when president biden killed ten innocent civiliansinnocent k drone strike after the kabul airport attack. >>.of them were seven of them w. >> aoc said nothing. when there'swhen a school shoot, aoc wants to disarm americans. >> but when there's a schoolaoi shooting in israel, courtesy of hamas. >> aoc wants a ceasey of fire. r isn't that interesting? and very much like aocesand ve, joe biden will make this entire trip to israel about himself. n 'll say he was raised in a synagogue. his son died in iraqiraq. and i his helicopter almost got shot down. and i know how you're feeling,yv folks. >> i almost lost my corvette in a kitchen fire. >> emily osbourne's tvu thin personality and activist. >> emily, do you think joe biden'n's ths trip is thet o right move hervee? e that wianks for having me, jesse. personally, i believe that bidenll will be more effective from afar. there is nothing he can accomplish oversean s besides distracting what's a very timely situation and draw a lods of attention on himself in doing so. but i think he knows that. listen, nobody has time for shenanigans at this point. ectly led has perfectly learned how to acclimate using zoom. and i'm surem that he can be just as effective in doing so. >> so he says he wants to andin netanyahu's eyes and get a good sense of the israeli war plan. >> are you buying that? are you're saying that he's going therhe's e to muck up the the works? was >> the only way i justify this visit is if he was, in fac fact mediating a meeting between abbas and netanyahu. but we've just received newsso a that he is not doing that. so what exactly is your purpose in goingr pu if you're not going to try to find peace? is he going to give us some war advice? g to givi don't think so. i think it's a big waste of time. i think it's a very convenient>s . >> do you think these countries respect the president? do you tries reyou two leaders now cang their meeting with the u.s.e ai president as he's in the air on air force one here, there? t it's quite embarrassing. i have to say. america has become a global laughing stock, and it'ss wa ner been this way before. it's frightening. it's not okait's noty. >> and i think the correct adjective is it's just embarrassing. how do you think em the presidentf this is going to conduct things if this cascadeto s into more violence, if you see more embassies under attack, even a an american embassy? and if you see hezbollah reallyl createla a really strongisra incursion into northern israel while he's in teel hl aviv, whas he supposed to be doing when his netanyahu is supposed to be defending his country? >> i think netanyahu and israelh will do just a fine jobey by themselves. i don't think they need the american babysitteericannvoe involved. what will biden do? probably nothing. he'lt os jel get back on his jt and he'll come back to the united states and tweet away, which is greaty which and appr. but you can be just e as effective from d.c. in yourtd own country instead of distracting the big boys from doing their job. diyou think he should have sent kamala harris, is what you're sayinjo: yog? >> to smile and wave? absolutely. all right. thank you so much. we reall>> to smd y appreciate >> thank you.>> t thanks forha having me. so deadly islamic terror spreading into europe and aocs o wants to bring it here. >> introducing cut laxative gummies and the easy way to relieve occasional constipation overnight. >> just take before bed. and the next morning it's show time. and i've got mixed berry flavor. hmm. sent a cup laxative gummies easy relief the gummy way man. >> how many bathroom trips are you making each day? try super beta prostate advanced the number one selling formula in its category made with defend a triple blend to help reduce urges to . find it at walmart or these retailers. >> i'm matthew. i'm melissa. and together we started price clean thrice since day one, our fresh clean 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enjoy a spotless house for $19. >> tensions boiling overr in israel. s exch the idf and hamas exchanging fire today, launching missilesaf at one another with a number of rockets penetrating israel's iron doms penetre and hitting c. >> and, of course, the hospital in gaza that was blown upl today. hamas claims israel was behind itwas t, but the idf says it ws the terrorist's own munitions i and they showed proof. >> john roberts is in israel on the ground, the latest shot.j jesse, good to seees you as the president makes his way over to jerusalem aboard air force one. john kirbyjerusale, the nsc spo, spoke to the press back at the cabin in the reathn thr of plane in which you said that the u.s. really does want to get to th gete bottom of what happened earlier this evening in that hospital in gaza. and the president biden is going to have some tough questiong to havoughs for benjan netanyahu when he meets with him later on todahey. now, the idf, the israeli defense forces, are cateringrcet the narrative put out there by hamas that this was an israeli airstrike,his wa i thatd this hospital. the idf saying that it hast th proof that this was an islamicdt rocket that malfunctioned mid-flight. they put out some footage earlier that was taken from a third party source, which appears to show a rocket going up over gaza, the motorces malfunctioning, blowing up, and then the piece thes of thegd rocket come down to the ground. it's impossibl's ie to know exaw where it landed. but the idf says it waass on tht hospital. the idf also saying, jesse, drat they have got droneat footage of what happened because they have drones flying 24/7 over gaza, which they will release soon, thoughl rele we ht seen that yet. of course, the hospital explosiohen complicating the president biden's visit on the ground here. he was plannind g go to amman, jordan, after visiting v with netanyahu to meet with king abdullah al-sisi of egypt and mahmoud abbas of fatah, the palestinian organization. that meeting has been canceled. we thought initially it was because everybody was so angry i at israel that they didn't want to have this meeting. did to but according to middlen officials, it has been canceled because of three days of mourning. mourningjohn kirby also sharing. now, at the same time as the president is here on the ground, hezbollah has declared that ther s e will be a day of unprecedented anger angegsraet that means alon the northern border of israel jesse. we will find out later on todas ye ther . of course, there have been skirmishes that hezbollah has conducted with idf t hezbol forces.illed al there have been a few people that were killed along that borde r and israel the other day ordered the evacuation of a two kilometer perimeteevacuatiro a tueller up at the very top of the galilee peninsula all the way west to the mediterranean sea, just above nahariya. ththat was not only because of tank missiles that weree being fired into the area and mortar fire, but also the fear that there coul bed be some infiltrations by hezbollah fighters trying to potentially take israelis hostage in the same wayn to that hamas did down in gaza. in addition to the meeting meetg with netanyahutoday in who todag in israel, jesse, the president says that he is also going to meet with the families of americans who were killed here in israeln is as as thoseod who are being held hostage. so all of this to unfold in the next 18 hours here. keep it right here on fot rix, because we'll have it all for you. all right. one more question, john, because i got to get this straight. you're saying our tightest ally in the region. sthte footagenuse i have t that this rocket came from hamas. >> they have communication theys c intercepts that this came from hamas. corr have surveillance video with a timestamp. the corresponds to the strike th came fromckettrik hamas. >> and kirby spokesperson comes, out and says that the president's going to have what, tough questions for netanyahu. >> tough questions about what? there's overwhelming evidencee from our ally, not from the terrorists, fromrrorists ouy that this was a rocket that came from a terrorist organization. her >> why aren't they on the right page here? i don'nkt think, jesse, that the tough questions are specifically or limited tod to what happened at the hospital. i think it also has to do o withwith making sure that rank and file palestinian civilians who have nothing to do with hamas are protected and receive the aid that they needted and e aithat t. that was one of the fivet leas questions or at least topics ththe nthony blinken illuminated last night when he said what the president was going to be talkind be talkinggh with netanyahu about. so i don't think it's confined just to thital.k it'se house, bk it's broader topic. >> okay. well, i haven't heard a lot of the palestinian i havens cont the terror attack against israel. so that thatf would be helpfulo in trying to separate the palestinians from hamaoulds >> john, thank you so much. and please stay safe. thanksease, jesse. fox news alert. f just days after tens of thousands of hamas supporters rallied for a global day of rage, terror has struck o the streets of belgium last night and isis gunmen went on as shootingis spree in the city the of brussels. >> watch. >> the islamist migrant tunisia named abdel-salam low said shot and killed two swedish citizens visiting belgium in a videoin a posted to social media right after the attack. the killer swore allegiance to isis and claimed responsibility. elgian >> today, belgian authorities shot and killed hi sm. >> the gunman had been in thetr country illegally after being denied asylum and had a criminal history, including being tied ing bein up in a human trafficking ring. this is now the second terror attack in europe after a teacher was stabbed and killed in france last week. >> middle east muslims know pose. what a huge risk refugees pose. >>at they refuse to take them. >> on the issues of refugees o i coming to jordan. and i think i can quite catongly speak on behalf of no only of jordan as a nation, but of our friends in egypt. that is a red line, becauseecau i think that ise is the plan by certain of the usual suspects to try and create de facto issues on the ground.. no refugees in jordan, no refugees in egypt. >> so palestine's own neighbors >>in jordan and egypt will risk bringing a million strangers into their countries. but don't worr a my, aoc said, come to america. r: shoul should arab countries be taking on the lion's share of the burdend to absorb what couldlion's be over a million, if not more, refugees from gaza?gaza >> i think there's something to be said about the region's partners sometabout being ablet and step up palestinians. however, that does a not abdicae the united states from our historic role that we'vee ud played in the world of accepting refugeesof and allowig people to restart their lives here. >> so the squad wantt theis a m mideast refugees in your backyard. doesyour she know how dangerous that is? these are the same peoplthe same who cheered 911 and now she wants those people to be your neighbor . >> nicole parker is a formeragen fbi agent t and she's here u with more. >> tell us about the mideast refugee mi situation and that ns with terrorism. you know, right now there is ary very huge on our backs. we have to know who is in our country. left, those that have those on the left, many on the lefmant are sympathizing with those that they believe are oppressede . aoc believes that we should take in anyone. you know, they've been oppressed. let's take them to unitedsske t states. we need to take care of them. let's let's do that. that is extremelhem he unite wethems doy to our national security and would be detrimental to ouity anr nat. we already have enough security issues on our hands. we have a southern bordee enougr that is completely wide open. we have no idea who is here.ompl and we cannot tolerate anyoneyoe else that has not been vetted. even thosels that have beenom vetted, jesse, that have come into the united states. >> they are a threat as well une in with this attack that happened in belgium. o >> the fbi right now should be focusing on who was that individua l that committed that act and seeing what ties that individual hatos to anyone that might be too busy spying on parents. >> they got their plate full.eoe how do you vet someone who clapped on 911 and the palestinian territory? >> i mean, it's disgusting.di i mean, i myself was a witnesssg to the terrorist attacks of september 11th here in new york city. that is actually why i went and joined the fbi septe1th in a >> and we cannot have another attack on our u.s.. biden says he can ve.s. t them. how does he vet them? that's what i'm saying. he can't even vet his own son. >> how does he vet them? the vetting process is is very complicated and difficult. and there are many people that are coming into our country that have beenicult ang in vettn but again, anyone right now anyn that wants to act up in therred name of the strife of what's occurred in israel, believe you're going to be seeing unfortunately, i believe you're going to see a lot of individualsof that are going to use this as an opportunity to act up in violence. and there have been doormen at, you know, terrorist groups that we haven't heard a lot about recently. a t and i have no doubt in my mind that they are using this as an opportunity. isisopportunity., hezbollah, ha. there's going to be, you know,d the fbi and everyone's got see to be all hands on deck right now. >> does the fbi see any threat coming out of these universities? because you see these people pouring out because thes of theset universities cheering hamas. >> are they looking into universities? >> you know, anyone that is sympathetic toward. s what has occurred and does not believe that what has happened an beliey is absolutel abhorrent? >> yeah, i think that there are things that we need to definitely be lookingt ye tho in our law enforcement agencies, our joint terrorism task forcew ens, the fbi. >> you know, they go after individuals that arevative s on the conservative side of the fence and they deem them as threats. and, you knohe f and w, this to me is a very serious threat. international terrorisiousm is a very serious threat for us. >> all right. well, tell chris wray i said hell jesse: rao. i'm not there anymore, but i'm sure he'll appreciati'm suree t. >> thank you very much. so thisss professoorr said hama the killing spree was exhilarating and this is yourre, season to smile, to gather together and discover s that matter, to jump into the fun and join to jump into the fun and join in the celebrationth an ep to hp get you ready. full ex is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic anniversary savings. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full insurance get a free full examiny, becaut, plus, 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alert. the jihadist attack in israel a huge soft spot in america. >> our universities every day since hamas murdered over a thousand israeli civilians, overstudents and professors hav been cheering on terrorism i and this isn't happening at fringe schools. this is happening in the ivyg ia leagues. the academic class thinks hamas or freedom fighters and palestinians are victims. but hamas and the palestinians, they have a lot in common. the the same beliefsoofs and sleep under the same roofs. >> no palestinian leader has stood up and condemned hamas's attack. they havaven'te demanded hamaseg release hostages. >> it's been ten days. >> nothing. the palestiniag.n president wasn quoted as saying hamas doesn't fupresent the palestiniat thn people. >> but then he called the paper furious and told them to takanhr the quote out. he never said that mosques does represent the palestinians. >> he said professor s in our top schools say these guys are good and the israelis are bad. >> a cornell professor was exhilarated when the terrorists penetrated the israeli border and attacked the festivarated la ittt was exhilarating. it was exhilarating. you hearxhilaratd no noise, sil what happened? and what is shifting the balance of power? then you would not wonder during oh, so that's cornells cn professor dr. paul rickforeld, historian of black radical tradition. blacdical he's a lunatic. >> in 2020, during the blm riots, russell tried to get c cornell to defund the campus police. sai in 2016, he said white america will always be racist. >> there will always be a segmen t of white america that's overtly irredeemably racist. eto >> forget about them. they're not worth your timute. >> after the ferguson riotsle in 2014, he told students to find white people who ready to commit racial suicide. >> yes, a minority of white folks. very slender. but is that a minority white slf folks that are willing to commit race suicide, which is to say they're ready to reject crow skin privileges. s anthey're ready to perform treason to whiteness. as a n expression of their loyalty to humanity. >> so these professors are paid to poison young minds, and they're in the top jobs in the professional class. someo >> no one's stopping them.op until now, some of the richestlo people in the world are saying they're done donating to these school the schoolss hedge fund n business tycoons and huge foundationess are telling harvad if they don't cut it out, no more checkbook, they could loset half a billion. and at upenn , home of the penn biden center, where joe biden stashed classified documentspenn and was giving a fake professor gig, they're losing cash toave a family that's donated over 50 million to the school, said they are done because they say the school's been sil e it in the midst of this attack. there are consequencess to beii pro-terrorist in this country. assoarvard's arab alumnis association, they're asking for donations for the students who said israel deserves to be attacked. >> they saido be the pro hamases suudents need cash for mental health support. it's a griftt.. e we have to defund these schools and then we have to investigate the professors. e alex clarke's a tps usa contributor and the spillover podcast host. >> so these campuses are like little madrassaspillovpodcast .e >> they use these recruiting use tools for pro terrorism students, and then they all matriculatn theye and they all a top jobs. >> i had the fbi zero in onve te these people.both >> yeah. you and me both, jesse., and look for decades, campuses have been these fever swamps of the most deranged, hateful ideologies imaginable. turning point usa has been trying to sound the alarm on this for over ten years. russel to sounl rickford at cornell,he the guy that you played, saying that he got energize youd watching hamas massacre civilians, do you think that he just became that way yesterday ha ? now, he has always been that way. and despite that, he got jobt wa despits that not one but two different ivy league schools. scho, when i watched that clip, the first thing that i thought of and i'm a true crime aficionado, so the first thing i thought wh was serial killers who talkii about getting turned on by their body count. that is how a professot turnedrf our top schools is describing watching terror attackstacks. and that word exhilarated, watching multiple people die at the hands of terrorists. we usually call those types of people sociopaths, but instearroristse usualld of g institutionalized, we're just insth the nextac generation. >> yeah, he has a terrorism fetish t. you and i think if he has tenure, do you know if he ha hs tenure? >> because it's really hardrd to fire people with tenure. >> i can imagine he probably does. does.of course he does.ere so he's unfavorable and he's they're poisoning everyone's thi brains. >> so we're going to invite this guy on to explainy on to e meant when he said he felt exhilarated by ethnic cleansingt ,because that's not really appropriate. >> and if you are a studene.if t at cornell, let us know about this guy. if you in his class let us kno e about this guy, because we need to know about this guy and so does the fbi. s dodo you see this is more prevalent than we really evene knew beforkne because this attak has brought in these radical professorsl out of the woodwork like cockroaches. >> yeae woodwoh. so it's very sad that it took a war and of over a thousand people dying for people inthey america to wake up, that the universities that they went to, thy knew that they love, that they graduated from these ivy league schools. these are not the samegr ivy league schools that you have that you graduated from. charlie kirk has soundedrk the alarms on this for over a decade t of, trying to explain this to people. but yet they're justpeop churnig out radical terror terrorist sympathizers. . >> so these are not t your everyday college kids. they're going into these schoolhese schools s. mak and the number one goal is nots to make sure these kids get good jobs. no , it's the number one goal of these ivy league schools is to make sure that they turn out to be active forca their causes. and now you have billionaire donors from these iv.y leaguewat schools that are like, och, wait. okay, so this is what's really going on. why going g their funding. thank god the billionaires are at war with the ivy leaguels . that's hilarious. alex, real quick, do you think if you were a professor at cornell u were, you could say it was exhilarating to watch putin invade ukrainey it was? vade >> no, you know that i wouldn't probably have security kno escorting me off campus, that you're not allowed to root men people.for ce >> that's no good. t all right, alex, thank you so much. good luck on campu s. >> >> all right. so now beirut is on fire, just breaking. breaking. >> stay with uh us.s us. >> fox news is proud to bring you this. she's a hero moment, even todayo . only a quarter of stemys graduates are women. they 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in the day killed hundreds of people. e the israeli government has blamed a rocket misfired by a palestiniament blan militant grg islamic. the israelis sayro they have drone footage and other evidence to back that up. th are blaming it on an israeli airstrike. president biden has expresse bld over the incident, but has not attributed blame for it. hezbollapresh, based in lebanon is calling for a day of rage to condemn the gaza hospitalo ci and we've seen some images and some reporting suggesting sugge gone to the streets facil outside the diplomatic facilities to vent their angeri . american embassies have been 40 yt 40 years pas ago. the u.s. embassy in beirut was bombed, killing 63 people,icans. including 17 americans. then many americans will remember the attack on the american consulate in benghaz ani, libya, back ina 2012, where four americans were killed. we'vhere foue also seen people e to the streets in istanbul, turkey. pro palestinian marches there in recent days. turkish authorities haven mars tightened up security, limiting traffic in front of american diplomatic facilitieorities d as tensions appear to rise across the middle east region. >> jesse? thanks, mike. you be.t. amas >> now, it's been 11 days since hamas launchedheir their terrore attack and slaughtered nearly 1500 innocent livelys in. >> israel in addition to those killed by hamas, the terror grou p has also taken nearly 200 hostages in the gaza. l heartbroken families are left in limbo, not knowing how theinr children, parents, grandparents, husbands, wives and grandchildrewives n faring.o >> hamas released the firstne video of one of the hostages, mia shem, a 20 one-year-old french and israeli citizen who was shot in the ara shemm and taken by the terror group at the rave last saturday. >> w e going to show you thatespect video out of respect for her family. mike tobin f sat down with me, a mother, to hear her reaction. >> watch t. >> did you know she was alive after the attack? noe , i didn't know if she was dead or alive. i knew nothing until yesterday i that i saw this video. fid the first reaction was screaming and, then shouting.ho the other reaction wasuting.omen the happiest moment in my life . and the third reaction after everybody went home and i sitchd alone and watch the video. i couldn't stop crying because i see my baby in pain. >> the clock is ticking to gete these people out of gaza and back home where they belong. >>th family members feelthey don sidelined and powerless. they don't know who to tur knon to and only want their loved ones returned to them. one of thoserts people holding out hope. >> dorie was born in israes bors now lives here in the f united states. he hase family five family memb who are missing and believed to be deep insiddeep inse gaza n by hamas. >> tory joins me now. >> so do you have a strategyo yo to make contact at all or is it everything has just gone dark? g >> well, thank you so much for having me tonight. of first of all, it really means a lot to me and my family. >> we do not have a struggle. >> so i'm really glad that we[du are out herept and everywhere ad else in the world trying to spread the news by, the warg and show the pictures. we've seen posters everywhere pict of the missing families. i have six family membersg. right now missing. another one is a cousin of minee who was part of the emergency response team who is still missing. five of them are confirmed within the hostages, as we knowr now. we're going out to any government, any informants, all three of my family members were carrying on government passports. y an so they are dual nationality and we are in contac it with aca german government as well. we're doing everything we can,n yes. it's not an easy battle. it's a day to day, hour tod here hour. seeing the news around the world and here in the us is really ie seeing all the pro-h protesters really making our lives even more harder than it is. we tried to dos. it day by dayes towards the family members and being husbands, wives, partners and whatever we can on top of this amazing task of trying to bring them back home. it is been them bac a very, very challenging days and we are still none to know what's going on. there is nto kw o news that we o n news organizations like fox and others make anlith editoriaerl decision to notdeos show hostage videos. >>, do do you agree with that decision or do you think that that's important to show? >> i think it is important to show to the world that part of our message, we want everybody to see what happened on saturday morning. i think it's really important to educatell anybody here in the u.s. from college, in schools, high schools, and everybody out there in the world who goes out and don't understand how complex this conflict havexn gone and where are we right now. a lot of peopl are righte out tt are saying things that are just not true. >> srue.o far, we've seen a lot of lies and propaganda from hama s about terror strikes, about what they actually did in israel. >> do you trust these people atl all to be able to even negotiate a release? >> well, i know there's a lot of players right now in the back scenes and everything. and i know there is multiplet -- governments, multiple agencies and a lot of the more times we see the family, it's a bit itc seeing what is coming from afar. but i do not trust what i seo e on social media. i'm trying to stay away from social media as much as i can, given the.etting it is it is very upsetting to us that we really try to just get our family back to us unharmed. peaceful. the kids, the babies, the women there. women. wt themwe want them backl unharmed immediately. ybody. >> and it's about the message we tried to send to everybody. sergio shod biden should be lar in israel probably in a coupleoi hours. how do you interpret that visint in the midst of the hostage crisis and ongoing military aperations? first of all, i really appreciate the support from all aroundupport the world, from the u.s., from europe, from any countro stooy who stood up with israel and supported any news outlet that does the sames like you guys on fox. that really means a lot to us all. i think it's really importantan to tie up those ties with our supporters and figure out how a strategy how to get out of this with as quick quick as possible. this time. >> all right. all right. well, we hope everything works ou thanand our heart goes out to you. >> thank you so much for usg us. you so >> stay with fox.♪ sean hannity will be up nextxt. and welcom

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240703

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>> oh, wow. oh, what, what? what? i love. >> tonight, events in the middle east spiraling out midd. trol i an airstrike at a hospital in gaza has left hundreds dead . >> but it's not what it seems. >> hamas claims israel struck the hospital. >> israel denies struc it. fault >> they say a faulty hamaset rocket fired from gaza hit>> their own hospital. >> number one, israe numl does r target places like hospitals. they're not a target for us. s ouldn't and we wouldn't have deliberately hit a hospital. number two, we know that at the time of the of this tragedyt that hamas was firing a barrage of rockets at tel aviv and thevr center of the country. >> the idf has just released surveillance footage showinghed a rocket launch towards israel, igniting mid-flight and thendire propelling directly down into gazactly. >> there that is right there, the surveillance camera timestamp also directlyo th corresponds to the moment the hospital was struc thek. >> the idf also reportedly have recorded a conversatio n among jihadists that links them to the misfire. this is incontrovertible evidence that hamas's orchestratedeviden a globalormai disinformation campaign to thwart the israeloni ground operation before it begins. >> hamas has a history of blaming israel for selfted inflicted rocket accidents. and as we've been reporting,t hamas rockets are built in garages, jerry riggedin from water pipes. >> and 20% missed their target. but th 2theie information war is critical to israel's enemies. >> these enemies don't hav e open societies, so lies are highly effective. open iran is now warning israel that an axis of muslim resistanceg is forces could be coming together to retaliate. >> and just breaking forces c. >> european embassies are under assault. islamist s have planted a palestinian flag into an embassy compound in lebanon.s been and tear gas has been deployedng against a growing mob. a >> this is almost 40 years to the day when a suicidein bomber drove a truck packed with explosives into our marine barracks in beirut, killing 241b american service memberser. tack embassies all over the region are under attack. thi embathe israeli embassy in d is being surrounded and peppered p with fireworks. jordan is also seeing islamicss. protests swarm the israeli embassy last night. got a better idea on that. >> and meanwhile, a secondopenin front appears to be opening up in the northern israel plan hezbollah was just caught planting explosives alongsideouw the israeli border. the terrorists could be laying the groundwork fororr a full sl invasion. >> israel so far has neutralizeo d incursions into their northern flank. >> but for the pask but 70 2 ho hezbollah has been exchanging heavy artillery fire with the idf in intelligence sources tell prime time that thisime th new northern front is slowing down israel's ground assault in the southisrael. ce >> intelligence indicates hezbollah is timing their northern i campaignroun to coincide with israel's ground operations in gazionsa, o stretching the idf thin and complicating their mission . >> the longer israel delays its groua, .nvasion of gaz the more dangerous it gets. hamas has begun striking keys ha israeli cities with a blizzard of missiles. of mison dome is currently blocking missiles descending into the capitol of tel aviv, wherpitol ofe president biden it to visit tomorrow. bei >>ng the iron dome is beingtestd tested. d iran the war appears to be opened on two fronts. and iran is mobilizingsies a the entire islamic world as embassies are underer attack. oi >> a new report says the biden administration is discussing military options to protect israel if the situation isn s to escalate. the pentagon has already activated 2000 u.s. service members who are ready to deploy. when ordered. >> general michael khairallah, gemichae central command, has just arrived in israel to coordinate operationsin. . two aircraft carrier strike groups are in the mediterranean. fter strthe u.s., eisenhower ane uss ford in a big showrd. of force. >> right now, the u.s. has t around three dozen military bases throughout the middle the and about 600 soldiers conducting counterterror operations. >> israel has asked the united states to not send soldiersoldir on to their soil. >> and so far, israel has been highly effective from the air. e >> just overnight, 200 hamas teo terror cells were wiped out, including a hamas headquarterses where a top hamas commander and hostage negotiator were eliminated. israel's top leadership targetth ,the butcher, the top hamas warlord who earned his name from conducting medieval torture tactics against captured israelis. >> after spending 22 years in an israeli jail, the butcher 20 in a prison ied swap. and he's dedicated to his life pris. geance >> but the butcher is suspected to be lodged deep intobu the hamatche expectes tunnel sy, a nasty and treacherous subterranean battlefield that will require extreme tenacity. israel wil will have to act quicke ou and take a page out of egypt's playbook e, an alternative to sending tunnel rats sendd combatand-to-han knife fights and blind shootouts would be flood ing gaza's terror tunnels, releasing thousandg s of gallona of sea water and sewage water intol system has been shown to work in the past. >> back in 2015 and 2018, whensg hamas was caught smugglinght weapons through their border, egypt flooded their tunneleis full. >> 37 hamas tunnels were takenke out of commission, unleashingo the floodgates into hamas's dark holes may be the best war option to finish this war efficiently. joining me now, delta forcera veteran pat mcnamara and former nato supreme allied commander, retired general philip breedlove. all right, breedlove, right now, it's eedlove. a very tenuous you h situation. you've got embassies under assault, a northeravn front loo, like it's just been opened. the iron dome is under siege iro and we have a major humanitarian catastrophe. >> how does this change the calculation in israel in terms of their ground operation? e >> well, first of all, thanks for having me on., an noand i'm not sure that it will change their calculation. >> israe l has been very deliberate. i think they're getting ite getv right before they go in. they've been doing the preparation of the battlefield, both in terms of intelligence and military preparation. and i think when the timecorrec is correct, their intel is correct. and their missiot, n is well defined in relation to the hostages. they will go in the flooding>> j of the tunnels. >> doeesths that sound appropri or would you go in with men or would you just maybe knock themh out with some nonlethal gaems? o >> well, first of all,f jesse, we need to make sure that they're not hiding hostages in those tunnels. if if we were to use t the tactics which were well employed by egypt, as you talked about in the past, if wee were to use those and not havean good intelligence about what is in those tunnels, it coule dt be a problem for us, couldn't it? so i think that what we needha l to be patient for is israel d and characterize the battlefield, and then they will use the appropriate way to attack these problems. >> macnamaraeld and these idf s must be chomping at the bit. they've been waiting about tenbe days to be unleashed into gaza. the clock is still ticking. >> what's going through g their minds right noazw? rill, first off, thank you, jesse watters, for having mee tm here. >> and welcome to my world. y world.soso i agree with the g. as far as the tunnels go, itt bt could be absolutelely catastrophic because, you know, they're going to use those. they're goin.g to leverage them and for a hostage taking and they're going to flood them full of hostages and then fighting in tunnel s is is a really bad notion. you've got a losyooss s of cont. there's no real mapping system and loss of comms goes out the window. >> you know, we are whether we wi, the the world's watchdogs and whether it's self-appointed or not. and right now, we'renoht we're w asleep at the wheel. >> were asleep at the wheel. i'm just bringing this back to how we got here in the first place. you know, i mean, startingi u with with giving up bagram and $7 billion worth of weapons and 13 troops lostd 13 and, you know, cowering to china and then, kevin gifting the hamas $6 billion right there. soso, yeah, the the troops. are chomping at the bit. no doubt this is unfortunately going to be a war of attrition e as we've already seen with the hospital. and as soon as the hospital bombing happened s th, i wasthin thinking you'd have to be an idiot to think that israel did it. k itthere's no tactical advanta there whatsoever. and whether intentional oratsoes unintentional, by hamas, it gives them a tactical advantage becaustagee now they could rall troops, they could motivate troops all over the worl d. g that i mean, it's a horrible thing that happened, but it did happen did. but it's going to be a war of attrition, unfortunately. oro >> there's going to be a lotop of collateral damage in order for troops to go into, which is horrible. again, they're going to have to soften up groun hoin order to get a foothold. >> and they're definitely softening it up througldheh the air. no doubt about that. so, breedlove, now you have the vip coming to town. t he's coming to tel aviv. this is the us president. you'veo got carriers in the mediterranean. how risky is tha t situation? is well, it's always a risk whenyo you taketa this level of vip ino a war zone. we we've done it before. and so the folks that are going to be taking care of him yoll be very diligent and be prepared. but as you know, israel was surprised. >> and now we need to make surat we don't get surprised in the future. i think it's really important, though'sy , that that this particular vip has giveniden a pretty strident message to iran and others who would meddle in the middle east. and as you open the top of the hour, you talked about the growing pieces of thishour, yo t along the border with lebanon, n probably soon in the golan and other places p. d so >> and so now it's time for for our vip, as you mentioned,ight to go and set the world straight abo w about what weess are going to do in support of israel. >> i don't knoi w if he's going to be able to do that in this situation with this kind of volatility and his credibilit and hisy is really gg to be tested. so we don't know if this is really going to deliver goodmaybl maybe days after he leaves. but we just we hopt wee this gos off well, because i can see him telling iran to stand down. they could be a rational actor. yot you're dealinge with hezbollah. you're dealing with hamas with faulty rockets. anythingng with could happen. k this seems like a dumb move. let's see if you can pull ite se off. n pullmcnamara, breedlove, you s are the best. >> and thank you so much formc your service. d thank >> thank you, sir. thank you. >>ea that was the middle east.s dominos into violence. inpresident joe biden is on hisd way. his timing could not be worse. >> just as he walked up the stairs onto air force one, western embassies in lebanon were swarmedembassie and a hospl in gaza was annihilated. >> the leader of the palestinian authority hasity ha canceled his plans to meet with joe biden. and noelles w the king of jordaa ally, has also jusllt announced that he'll be snubbing the american president. it's been a's r for the biden administration from the very beginning. the crowy n prince of saudi arabia made blinken the secretary of state. wait forn, the 8 hours before mg with him and the administratio n signs refugee safe passageway plan to egypt blewy o up in let than 20 4 hours. >> prime time was shockeimd d that president biden decided to fly into an israeli war zon e . as netanyahu prepares for tanyahu forround campaign against hamas in gaza, we don't see how it's possible that netanyahu can oversee the launch of ground operationsn and meet with the president at the same time. therefore, president biden'sel trip will only delay israel's ability to strikayl's e hamas quickly, delaying the israeli war plan only helps hamasives and gives the arab world time to align and wreak havoc. is biden stalling netanyahu in order to talk him out of a large scale counterattack? >> well, cnn is reportin g that biden will tell netanyahu to be cautious and be cognizant of collateral damage. biden' s also personally. attaching himself to this conflict. biden is att this shakes out,e he'll have seriousse political ownership of i t. >> and knowing how hamas rockets are inaccurate, we pray nothine g happens to the o president for his sake and for the sake of the countruntry.y. g >> now, what the president should be doing is giving israel his full support from u.s. soil. but we fea sr biden's narcissism is propelling him to undertake shuttle diplomacy like a secretary of state who thrives on the so-called y of peace process. >> this is a dangerous game. we hopa .e biden isn't being influenced like he has been throughout his presidencyi by the far left. >> it is in the interests of every singl>>s ofe actor in s region to have a cooling actor of tensions here. i don't believe that any singular actor wants to se te an escalation in violence, an escalation in the vote, and in the volatile and such in the volatility of the situation. ty of thwhat's important to note about a cease fire is that it's not one sided. israelt does have a right to to self-defense. i think what we need to take a look at in this situationio is in isf collective punishment qualifies as defense. >> it's not in the interest of israel to cool tensions. israel is interested in completely destroying hamas. the only people who want a ceasefire right now are hamas and aoc. >> and this is cominm thg from the same woman who came out against trump's assassinatio nro of soleimani. this is coming from the same woman who's voted to fund ukraine's ability to defend itself for as long as it takes. and aoc never said a word when president biden killed ten innocent civiliansinnocent k drone strike after the kabul airport attack. >>.of them were seven of them w. >> aoc said nothing. when there'swhen a school shoot, aoc wants to disarm americans. >> but when there's a schoolaoi shooting in israel, courtesy of hamas. >> aoc wants a ceasey of fire. r isn't that interesting? and very much like aocesand ve, joe biden will make this entire trip to israel about himself. n 'll say he was raised in a synagogue. his son died in iraqiraq. and i his helicopter almost got shot down. and i know how you're feeling,yv folks. >> i almost lost my corvette in a kitchen fire. >> emily osbourne's tvu thin personality and activist. >> emily, do you think joe biden'n's ths trip is thet o right move hervee? e that wianks for having me, jesse. personally, i believe that bidenll will be more effective from afar. there is nothing he can accomplish oversean s besides distracting what's a very timely situation and draw a lods of attention on himself in doing so. but i think he knows that. listen, nobody has time for shenanigans at this point. ectly led has perfectly learned how to acclimate using zoom. and i'm surem that he can be just as effective in doing so. >> so he says he wants to andin netanyahu's eyes and get a good sense of the israeli war plan. >> are you buying that? are you're saying that he's going therhe's e to muck up the the works? was >> the only way i justify this visit is if he was, in fac fact mediating a meeting between abbas and netanyahu. but we've just received newsso a that he is not doing that. so what exactly is your purpose in goingr pu if you're not going to try to find peace? is he going to give us some war advice? g to givi don't think so. i think it's a big waste of time. i think it's a very convenient>s . >> do you think these countries respect the president? do you tries reyou two leaders now cang their meeting with the u.s.e ai president as he's in the air on air force one here, there? t it's quite embarrassing. i have to say. america has become a global laughing stock, and it'ss wa ner been this way before. it's frightening. it's not okait's noty. >> and i think the correct adjective is it's just embarrassing. how do you think em the presidentf this is going to conduct things if this cascadeto s into more violence, if you see more embassies under attack, even a an american embassy? and if you see hezbollah reallyl createla a really strongisra incursion into northern israel while he's in teel hl aviv, whas he supposed to be doing when his netanyahu is supposed to be defending his country? >> i think netanyahu and israelh will do just a fine jobey by themselves. i don't think they need the american babysitteericannvoe involved. what will biden do? probably nothing. he'lt os jel get back on his jt and he'll come back to the united states and tweet away, which is greaty which and appr. but you can be just e as effective from d.c. in yourtd own country instead of distracting the big boys from doing their job. diyou think he should have sent kamala harris, is what you're sayinjo: yog? >> to smile and wave? absolutely. all right. thank you so much. we reall>> to smd y appreciate >> thank you.>> t thanks forha having me. so deadly islamic terror spreading into europe and aocs o wants to bring it here. >> introducing cut laxative gummies and the easy way to relieve occasional constipation overnight. >> just take before bed. and the next morning it's show time. and i've got mixed berry flavor. hmm. sent a cup laxative gummies easy relief the gummy way man. >> how many bathroom trips are you making each day? try super beta prostate advanced the number one selling formula in its category made with defend a triple blend to help reduce urges to . find it at walmart or these retailers. >> i'm matthew. i'm melissa. and together we started price clean thrice since day one, our fresh clean 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enjoy a spotless house for $19. >> tensions boiling overr in israel. s exch the idf and hamas exchanging fire today, launching missilesaf at one another with a number of rockets penetrating israel's iron doms penetre and hitting c. >> and, of course, the hospital in gaza that was blown upl today. hamas claims israel was behind itwas t, but the idf says it ws the terrorist's own munitions i and they showed proof. >> john roberts is in israel on the ground, the latest shot.j jesse, good to seees you as the president makes his way over to jerusalem aboard air force one. john kirbyjerusale, the nsc spo, spoke to the press back at the cabin in the reathn thr of plane in which you said that the u.s. really does want to get to th gete bottom of what happened earlier this evening in that hospital in gaza. and the president biden is going to have some tough questiong to havoughs for benjan netanyahu when he meets with him later on todahey. now, the idf, the israeli defense forces, are cateringrcet the narrative put out there by hamas that this was an israeli airstrike,his wa i thatd this hospital. the idf saying that it hast th proof that this was an islamicdt rocket that malfunctioned mid-flight. they put out some footage earlier that was taken from a third party source, which appears to show a rocket going up over gaza, the motorces malfunctioning, blowing up, and then the piece thes of thegd rocket come down to the ground. it's impossibl's ie to know exaw where it landed. but the idf says it waass on tht hospital. the idf also saying, jesse, drat they have got droneat footage of what happened because they have drones flying 24/7 over gaza, which they will release soon, thoughl rele we ht seen that yet. of course, the hospital explosiohen complicating the president biden's visit on the ground here. he was plannind g go to amman, jordan, after visiting v with netanyahu to meet with king abdullah al-sisi of egypt and mahmoud abbas of fatah, the palestinian organization. that meeting has been canceled. we thought initially it was because everybody was so angry i at israel that they didn't want to have this meeting. did to but according to middlen officials, it has been canceled because of three days of mourning. mourningjohn kirby also sharing. now, at the same time as the president is here on the ground, hezbollah has declared that ther s e will be a day of unprecedented anger angegsraet that means alon the northern border of israel jesse. we will find out later on todas ye ther . of course, there have been skirmishes that hezbollah has conducted with idf t hezbol forces.illed al there have been a few people that were killed along that borde r and israel the other day ordered the evacuation of a two kilometer perimeteevacuatiro a tueller up at the very top of the galilee peninsula all the way west to the mediterranean sea, just above nahariya. ththat was not only because of tank missiles that weree being fired into the area and mortar fire, but also the fear that there coul bed be some infiltrations by hezbollah fighters trying to potentially take israelis hostage in the same wayn to that hamas did down in gaza. in addition to the meeting meetg with netanyahutoday in who todag in israel, jesse, the president says that he is also going to meet with the families of americans who were killed here in israeln is as as thoseod who are being held hostage. so all of this to unfold in the next 18 hours here. keep it right here on fot rix, because we'll have it all for you. all right. one more question, john, because i got to get this straight. you're saying our tightest ally in the region. sthte footagenuse i have t that this rocket came from hamas. >> they have communication theys c intercepts that this came from hamas. corr have surveillance video with a timestamp. the corresponds to the strike th came fromckettrik hamas. >> and kirby spokesperson comes, out and says that the president's going to have what, tough questions for netanyahu. >> tough questions about what? there's overwhelming evidencee from our ally, not from the terrorists, fromrrorists ouy that this was a rocket that came from a terrorist organization. her >> why aren't they on the right page here? i don'nkt think, jesse, that the tough questions are specifically or limited tod to what happened at the hospital. i think it also has to do o withwith making sure that rank and file palestinian civilians who have nothing to do with hamas are protected and receive the aid that they needted and e aithat t. that was one of the fivet leas questions or at least topics ththe nthony blinken illuminated last night when he said what the president was going to be talkind be talkinggh with netanyahu about. so i don't think it's confined just to thital.k it'se house, bk it's broader topic. >> okay. well, i haven't heard a lot of the palestinian i havens cont the terror attack against israel. so that thatf would be helpfulo in trying to separate the palestinians from hamaoulds >> john, thank you so much. and please stay safe. thanksease, jesse. fox news alert. f just days after tens of thousands of hamas supporters rallied for a global day of rage, terror has struck o the streets of belgium last night and isis gunmen went on as shootingis spree in the city the of brussels. >> watch. >> the islamist migrant tunisia named abdel-salam low said shot and killed two swedish citizens visiting belgium in a videoin a posted to social media right after the attack. the killer swore allegiance to isis and claimed responsibility. elgian >> today, belgian authorities shot and killed hi sm. >> the gunman had been in thetr country illegally after being denied asylum and had a criminal history, including being tied ing bein up in a human trafficking ring. this is now the second terror attack in europe after a teacher was stabbed and killed in france last week. >> middle east muslims know pose. what a huge risk refugees pose. >>at they refuse to take them. >> on the issues of refugees o i coming to jordan. and i think i can quite catongly speak on behalf of no only of jordan as a nation, but of our friends in egypt. that is a red line, becauseecau i think that ise is the plan by certain of the usual suspects to try and create de facto issues on the ground.. no refugees in jordan, no refugees in egypt. >> so palestine's own neighbors >>in jordan and egypt will risk bringing a million strangers into their countries. but don't worr a my, aoc said, come to america. r: shoul should arab countries be taking on the lion's share of the burdend to absorb what couldlion's be over a million, if not more, refugees from gaza?gaza >> i think there's something to be said about the region's partners sometabout being ablet and step up palestinians. however, that does a not abdicae the united states from our historic role that we'vee ud played in the world of accepting refugeesof and allowig people to restart their lives here. >> so the squad wantt theis a m mideast refugees in your backyard. doesyour she know how dangerous that is? these are the same peoplthe same who cheered 911 and now she wants those people to be your neighbor . >> nicole parker is a formeragen fbi agent t and she's here u with more. >> tell us about the mideast refugee mi situation and that ns with terrorism. you know, right now there is ary very huge on our backs. we have to know who is in our country. left, those that have those on the left, many on the lefmant are sympathizing with those that they believe are oppressede . aoc believes that we should take in anyone. you know, they've been oppressed. let's take them to unitedsske t states. we need to take care of them. let's let's do that. that is extremelhem he unite wethems doy to our national security and would be detrimental to ouity anr nat. we already have enough security issues on our hands. we have a southern bordee enougr that is completely wide open. we have no idea who is here.ompl and we cannot tolerate anyoneyoe else that has not been vetted. even thosels that have beenom vetted, jesse, that have come into the united states. >> they are a threat as well une in with this attack that happened in belgium. o >> the fbi right now should be focusing on who was that individua l that committed that act and seeing what ties that individual hatos to anyone that might be too busy spying on parents. >> they got their plate full.eoe how do you vet someone who clapped on 911 and the palestinian territory? >> i mean, it's disgusting.di i mean, i myself was a witnesssg to the terrorist attacks of september 11th here in new york city. that is actually why i went and joined the fbi septe1th in a >> and we cannot have another attack on our u.s.. biden says he can ve.s. t them. how does he vet them? that's what i'm saying. he can't even vet his own son. >> how does he vet them? the vetting process is is very complicated and difficult. and there are many people that are coming into our country that have beenicult ang in vettn but again, anyone right now anyn that wants to act up in therred name of the strife of what's occurred in israel, believe you're going to be seeing unfortunately, i believe you're going to see a lot of individualsof that are going to use this as an opportunity to act up in violence. and there have been doormen at, you know, terrorist groups that we haven't heard a lot about recently. a t and i have no doubt in my mind that they are using this as an opportunity. isisopportunity., hezbollah, ha. there's going to be, you know,d the fbi and everyone's got see to be all hands on deck right now. >> does the fbi see any threat coming out of these universities? because you see these people pouring out because thes of theset universities cheering hamas. >> are they looking into universities? >> you know, anyone that is sympathetic toward. s what has occurred and does not believe that what has happened an beliey is absolutel abhorrent? >> yeah, i think that there are things that we need to definitely be lookingt ye tho in our law enforcement agencies, our joint terrorism task forcew ens, the fbi. >> you know, they go after individuals that arevative s on the conservative side of the fence and they deem them as threats. and, you knohe f and w, this to me is a very serious threat. international terrorisiousm is a very serious threat for us. >> all right. well, tell chris wray i said hell jesse: rao. i'm not there anymore, but i'm sure he'll appreciati'm suree t. >> thank you very much. so thisss professoorr said hama the killing spree was exhilarating and this is yourre, season to smile, to gather together and discover s that matter, to jump into the fun and join to jump into the fun and join in the celebrationth an ep to hp get you ready. full ex is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic anniversary savings. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full insurance get a free full examiny, becaut, plus, 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alert. the jihadist attack in israel a huge soft spot in america. >> our universities every day since hamas murdered over a thousand israeli civilians, overstudents and professors hav been cheering on terrorism i and this isn't happening at fringe schools. this is happening in the ivyg ia leagues. the academic class thinks hamas or freedom fighters and palestinians are victims. but hamas and the palestinians, they have a lot in common. the the same beliefsoofs and sleep under the same roofs. >> no palestinian leader has stood up and condemned hamas's attack. they havaven'te demanded hamaseg release hostages. >> it's been ten days. >> nothing. the palestiniag.n president wasn quoted as saying hamas doesn't fupresent the palestiniat thn people. >> but then he called the paper furious and told them to takanhr the quote out. he never said that mosques does represent the palestinians. >> he said professor s in our top schools say these guys are good and the israelis are bad. >> a cornell professor was exhilarated when the terrorists penetrated the israeli border and attacked the festivarated la ittt was exhilarating. it was exhilarating. you hearxhilaratd no noise, sil what happened? and what is shifting the balance of power? then you would not wonder during oh, so that's cornells cn professor dr. paul rickforeld, historian of black radical tradition. blacdical he's a lunatic. >> in 2020, during the blm riots, russell tried to get c cornell to defund the campus police. sai in 2016, he said white america will always be racist. >> there will always be a segmen t of white america that's overtly irredeemably racist. eto >> forget about them. they're not worth your timute. >> after the ferguson riotsle in 2014, he told students to find white people who ready to commit racial suicide. >> yes, a minority of white folks. very slender. but is that a minority white slf folks that are willing to commit race suicide, which is to say they're ready to reject crow skin privileges. s anthey're ready to perform treason to whiteness. as a n expression of their loyalty to humanity. >> so these professors are paid to poison young minds, and they're in the top jobs in the professional class. someo >> no one's stopping them.op until now, some of the richestlo people in the world are saying they're done donating to these school the schoolss hedge fund n business tycoons and huge foundationess are telling harvad if they don't cut it out, no more checkbook, they could loset half a billion. and at upenn , home of the penn biden center, where joe biden stashed classified documentspenn and was giving a fake professor gig, they're losing cash toave a family that's donated over 50 million to the school, said they are done because they say the school's been sil e it in the midst of this attack. there are consequencess to beii pro-terrorist in this country. assoarvard's arab alumnis association, they're asking for donations for the students who said israel deserves to be attacked. >> they saido be the pro hamases suudents need cash for mental health support. it's a griftt.. e we have to defund these schools and then we have to investigate the professors. e alex clarke's a tps usa contributor and the spillover podcast host. >> so these campuses are like little madrassaspillovpodcast .e >> they use these recruiting use tools for pro terrorism students, and then they all matriculatn theye and they all a top jobs. >> i had the fbi zero in onve te these people.both >> yeah. you and me both, jesse., and look for decades, campuses have been these fever swamps of the most deranged, hateful ideologies imaginable. turning point usa has been trying to sound the alarm on this for over ten years. russel to sounl rickford at cornell,he the guy that you played, saying that he got energize youd watching hamas massacre civilians, do you think that he just became that way yesterday ha ? now, he has always been that way. and despite that, he got jobt wa despits that not one but two different ivy league schools. scho, when i watched that clip, the first thing that i thought of and i'm a true crime aficionado, so the first thing i thought wh was serial killers who talkii about getting turned on by their body count. that is how a professot turnedrf our top schools is describing watching terror attackstacks. and that word exhilarated, watching multiple people die at the hands of terrorists. we usually call those types of people sociopaths, but instearroristse usualld of g institutionalized, we're just insth the nextac generation. >> yeah, he has a terrorism fetish t. you and i think if he has tenure, do you know if he ha hs tenure? >> because it's really hardrd to fire people with tenure. >> i can imagine he probably does. does.of course he does.ere so he's unfavorable and he's they're poisoning everyone's thi brains. >> so we're going to invite this guy on to explainy on to e meant when he said he felt exhilarated by ethnic cleansingt ,because that's not really appropriate. >> and if you are a studene.if t at cornell, let us know about this guy. if you in his class let us kno e about this guy, because we need to know about this guy and so does the fbi. s dodo you see this is more prevalent than we really evene knew beforkne because this attak has brought in these radical professorsl out of the woodwork like cockroaches. >> yeae woodwoh. so it's very sad that it took a war and of over a thousand people dying for people inthey america to wake up, that the universities that they went to, thy knew that they love, that they graduated from these ivy league schools. these are not the samegr ivy league schools that you have that you graduated from. charlie kirk has soundedrk the alarms on this for over a decade t of, trying to explain this to people. but yet they're justpeop churnig out radical terror terrorist sympathizers. . >> so these are not t your everyday college kids. they're going into these schoolhese schools s. mak and the number one goal is nots to make sure these kids get good jobs. no , it's the number one goal of these ivy league schools is to make sure that they turn out to be active forca their causes. and now you have billionaire donors from these iv.y leaguewat schools that are like, och, wait. okay, so this is what's really going on. why going g their funding. thank god the billionaires are at war with the ivy leaguels . that's hilarious. alex, real quick, do you think if you were a professor at cornell u were, you could say it was exhilarating to watch putin invade ukrainey it was? vade >> no, you know that i wouldn't probably have security kno escorting me off campus, that you're not allowed to root men people.for ce >> that's no good. t all right, alex, thank you so much. good luck on campu s. >> >> all right. so now beirut is on fire, just breaking. breaking. >> stay with uh us.s us. >> fox news is proud to bring you this. she's a hero moment, even todayo . only a quarter of stemys graduates are women. they 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in the day killed hundreds of people. e the israeli government has blamed a rocket misfired by a palestiniament blan militant grg islamic. the israelis sayro they have drone footage and other evidence to back that up. th are blaming it on an israeli airstrike. president biden has expresse bld over the incident, but has not attributed blame for it. hezbollapresh, based in lebanon is calling for a day of rage to condemn the gaza hospitalo ci and we've seen some images and some reporting suggesting sugge gone to the streets facil outside the diplomatic facilities to vent their angeri . american embassies have been 40 yt 40 years pas ago. the u.s. embassy in beirut was bombed, killing 63 people,icans. including 17 americans. then many americans will remember the attack on the american consulate in benghaz ani, libya, back ina 2012, where four americans were killed. we'vhere foue also seen people e to the streets in istanbul, turkey. pro palestinian marches there in recent days. turkish authorities haven mars tightened up security, limiting traffic in front of american diplomatic facilitieorities d as tensions appear to rise across the middle east region. >> jesse? thanks, mike. you be.t. amas >> now, it's been 11 days since hamas launchedheir their terrore attack and slaughtered nearly 1500 innocent livelys in. >> israel in addition to those killed by hamas, the terror grou p has also taken nearly 200 hostages in the gaza. l heartbroken families are left in limbo, not knowing how theinr children, parents, grandparents, husbands, wives and grandchildrewives n faring.o >> hamas released the firstne video of one of the hostages, mia shem, a 20 one-year-old french and israeli citizen who was shot in the ara shemm and taken by the terror group at the rave last saturday. >> w e going to show you thatespect video out of respect for her family. mike tobin f sat down with me, a mother, to hear her reaction. >> watch t. >> did you know she was alive after the attack? noe , i didn't know if she was dead or alive. i knew nothing until yesterday i that i saw this video. fid the first reaction was screaming and, then shouting.ho the other reaction wasuting.omen the happiest moment in my life . and the third reaction after everybody went home and i sitchd alone and watch the video. i couldn't stop crying because i see my baby in pain. >> the clock is ticking to gete these people out of gaza and back home where they belong. >>th family members feelthey don sidelined and powerless. they don't know who to tur knon to and only want their loved ones returned to them. one of thoserts people holding out hope. >> dorie was born in israes bors now lives here in the f united states. he hase family five family memb who are missing and believed to be deep insiddeep inse gaza n by hamas. >> tory joins me now. >> so do you have a strategyo yo to make contact at all or is it everything has just gone dark? g >> well, thank you so much for having me tonight. of first of all, it really means a lot to me and my family. >> we do not have a struggle. >> so i'm really glad that we[du are out herept and everywhere ad else in the world trying to spread the news by, the warg and show the pictures. we've seen posters everywhere pict of the missing families. i have six family membersg. right now missing. another one is a cousin of minee who was part of the emergency response team who is still missing. five of them are confirmed within the hostages, as we knowr now. we're going out to any government, any informants, all three of my family members were carrying on government passports. y an so they are dual nationality and we are in contac it with aca german government as well. we're doing everything we can,n yes. it's not an easy battle. it's a day to day, hour tod here hour. seeing the news around the world and here in the us is really ie seeing all the pro-h protesters really making our lives even more harder than it is. we tried to dos. it day by dayes towards the family members and being husbands, wives, partners and whatever we can on top of this amazing task of trying to bring them back home. it is been them bac a very, very challenging days and we are still none to know what's going on. there is nto kw o news that we o n news organizations like fox and others make anlith editoriaerl decision to notdeos show hostage videos. >>, do do you agree with that decision or do you think that that's important to show? >> i think it is important to show to the world that part of our message, we want everybody to see what happened on saturday morning. i think it's really important to educatell anybody here in the u.s. from college, in schools, high schools, and everybody out there in the world who goes out and don't understand how complex this conflict havexn gone and where are we right now. a lot of peopl are righte out tt are saying things that are just not true. >> srue.o far, we've seen a lot of lies and propaganda from hama s about terror strikes, about what they actually did in israel. >> do you trust these people atl all to be able to even negotiate a release? >> well, i know there's a lot of players right now in the back scenes and everything. and i know there is multiplet -- governments, multiple agencies and a lot of the more times we see the family, it's a bit itc seeing what is coming from afar. but i do not trust what i seo e on social media. i'm trying to stay away from social media as much as i can, given the.etting it is it is very upsetting to us that we really try to just get our family back to us unharmed. peaceful. the kids, the babies, the women there. women. wt themwe want them backl unharmed immediately. ybody. >> and it's about the message we tried to send to everybody. sergio shod biden should be lar in israel probably in a coupleoi hours. how do you interpret that visint in the midst of the hostage crisis and ongoing military aperations? first of all, i really appreciate the support from all aroundupport the world, from the u.s., from europe, from any countro stooy who stood up with israel and supported any news outlet that does the sames like you guys on fox. that really means a lot to us all. i think it's really importantan to tie up those ties with our supporters and figure out how a strategy how to get out of this with as quick quick as possible. this time. >> all right. all right. well, we hope everything works ou thanand our heart goes out to you. >> thank you so much for usg us. you so >> stay with fox.♪ sean hannity will be up nextxt. and welcom

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Talkii , Wh , Jobt Wa Despits , Body Count , Watching Terror Attackstacks , Types , Professot Turnedrf , Word Exhilarated , He Ha Hs Tenure , Nextac , Fetish T , People Sociopaths , Instearroristse Usualld Of G Institutionalized , Does , To Explainy On E , Brains , Ere So He S Unfavorable , Kno E , Dodo , Studene If T At Cornell , Ethnic Cleansingt , Attak , Professorsl , Inthey America , Woodwork , Cockroaches , Beforkne , Yeae Woodwoh , Thy , Alarms , Soundedrk , Charlie Kirk , Samegr , Goal , Justpeop Churnig Out Radical Terror , College Kids , Nots , Schoolhese , Terrorist Sympathizers , Schools S Mak , Forca , Causes , Funding , Billionaire Donors , Y Leaguewat , Och , Billionaires , Security Kno , Ivy Leaguels , Thank God , Vade No , On Fire , Men People , Campus , Uh Us S , Ice , Good , Luck , Stay , Campu S , Breaking , Women , Fox News , You Don T , Graduates , Pi , Hero Moment , Todayo , Obuh , Thingckhat , Script , Preconception , Innovation , Engineer , Figure , Blueprint , 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Emajesse , Embassy , Facility , Secura , Protesterps Clash , Solidarity , French , Emotions Runningf , Government , Ith , Strike , Drone Footage , Militant , Grg Islamic , Palestiniament Blan , Bld , Reporting , Hezbollapresh , Incident , Blame , Gaza Hospitalo Ci , Streets , Sugge , Angeri , Facilities , In Beirut , Icans , 63 , 17 , Consulate , Pro Palestinian , Turkey , Libya , Benghaz Ani , We Vhere Foue , Istanbul , Turkish Authorities Haven Mars , Four , 2012 , Front , Terrore , Traffic , Diplomatic Facilitieorities D , Launchedheir , Be T Amas , Terror Grou P , Limbo , Livelys , 1500 , Video , Faring O Hamas , Husbands , Citizen , Grandparents , Grandchildrewives N , Children , Mia Shem , Firstne , Ara Shemm , Old French , Wives , Reaction , Mother , Noe , Respect , Sat , Mike Tobin , Fid , Shouting Ho , Reaction Wasuting , Life , Feelthey Don , Baby , Ticking , Tur Knon , Family Memb , Deep Insiddeep Inse Gaza N , Thoserts People Holding Out Hope , Dorie , Israes Bors , He Hase , Story , Five , It Everything , G Well , Struggle , Contact , Strategyo Yo , News , Everywhere , Family Membersg , Else , Pict , Posters , Du Are Out Herept , Warg , Pictures , Six , Cousin , Part , Emergency Response Team , Minee , We Knowr , Family Members , Everything , Informants , Government Passports , Nationality , Contac , German , Battle , Dos , Dayes , Bac A , Partners , O News , What S Going On , News Organizations , Fox , None , Notdeos Show Hostage Videos , Anlith Editoriaerl Decision , Decision , High Schools , College , Havexn , Anybody , Srue , Peopl , Tt , Propaganda , Hama S About Terror Strikes , Release , Players , Scenes , Multiplet , Times , Governments , Agencies , Seo E On Social Media , Unharmed , Wt Themwe , The Etting , Peaceful , Ybody , Sergio Shod Biden , Hostage Crisis , Military Aperations , Visint , Coupleoi , Countro Stooy , The World , Sames , News Outlet , Strategy , You Guys On Fox , Ties , Everything Works Ou Thanand Our Heart , Welcom , Sean Hannity , Nextxt , Usg ,

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