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Districts and dont want to be seen as being overly supportive of jim jordan. That said, they might vote differently on the second or third ballot. I think the first ballot is kind of posturing. A sense of where everyone is. And now as you have reported, jim jordan knows who is left out there, who opposes him. And well see if hes there to pull them over. I dont think the party wants a repeat of either what happened two weeks ago or what happened, you know, when mccarthy was first elected. All those ballots. Right now i think there is a sense, its more important to have a speaker at this time than maybe your first choice as speaker. John well, better some speaker than the one you want, interesting way to put it. Right. John if i was curious to note that the number of people who voted no for jim jordan was about the same as voted no for mccarthy back in january. He eventually won them over after extraordinary amount of Horse Trading, including a measure that ended up being his demise. Kind of signed his own Death Warrant with one of those compromises. But did eventually get to the magic number. Do you think jordan can engage in Horse Trading with the holdouts and make it away the finish line . Well, hes going to have to if he wants to be speaker. Hes going to have to do that. From my point of view, i dont know why you would want to be republican speaker right now when you have a small minority willing to work with the democrats to bring you down. I think if i were running, i would have made a condition they get rid of that vote that right for just one member to call for a vote to drag the speaker down. That said, they didnt do that, and well see how good a horse trader jim jordan is. But i say, with all the trouble in the world, i think that Republican Party really needs a speaker and at this point they are not going to get who are they going to get that would be better than jim jordan at this point . I dont think there is someone out there. John that was my next question. Does tom emmer throw his hat in the ring for the nomination, and chad pergram has been talking about the potential to adopt a new measure in the house to allow for Patrick Mchenry to become temporary speaker so congress can do whatever it needs to do to help out our closest ally in the middle east, israel, to get a budget resolution going, or continuing resolution, however they might do that. Do they need to adopt new rules here if they cant all get on the same page with who they like and it stands, bill, in sharp contrast with the democrats of the person who voted for hakeem jeffries. Thats a good point. If you go back to nancy pelosi, she had a very small minority in the house but the democrats in the end were able to keep Party Discipline and she was very successful in getting liberal stuff passed because she kept the Party Disciplined and i wish the Republican Party would show that, too. This is not good for the party. And the way we know that, democrats are not coming to the rescue. You know, they didnt rescue mccarthy, they didnt help out jordan here, they kind of like the chaos on the other side. John you know, i want to ask you, bill, because im here in israel, and you wrote a column about this. In which you said that iran is the greatest obstacle to peace in the middle east. President biden is coming tomorrow to talk to Benjamin Netanyahu, bring with him a number of requests, a couple of which are, he wants a briefing on what israels aims and strategy is on the ground and in the air, for that matter, if they mount the Ground Operation and how do they assure the safety of the palestinians. But the president keeps on punting on the idea of iran being behind this. He says theres no direct evidence they were involved here and maybe there isnt any direct evidence they were involved in this particular operation. I talked to one fella today who knows a lot about hamas and he doesnt even know if the Political Leadership of hamas was aware of this. But you know, in the United States we have a law regarding Material Support for terrorism and that dictates that if you supply supplies to terrorists, you are just as guilty as they are. Should that be invoked here when it comes to iran . Well, lets put it this way. Iran has been Killing Americans for a long time, 30 americans were killed in this attack, with support provided by iran and its not the first time. And its understandable, joe biden doesnt want to mention iran, because his iran policies trying to entice them to the table and giving, on freezing 6 billion in oil revenues dont look good in the rearview mirror. So i hope we get some clarity on this. One of the things thats missing from this in talking about irans role is that its not only israel that is concerned about this. Arguably the arab countries are more concerned about irans role because mischief in yemen, syria, iraq, all sorts of arab countries have iran proxies creating havoc. So i hope we get some clarity on both sides, what the israelis are going to do and what the americans want to do. I wish President Biden well but im skeptical because it would require a strength of character to say our policies were misguided, we have to reverse them, and to do something strong. I think hell do a lot of good gestures, and say a lot of good words, but im skeptical he has it in his character to do something strong. John so here is what you write in your oped about biden, and his approach to iran. Says mr. Biden is right to worry about escalating this conflict but the fear of escalation can make escalation a certainty if it is read as weakness. By now our experience in the middle east ought to have taught us that when people say they want to kill you, believe them. You know, yoni diller who survived the super nova Music Festival said hamas is out to kill israelis and the only way to do it is get rid of hamas. Is iran is bank rolling hamas, does iran not have a price to pay here . It should. I dont know what it is, i would like to see what netanyahus policy is and give the president time to come up with his. But the fact that he dithered so long, even about refreezing the oil revenues, is not a good sign. And it worries me. And here is the big question. If iran is such a regime, motivated by willingness to pay proxies to kill americans, can we really let them get a nuclear weapon, can you imagine what they would do if they had a nuke . Even if they dont use it, the fact is it would insulate them from attacks. You cant always seems to me joe biden, his primary concern is will the enemy escalate, like putin. And its a concern, but it cant paralyze you because they read it as weakness and they get more aggressive. John President Biden has sent the u. S. S. Gerald Ford Carrier Group to the Eastern Mediterranean on standby, eisenhower is on its way, the 26th Marine Expeditionary unit is moving up the red sea, dont know what the final destination is, whether it will transit the suez canal or go up the gulf toward the south. Thats obviously meant as a deterrence. But if there isnt tough language toward iran about dont you dare let hezbollah get involved in this, the great fear here in israel is the moment that the Ground Forces go into northern gaza, thats what hezbollah will pull the trigger on the missiles, and they can hit tel aviv. If you dont use Strong Language to say to iran stay out of this, instead of saying dont dont dont dont dont in an interview, are you really projecting strength . Yeah, i would go even further, john. As a former president ial speech writer, you know, i value words. Words are very important. Joe biden has said a lot of the right words on israel. I think it demands more than words. We are going to have to back up these things. Its good to send a Carrier Group in, but are they just for show. You know, remember saddam. Saddam didnt think he was in any danger even after the first attacks. He thought he would just live through it. I think thats how a lot of our enemies feel. There will be a Show Of Force but wont mean anything and i think if hes tested, joe biden has to respond and the hope is that he shows enough strength before that he isnt tested. John well, he will be here in about 12 hours, see what the day brings tomorrow. Bill mcgurn, good to get your take. Good column today, by the way, as well. Sandra lets bring in florida congressman byron donalds. Thanks for jumping on with us, there you are live in the halls we just heard from Kevin Mccarthy a few moments ago as jim jordan has not gotten the votes on the first round, congressman. Mccarthy saying i think the difference here is we have rules, so we could sit down and talk to these other members and be able to move forward. What is going to happen so your party can move forward . Well, ill tell you, i agree with Kevin Mccarthy. I think that the path what we should do right now is recess for a little bit, give jim jordan an opportunity to talk to these members who have voted for other people and then lets see where we go from there. Look, i think us Coming Together And Finding A speaker and electing that person is very, very possible. I support jim jordan. That is the place i am going to remain. We need to make sure we give him the opportunity to bring those votes together. I think he can do that. Sandra what should people take away from what they have been witnessing happening there with the members on capitol hill. Well, look, even when i said this back in january, this place is not what it used to be. The Business As Usual of washington is not the State Of Play anymore. Members are going to make these individual decisions for themselves. I actually encourage them to make these decisions. But now i believe is a time for the members to unite around jim jordan so we can get back to the business up here on capitol hill. For people to think that leadership by acclimation is going to be the State Of Play going forward, its simply not the case in washington anymore. Sandra congressman, can you break any news here, are you hearing from any of those members who did not throw their support behind jim jordan if they might do so a Second Time Around . Im not going to break news. I have talked to one member, probably talk to a few more. Those are conversations i need to keep private out of respect to those members and their positions. My only ask of them is that they decide, they make the decision to change their vote, support jim jordan so we can get back to work and govern this country. There is no governance coming out of the white house. We see whats going on over there and its no leadership whatsoever. House republicans are going to have to lead this nation right now. Sandra what do you know about whats happening right now, the house has gone into recess. Is there going to be a second vote here soon . I believe there is going to be another vote today, i dont know that for sure, but the decision was made to go into recess to give speaker designate jordan the opportunity to go and talk to the members and bring them to his side. He needs to have the opportunity to do that. Im glad we recessed so he can ma i can that happen. Sandra have you had a chance to talk to him since this vote concluded . Very, very briefly. But look, i know that jim is going to be doing what he needs to do, talking to these members. So having a conversation with me right now doesnt really help. I would rather he talk to the members and try to get them to come to his side. Sandra what are you urging for him for the sell . For me its very simple. We have an opportunity to go back to work, finish the appro appropriations process, and days of leadership telling the members whats going to happen on the day you have to vote, i think those days are over. That is a good thing for the country. But is it going to be the seamless line of decisionmaking which has led us to 33 trillion in debt, no, its going to be messy at times. But we have to do this hard work if we are going to get america back on track. Sandra we did see more than a dozen republicans vote for other options, Kevin Mccarthy, Steve Scalise, i suppose that Behind Closed Doors Steve Scalise could be out there pushing those who voted for him to vote for jordan, that could be happening, right . And also be clear. Leader scalise also voted for Jim Jordan On The Floor and imploring his people who have supported him to vote for jim jordan, the same thing with Kevin Mccarthy. And so i think that right now we are going to go and frankly handle this in a lot of different conference rooms, phone conversations, i fully expect Kevin Mccarthy and Leader Scalise are going to be involved in that in some way, shape or form, and be able to leave town with the speaker of the house and go do the work we must do. Sandra quick question before you go, as axios heading into this was talking about the Pressure Campaign building to vote for jim jordan. Some were anonymously telling sources they were getting bullied. Was any of that a turnoff for some of these members . I believe it was. I have talked to a couple members, they felt thats not what they needed. I dont think thats what we should be doing right now. And listen, for all of the voters in our country, i think its important for members to hear your voice and i totally respect that. But i think that there are members up here who they want to be able to make this decision on leadership, and then move forward. I think some of the Pressure Campaigns have backfired, they have not worked, and so i think that right now under the leadership of jim jordan, you know, i would request people just take a break, take a pause, let the members work and figure this out amongst ourselves so we can elect jim jordan as speaker and then we can get back to work to the work that we have to do. Sandra our camera is up, and if theres any further updates, jump on in there, let us know how its going and we will see when the second ballot happens. Thank you so much for joining us, congressman. Appreciate it. Thank you. Sandra all right, john. John a live look at the pentagon, we await a briefing later this hour. The Deputy Press Secretary expected to face plenty of questions how the u. S. Is planning to boost the presence in the middle east and we enter day 11 of the war on israel. Sandra and here are where things stand at this hour. President biden is gearing up for a high stakes trip to the middle east, ahead of what is expected to be a Ground Invasion inside gaza. John the pentagon putting u. S. Soldiers on notice ordering 2,000 troops to be ready to deploy to israel. Purely in a supportive role and those selected troops would not engage in combat. Sandra and earlier today, Hamas Military Wing says an airstrike in the central gaza strip killed a stop commander. Peter doocy is live at the white house as the president prepares to take off for his high stakes trip. John mike tobin is live about an hour and 15 minutes away from where we are in southern israel. Defense forces gear up for an allout invasion in gaza. Mike, the question is, when will they pull the trigger on that . Mike what we are hearing from the Israeli Defense force, it will happen when they believe the conditions are right. You have hostages inside of the gaza trip. Mia shim is one of them, one of the young people who attended the raid kibbutz and went missing. Her mother confirmed and learned she was a hostage when hamas released a video. What is it like you learn your child has been taken hostage . I think its the Worst Nightmare for every mother in the world to know that her child has been taken hostage by animals. You dont know what they are doing to her. Do they give her food, will she sleep, i mean, this is the Worst Nightmare in the world. Did you know she was alive after the attack . No. I didnt know shes dead or alive. I knew nothing until yesterday. That i saw this video and the first reaction was screaming and then shouting. The other reaction was the happiest moment in my life. And the third reaction after everybody went home and i sat alone and watched the video, i couldnt stop crying because i see my baby in pain, physical pain, i see shes very scared, shes very white. Do you have a message to her captors . I demand you to bring my baby home now. The same situation, she is in the video, you cant take a child, an innocent child that just went to a festival to have some fun and to shoot her and to drag her and to scare her and god knows what else. Mike and we are following reports in the gaza strip, in fact, gaza city, where there has been an israeli airstrike, palestinians claim they hit a hospital in which civilians were sheltering. The Palestinian Health ministry describing it as a Mass Civilian Casualty event. Through the Associated Press is saying the strike just happened and they are assessing the situation. John. John ok, more information on that to come. Mike tobin, thank you. Sandra. Sandra President Biden meanwhile will be heading to the middle east to reaffirm his u. S. Support for israel and press for aid to gaza civilians. Expected to meet with the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tomorrow before continuing on to jordan for more high stakes meetings with arab leaders. Peter doocy is live at the white house. Did the white house give the israelis any preconditions, like waiting to invade gaza until after the u. S. President departs . No, sandra, white house officials are telling us that they did not tell the israelis they need to wait until after President Biden comes and goes from tel aviv to begin their Ground Invasion. Israel has the right and indeed the duty to defend its people from hamas and other terrorists and prevent future attacks. The president will hear from israel what it needs to defend its people as we continue to work with congress to meet those needs. White house officials are not commenting on reports that hamas will release some hostages, they sake public statements by hamas with a huge grain of salt. Freeing some hostages will be top of the agenda during President Bidens visit to the region but not much support in congress at the moment to use u. S. Troops in the area or heading to the area to rescue them. No, you know, israel has never said it wanted u. S. Troops. The u. S. Government is working hard to send humanitarian aid, so that we can help the people in gaza who are suffering and to try and free the hostages. We need that humanitarian aid and in the package that will come forward or later this week. There is also a new report out that since President Biden took office, more than a billion taxpayer dollars that went to the u. N. Relief and works agency may have been funneled to hamas to fund their activities in gaza. Sandra. Sandra peter doocy with an update live from the white house. Peter, thank you. John. John as peter was mentioning, sandra, the meeting tomorrow between President Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Hostage Issue will be front and center, and how to rescue them in some kind of effective way that doesnt end up with another mass casualty event recording the hostages. Hamas says it is holding between 20250 people hostage. People who were taken from the Music Festival, people taken from some of the towns very close to gaza. As you could imagine, this is a very big issue for the family and friends of these people who are in dire circumstances. And the entire nation of israel has rallied around it. We went to tel aviv to find out more about it. The brutal hamas attacks have been called israels 9 11, and in an eerie echo of our 9 11, a wall of the missing put up in front of the defense ministry. So many people and their families have no idea where they are, including look at this, yafa, 85 years old, the oldest person who was kidnapped. And then emma and julia, three years old, israeli babies, lira alba, 18 years old and roz, just four years old. Four days ago, after a week of literally no news about the hostages, a protest sprang up here across the street from the defense ministry. People wanting to make sure that they kept the Hostage Issue top of mind for the israeli government. This all began with a single man, who came here Early Saturday Morning after not being able to take it anymore. His wife and three children taken from the kibbutz and still missing in gaza. Just a few days after it all happened, because i just felt helpless, you know, i saw that Nothing Happened in a few days. Here in front of the defense ministry. Just hoping, you know, that someone would prioritize me. Or at least keep it in their minds that my family, my wife and three children should be prioritized. Where were they taken from . They were taken from their home, from my home. Yeah. My home is just right by the border. We were never afraid of anything. We knew we were protected. There was signs that people were coming in from gaza, so they were locked in the shelter inside the house, just took them from there, and to gaza, i guess. And you havent heard anything about them since . No, i havent. I know they are doing well, because i have this feeling, you know. Thats why i came here and i got stronger with everyone around me and gave me this feeling that everything is all right. And i know they should be with me right now, you know, so i could hug them. Do you believe the government is not doing enough here . I wouldnt say that, you know. I dont really have thoughts on it this way or the other. I just want to make sure, you know, that they prioritize it. President biden is coming to israel to speak with Benjamin Netanyahu about a plan to get the hostages out. Do you have any optimism at all that that might work . Sure, sure. Im optimistic, i would not be here if i wouldnt be. You know, again, we love america, here in israel, I Love America as well, i have family in america and love being there and the people are great, you know. Nothing only good things to say about america. So i know they are doing everything to help us. Im really but again, you know, im not into this im sure President Bidens doing all he can to bring my family back to me, you know. Hes a dad as well, along with, you know, all the American Families that have, you know, small children and i know that they know what im feeling right now when Somebody Just takes them away. So i know all the americans and all the people around the world just know this is the right thing to do, to bring my family back home to me right now. Sandra wow. John he spent a number of days trying to deal with the fact his wife and three children, sandra, were gone. He had no idea where they were, he couldnt sleep at night so finally he woke up about 3 oclock in the morning on saturday and said ive got to do more about this than just not sleep. And thats when he began this protest vigil that is growing in size every day as more and more israelis who have lost people and even those who want to support join in. Sandra that family and so many just desperate for answers, john. Thank you for sharing that with us. John it really is just one of thousands and thousands of stories here in israel. And every day that passes, sandra, has brought new insight into the atrocities committed against israeli civilians by hamas. Our next guest spent over three decades collecting corpses around the world but has never seen anything as horrific as this. The head of operations for the Southern Region of zaka, israels volunteer civilian Emergency Response organization. Yosi, thank you so much for being with us. Zaka and the vests that you are wearing are a common sight for Television Viewers in the United States. Every time there was a Suicide Bombing or other attack in israel, zaka is the first to get there. Youve been doing it for three decades. Did anything prepare you for what you saw ten days ago . No, not at all. I cant say that im used to disasters because no one is used to disasters. But i went through a lot. Its natural natural disasters or attacks, its 9 11 attack, or was in surfside in miami, i was there. But Something Like this, this is the i cant call them animals, i cant its a shame for the animals. But they came in and killing, just, just for killing and brutality and taking pregnant woman, i would say it even though its very hard for me, i saw it and i was there, the pregnant woman was lying on the floor, they turn her over, the stomach was butchered open. She had the baby, the infant, the unborn infant still connected to the cord, with the cord, stabbed, and she was shot in the back. John you and your group retrieved 150 bodies. No, 700. John i mean just your just your team. Just my team is 700. John your team is 700 now. 700 bodies as of today. John oh, my lord. 700 bodies. John i read one account of your efforts to go in and retrieve the bodies, you said when you went into kibbutz beri, very close to gaza, kibbutz, an absolute slaughter, you said even with your experience you reached a breaking point. Tell me about that day. Thats correct. We went in the first house that we went in and we saw parents, father and mother tied to the back and against them was a boy and a girl, small children, exactly against them, tied in the back, they were tortured, father was missing an eye, was missing body parts from the children, and they were sitting in the middle, this terrorist sitting in the middle eating the meal of this family. The holiday meal they were eating over there while torturing the children in front. Now, when you go into such a place, use your imagination. As i said, those bodies were talking to us. They were just talking to us. They explained to us. They gave us the story. We saw that. It never happened to us but i went into with my group and they they broke, they said we cant do it. I took them and i told them with everything we are going to sit now with the blood, we are going to sit down, we are going to sing a song, its like we sit with the family and lets get some more courage because we have a mission to finish. John and you did that and you went back in. I went back in. I saw much much more that i cant even explain it. John you were in New York City on 9 11. You participated in the First Response to that. The word here in israel is that this is israels 9 11. Is that how you would describe it . Even more. 9 11, 3,000 people, and the twin towers, 250 Million People in new york, over here we have 8 Million People, 9 Million People, and they were killed, brutally, they were tortured. I would say 80 were shot in the back and not once or burned i was today by a funeral of a family that i took them out. They made them this terrorist made this family to go into a room and hug each other and they burned them to death while they were alive. There was no Gunshot Wounds on this family. And they just burned them alive. For what, for nothing. And if we think we finished, no. Only yesterday i was there, my team, we thought we were finished, we went to pick up the terrorists. Unfortunately, we do that because its a creation of god, and we have to respect everybody. John people at home listening to you would probably wonder how you keep going in, but you believe it is a duty to go in and do this. Let me ask you this final question if i could, yosi. President biden is coming here tomorrow to speak with Benjamin Netanyahu. They will be talking about the aims and strategy of how this war progresses. If you had a moment to speak to President Biden about what should happen in response to this, what would you tell him . I would tell him that hamas is is even worse than isis. Its not the arab world, we have nothing against the arab world. I have we have in our organization arabs, muslims, drus, christians, everybody. And i would say, i would say give me a family from gaza and ill take them into my house. I have no problem with that. They are suffering because of the hamas. Please let us finish our job. Please help us to let us finish our job. We cant live anymore with those terrorists. Torturing their own people and they torturing even more our people. For nothing, 6 30 in the morning when it was a holiday saturday, and nothing i was supposed to be i came home the first time i came home was friday afternoon, my wife did not recognize me. Im with 15 pounds, i left the house, its saturday morning, when it happened, and i came back lost 15 pounds. I cant sleep, its not only me. Its all the people. And im asking im begging please, people, whoever listens to us, whoever sees us, we need a blessing. Only one blessing that we should go home and to raise our children and family normally. Because its very difficult. I can say its i saw things in my life, nothing like this. I never saw piles of two children tied in the back, no gunshots, its all children. They were burned to death. Just burned. For nothing. John its horrific. Yossi, it is gods work that you are doing. You and your group. Thank you for joining us. Its difficult to listen to but its necessary. Thank you, sir. Sandra. Sandra john, thank you. We will have continued reporting on the ground there in israel in just a moment. But first this update from the pentagon. There is a briefing happening right now at the pentagon. We are told they are talking china at the moment. They are going to begin taking questions. Obviously the war in the middle east will come up. We are going to take a quick break and we will get back and we will see what the update is from the pentagon. Well be right back. Is spring r at fairfieldsuisun unified. They switched to google tools for education because theres never been a reported Ransomware Attack on a chromebook. Now theyre focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. she runs and plays like a puppy again. His 2s are perfect hes a brand new dog, all in less than a year. When people switch their dogs food from kibble to the farmers dog, they often say that it feels like magic. But theres no magic involved. dog bark its simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need instead of dried pellets. Just food made for the health of dogs. Delivered in packs portioned for your dog. Its amazing what real food can do. Sandra an update to happenings in gaza that our reporters trey yingst and mike tobin brought us in the last hour on the hundreds of people reportedly killed in this strike on a hospital in gaza. Its reported there are more people still trapped under the rubble there. I want to be really specific with the reporting on this. It was initially reported through hamas that it was an israeli strike on that hospital that killed those hundreds of people. The israelis say this is under investigation and that there are reports this was a misfire on the part of hamas. So there is various reporting happening here. What i can tell you is what trey yingst is reporting right now. That the israelis hit the hospital in gaza where hundreds were sheltering. There is a mass casualty situation. Trey went to gather more detailed. Reached out to the military for comment and the update, israelis say they are investigating but cannot confirm from where the airstrike came. Trey yingst reporting on this says the region is clearly on the brink of a much larger war. Every piece of information must be critically analyzed. He said he has seen the videos. They are coming in to us now. They are incredibly graphic, john. As it was reported initially, bodies thrown about the hallways of that hospital, people who were hunkered down and sheltering there. Trey said hes seen the videos and the ones, and the reports that are claiming that this was a misfire on the part of hamas. Hamas officials are telling us again that this was an israeli strike. The israelis are investigating. So we cant confirm right now, john, this is also through trey yingst reporting, we cannot independently confirm the number of dead or injured in this attack. The reports indicate hundreds were killed. We are still trying to confirm exact details. This, of course, john, will take time. John i get a news feed from hamass communications wing. They are using the word hundreds to describe what happened at this hospital in gaza. Clearly they are blaming israel for it. But here is what we do know, and that is that israel has drones up over gaza, pretty much 24 hours a day, and if this was a Rocket Battery on the ground that malfunctioned and that all the rockets blew up on the ground, thats something that there will likely be video of. So it may be that we eventually find out how exactly this happened. There were not any Air Raid Sirens going off at the moment of the strike. We dont know, at least thats if it happened, lets say in the last hour. There was a flurry of Air Raid Sirens and alerts that went out just before we went on the air and as we were going on the air and then suddenly it went quiet. But there would obviously be a lot of investigation into this to find out exactly what happened, whether it was an Israeli Attack or whether it was a hamas Rocket Battery that malfunctioned. And i would imagine that if israel does have video of this from a surveillance drone, theyll get that out there as quickly as possible. Because right now hamas is appealing to the International Community to put pressure on israel to shut this whole thing down. They have been trying to make that case for a while now. And this, of course, would bolster their case if they can get ahead of this in terms of the war of public opinion. So i would imagine the Israeli Defense forces are working quickly to try to find out if they have got some sort of Surveillance Video of what happened on the ground there. Sandra and this just coming in about this and the injured by the a. P. , and the video, the very graphic video that is now circulating of the el Shifa Hospital in gaza city, where the injured were brought, at least 500 people were killed in that explosion. The Hamasrun Gaza Health Ministry were the ones reporting it was caused by an israeli airstrike. Israel says its investigating. But this is obviously would be one of the deadliest israeli airstrikes if that is the case in many, many years. So we are waiting to confirm exact details on all of this at this hour, john. John and this puts a lot more pressure on President Biden as well when he comes to visit with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tomorrow because according to Secretary Of State antony blinken, who in the wee hours of the morning yesterday, stated that one of the things that President Biden wants to know from israel is how it plans to proceed with any kind of Military Operation with the interest of minimizing casualties on the palestinian side. The president was also going to talk with netanyahu about opening up humanitarian corridors, probably through egypt, through the rafa Border Crossing to get supplies into the palestinians and perhaps even creating safe zones for the palestinians where they can get supplies in, they can be safe, and the supplies are kept away from hamas. But again, whether or not this was an israeli bomb or whether this was a palestinian Missile Battery that malfunctioned and caused this horrible event as it appears now, we dont know. Mike tobin is very close to gaza city. He is in the israeli city of sderot as he has been for the last few days. Mike, what are you hearing about what happened earlier this evening . Mike well, im hearing both sides kind of like you were just talking about. Idf says simply the strike just happened, so they are going to investigate it. But you are hearing through the Palestinian Health ministry this is a Mass Civilian Casualty event, and Mass Civilian Casualty, they are talking about casualties in the hundreds. This hospital is in gaza city itself, and according to reports anyway, one of the places that civilians were seeking shelter, not just the wounded. There were people there who were already wounded and this is one of those hospitals they said they were not going to evacuate simply because people were in too bad of shape and could not get them out of there. Now word of this strike. You have from the israeli side people making the claim that the explosion was caused by an errant palestinian missile, we dont have confirmation, a lot of Internet Traffic but nothing that bears credibility so far, john. Sandra mike, its sandra here. We do know a spokesperson for Benjamin Netanyahu will be joining our own Martha Maccallum top of the hour about 13 minutes from now, likely learn more about the investigation. Israel says it has into the strike, what we can go off right now is the various statements that are coming out with israel saying its investigating. The palestinian Prime Minister says this attack on the hospital was a horrific crime, a genocide. Countries backing israel bear responsibility, a statement from the palestinian Prime Minister. At the same time, mike, jordan has released a statement condemning israel for the airstrike on the gaza hospital. Mike, we will hear from the spokesperson for Benjamin Netanyahu at the top of the hour. We will likely be able to confirm details of this, mike. Mike and keep in mind just how important this is. We have seen in past operations when there is a mistake, when there is a Mass Civilian Casualty event, it takes all of the momentum away from the israeli side. Certainly the public sentiment and galvanizes the arab states that surround israel. The facts in the case, people need to be very careful as they send things around on social media, etc. , making sure that the facts are confirmed because it certainly does have the potential to change the dynamic out here. A very serious claim, of course, and it would be very serious and very sad for the civilians either way when you have the civilian casualties regardless of who is to blame, but the outcome certainly has a lot of gravity here, sandra. John hey, mike, you know a lot, an awful lot about the idf operations down in that area. Is it your understanding that israel would have had Drone Surveillance over that area tonight . Mike i can hear the drones up right now. The drones are constant. So there is constant observation of the gaza strip and theres constant support from the drones to the airstrikes and multiple different technologies guiding the airstrikes. One of the things that hospital has been there a long time. Israelis certainly would have known about it and it would have to be an errant strike, they would know it would produce civilian casualties. So, we just have to again, im very cautious, i dont want to put out anything that would be frivolous and send things in One Direction or another because the facts in this particular airstrike are going to have great consequences. Sandra mike tobin on the ground there in israel for us. We are we are waiting on any new details on that strike, mike, and will certainly bring that to our viewers and an update from the spokesperson for netanyahu top of the hour. Thank you, mike. John. John we are looking forward to hearing from the spokesman. The holiest site in the jewish faith is emptier than usual as they brace for war with hamas. I spoke to some worshippers who did stop by what they want the world to hear about their fight, coming up next. I wanted to pray, to be here, pray for the soldiers, pray for the families, pray for the wounded, pray for the dead. Its a very, very sad situation whats going on here. T get a hon because of your credit . Heres great news. 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This is the famed western wall in the heart of the old city of east jerusalem. This is the holiest place on the planet for jews to pray because of the proximity to the temple mount, which is on the other side of this retaining wall. Its christians and jews. Sometimes just tourists that want to see what its about. Typically youll see people six, ten deep waiting a chance to get close to the wall to say a prayer or take a note and slip it in between the cracks and the blocks that her rod placed here 2,000 years ago. On this day because of the war, the plaza in front of the western wall is empty. For the people that did come here, lets find out why. I imagine that many of the people coming here to pray, may be praying for the future because who knows what it holds at this point. Were living in Tumultuous Times to say the least. Were in the middle of a sick enough want war in israel. Were fighting for our survival. A survival that depends on gods will. We cant accomplish anything without his will. For some reason, were pleased in this predicament right now where we are on the verge of fighting hamas, hezbollah, maybe iran. Maybe other arab countries might join. Its a very challenging time for the jewish world around the world in particular. The whole world is on edge right now. This has been going off and on for 75 years. What needs to happen now in your mind . Have to decimate hamas. Theyre an organization, a group of subhumans that basically want to annihilate the jewish people. They want to murder. Theyre not interested in sitting down and having coffee and discussing goals. Their goal is to kill me. When someone wants to kill you, youre entitle to kill them first. Seems like the tactic before was to degrade hamas and leave them there. They would attack again. You would degrade them. This time you think it has to be different. Right. The concept was give them a little appeasement. When you appease them too long, they eventually eat you. Were in a situation where weakness is not a strength. Weakness is a recipe for disaster. Its a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for speaking with us. What did you want to come to the wall today . I feel this is the safest place to be. I wanted to pray to be here, pray for the soldiers, pray for the families, pray for the wounded. Pray for the dead. Its a very, very sad situation whats going on here. Can you wrap your head around what happened . At first not. But then you say these hamas, hezbollah, they dont they dont value life. Typically theres hundreds of people here at the wall. Today theres no one here. Why did you feel it was important to come today . We felt in order to show our solidarity and pray for the soldiers that are out on the front lines battling the atrocities that occurred only a couple days ago. So we wanted to pray to show our solidarity with them. Let me ask you, why did you feel it was important to come today . I wanted to come because today is the special day. Its the first 0 the month. Extra prayers we get to say today. I wanted to pray for everybody who is helping the whole country here. What about you . Also the situation makes us a little bit nervous. We want to pray. All of my kids are home. Theyre not in school. We decided to come here. What better place . With what has just happened in gaza, prayers on both sides are urgently needed tonight, sandra. Sandra absolutely. An update from trey yingst. Excellent reporting the ground there telling their stories. This is so incredibly important. An update on the situation where the hospital where hundreds have been killed by an air strike there. Hamas claiming it was an israeli air strike. Israel not confirming that saying they were investigating. Trey yingst reached out for a statement from the israelis. Theyre not yet denying a strike took place and say theyre investigating. They did just provide, trey, a statement, john saying a hospital is a highly sensitive building and is not an idf target. The idf is investigating the source of this explosion and like always is prioritizing accuracy and reliability. We urge everyone to proceed with caution when reporting on the unverified claims of a terrorist organization. John, it includes the reporting that this could have been a possible Rocket Misfiring on the part of hamas, which could have caused this tragedy. So trace is there gathering more information. Again, that spokesperson will be joining martha shortly. The repercussions of this being felt. President biden was supposed to after meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu tomorrow travel to jordan to meet with King Abdullah dull la and mahmoud abbas. He has just cancelled that meeting. Youd believe that a hospital would be wellat the top of israels do not strike list. So well have to wait and see what evidence there might be to tell us how this happened. Sandra john, good to be with you. Thanks for your cont

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