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Los angeles. The Israeli Military releasing a statement moments ago saying it has killed a senior hamas member involved in planning last saturdays horrific attacks in israel. Murad abu murad was killed in a strike targeting a building in the gaza strip. We also just received some new video showing the damage from the israeli city of ashkelon. Hamas armed wing al qassam saying friday that it launched 150 rockets toward that city. There are now reports whether any israelis. No report, should i say, whether any israelis were injured in that attack. Its been exactly one week now since hamas staged those shocking, brutal and deadly attacks against israel. Israel has been striking back hard all week. Now, the Israeli Military says Commando Units are conducting localized ground raids in gaza. And a short while ago, they also issued a statement that more than 120 civilians are confirmed to be held captive by hamas in gaza. The idf also continuing to pound gaza from the sky. Hundreds of thousands of israeli troops are amassing at the border, but theres still no word yet when we could see a full scale Ground Invasion as israel continues to go after hamas fighters in the gaza strip. Theyre also facing a threat from hezbollah at the northern border. The Israeli Military says the situation there is very intense with hezbollah firing antitank missiles surface to air missiles and drones toward israel. On friday, the idf, however, says all attempts at striking israel were intercepted. Were now also past that 24 hour deadline urging Palestinian Civilians to evacuate from Northern Gaza. The Israeli Military says many have heeded the warning and relocated to the southern part of the gaza strip. For more, lets go ahead and turn to senior fox news correspondent kevin corke for more information on this and where things stand right now. Kevin. Yeah, very interesting. Marianne, weve been watching the live pictures throughout the evening here on Fox News Channel. Weve seen some explosions in gaza city as we bring you the live pictures. You mentioned something that i thought was very important. You talked about concern by the idf and Israeli Government in general about hamas and other make that hezbollah and other groups perhaps coming over from lebanon. Thats a real concern in here, and that is the expansion of potential expansion of this conflict. Ive just received word this via public telegram board. The idf has killed at least three militants attempting to enter israel from lebanon. And so that once again becomes part of this storyline. You mentioned also this idea that there was a 24 hour period in which they were expecting or at least advising more than a Million People to get out of the north in gaza and move south in the territory, presumably to begin perhaps some sort of a Ground Incursion. We do know in our coverage here overnight on Fox News Channel that there have been very specific and targeted incursions, not a widespread incursion, at least not yet. And yet when you have reports like the one i just shared about militants coming over, attempting to enter from lebanon, it is obviously a concern and one that obviously the Israeli Government and the military in particular will have to keep a very close eye on marianne. Yeah. And kevin, it sounds like there are pretty prepared like they were expecting possibly attacks to come from the north. Yeah absolutely. I think youre right on that. And in fact, in one of the conversations that we had earlier here on fox, and you and i have sort of talked about this in our previous conversation, is its this notion that we have got to be super careful to make sure you dont expand this. You want to be targeted if youre israel. At the same time, you have to be prepared to defend yourself from all corners. Marianne yeah , absolutely. Kevin thank you very much. And for anyone whos just joining us, we are we have continuing coverage of the situation in israel and gaza and what is going on at this hour. And we just received reports that the Israeli Military has killed the leader of the air force for hamas, murad abu murad. It says he was killed in a strike target, a building located in the gaza strip. And as kevin and i were just talking about, they are still trying to evacuate civilians to a safer area so that they can continue to carry out strikes in gaza to try and find hamas fighters if they can do that. This has been continuing coverage of that situation in israel and gaza. Keep it here for the very latest. For now, back to our regular programing already in Progress Programming already in progress. Im not sure the model is getting work, but this would be a deal. So. Would marine corps do carry her to who let her go to her suburban . Do people also . Well, weve come a long way from bugs bunny and tweety bird. Here is what needs to happen with israel. As of tonigh t Gaza Can Nochin longer be used as a Launching Ground for Hamas To Fire int rockets into neighboring very near, very geographically close israeli cities. A rael must end this as a Staging Ground for hamas, f as gaza is so close to israel geographically. What happens next is willull on be full on war, conflict, shootings, bombings, exchanges. S people on both sides are going to die. Sadlidy innocent people will di. Our prayers tonight are with the israelis now have to defend once again their homeland and the innocent, you know, human beings that are used as shields. So that hamas could well try and protect their own lives,s ty you know, being the cowards all they really are, because you know what . But all of this could stop. All of it could end w d right nw if hamas, the terror group, would lay down their weapons dop lay down their arms, stop using human shields. But dont hold your breath. Why would you expect a Terrorist Group with such vile hatred in their hearts g to ever have any empathy, anrouy awareness of the carnage that they are causing . This is a group that foundeded in their principle, their charter, with the ideae that israel must be destroyed. They use hospitals as human shield s, along with schools. And now, according to reports, they plan using israeli civilian hostages as human shields. Theyre already using Palestinian Civilians tryinge to as human shields. Why . Just to advance their radical ideology. If hamas laid down their arms today, nobody would die. Nobody needs to die. The inevitable, senseless loss of life, it could all be prevented. Israel could enter gaze a. Er they can prevent future attacks from happening on their country. But Ifd Prevent Furthe Israel Wh their arms as some on the radical left havee ra cad for. Well, it would be a not a just a cease fire. Israel would cease to exist. D ceasthe Hamas Terrorists t who have no regard for human life os haver hezbollah. Oth to the other side of israel, sid would destroy israel. They have said so. They have plotted, they have plan. They have scheme to do so. And meanwhile, today , iransnt Foreign Minister warned israel of new fronts openinopening in war if they dont stop their retaliatory strikes, meaning defend themselves, which iran is now referring to as War Crimesiran is refe. Thats a bit of a joke, a sickic joke. Now, these strikes wouldnt have been necessary if hamas hadnt killed 1300 plus israelis and didnt and burn and behead even little babies and women while apparently carrying isis flags as they commit these brutal, violent, repulsive acts. Now, the comments from irans Foreign Minister came during foi a to lebanon in which he met with the head of the iranian he Terrorist Group hezbollah, which has been Firing Rockets into israel all week. And earlier today, Hezbollah Claimeerroristd for attacks on s military posts along o the lebanon and in a desperate and frankly, pathetic attempt to swing approval. Claimin hamas is now claiming 13 hostages were killed say by israeli airstrikes. But take everything they say with a grain salt. These are terrorists. They are killers. They are. Their words are worthless. But the gullible mob and the they might eventually start going along with it and stopstart their propagandae they did during todays day of. Somehow, over the course of the last 24 hours, 48 hours outlets, though, they stoppe d calling it what hamas meant it to be. Hamas wanted it to bs e a dayd. Of. And then all these news outlets said, well, no, this is a day of rage instead of the day of. Now, by the way, which means holy war. S prot now, as angry and violent protests are breaking out across the world now, protests in the United States have gone on all week with some of the prt worst propalestinian pro hamas protests taking place across our College Campuses. How repugnant it is to watch this ivy. Institutions like yale and harvard, look at harvard. Titution yale you know take. Take a look at the Gut Wrenching video of Two Jewishron Women Confronting Protesters at the university of washington. D her prettythisus much says it all. Ey wan its inexplicable. They want to kilt dl us. They want to destroy us. They want to murder us. Listen, they want we will have reaction to all of this momentarily. But first, we go to our verye own greg palkot site for the very latesstt, the ground. A it is 10 minutes. M after 4 a. M. In gaza as he reports to us tonight. Greg, thank you again for staying up into the earl uy morning. Our pleasure, sean. Yeah greg seeing, were seeint of pick up in activity of the israeli air force. Were hearint g fighter jets. Overhead. Were seeing impacts in the fi as they strike hamas militants. Theres been a lot of activity since, like to last talk here. Hamas militant rockets have targeted the city of ashdod just a little just cit a little behind us right here. Thank heavens for their Reallyrh Iron Dome defenses. They knocked most of it down. No indications they hit any place in the city. But in the laseyt 24 hourst on the israeli air force, theyve been very active. 750 bombs, they say has been dropped. But i think the big story for us tonight is this word coming y from the Israeli Defense force that they have entered gaza that Commando Units, apparently, according to the variouaza. S reports, had intel v about where certain hostages were or certain corpses were. T i hate to say that word, but they went in, moved in. They had clashes with hamass an militants. They came out, they say, with evidencthey came oue aboute some of the 150 hostages are inside strip. Were seeing more reporting saying even more than that. But we dont have confirmation, so we wont go there. Do, our viewersn will remember we talked about we talked about this evacuationevacuati demanded by p in the northern part of gaza. Well, hamas said, no way, you stay there. We need you as civilian humann a shields. And the un said, hey, that thats not going to happen. Either. There have been people there have bee been Save Thousandsut that have left. Stbut most of them are indeed couning put as unrest is seen throughout the throughout the country and throughout the regionhout in the west bank. 14 palestinians killed in clashes. Youve beee westn Talking Aboute clashes in the Northern Israel and Lebano Aboutn arearn israe with hezbollah. But again, the focus is onth t the building, run up to a full scale Land Incursion. Take a look at this. What we saw and what wane Heard Milithe ground you are looking at the Israeli Military gettinge in place for action. Were two miles away from the gaza strip and big trucks are bringing in tanks, armored personnel carriers, other trucks as the Artillery Blasts in the. That Artillery Fire doing more damage to gaz a ahead of ad possible Land Incursion to knock out hamas. Throughout Southern Israel. Hundreds of pieces of Lethal Equipment Brough elt in, positioned, ready for the call, along with Tens Of Thousandss of soldiers manning the dangerous gear. And if Needef Miliacing off with the militants. You think its going to be strong . Its going to be veryst strong. Should it be strong . Yerong . Shoulds, it should be ve. What do you think of the hamas militants . What do you think of what they did . My english is not very. What do you think of hamas . Good, bad, bad and very bad. Sean . Yeah. His english wasnt perfect, but his determination was. And thats what we heard from the Rank And File up and downngi the border area. Sh wtheyre keeping in mind, however, also the toll, again, h 1300 killed by the hamas militants here in israel, trip. About 1900 now in gaza strip. The and fear that those tolls on both sides might soar if and when the Land Incursion happens. But it seems that according to the government here, its going to happen. Its jusion. T a of when. Jus back to you, neal. All right, greg palkot. Well be checkint a matterg in. You throughout the evening tonight. Thank you. South carolina senator linsey grahamSouth Carolina sam i, he r backlash over comments he made right here on this show about the war in israel. Take a look. They dont want to coexist with israel. This is not a land problem. A Boundary Problem is. Its a problem of you cannot m live in my world. My god determines that you die. The germans believe that the jews were inferior people, and their goal in the final solution was to Eradicateate Th the jewish people. Well, iran and hamas believee se the jewish people should die as a result of religious teachingvs or a religious war. Here i am with israel. Do whatever the Hellieresult Yoe to do to defend yourself. Level the place. Do all right. As usual, congresswoman, squad member ocasiocortez responded with talking points from the radical left, calling his comments. , quote, Textbook Rhetoric of ethnic cleansing. Anyway, soutspondeh senator linh graham is joining us now tonight to respond. Tosenator, good to see you. Thank you for being back. Ndi guess ill first ask you about your comment. Well, let me get to that in. A minute. E the 24 hour warning to the u. N. 24, the 24 hour warning com to the people of gaza has come and is gone. We now have israeli troops, as we have been reportin now hag all night. They have entered gaza. They are now conducting Localize Czed raids. We see all of the other equipment, the staging is rightn behind them, which means nowd that the basically wevene entered a new phase in this conflict, the ground war has a n. Yeah. Yeah, i think youre right. Welli thinar, Know Israel Has Ne but To Go Into Gaza and occupy the gaza strip and destroy hamas, or theyll get hit agaisn. The old way of doing business died with those babies get. So this is a world ware two type action, total war againsold ngt hamas. Im not calling for the eradication of the palestinian people. There are plenty of palestinians i know. I consider friends all palestinians are not hamas. But ill tell you this, hamai s and the ayatollah of iran want to kill all the jews, just like the s an. So i struck a nerve on your show, people. Watch your show. Im here to tell you that the response by israel and the civilized world will be tosponsf fight back against a religious o war with a war of humanity. Were not fighting for a faith. Were fighting fig for human decency. If israel does not occupy gazan. ,they will get hit again. Gh enough is enough. Heres what i worry about tonight. There are 100,000 rockets pointed at in the hands of hezbollah, a proxy of iran in, lebanon. It is my fear that biden is noto sending clear signal to the iranians. The iranians are threateningar to attack israel from in mass from hezbollah to two front wa. Theyre threatening to hit our soldiers in iraq and syria. We dont back off. It is now imperative to le syrta the iranianss know that escalation on your part, ln hezbollah means we hit you. We h it one of the problems we havo linsey, we talk about it often as we dont i personally dontat believe that this president has the strength of vigor, the cognitive commitment. I dont know why he has an obsession as as he had with with barack obama when he was Vice President to try and do deals with mullahs mu iran that want to wipe state israel off the map. That is their stated goal. The why he was going to give themio. 6 billion, why he is allowed the free flow of oil out of iran . You know ira, in of 8,000 billn deals that theyre doing. That has enriched their their war effort, theyre the number one State Sponsor of Terrotate N Su makes nk o sense to me. So i dont think youre going to have the support that youre looking for and asking for as the prime Ministee Primr of has said, we are at war. War. We didnt start this war. We didnt want this war, but we will win this war. And if its a Two Front War, I Still Believe israel will win this war. Israand it is more of a moral imperative that they have the munitions to do it themselvese muni. Goo so heres some good news. We had a bipartisan today today on the phone of senators. A massive aid packaga masse wile flowing into israel. Armaments and medical equipment to deal with the the oncoming of the upcoming if. I may interrupt you, by the way, gaza what people are seeing on the live big picture there that is gaza and airstrikes are happening as we speak of. I didnt mean to interrupt you,. Senator. No, thats okay. I mean, what theyre doing is theyre basicallyokayey, y, hitting the beaches. Its not a beach, but theyre there. Beach thetheyre opening up lao dang gaza and destroy hamas. Heres where iran is very dangerous. If they activate it. Hezbollah tonight attacked israel from the north with 100,000 rockets. Israel would have what havends. A problem on their hands. So i dont know what President Biden will do, but i will introduce an authorization to use force against iran. 27 americans have died as a result of Operation Backed by iran. There is no hamas. Is well, iran. If israel gets attackedac by hezbollahked i know the the israelis will hit hezbollah hard. Then were in a situation wheren israel will need our help. Sd ouo, biden, please communicate as strongly as youei can that an escalation in the north, hamase , israel on ae kil second front, the killing in of hostages will result in going to the great satan, which is nothe america, but ira. Please let the iranians know they escalate this war at their own peril. At their own peril. Let se letown them know that to avoid this war from getting bigger. Let me ask you what rolepl america should play, because i know the appetite in this country for Longtry Fo Conflict the high cost. Ive been very disappointed in the case of europe, not protecting their own continent with the ukraine and not not paying their fair share. Weve had issues with corruption of money and weve also hadn joe biden put putting handcuffs on president zelenskyy. That is infuriated many conservatives, as you and i have spoke on air and off aircor about. Now youve got a case where ifvi ves. If iran tries to work with hezbollah and tries Two Front War and theyll be Firing Rockets from that the north, that now becomes a much bigger challenge. Now, the question is we know, hm according to hamas and hezbollah, that a lo t of the planning, the a lot of the scheming, a lot of the weaponry came directly from iran. The Iranian Revolutionary guard was involved to the Wall Street Journal and other publications as well known. The only people seeming to deny that are in the Biden Administration. So assuming as the number one State Sponsor of terror, they involved up to their eyeballs. Here is my question. And thatp to is there are two targets that i see in iran that could devastate ira. One it one would be the stoppage stopping of their oil production. That would be probably resultin that woug in an attack, a direct attack on their refineries. The second far more complicated and difficult Military Strategty ,which has been in place for it. Years. Everybodys talked about it itking out their nuclear sites. Its a bit its a country with big geographical area. E they are buried. All they are surrounding the entire country. Theyre spread out and theyre buried deep into the ground, which would requirgrounde, in al likelihood, Bunker Buster Bombs from america. Do you think joe bidens of stepping up and helping on that level . And shoul America Step Up to that level . I think we should have an aid package to israel to give Themould Hav A Qualitative Milii edge over all their enemies, including iran. Heres what i think america should do send weapons and medical support and supplies to israel till the iranians. If you escalate the war, youvc already killed 27 americans. You will be taking us ons on as well as israel and be ready to attack iranian oil. Refined resource, which is the Heart And Soul of the war machine. 700 million a year to hezbollah comes from iran that we knowd so of. There is no hamas where iranian help the are the biggest purchasers of iranian oil. Tell the chinese to stand down. Put irando on noticewn. Escalation means an attack a on you and to all those worry about war. The best way to avoi ward war io make sure you win the one youre in and deter future aggression. We have lost deterrence on bidens watch. Donald trump had iran in a box, had russia scared. Weve lost all that in twonald t years. We l operationrump, sean took two years to plan. We have to quickly come to israelt al s With Weaponsd and medical supplies. We havwith we to ready to join to strike iran if. They try to destroy the state of israel. Let me ask you thitroy the statn front. I heard commentsg up from former president George W Bush and i thoughs frt they i thought theyd a lot of wisdom behind them. He thought that any Military Incursion is now israel, as we now know, now that theyve m entered gaza and they have troopsil on the ground. D one situation we have to avoid o that they have to avoid is what happened to our troops in iraq. We cannot have in their case, they cannot have their national Treasuretheir Na going door to r to door and trying to win a war that way. It seems to me the best way to win war bess is maybe the way donald trump took out isis. He bombed Living Daylights out of them and bombed them straight the, straight to where they belong. And he did it fairly poorly, but he did it fairly expeditiously. I dont think wedont think we k to the old days of a ground war, Traditional Groun Ward war like that, especially with Military Technology. Do you . Well, i your dear friend,r theres way to defeat hamas. From the air. Puu have to goyou have on the g. You have to kill them. You have to pull them up by the roots like we dills liked in gey and japan. We took berlin and tokyo and without The War Would Neverg ended. And they have to go in onermany the ground there is no option other than going on the ground. Take these guydergrouns out andl them and hold their territory. And thats what i fear wil willl open up a second front. With all due respect, sean, you cannot. Wi when im an air force guy,r you cannot win the war from the air. From t air. Some body has to get on the ground and kill these guys to Stopstop I Israel Fromh being slaughtered by hamas. You have to go in on the ground hold the ground and kill them. I think your admonition and iha think it needs to be communicated immediately by President Biden if hes Capableident Bi of it, to mullahs in iran, that they th not open up a secondt. Front and therell be severe consequences if they dll bo. It would become a much bigger challenge, theres no doubt about it. Iggechallesenator, you we appre. Here now with more reaction to all this Breaking News. As you can see, by the way, on your screen. Those are live shotsscre. What you are hearing is gaza heg being hammered by airstrikesconn now foigr the second night in ai row. That sound is live. Those picturesctures and, thosee are live. Its great to have back our friend, Fox News Contributor Lieutenant Colonel oliver north with us. Colonel, you know a thing or two about iran and younorth. Knw a thing or two about war. It looks like now the Ground Incursion has begun. Your thoughts on how to best fight this war with minimal casualties for the israelis . Well, i just following the steps of the senator from South Carolina is you dontopleo have to put people on the ground. Its going to be bloody. Look, gazan is five miles longi seven miles wide. Its got a 32 mile border with israel because of the easth part and running down the eastern side of gaza. Its got an ocean. N as Mediterranean Sea as its west border and South Seven Mile long border with egypt. The place to work very closely now is with the egyptians because the folks are runnin wih and weve seen the footage not just on fox, but weve seen it all over the place the not of pe getting out of the northern part of israel, excuse me, of gazout ofa. N and what youre going to see, i think, is some need to open up help Refugee Centers or what in in the sinai. You know, weve had american troops in the sinai ever since the end of war ameri that weve been talking about 1973. And soca if you look at what we7 know about gaza and we know sisiypt is t in, egypt, thats the place to turn to help to help deal with a Refugee Floohelpd thats going to come. And they do demand and need humanitarian supplies. Sligh okay. Thats only a slightly significant River Calledy T the wadi gaza. Thats a source of water for for the people of that that terrain ought to be opened up so that people arent going to get killedd o people. The muslim day of rage that youu all observed here, mostly on College Campuses and university campuses. Its an active disinformation Information Management gamcampue trying to make this look, you know, at least one american College Campuses like the israelis are committing war crimes. They are not. Those kinds of comments need to come from the administratio n. Well. The islamic terrorists dispatched to kill from the my e and children, the Peoples Committee for libyan students was the Peoples Committee for libyan students in name itty because it was a Terroris Cell in mclean, virginia. And they were there, quote, wer indoctrinatinge students. You know. Shameless selfpromotion. Ist to know whats happening on College Campuses, get this book. This is als alaboul about whats happening, what weve seen day in and day out now since the israelis out started this Operation American gulags. Subtitle marxist tyranny and Higher Education and what to do about it. What were essentially sayingn is not just an intelligence failure. Its this is not there 11. This is their pearl harbor Station Hypois i in hawaii had broken the japanese code. They couldnt get anyone upo pa the Chain Of Command to Pay Attention to it. Ation are going to post op show as a review. There were people in hamaw hs in the lets call it fort meade. I dont want to give away too much here, but there are people in fort meade. Thermeade are people in shin be. There are people in mossad who are going to be claiming look, we told you guys this was going to happen, but nobody was itying attention att. Its a systemic failure of situational awareness, distracted politics here in the United States and the political turmoil by those who are trying to bring down netanyahu. All of that is part of this equation as to what the happened and what we need to do is get everybody that can everybody that can speak in every country, the planet, if possible. Obviously, communist china, russia and ira n are not goingd to stand up and say israel is only. Let me ask you this. All the rest of them should be. Yes, fire with modern militaryto technology and weaponry and intelligence on the ground, giving coordinates weapo. M tell me why more of this war cannot be fought with theple, use of technology. For example, i go to the caliphate and isis under president obam a and vicea an president joe biden. The caliphate grew and it spread t grew out under donald trump. He bombed the Living Daylights ou t of them, walked him back systematically and bombed them into oblivion. Why cant that happen with therw proper intelligence on the ground rather than the n of going door to door to door, you know, with kids stepping on ieds . You know, every other every other, you know, 12 feet . Well, you going to have to put g people on the ground. Somebody is going to have to knock down the dooro and go in and save the hostages. Otherwise, the hostages will be dead. Netanyahhostagesu was very, vere to think that we can save them. Do you think thats possible . Because i say i want to have hope k th. S i believe that theres always hope. , but im not that optimistic. These are resilient people. Wellthese ar p, of course they. But you may remember that backon a few years ago when i was just a kid, i used to be in aas hostage rescue business. In t i know very first Hostage Washe a u. S. Army Brigadier General in italy. And the very last one that i brought out walasts the guy who was running the the hospital in beirut. What im suggesting to you is theres a lot of things that other people arent looking at right now. T risome of our intelligence people were distracted by. Goodness gracious. What the chinese doing what thei chinese are doing is using their Confucius Centers in the United States to spread propaganda and disinformation and misinformation. M sugg what im suggesting is thisis is an all just like you said ite yourself in world war two, we turned on the spigot, d everything we could possibly do was designed to bring hitler to heel and finish tojo in japan because, you know, the italians had already given up. Look at the realit the rey of it in th is young men are going to die in this things. Very braveis ry brave young men. Guy i know some of them. I know some guys who won the equivalent of, our medal of honor, who serve in the Israeli Military. The Remarkablen Th people. And what im suggesting is weve got a military, technological edge on them. Milt theres there are guys picking up their telephones right now in hamas who cant dial out. There are people going up on their internet to senp dt signal to somebody who cant reach them. All of that and a whole lot more coming down once this whole Ground Operation gets going and its going to get going. And we just look at the numbers of troops that theyve gotte lln and, all of the armor that theyve lined up ready to go. And th e fact that we now know that theres operations ongoing today, that started looking, gaining information, every step they go. P and weve got people up t on the top watching very carefullop y. All right. God bless you, buddy. Keep covering us. Greaess t. Appreciate you. What you are watching and what you see, this is the sights. This is the sounds. This is live is. The images out of gaza at this a very minute as it is being bombarded with a massive aird wi assaultht by israel, all happening in real time. And this on top of earlier today. Israeli troops entering gaza and beginning the Ground Incursion into gaza with localized raids. Now we have this fox news alert on this global day of. There were massiven prot propalestinian protests in major cities all around the worlesd, from baghdad to roe and new york and los angeles. Our very ownk sara carter was with demonstrators in times square in new yorks. City. And heres what they told her. Res. O this how do you respond when people say, look, these babies were beheaded and some of them were burned to death . There were children that were. Killed. Chy . Ea why not speak out against that . S and then, you know, protests later. Why protest now . Becaust e theyre Killing Hundreds of lives right now, even as we speak. Ds and were protesting and so on. Something and something stops fof lir us, you know. Do you think its going to ever stop when you the problem is you have that cry for t as long as gaza is led by a terror organization. I dont see any difference. Do you hear about the babies that were beheaded . The baby was never beheaded, s was a made up story. How do you you are true. Ow m its show me the pictures now. So what about the picture . Youre online. Yoyour. They did not kill their babies. That is. No, no babies. [b no validation of that whatsoever. Therleep]. Vale no proof of tha. Netanyahu is basically running his narrative of what he wants to excuse himself. It is, i said, killing and i and holocaust i think the itsham is a shame that hamas can standd here in the middle of new york city and say every every day, this is crazy. This is crazy. I dont i dont understand how the american the people aret afraid from this guy. Dont understand. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Dont forget it i. Figh massive crowds all in denial, all believing lies. It should shock your conscience. Now, Remembeve Crowdr this all s at a time when virulent a antisemitist a tim has seen a , very ugly resurgence. Non uglyt just here in the United States, but around the globe, Around The World. Sara carter, she was in the middle of all of that, joins us now with mored. Sara, ill be honest, in spite of all of the evidence to the contrary, the massive th of the crowd that you have i been in all day, it is shocking to see people that ignorant that much in denial, that actually, you know, reallyu are supporting the Terrorist Attacks against israel. And they support it with a passion. Yeah, thats absolutely true. Ea. Sean. Weve been out here all day. There have been thousands of propalestinian supporters on the streets here in new york citypropa. In fact, they marched all the way to the consulate and there are still hundreds on the streets right now. As you can see behind me. The tensions have been ma. Rerdinarily high today thankfully, there hasnt been any violence, but thats to say, sean, that Law Enforcement here, the nypd hasnt been very concerned about that happening. Theyvnypde been doing yeomansp work and they have been h targetedav. T all kinds of foul language, as you can imagineoul. Wa every time they try to move people out of the way, one of the bigger issues, sean, that for me personally m, that happened right here for one of the bigger issues for me as ive covered the war,s in i spent eight years in afghanistan covering the war. You know that back and forth in the region. I was in iraq. I saw the atrocity of war. I saw what hate did to thoseat countries and those communities. And were starting to see it heret here, the United States. I talked to both palestinian supporters, people that are fighting for a Palestinian Statpporterse out here. And i also spoke to pro israeli supporters that were here, a smaller group, a farher. Theyp. They were terrified. They said they couldnt believe the rise in antisemitism, whereas on the other side, we Hasemitismer Sidd the palestinin people saying that the reports coming out of israel were lies. I they said that the reportsng about, the death of the beheadings of the babies were not trueies. There is certainly a lot of conflict. This i is not going to resolve. And one of the bigger questions i had for everyone, sean, herey today, and you could see there are so many people here stilstil on the streets is how does this how does this is how does all end up . Our courts are not getting paid enough valueshoutings. Sara, if you want to interview her, you can hear people are is she want to say they are upset . What would you liketv. . What would you what would you like to say . What . What . The biuestiow, i think the bigger question a lot of people have and this is the one that ive asked everyonee a okay. There were 1200 plus 1 People Killed last weekend. On saturday, People Killed that were innocent civilians. They were killed by terrorist se according according to their actions that were children involved in there. And i said, can i speaink hamav you consider hamas a terrorist organization when that happened ,we as muslim were upset. We dont condemn that we dont support that by You Guys Killing and just having a ocid in palestine right now is not okay. Whiny is it okay when o its israel, but when its palestinian, you guys are like, its Oka Hamas Isy because hamas is hiding there. Thats not right. We ask you to do better. Those are. What would the reaction be . What would the reactio then be . And this is my question as well, sean. Ive covered the war for a lon. My time and ive seen this. My heart breaks. Really . It doews ally is. H. To see so much death. To see so much death. But what woulddo the reaction bn what would the reaction be if it was the other way around this weekend . So palestin e is the size of washington, d. C. You dont need to send warships to destroy that strip. But so many people believe bel and i asked so many how manyie people here believe that babiesb were killed and that they were beheaded by hamas, by their all. But nobody believes it. Ody belinobody believes that one leader. And they say, sara, let mebl] ask you this. Sara, i dont know if you can hear me. We dont. Would you like to say we do not support that we are muslim, are peaceful people we know actually. Matter of fact, no religion. Hey, sara, The Killing Kil of children and women. D let me ask about you. As k about the 260 overwhelming evidence against israel. When you open twitte ther, are u worried are you worried, though, that this war is going e to spill here on the streets of the you, your friends abso, that this is not a war anymore . This is an camp. Ening. This is all whats happening. These are defenselesarst one people against one of the best militaries in the world. And youre calling thiofs award. This is not a war. How does this end . What was the holocaust . What was the holocaust . Wasnt it hitler killing the jews, Exterminatin Gje the jews . What are the jews doing now . What did the israelis designws. to started the war . Sharon . The people who started the war. Stathere is a two state soluti to this. What do you believe all Unitesis A And Stand Up for whats right today, The Empire State should have been red,e em white. I mean, red, white and black. Nopireuilding t blue and white. Theyre still supporting israel. Is tha whitet what week like you said . Right. But today, by thousandg s of palestinian Childrens Family died if theres terrorist. Wher e e are the names of Thosets Terrorists . Israel has no advance that they have a list of the name of Terrorist Great Camp of one person, just like they got bin laden do it. And they were like, here, this him. They cant they cant bring the name. I think sean and i children and families are. Sara, you can wrap it up and state what they are. Okay. Sara carter, i want to i wantyor to get your final thought herea and the rage and the angerand we and sean, i think what the problem is and weve seen this have, is that everybody here has one belief, whereasr se people on the other side have another belief. And nobodys shaking those beliefs, whether the people here believe, what happened in israel or whether they dont. , on the otheron other side, Whe To Israeli supporters, you know people that were were adamantly opposey opd to what was happenig even here on the streets of new york city, they were saying antisemitism is on the rise. Othey saying nobody believes u. They were frightened at whatyoua they were seeing on the streets. And you can also see on the side of the propalestiniahe side n that thn feel this intensity and this rage. And thats why i ask, is there a two State Solution . Iv give them their water, give them their electricity, Stop Bombingthem their hospitalt let them if you dont want theml there, let them go. Dos. Your job. Why are you guys putting a siege on everything . Why are you right nou puttinw, i these people go. All right. Sara, let me. Gyptian. But. But. But right now, the reports are. I dont know, ca. N t you hear me . Government is not allowing people to go into egypt is nt, that theyre being kept on the outside. Inside israel right now. T th sean. Sean we are looking at the beginning of what could be continuing protests throughoutsts week and not just here in the United States, but throughoutust here the worll its not going to end today. Ou sean, back to you. Sara, thank you. Ayone stay safe. E side one side started this war. One side beganan conflict. Inn one side killed 1300 innocent people. That included innocent women a and, children. One side took hostages, not the other. The otheand the other side is nw defending itself. To see such a large such as were seeing not just in new york, but also in cities and all Around The World, ford that matter, is just an utter state of denial of the truth. Of what happened. We have the evidence. We have the videos, we havel the still pictures. We have itpi all. And in spite of it, so manyt so locked into their ideology they cling to it like its manna from heaven. Its. But anyway, were alsoa watching lives. Live images of a Massive Bombardment. You can hear it. You can se live it in that shot right there. That is gaza is for 40 3 a. M. In the morning, gaza time and the Massive Bombardment into gaza by israeli Troopsier O Earlier today. Israeli troops entering gazada beginning the Ground Incursion with localized raids. Tod also today, the white house has mission to stop joe biden from i falling. That almost failed. Today, biden had an even at can in philadelphia where, as you can see, he had a little trouble yet again getting on stage and operation keep President Biden from tripping and falling again. Nearly went into a tailspin. T anyway, here with reaction to all of tonightais events, again, you can hear that is that those are the sights ans and sounds of live bombing of gaza. You can hear israeli fighterf jets flying in between some of these strikes. Very loud. And it is very real. It is happening right now as we on the air, the host of tomi lahren is fearless on how kick tomi lahren, Fox News Contributor charlie hurt. Let me get you tomi, well start with you and get your reaction to. How first of all, how massive that new york city protest has been all day and the idea that they they truly just denied the Reality Evidence of what it is that the Terror Group Hamas did to israel to start this. O israelwhy are they in such de . Well, first of all, let me say, sean, i am very happy to be in nashville, tennessee tonight and not in new york city or any major city acrossr the unitedUnited States. But i would say this. A l theres a lot of peopleot that are mystified ot and becae they live under a Propaganda Regime and Unfortunatelyaganda T Of Americans have fallen victim to that propaganda that the terrorists are so great at putting out. But what i would like to see from these individualsout. Thate passionate and they have a right to be in the streets talking about free palestinem and talking about the plight of the palestinian people. I would like to Hearpassonat Thy on free palestine from hamas. Ha thats what i would like to hear. If you care about the Palestiniastinian N people and about their struggle and you care about their humanity, you should wananr t the palestin people, to separate themselves from hamas, to be out of hamase control. That should be what theyre advocating for. That should be what theyre fighting wha f for. Thats not what i heard tonight. Im hoping that we hea or more f those people on the palestinian side saying that, echoing that Sentiment Becauseg Th Thats the way that theyre truly going to get the liberation that they say that they wanttio get rid of the Terrorist Groups and start actually embracing humanitys. Youre right about one thing, too, tommy. I mean, sara carter, god bless her. She is a phenomenal reporter. Shes been a war correspondent,s not an easy assignment tonight. And i can everybody at home that she does have people around her, thank god. Raand we pray for her safety. Let me get your thoughts on all of this. Charlie hurt the utter denial, but not just the denial, charlie, the sheer magnitude, the numbers of people that that live in denial and are. Defending what is nothing but pure terrorism. It it does shock the soul a little bit to see in australia. Here in australia, gas the jews f the jews to see, you know, people in Great Britain that are jewish being toldwish to you might want to stay home or not use your your your real name in places. It is so reminiscent, somethingo that i never thought the world could ever return to. It to me, this hatred, thisthis this rabid virulent antisemitism worldwide. Where is this coming from . Well, of course, sean, its the result of decades and decades of Propaganda Teaclies and evil teachings. And, you know, you know, we of go through muclifeh of life not thinking that, you know, theres a religious war going on. Wabut you obviously have entire parts of the world that believe that there is a religious warr n going on. I thy think that what tommg said is the most important thing about all of this, you know, as as poisoned and toxic as those people are that are protesting, xic as theyre theyre misguided about all of it, because, of cours tpeople e, everybody has compassion for civilians in Civilian Palestinians who are going to get caught up t all of this. But this is why it is incumbent upon the m to stand up to the government that speaks for them and operates for them and carries out terrorist activities c terro. And they have to figure out a way to do it. They have to take responsibility for their government. And if they dont take responsibility for hamas amongte them, then they cant be surprised Whe N Outsiders who get attacked take that responsibility onto themselves in order to protect themselves. Yeah. Charlie hurtt, tomi lahren, thank you both. We appreciate you both being withhen us this friday night. As you can see, i think we hea. T air sirens now that would probably be in israel, meaning that there are incoming rockets there. You hear israeli jetg ths, you. With your own eyes in real time, gaza city, a bombardmentj. By air force jets of israel. And also earlier today, israeli troops entered into gaz gaza to begin the Ground Incursion. Anyway, we also have other news. Tonight. Well get back to this in a minute. We will keep pictures up so you can hear and watch in real time. Hot anotheupr news alert this friday night, house republicans, they are ree one step closer to electing a speaker tonight afte ar ohio congressman Judiciary Committee chairman jim jordan won, the republican conference nomination for Speaker Of The House earlier today. Rememberfor jordan has also bey endorsed by former President Trump. It does not appear jim jordan has the votes yet to be elected it doesntr on the floor, but it seems to be coalescing around him, at least today. L fo in fact, some republicans are now calling for an extension and an increase of the speaker pro tem. That would be mchenrys temporary powers or even do a deal with the democrats. Let me be very clear. Republicans, you were sent there to do a job right. Now your job is to pick a leader. Pick a leader. I can at think of anybody better anyo than jim jordan of ohidyo and i think its the very obvious choice. Here now with reaction, florida congressman brian mast, texas congressman chip roy, chipngres i know its difficult in these circumstances with with whatsts happening in real time in cities around the the world and whats happening live in gaza. Mit this is an important issue p with war breaking out this very hour in the middle east. E towe have to ask, what isg to the Republican Party going to Electsp A Speaker and open the peoples house . This has gone on long enough. Yeah. Great to be on, sean. And first of all, its great to be heree he with my friendo s brian mast, who is wearing the uniform of the idf. He can he can say more about that. But this is an american hero. Im next to somebody who lost. Limbs. You lost fingers defending thi s country. And he stood alongside the brave men and women of the idf. Our are with the people of israel. We stand firmly alongside israel. This is nonnegotiable. And were going to defend them and defendwe w Our Securityy Interests in the process. Lets be very clear right now. Yes, theres a lot of drama faced on the speakers debate here in washington. But lets be very clear whats actually going on. There are people in thisn who town who think the status quo is acceptable. They think Spending Money that we dont have. B they think that wide open borders. Aney think that continuing to continue the endless circle here of swamp bureaucrats, decisions for the American People, rather than actually changing this town, t is acceptable and it is not. Jim jordan is a strong leader. He should be the Speaker Of The House. Jim jordanhouse. Representschange the American People who want to change this town. And right now,s town the peopleu who want the status quo are pushing back. I want to bepushin very clear. O. I stand alongside jim jordan, jim short, jim jordan shouldfight continue this fight all the way through. Im goiny g to stand alongside him on the floor. We need to elect him as speaker of the elect house. T and if a bunch of appropriators and a Defense Establishment bureaucrats want to try to fight that, then its game on. Its time for the Americanthis B people to win this battle rather than the swamp. Thats whats actually going on. E sean brian mast, ill ask you about whats unfolding in gazn briana this very nights unfolding Around The World with thind thes day of , as cald for by one of the leadersby of hamas. But i will say thisthe the peoples house needs to be reopened and these bandaid solutionreopeneds, ideas or doi a deal with the democrats, that is not acceptableth from the Republican Party. I know the majority is small, but as far as im concerned, jim jordan right nowjordan. Has a significant majority of the votes. And its time to Electto E Spear and open the peoples house. Do you agree . I totally agree. I think jim jordan has something even more important than what you just mentioned. He has something that this place lacks. E x. Has trust in the American People. I hear from people all the time back hom oplee that want to hear from jim jordan, want to know where jim jordan is, is on a position, believe in jim jordan. And if for nothing els jime, if he can bring a level of trust back to this institution that we work in, that is to me,t one of the most forefront reasons to move him forward as thiut rs next speaker of theh house of representatives. Yeah, i agree. No w get you i see you have your an idf uniform moment in solidarity with israel. We know that israeli troops entered gaza, the ground has begun in real time. We are watching a Massive Bombardment. Israeli air force tests hitting hamas targets. Last night they hit a whopping 750 of them. We believe that the full Ground Incursion could come as early as tonight. And this local time in gaza, it is 4 53 a. M. Gaza time. So Wxpe Expectect Th that to un throughout the weekend and into monday. Arat do you expect is going to happen . And are you concerned, as linsey grahamu concer is con, about war on a second front, that might be started with hezbollah in the north with the support of iranwith the i definitely expect carnage. You look at the supply chain to get those weapons into the gaza strip. It goes from iran. It goes through syria, throughsh lebanon, into the gaza strip, thnt go throughroug jordan, can go through egypt, and that can also be used to move hostages in the opposite direction out of the gaza strip into other places. Aza strithere should be Everyplc Expectation that american fighters are senest, Pick Up Fir American Hostages and give retribution for american deaths. So, yes, this can spill over spi into other placellh s simply because those are the places that this fight has stemmed from. So very real risk. Yeah, ill give yofrom. U the la word on this. Chip roy . Chipwell, look, first of all, we stand completely alongside israel. The fact that we dont have a speaker doesnt change that fact. In fact dont ist, fact that wee fighting for a speaker here that will stand up for the american values, the worldt wants us to stand up forp is exactly what were expected to do. For we need to change this tc we need to stop Spending Money we dont hav town. E. We need to secure the border of the United States and we deliver a Stronglive Message that we will stand alongside israel with a resolute and strongg l with a america. And the person to do that isjim jim jordan and any of my colleagues who stand in the way of that. Thats on them. I stand with jim, chip, roy. Brian marsh, thank you both. If youre just joining us, israeli troops earlier entering gaza, conducting the beginning of what is a Ground Incursion. At this hour, we are watching mass, a massive air bombard went into gaza by israel. More hannity, more details right after this quick break. And one more hour to go. Are you tired of that old worn bath or shower . 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Some of our upcoming include general keith kellogg, dan hoffman, former Vice President mike pence. And we have another Breaking News have an hour of. Hannity. And its going to start. Earlier today, Israeli Troopit S fact have entered gaza. The bombardment of gaza is happeningered right as we spo hour two starts right now that we begin here at 10 p. M. Oh on the east. At 7 00 on the west coast,e 7 0t is 5 a. M. In gaza. We are continuing to monitor the situation, the Ground Wherer after days of heavy retaliatory airstrikes Israeli Forces confirmed to fox that they have entered the Cityr Of Gaza for localized raids. What is the beginning of the groundd the incursion as they w prepare for their full scale ground assault in gaza . They have been positioning all throughout the day, movingai their equipment moving their troops ever so close to that gazarg their border. Rer remember, as we reported last night, they issued a warning to allin in Northern Gaza and tc the u. N. They had 24 hours to evacuate. That time has come. And that timrs te has gone. Meanwhile, earlier today, the iranian backed terror group basee. D in the north lebanon,p e hezbollah, they claimed responsibilityd for attacks on Israeli Military posts near that border after Rockets Intoc israel over the course of the week. But breakingrael over th israels responded. They have been striking hezbolla h targets in southern lebanon. And today, propalestinian or proisraeli protesters, pro hamas protesters have beennt clashing with others all across the world. The numberh others s staggering after a former hamas leader called for toda aftery be an internatib day of , a very own greae ant. He has the very latest on the ground in israel. In a break. Ve we have been following it the whole hour. We are hearing the bombardment. R wein are hearing the fighter jets. We are seeingthe compartmeng th. It has been as fierce as we b have been reportinndg all week. Yeah, it has been continuing. Sean, weve heard the fighter overhead. We see the glow of explosions at the horizon whereoverhead. Were just up the coast from gaza right here. Weve also been seeingza h the hamas militant rockets targeting thise also city. Thank heavens for the israeli iron dome defenses. They knocked out a couple rockets and moved not too far from our live location right . Yeah. As you noted, sean, it was was about this time last night that we were talking about this Evacuation Order by israel fortt the northern part of the gaza strip, 1. 1 Million People. Llion the u. N. At that initially. And then soon after that said,a no, you stay in place. But some people have beenn trying to get out of that part of the city. They are concerned tha about wht could happen, what could come next. And you alsocoul noted probably the most significant story of thi s, and thats the Israeli Defense forces acknowledging i, that they have sent Commando Teams Inside Northern Looking for hostages. They have acknowledged that they have had clashes with hamas Militants Insid Hade Gaza and they have said they have brought back importsdence evidence regarding where some of these 150 hostages are inside gaza. Again, this is not the start of a full scale incursion. This is problem is start of is r a lot of pincherob, a lot of a lot of a lot of moves by commandos to try to find where these targets energies are before the big Land Incursion starts. The geve been seein that again today as sean, weve been up and down the borderh th seeing the tanks, the armored armored personnel carriersta,h the Artilleries Firing from positions outsidring froe gaza,g ready for when this large Ground Invasion will happen. Large grou are there, 1300 dead on this side of the gaza border and 1900 now palestinians dead. D. And those numbers could go up once this gets eve un more serious on the ground sean. You know, greg, let me ase gk you, israels goal has been stated very clearly by Prime Minister netanyahu that theyre going to win the war and that the middle east will be forever changed and this war will be discusseed, talked about for generations. That goal, im sure israel has to be to Forever Stop Gaza Froma being a launching pad, a staging area for them to firer missiles into israel, ve been the border cities, the way they have been, the city of sorrow, where i have been myself in the middle of the minor, you know, flare up of tensions. It takes seconds for for a missile to be fired outa. Of gaza. And its not enough time fort en kids that wantough to play outs. So their playgrounds are underground in bunkers. The sophistication of these rockets they havd bunkere more l over time. But this, i would imagine israels goal is to forever stop hamas from ever having the ability to ever fire weapons into nearin g nearby border cities and israel ever again. In you see that as y their strategy. Yeah, sean, i mean, its basically a12 punch and i is literally mean punch. I mean, weve been seeing never air these kinds numbers of airstrikes in the past six days. More than 6000 bombs have been6o dropped. That is targetinmbs haveg hamas infrastructure. That is going after these Rocket Launching Sites that we o have seen so much of in the past couple of day in ths. S but this is different this time around. This i is israels own 911. Isral its not a matter of jusst punishing hamas, according to Prime Minister netanyahu and others. It is a matter of finishing ministerhamas. Peer t and that is a tall order. But it seems Likall Ore The Isri Military is ready for that. As difficult as it couldt is re, be john. All right, greg palkot reporting by border in gazabordr tonight. Thank you, sir. Now, todays day of sparked ina otic intense protests all Around The World, including. And again, youre watchingith pictures of this bombardment in real time. Ofi air force now just really hammering out more wen wv have seen all week gaza. Last night there were over 750 targets that were hit. And you could set nighe theyreg to be well above that number tonight. And again, this is Thehat Numben that israeli troops entered gaza. But anyway thi we have theseaves large scale demonstrations All Over The World Larger Thani i ever imagined they can be times square. Our very own sara carter, who who was at the protests inside times square, is still thereil with a crowd. We had a very spiritedl with tht time. You know, there Spirites A Thes two things that strike me, sara. One thing is the sheer this how large this crowd. The second thing that strikes me, the utter denial, any responsibility of what hamas has done in spity respe all thei evidence that you tried to present to them, it is overwhelminte triedg. It is incontrovertible. You know, weng and had 260 peacl young people at a concert in the desert. They were slaughtered. We have evidence, picturesdesert of their dead bodies. We have images of of hamas , quote, soldiers that are involved in their, proud that they killed these innocent young people. We have images of them holding up some of the dead bodies, images of them shooting dead israelis yet again. The dead or kicking them in the head. But none of this Reality Seemsck to Seep Intoing Thbut the mindy of the people. And it is a massive crowd there day. Why is that . Is it just they want liveey wan in deniat l . . Well, thats absolutely true, sean. I spent the day out herey ou talking to a antiisraeli protesters, people who came outs here in protes,t of israelat and what is happening in gaza. And that was one of the questions ive asked everyone here. You know, base id on the newss footage, based on the news that came out last week, do you believe the information that youre seeing in the news i and they emphatically, almost every Single Person i interviewed said no. Now, earlier in the day, there thousands of people in thethoua streets, thousands of antiisraelnd thei protesteri right now, theres hundreds. Theyre still out here in the that are scattered throughout. Im on 42nd and broadway. Swant you to take a listen to what some of the people hadat to say some earlier today. Listen to this. Do you condemn attacks . I mean, it wasnt it was unprovoked because theyve beend us for 70 years. So its Beenth Goingey Hav On Fu you know, decades. Do you believe babies died and people were murdered, decade and girls were . I think that war is always a travesty. But it wasnt a war. Or they came over a fence line and innocent civilians homes. You put a cat in the corner, you cannot be upset about her reaction. You put our people in a corner. Apartheid, racism,. 75 years. What do you expect from us . You wipe on. Thats all you need to do. Wipe out the baby, georgia. And you need to see the videos. Dad shalit banning children, Eoa Burning Them alive. Also, the beheadings have been falsel, y claimed and theyve. Already proven that like there was no beheadings. Here wasdone by hamas and that f that is false. Well, it was already beenit proven. After this. I just dont think has alrproven can ever exist in peace. If this passes, do i thinki thin palestinians deserve their own state . Maybe. Deserve theibut i dont think in be next to israel. How do you not give your taxpayer money to fund this . Dont they need all u. S. Taxpayer money to kill it . R if those people who claim to be propalestinian so supports hamas, then the other animals just like theme, are no different. Its not different. And sean, there lies the issue. You ynow, there is definitel a tension that not only resonated here in newrk cit city, but across the globe. And obviously, the people that im standing with here tonight are adamanm standit. Ajt the majority of people that i spoke with today said thaty dont believe a two State Solution is even possibl ae. T the majority of people that i spoke with today said thati t they want israel out of the picture. And i cayn ask somebody a quick question. Here am i right . Hav is that what youve said . No. What is your opinione said . . Palestinian authority already agreed to the Statt Ise Solution for over 20 years now. But what happened week . Can you say that what hamas did last week, an atrocity . Nobody is justifying the killing of civilians. Ilian. But from your coverage, from your coverage is there is injustice to the palestinians. You just, there one sided. Yo you you made up a story, a fake a story about the 40 babies. Right. There were and there is evidence that babies were murdered and that children were takerdered an and today, sir, ts a video with hamas showing israeli children that they kidnappeaelid from those kibbutz and those villages along the gaza strip. Okay. So heres the thing. My question is, how do you know the fake story that you made up out of thin air about the photo, you know, beheade ad babies and, you know, it was nothing to back up, even the idea of the israeli army, why they couldnp. T it up. Ack iu there is evidence now that there were some babie s were beheaded. I mean, but the factfact that despite the fact that childre tha bn died. But the fact that children died. Is that enough to condem the n . We are we are against w and were kidnapped. We are against killing civilians. Right. On both sides now and th ande palestinian side, we have over 2500 dead, 700 of them are children under the age of 15. Right. Right. We have. Sa let me let me say this. Gaza. The children are always the innocent victims in war. Right. But is there a solution sol to this . Is there a solution to this . Becausn to thie it this is not g to end right. There is. . The solution is to t give justice to palestinian people. What does that mean to you . What it means no estinianw, gaza beenw, under siege for 16 years. And you know that yo gazu journalist gaza been under siege for 16 years. G for the people that dont know gaza is not under siege from like two days. Yes, but but i know but theue proble pm is that people feel that we are not addressing what happened last weenok. And that is the issue, the 1200 that were killed, because thos es and were families and children. And i understand where you are coming frodren. M. Sean. Sean, i will. I have to wrap it up right now. G i will give you one second. Just one. Tell mive yoe what. Okay. First, nobody is justifying killing innocent tell. And eitl side. Right now we have over 1500 hav buildings. Sean. Ilding sean, as you can see,s. Im sorry. I know weve got. U can set. Ee limi as you can see, theres a lot of tension here in new york city. The have been amazing at controlling crowds. The people here have remained and r mostpeacef, fo part, despite all the tension. And i can tell you this Law Enforcement, federal, state and local are very concerned. Bat back to you, sean. Sara, great job. Get safely. We really appreciate the incredibly courageous reporting. And as you can see, we have see been hearing and all night, we,h night all night tonight, the sights and sounds just heard it there. A massive israeli bombardment of gaza. Last night it was 750 hamasgazap targets. Tonight, when all is said and targh higher. L be mcure last n weve been on for 2 hours everyw night this week and. In these hours, four and 5 a. M. , gaza, it seems to beemsb the most active. You se e whats been happening all day. Also in advance of israeli troopsall day. Also i entered gar today. Anyway, joining us now with reaction, we have o attorney harvard professor alan dershowitz, along with author, legal chairman of chairman Horace Cooper is with us. Good to see you both. Weve known each other a longmer time, professor. Of a long, long time. And as i see the size of the crowds. Not just in new york. But in paris, the things that we have heard all weekd in australia and Great Britain worldwide, and there are other cities in thwidee united. The what weve heard out w of academia, the silenceome on some cases have been deafening to real virulent. Ill be honest, professor i dont often get shocked, but i did not think that we would see this at this time in our lifetime. I want to get your thoughts. Ya youre absolutely right. Its happened oncere before in 1939, in new york city, in the neighborhood. I in just down the block from where these demonstrate fore the hundred thousand americans wearing uniformss and doing salute, praised adolf hitler and supportednd him in Madison Square garden. 20,000 showed up to hear pro gestapo speeches. So its happened before. It happened in paris. It happened in australia. D in s but nobody imagined it. And what we saw out explains to me, for the first time in my long life i now understandde holocaust that people deny the holocausrstandt in the face of the most massive evidence. Face iny of the people in this crowd are holocaust deniers. Theyre deniers. There are people who deny what is absolutely in front of thee whdeny wm. Ersiti now, you know, universities have a hard time because they believe in free speecesh. E but i have one rule for harvardr and every other university. T th just treat the people who sign these petitions the wapeopley wd treat somebody who signed a petition supporting the blowing up of black churches, the lynching of black people, the throwing of bombs into a nightclub. T wa just treat them that way. They all have the right of free speech. But Noight T Body would tolerate that kind of racistpeech and homophobic speech. And thats what were hearing here. Pet is we are were hearing. Were not actions. And they ought to be treateded as if they were members. The Party Wearing square. Let get your take, horacen let cooperme. I have to tell you, when i heard that there was goinghear to bd e a national day in suppot of brutal, evil, Genocidal Thuggery that calls itself hamas. Horace, i want i want to jump in here. They call they what they want. They have called today a dayd. Of , an International Day of. ,holy war. Y war. I want to be very clear on that. This is nobe cleart the of rageg for some reason, the media has decided to just, you know, shift the the actual wordst that were used by hamas. I interrupted you. E. Pologiz well, i just want to say i am astonished to see that theres this levelhed to of hate that es right within the midst us. Like the professor, i that if you support the burning, the gassing, the beheadingg of people because of their religion, you are a. And i dont want to work with you. I dont want to do business with people who want to do business with yont tu. Want i dont want to have any a association. You may have the rightny vi to advocate the evil views that you advocate. But you should not expect to be welcomed in society. Law firms should not sho pelcome you. Corporate america should not welcome you. Im patheticerica should, realld that there are folks who claim theyre trying to look out for marginalized, taking a babycuttn and cutting its head offg. If thats not marginalized, i dont know what itmargin is. This behavior should never, ever be condoned. How do you explain overwhelming, incontrovertible evidence, professor of hamas killing 1300 people. Now, if You Extrapolate Out ive been saying this all week, 1300 people, you, based on the population, a little over 9 Million People in israel. If we were to extrapolate ovr out the percentage and what that would mean, i f america lost the same amount of people, the proportion basedn on our population. Were talkinat based og about 30 americans in a day. On 911, we lost 2977. We lost fewer than that over 2000 in pearl harbor. But this would be the equivalent of losing 38,000 american in one single day. And you just heard sara carter interviewing these protesters and they simply deny what what s video footagimple, what images exist, what evidence exists . Well, how do you explain w denial . Well, i think the one thing you have to make clear is once u o makewe attacked at pearl harb, franklin said, we want an all out war and we will onlyfran accept unconditional surrender. Winston churchill said this afte witsur. You know, i said the same t thing. Unconditional surrender all ouhn what we did to Berlin Afted Rdio the war, what we b did to tokyo after the war . Israel has the absolute right to do to gaza city. Now, israel has something noandh other country before has ever done. Its given an opportunit y for whatever innocent people there are to leave. And ifatever i they leave, fine. But if they dont leave, if they remain on their ownleave an listening to hamas and israel has a choice between allowing its own civilians to die, to be killedwing its, to liberate or g in military action, to end hamas, which will result in Collateral Damage to innocent civilians, they should do what every country in Theage To I History E World has ever done. Prefer your civilians your innocent civilians over human shields that hamas is using to permit it to kill your innocent civilians. An all out war. Israelans. Way before the United States did in berlin and in tokyo and put up Nothingd Noth but total surrender and the end hamas. And if there is Collateral Damage, the Fall Forateral D that exclusively on hamas, which is telling its people to stay and remain human shields. Nextl have you bacs k next week to do a follow up to see if harvard will allow me to moderate a debateto hav, youd cornel west. I tend to think they will say no, professor, and that would be very gutless and cowardly of them. Professor, thank you. Horace thank you. Tonight, also breaking tonight, an alleged Terrorist Attack in france on. The proclaimed International Day of calledn by hamas leaders after reports say that a Knifete Wielding attacker shot shouting allahu akbar before killing a teacher in a french school. Shand it doesnt stop there. The. Earlier today in beijing, a disturbingday, showing an employee at an Israeli Embassy being repeatedly stabbed has a Foreignsayin Suspect has now been detained. Anyway, we been watching all night. Earlier today, israeli troops entering gazga beginning. What is the Ground Incursion . We have been Inc The Sights and sounds in gaza tonight. Massive bombardment of israeli air power into gaza. You can hear it. Airp you can see the flashes. It has been goinowg on forgoingn the last hour and 23 minutes since we have come on the aie l here with reaction, retired army Lieutenant Colonel, Lieutenant General forgive me,e keith kellogg, former cia station chief, Fox News Contributor dan hoffman, Israeli Special operations veteran aaron. , aa general kellogg, let me beging. With you. Wher lee watching this massivewe are bombardment we saw earlier today, israeli entered gaza. Re lets talk about last night. Letit was 75 specific hamas military targets that were struck or at least targeted. And tonight, far more than that, you can see this bombardment has been ongoing for quite some tims bombe. Tell us militarily what the strategy what do you believe the israeli strategy is by this show of force tonight . Well, thanks for having me. Avin look, theyre doing exactly what they should. Be doing, which is hit him with artillery and hit them with air. But the Witce Hardest Fight Youd get into if youre an infantryman or a ground soldie. Is a city fight. G when you go building to building, house to house floor to floor. Its a tough fight. Tos a its a fight that reall yimize will maximize your use of your infantry on the ground. The preferencethhe inf is you ut of artillery. The preference is use air just d the prto actually the city. Ua but weve done that before. We didco it in 1945 and destroyd the city of dresden in germany. We do turkish hockey. We did, roshumba, in the civil war. We said weid i lost, grant,illys said sherman to the city. Burn the City Of Atlanta down. Buis what they have to do. You dont want to expenddont wa your infantry in a city fight unless you really have to. You specialized infantry, specializes you hao. D units to y to find the hostages. You hate them in certain placets ,but i would hope that they wouldnt use a lot of their military ground powea lot ofr. I would hold it back as much as they could. Because you also always haves worry ab worry about their Northern Front with hezbollah coming in. So f use your special units. But use your air. Theyve got a lot of air power to use il a lott actually. Just take that city down blockt by block, house by house with artillerock byy and with here. T and then you go in and finishyo ar with the with the treu goe and sort of mop up behind it. Thats what i would do. And it saves your if a treees and actually rubble is the city. And thats what they really want to do cit iy antheyf they t to leave a message do with a roman city carthage, you burn this cita y, the ground, and then you pour salt all over it. And thats how they should win this fightpour sal and thats hy should prosecute the fight. You know, ill ask you this, dan hoffman. You know, if sara carter wasow, askingsara people at this new york protest tonight at times square, you knowuare, what is the solution . Whenonly solution i sewhe here, when youre dealing with such radicalism and people that, you know, are so, you know, so radicalized that they think theyre doing gods will, killing innocent men, women and children or flat out denying reality and evidence that proves such. The only solution in that case is to defeat and destroy the terrorists. Orists. Ive got to imagine that inin in light of the advancement of Military Technology, that that has got to be the key component. Hat thatyou know, a massive grod incursion, you know, just reeksi of the potential of a long, protracted conflict and waalr. And i would imagine Military Technology is advanced to the poin d t that we have Better Options in that. Do you agree . Well, i think its very it is difficult to d do that, to sweep through gaza without a ground force and the missionlish of destroying hamas. And make no mistake, thats exactl the m y israel has to do. Its going to be challenging. And i think intelligence is atg, a premium because israel has got to distinguish among enemy combatants, civilians. Theyve got to look for those hostages and theyve got to avoidges, friendly fire. Its an extraordinarily i frankly dont think theres another option ther. Here did we not learn anything fromne the defeat of isis, the caliphate . We watched it grow under obamafo. Biden it just grew and spread and spread and spread like a cancer. And in comes donald trump. And it really wasnt covered much. But he literally, as they had grown out, he was taking as thee out using superior Military Technology strikes, targetednola strikes against their location. Sure. You absolutely need the intelligencesu on the groun. To do that. However, i guess what im saying is i dont reallyr, i gue to return to the days of braven and women having to go door to door stepping over ied as every other, you know, step in the hopes that they can go into every home and onehey by one clear the place outare that that seems like ant here impossible task. Well, i wish that were the case, sean, when you loollk back at some of the battles we fought in iraq, fallujah, bay times in mosul. Youd like to do it with artillery, but that just isnt an option in many cases. And i dont think its going to bine the here in gaza. Se this is the is is there. Is it because is it because they dont want Collateral Damage . I mean, war is. This war was brought to israel. They didnt want this war. They didnt start this war. But theyn this have to win the t and the only way to win the war is to the cancer. The cancer is terrorism. The Terrorist Group is hamas. The the hamas is being funded and terror attacks are being orchestrated by iran. How do orist at you deal with that . Is overwhelming use of force forbidden . No. Look, youve got roughly 30,30,0 50,000 Hamas Terrorists. Youve got their Security Services 50,000 and their polie forces out of roughly 2 Million People who are living in gaza. So youve got to distinguish between enemy combatants as besso youe to dist you can as who are not enemy combatants. And yes, there are a lot levelel gaza as they are right now. Thats going to be as. R strategy but theres just more to do. And i think, sean, your questions are, righteous questions to be asking, especially after what hamaquestd in Southern Israel brutally murdering innocent civilians. Ci and im sure that thehe Israeli Government will will respond and answer some of those questions that youre asking. I would i would say this if there is collateral, if there are innocent men, women and children killeend because of hamass actions, their murder is will be on their conscience. Corael. Ve caused this action of israel. Israel is defending itself. Ll is deaaron cohen, former Israeli Special operator. Let me get your take on what you believe is is in the Israeli Militarys mind with this bombardment tonight, Israeli Forces entering gaza earlier today. Soorces enng, sean let me excus. Let me start by saying israelel is no juniors when it comesy wh to urban operations. Comes totheres two major things that are happening right now. The first the first the f and critical layer of the israeli operation here is toir s the rescue. Those hostages. There could be up to two, three, 400 hostages, including americans and other foreign nationals. And right no threew, assets from delta force, seal team six, devereux, israel, sara at mouths call or save as much. Call the general staff reconnaissance unit. Bibista unit. And right now were focusing on those hostages, which is the only reason why were not tearing that place to pieces. But what we are doing in addition to softening gaza and to open up pathways for the givati brigade, which is our equivalent to the marines, that isthways fde the n infantry unit. Let me say this. There have Special Operationsof units inside of gaza for the last weer thk, and then you, got the general staff reconnaissance unit. Youve got shell dog, which is the kingfisher unit thatsano our air force commando unit, which is lasing those targets, g all of those military structures where hamas milita and otherns supplies. The reason why weve gotothe commandoe res on the ground thew is so that we dont destroy civilian buildings. We do our best to followfollow international law. However, the hostages, number one intelligence gathering right now is the reason why were not destroying gaza and turning it into an absoluteo destruction. The other thing is the palestinians. Let me make this clear. And i and i respect professor dershowitz. Hes one of the brilliant minds. The palestinians are not able to leave gaza. Alsisi wont let him into ablet. Mind nobodys letting him out of gaza. Out of gaza. M inside. This is the largest hostage rescue siege in the history of modern warfare. Hundreds of israelis, babies, old ladies, kidnapped, dragged into those tunnels. And youve 170,000 palestinians in gaza city trapped hostages. So this is a monster hostagerai. Rate. Whats also happening, they are whn. Ring for this invasio i believe that itll be a combination of slowing by creating a Pressure Cooker in gaza with thee cooker with te artillery to tire hamas out. S u tired terrorists dont shoot a straight other. One other point, israel has perfected not only hostage rescue. We didnt invent it. The brits and the brits invented i t. Americ the americans are fantastic at it. We saw what they didan d with captain phillips. We saw what they were able w to dithps. O with that ship. But the israelis perfected the playbook. Bubibis unit, that general staf reconnaissance unit, which reports to the chief of staff of the idf, that im going to take you back to 1976, june 3rd, we liberated 103 hostages that were taken to entebbe, uganda, and held there by black september. Again, we performed the firstd aircraft, tubular or linear assaulthe fit in the history of modern warfare, taking down the sabena aircrafwarfart that j hijacked by the bidar man of terror group in conjunction e the palace, the palestinian terror group. Wehe baby on that raid. He got struck, he got shot. His older brother was killed in entebbe was the only israeli casualty on that operation. Because , a master at the crafta of hostage rescue, which requirest th creative thinking and custom built takedown plans. Theres intelligence gathering happening as we speak. Were listening. Thousands of phones. We have Special Operationsdos ii commandos inside of gaza planting listening devices. And when that fleet comes from america, when it gets to that sefroma just on the coast of israel, where are israeli sealass . S13 . Amy ayalon, one of our greatcian politicians whos a hero from the group, the green raid, they are conducting topographical surveys right now becausre condue. Oats we saw those boats coming in and firing at the beaches, coming in off gaza. So were containing gaza, 360a degrees, creating a Pressure Cooker so nobody can get out tiring hamas so that theytr cant shoot it straight. And then heres whatsy reso god to happen next. And i want to be careful notto to overstep my safeguards here. Israel invented limited penetration room clearing, which is a system ive been teaching Law Enforcementte for 20 years here, trying to convince these swat teams to listen to mw enforc e. It is and its designed for terrorism. It allows Special Operationsde units in israel to be able to clear 95 of the room without ever having to step foot in. Its ideal for hostage rescue, and its even better when ans because dontehostage you dont have to put soldiers in those rooms. You can do h all the work from t outside the doorframe. And thats the trick to urban corfaroorframee. Cover lots of cover. So weve got hostages weve gott intelligence gathering. Weve got the givati brigade in the south. We he brigadt famed golani infay brigade in the north, 48, 56, 67, 73. And they carried for ten years y and gave it to hezbollah. And theyre a nast y group there of fighters up there, and theyre very capable of controlling lebanon and syria, and theyve already killed dozens of hezbollah s fighters. This is from my friends who are now in high level position my fo where this is a pressurens cooker. Its going to be. Deadly. Its going to be dangerous. The only reason whyd palestinians are not allowed out of gaza, elsisi open the back door and hamas wont open the front to thathe back back door. The front the other side of that door. De oisrael has done everything they can, but if you plot the bear a to, youre now about to see israel do what it does best. Creative thinking under pressure with a high levelcreat. Israel has is kicking the rust off right now guysbody to everybody. To my other guest weve gone through this once every ten years. We were attacked from multiple fronts in 7073. Israelis are used to it. The reservists, theyre going k to knock off the rust. And youre about to see a serious operation unfold that has methodic. Listen, there was intelligence failures. Those leaders of those intelligence agencies who failedthose , they willd bu be replaced. But now is not the time to look inwards. Not the tiisraelis come togethee were a cultur e of warriors. We fight together. We do reserves together. Where you served in the military dictates the quality of, the work that you get afterwards. Its part of our lineage. Its sad. Mad cow bibis unit is the harvard. Weve got the israel i National Police counterterrorist unit, one of the top three units in the world. Youre america, american, delta youre, gsg nine, the sas. , g9 everybody comes to israel to learn from us. Erybody so what youre about toe again is israel at its finest. S so stand by. I will agree with you in thison, area. And i hope youre righ aar. T. I hope the superior military tactics, professionalism of thea idf can accomplish everythinctio that you outlined mentioned here tonight, including the hostage rescue. Tlined m hertonighi will tell y, we dont have a choice. But i will sayice. This. The question was brought out to these demonstrators tonighteo. Is there a solution . Is there a solution . They, there is a solutiois ther they started a war. Israel will fight the war that they didnt war, want to fight. Will they will win the war. They will defeat and destroy the terroristswiwa. Will thats the i will tell all ofu you tonight. That is how thisal is goingil to ultimately end. Israel will win and hamas will lose and gaza will be never be the same. Edic thats how i predict this ends. Aaron, thank you. We also appreciate you, general keith kellogg, being with us. Te dan, always good to see you, my friend. All right. Joining us now is 24 republican president ial candidate, former Vice President mike penceblican with. Mr. Vice president , i want to ask you right off the top herevice pre, you know a lot of, if we back to the iraq war,he i which you are very, very familiarrahich you and, you thif those moments and you think of fallujah and you thinke of mosul and you think of some of the toughest moments when you though t when you thinku think of the reboot of the conflict, because mistakes were madees wea early. Right. Military technologdey has become way more sophisticated. It is advanced to levels where wars can be fought by people in american cities, pushingan buttons and with pinpoint accuracy, hitting targets, hitting, you know, the head of a pin, for crying out lou he which is how sophisticated it is. Isticate, you marry this new technology, Military Technology and ingenuity to these conflicts. How does technol change the look of war . Does it take awaty of thef th component of risk going door to door stepping over ieds in the process . Wel well, first, let me let me just say, i think its extremely important that we speakoice a with one voice as a nation that stands with israel, that we will stand with israelt. Tonight. We will stand with israel when this ground assaul l t and wed wi will stand with israel every day through the hard fighting and loss that will occur until they achieve an outright victory. They have no choice in thisn momentoutrig but to crush hamas. I mean, you and i both we lived through these years, 2005, the bush administratiothrougn do to turn gaza over to hamas. N its a catastrophic failure. Its been a policy has b of containmenteestrophic. Licy f cant be that anymore. That horrific assault. T claimingc assa 1300 lives of men, women and infant children must be met with with a crushing response that ends hamas as a threat from gaza. Once and for all. Now, im very heartened to hear some ohef your say that israelei is today focused on hostage rescue. I hoped that President Biden would direct jointuld dire Special Operations command, our delta forc specie, our navy seals, to work in close proximity with israeli wor forc, because weve got americans that are held hostage. And i respect at leastd the reporting that just happened on your broadcasthosta that theres a focus on getting our hostages home. But, look on ge, i think we t to be making it clear that with americans in harms way cl with our cherished ally, israel, suffering this brutal assaulin harmt and now hostages being held, that we ought it cl to make it clear to hamas that they either turn them over or were coming in and were coming in hard. I mean, i havee coming doubt tho hostage rescue personnel, special forces d are that are te top of their game. But were the best in the world. And there are american s say involved. One of the thing i would say gu you, sean, is, you know, we heard one of your guests a moment ago talk about theer t the border to egypt is closed. That is totally unacceptableeg. E if i was president of the United States, id be on the phone with president elsisited stae oni and i wouldi open your border. Lets start withngn your women and children and send us the bill. Well set up the refugee to my ch camps. But the very idea that egypt, for whomvery ide supply military support and components for whom we have partnered in in taking down terrorist in in sinai during our administration would be shutting their door. In this dire hour is utterly unacceptable. And lastly if i was president you know the the uss eisenhower a battle groupgroup i think just pushed off yesterday. I would enand debate about that at the pentagon or the white house. I would direct them to the that. Mediterranean, have them pull alongside the uss gerald form pd Aircraft Carrier battle group. So we send a clear message to a clear message to hezbollah in lebanon, a clear messagen to osma assads murderous argime in syribesidea that all of them are to stand down and if a wider war ensues here, the United States will standtand shoulder to shoulder to defend the jewish state of israel. Of. Vice president , let me ask you this, because isis grew under the obamaBiden Administration. Is grew r thisis was destroyed r the trump pence administration. It didnt get a lot of fanfare. When you really look back on it. But it was a sophisticated military strategic effort that literally went backwards and. It and as they grew, they began to shrink and you wipe you wiped out the caliphate and it got vercaliphaty notice. You got very little credit for it, but you did it with overwhelming military force and the precisio wn that e have been bringing up all night. I asng up alk you basedd on t on the technology that you havhg far, far more knowledge of than i do, and that our audience e would have with that technology. How how possible is it to use strategies that defeated isiss this case . I i know its more complicated because of the hostages wevet l been talking about all night. But can those strategies ni here . E . Well, look, thanks for giving credit or the armed forces of the United States. Look, it was barack obama who called isis, the j. V. Remember that . B arlled isii do. Then they took over a landmass at tsize of ohio at the end of the day. Our administration unleashed our military. We essentially took the safetiesration u and we shoe the fight to them. And i think everything begins. Youre dealing with terrorists, which hamas. I hearhd some those protesters talking about that. But free palestine or how theyre against killing civilians, that. Killin hamas did not invade israel to free palestine. They invaded israel to kill jews. And its their objective,ct its their goal to kill jewishi civilianiss, to essentiallyssen drive israel to its knees is oute. E israeltial of existence in the end. And so i think the first, the first order of business is to make it clear that that that youre going to take the safeties off, that youre going to lean in with regard to the precisionnd you w technoo look, isis in many cases was out in the open. Gy, lookthey were spread out ovr a large region. This is going to be house to house stuff. Itbe hits much more analogous to what you just referred to i, sean, as that surge that took place in places like ramadi in the iraqi war. This this is going to be hard fighting. Literal it literally is going to be building by building house by. And its one of the reasons why i think its absolutely imperative is one i that that the palestinians living in gaza take take to heart those leaflets, take to heart, the warnings get out of those areas because israels goingnd to have to move in. Theyre going to have to move in with heavy armo with her, to but theyre going to have to move in with overwhelming force. Vethhow its a question just li. The surge did in iraq. And it will. Theyre going to have do everything in their power to hunt down and destroy the 30 ,40,000 Hamas Terrorists who are holed up in gaza today. Are you suggesting and do you think the American People wila toda seauggestinlt of boots on the ground, american bootsin on the ground in the case of hostage rescue . Well, look, its what delta force and navy seals do better than anybody in the world. And were talkinc willtter thagr americans here, right, sean . I mean, i knowalking i know thes some other people in the public debate on our side of the aisle that are questioningside o american commitment, american involvement. And they like aisle use words le boots on the ground. But im talking about americans held hostage in gaza. And im just telling you, ive been in the situation a lot. Hog this is a moment where you tell joint speciae ve been l operatia command to begin immediately e, to mobilize, whether its delta force or whether its a navy seals, work with the Israeli Defense forces, Special Operations. And and as i said before, maked it clear to hamas that youhe either turn them over or wereee common. Were going to come and get it t and were going to bring them out. Were better at that than anybody in the world. And i think we need to be prepared to do it. E world. D tobut at the end of t, look, this is this is a moment e where theres theres there are tragic days ahead. Just w and i just wanant to prepare the American People for the that when when we say america stands with israel, we d to stand preparerica sta today, tomorrow and every day until achieve outright victoryve and destroy hamas once and for all. And i will. Mr. Vice president , thank you for being with us tonight. We appreciate it. E it as youre watching, this is in. Real time gaza being bombarded,r a massive air offensivdeer defe by israel into gaza. Gaza, the largest we have seenns all week. Have s on top of the earlier news today, israeli troops enteringoe itaza. Its no secret the un has historically been antisemitic. Quite frankly, an organization and not helpful or supportive of israel. But get this, the u. N. Is so out of touch with reality that they refuse to labe l hamas or hezbollah terrorist whicnizations, which they are. Al qaeda, the taliban, isis have all been blacklisted by the un, but apparently iran backed militants that wantbu to wipe israel off the map, commit some of the worst atrocities weve eve off of p a they get a free pass. It was reaction. Theyr to theli ambassado to the un, danny cannon, california congressman darrell issae , congressman i begin with you. Why do we pay the bulk of money for an organizatio ye n that hag historically been antisemitic and antiamericas historn, you . Hugeity thats thats huge. Question and the right answer is we pat answery much in too my places. The basic existence, the u. N. Good idea. Tos that wets we t continue to pay. Ridiculous. Paand its one of the areas whee trump pulled back on some of the most offensive. St defen and this administration has put the money back in with and without approval. You know, mike waltz, congressman, florida, thoughts . Well, congressman issa thou. Y right. Whether it was the un relief agency, where its teachers, itsi students and others who are praising martyrs as hamasmartyr martyrs justifying rocket to rocket attacks, President Trump defunded, itnde also defunded unescos for its anti israel bias. Biden restored it to the tune t of hundreds of millions of dollarshe we recently votedfl to defund it again on top of the fact that under trump they tried to at leastleas hamas sanctioned and labeled. No one voted for it. Not even the u. K. And france. But the biggest thing that i watched, sean under President Trump, becausee bigges maximum Pressure Campaign on iran. We cant forget the head of th ed snake here. Hezbollah, hamas, the militias in iraq, the iranian backed ones were all complaininragning that they were running out of money. Their coffers were dried up. Th they couldnt afford to pay their fighters. That was all underfi President Trump. Now theyre flush with cash and theyre unleashingent trumdn israel and the entire world. Weve got to get back to those maximum pressure policy is why we get b get trump back in the white house. By the way, those sounds inn by thyou hear the sights e that is gaza in real time being bombarded with israeli air power. This on thisrealt day that isr troops have now entered gaza. Le, tht me thats what we have i showing all night. Let me now we have ask one exit question. A darrell issa. You know, a loone exitt of say, what is the solution . To me, theres say only one solution, and that is the total, complete defeat, destruction of hamas. And if hezbollah wants to begin a conflict in the north, then as the complete destruction of them as well. And if you want to know what the solution is,lution israeli victory. Anything short of that would be a failure to me. Well, youre absolutely right. But john. , when you say hamas, you say hezbollah. What you really need to sayolla again and again the way bibibu netanyahu and presidenneedt said it, youve got to go after iran. Youve got to goo back to sanctioning them. You know, were all focusing on the 6 billion, but theresllc about 50 billion thats been documented in sanctionuss that are not being enforced, that iran has gotten in the wa yy of m of money that money has flowed to hezbollah, to hamasoney, ands flowed directly and indirectly into the kind of programd dis l theyre going to lead to a nuclear weapon. Danny, i see only one solution, and that is israeli victory over terrorism after this brutal terror attack last weekend. Absolutely. What w abse seen that to us is e havent seen it since the days of the holocaustnt seen. And with all due respect to the un, sean, we dont really caree about the un right now. We care about defeatingno the enemy and wew. Will do it. I want to share with you something which was highly classified until a few hours ago. Thats a document that the hamas terrorist with them. Its including clear instructionshama to captue citizens, to brutalize, massacre them and to videotape every then. That you seerutalized when thatd of hatred, you realize that we have to defeat h. And the day the jews were massacred, kidnapped, and no one responds at all. Well, we are determined to win this war. Its not going to be easy. We appreciate the voiceswewordse that we heard at your program, sean. We have to realize in a weekr p two weeks time, you will see that the un will come againstags us in some other country that will turn on and take along and thent. Sean t well be attacked and shaming israel. You you know, what happened was we took action happe. A resolu russia submitted a resolution to the Security Council to call a cease fire. Shame on them. A cease fire. Re. After they killed more than 1300 innocent israelis, the bags, our girls into gaza whipped them. There would be no cease. We are going To Go Into Gaza. Ll we are going to hand be no hama. Were going to demolish hamas. Hand with support of the International Community or without the support of the internationa will sul community we are fighting for our lives and we are determined to win. You know, we with that horrible week here in israel. We had to attend. Sohave to s funerals, but we see the strength of the israelis coming together. We put together a unity government and the next fer a uw days, the hamas will feel them out of the idf. You know, i cant say it any better. Mike waltz, congressman of florida, will give you the last word to me. There is onlt wordy one solution the total defeat, destruction of the terrorists that that killed all of these innocent women and children last weekend. The people that are holdin childrg all of these hostages currentlyr and thaten means that theresthr one solution and that is thatus you use as much force that is m necessary to, win the war war and frankly, to win it quickly,. And ive been fighting terrorism my entire life. And whether it is al qaeda and isis or hamas and hezbollah, we have to remember this. Whenor ham they are putting their headquarters when they are launching rockets, when theyre putting military facilities and fighters in schoolsn , in mosques, in hospitals. They are committing a war w crime. When israel does what it hasar c to drime israel o to defend itst will do its best. But if it wit hits facilities, of course, the un and everybody else is going to immediately, t. Blame israel. Hamas and hezbollah committeate the war crime by even putting military facilities in those civilians. And then on top of it, civiy be chainingl civilians to those sites. God bless idf soldiers. They are going to do the very best they can. Ill dobut they have. But those terrorists have already committed the war crime. Youre goingady commr crime. Toc the churchy, the chirping and the complaining, the handwringing from the u. N. And what i pra u. Ny is this administration, this Biden Administration doesnt get weak kneedadminist like we m out the gate. Theyve gotten better, but theyre goine saw ouhe g were goinged to see the europeans follow the un and weve got to stay strong. Thats why we have to get atrepublicans back in charge in the house, because we 100 have israels back. All right. I want to thank all of you, danny cannon, darrell issa, mike waltz, thank you for with us. Joining us now, Fox News Contributors tammy bruces ing u. Jason chaffetz. Yok tammy the mic walters, right. I think that, you know, as this war progresses, as israel haswop now saidro, that there will be o two State Solution, there will be one solution, and it will be israeli victory. I believe that what we are seeing tonight, this Massive Bombardment, is every indication of what is now to com ththis early the beginning incursion. Israeli troops into gaza e earlier today. This is just the beginning toda however, i do believe mike wallace is right in this senseve mikee going to be propaa and blame thrown towards israel. And people seem will seem to forget very quickly that. Y we they were the victim of the worst Terrorist Attack in their historthe worsy. And that has to be factoredred n into thitos. Well, it does. And israel will be speaking up. On its behalf. Those of us who understand, which is the vast majoritythosan humanity on this planet, that what happened was obscene and wanet thats the beginning ot they wanted to be is a that. We understand this, and people have to be reminded, remember . Theres a reason why be remi wev the phrase never forget, because thats also been the case with the holocaustholo itself is that theres still efforts to trycaus to make to t people believe that never occurred. We understand these things. Wh we understand what the u. N. Is. We understand with certain nation then. Is. S are weve seet played out by hamas, the most savage, not just inhumane in human behavior. It is possible. It happens. It is psychotic. And youve got tens of thousands of people willing to do this. This is whatens of tands of hump against. Jews, once again, are in the front for the rest of humanity in stopping this kif kind of madness. And thats why they deserve our support. Thats whymadness. They deserve it is the nature of whatit america. We owe. It not just israel, but the jews historically that world does with the nature of its response to world warg to two and the ignoring to some degree of what was transpiring so. Is iamps this is our ability to say actually, genuinely, not again, never again. And the jewish people Around The World, god bless them, god bless israel, because once they are going to Save Humanity by saving. Let me get jason here iff i can, tami, only because of the constraints of time. Wev te been watching i said it since this whole issue of Kevin Mccarthy going down. Republicans have a very limited. Window. They must show the american peopl e that they can lead. They have now nominated jim jordan. They nee d confirm him a as speaker. Jason otherwise, the American People every day will be losing confidence in their ability to be in leadership. Am i wrong . Youre exactly right. Look, jim jordan is,d put hi the nominee. They should bring him to the floor and they should vote for him. And or him. I want to hear the pe that are going to vote for somebody other than jim jordanon this point . Why in the world is the house wd going in reces is to talkl to monday . Get your back in the roommonda get on the floor and start voting in public and sho and sto us what its all about. Thats what you should be doing. And you know what . Owone of the best cases for jim jordan is . How vehemently againstes for him liz cheney is. If you need any more evidence ya that, youre on the right track with jim jordan. Just look at liz chenerey. Goig so who else are you going to vote for . You have nobody else who can garner u have votes, which is the very best that the republicans have in taking the fight to the democrats and explaining to the american peoplght tohe democe ws are the adults in the room, ifeo they could actually beom that, get in the room, vote for him and make him the speaker of thde house. If not, well just have to bring you out of retirement. Jason, its that simpl ringe, s no but its not a joke. They need to get their act together, hopefully by monday of nex. D tot week. Week. Thank you all. Unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for being with us. Please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. Our thoughts and prayers are with the innocent people of israel and innocent victims in all thi is a fox news alert. M Marianne Rafferty live

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