Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240703

. >> tonight israel will beginge. to exact revenge. the ground operation against hamae grs agais in gaza has beg. >> israeli infantry and armored divisions are rolling intoe the strip to avengthe the slaughter of 3000 innocent israeli civilians. well-trained israeli combateciai specialists are conductingst their first operational raids, searching for hostages, gatherinr g intelligence and neutralizing terrorists. hama s is now on the defensive. ordr israel has ordered a fuledl evacuation of northern gaza. gaz >> telling a milliontell palestinian civilianins to leav immediately or become collateral damage. come chamas is orderingstay all palestinians to stay put. making their own people into human shields. the terrorists will not be subdued easily. >> they're still launching th of rockets into israel . >> hamas rockets are not surgical strikes. these are indiscriminate th that land in israeli neighborhoods and on israeli highways hbors an. e ram these random rockets terrorize israeli minds and population centers. >> israel's air campaigncentersa is drastically different. the idf has showered gaza with precision missile strikes, knocking out hamas stronghol ou its hideouts and leadership. >> last night, 750 targets were hit and one israeli strike o killed the brother of a top hamas chieftain. an earlier strategic strike knocked out the kin of a e top hamas commander. unfortunately, the hamas tlabyrinth of tunnelsnnel are impenetrable to israeli air assaults. hamaars is built over 300 miless of tunnels underneath their densel y populated citiesh their pact with heavily armed a radicals ready to wage. >> israel's long term strategyns is to permanently eliminate the tunnel system. firsthe first step after the air campaign is rolling into gaza, g where they face mounds rubband d, rubble infesteded with hamas snipers and laced with ieds. >> the hamaslad with propagandae is already flexing their training regimen. broadcast asserting e their ability to engage in traditional land warfarnge. >> the israeli army is armed to the teeth with modern weaponryed to , armor and aircr. although history has shown ry how on sophisticated and dedicated insurgencies can have success against modern armies. but manpower could be the deciding b factor, especially in the tunnels. >> once the idonhef clears and holds the surface, brave israeli soldiersl will havesand to go underground and exterminate thousands of hamas hamas f fighters entred in their sophisticated maze system. a vietnam vet, a tunnel rat, described how barbed brick tunnel fighting can be. >> drod thp in and the next thig you know, their bayonet. and yes. so we'd take a concussion grenade, throw it in there first. scramble the brains of othere ue people that's in there. then get the snakes out. the bamboo viperhere a gets and. traps they'd have. and you've got to go slow you . sy geke it with a rope and you get hurt. knee. get back out. t hurt andy jerkbut no more of t going. there's different levels. they had trapdoors with seals on and where you put tear gas down here. we even tried to drown them out. triedn'tk. the they would actually have entrance and stuff coming from the rivers and stuff. thesuff.e people over there in middle east have learned a lesson fro learnedm the viet o it takes a lot of a lot of courage to go down inside hol of a dark hole in a 45 and5 a flashlight and hope for the best. but a loa t of times you don't want to use that. 45. try to use your knife because you don't wante the 45 that lou. >> it gives your position away. this war in gazanois will be won underground. we'll never see the footage, but the tunnel battle will be decisive and only a full victory within the hamas tunnel system will achieve the objective set out by netanyahu to completely root out and destroy his terroristneg neighbors for good.hbor there's two wildcards. >> one. will the united states give the israeli defense forces enough latitude to achieve full and everlasting victory in the face of heart breaking scenesnd of civilian casualties? >> and two. >> will israel's brutal ground defensive inspire iranian backed hezbollah fighters israe to launch attacks into israel from the north, from lebanon, opening up a two front war in the north and in the south, which could strain the israeli military's capacitaiy to winal d efficiently, only total and complete. >> israe coml victory will achis lasting peace. the questiontion is, will the united states and the rest of the world get in their way?he >> here now, retired brigadierre general anthony teeter. he was the defense undersecretary for policy unde r president trump. and lieutenant colonel daniel davis, who's a senioa senir felo at defense priorities. all right, davisri, your take on what we're going to see very shortly in gaza? well, i'll tell you, jesse, t it's going to be a lot harderg. than what people are thinking. you may remember in 2009, obamat had sent people, the u.s. army into afghanistan and said they wery the tae going to desty the taliban. and you see how that worked out. and the reason why is similar how because once the israeli forces go in, how do theyo they know ws a hamas fighter as opposed to just some manedo that happes to be standing there? almost everybody's armed with an ak-47. and unless israel is going isr to literally kill everyoneael',n they're going to have to find some effective way to be discriminating in wh to they shoot. otherwise, they're going to gain more enemies then they'll ever get ridgoing towisf hamas. and that's one of the biggest difficulties i see hamas israels but then i'll also add one other thing. look, the israell i army is hasa not been trained for this kind t th sophisticated urbanrained wa. they've been trained in other things over over time. and it'sr going to be a lot o harder for them to operate. and a pretty high learning harde than many people might think. >> why hasn't the idf trainehav in urban combat? what well, because that's not what they ever have expected and they haven't done it r ex other than a handful of incursions here and there. and those were targeted. but in termsd there an of like r a siege warfare in a city, i mean, they haven'tn ever done it. and it's a it's a very different skill set because seu or tryings ngy differ to eradicate an enemy force that's hard to identif to y, dn but that's just something that israel hasn't done. almost nobody's done that other than lik almost no e bachmann in the russia ukraine war. >> all right. so today, how difficulhet is thb going to be when you combine the tunnels with the rubbl come and the snipers and the ieds aren't just here? it's extremely difficult, particularly when you thinke about they've got the tactical fight in gaza, they have the operational figh t perhaps in the golan against hezbollah, in the strategic fight against iran. and so the israeli g high comma is really fighting on three fronts. and the troops in the fight in gaza have three dimensional. they havdie the high risesen that haven't fallen yet. they have the rubble and then they have the tunnels. so younnels as aptly pointed ou. and so they're really going to have to do cordoni have and search. i have high confidence that they are traininghat right now on these types of urban combat techniques, such closeof quarters combat. there is a really good example from a history as a russian second grozny fight and 99econd 2000, where the u.n. declared groznye is the most destroyed city on planet earth and the russians leveled that city. and there was a lot of deception, ambush operations, improvised explosive devices, and certainly clos e quartersthink combat. and i think the israelis would be wise to studyth that. fal and our fight in fallujah, quite frankly, it's going to beo brutal. building to building door becaoor anr to ad i think they'u know, that's why they're giving them 24 hours to get out frien of town, because they don't want to have to think about friend or foe when they go in these buildings. >> if hezbollah opens up a second front in the north, what kind of challenge kind of will that present israel? yeah, so they're going to have to hold what tank battalions in the north n th. a artillery. that's a more conventional fight. open terrain fight. tak they've done that before. they know that terrain wel well i've been there. i've been in golan, i've been in the tunnels and southeri'ven israel that fed in from gaza or soom gazisa. so it's -- it's the second front issue fixes forces in the north, preventing israel from massing forces in the south. and so it creates this dilemma . and they've done a massive call up of reserves m for exactly that purpose to be able to hold in the north while they focus in the south, what we call a main effort in the south th. and a supporting effort in the north. >> all right, taita davis, you we're so grateful to have you guys and your expertise join us here us here this eveni. >> thanks, as always. >> now, the only thing harderlia than living in gaza is leavingga gaza. >> this is a massive. palestinian traffic jam inching south away from gaza city afteri israel repeatedly warned civilians to evacuatsre before the ground invasion begins. >> but hamas told the palestiniainvasin ends to ie israel's instructions. hamas telling palestinians, you're going nowhere. stay is our human shield nres and let us film your death to elicit the global outcrystran needed to restrain the israeli ground operation. >>e israound this is a cunning and immoral military strategygy that also doubles as a p.r. strategy. only thithe only thing that canp the israeli victory over hamas is palestinian and collateralasi damage that hamas is actively orchestrating. >> and the higher the palestinian body count, the sooner the west stops netanyahu. >> the united nations is already natios al serving asm surrogates to kill and speedll a of the unfolding internal crisisnd is born cheating.s fa gazast is fast becoming a and s on the brink of collapse. >> so what do we know about the palestinian people now? >> the people, the entire world seems to sympathize for? >> 40% of palestinians supportsr suicide bombings. ir >> that's the highest level of support in the entire world. worlstiniansthe palestinians hao chosen hamas to represente the controlling faction of their government. the government charter describes killing jews as one of its highest priorities. is so the israeli military is marching into a bombed out te husk of a city riddledls with tunnels and terrorists and populated by a palestinian people who not only harbor h hamas but are willing to die for hamas. andy stump is a navy seal who spent over 17 years in combat. all right. describe, andy, the challenge operating in this kind of insurgent environment among en population with a global media that's looking for any type of collateral damage to slam the brakes on you? llatr difficult to say the least. i'm actually going to open, though, with i'm going to disagreal going te with yourhave two previous guests. i have trained with and hosted member t wits of some very elite units in the israeli defense defense they are highly capabled and trained to deatol with what they are about to encounter. having said that, imaginthate g for a walk in your neighborhood and think about how little time you actuallylyhe think about thr environment around you. you have to worry about where you place your fee t, not reallyngle worrying about angles and then completely flis d p that situatn on its head and look at it from the perspective of the destructioective othn, the thre dimensional threats, and that every step that you need to takste, you need to not o only be sure of your footing, but making sure that there's fo in place. it is one of the most arduouse f environments that they couldposb possibly be entering. and at some poinenteringt it's y to have to be cleared by human beings feet, if not inches at an time. >> and it's not even in your neighborhood becauseot eve they don't live there. this is a foreign neighborhood and you're going to haveo have snipers. you're going to have maybe kids running up you with suicide e vests. how do you navigate that typeate of scene when you can't differentiate between civilianti and sniper? >> the most honest answer that i can give you is tha it you do the best that you can. u i think people operatender under the impression that war is very black and white. and in my experience, it's anythin rience, t g but the soldiers that are getting ready to go in this environmenta ,they have only hard questions and hard decisions in front of them. to and war is not precise. there are goinesg to be mistakee that are going to be made and the soldiers on the ground are going to have to do the absolute o th best that they possibly can, knowing the terrain that they're facinog . do you have any sort of timeline that you think y so ye they might be able to complete this objective? to well, it depends on whate they're going to want to be accomplishing. i would say from a technology perspective, whether you're using robots or unmanned vehicles overhead, you can use the technical advantage with sensors, thermals, night visionechnical. you can get a broad understanding of what the area look is like and perhaps maybe you need to pass through some of these areas before actually securing them. so it wouldn't take very long. but for them to actually ng. ene that there are no longer anywill threats. rough they will literally, as i've said before, have to walk through this area and cleatha an inch by inch, foot by foot. and depending on the environment t e and what' remains the structures versus the rubble, that's going to determines gointo deter the g but it's certainly not going to be a matter of minutes or hours. tter of i would say the thorougy cleared it will take days, if not longer. >> yeah, iy clt looks like a demolition site. very, very tough. thank you so much.ough we really appreciate it. a lot of great insight . and we really honor your service as well. >> you're very welcome. thanks for having me. thorjoe biden already wafflingy on his support for israel. on his support for israel. busy businesses need find solutions today. >> that's wht only ey they chooe t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobileonwid, to not only enhance the fan experience, but to enhance how the gamen help g is played. >> 888 relies on t-mobile's pay connected stop nationwide so they can help get their members back on the roadth. >> and we're helping panel innovate to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. >> 48% of americans don't get enough magnesium, which is vital for bone, nerve and muscle health. i recommend kernels extra strength, high absorption, magnesium. it gives you 100% of the daily value of magnesium. cute off the brand. i trust. >> do you have trouble hearing conversations? are you constantly asking 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simultaneously, one against ru and one ukraine against iran in israel. on top of that, we have a fresh mideast hostage crisis and then potential for hezbollah to open a two front war in the north , which could bring in other arab powers. so it's been a. n intense week,mmande but not for the commander in chief. biden, through a barbecue on sunday, spent two days telling the special counsel why he left classified documents next to his corvette and made a major push for killing junkmao fees. s. >> and today, joe bidenn co continued to pivot awantiny fro the hostage crisis, delivering a speech on biden nomics, and he could barely make it on the stage. >> fox is reporting that the president is keeping israel on a very short leash. biden ha.s been pressuring israel to delay their ground offensivd ofe against hamas. biden is reportedly asking netanyahu to pump the brakes until all palestinian civiliansr have evacuated, which is never going to happen sinc te hamas hs ordered palestinian civilians to stay put. d stinian and it's never going n since none of the arab neighbors will take palestinian refugees. and president biden won't evenin ask them to. today, joe, already starting ala to hedge before israel has even begun. the counterterror ground israe invasion. >> we're making sure israel has what it needt needs, defend itse and respond to these attacks. >>se it's also a priority for me to urgently address the humanitarian address crisish in gaza. we can't lose sight of the fact that the overwhelming majority of palestinians had nothing to do with hamasjority and hamas appalling attacks, and they're suffering as aattack result as s >> israel is being extremely restrained and sensitiveivilia to civilian casualties. if anybody is responsible for civilian casualties. >> it's hamas who started this war and uses the palestinians for human shields. ians fornbc has obtained a hama plan which outlines the terrorist specificallyterror targeting schools and daycare centers and their surprise offensive. >> peter doocy caugh in t up with the president after his speechp by.t worr >> we all know that hamas. what worries you about a potentiaieoundl around biden supported ukraine for, quote, as long as it takes and he's already getting cold fee colt with israel after a week. biden doesn't want to touch this mideasth mid east, especi n in an election year. so he's doing as little as possiblg e and praying it doesn't blow up into a wider conflict. he's praying american hostages aren't executed. but whild, bute lift a finger ta in an american extraction team,a he's praying voters won't notice. he funded the regime that sponsoredyi voter the terr. >> kamala harris gets itd . and has completely disappeared. she's skyped into the situatio.n room meeting yesterday. >> veep portrayed the exactthin. same thing. the vice president skyping hostage negotiations. kamaea didn't want to come hom . >> her college tour. >> so here's. so i think at this point, a well known secre thinkt about. i love venn diagrams. i lovediagra diagrams. and whenever i am presented with kind of like, this is complicated, i always wonder, is there a venn diagra,s m: is t to figure this stuff out? is there a venn diagram die t the mideast peace process? >> i don't know. but the biden-harris.t th administration, disengaged and unserious in the faceof of mounting national security threats and hoping you won't notice notice this election. >> founder of american majorit o ned ryan joins me now. >> so, i mean, it's like beens a week, nebeend and. and the president's already saying, you know, israel, let'ss just wait a second. >> just wait. i mean, what kind of message does that send d? well, first of all, this week's been bizarre talking about, john, credit card fees. he's out there today smearing lipstick on that pig of biden nomics, which, by the way, is still a pig, costing americans abou is a pit 10,000 r year for their cost of living. costs to talkuten want about anything else but this. he doesn't want to talk about what has taken t placelace i in israel. he doesn't want to talk about american hostages because he's directly responsible for what is taking place. i mean, we can tal ible fort's k about the cash payments from obama to the iranian regime. o obamwe can talk about the 6 bn that the biden administration unfrozen now supposedly is kind of re froze or whatever they're doing. but i think we to focus on the fact that during the biden administration, their release, their looseningog of the sanctions on iran haswe allowed them to generated them r about 30 billion more in oilev revenue in the last two and lot a half years. just you can fund a lot of terrorism with that money o. and i think you can drawid a direct line from the biden administration'sen a appeasement and empowerment of the iranian regime to dozens of americans now dead and hamas holdingecono, american hostages. i mean, the whole situation, the economy, hostages beinslami being held by radical islamic terrorists reeks of the weakness of thrroristsaction oer administration and the 1970s malaise. >> yeah, you're righ t. hey we sore they were they were trying to bend over backwards for the mullahs because they wanteo back in the iranian nuke deal and they had to let the iranians sell oin l because they watched russia invade ukraine. so they have to keepo le world d prices low. >> but now there's a hostage crisis, ned. t no >> americans are held hostage. he's not going to sendere' in special operators.he >> it doesn't seem besides sending an extra w carrier group to the mediterranean, that he's really done muchin at all. e why is it not? becausean hee they're weak? they want to appease iran. ec weak.i across the board, the biden administration. i mean, biden himsel, bidef is d weak, physically, mentally and politically. they're not going to do anything forcefully to do anything about these american hostages. it's a shame. it's shameful. jesse,l jesse. i'm pretty sure trump by mov now would have made a strong move to try and free these american hostages. and we're sitting here hoping, prayin sittig that somehow, miru miraculously, nothing happens to these american hostageslo as as biden sits there and fiddles about talking about biden nomics. yeah. you know, if the weakness that's dev developed, you know, the best thing we could do to put the iranians back on their heelo s and put the chine and the russians back on their heels is absolutely let netanyahu root out and destroy hamas, hezbollah and all these i iranian proxieproxies in the res that would send a message. this to me is shameful that biden is somehow on netanyahu's chain right now . let them deal with hamas. let him completelyhiith eradice hamas and deal with hezbollah while he's at it. >> i agree al. it's what the american military would do. let him. that's right. and thenit's whaamerican militam when they're defeated. >> all right, ned, thank you so muchur. >> well, hamas bragging about taking children, hostages ,some propaganda videos we got to warn you about. ev >>en fox news is proud to bring you this. she's a hero moment, evensome t only a quarter of stem graduates are women. graduates are women. they'lhil go, oh, you don't look like an engineer. there is this preconception. omethingd go forsome things are, but diversity drives innovation. innovation. my goal is to really flip the script. pick something that you love and go for it. how do we live ifee her, in sp? >> how do we live on the moon? i want to help figure that out. you can create the blueprint. if you can see her, you can be her. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation. >> and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular 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daughters, husbands , wives, children are.ives you know, it's gut wrenching. i assured them my personali asse commitment to do everything possible, everything possiblebl to return every missing american to their familiesto thi we're working round the clockre to secure the releaslee. becaus >> biden's not doing everything he can because he's already ruled out deploying american special operators. so this is either going to end with dead american hostages or, a massive ransom payment, which will only encourage more kidnap . hamas has just announced that 13 hostages have already perished. >> the window is quickly closing foy r extractions oror g negotiations. the terror group releasingroup video of israeli children held captive and excruciating momente to witness four jewish families. we're not goinwig to show you that bit of terrorist propaganda, though ter. >> biden has his hands dirty since this is fresn hah off his6 billion ransom payment to the iraniansh of and his lopsided prisoner swaps with russia and the taliba n. >> the biden administration has funded the iranian regim irae and the palestinians and is now watching these dangerous po play out in deadly fashion. former secretary of state mike pompeo joins me now. >> all right, secretary, whye is the president ruling out sending in americaprn special forces to search and rescue these hostages? >> well, it makes no sense, t jesse, to rule that out. i mean, it's just i can't figure out for the life of me why you would say that even i even worth the case that it was your intention notyour i to do o why would you tell the bad guys that there was no one going mid to come knock on the door in the middle of the night and slit their throatsdlof thean and rescue the americans? that makes absolutely no sense. it musd ret give them great comt and assistance. look, it's hard. these operations are difficult . we may not know enough to knowt where to send them and how to get them in. wherendbut we should be movinga and earth alongside our israeli partnersnd to where theseare, w americans are, where the other hostages arehe, and then using every element of american power to get them home. >> so you have a hostageto crisis, which the trump administration and you were involved in very successfullwer but at the same time, you havefr hezbollah start shelling the israelisom from the north. maybe syria gets excited. you never know what the iranians could do. >> i know we have carrier groups there do,w we . >> what is the strategic calculation that the administration is grappling with herg e? they' jesse, what they've got to do is they've got to fundamentally reconcilo fundame how they're gg to explain to the american people that they are turning their iran polic yut a 180 degrees. >> right. they view you've talked about this earlier on the show . . you and i have talked about this before. they price to these hostages. therthey've thesee were six hoh ago. we paid a billion bucks apiece. and no w there are double that many held by the iranians. they've go dozent to the appeas. they've got to make clear to the iranians that there will be a cost imposedappeasem on themt on their proxies, not on some knucklehea them.d that's sitting in the desert someplace, but on the iranian regime itsel f. they have to demonstrate that if the iranians take actions againsn t the americansk there will be a real price to pay. and that that is hard for the administrationenamericans tr that has refused to even acknowledge that in the end, this was an iranian operatioarn that killedi more than two dozen americans. >> are you concernedraegim withs blowing up and do some global wr pro-palestinrie in? we've already seen attacks around the world. on do you think that the biden administration has a handle on ho w biw big this cu blowld? t th you know, i'm worried that they don't. i must. say i worry that they are actually worrying about that, to worryino much.d i they've already started to try and limit the capacity if israeling thes to do what thy need to do. if you want to stop the carnage, what took placeants on october 7th, do you want to stop the carnage? the answer is to eliminate hamae carne answers, to go at tt regime in a way that it can no longer do this, whetheerrr th it's the the shia militias in iraq or the houthis in yemen or the hezbollah folkshezbolla in lebanon. you have to go at the source of the problem, which in lebanoe iranians. and, you know, i am convinced that if we do that and the , we do that with seriousness. we can convince large parts of the musli seriousn m world tt it's in their best interest to make no mistake about it. eithe terrorist hamas organization and the folks at hezbollah make life worsestat for the people that they subjugate as well. difft that te that argument. we have to deliverli american power and we have to permit israel to havever am d the time and the space that it needs to do what they ought to do and what duty requirese. them to do to keep the israeli people say. >> well said secretary said . n >> thanks, as always. we always love having you on. congestee. d. >> well, israel ha ws a secret weapon. we'll tell you what that is. >> stop starving your skin and start feeding it the nutrition it craves. true skin has what skin craves. true skin treats skin care like skin nutrition with hard working, plant powered blends that nourish for radiant, healthy looking skin. skin care. >> what your skin truly craves. high point university is the premier life skills university where student transformation is focused on personal initiative and extraordinary career outcomes. employers value hp use real world preparation. students love unprecedented access to global leaders on high points, inspiring campus and parents appreciate hp use god, family and country values. >> choose to be extraordinary at high point university. >> are you thinking about buying an annuity before you do? get the little known secrets to receiving guaranteed income and 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souped up armored bulldozer can deflect rpgs and even sports a mounted machine gun. the bulletproo and hf teddy bear leads with a metal blade that detonates mines. it can bust through buildingss and obviouslbuy clear more rubbe than your traditional caterpillar. israeltriona also has the panda. y it's like the teddy bear. bearbut its remote controlled, remote controlled armored bulldozersrolled. will be the tp of the spear, clearing the way for israeli tanks and heavya artillery. it's a game changer, but hamasge is strapped with your typical insurgent arsenal. >> inexpensivel insu drones.t they can kamikaze right into idf tankcas. hamas drones have an expansive range. >> hamas will engage, as all insurgencies do, with ancient ak seven. unsophisticated but deadly ieds ,homemade stingers, jerry rigged rockets. they'l memadel be fighting on their onh home turf, deploying snipers, even suicideeihome bombers. >> using the palestinian civilian population as, human shields and hiding in rubble and burrowing beloshieldw grouno their tunnels. but israel has the training,wiqt the equipment and the manpower and a taste for vengeance. o >> the ground offensive starting right now. sen >> kill roggio is a senior fellow at the foundation for defensiofellow fe of democracies and editor of this long war journal. d jo and jonathan gilliam is a retired navy seal and former gil fbi agent. all right, bill, tell meen about the panda and her good friend, the teddyth bear. >> yes, jesse, these are certainly tools that the israelis will use in their efforts to clear the highly densely urban populated terrain in, gaza. t however, you know, we have to be careful about over relying on technology. i think this is partrt of whats got israel into this problem, soto this mess to begito bn wit. they underestimated its enemy. so while the panda will be effectivl bee, clearing lanes i to get israeli troops in, hopefully dig up ieds, as you can see by the videos, those tracks that are along the side, they're vulnerable to attacks from the flanks with rocketlled propelled grenades or other anti-tank missiles . so we have to again, we havee af to be careful to not just relyu on technology. this is going to be a goainfant infantry man's war. ultimately, they're going to happen deployry infantrymen. the israelis will to in orderin to protectfa the armor and to protect these armored bulldozers that are coming in tedo. n because ultimately, in a war in a complex environment likx ee this, technology helps. but the real decider r is boots on the ground. >> all right. so we've seen the over reliance of technology. it makes a lot of money forf certaimonen people. wha but at the end of the day, what do you got? you need a with a knife going into a dark tunnel and trying to sli t someone's throat who's hiding behind a corner. >> jonathan, telerl me what it's going to be like for these guys to go into this area and extract revenge. first >> well, first of all, o they revenge be the last thing on their mind. the tactics of taking out hamas should be the main focus on on and also rescuing these hostages. but here's one thing i love here's onei love that we startet talking about technology and how we've become overrelian h wt on that, because as you see, as you watch those videos of the the hamass, attackers, if you look back 20 a over 20 years ago when afghan and iraq war startednd, thei the tactics on their side were very rudimentaryr , but they hai over 20 years to watch what we dothe in the field, what we dov in the urban areas. so their tactics have changed. and this is really wherenow, the key to warfare is now, is not just technology, but how has your enemy advanced,have t how have they grown and what have they learned about yoheu? and so as they work, as israel goes in and works into these tunnels, works into these urban areas, they can cannot jusy cano rely on technology. they have to look at how tae enemy has evolved and they have to change their tactics. noct makw to make sure that thea are focused on properly engaging the enemy to take them out. and as far as these tunnels go,o this is where technology canlo work. cad if they know that they have people out of there, they can just use a bunken r. but if this is where hostages are at or if they do havifearea civilians in that area, they're going to have to be very careful as they enter int o those areas, because a tunnel is a very fluid operating environment. and so they they havd so thee te they've practiced these things. i hope they understand that once you entey t onceu entt to clear it when you're in there and you have to clear it out. , th >> and it's a it's just a very precarious place. yeah, the tunnel war is going,e to be decisive. bill, real quick, while i have you, are the hamas fighters able to operate through a joystick, some of these kamikaze drones from the tunnels? >> they should be able to haverl a properly set up their communications, like to have antennas. these are things that thireaeli israelis should be looking for. i agree with jonathan. there are elements g that of technology that will help the israelis drones on their end to kee wdrones p observation of the battlefield in addition to bunker busters or thermobaric weapon therms to toi up those tunnels. again, if there's hostages in there, that's an issue. the but, yes, they should be ably'e to if they if they practice this, if they start this group, they should be able to guide these weapons via the tunnels. >> all right. bill, jonathan, great analysiss . >> we love having you guys thank you. thank you.ank > thankyou. >> well, radical islam's day of rage. elief th >> salon pose, makersat of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years believes in continuous improvement like rounded corners that resist peeling with an array of active ingredients and sizes to relieve your pain. >> so long pass. it's good medicine to me to i saw what you've been posting. hitler was right. i didn't teach you that you hide 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news channel for continuing coverage that bodak yellow is right now. [ >> across the globe, supporterss of hamas protested, partied and called for as the barbaric terrorists declared today a global day of rage day. and it seems their followers adhere to the demands becaus the there was a frenzy of knife attacks worldwide in beijing. a staffer at therael israeli embassy was stabbed.n luckily, the man survived.surviv edin a man screaming, allah akbe plungeamd the knife into several people savagely murdering a teacher. the french government has already blamed islamic terrorism for the attack.hi >> and how long until this spills over into our country. eo border patrol just apprehended two lebanese nationals yesterday. we don't want brownsville to become beirut. >> cities across the u.s. are on edgterdaye as pro-palestn supporters are disrupting everyday a, like in chicago, where they rampaged through a town hall meeting in new york. cops are on high alert. times square was taken over by an anti-israeli mob community spent all day bracing for the worst. parentg fos decided to keep kids home from school over threats of violence. including my next guest who isfo a former israeli soldierrmer mor model and former member of idf, sd ginzberg joins me now.s se >> so did you take thiso take seriously enough to takewas your kids out of school or was there a specificspecif threat that you noticed? d to no, i just decided to be cautious. we you know, i grew up in israelen and we've been surroundedir by this kind of stuff for my entire life. and i've never been one to s be overly scared or overly cautious. but after seeing how ruthless and cruel hamas cas n be, i just decided that it's not worth me. being brave on the expense of my kids. and it's sad sad to that in a sense. i let them win a and. i let the fear take over me. but we've seen we've seen through the reports that are coming out every day, ever comiy another report, every day, another story, another survivor, anothestr gruesomeeo. video that these people are ruthless and they will stopncere at nothing. >> how concerned are you when whe videos of thesee in people in times square backing hamas atrocities? you've seen it in chicag iow do and california. >> how does that make you feel ? it makes me feel angry because i know that when theset people are defending the hamas, they're essentially defending the actions that they did. they're defending a terrorist organization that beheads babies, that cutbeheads babies t of a pregnant women's bodies, that kills parents in frondies t of their kids. and these people that are taking to the streets and protestingin they're essentially supporting thessee i can't even say animal, but these people that are doing these horrendous, horrendous things. so really scary to me because it's not about a political argument. it's not about israel or palestine or anything. it's about and it's about people who have compassion in their hearts. if they see videos of news alem marianne rafferty, live fro

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240703

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. >> tonight israel will beginge. to exact revenge. the ground operation against hamae grs agais in gaza has beg. >> israeli infantry and armored divisions are rolling intoe the strip to avengthe the slaughter of 3000 innocent israeli civilians. well-trained israeli combateciai specialists are conductingst their first operational raids, searching for hostages, gatherinr g intelligence and neutralizing terrorists. hama s is now on the defensive. ordr israel has ordered a fuledl evacuation of northern gaza. gaz >> telling a milliontell palestinian civilianins to leav immediately or become collateral damage. come chamas is orderingstay all palestinians to stay put. making their own people into human shields. the terrorists will not be subdued easily. >> they're still launching th of rockets into israel . >> hamas rockets are not surgical strikes. these are indiscriminate th that land in israeli neighborhoods and on israeli highways hbors an. e ram these random rockets terrorize israeli minds and population centers. >> israel's air campaigncentersa is drastically different. the idf has showered gaza with precision missile strikes, knocking out hamas stronghol ou its hideouts and leadership. >> last night, 750 targets were hit and one israeli strike o killed the brother of a top hamas chieftain. an earlier strategic strike knocked out the kin of a e top hamas commander. unfortunately, the hamas tlabyrinth of tunnelsnnel are impenetrable to israeli air assaults. hamaars is built over 300 miless of tunnels underneath their densel y populated citiesh their pact with heavily armed a radicals ready to wage. >> israel's long term strategyns is to permanently eliminate the tunnel system. firsthe first step after the air campaign is rolling into gaza, g where they face mounds rubband d, rubble infesteded with hamas snipers and laced with ieds. >> the hamaslad with propagandae is already flexing their training regimen. broadcast asserting e their ability to engage in traditional land warfarnge. >> the israeli army is armed to the teeth with modern weaponryed to , armor and aircr. although history has shown ry how on sophisticated and dedicated insurgencies can have success against modern armies. but manpower could be the deciding b factor, especially in the tunnels. >> once the idonhef clears and holds the surface, brave israeli soldiersl will havesand to go underground and exterminate thousands of hamas hamas f fighters entred in their sophisticated maze system. a vietnam vet, a tunnel rat, described how barbed brick tunnel fighting can be. >> drod thp in and the next thig you know, their bayonet. and yes. so we'd take a concussion grenade, throw it in there first. scramble the brains of othere ue people that's in there. then get the snakes out. the bamboo viperhere a gets and. traps they'd have. and you've got to go slow you . sy geke it with a rope and you get hurt. knee. get back out. t hurt andy jerkbut no more of t going. there's different levels. they had trapdoors with seals on and where you put tear gas down here. we even tried to drown them out. triedn'tk. the they would actually have entrance and stuff coming from the rivers and stuff. thesuff.e people over there in middle east have learned a lesson fro learnedm the viet o it takes a lot of a lot of courage to go down inside hol of a dark hole in a 45 and5 a flashlight and hope for the best. but a loa t of times you don't want to use that. 45. try to use your knife because you don't wante the 45 that lou. >> it gives your position away. this war in gazanois will be won underground. we'll never see the footage, but the tunnel battle will be decisive and only a full victory within the hamas tunnel system will achieve the objective set out by netanyahu to completely root out and destroy his terroristneg neighbors for good.hbor there's two wildcards. >> one. will the united states give the israeli defense forces enough latitude to achieve full and everlasting victory in the face of heart breaking scenesnd of civilian casualties? >> and two. >> will israel's brutal ground defensive inspire iranian backed hezbollah fighters israe to launch attacks into israel from the north, from lebanon, opening up a two front war in the north and in the south, which could strain the israeli military's capacitaiy to winal d efficiently, only total and complete. >> israe coml victory will achis lasting peace. the questiontion is, will the united states and the rest of the world get in their way?he >> here now, retired brigadierre general anthony teeter. he was the defense undersecretary for policy unde r president trump. and lieutenant colonel daniel davis, who's a senioa senir felo at defense priorities. all right, davisri, your take on what we're going to see very shortly in gaza? well, i'll tell you, jesse, t it's going to be a lot harderg. than what people are thinking. you may remember in 2009, obamat had sent people, the u.s. army into afghanistan and said they wery the tae going to desty the taliban. and you see how that worked out. and the reason why is similar how because once the israeli forces go in, how do theyo they know ws a hamas fighter as opposed to just some manedo that happes to be standing there? almost everybody's armed with an ak-47. and unless israel is going isr to literally kill everyoneael',n they're going to have to find some effective way to be discriminating in wh to they shoot. otherwise, they're going to gain more enemies then they'll ever get ridgoing towisf hamas. and that's one of the biggest difficulties i see hamas israels but then i'll also add one other thing. look, the israell i army is hasa not been trained for this kind t th sophisticated urbanrained wa. they've been trained in other things over over time. and it'sr going to be a lot o harder for them to operate. and a pretty high learning harde than many people might think. >> why hasn't the idf trainehav in urban combat? what well, because that's not what they ever have expected and they haven't done it r ex other than a handful of incursions here and there. and those were targeted. but in termsd there an of like r a siege warfare in a city, i mean, they haven'tn ever done it. and it's a it's a very different skill set because seu or tryings ngy differ to eradicate an enemy force that's hard to identif to y, dn but that's just something that israel hasn't done. almost nobody's done that other than lik almost no e bachmann in the russia ukraine war. >> all right. so today, how difficulhet is thb going to be when you combine the tunnels with the rubbl come and the snipers and the ieds aren't just here? it's extremely difficult, particularly when you thinke about they've got the tactical fight in gaza, they have the operational figh t perhaps in the golan against hezbollah, in the strategic fight against iran. and so the israeli g high comma is really fighting on three fronts. and the troops in the fight in gaza have three dimensional. they havdie the high risesen that haven't fallen yet. they have the rubble and then they have the tunnels. so younnels as aptly pointed ou. and so they're really going to have to do cordoni have and search. i have high confidence that they are traininghat right now on these types of urban combat techniques, such closeof quarters combat. there is a really good example from a history as a russian second grozny fight and 99econd 2000, where the u.n. declared groznye is the most destroyed city on planet earth and the russians leveled that city. and there was a lot of deception, ambush operations, improvised explosive devices, and certainly clos e quartersthink combat. and i think the israelis would be wise to studyth that. fal and our fight in fallujah, quite frankly, it's going to beo brutal. building to building door becaoor anr to ad i think they'u know, that's why they're giving them 24 hours to get out frien of town, because they don't want to have to think about friend or foe when they go in these buildings. >> if hezbollah opens up a second front in the north, what kind of challenge kind of will that present israel? yeah, so they're going to have to hold what tank battalions in the north n th. a artillery. that's a more conventional fight. open terrain fight. tak they've done that before. they know that terrain wel well i've been there. i've been in golan, i've been in the tunnels and southeri'ven israel that fed in from gaza or soom gazisa. so it's -- it's the second front issue fixes forces in the north, preventing israel from massing forces in the south. and so it creates this dilemma . and they've done a massive call up of reserves m for exactly that purpose to be able to hold in the north while they focus in the south, what we call a main effort in the south th. and a supporting effort in the north. >> all right, taita davis, you we're so grateful to have you guys and your expertise join us here us here this eveni. >> thanks, as always. >> now, the only thing harderlia than living in gaza is leavingga gaza. >> this is a massive. palestinian traffic jam inching south away from gaza city afteri israel repeatedly warned civilians to evacuatsre before the ground invasion begins. >> but hamas told the palestiniainvasin ends to ie israel's instructions. hamas telling palestinians, you're going nowhere. stay is our human shield nres and let us film your death to elicit the global outcrystran needed to restrain the israeli ground operation. >>e israound this is a cunning and immoral military strategygy that also doubles as a p.r. strategy. only thithe only thing that canp the israeli victory over hamas is palestinian and collateralasi damage that hamas is actively orchestrating. >> and the higher the palestinian body count, the sooner the west stops netanyahu. >> the united nations is already natios al serving asm surrogates to kill and speedll a of the unfolding internal crisisnd is born cheating.s fa gazast is fast becoming a and s on the brink of collapse. >> so what do we know about the palestinian people now? >> the people, the entire world seems to sympathize for? >> 40% of palestinians supportsr suicide bombings. ir >> that's the highest level of support in the entire world. worlstiniansthe palestinians hao chosen hamas to represente the controlling faction of their government. the government charter describes killing jews as one of its highest priorities. is so the israeli military is marching into a bombed out te husk of a city riddledls with tunnels and terrorists and populated by a palestinian people who not only harbor h hamas but are willing to die for hamas. andy stump is a navy seal who spent over 17 years in combat. all right. describe, andy, the challenge operating in this kind of insurgent environment among en population with a global media that's looking for any type of collateral damage to slam the brakes on you? llatr difficult to say the least. i'm actually going to open, though, with i'm going to disagreal going te with yourhave two previous guests. i have trained with and hosted member t wits of some very elite units in the israeli defense defense they are highly capabled and trained to deatol with what they are about to encounter. having said that, imaginthate g for a walk in your neighborhood and think about how little time you actuallylyhe think about thr environment around you. you have to worry about where you place your fee t, not reallyngle worrying about angles and then completely flis d p that situatn on its head and look at it from the perspective of the destructioective othn, the thre dimensional threats, and that every step that you need to takste, you need to not o only be sure of your footing, but making sure that there's fo in place. it is one of the most arduouse f environments that they couldposb possibly be entering. and at some poinenteringt it's y to have to be cleared by human beings feet, if not inches at an time. >> and it's not even in your neighborhood becauseot eve they don't live there. this is a foreign neighborhood and you're going to haveo have snipers. you're going to have maybe kids running up you with suicide e vests. how do you navigate that typeate of scene when you can't differentiate between civilianti and sniper? >> the most honest answer that i can give you is tha it you do the best that you can. u i think people operatender under the impression that war is very black and white. and in my experience, it's anythin rience, t g but the soldiers that are getting ready to go in this environmenta ,they have only hard questions and hard decisions in front of them. to and war is not precise. there are goinesg to be mistakee that are going to be made and the soldiers on the ground are going to have to do the absolute o th best that they possibly can, knowing the terrain that they're facinog . do you have any sort of timeline that you think y so ye they might be able to complete this objective? to well, it depends on whate they're going to want to be accomplishing. i would say from a technology perspective, whether you're using robots or unmanned vehicles overhead, you can use the technical advantage with sensors, thermals, night visionechnical. you can get a broad understanding of what the area look is like and perhaps maybe you need to pass through some of these areas before actually securing them. so it wouldn't take very long. but for them to actually ng. ene that there are no longer anywill threats. rough they will literally, as i've said before, have to walk through this area and cleatha an inch by inch, foot by foot. and depending on the environment t e and what' remains the structures versus the rubble, that's going to determines gointo deter the g but it's certainly not going to be a matter of minutes or hours. tter of i would say the thorougy cleared it will take days, if not longer. >> yeah, iy clt looks like a demolition site. very, very tough. thank you so much.ough we really appreciate it. a lot of great insight . and we really honor your service as well. >> you're very welcome. thanks for having me. thorjoe biden already wafflingy on his support for israel. on his support for israel. busy businesses need find solutions today. >> that's wht only ey they chooe t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobileonwid, to not only enhance the fan experience, but to enhance how the gamen help g is played. >> 888 relies on t-mobile's pay connected stop nationwide so they can help get their members back on the roadth. >> and we're helping panel innovate to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. >> 48% of americans don't get enough magnesium, which is vital for bone, nerve and muscle health. i recommend kernels extra strength, high absorption, magnesium. it gives you 100% of the daily value of magnesium. cute off the brand. i trust. >> do you have trouble hearing conversations? are you constantly asking 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simultaneously, one against ru and one ukraine against iran in israel. on top of that, we have a fresh mideast hostage crisis and then potential for hezbollah to open a two front war in the north , which could bring in other arab powers. so it's been a. n intense week,mmande but not for the commander in chief. biden, through a barbecue on sunday, spent two days telling the special counsel why he left classified documents next to his corvette and made a major push for killing junkmao fees. s. >> and today, joe bidenn co continued to pivot awantiny fro the hostage crisis, delivering a speech on biden nomics, and he could barely make it on the stage. >> fox is reporting that the president is keeping israel on a very short leash. biden ha.s been pressuring israel to delay their ground offensivd ofe against hamas. biden is reportedly asking netanyahu to pump the brakes until all palestinian civiliansr have evacuated, which is never going to happen sinc te hamas hs ordered palestinian civilians to stay put. d stinian and it's never going n since none of the arab neighbors will take palestinian refugees. and president biden won't evenin ask them to. today, joe, already starting ala to hedge before israel has even begun. the counterterror ground israe invasion. >> we're making sure israel has what it needt needs, defend itse and respond to these attacks. >>se it's also a priority for me to urgently address the humanitarian address crisish in gaza. we can't lose sight of the fact that the overwhelming majority of palestinians had nothing to do with hamasjority and hamas appalling attacks, and they're suffering as aattack result as s >> israel is being extremely restrained and sensitiveivilia to civilian casualties. if anybody is responsible for civilian casualties. >> it's hamas who started this war and uses the palestinians for human shields. ians fornbc has obtained a hama plan which outlines the terrorist specificallyterror targeting schools and daycare centers and their surprise offensive. >> peter doocy caugh in t up with the president after his speechp by.t worr >> we all know that hamas. what worries you about a potentiaieoundl around biden supported ukraine for, quote, as long as it takes and he's already getting cold fee colt with israel after a week. biden doesn't want to touch this mideasth mid east, especi n in an election year. so he's doing as little as possiblg e and praying it doesn't blow up into a wider conflict. he's praying american hostages aren't executed. but whild, bute lift a finger ta in an american extraction team,a he's praying voters won't notice. he funded the regime that sponsoredyi voter the terr. >> kamala harris gets itd . and has completely disappeared. she's skyped into the situatio.n room meeting yesterday. >> veep portrayed the exactthin. same thing. the vice president skyping hostage negotiations. kamaea didn't want to come hom . >> her college tour. >> so here's. so i think at this point, a well known secre thinkt about. i love venn diagrams. i lovediagra diagrams. and whenever i am presented with kind of like, this is complicated, i always wonder, is there a venn diagra,s m: is t to figure this stuff out? is there a venn diagram die t the mideast peace process? >> i don't know. but the biden-harris.t th administration, disengaged and unserious in the faceof of mounting national security threats and hoping you won't notice notice this election. >> founder of american majorit o ned ryan joins me now. >> so, i mean, it's like beens a week, nebeend and. and the president's already saying, you know, israel, let'ss just wait a second. >> just wait. i mean, what kind of message does that send d? well, first of all, this week's been bizarre talking about, john, credit card fees. he's out there today smearing lipstick on that pig of biden nomics, which, by the way, is still a pig, costing americans abou is a pit 10,000 r year for their cost of living. costs to talkuten want about anything else but this. he doesn't want to talk about what has taken t placelace i in israel. he doesn't want to talk about american hostages because he's directly responsible for what is taking place. i mean, we can tal ible fort's k about the cash payments from obama to the iranian regime. o obamwe can talk about the 6 bn that the biden administration unfrozen now supposedly is kind of re froze or whatever they're doing. but i think we to focus on the fact that during the biden administration, their release, their looseningog of the sanctions on iran haswe allowed them to generated them r about 30 billion more in oilev revenue in the last two and lot a half years. just you can fund a lot of terrorism with that money o. and i think you can drawid a direct line from the biden administration'sen a appeasement and empowerment of the iranian regime to dozens of americans now dead and hamas holdingecono, american hostages. i mean, the whole situation, the economy, hostages beinslami being held by radical islamic terrorists reeks of the weakness of thrroristsaction oer administration and the 1970s malaise. >> yeah, you're righ t. hey we sore they were they were trying to bend over backwards for the mullahs because they wanteo back in the iranian nuke deal and they had to let the iranians sell oin l because they watched russia invade ukraine. so they have to keepo le world d prices low. >> but now there's a hostage crisis, ned. t no >> americans are held hostage. he's not going to sendere' in special operators.he >> it doesn't seem besides sending an extra w carrier group to the mediterranean, that he's really done muchin at all. e why is it not? becausean hee they're weak? they want to appease iran. ec weak.i across the board, the biden administration. i mean, biden himsel, bidef is d weak, physically, mentally and politically. they're not going to do anything forcefully to do anything about these american hostages. it's a shame. it's shameful. jesse,l jesse. i'm pretty sure trump by mov now would have made a strong move to try and free these american hostages. and we're sitting here hoping, prayin sittig that somehow, miru miraculously, nothing happens to these american hostageslo as as biden sits there and fiddles about talking about biden nomics. yeah. you know, if the weakness that's dev developed, you know, the best thing we could do to put the iranians back on their heelo s and put the chine and the russians back on their heels is absolutely let netanyahu root out and destroy hamas, hezbollah and all these i iranian proxieproxies in the res that would send a message. this to me is shameful that biden is somehow on netanyahu's chain right now . let them deal with hamas. let him completelyhiith eradice hamas and deal with hezbollah while he's at it. >> i agree al. it's what the american military would do. let him. that's right. and thenit's whaamerican militam when they're defeated. >> all right, ned, thank you so muchur. >> well, hamas bragging about taking children, hostages ,some propaganda videos we got to warn you about. ev >>en fox news is proud to bring you this. she's a hero moment, evensome t only a quarter of stem graduates are women. graduates are women. they'lhil go, oh, you don't look like an engineer. there is this preconception. omethingd go forsome things are, but diversity drives innovation. innovation. my goal is to really flip the script. pick something that you love and go for it. how do we live ifee her, in sp? >> how do we live on the moon? i want to help figure that out. you can create the blueprint. if you can see her, you can be her. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation. >> and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular 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daughters, husbands , wives, children are.ives you know, it's gut wrenching. i assured them my personali asse commitment to do everything possible, everything possiblebl to return every missing american to their familiesto thi we're working round the clockre to secure the releaslee. becaus >> biden's not doing everything he can because he's already ruled out deploying american special operators. so this is either going to end with dead american hostages or, a massive ransom payment, which will only encourage more kidnap . hamas has just announced that 13 hostages have already perished. >> the window is quickly closing foy r extractions oror g negotiations. the terror group releasingroup video of israeli children held captive and excruciating momente to witness four jewish families. we're not goinwig to show you that bit of terrorist propaganda, though ter. >> biden has his hands dirty since this is fresn hah off his6 billion ransom payment to the iraniansh of and his lopsided prisoner swaps with russia and the taliba n. >> the biden administration has funded the iranian regim irae and the palestinians and is now watching these dangerous po play out in deadly fashion. former secretary of state mike pompeo joins me now. >> all right, secretary, whye is the president ruling out sending in americaprn special forces to search and rescue these hostages? >> well, it makes no sense, t jesse, to rule that out. i mean, it's just i can't figure out for the life of me why you would say that even i even worth the case that it was your intention notyour i to do o why would you tell the bad guys that there was no one going mid to come knock on the door in the middle of the night and slit their throatsdlof thean and rescue the americans? that makes absolutely no sense. it musd ret give them great comt and assistance. look, it's hard. these operations are difficult . we may not know enough to knowt where to send them and how to get them in. wherendbut we should be movinga and earth alongside our israeli partnersnd to where theseare, w americans are, where the other hostages arehe, and then using every element of american power to get them home. >> so you have a hostageto crisis, which the trump administration and you were involved in very successfullwer but at the same time, you havefr hezbollah start shelling the israelisom from the north. maybe syria gets excited. you never know what the iranians could do. >> i know we have carrier groups there do,w we . >> what is the strategic calculation that the administration is grappling with herg e? they' jesse, what they've got to do is they've got to fundamentally reconcilo fundame how they're gg to explain to the american people that they are turning their iran polic yut a 180 degrees. >> right. they view you've talked about this earlier on the show . . you and i have talked about this before. they price to these hostages. therthey've thesee were six hoh ago. we paid a billion bucks apiece. and no w there are double that many held by the iranians. they've go dozent to the appeas. they've got to make clear to the iranians that there will be a cost imposedappeasem on themt on their proxies, not on some knucklehea them.d that's sitting in the desert someplace, but on the iranian regime itsel f. they have to demonstrate that if the iranians take actions againsn t the americansk there will be a real price to pay. and that that is hard for the administrationenamericans tr that has refused to even acknowledge that in the end, this was an iranian operatioarn that killedi more than two dozen americans. >> are you concernedraegim withs blowing up and do some global wr pro-palestinrie in? we've already seen attacks around the world. on do you think that the biden administration has a handle on ho w biw big this cu blowld? t th you know, i'm worried that they don't. i must. say i worry that they are actually worrying about that, to worryino much.d i they've already started to try and limit the capacity if israeling thes to do what thy need to do. if you want to stop the carnage, what took placeants on october 7th, do you want to stop the carnage? the answer is to eliminate hamae carne answers, to go at tt regime in a way that it can no longer do this, whetheerrr th it's the the shia militias in iraq or the houthis in yemen or the hezbollah folkshezbolla in lebanon. you have to go at the source of the problem, which in lebanoe iranians. and, you know, i am convinced that if we do that and the , we do that with seriousness. we can convince large parts of the musli seriousn m world tt it's in their best interest to make no mistake about it. eithe terrorist hamas organization and the folks at hezbollah make life worsestat for the people that they subjugate as well. difft that te that argument. we have to deliverli american power and we have to permit israel to havever am d the time and the space that it needs to do what they ought to do and what duty requirese. them to do to keep the 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souped up armored bulldozer can deflect rpgs and even sports a mounted machine gun. the bulletproo and hf teddy bear leads with a metal blade that detonates mines. it can bust through buildingss and obviouslbuy clear more rubbe than your traditional caterpillar. israeltriona also has the panda. y it's like the teddy bear. bearbut its remote controlled, remote controlled armored bulldozersrolled. will be the tp of the spear, clearing the way for israeli tanks and heavya artillery. it's a game changer, but hamasge is strapped with your typical insurgent arsenal. >> inexpensivel insu drones.t they can kamikaze right into idf tankcas. hamas drones have an expansive range. >> hamas will engage, as all insurgencies do, with ancient ak seven. unsophisticated but deadly ieds ,homemade stingers, jerry rigged rockets. they'l memadel be fighting on their onh home turf, deploying snipers, even suicideeihome bombers. >> using the palestinian civilian population as, human shields and hiding in rubble and burrowing beloshieldw grouno their tunnels. but israel has the training,wiqt the equipment and the manpower and a taste for vengeance. o >> the ground offensive starting right now. sen >> kill roggio is a senior fellow at the foundation for defensiofellow fe of democracies and editor of this long war journal. d jo and jonathan gilliam is a retired navy seal and former gil fbi agent. all right, bill, tell meen about the panda and her good friend, the teddyth bear. >> yes, jesse, these are certainly tools that the israelis will use in their efforts to clear the highly densely urban populated terrain in, gaza. t however, you know, we have to be careful about over relying on technology. i think this is partrt of whats got israel into this problem, soto this mess to begito bn wit. they underestimated its enemy. so while the panda will be effectivl bee, clearing lanes i to get israeli troops in, hopefully dig up ieds, as you can see by the videos, those tracks that are along the side, they're vulnerable to attacks from the flanks with rocketlled propelled grenades or other anti-tank missiles . so we have to again, we havee af to be careful to not just relyu on technology. this is going to be a goainfant infantry man's war. ultimately, they're going to happen deployry infantrymen. the israelis will to in orderin to protectfa the armor and to protect these armored bulldozers that are coming in tedo. n because ultimately, in a war in a complex environment likx ee this, technology helps. but the real decider r is boots on the ground. >> all right. so we've seen the over reliance of technology. it makes a lot of money forf certaimonen people. wha but at the end of the day, what do you got? you need a with a knife going into a dark tunnel and trying to sli t someone's throat who's hiding behind a corner. >> jonathan, telerl me what it's going to be like for these guys to go into this area and extract revenge. first >> well, first of all, o they revenge be the last thing on their mind. the tactics of taking out hamas should be the main focus on on and also rescuing these hostages. but here's one thing i love here's onei love that we startet talking about technology and how we've become overrelian h wt on that, because as you see, as you watch those videos of the the hamass, attackers, if you look back 20 a over 20 years ago when afghan and iraq war startednd, thei the tactics on their side were very rudimentaryr , but they hai over 20 years to watch what we dothe in the field, what we dov in the urban areas. so their tactics have changed. and this is really wherenow, the key to warfare is now, is not just technology, but how has your enemy advanced,have t how have they grown and what have they learned about yoheu? and so as they work, as israel goes in and works into these tunnels, works into these urban areas, they can cannot jusy cano rely on technology. they have to look at how tae enemy has evolved and they have to change their tactics. noct makw to make sure that thea are focused on properly engaging the enemy to take them out. and as far as these tunnels go,o this is where technology canlo work. cad if they know that they have people out of there, they can just use a bunken r. but if this is where hostages are at or if they do havifearea civilians in that area, they're going to have to be very careful as they enter int o those areas, because a tunnel is a very fluid operating environment. and so they they havd so thee te they've practiced these things. i hope they understand that once you entey t onceu entt to clear it when you're in there and you have to clear it out. , th >> and it's a it's just a very precarious place. yeah, the tunnel war is going,e to be decisive. bill, real quick, while i have you, are the hamas fighters able to operate through a joystick, some of these kamikaze drones from the tunnels? >> they should be able to haverl a properly set up their communications, like to have antennas. these are things that thireaeli israelis should be looking for. i agree with jonathan. there are elements g that of technology that will help the israelis drones on their end to kee wdrones p observation of the battlefield in addition to bunker busters or thermobaric weapon therms to toi up those tunnels. again, if there's hostages in there, that's an issue. the but, yes, they should be ably'e to if they if they practice this, if they start this group, they should be able to guide these weapons via the tunnels. >> all right. bill, jonathan, great analysiss . >> we love having you guys thank you. thank you.ank > thankyou. >> well, radical islam's day of rage. elief th >> salon pose, makersat of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years believes in continuous improvement like rounded corners that resist peeling with an array of active ingredients and sizes to relieve your pain. >> so long pass. it's good medicine to me to i saw what you've been posting. hitler was right. i didn't teach you that you hide 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news channel for continuing coverage that bodak yellow is right now. [ >> across the globe, supporterss of hamas protested, partied and called for as the barbaric terrorists declared today a global day of rage day. and it seems their followers adhere to the demands becaus the there was a frenzy of knife attacks worldwide in beijing. a staffer at therael israeli embassy was stabbed.n luckily, the man survived.surviv edin a man screaming, allah akbe plungeamd the knife into several people savagely murdering a teacher. the french government has already blamed islamic terrorism for the attack.hi >> and how long until this spills over into our country. eo border patrol just apprehended two lebanese nationals yesterday. we don't want brownsville to become beirut. >> cities across the u.s. are on edgterdaye as pro-palestn supporters are disrupting everyday a, like in chicago, where they rampaged through a town hall meeting in new york. cops are on high alert. times square was taken over by an anti-israeli mob community spent all day bracing for the worst. parentg fos decided to keep kids home from school over threats of violence. including my next guest who isfo a former israeli soldierrmer mor model and former member of idf, sd ginzberg joins me now.s se >> so did you take thiso take seriously enough to takewas your kids out of school or was there a specificspecif threat that you noticed? d to no, i just decided to be cautious. we you know, i grew up in israelen and we've been surroundedir by this kind of stuff for my entire life. and i've never been one to s be overly scared or overly cautious. but after seeing how ruthless and cruel hamas cas n be, i just decided that it's not worth me. being brave on the expense of my kids. and it's sad sad to that in a sense. i let them win a and. i let the fear take over me. but we've seen we've seen through the reports that are coming out every day, ever comiy another report, every day, another story, another survivor, anothestr gruesomeeo. video that these people are ruthless and they will stopncere at nothing. >> how concerned are you when whe videos of thesee in people in times square backing hamas atrocities? you've seen it in chicag iow do and california. >> how does that make you feel ? it makes me feel angry because i know that when theset people are defending the hamas, they're essentially defending the actions that they did. they're defending a terrorist organization that beheads babies, that cutbeheads babies t of a pregnant women's bodies, that kills parents in frondies t of their kids. and these people that are taking to the streets and protestingin they're essentially supporting thessee i can't even say animal, but these people that are doing these horrendous, horrendous things. so really scary to me because it's not about a political argument. it's not about israel or palestine or anything. it's about and it's about people who have compassion in their hearts. if they see videos of news alem marianne rafferty, live fro

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Hamas Israels , Enemies , Difficulties , Kind T Th Sophisticated Urbanrained Wa , Things , Lot O Harder , Hasn T , Learning , Idf Trainehav In Urban Combat , City , Haven T , Termsd , Handful , It R Ex Other , Incursions , Skill Set , Seu , Ra Siege Warfare , Tryings Ngy , Something , Enemy Force , Nobody , Israel Hasn T , Rubbl , Russia Ukraine War , How Difficulhet , Identif To Y , Dn , Fight , Golan , Rubble , Iran , Risesen , Fronts , Troops , Israeli G High Comma , Haven T Fallen , Three , History , Types , Example , Younnels , Urban Combat Techniques , Closeof Quarters Combat , You , Traininghat , Ambush Operations , Russians , Second Grozny Fight , Deception , Russian , Planet Earth , Groznye , U N , 2000 , 99 , Thireaeli Israelis , Building , Improvised Explosive Devices , Fallujah , Fal , Clos E Quartersthink Combat , Building Door Becaoor Anr , Kind , Friend , Challenge , Frien , Will , Buildings , Town , Foe , 24 , Artillery , Terrain Wel , Tank Battalions , Open Terrain Fight , North N Th , Tak , It S , Issue , Soom Gazisa , Call , Effort , South Th , Dilemma , Purpose , Reserves M , Guys , Thanks , Right , Leavingga Gaza , Expertise , Eveni , Taita Davis , Ground Invasion , Afteri Israel , Ie Israel , Massive , Traffic Jam , Evacuatsre , Palestiniainvasin Ends , Nowhere , Stay , Film , Death , Israeli Ground Operation , Human Shield Nres , Instructions , Global Outcrystran , Military Strategygy , Strategy , Damage , Collateralasi , P R , Asm Surrogates , Body Count , Internal Crisisnd , West Stops Netanyahu , Speedll , Natios Al Serving , Collapse , Fa Gazast , Palestinians Supportsr , Brink , 40 , Support , Government , Chosen Hamas , Ir , Level , Charter , Suicide Bombings , Faction , Worlstiniansthe Palestinians Hao , Jews , Military , Priorities , City Riddledls , Te Husk , Harbor H Hamas , Combat , Navy Seal , Andy Stump , 17 , Brakes , Media , Type , Insurgent Environment Among En Population , Llatr , Member T Wits , Units , Defense , Guests , Least , Deatol , Neighborhood , Flis Dp , Fee T , Thr Environment , Walk , Angles , Imaginthate G , Situatn , Place , Threats , Environments , Fo , Footing , Perspective , Step , Head , The Thre , Takste , Destructioective Othn , Arduouse , Haveo , Poinenteringt , Human Beings Feet , Kids , Scene , Sniper , Typeate , Civilianti , Suicide E Vests , Soldiers , Answer , Anythin Rience , Impression , Environmenta , Experience , That In , Black And White , Ui , Tg , Terrain , Ground , Goinesg , O Th , Decisions , Questions , Mistakee , Facinog , Timeline , Technology Perspective , Whate , Sort , Area , Areas , Look , Some , Advantage , Understanding , Sensors , Robots , Vehicles , Thermals , Night Visionechnical , Environment Te , Foot , Ene , Thorougy , Gointo , G , Demolition Site , Structures , Matter , Clt , Tter , Thorjoe Biden , Service , Insight , Partners , Business , Fan Experience , Businesses , Gamen Help G , Solutions , T Mobile , T Mobileonwid , Wht Only Ey They Chooe , Mlb , Members , Stop , Panel Innovate , Wildfires , Pay , Spread , 5g Network , Roadth , 5 , 888 , Magnesium , No Americans , Health , Muscle , Strength , Bone , Nerve , High Absorption , 48 , 100 , Hearing Aids , M D , Loved Ones , Friends , Value , Trouble Hearing Conversations , Discussions , Don T Waste Thousands , Hearing , Neo Hearing Aids , Amplifiers , Frustration , Pair , 299 , 999 , Technology , Hearing Aid , Neo , Price Point , Amplifier , Anyone , Customers , Hearings , Hearing Specialists , Models , Product , Better , Eight Hundred , Wall , Case , Charging , Tiny , Neo Offers Superior , Order , Ear Canal Design , Fda , 1700 , Anybody , Research , Doubt , Hearing Loss , Nothing , Lifetime , Conversations , Hearing Aids Stop , Shipping , Supplies , Phone Call , Based Audiologist Support , Trial , Don T Delay , 845 , Salmon , Drinks , Dog Food , Flavor , Just Go On , Real Dog , Human Talent , Interest , Help , Essentials , Joy , 0 , 7 , Five , Chrome , Terror , Duckduckgo , Save , Ashley , Duckduckgo Browser , Browser , Desktop , Devices , Mobile , Money , Ads , Alternative , Searches , T Spy , Cookies , Catch , Google Search , Privacy , Millions , Desktop Today , Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile , Half , Go To Ship Station , Slash Try , Esse , Hostage Crisis , Top , Ru , Warse Agains Simultaneously , Front War In The North , Commander In Chief , Powers , Special Counsel , A N , Arab , Mmande , Barbecue On Sunday , S , Fees , Documents , Corvette , Push , Speech On Biden Nomics , Awantiny Fro , Joe Bidenn Co , Killing Junkmao , Stage , Fox , Leash , Biden Ha , Netanyahu , Ofe , Palestinian Civiliansr , Ground Offensivd , Sinc Te Hamas Hs , N , None , Ask Them To , D Stinian , Biden Won T Evenin , Palestinian Refugees , Attacks , Needt Needs , Crisish , Priority , Itse , Address , Counterterror Ground Israe Invasion , Fact , Suffering , Hamasjority , Result , Majority , Sight , Sensitiveivilia , Aattack , Ians Fornbc , Plan , Palestinians For Human Shields , Hama , Terrorist Specificallyterror , Targeting Schools , Surprise Offensive , Daycare , By T Worr , Speechp , Peter Doocy , Ukraine For , Biden Doesn T , Especi N , Cold Fee Colt , Mideasth Mid East , Potentiaieoundl , Whild , Bute Lift , Doesn T , Praying American Hostages Aren T , Conflict , Possiblg E , Finger , Blow Up , Extraction Team , Tt Regime , Kamala Harris , Voters Won T , Sponsoredyi Voter The Terr , Notice , Itd , Skyped Into The Situatio N Room Meeting Yesterday , Kamaea Didn T Want , Vice President , Hom , College Tour , Skyping Hostage Negotiations , Veep , Exactthin , Like , Point , Diagrams , Secre Thinkt , Venn Diagra , Venn Diagrams , Venn Diagram , Sm , Administration , T Th , Faceof , Election , Founder , I Don T Know , American Majorit O , Security , Disengaged , Die T The Mideast Peace Process , Biden Harris , Message , Second , Talking , Ned Ryan , Saying , Nebeend , Let Ss , Anything , Costs , Pig , Biden Nomics , Credit Card , Lipstick , Smearing , Pit 10000 R , Cost Of Living , Americans Abou , John , 10000 , O Obamwe , Placelace , Cash Payments , Obama , Bn , Tal Ible Fort , 6 Bn , Looseningog , Release , Sanctions , Iran Haswe , 30 Billion , Islamic , Revenue , Appeasement , Dozens , Line , Biden Administration Sen , Empowerment , Money O , Hamas Holdingecono , Weakness , American Hostages , Malaise , Situation , Economy , Oer , Radical Islamic , Hostages Beinslami Being , Thrroristsaction , 1970 , Lebanoe Iranians , Deal , Hostage , Prices , Keepo Le World D , Mullahs , Nuke , Ukraine , Ned , Group , He It Doesn T , In Special Operators , Mediterranean , Extra W , Muchin , Sendere , Becausean Hee , Weak , Bidef , Board , Ec Weak , Biden Himsel , American Hostageslo , Shame , Mov , Miru Miraculously , Prayin Sittig , Heelo S And , Dev , Fiddles , Chine , Res , Heels , Chain , Iranian Proxieproxies , Eradice Hamas , Whaamerican Militam , Meal , Him , American Military , Completelyhiith , Thenit , Children , Propaganda Videos , Fox News , Bragging , Muchur , Ev En , Women , Evensome T , Preconception , Stem Graduates , Graduates , Engineer , Diversity , They Lhil Go , Hero Moment , Omethingd Go Forsome , Goal , Innovation , Figure , Mike Huckabee , Script , Ifee , Blueprint , Sp , Moon , Relaxium Sleep , Sleep , Night , Health Crisis , Arkansas , Sleep Deprivation , Thousands , Blood Pressure , Hundreds , Cardiovascular System , Immune System , Neurologist , Risk , Man , Benefits , Marriage , Miracle , 30 , Bottle , Mind , Call Today , Body , Sleep Cycle , Prescription , Sleep Doesn T , Sleeping Pills , Night Sweats , Chemicals , Unbelievable , Trouble Sleeping , Control , Relax , 1000 , Com , Try Relaxium , Bottles , 800 3848706 , 3848706 , 800 , Gentle Non Opioid Formula , Itat T E , Faces , Tu The , Witnesses , Names , Holocaust Museum , Murderesd , Many , Timery , Comfort , Happiness , Holocaust Survivor , Race , Soviet Union , Unioe , Life , Lives , Onei Love , Sister , Cancer , Grass , Mother , Holocaus Ts , There , Back , Ristia , Survivor , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Holocaust , Food Box , Giving A , Elderly , Gift , Food Aidt , 25 , Organization , Survivors , Impact , Jewish , Asing Thah , Malaria , Hate , Illnesses , Meng , Food , Clock , Ticking , Electricity , Dr , Shut Off , Wate Tic , Zoom Call , Family Members , Thosemi , Hostagee Fa Crisis , Througabh , Cnl , Ten , 15 , Everything , O , Status , Commitment , Everything Possiblebl , Daughters , Husbands , Wives , Sons , Asse , Personali , Gut Wrenching , Children Are Ives , Familiesto Thi , Becaus Biden , Special Operators , Releaslee , Clockre , Ransom Payment , Window , Extractions Oror G , Negotiations , Kidnap , Terror Group Releasingroup , Foy , 13 , Video , Families , Terrorist Propaganda , Momente , Ter , Fresn Hah , Four , Iraniansh , Prisoner , Regim Irae , Dangerous Po , Secretary , Secretary Of State , Americaprn , Fashion , Special Forces , Whye , Search And Rescue , Mike Pompeo , Sense , Intention , Notyour , T Jesse , Knowt , Operations , Door , Middle , Knock , Assistance , Comt , Throatsdlof Thean , It Musd , Wherendbut , Where Theseare , Crisis , Hostages Arehe , Hostageto , Partnersnd , W Americans , Power , Element , Israelisom , Havefr , Carrier Groups , Syria , Calculation , Yut , Herg E , Gg , Reconcilo Fundame , 180 , Thesee , W , Dozent , Show , Therthey , Appeas , A Billion , Six , A Billion Bucks , Regime , Americansk , Proxies , Againsn T , Desert Someplace , Cost Imposedappeasem , Itsel F , Knucklehea Them D , Price , Administrationenamericans Tr , Iranian Operatioarn , Blowing Up , Pro Palestinrie , Wr , The End , Concernedraegim Withs , Cu Blowld , Handle , Carnage , Israeling , Thes , Need , Capacity , Hamae Carne Answers , Placeants On October 7th , Worryino Much Di , October 7th , Problem , Seriousness , Whetheerrr Th , Houthis , Source , Shia Militias In Iraq , Folkshezbolla , Argument , Folks , Terrorist Hamas , Parts , Mistake , Musli Seriousn M , Difft , Deliverli American Power , Eithe , Life Worsestat , Havever Am D , Space , D Well , Duty Requirese , Congestee , Skin , Nutrition , Israel Ha Ws A Secret Weapon , Skin Care , Blends , High Point University , Premier , Hard Working , Radiant , Nourish , Life Skills University Where Student Transformation , Parents , Real World Preparation , Students , Points , Campus , Access , Career Outcomes , Leaders , Initiative , Country , Annuity , Income , Secrets , Family , Values , Hp , God , Book , Annuities , Baby Boomers , Cons , Pros , Annuity Do S , Retirement , Copy , Truths , Seniors , Terms , Boomers , Rates , Books , Annuity Income , Annuity Providers , Bonus , Annuity Rate , Human , 800 8680558 , 8680558 , 28680558 , Coming Up , Golo , Myi , Imagine That M Stac , Td , Golon , 60 , Results , Size , Try , My Sister In Law Triedol Golo , Realizedt On Gi Couldn T Fly , 50 , Hemoglobin , Plan Works , Mercy , 19 , 9 , Cleaning , News Headlines , News Business , House , Dishes , Vacuuming , Anywhere , Join Thousands Of Americans , Fox News Radio , Sirius Xm , Fox Corp , America Is Listening , Science , Doctors , Ground War , Airstrikes , Advantageto , Fox News Alert , Bu , Teddy Bear , Militarys Bulldozer , Primetime , Mountains , Toi , Bulletproo , Mines , Rpgs , Souped Up Armored Bulldozer , Mounted Machine Gun , Metal Blade , Souped , Panda , Bulldozersrolled , Israeltriona , Caterpillar , Bearbut , Buildingss , Remote , Hamasge , Tanks , Inexpensivel Insu Drones T , Spear , Tp , Arsenal , Insurgent , Idf Tankcas , Heavya Artillery , Game Changer , Drones , Orange , Ancient Ak Seven , Homemade Stingers , Unsophisticated , They L Memadel , Seven , Wiqt The Equipment , Beloshieldw Grouno , Bombers , Hiding , Burrowing , Onh , Home Turf , Fellow , Democracies , Foundation , Vengeance , Taste , Editor , Sen Kill Roggio , Defensiofellow Fe , Long War Journal , Gil , Teddyth Bear , Bill , Yes , Jonathan Gilliam , D Jo , Fbi , Tell Meen , Tools , Efforts , Enemy , Partrt Of Whats Got Israel , Bn Wit , Effectivl Bee , Clearing Lanes , Videos , Side , Grenades , Missiles , Flanks , Hopefully Dig Up Ieds , Rocketlled , Protectfa , Deployry Infantrymen , Orderin , Bulldozers , Decider R , Reliance , War In A Complex Environment Likx Ee This , Tedo , Tunnel , Telerl , Someone , Forf Certaimonen People , Throat , Corner , Sli , Wha , Tactics , Main Focus On , Wt On That , Overrelian H , Attackers , Iraq War , The Field , Thei , Startednd , 20 , Warfare , Key , Yoheu , On Technology , How Tae Enemy , Jusy Cano , O This Is Where Technology Canlo Work , Cad , Thea , Noct Makw , Operating Environment , Bunken R , Onceu Entt , Tunnel War , Entey T , Joystick , Communications , Battlefield , Addition , Antennas , Elements G , Kee Wdrones P Observation , Thermobaric , Weapon , Weapons , Makersat , Day Of Rage , Guys On Th , Thank You Ank Thankyou , Radical Islam , Great Analysiss , Elief Th Salon Pose , Corners , Medicine , Ingredients , Pain , Sizes , Improvement , 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Concentrator , 806 , 800 8649128 , 9128 , 8649128 , Chapter One , Escalation , Border , Tension , Coverage , Sirens , Blaring , Hearing Explosions , Supporterss , Bodak Yellow , Globe , Knife Attacks , Frenzy , Followers , Beijing , Staffer , Stabbed N , Teacher , Survived Surviv , Edin A Man Screaming , Allah Akbe Plungeamd , Therael Israeli Embassy , Nationals , Spills , Brownsville , French , Attack Hi , Eo Border Patrol , Everyday A , Supporters , Town Hall Meeting , Cities , Chicago , Beirut , Edgterdaye , Cops , New York , Times Square , School , Mob Community , Isfo A , Guest , Worst , Violence , Who , Israeli Soldierrmer Mor , Parentg Fos , Specificspecif Threat , Member , Me Now S Se , Sd Ginzberg , Sad , Expense , Fear , Hamas Cas N Be , Reports , Story , Report , Anothestr Gruesomeeo , Backing , Atrocities , Chicag Iow , California , Actions , Cutbeheads Babies T , Babies , Thessee , Streets , Protestingin , Bodies , Animal , Kills , Compassion , Hearts , Live Fro , News Alem , Marianne Rafferty ,

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