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Sean welcome to hannity and welcome back to our live video audience. Thank you all for being here. Its great to see you. What a great crowd we have tonight weve got a lot of news tonight, we begin with this fox news alert, majority leader Steve Scalise has jumped out of Speaker Of The House. Possibly paving the way now again for chairman jim jordan, the congressman for ohio pair o full report from the house is only moments away. It is 9 00 p. M. Right here on the east coast and 6 00 p. M. On the west coast, 4 00 a. M. In gaza tonight where israel has been unleashing major air fire on and tonight hamas is officially under siege this wil not end until hamas no longer exist. Terrorists of hamas are responsible, they are alone responsible with the immense Human Suffering on both sides o the gaza border. The media mob in the right wing democrats, they will see the proven rights. For defending itself, so be prepared for the Propaganda Fro Thought left to grow. Here are the facts tonight, the cannot produce their own clean water because Hamas Repurpose the citys plumbing because the wanted to produce more rockets to attack israel. Those that cannot produce its own electricity, because 322 accidentally knocked their Critical Infrastructure during Rocket Attack against israel an failed to rebuild a power plant after diverting aid and supplie and dig tunnels with israeli an american money and cement. U. S. Money, is really money, bu it was supposed to be used to build schools and hospitals. Tunnels to kill, israelis and others. Gaza doesnt even have a reliable source system because hamas when they dig it up, they wanted to turn the metal Sewage Points into more rockets for th terrorist of hamas are evil. Its that simple. As israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, hamas is isis. One isis flag was found with th hamas terrorist who invaded southern israel over the weekend. A fitting display of evil from group of barbarians responsible for what is the worst Terror Attack and israels history com up more 1300 murdered in a single day. That is roughly the equivalent bigfoot between all 37, 38,000 people based on our population that would have been killed in this country and one day. You contract that, on 2001, 9 11 , we lost 2,403 in the attack at pearl harbor, and those by the way were innocent, unarmed civilians killed in israel like isis, hamas, and th pictures released today online, you know what, i thought though with my bosses a little bit, bu they paid me, i dont have editorial control. I would show them to you with a warning, but i respect their decision. It is so graphic, i have seen them all and you cant get thes images out of your head. I have watched Isis Beheadings and they cant get the image ou of my head. May be in the long run its better you dont see it, but if you want to see it for yourself for example, look at the Prime Ministers account. Benjamin netanyahu account on x it is israel p. M. Hes posted some of these images photos of babies just a couple of months old with blood he heads, charre bodies, murdered by hamas. They even decapitated young babies head and tonight, happening, we have no more Breaking News. This fox news alert, plotting marter, listen closely to this very important tomorrow dates, tomorrow is friday the 13th, it is now officially been designated as a day of jihad fo leaders. They are calling for leaders to take to the streets with a message of anger. It wasnt enough for them to brutalize southern israel, now they want to tirades the entire world. Now we have to take these threats seriously. The lapd plan to increase patrols. The nypd has ordered all Cops T Report In Uniform tomorrow grea all of them. No days off. The fai is encouraging members of the public to remain vigilant , Pay Attention to this, so tomorrow, make sure, be observant of all your surroundings, avoid loud crowds if you avoid large cities, stay out of cities like new york and stay clear of any pro hamas rallies taking place. Already, earlier today in france , we have seen absolute chaos unfolding as the protesters were clashing with police on the streets of paris shutting down that parts of tha city, buildings vandalized, monument spraypainted and palestinian flags were draped over statues. By the way, in just the last 24 hours by the way, we had many arrested for anti somatic offenses. Antisemitism has been explodin in our country, the United States of america, especially o american campuses and universities during a pro hama rally at the university of washington. A group of protesters chanting there is one solution, revolution, take a look. [inaudible] there is only one solution. There is only one solution. [inaudible] they want to destroy israel, they want to drive them into th sea. Pretty disgusting and pretty despicable, this is our country. How is this happening on universities and this woke era, this era of political correctness, the era up if you hurt somebodys feelings, why i it being accepted by administrations at the top universities and this country . These modern dame i will call them clam rallies, you wont hear sympathy or condolences fo the dead babies in israel, youre going to blame the victims just pure hatred for quote the jewish people in to push israel into the sea, and annihilate israel, that is stuf you hear out of iran from the mullahs there and out multiple figures on wall street, they want the names of everybody spewing these hate from these Ivy League Institutions because they dont want to hear higher these partially indoctrinated bigots and antisemites even if they have a degree from harvard or sup socalled prestigious universities. The billionaire and halting all donations to demanding the Schools Leaders resign. Why . Because they failed to address the purulent antisemitism on campus and its not just you pen , its not just the 31 groups at harvard. They have dozens of Universitie Big And Small Hosting pro hamas rallies for these are the same campuses that conservatives get kicked off of all the time if they dare open their mouth. This includes georgetown in our nations capital. Students reported what chips in oreos at the pro hamas visit vigil. Many, corn carnell, vcu, texas a m have deep ties to carter setting up official branches in their countrys capital city. With their now living the life of luxury and their highrises, all while the people of gaza ar being told to give up their lives In The Name Of Allah and that they will review reported reward was 70 to if they kill innocent men, women, in children , people from america, the big satan or israel, the little satan. Carter needs to be told by the way if they are housing known terrorist, those places will become targets, that these Terrorist Leaders will be taken out too. They need to be told in no uncertain terms, it would be nice if we had a president that knew what day of the week it wa coming he might be able to convey that message. We will have to wait for the next president to do that. They may be refreezing viz. 6 million ransom paid payment that was the ransom for five u. S. Hostages. Jail kind of changed his mind, but why am i so certain, he is so committed to giving this money to iran, the number once date sponsor of terror. May be he will use one of those hunter or his familys mini shell corporations. Its it turns out that money was apparently going to Fund Terrorism throughout the world. Yes we talked about it over in over again. Yes, suddenly the bill is too big to swallow, it only took th worst Terror Attack in israel history for these idiots to eve begin thinking about the lane and finally seeing the light of the kind of people that they ar dealing with . Clearly this was only done, i will tell you here first, for political purposes. Now untruth social, more president president from slamming the Biden White House quote, the loosening of sanctions allowed 80 100 billion of gradient oil cells, much of which the regime poured into no wonder the world is in such absolute chaos. With President Trump falcon office, israel and everyone els will be safe again. More reaction and analysis to all of todays moot news in a moment. We take it to the ground in israel where greg is standing b with the latest. It seems like this for him or 5 00 a. M. Hour, the next two hours happened to be hours wher all week long that israel was striking targets all throughout gaza is that happening yet tonight . Absolutely, we are wrapping up night six against the war against thomas and its only getting more intense. Much of the nice we have been witnessing extended airstrikes we see the glow of last on the horizon just on the coast from ghaziabad 6,000 bombs have been dropped in just the last six days, that is hitting also getting civilians crossed in th crossfire. At the same time we are seeing at continuing buildup of Ground Forces all around us here in southern israel, Tens Of Thousands of reservists that have been called for the countr and in fact coming from all the world imploding in the United States ready to go in and when decision is made. The grim numbers are building up. 150 remain hostage inside gaza. The number of americans, 14. The u. S. Is planning charter missions. Americans out of israel starting tomorrow. Receiving a buildup of attentio along the border. Israeli soldiers killed between lebanon and northern israel, strikes against syria which is highway of aid from iran into israel, also skirmishes in the left bank and shootings in jerusalem. We are finding militants on thi side of the border in Israeli Forces dragging them down even today a couple of Miles Down Th road from where we are. Effect to you. It is 414 where you are. Thank you for being with us. Joining us now is senator marco rubio. How do you assess the situation and what americas role should be and what should israels response be . Hamas is an Organization Tha exists cover they dont hide that. For whatever reason, we dont believe these people when we sa these things, we think its a figure of speech to mean this. They are willing to slaughter babies and killed teenage girls in the desert or whatever to do it. They cannot coexist alongside group like this. No nation should be asked to with an armed element that is willing to wipe you off the earth. Israel has no option here. But to eliminate hamas. It is part of their strategy. In hezbollah desert as well. They take off running and they go hide under behind civilians. For a few days, everyone is out there on behalf. Within as the days goes on, hamas and the others go out and say liquid stun to let you they are hiding behind these people. This time it has to be different. Israel could not stop until thi job is done for americas job i to supply them with what they need to get the job done. Theyre not asking us to fight, theyre not asking for airstrikes they are saying if w run out of ammunition and equipment, we will buy it from you, but it should be Absolutel Aspirate it has to get done. Lets talk about the uranian factor in all of this. They are thinking iran for thei logistical support. I dont think theres a single rocket they would have but for Irani In Support and irans desire to wipe israel off the map. If it is true that the Irani An Revolutionary Regards and i hav talked to people in your position in washington, my sources have been very clear that there is evidence that proved beyond any doubt that iran was active and involved in the planning in the plotting of these Terror Attacks, do you agree with that, what can you talk about it and what should the consequences for iran be as the number one State Sponsor of terror . It is the reason why the sanctions have always made sens because iran takes every dollar you give them, not to build hospitals, not great hospital they take the money too sponsor terrorism. Its all of the militia groups that target americas, its wha they do and all those years wit the ids that were being built. All of that came from iran. Heres the bottom line. And of this matters for it all silly talk. That is actually irrelevant. Hamas does not exist. They do not exist without Irani In Support and they do not have any of the weapons equipment, o Technology Used in this attack without Irani In Support. I think the message on the United States means to be israe were take care of hamas. Anywhere in the region, by iran or a bite uranian proxies they hide behind. We will consider it an attack b the uranian state against the United States and will immediately and strongly respon to that. That message has to be cleared to iran, im not looking to engage in another israel war, but we cant allow iran to see this as reason to attack american troops and hide behind some group out there that they can claim wasnt them, but we know it was. It is inexplicable to me tha i dont know what, i just cant explain, why is it that the Obama Biden Administration were so obsessed with getting money to the uranian mullahs. They know where they stand, the know they are a Clear And Present Danger to world peace. We know it created scenario tha we never thought would unfold which happen where the u. S. , th saudis the jordanians, the egyptians all united together against irani ive been trying to ask the question, what is it about Barack Obama Joe biden, the Democratic Party that wants to be in business with people that are State Sponsors of terror . What part of terrorism are they having a hard time understanding . Take it we have a disease in th west of people that are critically naive. They think these people think like us that their priorities are like us. These are radical islamic jute regimes freight thats the ideology behind these groups. They dont value life the way w do. For them, ordered them somethin to aspire to peer they openly talk about how israelis and the westerns value life and they actually are willing to die and sacrifice. So we think there are belgiums we think they are friends, we think you can sit down with the and reach an agreement. You could not, not with these people for the only language they understand his strength. That is the case, that is the cultural difference we get bit by it every single time. Iran will use every dollar we give them to sponsor terrorism. If god for bid they get an nuclear weapon, they will use i not to threaten israel, but to try to destroy a. Im not talking about the peopl there are plenty of irani and that would like. Rid of the ayatollahs, but those of the people in country in charge of the country. The people who want their own country by the way so they can be the government of their own country are these bloodthirsty killers, the savages. Pray to believe we could somehow coexist with them is just not true. Its not real. They need to be wiped out, israel is going to do it. Not abandon them two weeks to now when the we start writing articles about how awful this i very it is the fault of hamas, they dont let them leave, and they hide behind them deliberately and we cant keep falling for this are they will be back to kill more jewish people and if they can get thei hands on us, more americans. Joe biden is feeling to uphold his oath of office. 7. 5 Million People illegally have entered this country aided and abetted by job i and his open borders policy. We will have 8 million Illegal Immigrants by the end of this year. I am 100 percent certain, you tell me if im wrong, 99 percen of those people according to last weeks congressional support were never deported. Why am i so certain among that group of 8 Million People that there are terrorist people with terrorist sympathies, Terrorist Cells that have made it into this country. Why am i so certain that one da we will wake up and we will be experiencing and i. To god that im wrong, but another 9 11 or a big Terrorist Attack on this country . And it will be from people he allowed into this country with no vetting at all whatsoever. What are the odds that im correct in my belief here . To give very high, if you take 8 Million People from anywhere in the world, and you dont fit them, 1 percent of them are bad people which i think the number we will say thats the number, thats a lot of people and thats the wrong number. Heres the other thing. You can buy a passport, venezuela will give it to these guys, you come to many countrie in latin america. They can buy a document that says their name is and it makes it sound like theyre from that country. And many cases were looking at documentation from people that they bought or was given to the from an official document. They come to this country under their identity. Put yourself in the why would you send someone here to go through tsa vetting or all the other things that come through customs when you can work up to the border and watch the news. They see how easy it is. To this country. If you are allocated today you wouldnt tried to get these people into you would tell them to go to the border, claim asylum and youll be released into the country and in some cases Public Benefits along the way. Thats just commonsense common sense it tells you that. The thing i fear the most, its not the organized organize plot but you have some chance of identifying it. Its the loan welcome of the on or two that here the day of rag that is supposed to happen tomorrow and they are inspired to take that moment to take a synagogue, to turn it into a Kill A Jewish person day. Which is in a part of the world a term that is used. Tomorrow, but in the days to come, the lone wolf attack is a real attack. As you have the effort to inspire violence coming from that. Everybody watching, i think youd agree with me, be vigilant , take it seriously. If they say it, i believe they mean it. Senator rubio, thank you for your time tonight. Now we turn our attention to th 2024 gop primary where here now to respond is nikki haley. I have interviewed Vivek Ramaswamy number of times. Everyones entitled to their opinion, but i dont think she is a child, i think she is somebody like many politicians in the position to get wealthy from more, now he is on later tonight, what would you like to tell him what is yours wants to him . I quit responding to him. At on trust him, i dont think he has any credibility. He says everybodys bought and paid for, its why i think hes sinking in the polls, and quite honestly, his comments on israe disqualified him from me along time ago. It doesnt matter what he says. What i want to talk about is th fact that five years ago i gave a speech at the un in that speech talked about the fact that i had worked with the israelis and they had maps, and those maps were from hamas. Hamas had these maps that said if they were able to get past the barrier these were the quickest easiest ways to get into the israeli communities to kill as many jewish people as they could. What i said than as we have to make sure that we never let the get crossed that barrier. I have been in israel and see than tuggle sprayed a bed on th border of lebanon and seen 130,000 rockets looking back at israel. Ive been on the border of gaza i have a refugee camp and ive seen how the palestinians live. Elected the buildings and solve the graffiti that said killed the, hate the jewish people. They would actually have textbooks in Math Problems like if you have five jewish people and you kilt for jewish people, how many do you have left freight if you have anything they give sympathy to gaza, dont listen to it. Where do they put those tunnels . They put equipment, they put ammunition, they hide hostages in thats where they hide to tr to do harm to israel. Where are those tunnels . They put them under schools, under hospitals because they know israelis value life. When you look at what happened the other day, how horrific it was when they were dragging bodies around the streets, what were they saying . Death to israel, death to america. Governor, i like you. Like you ive actually been there with flareups that have happened. Ive been there when border towns have been to the Border O Gaza where a nearby town the night before had been hit with the rocket. Ive seen the iron dumb it exited. I was driving a car during the flareup cover 150to hundred yards away i sought out rocket flint and blow blowup. We saw to boots that had been hit that the night before bird the hope is maximum destruction capability bird this is a clear present danger. Gaza will no longer exist and its current form and that hamas will no longer be able to operate from there with such gross close proximity is you have seen from your own eyes as i have seen invite other rocket from gaza into israeli towns an longer. I believe that capability will be wiped out. I believe that is the only answer brit. We have to eliminate hamas, but what i want america to remember we have seen the image as horrific as it is, we are seeing right now eliminate hamas. When they start that ground game , when israel starts to move into eliminate them further you will have all these other countries in youre going to have american say you need to show constraint, you need to be able to pull back great no, the need to eliminate them. We are supporting israel now because theyve been hit, but the more important part is we have to support them when they hit back as well. Dont tell them to stop, they saw too much death and destruction and hamas will do i again. We have to eliminate them regardless of how they try to intimidate us and we have to remember the reason we have the back of israel is not that we need that israel needs america, America Needs israel. They are at the front line of defense and the next thing they want is america. We should never be so arrogant to think we dont need friends. Governor, ambassador, thank you for being with us. We now have this fox news alludes, growing concern about these Terror Threats around the world as weve been telling you the call from the former head o Hamas For Mass Protest tomorrow and support of the palestinians in gaza. As weve been telling you all night theyre trying to call it a day of jihad. Security is being ramped up across the country tonight including where we are in new york city. Jeff paul has the very latest o all of this from our newsroom tonight where they are also gearing up their police and possible unrest tomorrow in los angeles and other cities. Ticket we will start in dc were Capitol Police say they are aware of multiple seashore medi calling for that quote date of jihad, but theyre not tracking any specific threats. Capital police will be enhancin on gnu on the 13th. In new york, the nypd is all th hands on deck tomorrow theyve canceled all vacations and want every single officer too show u in full uniform. The mayor says no credible threat at this time, but there will be a lot of protest that will spiral out of control. New york city is the most diversity in the world, protecting our residents is the most sacred responsibility we have. We have directed nypd to surge Additional Resources to schools houses of worship, to ensure that they are saphier eight tha our city remains a place of peace. To get back here in los angeles we reached out to the Fbi Field Office in la and they say they are aware and are asking adding extra security measures tomorrow. Backlash continuing to grow over a letter signed by over tw dozen Student Groups at Harvard University. The attacks are killed now 1300 and its a Growing Movement by some to expose the names of every individual student that supported the lead or in part because they dont want to hire them at major corporations, the dont want bigots and they don want antisemites, and they would like to deny those people employment opportunities. What do students and alumni think about all of that . We sent sara carter to cambridg to find out. It became a focal point. We had groups citing letters after this horrific Terrorist Attack these communities. There has been a big backlash and now its kinda been retracted, these letters have been retracted. Think its disgusting and shameful i think its appalling. I think no matter where you com politically, this is an defensible and unequivocal, it should be night without any hesitation whatsoever. I think this school has been weak in terms of responding. I saw this letter signed by thirtysomething groups saying that israel was responsible for the murder of some kids. I felt okay, calm down, calm down. People tend to be stupid. A lot of these organizations are starting to go back on thei words and on saying they dont actually want to have that now that i think it kate took off and became national news. Is there are politics involved, but children on both sides are hurts, like both side need help. We keep saying never again, ever again and once again never again is not. Its amazing that some of these people go to Harvard University because they seem to be some of the dumbest people ive ever heard. Go right ahead. You heard the lady in the end , she is an adjunct professor , an alumnus from harvard, her family suffered in russia and they fled russia. She believes coming to the United States would actually change things that she would be in a country she said where she would be free from antisemitis and the growing antisemitism that she faced in moscow for a cheese said she was stunned and shocked at the ntc images in in the United States over the past years and how its grown, even more so i have been talking to members of the idf by phone and via text All Night Long and all day long and they say they have a message for the American People. They want the American People t see the face of hamas and terror. I was in israel several months ago i was along the border i took of border tour with the id all along the border of the areas that were targeted by these terrorist. And one of the that i visited, over 29 people were murdered including two families. We have seen those horrible pictures and i think what is setting for the people here in boston those that were shocked by the letters in the outrage that came afterwards was the fact that so many young people have such lack of knowledge of what is happening in the middle east and many of the professors i spoke to on and off camera an many people here said its because of the way theyre bein taught and its because of growing antisemitism in the United States which is truly their biggest fear. Great report, sarah, my advice is to get out of harvard as soon as you can encase their ignorance is contagious. Joining is now with more reaction former Senior Advisor former michigan gubernatorial and the host of tommy laren is fearless, she is with us tonight , lets get your reaction , especially, you are very influential young people, and then you see these kids getting into the most prestigious universities and they are is done, ignorant bigoted as any kids overseen. Can you explain that . I cant explain it. Is either evil or ignorance and im hoping its just ignorance because ignorance can be can corrected and evil cannot. You talk to about this the othe night and im stunned because this isnt just harvard, these protests and demonstrations are going on and chemist campuses around the country some of them saying free palestine and other being much more antisemitic saying gas the jewish people in other horrible things from Thes Terror Organizations for this i ugly and disgusting. We talked about this the other night im still so perplexed an confused of where are the students on the campuses, the students that show out in mass from the Lgbtq Community in other groups on College Campuse that are loving and tolerant, that where are you . Where is your voice, you have one, you should use it. It shouldnt just be the jewish students coming out against this , it should be every student with morals and decency. They should be out shaming thos that are pro hamas and pro terrorist. These college kids are also relative when conservatives com to campus and they are definitely silent right now. That needs to change. Your reaction . I think we are watching year of indoctrination for so long. Blm has been around for a long time and this blm has been embraced by teachers unions, by schools, theyve they been brought in through are k12 trade years ago, blm was out there talking about palestine i talking about taking down the and was very nasty about this. They brought this into the schools. The students have been taught this freight now you see in our universities students coming ou signing these documents. They need to own that. Their name should be out there so that these businesses can seize his side these great when these students come out and say we dont have to pay ours schoo bilk about were no longer going to be the country of nola responsibility peripheral from now on you take responsibility whether its paying for college or you come out on the site of terrorist group, own it, put your name out there. I had the privilege of working for president President Donald Trump when securing our Immigration System from jihad they were rallying against america and thomas. There is immense among students here are here, for terrorism. This is a National Security issue, its a student safety issue. If you have any student who is expressing support that Student Needs to be deported. We need to reintroduce the travel ban the threat of our National Security, should not have sympathizers of hamas, sympathizers of the destruction and death of innocent people attending our universities and becoming part of america. Powerful comments moving through. Tommy, thank you. When we come back on my huge news out of washington. Steve scalise withdrew from the speakers race. He will join us live to explain. We will get Life Analysis right here in studio as we continue. Stay with us. Its time to use m ive got a choice, more than one answer. I sat down with my doc. We had a talk. Knew just what to say. I asked for cologuard and did it my way. Cologuard is a oneofa kind way to screen for colon cancer thats effective and noninvasive. Its for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your provider for cologuard. I did it my way vo in three seconds, pam will decide. pam im moving closer to the grandkids wait. 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The world is searching for peace, and it seems to elude our leaders, and maybe you wish you could have peace. Maybe your life is in turmoil, and you dont know where to go, or what to do. But you can have peace, and thats through the prince of peace. Thats the lord jesus christ, gods son who came to this earth to take our sins, where he died and shed his blood on a cross and on the third day, god raised his son to life. And you can have peace, not only now, but for eternity, by putting your faith and trust in gods son, jesus christ. If youve never done that, pray this prayer with me right now. Just say, god, im a sinner. Im sorry, forgive me. I believe jesus is your son. I want to trust him as my savior and follow him as my lord from this day forward. Amen. If you prayed that prayer, call that number thats on the screen. We have someone whod like to pray with you and speak with you. Do that right now. God bless you they are on day ten of not having the speaker which is a problem here they dont have an operational Speaker Of The House. They may go to the next man up, could a closed ballot on wednesday. Theres a lot of republicans, jim banks, the republican from indiana, indicated that he thought that he should be the person that they look at. Jeff van drew, republican from new jersey, indicated that they should give him a shot. They said, but legislation. So thats the problem. The house cant advance bills. They want to adopt a resolution to support israel and condemn hamas. They cant even do that. And theres another quartet of people here on capitol hill who are saying if we cant get somebody like scalise or jordan or anybody else, maybe we should try to go back to Kevin Mccarthy, the former speaker. You know, he didnt rule that out during an interview on brett baers Program Interview on the bret baier program earlier tonight per ata ignored case earlier tonight in the other thing too watch for i theres another group of republicans that think maybe they should try to empower. He is the speaker pro tem. Until he with israel. Can you repeat all that . Honestly. Absolutely. I know you could. Thank you for staying, we appreciate it. We know you been working on it the past couple of days. Joining is now with reaction, i studio, lets get a warm, new york, welcome to the former Speaker Of The House. I walked out, i did not get a Standing Ovation, you did get a Standing Ovation when you walke in. I will just say this before we talk about this. It wasnt balance for decades before. It hasnt been balanced since. How many times in your lifetime and, as i look. Its been the Federal Reserve actually a given. We fought for pay off the debt by 2009. It takes leadership in 1856, it took two months and 103 votes t get someone. Mccarthy had 180 votes when they first went to a vote. Scalise was at 113. Its a big mountain. The key number here for all of you is to oneself and for there are couple of vacancies. I keep telling people, youve got to 17. Having the speaker pro tem, mchenry mpower, which they coul do, but to have him empowered t bring the house in and pass significant legislation. Keep moving forward, they put them up in. You cant just sit around week after week in the modern world. Its a very different environment. At some point, the hardest nose most difficult numbers have to get a grip on themselves and understand this freight when they had the votes on firing th speaker, the fact is that he ha Kevin Mccarthy at 96 percent of the house conference. There were 24 votes for him for every vote against him. Lets come with the people i think of as Benedict Arnold sided with the democrats to defeat their own conference. Theyve got to come to grips with all of this. Thats what makes it hard. If you are noisy enough and nasty enough that you go on tv enough, some of these guys are raising millions, just by being negative and nasty. So for them its a profit. I think that is something weve got again. We have to come to grips with all of this freight the longterm solution is 34 republicans year. Then you can afford to have fiv people, but if your total margi is five or six. They better get their act together. Americans people will run in. But on the other hand, joe biden at the border. Let me ask you this. You are watching this all unfold. What should happen . I would talk to people all day we have to state in a positive way of liberating the people of gaza from hamas. If hamas was no longer there, they could have peace in they could actually have prosperity. They could be neighbors. It will never happen while hama is there. Destroying hamas is important for israel. Second, and i hope that Congres Will Adopt A Very Strong Revolution that says the destruction of hamas is a strategic goal of the United States. We will stay with israel as lon as it takes to destroy for us t go through this horrible thing and have them is it enormous strategic defeat for it. Doesnt it really mean that gaza has got to be eliminated. The proximity, ive been there, even there. They have tokyo, what they have to do is allow everybody whos a civilian to lead in basically build places in the center as Refugee Centers long enough to clean out gaza if people refuse to leave, they ar in Effect Writing with hamas an then will suffer the consequence. You can see why it is hard i a great historian as far as the professor for its i learn every time i have you on. You have always been a dear friend of mine. We love having you in studio. Does the audience like having new tier . [applause] our continuing coverage of the war in israel when we return. Were traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. Hows the heart . Good. You sure . I think so. How do you know . Let me show you something. Put two fingers right on those pads. Look at that thats your heart that is pretty awesome. With kardiamobile, you can take a medicalgrade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. Kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. Kardiamobile is now available for just 79. Order at kardia. Com or amazon. When you need to prepare for unpredictable adventures. gasp you need weathertech. [hot dog splat. ] laser measured floorliners front and rear. [drink slurp and splat. ] scream Seat Protector to save the seats. [honk ] theyre all yours were here hey, i knew you were comin. So i weatherteched the car can we get ice cream . We can now. Kid proof your vehicle with American Made products at weathertech. Com. Sean all right, we are continuing our coverage of israel being at war with hamas. Some of our upcoming guests including senator josh hawley former Secretary Of State conned lisa rice, her first comments, Vivek Ramaswamy in a battle with nikki haley and other Breaking News right here on Hannity Including whos going to be the next Speaker Of The House as the second hour of hannity starts right now. Sean all right it is 10 00 p. M. On the east coast, 7 00 p. M. On the west coast, and it is now 5 00 a. M. In gaza. We begin this hour with a fox news alert. Troubling news from the leaders of hamas. The terror group is now calling for tomorrow to be a global jihad day to take place all around the world. Law enforcement all around this country, they are on high alert tonight, especially in many of our big cities. Many universities, major cities, are moving forward with another round of pro hamas rallies in the middle of jihad day. Already this week at the university of washington, Terrorist Sympathizers calling for a violent solution to the, quote, israel problem. The years these far left universities, they have been punishing students for socalled micro aggressions, and misgendering others, and giving feeble vapors. And, you know, theyre told words are violence. About you now with actual threats of real violence and Threats Against the israeli people, Threats Against, quote, the jews, these colleges and universities, their silence is deafening as they do nothing, despite the pleas from fearful students that are in a State Of Shock over the hatred and the rabid and virulent antisemitism. We want our people safe. We want our people [crying]. We want to stay. Please end it, please sean every university i want you to pause. All you people on these big School Boards i want you to pause. Every president of every university where this is taking place, did you just hear that girl . They want us dead. And youre doing nothing to stop it . Who is the victim here. Why, when you refuse to let conservatives on your campuses to speak, its okay to support openly terrorism . But dont worry, theyre going after moms and investigating with the fbi as domestic terrorists because they dare to speak at a School Board Meeting or people that are pro life. That rhetoric is as violent as it gets. Supporting terrorism, as long as its directed at people they dont like, you know, okay, they can do whatever they want. We have a serious festering, very real problem at americas colleges. They are indoctrination centers. This is not an education and it must be addressed in this country. But tonight, all eyes remain on gaza where strikes are continuing even into this hour. Here with the very latest, hes on the ground, he is in israel, it is now 5 03 a. M. His time, greg palkot is with us. Greg the latest now. Reporter hi, sean, yeah, we are wrapping up tonight six of israels war against hamas. Its a bit quiet now but it has been intense through this night. Much of this night weve been witnessing extended air strikes by the Israeli Air Force against hamas militants targets in gaza, sometimes one bombing we witnessed, we see the glow we hear the explosion, one every five minutes or so. Of course thats doing a lot of damage not just to the militants but the civilians caught in the cross fire. 15,000 palestinians thought to be dead and we continue to see the build up of the army awaiting the word to go into assess a. We see military tanks and artillery some being used against gaza on the other side of the border as well as Tens Of Thousands of reservists being called up waiting for the word. And the grim numbers do build, 1300 now thought to be killed by hamas militants here in israel, 27 americans, 150 people remain hostage inside gaza. We think its about 14 americans right now. On thursday, we put a face to those numbers. We went to the funeral of a 22yearold young lady who went to that Music Festival on saturday that turned into a hamas blood bath. Take a look and listen. Pure unfiltered raw emotion, tears and pain and a huge crowd gathered at the cemetery in central israel. For the young woman, kim dante, who hides in a bomb shelter at that festival and then dyed in the Terror Blood Bath following a short life in which she gave much to her country. Her people, the arts. In attendance, family, friends, loved ones, towns people coming out to pay their respects to show their love. She was full of life, very happy, very intelligent. She just wanted to do everything good in her life. She just went to a party and never came home because those people just murdered them in cold blood without any chance. She was amazing girl with a big smile. Always like show her love to everyone. When she was there, everything was a little bit better. Reporter sean, we asked kims mother if she could sum up her late daughter in a word or two. She just replied, a smile. A smile no more. Back to you. Trace greg palkot, thank you for that report. Thanks for staying up early in the morning like this joining us now missouri senator josh hawley is here with us to explain. Lets start with our colleges, our universities. We had a debate on this show last night senator. We can cornell west and Allen Dershowitz debating this issue. Cornell west mostly agreeing with the harvard groups, all 31 of them, on the issue of blaming israel and israel only. And he said, they just needed to be more nuanced. And im like, were talking about supporter terrorists. How is it that, you know, a Prestigious University like harvard could be so could have students this, frankly, dumb and ignorant . Makes me want to send my kids to a state school, any day, over that institution. You know, and that same institution, sean, as i recall, was quick to fly the flag of ukraine over harvard yard, but now, when israel is under attack, their terrorists are murdering children, cutting off the heads of baby, they want to wipe israel off the face of the map. Lets be honest they would kill every jew in the world if they could. Thats what the terrorists want and to be silent in the face of that or to celebrate it as these crazy Student Groups are doing . What i want to know is whos funding these Student Groups. I hope the doj is investigating where the money is coming from. Are there Terror Groups who are part of these networks who are infiltrating our campuses . This is crazy stuff were seeing on these campuses. For these administrators to have theory hand out to take federal taxpayer money and at the same dime be silent or silently condone this kind of terrorism, it is grotesque. Sean let me ask you about the letter sent to Secretary Of State blinken demanding more Travel Assistance and guidance for americans stuck in the conflict. The initial comments by joe biden and his administration were pretty much sorry, commercial flights are cancelled. Stay in touch with your State Department official. Sounded an awful lot like, oh, we will not abandon americans in afghanistan and to this day there are americans caught Behind Enemy Lines because joe didnt keep his promise, nor did he keep his promise to our allies in the region, many of which have been killed as a result of him not keeping that promise. And get them out of there if such a day ever occurred. So i ask, you they have no plan, they seem to be pressured into doing things that they dont want to do and this is one of them, because i guess they announced today they will do it, finally. Well, this is the second time in two years now, sean, where weve had americans who are stranded in a war zone and the administration seems to have no idea what to do. And youre exactly right, their initial response was literally buy a plane ticket. Thats what the pentagon spokesman said, buy a plane ticket. Americans cant buy plane fix there are no flights. Now the administration comes out today says were going to try to get them out, making some effort. Its too little too late in my view. Sean we have americans who have been kidnapped, americans who have been killed. Somebody from My Home State Of Missouri is among those who murdered there in israel by these terrorists. So there is a a lot for the administration to explain. And lets not forget, the ultimate explanation is ydid joe biden give 6 billion to iran when they were helping plot, it seems, these Terror Attacks. Unforgivable. Sean can you answer your own question . Why . Why is this obsession with obama and biden to give all this money, billions of dollars, to Iranian Mullahs . You know, i dont know the answer to that other than i think frankly they just dont seem to like the state of israel very much. Listen to this theyve also given biden has, hundreds of millions of dollars to the corrupt palestinian leaders. And we now see where that money is going. We see what its being used for in these attacks. There shouldnt be a dime given to these corrupt leaders, not a further dime. And, of course, that iran money, that should never ever have been given it needs to be withdrawn immediately. We shouldnt be negotiating with terrorists. This is joe bidens Foreign Policy on display on exhibit. It is total chaos. It is disaster around the world and ultimately it is danger for the United States of america. Sean we can now hear and see in the background, and this has happened every night this week when weve been on at 4 00 a. M. And 5 00 a. M. In gaza where we are now seeing explosions, seeing and reported in gaza. You can hear it, you can see it in the background. Theres been a number of rockets that have gone off in just the last, you know, literally three minutes as weve been on the air and they continue to come in apparently every minute or so. This seems to be a moment, if you believe Prime Minister netanyahu, the mid east will never be the same and that this will be his Military Action when this Ground Incursion begins. This will reconfigure the middle east and, number two, he said, that it will be talked about for generations by people in gaza. That sounds to me like he is going to annihilate the threat that has been gaza, that has economisted now for exited for such a long period of time. Sounds like those days are over. I certainly hope the Prime Minister does whatever he needs to do to keep israel safe. They need to be able to keep their own people safe and by keeping israel safe he keeps the United States of america safer. These are terrorives we shouldnt be shy about saying it, they are terrorists butchers murderers, and they would kill every american too when they are finished killing the israelis. It is important israel be able to defend itself and the United States gives israel all the support it needs and we need to be put together a coalition. Sean senator hang on, that is a live bombing that youre hearing right now in the background. The real sights and sounds live in gaza happening as youre speaking. Please go back to your comments. I did not mean to interrupt you. Not at all. I just think its important that right now that the United States, its very clear about whats happening here. We need to speak with Morale Clarity which is what we are seeing is evil. What we are seeing is terrorism and the state of israel has a right to exist, it has a right to defend itself and the United States needs to be 100 clear, we are going to stand with israel as they defend themselves and their people. Sean Josh Hawley Senator of missouri, thank you for being with us. We appreciate it. You can hear it, that is a live bomb going off in gaza as we speak. Here it is now 12 minutes after 10 00 here on the east coast. Thats 12 minutes after 5 00 a. M. In gaza tonight. Seems like these hours that we have been on have been hours of heavy fire by israel into gaza. Obviously leading the way into what is now a very predictable incursion that will be taking place. We now have the positioning of israeli troops right near the border, over A Hundred Thousand of them ready to go in. Over 500,000 reservists on the ready as well. All right. We saw this, by the way, in our first hour. We heard from 2024 president ial candidate nikki haley. She joined us and had this to say about her gop rival, who attacked her, Vivek Ramaswamy. Take a look. I dont trust him. I dont think that he has any credibility. He throws these things, he blames and says everybodys bought and paid for with no evidence whatsoever. Its why i think hes sinking in the polls and, you know, quite honestly his comments on israel disqualified him on me a long time ago so it doesnt bother me what he says. Sean here now to respond 2024 republican president ial candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is with us. You know i was a little surprised, i know you were on with tucker, and im open to anybodys opinion, but you kind of, what youre doing here is saying about nikki haley is youre saying that her concern for israel is driven by financial and a Corrupting Influence, and your explanation that theres disproportionate focus on rape, kidnapping and murder of the jewish people in this attack and, your quote, that will are frankly financial and Corrupting Influences that lead them exactly to speak the way they do. Sean. That is sean, that is a shameful mischaracterization. Sean vivek stop right now ill read the exact you do this in every single interview. You say stuff and then you deny it. You deny your own words. So, you know, why dont you just own what you say and stand by it and stop playing these games. I am owning what i say. Sean, i am owning what i say. Im telling you. Sean youre a smart guy. On twitter and x anytime they want. Yeah, i absolutely do. Sean maybe we have a debate that we need to have in our party. Whats inning armenia was a separate discussion that i had and i do believe that it is shameful that by janice getting away with what they are because they have a powerful lobby in the u. S. But it is shameful to ex train late that to israel where i have been Crystal Clear it is barbaric it is medieval and it is wrong and israel has the right to defend itself from the fullest extent. Where i differ from other candidates in this field is that i also believe that this is israels decision to make the u. S. Should stand with israel but we need to be very careful not to enter a broader regional war in the middle east. That is not. Sean i have not heard a single republican vivek i have not heard a single republican call for that. But i really want an explanation here. Actually. Sean no, i want an explanation. I respectfully disagree with you. Sean i want an exact explanation for your exact comments that are there frankly financial and Corrupting Influences that lead them exactly to speak the way that they do. Now why would you say what are financial Corrupting Influences that nikki haley is taking a position on . Weve got pictures of dead babies decapitated, burned babies bodies. We have the equivalent of what would be populationwise in the u. S. Over 37,000 dead americans. So how much more evidence do you need . What are you talking about . Sean, what im talking about is whats happening in israel is an atrocity and the u. S. Absolutely. Sean youre not answering my question. Should stand with israel. But the second question the Corrupting Influence on our politicians, the fact of the matter is anybody who has been a military contractor, anybody who has made 8 million including on serving on the Board Of Boeing collecting Stock Options while running for u. S. President on corporate boards, made money for Military Contracting through Family Business is disqualified from being a u. S. President in a time of war. We cannot see our march to World War Three in this country. My top priority from a Foreign Policy perspective is avoid World War Three secure this homeland make sure that we actually secure the u. S. Homeland. Excuse me. Your words. Sean if you want me to answer the question. Sean ive given you plenty of time to answer the question im going to restate your words. Frankly Corrupting Influences that lead them exactly to speak the way that they do when they talk about atrocities with israel. Now youre telling me that if somebody in some capacity when they talk about atrocities from israel, dont mislead your audience. Sean okay. Dont mislead your audience. Sean you are saying there are frankly financial and Corrupting Influences that lead them exactly to speak the way that they do. Now, if youre saying yes. Sean with those exact words of yours, youre not denying them again are you . Those are your exact words. If thats what youre saying, my question is simple to you. Youre saying if somebody works for a defense contractor, that that is a financial corrupting position when National Security and defense is critical to the cause of freedom and has been throughout Human History . Why would you accuse nikki haley of being corrupt . I dont believewell, i dont believe that somebody should be able to be the next Commander In Chief if they have monetized their time in government, going from being in debt to making 8 million through Military Contracting businesses through service on the Board Of Boeing. Frankly it is shameful for somebody to be collecting Stock Options from corp. Could rate boards while running for u. S. President. We already have one family in the white house, okay, who i believe sold off our Foreign Policy to advance their private interests. The Republican Party needs to be better than that, needs to be a party where if your campaign is principally being run by super packs people can give unlimited amounts of money to your campaign. I dont think that bee fits the Republican Party. I think we need to be better than that. So sean you and i may have a different view on that. Sean i have a different view. If youre making money off your time in government i dont think youre fit to be president of the United States. More importantly whats our policy, stand with our allies while avoiding World War Three and thats where im at. A lot of people dont think youre qualified because you werent voting republican until, what, 2020 . Well, sean, it depends on what your objectives with this interview are. I voted libertarian in my first election i voted republican in 2020. Im not a partisan hack. Im an independent minded patriot. Sean sounds to me like you want to jump from the private sector yourself where you made a lot of money, which by the way i applaud capitalism and successful people. I think people working in the defense of our country and Defense Industry are playing a vital role for the cause of freedom. So i dont really call it a Corrupting Influence or suggest that somehow suggest thats a Corrupting Influence. One of the things people can do. Sean defense contractors. But one of the things i loved about that interview with tucker, one of the things i was able to do is we were able to have a thoughtful conversation and go deep into issues rather than this kind of political got you. Sean we could do that. You could. Sean you go on these interviews. I have nothing but nice things to say but hears your problem. You go on these shows, people quote your exact words and you deny your own words. And im saying, if youre going to be a president ial candidate. Sean far from it. Sean im going give you your exact words. Sean you have been sitting here for years talking about the Fake News Media. Sean im enjoying this. You have been laughing about the Fake News Media how many times for the last several years and now youre buying the main Stream Media Narrative when you know how corrupt it is. This is a corrupt game. Sean excuse me im quoting your exact words. Did i not quote your exact words. Did i or did i not quote your exact words . Regarding bijan and armenia yes you did, about a different topic, where people should actually get their own information rather than filtered through centralized media. I think its as nine that somebody in the Defense Industry should not be qualified to be president. I think people who never Held Public Office like you maybe theyre not qualified to be president. Well come back and continue, former Secretary Of State conned lisa rise her first tv interview since saturdays Terrorist Attack straight ahead. Wolf dont mind me. 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Dr. Thanks for being with us havent seen you in a long time. It has been a long time. Great to be with you. Sean great to have you. You know a lot about terror. When you extrapolate out, ive been trying to give perspective how big this attacks was. Over 1200 dead israelis as of now and probably will be more by the time the count is full and complete. And when you extrapolate that out and you look at the israeli population and you apply that same percentage to the u. S. Population, it would be the equivalent of losing over 37,000 americans in a single day. We lost 2,977 people on a day you know well, 9 11 01. And the magnitude of that, i dont know if people understand it around the world. What does it mean to you . Well, the magnitude of it is extraordinary and i said to people sean, yes, there are the lives that were lost in that way, but it would be as if the terrorists then went into small new york towns and slaughtered people up close that they exterminated people, that they cut off the heads of babies. This, the scale of this brutality and this barbarity is something we havent seen in a very long time and i think you have to look at both sides of it. The loss of life is horrendous but what the people of israel are feeling in terms of the shock of what this was like, i just cant even imagine it. Even after having been myself the National Security advisor on september 11th. Sean are you as shocked as i am as the level of antisemitism weve seen around the world our own College Campuses and cities and towns dallas country . Did you ever think you would see people in australia saying gas the jews, f the jews, or have tomorrow a day of jihad all over the world which should scare anybody in any city that would be a target. Pretty frightening times madam secretary. It is. And im shocked by it and im saddened by it, sean, because antisemitism is always just beneath the surface in a lot of places. I did a lot of work with the Anti Defamation League when i was secretary. I spoke at a couple of events that they had and this kind of hatred is something that im afraid has been part of the fabric unfortunately of civilized places for a long time. So yes im saddened but i also am hopeful that there are voices that are speaking strongly about the hate that this is, that are speaking about and con deeming Terrorist Attack. And thats what it was. Its a brutal kind of attack that we havent seen since perhaps isis was roaming around the middle east. Yes its sad. I do think its an opportunity in places like our own universities to say to our students, take the time to understand this conflict in the middle east, understand that is israelis have tried to help and a lot of decent palestinians have tried to and every time weve gotten close to peace, hamas and hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic jihad have done something to dash the hopes of innocent palestinians. And so they these are not the liberators of the Palestinian People. These are the oppressors of of the Palestinian People and these of course are the barbarians who attacked the israelis. Sean what do you make of the reports, Wall Street Journal and many other source and hamas and hezbollah admitting themselves admitting irans involvement in this. Irans the number one State Sponsor of terror. Yes. Sean to me i think they have to be held accountable. To me that would mean Military Action in this sense, im not even saying necessarily by the United States, taking out their refineries because that is the source of their income to fund terror. And, number two, we know where these Nuclear Facilities are and if theres ever a marriage between radical Mullahs Ideology and Weapons Of Mass Destruction i believe they would use them but thee sites we know are located deep buried underground it would be a very difficult Military Mission to take them out. But i think the world has to, at some point, probably soon take them out. Your reaction . Well, i would start by saying that, yes, iran, a State Sponsor of terrorism bears some responsibility for what has happened. I know there are questions about how directly were they involved, but, you know, we know that iran is the major the primary funder of hamas and Palestinian Islamic jihad, they are the trainer of these groups. And, of course, they were celebrating in tehran when this happened. The question of what we do more broadly about iran i think is an important one. For starts, lets not go back to the pre tense that we can have an agreement with the iranians about their Nuclear Facilities. Lets not go back to the place where we were releasing funding to the Iranian Mullahs who then just used that funding for hezbollah and hamas. That would be a good start. And lets try again to isolate the iranians in the way that we had earlier in the Bush Administration and the trump administration. The idea that you can deal with the iranians, you might find reasonable ways to deal with the iranians, seems to me this is just one more example of what weve seen over the last few days that the iranians are a revisionist power, they are the most dangerous power in the region and oh, by the way sean we gave up military facilities in afghanistan, a country that has a Hundreds Long Kilometer Border with iran. That was a mistake in its own right. And so how to deal with iran, i think it starts with isolating them. I think it starts with what actually the Biden Administration has done sending the Battle Carriers into the region is a good idea but this should really erase any notion that the Iranian Regime can be dealt with. Former secretary of Condalisa Wright been way too long good to have you with us straight ahead tonight trey yingst. Caught on camera troops capturing one day. And how intelligence was unprepared for saturdays attack and concern for the future. What does that mean . Thats next as we continue. Thank you for being with us. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. It changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. It changes your smile and how others smile at you. Clearchoice Network Doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. Because a clearchoice day changes every day. 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Get kardiamobile today for just 79 at kardia. Com or amazon. Dude . Dog food in the fridge . Its not dog food. Its freshpet. Real meat. Real veggies. Real weird. He was bad luck anyway. Sean all right this is a fox news alert. You are looking at live images, this is from gaza city right at this hour where the Israeli Defense forces now apparently launching targeted attacks yet again. It seems to happen at their 5 00 a. M. Hour every single night this week. And earlier today fox newss own trey yingst actually had to dodge bullets while reporting on the ground. Take a look at this. We just heard a gunshot and theyre yelling at people to get out of the area. You consider yourself get down, get down lay down flat. Lay down, lay down totally flat. You can see things are very tense here. There were two gunshots and now they have someone on the ground. Go back right now. On the floor. Very intense right now as the soldiers appear to be arresting a palestinian man. They have him in handcuffs right now. You can see they have blind folded him, and they are taking him away. You can see here, theyre leading him away, theyve blind folded this man, and it appears they have captured yet another militant who entered from the gaza strip. Sean you can see how dangerous it is for all reporters, all networks. We know exactly what has happened, for example, you know, look at our own Benjamin Hall and what happened to him. Anyway, look at these images, they are live. This is gaza now. Israel is obviously that is live. Those are real bombs going off as they continue, i guess what is lead preparation of what we expect to be a Ground Incursion any moment even. Anyway here with more Israeli Council for Media Affairs itai milner is here. Thank you for being with us. Everybody welcome him. Thank you [cheers and applause] sean israel has been sending messages to the innocent people of gaza, get out, because if you stay you will die. It shows a concern, a compassion for not having what we call Collateral Damage, innocent people losing their lives. That has gone on for days. We now know that is reel is amassed Massive Force on the border, Ground Incursion is expected. The Prime Minister has been very clear. What are we expecting . The only thing that we can expect is that we will do Everything Possible to eradicate this threat. We cannot live with this anymore. We tried to contain it for years. We tried to defend ourself through all kind of like protective defense machinery, like rockets, but, you know, nothing works. At the end of the day, its a threat to us and its a threat to the world. Sean it is a threat to the world. Terrorism is a threat to the world. Again live bombing going in in gaza as israel preparing their way for the Ground Incursion. Let me ask you this. If israel wants to neutralize forever the threat, that is the close geographical proximity of gaza to israeli towns, Border Tourngs does it have to eliminate gaza . Because it seems like that would be the only way. We are not there to wipe out gaza. We are there to wipe out hamas. Yes it is challenging because it is a very small Geographic Area im sure you know. Sean ive been there. Yes, and hamas will do everything it can to actually put its people on the front line and this time even our people and your people and its going to be challenging. But, you know, the idea has been there before, never in a situation like this, but im sure that theyre going to do the right job. Sean but how do you possibly distinguish . You know, we know the tactics of hamas. Its a terrorist organization. We know they use innocent Men Women And Children as human shields. How do you possibly, you know, delineate between those that sympathize with terrorists, those that are terrorists with innocent civilians . How do you possibly do that . You know, hamas is responsible for whats going on there. We cant be responsible for everything. When we try to avoid Collateral Damage and were doing it for years but at the end of the day its on hamas and if he puts his people on the front lines, if he uses his people as human she would, thats for them to blame. Sean would you expect us any moment now, the Ground Incursion. I dont want to put more details, you know, to reveal when were going to attack. I can say that its going to happen. Sean if you know can you tell me privately after the show . Later on ill text you. Sean give me all the details. Anyway, im praying for innocent people, that their lives be saved, and it is a devastating blow and a shock to your conscious. You have a very small population, you have a very small Geographic Area and you deserve peace and you deserve and have every right to defend yourselves whatever need or force you need to use. Thank you, sir, for being with us. Thank you. Thank you to the United States. Sean thank you. Itay, thank you. Tonight there are growing concerns of a possible intel failure is connected to the brutal hamas Terror Attacks. U. S. Officials are now saying iran may see an opportunity to attack American Force was growing instability in the region. Meanwhile, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair mike mccall is now saying egypt warned israel days before the brutal attacks. He joins us more along with former Deputy Assistant secretary of defense for strategy and forced development, Elbridge Colby is back with us. Congressman, let me start with you. Do you know for sure that egypt gave intelligence and a specific warning that this was coming to israel days before . There were warning signs sean. The fact is hamas had been preparing for months, maybe six months to a year, going undetected. We dont know at what levels that intelligence was shared with. I seriously doubt it got to be to Prime Minister netanyahus desk. I know him very well. If it had, i think he would have been fully reaped for this assault. But its their 9 11 as you have talked about and as we had a failure of intelligence, i think, you know, were going to have to look back on this, both israel and the United States is how did this happen . Why didnt we see it coming before it happened when they were preparing for maybe six months to a year in gaza before this horrific attack occurred. Sean well, i mean, at the end of this im sure theres going to be a lot of second guessing how this could possibly happen. Congressman, you would agree with me, im pretty sure, that is reel has the Gold Standard of when it comes to intelligence gathering between the cia and israels intelligence forces, i think youre looking at the best in the world taking aside deep staters that would abuse their power, which is only the upper echelon, not the rank and file in our country. Would you agree with that . So it seems like almost an impossibility that they could miss this, especially if they had a direct warning. Correct. I think the gaza is very difficult in terms of human intelligence, its hard to break through there. But the fact is, you know, this happened, and i think moving forward i support Prime Minister netanyahus full force attack in gaza to eliminate these terrorists from the face of the earth. I think hes absolutely right in that. I was at this kabitts1 year ago with Kevin Mccarthy before they dropped 1,000 rockets on them and i saw all these people in the Day Care Center and i got a Call Last Sunday after the attack telling me that everyone was massacred in that village and the Day Care Center, the babies and the children, were slaughtered and beheaded. Sean by the way this is shear evil and all roads lead to iran. Sean i agree with all of that, these are live imajts, right now gaza under heavy israeli fire. This just breaking, fox news alert. Israel has told the un to evacuate the Northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours. That means maybe sometime, this time tomorrow night, the ground war will have begun. Let me go to you if you dont mind, Elbridge Colby and ask you, first your reaction israel telling the un to evacuate the Northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours, that is about a clear a sign that this is eminent. Well, i think thats right and i think this is, you know, probably a harbinger of whats to come. I think the way to look at is is president hertaugh of israel saying if somebodys preparing to shoot a missile out of their kitchen what are you supposed to do . They are taking precautions and should and thats right but they also have to be effective and, you know, hamas has conducted what is equivalent to their 9 11 and we were right to respond to 9 11 by going after al qaeda and afghanistan and so forth with, you know, a sort of cold fury and israel has the same right, i think. Sean yeah. Let me ask you this. As you watch this, this is live fire that were watching at this hour. As you see this and you put this together with this israeli warning to the un to evacuate gaza within 24 hours, it seems to me that the israelis are making their final preparations in terms of taking out specific Strategic Sites in gaza for the lead up for this war. One of the things i would be most afraid of if i was with the idf or planning this attack and sending troops into gaza is that i would imagine in these days leading up to this that the hamas have set many a booby trap, probably many ieds, probably would, you know, attempt to stop any movement of any israeli troops. How big a danger would that be, in your view . I think its very dangerous and i think theyre trying to prepare the battle space. But what weve seen, i actually take exactly congressmans view about the quality of Israeli Intelligence services but even this rightly vaunted Intelligence Service was surprised by an area that they really kind of control from an intelligence Point Of View or high level surveillance over. So my sense is they are taking the precautions but they are prepared for a bloody flight that might look like some of the expeditions they had in like the 2014 campaign. Its going to be a long hard struggle but they have to restore deterrence and we should have their back. Theyre not asking us to get involved. We dont want to get e messed in another large eastern war but we should be able to back up our close ally israel and my view on the president , the remarks the other night is he was getting very much on his high horse and im saying to myself, today lloyd austin saying they can walk and chew gum. Thats not true. They have been spending a lot of money and weapons we should be able to do like we did in 1973 and were not able to especially with a close ally willing to fight its own battles. Let me ask you Congressman Mccall The Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs committee how would you interpret israels comments to the u n to evacuate Northern Gaza in the strip within 24 hours. This Breaking News and what do you make of what were seeing live unfolding right now at this hour . And that is a lot of, a lot of fire in gaza as israel now clearly preparing the final steps before a ground invasion. Well, this is the second phase. The first phase is a knockout command and control operations, the second is to go house to house like we did in iraq and fa lucia house to house, building to building. The difference between hamas and israel is israel will warn the enemy before they attack ohs posed to hamas that goes in like terrorists and kills women and children and innocent civilians. They are warning them because they are going in and it is going to be difficult, i agree with the guest. Its going to be difficult and its going to be bloody and theyre going to try to get these hostages out and trying to exterminate every terrorist they can 99ed the gaza. Stay right there congressman if you dont mind, congressman mccall joining us, florida congressman corey mills he is in israel helping americans evacuate. Congressman, first of all, thank you for what youre doing. I did not like the administration in their initial comments to people, oh, just get a plane ticket. One problem, all commercial Airline Flights out of israel have been stopped at that time. So it was not the best advice. Finally now the administration has said theyre going to be sending airplanes over to rescue americans that want to leave. Now, in light of this Breaking News, which is the is israel telling the un to evacuate the Northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours and as you can see unfolding live right now before your eyes, israel now firing back at gaza retaliatory strikes of what theyve done over the last week, clearly that seems eminent right now this ground war is about to begin. Your thoughts on all of it . Well, absolutely, sean. And, first off, this is the whole reason why i continue to drive media harder and harder is to go ahead and shame the Biden Administration doing their job to protect americans and support israel defense. The whole idea that, you know, i can make it real simple for biden math. It is 77 million americans i rescued team biden zero. When you have the entire full force of the American Government and you cant send a storm warningle aircraft. Heres the question he was able to send off aircraft for supplies why werent they loaded up with americans to try to get them out before this actually occurred. So there is a lot of questions, this is reminiscent of 2020 afghanistan and you covered this with me when i covered the rescue ever done with americans there, this is reminiscent of 2023 when it comes to the attack going on right now. As you notice whatted israel did is they after waited until after the prayer, the morning prayer, so they know where people are mostly going to be at and not that limits ca lateral damage, smart strategic tactic but now theyre going after the softening of the target so they dont have Collateral Damage even though i would argue the un has been completely useless at this stage. Theyre under jcpoa and resolutions and other areas, but the bottom line is israel is going to now move to the full defense. They know they have to a eliminate hamas in its entirety. If they dont the Biden Administration knows all about that. You would have hezbollah coming in, you would have others from iraq coming in. You would have the Golan Heights being hit again. So they know this is a chance to eliminate terrorism and take a stand against forces. Sean i have to i have good you a lot of credit because who could ever trust this administration again. This is the same president who said he would never leave a single american behind in afghanistan and he abandoned hundreds of them. He said he would never abandon our allies if the day ever came that they needed to get out, people that helped us with intelligence gathering, et cetera, during the conflict that we were having in afghanistan. They were abandoned. Many of them have been murdered. And meanwhile, take a commercial airlines that arent even flying out of israel is hardly the support you would expect from the u. S. Government. They have finally caught up to you, but thank goodness there are people like you that flew into a war zone for the purpose of rescuing americans while you still had time. Have you been able to get everybody out that you wanted to get out . No, sean. Weve still got plenty more that we would like to get out i got 32 out yesterday, i got 45 more out today. Ive got many more on my list. Ive gone from everywhere to various and nazareth to jerusalem to tel aviv making sure we can go ahead and do coalition, or, sorry consolidations and goode get them back across various points into jordan. The bottom line is, sean, is that biden is not representative of the american spirit. The american spirit is people willing to stand up and step up when its needed to be able to help americans and thats why i did it in 2021 in afghanistan and why im doing it here today because as now a member of congress one of my rights, one of my duties and obligations is to protect the constitution and protect the American People. If hes not going to do his job, that meaning joe biden, ill step up and do his job form him. Sean i give you credit. Corey mills congressman florida, congressman mccall stay where you are thanks for being flexible with your time. By the way axios and reuters both reporting israel has officially informed the United Nations that all palestinians in the Northern Gaza Strip should relocate within the next 24 hours. Here with the latest and as you can see there has been a lot of activity as israel continues its air assault on gaza as we speak. Greg palkot is on the ground. Greg it seems to have happened every night this week. That is nthe 4 00 a. M. , 5 00 a. M. Hour, israel gaza time, that these air strikes are taking place. Here we are again tonight and they seem to be coming at a much quicker pace than last night. Greg yeah, i know, sean. This is the most intense night of airstrikes that we have seen in the four days that we have been on the ground here in southern israel. Sometimes every five minutes, were just up the coast from gaza but we can see it on the horizon. We see the glow of the strikes and then the detonation we hear later. Its been going on all night. Frankly, this is very new, breaking and serious information. Im quoting reuters but according to the reliable reuters news agency, the United Nations said early friday itd been told by the israeli military, 1. 1 million palestinians in gaza should relocate to the south within the next 24 hours. The u. N. Is saying this is going to be impossible. The u. N. Is making strong appeals, but if this is accurate and according to reuters, pretty reliable news agency, this is accurate israel is preparing gaza for a land incursion by israel. Weve been seeing a build up of Tens Of Thousands of troops. Either that or an even more intense bombardment. Weve been seeing this bombardment tonight. Again, the strongest weve seen since weve been here. It is those two options, either more intense bombardment, attacking the hamas militants in their gaza strip or preparations for what a lot of analysts are saying could be in the offing and that is a land incursion. Sean . Sean do me a favor, please, greg, be safe on the ground. We had a terrible accident with an injury to our friend Benjamin Hall. Thankfully, hes recovering amazingly. Any way, were going to continue. Let me get your reaction, mike mccall, to what this Breaking News is. First of all, you see heavy air fire tonight, and then this warning. I want to get back to that. How would the u. N. Interpret it and as a chairman of the House Foreign Affairs committee, how do you interpret it . And when would you expect this to happen if its 24 hours notice from now . Does that mean in 24 hours this begins or could to be within 48 or 72 hours . Or do you even think later than that . No, i think in 24 hours. I mean, theyre giving notice to civilians to flee. Theyre giving them the opportunity to leave and to get out, and thats a lot more than hamas gave to the israelis who were massacres. The United Nations general put out a statement. He seems to be sympathetic to hamas and the palestinian cause. What worries me, sean, today or last week, israel is a victim, but tomorrow, youre going to have this, like, um, this hamas Global Jihad Movement making hamas somehow the victim and israel the boy, and thats not the case and i think its going to start on the ground. I know this for a fact. Phase 2 of this military operation, theyre going to go housetohouse. The direct orders from the Prime Minister are to exterminate hamas from the gaza strip. Sean all right. Thank you, both. Congressman, we appreciate you being with us. We appreciate you both being with us. Good luck for the people of israel. Our prayers for the people of israel as the war escalates. Set your dvr. Stay with the Fox News Channel all night for coverage. Stand by for fox news night. John im jonathan hunt

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