Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

can. we were among the first vehicle that get -- manage to dpet from the party area. three minutes after we left the area on the road, we see the only things that we think that can hurt us was the missiles and we started to hear sound of gunshot to our direction. >> we heard the gunshot and look to the right and saw seven, eight meters away from us and shooting people and he looked at me and pointing the weapon at me. i shouted that they are shooting at us. >> in this moment, i also after zora told me, they are shooting at us, i saw the terrorists and realize if i continue straight on the road, we will get all the shots froms terrorists and zora will be killed. i turned left into the field while still shooting at us and hitting my car from behind and all this time we are just pray no bullets will hit nobody from us, not me or zora or our friend in the car. after that, we are driving at 150 kilometer per hour in the field only to drive away from the place with the terrorists with a flat tire as result from the shooting. we arrive to the back entrance of -- >>-- at the same time we hear about the massacre they are do doing -- understand located three kilometers and what separate us is only fields. >> ainsley: what is interes interestings, you went to this music festival. you are off, trained in the military and you leave that scene and immediately say, we're reporting for duty, we want to serve our country. tell me what that is like, what went into that? >> couunder attack from terrori. we want to help our friends. >> never came back from this party, they just come to -- as you say, to listen to music and to celebrate the freedom of our life and to just enjoy with friends and they will never come back home and we have a lot of friends that are now in gaza, we don't know what happened to them. the hamas is not telling who is kidnapped and what is their situation and we just pray for them and that they will come back home safe. >> ainsley: looks like they are frozen now. say prayers for them, they are fighting in israel. they are part of the combat engineering core reserve battalion. they were at that party and raced out of their fighting for their lives and now fighting for their country. we appreciate their service and waking up to give us information. a lot of updates in the war in israel. we will catch you up right now as we begin our final hour of "fox and friends." >> tragically, the number of innocent lives claimed by hamas continues to rise. among those we now know that at least 25 american citizens were killed. we join families in israel and the united states, around the world, in mourning unmeasurable loss. >> brian: fox news alert, secretary of state blinken says the u.s. death toll is 25 in israel. >> steve: continuing to hit gaza targets. you are looking live at the port of gaza and we were talking about how the gaza border is still not secure, hamas is still trying to get into israel from the sea and presumably those are some boats they have used in the past to get there. israel has eyes in the sky and if something goes out with a bunch of people on it and comes back, they will blow it up and they just did that. >> lawrence: when they attacked the concert festival, they did it from land, air and sea. we were just talking to trey yingst, they have their own navy, own scuba divers and now you see israel is going on the offense against them. >> ainsley: they came in para gliding and on motorcycles, pickup trucks and training for years on this. two years, right? >> steve: top official said the attack was planned for two years. there was a ruse and they were projecting from gaza to the israelis, we're interested in governing gaza, we are not planning an attack as they were planning an attack. they said putin likes this attack it divides attention between us and what is going on with russia in ukraine. so we have a split screen, war in ukraine and war here in gaza. and putin is loving it. >> ainsley: we don't want to forget we have an open border, people are scared now because we're seeing this happening and know that almost 200 terrorists over the last year have been caught at the border. how many haven't been caught, brian? >> brian: great point, we got numbers from bill melugin. netanyahu was visited more than he ever has with america and they stayed out of this conflict because they didn't want to get on the wrong side of iran, they were in a tough situation. as usual with russia at time you need them most, they are staying neutral and siding with the palestinians and rejoicing because they like when western powers have turbulence. let's bring in melia minister of. how confident are you that you know where the terrorists and the master minds are? >> first of all, only together we will win from tragedy to triumph and the price is very heavy, but we will win the war, as well. we are dealing with terror organization that killed, murdered, raped, captured innocent people, children, women, young kids, you cannot imagine you need to understand, it not make any sense. against citizens of israel is worse than isis and i didn't think or imagine it is possible. when we understand it and see that only a group of young generation of israel go to a party, went to a party to celebrate the holiday and thousand of them want to come celebrate, what they got, they got terrorists, they got people that came with a lot of hate and killed them, tortured them. they burned them live. they raped the girls and put them in cameras and put it all over. they took a little kids and put them and killed them and shot them. what we need to understand, that israel got the right to do it with this terrorist organization and we will restore our security to israel and to our citizens in israel. we need to understand all this time when hundreds of thousands of soldiers that now need to be in the front to make israel safe again, we are very grateful about all the support we are getting from the united states and a lot of other states around the world and for us, it is so important, especially these days, we need to understand what is here in israel can be everywhere. we need to cut it from now and hamas organization will not save -- will not keep it all and need to disappear from this world. we cannot allow that citizens all over the world and of course in israel need to deal with this organization and we need to understand that -- >> brian: we know they are in gaza and you are going to go into gaza, how great is your intelligence or how bad is your intelligence in gaza to know where the terrorists actually are? >> ainsley: or the hostages? >> brian: or the hostages. >> what we will do, we will destroy all the possibilities from the army and the control of the hamas and we will bring what we will bring again security of israel and about the intelligence, we cannot put all the things in the media, of course, but we need to understand that all about the hostages. they need to -- all the words need to ask this, they will set them free now and is possible, if something will happen to them, they will be their responsibility. and everybody understand you have -- from united states part of it and we are part of it together and we need together to win this attack against the hamas and we need to understand it is very complicated because these hamas organization is putting in the front its own people from gaza to make them safe and in the tunnels and -- >> lawrence: madam minister, why didn't you know about the intelligence, there has been some criticism and some suggested it was an intelligence failure. you guys have been watching the paratroopers and activities, but you didn't know about the attack, would you consider that a failure? >> first of all, we will investigate everything, including everything and eve everyone, no detail will disappear. but right now we are in unprecedented fight and this is what we are dealing with and what we will win and we need to understand that about all the rumors around the prime minister netanyahu made it clear that all these publication is fake so we don't need to deal with this now, we will do everything after we finish the war and we will win. and i want to tell you that i really appreciate, like i told you, what the united states is standing with us and i am saying for sure that we will win this war and we will win all these terror organization and we will bring back security for the citizens of israel and for all the world. we need to understand that what is going on in gaza, it is not only because of the hamas, like you understand, we need to understand that iran is bringing all the capabilities for the terror organizations around the world and we need to deal with this, too. >> steve: as we look, obviously looking at more operation swords of iron as idf hit targets in gaza city and we just saw the port of gaza, where a couple boats were on fire. let me take you back to tuesday night, apparently a number of shells were fired into israel from syria, the border, and i'm looking at the jerusalem post and it says that israel carried out a barrage of strikes on the damascus airport in syria and lapo airport. if somebody shoots at israel from another country, you will go after them? >> let's say like this, i'm not going to speak about all what we can do, i will say clearly israel will do whatever she needs to get security for the state of israel and for the citizens of israel and we have all the countries around us that are understanding the situation that we are here and i can say that everybody around israel think that we are in a situation that they can think about what to do against israel. we prepare for everything and we are strong to deal with everybody around us. >> steve: so you will shoot back? >> we really appreciate the support we got from all the states, especially the united states. >> ainsley: we were watching antony blinken and antony blinken said i come to you as secretary of state from america and i come to you as a jew. you might be strong enough to stand on your own, israel, as long as there is america, you won't have to. he is meeting with netanyahu this morning and president herzog and tomorrow meeting with palestinian authority president in jordan. how do you feel about that? >> first of all, it is very exciting for us all the support we get from the united states and it is very important. as a jew, he can understand that israel need to be safe, that all the jewish around the world can be safe. and we really want to thank from the bottom of our hearts about all what you are doing from israel. we will win together. >> brian: what about the palestinian authority, do you think they should be trusted? are you okay with the secretary of state dealing with them? are they somebody you can deal with? >> we cannot say even though if they are our best friend, what to do. we are now a working and dealing only with the war and everything we are doing is directly about winning this war as soon as possible. we will have the strategy to deal with in the future. >> brian: thank you very much, appreciate it. >> thank you very much and let's hope together and pray for the peace of jerusalem, pray for people in israel and their family got the worst thing ever, you need to see, they are going all the time for funerals. >> brian: got you, thank you very much. >> steve: amen to that. appreciate it. 17 minutes after the hour. we now know at least 25 americans have been killed in the hamas attack in israel. that news as syrian state tv made this reports, israel carried out strikes at two airportsed in inside syria. check in with trey yingst with the latest developments. it is not unusual for israel to hit bases in syria. is this different? >> trey: it is not unusual for israelis to target different areas, but indicative iranians are still trying to smuggle weapons to lebanon. even after execution of people on saturday morning and war that erupted here. it is first time since the war began iran has tried to deliver weapons, precision-guided missiles and other things to syria and alapo. they have targeted different positions in syria and often hit the airports because they are the airports used. a few years ago, my producer and i reported exclusively on the fact they were smuggling precision-guided missiles that could be used by lebanon hezbollah in a war if one developed, the worst case scenario. today israel is facing that worst case scenario, not surprising they are conducting these strikes. i want you to listen to benjamin netanyahu, who spoke about the situation here near the gaza border, he talked about the people that israel is up against. take a listen. >> mr. secretary, your visit is another tangible example of america's unequivocal support for israel. hamas has shown itself to be an enemy of civilization. the massacring of young people in an outdoor music festival, the butchering of entire families, the murder of parents in front of their children and the murder of children in front of their parents. the 50 prerequisite of victory is moral clarity. this is a time, a particular time, special time that we must stand tall, proud and united against evil. tony, you are taking that stance, america is taking that stance. >> trey: we are learning according to the regional council that sits just over the northern border with gaza, in southern israel, close to gaza as you can get, they are reporting hamas fighters just launched anti-tank missile at a house and it hit the house, but no one was home. it gives a sense this is an active conflict. the israeli drone is above in the distance and they are striking from the air and sea. back to you. >> lawrence: we are against a hard break. quick question, u.s. secretary of state will meet with the president of the palestinian authority in jordan, can you describe quickly for our audience the difference from the president of the palestinian authority and who runs hamas, what is the difference? >> trey: he is based in romala and has no control over the gaza strip, they are opposing factions in the political realm. this was supported on words and with statements, not supported on the ground with abbas and he is a western ally and getting aid from the united states and no direct link between hamas and abbas. >> ainsley: thank you for clarifying. >> brian: somewhat rivals. thank you. check back with trey in a short time. live look at gaza. that is how they are on the brink of major invasion, it seems and smoke is filling up the southern part of the south part of this country. >> lawrence: someone that knows about battle, tim kennedy joins us, as his team is in israel. can we get real clear about life with psoriasis? yeah, i'm ready. is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms? like the cover-it-ups and brush-it-offs? enough with good enoughs. don't stay hiding or hurting. when your lotions and creams don't do enough to help treat the inflammation beneath the skin, causing plaques and pain, it's time to get real about psoriasis, so, your dermatologist can help you get clear. make the appointment and ask about real clear skin. bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments. when your keys are in the door and your body's like, “it's happening”! if you're worried about your protection, it's not the right protection. always discreet protects like no other. with double leak guards that help prevent gushes escaping from the sides. and a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. and it contours, to everybody. now this, is protection! always discreet- the protection we deserve! i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? 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[sound of explosions] >> inside. >> we had just enough time to get into a car parked, better than lying on your street. there was a boom presumably the iron dome intercepting rocket fired and we will wait for the all clear. >> steve: tim samuels is a free press reporter and join us from tel aviv there. that is what everybody in israel is living with now. they get a beep on their phone and they have 20 seconds to hide. >> the state of people being on edge is like nothing i have seen before. i've been coming to israel reporting for years and this is different. this feels existential. people are used to rockets coming over. what happened saturday, people are stockpiling and bars and shops are empty. there ask fear once israel goes in to deal with hamas in the south, hezbollah on the north might take that as opportunity to kickoff and refrain i keep hearing, we hope america has our back on the north. >> steve: indeed. we look at the city center of gaza and see more missile strikes. as i look at the scene where you are at, a lot of green, people there on the grass. it looks peaceful, but the people who are there have just seen the most horrific things people can see. these are survivors, right? >> never has an image been such a mismatch. the people here wandering around the hotel come from kibbutz, where there was a scene of slaughter. took place in early hours of saturday morning. of the thousand or so residents, they think around 100 have died and at least another 18 are missing. i spoke to a guy abbe, just a few moments ago, his son, who is in his mid-20s can't be found. he said two things, either his body was so destroyed they can't identify him or he's been kidnapped and in gaza with hamas. quite the choice. i know the stories you hear time and time and time again. residents in the kibbutz in the south, peaceful villages, were the scene of modern-day slaughter. >> steve: indeed, talking about the young boy. i know you have spoken to parents of a missing 19-year-old, who would almost prefer she be dead than kidnapped. >> i heard from somebody in the kibbutz area evacuation in another hotel and someone said to me yesterday they heard a father celebrating. why was he celebrating? he found out his child was dead, not kidnapped. it is unbelievable to go back to be in this crazy situation where you are celebrating the death of your child compared to the alternate of being taken by hamas for a fate no one knows. >> steve: they would rather be dead than have their child as a human shield, i get that. thank you very much. be careful. >> thank you, thanks, steve. >> steve: god bless you. coming up, tim kennedy joins us, his team is rescuing americans and allies stuck in israel. she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. at humana, we believe your healthcare should evolve with you, and part of that evolution means choosing the right medicare plan for you. humana can help. hi, my name is sam davis and i'm going to tell you about medicare advantage prescription drug plans that can provide more coverage than original medicare, including prescription drug coverage, all wrapped up into one convenient plan. with original medicare you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits, but you have to meet a deductible for each. and then you're still responsible for 20% of the cost. next, let's look at medicare supplement plans. if a service is covered under original medicare, then a medicare supplement plan pays for some or all of your medicare deductibles and the 20% coinsurance. but they may have higher monthly premiums and no prescription drug coverage. humana medicare advantage prescription drug plans include medical coverage, plus prescription drug coverage. as well as dental coverage that includes two free cleanings a year, plus a yearly exam. vision coverage includes vision exams and a yearly allowance toward eyewear such as lenses or contacts. and hearing benefits include routine hearing exams and coverage toward hearing aids. you're covered for preventive services like annual mammograms and prostate exams. there's a zero-dollar copay for routine vaccines and telehealth visits. and you get worldwide coverage for emergencies when you travel. you get all of this in one convenient plan. plus, there's a cap on your out-of-pocket costs! so, call or go online today to see if there's a humana plan in your area, to find out if your doctor is in one of our networks, and to get our free decision guide. there's no obligation, just good information. humana - a more human way to healthcare. >> brian: 22 before the top of the hour. looking live at gaza city. strikes all morning long our morning, their afternoon. huge smoke clouds on the screen right. secretary of state blinken just met with the prime minister as israeli victims have been named and 25 americans have been murdered by hamas. >> president biden was absolutely correct in calling this sheer evil. hamas is there a dream that you have, sherri, that's really wild that you still want to live out? . and just as isis was crushed, hamas will be crushed. looking at it right now, tim, how do you think they were able to pull this off against israel? >> yeah, post-ukraine, what we've learned the low-tech option is really the only dependable option. there has been such a dependence on technology. technology doesn't work in war. what works in war is people on the ground doing violence and hamas knew this and they were able to keep a small circle, control the information, train people in silos. the people being trained had no idea what they were going to go do. they got their mission orders, they were trained and were trained to do violence and they did the most unconscionable violence. >> brian: save our allies sprung into action and you assisted getting a dozen people out of israel and are working to do the same thing. what are the needs and what are you able to do? >> the need is boats, commercial flights have effectively been cancelled so us going and moving people from their safe houses and bunkers to airports to get on commercial flights to international airports have been limited to almost nothing. we are trying to find other options, private planes and boats. if there is anybody out there, we need help. i can't say how many or routes we are moving people, it is getting more dire by the day. these people have seen horrific things, these are american citizens trapped there. we need pressure on department of state to move americans out of this war zone. it will get worse. >> brian: every time i talk to you, you are trying to do the right thing and the state department seems to be blocking you. how frustrate is this? >> it seems like deja vu of this nightmare over and over again whether ukraine or afghanistan or sudan. let's not forget china is on the door of taiwan. all eyes are looking at israel, we could have another international crisis kickoff any moment. this one with americans trapped there, we are not ham strung. we are working. amazing men and women on the ground, my heart is with you, i am proud to know you and thank you for everything you are doing. it is difficult to try to navigate the ever limited options to get americans out. >> brian: it is harder to get private planes in. are they worried about the airport being less than protected. we heard the bangorian airport was shelled, but that was false, it wasn't. >> commercial flights do not want to go in there, if you lose a plane, the insurance claim, pilots and flight attend antss. the private flights from the israeli government, they are restricting a lot of flights in fear, they want control right now and i understand that, they have to have control. they are on the precipice of world war iii in their region. this is worst single day death of jews since the holocaust. my heart is with them in the sense they are trying to fight for their lives right now. we're trying to get americans out, i understand them trying to protect their own citizens. >> brian: you have a big picture here, you believe the goal with hamas leaders is to get everybody in. to get hezbollah in. to get the palestinian authority in, get terror isis in from syria. is that the big picture goal? >> brian, that's a great question. the leader of hamas, you can say anything you want about them, they are evil terrorists, i wish they did not exist. we know they are smart, they are not naive and knew there would be serious repercussions for an attack like this. they want israel to respond and they have to. that might be the catalyst everybody else needs, isis, hezbollah, to have excuse to be united under jihad to attack israel. this is dangerous tender box there. it always is, this is one bomb away from everything going nuclear. >> brian: would you be surprised if some weapons we leave in afghanistan ended up with hamas and these terror groups? >> i wouldn't be surprised. i believe they already were, seeing photoless and videos, it looks like our equipment. >> brian: unbelievable. while you were talking, there have been two strikes in gaza, this is active war and you are trying to save people from it. wish we could get more cooperation from the state department and others. help out save our allies, they are doing great work. >> ainsley: unbelievable, he recognizes some equipment that is ours. >> brian: 4 billion, likely to turn up somewhere. >> ainsley: if you have private planes or want to donate, many americans are trapped. 25 americans, that number went up during our show, are now dead after this conflict and many more people are injured as the war enters day 6. >> steve: benjamin hall was hurt while reporting on ukraine. today benjamin is talking to military doctors discussing if israel is equipped to handle the victims. >> lawrence: in the great state of texas, good morning, ben. >> save the allies got me out of ukraine, as well. they are in israel continuing to help so shout out to him and hope anybody can help. the other people who saved me were u.s. military doctors, here in san antonio. i've been speaking to them and what many have been talking about and asking, is the u.s. ready for a mass scale attack like this? if something that happened in israel happen here, would hospitals be ready and i've been speaking to them and yes, they are ready. here in san antonio, they prepare. once a year they have scheduled attacks and in the last year they had one that replicated an explosive attack that left hundreds dead. they play part of victims and families and look at how to spread victims around and make sure they are ready. take a listen to what the doctors said. >> that is how we stayed prepared as a region and system. when you are in a mass casualty incidents, it is not you alone, you work with the system. that is what the military does, we are in a system. >> whether israel or any other country, i think that those who have a military medical department should rest on the lessons they have learned in their previous history and just make sure they don't forget them. >> but as the world watched israel, there is growing concern here at the hospitals that the wars in afghanistan and iraq are over, preparedness for conflict may be quickly falling off. >> something like israel happens and we find all of that experience has left. we need to be able to pull it back in or make sure it never leaves. the system is hemorrhaging badly of people that were very experienced in this. >> so yes, they do plan. every year they prepare for an event like the one we have seen in israel. there are some concerns that perhaps doctors who had experience from afghanistan and iraq are leaving the service and not many people replacing them. there is talk of helping out in ukraine and having patients come here and be able to treat anyone. >> steve: important story. >> ainsley: does so much for military, like walter reed in the south. >> thank you very much. >> steve: look at more airstrikes on gaza city, the people of israel need our help. join us at fox and support israel emergency fund in association with the united jewish appeal. visit, make a donation. >> lawrence: or scan the code on the screen. coming up, pete hegseth will join us. >> ainsley: let's check in with bill hemmer for what is coming up at the top of the hour. >> bill: day six. john spencer, an expert on urban warfare, what is next for israel in gaza? coming up here. bob gaetz is here live and so is jay johnson, in a moment, he got 25 americans dead, how many are among the hostages? big questions in the deadly times. another question, do republicans get a speaker of the house today, something we'll watch together when dana and i see you in 11 minutes, top of the hour. psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm feeling this moment. along with clearer skin skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! # steve: we now know according to secretary of state about 90 minutes ago, at least 25 americans have been killed in the barbaric, savage hamas attacks that killed israeli lives right now. lawrence: israel is launching nonstop missile attacks on gaza. brian: check back with in trey yingst. reporter: hey, guys, a hamas militant fired an anti-tank missile at a position or house, it's unclear what exactly was hit over the border from the northern part of the gaza strip. so here in southern israel, no one was injured or killed and this sense of battle continues from the air and on the ground. earlier today we were at that position along the border with gaza and artillery firing into the strip and air strikes continuing over night. overhead fighter jets streaming back and forth and it's a fluid situation and one that the israelis say they're prepared for and ground forces all throughout this area. thousands preparing for what comes next and on the northern the strikes with the damascus airport and aleppo airport and in the past when the strike haves happened, that means iran is sending weapons to lebanon and send them to syria and smuggled them into lebanon and precision guided musicians pointed at israel and they're trying to get weapons into lab non-as the threat along the northern border exists and they're realing from the attack on saturday morning that massacred more than 120 people and counting the -- 1200 people and counting the bodies and identifying the dead. they don't have time to wait. back to you. brian: how does that help unit the country with the coalition that was formed? reporter: it helps on a number of fronts because they can put politics aside and focus on military efforts in the south. weave seen people united and everyone from across israel coming to the south doing what they can off in the distance they are making sure they have everything to support what they need going into battle. brian: four minutes before the top of the hour, another guy that knows a lot about israel. leftists say israel is to blame as they plan a day of protest against israel and the victims. lawrence: hamas own former chief living in kanlive qatar callingo join in the protests. ainsley: pete hegseth is here to react. there's a lot online for leaders calling for demons demonstratiod the pro palestineen groups want demonstrations on campuses and there's more attacks tomorrow and warning people. what do you know? >> i know if you commit a reich row aggression on a college campus, it's a big deal. if you stand by and support terrorists who kill innocent civilians, that's just fine and that's the state of higher education. here's the thing. it's not a right versus left. this is a right versus wrong. this sackmary good versus evil. this is a civilization versus bbashism. you see, most kids never encounter that. they spend too much time worrying about recycling and climate change and whatever tested view the left is pushing on them to understand history and they're told we need need to de-columbia lonize and two back to abraham and io sick and king david and constitutional monarchy that existed in israel and that's what israel points to? it's a full hearted game that totally misunderstands history and what civilization has done, what judiah christian values have done in this world to uplift millions of people. it plays grievance politics and limited amount of history most kids understand that's been indoctrinated into them since middle school. lawrence: pete, that's almost a point though; right. this is a deputily religious -- deeply religious fight as well and you have to stand with the jewish people and christians and the universities against that. >> absolutely. when's' the last time we talked about christianity or judaism obanya universities without mocking it? these universities ryan higgins founded on that premise. it's based, lawrences on an understanding of islam and radical islam and what it stands for. islam doesn't mean peace, it means submission. these islamists seek the destruction of all of their enemies. mohammad was a warrior and these ziti lappists believe that the -- islamics believe the kansakansas ccorrespondent ran - car ron and others tell them to kill their enemies. >> stay with fox. take care. >> bill: good morning, everybody. gaza strip right now smoldering, a live look on day s

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

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can. we were among the first vehicle that get -- manage to dpet from the party area. three minutes after we left the area on the road, we see the only things that we think that can hurt us was the missiles and we started to hear sound of gunshot to our direction. >> we heard the gunshot and look to the right and saw seven, eight meters away from us and shooting people and he looked at me and pointing the weapon at me. i shouted that they are shooting at us. >> in this moment, i also after zora told me, they are shooting at us, i saw the terrorists and realize if i continue straight on the road, we will get all the shots froms terrorists and zora will be killed. i turned left into the field while still shooting at us and hitting my car from behind and all this time we are just pray no bullets will hit nobody from us, not me or zora or our friend in the car. after that, we are driving at 150 kilometer per hour in the field only to drive away from the place with the terrorists with a flat tire as result from the shooting. we arrive to the back entrance of -- >>-- at the same time we hear about the massacre they are do doing -- understand located three kilometers and what separate us is only fields. >> ainsley: what is interes interestings, you went to this music festival. you are off, trained in the military and you leave that scene and immediately say, we're reporting for duty, we want to serve our country. tell me what that is like, what went into that? >> couunder attack from terrori. we want to help our friends. >> never came back from this party, they just come to -- as you say, to listen to music and to celebrate the freedom of our life and to just enjoy with friends and they will never come back home and we have a lot of friends that are now in gaza, we don't know what happened to them. the hamas is not telling who is kidnapped and what is their situation and we just pray for them and that they will come back home safe. >> ainsley: looks like they are frozen now. say prayers for them, they are fighting in israel. they are part of the combat engineering core reserve battalion. they were at that party and raced out of their fighting for their lives and now fighting for their country. we appreciate their service and waking up to give us information. a lot of updates in the war in israel. we will catch you up right now as we begin our final hour of "fox and friends." >> tragically, the number of innocent lives claimed by hamas continues to rise. among those we now know that at least 25 american citizens were killed. we join families in israel and the united states, around the world, in mourning unmeasurable loss. >> brian: fox news alert, secretary of state blinken says the u.s. death toll is 25 in israel. >> steve: continuing to hit gaza targets. you are looking live at the port of gaza and we were talking about how the gaza border is still not secure, hamas is still trying to get into israel from the sea and presumably those are some boats they have used in the past to get there. israel has eyes in the sky and if something goes out with a bunch of people on it and comes back, they will blow it up and they just did that. >> lawrence: when they attacked the concert festival, they did it from land, air and sea. we were just talking to trey yingst, they have their own navy, own scuba divers and now you see israel is going on the offense against them. >> ainsley: they came in para gliding and on motorcycles, pickup trucks and training for years on this. two years, right? >> steve: top official said the attack was planned for two years. there was a ruse and they were projecting from gaza to the israelis, we're interested in governing gaza, we are not planning an attack as they were planning an attack. they said putin likes this attack it divides attention between us and what is going on with russia in ukraine. so we have a split screen, war in ukraine and war here in gaza. and putin is loving it. >> ainsley: we don't want to forget we have an open border, people are scared now because we're seeing this happening and know that almost 200 terrorists over the last year have been caught at the border. how many haven't been caught, brian? >> brian: great point, we got numbers from bill melugin. netanyahu was visited more than he ever has with america and they stayed out of this conflict because they didn't want to get on the wrong side of iran, they were in a tough situation. as usual with russia at time you need them most, they are staying neutral and siding with the palestinians and rejoicing because they like when western powers have turbulence. let's bring in melia minister of. how confident are you that you know where the terrorists and the master minds are? >> first of all, only together we will win from tragedy to triumph and the price is very heavy, but we will win the war, as well. we are dealing with terror organization that killed, murdered, raped, captured innocent people, children, women, young kids, you cannot imagine you need to understand, it not make any sense. against citizens of israel is worse than isis and i didn't think or imagine it is possible. when we understand it and see that only a group of young generation of israel go to a party, went to a party to celebrate the holiday and thousand of them want to come celebrate, what they got, they got terrorists, they got people that came with a lot of hate and killed them, tortured them. they burned them live. they raped the girls and put them in cameras and put it all over. they took a little kids and put them and killed them and shot them. what we need to understand, that israel got the right to do it with this terrorist organization and we will restore our security to israel and to our citizens in israel. we need to understand all this time when hundreds of thousands of soldiers that now need to be in the front to make israel safe again, we are very grateful about all the support we are getting from the united states and a lot of other states around the world and for us, it is so important, especially these days, we need to understand what is here in israel can be everywhere. we need to cut it from now and hamas organization will not save -- will not keep it all and need to disappear from this world. we cannot allow that citizens all over the world and of course in israel need to deal with this organization and we need to understand that -- >> brian: we know they are in gaza and you are going to go into gaza, how great is your intelligence or how bad is your intelligence in gaza to know where the terrorists actually are? >> ainsley: or the hostages? >> brian: or the hostages. >> what we will do, we will destroy all the possibilities from the army and the control of the hamas and we will bring what we will bring again security of israel and about the intelligence, we cannot put all the things in the media, of course, but we need to understand that all about the hostages. they need to -- all the words need to ask this, they will set them free now and is possible, if something will happen to them, they will be their responsibility. and everybody understand you have -- from united states part of it and we are part of it together and we need together to win this attack against the hamas and we need to understand it is very complicated because these hamas organization is putting in the front its own people from gaza to make them safe and in the tunnels and -- >> lawrence: madam minister, why didn't you know about the intelligence, there has been some criticism and some suggested it was an intelligence failure. you guys have been watching the paratroopers and activities, but you didn't know about the attack, would you consider that a failure? >> first of all, we will investigate everything, including everything and eve everyone, no detail will disappear. but right now we are in unprecedented fight and this is what we are dealing with and what we will win and we need to understand that about all the rumors around the prime minister netanyahu made it clear that all these publication is fake so we don't need to deal with this now, we will do everything after we finish the war and we will win. and i want to tell you that i really appreciate, like i told you, what the united states is standing with us and i am saying for sure that we will win this war and we will win all these terror organization and we will bring back security for the citizens of israel and for all the world. we need to understand that what is going on in gaza, it is not only because of the hamas, like you understand, we need to understand that iran is bringing all the capabilities for the terror organizations around the world and we need to deal with this, too. >> steve: as we look, obviously looking at more operation swords of iron as idf hit targets in gaza city and we just saw the port of gaza, where a couple boats were on fire. let me take you back to tuesday night, apparently a number of shells were fired into israel from syria, the border, and i'm looking at the jerusalem post and it says that israel carried out a barrage of strikes on the damascus airport in syria and lapo airport. if somebody shoots at israel from another country, you will go after them? >> let's say like this, i'm not going to speak about all what we can do, i will say clearly israel will do whatever she needs to get security for the state of israel and for the citizens of israel and we have all the countries around us that are understanding the situation that we are here and i can say that everybody around israel think that we are in a situation that they can think about what to do against israel. we prepare for everything and we are strong to deal with everybody around us. >> steve: so you will shoot back? >> we really appreciate the support we got from all the states, especially the united states. >> ainsley: we were watching antony blinken and antony blinken said i come to you as secretary of state from america and i come to you as a jew. you might be strong enough to stand on your own, israel, as long as there is america, you won't have to. he is meeting with netanyahu this morning and president herzog and tomorrow meeting with palestinian authority president in jordan. how do you feel about that? >> first of all, it is very exciting for us all the support we get from the united states and it is very important. as a jew, he can understand that israel need to be safe, that all the jewish around the world can be safe. and we really want to thank from the bottom of our hearts about all what you are doing from israel. we will win together. >> brian: what about the palestinian authority, do you think they should be trusted? are you okay with the secretary of state dealing with them? are they somebody you can deal with? >> we cannot say even though if they are our best friend, what to do. we are now a working and dealing only with the war and everything we are doing is directly about winning this war as soon as possible. we will have the strategy to deal with in the future. >> brian: thank you very much, appreciate it. >> thank you very much and let's hope together and pray for the peace of jerusalem, pray for people in israel and their family got the worst thing ever, you need to see, they are going all the time for funerals. >> brian: got you, thank you very much. >> steve: amen to that. appreciate it. 17 minutes after the hour. we now know at least 25 americans have been killed in the hamas attack in israel. that news as syrian state tv made this reports, israel carried out strikes at two airportsed in inside syria. check in with trey yingst with the latest developments. it is not unusual for israel to hit bases in syria. is this different? >> trey: it is not unusual for israelis to target different areas, but indicative iranians are still trying to smuggle weapons to lebanon. even after execution of people on saturday morning and war that erupted here. it is first time since the war began iran has tried to deliver weapons, precision-guided missiles and other things to syria and alapo. they have targeted different positions in syria and often hit the airports because they are the airports used. a few years ago, my producer and i reported exclusively on the fact they were smuggling precision-guided missiles that could be used by lebanon hezbollah in a war if one developed, the worst case scenario. today israel is facing that worst case scenario, not surprising they are conducting these strikes. i want you to listen to benjamin netanyahu, who spoke about the situation here near the gaza border, he talked about the people that israel is up against. take a listen. >> mr. secretary, your visit is another tangible example of america's unequivocal support for israel. hamas has shown itself to be an enemy of civilization. the massacring of young people in an outdoor music festival, the butchering of entire families, the murder of parents in front of their children and the murder of children in front of their parents. the 50 prerequisite of victory is moral clarity. this is a time, a particular time, special time that we must stand tall, proud and united against evil. tony, you are taking that stance, america is taking that stance. >> trey: we are learning according to the regional council that sits just over the northern border with gaza, in southern israel, close to gaza as you can get, they are reporting hamas fighters just launched anti-tank missile at a house and it hit the house, but no one was home. it gives a sense this is an active conflict. the israeli drone is above in the distance and they are striking from the air and sea. back to you. >> lawrence: we are against a hard break. quick question, u.s. secretary of state will meet with the president of the palestinian authority in jordan, can you describe quickly for our audience the difference from the president of the palestinian authority and who runs hamas, what is the difference? >> trey: he is based in romala and has no control over the gaza strip, they are opposing factions in the political realm. this was supported on words and with statements, not supported on the ground with abbas and he is a western ally and getting aid from the united states and no direct link between hamas and abbas. >> ainsley: thank you for clarifying. >> brian: somewhat rivals. thank you. check back with trey in a short time. live look at gaza. that is how they are on the brink of major invasion, it seems and smoke is filling up the southern part of the south part of this country. >> lawrence: someone that knows about battle, tim kennedy joins us, as his team is in israel. can we get real clear about life with psoriasis? yeah, i'm ready. is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms? like the cover-it-ups and brush-it-offs? enough with good enoughs. don't stay hiding or hurting. when your lotions and creams don't do enough to help treat the inflammation beneath the skin, causing plaques and pain, it's time to get real about psoriasis, so, your dermatologist can help you get clear. make the appointment and ask about real clear skin. bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments. when your keys are in the door and your body's like, “it's happening”! if you're worried about your protection, it's not the right protection. always discreet protects like no other. with double leak guards that help prevent gushes escaping from the sides. and a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. and it contours, to everybody. now this, is protection! always discreet- the protection we deserve! i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? 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[sound of explosions] >> inside. >> we had just enough time to get into a car parked, better than lying on your street. there was a boom presumably the iron dome intercepting rocket fired and we will wait for the all clear. >> steve: tim samuels is a free press reporter and join us from tel aviv there. that is what everybody in israel is living with now. they get a beep on their phone and they have 20 seconds to hide. >> the state of people being on edge is like nothing i have seen before. i've been coming to israel reporting for years and this is different. this feels existential. people are used to rockets coming over. what happened saturday, people are stockpiling and bars and shops are empty. there ask fear once israel goes in to deal with hamas in the south, hezbollah on the north might take that as opportunity to kickoff and refrain i keep hearing, we hope america has our back on the north. >> steve: indeed. we look at the city center of gaza and see more missile strikes. as i look at the scene where you are at, a lot of green, people there on the grass. it looks peaceful, but the people who are there have just seen the most horrific things people can see. these are survivors, right? >> never has an image been such a mismatch. the people here wandering around the hotel come from kibbutz, where there was a scene of slaughter. took place in early hours of saturday morning. of the thousand or so residents, they think around 100 have died and at least another 18 are missing. i spoke to a guy abbe, just a few moments ago, his son, who is in his mid-20s can't be found. he said two things, either his body was so destroyed they can't identify him or he's been kidnapped and in gaza with hamas. quite the choice. i know the stories you hear time and time and time again. residents in the kibbutz in the south, peaceful villages, were the scene of modern-day slaughter. >> steve: indeed, talking about the young boy. i know you have spoken to parents of a missing 19-year-old, who would almost prefer she be dead than kidnapped. >> i heard from somebody in the kibbutz area evacuation in another hotel and someone said to me yesterday they heard a father celebrating. why was he celebrating? he found out his child was dead, not kidnapped. it is unbelievable to go back to be in this crazy situation where you are celebrating the death of your child compared to the alternate of being taken by hamas for a fate no one knows. >> steve: they would rather be dead than have their child as a human shield, i get that. thank you very much. be careful. >> thank you, thanks, steve. >> steve: god bless you. coming up, tim kennedy joins us, his team is rescuing americans and allies stuck in israel. she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. at humana, we believe your healthcare should evolve with you, and part of that evolution means choosing the right medicare plan for you. humana can help. hi, my name is sam davis and i'm going to tell you about medicare advantage prescription drug plans that can provide more coverage than original medicare, including prescription drug coverage, all wrapped up into one convenient plan. with original medicare you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits, but you have to meet a deductible for each. and then you're still responsible for 20% of the cost. next, let's look at medicare supplement plans. if a service is covered under original medicare, then a medicare supplement plan pays for some or all of your medicare deductibles and the 20% coinsurance. but they may have higher monthly premiums and no prescription drug coverage. humana medicare advantage prescription drug plans include medical coverage, plus prescription drug coverage. as well as dental coverage that includes two free cleanings a year, plus a yearly exam. vision coverage includes vision exams and a yearly allowance toward eyewear such as lenses or contacts. and hearing benefits include routine hearing exams and coverage toward hearing aids. you're covered for preventive services like annual mammograms and prostate exams. there's a zero-dollar copay for routine vaccines and telehealth visits. and you get worldwide coverage for emergencies when you travel. you get all of this in one convenient plan. plus, there's a cap on your out-of-pocket costs! so, call or go online today to see if there's a humana plan in your area, to find out if your doctor is in one of our networks, and to get our free decision guide. there's no obligation, just good information. humana - a more human way to healthcare. >> brian: 22 before the top of the hour. looking live at gaza city. strikes all morning long our morning, their afternoon. huge smoke clouds on the screen right. secretary of state blinken just met with the prime minister as israeli victims have been named and 25 americans have been murdered by hamas. >> president biden was absolutely correct in calling this sheer evil. hamas is there a dream that you have, sherri, that's really wild that you still want to live out? . and just as isis was crushed, hamas will be crushed. looking at it right now, tim, how do you think they were able to pull this off against israel? >> yeah, post-ukraine, what we've learned the low-tech option is really the only dependable option. there has been such a dependence on technology. technology doesn't work in war. what works in war is people on the ground doing violence and hamas knew this and they were able to keep a small circle, control the information, train people in silos. the people being trained had no idea what they were going to go do. they got their mission orders, they were trained and were trained to do violence and they did the most unconscionable violence. >> brian: save our allies sprung into action and you assisted getting a dozen people out of israel and are working to do the same thing. what are the needs and what are you able to do? >> the need is boats, commercial flights have effectively been cancelled so us going and moving people from their safe houses and bunkers to airports to get on commercial flights to international airports have been limited to almost nothing. we are trying to find other options, private planes and boats. if there is anybody out there, we need help. i can't say how many or routes we are moving people, it is getting more dire by the day. these people have seen horrific things, these are american citizens trapped there. we need pressure on department of state to move americans out of this war zone. it will get worse. >> brian: every time i talk to you, you are trying to do the right thing and the state department seems to be blocking you. how frustrate is this? >> it seems like deja vu of this nightmare over and over again whether ukraine or afghanistan or sudan. let's not forget china is on the door of taiwan. all eyes are looking at israel, we could have another international crisis kickoff any moment. this one with americans trapped there, we are not ham strung. we are working. amazing men and women on the ground, my heart is with you, i am proud to know you and thank you for everything you are doing. it is difficult to try to navigate the ever limited options to get americans out. >> brian: it is harder to get private planes in. are they worried about the airport being less than protected. we heard the bangorian airport was shelled, but that was false, it wasn't. >> commercial flights do not want to go in there, if you lose a plane, the insurance claim, pilots and flight attend antss. the private flights from the israeli government, they are restricting a lot of flights in fear, they want control right now and i understand that, they have to have control. they are on the precipice of world war iii in their region. this is worst single day death of jews since the holocaust. my heart is with them in the sense they are trying to fight for their lives right now. we're trying to get americans out, i understand them trying to protect their own citizens. >> brian: you have a big picture here, you believe the goal with hamas leaders is to get everybody in. to get hezbollah in. to get the palestinian authority in, get terror isis in from syria. is that the big picture goal? >> brian, that's a great question. the leader of hamas, you can say anything you want about them, they are evil terrorists, i wish they did not exist. we know they are smart, they are not naive and knew there would be serious repercussions for an attack like this. they want israel to respond and they have to. that might be the catalyst everybody else needs, isis, hezbollah, to have excuse to be united under jihad to attack israel. this is dangerous tender box there. it always is, this is one bomb away from everything going nuclear. >> brian: would you be surprised if some weapons we leave in afghanistan ended up with hamas and these terror groups? >> i wouldn't be surprised. i believe they already were, seeing photoless and videos, it looks like our equipment. >> brian: unbelievable. while you were talking, there have been two strikes in gaza, this is active war and you are trying to save people from it. wish we could get more cooperation from the state department and others. help out save our allies, they are doing great work. >> ainsley: unbelievable, he recognizes some equipment that is ours. >> brian: 4 billion, likely to turn up somewhere. >> ainsley: if you have private planes or want to donate, many americans are trapped. 25 americans, that number went up during our show, are now dead after this conflict and many more people are injured as the war enters day 6. >> steve: benjamin hall was hurt while reporting on ukraine. today benjamin is talking to military doctors discussing if israel is equipped to handle the victims. >> lawrence: in the great state of texas, good morning, ben. >> save the allies got me out of ukraine, as well. they are in israel continuing to help so shout out to him and hope anybody can help. the other people who saved me were u.s. military doctors, here in san antonio. i've been speaking to them and what many have been talking about and asking, is the u.s. ready for a mass scale attack like this? if something that happened in israel happen here, would hospitals be ready and i've been speaking to them and yes, they are ready. here in san antonio, they prepare. once a year they have scheduled attacks and in the last year they had one that replicated an explosive attack that left hundreds dead. they play part of victims and families and look at how to spread victims around and make sure they are ready. take a listen to what the doctors said. >> that is how we stayed prepared as a region and system. when you are in a mass casualty incidents, it is not you alone, you work with the system. that is what the military does, we are in a system. >> whether israel or any other country, i think that those who have a military medical department should rest on the lessons they have learned in their previous history and just make sure they don't forget them. >> but as the world watched israel, there is growing concern here at the hospitals that the wars in afghanistan and iraq are over, preparedness for conflict may be quickly falling off. >> something like israel happens and we find all of that experience has left. we need to be able to pull it back in or make sure it never leaves. the system is hemorrhaging badly of people that were very experienced in this. >> so yes, they do plan. every year they prepare for an event like the one we have seen in israel. there are some concerns that perhaps doctors who had experience from afghanistan and iraq are leaving the service and not many people replacing them. there is talk of helping out in ukraine and having patients come here and be able to treat anyone. >> steve: important story. >> ainsley: does so much for military, like walter reed in the south. >> thank you very much. >> steve: look at more airstrikes on gaza city, the people of israel need our help. join us at fox and support israel emergency fund in association with the united jewish appeal. visit, make a donation. >> lawrence: or scan the code on the screen. coming up, pete hegseth will join us. >> ainsley: let's check in with bill hemmer for what is coming up at the top of the hour. >> bill: day six. john spencer, an expert on urban warfare, what is next for israel in gaza? coming up here. bob gaetz is here live and so is jay johnson, in a moment, he got 25 americans dead, how many are among the hostages? big questions in the deadly times. another question, do republicans get a speaker of the house today, something we'll watch together when dana and i see you in 11 minutes, top of the hour. psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm feeling this moment. along with clearer skin skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! # steve: we now know according to secretary of state about 90 minutes ago, at least 25 americans have been killed in the barbaric, savage hamas attacks that killed israeli lives right now. lawrence: israel is launching nonstop missile attacks on gaza. brian: check back with in trey yingst. reporter: hey, guys, a hamas militant fired an anti-tank missile at a position or house, it's unclear what exactly was hit over the border from the northern part of the gaza strip. so here in southern israel, no one was injured or killed and this sense of battle continues from the air and on the ground. earlier today we were at that position along the border with gaza and artillery firing into the strip and air strikes continuing over night. overhead fighter jets streaming back and forth and it's a fluid situation and one that the israelis say they're prepared for and ground forces all throughout this area. thousands preparing for what comes next and on the northern the strikes with the damascus airport and aleppo airport and in the past when the strike haves happened, that means iran is sending weapons to lebanon and send them to syria and smuggled them into lebanon and precision guided musicians pointed at israel and they're trying to get weapons into lab non-as the threat along the northern border exists and they're realing from the attack on saturday morning that massacred more than 120 people and counting the -- 1200 people and counting the bodies and identifying the dead. they don't have time to wait. back to you. brian: how does that help unit the country with the coalition that was formed? reporter: it helps on a number of fronts because they can put politics aside and focus on military efforts in the south. weave seen people united and everyone from across israel coming to the south doing what they can off in the distance they are making sure they have everything to support what they need going into battle. brian: four minutes before the top of the hour, another guy that knows a lot about israel. leftists say israel is to blame as they plan a day of protest against israel and the victims. lawrence: hamas own former chief living in kanlive qatar callingo join in the protests. ainsley: pete hegseth is here to react. there's a lot online for leaders calling for demons demonstratiod the pro palestineen groups want demonstrations on campuses and there's more attacks tomorrow and warning people. what do you know? >> i know if you commit a reich row aggression on a college campus, it's a big deal. if you stand by and support terrorists who kill innocent civilians, that's just fine and that's the state of higher education. here's the thing. it's not a right versus left. this is a right versus wrong. this sackmary good versus evil. this is a civilization versus bbashism. you see, most kids never encounter that. they spend too much time worrying about recycling and climate change and whatever tested view the left is pushing on them to understand history and they're told we need need to de-columbia lonize and two back to abraham and io sick and king david and constitutional monarchy that existed in israel and that's what israel points to? it's a full hearted game that totally misunderstands history and what civilization has done, what judiah christian values have done in this world to uplift millions of people. it plays grievance politics and limited amount of history most kids understand that's been indoctrinated into them since middle school. lawrence: pete, that's almost a point though; right. this is a deputily religious -- deeply religious fight as well and you have to stand with the jewish people and christians and the universities against that. >> absolutely. when's' the last time we talked about christianity or judaism obanya universities without mocking it? these universities ryan higgins founded on that premise. it's based, lawrences on an understanding of islam and radical islam and what it stands for. islam doesn't mean peace, it means submission. these islamists seek the destruction of all of their enemies. mohammad was a warrior and these ziti lappists believe that the -- islamics believe the kansakansas ccorrespondent ran - car ron and others tell them to kill their enemies. >> stay with fox. take care. >> bill: good morning, everybody. gaza strip right now smoldering, a live look on day s

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