Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

breaking news situations unfolding. on capitol hill the house republican conference is meeting right now and we are told this meeting could last all day with the intense pressure on them to elect a speaker of the house after kevin mccarthy lost the speakership in a recent vote. and without that top member of the u.s. house of representatives in place, congress remains at a stand still and is unable to act on a brutal war that we've been covering thousands of miles away. we're watching the latest developments from israel as they hit the embodiment of evil. hamas terrorists. that's where we'll start. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." five days of horror. israel families missing, tortured, killed. the closer they were to the border with palestinianian territory on gaza, the closer that they were to hamas serial killers killing them. loved ones taken hostage are now begging for help. secretary of state antony blinken is set to be in israel today. this was near continuous rocket fire just hours before dawn. now there is a secondary fighting front that's coming into the fold. the goal would be to distract or block israel as it is preparing for a ground invasion on hamas. now israeli troops are responding to the attacks from the northern border with syria and lebanon. they fired anti-tank missiles. iran's fingerprints are all over this. they have hamas, hezbollah. the realities of this war are unimaginable. soldiers clearing out the massacre scene in one southern israel community. hamas terrorists brutally killing at least 40 babies and young children and we know the horrific story from there. many of them beheaded. one soldier describing it. >> it is not a battlefield. you see the babies, the mothers, the fathers in their bedroom, in their protection room and they killed them. they slaughtered them. it is a massacre, a terror activity. so you can look for yourself. it is something that i never saw in my life. >> harris: fox team coverage for you now. retired four star general jack keane with military analysis. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin on the united states response. let's go to senior correspondent mike tobin live on the israel/gaza border. mike. >> harris, we just lost the back drop we had of the gaza strip. more incoming rocket fire. the sun goes down, rockets have a tendency to come out. if we look overhead not a great shot anymore. dissipating smoke from one of the intercepts of the iron dome system that got one of the palestinian rockets that came out. the sun is going down now. rocket fire continues. one rocket made it to tel aviv today. not resulting in injuries but we're in ashkelon before that just north of the gaza strip investigating a rocket strike. while we were doing that investigation more rocket fire came in. >> this is the location of the latest rocket strike inside israel. here is a piece of what's left over apparently from the rocket that hit. this is the point of impact. stone landscaping wall and if you look in here real close you can see a little bit of the rocket. i can't pull it out because it is buried in the ground but still hot from the explosion and you look, the rocket hit here, the force of the blast went this way, blasted threw that fencing and it broke out the glass in a house. there was injuries because of this rocket. it appears the injuries are the force of the broken glass and individuals were hurt. >> come on. >> you can hear the off in the distance some of the impacts made from the rockets. this is a drill that sadly people in israel repeat over and over again. to the north and south of my location you have israeli forces positioning presumably waiting for orders to begin the ground invasion. one of the things they have with them are the artillery. it is banging away day and night. it has a psychological impact to the people of gaza and hamas militants letting them know the israeli defense forces is ready to move and has the effect of softening the battlefield. something that an army will do before they advance on the ground. so every indication still is that the ground offensive into the gaza strip is imminent. we know the security cabinet met last night. we know israel has formed the unity government which could be an indication of the go ahead. we haven't seen the armor started rolling. fresh gunfire on the israeli side of the gaza border today. it appears some hold overs possibly hid since the original terror attack from hamas to the northern end of the gaza strip. they popped up. the israeli forces engaged them and three hamas gunmen were killed. >> harris: mike tobin, as you were in the shelter with people and the lights went dark and sirens were going off. i want to get your impressions of the resilience of israelis. they have been through this so many times and you are standing among them and you have to feel that, that they will make it through. >> well, also how welcoming they were. here we are on the street. we didn't know them from anyone. alarm went off and they said come into my house. i have a safe room. they're ready to protect people who they didn't know ten minutes earlier. we were there with his man and family. most israeli homes have a safe room that is supposed to be able to take a hit or at least an indirect hit from one of these rockets. reality is they live within range, harris. >> harris: before i let you go, the safe rooms what we're hearing from what i call serial killers, barbarians, hamas terrorists were going into the safe areas and killing people in their beds. are you hearing how that breach could possibly even happen? you have been in the spaces now. >> right. i used to live in a house with a safe room. a big iron door locked from the inside. for one reason or another the door was not locked, they could have blasted it open. but yeah, we have the same information that people were mass act erred. i don't use that word lightly massacreed inside of those safe rooms. >> harris: stay safe. the first united states weapons have arrived in israel. it includes ammunition and intercepters for the missile defense system the iron dome. plus our military naval ships are moving closer to israel. the u.s.s. gerald ford has pulled into the region and the u.s.s. eisenhower is on its way as well. let's get more detail on what's coming. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon. that sounds like a lot on its way. what else can you tell us? >> well harris, first of all u.s. intelligence officials are saying they do not have any concrete evidence linking iran to the hamas terror attack. they obviously are looking closely. there is obviously been a great intelligence vacuum in recent days in the lead-up to this. but u.s. intelligence officials still say they can't concretely link iran to this attack. defense secretary lloyd austin told reporters on his way to the nato defense ministerial in brussels he offered u.s. personnel to help rescue israeli and americas hostages and the defense department has the ability to rapidly deploy other resources into the region if necessary. >> when i spoke to minister galon on sunday i offered our special operators, in planning and developing intelligence. >> a defense department official clarified u.s. military liaisons were already on the ground in israel and attached to the u.s. embassy before hamas invaded. special operations personnel were already on the ground in israel. part of their jobs at the embassy or training agreements between u.s. and israeli special operations. this was a direct weapons shipment landing in southern israel yesterday. president biden promised additional military assistance. u.s. defense officials told fox news this is not because israel is running out of ammunition but the u.s. is trying to defer a broader conflict from happening. bowing act sell rated the delivery of smart bombs. >> president biden: let me say again to any country, any organization, anyone thinking of taking advantage of this situation, i have one word, don't. >> the u.s.s. ford and joined by the u.s.s. eisenhower strike group leaving virginia on friday in a deployment to the region. secretary austin held a third phone call with israel defense minister reiterating u.s. support. my focus is on making sure we can do everything we can do to help contain this to the point where it doesn't spread throughout the region and also to everything we can to support israel in its efforts. austin told reporters en route to meet nato defense ministers in brussels. >> harris: thank you. general jack keane, retired army four star general. fox news senior strategic analyst and chairman of the institute for the study of war, i welcome you in "focus" today. general, first of all, i don't know if you could hear jennifer's reporting but there is now an imminent situation that we're told about a ground war. can you walk us through strategically what that could look like and what the implications are? >> yes, certainly, harris. what's happening here we have four major adversaries in the world, china, russia, iran, and north korea in that order. and we have -- and all of them interesting enough have stepped up their aggression in recent years. why do you think that's happening? they perceive the united states is weak and has gotten weaker and possibly even in decline. that's something president xi and putin both believe. and then we have three geographic areas in the world that contain our vital interests. one is europe and russia has started a war in europe to defeat ukraine, take ownership of it and indicated many times that they intend to expand. we cannot let russia win that war. all of this is connected. in the pacific president xi is telling us that if taiwan doesn't voluntarily reunify that he will take it by force. he has told his forces to be ready by 2027. he is threatening war in the pacific, which would be catastrophic in terms of the war itself and the implications for mankind and the economy. now we have iran. let's stop fiddling around with it. iran has started a war in the middle east using its proxies, in this case hamas, possibly expand with hezbollah and syria and others. why is that? to destroy the state of israel. israel must win this war. strategically the all turn is unsafeable. reset the entire table in the middle east if israel lost this war. what does that mean? that means if israel needs our help militarily, and thefr asked for our troops since 1948. not one time. they have asked for our equipment and munitions. but if they need our help, then we give them whatever it needs for them to win period. because the alternative strategically is absolutely unacceptable. these three regions of the world are related to each other, as are our adversaries who are absolutely attempting to take advantage of the united states. >> harris: all right. i want to ask something that is obvious to our viewers as you are talking. and i wanted to ask it immediately when you said if israel needs our help. they've never asked for troops before but we would be there. what does that mean for the fight in ukraine? because they would love nothing more than for us to do even more for them to win the war against russia. how does the united states balance what it has? our relationship to israel is far more important and special both diplomatically, strategically all of it with israel. they are family. what is ukraine in all of this scenario? >> certainly it emphasizes the significance of making certain that russia is defeated in ukraine. >> harris: can we do both >> and they don't expand beyond that. we can do both. look at, zelensky has 83% of the territory, defeated half of the russian's combat forces and we haven't provided a single troop to that effort. we have just provided weapons. that's a heck of a return on investment. we'll help israel here. and we'll do it with support. obviously also with moral support and that's very good and i applaud the president for providing that kind of moral support. but if they need more than that, my point is, we have to give it. we cannot let israel lose this war because the implications in the middle east are catastrophic and catastrophic for israel. >> harris: viewers who are watching carefully and they do, the american public is paying attention. they know what is at stake here. when you hear our reporter jennifer griffin say no, there is no -- there are no markings of iran that the pentagon can prove on this and then they hear me say this thing has oven mitts that say iran on them and using them in syria and lebanon to make sure they're part of the game, too, you say there is no mistake about it, iran is in this game. i mean, does the pentagon not see it? >> this is an absurdity. they are trying to find a piece of information. what, an order that somebody gave or eavesdropped on a conversation? this is a organization that jake sullivan that is complicit in prying training, financing and support. the support irgc leaders visit hamas and hezbollah on a regular basis. the next words out of their mouth after he said they are broadly complicit, he should have said and we should make the assumption that iran is heavily involved in the planning, preparation and coordination and green lighted this war. that should have been made even without having eavesdropped on a piece of evidence that suggests that they took action. we know they took action. let's make the assumption that they've done that. and i think that's what we expect from our leaders, to draw conclusions, strategic conclusions from what is happening right in front of us and inform the american people look, the israelis are very, very complimentary to the administration over their support to them, as they should be. but when you hear the israeli ambassador said we have fundamental differences. you know what the difference is? it's all over iran. they believe the united states is appeasing iran, has had the wrong strategy in dealing with iran since this administration took over. they know full well iran is completely complicit in news re using hamas to try to destroy israel. that's a fact. they know hezbollah if they come into the war has the same mission statement. who is telling them to do that? iran is telling them to do that. we've got to put the facts on the table and draw some conclusions here about what is happening and educate the american people. i understand why they don't want to say that. that implies what will we do about it and implies we must take some action. >> harris: general, for those of us who -- of course, you served, i'm just the child of somebody who was gifted who served, but look, i mean, if you say it or you don't say it, it doesn't change the fact. if it's iran eventually we are going to have to do something. maybe by naming it we can begin to decide what that something is going to be. i'm not looking at it from 37,000 feet with your experience, but you don't change the fact just because you can't find a piece of paper that says iran's guy did this. there are plenty of things we may know to be true without that. i mean, we've been at war before. we know. look, sooner or later we'll have to make a decision about what is happening in lebanon and syria. i want to get your thoughts on that. you open up another front in this war and does that then potentially do what you said, which is they've never asked for our boots on the ground before. i don't want to use that term. they are human beings in the boots. our troops, soldiers, navy, everybody. but do you think it could tip us? >> that would be israeli's call. look, there are 130,000 rockets and missiles that iran has provided to hezbollah. they've created this arsenal over a number of years and most recent years they are giving them advance missiles. so they have greater range, greater lethality than hamas has. they can reach israeli cities. if they overpower the iran dome. it cannot destroy all the launchers and infrastructures that supports them and they're beginning to take significant casualties on a regular basis, it is reasonable that they would ask the united states for help. and what kind of help would we provide them? we would give them air support. not talking about troops on the ground. air support. we would -- it would be significant. we move it into a region. brought in a couple of fighter squadrons in the region and have significant capability in the region and use cruise missiles to do that. i'm sure we've shared all the intelligence we have on where those launchers are and where the infrastructure is compared it with what they have and they probably have a pretty good feel for what they have to do. but if the israelis can't do it by themselves and they ask i cannot imagine an american president saying no to that. we could get into this. hopefully we don't have to get into it and the israelis can deal with this by themselves. we have to be prepared to do it and take it as face value that's why we're moving all the ships in there and the support in there. not just as a show of force to deter but to convince them we would come to israel's age. i would have said that in the president's speech yesterday. i wouldn't have just said don't do it. i would have told them i would use it. deterrence has two factors. factor one is the capability. that capability we just put in the region and some ofist is already there. factor number two, you have to convince your adversary that you are going to use it. and i would have used those words. if you come into this war and israelis need help, then the united states is going to come and help them and we will destroy you. i would have said words to that effect whatever words he is comfortable saying but much more specific. so you don't want your adversary to have any doubt about it. if you are really using it as a deterrent. he is using that word and why the forces are there. make the commitment that you will help. >> harris: you are talking about the u.s.s. gerald ford that arrived yesterday and reports the eisenhower is on its way now. i wrote down what you said. it's brill anality. deterrence has two factors, capability and conviction to use it. i want to point to -- thank you for that because it really does speak to kind of the empty words sometimes we hear politicians say as they try to search to find the words that will be less incendiary. everything is on fire right now. i want everybody to look to the left of their screen. israel is fighting back against these terrorists. that's gaza. and we just saw, general, a huge amount of black smoke go up in the center of that city and it's dissipating a bit now. what are they hitting them with and what can they do during the daytime and how does that change at night? >> well, what's taking place in terms of fires is two things. one, the israelis are still attempting to suppress the rockets and missiles that are still in the gaza strip area. obviously they are very good at hiding and protecting those missiles and launchers except when they are going to use them. you see fighter jets attack helicopters working that target. but then it seems the israelis have just about told everybody they will go into the gaza strip. they are using pre-assault fires, military terminology, to prepare and help prepare a pathway for them to move ground forces in. and they have some pretty good intelligence on what is in there and where it is. and that's what those pre-assault fires are targeting. the black smoke they probably hit something that dealt with either ammunition or fuel to get that it's likely a military target that they hit. and this ground force moving into gaza, this is going to be very different than anything they've done before, which normally i use the term hard and fast. a lot of fire power, get it over with a week, ten days, three weeks at the outset and get out of there. this time they have changed the mission. the mission before was to set hamas and islamic jihad back a number of years. now the mission is to eliminate them as a political entity. they have to have somebody else to run gaza. likely the fatah on the west bank. we'll see. but the military operation is very different because they want to destroy the entire hamas network. that means the leaders, the fighters, all of their military infrastructure and tunnel complexes. neighborhood, neighborhood, block by block. it will likely take weeks and months and you have to have patience. the united states leaders have to have patience. and the international leaders have to have patience in dealing with this. this is a much longer and much more complicated operation. >> harris: general keane, thank you. fabulous to have you start us off this hour. appreciate your expertise and your service always. hamas targeted civilians. and we know that they are holding at least 150 people hostage. they like to put a lot of sfuf on social media. they like to show us what the serial killer looks like and they like to do all that and the torture, emotional and physical brutality that they have against the people that they've captured. they are proud of it. they include those hostages, noah, a college student who was attending that music festival in the south near the gaza border where the surprise attack first began. hamas terrorists seen capturing noah in a video posted online. and her roommate spoke to jess watters last night. >> i spoke to her father saturday noon when i saw the video. he was in the hospital trying to look for her. i don't think someone can understand when you see a video like this of your daughter getting kidnapped to hamas, to terrorists, you don't know what they will do to her. she is suffering. everyone is suffering. my buddy was screaming, my head was -- didn't accept it. i don't think someone can accept something like this. and from this moment like i'm trying to know what happened and we just trying to do our best to get her back. >> harris: israelis are together on the battlefield and beyond. volunteers helping feed the soldiers and working to aid in evacuations. mic mic michael eisenberg. his two sons are fighting in the israeli army and his cousin already killed in the fighting. my condolences to you and your family and you brave dad. tell me what is needed in israel now with the volunteer effort. >> thank you, harris, thank you to the american people and the president for supporting israel in this time combating these evil butchers of hamas, these animals who raped, kidnapped innocent civilians at a music festival and slaughtered them in their homes. my cousin was killed in battle was one of the first responders in the town that was decimated by these butchers and unfortunately he was killed in battle. actually had a son-in-law called up today. we have a lot of nephews and children there and the volunteer efforts in israel are stunning. everywhere you have people going down and literally rescuing people from these villages where the butchers turned up. you have people supplying food to soldiers and to civilians whose lives have been turned upside down. you have people who have coordinated digitally to provide digital systems to manage so much of this effort. those are technology entrepreneurs that israel is famous force who came together with the government alongside the government and independently to provide these systems. i came back from a town in the south. a got back 15 minutes ago. there were 300 high school kids there and about 100 adults doing -- a giant warehouse doing nothing but providing supplies and sending in buses to get people out where there is significant danger. it is inspiring. we have tremendously resilient civilian society. i hope it's a model for the whole world. we need resilient civilians to stand up to evil people. there are evil people in the world as the general was saying before. >> harris: as you point out, i mean, israel has been through so much and it is 75 year history of statehood already and previous to that the holocaust, the jewish people have been through so much. that resilience is what keeps the rest of the world hopeful. i actually was at the jewish community center in my neighborhood in new jersey last night and i know it can hold a few hundred people. there are 3,500 people that they had put in places all around this large building. the attorney general of our state was there. the top law enforcement officer. there was homeland there. there were so many police officers. they got a standing ovation. you have the kind of support here in the united states. i have know you know that, michael. but we have done as a nation, it would seem, we've done exactly what you've inspired us to do. we have that infrastructure set up to be resilient on our own and i think back to 9/11. we're learning from you. i wish the lessons could be on paper and you didn't have to live them out. blessing to you. >> unfortunately a thought experiment what would happen if borders were open and hamas had a chance to come into israel or go into gaza, i think there would be peace and prosperity. if hamas had a chance to come in maybe they would slaughter us. now we know they will. the thought experiment is over and it's reality now. the amazing thing that you pointed out is this covenant between israel and the united states and people who love life and liberty and people who love prosperity and inbegin yu tee. this covenant between the united states and israel. people who love freedom and the civilians of israel is unbreakable and strong and showing up now at exactly unfortunately the right time. god bless america and god bless israel and all the resilient civilians coming to everybody's aid. >> harris: god bless those members of your family and the families in israel who will fight this. to you and me they're just kids, very young. michael. thank you very much. appreciate you. >> they are. thank you, harris. you mentioned before your father was a man of service. my grandfather served in the u.s. navy in world war ii. his namesake is now serving in gaza. >> harris: amen, thank you. join us in supporting those affected by this brutal war. fox news has made a $1 million donation to the united jewish appeal. the uja is providing cash assistance, trauma relief, relocation services volunteers and more. your donation will be directly to that effort. visit the united jewish appeals website or scan the code on your tv with your phone on the screen if you would like to donate. [screaming and explosions] >> harris: that was moments ago. i was telling you about that big plume of smoke. we didn't know what was happening. missiles flying at the gaza border as israel is firing back at hamas terrorists and military targets. a senior correspondent mike tobin had to dive for cover during all of that. meanwhile, house republicans have just wrapped up a meeting where they had a secret ballot on a new speaker. now they're moving expeditiously. jim jordan and steve scalise, the main contenders as kevin mccarthy has asked not to be renominated. dan crenshaw was just there and a member of the house select committee on intelligence and house energy committee as well. congressman, i do want to first of all tap in on what's happening militarily because you have that in your actmen and experience. we watch israel hit back and smoke in the skies. want to get your take on where we are five days in. >> like i think you're seeing a huge wake-up call from israel. there was some complacency here and failures to see it coming. this time is different. we've seen a lot of these conflicts in the last couple decades. this is different. i find it hard to believe the israelis will simply do their strategic and surgical incursions and then pull back out and call it a day. i think this war will be going on for a much longer time. they won't stop until they have completely decimated hamas. i don't blame them. i have think we should support them in that mission. i don't think they have a choice. that's what you are seeing right now. >> harris: congressman crenshaw, i want the talk about the pressure, the intensity happening now on capitol hill for you to choose a house speaker. really you have kind of come to a halt for anything you can do legislatively, although you can still hold hearings and what not. tell me about that intensity on the hill right now. >> well, we're in the middle of the process. republican conference, closed door session. we are going to elect a speaker -- nominate a speaker, then present it to the floor. as soon as as i'm done talking to you i will head back into the room where we're doing it and pretty soon here we'll have that vote. i think we're in good hands with either jim jordan or steve scalise. i'm optimistic about how we operate from here. optimistic about our future and more importantly beating the left eva's agenda and holding the biden administration accountable. we have to be unified and do what we promised to the american people. there was a lot of people airing personal grievances and pretending they were representing their people. that has to stop. they aren't elected to come up here and use your power to air personal grievances. that's what happened. so those kind of discussions are happening and very frank and cordial and in the end we'll come out on top, i think. >> harris: what is the goal with regard to -- i don't know if you can see this, a lot of black smoke again in the center of gaza city now. this is pretty fast coming now. there is a -- what is the vision with regard to israel and what's happening there in the house? >> from our perspective in the house we're waiting to see what israel needs. it is not obvious. there has been talk of a supplemental. do they need a billion dollars? for what exactly? my intuition is just like any military operation, you will start to run out of bullets. by bullets i mean higher end bullets like artillery and air to ground missiles and precision weep unless. they'll start to run out of that. the u.s. will provide it. it is unclear if there needs to be a package from congress. there will be a requirement for much more interest from america if this war expands. if hezbollah decides it wants to do a full on invasion from the north, from lebanon. if iran or syria get involved then you have some much more serious questions to answer about how we support israel. >> harris: what's interesting, i read a letter, i have it here somewhere in my many pages from members of the house and they wanted to make sure that, you know, iran doesn't get left out of all this. i don't -- you couldn't hear because you were in your meeting. general jack keane was saying let's call it what it is and include iran in the conversation when you talk about what's happening before us and what could happen in the future. what is your take on it? >> depends what he means by that. you should include iran. >> harris: that they have the fingerprints all over it. if it's not command and control it's the training they've given hamas and other terrorists. >> that's true. hamas is iran's second favorite child. hamas is a capable group and build capable weaponry and capable counter intelligence operations and they planned all this without anyone knowing. imagine if they put all effort into building an electrical grid, god forbid. so iran created all of that. now whether they had a hand in this that there is no evidence of that direct operational hands in this but absolutely they created the capability and they are cheering on the fact that capability morphed into what it is today. absolutely they should be part of the conversation. >> harris: i want to ask you about what is being told to us could look like other wars we fought hand-to-hand urban combat. can you talk to me about how that could play out? gaza is so tight, you know, the tightest population in the world. it is not a big piece of land, 140 square miles. how do you fight there? what will it look like? >> it looks like hell. we have a lot of experience in that kind of fighting. the iraq war was largely this kind of fighting. the american military has a lot of experience in this. this may be a -- something the american military needs to help the israeli military with. they are a highly capable institution but they are tiny, they're small. they punch above their weight but the weight class is very small. these are the kind of things we have to be considering. urban warfare is extremely difficult and requires very well thought out tactics that require a lot of training and practice. it is dangerous. you look at the israeli military, very young, and there is -- we are worried that they haven't been able to train to the standards that might be needed for this kind of ground operation. it will be hell but it is also -- i think they're asking themselves what choice do they have? they cannot leave this situation be any longer. >> harris: we're looking at a situation now where we see a lot of darkness. it's later there. but usually not quite this dark. that's a lot of black smoke. we saw the sky brighten and now just solid blackness. what you said about hamas, i mean, they clearly are incompetent in terms of a fake government. if they would put all of their might into running water and electricity and the other things, they could actually help the people, the palestinians there. that's not their focus. they are killers. >> not at all. what's even harder for westerners to understand about this situation. one of the reasons that i would suggest hamas did this is because it gains them political support. so that's crazy, right? that means the palestinian people actually support this. you hear these crazy comments from the squad about palestinian people being caught in the crossfire. they support hamas. they overwhelmingly support their actions to gain more support from the people. so it puts you at a loss. how do you get out of this situation where the people themselves want a government, a terrorist government that actively creates weapons and not electrical grids or water treatment plants? that's the kind of situation you are in. israel has no choice here. >> harris: i appreciate your time. i know you have to get back to that meeting. the house conference voting. you said you could have a situation where you could go to a full house vote. we'll be watching every second. congressman crenshaw, thank you. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> harris: a lot of backlash to anti-israeli protests we are seeing in united states cities and across the globe. steve hilton in "focus" next. stay close. that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ you're in a hurry. i'm off to america's best i heard what you said about not overpaying for glasses. two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95? 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>> they say it's a bring justice, healing and freedom to black people across the globe. the same should apply if you are jewish. >> harris: i want to bring in steve hilton. fox news contributor to get your immediate response, steve, on what's happening with the chapter of black lives matter. >> it is completely despicable and not just the one chapter. it is a cancer throughout this organization. i just saw just within the last hour the head of black lives matter in los angeles posting similar sentiments. i stand with palestinian and so on. this is something that may come as a surprise to some people. i saw jake tapper on cnn marveling at the idea there is much wider anti-semitism on the left than we may have realized. many of us saw this all along. many of us saw in this far left, hard left organization, blm, the seeds of all this. vile, sickening anti-semitism. and the point now really has to be addressed to all those people, all those organizations, corporate america, the media, democrat politicians who align themselves with black lives matter. they now need to be challenged. they need to be pressed to disavow this organization. and everything it represents. one final point i make just on blm. the fact that some people may still be thinking well, yes, even if you condemn utterly what you are seeing from hamas, there is a point to be made about the palestinian cause. just think what blm themselves said to those who at the time said well, black lives matter that's true, what about all lives matter? and the blm supporters said look, if you try to use the phrase all lives matter, then you are minimizing the pain and suffering specific to black people. well, how about that argument now? if you now say i stand with palestine and so on. even if there were reasonable arguments there and you support terrorism. what you are doing is completely minimizing the atrocities being committed right now on jews and the israeli people. >> harris: it tells you where they stand. i don't think they're confused about that. they are showing us who they are. you know what i say when people do that? thank you for letting me know. if evil will lurk you need to know where it's lurking. wow. okay. let's talk about what's happening on capitol hill and this seems like people lurking, too. one of our correspondents was trying to ask members who are known for being pro-palestinian. one of them has a flag outside her office now, the so-called squad long time critics of israel. watch rashida tlaib ignoring fox's questions will hamas's brutality over the 40 babies killed. >> they have cut off babies heads. do you support israel's right to defend himself against what is happening. you have no comment about children's heads being chopped off? congressman. why do you have a palestinian flag outside your office if you don't condone what the terrorists did to the israel people? >> harris: in is a woman there is video on youtube you can watch yourself. cops had to pull out by both arms at some event she went to a few years shouting and being belligerent and telling everybody how she felt and here she buries her head in her hands. is she ashamed, was she crying? would she want to take the flag down? >> by the way, someone very publicly crying on an issue that she felt strongly about, the border. and here she can't even bring herself for whatever reason, to condemn the beheading of babies? what kind of sickness has infected the left when people like this feel that it is somehow politically damaging to them to condemn atrocities of this magnitude? it is sickening. as with blm it tells you something important about what is going on in the left. it is a spectrum, by the way, this kind of appeasement. this is the extreme version you are seeing there with the squad and all the rest of it. that culture and ideology of appeasement in the democratic party is exposed. you see it on foreign policy, the border, with crime. this ideology that we can't stand up for the right values and we can confront and do tough things, that is really pervasive on the left. that is something else we need to call out and stand up against. >> harris: why would we ever put up with that as a voting public? you are not only talking about people acting like children, they are in congress acting like children. they don't want to tell you why they do the things they do. you need to know that about somebody you have elected if they are going to represent you. >> exactly. you can say -- yesterday vile student event in california with the glider terrorists celebrated. this is someone in congress who is in the people's house. this is how she is behaving? this is what she is conveying at this moment? not standing against the worst atrocities we're seeing. they see what's going on and they can see just as we see what's going on in israel they see what's going on here and they see representatives, democratic representatives in congress effectively siding with them by not condemning it. what does that do? that encourages them. >> harris: i look at nightfall on gaza city and what dan crenshaw, congressman described as hell. what war will be like if there is a ground invasion. right now they are softening the ground as general keane told us earlier this hour. they are getting ready for a ground invasion. steve hilton. great to have you in "focus", my friend, thank you. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

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breaking news situations unfolding. on capitol hill the house republican conference is meeting right now and we are told this meeting could last all day with the intense pressure on them to elect a speaker of the house after kevin mccarthy lost the speakership in a recent vote. and without that top member of the u.s. house of representatives in place, congress remains at a stand still and is unable to act on a brutal war that we've been covering thousands of miles away. we're watching the latest developments from israel as they hit the embodiment of evil. hamas terrorists. that's where we'll start. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." five days of horror. israel families missing, tortured, killed. the closer they were to the border with palestinianian territory on gaza, the closer that they were to hamas serial killers killing them. loved ones taken hostage are now begging for help. secretary of state antony blinken is set to be in israel today. this was near continuous rocket fire just hours before dawn. now there is a secondary fighting front that's coming into the fold. the goal would be to distract or block israel as it is preparing for a ground invasion on hamas. now israeli troops are responding to the attacks from the northern border with syria and lebanon. they fired anti-tank missiles. iran's fingerprints are all over this. they have hamas, hezbollah. the realities of this war are unimaginable. soldiers clearing out the massacre scene in one southern israel community. hamas terrorists brutally killing at least 40 babies and young children and we know the horrific story from there. many of them beheaded. one soldier describing it. >> it is not a battlefield. you see the babies, the mothers, the fathers in their bedroom, in their protection room and they killed them. they slaughtered them. it is a massacre, a terror activity. so you can look for yourself. it is something that i never saw in my life. >> harris: fox team coverage for you now. retired four star general jack keane with military analysis. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin on the united states response. let's go to senior correspondent mike tobin live on the israel/gaza border. mike. >> harris, we just lost the back drop we had of the gaza strip. more incoming rocket fire. the sun goes down, rockets have a tendency to come out. if we look overhead not a great shot anymore. dissipating smoke from one of the intercepts of the iron dome system that got one of the palestinian rockets that came out. the sun is going down now. rocket fire continues. one rocket made it to tel aviv today. not resulting in injuries but we're in ashkelon before that just north of the gaza strip investigating a rocket strike. while we were doing that investigation more rocket fire came in. >> this is the location of the latest rocket strike inside israel. here is a piece of what's left over apparently from the rocket that hit. this is the point of impact. stone landscaping wall and if you look in here real close you can see a little bit of the rocket. i can't pull it out because it is buried in the ground but still hot from the explosion and you look, the rocket hit here, the force of the blast went this way, blasted threw that fencing and it broke out the glass in a house. there was injuries because of this rocket. it appears the injuries are the force of the broken glass and individuals were hurt. >> come on. >> you can hear the off in the distance some of the impacts made from the rockets. this is a drill that sadly people in israel repeat over and over again. to the north and south of my location you have israeli forces positioning presumably waiting for orders to begin the ground invasion. one of the things they have with them are the artillery. it is banging away day and night. it has a psychological impact to the people of gaza and hamas militants letting them know the israeli defense forces is ready to move and has the effect of softening the battlefield. something that an army will do before they advance on the ground. so every indication still is that the ground offensive into the gaza strip is imminent. we know the security cabinet met last night. we know israel has formed the unity government which could be an indication of the go ahead. we haven't seen the armor started rolling. fresh gunfire on the israeli side of the gaza border today. it appears some hold overs possibly hid since the original terror attack from hamas to the northern end of the gaza strip. they popped up. the israeli forces engaged them and three hamas gunmen were killed. >> harris: mike tobin, as you were in the shelter with people and the lights went dark and sirens were going off. i want to get your impressions of the resilience of israelis. they have been through this so many times and you are standing among them and you have to feel that, that they will make it through. >> well, also how welcoming they were. here we are on the street. we didn't know them from anyone. alarm went off and they said come into my house. i have a safe room. they're ready to protect people who they didn't know ten minutes earlier. we were there with his man and family. most israeli homes have a safe room that is supposed to be able to take a hit or at least an indirect hit from one of these rockets. reality is they live within range, harris. >> harris: before i let you go, the safe rooms what we're hearing from what i call serial killers, barbarians, hamas terrorists were going into the safe areas and killing people in their beds. are you hearing how that breach could possibly even happen? you have been in the spaces now. >> right. i used to live in a house with a safe room. a big iron door locked from the inside. for one reason or another the door was not locked, they could have blasted it open. but yeah, we have the same information that people were mass act erred. i don't use that word lightly massacreed inside of those safe rooms. >> harris: stay safe. the first united states weapons have arrived in israel. it includes ammunition and intercepters for the missile defense system the iron dome. plus our military naval ships are moving closer to israel. the u.s.s. gerald ford has pulled into the region and the u.s.s. eisenhower is on its way as well. let's get more detail on what's coming. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon. that sounds like a lot on its way. what else can you tell us? >> well harris, first of all u.s. intelligence officials are saying they do not have any concrete evidence linking iran to the hamas terror attack. they obviously are looking closely. there is obviously been a great intelligence vacuum in recent days in the lead-up to this. but u.s. intelligence officials still say they can't concretely link iran to this attack. defense secretary lloyd austin told reporters on his way to the nato defense ministerial in brussels he offered u.s. personnel to help rescue israeli and americas hostages and the defense department has the ability to rapidly deploy other resources into the region if necessary. >> when i spoke to minister galon on sunday i offered our special operators, in planning and developing intelligence. >> a defense department official clarified u.s. military liaisons were already on the ground in israel and attached to the u.s. embassy before hamas invaded. special operations personnel were already on the ground in israel. part of their jobs at the embassy or training agreements between u.s. and israeli special operations. this was a direct weapons shipment landing in southern israel yesterday. president biden promised additional military assistance. u.s. defense officials told fox news this is not because israel is running out of ammunition but the u.s. is trying to defer a broader conflict from happening. bowing act sell rated the delivery of smart bombs. >> president biden: let me say again to any country, any organization, anyone thinking of taking advantage of this situation, i have one word, don't. >> the u.s.s. ford and joined by the u.s.s. eisenhower strike group leaving virginia on friday in a deployment to the region. secretary austin held a third phone call with israel defense minister reiterating u.s. support. my focus is on making sure we can do everything we can do to help contain this to the point where it doesn't spread throughout the region and also to everything we can to support israel in its efforts. austin told reporters en route to meet nato defense ministers in brussels. >> harris: thank you. general jack keane, retired army four star general. fox news senior strategic analyst and chairman of the institute for the study of war, i welcome you in "focus" today. general, first of all, i don't know if you could hear jennifer's reporting but there is now an imminent situation that we're told about a ground war. can you walk us through strategically what that could look like and what the implications are? >> yes, certainly, harris. what's happening here we have four major adversaries in the world, china, russia, iran, and north korea in that order. and we have -- and all of them interesting enough have stepped up their aggression in recent years. why do you think that's happening? they perceive the united states is weak and has gotten weaker and possibly even in decline. that's something president xi and putin both believe. and then we have three geographic areas in the world that contain our vital interests. one is europe and russia has started a war in europe to defeat ukraine, take ownership of it and indicated many times that they intend to expand. we cannot let russia win that war. all of this is connected. in the pacific president xi is telling us that if taiwan doesn't voluntarily reunify that he will take it by force. he has told his forces to be ready by 2027. he is threatening war in the pacific, which would be catastrophic in terms of the war itself and the implications for mankind and the economy. now we have iran. let's stop fiddling around with it. iran has started a war in the middle east using its proxies, in this case hamas, possibly expand with hezbollah and syria and others. why is that? to destroy the state of israel. israel must win this war. strategically the all turn is unsafeable. reset the entire table in the middle east if israel lost this war. what does that mean? that means if israel needs our help militarily, and thefr asked for our troops since 1948. not one time. they have asked for our equipment and munitions. but if they need our help, then we give them whatever it needs for them to win period. because the alternative strategically is absolutely unacceptable. these three regions of the world are related to each other, as are our adversaries who are absolutely attempting to take advantage of the united states. >> harris: all right. i want to ask something that is obvious to our viewers as you are talking. and i wanted to ask it immediately when you said if israel needs our help. they've never asked for troops before but we would be there. what does that mean for the fight in ukraine? because they would love nothing more than for us to do even more for them to win the war against russia. how does the united states balance what it has? our relationship to israel is far more important and special both diplomatically, strategically all of it with israel. they are family. what is ukraine in all of this scenario? >> certainly it emphasizes the significance of making certain that russia is defeated in ukraine. >> harris: can we do both >> and they don't expand beyond that. we can do both. look at, zelensky has 83% of the territory, defeated half of the russian's combat forces and we haven't provided a single troop to that effort. we have just provided weapons. that's a heck of a return on investment. we'll help israel here. and we'll do it with support. obviously also with moral support and that's very good and i applaud the president for providing that kind of moral support. but if they need more than that, my point is, we have to give it. we cannot let israel lose this war because the implications in the middle east are catastrophic and catastrophic for israel. >> harris: viewers who are watching carefully and they do, the american public is paying attention. they know what is at stake here. when you hear our reporter jennifer griffin say no, there is no -- there are no markings of iran that the pentagon can prove on this and then they hear me say this thing has oven mitts that say iran on them and using them in syria and lebanon to make sure they're part of the game, too, you say there is no mistake about it, iran is in this game. i mean, does the pentagon not see it? >> this is an absurdity. they are trying to find a piece of information. what, an order that somebody gave or eavesdropped on a conversation? this is a organization that jake sullivan that is complicit in prying training, financing and support. the support irgc leaders visit hamas and hezbollah on a regular basis. the next words out of their mouth after he said they are broadly complicit, he should have said and we should make the assumption that iran is heavily involved in the planning, preparation and coordination and green lighted this war. that should have been made even without having eavesdropped on a piece of evidence that suggests that they took action. we know they took action. let's make the assumption that they've done that. and i think that's what we expect from our leaders, to draw conclusions, strategic conclusions from what is happening right in front of us and inform the american people look, the israelis are very, very complimentary to the administration over their support to them, as they should be. but when you hear the israeli ambassador said we have fundamental differences. you know what the difference is? it's all over iran. they believe the united states is appeasing iran, has had the wrong strategy in dealing with iran since this administration took over. they know full well iran is completely complicit in news re using hamas to try to destroy israel. that's a fact. they know hezbollah if they come into the war has the same mission statement. who is telling them to do that? iran is telling them to do that. we've got to put the facts on the table and draw some conclusions here about what is happening and educate the american people. i understand why they don't want to say that. that implies what will we do about it and implies we must take some action. >> harris: general, for those of us who -- of course, you served, i'm just the child of somebody who was gifted who served, but look, i mean, if you say it or you don't say it, it doesn't change the fact. if it's iran eventually we are going to have to do something. maybe by naming it we can begin to decide what that something is going to be. i'm not looking at it from 37,000 feet with your experience, but you don't change the fact just because you can't find a piece of paper that says iran's guy did this. there are plenty of things we may know to be true without that. i mean, we've been at war before. we know. look, sooner or later we'll have to make a decision about what is happening in lebanon and syria. i want to get your thoughts on that. you open up another front in this war and does that then potentially do what you said, which is they've never asked for our boots on the ground before. i don't want to use that term. they are human beings in the boots. our troops, soldiers, navy, everybody. but do you think it could tip us? >> that would be israeli's call. look, there are 130,000 rockets and missiles that iran has provided to hezbollah. they've created this arsenal over a number of years and most recent years they are giving them advance missiles. so they have greater range, greater lethality than hamas has. they can reach israeli cities. if they overpower the iran dome. it cannot destroy all the launchers and infrastructures that supports them and they're beginning to take significant casualties on a regular basis, it is reasonable that they would ask the united states for help. and what kind of help would we provide them? we would give them air support. not talking about troops on the ground. air support. we would -- it would be significant. we move it into a region. brought in a couple of fighter squadrons in the region and have significant capability in the region and use cruise missiles to do that. i'm sure we've shared all the intelligence we have on where those launchers are and where the infrastructure is compared it with what they have and they probably have a pretty good feel for what they have to do. but if the israelis can't do it by themselves and they ask i cannot imagine an american president saying no to that. we could get into this. hopefully we don't have to get into it and the israelis can deal with this by themselves. we have to be prepared to do it and take it as face value that's why we're moving all the ships in there and the support in there. not just as a show of force to deter but to convince them we would come to israel's age. i would have said that in the president's speech yesterday. i wouldn't have just said don't do it. i would have told them i would use it. deterrence has two factors. factor one is the capability. that capability we just put in the region and some ofist is already there. factor number two, you have to convince your adversary that you are going to use it. and i would have used those words. if you come into this war and israelis need help, then the united states is going to come and help them and we will destroy you. i would have said words to that effect whatever words he is comfortable saying but much more specific. so you don't want your adversary to have any doubt about it. if you are really using it as a deterrent. he is using that word and why the forces are there. make the commitment that you will help. >> harris: you are talking about the u.s.s. gerald ford that arrived yesterday and reports the eisenhower is on its way now. i wrote down what you said. it's brill anality. deterrence has two factors, capability and conviction to use it. i want to point to -- thank you for that because it really does speak to kind of the empty words sometimes we hear politicians say as they try to search to find the words that will be less incendiary. everything is on fire right now. i want everybody to look to the left of their screen. israel is fighting back against these terrorists. that's gaza. and we just saw, general, a huge amount of black smoke go up in the center of that city and it's dissipating a bit now. what are they hitting them with and what can they do during the daytime and how does that change at night? >> well, what's taking place in terms of fires is two things. one, the israelis are still attempting to suppress the rockets and missiles that are still in the gaza strip area. obviously they are very good at hiding and protecting those missiles and launchers except when they are going to use them. you see fighter jets attack helicopters working that target. but then it seems the israelis have just about told everybody they will go into the gaza strip. they are using pre-assault fires, military terminology, to prepare and help prepare a pathway for them to move ground forces in. and they have some pretty good intelligence on what is in there and where it is. and that's what those pre-assault fires are targeting. the black smoke they probably hit something that dealt with either ammunition or fuel to get that it's likely a military target that they hit. and this ground force moving into gaza, this is going to be very different than anything they've done before, which normally i use the term hard and fast. a lot of fire power, get it over with a week, ten days, three weeks at the outset and get out of there. this time they have changed the mission. the mission before was to set hamas and islamic jihad back a number of years. now the mission is to eliminate them as a political entity. they have to have somebody else to run gaza. likely the fatah on the west bank. we'll see. but the military operation is very different because they want to destroy the entire hamas network. that means the leaders, the fighters, all of their military infrastructure and tunnel complexes. neighborhood, neighborhood, block by block. it will likely take weeks and months and you have to have patience. the united states leaders have to have patience. and the international leaders have to have patience in dealing with this. this is a much longer and much more complicated operation. >> harris: general keane, thank you. fabulous to have you start us off this hour. appreciate your expertise and your service always. hamas targeted civilians. and we know that they are holding at least 150 people hostage. they like to put a lot of sfuf on social media. they like to show us what the serial killer looks like and they like to do all that and the torture, emotional and physical brutality that they have against the people that they've captured. they are proud of it. they include those hostages, noah, a college student who was attending that music festival in the south near the gaza border where the surprise attack first began. hamas terrorists seen capturing noah in a video posted online. and her roommate spoke to jess watters last night. >> i spoke to her father saturday noon when i saw the video. he was in the hospital trying to look for her. i don't think someone can understand when you see a video like this of your daughter getting kidnapped to hamas, to terrorists, you don't know what they will do to her. she is suffering. everyone is suffering. my buddy was screaming, my head was -- didn't accept it. i don't think someone can accept something like this. and from this moment like i'm trying to know what happened and we just trying to do our best to get her back. >> harris: israelis are together on the battlefield and beyond. volunteers helping feed the soldiers and working to aid in evacuations. mic mic michael eisenberg. his two sons are fighting in the israeli army and his cousin already killed in the fighting. my condolences to you and your family and you brave dad. tell me what is needed in israel now with the volunteer effort. >> thank you, harris, thank you to the american people and the president for supporting israel in this time combating these evil butchers of hamas, these animals who raped, kidnapped innocent civilians at a music festival and slaughtered them in their homes. my cousin was killed in battle was one of the first responders in the town that was decimated by these butchers and unfortunately he was killed in battle. actually had a son-in-law called up today. we have a lot of nephews and children there and the volunteer efforts in israel are stunning. everywhere you have people going down and literally rescuing people from these villages where the butchers turned up. you have people supplying food to soldiers and to civilians whose lives have been turned upside down. you have people who have coordinated digitally to provide digital systems to manage so much of this effort. those are technology entrepreneurs that israel is famous force who came together with the government alongside the government and independently to provide these systems. i came back from a town in the south. a got back 15 minutes ago. there were 300 high school kids there and about 100 adults doing -- a giant warehouse doing nothing but providing supplies and sending in buses to get people out where there is significant danger. it is inspiring. we have tremendously resilient civilian society. i hope it's a model for the whole world. we need resilient civilians to stand up to evil people. there are evil people in the world as the general was saying before. >> harris: as you point out, i mean, israel has been through so much and it is 75 year history of statehood already and previous to that the holocaust, the jewish people have been through so much. that resilience is what keeps the rest of the world hopeful. i actually was at the jewish community center in my neighborhood in new jersey last night and i know it can hold a few hundred people. there are 3,500 people that they had put in places all around this large building. the attorney general of our state was there. the top law enforcement officer. there was homeland there. there were so many police officers. they got a standing ovation. you have the kind of support here in the united states. i have know you know that, michael. but we have done as a nation, it would seem, we've done exactly what you've inspired us to do. we have that infrastructure set up to be resilient on our own and i think back to 9/11. we're learning from you. i wish the lessons could be on paper and you didn't have to live them out. blessing to you. >> unfortunately a thought experiment what would happen if borders were open and hamas had a chance to come into israel or go into gaza, i think there would be peace and prosperity. if hamas had a chance to come in maybe they would slaughter us. now we know they will. the thought experiment is over and it's reality now. the amazing thing that you pointed out is this covenant between israel and the united states and people who love life and liberty and people who love prosperity and inbegin yu tee. this covenant between the united states and israel. people who love freedom and the civilians of israel is unbreakable and strong and showing up now at exactly unfortunately the right time. god bless america and god bless israel and all the resilient civilians coming to everybody's aid. >> harris: god bless those members of your family and the families in israel who will fight this. to you and me they're just kids, very young. michael. thank you very much. appreciate you. >> they are. thank you, harris. you mentioned before your father was a man of service. my grandfather served in the u.s. navy in world war ii. his namesake is now serving in gaza. >> harris: amen, thank you. join us in supporting those affected by this brutal war. fox news has made a $1 million donation to the united jewish appeal. the uja is providing cash assistance, trauma relief, relocation services volunteers and more. your donation will be directly to that effort. visit the united jewish appeals website or scan the code on your tv with your phone on the screen if you would like to donate. [screaming and explosions] >> harris: that was moments ago. i was telling you about that big plume of smoke. we didn't know what was happening. missiles flying at the gaza border as israel is firing back at hamas terrorists and military targets. a senior correspondent mike tobin had to dive for cover during all of that. meanwhile, house republicans have just wrapped up a meeting where they had a secret ballot on a new speaker. now they're moving expeditiously. jim jordan and steve scalise, the main contenders as kevin mccarthy has asked not to be renominated. dan crenshaw was just there and a member of the house select committee on intelligence and house energy committee as well. congressman, i do want to first of all tap in on what's happening militarily because you have that in your actmen and experience. we watch israel hit back and smoke in the skies. want to get your take on where we are five days in. >> like i think you're seeing a huge wake-up call from israel. there was some complacency here and failures to see it coming. this time is different. we've seen a lot of these conflicts in the last couple decades. this is different. i find it hard to believe the israelis will simply do their strategic and surgical incursions and then pull back out and call it a day. i think this war will be going on for a much longer time. they won't stop until they have completely decimated hamas. i don't blame them. i have think we should support them in that mission. i don't think they have a choice. that's what you are seeing right now. >> harris: congressman crenshaw, i want the talk about the pressure, the intensity happening now on capitol hill for you to choose a house speaker. really you have kind of come to a halt for anything you can do legislatively, although you can still hold hearings and what not. tell me about that intensity on the hill right now. >> well, we're in the middle of the process. republican conference, closed door session. we are going to elect a speaker -- nominate a speaker, then present it to the floor. as soon as as i'm done talking to you i will head back into the room where we're doing it and pretty soon here we'll have that vote. i think we're in good hands with either jim jordan or steve scalise. i'm optimistic about how we operate from here. optimistic about our future and more importantly beating the left eva's agenda and holding the biden administration accountable. we have to be unified and do what we promised to the american people. there was a lot of people airing personal grievances and pretending they were representing their people. that has to stop. they aren't elected to come up here and use your power to air personal grievances. that's what happened. so those kind of discussions are happening and very frank and cordial and in the end we'll come out on top, i think. >> harris: what is the goal with regard to -- i don't know if you can see this, a lot of black smoke again in the center of gaza city now. this is pretty fast coming now. there is a -- what is the vision with regard to israel and what's happening there in the house? >> from our perspective in the house we're waiting to see what israel needs. it is not obvious. there has been talk of a supplemental. do they need a billion dollars? for what exactly? my intuition is just like any military operation, you will start to run out of bullets. by bullets i mean higher end bullets like artillery and air to ground missiles and precision weep unless. they'll start to run out of that. the u.s. will provide it. it is unclear if there needs to be a package from congress. there will be a requirement for much more interest from america if this war expands. if hezbollah decides it wants to do a full on invasion from the north, from lebanon. if iran or syria get involved then you have some much more serious questions to answer about how we support israel. >> harris: what's interesting, i read a letter, i have it here somewhere in my many pages from members of the house and they wanted to make sure that, you know, iran doesn't get left out of all this. i don't -- you couldn't hear because you were in your meeting. general jack keane was saying let's call it what it is and include iran in the conversation when you talk about what's happening before us and what could happen in the future. what is your take on it? >> depends what he means by that. you should include iran. >> harris: that they have the fingerprints all over it. if it's not command and control it's the training they've given hamas and other terrorists. >> that's true. hamas is iran's second favorite child. hamas is a capable group and build capable weaponry and capable counter intelligence operations and they planned all this without anyone knowing. imagine if they put all effort into building an electrical grid, god forbid. so iran created all of that. now whether they had a hand in this that there is no evidence of that direct operational hands in this but absolutely they created the capability and they are cheering on the fact that capability morphed into what it is today. absolutely they should be part of the conversation. >> harris: i want to ask you about what is being told to us could look like other wars we fought hand-to-hand urban combat. can you talk to me about how that could play out? gaza is so tight, you know, the tightest population in the world. it is not a big piece of land, 140 square miles. how do you fight there? what will it look like? >> it looks like hell. we have a lot of experience in that kind of fighting. the iraq war was largely this kind of fighting. the american military has a lot of experience in this. this may be a -- something the american military needs to help the israeli military with. they are a highly capable institution but they are tiny, they're small. they punch above their weight but the weight class is very small. these are the kind of things we have to be considering. urban warfare is extremely difficult and requires very well thought out tactics that require a lot of training and practice. it is dangerous. you look at the israeli military, very young, and there is -- we are worried that they haven't been able to train to the standards that might be needed for this kind of ground operation. it will be hell but it is also -- i think they're asking themselves what choice do they have? they cannot leave this situation be any longer. >> harris: we're looking at a situation now where we see a lot of darkness. it's later there. but usually not quite this dark. that's a lot of black smoke. we saw the sky brighten and now just solid blackness. what you said about hamas, i mean, they clearly are incompetent in terms of a fake government. if they would put all of their might into running water and electricity and the other things, they could actually help the people, the palestinians there. that's not their focus. they are killers. >> not at all. what's even harder for westerners to understand about this situation. one of the reasons that i would suggest hamas did this is because it gains them political support. so that's crazy, right? that means the palestinian people actually support this. you hear these crazy comments from the squad about palestinian people being caught in the crossfire. they support hamas. they overwhelmingly support their actions to gain more support from the people. so it puts you at a loss. how do you get out of this situation where the people themselves want a government, a terrorist government that actively creates weapons and not electrical grids or water treatment plants? that's the kind of situation you are in. israel has no choice here. >> harris: i appreciate your time. i know you have to get back to that meeting. the house conference voting. you said you could have a situation where you could go to a full house vote. we'll be watching every second. congressman crenshaw, thank you. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> harris: a lot of backlash to anti-israeli protests we are seeing in united states cities and across the globe. steve hilton in "focus" next. stay close. that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ you're in a hurry. i'm off to america's best i heard what you said about not overpaying for glasses. two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95? 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>> they say it's a bring justice, healing and freedom to black people across the globe. the same should apply if you are jewish. >> harris: i want to bring in steve hilton. fox news contributor to get your immediate response, steve, on what's happening with the chapter of black lives matter. >> it is completely despicable and not just the one chapter. it is a cancer throughout this organization. i just saw just within the last hour the head of black lives matter in los angeles posting similar sentiments. i stand with palestinian and so on. this is something that may come as a surprise to some people. i saw jake tapper on cnn marveling at the idea there is much wider anti-semitism on the left than we may have realized. many of us saw this all along. many of us saw in this far left, hard left organization, blm, the seeds of all this. vile, sickening anti-semitism. and the point now really has to be addressed to all those people, all those organizations, corporate america, the media, democrat politicians who align themselves with black lives matter. they now need to be challenged. they need to be pressed to disavow this organization. and everything it represents. one final point i make just on blm. the fact that some people may still be thinking well, yes, even if you condemn utterly what you are seeing from hamas, there is a point to be made about the palestinian cause. just think what blm themselves said to those who at the time said well, black lives matter that's true, what about all lives matter? and the blm supporters said look, if you try to use the phrase all lives matter, then you are minimizing the pain and suffering specific to black people. well, how about that argument now? if you now say i stand with palestine and so on. even if there were reasonable arguments there and you support terrorism. what you are doing is completely minimizing the atrocities being committed right now on jews and the israeli people. >> harris: it tells you where they stand. i don't think they're confused about that. they are showing us who they are. you know what i say when people do that? thank you for letting me know. if evil will lurk you need to know where it's lurking. wow. okay. let's talk about what's happening on capitol hill and this seems like people lurking, too. one of our correspondents was trying to ask members who are known for being pro-palestinian. one of them has a flag outside her office now, the so-called squad long time critics of israel. watch rashida tlaib ignoring fox's questions will hamas's brutality over the 40 babies killed. >> they have cut off babies heads. do you support israel's right to defend himself against what is happening. you have no comment about children's heads being chopped off? congressman. why do you have a palestinian flag outside your office if you don't condone what the terrorists did to the israel people? >> harris: in is a woman there is video on youtube you can watch yourself. cops had to pull out by both arms at some event she went to a few years shouting and being belligerent and telling everybody how she felt and here she buries her head in her hands. is she ashamed, was she crying? would she want to take the flag down? >> by the way, someone very publicly crying on an issue that she felt strongly about, the border. and here she can't even bring herself for whatever reason, to condemn the beheading of babies? what kind of sickness has infected the left when people like this feel that it is somehow politically damaging to them to condemn atrocities of this magnitude? it is sickening. as with blm it tells you something important about what is going on in the left. it is a spectrum, by the way, this kind of appeasement. this is the extreme version you are seeing there with the squad and all the rest of it. that culture and ideology of appeasement in the democratic party is exposed. you see it on foreign policy, the border, with crime. this ideology that we can't stand up for the right values and we can confront and do tough things, that is really pervasive on the left. that is something else we need to call out and stand up against. >> harris: why would we ever put up with that as a voting public? you are not only talking about people acting like children, they are in congress acting like children. they don't want to tell you why they do the things they do. you need to know that about somebody you have elected if they are going to represent you. >> exactly. you can say -- yesterday vile student event in california with the glider terrorists celebrated. this is someone in congress who is in the people's house. this is how she is behaving? this is what she is conveying at this moment? not standing against the worst atrocities we're seeing. they see what's going on and they can see just as we see what's going on in israel they see what's going on here and they see representatives, democratic representatives in congress effectively siding with them by not condemning it. what does that do? that encourages them. >> harris: i look at nightfall on gaza city and what dan crenshaw, congressman described as hell. what war will be like if there is a ground invasion. right now they are softening the ground as general keane told us earlier this hour. they are getting ready for a ground invasion. steve hilton. great to have you in "focus", my friend, thank you. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." 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