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Oh, go. Oh, never go. Oh, yeah, yeah. Tonight, more mayhem in the middle east. The war between hamasth tol and israel escalating the american death toll now standsl st at 14. 20 americans are missing. Unkn number of americans are being held hostage. Over a thousand Israeli Corpsesd Lay scattered throughout the countrattered y, thousands more injured or missing, Subhuman Jihadists Rippingapar families apart, snatching hostagest, s, kidnapping childr. What has almost 1300 to do, not to do not come out of a common pair divide israel has begun hunting down and extracting hamas from Eir Cititheir Cities and First Responders are getting a look at the ghastly loo tactics the terrorists are using. Hamas has left trailsbloo tow of blood soaked in the city streets. In one town, hamas reportedly beheaded babies and about t 40 babies at least were were taken out on gurneys. Still right now, theyre going House Tol Evacua house, still evacuating dead bodies. You continue to see just cribshl overturned, dead bodies still going door to door because the active fighting here just on thehingy said it is unlikeefr anything theyve ever seen in their entire lives beforee. U the number of bodies,of the number of casualties, the number of their family memberamil s, their friends who all live in these these communities. Icits its truly horrific a images that theyve seen firsthand. And ass you you can see, you sl you can hear those explosions overhead still active, ongoing r fighting. The fog of war makes it difficult for us on the other side of the world to fully documentlitye the reality we ar on the ground. But we can say for certain we are not witnessingmitt a civilized battle. These are animalins committing atrocities against civilians. Theyre women, Kidnappingd Pa Children and Butchering Corpses and paradingraik them around lie a savage ritual to hamas. These are delicious. Just war crimes. Va the Geneva Convention irrelevantntu take t. You take the politics and the history and the religion out of this struggle. On. And this is a war thats easyant to take sideaks on if you cant take the right side on this war. After hearinringg these repugna tactics, theres something wrong with you. Therwronoue is nothing righteou justifiable about what hamas has donewh ham. This is a war between humanitynr and pure evil. T stand israel, because this cannot stand is launching a full scale offensive against the terrorists in th e past 24 hours, israel has been pulverizing hamas Strongholdg Di in the gaza strip with a devastating barrage of targeted airstrikes. Es but this isnt just an air campaign rooting out these cancerous terror cells will require Ground Operations. Drones, Israeli Police on motorcycles are Firing Rounds into fleeing terroris t vehicles. We expect the israeli Retribution Campaign will be methodical. Israels reportedly killed 1500 hamas soldiers inside their own country as they consolidate their security posture. And once they soften up hamas in the gaza strip ves, a massive Ground Operation into gaza will follow. , israel controls gazas airspace. The water to the westheir borden border. So like a python, the Israeli Military will squeeze gaza from all sides and suffocate it. Tim a surge and squeeze strategy but s resptime, but its the only option. Historically, israels responde d to terror attacks with Ground Operations. They become frustrated by impenetrable tunnels and the usualenges of urban guerrilla warfare. Israel then usually pivots to airstrikes, Which Causefrom E Collateral Damage and then stop under pressureglobal from the u. And the global media. This time, we believ be, will bo different. The brazen invasion, the recorrs fatalities and the ghoulish war crimes have stiffened the spine of the Israeli Government and shocked the world into giving the Israelis A Longhe leash to completely eradicate the enemy. Hamas is calculating that eventually israel will losrael lose momentum in te backing of the west, which is why theyre already callingbi for a truce and at the same time a mobilization of thesome entire arab world against israel. Some arab as are answering i that call. Hezbollah, the terror group in israels northah, has begun Firing Rockets from lebanon, syri a also launched mortarss into israel today. The tree is facing attacks on all fronts. It certainly feels like thisst e is just the beginning. Here now, retired air forcel general philip breedlove. All right, general, what is the nextphilliha 24 hours goingk like . M well, jesse, thanks first for having me on. Il we we really dont know when this will start. Rces w i believe that the israelilou Defense Forces will do justy ta as you said, theyre going to strike enough key targetscomg to set the conditions for this coming offensive. I think you know that what weoo call moot militaryt, mil operats and urban terrain is one of theu Toughest Missionghess that ourt military does. And theyre going to make sureco that conditionnditars are set to start that in the very best way. D so gaza strips about the size of washington, d. C. It lookstedm densely populated. And we know that hamas hides in hospitals. They hide in schools. What i s that door to door going to look like for the Israeli Military . Its going to be a tough and ugly mission. As you know, one of the strengths of the israeli Israeli Military is its armor. But armor is very limitedy li in these dense areas, dense buildings and denseeir ve people. And so some of their very bestrg kit is not going to be the best suited for the kind of doorr to dootor, corner to corner operation that will go on. We have to call it as its going to be. Ugly fight. To be an ugly so youve already seen rockets come from lebanon via hezbollah and now Rockets Againr from syria. What do you think the chances are this becomes a full frontal a fu assault from the Arab Community . Well, well, i think you have said and others have said with what i agree, this is reallyt all about iran. Iran pulls the strings with hamas. Iran pulls the strings with hezbollah. And i believe that iran was getting very concerned, as you have known, the israelis have for in part formed partnerships to their right left, to the rigd to the rear. Really, only their Northernblem Border has been a huge problem. And now that they were about tog strike this agreemenreemt with saudi arabia, i think that this was just too mucr irar iran. And so iran is going to take the actions that it needs to take in order to make sure that israel doesnt gain seeks itnerships it seek and they sure are throwing a hand grenade into this alt. Lliance in the mideas general, thanks as always. D thanks, jesse. So over a thousand killed, mostly civilians. Neighbors are forced to clean up the carnage. Tom perez is a painter, aneai israeli citizen, and hes combing through the rubble, recovering the bodies of his countrymen. And hes had a graphic firsthand look at the holy warriorst aftermath of thee attack. Tomer peritz joins me now. I hate to even ask you what youve seen, but if you can o just give us a sense of what it feels like there on the ground. So hard to, you know, to explain. Its ive never seen anything like that. Its its like it was like g. A video game. It its insane. Its its devastating. Ive never thought that humanssf can can even think about doing stuff like that. At what is the feeling in here . Elinwhat is. Yes, i can. What is the feeling in israel right now . Is it clenched teeth . Is it sadness . Can you describe the emotiono . M its its a lot of mixed u emotions. But i can tell you that in the past, i would say maybe 24 hours, ive seen some very, you know, big, big strength. See and i see people coming together and people have a lot of hope. And i like to see it. I dont live in israele. I live in los angeles. And for me to come and see it and see how Everybody Comesdona together and everybody wants to donate and volunteer and and its its coming. Ave se its coming along. I like seeing thaten. What youve seen in terms of the detail on the ground and inwhat the rubble. What does that tell you about hamas . Proud babies. Yeah. Body parts. Babies, parts. We had a situationon whe when we didnt know if its a body part or a baby. And we were arguing if its a a a baby or body parts. I kept walking. It was. Yeah, all womans womans shot4, in the face like 40, 50 times. Were blown. You s viously, you cannot even see the faces just, you know, b you see bodies, dead bodies with like maybe 20, 30 bullets like like, you know, you see some older, older people with cuts, like huge e cutscuts on tr body. N even the worst nightmare. You can even think of. Well, tomer, im you know, im proud that you were there. A youre doing a Great Service to your countr y. E an youre getting a firsthand account that no one deserves to see. And our hearr tt goes out to you and everybody in israel right now. No one deserves whats going on. Thank you so israeli families are suffering through excruciating pain as their relative s have been kidnapped. Ts and its a waiting game that just eats at your sou al. A 25 year old student, noah armani, was at the rave in gaza this weekend. Hamas stormed the scenepe and kidnapped her. She begged for her life. Her boyfriend watcheboyfriend dr while she was manhandled and taken hostage by terroristsh. Here now is noah argaman, his roommate, amir moti. Amir. Hello. Tell us about your roommate. What was she like . What is she like . And what do you thinks going on now . O, and so now hes, like, amazing,h person. Shes always smiling. Shes chinese. Al here. A lot of friendse we managed to see everyone to be with everyone. Son. Sheshes a Thankful Personi she liked to travel. She just moved in with me bes three months ago. And, like, we have the best time a in this short period, and i hope she will be back soon. And we can keep doinn keep thagt and keep doing fun and being a good friend. Of course. Whats going through your heart right now . Can i dont think i can explain it. I dont think anyone can explain what is going on here with the people in israesrael. E l. I feel like i spoke to herturdaa father saturday noon when i sawn the video. He was in the hospitalg to. E he was trying to look for her. Maybe she got like got to the tk hospital. Rted and i told him you got called. I think i saw a video. Nk and then like, you started screaming ann undersd i dont tr someone can understand when you see a video like this of your daughter getting getting kidnapped to hamas, to terrorist. You catn not you dont know what theyre going to do to her. Eryone ishes suffering. Everyone is suffering. Were talking about moreabout 1n 130 people that have got kidnapped. Rim shaking right now whent im speaking about her. Its so difficul seet to seeo y. Your friend in this situation, someone that is clos e to when you saw that video for the first time. What was that likee they screaming . My body was screaming. My head was likednt acc they dt accept it. Like, i dont think someone can ke. In Something Like this and from this moment, like g im trying to ignore what happened and were just trying to do our best to get het her back. Were trying to Reach Everyonek worldwide to talk with every news channel, to go over t all social media to gett ou her back home. Were begging from hamas from this people. We are please get our friends and our families back home. Were talking about male and female. Were talking about the young and ol d kids. We just want them back. Civilians. Well, noah, to me, lookske like a beautiful young woman. Es absolutely. Were prayinweg fog for her, we believe. Thank you. Hopefully everythings okay. Sl and we want we want to return safely in the United States. Obviously, our heart goes out to you guys. Yis there a way anybody can help you . We just want to all of the u people all over the world, please help us. Help us to share our story. Shar e everyones story and get them back. 15 years ago, i lost my bigaza. Brother. Yes, he might be in gaza he wa. It was a soldier, 19 years old. And now all this Story Happenedv again. So i just like, i dont want to give upnoe up. Lies i want the people now to helpen me, to get them back together, get familiesdsplease, and frie please help us. Thank you. All right. Amir, thank you so much fors sharing noahs story. Y. Thank you. Well, its not just israeli families. Phone Many American families tonight are waiting for a phone call to hea r that their son or daughter is okay. At least 20 americans are missinael,they cg in israel. They could have survived. They could be dead or they could be held hostagey som today, some families came forward and shared their anguishh with the world. T ly siggy is exactly the kindto of son that every father would want to have. A leader, a friend, a lovinglovg man. O he and many other such young men on the kibbutz are now missing after having tried hundepulse the attack by evidently hundreds of Hamas Terrorists and looters and manyh died in the process. Siggy was not founs nod. D other parents say their sons are being held hostage and their limbd limb bs have bea off. They were fish in a barrel sitting in this bomb shelter. Terrorists came to the door. They were throwing grenades in and shooting machine guns. And we know that hirschs arm from the elbow down wasblow severed, was blown off, t and that he tied a tourniquet around his shirt. And hamas came in after wal the gunfire, settled down and said anyone who can walk, stan e god up and walk out. Fiv and he got up and he walked out with five other people. They were puut ot on a pickup tk and driven away by hamas. The families are begging joe biden to bring hostagesf my home. We are asking on behalf of my family foreart President Biden. Well, we are sure his heart is in the right place when it comes to israel and secretary of statey of sta to do what theo to make this. And for usr us as soon as possie to become family, whole again. President biden has a history of paying ransom for hostages. These hostages could have been taken as a resul n tat of biden paying ransom money. But hamas does not strike me as the type of organizationta that would keep hostages well fed and well taken care of. Ken cas isso this is a ticking e so whatn s the joe biden plan . E lets ask michael glover, a former special forces sergeant mayor. All right, michael, obviously this is probablys proo one of the most difficult Rescue Operations in the world. C how would Something Like this conceivably go down . Yeah, this is one of the most dire situations in a Hostage Rescue. We have a luckily for us as a nation, organizations that onls That Oy Specialize In Surgical Precision Target strikes, including hostagengai rescue. Thats their job. Thats their role. I would say havent done it. Hostagrrolee rescues in iraq inr war zone with irans supported Mahdi Militia members going toe to toe with those guys is the exact same thing here, where you have an area that is surrounded by enemy combatants. There is no safe haven. Eye there is no auxiliary networks. We dont have our eyet is on the prize goi. And its going to be difficultl to collect information, especiallythe with all the thir that are happening right now where israel is concentrating its effort forts on targetedg to and surgical strikes. Trying to Collaboratboratee Is N to be very difficult. Finding, fixing and finishing bad guys i is easy. Its what special operators do. But the Hostage Rescue component is going jes to bee difficult to say the least. Take us through the process. Someonomeonee inserts a team be enemy linegas. Gaza strip. Whats next . Is It Intelligence Gathering . Na yeah, but we look at it as isr. When were looking at intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. Were collecting as much information from the battlefiel rd as possible. Obviously, with the campaign right now and the Rolline Rollid Theater thats taking place a in a proposed war, we are getting a lot of information thats coming in. Using Thatsially Rator are using that information to analyze and assess and to potentially targetta t where th, hostages would be possibly held. These eng. If dire circumstanc. These guys, these gals, these organizations do it for a living. If Anybody Ady Couldty could ge, they could get it done. Thats really heartening to hear. Michael. R your sl. And thank you for, we your service and your bravery and your heroism. We really respec althat. And hopefully everything turns out all right. I thank you. Hostag joe biden facing a hostage crisis. 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During this period, the Commandemmander Ofier Chiefe in a barbecue and tweeted about junk fees. The whithoussaid he house says s busy being interviewed by the special Counsewed Byl about whye he stashed classified documents in chinatown. Todaedy, the president Camehis S Forward and said this was an act of sheer a s evil. More than 1000 civilians slaughtered. I just got Slaughteredt Leas in israel. T among them, at least 14 american citizens killed. Pe parents butchered, using their bodies to try to protectct children. G stomach turning, reports of being babieports ofins being. Theres no justification forte terrorisrrm. Theres no excuse. S tandhamas does not stand for the palestinians. Stoples right to dignity and selfdetermination. His stated Purposat Pure is annihilation of the state of israel on the murder h people by. Biden standards. These were strong remarks. But this is a hostagmarks, Te Ct The President never said, were going to bring these americans back to safety n. And he never threatened hamas. That if you touch one hair on these americans heads, youll be hunted down in whatever dark corner of the world youre hidinyou arg in. He didnt address the Wicked Ideology Of Radical Islam that motivates these atrocities. The president Reassuredt Reas us that the homeland is secure. But hes also said the bordero is secure. So thats meaningless. And then a glaring omission. Aderbiden never uttered the name of one key country, iran, r the country who we believe sponsored these attacks, paid for them and endorsed them, o a country that joe biden bent Over Backwardsver to accommodaj and a country that joe biden has sent billions of dollars to. Weve been comparing joe biden to jimmy carter. And now with the mideasthist hostage crisisor. History is repeating itself. Rising gas prices, inflationroxy in a sense that america is on the decline. Proxy europe. Wars in europey the mideast. Were Feeling Uneasys as the president watches the world unravel. Brace yourself for what coulde happen here in the homeland. Formerho White House Press secretary and outnumbered cohost Kayleigh Mcenany joinsin me now. Does joe biden understandy jo the gravitiny of this situation where we have American Hostagess in the gaza strip held by hamas . No, he doesnt. The president of the United States did a 72 hour varnishing act. This president went to a barbecue on sunday. This president had a holiday you on monday. You know who didnt have a holiday on monday . The hostages. Hostagesstages d get that dontd get holidays. What happened where in that 72 hour period where our Commander In Chief vanished . Ned t 40we learn about 40 dead , some of whom have been decapitated. We learned about a nine month old that got abducted. D ismy ten month old is upstairs sleeping. He was fed five five times today. U thin his diaper changed. I dont know how many times you think that nine month old is being fed. Of course hes not, jesse. We learnedesse, god forbid, a mm who was murdered, whosed visi baby was attached by an shtelievable cord, visibly sho by hamas. And our president couldnt find his way to a a. E i dont care if you cant get to the oval, joe. I dont caret ge if you cant get to the podium, got pressed up, bring a microphone to his shoue. He should have addressed to this country. We have american hostages. We havages, weamericane america. Our Commander In Chief chose to be Houdini Insteaudind of the commander of this country and the leader of the free world. It despicae. L and his remarks today, no mention of iran, no deliverables, nos, n. Yes, he had a few strong words for the terroris t. He had strong wordse on behalf of israel. Words are cheap. Joe biden. Ac. I need to see action. He did not meetnal mo the emotional momentme that thio required. He didnt meet the emotionafl moment of the world, this country. And im worrie d, kelly,stag that hes going to be tempted to kind of ignore the Hostage St Situation and make sure that the media doesnt cover it and pivot to other things. Right now, this shouldfocu be his numbes. Dr one focus. Oc do you think this is his number one focus . Becaus his peope his people are saying Global Warming is. S nu yes, i thinkmb that that f is closer to his number one focus. I think his number one focus an winning the election nextt ye year. And the entire opening of politico this morning was about the Massivthe Masse presse on joe biden by his left flank. Jew can he stay the course when ilhan omar and aoc and theedia medi ia. Ims. W jesse right now the media is being forced to talk to the victims. Ha days awhat happens in five daysn as a democrat congressman said anonymously to politico, when they stop talking to victims, whenoims, whe they p showing these images, when the media does what they always do and the left does does, what they always do, they do a heel turn a and they throw israel under therbunds and it all becomes abouT The Palestinians. Iseres no moral equivalencee here. As you said, this is terrorist versus israel. Itrathis is is nation versus n. But wait, wait, give it four days, five days. The media is going to change on this. And joe biden, i hope he doesnt change with him. No, we will. And were not going to let him forget about this. This is serious business. We got to get these guys back. U. Kaylee, thank you so much. Onte coming up, fox just confronted the squad. Choppin you cant comment about Hamas Terrorists chopping off the headif we wa if we want a mt viable future for our kids. We need to find more sustainableinollars i of dy things. Things. 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This is not a game show. Special forces Worlds Toughest test. Mondays at nine on fox and watch anytime on hulu. Start saturday strong this big news saturday on fox. Were live from The Big House With Second ranked michigan. T. J. Mccarthy late caught in the wolverines host the indiana hoosiers. It all starts with Big New Kick Off for an epic pre game from south bend. That is the hoosiers and wolverines for americas number one game. The best pre game, the best announcers, the biggest games. Indiana michigan is big news saturday on fox. Its the middle of the nighto in israel as thousands of troops prepar siege oe for o a complete siege of gaza. Trey yingst is on the ground in israe il. Jesse, good evening. A quick update for you. We know the israelis at thisrika hour striking the northern and eastern part of the gaza strip. They are layinrip, Laythg The Gk for an invasion that is set to come at some point in the near future. All of this taking place as the Jewish State J braces for the possibility of a widespread multiple run conflict. And we know today israel struck gaza, lebanon, Syria Afterom Receiving Rocket Fire from gaza. ,rocket fire from lebanon and mortar fire from syria. Thousands of Israeli Reservistst called up the countrys defense minister. You have gallantry asking for an additional 60,000 troops, bringing the total to 360,000e reserve forces that are set to participate in this Ground Operation. Operatiojesse, nice try. Now, while most of the worlds disgusted by this hamas attack, black lives matter liked it. The groups chicago chapterhis m announced they stand with palestine and included thisag the image of a paratroop, as in the terrorists who parachuted into israel to behead babies. Blm stands with them b. Blm officially burnedl through all their Political Capital now. Plus, they burned through millionsneh in donations. They spent the moneys th on mansions. This is the true face of blm. Rrr theyre on the sideists of terroristannounces. Are n they Just Announced it. And theyre not along. 35 Student Groups at Harvard University issued a jointrday statement blaming israel for saturdays attacs a arek. Ticin these are future business leaders, future politicians,s, future members of the press, and theyre backing the side beheading babies. Hedge fund manager bill ackman had brilliant idea release the names of everyone who signed the letteurr. Before make sure future employers know exactly who theyre hiring beforey sen offe. They send an offer sheet to a harvard grad. But its not just in colleges. This kind of ideology is already in the halls of congress. Rashida tlaib squad displayed a palestinian flag outside her office. She also had pride flag out there, too. Does she know how palestinians feel pal about . I dont think she does. People like rashida twist themselves into not trying to convince you that they. The palestinians, not hamas. No, no, no, no. R, T The Palestinians and hamas are in bed together. They live together. Palestinians let hamas conduct Terror Campaigns fromf their territory. Hamas is a big faction of the Palestinia Lestinian government. Fox business is Hillary Vaughn caught up with talib earlier. Watch. S head terrorism has been offd medias heads and burned alive for israels rights. In defend themselves against israeli action. You cant comment about Hamas Terrorists chopping up Baby Headhamas and monsters talking up nothing that terrorists do. You can do what hamas has bur done, helping ouningt babies he, burning alive, women in the streets. You have no comment about children fighting. You chopped off congressmen. Why do you have a palestinian fight outside your office if . E you do not condone what Hamas Terrorists attacked in israe ha it has to do with. O lets not matter to you. Lets bring in noah. Tish fish is a formersemit Israeli Special envoy for combating antisemitisism and te delegitimization of israel. Can you make sense of the squad . This was a heart breakingartk clip. Your incredibly courageous on behalf of your reporter. Its a shocking display of how s the left is on the wrong sideic of history on so many topics. And then this one specifically. Its unbelievable that were having a conversation about whether or not this is ade brutal or whether or not you should be condemning or condoning these acts. It just honestly breaksng my heart. I have against been warning agam this for a very long time. As you said on the former Israeli Special envoy for combating antisemitism Nvoyatinand Delegitimization of, theres a reason that this title was put together because r delegitimizing israels right to exist as a jewish state. Dehumanizing, demonizing israel for as long as we have been. As long as ive been an adult in the past few decades is whath is allowing for this to happen. This is what gavis ie the powere to hamas to actually do this. And the support in the u. S. As and the support in left harvs such as harvard has and such as the squad for this, is something that has been worked on for a very long time. And its. To be honest, im quite im quite shocked by by this video. Its a shock. She just didnt sa y yes,ndem of course, i condemn beheading of babies. I dont know why those words were so difficulpoliticit fore a politician to say. Youd think that that woulday be a very simple thing to say. But but nto, no, i think i think her silence spoke volumes. And well leave it at that that thanks so much. S and keep up the great work, noah. Thanchk you so much. Th just breaking hezbollah, working with the mexican cartels. Boy, do i get bad press. The six part story only fox nation, intel going in the u. S. To expand that fathers empire. He went in to build his home. What kind of is that . He ought to be ashamed of. Thats why when i make promises ,i keep them. No dream is too big, no challenge is too great. I want to make America Great again. 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From chrome to duckduckgo. Duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. Unlike chrome, the Duckduckgo Browser has privacy builtin. It comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesn■t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. And theres no catch. Its free. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you around. Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. And help us save other orangutans in desperate need before its too late. Terrorism is a globaln op threat. Thatsen why an open border is. National security death wish. The u. S. Mexican borderr is coming into sharper focusingn after a new mideast wars erupted. Lets bring in Bill Illusion Jee with the latest. Well, jesse, weve go, wetd some brand new internal dataof leaked to us by cbp sources, which shows thousands of socalleded special interest aliens from mostly middle eastern Countrierrested S Have N arrested by Border Patrol while trying to cross illegally here at our southeroutherborder on b the last two years. So lets dive right into these Numberuse Theystartls because ty startling. Take a look. More than 6000 people from afghanisn ended by stand apprehended by Border Patrol, more than 600 from iran. Ira164 from lebanon, which is e to hezbollah. More than 500 from syria,sis, the birthplace of isis and 139m from yemen, the home of the houthi rebels. Hese the u. S. Government considers these special interest countries, Placeial Intes where conditions favor terrorism or where there is a potential Nationalaity Thre Security Threo United States in the terror watch list. Numbers have been Shootingake B through the roof. Take a look at this graphic. Fiscal year 2023 Border Patrol has arrested at least 151 people on the fbis Terrormber O Watch list after theyve crossed illegally here. That is the highest numbercord c on record. Its also higher thanned the previousan six years combined. And that is a huge security concern. When you talk about the known gateways as well, take a look at these numbers. Cbp sources, fox news. Since President Biden first came into officel , well over 15 million known gateways have slipped into our country without being arrested or apprehendeended. To putd. Just to put that number in perspective for you. That is a population sizeto o bigger than the city of dallas, texas, successfully sneaking into our country. And former Border Patrol chief pa, who served under both President Trump and President Biden, says pr no idea who these people are when theyre encountering them. Take a listeen they an. Having an open border, allowing ise in isation a National Security threat. This administratioken keeps, wanting to talk about were vetting people coming in. Thats just simply y no not true. We have very little Informationi Te the people across this entire globe. And Border Patrol sources tell us when their agentswhen thes do encounter these people from these special interest countries, theresries the litto way of actually vetting them. Im told thats because their Home Countries dont share their records or their database hes with the United States. So when the agents down here go to run their names orngerprip their fingerprints, theres literally nothing to match it up against. Huge security concern. Jesse, well send it i back to you. All right. Thats terrifyinatsg. And now Terror Group Hezbollah is reportedly working with the drug cartels to exploit the southern border. N iranian terrorists use moneyit form in the drug tradeerro to hp fund their Terror Campaigns. Now, lets break this down. Se former Deputy Assistant to the secretary of defense, amber smith. So you have Tens Of Thousands of muslim ghosts. We dont know who they are. We dont knoame w where they cae from. But they came from a bad neighborhood with terror proble m. S what is going to happen now t . So theyre not only coming here, they are already here. The United States is the mostin vulnerable. It has been to a terro ther attk in the last 20 years. We are looking at a significantr risk of another 911 in borde our country because of joe bidens open border policies, the tactics, the targets, maybme different. But the threat is there. And the threatal. Is real. Theyre here in our country right now. Those Numberjust Heards We Justd from bill are absolutely they should alarm every singlese american. Today, were seeing these terrorists come across bordersef from countries like syriat and afghanistan and yemen. These failed states that are bringing isis, al qaeda, hezbollah, hamas, into our nation. Rave and like President Trump, he had a no travel to these nations to prevent terrorists from Coming Acrossacross Our Bor to inflict damage to the american people. South and now they have this open highway from our southern border. And sadly, we will feel the effects of it. We ont will. And i dont know why, joe, the department of Homeland Security is saying, hey, joe,frm we caught about a dozen guys from syria. W they dont look too friendly. I mean, who Knowe Misseds how me missed . Maybe we need to do something. I dont know whyg isnt doing that . If they can say theyre taking nationalg na Security Seriouslye its ridiculous. Goupidm afraid were going to have blood on our hands because of this stupid policy. Olicy, amber, thank you. Good to talk to you. Thanks, jesse. Jesso is america joining th against hamas . Its true. Contacts are great until they get dry. So we create a new bio. True Hydration Boost for contacts, for a boost of moisture that lasts up to 8 hours. 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Mondays on fox and watch any time on hulu. The punishing and unprecedented air strike continues into the gaza strip. The Hostage Situation is very serious. The is rushing aid to israel. We are prepared to see a major Ground Offensive Heading in. Stay with Fox News Channel for continuing coverage. Israels Mobilizeda Hundreds Of Thousands of soldiers for a massive Ground Operationssive grn in. Ar thousands of israeli reservists are being called up, including my next guest. Rudy rockman is anzen call Israeli American Citizen who is called to fight. Rudy, whats going. So, yeah, the past four daysh weve been in a village called us. Its actually the village where the majority of the massacres were happening, including the beheading of the babies. And we saw a tragiicc thingsheir happening. I mean, were a reservist soldiers. Im 30 years old. Most of my friends are in their forties with kids with wives and homes. And were being takes n out of our civilian life to have to fight and to defend our country. We saw we s some of the most horrific things. Bodies of men, women, children, elderly, just gunned down, knifed, killed in all different kinds of ways, things that are unimaginable. And its a reall thy hard time that were experiencing now in israel. But were going to stay strong and were going to pull through. L th rougta so you left the United States to come to israel to fight fortes me to fighr youl citizen. I also actually have Citizenshie Citize P in france becauself a my parents love to travel growing up. But i see myselfs as a. Israel is my home. Its where im from, where my ancestors are frorem, and where my descendants belong. And its where i came to serve in the army. Isra andat 17 years old. I finished the army in 2013, daysin Israel We Havve Ae to see as a reservist till age 40 because days like this may come up. Sh mandatory military servicrvi maybe some other countries should try that. I think thats gooou t that id forthanks the soul. Good luck out there. Thanks for for w watching. And welcome to hannity. We begin tonight

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