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Angeles. 6 00 a. M. In gaza, this is breaking News Coverage of the world in israel. Fox news at night. And now a live look at gaza city 40 minutes before sunrise. And a night of nonstop air strikes. Isreali Defense Forces now saying in just the past hour alone they are conducted some 450 air strikes in gaza. And that isreali troops are mobilizing at the gaza border for a potential ground invasion. It is all part of israels ongoing response to the horrific attack on civilians by the terrorist group hamas. The death toll is now rising on both sides and the white house is now confirming that 20 americans remain unaccounted for. We begin with Senior Correspondent mike tobin live in tel aviv. Mike, whats the latest. Well, trace, unprecedented air campaign into the densely populated gaza strip. Is definitely increasing overnight as the air strikes go in the rocket fire comes out. We have video from the northern end of the gaza strip. Showing what has become a lethal light show that repeats every night as the rockets come out, the Iron Dome Intercept i dont remembers go after them, palestinians try to fire so many rockets they can overwhelm the iron dome defense system. Do you hear some of the emergency raw crews working, no word on whether any of the rockets got through. As time goes on, as Isreali Forces have been able to liberate and secure small towns and farms near the gaza strip, were getting a picture of the absolute lack of humanity from these massacres. Communal farms to the northeast side of the gaza strip. People in kafar were found hiding in one of the safe rooms, injuried in cold blood in that safe room. Word we are having through a news crew, a soldier at the scene this is horrible to say it, infants found beheaded. Its not its a massacre, its a terrorist activity. Something i never saw in my life. And we also have video of the destruction inside of the densely populated gaza trip as the air campaign continues, Armor Personnel are ready at the border surrounding the Gaza Strip Waiting for the order to begin what will be a lethal Ground Campaign if in fact they get the order. We know Benjamin Netanyahu and Security Cabinet met at isrealis, israels version of the pentagon last night. No word on whether the Ground Campaign has gotten orders to begin. We also are looking at the northern end of the country, second front threatens to open for two wrights in a row, israel has taken fire from Lebanon Last Night Israel took fire from syria, Isreali Forces responded with mortars and are a little hear. Mike, thank you, as mike was talking about one of the atrocities, at least 40 babies are among the dead in a small isreali village, reports saying babies were beheaded by hamas terrorists. Marion rav terry what we are learning in the aftermath. Tragic and brutal. The search continues for civilian victims of hamas backed terrorists whose rampage killed hundreds of is a he will is including Young Children and babies. See by yourself, ms. You he, babies, young families, killed in their bed, in the protection room, dining room or in the garden outside. And garden, killed shooting them. And then shooting, cut their head. The isrealis Defense Force giving Foreign Press a tour in one of the hardest hit where many target were Young Students were small families, average age is 18 and 25. Including young babies, slaughtered, shot or burned alive. Reporters shaken as they saw the scenes of what could only be described as a truly horrific mass casualty event. About 40 babies at least were taken out on gurneys. Cribs overturned. Strollers left behind. All of these doors wide open. He said, we dont know the exact number of casualties. And these scenes so horrendous one french journalist posted to social media it was so macab, we are still learning the full extent and the number of those cash you ties,. Trace trace President Biden addressing the nation since americans were confirmed among the dead. Kevin cork with what the administration is saying and doing. Kevin, good evening. At least 14 americans have been killed in the fighting and tonight the white house believes as many as to other americans 20 other americans are accounted for and perhaps being held as hostages. In addition to the american casualties and hundreds of palestinians killed over in gaza because of the ongoing bombing, the death toll for the Isreali Population has been huge, very vowed retaliation in response to the attacks, they suffered 3000 wounded, here than a thousand deaths. Many in the most barbaric fashion imaginable. Stomach turning reports of babies being killed. Entire families slain. Young people massacred while attending a musical festival to celebrate peace. Celebrate peace. Women raped, assaulted, paraded astro fees. National adviser Jake Sullivan accused iran of being complicit in this attack in a broad sense. Before later adding that there is no direct confirmation of tehrans involvement. The president said he will ask congress to take urgent action to fund the National Security requirements of u. S. Partners thats in addition to the munitions and lethal aid sent to israel over the past several days. Biden has ordered a Carrier Strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean to provide deterrence. Trace. Trace kevin back to you later. Search and rescue expert of the Counter Terrorism analyst. Cameron hamilton. Special forces. Gentleman welcome to all three of you. Its a big night, lot to get through. I just want to get your take on this first, aaron, cohen to you. We are talking about Ground Troops amassed at the border, i am wondering in your assessment what does that invasion happen . Right now he we are in the preparation state, we have the brigade in the south which is equivalent to israels marines, youve got contingent of special operations unit. Mass artillery getting shot into israel. The shell dodd special operations unit, to make sure we are taking outbuildings with as much caution as possible that means Police Special Operations Forces on the ground, plain clothes, very dangerous. And so we are setting the groundwork to begin this incursion while at the same time actively pursuing thousands of intelligence leads by bugging cell phones and listening to every phone call in gaza to find out the whereabouts of those hostages at the same time. I want to play this sound bite from the isreali ambassador to the united nations. Watch. If we truly want to obliterate the hamas terrorist infrastructure, we need to strike residential areas in gaza because the terrorist as we know, and they are not the only ones, hamas, thats exactly what isis did in the past and thats what alqaida did. Trace Cameron Hamilton is he right, correct in that assessment . Trace, thank you for having me. Unfortunately we know that radicals used quite a bit of urban populations and locations where you have schools, you have mosques, highly and densely Populated Areas as a form of human shields. So, the isrealis are incredibly diligent with the efforts they take and remarkably brave with how they put their to minimize the consequence of human life. So, the answer is, when the Terrorist Use these kilo cases as Hiding Points and as advantage points to strike into israel or into other localities, unfortunately the israel has to respond inappropriate measures to keep more civilians safe. With full faith and confidence after the time i trained with them and after working with the idf you will never meet with a more brave group of soldiers, meet people who are more focused and disciplined to the work. These are people facing annihilation, that is a sobering fact every day. They spend significant efforts, more so than the world understands. If they kill a civilian in an awful atrocities of war, the International Community condemns them. If they are killed in the process the International Community looks at it as though, its the expectation of armed conflict. Aaron cohen, i want to play this, this is National Adviser Jake Sullivan talking about the americans being held. Watch. Would you not know about their condition and we not confirm a precise number of american citizen. We believe there are 20 or more americans who at this point are missing but i want to underscore and stress that does not mean necessarily there are 20 or more american hot damages. Trace appears the information is so slow and youre looking for people, what do you do to try and glean that information about these rescues hostages . Trace, this is too abhorrent to think about. Especially in the densely packed urban environment. Overhead imagery, we are going to be looking down with a microscope, i would hope that the Terror Strike to this point is providing intelligence to the military to where the terrorists might be or perhaps any ideas where the hostages might be, supporting israel and rescuing those hostages, providing a screen against other ships, boats or small aircraft providing supplies coming in from the air with the strike groups, hawkeyes, the spy radars, the helicopters they can provide a pretty good stream. I would hope our allies be the mediterranean, spain, italy, greece to help with ships, to show a unified International Effort against hamas and try to strangle them. Trace its i cant mace mazing to me, the fact amazing to me that hamas broadcast a lot of them live in real time, killing, the rapes, i mean the parading of the bodies through the streets. Whats whats the mental configuration whats the hope there for them . Hamas is using their low tech version of what the cia does to create fear. They understand the power of social media. They know everyones on tiktok, instagram and facebook. And this is their version of sigh ons creating more fear in israel. I can tell you in my 25 years in the Counter Terrorism business whoever is more scared is losing. You know, we take that with a grain of salt. However, if they are low tech version of trying to create fear, and using the internet to perpetuate it. Trace i know cameron you trained special forces, idf, i wonder at what point do we decide we are not going after hamas, maybe we are going after hamas for a week, two weeks or longer in a protracted battle. What happens if they decide finally we need to go to the head of the snake and go to iran. That would be a conflict that would escalate matters in the region. Maybe the world. Having said that i think ultimately israel needs to stay focused on the actual aggressor committing these acts. Israel that targeted locations in iran before. Aggressive front with how they are messaging and trying to gain intelligence and information from what iran is doing. But i still think that they are focused and emphasis needs to be on the individuals causing the greatest degree of harm to our citizens and meet jurisdiction. That is what we are seeing in hamas right now especially in gaza, weve seen it also in the western bank. I want to stress the importance of some of the scenarios in the war gaming israel has gone through. This is a war they know too well, fighting this battle since the creation of that nation in 1948. They are well adapted, techniques are cutting edge. If they are not active in one region, i wouldnt hold that as a testimony that they are not somehow involved in other matters in the region. Trace in other words, they have warm gamed this, again and again, they know the scenarios, they not at least reasonably what to expect, this was a big surprise this attack, i am not sure they war gamed for that. They expected they would have some kind of advance warning i think what happened because that gaza strip is so heavily densely populated with all these buildings they probably did a lot of movements overnight, moved the rockets under the cover of darkness, its hard to do that in the northern part near head bowl laugh, its sparsely populated. Its entirely possible what is happening and of course iran has to be giving full approval for this, not just manipulating the Puppet Springs in the background, orchestrating this from the back and make sure israel as cameron said does not escalate or spread this conflict, attacking iran could be counter productive, enticing as a move that sounds. Trace that might be a fair assessment. We are looking live at gaza city where you look at this, it doesnt seem to be as explosive as it was at this time, we get a report that in the past hour and a half 450 air strikes, is it wrapping up, the last 24 hours, 450 Air Strikesment im look at the images, here is what i think i think there is dozens of special Operation Units crawling around gaza, putting down signal intelligence, getting as much structural information as possible, coordinating with the air force and preparing everything they need to soften that battlefield and at the same time again go after those hostages. This is what that jean staff recognizance does, there is a ton of activity happening, that quiet i like that, it gives us the ability to move deceptively without, you know, raising any major red flags that is a good shot im looking at right there. Trace Cameron Hamilton, gentleman, well see you in a bit, thank you. Leaders of Harvard University clarifying their position on israels war after their own students blame the jewish state for the conflict. Jeff paul is live with that part of the story, jeff, good evening. Good evening, trace, this surrounding a Statement Released and supported by more than 30 Student Organizations at harvard. In the very first line they under signed Student Organizations wrote they hold the Isreali Regime entirely responsible for all the unfolding violence. They also added that, Apartheid Regime is the only one to blame outraging harvard alumni, Conference Chair new york congresswoman Elise Stephanheinous that harvard Student Groups are blaming israel for hamas barbaric Terrorist Attacks that killed over 700 isrealis, any voice that excuses the slaughter of innocent women and children, im calling on the leadership of harvard to immediately publicly condemn these vial ann antisemitic statements. In response, the office of harvard president and Senior Leadership released a statement saying, that they were heartbroken by the death and destruction unleashed by the attack by hamas. But you might notice there the statement failed to react or mention the words used by the Student Organizations. So, today harvards president released another statement condemning the attacks by hamas, and also saying in part, while our students have the right to speak for they self, no student group, not even 30 Student Groups speaks for Harvard University or its leadership. Republican u. S. Senator ted cruz also responded to the Student Statement and he wrote on social media, What The Hell is wrong with harvard. Trace a lot of people asking that same question. Marsha blackburn, senator its great to have you on the show, thank you. Picking up where jeff left off there. What do you make of the Student Groups at harvard, its been at columbia, stanford, kind of blaming israel. I want to play, this is a tweet from an exstanford student, he wrote this on x, its called for 22, he says quoting here, i was nearly expelled from stanford for not getting a booster vaccine. I was deemed a threat to the community. I am really curious what is the University Policy towards student that paint bed sheets red with incitement to genocide against isreali. The president has not yet condemned these actions by their students. What do you make of that . One of the things i think we have to Pay Attention to here is the way these Student Groups have spoken out and have spoken against israel when you have had the Bds Movement On so many campuses. When you have people on these campuses that are siding with these groups, it should concern everyone. I think they all need to be watching the videos that come from what youre seeing in these attacks. Everyone should see this. When you see the beheading of children, when you see women being dragged through the street by their hair. When you hear these stories, these Vial Evil Act the and atrocities, how can you possibly say that that is good . There is such a lack of moral clarity on this issue and it is absolutely heartbreaking. We pray for israel. And for their people. Trace senator you talk about a lack of clarity. The Wall Street Journal Tehran attacked israel, now the Washington Post, the following quoting here, the Palestinian Militants behind the surprise Weekend Attack on israel planning the assault a year ago with see support from iranian and logistical help as well as tens of millions of dollars for weapons. This administration cannot confirm or at least will not confirm that tehran was behind this. They are choosing to not admit what the ayatollah said this is part of taking down israel. They seem to be quite taken with themselves that they have planned this attack or assisted in this attack and planning this attack. And that israel seemed to be surprised. This is why 20 senators joined me on a letter saying, lets rescind the waivers that allowed this money, this 6 billion to go from south korea to qatar remove to access to that 6 billion. Trace, i tell you that 6 billion ought to be going to israel to help pay for the damage that has been done. And to rebuild this country. Trace yes, freeze it and redirect it. Senator thank you for your time, we appreciate it. Got it. Trace Americans Pleading With Biden and isreali government for return of Family Members. Emotional accounts for those personally affected add we continue our breaking News Coverage, a live look at gaza city. The war in israel well bring you all the information were coming right back. Theyre promises. Promises of all shapes and sizes. Each, with a time and a place theyve been promised to be. A promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. To finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with golo is amazing. Ive been maintaining. The weight is gone and its never coming back. With golo, ive not only kept off the weight but im happier, im healthier, and i have a new lease on life. 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Americans today pleading with President Biden and the isreali government for the return of Family Members they say were taken hot damage by hamas. We do not know the number of hostages. 66yearold adrian neta a nurse from california is another of three with seven grandkids. She was on the phone with her children when they heard gunfire. My brother, my sister, we were on the call with her as the terrorists barged into her home. That was our last contact with her. Horrific videos like this are emerging showing barefoot women, Marched In The Street by hamas terrorists. Telling fox news this video shows her brother taken hostage by an armed terrorist. Her family received a video from an unknown number, likely hamas propaganda. You can see the son walking with terrorists from hamas, which putting this hand around his neck with a gun with his other hand. This video which i cant watch, im sorry. Americans are trying to flee israel as Major Airlines like delta, american and united are suspending or limiting flights. A denver businessman and Antidefamation League official made it out an isreali plane. Everybody knows people who have been kidnapped, killed, hurt. Trace today the president said he directed the United States to share intelligence and expert with israel in any Hostage Recovery efforts. Trace. Trace matt, thank you. Isreali Army Reservist who was on the ground, in fact his home is 700 feet from the gaza border. Thank you so much for joining us, we appreciate it. I want you to give us an idea what you have been through over the past three or four days, sir. Where should we start . Start saturday woken up to the saddest day of my life for sure, israels life. Woken up to three terrorist enter, entering our community in the morning, fully armed terrorists who started a massacre. Going door to door, in houses in my community. We have been in the end of the day counting 19 bodies of our friends and neighbors. In a very small community, people i grew up with. 17 year old kids who were murdered when they went to the beach, a good friend of my kids. Talking about parents, in their 70s slaughtered in their bedrooms. Talking about going without even being able to identify the bodies going to their houses to collect for toothbrushes and hair brushes to collect dna samples so they can identify the body because of the brutality and the fact that they graphic description, they will not be able to identify the short range finding that is a bullet at each scene. And hearing what happened to the to them by following you can see where they were shot, dragged, moved again. Ending that we were evacuate from our home. I live so close to the border, now its a war zone so weve been evacuated now we are relocated to a resort outside of jerusalem, yeah. Trace yeah, thats the whole, you talk about this and it is just it is heart rendering, heart sickening to hear your story. I want to put this up, sir, because this is to give a little bit of context for people who dont realize how devastating this was. The Washington Post op ed writes on monday, to understand the scope of this tragedy for israel, a country of 9. 2 Million People imagine that more than 25,000 americans were killed. More than 90,000 injured. And 3600 kidnapped by terrorists, israel has no choice but to wage a war for its survival. Would you call that a fair statement, sir . I would even call it an understatement. In the near future, back story with 9 11 and the proportion again, its amazing the trauma, the affected so many people. Dramatic of the acts. The brutality that we have been encountered that doesnt leave anything much but survive a war. We will win the war, im not i cant afraid of that. Trace yeah, i want to know, i know you said you are out of your home, you are in a hotel and you have no idea, sir, when you or your family can go back home, correct . I have no idea when i can go back home. And again, think about that people dont think about those stories but you talk about numbers and 40 kids being horrendous things but behind every people, behind every individual, those numbers is lives, its a story, is a brother, sister, father, mother. And because of the amount of people murdered in the but around this and All Around The World it echoed also the Bru Brutality Saturday attacked so many people, attacked everyone even in the world, as you mentioned not knowing it means that i am six, four boys, we are living in one hotel room. And one bathroom. I dont want to tell you how many people. Dozens of family in a small resort, we have kids, kids no life, they have lost their friends, they literally come, so behind those headlines being moved out of i dont you are house, not knowing to come back, those kids deserve some order, those kids deserve some kind of framework. Its being out of your demolished, disgraced, humiliated, almost raped house. Trace and those kids and others deserve to live their life to the fullest. Thank you for your time, raz, we appreciate it. Well get back to you later in the show, thank you. Thank you so much. Trace well, our thoughts and deepest sympathies with the many families, fox has made a 1 million donation to the United Jewish Appeal as it mobilizes to provide urgent relief. United jewish appeal fights antisemitism and jews across the globe. If you week to support the israel is ale fund, ujny. Org or by scanning the code there at the bottom of your screen. Meantime we will check back with mike tobin on the ground in israel where dawn is breaking, sunrise happens in about 7 minutes. The onslaught in gaza continues. So, does Breaking News right here on fox news at night. I needed more from my antidepressant. Vraylar helped give it a lift. Adding vraylar to an antidepressant. Is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms. Better than an antidepressant alone. And in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. Report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be lifethreatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. High blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. Movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. 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Everyone is looking to the north of the country as well with a fear the second front could be opening. I say that because over the last two nights, israel has taken fire both from the lebanese side of the border and from the syrian side of the border, they have responded with mortar and artillery strikes but those fronts have not broken loose into a wider conflict at least not yet, trace. Trace mike tobin back to you, mike, thank you. We are being told that 14 americans have been killed in this conflict and President Biden is confirming that americans are being held hostage. Lets bring in Fox News Contributor guy benson, you spoke to former Secretary Of State Condoleezza Rice on your radio show earlier. Here is a little bit of that back and fort. But i probably would have had i been President Biden at least said, and State Sponsors of this kind of terrorism. And the iranians would have known who that meant. Everyone. Everyone would have known. The United States will also not tolerate State Sponsors of terrorism in this. Of course she was talking about iran not being mentioned at all by President Biden during his speech today. The administration cannot confirm this. The wall street journal, the Washington Post confirmed it, iran has confirmed it and this administration, just cant seem to quite get there. What are your thoughts on that . Hamas has confirmed it, everyone said it except the Biden Administration, they say the jury is still out for whatever reason. Secretary rice at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, she said without any equivocation, irans fingerprints, the regimes fingerprints are all over this attack. And she said if she had been in bidens shoes, she would have mentioned that. At least referenced State Sponsors of terror, clearly meaning iran, joe biden did not do that today. I think overall his statement was very strong. And ive been cite critical of his ailed m, policies on his front really for years, when it came to delivering the words that needed to be said today i think he did. Secretary rice agreed with me. With that one caveat that we just heard i think its an important one. Trace i think that a lot of people echoed that. Mike gallon i will gear made this point on fox, watch. What worries me is that the Biden Administration seems unwilling to abandon its broader Middle East Policy which of course is built on a dotant with iran, that should be dead. Trace i think thats a fair statement because there is this kind of feeling that the administration is like bill barr was saying yesterday, this administration for the past 2. 5 years has been a day late and a dollar short from afghanistan to this to the border with mexico. So, he makes a fair point there. The Obama Administration and the Biden Administration populated by similar people in a lot of key posts, have been obsessed, trace, with iran. Its a failure. I dont know how much more of a failure it could possibly be. Given what just happened with iran being responsible apparently for the planning, and green lighting the execution of that horrible Terrorist Slaughter of 1200 isreali civilians, including as you aptly pointed out, multiple americans, 12 americans, 14 americans, an unknown number of currently god help them being held hostage by these barbarians. This is yet another example of iran Killing Americans and this fantasy that we are going to come to sort of a you know, accommodation with them, they are going to give up their nuclear ambition, they are a genocidal, antiamerican, once again treat them that way which is how the Trump Administration frankly did. Trace yes, ive got about 15 seconds left for you, i want to know you if you asked former Secretary Rice if she was weighing in on the sanford, she was at Hoover Institution about this whole protest against the isrealis at Stanford University and the president of stanford not condemning it . She spoke, rice did tonight, at a pro israel vigil. I understand she will speak at another one later this week. There are people who are outraged but the silence from the silence is violence crowd at this campus and many others is deafening and disgraceful. Trace they want safe spaces for College Students and see nothing when they see horrific pictures. Guy benson, thank you. Our finance dog breaking News Coverage of israels war on hamas coming right back. N denta to gather together and discover the moments that matter, to jump into the fun and join in the celebration. 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The Supreme Court rejected a plan back in june to do as much so it should come as no surprise, tonight there are a pair of Fresh Lawsuits Chrised and ending the renewed effort. And prayers tonight for u. S. Olympic mary low retton she a rare form of pneumonia, she has not been able to breath on her own, in icu over a week now, she has no insurance and the family is asking for help line online. Best to her and her family. Thank you. Another live look at gaza city as the sunrises and israel readies troupes, National Security analyst, Berkeley Professor Ron who specializes in Wars Of Religion and isreali conflict, thank you for coming, appreciate this. We got this document, apparently all the senators, rebecca, all got a briefing from Victoria Newland acting Secretary Of State. It talks about four steps to the israel plan, and then it goes into Hostage Recovery and i wanted to focus on President Biden has three objectives and i am going to read you to them, try to get some on the screen, we just got this so it may not work. President bidens key objectives demonstrate our support to israel, to push for aid to israel and acknowledge israel is a victim in this attack and they have a right to defend themselves. Contain the conflict by preventing others from fueling the fire. Utilizing dod assets in the region to deter further escalation from other players in the region and working with both palestine and isreali governments to remind them this bottle is between israel and hamas and not the government of palestine. Support hostages and americans in the region. Thoughts on that, rebecca. Well, im glad that that part is in there that is very significant that the United States is going to have a Deterrent Force that iran doesnt have any sort of contribution in this, doesnt stir up trouble elsewhere. Hezbollah bowl heavy does not open another front against israel so thats critically important, what is missing any mention of iran who is the sort of hand, hidden hand behind all of this providing enormous material support, training and military knowledge and help to hamas. Trace you spoke too soon, they did mention iran. According to deputy odni department of National Intelligence morgan, there is no direct link, there is no direct link, ron, between iran and the Octob October 7th Attacks. In fact, he claims to have reports that contradict the wall street journal. Your thoughts. So, its unlikely that there is no link at all between iran and hamas. Hamas would not have launched this kind of an attack of this sophistication without conferring with iran, discussing with iran, its been receiving Financial Support from iran for awhile. There were several meetings from palestinian leaders, iranian leaders in the past few months. In fact, iran has denied such a direct link either because there isnt one or because they are very worried about The Next Steps, the u. S. Having moved its navel forces closer to lebanon. Isrealis having mass troops with the border of will be a be no. Iranians might think happy as they are with this attack, celebrating that they might be, this might be the opportunity when israel and United States collaborate to strike iran hard. Trace i have 15 seconds, we are about to run out of time. Well, i mean, look, as soon as the Biden Administration comes out and mentions iran as directly complicit in its particular activity, the hamas terrorist activity. They have to do something about it, but they dont want to change their policy towards iran and so thats why they are not creating this link. Trace well pick it up, thank you both. More live reports on the ground in israel coming up as we continue our breaking News Coverage of theke War Ins Gaza Next on fox news tonight. Strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. Allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. Most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. Ask about ubrelvy. Why do vitamins and supplements cost so much more now . Other companies are charging you more and more for less and less, and we hate that. Thats why force factor has partnered with walmart to provide amazing supplements at great prices. For all americans force factor products use clinically studied patented ingredients to powerfully improve your health, but theyre also delicious, easy to use and affordable. Thats why force factor is now the number one best selling Superfoods Brand in america. Rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. Trace and good evening im trace gallagher, 9 00 here in los angeles, 7 00 a. M. In gaza and this is breaking News Coverage of the war in israel. On americas late news, fox news at night. Trace a live look at gaza city just after sunrise. And a night of nonstop air strikes isreali Defense Forces saying in just the past 24 hours they have conducted some 450 air strikes in gaza and that isreali troops are mobilizing at the gaza border for a potential ground invasion, this is all of course a part of israels ongoing response to the horrific attack on civilians by the terrorist group hamas. The death toll rising on both sides and the white house is now confirming that 20 americans remain unaccounted for. We begin with the Senior Correspondent mike tobin live in tel aviv in what is early morning, mike, whats the latest from where you are . Well, trace, the intensity air strikes certainly increased overnight, you mentioned some 450 air strikes over the last 24 hours compare that to 250 air strikes in just the predawn two hours. The isreali Defense Force says they are targeting hamas and Islamic Jihad. As the air strikes go and the rocket fire comes out. To the northern end to the gaza strip. You can see the palestinian rockets going up in the air and the Iron Dome Intersep toes going after them. No word on how many rockets go got through last night. As Isreali Forces have secured and liberated small towns and communal farms near the gaza strip, we are getting a picture of the savagery that took place with this with this terror attack. In aza, communal farms to the northeast side of the gaza strip, people were found huddled inside one of the safe rooms, massacred in cold blood and what we are hearing from Isreali Defense, infants have been found with their heads cut off. Its a massacre, its terror activity, something i never saw in my life. Images of the destruction in gaza are getting out. The Palestinian Health ministry as of yesterday said 830 palestinians had been killed, that number is going increase as the sun comes. Ground forces are amassing at the gaza strip. Both troops and armor at the ready. The isreali Security Cabinet met last night in israels version of the pentagon. No word on whether orders have gun, have been given to begin that ground invasion. There is fear of a second front opening to the north. And that is because israel for the last two nights has taken fire from the lebanese side. Syria israel responded with mortar and artillery fire, so far that has not broken loose into a wider conflict. Trace mike, thank you. As mike was saying, 40 babies are among the dead in a small isreali village, the babies were beheaded by hamas terrorists. What we are learning be the aftermath of these brutal killings. Horrific scenes are emerging, theyve been described by Foreign Press who seen the aftermath as a horror and massacre. Brutally attacked and slaughtered. After they were shot, they burned everything and they make sure that no one gets out alive. And you can see the brutality. The isreali Defense Force bringing members of the Foreign Press to see aftermath described by one french journalist, no one had to reveal it until they had 100 confirmation, they saw scenes of overturned cribs and strollers left behind. Older whys told media 40 young babies and children were found dead, some of them beheaded. Everything that these soldiers themselves are seeing, it is unlike anything theyve ever seen in their entire lives before. The number of bodies, the number of casualties. And according to officials, the areas targeted housed Young Students with families, typically answeringed 18 to 25, while the search continues for these young victims as the number fear dead continues to rise, trace. Trace that is tragic. Mary ann, thank you. President biden addressing the nation for the First Time Since americans were confirmed wrong the dead. Kevin corke is live with what the administration is saying and doing. At least 14 americans have been killed in the fighting, at least. And tonight the white house believes as many as 20 other americans may still be unaccounted for and perhaps even being held hostage at this hour. In addition to the american casualty, hundreds of palestinians have also been killed in gaza amid the bombing by israel which is obviously retaliating for the initial attacks and the ongoing attacked, unprovoked, devastated the country, now suffering nearly 3000 wounded and more than a thousand killed. Many in the most barbaric fashion imaginable. Stomach turning reports of babies being killed. Entire families slain. Young people massacred while attending a musical festival to celebrate peace. To sell great peace. Women raped, assaulted, paraded astro fees. Incredible video, it is heartbreaking. Meanwhile, National Adviser Jake Sullivan is accusing iran of being complicit in this attack end a broad sense. He said that before adding there is no direct confirmation of tehrans involvement. Tonight the president said he will ask congressional lawmakers to take urgent action to help fund the National Security requirements of u. S. Partners. That in addition to the munitions and lethal aid sent to israel over the past several days and they are going to give more money. The president also ordered a Carrier Strike group to move to the Eastern Mediterranean to strengthen deterrence efforts there that obviously should help. Trace. Trace kevin corke live in d dr. Retired u. S. Navy captain and Search And Rescue effort. Aaron cohen, analyst and Cameron Hamilton former navy seal who trained idf special forces. I want to bring you in first on this cameron, i want to get your take on what mike tobin is talking about, they have received fire from the north a couple times now and im wondering because there is, you know, there is a lot of push to try and keep this from pushing to a different front. What do you think about fire from the north and report that maybe some fire coming from syria . Trace thanks for having me. This is a reality that israel has to contend with. Its never easy engaging in a multi front war, they have to triage and figure out the every action has a reaction, opening up war on multiple fronts is never something that should be taken lightly, never an effort that should be considered without serious consideration and war gaming and planning. So, im not surprised they are being attacked from the north, to be honest, at some point in time i expect israel to be attacked from a multiple different sides. Can i say with absolute certainty, these are scenarios that the idf is prepared for, that they have analyzed and strategized for every since their inception of that nation. Trace i want to get Breaking News with you gentleman on this, we mentioned earlier at the end of the last hour, the senators were given a briefing tonight, deputy Secretary Of State acting Victoria New Land and she laid out some ideals, she laid out goal the for President Biden. One thing that struck me, according to the Deputy Director for mission integration, we talked about this, morgan muir, there is no direct length the administration is saying between iran and the Octob October 7th Attacks and it goes on to say and im quoting here, in fact he claims, speaking about mr. Mui are to have reports to contradict the information, currently the u. S. Is reviewing intelligence they have gathered to see how this attack was missed. So, what they are saying here, theyve got no evidence, theyve got no direct link, maybe they are playing with the word direct here but it seems to me like if you have one bullet that came from iran to hamas, thats a direct link. Trace, certainly we do not have a notarized letter in tripoli cat signed by three witnesses stating that iran is behind the attack. No, we dont have that. But iran has been funding hamas for 100 million per year for several years, they provide the training, they train Hezbollah Bowl Heavy Fighter whose train hamas, they give hamas intelligence logistical support. There is no secret about it. So, you thought and the idea that there is no direct link for us to even state, make that kind of a statement, it just shows the type of ignorance or disconnect to the seriousness of the situation from the worlds greatest State Sponsor of terrorism, exports terrorists to a dozen countries. Trace so what the administration is now saying, aaron cohen, listen, i know the wall street journal reported this, the Washington Post corroborated it as well. Hamas has said this. We are telling you it didnt happen. There is no direct link between iran and the october 7th attack. Its hard to believe that they have the evidence to disprove this. Well, look, we dont send our soldiers whether we admitted it or not to iran to insert a virus into a Nuclear Facility to keep iran from being able to fire a Nuclear Missile into israel or the United States. Thats where i come out. This is really simple, trace, lets put the intelligence gentleman who said on an lepd poll graph, well find out whether he is telling the truth or not. The centers dont lie. Trace yeah, the sensors, more on this we are going to get to that as the show guess on. I want to get back to the strategy at hand. This is from the Isreali Defense minister. Gaza wont return to be what it is before, we will eliminate everything. If it doesnt take one day, it will take a week. It will take weeks or month, we will reach all places. Trace when they say eliminate everything, cameron, what do you take from that . Are we talking about strategic, strikes here . Are we talking about all out assault with Ground Forces . I think what you are seeing there is a Competent Commander trying to inspire troops, to assure the valid of the cause that they are fighting for the its easy to not appreciate it in real time. There are real families an wednesdays what happened here by hamas. I would place some of his words as slightly allegorical. Israel expends great effort and energy in ensuring that they target only specific locations that pose a threat. All of their training, all of their war gaming, all of their analysis, all of their preparation for events like this is very focused, its very disciplined on ensuring that isrealis and frankly individuals who want to live in peace can be kept safe. As they target buildings, as they look at strategic locations to go after within the city or regions around their borders its because there is a high preponderance or high likelihood it serves as a staging point, or at least as a Communications Depot in some manner. Trace couple that with this quote from big a deer general, im quoting here, The Next Step is to move forward, go on the offense and attack the hamas terrorist group. We will have to change the reality within gaza to prevent such a thing to occur again as long as it takes. The word reality. How do you change the reality within gaza. You hit hamas in such an aggressive way that it dismantles their complete ability to be able to continue any type of aggression against israel. Im not talking about the cat and mouse game thats been played the last ten years, im talking about actual destruction of the entire in interest structure, military terribly, in terms of supplies, in terms of their ability to ever be able to cross into a foot of israel forever. Trace is that how you would define changing reality . Absolutely. Hamas needs to go. This is going to be hard, its going to be a slog, i go house to house, building to building. And this country has a responsibility to provide israel what they need, weapon, material, ammunition, intelligence, whatever we can do so israel can take care of this quickly, cleanly, you dont want to be targeting civilians, there is no benefit there. But weve got to get hamas complete lead rooted out. There is no more of going back to the previous status quo. Trace gentleman, thank you again. Meantime back in this country the leaders of Harvard University now clarifying their position on israels war after their own students blamed the jewish state for the conflict. Jeff paul is live with that part of the story. Jeff. Good evening, trace. Yeah rounds a Statement Released and supported by more than 30 Student Organizations at harvard. In the very first line the under signed Student Organizations wrote that they hold the Isreali Regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence. They added that Apartheid Regime is the only one to blame. Now the words outrage many high profile alumni including chair and new york congresswoman elise, she wrote, it is abhorrent and heinous that harvard Student Groups are blaming israel for hamas barbaric Terrorist Attack that killed over 700 isrealis, excuses this slaughter of innocent women and children, side of evil and terrorism, i am calling on the leadership of harvard to publicly condemn. The office of harvard president claudine gay and Senior Leadership released a statement saying, that they were heartbroken by the deaths and destruction unleashed by the attack by hamas. But their statement failed to react or even mention the words used by the student organization. So, today harvard president released another statement condemning the attacks by hamas and also saying in part, while our students have the right to speak for they selfs, no student group, not even 30 Student Groups speaks for Harvard University or leadership. Also responded to the students statement, he wrote, What The Hell is wrong with harvard . Trace. Trace yes, thank you. Now lets bring two people on the ground in israel, editor of all isreal news. We talked to raz a little bit earlier. This story is compelling. I want to begin if i can with you i think this is interesting, i just want to get your take on this as a journal u. S. Over in israel when you hear the United States, the administration, the Biden Administration saying there is no direct link to what happened on october 7th and iran. What do you make of that statement . Well, trace, to put that in a word, thats insane. Because by going out early to say that, youre sending a message that the worlds world response or of terrorism is not complicit. Why not just say we think they are very complicit and we are not going to say more right now. Like, there is no reason to go out and exonerate the Iranian Regime, why are they doing it, trace . Two reasons, the biden just gave iran 6 billion. Okay. And thats going to buy a lot more terrorism. Second reason, theyve been begging the Iranian Regime to come back not nuclear deal for two years and trying not to tick off the Supreme Leader of iran. You can see the disconnect between the white house and reality when we have been slaughtered, again, President Biden comes out. I think he is in a fog and he has no idea What The Hell he is talking about. Interesting, raz, you mentioned slaughtered, have you a first account of that, this happened 700 feet from where you live, its still happening. Im wondering if you think that maybe we should put politics aside and focus on more important things for the time being, sir. Well, i know it is politics, probably know the last few months have been going on, we have inner issue regarding politics. And in politics for sure have to put, we have to put we are in a war situation, we have to be united against an enemy that is trying to kill us. I dont think we should put aside because i think the u. S. Should be blunt and saying that iran is a response for that. Half as did not get funding from the moon. Somebody sponsored hamas, somebody trains hamas. Somebody provides weapons. Foot tracks leads to iran. Hamas being iran proxy, iran all of a sudden, its the reality like a lot of parents, but is an orphan. You raised hamas, its yours. Dont shake your hand of it. Yeah, i quickly want to put this up there, its called for 19, former editor in chief of the rejuice human post, here is what he had to say. Israel is to keep pushing them back into gaza, launch this ground offensive, they also have to degrade their capabilities. Why is it a bad option . Its going to draw casualties on both sides. There will be isreali casualties, palestinian casualties and it will dragon this conflict. Unfortunately we do not have a choice. Trace joel, we talked about earlier, the troops are amassing at the border in gaza. Do you believe that this will be on a fullon assault or more tactical . I do believe it is going to be a full on invasion. He was wounded as a combat soldier, his brother was killed in combat for israel. He never wanted to go all in. When you are at 1200 casualties thats like 30,000 casualties in the United States, proportion to our population. Imagine fox news had report 30,000 casualties of americans. We are going to go all in. But what does iran want out of this they want pictures of dead palestinians. They want to slaughter jews but they want pictures of dead palestinians, they want to blow up with the Peace Process with the Abraham Accords and put us in a position where we as israel look like monsters rather than them. Whats what we are up against. Trace yaz, do you support an all out invasion, your house is 700 feet from where this is happening. Would you support that . I support anything that will eliminate hamas administration. I am reserve soldier myself, i was actually called a few days ago, im supposed to report. We will pay a price for it, no doubt about it. In war we only nobody wins. This was forced upon us with brutal barbaric actions, we are not eager, but we will do it as a need. Seconding what he said, unfortunately that cannot be ended with another round of air strikes, it has to be done on the ground. If i may add, following up early on with the harvard always presented as Ivy League College i think they need to come to study that much. Trace a lot of people have said, that raz thank you so much. Joel thank you for your time. The best of luck to you raz you and your family. Trace Coming Up Americans pleading with President Biden for the return of Family Members they say were taken hostage by hamas. More emotional accounts for those personally affected. As we look live at gaza city and continue our breaking News Coverage of the war in israel. I have active psoriatic arthritis. But with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, im feeling this moment. Along with clearer skin skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. And is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. 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We do not know the number of hostages we have at this time. 66yearold adrian, a nurse originally from california is a mother of three with seven grandkids. Son says she was on the phone with her children when they heard gunfire. Both my brother, my sister, we were on the call with her as the terrorists barged into her home. That was our last contact with her. Horrific videos like this are emerging showing barefoot women Marched In The Street by hamas terrorists. Telling fox news, this individual very shows her brother taken hostage by an armed masked terrorist. Received the video, likely hamas propaganda. You can see the son walking with terrorist from hamas which putting his hand around his neck with a gun. With his other hand. This video which i cant watch, im sorry. Americans are trying to flee israel as Major Airlines like delta, american and united are suspending or limiting flights. A denver businessman and Antidefamation League official made it out on an isreali plane. Kidnapped, killed, who have been hurt. The president says he directed the United States to share its intelligence and experts with israel in any Hostage Recovery efforts. Trace. Trace matt, thank you another live look at gaza city as the sunrises and israel readies its troops for ground war, that ground war has not been called. Its notable that before sunrise we were told in the 24 hours preceding sunrise there were some 450 air strikes on gaza city and gaza. Mike tobin is reporting that in just the past couple of hours there have been some 250 Additional Air strikes on gaza and gaza city. That is significant because the pressure clearly is ratcheting up if you are about to send Ground Forces in. National security analyst rebecca and ron master who specializes in Wars Of Religion and isreali conflict. If i can, thank you both for joining us again. Of National Security, director of National Security former John Ratcliffe who said the following here, play this and well get your take. Why are they tip towing around iran . Because to admit irans involvement and as its exposed here is to underscore the absolute failure policy regarding iran. Trace i play that rebecca, the senators were briefed tonight and what the administration is telling all the senators that according to the director of National Intelligences office there is no direct link between iran and the october 7th attacks, in fact they claim to have contradictory evidence, rebecca. I would be pressing if i were a senator, i would be pressing to know what that intelligence is and what they need in order for them to be convinced, tell senators there was a direct connection. If we look at the highly sophisticated nature of this operation, paragliders, the fact this they used drones that dropped ordinance on towers of these watch towers, i mean there was an attack that clearly has some sophisticated backing, knowledge to be able to do it. So, again, it undermines the entire iran policy, failure to admit it means they have to change it. Trace they are tip towing around the iran issue, explain that if you would for us. Yeah, two ways i think. I think what rebecca said is exactly right. The intelligence to pull this off, they couldnt have done this without iran. Iran is involved at some level. We will not know for awhile how much. What the white house is trying to do is both safeguard the looming saudi deal, the saudis know that the iranians are involved, there is no need to spell it out. But they are also trying to contain the conflict and make sure that no war breaks out in Northern Israel which would be calamite. Moving closer to the mediterranean and that is why i think they are trying to deter iran from escalating. Trace the senators were also told just on your point, ron, they were unable to provide a motive for this, i would remind you of the ongoing negotiations between the kingdom of saudi arabia and israel to potentially recognize israel as a nation in the wake of these attacks. It appears all progress has been lost as the crown prince made comments in support of palestine. Hamas fearing what support by arguably the most powerful prominent power in the region would do for israel. Hamas wins in this scenario as long as israel doesnt win. Rebecca, your thoughts on that. Well, thats why the point i think about separating the Palestinian Government versus hamas. The administration is clearly trying to preserve the possibility of this potential deal. I dont see that happening in the near future, that has completely been unset. We are going the next several weeks and months and possibly longer than that, are going to be extremely dicey with israel taking out hamas and so there is a lot of moving parts here, i dont see any major diplomatic change going forward. What i would like to see though is the administration move away from this dogged attempts to have this appeasement with the iran government, they clearly see this as a regional approach and its clearly a mistake and a failure. Trace your final thoughts on this, ron . Its clear to me that hamas would not have launched this attack now had it not been for the closing of isreali saudi ties. Hamas is panicking, hamas either want as voice at the table in these negotiations, or understand its not going to have a voice at these negotiations. Palestinians in general recognize other arab states are moving on without the palestinians. So, they are in a sort of desperate plea for world attention. I hope the Biden Administration pushes hard on the saudi front and stays the course. And does not let hamas ruin the chance. We will see, ron, rebecca, thank you both. And coming up, the u. S. Military rushes to send support to israel, much more on that as the Breaking News continues. A live look now at gaza city, continuing coverage next. Why choose a sleep number smart bed . Because only the sleep number climate360 smart bed lets you each sleep up to 13 degrees cooler or warmer on either side, while you both sleep at your ideal level of firmness, comfort and support. Your sleep number setting. And now, our new next gen smart beds have temperature benefits, so you sleep better night after night. Now at its lowest price ever. The allnew queen sleep number® c2 smart bed is only 880. Sleep next level. Shop for a limited time at sleep number. Trace when you are the leader so its decided, well park even deeper into Parking Spaces so people think theyre open. Surprise. 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It could be joined by other Aircraft Carriers like the uss eisenhower. Jennifer griffin, the pentagon is deciding whether to employ it. President biden has pledged to send more equipment and resources to israel including more ammunition and missile interceptors for the iron dome system. We stand ready to move additional assets as needed. Let me say again to any country, any organization, anyone thinking of taking advantage of the situation, i have one word, dont. Dont. The president has spoken with isreali president Benjamin Netanyahu. The u. S. And allies must stand united. In the face of such brutal atrocities. The uss ford will not be involved in the on going on main purpose, trace, is to work as a deterrent. Trace yes, thank you. Lets bring retired u. S. Navy captain, aaron cohen. Analyst Cameron Hamilton. Former navy seal. Gentleman, welcome back to you. We are kind of talking about this as the senators were all briefed tonight by the administration. And its interesting because i guess the topic right now at hand is, is this saudi arabia deal dead. I want to read what we have here. Because the administration said the following here. They were unable to provide a motive for hamas and why they did this attack. And it goes on to say, that i would remind you this is the one who is briefing, victoria, ongoing negotiations between the kingdom of saudi arabia, in the wake of attacks, all progress has been lost as the crown prince has made comments in support of palestine. Hamas likely fearing what support by arguably the most prominent power in the region, thinking about saudi arabia would do for israel, its sabotaged this round of negotiations, hamas wins in this scenario as long as israel doesnt win. Aaron cohen your thoughts, is this deal with saudi arabia and israel done . No, trace, i dont think its done. There is a lot of Shades Of Gray in the middle east. Saudi arabia, incredibly wealthy, they have been working quietly exchanging ideas and technology with israel. You know, when trump was president. He did some good work with saudi arabia i think its important to remember that and there is a lot there is a lot of talk in the middle east, its part of the mentality. I dont think its dead. I think saudi arabia has to say what they are going to say in order to maintain an aggressive and tough posture in the middle east. They know which hand feeds them the cookies. You say its not dead, its bad news for iran, its bad news for hamas. I dont think the deal is dead. Lets remember in the last administration, foreign nations, the abraham accord, trades with sudan and also who rocco, ladder two interestingly have not given strong to israel. Sudan was vocal in support of the palestinians. But in a broad picture, saudi arabia is a rational state. As aaron said, irrational actor and they understand that reconciliation or a treaty of some sort with israel is probably in their best interest, financially and geo politically in the long term. Working Behind The Scenes to foster that. Trace Cameron Hamilton your thoughts on this, do you think this deal goes forward . Do you, trace i think it is going to be complicated as what we see. Many in the International Community, throughout the middle east because of their sectarian divides might resort to placating terrible behavior that hamas been performing with. Sentiments of some of my guests on the show talking about Behind The Scenes saudi arabia has been pursuing normalization of relationships with israel for quite some time. It will be my estimation theyll pursue efforts although it might be in a different manner. Trace i have one minute left, i want to get all your take on one thing. Two questions, one and one after the break with very little intel on hostages, where do we start. Get intel, you cant breach and make entry into structures without knowing which structure to hit, how many structures there are, what internal buildup inside that structure is, where hostages are inside the structure. To be able to hit that structure from 360 degrees you need information. We need drones, focus on the ground, observation, eyes on these buildings and hostages, locations trying to pass that information. Trace how do we get innocent people out, cameron . Swift action is the call of the day. Very yawn eke, unlike traditional warfare and conflict, israel fortunately has in armada different resources i think they are going to be successful. Trace Gentleman Stand By if you would, 7 45 in gaza, special coverage of the war in israel continues right after the break. One more question for our experts and its a good one. The moments that matter, to jump into the fun and join in the celebration. 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Over the past three, maybe four hours there have been some 250 air strikes that have been launched on gaza city and there are troops amassing on the border of gaza, they have not yet gotten the order i am told, but that could happen anytime. Lets bring back Kevin Hamilton to get a Little Con Dexamethazone here. Way. To play this sound bite, this is from barry weis about what she saw and what weve all seen and she said this today on fox. This is different. What had happened over the past 72 hours is the biggest slaughter of jews since the holocaust. But unlike with the nazis, it took years remember for the allies to uncover the extent of germanys war crimes because the nazis tried to hide it. In this case with hamas in 2023, they are Live Streaming their atrocities on tiktok. Trace yeah, Live Streaming their atrocities on tiktok. I want to bring cameron in, it is a new psychological, you go back the 80 plus years to when worldd war ii was happening, cameron, there is a etito ale different psychological mindset among terror in this world. Yeah, you couldnt have said it better. Ultimately what we are seeing is the attempt of hamas and these organizations to try to inculcate the minds and perspective of race is, to demoralize them. Some of the stories i herd from soldiers training on different Training Missions in different times how they would have to transition from fighting in extreme conflict and then going back and seeing their families and kissing their children a day or two later. That distortion and transition back and forth between warfare and urban populations and loved ones can have quite an effect on the mind. The more they inundate people with images the more they create this sense of haplessness or at least thats their goals. Trace your thoughts. Well, trace, sadly 5500 years of Human History of this kind of thing is happening. Taliban, isis, alqaida and what theyve done. And sadly, i can promise you that there are people who are watching these videos, all over the world, and they are cheering and they are rallying and they are excited about what they are seeing. And its i dont even know if that atrocity is the strongest word. Trace kevin, we have seen this covering these terror acts over the past couple decade as, it seems like isis brought on this bragging about the things, the horrific atrocities they have done. Yeah, because i know you are a student of history, you will recall how the Viet Nam War Playing Out In Living Rooms across america really shaped the way people viewed the war effort. Similarly what they are doing is using social media in this circumstance and other platform to again try to shape the way people view it. It will work in some circles, trace, but in others it will make the globe recoil. Trace aaron your final thoughts. I think there is a different pathology than there was all the war crimes in nazi germany were uncovered during the nuremberg trials. What we saw in world war ii, what i believe, you know, look, Israel Intelligence operatives we use a tremendous amount of psychology, i have not been killed so i cant tell you for a fact thats true, i will say that you he know units that infiltrate gaza dressed as locals its very scary. Trace aaron, armon, kevin, cameron. Continuing coverage of im trace gallagher. Fell into new york to expand his fathers empire. He went in to build his own. What kind of is that . He ought to be ashamed of . Thats why when i make promises, i keep them. No dream is too big. No challenge is too great. I want to make America Great again. E days old John Trumphelm choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine. In15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours orh more can be overwhelming. More can be overwhelming. 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