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To tonight, another war in the middle east. The Islamic Terror Group hamaiddle eas, backed by the ir, caught israel by surprise in the deadliesty the attack o since the holocaust. Since saturday Morningest Attas assault over a thousand dead bodies are still being dug out from the rubble. 11 americans have been killed. Been kilhamas has 150 hostages. A some could be american. It began three days ago when day hamas fired 5000 Rockets From0 gaza into israeli territory as hamas rockets rained down, ot over a thousand Hamas Terrorists poured across the Israeli Border on motorcycles, trucks, boats even flying in on paragliders. This came on the 50th Year Anniversary of the yom kippur war, where israel was being besieged by an arab coalition. Saturdays attack also coincidey cod with the Jewishise Festival Of Scott in the middle of the celebrationst when Radic Muslims murdered innocent men in front of Their Familiesmd ,hauling away women and children as hostages. Hamaldres also stormed a Music Festival, executing civilians at point blank range on the show. Cause it was kidnapped or be killed, 260 Bodies Scatteredi across the desert. Terrorists butchering corpses cr and parading them around town. Ding the wah, wah, wah wah, w, wah wah oh, my god. La la la la la. Oh oh. Within hours, israel launched Hu A Countersr offensive against these barbarians, quickly mobilizing 300,000 reservists and penetrating into the gazazar strip. A complete Siege Of Gaza is noit underway. Ti the strip getting hammered with israeli artillery. The gaza strip is controlled by Palestinian Ends and they allow Hamas Terrorists to operate from that territoryoa. As fighting erupted between gaza and israel. Fot itory. X correspondent trey a was caught up in the action. Watch. I stay down, guys. The n. Sta y down. This is going to change. Okay. Theres still more rocket fire coming off the gaza stripro. Youre fired from multiple directions trying to get pasm it israel Missile Defense system. The iron dom gete. All of the soldiers and Police Officers that were here ice offi collecting the bodies of the militants and the officersst t that were inside this building have just taken cover. Nextaken to us. Guys. Stay down. I can see the rockets coming off of the strip. E the iron dome. Israels version of missileom defense,e was overwhelmed by the amount of hamas rockets. Hamawas overs is indiscriminatey firing into civilian population centers. S it israel does its best to avoido i civilian casualtieds. Civili thats the difference. A civilized nation forced del with savages who dont follow the code of military conduct. Code of and tonight, hamas is w threatening to execute Civilian Hostagesw and broadcast it live to the world. The israeli Prime Minister , Benjamin Netanyahu, promises to fully defeat the terrorists. Israel is at war. We didnt want this war. An it was forced upon us in i the most brutal and savage way. But though israel didnt startal this warthough, israel will finh it. Hamas still is bound, burned and executed children. They are savages. Hamas is isis. And just as the forces of Civilization United to defeat isis, the forces of civilization must support israel in defeating hamas. S dei so why did hamas decide to strike . Donald trumps Abraham Accords had sidelined the palestiniansn and began normalizing relations between israel and their arab neighbors. Joe biden continued the abraham accordhbors. N s, Bringing Israer to Normalizing Relationsh with saudi arabia and the israeli Saudi Alliance is a Directi Arabiaaeli sau threat t. Who hates both of those countries . Bos, according to the wall street journal, sponsored this hamas attack, s using the terror group as a proxy to drive a wedge betweenri israel and saudi arabia and re elevate the palestinianes situation. These proxy warstinian have a human face. E itfirst guess, noah, mak was at that Music Festival and narrowly escaped with hertem life. No, im telling me what youatou witnessed that day witne and i will start to say thank you for defending us and having given me the right to defend and to speak for those who cant. Some of them were my friends and it started off in 6 a. M. We dance and everyones smiles. And i remember so many people coming to me and saying, this is the best time of my life. Ore than ive never been happier. More than that, i and in one second there were walked all over us, all over our heads ,and the music stopped and the police said, we need to get down on the floor and cover hands with our head. And we said, okay, it will bes. Over and were all coming back home because in israel, where rockets once in a while and for my. When we started getting out to the exit, we identified the car in the parking lot. It took us a while. It took us Something Like 20 minutes. And im saying for my leg because those who came to theo h road first are the one who was shot in their car. From there. Shot you saw them get shot. I didnt saw them get shot. But on the way, exit, e friend our friend called to my friend in the same car and told her, dont go out. Dont go out to the road, do nos dont go out. Theres terrorists. Someone is down. Don, someont go out there. Ther theres shots. Theyre shootinge everyone. Im so sorry that this sorry is happening. And were praying for you. Were thinking about you. We want all the hostages back safely. And it shouldnt happen in todaysback s world. It just shouldnt. And were glad youre okay. Please youre okay send our best to everybody there, and were with you. Wit thank you. So israel lives in the nastiest neighborhood in thee cn world. The countrys about the size of new jersey. Terror groups, hamas and hezbollah breathing on their border. So israel is dealing with hamas in the south. And today, hezbollahh launched Rocket Attacks from the north in lebanon, syria, egypt, saudi arabia, iraq, turkey, everyone armed to the teeth, stewingigio with religious hatred. The Arabuss Have Usedians the palestinians as a proxy for decades. And now the iranians sponsoring, we believe, this hamas attack on israel. In a and were in a region flush with the lifeblood of the world economy, oil, the commodity that ship through the dangerous waters surrounding the desert. The Unitede Dangs waters states8 billion show of force, moving the uss gerald ford Aircraftgerf Carrier and a Strike Group F 35 Stealth Fighter jets and a fleet of warships to the region. Sots and what will the Israeli Military strategy be . Eli milihow did the Intelligence Community miss such a highly Coordinateintell Communid and pd attack . And did any weapons we left in afghanistan can make their way to the battlefield. Joining me now, former pencer National Security adviser Lieutenant General Keith Kellogitg and retired u. S. Army Brigadier General anthony tata. Ge all right. Keith kellogg, this Weaponef Situation that was left over in afghanistan. Do you believen any of those weapons found their way to hamas . No. J jesse, thanks for having me. Well probablyyou fo. They probably came across. Theres a lot of weapons in the middle east. I think a lo in the t of it, though,t thin came out of iran. I dont think you should divert any attention from irak yon. Re and because i think theyre the true State Sponsor of terrorismh in the region. Remember, this is the same organization that supportau hezbollah to the north, in hamas in gaza. But but also, these are the ones that she chanted Death To America and death to israel in their parliament when this attack occurred. So i think you have to look at afghanistan here. Maybe the weapons came there, but lets not take our eye off the ball off of iran. Did they transfer weapons . Probably. But theyve got enough weapons in the middle east weapons now that they dont probably need any help. What theyve got right thereey and its iran is the real sponsor that we need to concern ourselve s with. And you mentioned a comment about the carrier battle group. Yeah, the carrier battle groupe. The biggest thing about them th fiv airplanes is the fact that those five Vessel Cruisers and destroyers carry about 800 kilograms tomahawk land attack missiles. Those things are very accurate. Those are the real teeth in that task force. So today, how did we miss it . S t how did massad miss it . How did the u. S. Intel mis,s it . Yeah. Hey, jesse, great question. Thw do we miss Jt Qu Afghanistan and the taliban . Russian . Quicker than they thought. How did we miss russia and and ukraine . And Offering Zelenskyy a ridee an out on the eve of the invasion . And how did we miss this . Ley three major misses from the Intelligence Community that fundey. D with billions and billions of dollars. Bins a really good questio that requires some forensic analysis here. But despite it that missed, what israel needs to do now is theyve got some tacticalha issues ahead of them that theyve certainly got to retrieve the hostages,rd theyve got to restore their border and theyve got to destroy hamaser, an in a four dimensional battlefield with their ground sea is a baand tunnels. Ive been in the tunnels that border gaza on obviously on the israeli side. And its a labyrinth of this byzantine network of tunnels there. And thate could contribute to the mess, the Tunnelsork Out that network out to the south and to the east that were used for logistics and preparation and rehearsals. And i think thats at the heart of it. So will the u. S. Give the Israeli Military enough room and time to operate and root ouand roott hamas, as they say e and for all and fully defeat them . Al there . Well, thats the Decisionby Ch the Commander In Chief, president biden. And the answer needs to be gse. Ye presi s, give them maximum latitude, everything they need, and we neegived to tell everybon in the region, do not interfere with it. Thats the reaso Doe Withn Thatr battle group is there. And we need to let him finish the job. A lothe second thing they need to do is, is this is very critical. We need to tell the israelis we need to support the israelis. They neeraelisd to go after allf the leadership of hamas. I dont care if theyre in Hy Ar Argentina or where theyre at. Go get them. And kill him. And that includes everybody from hezbollah to hamas to the palestine liberation organization. This is a war they need it is to finish the war. And how you finish that word, you take out the leadership. We did tu ta that with soleiman. We did that with baghdadi. The israelis need to do that with those Terror Networks as well. All right. Kellogg, taylor, thank you guys, so muc jh for your insight and your service. Thank you, jesse. Well, while israel was suffering a 911 style attack, an americans were being slaughtered and kidnapped. Joe biden was throwinaughterg a barbecue. He called the lid before noon and was partyingcalled and was e house with a live band. And today, as the Deata Live Bhl mounted in the worlds attention was focused on a new mideast war. D joe biden tweeted that he was getting rid of junk feesg ri. Ee we have not seen the president at all today. Allhe called another lid and te white house who just gave 6 billion to the iranians today said, yeah billion, the people d are behind this attack. Make no mistake. And weve been very honest about this. Iran, of course, is complicit in these attacks because of its long standing suppor t to hamas. And other Terrorist Networks in the region. Whats why wat is whe have got more than 400 sanctions against them. Thats why we beefed up our presence, no beefet only in the gulf area, but now in the eastern mediterranean. Were going to make sure that we can protect our National Security interests prt what is a growing threat throughout the region by iran. Brad baers fox news chief political anchor, hes here with the lates is t. Brad, joe bidens posture over the weekend and as Commander In Chief, how would you evaluate that . Listen. Calling those lids, sticking with the barbecue and the live music for the white house, Executive Staff obviously came Undelife Musr a lot of criticis theres 11 americans at Leasters Thlled and Possibl 1y Americans being held hostage. So theres a want and a need for the president to step up in front of the camera. He only did so less thans 3 minutes on saturday. However, there is another piece of the puzzle right nother piew. The white house just put out a statement saying the president has been interviewet a thad as part of f investigation led by special inl robert herr, conducted over the last two days, sunday and monday, concluding on monday. This is the investigation intoay the classified materials that he had at his home and his office after leaving the vice pe presidency. So that may be parsidency. T of puzzle, but not speaking in the middle of this crisi this definitely is getting criticism from republicans, especially, k he might have been able to put off the special counsel deposition in a certains. Situation like this. So, bret, the country right now is unsettled. You have a land war in europe. U hayou now have a new mideast. We were promised a return to normalcy. Theres a lot of anxiety lot when o the Commander In Chief ad is at a barbecue and it seems like the world is comingis unglued. Do you think theres any sense n at the white house that they understand that, you know, theyve puthat . T john kirby outr a couple of days, and i commend you to watch marthas interview of him today. She really asked him some tough questions, and im not sure he hadtough the best answers. He but we want to hear fromnts the Commander In Chief in moments like this, especially when were moving a Carrier Group Intoer Group Thf and the possibility of escalation throughout th increases. They dont have a lot of good answers for iran policymoney, and funneling money, not n just the 6 billion and the humanitarian aid, but alsonitarg the not enforcing sanctions sanctions that has ledou of billions of dollars of iranian oil money sloshing around l money to hamas and hezbollah. So that could be a part of thef equation, too. Yeah, hes goingth to haveve to to answer some questions eventually on this iran deal, because it does no somt look go bret, thank you so much. Well see you tomorrow at six. L you bet. Now bring in former u. S. Attorney general bill barr for more reactio n. Think what do you think should happen next . Smr. Attorney general . Nell, not necessarily instantaneously, but i think we have to go for the head of the snake. Our strategic imperative. And i think his real strategic imperative in the mideast is tot prevent iran from getting nuclear weapons. This administration saystted t its committed to that, but its done a miserable job. B theyre on the brink of obtaining them. And i thintak theyre hostage takers, as were saying. And what do you think theyre Goin Eing Whathg to once they getgetu nuclear weapons, theyre going to take the world and the regionclgoin hostage . Hosta now, idge be id be guided by israels views on this because they live in the neighborhood. Isel livesbut if israel feels s the right time to take out Irans Nuclear program, then i would agree with it. And i would give israel all the suppor Ge Israelt Neceso do it and do it effectively. This doesnt have to be done instantaneously. Israelis have to deal with hamas and the the leaders of this atrocity in thes atro short term. But i think we havcity ie to stp this seesaw, you know, tit for tat, getting Blood Bloodier and Bloodierd Reo and resolve the problem with iran. Are You Sayinlve G the should strike the Nuclear Facilities in iran . Are you saying wke the e should greenlight an israeli strike . Ainst the facilities i think we should agree. Well, if the if the israelis want to do it, i think we haveia to assist them and give them all the support we need to to make it successful. Theres no point in doing no unless youve puto in enough to to actually get the jo done anb done. And if the israelis ask us for support, we should give them w all we can. Can. One of the problems with ths administration is we havese pro all these problems around the world and theyre always a day lateblhed always and a dod theyre very good at pulling on the reins. But they they fail to take Decisive Action when they do some good, such as in ukraine,nk where they could have deterredou that attacld hk had they started sending in support at the beginning. Do you want say that a majort strike against the Iranian Nuclear weapons progra am could cascade into god knows what inna that region . Well, were already cascading into god knows what. There are no good options. And thats one of the problems, i think, of American Foreign policyrican. The more we we sort of dither and try to manage things and sort of keep them boiling, the worse and worse our options get going forward. North korea is another perfecttc example. China is now close to Military Parity with the United Statesunt and threatening to take taiwanes. I think we need to start dealing with some of the need to problems in iran is one we havea to deal with because we cannot tolerate a nuclear iran. That is the survival of israel. Well, i thought we were outtf of the middle east and we just t get right back in every time. Ye mr. Attorney general, thankso you so much. Yep. So rand paul is going to joinl s us to respond to that on the other endgoin. Boy, do i get bad press. The six part story only fox nation intel didnt go into new york to expand its fathers empire. He went in to deal with his own kind of. Is that he ought to be ashamed of the swamp. When i make promises, i them. No dream is too big. No challenge is too great. I want to make America Great again. I got old john trump. Do you have Trouble Hearing Conversations . Are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves . Do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends . Then you would benefit from Nano Hearing Aids. Dont waste thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids or settle with the frustration of cheap amplifiers. Right now you can get two revolutionary nano cic Recharge Hearing Aids regularly 794 for just 297. 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Throughout the day, the israelisnd have been hittint the gaza strip in the northern and eastern part of ithe with airstrikes, tried to subdue Hamas Afte Air Strr The Massacre that took place on saturday. More than 900 israeli civilians and soldiers killed in shooting attacks and Rocket Attacks since this began. This is unimaginable whats taking place in israel. The slaughtelacer of civilians, the execution of soldiers and people takenexecutio hostage back into the gaza strip. At the same time, Israelgaza Sth is bracing tonight for the possibility of a multifront conflict after rocket fire today from southern lebanon. The Lebanese Militant Group hezbollah also sending fighters over the border and killing at least one israeli officer. Jesse, lets now bring in senator rand paul to respond to bill barr, who we just heard wants to strike the iraniane irn Nuclear Facilities. Rand pauls also the Authornu Of Theclear Book Deception Thet Covid cover up, which well get to at some point. So you heard what he wants to do. Tacks Missile Attacks against the Iranian Nuclear program decimateagiraniad before they cn go nuclear. What would you do . You know, i have nothing but sympathy for the israeli people at this point in time. I think that the Primaryy Ob Objective at this time has to be to getject the people that attacked them when they were in gaza before we think about spreading this to the rest of the world, maybe we ought to think about exactly whats going on on the ground ther think a one. I do think that there is Immediate Reaction sometimes to lets get everybody lets get everybody whos responsiblea. And without question, iran had their hands in this. D th handbut you remember, afth there were people who wanted to attack iraq. They said iraq to atta caused 9 turned out iraq didnt have anything to do with 911. Le the facts where lie. Lets investigate this and let israel need to do what they need to do, which is to to have a punishing response to the people in gaza to say no more. Were not going to let this happen again. Ha you follow the money, ify, i the money goes from the biden and it Goeson To Tehran and then tehran sends its own mass and they use it anu to Slaughter Israelis and americans, what are weng he . Doing here . The Question Ha S to be, is everybody is the anger . Look, ive got the anger. Be withi no sympathy for thesee pulling young women and children, shootingng People Pointblank and had nobody of sympathy for them. In fact, i think they lose sympathy i think their cause byg such horrendous, outlandish things. Nd outbut at the same time, soms says, well, we need to stop iran fro. Anm having to go. Have g were going to bomb them. We have to realize that therote have been assassinations of Nuclear Scientists in iran going on for beeation of about d 6 to 8 years. Every time wht yearse assassinat one of them, the enrichment goes higher. Them enreximum pressur sanctions. The enrichment went higher. People say that within a week or two of enrichment. Now, people say were going to bomb them. Were going to bomb them to smithereens goi. Well, when you get uranium to like 100 or 95 enrichment, you can have as much as inox there that little box there. You can hide it anywhere. You can have it in 20 different places. You ca20n have it at the base of a mountain. You cant really put them back and you cant Reall Y Bombsomethin knowledge away. And im not saying you look the other way. Something will have to be donede. Well, lets be careful of the bomb them now. Bomb them everywhere. Bomb all the time. E. And our Founding Fathers were conscious of that. They said we need to vot said e on these things. No one person, no president , no one person gets to decide wheneo war happens. And while war is a means of retribution, it didnt divi and it always doesntt exac always get exactly what we intended as well. Wethat a key point. Point. The Biden Administration could not go off half cocked doingwhar whatever it is that theyre planning on doing or not doing withou they as t consultings. With the u. S. Congress. Well, look what happened in afghanistan. K at. Ghanista they decided to exit from a commercial airport. What kind ofa commer leaves your troops in a commercial airport when they do . He sommeairport. 13 of our soldi. You saw what joe biden was doing at the funeral. Checkingwas doin his Watch Afteh Casket went out. So what did he do in responsnt e or by says, you got to dod an something, do something. So he bombed an aid worker, a completely innocent worker, and his family was bombed out of anger, out sheer anger. So angry. You know, im angry. Im i cant see those images without being angry and sympathetic to the israeli people. But if you act out of anger irrationally, sometimes you do gerthe wrong thing and make this worse. So all i ask is you want war. You want to drop war a bomb on tehran. You dont do that like youre chewing, you know,erious bubblegum. This is a really, really serious thing that we need to make sure t we get right before we launch into a worldwide war. We alreadywe l we cant Walk T And Chew Gum at the same time, soke lets just take it one step at a time. Senator, thank you so much. Thank you. Everybody go checkme. Nator, t ok right now. Prime time. Wente bo to a propalestinian ry in new york city. These Festival Goers are not innocent civilians. They arelgoers settlers. So they deserved it. Ye whes. Own. When you bundle your home oru renters with your auto progressive, provide protection progressive, provide protection for almost everythinrs but do you really need my way to do for my snatched my way to do for my snatched waist, put treadmillt. 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You eves r being here for raising your voices to celebrate the glorious victory of the resistance . It was some sort of labor it party with were having a great time until the resistance came and electrified hang gliders. I like at least several dozen hipsters. We sent gianni into the palestinian Protest Movement to get a glimpse of whats going on here today. Protest in solidarity with the resistance attack on the Settler Colony that is israel. We didnt have n wito freedom ta at all. Thats why hamas, you know, did that. You know what i mean . Hamaats, whether you like them r not, has been warning israel to oppress our people, to oppress our people. Well respond. Well respond. But how do you fee. L about that . Im happy that my people are responding and theyre fighting back. My peoplwhat is your reaction te Music Festival this week . There are a lot of innocent people were killed. We dont wanet oft innocente ben people to die, but it happens. Who knows what . I dont condone that. You know, i dont condonkilled. E violence. E i dont condone. But thats whats happening over there. I know it is. Violwhat it is. You know, these Festival Goers are not innocent civilians. Re n they are settlers. So they deserve it. Yes. Every every settleot nsr. Ye ys. From the israeli over there are calling you guys terrorists. Im not surprised. They are the terroristt surpris were not terrorists, man. Were just protecting our own land. T. There is nothing wrong with that term wrong. What is the end goal here . The end goal is to free wha palestine. There cannot be an israeli. There cannot be. There cannot be an Ethno Supremacist state. So what does joe biden need to do . Joe bideestate. T does Joe Biden Joe and joe biden making it worse. Wors America First. America first thing. It is noe. T israel first. Not is i spoke to a guy before thisra and he said, america, first, you werent happy with that lie. Israel would not exist without america. So no, America First for you. Oh, are you an american . Yes. And you dont want to put America First . O. You do not wan. So weve heard similar chatter Frommila American politicians. The squad, even after this terrorist invasion , the squad is calling israel an Apartheid Cae and made it seem like israel had it coming. Rashida talie b says as long as our country provides billions in Unconditiona Countrl Funding to support the apartheid government, this heartbreaking cyclrt thee of vi. Will continue. Coriy bush says we must do our part to stop this violence and trauma by ending u. S. Governmentma by en support for Israeli Military occupation and apartheiraeli mid. Both aoc and omar say israel shouldnt respond to the Terror Attack that killed hundreds of civilians. Ththey want a ceasefire . Dozens of Student Organizations at Harvard University are saying israel deserve this. Students at Columbia University say hamas was justified because israel is ani, colonizer. And its not Just Congress not and the ivy league who sympathize with terrorists. Msnbc has been of accused of letting hamas write their scripts and love this network. But ive got to ask, who is writing the scripts . Hamas, the people who did this, they are not fighters, jonathan. They are not militants. And im looking right at the camera. They are terrorists. Please stotheyp calling this a retaliation. This is a defensive measure against an organization that is committed to one thing, killing. Elizabeth tipco is the founder of lest people forge et project. Elizabeth, how do we how gaza . Adicalism from and it comes all the way herewa to manhattan . Yeah, i have to tell you,iml jesse, it has taken over. I am truly traumatized by what i watched this weekend, what we all watched unfold in israel. Watcbut the impact, honestly,s that the israelis in this response have had might have me harder. Der. These terrorists were Filmingth Themselveses literally kidnappig Holocaust Survivors in wheelchairs. They found themselves burning women alive and and murdering people who they then paraded through the streets. I was again traumatized by this footage, but expecting a very different response. And what parg in i got shocked a core. I can tell you the craziest partn te of all of this is as a, and im sure im not alone here, i have sat and ive mysel wondered to myself what my friends, my teachers orthere my neighbors may have done iwefg they were alive in germanyer in the 1940s. And unfortunately, today i have my answey, todayr. thhe u. S. Media, msnbc, specificallye their posture is always were trying to protect the downtrodden, protects the women and children and then is women and children and the downtrodden are being slaughtered, their throats are slitdowntrod. Theyre taken hostage. Theyre trying to both sides. It would they do that . They do i have to be honest. The mental gymnastics that it takes to stand do here and sidh with hamas, a Terrorist Organization likamorise i said,d that just paraded themselves through the streets with the bodies of wome thaaded then whod and murdered. I cannot understand it. Im telling you, i dont know. It comes from and the fact that people who say that they align with liberals, some seemtk to think that these people share values with them. These people who, by the way, just want to see americans like you and me murdered maybe a smidgen less than they want to see israelis murdered. I cannot understand it. But our institutions not unde havetician failed. Our media has failed, our politicians have failed. And we are selves as s as a societyt lear clearly have not learned from history and have failed. Ha, its shocking. We infested the greatest institutions of this nation and i do not get it. To anat has to be put end. Pip, go. Thank you so much. Anuch. Thank you. So is radical muslims storm the Israeli Border and butcher civilians. How secure is our border . R . Over 250 foreigners on the Terror Watch List have been caught Crossing Over the Mexican Border under joe biden and over half a million, probably 1. 5 illegals have slipped through undetected. Statistic5 il clear. Ot ter theres a good shot. Terrorists have infiltrated the nation. Donaldroe infiltrate trump spoks earlier. Watch. Who could imagin e a war, right,with with people pouring into our countr y . We have no idea from wheren many they come. The same people in many case cat the same people that just attacked israel. Right . W that, joe bidens open borders, an invitation, not just a mexican rorist cartels, but to Terror Cellsthro throughout the world. And as we learneugho worldd durg the war on terror, once those cells are activated in our homeland onc, theyre very difficult to stop. Congresswoman Anna Polina Luna is on the House Oversight committee. How seriou s is thetion tak Biden Administration taking the border now that we saw how easilye bo these terroristse have crossed over the Israeli Border . You know, unfortunately, just not serious enough. We know that even just in the last we year, up until recently,ec if you wanted border security, they calleently border d you at and xenophobic. But we now know that joe biden has started a construction on some portions of our Southern Border. But, you know, you mentioned a good point art sout. These cartels are indeed working from different reports that were seeing with these Terrorist Organizations. And the fact is, is that the Likelyhat Hood of a terrorit attack here on u. S. Territory, an of they lly because fact that so many people have slipped through our Southern Border, is very likely. And itseltrated southern conce we dont get thane informatio about Wht O On The Terror Watchc List was caught Crossing Over. You may get thath li briefing on capitol hill, but we knowg its from several middle sever eastern countries. Miy and also, too, we have reports that there have been individuals tied to the ccp coming in from communist china, china, as well as parts of africas a. But you know, whats interesting, jesse, is that the Biden Administration and th,e democrat machine really pushed an open border message in an effort to target hispanic americans. They lied to the american people, saying that, you know, this was jushispanic to tork he people that wanted to come here and work. The fact is, is that the people coming here, Especiallre Y the people on that watch list, they are not here to be our friends. As youiends. You saw with footag out of iran, they are chanting Death To America, death to israel. And what were seeing happening in israel could very, really real happeca, deat n here in the United States. I agree. Open borders are deadly. Theres no doubtl happen about so, ana polina, keep pushing these guys. We got to do everything we can n down there. So what really is behind this hamas invasion and hi, im mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and im here today to tell you about a Hidden Health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. Sleep deprivation. And thats why you need to know about Relaxium Sleep. You see, getting a good nights sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. Relaxium sleep is studied, tested and designed by a neurologist to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. Join the hundreds of thousands of people who have experienced the relief and Health Benefits from getting a great nights sleep and get Relaxium Sleep. Nick relaxium has been a miracle for us since, i mean, and the rest is improved our marriage. 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It was a win win for all of us, except for iran. This new alliance threaten their power so reports indicate that iran supported this hamas Terror Attack on israel to shatter the emerging alliance. Will it work . Dat cars. A retired navy sea . Jet cal and r of the terminal list. So will it work . Well, let me say first, i listened to that previous segmenprevioust and those peoplt you interviewed suggesting a Moral Equivalency betweeintern israel and hamas. I would say that suggests a moral bankruptcy on their part. But to your point, the israel that hamas, hezbollah, iran is dealing with today is a completely different israel than they were dealing with last week. And the timing of this lasolitically , when we look at this, why now . Thats thats the question. And israel , of course, divideds over the executive and judicial exec that. Theyre dealing with us. Of course, we have our withdrawal from afghanistan that the thdrawal world saw. We have billions going,we hav untold billions going to ukraine. And were on the eve of an historic agreement between us, hi and saudi arabia,d saudi increased oil production, decreased oi l on one side, and then you have iran, russia, china on the other side. R two years ago, China Signeduson a strategic Partnershi Thepgic a with china and iran signed s a strategic partnership. 25 years. Iran and chinas that i are the t trading partners. Est tradtars a lot more a here. One side, russia, china, iran, other side, us, israel and saudi arabia. But i would say that theres more to that deal, if you look a little bit deeper, this is more about nuclear supremacyp in the middle east with Saudi Arabiat with on, one side and i. Sure. But jack, you didnt understand it than that you, you do dontua understand. The Biden White House says Global Warming is the biggest threat still. He watch. I have read that Climate Change is an existentia t threatl. It can you know, itping o actually threatens and is capable of wipinutg out all huma life on earth. You said it wasn li more frightening than a nuclearn war. Is tha h t its frightening than a nuclear war in this moment. G than athe president believess wholeheartedly that Climate Change is Aneheartedd Existentit threat to the all of human life on the planet. Thats just science. Thats a fact. Go ahead, jack. Yeah, its an interesting take e right there. I guess you might have a different perspective if you arnt e a citizen in iran even or in israel or anywhere in that broader region. But i will say that hamas and what they have done thise if week is theyve united managed to unite a divided israel and that theyre about to reap the whirlwind. Yeah, they sure. Are. They have no idea whats coming. But its going to be brutal because theres no way you can,u sit back and allow that to happen. That th. So muc up next, Urban Warfare in gaza. Stop starving your skin and start feeding it. 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So what is this going to look what is tho look . I mean, its nightmarish, looke frank, you know, doo fighr door fighting. Its the worst thing. You know, historically, when you look at like stali an grad in fallujah, sadr city, ramadi, in the gwot war on terror, but were fighting a unique enemy in with hamas, one that has no regard for personalon and one that will be thrilled about the loss of civilian life. Theyll be using children and women as body bags , sandbags. You know, every loss of a civilian life is a benefits be le to their propaganda machine. You know, so which makes it such a complex Problemx Proble you know, if theres an ambush in every corner, you know, is there a trap booby . Are there Chemical Warfare . It is just so stressful to do fg this type of fighting. Dits going to be really har watch. But its very important to root out. Thank you so muc h hannity. Up next. And welcome to hannity

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