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[rockets] [shouting] [blasts] [shouting] jesse tonight another war in the middle east. Islamic terrorist group hamas backed by the iranians caught israel in surprise and the deadliest attack since the holocaust. A thousand are dead. Bodies are being dug out by the rubble. 11 americans have been killed. Hamas has 115 hostages, some could be american. It began three days ago when hamas fired 5,000 rockets from gaza into israeli territory. The 29 [rockets being fired] jesse a thousand terrorist poured over the Israeli Border on motorcycles, trucks, boats, even flying on paragliders. 50th Anniversary where they were being ch by coalition. Saturdays attack also coincided with the jewish festival. In the middle of the Celebration Radical Muslims murdered innocent men and front of their families. Pulling away women and children as hostages. Hamas also stormed a Music Festival, executing civilians at pointblank range. [shouting] jesse kidnapped or be killed. 260 bodies scattered throughout the desert. Terrorist butchering corpses and parading them around town. [shouting] within hours israel launched a counteroffensive against these barbarians, quickly mobilizing 300,000 reservists and penetrating the gaza strip. Complete Siege Of Gaza is underway. This trip is getting hammered with is really artillery. [rockets being fired] the gaza strip is controlled by palestinians and they allow hamas terrorist to be operating from that territory. As fighting erupted trey yingst was caught up in the action. Stay down. [blasting] there are still more rockets. They are from multiple directions and trying to get past Israel Defense system, the ironed down. All of the Police Officers and soldiers collecting the bodies of the militants and the officers that were inside this building have just taken a co cover. Guys, stay down. I see the rockets coming from the street. Jesse iron dome, as rellas version of Missile Defense was overwhelmed by the amount of rockets. Hamas is firing into civilian population centers. Israel does its best to avoid civilian casualties, that is the difference. A civilized nation forced to deal with savages who do not follow the code of military conduct. Tonight, hamas is now threatening to execute civilian hostages and broadcasted live to do world. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promises to defeat the terrace. Israel is that war. We did not want this war it was forced upon us and the most brutal and savage way. Although israel did not start this war, israel will finish it. Hamas terrorist burned and executed children. They are savages. Hamas is isis, and the force of the civilization are united to defeat hamas. Jesse why did hamas decide to strike. Donald trump Abraham Accords had sidelined the palestinians and began normalizing relations between israel and their arab neighbors. Joe biden continued the Abraham Accords bringing israel closer to normalizing relations with saudi arabia. This israeli Saudi Alliance is a direct threat to iran who hates both of those countries. The iranians according to the Wall Street Journal sponsored this hamas attack using the terror group as a proxy to drive a wedge between israel and saudi arabia and reelevate the palestinian situation. These proxy wars have a human face. Our first guest norm and kate was at that Music Festival and normally escaped with her life. Tell me what you witnessed that day . I will start by saying thank you. And giving me the right to speak for those who cannot. Some of them were my friends and i started off at 6 00 a. M. We danced and i remember that so many people were coming to me and saying, this is the best Time Of My Life and i have never been happier more than that. In one second there were rockets all over us, over our heads, and the music stopped. Police said that we need to get down on the floor and cover our head with our hands. We will all be coming back home because we have rockets every once in a while. When we started getting out to the exit we identified the car in the parking lot, took us a while, it took like 20 minutes. Im saying for my luck because those who came to the road first are the ones who were shot in their cars from terrorists. Jesse you saw them get shot . I did not see them get shot, but on the weight of the exit are friends called to my friend in the same car and told her that do not go out, do not go out to the road. There are terrorists, someone is down, do not go out to. There are shots. They are shooting everyone. Jesse im so sorry that this is happening and we are praying for you, thinking about you, we want all of the hostages back safely. They should not happen in todays world, it just should not. We are glad that youre okay. Please send our best to everyone there and we are with you. Thank you. Jesse israel lives and the nastiest neighborhood and the world and the countries about the size of new jersey. Terror groups hamas and hezbollah are grieving on their borders. Dealing with Hamas In The South and hezbollah launched Rocket Attacks. Everybody is armed to the teeth and stewing with religious hatred. Arabs have used the palestinians for a proxy as a decade. They are sponsoring this attack on israel. In a region flushed with the lifeblood of the world economy, oil. The economy that shipped through the dangerous waters surrounding the desert. United states is making an 18 billion show of force moving the uss gerald ford and a strike group with 35 stellar jets and a fleet of warships to the region. What will the Israeli Military strategy be and how did the Intelligence Community miss such a highly coordinated preplanned attack and did any weapons that we left in afghanistan make their way to the battlefield. Joining me now is former pensive National Security advisor lieutenant general. And Brigadier General anthony tate up. Keith kellogg, this Weapon Situation that was left over in afghanistan, do you believe that any of those weapons found their way to hamas . Jesse, thank you for having me. Probably. Probably came across. A lot of weapons in the middle east and i think a lot of them came out of iran. Dont think you should avert any attention from aranda because they are the true State Sponsor of terrorism and the region. This is the same organization that supports has about these are the ones that chant death to america in their parliament. You have got to look at afghanistan that they may be weapons came here. Do not take the ball off iran. They have got enough weapons in the middle east that they do not need any help with what they have got right there. It is iran who is responsive that we need to concern ourselves with. The carrier battle group, biggest thing with their plan is that the food does five Missile Cruisers and destroyers caring about 800 missiles. The stings are accurate. That is the real teeth. Jesse how did we miss it, how did u. S. Intel message . Jesse, great question. How did we miss afghanistan and the taliban. How did we miss russia and ukraine and offer zelenskyy a ride out. How did we miss this. When it with billions and billions of dollars. It is a really good question that requires some forensic analysis. Israel has got some tactical issues ahead of them that they certainly have got to retrieve the hostages, restore the border, and they have to destroy hamas. It is a battlefield. I have been in the tunnels that porter goss gaza. It is elaborate network of tunnels and that could contribute. The tunnels that not work out the south and to the east were used for the logistics and preparation, rehearsals. That is at the heart of it. Jesse will the u. S. Gave the Israeli Military enough room and time to operate and root out hamas as they say, once and for all. Decision by the Commander In Chief, president biden. Dancer needs to be, jesse, yes. Give them maximum latitude and everything. Tell everybody in the region do not interfere with this. We need a lot let them finish the job. A second thing is that this is very critical. We need to tell the israelis that they need to go after all of the leadership of hamas. Dont care if they are in antarctica are where they are. Go get them, find them, and kill them. Everybody from hezbollah, hamas, palestine liberation. This is a war, finish the war, and how you finish it is that you take out the leadership. Did that with solomonic, baghdadi, and they have got to do that with this network as well. Jesse thank you so much for your insight and service. Thank you, jesse. Jesse while israel was suffering a 9 11 style attack and americans were being slaughtered and kidnapped. Joe biden was throwing a barbecue. Called a lid before noon and was partying at the white house with a live band. Today as the death toll mounted joe biden tweeted that he was getting rid of junk fees. We have not seen the president at all today. Called on another lid and the white house who just gave 6 billion to the iranians said that the people we paid are behind this attack. Make no mistake, weve been very honest about this. Iran is complicit in these attacks because its longstanding support to hamas and other Terrorist Networks in the region. That is why we have got four distinctions against them, does what would beefed up our presence not only in the gulf area, but in the eastern mediterranean. We got to make sure that we can protect our National Security interest against what is a growing threat throughout the region by iran. Jesse bret baier is here with the latest. Joe bidens posture over the weekend and Commander In Chief how would you evaluate that . Calling those lids and sticking with barbecue and the life music, Executive Staff came under a lot of criticism. There is 11 americans at least killed and possibly americans being held hostage. There is a want and need for the president to step up and for the camera he only did so at less than 3 minutes on saturday. However, another piece to the puzzle right now, jesse, why has put out a statement saying that the president has been interviewed as part of the Investigation Led by robert kerr conducted over the last two days, sunday and monday concluding on monday that this is the investigation into the classified materials that he had at his home and office after leaving the vice presidency. That may be part of the puzzle, but not speaking in the middle of this crisis . It is getting criticism from the public. Jesse he might have been able to put off the special counsel deposition in a certain situation like this. So, bret, the countrys unsettled. You have got a land war in europe, you have got a new middle eastern war, promised to return to normal lessee and there is a lot of anxiety when the Commander In Chief is in a barbecue and it seems like the world is becoming unglued. Any sense at the white house that the understand that . Deployed john kirby out for a couple of days and i commend you to watch more for this interview with him today as she asked some tough questions. We want to hear from the Commander In Chief in moments like this and especially when we are moving a Carrier Group and to the region and the possibility of escalation throughout the region increases. They do not have a lot of good answers for iran policy and funneling money, not just 6 billion and the humanitarian aid, but also not enforcing sanctions that has led to tens of billions of dollars of our randian Oil Money Sloshing around to hamas and has belonged. That can be part of the equation. Jesse he will have to answer some questions on this iran deal, because it does not look good. Bret, thank you so much. We will see you tomorrow at six. Former u. S. Attorney general bill barr for more reaction. When you think should happen next mr. Attorney general . Not necessarily instantaneously, we have got to go for the head of the snake. Our strategic comparative, israel comparative is to prevent iran from getting Nuclear Weapons. This Administration Says that it is committed to that, but it has done a miserable job. On the brink of obtaining them. They are Hostage Takers as we are seeing what you think theyre going to do once they get Nuclear Weapons . Going to take the world and region hostage. Israel lives in the neighborhood, but if israel feels that it is the right time to take out Irans Nuclear program then i would agree with that. I will give israel all of the support necessary to do it and do it effectively. This is not to be done instantaneously, israelis have to deal with hamas and the leaders of this atrocity in the shortterm, but we have got to stop this seesaw, tit for tat getting bloodier and bloodier and resolve the problem with iran. Jesse youre saying that the u. S. Should strike the Nuclear Facilities in iran, or we should green light an israeli strike against the facilities . I think we should if the israelis want to do it then we have got to assist them and give them all of the support we need to to make it successful. No point in doing anything unless you put in enough to actually get the job done and if the israelis ask us for support then we should give them all we can. One of the problems with this administration is that we have all of these problems around the world and always a day late, a dollar short, good at pulling out the reins, but failed to take Decisive Action when they need to, such as in ukraine where they could have deterred that attack if they started sending and support to begin. Jesse you worried that a major strike against the Nuclear Program in Kennett Cascade and to god knows what in that region . We already cascading into god knows what. No good options and that is one of the problems of American Foreign policy. The more we try to manage things and keep them boiling than the worse and worse are options get going forward. North korea is an art perfect example. China is now close to Military Parity with the United States and forcing to take taiwan. We need to deal with some of the problems and iran is one we have to deal with because we cannot tolerate a nuclear iran, that is the survival of israel. Jesse i thought we were out of the middle east and we just get sucked right back in every time. Mr. Attorney general, thank you so much. Speak up yep jesse rand paul is going to join us to respond to that on the other end. With fastsigns, create custom graphics that get tails and tongues wagging. Fastsigns. Make your statement. Jesse trey yingst has been on the front lines throughout this battle. Trey, what can you tell us . Good evening. Tonight i was really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the world saying that hamas asked for a new war and now they are going to get the war. We have seen israeli troops headed to the southern border with gaza. It tanks and Artillery Units are preparing for what appears to be staging of a grand ground operation into gaza. Have been heading to gaza strip and the northern and eastern parts of it with air strikes and trying to subdue hamas after the massacre that took place on saturday with more than 900 israeli civilians and soldiers killed in shooting attacks, Rocket Attacks since this began. This is unimaginable what is taking place in israel. The slaughtering of civilians, execution of soldiers, and people take people taken hostage back into the gaza strip. At the same time israel is bracing tonight for the possibility of a multifront a conflict after rocket fire today from southern lebanon, has a lot sent fighters over the border and killing one israeli officer. Jesse . Jesse lets bring in senator rand paul to respond to bill barr who we just heard who wants to strike the iranian Nuclear Facilities. Rand paul is also the author of reception, the great covid coverup. Missile attacks against the iranian Nuclear Program and decimated before they can go nuclear, what would you do . Nothing but sympathy sympathy for an israeli people. Primary objective has to be to get the people that they were in gaza. Before we think about spreading the city rested dora weve got to think about what is going on around there. There is Immediate Reaction to get everybody, lets get everybody who is responsible. Without question iran had their question hands in this. After 9 11 there are people who want to attack iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with 9 11. Lets see where the facts lie and lets investigate this. It lets israel do i need to do which is to have punishing response to gossett to say we are not going to let this happen. Jesse it when you follow the money, it goes from the Biden Administration and he goes to iran, and then iran sends it to hamas and use it to slaughter israelis and americans, what are we doing here . The question has to be with what the anchor is. I have no sympathy for these dogs shooting people i think that they use sympathy by doing such tremendous and outlandish th things. We need to stop iran from having Nuclear Weapons. You have got to realize that there have been assassination of Nuclear Scientist in iran and the last six and eight years. Every time we assassinate one of them enrichment goes higher. Maximum pressure of sanctions and there is no week or two of enrichment. We are going to bomb them to smithereens. When you get uranium 295 enrichment you can have as much in that little box there. 20 different places. You cannot really put them back, or bomb knowledge away. Something has to be done. We have got to be careful of the bombing them everywhere. Our Founding Fathers were conscious of that they said that we need to vote on this one no one person it can decide when war happens. War is a means of reps you division it is not always pretty and as always get exactly what we intended as well. Jesse that is a key point. Biden administration Cannot Go Off Doing whatever they as they are planning on doing without consulting with the u. S. Congress. Look at what happen in afghanistan. Exit from a commercial airport. What kind of more and it leaves your troops in a commercial airport. 13 of our soldiers died. He saw what joe biden was doing to her the funeral, checking his watch after each casket went out. Everybody was saying to do something. He bombed an aid worker. Completely innocent. Out of sheer anger. Im angry, i cannot see those images without being angry. If you act out of Anger Irrationally and sometimes you will do the wrong thing and make things worse. You want war, you want to drop a bomb then you do not do that like youre chewing bubblegum. This is a really serious thing that we need to make sure that we get right before we launch into a war. Jesse we cannot walk and chew gum at the same time so that just take it one step at a time. Senator, thank you so much. Check out the book right now. Primetime went to a propalestinian rally in new york city. These festivalgoers are not innocent civilians. They are settlers. So they deserved it . Yes choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more can be overwhelming. So, ask your doctor about botox®. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. Its the 1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. So far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand chronic migraine patients. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or Muscle Weakness can be signs of a lifethreatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. Dont receive botox® if theres a skin infection. 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What is your reaction to the Music Festival with a lot of innocent people being killed. I do not condone violence, condone rape. Festivalgoers are not innocent civilians, settlers. So they deserve it . Yes, every settler. The israelis are calling you guys terrorist. Im not surprised. Its because they are the terrorists. That is bull [bleep] we are not terrorist. Because there is nothing wrong with that term. What is the end goal . Free palestine. Cannot be an israeli or supremacist estate. What does joe biden need to do . [bleep] joe biden. Joe biden is making it worse. America first, America First. Not israel first. He said youre not happy with that light. Israel will not exist without america. No America First for you . No. You do not want to put America First . No. Jesse we have heard similar chatter from american politicians even after this terrorist invasion this god is calling israel an Apartheid State and made it seem like had it coming. As long as our country provides billions in unconditional funding to support the apartheid government this heartbreaking cycle of violence will continue. Cori bush says we need to do our part to stop this violence and trauma by ending u. S. Government support for Israeli Military occupation and apartheid. Both aoc and omar says that israel should not respond to the Terror Attack that killed hundreds of civilians, they want to cease fire. Dozens of Student Organization from Harvard University are saying that israel deserved this. Students say that hamas was justified because israel is a colonizer, not Just Congress and the ivy league that simplifies with terrorists. Msnbc has been accused of letting hamas write their scripts. Love this network, but ive got to ask who is writing the scripts . Hamas, the people who did this, they are not. They are not fighters, jonathan. Not militants. Looking right at the camera, they are terrorist. Police, stop calling this a retaliation. A measure against an organization that is committed to killing jews. Jesse Elizabeth Pepco is the founder of this project. How do we get this radicalism from gaza and it comes all the way here to manhattan . Ive got to tell you, jessie, it has taken over. Im truly traumatized by what i watch this weekend, what we all watched unfold and israel, but the impact that these rallies and his response has had might even hits me harder. These terrorists or filming themselves, literally kidnapping Holocaust Survivors and wheelchairs. They filmed themselves burning women alive and raping and murdering people and parading in the streets. What i got shocked me to my core. I can tell you the craziest part of all of this is as a jew i have sat and wondered to myself or my friends, teachers, neighbors might have done if there were a life in germany and the 1940s. Unfortunately, today, i have my answer. Jesse the u. S. Media, msnbc specifically their posture is that we are trying to protect the down trodden it, protect the women and children, and then women and children and the downtrodden are being slaughtered there throat far less are slits, they are taking hostages. Theyre trying to downplay it, why would they do that . Do mental gymnastics that takes to stand here and side with hamas, a Terrorist Organization like i said that just paraded themselves through the streets with the bodies of women that the murdered i cannot stand it. And the fact that people lined with liberalism seem to think that these people share values with by the way want to see americans like you and me murdered and i cannot understand it, but our institutions have failed. Media has failed, politicians as failed and we as a society have not learned from history and have failed. Jesse it is shockingly infested with the greatest institutions of this nation, and i do not get it and that has to be put to a net. Thank you so much. Thank you. Jesse so its radical muslims storm the Israeli Border and butcher civilians how secure is our border . 250 foreigners on the Terror Watch List have been caught Crossing Over the Mexican Border with joe biden. Half a million and probably 1. 5 illegals have slid in and undetected. Statistically there is a good Shot Terrorist have infiltrated the nation. Donald trump spoke about this earlier. Watch. Who can imagine a war, right with people pouring into our country and we have no idea from where they, come at the same people in many cases. The same people that just attacked israel, you know that, right. Jesse joe biden open border an invitation to mexican cartel, but to terrorist cells throughout the world. As we learned during the War On Terror once those cells are activated in our homeland they are very difficult to stop. Congresswoman on the House Oversight committee. How serious this divide and administration taking the border now that we have seen and how easily these terrorists have crossed over the Israeli Border . Unfortunately, jesse, not serious enough. We know that even in the last year up to recently if you wanted Border Security they call you a racist and xenophobic but we note that joe biden has started construction on some portions of art southern border. These cartels are working from the different reports that we are seeing with these Terrorist Organizations, the fact is that the likelihood as a Terrorist Attack here on u. S. Territory and especially because of the fact that so many people have infiltrated Art Southern 40 is very likely and concerning. Jesse we do not get the information on who andy Terror Watch List was caught Crossing Over. You might get that briefing on capitol hill, but we know that it is from several middle eastern countries. Absolutely. We have reports that there up in individuals tied to the c. C. P. Coming from Communist China as well as parts of africa. You know what is interesting, jesse, the Biden Administration and democrat machine is pushing an open border message to target hispanic americans. Lied to the American People saying that these are people who want to come and work here. The people coming here and especially the people on that watch list are not here to be our friends. As you saw with footage coming out of iran, their chanting, death to america, death to israel. What we are seeing and israel could very real happen and United States. Jesse open borders are deadly. Keep pushing these guys. Got to do everything you can down there. So, what really is behind this hamas invasion . Musical jesse the mid east was close to a diplomatic breakthrough and is started under trump and continuing under buy dinner. United states was cutting the palestinians out of the equation and pushing the israelis and the saudis under a friendlier embrace. A threeway deal was set to go down it, the saudis were going to get any Defense Package from us and in return they promised to Oil Prices Lower and formally recognize israel. It is a winwin for all of us. Threaten their power. Reports indicate that iran supported this Terrorist Attack in israel to shattered the emerging alliance. Will it work . Jet car is a retired navy seal. Will it work . I listen to that previous segment and is people that you interviewed suggesting a moral equivalency between israel and hamas is a moral bankruptcy on their part. To your point, israel, hamas, has blocked, iran is very different than what we are dealing with last week. The timing of this when we look at this why now . That is the question. Israel is divided over the executive and judicial issues that they are dealing with. U. S. , we have our withdrawal from afghanistan that the worlds all. We have untold billions going to ukraine and on the eve of a historic agreement between us, israel, and saudi arabia. Decreased oil prices, and then you have iran, russia, and rush on the other side. A strategic was signed with 25 years that iran and china, largest trading partners. Theres a lot more our care. Outside russia, china, iran, other side, israel, and saudi arabia. There is more to that deal. If you look deeper at this is more about Nuclear Supremacy in the middle east with saudi arabia and iran. Jesse jack, you do not understand the Biden White House says Global Warming is the biggest threat. It is a accidental threat it is capable of wiping out all of human life on earth. More frightening then he loot nuclear war, it is more frightening than a nuclear war in this moment . The president believes wholeheartedly that Climate Change is an existential threat to all of human life in the planet. That is fact. Interesting take. You might have a different perspective if youre a citizen of iran or of israel in that region. Hamas with what they have done this week is that the if united a divided israel. They are about to reap the world with. Jesse they have no idea what is coming, but it is going to be brutal. No way to sit back and allow that to happen. Thank you so much. Up next. Urban warfare in gaza. When your gut is out of balance, your body gives you signs. So if youre frustrated with occasional bloating. . Gas. Or abdominal discomfort. Help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. Align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists. To help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. So you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, its time to try align. Israels calling for a complete seize of gaza, whats that look like . Urban warfare. Retired green per hey tim kennedy knows about it, he fought in iraq and afghanistan. What is this going to look like . Its nightmarish, door to door fighting its the worse thing, historically when you look at stalingrad and fallujah, but were fighting a unique enemy in hamas. One that will be thrilled about the loss of civilian life. They will be using children and women as body bags and sand bags. Every loss of a civilian life is benefit to their Propaganda Machine which makes it such a complex problem. If there is an ambush in every corner, is there a booby trap, chemical warfare, its stressful to do this type of fighting. Its very important to root out. Thank you so much. Hannity is up next. Welcome to hannity, we begin tonight with a Fox News Alert,

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