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Thank you. Steve it is 8 00 here in new york city. It is 3 00 in the afteisrael an third hour of Fox And Friends start says now. Brian live look at israel, where we are seeing aftermath of the hamas rockets. 12 rockets were fired. Ainsley Israeli Media Reporting 800 have been murdered, including four americans as the country entering third day of the multifront war against terrorists. Steve this comes as hezbollah is reportedly threatening the United States if we get involved at all. Trey yingst is on the ground in Southern Israel and joins us with the latest. Hezbollah has seen the news and they know we are sending heavy artillery and they are trying to say, dont think about it. Trey absolutely, israel is preparing for the possibility hezbollah gets involved in the fight. 12 rockets were shot into northern israel. This is developings into a mu multifront conflict. Hezbollah sees israel was caught flatfooted against the attacks. Mr. Is mortar fire. They are getting ready to enter the gaza strip. 4500 rockets have been fired since saturday morning. I want to show you what it was like in the city of ashdud. We were there as the city tried to intervene rockets fired from the gaza strip. Massive rockets into Southern Israel. Hamas launched a huge barrage. Guys, just stay down. There has been an impact right here. Black smoke rising up. Ron rocket fired from the gaza strip slammed a house behind me. Secondary explosions taking place. Things on fire, debris on the road, paramedics just ran into the building. This area was not evacuated, it is chaos here and an example of what is taking place in Southern Israel. Paramedics bringing in stretchers. You can see people in the neighborhood running into the fire looking for people that might have survived. Everyone was so scared. People are crying and we had to find shelter in less than 20 seconds to protect ourselves. We are getting new numbers from the Israeli Military about how many were killed in this attack on saturday morning. Death toll has reached 800. Some Attack Helicopters are firing on the northern part of the gaza strip right now. Of note, militants inside gaza have antiaircraft missiles and will try to shoot down helicopters firing on the northern part of gaza and fire off flairs amis this back and forth along the border. Flow of Military Equipment is heading to gaza. Thousands staging along the israeli border. They blew holes in the side of the wall that separates israel and gaza. There was a Music Festival where 260 people were killed. It is hard to imagine that level of massacre taking place in Southern Israel, the images graphic and unbelievable. Bodies were taken into gaza and dragged through the streets. There are still bodies here in the distance. This is a hor itchic situation and darkest day in israels history. Brian trey, is there communication from the government to the israeli peep snel do they know what is going on . Do they know where to go for safety and who will be mobilized . Trey which government . Brian Israeli Government with its people. Trey with their people, absolutely, they are being clear. Israeli have experienced war before. No need to send a message to reservists to mobilize. There was chaos and they didnt have specifics, but they knew something terrible was unfolding. Those who were close in cities, even as close as tel aviv got in their cars and if they had weapons at home, they brought them with them and headed to the border. Civilians, soldiers and Police Headed into battle. There are stories of single officers taking on 10 and 11 militants and sometimes they were killed. Difficult scene unfolding. As far as communication, they didnt have to tell people. They knew the israelis would put aside the politics over the past year and government reform conversation and protects taking place and reservists showed up at military bases. I saw people i know driving to the border and you saw on social media, they were at the beach. In a moment, this country snapped into war posture and everyone is involved. Those serving in the army have been deployed to the bordering, some are going to volunteer at hospitals. Restaurant owners are delivering food to soldiers preparing to enter gaza. You can see when rocket fire started in ashdud, civilions came out of bedrooms and kitchens and they ran into the burning building to look for surviv survivors. Israel is facing threats from gaza and lebanon. The country is in fullscale war and everyone will have to participate. Lawrence i was talking to a friend with idf, he was talking about weapons. He said, there are perceptions these are farmers with no weapons or no ammunition, this is not true. Did you know where they got the vehicles and weapons from . Trey you can hear music in the distance, they have israeli flags and blasting music as way to encourage them before they enter into days of battle. If i got your question right, i think it had to do with hamas weaponry inside gaza where they are storing it. Hamas is one of the most brutal in the world when it comes to hiding weapons. We have attended parades and they store them in tunnels beneath gaza. Gaza is one of the most densely Populated Areas on earth. Two million and not all of them support hamas. This is part of the conversation we will need to have. Israel warned civilians to leave immediately, they do not want civilians to be killed and encouraging them to move deeper into the gaza strip. Many civilians are staying at un school in one of the safer locations. Death toll is rising in gaza and does include women and children temperature is difficult place to operate and they are la launching ainsley we are learning Nine Americans have been killed in israel. Matt miller from the State Department is confirming that. You said you believe americans are being held hostage, right . Trey absolutely. We know four americans were killed in the assault, when we talk about gaza and the tunnel system, it is not Something Like the west bank. Few weeks ago, fox was granted opportunity to embed with them on the west bank. They were able to enter the west bank with soldiers in jeeps and entered the city and got out of the jeeps and face hamas and moved from house to house. When it comes to gaza, they can have tanks, hair support, the individuals held inside gaza according to groups are being held in the tunnels. Israelis dont know where the hostages are. The gaza strip has population of two Million People with tunnels and apartment buildings, houses and fields, it is a complex arena. They may have spread out hostages to ensure if they enter from the north, they will not find them. It is a difficult task ahead and operation and the war on the ground will likely take weeks, if not months. Steve that is phase two, itingly will start shortly. Trey yingst hearings music, mortars and jets. Thanks. Mark levin, thank you for joining us cocolumbus day morning. What is your reaction . Every time israel is attacked it comes down to Haem Civilians are going to be killed. When we fought big wars and won, they were counting how many civilians we were going to lose. Gaza, hamas knows how dense gaza is. Hamas knows when you slaughter jews that there needs to be response. There will be a lot of civilians killed in gaza. You cannot go door to door without taking massive casualties and i dont believe will israeli will put up with this anymore. New york times has to say about it. These people are fighting for survival. It is 9 11, but for them, it is world war ii. Good History Lesson by you this morning that i want to add to. You keep calling this the west bank, it didnt become west bank 917 48. It was judaeh and somalia. It did not begin in 1948, or 300 years ago, these are only Indigenous People who dont get recognition. Number two, take a look at recent history and look at the palestinian in jerusalem in the 30s and 40ses, he met with adolf hitler and they actually contributed thousands of troop says to fight us and kill the jews. That is piece of history that needs to be told. Hamas, hezbollah, palestine authority, not all, most, are great heroes. I think it is big mistake to remind the American People of this. As of right now, according to fox and daily mail, barack obama hadnt said anything. Why is that . Because obama and biden have betrayed people of israel and around the world. This would not have happened under the Prior Administration because trump had his foot on the on throat of the iranian regime. We gave them oil money because biden refused to stop the flow of oil to cheen chinese to venezuela to syria. Not enforcing sanctions put in place. Turned over billions to the palestinians despite the fact they went go against terrorism. They have a half century or more of terrorism and slaughter. How come were not hearing from the commander . One commander of this hamas says it is not just jews in israel, it is christians, the nonbelievers, the soft muslims. Pay attention to what these people say, they mean it. We have an appeaser in the oval office who will allow them to get nuclear weapons, think about that. Think how they will blackmail and threaten us. They will control the whole region. They have awlien lined themselves with each other. Negotiate another nuclear deal when the un says they violated every benchmark . Gone from 2 to 60 in 21 2 years . This is appalling. Biden administration started this situation, peace was breaking out in the middle east. Palestinian authority was in a box, hamas didnt did what they were doing today because people open your eyes and see what happens, see what happens in afghanistan and see that the communist chinese thumb their nose at us. They are about to invade taiwan. They look at us. Footnote to my republican friends, are you the dumbest fools . You decapitate the face of the House Oversight committee, i havent seen mr. Gaetz, we need someone strong to stand up. Who is supporting hamas today . Tlib. This is a huge problem issue the Democrats Party is not fully supporting israel any more than they fully support the United States. They need to get control of the hamas party, they wont. What did Hakeem Jeffries do . Nothing. What did nancy pelosi do . Nothing. What is Chuck Schumer doing . Nothing, zero. Brian you are referring to one more point, we have open border and less immigration, people are coming in who hate our country and not ome coming from central and south america, that would be bad enough, they are coming from the middle east, that is why you have today. Prohamas rallies in new york city, florida, los angeles, you wouldnt have seen this 25 or 35 years ago. What is your question . Brian they talib says it is responsible. I think it is important the president of the United States thought it was vital to have a barbecue yesterday, so music was blast being from the white house, and gaetzes what is the big deal, he thinks we are better with eight rise up against 210. It is insane. Listen. You are singing to the choir over here. We better be prepared for war. China is preparing for war, they are plotting for war. We are not the warmongers, not em empire allists. What are you going to do . Blame the United States of america . Join the marxist west . Join with the talibs and ilhan omars . You are right now. The british and others they are murdering, decapitating, dragging through the street, this is what happens. Appeasement. Obama was going to look what happened, biden has blinken, he said we have no evidence iran is behind it. Iran and hamas says they are behind it. What the hell is going on in this country . Yes, another point i would like to raise quickly. We should immediately put in the most crushing sanctions against iran possible and enforce them and strangle them so people like iran try to rise up and overthrow that regime. Whether we have reporters on the ground or not, there will be a lot of them and they will turn on the israelis. Do history on world war ii. Did we sit there and count german casualties . We had to wipe them you hava the face of the earth. Am i recommending that . I am not recommending anything, israel is in war for survival. This is world war ii ekquivalen for them. You dont get to grab children and slice their throat, you dont get to grab women off the streets and rab them and murder them. Unlike any other people, jews have been through hell and when you hear the Israeli Government say, this is the worst day since the holocaust. This is a tiny country the size of we think how dense gaza is. Gaza was given to the palestinians and land captured by israel in the sixday war. Lets try your twostate solution. Up to today joe biden believes in a twostate solution. I have a question for the world, what will that other state look like . Until they get air force . Brian theyll get an army. Well said, we understand your acc accuracy. Ainsley State Department confirming Nine Americans. Israeli military saying soldiers deployed after r79 much infiltration of suspects into the territory from lebanese territory. Steve new look at video when hostages were taken from a Music Festival on saturday . Lawrence Sending Jet Fighters to brian what will the battle be like . David perkins. General, if you are in command of israeli unit about to go into gaza, what should the men and women be ready for . Two things they need to focus on. Israel in general and guidance we give soldiers when they come upon casualty in the battlefield. Stop the bleeding and clear the airway. Seal the border and make sure you dont have terrorists coming in and roaming freely. This was a major intelligence gaffe, reestablish Situation Al Awareness and do intelligence preparation on the battlefield, so you know where you want to concentrate forces. Ainsley what about the capability of idf, what do you know . They are well equipped and well staffed and they are worldclass and that has added to surprise of Israeli Citizens and rest of the world, they could have been surprised like this, they are worldclass, especially when it comes to intelligence gathering. Lawrence general, quick question, i know we have a base there in syria. We know weapons are coming from tehran to beirut, why arent we doing anything about that from an american standpoint . That is a big reason among many, we have moved Aircraft Carrier strike group there. It is reassuring and equally important, sign to maligned actors in that part of the world that they need to not become more involved in this. We know they were supplying intelligence and sinkonization gave the green light to go ahead with this. It is sign to those people u. S. Will support israel and sign to the greater world and other people who may be opportunists, russia and china, of importance to the United States. Steve israel is asking the United States for more intelligence sharing. Hezbollah said they were behind that. Hezbollah Involvement Raisesspecter of fight israel has feared for years. That clearly is the worst Case Scenario for them. Looking back, last time israel was engaged in combat with hezbollah, initially did not turn out that well and hezbollah is more capable than hamas and both are supported by iran. That is why the prnsz importance of having Carrier Strike there applying diplomatic pressure and isolate pressure gaza. Brian iran started it, so general, how can we possibly allow irans status continue being able to trade oil freely again and still get the 6 billion . There are a lot of tools from that. Start by making it clear not only amongst policy makers, but amongst citizens of this country that iran is the engine of maligned influence and generator of diskcontent and any time thee is a glimmer of hope with the abraham accord to normalize relation with israel, that is last thing iran want and they get engaged directly or through hamas or hezbollah to stir things up and make sure people dont get along in that part of the world. Steve thank you. Weve been sharing the screen with bombed out cars, those if you are just joining us, were Hit By Rocket Fire by hamas in israel. Trey yingst has brand new information from Southern Israel. Trey. Trey good morning, as we talk, there are israeli airstrikes in the distance targeting hamas in the gaza strip. Exclusive information im receiving from a source telling fox news qatary free women and children as captive into the gaza strip and efforts are being coordinated with the United States and the deal has been seen positively by hamas there looking at this as opportunity and possible prisoner swap. The Ground Operation has not started yet. There are tanks preparing to enter the gaze gaza strip. Explosions that are continuing are targeting the northern part of gaza. Expect air strikes to make their way south due to massive amount of rocket fire that continues. Military vehicles, tanks and soldier, Israeli Military telling fox 300,000 reservist s have been called up, most in israels history. We are getting more horrific numbers, the death toll has now reached 800 people and many hostages taken. Qa qatari mediators are trying to secure the release of women and children and we know hamas is seeing this deal as positive opportunity because they are bracing for the days ahead and will likely launch a ground assault. I have ordered complete siege on the gaza strip, no electricity, no food, no fuel. Everything is closed. Brian how can we look at qatar as arbitrator when there is video of them with hamas weller who condemn them for existing and now they want to be a voice of reason 1234 how could they keep a straight face and offer that advice . Tradictionditionally the qa qatari negotiators work to secure deals between israel and hamas. The officials do not speak directly, this is an opportunity to save people. In the past, qataris have worked as middle men, in the fall of kabul they acted as mediator between the two sides. They have sent messages back and forth and provide money toians inside the strip. Brian if they did want to bbe arbitter, they threw in with the wrong side. Ainsley Church Groups go there a lot, all my jewish friends say this time is their favorite holiday celebrating travels from out of egypt to the promise land when moses was leading them. All the americans may be there celebrat celebrating, what is the status . They have tried to target the airport, launching Rocket Barrages toward it and Many American carriers have cancelled flights. This took place on a Holiday Weekend to ensure maximum amount of terror. Amount of People Killed were civilians. They slaughtered women and children as they slept and at home on the day of rest for the jewish people. Go back a few District Attorneys so you can understand what it was like here. We stood on this road on the gaza border, our team was one of the first to get here. We stood at this location on this day when people are normally home resting. Soldiers dragged injured and dead comrades across the pavement. Mothers grabbed their babies and children. We watched as their Bloodiedis Fas were put into ambulances. Hamas showed no mercy, they decapitated soldiers and drug women through the streets of gaza. They wanted to inflict terror on the israeli population and you will see a massive siege against gaza in the coming days. Lawrence we are getting reports of gunfire on the border, does that mean hezbollah is starting to get involved now . Trey absolutely. Last hour 12 rockets were fired from hezbollah or fact in southern lebanon. Yesterday hezbollah took responsibility for the fire, but they havent done so it. This is challenging for the israelis. I want to show you what it was like earlier today during the rocket fire from gaza. For israeli civilian population, israel Missile Defense system is overwhelmed. Take a look. Massive rocket fire into Southern Israel, you hear the explosion overhead. Hamas launched huge barrage. Guys, just stay down. There has been impact right here. Black smoke rising up, robertsonet slammed into a house behind me. Many things on fire. Debris on the road and paramedics and firefighters ran into the building. This area was not evacuated. It was chaos here and an example of what is taking place in Southern Israel. Paramedics bringing in stretchers to evacuate anyone wounded inside. You see people running into the fire looking for people who might have survived. Everyone was so scared, people are crying and we had to find shelter in less than 20 seconds to protect ourselves. Ive reached out to hamas and jihad officials inside gaza to get comment and they have not commented on the scene in Southern Israel. I got a message from a source in gaza city who said 40 palestinians were kill said in the last air strike at the refugee camp inside gaza. It gives a sense of how many are being killed. Overen it00 air strikes took place overnight. You can hear the strikes continue. Steve trey, in the sound byte bites, one of the guys said we had to run for our lives, we had seconds to find shelter. Explain civil defense, you have 20 seconds after something is spotted coming your way . The iron dome will work to intercept rocket fire and send Text Messages warning about the incoming fire and telling them to head to shelter. As you look at a map of israel, amount of time people have varies. You might have 20 or 30 seconds. If you live in tel aviv, you have over a minute, it is based on where you live. You cannot tell you over the many years covering conflict and even in during the 51day war, how many times Bomb Shelters have saved civilians. It is part of the way people are able to live in Southern Israel amid the war. Ainsley does everyone have a shelter in their house . Does everyone have a shelter . Ainsley . Trey all new buildings. Older buildings do not have a shelter. People will go to the stairwell. Community homes have shelter. This hits home about how terrifying the event was over the weekend. Our engineer from fox, his brother lives in a community along the border and hamas m militants entered his home and went into their bomb sheltser and locked the door. M militants tried to fire on the shelter, they left the house and bush burned it down. The shelters are used for infiltration and rocket fire. Stay safe. Ainsley that man and their wife were safe. Steve trey doesnt have a shelter. Be careful. Brian seven before top of the hour, 70 were killed in the latest attack. Fighters continue to scan the area and helicopters are now attacking the area. Ambassador, how do you describe what is around you and what you have experienced over the last three days . The nation is in shock, brian, this has never happened before. This is the largest assault and most successful Murder Campaign of the jewish people since the holocaust. Im in jerusalem, i am not in the line of fire, i am going to shelters every hour or two. I am used to this. I have to explain to my grandchildren who are visiting. It is a hard message to deliver to a 12yearold girl. I spoke to the jewish people. Brian we will not know until we do afteraction reports, why do you think hamas said this is the time to get israel and get in. They were meeting about this, why didnt had happen when you were ambassador . I think our policies were clear, in an event of attack on israel, there were no limations place on israel. Loud and clear against israels enemies. This is planned by iran. Wall street journal reported yesterday, iran approved every aspect of this operation and hamas would not have succeeded if it were not for irans help. You have to ask yourself, why is the United States appeasing iran, they are agreeing to exchange hostages and iran is plotting with hamas to annihilate the jewish people. Why is iran doing this . Skutel progress being made between israel and saudi arabia, that is their greatest fear and for the time being, they have succeeded. It will be difficult for israel or saudi arabia to focus on more productive venture. Brian there are unaccounted for u. S. Citizens and working to determine their whereabouts, Nine Americans are dead. We dont know how many, we know some have been captured, does that change the u. S. s position . Ambassador robert brian said we should be giving best of the fbi to work with this. What else should we be doing . Weve got to be adding resources to what it already has. I got off the phone with father of an american boy who attended a Music Festival and he is missing. He has no idea whether he is killed, wounded or being held hostage. This poor american father and mother are going through hell right now and there is a lot more of them out there. I think we will find out more than Nine Americans are among those wounded or held hostage thchl is an assault on america, too. There were hundreds of thousands of americans celebrating the Jewish Holiday and many of them will not be coming home. Brian worth pointing out, administration has not appointed an ambassador right now. Great worry is to see if hezbollah will start getting rockets in. Both sides claim they are in control of, rocket fire has been exchanged. Word is if israel goes in heavily, hezbollah will get involved. Have you heard that . Do you expect hezbollah to come in . Ive heard a lot of things are there are hamas i dont think and i could be wrong, i dont think hezbollah will come in. I tell you why, these are proxies for iran and iran achieved all they wanted to achieve in cheapest possible way by prompting and supporting hamas. Iran doesnt care what happens to hamas. They skutelled progress between israel and america saudi arabia. I dont know what they have to gain and israel given pressure it is under will respond by flattening lebanon. They dont have time to go and have land wars and dont underestimate the power of the idea. Not like there is logic governing peoples action. Brian you are a level head in the eye of the storm. Thank you. Coming up, live look at gaza right now, the qatari med iators are Negotiating Release of hostages. We will discuss this next. Theres something going around the gordon home. Good thing gertrude found delsym. Now whats going around is 12hour cough relief. And the giggles. The family that takes delsym together, feels better together. We believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. Our purpose is not just closing a loan. We want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. We want to be known as americas Mortgage Company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. Were the ones that are there to help them. People are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. Some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. Theyre willing to do that for you for me and for our family. So for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. Its a labor of love. Its a noble service. And thats what were all about. Fox news alert. Hamas terrorists murdering more than 800 in israel and nine americas. Qatari mediator are helping negotiate the release of those innocent women and children currently being held hostage by terrorists in gaza. Our next guest knows all about negotiating. Former taliban negotiator adam boehler joins us now. Steve one of the things that has happened in the last 48 hours is hamas has killed a lot of israelis. They have also got some very powerful propaganda where theyre seen parading and dragging israelis through the streets of israel and then they just vanish. And that is a powerful message for them, isnt it . It is very powerful and needs to remind us in the United States that this is a war and a campaign against terror. Its not about Israeli Citizens versus palestinians citizens. This is hamas backed by iran against people that want stability and peace. Steve there are stories, there was some gunfire across the southern border with lebanon. Israeli military in the last hour is reporting that militants crossing into israel from lebanon which probably means here comes hezbollah. As bad as hamas is hezbollah is worse and looks a lot like coordination to support that Wall Street Journal story that essentially iran gave the green light for all this to happen. This is 100 coordinated against terrorist entities. Islamic jihad in there, too. To be clear this is exactly what this is. A Terror Attack. Were familiar with Terror Attacks from 9 11. This is a Terror Attack that killed innocent women and children and americans in this. Thats all this is. Steve have we heard enough from the white house . I think the initial reaction has been fine. I think they should continue to send military arm support. So far it has been okay. Steve all right. In the day ahead, you know, it is coming up on 4 00 in the afternoon there. Soon it will be night. Tomorrow it is assumed that it is going to be all out war with the israelis going into gaza to look for the hostages and to mete out justice. What do you see coming . The elimination of gaza hamas from the gaza strip. I dont believe hamas can continue as a permanent fixture in the gaza strip after whats happened on saturday. Steve indeed. What do you make of the fact that neither u. S. Nor israeli officials, none of israels Intel Services had any specific intel that this was about to happen . How is that possible . I corresponded with a former National Security advisor in israel. Reality is theyre fighting right now and they havent gone back and looked at what happened. I have my opinions, which is israel is very hitech in exposure. Sometimes you are very hitech you must very low tech. It is completely conjecture. I dont think they know completely right now. Steve according to the times. The president of iran is praising hamas. Of course. He coordinated all of this. Look, this is a great move for iran because it scuttles the work that saudi arabia was doing on coming to the abraham accords. Look at the timing. It is essentially to try to stop that because its very bad to iran. Make no mistake, iran is behind this. Steve sure looks like it. Adam boehler, thank you for joining us live. One minute left on the show we want to catch everyone up what weve learned in the war in israel more than 800 People Killed in israel including at least Nine Americans. According to the State Department there could be even more american victims. As israel enters its third day of the conflicts against hamas. Idf confirming they have killed militants crossing over from lebanon to israel. Hezbollah is denying they have forces in israel. They threaten the u. S. If we get involved. Steve trey yengst is there and is covering it for us. Brian expect to hear from the president or the State Department today. Thanks for watching. Dana as we come on the air

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