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Arthel israel at war. Hundreds are killed and many more wounded after i run it back to Terrorist Logic coordinated Surprise Attacked from the gaza strip intense fighting still underway. With israelite troops against hamas and Islamic Jihad. Bran our fox news wife. Super hello everyone im eric shawn thank you for joining us in arc continued coverage in press an invasion of israel during a major jewish holiday, it is sending sh shockwaves arod the globe. The Terrorist Firing we are told more than 3000 rockets from gaza reaching all the way to tel aviv and further at s sending large s of their terrorist fighters right across the border. They have taken some Israeli Soldiers and civilians Hostage Printer Port say they have dragged civilians to the streets killed and desecrated the bodies of some women. Hiding those half suggest under the tunnels in gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared israel is out war. He vows to respond with overwhelming force. President biden at the white house in the last hour condemning the attack and saying the United States since firmly with the jewish state. The United States stands with israel. We will not ever failed to have their back. Israel has the right to defend itself and its people. There is never justification for Terrorist Attacks. Arthel trey yingst has been reporting all day and night from Southern Israel he joins us live now. Arthel, good afternoon. Israeli Officials Say the death toll has risen to 250 israelis soldiers and civilians included. There are dozens of israeli Prisoners Of War right now in the tunnels underneath gaza. When that infiltration was launched this morning they were taken by these militants the Islamic Jihad into the gaza strip where things stand now though israel is preparing its response but we have seen a Few Airstrikes Tonight Inside Gaza the israelis targeting highrise buildings trying to send a message this is just the beginning. They face a difficult task ahead with dozens of their own civilians and soldiers inside gaza as we speak. We have just seen some videos come across on telegram messaging apps that indicate israelite tanks are headed to the gaza border. This is a Significant Development because it indicates the israelis are likely to launch some sort of limited or large ground operation into gaza for the situation unfolding right now is truly unprecedented its one of the worst days in israel history. The images that we are seeing out of the southern border towns the images that we saw ourselves horrific. Its really the only way to describe what has taken place we today in Southern Israel. The billions were slaughtered in their homes for their were slaughtered at bus stops. They were loaded in the streets of their towns. And now israel has to shift its focus to freeing any hostages that are left in israeli territory and figuring out how theyre going to free the soldiers and civilians that were taken into gaza life. Arthel you have seen a lot, trey to hear those words from you is quite profound for thank you try one and thank you for joining us for joining us now live from tel aviv is retired Lieutenant Colonel jonathan is a former spokesperson for the Israeli Defense forces. Colonel, i want to start right there. Talk about if you would how intricate is a retaliation . Well, hyatt, and thank you for having me. As a trait said this is an unprecedented attack per the scope of the attack against israeli civilians is something that despite the fact israel has gone through more than 75 years of terror and attacks against our civilians, Something Like this we have not seen, witnessed an expense before. As such our response will have to be unprecedented in scope and severity against hamas and anybody else who thanks it would be the right time to attack israel. So unfortunately, as we are speaking im here in tel aviv. In Southern Israel fighting is still ongoing. And we have yet to establish control of all the commuters in Southern Israel. We are working with Special Forces with massive troops that have basically flooded down toward the Southern Israel in order to go house to house door to door in each and every Israeli Community to find all of the terrorist. If we can kill them, we will kill them. If not they will be taken captive we will round them all up and we will be able to establish full reestablish full control of Southern Israel we will make sure the border is shut and guarded it shut. Then we will commence the second stage which will be a long enduring stage of retaliating towards hamas for their barbaric crimes. Arthel colonel Knute Tallis Hahasthere been any information related to you about the terrorists infiltrating the Israeli Forces . Well, we know that there have been hundreds and not low hundreds but hi hundreds of palestinian terrorists there were parts of this a multidimensional attack into israel. They have attacked on the gr ground, from the sea and in the air. They have used all of the arsenal at their disposal. All of the hamas weapons they have had. Most of it either paid for or delivered directly by ironic. With a rain and money and support and training. They have used almost everything in their arsenal find a throne that at our communities in Southern Israel. Hundreds of terrorists have participated. I know of at least 200 dead terrorist that h had been killed inside israel. Or trying to escape back into gaza. That is not yet a final tally. A final count of. I can say this is obviously an operation that have also prepared a long time with other Terrorist Organizations collected intelligence prepared and launched an unprecedented attack against israeli civilians. And draw the necessary conclusions. But as of now but we are focusing on is establishing control of the communities in Southern Israel. Moving onto the next stage of her there is a Cabinet Meeting now in israel. After that ends im sure the idea it will be given directives how to carry on the fighting from here and what the aim of our operations will be. Arthel colonel you mention all of the help that hamas has gotten from iran. I would imagine theyve also gotten help from them on the intelligence quote in the ask a second question before i toss it back to you but what about the borders . Are you able to seal off the borders and stop any other terror groups that might think they can come in and help hamas fight israel . X yes. So over the years iran being the Worlds Largest exporter of terrorism has built quite a network of Proxy Organizations around our borders unfortunately. And there is the biggest and most powerful iranian proxy there is the Islamic Jihad and other smaller Proxy Organizations also into samaria and other locations. Currently, what israel has messaged as clear as possible to these organizations enter their iranian masters as they better stay out of the fighting. If they decide to join in the fighting that will put us all, including the civilians in all of those areas and a totally different scenario and that is something i think all of us in the middle east the general sense in the world would like to avoid. So far hezbollah has not joined the fighting and i hope that remains the case. But, to be on the safe side they reinforce the northern border with additional troops both regular and reserve. We have enhanced our capabilities in terms of armored forces, artillery, air force, Intel Et Cetera to be more vigilant and prepare for any attack if it should come. We are also watching and monitoring very carefully what is going into judea area and samaria with a Palestinian The N Terrorist Organizations. By the way Hamas Is On Media Offensive has been from early hours today. Trying to incite terrorists in Judea And Samaria and calling on lebanese terrorists. Some of them palestinians and 11 and should join the fighting. They are trying to create a scenario where israel is attacked from all fronts simultaneously. As of now the response is not going along with hamas plan. And as of now we are focusing on the Southern Front only. But unfortunately it cannot be ruled out this will escalate and we will find ourselves fighting on more than one front. It is something we are prepared for and we are gearing up towards. Obviously hoping not to be forced to do. But if we will be forced to do so then we will be ready. These are very, very dire times in israel. Israeli civilians have been massacred and slaughtered in their homes, on the streets, elderly, disabled people, women and children been dragged into the gaza strip by bloodthirsty terrorists the videos i have seen today the only comparison that i can make is of isis videos in 2014 and 2015. That is the level of brutality civilians are facing. That is what is going to be our resolve in fighting against these animals that have come across from gaza in order to kill our civilians. If ive understood so its heartbreaking indeed President Biden said this is not a moment or any party hostile to israel to take advantage of these attacks. The world is watching. Retired Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus a former spokesperson for the Israeli Defense forces. Thank you so much for joining me sir, thank you. Before at the white house President Biden condemned what he calls the appalling missing is israel today. The president spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reassured about the full and of a Wavering Support of the United States. Lucas tomlinson live in the north on the white house with what the administration is doing. Eric, President Biden said he also spoke to the king of jordan today in his remarks a little over an hour ago here at the white house could biden said he spoke with top members of the u. S. Congress. Here it was biden earlier describing the calls. United states stance of the people of israel in the face of these terrorist assaults. Israel has the right to defend itself and its people. There is never justification for Terrorist Attacks. My Administration Support for Israel Security is rocksolid and unwavering. This after the largest attack on israel your last guest and iidfsaid in 75 years. The bret baier and headed Executive Interview best known by his initial mbs the defective ruler of the country just a few weeks ago he asked him how close sasaadi was to recognizing isral and establishing full diplomatic relations. Then, just a few days later rhett asked israels Prime Minister the same question. Do you think if you were to characterize it are you close . Every day we get closer. It seems for the first time we are serious of got to see how it goes with. We just got back i know you heard those words in the Saudi Crowncrown prince what was your response . I was delighted to hear what he had to say and to borrow a phrase i think we are getting closer to peace every day that passes. Senator tom cotton and a statement said crushing this potential peace deal was exactly why hamas launches unprovoked attack in israel today saying in a statement quote this war is a transparent attempt by iran to derail the peace talks between israel and saudi arabia. The lysate should provide israel that military diplomatic support it means to destroy hamas for the bite administration should cease all engagement with iran. Some lawmakers are also asking questions about the 6 billiondollar deal to help get those americans out of iran heres an Exc Exchanger at the e house recently. Jon, you just sit around is not going to do this for nothing. Didnt they also get five iranians . They will get five iranians as well, yes jackie progressing to 6 billion on top of that . This is the deal we were able to strike to secure the release of five americans. Early today former Trump Defense secretary mark esper call this attack in israel massive Intelligence Failure. Still it right thanks so much from washington. The israeli ambassador to the United Nations will be here live. He will give us his view from his government and what israel will do next to take hamasere apart. No fingersticks needed. Manage your diabetes with more confidence. Freestyle libre 2. 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Eric 16 members of his committee slaughtered in their houses by the Hamas Terrorists. Ambassador 17. This nation stands by the jewish state. When you hear this type of story the savage atrocities the Hamas Terrorists dragging civilians out of their homes. Drby dragonthem back to gaza, hm in the tunnel. What are your thoughts at this moment . Eric, thanks for having me. My family lives very close to gaza. What we face today is an unprecedented attack. The atrocities, you saw these animals entering two homes of babies, women, the elderly were dragged outside of their homes. Were taken hostage. Civilians were shot were massacred in cold blood walking on the streets. This is something i mean is truly unprecedented and from now on we are committed to use every means at our disposal to restore our deterrence and to exact from these animals a heavy price. For the Prime Minister Defense Minister said israel is prepared to widen operations. We were reporting israeli tanks were seen heading south. What do you expect we will see in the coming days as israel potentially moves in and tries to deter and maybe take a part hamas. Obviously im not going to share our military plans with our enemies on tv. But as i said all options today are on the table. That is ongoing we suffered 250 fatalities. Like having 7500 fertilitys. We already have 1500 casualties. Its like 50000 casualties here in the United States. Eric, this is our at 911. This is our 911. We are committed to change the equation. To shatter the old paradigm. These animals will pay a heavy price they will learn these atrocities cannot be committed again against our civilians. Eric have you talked to your family are they safe now . Do you know the latest . Yes, thank god they are safe. But you know, for many years we lived sidebyside with gaza. We believe it is possible. Even though and i hope your viewers know to is a genocidal jihadist Islamic Organization that is fully committed only to the annihilation to the state of israel. They dont want to compromise. They do not want a dialogue. They do not want to see the existence of the jewish state when we evacuated but we withdrew from gaza 17 18 years ago they took power in since then they use and exploit every square inch in the gaza strip. They turn basically the gaza strip to a war machine. We cannot allow the situation of gaza as a war machine to continue. We are committed starting from today to change the equation. We wont have another 911 as we said since the holocaust were jews were butchered and massacred, never again. Never again is today for us. Is so sickening on the days following there are some people in some quarters would blame israel for all of this but you sent this letter to the United Nations Security Council which you laid that out you write hamas as a murderous Islamic Terrorist Organization that felt the same jihad genocidal ideology of isis u. S. Is Security Council to condemn hamas what do you think is going to happen . What about those who want to point the fingers at israel in the coming days . Sadly we are fully aware of the double standards that is being applied against israel within the international community. The Security Council will convene tomorrow to close consultations to discuss the situation in gaza. Today everyone when they see the atrocities committed against our Civilians Fate support publicly israel. But this is today. I hope they will member also tomorrow and the days after when we will try to exact to have a price from these animals and we will try to change the equation and we will try to fight this evil. They will remember it they need to support us when we are fighting against terrorism. When we are fighting evil. Eric the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was here in new york a week and half ago. Our bret baier set dowsing for dowson for aninterview right aft with cass thank you the ruler of saudi arabia. Do you think the timing of this, do you think iran is pulling the strings of hamas . Lulu they are the supporting financer in order to try to disrupt the normalization of relations between saudi arabia and your country . No question. Iran i is transferring the funds to the hamas. All the terrorist its a Tourist Proxies who Surround Israel who you just saw it recently the leader coming to iran meeting with the butcher of the to run the president and obviously the Supreme Leader of iran. They expressed opposition against any moderate suny country he was about to normalize relations with israel. So i agree with the assumption that was heard here that iran is also trying to derail the chances of achieving peace and normalization was saudi arabia basically ending the arab israeli conflict. Because they have their crazy ideology to impose their shiites over the middle east. And then the entire world. And obviously dude do not want to see peace between israel and arab countries. So i agree theres a good chance it was orchestrated and coordinated between hamas and i run critics who will win iran or israel . Already . Who will win a iran or israe . It is a nobrainer. We are a resilient nation. We know how to fight it. And god willing we will prevail. Before god willing israel will prevail with the United Nations of the jewish state who has been to these trials and tribulations in the past and have always been able to stand up. Its a proud nation, a Democracy In The Middle East ambassador we thank you. We thank you for what you do for your country. And we thank you for your thoughts progressive will continue to be a beacon of democracy. Thank you eric, thank you for having me. Of course. Arthel . Idf knows how to fight at 11 26 p. M. In israel they are doing just that. They are fighting for their lives for their fighting for their country. They are fighting for democracy. Our coverage continues after the short break. If youre on medicare, remember, the annual Enrollment Period is here. The time to choose your coverage begins october 15th and ends december 7th. So Call Unitedhealthcare and see how you can get more of what matters, with our broad range of plans including an aarp Medicare Advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. It can combine your hospital and doctor coverage with part d Prescription Drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan. 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This is not a moment for any party hostile to israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage. The world is watching. If i those present bite of the white house a couple of hours ago. The deadly and unprecedented attack against israel has stunned the world and the u. S. With an hamas terrace and backed by iran storming the border from gaza into Southern Israel. Fox news chief National Security force correspondent Jennifer Griffin is alive at the pentagon with more. Jennifer, clearly this was planned. If you could start right talking about the timing of this attack. Why is this happening now . Lets look at the timing. It is exactly 50 years to almost the day of the Yom Kippur War of 1973 the Surprise Attack by egypt and syria to try to destroy the state of israel. You also have the holy holiday where the torah is read every day for a year. The jews in israel were celebrating that holiday when this a Surprise Attack occurred. Very similar a lot of similarities to the yom kippur attack. Its also the anniversary of the assassination of anwar sadat who made peace with israel than killed by an assassin. The timing and the symbolism of this attack was certainly planned. The trading in the intelligence gathering that had been done so these hamas militants could storm across the border and make it inside of actual israeli bases and kidnap not just Israeli Soldiers but officers that were then taken back into the gaza strip. They are supposedly being held in tunnels. Those tunnels you will note we have reported on for years into not only egypt and israel. Thats how weapons are brought in and out this build up of rockets since i live back there back in 2006 there was the war with hezbollah and the thousands fired into northern israel. The rockets that then started being accumulated in the gaza strip. I remember one story in particular that we broke away back in 2002. I broke the story of a palestinian ship captain who was intercepted by the israeli navy bringing a 100 million worth of weapons. 50 tons of weapons into the gaza strip. It was intercepted wheat broke we broke thestory, fox news did. Those weapons were tracked all the back to iran. Iran h is been sending weapons d supporting hamas, hezbollah, Islamic Jihad for as long as i can or member. If i weapons but what about intelligence . Again this was very coordinated. A lot of symbolism on this date. What is clear is the palestinians had been surveilling these areas. The intelligence is clear. What is apparent and heard the israeli ambassador say just moments ago that this is israels 911. This is a larger number of deaths, casualties that i have seen in almost 50 years of covering the israelipalestinian conflict for one day. This was an incredible intelligence mark esper say that honor air earlier today. They did not see the buildup were given the way in which israel has infiltrated the Palestinian Areas On Gaza and into the hamas networks to not have heard this is being planned is an incredible coup. Its an intelligent coup there will definitely be i am sure investigations into the future once this war is over. And it is a war thats what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is calling it. Once it is over the Intelligence Failure will have to be addressed. Arthel indeed they attacked by land, by air, by sea. You are right. Netanyahu said we are at war. The question i ask you before we go is how does this affect americas National Security . We want to know this and what about our troops stationed in the middle east . U. S. National security is intricately linked with israel National Security. Thats what Defense Secretary austin and the president were on the phone this morning with their israeli counterparts but im told we can expect more calls in the coming days. There will be very close coordination with the u. S. The u. S. Has about 2 billion worth of weapons, Armor Garments and d supplies stored inside israel. I would bank on the fact the u. S. Will help israel with whatever it needs whatever military needs ammunition, resupply that is needed. These are two close allies. This is not back to the time of the Yom Kippur War where that u. S. Was hesitant at first to get involved a in put pressure n israel. This is a different time. And you heard from the president earlier today the u. S. Stands firmly behind israel and its right to defend itself. This kind of attack by the hamas Terrorist Circulate The Pentagon is paying very, very close attention too. We reported cia director bill burns canceled a trip to an intelligence conference is staying in town. Intelligence sharing has been ramped up between the u. S. And israel. But where this goes and that warning you heard from President Biden just minutes ago and that videotape that you played, that warning is to hezbollah to not get involved in the north of israel. If hezbollah decides to start Firing Thousands of rockets into it north of israel and israel has to fight on multiple fronts, that becomes a different situation. In terms of u. S. Troops in the middle east they are in danger tonight. Stir in the u. S. Military will be watching not only in syria but iraq as well and bases across the gulf for any potential attempts by shiite militias to try to take advantage of this chaos right now. It is clear that i iran is behid the subject. They are very closely linked with hamas. Iran clearly did not want the peace deal between the saudi arrays israel to go forward so iran is going to try to pressure the u. S. And other places using proxies that is what iran does they do not fight front on the use of proxy groups like hamas, hezbollah and groups inside syria. Arthel debate dont fight front on is going to be interesting to see how it front on the u. S. Will get involved. Well, i was to the u. S. In the pentagon and the white house will want to support israel in whatever way is needed. The goal would be to contain this conflict so it does not spread. So the u. S. Does not have to get involved. That will be the goal right now from a National Security perspective. Arthel Jennifer Griffin, as always thank you. Thank you jennifer. Thank you arthel. Eric there is a video reportedly of a hamas drone dropping a grenade into an israeli tank just like we have seen in the ukraine war. There it is. Did iran give hamas drone to fight israel . What does that mean as we continue our coverage of the war on israel live, you are seeing gaza city nearing midnight and this is not over. Arthel the republican president ial candidates are weighing and on todays deadly attacks on israel by iran backed hamas terrorist. Mark meredith is alive in cedar rapids, iowa with more. What are they saying . Arthel, theyve got a lot to say. The different republican president ial candidates are pivoting to the news of the debris this attack in israel. I am in cedar rapids just about 25 or 38 minutes for President Trump will make his second stop of the day here in eastern iowa breeze going to talk about the traditional Border Wh Wall the economy. We are told hes also got into an going to address whats happening in israel but just a little while ago he was in waterloo, iowa about an hour from where i am. He talks about what has transpired in the last two hours. On top of what other candidates had to say. Take a listen. The hamas Terrorist Invasion of israel territory and the murder of Israeli Soldiers today and the brutal murder of citizens as an act of savagery that must and will be crushed it has to be dealt with very powerfully. We all stand with the state of israel who is undergoing a Terrorist Attacks by hamas, by iranian backed militants. They not only have a right to defend themselves, they have a responsibility to defend themselves with overwhelming force. We will stand by them when they do. We are Rewriting Terrors and dictators Around The World to attacked democracies because america is not putting the right deterrents in place were not supporting. Well of course this is an Ongoing International crisis. We have also seen the bite Administration Push back on some of the claims the former president was making earlier in the david trump was basically claiming this was an attack those created after the recent Prisoner Exchange deal with i iran. He was claiming help funnel this to have happen. We see the national Security Council pushed back quite hard on this is the under secretary Undersecretaryand Treasury also. While of course theres the Foreign Policy aspect of all of this politics to lapsley Playing A Factor in all of this. We know again the former president would take the stage right here behind me he is expected to address this once again. All of the candidates coming up very clearly they want to stand with israel and they believe the u. S. Needs to stand up and show it support. Arthel Mark Meredith thank you very much. Eric at the massive war on israel brings reports of terrorist parading the bodies of dead israelis in the streets. Mowing down israelis in cold blood and sending rockets as far as to leave. Why this horror and white now question with doctor Rebecca Grant joins us shes president of independent research National Security analyst and fox news contributor. Doctor grant we know its hamas paymaster. Could this be as we are reporting an attempt by iran to disrupt the normalization of israel and saudi arabia . That a student than expected . No question iran would love to throw in the works and not see israel get any closer. And hamas they know the clock is ticking as well as we see moves to normalize. You said so correct but iran has also helped develop longerrange missiles and develop drone so iran has a lot of responsibility for the brutality we are seeing tonight. Usually in the past is usually rockets. This seems to be the first time we have seen drones. Looking live at gaza city a we had an israeli tank smoldering and there is a video apparently shows a Grenade A Hamas drone dropping a grenade into a tank very similar to what we see in ukraine. As iran provided with drones . Have they provided drones by iran . Almost certainly. The Israeli Defense forces detected some hamas drones over gaza back in late august. Wheat know iran his cell provide the components including some of the engines and the optics for these drones. This particular Attacker Drone is a small type of grenade is a real typical type of technology that iran uses. Frankly iran has use it against our posters a in syria in the past. I would say very, very likely this is something provided directly from iran. Do not forget its also iran who has helped hamas learn to extend the range of the missiles that they fire from gaza into israel. Eric what do you expect in the coming days in terms of israels response . Netanyahu has hard choices to make this a bakken went to 20 when they wiped out a lot of the missiles and commandandcontrol. They have to hit those targets again. But be careful not to jeopardize some of the really important diplomacy underway. I would expect to see some very hard strikes on gazas hamas infrastructure. Some of our one name we have not been justified or approved and desist help of missy involved in any way . Maybe not Vladimir Putin do not forget shooting paying iran supports hamas China Supports iran. There it is right there. Doctor Rebecca Grant thank you. Our fox News Coverage of this war on israel will continue right after this. Your glucose l and where its headed without fingersticks. Manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. Its covered by medicare for those who qualify. Ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. Aah, its a good day to cough. Oh, no bye, bye cough. Later Chest Congestion. Hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours . hmmm, ok. Not coughing at yoga. Antiquing not coughing . Not coughing at the movies . hashtag still not coughing . aaah. Oww mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from Chest Congestion and any type of cough, day or night. Its not cough season. Its always comeback season. When you need to prepare for unpredictable adventures. gasp you need weathertech. [hot dog splat. ] laser measured floorliners front and rear. 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New york city is said to have the largest Jewish Population outside of israel. So what is going on is israel sending shockwaves across the city there are members of the jewish faith in almost every neighborhood. We have spen to some here in the bronx today for it all off camera because today is the sabbath in the jewish faith. But many are just devastated, heartbroken and angry b per thee are a lot of emotions. You can imagine why and understand why theyre watching images like this come out of Southern Israel showing civilians being escorted out of homes by members of the Israel Defense forces. We got to make rockets. I was trying to reach her cousins in israel. You can only imagine the anxiety she must feel for the cynthia from jewish new yorkers as they know the situation will get worse before it gets better. New York Governor Kathy Hochul releasing this statement is the home of the largest Jewish Population outside of israel new york condemns the attacks by hamas i send the people of israel. Then this statement was released by a new jersey governor philip murphy. As a state with one of the largest jewish and israeli American Communities in the world, todays news is especially hard to fathom. As a governor i stand with the people of israel in this dark hour in a united show of resoresolveagainst terrorism. Now again, arthel this is typically a joyous holiday for the jewish community. It feels like a dark cloud is hanging over all that right now. Back to you. Arthel indeed, thank you cb cotton. Well continue our coverage on the war and israel. Th jon scotost is coming up next wh the fox report. Woo hoo ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. Were here today to set the record straight about dupuytrens contracture. 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