Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240703 :

FOXNEWSW Jesse July 3, 2024

So many of those extremists, those mega extremists, take their Marching Orders from donald trump. Maybe there needs to br marce a formal deprogramming of the cult members. Hillary clintone er wants to deprogram you. We at the border and use force in the face. Tomorrow were gonna punch you in the face. The streets rebelling against democrats, instead, creating a generation of wimps and weak people. Lets go and teach kids to be tough, arnold tells america to n man up. Plu s, were a divided country. Countries have been polarizetry. D for 30 years. Ionso millions of americans are always going to disagreef ac with the president , no matter who it is. Jeuld be pt and halfjesus. The country would hate. Somethings happened where democratmething s just stopped o for our vote. Though politics used to beis about persuasion. This is who i am. This is what i believewhat i be. This is my policy. This is what ill do for you. Even whe n bill clinton was challenged by a voter, he still respected them and made an effort to relate to them. If i were dyingi of ambitio anwouldnt have stood up here and put up with all this i puthh up with the last six months. Im fighting to changee la this country. I have treated you and all the people whove interrupteive trd my rallies with a of a lot mor more respect than you treated me. And its time respece you starto thinking about that. Now i feel your pain. We went from i feel your pain wa to im going to show you Whatt Real Pai N is. Arack even barack obama comobe face to face. Heres why im running. Im getting ready to buy a company that makes 250, 278,000 a year. If your new tax plan is going to tax myour newe more, heresot the reason were doing that is ha becaubecause 95 of small bus make less than two quit. So what i want to do is give them. A tax cut. M obama told you hed spread the wealth around and he workedr for joe plumbers vote. Then along came hillary, who hated you. She winced when she had to walk into a diner, shake hands, listen to you. No, no, no. Bette hillary believed she was better than you and you a she knew wha. Good for you. She didnt want to waste timee listenindig. She knew all the answers already. So if you didnt support supporo hillary, you must have a wicked soul. She took it personally. They must not like me because im a woman. They must not like my policies because theyre racist. How can anybody not like mecb when i have such good intentions . This is why she called trump voters deplorable to just be grossly generalized. You can put half of trumps put supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. Fastillary made no effort to understand why the country preferred trump. She intentionally disconnected herself from the people and then was bewildered by his election. Had to have been russia that rigged it. Her arro her arrogance didnt allow her to see that her positionllow on trade, immigration, foreignwa policy wasnt what we wantedsn not to mention her condescending attitude. Joe bidens cut from the very same cloth he takes everythingg personally and loses his temper. When voters ask him direct q questions. Instead of listening and persuading. Bidenuestionsnstead s naps are a guide for me. Im not worried to hear a voter ask joe biden why he was attacking the second amendment. And joe biden said he was full of blackn said, then spent the t minute pointing at his chest and telling him what he didnt need, lying about what hed Didnmt Workeo and telling hi i dont work for you, which is the very definition of a politician, a Public Servant who serves the people. Joe biden, now as president , has failed to Persuadepeople Yos failed to serve you. Instead, joe biden lies to you. And if you dont support him, joe biden tries to destroyont. Days Republican Party p is driveublin and intimidated by maga republican extremists. Joe bidens watching his presidency collapse. And Hillary Clinton is trying to save it not by advising biden to close the border, bring rates down. Hillary announcehillard on cnn that half the country is in a cult. Their racist, sexist, nativist homophobes, for Whatever Reasonn ,he and his very negativenast of nasty form of politics resonatey form os with them. Gr maybe they dont like migrants. Mayb likey dontants gay people or black people. Or the woman who got the Promotioe Promotthey N at wk they didnt get whatever the reason. Know, make reason, America Greao was a bid for nostalgiae to return to a place where, you know, people could be in charge of their lives, feel empowered, say what they want, insult whoever came in theirev waery. And that was really attractive to a significane tas. Portion of the republican base. So it is like a cult. Becaus hillary doesnt understand you because shes never been the. Out owith youe hillary couldnt get to arkansas fast enough. She live d in a white house bubble for eight years and became senator then secretary of state, then a president ial candidate. Shes been able to control wit whos in a room with her for the last 30 years. Hillary has completely lost touch with america even sinceos shes lost the election. Shed made no attempt to see the country. Shes been in india, europe, japan, back and forth foer manhattan to chappaqua. When was the last time hillarys been in a bar that wasnt roped off for a fundraiser or a commercial flight or even traffic . Tr instead of learning about you, hillary wants you to unlear ofn what you think of her. Hillary wants to deprogram you. A there wasnt this littlern tale of extremism waving, you know, wagging the dog of the Republican Partextremy At is today. And sadly, so many of thoss it e extremists, those maga extremists, take their Marching Orders from donald trump, who has no trump credibility ley any measure. Hes only in it for himself. Hes now defending himself in civil actions and criminal actions. And when do they break with him . Becaus ak wite at some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming soh of the cult members. So what would hillarysatld deprogrammin hillag look like . Do we get triple vaxxed while we watch maddo ww . Does huma abedin flog us with bamboo . Does she make us memoriz watche the Mueller Report while wedow . Hand out with her tshirts to migrants . Hillarys north korean reeducation camps sounds a lot more lik nore a cult than maga. Hillary telling me that boys can be girls and that fetterman is a sharp dresser isnt going to make us vote for joe. Ds this sounds a lot like what the pentagon did to Terroristsike Wt Dropping Leaflets in syria, broadcasting propaganda from a loudspeaker on the back of a humvee. If it sounds like counterterror psychological warfare, it is newsweekcounterts reportings has designated socalled Maga Republicaneds as domestic terrorists and are using antiterroc r tools to spy on and infiltrate joe bidensrsuade political opposition. Dont persuade them. Prosecute them them. Dont ask for their vote. Ask. Let me see your hands. The left wants us brainwashed or arrested. Theres nod or other option. Th dont you see . The democrats are popular. You just need some reprograming. Almost 14 million new jobs. 800,000 new manufacturing jobs. Popular. Popular. Popular. Wepulapopu just need to let evey know who brought it to them. The receipts. Man, thats doable. I f and if the president says,s you know, wasnt for the media, hed be the most popularca president in american history. You all are not the happiest people in the world. What . Your report. Re. Meani mean it sincerely. It gets a more you get more legs when youre reporting of negative. I dont mean im not. G on you an youre picking on me. Im just a nature of things. You turn on the Televisionn Thtu and theres not a whole lot about. Boy, say the dog boy save as he swimsw. In the lake, you know . So, you know, its aboutbout so you know, somebody pushed the dog in the lake. I meanmean i, i get it. The the media is the only thing i keeping biden in office. Ia if we had a real media,e ne he would have never been elected. He wifver have bee he was, he we already been impeached. Msnb he woc, who literally reprs their audience every morning justmsnb threw their Hands Up In The Air and said, well, thats it. No t working. Theres been one poll after b another poll after another poll. Thisee week that has shown that the republicans are just absolutely bashing democrats when it come s to issues republicans or democrats on issues like inflationcans, the economy, immigration. These are 25, nearly 30 pointren margins creating jobs. Its unbelievableg. Hug huge, huge numbers. Elections so often, joe, as you well know, are decided on the economy. And these are big Warning Signs here. And the idea that its jusy. Tht ide narrative doesnt work for voters either. Why arent why arent you listening to our story narr that were telling you that things are going well . Well, because maybe in my life, i think things cost too much. Mu bravo, willie. Someone told the truth on msnb c. Dont tell people things are going well when Everything Costs too muchdont. N things i have a better idea. Instead of reprogram megan andu reeducation, why dont you guys just make it so things dont costt yo so much. Then well vote for you. Thats called politics. Joining me now, host of the Tutor Dixon Podcast tutor dixon. So are you in a cult tutor . Well, hillary would like you to believe so. Tudoare yo to make sure that half of the country really believes that shes going to setat up her Clinton Foundation internment camps. Were all going to go there. Foundatitheyre going to reeducc shes going to get the money and her moneys Worth Outof Tha of that russian dossier because shes going to pound that into our heads and make sure wet ssiw that she paid for something. Were going to start to believe its tru e. E di when you were running, werent you out there, diners shaking hands, listening, were you just are instead calling people racist, homophobic cult members . Thats the funny thing. Whert e was she when she wase Wh Campaigning . I mean, we didnt see her. We sawe her completely yelling at people all the time, complaining about people all the time. But the funny thing about this th in this new Trendg Democr among Democrat First ladies, former first ladies to hate half of the country. I mean, what is goinguntry. T we have people who sat in the white house. We respected white. Ve i mean, Hillary Clinton really could have gotten the Sympathy Vote when she came out of the white house. She could have had just a tinge, a little bit of of, i dont know, persona that she could have Gond Havee Out and ud that to her advantage, won women over. But even women advan were disgd by the way she acted. Tutor she never evey n went n to the rust belt. Maybe thats why the rust belt didnt vote for her. T didnt she turned it into the rust belt and didnt go there. For you see joe biden out oute there blaming the media and you see kamala saying were popular, just people dont know it yet. Do you think thats going kno to ever resonate . I well, i think those numbers show that it is not resonating. I mean, if you look at Thosest P Numbers that they just played on the screen there, you canla a see why theyre holding on to abortion like grim death right now, because its theits only place where they have a message that they think they can win on. Place ththeybut the fact of ther is the majority of people are trying to figure outy how theyre going to buy their groceries, whether or not theyre going to have to get an ev vehicle therhey need, if theyre going n to be able to use a gas powered leaf blower these days. I mean, its getting completely. Out of control. The democrats are not hearing the the American People are saying, exactly what you just heard. Theyre not speaking theyre to us. Chigan theyre not speaking to the people of michigan. Theyre not speaking to thre ne people of the midwest who cant afford to go out and get t wht afforgroceries and theyy starting to get a little nervous about it. Im sure theyre out there going, why is hillary saying this . Well, theyre not listening. Theyre just saying, ng i dont work for you. Were popular. Youre in a cult and youre foolis opular. H. And thats the message to her. Have a great weekend. Llthank you. Well, joe bidens back to plagiarizing. Hes building a border wall and hes deporting venezuelans. Trump has to be likrdere, are you kidding me . Aoc, though, says no bueno. K i think its a terrible idea. I thinlek its a broken promise. You could build a Greatg Big Trump Wall on the entire u. S. Southern borderal and its still not going to fix this problem. We need to address this problese root of the problem, which is the contribution that u. S. Sanctions, extremely broad u. S. Sanction sans are having million to destabilize and plunge millions of people into poverty and displacement. Did aoc just School Kamala . The rooty an cause is right ove there, girlfriend. But can you believe aoc got lit up by her own constituents last month and she still wants the border open. We could, you know, do it to make the and that we are joining insteadenin of listening. Ane just went back and laid on her couch and said everybody was wrong. Politics is so easy. Finger in the air. Listen. Serve the people. Serve thats it. The real reason bidens gone ultrn maga on immigratio politics. Black voters. A constituency he cant afford to losn terse, are livid in chi. The Democratere Convention is next summer. A and the way things are going now, the conventio way tn is gog to be a mess because illegals have taken over the airports. Theyre sleeping on the floors of police stations. Are Youth Footballfloors team in chicago was kicked off of their field for a Migrant Shelte Team inr. An black voters in chicago boiling mad. Elter. You cant displace our children. What is your young kids got to have the power. You need to stop the bus. Stop saying brexit. I want to know whyt to Grady Johnson is not here. Okay, first of all, i just want to know why are we notere. Important enough for him to show up for us . Are wewe showed up to hear the r of black people when we already get the local press. Thyt ou want to pa a little representative, let me have it put up at the bottom of omthe barrel. What mayor brings . I understand youre not just telling us out, panel. The migrants are soakinge sqe the citys bank account. Theyre squeezing kids out of sports. Theyre crowding the schoolsezfn up, distracting the cops. The Democratic Convention in chicago is going to bcrate a circus. Wait until the donors step off the plane at ohars e and see a thousand venezuelans in sleeping bags. Are we in chicago or caracas . E my next guest is a chicago t resident and she was at the meeting on tuesday and has witnessed this whole thing firsthand. Katie truss joins me now. It are the politicians in chici listening at all . Ns in chio, they are not liso and you know what . U its okay becauskne were goingo to let them know that you may not be listening, but wee are certainly still talking about these issues. L out we are not going to stops. Talking about these issues. And, you know, here in chicago, its unfortunate that our elected officials have basically always taken that ou u granted. But weve reached a point where we are tired of being taken for grantet wed and were standing p and were fighting back. Now, we werefighting told that s is something that is happening, that these migrants are comingae to our park. But i want everyone to know that this is not going to Bea Fi A Fight that were goingndin to have lying down. Were standing up. D we were standing strong, and were ready to fight. Tand so we have no more fightn left in us. When you sayoy that toans do the politicians, do they make excuses . What do they say, e . Primarily, for the most part, weve been Pri Ultimatelyo ignored. Theyre not saying anything. T satheyre not standing with u. Theyre not standing up fo up f. And basically, weve said to them, we see that this crisisrii has overwhelmed the city w of chicago. Why dont you see what we see . I dont understand why our mayor has not stepped in and asked to, at least asked temporarily. Temporaril ty suspend chicagos sanctuary city status, at least until we have a handle on this crisis that that is at hand. I dont understand why thats not a part of the conversation. I dont understand why w theyre not turning buses around. We are not helping these people. They are here primarily living in squalor these. And were accepting it as if its something that is supposed to be the way it is. And its unacceptable. Like to beis joe biden going toe your vote . Im not surs e whos goingut to have my vote. But i tell you wha it, for me, who has always been a lifelong democrat, the Republican Party is looking real good. Olookinh, those are strong wo kate, thank you so much forr jon joining us. P up and keep up the fight. 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