Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240703

donald trump throwing his weight as you might have heard behind one jim jordan. steve scalise shows no signs of backing down. all of this as the republican congress plans to vote on a secret ballot next week on who their nominee will be for speaker. will donald trump be a king maker or could this be a deal breaker? welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. let's go to chad pergram on capitol hill. chad, where are we on all of this? >> neil, good afternoon. the endorsement of jim jordan by former president trump cut multiple ways. it may boost jordan among trump loyalists, but some republicans think the last thing they need is a speaker endorsed by the former president. jordan says he's the guy. >> who can bring our team together? who can unite our conference and who can tell the american people what we're doing and why it's important to them. someone has to be able to come forward, unite the republicans around our message, around what we're doing for the american people and go make that -- take that message to the country and deliver it in a compelling succinct way, which i think i can do. >> house majority leader steve scalise towers over jordan when it comes to fund raising. he has more direct connection with rank and file members. scalise says he's the one to challenge democrats. >> we'll come together as a house. they're scared to death of us coming in the house under my guidance as speaker to go and get in this fight again. because once we're back in this fight, the country is already there. they're ready to solve these problems. >> but there's a possible candidate under the radar. he's under declared from oklahoma. and chairs what is called the republican study committee. the largest block of conservatives in the house. >> i think one wild card in this, neil, is kevin hern. he has laid low. he's extremely talented. he's been on the conservative wing of the congress, well-respected. so just hasn't thrown his name in yet. >> the gop plans to vote next wednesday. that could signal where the candidates stand. they will not go to the floor until the republicans feel they have a candidate that can win. they want to avoid multiple rounds of failed votes. >> neil: i'm sure they want to avoid another problem with the whole vacate the speaker thing that required one congressman to put that in motion. how likely is that? >> there's a lot of talk about that. they have to get a speaker first. they cannot change the rules until they get a speaker. >> neil: and then the issue once you have the speaker, whether some of those eight that weren't too keen on the the last one agree to remove that, right? >> there has been some chatter that whoever they pick next doesn't stay too long. there was the year that england had three king, neil. >> neil: so true. don't get me started on the number of bocce ball champions. thanks, chad. congressman steve womack, arkansas republican. you are at this point supporting steve scalise. you still stand by that? >> i do. i think he's the best qualified. we need somebody that can unite us, somebody with credentials and with an operation in place. we need somebody that can raise money. we need somebody that has the conservative bona fides that can help unite all republicans. that guy is steve scalise? that opinion. >> neil: that guy is not jim jordan to you? >> well, look, i know them all well. i know kevin hern well. all very capable people. at this stage of the game, neil, the republican conference needs somebody to step up to the plate and lead. i think the guy that is in the best position right now to do what needs to happen to the republican conference is steve scalise. >> neil: were you surprised that donald trump did weigh-in and say that he thinks otherwise? he thinks jim jordan? >> not really. mr. trump likes to get involved in all things political. as chad said, look, this -- that could be zero sum. could be helpful to jim. could be detrimental in some respects. all i can tell you is this decision will be made by our conference in a secret ballot on a tuesday night. hopefully we will be able to rally and coalesce around one individual and with the clock ticking on a continuing resolution that ends in november, we need to get about the business of our country. >> neil: much has been said about who becomes the next speaker, he or she, will still have the same narrow majority for republicans. that -- an easier way to deal with that going forward is to remove this vacation the speaker provision that torpedoed kevin mccarthy. that has to wait until we have a speaker. how do you feel about removing that? >> i don't like the motion to vacate. i told kevin when the deal was made, it was a mistake. i wrote an op-ed that ran in my state newspaper that said at the end that in a strange twist of irony, kevin mccarthy got elected speaker because six members voted present. it will hang his speakership will hang in the balance because those six members remain present. we don't need a situation where just a very small handful of people, the tail wagging the dog can actually keep congress from fail failing to function. >> neil: how important is it for you for steve scalise to raise money? kevin mccarthy was gifted at it. jordan not so much. he wasn't in the party leadership hierarchy. is that important to you? >> it is important. look, kevin mccarthy was a prolific fund raiser. nobody denies that. he had a great megaphone. he was the speaker of the house. whoever the speaker of the house is likely in a situation to raise serious money. we need to raise money because we know the dems will raise $100 million to stoke the coffers of their candidates trying to flip seats. we're going to need to do that as well, which is another good reason why we need to meet tuesday night, get this speaker elected wednesday and get them out. >> neil: i'm curious what you make of how everyone gets along after this. there's this view of these wren gaits or those that are uber conservative and they all say to a man or woman, you know, we're all republicans. just different views of how to proceed from here. a lot of wounds a lot of bad blood after this week, congressman. are you worried? >> there's going to have to be some healing. there are hard feelings. emotionally charged rooms with low ceilings. that's where we meet. people get very angry at one another, particularly when there's a lot of finger pointing going on. so which is another test for the new speaker. that person will have to be able to rub some salve in those wounds, help us heal, bring us back together. get us refocused on the issues that the american people are thinking about. we got an insecurity border, an economy that needs help. we have national security issues. we need to move appropriations. there's no end of business. as i said, clock is ticking. we're out of time-outs. we need to get back to the business. >> neil: we'll see if that happens from. your mouth. oklahoma republican kevin hern, who congressman womack just referred to will be my guest tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. when we talked to him 24 hours ago, he seemed open to the idea of running. he had told the texas delegation of republicans in a separate meeting that he was eyeing it. whether that means he's going to do that, we'll see. we'll talk to him tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. a bigsy show there handicapping this. what happened at the corner of wall and broad today. a big advance in the dow of 288 persons. we had a stronger than expected jobs record. we had 336,000 jobs added to the economy again. nobody expected that. that was double what we thought it would be. that initially led to a lot of selling and the belief that that would prompt the federal reserve to intervene and keep the rates higher. in this subcomponents that showed wage growth still advancing, continued to slow for the fifth straight month. in other words, running .2% year or year that might not seem much thou, but the fact of the matter is, that had been running at a .7% clip year over year. the market seized on it as a sign that maybe the advance we're seeing in wage inflation is beginning to slow even though right now in the aggregate, it is not. we're on top of that and on top of of one of the world's most successful investors ever stopping by to have a chat with us concerning this confusing environment for stocks, this confusing fighting environment on capitol hill and why to one of the most successful hedge fund managers ever, why this is something that happens in institutions in their final throw. an empire in its final gas after this. eel at home this season. that's why with hisense appliances, you can get a lot more, without spending a lot more. because the only thing better than scoring quality appliances is the quality time that follows. shop hisense appliances now, exclusively at lowe's. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. ( ♪ ) constant contact. helping the small stand tall. >> neil: you know the term "hedge fund." people spend a lot of money to make a lot of money. if they were customers of bridgewater associates, they made a lot of money. so there's a sweeping sense of history with the company. it's not afternoon when this guy talks to the media, especially the broadcast media. he felt the need to step back, take a look what's going on in the world, what we're seeing in washington, the fighting over spending and all of that. this debt crisis that gets more headed by the day. ray dahlia says there's parallels here i want to share with you. so he is. right now. take a look. >> so there were three things that our happening now that didn't happen in our lifetime before, the enormous amount of debt creation. are there limits? how does that work? what does it mean when a central bank prints money and buys money? number 1, the debt economic issue. number 2, internal conflict. in other words, populous and populous of the left and right. populous means an individual that will fight at all cost. that political polarity which we see played out every day in its ways, that didn't happen to that degree in my lifetime. the wealth gaps, the values gaps have not been as large. so i measure things. i to back. that factor. and number 3, the great power conflict. the rise of a comparable power. in other words, china has an economic power comparable to almost the united states' economic power as well as a military power. the soviet union never had economic power and couldn't use military power because of mass destruction that it would produce. these three things led me to study the past 500 years. these things go in cycles. before the british empire, there was a dutch empire. >> neil: everything you say people will say is as big worry right here. >> if you worry, you don't have to worry. if you worry, you need to worry. if you worry, then you'll take care of the things that you're worrying about. if you don't worry, you won't. we have to worry that they're not worrying and we have to worry they're not dealing with it. you're asking what do we do? we might communicate. we know that every one of these things, if we work together in a smart bipartisan way so that we can do the best balancing of those choices, that we can deal with most of these problems. but the problem is, i'm agreeing with you, the reality is, how each of those will -- that there is populism of both extremes that both parties are lining up for a fight. >> neil: you talked about this in general. principals for changing world order and principals for success. this is a phenomenon with your best sellers. people hop on youtube just to catch what you're saying. what you're saying is we're none of that. we're not following any principals at this point. so i'm just wondering what the fall-out from that could be. is anyone on earth presently doing that? if we're in the final throes of something that could be very bad, we can avoid it if you say we address it. we're not. is there a politician, a candidate that gives you hope? >> we need bipartisan. the majority of americans want bipartisan middle. we're having extremes at both sides. if you even just add members of either party say, i'm bipartisan. i want to work across party lines. then if you have those and then you build a coalition of those, that could make a big difference. it's come down to that the things that people will fight for have become i will not compromise, i'm going to win at all costs and so the rules are in jeopardy. so we're going to see over this period of let's say the next five years, we're going to see political changes, geo political changes, we're going to see financial consequences and we're going to see issues pertaining to the cost of climate and big technology changes that will change our lives in important ways. >> neil: but we're not addressing the very things you're talking about. >> i agree, neil. so i'm just saying there's a fork in the road here. okay? as i see it. you either do or you don't. the probability is we won't. if we don't, you as an individual and everybody has to know how to deal with that. i've learned some things. i want to pass them along. i wrote the books. ideal with my philanthropy -- >> part of the giving pledge. are the kids okay with that? >> there's a problem if the kids have too much money just like there's a problem if they have too little money. i was lucky that i grew up, i didn't have much money. i had two parents that loved me. went to a public school and -- >> neil: your kids are different. >> they got it. they grew up. but who cares? it's the best for them. sometimes it's tough love. >> neil: you hit a cord with these books. videos and the rest. there's people that have nothing to do with finance or knowledge about money who have gravitated to this. they need that. are you surprised by that? >> i'm pleasantly surprised by that. i get all sorts of things. bill belichick, patriots, calls me up. he said i read your book. this is a great book. then he said let's talk about principles. that conversation i'll share. but different people in different domains, how do you build a team? how do you -- there were things that we learn. i encourage others to write down their principles. so many people that made successful decisions. they know how to win. >> neil: i think what you're good at, wrap up here, i think what you're saying in between all of this, just be good human beings. just look out for the good beyond yourself. but we're not doing that. >> yes. i'm saying the following. understand how reality works. reality works how it works. understand how to deal with it well. to get what you want, how to be successful. and then higher level, understand that you're part of a system, a whole ecosystem and that what is good for the system is also good for you by and large. be if you evolve well and you contribute to evolution, everything will go better. >> neil: all right. ray dalio. we've had enormous interest in there and a couple more extended running of other comments on fox business that we'll elaborate on on my weekend show and the entire interview, almost an hour, will be on the fox business website. you can catch it from beginning to end. a lot of you said i want to know more. all of that will be addressed there. one of the finist financial minds i have ever known. i've been around this for -- i know might surprise you -- 40 years plus. we have a lot more coming up including what is happening with this growing migrant situation. the latest stop, chicago. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way with aveeno® daily moisture. formulated with nourishing, prebiotic oat. it's clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. aveeno® >> neil: a friday and no extension of the auto workers strike. what's going on? 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(dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. >> neil: all right. remember when migrants were a border issue for states like texas and arizona? well, ever since many were being sent to sanctuary cities and states like new york, now chicago, the view of this has changed mightily. doesn't garrett tenney know this. garrett has more from chicago. >> city officials say that chicago is reaching a breaking point. they're overwhelmed by the number of migrants that are arriving here. in the last week alone, the number of migrants living here at the bus terminal at o'hare has more than doubled to more than 800 people. you can see some of what it's like inside in this video we shot earlier today. people are packed inside, sleeping on boxes and blankets. a lot of kids here and pregnant women. it's a similar scene at police stations across the city where more than 2,500 migrants are waiting for space to open up at one of the city's shelters. some of them are being forced to sleep outside on the ground since there's no room inside. one man that recently arrived from venezuela said the living conditions back home were never this bad. >> in venezuela, we never lived on the streets. now we are living on the street. we need to wait for some help. >> city officials say they're doing the best they can with almost no help coming from the white house. progressive major brendan johnson is the latest to blame the biden administration's policies for the crisis we're now seeing. >> a growing crisis for the city of chicago and the entire globe. the populationship that we're experiencing as a result of the failure of federal policies is now impacting the people of chicago in a very dramatic way. >> in response to the city and state, calling out the white house for not doing enough this week, the department of homeland security sent a team of officials to chicago to see what more the feds can do to help. neil? >> neil: garrett, thanks very much. by the way, after this, the kenny county texas sheriff will be here on what he makes of these fast-moving developments. i want to pass on a new item. there were reports in politco today that kevin mccarthy was entertaining leaving congress altogether. he has denied that. he has no plans on leaving congress for now. so jump ball. this from the congressman himself. i might not be the speaker, but i'll still be speaking in the united states congress. stay with us. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine. i wouldn't have my business if it wasn't for my website. once i decided to go with godaddy, the process was seamless. i was able to create my website on my own. to have it be exactly what i want it to be. be able to integrate my appointment app. godaddy was able to provide everything that i needed. the whole image of who i am and what empire is is presented through my godaddy website. ♪ believe it or not baby... you could earn your... master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix. >> i was told that i had no choice. you know, congress passes legislation to build something, whether it's an aircraft carrier, wall or provide for a tax cut. i can't say i don't like it, i'm not going to do it. >> neil: i'd like to give everybody the doubt and everybody their fair shake on this show, but that doesn't make sense. he's had close to three years now to change that and to do something different. to use the argument that congress allocates and he has to honor it. he wasn't for the better part of three years. that does represent to many an about face that he changed his mind or building a wall, 20 miles along the rio ground. my next guest is watching it closely. one of my favorite guests, the kinney county sheriff. don't mess with him. very good to have you, sir. what do you make of what the president is doing here that this is not a 180, not a reversal? he's just acknowledging the reality that congress appropriates and he has to make good on it. congress appropriated this some time ago and he hadn't used any of this material that was heretofore building a wall. now it is. >> well, my personal opinion is that he's doing this because we have a presidential election coming up and the rio grande valley is democrat. they're starting to complain about what is going on. so he's making every effort to try to secure that vote for the upcoming election. >> neil: sheriff, help me. you're more than 200 miles away or kinney county is from this area where we're going to be building or expanding this wall. so you don't take advantage of this. so nothing could be changing for you. could make things worse. >> no, it's not going to change anything. it could make it worse. if that wall goes up, which it will take them a year to put up, we'll push the traffic further south or north up to laredo. i think they'll take the brunt of it first and then move to our area and increase the apprehensions. >> neil: last time we were chatting, the last time the mayor broke the president, he said we have to do something, it's got to stop. then it was operation ignore new york state. governor hochul saying the same. a growing number of democratic governors and officials were raising concerns a that the administration was flat footed on this. did that change the administration's approach? all your protests not withstanding, the fact that so many democrats were? >> i think that has a lot to do with the change of his standings. these are all democrat mayors in large metropolitan areas that traditionally vote democratic. they're starting to feel the same thing that we've been feeling the past 2 1/2 years. so yes, it's had an impact on him. the mayor of new york going to mexico and speak and try to solve this. i don't think it's going to help any. >> neil: we do know a number of key officials are going to mexico to see what they can do. i don't know what came of the meetings. do you? >> no, i have no clue. i know they've been in talks. that's about it. >> neil: do you trust the mexicans do to more with the cartels? some of your colleagues have said they're owned by the cartels. >> i have to agree with that. right now the mexican government, they say they're trying to curtail some of this stuff at the guatemalan border. they're not. they're still coming through. the truth be known, the cartels control what goes through these border towns to get to this side. >> neil: they're pretty bold about it, too. they don't mind being videotaped or photographed. guns and all. so they don't seem intimidated. >> no, they're not. they know the united states isn't going to do anything to them on mexican soil. >> neil: amazing. sheriff brad coe, thanks very much. >> when you get a chance, come down and i'll take you on a personal cruise and show you whats going on and how we do things here. i'll even buy you lunch. >> neil: the buying lunch part could seal the deal. thanks, sheriff. i might take you up on that. brad coe sees what a lot of people have been telling you and reporting extensively, including us. it goes on and on. meantime, a strike that might not be going on and on. promising signs from the united auto workers that they're not expanding this yet. another friday goes on that it normally happens but didn't happen today. we're on top of it and why after this. ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ this month join the new subway mvp rewards program and get rewarded. get 50% off any footlong when you join subway mvp rewards. so many all star options. it's just for subway mvps right? 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>> i agree. it's not getting any worse right now. as we said, as gray did said, you can have a day go poorly and things go down the drain. i don't take any days. there's been some progress. i don't take them for granted. it points out the fact that you noted, there's probably more coming together that will happen here in the future. the problem is, where is that coming together? we talk about 40% raises. you have joe biden saying hey, stick with it. you deserve a major raise and getting involved in things that he doesn't know anything about. so the workers get a bad representation there. the automaker does want to stay open. they want to make profits and pay the worker as fair wage, which is not where it is, but to say this 40, 50% increase off the bat seems ridiculous. >> all of this on the same day that we learned jobs were soaring, 336,000. all sectors of the economy were contributing to it. early on, it was fascinating. the markets were tanking on the notion that this seals more fed hikes and higher interest rates. that was the case for much of the trading day. then it reversed itself that rates came off of their highs. the dow jones industrials finished ahead about 288 points or so. what did you make of that flip reaction and why the flip? >> it was a great reaction. i was happy to see it. i've been waiting for this. we talked about this on fox business about when this reaction was coming. maybe it came to roost today and maybe this is a start of a change here. you mentioned something funny to me. you talked about rate being high. a friend that i'm on tv with a lot that bought a home in the 70s that got a deal at 15, 16% on his home when he first got his -- >> neil: 13.5%. long before you were a spec in your parent's eyes. >> an apple in somebody's eye. how about that for a great deal? nowadays people are so interest to 0% deals, 2%, 4%. this feels like a freak-out session. we have to take a chill pill, realize that rates that stay up at these levels are okay as long as they don't go significantly higher. >> neil: the president was commenting on the record that bidenomics is working. most people know right now that we have been better off than before. what did you think of that? >> that doesn't sound like what i'm hearing. a lot of folks are -- maybe they're okay finally. i wouldn't say they're better off. they're more worried than they have ever been. they look around, they walk around. they feel around. it's not the greatest situation that we had say when trump was in office or when he was vacated. so there's certainly things that have worked at times for joe biden. but of late, there's been a nasty streak whether it's immigration, bidenomics itself or even involvement in this uaw strike. seems like he's off base here and looks like it's getting worse. >> neil: you might be hipper and cooler, smarter, better looking, but i am seasoned, young man. that -- not old, just seasoned. i want you to be aware of that. >> you're very seasoned. neil, 'tis the season for you. i want to join you at the lunch at the border. if you're not taking it, i am. >> neil: thanks. very good having you, a weird day as scott pointed out in the markets. that represents about a 500 point swing. the dow is out of negative territory for the year. we're following that. we'll have more tomorrow on my weekend show. meantime, the latest on robert f. kennedy jr. and his dabblings with a third party run what he said and what others are saying to what he could say come monday. we come from a long line of cowboys. 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(music ends) >> when they look at you as a threat, what do you say? >> well, i don't think i'm causing the party for the democratic party right now neil. the party has its own problems. >> the dnc has overtly indicated it sees its job as helping joe biden get elected so has made the effort to suppress any other candidacy and that it was the problem for bobby and it's a problem for me. >> we might get a better idea come monday when rfk is considering leaving the democratic party. but again there, are reports that robert f. kennedy, jr. will be saying he isn't so much leaving the party as it long ago left him. we will get a better idea next week. but let's gets the read on this with bob editor-in-chief. first how likely you think that's? these are different times. >> they are different times and i think it's likely democrats have a choice. they can have a fair primary with the president and the president probably would have won but at the same time, these candidates whether it's rfk, jr., williamson, they don't think this is fair. i'm not saying they should have held debates but the dnc has said this is joe biden's party. he's going to be our nominee so you can't blame them for going outside the party to run as a third party and that's a problem for joe biden. >> even if they were to say what can we do the white house you're not to do this or agree to it but a debate might be damaging to the presidents and i'm wondering what if anything could be done. >> yes, i think we pass the point of no return and i think a lot of democrats were thinking once we get by the primary season, then rfk, jr. and others will go away. remember cornell west also could run as third party so you could have a lot of third parties and remember joe biden barely won 43,000 votes in three states so if they cut into that his chances of a second term plummet. >> traditional view would be bobby kennedy in the race would take away votes from joe biden but he has great populist appeal, with indeed trump voters as well. i'm wondering how you think that would cut down. >> i think whether you're on the right more on the left probably more on the left because his name is kennedy and has been a democrat until make next week but yes, i think there are some trump voters or voters who hike trump in the past don't like name now could vote that way. a lot of people don't want to vote for bind or trump and are looking for another solution. >> let me ask you about the speektder maybe not as nastiness after the fact of kevin mccarthy they might lal i around jim jordan with the blessings of donald trump does that help gin jordan and to the detriment of steve scalise? >> i think jordan's candidacy has momentum getting the endorsements of the president is important but it's more important in primaries. these are class presidential races and relation. remember, trump backed rick scott over mitch mcconnell who he doesn't like and mcconnell is still republican leader in the senate but also martha and scalise don't get along could be a problem. jordan has got to win over moderate republicans who are facing tough reelections. there are 18 republicans who represent districts that biden won. i am sure they're not fond of jim jordan being speaker so this is going to be very interesting. >> thank you my friend, bob. speaking of developments catch it live 5:00 eastern time we will talk to texas democrat henry cuellar, the president is finally doing what he urged him to do build that wall get serious about the border. here's "the five."

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Scalise Don T , Number , King , Bocce Ball Champions , England , Three , Point , Thanks , Qualified , Congressman Womack , Arkansas , Money , Somebody , Operation , Place , Credentials , Well , Bona Fides , Opinion , Game , Stage , Kevin Hern Well , Lead , Plate , Position , Things , Trump , Mr , Sum , Respects , Jim , Zero , Individual , Decision , Clock Ticking , Business , Resolution , Kevin Mccarthy , Majority , Provision , Vacation , Torpedoed , Deal , Mistake , End , State Newspaper , Speakership , Balance , Twist , Irony , Op Ed , Iran , Six , Dog , Situation , Tail , Handful , Fail , He Wasn T , Leadership Hierarchy , Nobody , Fund Raiser , Megaphone , Coffers , Dems , Reason , Seats , 100 Million , 00 Million , View , Everyone , Wren Gaits , Elected , Say , Wounds , Views , Woman , Bad Blood , Healing , Another , Rooms , Ceilings , Finger , Feelings , Issues , Help , Heal , Test , Person , Salve , Economy , Ticking , Clock , Appropriations , Insecurity Border , Mouth , Idea , 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Homeland Security , Developments , Item , Politco , Makers , Stay , Pain Relief Patches , Salonpas , Corners , Wasn T For My , Medicine , Pain , Sizes , Improvement , Ingredients , Peeling , Array , 89 , On My Own , My Godaddy , App , Appointment , The Process , Website , Image , Competency , Master S , Master S Degree , University Of Phoenix , 11 Thousand , 11k , Choice , Legislation , Aircraft Carrier , Tax Cut , Doubt , Shake , Doesn T Make Sense , Argument , Wasn T , Guest , Guests , Mind , Face , Kinney County Sheriff , Rio Ground , 20 , Sir , Reversal , Don T Mess , Congress Appropriates , 180 , Hadn T , Material , Heretofore Building A Wall , Effort , Election , Vote , Rio Grande Valley , Area , Advantage , Building , Kinney County , 200 , Anything , Traffic , Apprehensions , Brunt , Laredo , Mayor , New York State , Hochul , Approach , Same , Governors , Change , Mayors , Areas , Standings , Protests , Impact , Mexico , 2 1 , Talks , Meetings , Clue , Cartels , Mexicans , Government , Colleagues , Stuff , Guatemalan Border , Side , Truth , Border Towns , Guns , Sheriff Brad Coe , Isn T , Mexican Soil , Chance , Buying Lunch Part , Cruise , Doesn T Men A Strike , On And , Extensively , United Auto Workers , Stop Taking Jardiance , Pill , A1c , Day S Staaart , Seee , Ketoacidosis , Sugar , Side Effects , Body , Risk , Heart Disease , Type 2 Diabetes , Adults , Jardiance May , 24 7 , Reaction , Doctor , Infection , Urinary Tract Infections , Perineum , Dehydration , Genital Yeast , Kidney Function , Symptoms , Blood Sugar , Dialysis , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Program , Subway Mvp , Star Options , Footlong , Subway Mvps , Quick Herbert , Subway Mvp Rewards , 50 , Chrome , Browser , Desktop , Devices , Mobile , Duckduckgo , Duckduckgo Browser , Ads , Alternative , Searches , T Spy , Cookies , Catch , Google Search , Privacy , Desktop Today , Millions , Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile , Strikes , Healthcare Workers , Attention , Nation , Neil , Signals , 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, Times , Streak , Base , Uaw Strike , Immigration , Involvement , Looks , Smarter , Lunch , Young Man , Border , Point Swing , Robert F Kennedy Jr , Weekend Show , Third Party , Territory , Dabblings , All Of Us , Line , Cowboys , Branch , Legacy , Feel , Bond , Moisturize Dry , Moisturizers , Bond Daily Healing , Heals , Powerhouse Lotion , Vitamins , Moisturizes , 7 , Effects , Pet Food , Coats , Pep , Step , Coverage , Enrollment , Medicare , Remember , October 15th And Ends December 7th , December 7th , October 15th , Medicare Advantage , Unitedhealthcare , Matters , Orange , Prescription Drug Coverage , Part D , Aarp , Hospital , Plan , Preventive Care , Exams , Lab Tests , Colonoscopies , Mammograms , Pharmacy , Prescriptions , Services A , Allowance , Hundreds , Mail , Dollar , Eye Exam , Commitment , Coverage Options , Needs , Variety , Promise , Call , Medicare Simpler , Prescription , Primary Care Provider , Member , All In One Ucard , Member Id , Eye Doctor , Dentist , Providers , Enrollment Ends December 7th , Doors , Call Unitedhealthcare , Healthcare Experience , Music Ends , Dnc , Candidacy , Bobby , Job , Reports , Rfk , Tread , Jr , Bob , Primary , Debates , Williamson , Has , Presidents , Debate , Point Of No Return , Cornell West , Chances , Race , Plummet , 43000 , Voters , Populist Appeal , Solution , Bind , Nastiness , Speektder , Donald Trump , Blessings , Detriment , Help Gin , Lal , Rick Scott , Mitch Mcconnell , Primaries , Momentum , Endorsements , Relation , Races , Leader , Martha , Mcconnell , Senate , Reelections , Republicans , Districts , 18 , 5 , Build , Henry Cuellar ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240703

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donald trump throwing his weight as you might have heard behind one jim jordan. steve scalise shows no signs of backing down. all of this as the republican congress plans to vote on a secret ballot next week on who their nominee will be for speaker. will donald trump be a king maker or could this be a deal breaker? welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. let's go to chad pergram on capitol hill. chad, where are we on all of this? >> neil, good afternoon. the endorsement of jim jordan by former president trump cut multiple ways. it may boost jordan among trump loyalists, but some republicans think the last thing they need is a speaker endorsed by the former president. jordan says he's the guy. >> who can bring our team together? who can unite our conference and who can tell the american people what we're doing and why it's important to them. someone has to be able to come forward, unite the republicans around our message, around what we're doing for the american people and go make that -- take that message to the country and deliver it in a compelling succinct way, which i think i can do. >> house majority leader steve scalise towers over jordan when it comes to fund raising. he has more direct connection with rank and file members. scalise says he's the one to challenge democrats. >> we'll come together as a house. they're scared to death of us coming in the house under my guidance as speaker to go and get in this fight again. because once we're back in this fight, the country is already there. they're ready to solve these problems. >> but there's a possible candidate under the radar. he's under declared from oklahoma. and chairs what is called the republican study committee. the largest block of conservatives in the house. >> i think one wild card in this, neil, is kevin hern. he has laid low. he's extremely talented. he's been on the conservative wing of the congress, well-respected. so just hasn't thrown his name in yet. >> the gop plans to vote next wednesday. that could signal where the candidates stand. they will not go to the floor until the republicans feel they have a candidate that can win. they want to avoid multiple rounds of failed votes. >> neil: i'm sure they want to avoid another problem with the whole vacate the speaker thing that required one congressman to put that in motion. how likely is that? >> there's a lot of talk about that. they have to get a speaker first. they cannot change the rules until they get a speaker. >> neil: and then the issue once you have the speaker, whether some of those eight that weren't too keen on the the last one agree to remove that, right? >> there has been some chatter that whoever they pick next doesn't stay too long. there was the year that england had three king, neil. >> neil: so true. don't get me started on the number of bocce ball champions. thanks, chad. congressman steve womack, arkansas republican. you are at this point supporting steve scalise. you still stand by that? >> i do. i think he's the best qualified. we need somebody that can unite us, somebody with credentials and with an operation in place. we need somebody that can raise money. we need somebody that has the conservative bona fides that can help unite all republicans. that guy is steve scalise? that opinion. >> neil: that guy is not jim jordan to you? >> well, look, i know them all well. i know kevin hern well. all very capable people. at this stage of the game, neil, the republican conference needs somebody to step up to the plate and lead. i think the guy that is in the best position right now to do what needs to happen to the republican conference is steve scalise. >> neil: were you surprised that donald trump did weigh-in and say that he thinks otherwise? he thinks jim jordan? >> not really. mr. trump likes to get involved in all things political. as chad said, look, this -- that could be zero sum. could be helpful to jim. could be detrimental in some respects. all i can tell you is this decision will be made by our conference in a secret ballot on a tuesday night. hopefully we will be able to rally and coalesce around one individual and with the clock ticking on a continuing resolution that ends in november, we need to get about the business of our country. >> neil: much has been said about who becomes the next speaker, he or she, will still have the same narrow majority for republicans. that -- an easier way to deal with that going forward is to remove this vacation the speaker provision that torpedoed kevin mccarthy. that has to wait until we have a speaker. how do you feel about removing that? >> i don't like the motion to vacate. i told kevin when the deal was made, it was a mistake. i wrote an op-ed that ran in my state newspaper that said at the end that in a strange twist of irony, kevin mccarthy got elected speaker because six members voted present. it will hang his speakership will hang in the balance because those six members remain present. we don't need a situation where just a very small handful of people, the tail wagging the dog can actually keep congress from fail failing to function. >> neil: how important is it for you for steve scalise to raise money? kevin mccarthy was gifted at it. jordan not so much. he wasn't in the party leadership hierarchy. is that important to you? >> it is important. look, kevin mccarthy was a prolific fund raiser. nobody denies that. he had a great megaphone. he was the speaker of the house. whoever the speaker of the house is likely in a situation to raise serious money. we need to raise money because we know the dems will raise $100 million to stoke the coffers of their candidates trying to flip seats. we're going to need to do that as well, which is another good reason why we need to meet tuesday night, get this speaker elected wednesday and get them out. >> neil: i'm curious what you make of how everyone gets along after this. there's this view of these wren gaits or those that are uber conservative and they all say to a man or woman, you know, we're all republicans. just different views of how to proceed from here. a lot of wounds a lot of bad blood after this week, congressman. are you worried? >> there's going to have to be some healing. there are hard feelings. emotionally charged rooms with low ceilings. that's where we meet. people get very angry at one another, particularly when there's a lot of finger pointing going on. so which is another test for the new speaker. that person will have to be able to rub some salve in those wounds, help us heal, bring us back together. get us refocused on the issues that the american people are thinking about. we got an insecurity border, an economy that needs help. we have national security issues. we need to move appropriations. there's no end of business. as i said, clock is ticking. we're out of time-outs. we need to get back to the business. >> neil: we'll see if that happens from. your mouth. oklahoma republican kevin hern, who congressman womack just referred to will be my guest tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. when we talked to him 24 hours ago, he seemed open to the idea of running. he had told the texas delegation of republicans in a separate meeting that he was eyeing it. whether that means he's going to do that, we'll see. we'll talk to him tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. a bigsy show there handicapping this. what happened at the corner of wall and broad today. a big advance in the dow of 288 persons. we had a stronger than expected jobs record. we had 336,000 jobs added to the economy again. nobody expected that. that was double what we thought it would be. that initially led to a lot of selling and the belief that that would prompt the federal reserve to intervene and keep the rates higher. in this subcomponents that showed wage growth still advancing, continued to slow for the fifth straight month. in other words, running .2% year or year that might not seem much thou, but the fact of the matter is, that had been running at a .7% clip year over year. the market seized on it as a sign that maybe the advance we're seeing in wage inflation is beginning to slow even though right now in the aggregate, it is not. we're on top of that and on top of of one of the world's most successful investors ever stopping by to have a chat with us concerning this confusing environment for stocks, this confusing fighting environment on capitol hill and why to one of the most successful hedge fund managers ever, why this is something that happens in institutions in their final throw. an empire in its final gas after this. eel at home this season. that's why with hisense appliances, you can get a lot more, without spending a lot more. because the only thing better than scoring quality appliances is the quality time that follows. shop hisense appliances now, exclusively at lowe's. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. ( ♪ ) constant contact. helping the small stand tall. >> neil: you know the term "hedge fund." people spend a lot of money to make a lot of money. if they were customers of bridgewater associates, they made a lot of money. so there's a sweeping sense of history with the company. it's not afternoon when this guy talks to the media, especially the broadcast media. he felt the need to step back, take a look what's going on in the world, what we're seeing in washington, the fighting over spending and all of that. this debt crisis that gets more headed by the day. ray dahlia says there's parallels here i want to share with you. so he is. right now. take a look. >> so there were three things that our happening now that didn't happen in our lifetime before, the enormous amount of debt creation. are there limits? how does that work? what does it mean when a central bank prints money and buys money? number 1, the debt economic issue. number 2, internal conflict. in other words, populous and populous of the left and right. populous means an individual that will fight at all cost. that political polarity which we see played out every day in its ways, that didn't happen to that degree in my lifetime. the wealth gaps, the values gaps have not been as large. so i measure things. i to back. that factor. and number 3, the great power conflict. the rise of a comparable power. in other words, china has an economic power comparable to almost the united states' economic power as well as a military power. the soviet union never had economic power and couldn't use military power because of mass destruction that it would produce. these three things led me to study the past 500 years. these things go in cycles. before the british empire, there was a dutch empire. >> neil: everything you say people will say is as big worry right here. >> if you worry, you don't have to worry. if you worry, you need to worry. if you worry, then you'll take care of the things that you're worrying about. if you don't worry, you won't. we have to worry that they're not worrying and we have to worry they're not dealing with it. you're asking what do we do? we might communicate. we know that every one of these things, if we work together in a smart bipartisan way so that we can do the best balancing of those choices, that we can deal with most of these problems. but the problem is, i'm agreeing with you, the reality is, how each of those will -- that there is populism of both extremes that both parties are lining up for a fight. >> neil: you talked about this in general. principals for changing world order and principals for success. this is a phenomenon with your best sellers. people hop on youtube just to catch what you're saying. what you're saying is we're none of that. we're not following any principals at this point. so i'm just wondering what the fall-out from that could be. is anyone on earth presently doing that? if we're in the final throes of something that could be very bad, we can avoid it if you say we address it. we're not. is there a politician, a candidate that gives you hope? >> we need bipartisan. the majority of americans want bipartisan middle. we're having extremes at both sides. if you even just add members of either party say, i'm bipartisan. i want to work across party lines. then if you have those and then you build a coalition of those, that could make a big difference. it's come down to that the things that people will fight for have become i will not compromise, i'm going to win at all costs and so the rules are in jeopardy. so we're going to see over this period of let's say the next five years, we're going to see political changes, geo political changes, we're going to see financial consequences and we're going to see issues pertaining to the cost of climate and big technology changes that will change our lives in important ways. >> neil: but we're not addressing the very things you're talking about. >> i agree, neil. so i'm just saying there's a fork in the road here. okay? as i see it. you either do or you don't. the probability is we won't. if we don't, you as an individual and everybody has to know how to deal with that. i've learned some things. i want to pass them along. i wrote the books. ideal with my philanthropy -- >> part of the giving pledge. are the kids okay with that? >> there's a problem if the kids have too much money just like there's a problem if they have too little money. i was lucky that i grew up, i didn't have much money. i had two parents that loved me. went to a public school and -- >> neil: your kids are different. >> they got it. they grew up. but who cares? it's the best for them. sometimes it's tough love. >> neil: you hit a cord with these books. videos and the rest. there's people that have nothing to do with finance or knowledge about money who have gravitated to this. they need that. are you surprised by that? >> i'm pleasantly surprised by that. i get all sorts of things. bill belichick, patriots, calls me up. he said i read your book. this is a great book. then he said let's talk about principles. that conversation i'll share. but different people in different domains, how do you build a team? how do you -- there were things that we learn. i encourage others to write down their principles. so many people that made successful decisions. they know how to win. >> neil: i think what you're good at, wrap up here, i think what you're saying in between all of this, just be good human beings. just look out for the good beyond yourself. but we're not doing that. >> yes. i'm saying the following. understand how reality works. reality works how it works. understand how to deal with it well. to get what you want, how to be successful. and then higher level, understand that you're part of a system, a whole ecosystem and that what is good for the system is also good for you by and large. be if you evolve well and you contribute to evolution, everything will go better. >> neil: all right. ray dalio. we've had enormous interest in there and a couple more extended running of other comments on fox business that we'll elaborate on on my weekend show and the entire interview, almost an hour, will be on the fox business website. you can catch it from beginning to end. a lot of you said i want to know more. all of that will be addressed there. one of the finist financial minds i have ever known. i've been around this for -- i know might surprise you -- 40 years plus. we have a lot more coming up including what is happening with this growing migrant situation. the latest stop, chicago. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way with aveeno® daily moisture. formulated with nourishing, prebiotic oat. it's clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. aveeno® >> neil: a friday and no extension of the auto workers strike. what's going on? 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(dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. >> neil: all right. remember when migrants were a border issue for states like texas and arizona? well, ever since many were being sent to sanctuary cities and states like new york, now chicago, the view of this has changed mightily. doesn't garrett tenney know this. garrett has more from chicago. >> city officials say that chicago is reaching a breaking point. they're overwhelmed by the number of migrants that are arriving here. in the last week alone, the number of migrants living here at the bus terminal at o'hare has more than doubled to more than 800 people. you can see some of what it's like inside in this video we shot earlier today. people are packed inside, sleeping on boxes and blankets. a lot of kids here and pregnant women. it's a similar scene at police stations across the city where more than 2,500 migrants are waiting for space to open up at one of the city's shelters. some of them are being forced to sleep outside on the ground since there's no room inside. one man that recently arrived from venezuela said the living conditions back home were never this bad. >> in venezuela, we never lived on the streets. now we are living on the street. we need to wait for some help. >> city officials say they're doing the best they can with almost no help coming from the white house. progressive major brendan johnson is the latest to blame the biden administration's policies for the crisis we're now seeing. >> a growing crisis for the city of chicago and the entire globe. the populationship that we're experiencing as a result of the failure of federal policies is now impacting the people of chicago in a very dramatic way. >> in response to the city and state, calling out the white house for not doing enough this week, the department of homeland security sent a team of officials to chicago to see what more the feds can do to help. neil? >> neil: garrett, thanks very much. by the way, after this, the kenny county texas sheriff will be here on what he makes of these fast-moving developments. i want to pass on a new item. there were reports in politco today that kevin mccarthy was entertaining leaving congress altogether. he has denied that. he has no plans on leaving congress for now. so jump ball. this from the congressman himself. i might not be the speaker, but i'll still be speaking in the united states congress. stay with us. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine. i wouldn't have my business if it wasn't for my website. once i decided to go with godaddy, the process was seamless. i was able to create my website on my own. to have it be exactly what i want it to be. be able to integrate my appointment app. godaddy was able to provide everything that i needed. the whole image of who i am and what empire is is presented through my godaddy website. ♪ believe it or not baby... you could earn your... master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix. >> i was told that i had no choice. you know, congress passes legislation to build something, whether it's an aircraft carrier, wall or provide for a tax cut. i can't say i don't like it, i'm not going to do it. >> neil: i'd like to give everybody the doubt and everybody their fair shake on this show, but that doesn't make sense. he's had close to three years now to change that and to do something different. to use the argument that congress allocates and he has to honor it. he wasn't for the better part of three years. that does represent to many an about face that he changed his mind or building a wall, 20 miles along the rio ground. my next guest is watching it closely. one of my favorite guests, the kinney county sheriff. don't mess with him. very good to have you, sir. what do you make of what the president is doing here that this is not a 180, not a reversal? he's just acknowledging the reality that congress appropriates and he has to make good on it. congress appropriated this some time ago and he hadn't used any of this material that was heretofore building a wall. now it is. >> well, my personal opinion is that he's doing this because we have a presidential election coming up and the rio grande valley is democrat. they're starting to complain about what is going on. so he's making every effort to try to secure that vote for the upcoming election. >> neil: sheriff, help me. you're more than 200 miles away or kinney county is from this area where we're going to be building or expanding this wall. so you don't take advantage of this. so nothing could be changing for you. could make things worse. >> no, it's not going to change anything. it could make it worse. if that wall goes up, which it will take them a year to put up, we'll push the traffic further south or north up to laredo. i think they'll take the brunt of it first and then move to our area and increase the apprehensions. >> neil: last time we were chatting, the last time the mayor broke the president, he said we have to do something, it's got to stop. then it was operation ignore new york state. governor hochul saying the same. a growing number of democratic governors and officials were raising concerns a that the administration was flat footed on this. did that change the administration's approach? all your protests not withstanding, the fact that so many democrats were? >> i think that has a lot to do with the change of his standings. these are all democrat mayors in large metropolitan areas that traditionally vote democratic. they're starting to feel the same thing that we've been feeling the past 2 1/2 years. so yes, it's had an impact on him. the mayor of new york going to mexico and speak and try to solve this. i don't think it's going to help any. >> neil: we do know a number of key officials are going to mexico to see what they can do. i don't know what came of the meetings. do you? >> no, i have no clue. i know they've been in talks. that's about it. >> neil: do you trust the mexicans do to more with the cartels? some of your colleagues have said they're owned by the cartels. >> i have to agree with that. right now the mexican government, they say they're trying to curtail some of this stuff at the guatemalan border. they're not. they're still coming through. the truth be known, the cartels control what goes through these border towns to get to this side. >> neil: they're pretty bold about it, too. they don't mind being videotaped or photographed. guns and all. so they don't seem intimidated. >> no, they're not. they know the united states isn't going to do anything to them on mexican soil. >> neil: amazing. sheriff brad coe, thanks very much. >> when you get a chance, come down and i'll take you on a personal cruise and show you whats going on and how we do things here. i'll even buy you lunch. >> neil: the buying lunch part could seal the deal. thanks, sheriff. i might take you up on that. brad coe sees what a lot of people have been telling you and reporting extensively, including us. it goes on and on. meantime, a strike that might not be going on and on. promising signs from the united auto workers that they're not expanding this yet. another friday goes on that it normally happens but didn't happen today. we're on top of it and why after this. ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ this month join the new subway mvp rewards program and get rewarded. get 50% off any footlong when you join subway mvp rewards. so many all star options. it's just for subway mvps right? 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>> i agree. it's not getting any worse right now. as we said, as gray did said, you can have a day go poorly and things go down the drain. i don't take any days. there's been some progress. i don't take them for granted. it points out the fact that you noted, there's probably more coming together that will happen here in the future. the problem is, where is that coming together? we talk about 40% raises. you have joe biden saying hey, stick with it. you deserve a major raise and getting involved in things that he doesn't know anything about. so the workers get a bad representation there. the automaker does want to stay open. they want to make profits and pay the worker as fair wage, which is not where it is, but to say this 40, 50% increase off the bat seems ridiculous. >> all of this on the same day that we learned jobs were soaring, 336,000. all sectors of the economy were contributing to it. early on, it was fascinating. the markets were tanking on the notion that this seals more fed hikes and higher interest rates. that was the case for much of the trading day. then it reversed itself that rates came off of their highs. the dow jones industrials finished ahead about 288 points or so. what did you make of that flip reaction and why the flip? >> it was a great reaction. i was happy to see it. i've been waiting for this. we talked about this on fox business about when this reaction was coming. maybe it came to roost today and maybe this is a start of a change here. you mentioned something funny to me. you talked about rate being high. a friend that i'm on tv with a lot that bought a home in the 70s that got a deal at 15, 16% on his home when he first got his -- >> neil: 13.5%. long before you were a spec in your parent's eyes. >> an apple in somebody's eye. how about that for a great deal? nowadays people are so interest to 0% deals, 2%, 4%. this feels like a freak-out session. we have to take a chill pill, realize that rates that stay up at these levels are okay as long as they don't go significantly higher. >> neil: the president was commenting on the record that bidenomics is working. most people know right now that we have been better off than before. what did you think of that? >> that doesn't sound like what i'm hearing. a lot of folks are -- maybe they're okay finally. i wouldn't say they're better off. they're more worried than they have ever been. they look around, they walk around. they feel around. it's not the greatest situation that we had say when trump was in office or when he was vacated. so there's certainly things that have worked at times for joe biden. but of late, there's been a nasty streak whether it's immigration, bidenomics itself or even involvement in this uaw strike. seems like he's off base here and looks like it's getting worse. >> neil: you might be hipper and cooler, smarter, better looking, but i am seasoned, young man. that -- not old, just seasoned. i want you to be aware of that. >> you're very seasoned. neil, 'tis the season for you. i want to join you at the lunch at the border. if you're not taking it, i am. >> neil: thanks. very good having you, a weird day as scott pointed out in the markets. that represents about a 500 point swing. the dow is out of negative territory for the year. we're following that. we'll have more tomorrow on my weekend show. meantime, the latest on robert f. kennedy jr. and his dabblings with a third party run what he said and what others are saying to what he could say come monday. we come from a long line of cowboys. 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(music ends) >> when they look at you as a threat, what do you say? >> well, i don't think i'm causing the party for the democratic party right now neil. the party has its own problems. >> the dnc has overtly indicated it sees its job as helping joe biden get elected so has made the effort to suppress any other candidacy and that it was the problem for bobby and it's a problem for me. >> we might get a better idea come monday when rfk is considering leaving the democratic party. but again there, are reports that robert f. kennedy, jr. will be saying he isn't so much leaving the party as it long ago left him. we will get a better idea next week. but let's gets the read on this with bob editor-in-chief. first how likely you think that's? these are different times. >> they are different times and i think it's likely democrats have a choice. they can have a fair primary with the president and the president probably would have won but at the same time, these candidates whether it's rfk, jr., williamson, they don't think this is fair. i'm not saying they should have held debates but the dnc has said this is joe biden's party. he's going to be our nominee so you can't blame them for going outside the party to run as a third party and that's a problem for joe biden. >> even if they were to say what can we do the white house you're not to do this or agree to it but a debate might be damaging to the presidents and i'm wondering what if anything could be done. >> yes, i think we pass the point of no return and i think a lot of democrats were thinking once we get by the primary season, then rfk, jr. and others will go away. remember cornell west also could run as third party so you could have a lot of third parties and remember joe biden barely won 43,000 votes in three states so if they cut into that his chances of a second term plummet. >> traditional view would be bobby kennedy in the race would take away votes from joe biden but he has great populist appeal, with indeed trump voters as well. i'm wondering how you think that would cut down. >> i think whether you're on the right more on the left probably more on the left because his name is kennedy and has been a democrat until make next week but yes, i think there are some trump voters or voters who hike trump in the past don't like name now could vote that way. a lot of people don't want to vote for bind or trump and are looking for another solution. >> let me ask you about the speektder maybe not as nastiness after the fact of kevin mccarthy they might lal i around jim jordan with the blessings of donald trump does that help gin jordan and to the detriment of steve scalise? >> i think jordan's candidacy has momentum getting the endorsements of the president is important but it's more important in primaries. these are class presidential races and relation. remember, trump backed rick scott over mitch mcconnell who he doesn't like and mcconnell is still republican leader in the senate but also martha and scalise don't get along could be a problem. jordan has got to win over moderate republicans who are facing tough reelections. there are 18 republicans who represent districts that biden won. i am sure they're not fond of jim jordan being speaker so this is going to be very interesting. >> thank you my friend, bob. speaking of developments catch it live 5:00 eastern time we will talk to texas democrat henry cuellar, the president is finally doing what he urged him to do build that wall get serious about the border. here's "the five."

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Government , Colleagues , Stuff , Guatemalan Border , Side , Truth , Border Towns , Guns , Sheriff Brad Coe , Isn T , Mexican Soil , Chance , Buying Lunch Part , Cruise , Doesn T Men A Strike , On And , Extensively , United Auto Workers , Stop Taking Jardiance , Pill , A1c , Day S Staaart , Seee , Ketoacidosis , Sugar , Side Effects , Body , Risk , Heart Disease , Type 2 Diabetes , Adults , Jardiance May , 24 7 , Reaction , Doctor , Infection , Urinary Tract Infections , Perineum , Dehydration , Genital Yeast , Kidney Function , Symptoms , Blood Sugar , Dialysis , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Program , Subway Mvp , Star Options , Footlong , Subway Mvps , Quick Herbert , Subway Mvp Rewards , 50 , Chrome , Browser , Desktop , Devices , Mobile , Duckduckgo , Duckduckgo Browser , Ads , Alternative , Searches , T Spy , Cookies , Catch , Google Search , Privacy , Desktop Today , Millions , Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile , Strikes , Healthcare Workers , Attention , Nation , Neil , Signals , Grady Trimble , Front , Michigan , Automakers , Progress , Negotiates , Peach , 25000 , Plants , Walk Outs , Offer , Sean Fain , General Motors , 11 , Threat , Know , Table , Big Three , G M , Contract , Battery Production , Assurances , Day One , Union Workers , Negotiations , Adjustments , Pay , Ev Battery , Ford , Employees , Ohio , Cleveland , 375 , 1300 , Case , Count , Auto Workers , Strike Fund , 17 , 146000 , 825 Million , 24000 , Scott Martin , The King S Management Asset , Development , Implications , Figures , Type , Wants , Gray , Drain , Joe Biden , Raise , Profits , Automaker , Representation , Stick , Worker , Wage , Increase , Bat , Notion , Interest Rates , Soaring , Seals , Tanking , Fed Hikes , Markets , Sectors , Much , Points , Flip Reaction , Highs , Trading Day , Industrials , Dow Jones , Start , Flip , Friend , Rate , Tv , 15 , 70 , 16 , Apple , Deals , Eye , Parent , Spec , Eyes , 0 , 13 5 , Levels , Freak Out Session , 4 , Folks , Bidenomics , Record , Office , Times , Streak , Base , Uaw Strike , Immigration , Involvement , Looks , Smarter , Lunch , Young Man , Border , Point Swing , Robert F Kennedy Jr , Weekend Show , Third Party , Territory , Dabblings , All Of Us , Line , Cowboys , Branch , Legacy , Feel , Bond , Moisturize Dry , Moisturizers , Bond Daily Healing , Heals , Powerhouse Lotion , Vitamins , Moisturizes , 7 , Effects , Pet Food , Coats , Pep , Step , Coverage , Enrollment , Medicare , Remember , October 15th And Ends December 7th , December 7th , October 15th , Medicare Advantage , Unitedhealthcare , Matters , Orange , Prescription Drug Coverage , Part D , Aarp , Hospital , Plan , Preventive Care , Exams , Lab Tests , Colonoscopies , Mammograms , Pharmacy , Prescriptions , Services A , Allowance , Hundreds , Mail , Dollar , Eye Exam , Commitment , Coverage Options , Needs , Variety , Promise , Call , Medicare Simpler , Prescription , Primary Care Provider , Member , All In One Ucard , Member Id , Eye Doctor , Dentist , Providers , Enrollment Ends December 7th , Doors , Call Unitedhealthcare , Healthcare Experience , Music Ends , Dnc , Candidacy , Bobby , Job , Reports , Rfk , Tread , Jr , Bob , Primary , Debates , Williamson , Has , Presidents , Debate , Point Of No Return , Cornell West , Chances , Race , Plummet , 43000 , Voters , Populist Appeal , Solution , Bind , Nastiness , Speektder , Donald Trump , Blessings , Detriment , Help Gin , Lal , Rick Scott , Mitch Mcconnell , Primaries , Momentum , Endorsements , Relation , Races , Leader , Martha , Mcconnell , Senate , Reelections , Republicans , Districts , 18 , 5 , Build , Henry Cuellar ,

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