Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

>> harris: this is president biden's america. illegal immigrants trampling all over our nation's sovereignty. and in a stunning reversal of course, president biden is about to do something he told his voters he would never do. he is doing exactly what donald trump knew would work, build that wall. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the biden administration is now saying a border wall is needed immediately. it is listing more than two dozen federal laws to build 20 miles of border wall in texas. let this statistic sink in. more than a quarter million illegal immigrants in the last fiscal year, that's a record. homeland security secretary alejandro mayokas, who will be in mexico city today along with attorney general garland for high-level talks says the need for the new barrier is acute and immediate. the move is completely a 180 from what biden said when he was a presidential candidate. >> president biden: there will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration. i will make sure we have border protection but it will be based on making sure that we use high-tech capacity to deal with it. >> harris: he must have really failed to have to eat that crow. a political calculus could be at play with that wall reversal. look at the polls. many of them showing voters believe the president is doing a dismal job when it comes to the border. the white house is still working to shift blame. >> the president has done -- has taken action when it comes to delivering funding, record funding for border security. the most extreme house republicans have sought to eliminate thousands of border patrol folks. the president continued has tried to put forth actions and ways to deal with what we're seeing at the border and republicans continue to block us. the president will continue to do everything that he can to deal with what's going on. house republicans want to take away law enforcement at the border. >> harris: somebody else needs to do that job now. none of that was true. in "focus", republican congresswoman kat cammack of florida who has seen the chaos at the border firsthand. first, though, let's go to jeff paul in eagle pass, texas. jeff. >> i can tell you when you are out here along the border and you see one of these large groups cross into the u.s. like we did yesterday of about 300 people, it could be a bit overwhelming. then you realize this is just a small snapshot of the thousands who make that journey across the border into the u.s. on a daily basis. that is in part why the biden administration will waive 26 federal laws to resume border construction it stopped back in january of 2021. the biden administration at the time called a massive border wall, quote, not a serious policy solution. but now roughly 20 miles will be constructed in the rio grande valley in south texas. the trump administration built around 450 miles of barriers along the southern border between 2017 and 2021. environmental groups are opposed to the new construction saying it will impact eco systems and wildlife in the very area. when you talk with folks who call the rio grande valley home and have been dealing with the flow of migrants and crossings for years, they have long been frustrated that politicians on both sides haven't done more. >> they have abandoned their elected duties and the american people need to remind them what their duty is. to the american people to keep our country safe first and foremost. that will fix the issues, the crisis we're seeing at the southern border plain and simple. >> this is new video emerging this morning from the mexican side of the border just across from el paso. this is a crowd of migrants and their reaction to just arriving on that side of the u.s./mexico border. we have reached out to cbc and waiting their response regarding the situation there and also tracking a hearing that's taking place right now surrounding the legality of those river buoys the texas governor abbott installed in eagle pass. >> harris: that is fascinating. the state had to spend so much money because there were lawsuits flying and all sorts of things with the federal government going after that state. will they get reimbursed for all that? texas should be reimbursed for a lot of things they've had to do. biden building miles of border wall is especially shocking given the repetitive drumbeat. >> we have a process in place to manage migrants at the border. >> the border is secure bust we also have a broken immigration system. >> the border is closed. >> it is my testimony that the border is secure. >> the united states will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border. >> the president has done more to secure the border to deal with this issue of immigration than anybody else. >> i want to be very clear, our borders are not open. >> harris: republican congresswoman kat cammack of florida, a member of the house homeland security and agricultural committees. when you listen to us rolling back the tape, those were lies. there is no other way to put it. you couldn't flip a switch and get what we have five minutes ago. >> no, harris. good to see you and no, that's absolutely a lie. for the last three years we have seen biden and all of his administration officials tout the line the border is secure. i have been there nine times and seen the trafficking, i have seen the national security crisis, i have seen the apprehension of international terrorists on the watch list as people are saying oh, no, it is totally fine. it is not. this has turned every single town in america into a border town. and it is directly joe biden's fault from his lack of action. then to lie on top of it is unacceptable. >> harris: your governor, desantis in florida, really got their attention when he sent like 50 illegal immigrants who had come across the border up to martha's vineyard, the precious country of elites of those liberals who just love to party there. it got their attention but didn't change their policy. it didn't change until those cities were crippled by what the border deals with every day. you are so right about that. let's get to this. i can't wait to hear what you have to say about new york city mayor eric adams. started his day in mexico city. first day of a four day stop in central america. it's convincing people not to come to new york city. now chicago mayor brandon johnson is planning a trip of his own. oh my goodness, they'll all go to the border? can't they take the president with them? the influx of illegal immigrants is causing chaos in his city as well. watch. >> it's a situation that requires our team to be at the border. >> i have heard the goal of migrants not to come to chicago during wintertime. is that true? >> no. >> harris: thousands of illegal immigrants are sleeping in chicago police stations and at airports as they wait to be placed inside shelters. the number of people bused in from the southern border is expected to double. biff the way, that is courtesy of the federal government. we'll get into that in a moment. residents furious that precious resources now are not going to them and they are angry over their tax dollars being spent this way. >> you work for us, you work for us, you work for us. >> i want mayor brandon johnson to understand that you are selling us out for people who can't vote for you. >> we are a community of black people where we already get the low scraps. then you want to take the little scraps, the resources we have and put us at the bottom of the barrel? that's not fair and i won't have it. >> harris: there is a lot to react to. >> yes, harris. i feel like john mcclain in the greatest christmas movie of all time diehard. welcome to the party, pal. we have been saying for years that the border is insecure, the biden border crisis has turned every town in america into a border community. and guess what? it has. and now this administration and blue states and blue cities all across america will pay the price. and so now we get 20 miles of border. by the way, we have to violate 26 federal laws to do that. the law has never mattered to them. i think part of the thing that needs to happen for all these blue cities and all these blue states and certainly the white house, they have to admit they were wrong. the first step to fixing a problem is admitting you were wrong. trump derangement syndrome is excep exceptionally alive and well we white house. they have to admit trump was right. the border wall and technology is helping in pushing back against the illegals coming across the border and guess what? putting america first works. that is why people are so mad. >> harris: that's especially important for the people who voted for biden. it is important for people to know the truth. i don't know how many of them might be watching fox and can see all of our coverage from stem to stern but for it to come from the white house would be critical. i won't hold my breath. i'm guessing you won't, either. when you flip the previous president's policies into effect again and start to build a wall, that is sufficient for a short-term start. a lot of critics are pointing to the free resources provided to certain illegals. select state and local governments are providing housing and cash assistance, education, healthcare, food and legal support. and on the federal level assistance of all sorts is available to select immigrants with qualified status. a scroll of those including medicaid and social security. while we scroll, congresswoman, talk to me about fairness. >> listen, united states is the most generous nation on this planet. we are the most compassionate people in the world. and i agree that there is absolutely a system in place to help people but it has been exploited and abused. now it is broken. and americans are paying the price. we're being taken advantage of. and that has to change. if you continue to put americans last, you will have no one to take care of folks who need help. you will not have a system that is well funded to do this. we have our own people here at home. our veterans being pushed out and onto the streets. we have working class families that pay their taxes, that do everything right and they are being punished by the biden administration because the biden administration wants to and we know this, they want to make sure that you don't have to have an i.d. to vote and you don't have to be a citizen to vote and they will do anything to keep power here in this city. they will do anything to maintain control. that is why they want to grow the government. they're entirely reliant on the dependence and control. when you think about it, you and i have talked about this. when you think about that, all they want to do is keep people dependent on big government programs so they remain in control and fixing the problem means they lose leverage. by persisting the problems they stay in power. solutions, they lose leverage. that's why fixing the border is so critical. not just national security or humanitarian thing to do. it is not just about putting americans first. ist is about breaking the system that is keeping americans down. it is about breaking the system that is keeping everyone beholding to big government and the draining of the swamp is absolutely what we need to be focused on. >> harris: congresswoman cammack, thank you very much for being with me in "focus." for all of those important reasons. people in the nation's capital are facing massive spikes in crime. you have the situation at the border and now you layer on and you can kind of understand with great detail what the congresswoman was warning about. life changing here in america. the crisis hurting everybody from store owners to members of congress. dramatic new images of that crime out of control. and it's back, president biden's latest move to revive a massive government hand-out in student debt forgiveness. republicans are calling him out on it. >> it's not only unlawful, it is unfair. this is not a forgiveness but a transfer of debt from one person to another. transferring it to hard working americans. >> harris: almost like a slight of hand. they slide in the money but say they will build 20 miles at the border. it is so interesting. so many porous, troubling spots in this administration and they'll try to plug the hole by paying some people through their debt. critics say it is all about shoring up that critical voting block, the youngest among us at the expense of others. jason chaffetz in "focus" next. veteran homeowners. car payments are getting out of control. not long ago, you could pay off a car in a few years. now, car loan rates have climbed to 15% and can take five years to pay off. so get this, the newday 100 va cash out loan. our lower rates let you use the equity in your home to pay off high rate car and truck loans. and you can save $500 a month. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. 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stolen goods leaving the aisles a mess. obviously they aren't taking the stuff because they are hungry if they are ruining all of the food that they steal. republican congressman tony gonzalez was with me on "focus" this week going after a culture of lawlessness. >> americans do not feel safe whether that's in d.c. or in washington. we've seen this happen over and over again. how do we protect ourselves not only in d.c. but throughout the country? this is getting worse. it starts by the lawlessness. we have to stop the lawlessness and throw the book at the criminals that are conducting this. >> harris: let's stay in d.c. for moment. armed thugs carjacked congressman henry cuellar earlier this week. police have still not found the suspects. three of them who carjacked him at gun point. just one of the hundreds of examples of crime in d.c. just this year. both people with guns and knives and those who were not armed, carjackings have more than doubled from this point last year. violent crime, robberies, property crime, homicides, all seeing big spikes. jason chaffetz, fox news contributor, former republican congressman of utah. you know d.c. really well. talk to me about why it is devolving so quickly? >> crime was high before. now to see those numbers, it is truly stunning. listen, i don't think there is any consequence to the lawlessness that's going on out there. people are breaking the law, there are no prosecutions of any sort that do this. there is also a severe breakdown of the family. you cannot go through this discussion and talk about all the fatherless homes and all of the single parent households and the lack of education and enforcement at the schooling and making sure that kids feel safe. i feel for those kids trying to do the right thing the right way. but you look at the reading scores, math scores, they are all interrelated, harris. you didn't just get here yesterday. this is a build-up that has happened by implementing these democratic policies, this go soft on crime over a long period of time. all we had to do is look a little north to baltimore and everybody is racing the try to be baltimore. it is devastating our major cities in this country. >> harris: we've had plenty of video from there over the years as well. you talk about the ramp up. you lived in d.c. for part of the time when you were a congress person. i'm just wondering, years and years of democrat policies, why don't they vote for someone else? you know they have options. >> well, they don't really have an option in washington, d.c. it is democrats or another democrat. mural bowser has been the mayor for a long time. i think the people of that city need to rise up and say enough is enough. they just seem to tolerate it and roll over to it. democrats are dominating in that city. look at the vote. there are less than 10% of that population are republicans. but regardless of the party affiliation, you would think that the good residents and people there would stand up and say no, we're not going to keep voting these people back into office. they spend the most amount of money anywhere else in the country on a per pupil basis. and look at the education system in d.c. >> harris: it is so true. i'm a huge optimist. it sounds like an opportunity for republicans. even if you couldn't win there, just showing up. can you even imagine how you would shake the apples out of the trees? all right. we'll move forward. president biden not letting up when it comes to student debt hand-outs. yesterday he announced an additional $9 billion in relief for 125,000 borrowers. it will cost $9 billion to help out 125,000 people. it brings the total amount spent to roughly $127 billion going to more than 3 1/2 million americans. one conservative leaning think-tank the actual cost totaling $317 billion. biden throwing blame at republicans for not going even further. >> president biden: there are many borrowers who made payments for many years but because of interest they still owe more than they originally borrowed. my administration is doing everything it can to deliver student debt relief to as many as we can as fast as we can. this is in contrast to house republicans who helped block the previous debt relief plan nearly shut down the government over the extreme demands. >> harris: so why now? well, biden's job approve all on the economy is dismiss. loan relief benefit members of that key voting block, the youngest voters, among us. two questions, one, does this kind of shiny object work with voters on the left? >> i hope not. look, students if they learned anything in their education should understand it is rich when joe biden says well, it is because of the high interest rates. you created the high interest rates, mr. president. your policies, your massive spending, your rise in energy prices, that's what created this. and that's why the federal reserve has to respond to it. they are in total conflict with each other. these are transfer payments. i don't understand how the united states senate and house of representative let this stand. i thought congress did the appropriations, not the president. i'm evidently wrong. i don't know how in the world he gets away with this. why should any good person who is watching this program have to pay for somebody else's debt because they went and got some liberal arts education and can't pay for it now? and why should they have to pay for it in their taxes? that's what the president is doing is he is raising taxes on all the other americans who were responsible and did pay their debt. >> harris: such an excellent point. we've been making it a long time with this. the u.s. supreme court weighed in. my second question is why are we here with this man still paying off the debt to the tune of billions of dollars? you talk about congress, what about the supreme court? >> i don't understand. that's why i say. there have been lawsuits that have successfully gone through. rulings at the highest level of the courts. and congress holds the purse strings. i thought. evidently not because why this guy has so many billions of dollars to just hand out, this has always been a problem in congress, always. >> harris: we shall see what we shall see. he is willing to buy some votes, though. we'll leave it there. >> convenient on election year, isn't it? >> harris: thank you, good to see you. let's get to the breaking news now. day two. they sure do strike a lot while biden is in office. the largest healthcare strike in history is entering its second day. live cameras on los angeles now. more than 75,000 kaiser permanente employees from california, colorado, washington state, oregon, virginia and d.c. walked off the job yesterday. eight unions representing some very highly-skilled and all medical staff as you know is preciously needed. those unions could not reach an agreement before the contracts ran out on saturday. developments as they come in to fox news. we'll bring them to you. well, one bite too many for commander the dog. 12 incidents biting secret service agents and now -- now the dog has punishment. we'll get to it. plus a key early state reflecting a bit of a shake-up in the gop presidential race. here is what some new hampshire voters are thinking. >> nikki has a presence that goes beyond her words and her actions and it is galvanizing. >> so many to pick from. they're all pretty good. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart 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there's no obligation. you know medicare won't cover all your medical costs. so, call now and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana just might be the answer. >> harris: we're seeing a bit of a shake-up in how the 2024 republican candidates are doing in a new poll in the key first primary state of new hampshire. now former u.n. ambassador nikki haley has jumped to second place over florida governor ron desantis. why is sudden move? some voters' voices here. >> nikki has a presence that goes beyond her words and her actions. they hear her speak once and they say i know who my candidate is. >> i think it's really interesting that nikki haley has surged as much as she has. i think she ticks a lot of boxes for a lot of the republican and more moderate voters. >> harris: desantis hitting a fundraising snag. he raised $15 million this quarter. that's a lot of money but it is versus $34 million last quarter. these numbers are getting some attention. virginia governor glenn youngkin blew past the state's fundraising record by bringing in more than $4 million in 48 hours. a total of seven plus million for the quarter. that kind of cash further fanning speculation of a possible last-minute white house bid. he is playing coy though. >> i have been focused on our virginia elections. >> you have ruled this out? >> what i rule out? >> jumping into the race. >> i'm totally focused on virginia elections. >> harris: our power panel is here. great to see you. all right, let's start with new hampshire. >> i'm not surprised after nikki haley's successful debate performances. younger, a former governor. during her tenure she led the state very well doing some troubling racial moments which happens to be something we're discussing quite often unfortunately across this country. she also brings significant foreign policy experience being the u.n. ambassador, which i think we need as many americans are tired of the u.s. sending billions of dollars to ukraine. we also have to deal with the china aggression and the south china sea. all of those components if you are a conservative voter looking for someone else she is an appealing candidate. i am still not convinced that she is someone who could beat the former president, harris. i am still willing to say he will likely be the nominee in 2024. >> harris: you know what's interesting, because if you jump beyond trump and you go to the other side of the aisle, she is the only one of those candidates who consistently has been looked at in polling to beat president biden outside the margin of error. what do you say, kevin? >> it's a great question. as a democrat for a long time i have been afraid of nikki haley, a former governor, former u.n. ambassador, twice elected governor of south carolina as a woman, can appeal to suburban women. had a great answer on the abortion question in the first debate. listen, she has a track record. you go back to her first governor's race, a little known state rep that took out three elected men. lieutenant governor, attorney general and popular congressman. she has a track record of coming from behind and taking out more well established men in the race. the surest sign that donald trump is actually i think nervous about nikki haley, now she has a nickname bird brain which a lot of other candidates haven't gotten a nickname yet from donald trump. >> harris: she put up something on her x feed that was delivered to her recently. an actual birdcage. you mentioned that she have is a woman twice. i pick it up. she didn't win because she was a woman. i just wonder because we wouldn't say that about a man. women like men with good messaging. trump can do it. biden somehow did it with his party. all right. let's move to this. >> i will just say a good point. she is the only woman on the debate stage. >> harris: that wasn't the reference. a new gallup poll finds a majority of republicans believe a third party option is needed now, oh oh. overall, third party support is at 63%, which marks the third time support has exceeded 60% among americans. among the polls, 58% of republicans, 46% of democrats and 75% of independents support the idea. and i say oh oh with that because that's really dicey for both parties. >> it is, harris. but i think if you look at what the implications of this are for president biden with individuals like robert f. kennedy, jr. and dr. cornel west, i think that appeal is more towards democratic leaning voters than it is for conservative voters. i think if you look at the math and some of the swing states, i'm willing to say based on the past, the past is precedent here, you could potentially see 3 to 4% of individuals voting for one of those candidates over joe biden and that is a benefit for whomever the republican nominee is going to be. my message would be simply clear to the republican voters, we need to stick with whom ever the nominee is if we don't want a biden white house. this idea of playing around with a third party candidate is incredibly dangerous. >> harris: let's move to this. kevin, straight to you. a recent poll shows president biden and former president trump are neck-and-neck in a possible 2024 match-up. but that same poll shows the majority of americans don't want either of them to run for another term. kevin. >> listen, i think we've seen this poll for a long time. a lot of folks don't want to see a repeat of 2020. to his point, i hope democrats rally behind president biden and to his question, you know, 2% of americans voted for a third party in 2020. we'll see if there are more people on the ballot. robert kennedy jr. is looking at running as a libertarian in early october. that might hurt donald trump when you look at his favorable ratings with democrat and republican circles. he is up 30% net. with republicans down 43% with democrats. maybe pull away from donald trump's base. we'll see if a no labels candidate gets in the race. any third party candidate in history has been a spoiler as we know. really just affected the outcome between the democrats and republicans. >> harris: i don't know how much time you guys have spent interviewing bobby kennedy junior. he asked him point blank are you a republican or independent. he said no, i'm a democrat. he has to do what he is doing now from what i understand because your party are trying to keep him off the ballot. i would love to continue that conversation with more reality in it. thank you, gentlemen. wonder what american taxpayers think of this? footing the bill of billions of dollars for gender classes in schools in the middle east. yeah, it's on the table for us to pay for. plus the border crisis. a life and death situation. but now it's even messing things up when it comes to college football. less critical, important if you are playing the game. raymond arroyo in "focus" next. ♪ working with newday, my va home loan benefit allowed me to keep my money in my pocket. and my service was my down 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>> i would refer you to the secret service and also the first lady's office. >> it's the 12th known incident of this dog biting a white house staffer. a lot of times when that happens there is a lawsuit. isn't the president worried about getting sued? >> i would refer you to the secret service or the first lady's office. >> we checked with the first lady's office. the president and first lady care deeply about the safety of those who work at the white house and those who protect them every day and remain grateful for the patience and support of the u.s. secret service and all involved as they work through solutions. commander is not presently on the white house campus while next steps are evaluated. axios is reporting at one point the first family was warned that they could be sued by resident staff. >> for more it's wrong dog, wrong person, wrong place. it is upsetting to see this dog continuing to be put into situations without a formal public addressing of hey, we've hired a trainer or the dog has gone away for training or -- i know this is the second dog they might rehome as well. >> we don't know where commander went or if he will be back. >> harris: i'm writing down the term. i didn't know about rehome. i don't know, how do you rehome a dog that has bitten 12 times including a secret service agent in the back? how do you rehome him? >> different home than museum than we're standing in front of. that's just some bad luck to have two german shepherds in a row that have behavioral problems. bad luck or something else, i don't know. >> harris: i hope the home doesn't have a child in it. the white house may be shrugging off commanders attacks, it is nothing to laugh about. the first thing to say this is not funny. it is about a president who has allowed his white house to become a dangerous assignment for the agents who protect him. a president who puts his dog over the men and women who put their lives on the line to save the president of the united states. as joe biden might say, not a joke. so when will the president do something about it? since that, of course, he has. raymond arroyo is a fox news contributor. this is the second dog to have these kinds of issues. >> major is the first animal they rehomed a few months ago. >> harris: they gave him a title to commander. >> commander was brought in. what a playful pup. the white house now that commander has changed his dining habits from secret service agents to groundskeepers have decided to change their story. the story was the secret service were too aggressive. their solemn aspect was causing the dog to attack. now it's a groundskeeper who not only is a kindly guy who worked there for 50 years. >> harris: and walks the dogs. >> the bushes dog, the nixon as dog. a number of working dogs on the white house complex. there have been pets for generations. none of them, none of them have bit guests or members of the family or secret service detail. what is it about the biden dogs that they have this aggressiveness in them and they are attacking people at random? it was and is a danger to whoever this dog is near. it is ridiculous it has gone on this long. >> harris: as you read about this you find out this dog was a gift and i don't know how much that would make a difference, you know, but apparently that's now part of the story that's out there. how does that change your responsibility as a dog owner? >> how does it change your responsibility as president of the united states? the bidens have the same problem raising some siblings as they do raising dogs. i mean, boundaries are an issue. i'm waiting for the story to break that commander was doing a side deal with the chinese embassy. >> harris: i'm curious about lawsuits. >> there will be lawsuits. you saw the injuries on some of these men. it is bad. >> harris: the struggle to house illegal immigrant families in massachusetts is leaving college football fans in the lurch. the state is reportedly making deals with who deals to act as emergency shelters and fewer accommodations for people attending the army/navy game at gillette stadium. one travel agent told fox news he was stunned to get a mass cancellation email from one hotel group with no plan for rebooking. >> we were notified they were no longer able to accommodate any groups because the hotels are lallsed out to the state of massachusetts for refugees. i have never had a hotel take back a plot of rooms. they haven't emailed any of the clients and no way to reaccommodate any of the clients who lost rooms. >> harris: some of the hotels canceled reservations for military veterans and their families of players. massachusetts governor healey with this. >> very distressed to learn that any veteran may have been moved from a hotel who had booked a hotel for that game. as i understand it, those were decisions made by area hotels. >> harris: another democrat is upset over what is happening with the biden border crisis. >> why we're seeing joe biden do what you reported earlier in the show. building a portion of the wall. only 20 miles, not hundreds of miles. let's put that in some perspective. >> harris: he had to say the words he is building the wall. >> he had to to get all this off his back. the final story is you have citizens having their prices raised so they can make room for illegal immigrants that the citizens will also be paying. it is an outrage. to have it fall upon vets at the army/navy game makes the sting worse. it is an out rage. >> harris: fox confirms a suspect has been arrested in the random stabbing death of a brooklyn activist. the victim was sitting on a bunch stop bench when the suspect launched at the couple and stabbed carson multiple time. he died later at the hospital. authorities have not yet released the suspect's identity but as we learn more, of course, we'll report it to you. wow. okay. that again is something that we have been watching because there were some young men it looked like off to the side. so it took them a while to catch what they now say is their single suspect. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." a lot of breaking news this hour. always glad and blessed to serve you in this way. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

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>> harris: this is president biden's america. illegal immigrants trampling all over our nation's sovereignty. and in a stunning reversal of course, president biden is about to do something he told his voters he would never do. he is doing exactly what donald trump knew would work, build that wall. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the biden administration is now saying a border wall is needed immediately. it is listing more than two dozen federal laws to build 20 miles of border wall in texas. let this statistic sink in. more than a quarter million illegal immigrants in the last fiscal year, that's a record. homeland security secretary alejandro mayokas, who will be in mexico city today along with attorney general garland for high-level talks says the need for the new barrier is acute and immediate. the move is completely a 180 from what biden said when he was a presidential candidate. >> president biden: there will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration. i will make sure we have border protection but it will be based on making sure that we use high-tech capacity to deal with it. >> harris: he must have really failed to have to eat that crow. a political calculus could be at play with that wall reversal. look at the polls. many of them showing voters believe the president is doing a dismal job when it comes to the border. the white house is still working to shift blame. >> the president has done -- has taken action when it comes to delivering funding, record funding for border security. the most extreme house republicans have sought to eliminate thousands of border patrol folks. the president continued has tried to put forth actions and ways to deal with what we're seeing at the border and republicans continue to block us. the president will continue to do everything that he can to deal with what's going on. house republicans want to take away law enforcement at the border. >> harris: somebody else needs to do that job now. none of that was true. in "focus", republican congresswoman kat cammack of florida who has seen the chaos at the border firsthand. first, though, let's go to jeff paul in eagle pass, texas. jeff. >> i can tell you when you are out here along the border and you see one of these large groups cross into the u.s. like we did yesterday of about 300 people, it could be a bit overwhelming. then you realize this is just a small snapshot of the thousands who make that journey across the border into the u.s. on a daily basis. that is in part why the biden administration will waive 26 federal laws to resume border construction it stopped back in january of 2021. the biden administration at the time called a massive border wall, quote, not a serious policy solution. but now roughly 20 miles will be constructed in the rio grande valley in south texas. the trump administration built around 450 miles of barriers along the southern border between 2017 and 2021. environmental groups are opposed to the new construction saying it will impact eco systems and wildlife in the very area. when you talk with folks who call the rio grande valley home and have been dealing with the flow of migrants and crossings for years, they have long been frustrated that politicians on both sides haven't done more. >> they have abandoned their elected duties and the american people need to remind them what their duty is. to the american people to keep our country safe first and foremost. that will fix the issues, the crisis we're seeing at the southern border plain and simple. >> this is new video emerging this morning from the mexican side of the border just across from el paso. this is a crowd of migrants and their reaction to just arriving on that side of the u.s./mexico border. we have reached out to cbc and waiting their response regarding the situation there and also tracking a hearing that's taking place right now surrounding the legality of those river buoys the texas governor abbott installed in eagle pass. >> harris: that is fascinating. the state had to spend so much money because there were lawsuits flying and all sorts of things with the federal government going after that state. will they get reimbursed for all that? texas should be reimbursed for a lot of things they've had to do. biden building miles of border wall is especially shocking given the repetitive drumbeat. >> we have a process in place to manage migrants at the border. >> the border is secure bust we also have a broken immigration system. >> the border is closed. >> it is my testimony that the border is secure. >> the united states will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border. >> the president has done more to secure the border to deal with this issue of immigration than anybody else. >> i want to be very clear, our borders are not open. >> harris: republican congresswoman kat cammack of florida, a member of the house homeland security and agricultural committees. when you listen to us rolling back the tape, those were lies. there is no other way to put it. you couldn't flip a switch and get what we have five minutes ago. >> no, harris. good to see you and no, that's absolutely a lie. for the last three years we have seen biden and all of his administration officials tout the line the border is secure. i have been there nine times and seen the trafficking, i have seen the national security crisis, i have seen the apprehension of international terrorists on the watch list as people are saying oh, no, it is totally fine. it is not. this has turned every single town in america into a border town. and it is directly joe biden's fault from his lack of action. then to lie on top of it is unacceptable. >> harris: your governor, desantis in florida, really got their attention when he sent like 50 illegal immigrants who had come across the border up to martha's vineyard, the precious country of elites of those liberals who just love to party there. it got their attention but didn't change their policy. it didn't change until those cities were crippled by what the border deals with every day. you are so right about that. let's get to this. i can't wait to hear what you have to say about new york city mayor eric adams. started his day in mexico city. first day of a four day stop in central america. it's convincing people not to come to new york city. now chicago mayor brandon johnson is planning a trip of his own. oh my goodness, they'll all go to the border? can't they take the president with them? the influx of illegal immigrants is causing chaos in his city as well. watch. >> it's a situation that requires our team to be at the border. >> i have heard the goal of migrants not to come to chicago during wintertime. is that true? >> no. >> harris: thousands of illegal immigrants are sleeping in chicago police stations and at airports as they wait to be placed inside shelters. the number of people bused in from the southern border is expected to double. biff the way, that is courtesy of the federal government. we'll get into that in a moment. residents furious that precious resources now are not going to them and they are angry over their tax dollars being spent this way. >> you work for us, you work for us, you work for us. >> i want mayor brandon johnson to understand that you are selling us out for people who can't vote for you. >> we are a community of black people where we already get the low scraps. then you want to take the little scraps, the resources we have and put us at the bottom of the barrel? that's not fair and i won't have it. >> harris: there is a lot to react to. >> yes, harris. i feel like john mcclain in the greatest christmas movie of all time diehard. welcome to the party, pal. we have been saying for years that the border is insecure, the biden border crisis has turned every town in america into a border community. and guess what? it has. and now this administration and blue states and blue cities all across america will pay the price. and so now we get 20 miles of border. by the way, we have to violate 26 federal laws to do that. the law has never mattered to them. i think part of the thing that needs to happen for all these blue cities and all these blue states and certainly the white house, they have to admit they were wrong. the first step to fixing a problem is admitting you were wrong. trump derangement syndrome is excep exceptionally alive and well we white house. they have to admit trump was right. the border wall and technology is helping in pushing back against the illegals coming across the border and guess what? putting america first works. that is why people are so mad. >> harris: that's especially important for the people who voted for biden. it is important for people to know the truth. i don't know how many of them might be watching fox and can see all of our coverage from stem to stern but for it to come from the white house would be critical. i won't hold my breath. i'm guessing you won't, either. when you flip the previous president's policies into effect again and start to build a wall, that is sufficient for a short-term start. a lot of critics are pointing to the free resources provided to certain illegals. select state and local governments are providing housing and cash assistance, education, healthcare, food and legal support. and on the federal level assistance of all sorts is available to select immigrants with qualified status. a scroll of those including medicaid and social security. while we scroll, congresswoman, talk to me about fairness. >> listen, united states is the most generous nation on this planet. we are the most compassionate people in the world. and i agree that there is absolutely a system in place to help people but it has been exploited and abused. now it is broken. and americans are paying the price. we're being taken advantage of. and that has to change. if you continue to put americans last, you will have no one to take care of folks who need help. you will not have a system that is well funded to do this. we have our own people here at home. our veterans being pushed out and onto the streets. we have working class families that pay their taxes, that do everything right and they are being punished by the biden administration because the biden administration wants to and we know this, they want to make sure that you don't have to have an i.d. to vote and you don't have to be a citizen to vote and they will do anything to keep power here in this city. they will do anything to maintain control. that is why they want to grow the government. they're entirely reliant on the dependence and control. when you think about it, you and i have talked about this. when you think about that, all they want to do is keep people dependent on big government programs so they remain in control and fixing the problem means they lose leverage. by persisting the problems they stay in power. solutions, they lose leverage. that's why fixing the border is so critical. not just national security or humanitarian thing to do. it is not just about putting americans first. ist is about breaking the system that is keeping americans down. it is about breaking the system that is keeping everyone beholding to big government and the draining of the swamp is absolutely what we need to be focused on. >> harris: congresswoman cammack, thank you very much for being with me in "focus." for all of those important reasons. people in the nation's capital are facing massive spikes in crime. you have the situation at the border and now you layer on and you can kind of understand with great detail what the congresswoman was warning about. life changing here in america. the crisis hurting everybody from store owners to members of congress. dramatic new images of that crime out of control. and it's back, president biden's latest move to revive a massive government hand-out in student debt forgiveness. republicans are calling him out on it. >> it's not only unlawful, it is unfair. this is not a forgiveness but a transfer of debt from one person to another. transferring it to hard working americans. >> harris: almost like a slight of hand. they slide in the money but say they will build 20 miles at the border. it is so interesting. so many porous, troubling spots in this administration and they'll try to plug the hole by paying some people through their debt. critics say it is all about shoring up that critical voting block, the youngest among us at the expense of others. jason chaffetz in "focus" next. veteran homeowners. car payments are getting out of control. not long ago, you could pay off a car in a few years. now, car loan rates have climbed to 15% and can take five years to pay off. so get this, the newday 100 va cash out loan. our lower rates let you use the equity in your home to pay off high rate car and truck loans. and you can save $500 a month. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ here's why you should switch from chrome to duckduckgo. duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. unlike chrome, the duckduckgo browser has privacy built-in. it comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesn■t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around. join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on mobile and desktop today. >> harris: the crime crisis in american is out of control reaching the nation's capital. look at these pictures on your screen. the shelves at one cvs pharmacy repeatedly emptied. the local fox station is reporting a group of nearly 50 kids repeatedly ransack the store multiple times a day. after they ran in to steal food and drinks, they would stomp on the stolen goods leaving the aisles a mess. obviously they aren't taking the stuff because they are hungry if they are ruining all of the food that they steal. republican congressman tony gonzalez was with me on "focus" this week going after a culture of lawlessness. >> americans do not feel safe whether that's in d.c. or in washington. we've seen this happen over and over again. how do we protect ourselves not only in d.c. but throughout the country? this is getting worse. it starts by the lawlessness. we have to stop the lawlessness and throw the book at the criminals that are conducting this. >> harris: let's stay in d.c. for moment. armed thugs carjacked congressman henry cuellar earlier this week. police have still not found the suspects. three of them who carjacked him at gun point. just one of the hundreds of examples of crime in d.c. just this year. both people with guns and knives and those who were not armed, carjackings have more than doubled from this point last year. violent crime, robberies, property crime, homicides, all seeing big spikes. jason chaffetz, fox news contributor, former republican congressman of utah. you know d.c. really well. talk to me about why it is devolving so quickly? >> crime was high before. now to see those numbers, it is truly stunning. listen, i don't think there is any consequence to the lawlessness that's going on out there. people are breaking the law, there are no prosecutions of any sort that do this. there is also a severe breakdown of the family. you cannot go through this discussion and talk about all the fatherless homes and all of the single parent households and the lack of education and enforcement at the schooling and making sure that kids feel safe. i feel for those kids trying to do the right thing the right way. but you look at the reading scores, math scores, they are all interrelated, harris. you didn't just get here yesterday. this is a build-up that has happened by implementing these democratic policies, this go soft on crime over a long period of time. all we had to do is look a little north to baltimore and everybody is racing the try to be baltimore. it is devastating our major cities in this country. >> harris: we've had plenty of video from there over the years as well. you talk about the ramp up. you lived in d.c. for part of the time when you were a congress person. i'm just wondering, years and years of democrat policies, why don't they vote for someone else? you know they have options. >> well, they don't really have an option in washington, d.c. it is democrats or another democrat. mural bowser has been the mayor for a long time. i think the people of that city need to rise up and say enough is enough. they just seem to tolerate it and roll over to it. democrats are dominating in that city. look at the vote. there are less than 10% of that population are republicans. but regardless of the party affiliation, you would think that the good residents and people there would stand up and say no, we're not going to keep voting these people back into office. they spend the most amount of money anywhere else in the country on a per pupil basis. and look at the education system in d.c. >> harris: it is so true. i'm a huge optimist. it sounds like an opportunity for republicans. even if you couldn't win there, just showing up. can you even imagine how you would shake the apples out of the trees? all right. we'll move forward. president biden not letting up when it comes to student debt hand-outs. yesterday he announced an additional $9 billion in relief for 125,000 borrowers. it will cost $9 billion to help out 125,000 people. it brings the total amount spent to roughly $127 billion going to more than 3 1/2 million americans. one conservative leaning think-tank the actual cost totaling $317 billion. biden throwing blame at republicans for not going even further. >> president biden: there are many borrowers who made payments for many years but because of interest they still owe more than they originally borrowed. my administration is doing everything it can to deliver student debt relief to as many as we can as fast as we can. this is in contrast to house republicans who helped block the previous debt relief plan nearly shut down the government over the extreme demands. >> harris: so why now? well, biden's job approve all on the economy is dismiss. loan relief benefit members of that key voting block, the youngest voters, among us. two questions, one, does this kind of shiny object work with voters on the left? >> i hope not. look, students if they learned anything in their education should understand it is rich when joe biden says well, it is because of the high interest rates. you created the high interest rates, mr. president. your policies, your massive spending, your rise in energy prices, that's what created this. and that's why the federal reserve has to respond to it. they are in total conflict with each other. these are transfer payments. i don't understand how the united states senate and house of representative let this stand. i thought congress did the appropriations, not the president. i'm evidently wrong. i don't know how in the world he gets away with this. why should any good person who is watching this program have to pay for somebody else's debt because they went and got some liberal arts education and can't pay for it now? and why should they have to pay for it in their taxes? that's what the president is doing is he is raising taxes on all the other americans who were responsible and did pay their debt. >> harris: such an excellent point. we've been making it a long time with this. the u.s. supreme court weighed in. my second question is why are we here with this man still paying off the debt to the tune of billions of dollars? you talk about congress, what about the supreme court? >> i don't understand. that's why i say. there have been lawsuits that have successfully gone through. rulings at the highest level of the courts. and congress holds the purse strings. i thought. evidently not because why this guy has so many billions of dollars to just hand out, this has always been a problem in congress, always. >> harris: we shall see what we shall see. he is willing to buy some votes, though. we'll leave it there. >> convenient on election year, isn't it? >> harris: thank you, good to see you. let's get to the breaking news now. day two. they sure do strike a lot while biden is in office. the largest healthcare strike in history is entering its second day. live cameras on los angeles now. more than 75,000 kaiser permanente employees from california, colorado, washington state, oregon, virginia and d.c. walked off the job yesterday. eight unions representing some very highly-skilled and all medical staff as you know is preciously needed. those unions could not reach an agreement before the contracts ran out on saturday. developments as they come in to fox news. we'll bring them to you. well, one bite too many for commander the dog. 12 incidents biting secret service agents and now -- now the dog has punishment. we'll get to it. plus a key early state reflecting a bit of a shake-up in the gop presidential race. here is what some new hampshire voters are thinking. >> nikki has a presence that goes beyond her words and her actions and it is galvanizing. >> so many to pick from. they're all pretty good. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart 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there's no obligation. you know medicare won't cover all your medical costs. so, call now and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana just might be the answer. >> harris: we're seeing a bit of a shake-up in how the 2024 republican candidates are doing in a new poll in the key first primary state of new hampshire. now former u.n. ambassador nikki haley has jumped to second place over florida governor ron desantis. why is sudden move? some voters' voices here. >> nikki has a presence that goes beyond her words and her actions. they hear her speak once and they say i know who my candidate is. >> i think it's really interesting that nikki haley has surged as much as she has. i think she ticks a lot of boxes for a lot of the republican and more moderate voters. >> harris: desantis hitting a fundraising snag. he raised $15 million this quarter. that's a lot of money but it is versus $34 million last quarter. these numbers are getting some attention. virginia governor glenn youngkin blew past the state's fundraising record by bringing in more than $4 million in 48 hours. a total of seven plus million for the quarter. that kind of cash further fanning speculation of a possible last-minute white house bid. he is playing coy though. >> i have been focused on our virginia elections. >> you have ruled this out? >> what i rule out? >> jumping into the race. >> i'm totally focused on virginia elections. >> harris: our power panel is here. great to see you. all right, let's start with new hampshire. >> i'm not surprised after nikki haley's successful debate performances. younger, a former governor. during her tenure she led the state very well doing some troubling racial moments which happens to be something we're discussing quite often unfortunately across this country. she also brings significant foreign policy experience being the u.n. ambassador, which i think we need as many americans are tired of the u.s. sending billions of dollars to ukraine. we also have to deal with the china aggression and the south china sea. all of those components if you are a conservative voter looking for someone else she is an appealing candidate. i am still not convinced that she is someone who could beat the former president, harris. i am still willing to say he will likely be the nominee in 2024. >> harris: you know what's interesting, because if you jump beyond trump and you go to the other side of the aisle, she is the only one of those candidates who consistently has been looked at in polling to beat president biden outside the margin of error. what do you say, kevin? >> it's a great question. as a democrat for a long time i have been afraid of nikki haley, a former governor, former u.n. ambassador, twice elected governor of south carolina as a woman, can appeal to suburban women. had a great answer on the abortion question in the first debate. listen, she has a track record. you go back to her first governor's race, a little known state rep that took out three elected men. lieutenant governor, attorney general and popular congressman. she has a track record of coming from behind and taking out more well established men in the race. the surest sign that donald trump is actually i think nervous about nikki haley, now she has a nickname bird brain which a lot of other candidates haven't gotten a nickname yet from donald trump. >> harris: she put up something on her x feed that was delivered to her recently. an actual birdcage. you mentioned that she have is a woman twice. i pick it up. she didn't win because she was a woman. i just wonder because we wouldn't say that about a man. women like men with good messaging. trump can do it. biden somehow did it with his party. all right. let's move to this. >> i will just say a good point. she is the only woman on the debate stage. >> harris: that wasn't the reference. a new gallup poll finds a majority of republicans believe a third party option is needed now, oh oh. overall, third party support is at 63%, which marks the third time support has exceeded 60% among americans. among the polls, 58% of republicans, 46% of democrats and 75% of independents support the idea. and i say oh oh with that because that's really dicey for both parties. >> it is, harris. but i think if you look at what the implications of this are for president biden with individuals like robert f. kennedy, jr. and dr. cornel west, i think that appeal is more towards democratic leaning voters than it is for conservative voters. i think if you look at the math and some of the swing states, i'm willing to say based on the past, the past is precedent here, you could potentially see 3 to 4% of individuals voting for one of those candidates over joe biden and that is a benefit for whomever the republican nominee is going to be. my message would be simply clear to the republican voters, we need to stick with whom ever the nominee is if we don't want a biden white house. this idea of playing around with a third party candidate is incredibly dangerous. >> harris: let's move to this. kevin, straight to you. a recent poll shows president biden and former president trump are neck-and-neck in a possible 2024 match-up. but that same poll shows the majority of americans don't want either of them to run for another term. kevin. >> listen, i think we've seen this poll for a long time. a lot of folks don't want to see a repeat of 2020. to his point, i hope democrats rally behind president biden and to his question, you know, 2% of americans voted for a third party in 2020. we'll see if there are more people on the ballot. robert kennedy jr. is looking at running as a libertarian in early october. that might hurt donald trump when you look at his favorable ratings with democrat and republican circles. he is up 30% net. with republicans down 43% with democrats. maybe pull away from donald trump's base. we'll see if a no labels candidate gets in the race. any third party candidate in history has been a spoiler as we know. really just affected the outcome between the democrats and republicans. >> harris: i don't know how much time you guys have spent interviewing bobby kennedy junior. he asked him point blank are you a republican or independent. he said no, i'm a democrat. he has to do what he is doing now from what i understand because your party are trying to keep him off the ballot. i would love to continue that conversation with more reality in it. thank you, gentlemen. wonder what american taxpayers think of this? footing the bill of billions of dollars for gender classes in schools in the middle east. yeah, it's on the table for us to pay for. plus the border crisis. a life and death situation. but now it's even messing things up when it comes to college football. less critical, important if you are playing the game. raymond arroyo in "focus" next. ♪ working with newday, my va home loan benefit allowed me to keep my money in my pocket. and my service was my down 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( ♪ ) here's why you should switch from chrome to duckduckgo. duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. unlike chrome, the duckduckgo browser has privacy built-in. it comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesn■t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around. join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on mobile and desktop today. >> harris: commander has left the building. not the one in the chair. it's the one on the sofa. he was removed after a series of biting incidents. 12. according to a new report commander was responsible for 12 and we'll scroll them for you. biting incidents in the past two years. two of those just last month. a ground keeper saying there was no -- peter doocy is live from the north lawn. a shift. commander is out. >> there were multiple reports last night that the number of bites from the dog is much higher than the 12 that we know about. we did ask about this in the press room just before we learned that commander is off campus. >> there are some new pictures of commander biden biting a staffer again. how many times has that dog bitten the bidens? >> i would refer you to the secret service and also the first lady's office. >> it's the 12th known incident of this dog biting a white house staffer. a lot of times when that happens there is a lawsuit. isn't the president worried about getting sued? >> i would refer you to the secret service or the first lady's office. >> we checked with the first lady's office. the president and first lady care deeply about the safety of those who work at the white house and those who protect them every day and remain grateful for the patience and support of the u.s. secret service and all involved as they work through solutions. commander is not presently on the white house campus while next steps are evaluated. axios is reporting at one point the first family was warned that they could be sued by resident staff. >> for more it's wrong dog, wrong person, wrong place. it is upsetting to see this dog continuing to be put into situations without a formal public addressing of hey, we've hired a trainer or the dog has gone away for training or -- i know this is the second dog they might rehome as well. >> we don't know where commander went or if he will be back. >> harris: i'm writing down the term. i didn't know about rehome. i don't know, how do you rehome a dog that has bitten 12 times including a secret service agent in the back? how do you rehome him? >> different home than museum than we're standing in front of. that's just some bad luck to have two german shepherds in a row that have behavioral problems. bad luck or something else, i don't know. >> harris: i hope the home doesn't have a child in it. the white house may be shrugging off commanders attacks, it is nothing to laugh about. the first thing to say this is not funny. it is about a president who has allowed his white house to become a dangerous assignment for the agents who protect him. a president who puts his dog over the men and women who put their lives on the line to save the president of the united states. as joe biden might say, not a joke. so when will the president do something about it? since that, of course, he has. raymond arroyo is a fox news contributor. this is the second dog to have these kinds of issues. >> major is the first animal they rehomed a few months ago. >> harris: they gave him a title to commander. >> commander was brought in. what a playful pup. the white house now that commander has changed his dining habits from secret service agents to groundskeepers have decided to change their story. the story was the secret service were too aggressive. their solemn aspect was causing the dog to attack. now it's a groundskeeper who not only is a kindly guy who worked there for 50 years. >> harris: and walks the dogs. >> the bushes dog, the nixon as dog. a number of working dogs on the white house complex. there have been pets for generations. none of them, none of them have bit guests or members of the family or secret service detail. what is it about the biden dogs that they have this aggressiveness in them and they are attacking people at random? it was and is a danger to whoever this dog is near. it is ridiculous it has gone on this long. >> harris: as you read about this you find out this dog was a gift and i don't know how much that would make a difference, you know, but apparently that's now part of the story that's out there. how does that change your responsibility as a dog owner? >> how does it change your responsibility as president of the united states? the bidens have the same problem raising some siblings as they do raising dogs. i mean, boundaries are an issue. i'm waiting for the story to break that commander was doing a side deal with the chinese embassy. >> harris: i'm curious about lawsuits. >> there will be lawsuits. you saw the injuries on some of these men. it is bad. >> harris: the struggle to house illegal immigrant families in massachusetts is leaving college football fans in the lurch. the state is reportedly making deals with who deals to act as emergency shelters and fewer accommodations for people attending the army/navy game at gillette stadium. one travel agent told fox news he was stunned to get a mass cancellation email from one hotel group with no plan for rebooking. >> we were notified they were no longer able to accommodate any groups because the hotels are lallsed out to the state of massachusetts for refugees. i have never had a hotel take back a plot of rooms. they haven't emailed any of the clients and no way to reaccommodate any of the clients who lost rooms. >> harris: some of the hotels canceled reservations for military veterans and their families of players. massachusetts governor healey with this. >> very distressed to learn that any veteran may have been moved from a hotel who had booked a hotel for that game. as i understand it, those were decisions made by area hotels. >> harris: another democrat is upset over what is happening with the biden border crisis. >> why we're seeing joe biden do what you reported earlier in the show. building a portion of the wall. only 20 miles, not hundreds of miles. let's put that in some perspective. >> harris: he had to say the words he is building the wall. >> he had to to get all this off his back. the final story is you have citizens having their prices raised so they can make room for illegal immigrants that the citizens will also be paying. it is an outrage. to have it fall upon vets at the army/navy game makes the sting worse. it is an out rage. >> harris: fox confirms a suspect has been arrested in the random stabbing death of a brooklyn activist. the victim was sitting on a bunch stop bench when the suspect launched at the couple and stabbed carson multiple time. he died later at the hospital. authorities have not yet released the suspect's identity but as we learn more, of course, we'll report it to you. wow. okay. that again is something that we have been watching because there were some young men it looked like off to the side. so it took them a while to catch what they now say is their single suspect. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." a lot of breaking news this hour. always glad and blessed to serve you in this way. 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Somebody , Florida , Law Enforcement , One , Groups , First , Let S Go , Eagle Pass , Jeff Paul , 300 , People , Part , Bit , Basis , Snapshot , Journey , Border Construction , Quote , Not A Serious Policy Solution , 2021 , January Of 2021 , 26 , Barriers , Rio Grande Valley , 2017 , 450 , Migrants , Home , Systems , Area , Construction , Dealing , Wildlife , Crossings , Flow , Country , Politicians , Sides Haven T , Duty , Duties , Video , Crisis , Side , Crowd , Issues , El Paso , Situation , Place , Hearing , Mexico Border , Reaction , Response , Cbc , Government , Lawsuits , Money , Things , Sorts , Governor , Estate , Legality , River , Lot , Drumbeat , Biden Building Miles , Testimony , Immigration System , Bust , Process , Borders , Immigration , Issue , Anybody Else , Way , Committees , Couldn T , Lies , Tape , Switch , House Homeland Security , Rolling , Five , Line , Times , Officials , Lie , Trafficking , Nine , Border Town , Watch List , Apprehension , Terrorists , Black , Attention , Fault , Top , 50 , Cities , Liberals , Elites , Policy , Didn T , It Didn T Change , Martha S Vineyard , Eric Adams , Deals , New York City , Four , Brandon Johnson , Influx , Trip , Goodness , Chicago , City , Watch , Goal , Team , Police Stations , Shelters , Sleeping , Airports , Resources , Residents , Tax , Vote , Community , Scraps , Barrel , Bottom , Yes , Party , Movie , Biden Border Crisis , Pal , Price , States , Border Community , Problem , Thing , Law , Blue States , Step , Trump , Technology , Trump Derangement Syndrome , Illegals , Truth , America First Works , Policies , Fox , Coverage , Breath , Effect , Stem To Stern , Cash , Assistance , Critics , Governments , Housing , Food , Education , Support , Healthcare , Level , Status , Medicaid , Social Security , Scroll , World , Planet , Listen , Fairness , System , Hard Working Americans , Advantage , Care , Help , Veterans , Families , Working Class , Streets , Taxes , Citizen , I D , It , Anything , Control , Power , Dependence , Leverage , Problems , Programs , Solutions , Security , Everyone Beholding , Draining , Swamp , Out Of Control , Detail , Capital , Spikes , Reasons , Warning , Life Changing Here In America , Back , Congress , Everybody , Store , Members , Student Debt Forgiveness , Hand Out , Images , Debt , Person , Forgiveness , Another , Transfer , Hand , Slight , Whole , Spots , Others , Jason Chaffetz , Voting Block , Expense , Homeowners , Veteran , Car , Car Payments , Car Loan Rates , Newday 100 Va Cash Out Loan , 100 , 15 , Rates , Rate , Truck Loans , Equity , 500 , Everyone , Services , Infrastructure , Target , Cyberattacks , Google , Chrome , Browser , Desktop , Devices , Mobile , Duckduckgo , Duckduckgo Browser , Ads , Alternative , Searches , T Spy , Cookies , Catch , Google Search , Privacy , Millions , Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile , Desktop Today , Screen , Pictures , Crime Crisis , Shelves , Cvs Pharmacy , Nation S Capital , Fox Station , Kids , Group , Drinks , Tony Gonzalez , Aisles , Mess , Stuff , Goods , Culture , Lawlessness , D C , Safe , Washington , Criminals , Henry Cuellar , Book , Armed Thugs Carjacked , Let S Stay In D C , Hundreds , Police , Suspects , Examples , Guns , Knives , Carjacked Him At Gun Point , Point , Property Crime , Carjackings , Fox News Contributor , Homicides , Robberies , Violent Crime , Devolving , Utah , Family , Prosecutions , Consequence , Breakdown , Sort , Homes , Households , Schooling , Enforcement , Parent , Discussion , Build Up , Reading Scores , Math Scores , Interrelated , Crime , Go , North , Try , Baltimore , Democrat , Why Don T , Someone Else , Ramp Up , Congress Person , Option , Options , Mayor , Mural Bowser , 10 , Population , Party Affiliation , Office , Anywhere , Amount , Optimist , Education System , Pupil , Opportunity , Couldn T Win , Apples , Trees , Student Debt Hand Outs , Borrowers , Relief , 9 Billion , 27 Billion , 125000 , Billion , 127 Billion , Cost , Think Tank , 3 1 2 Million , 17 Billion , 317 Billion , Interest , Student Debt Relief , Payments , Debt Relief Plan , Contrast , Demands , Loan Relief Benefit Members , Economy , Questions , Students , Kind , Work , Object , Left , Federal Reserve , Interest Rates , Energy Prices , Spending , Mr , Rise , Mother , Appropriations , Conflict , Stand , Transfer Payments , Representative , United States Senate , Liberal Arts Education , Program , Somebody Else , Doing , Billions , Question , Man , Tune , U S Supreme Court , Purse Strings , Courts , Rulings , Guy , Votes , News , History , Healthcare Strike , Strike , Isn T , Cameras , Los Angeles , Unions , Washington State , Employees , Virginia , Oregon , Colorado , California , Kaiser Permanente , 75000 , Eight , Staff , Contracts , Developments , Bite , Agreement , Dog , Commander , Secret Service , Incidents , Agents , Punishment , 12 , Nikki Haley , Presence , Race , Words , Shake Up , New Hampshire , Inspire , Safety Information , Mask , Hose , Neuriva Ultra , Kitchen Tool , Brain , Brain Health Indicators , Mental Alertness , 7 , Adults , Picture , Vyvgart , Positive , Myasthenia Gravis , Participants , Activities , Ability , Muscle Weakness , Gmg Treatment , Clinical Trial , Side Effects , Infection , Headache , Doctor , Study , Infections , Risk , Vyvgart Treatment Schedule , Respiratory Tract Infections , Reactions , Injection Site Reactions , Neurologist , Subcutaneous Injection , Symptoms , Vyvgart Hytrulo , Vets , Dogs , Pet Food , Kibble , Dog Food , Dog People , Approach , Cans , Meat , Door , Veggies , Box , Portioned , Difference , Answers , Information , At Humana , Agent Producer , Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Medicare Supplement Should Have , Seven , Medicare Supplement Plan , Plans , Call , Obligation , Medicare And Medicaid , Expenses , Rest , Insurance , 80 , Some , More , Humana , Medicare Doesn T , Emergency Care , Doctor Visits , Hospital Stays , Copayments , Deductibles , Doctors , Service , Healthcare Partner , Premium , Referrals , Ones , Trust , Orange , Needs , Call Humana , Budget , Guide , Making Healthcare Simpler , Company , Won T , Costs , Candidates , Poll , Answer , 2024 , Voices , U N , Boxes , Fundraising Snag , 34 Million , 4 Million , Glenn Youngkin , Fundraising Record , Total , Million , 48 , Speculation , Elections , Power Panel , Jumping , Virginia Elections , Debate Performances , Tenure , Ambassador , Foreign Policy Experience , Aggression , Sending , China , Ukraine , South China Sea , Someone , President , Voter , Components , Nominee , Polling , Aisle , Margin , 2024 Harris , Woman , Terror , Kevin , South Carolina , Men , Women , Track Record , Abortion Question , Debate , State Rep , Lieutenant Governor , Little Known , Congressman , Nickname Bird Brain , Sign , Behind , Haven T , Feed , Nickname , Birdcage , Messaging , Third Party , Let , Majority , Debate Stage , Wasn T The Reference , Gallup , 60 , 46 , 58 , 63 , Idea , Parties , Independents , Implications , 75 , Appeal , Individuals , Swing States , Math , Dr , Robert F Kennedy , Jr , Cornel West , Benefit , Precedent , 4 , 3 , Message , Playing , Let S Move , Term , Match Up , Ballot , 2 , Repeat , 2020 , 2 , Libertarian , Running , Circles , Ratings , Base , No , Spoiler , Net , 30 , 43 , Outcome , Point Blank , Gentlemen , Taxpayers , Wonder , Reality , Conversation , Schools , Death , The Border Crisis , Gender Classes , Life , Table , Middle East , Game , Raymond Arroyo , College Football , Newday , Down Payment , Pocket , My Va Home Loan , Phone , Call Newday , Contract , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Car Screech , Camera Shutter Sfx , City Ambience Sounds , Car Door Slam , Skin , Blood Tests , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Flaking , Otezla , Itching , Patches , Ned , Psoriatic Arthritis , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Thoughts , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Weight Loss , Depression , Ting , Crowd Gasp , Tools , Chromebook , Attack , Ransomware , Fairfield Suisun , Data , Learning , Building , Chair , Sofa , Report Commander , Series , Biting Incidents , Ground Keeper , Peter Doocy , Reports , Bites , Shift , North Lawn , Campus , Staffer , Press Room , Bidens , First Lady , Lawsuit , Incident , Safety , Axios , Reporting , U S Secret Service , Steps , Patience , Situations , Training , Trainer , Public , Addressing , Secret Service Agent , Standing , Front , Museum , Rehome , I Hope The Home Doesn T , Luck , I Don T Know , Row , Shepherds , Child , Nothing , Commanders , Attacks , Assignment , Lives , Joke , Major , Contributor , Animal , Kinds , Title , Story , Groundskeepers , Aspect , Habits , Dining , Playful Pup , Bushes Dog , Groundskeeper , Working Dogs , Nixon , Biden Dogs , Generations , Guests , Aggressiveness , Random , Pets , White House Complex , Danger , Gift , Responsibility , Dog Owner , Siblings , Boundaries , Deal , Embassy , Chinese , Massachusetts , Fans , Immigrant , Injuries , Struggle , Lurch , Travel Agent , Femail , Emergency Shelters , Gillette Stadium , Accommodations , The , Cancellation , Army Navy Game , Hotel , Hotels , The State Of Massachusetts , Rebooking , Refugees , Lallsed , Clients , Rooms , Plot , Reservations , Lost Rooms , Players , Healey , Portion , Area Hotels , Decisions , Show , Citizens , Perspective , Prices , Room , Outrage , Suspect , Rage , Stabbing , Brooklyn Activist , Sting , Victim , Hospital , Authorities , Identity , Breaking News , Break , The Faulkner Focus , Puppy , Farmer , Brand New , Magic , Health , Fresh Meat , Dog Bark , Nutrients , Vegetables , Packs , Dried Pellets , Hand Specialist , Tabletop Test , My Dupuytren S Contracture , Physician , Flat , Second Hand Specialist , Nonsurgical Options , Dupuytren S Contracture , Surgery , Don T Wait , Damion Clark , Hi , My Name , Findahandspecialist Com , Allowance , Benefits , Special Needs , Options Allowance , Groceries , Pay , Utilities , Medicare Advantage , Over The Counter , First Aid Supplies , Whatever , Month , Pain Relievers , Items , Spend , Vitamins , Brent , Card , Prescriptions , Exam , Rides , Appointments , Cleanings , Fillings , Hearing Coverage , Contacts , Vision Coverage , Hearing Tests , Vision Exams , Lenses , Eyewear , Hearing Aids , Pharmacy , Copay , Networks , Vaccines , Shingles , Retail Pharmacies , 0 , , Humana Sales Agent , Wouldn T , Over The Counter Items , Human Way , Spring Semester , Ransomware Attacks , Targets , School Districts , 13000 , Teaching , 22000 , Home Improvement Loan , Bank , Fraction , Banks , Dream Kitchen , Hvac , Roof Windows , Newday 100 Va Loan , Faves , Bathroom , Craft Beers , Spa , Views , Cambria , News Conference , Emily ,

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