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Hour two of fox friends starts right now and, soon, a special guest. Watch. A little shot of jack cant explain just trying to do the Danger Thing Truck i aint paying no 35 bucks momma levi im just trying to keep my daughters. My son out of jail trying to get to church so i dont go to hell she married way, way down in alabama where they love trying to ride that song Country Station Play im just trying to stay out of aa well, i gave up skoal, cigarettes im just hooked on nic let trying like to be like my old man the older i get the more i am tried to get paid it end of the day yall trying to scene my daughter off the pole. My son out of jail trying to go to church so i dont go to hell im just trying to keep my wife from figuring out that i married out and she married way, way down. In alabama where they love nick saban try to write a song the local Country Station will play hey, hey im just trying to stay out of aa woo i say woo trying to stay out of aa everyday one step at a time, yall. Sometimes you just need a beer can i get an amen man, im just trying to keep my daughters off the pole my sons out of jail trying to get to church so i dont go to hell im just trying to keep my wife from figuring out that i married up and she married way, way down in alabama where they love nick saban trying to write that song my local station will play hey im just trying to stay out of aa one more time, here we go. I say hey, hey, hey im just trying to stay out of aa. [cheers and applause] brian wow. Unbelievable. Ainsley that is the best song. Walker hayes. Brian thats a life song. Ainsley that is like our mantra, right . We are all just trying to get through, like our beer, we gave up our cigarettes a long time ago. Brian trying to stay out of aa. Ainsley keep our kids out of jail and off the pole. Lawrence personally. Ainsley it touched me. Brian i never seen her so motivated. Steve walker is going to be with us this hour. Ainsley and trying to go to church. Lawrence country, you had a little hip hop. You had a little bit of soul. Ainsley walker shake yes and no. Brian said new karaoke song talk your way through it. You dont have to be a singer. Brian he cant hear us but we are not saying he is not a good singer. Ainsley is he a good singer but i am not. Lawrence a song everyone can sing along too. Steve in this case everyone can have breakfast along with because we have got slim chickens, National Franchise like 200 locations coast to coast. They are opening up one a week. Brian wow. Steve earlier they had chicken and waffles and now Chicken Tenders and i think fries are what we are serving you this hour. Brian why isnt chicken more of a breakfast meal. Lawrence it is a breakfast meal. We eat it in the south for breakfast all the time. Brian thats news. Steve thats not news. Who comes first chicken or the egg . Brian i try to answer that question every day i come up empty. Brian. Ainsley do you know why we can have chicken for breakfast because its really lunchtime. Yall been up since 2 00 in the morning. Brian so have we. Ainsley pull out the champagne. Steve wait until 9 00 for that. Brian those staying out of aa and allowed to watch television this news is for you. Turning to a Fox News Alert. A familys desperate prayers are answered. Ainsley Thank Goodness. 9yearold Charlotte Sena she was found. She is safe. Days after being kidnapped from the campground. Steve todd piro joins us live from the park in upstate new york where the little girl was taken. And, todd, they are the crack ie came when someone left a ransom note in a mailbox and there was a fingerprint on it. Yeah. Not just somebody. Of course that being the suspect. They were actually at the home, cops that is, when that individual showed up as well o so a double loss for that suspect. But the great news is relief. Im here life in marrow lake state park where lets show how we got to this point. Charlotte vanished when she took a bike ride with some friends. Her parents quickly became concerned as the sun went down. They called 911 after finding her bike abandoned in the woods. So police immediately began searching for charlotte. They declared her missing and issued an amber alert on sunday morning. Heres where things get pretty interesting. Earlier yesterday morning, police say the suspect, to your point, actually showed up at the familys house to drop a ransom note in the mailbox. Police able to lift a fingerprint, trace it to the suspects camper where charlotte was eventually found. Governor kathy hochul addressing the public yesterday once an arrest was made. Listen. After some resistance, the suspect was taken into custody and immediately the little girl was found in a cabinet cupboard. She was rescued. Todd 47yearold Craig Nelson Ross jr. Now in custody after a brief stint in the hospital. Weights reportedly charged with first degree kidnapping. Authorities are expected to provide more information later on today. Earlier we spoke to Callahan Walsh for the National Center for missing and exploited children. Listen to that. Its just amazing she is home with her family now. This family is whole again. Of course any amount of trauma that she endured, you know, is going to take time to heal. But, this family can hug their little girl again and it just so glad that she was able to be recovered and recovered alive. Todd Authorities Say this still is an active investigation as they were still questioning ross late last night. This has been an impressive search. About 400 people took part in the hunt for charlotte yesterday over a span of 46 miles. Meantime Charlotte Elementary School says it will have extra counts lores available to talk with any of the class malts or staff. Back to you. Steve you said the suspect wound up going to the hospital for a little while before taken into custody. I had read one report that apparently there was some resistance when the police tried to cart him off. Do we know what happened . Governor kathy hochul said that and its unclear the nature of that resistance we will find out presumably later on today when a lot more pieces of the puzzle will come in focus including this individuals criminal history. Local reports in a newspaper up here that he has a criminal history of sexual abuse. Again, we still need more details, confirmed details i should say coming from authorities to see how these pieces fit together. Expect that in the next couple of hours if not days, weeks and months. Lawrence do we know if the child was abused in any way . Steve i hope not. Todd unclear at this point. I had an interview with a Family Friend and its one of those things were less than 12 hours away from this family realizing that their nightmare is somewhat over with the discovery of her. And so, yeah, i definitely hemmed and hawed with the question, kind of beat around the bush if you with that question. She said the family isnt giving too many details at this point in time. They did say she is in good health. Thats the me take away at this point in time. Brian all right, todd. Thanks so much. Thank you so much, todd. His fingerprints was in the system because of a dui. Callahan walsh was reporting that earlier back, i believe, in the 1990s. Brian 1999. Steve its great that the school is going to have counselors. The school she goes to. Every little kid, you know, has got worries now after what happened to charlotte. Ainsley do we talk to our children . When we talk to our kids, yall have older children, what did you say to them stranger danger, dont go with strangers . Nowadays we used to ride our bikes in our neighborhood all the time. Steve so did we. Ainsley now you cant let your children out of your sight at all even if theyre 9 or 12. Steve we were out until supper time. Depends on the age of the child. Little kids might freak them out. Brian talk to the robertson they had a gun 8 years old Walking Around with a motorcycle. Depends on parents and region. Ainsley sounds like my brother or you. Brian lets talk about illegal immigration. In massachusetts we heard the governor panicked and wanted to declare a State Of Emergency. We know what is going on in New York City. Where we have had a constant State Of Emergency with over 125,000 illegal i will a yens. Now factor in illinois governor realized chicago is overrun around suburban emergencies. Its an emergency. What the hell is going on with illegal immigration on our border. This letter to President Biden from maybe a future president ial candidate Governor Pritzker. Ainsley is he a democrat keep in mind. As the numbers being transported to chicago accelerating the humanitarian crisis overwhelming our ability to provide aid to the refugee population. Unfortunately the welcome and aid illinois has been providing to Asylum Seeker has not been matched by support from the federal government. Most critically the federal government lack of intervention and coordination at the border has created an untenable situation for illinois. Brian sound familiar . Steve what is he complaining about is Governor Pritzker says, look, we are awash with migrants because we have had 15,000 in the last year. Thats how many New York City gets in a month. And so. Brian eagle pass gets in a day. Steve Governor Pritzker recommends that one person at the white house leave the border oversight. Ainsley one person . Kamala harris was supposed to do that. Steve they already have one person at the white house. Secretary of homeland security. He also suggests they waive fees for applying for Temporary Protected Status easier for migrants to get jobs. Being finally, where he says its untenable. Suddenly on the same page of the white house. He says Congress Needs to pass comprehensive immigration reform, which would be good but its not going to happen for this congress. And so what they have got to do, this administration has got to figure a way to fix whats going on. Lawrence so they want more voters but they dont want to actually address the root cause which is border security. Making sure that the Border Patrol can actually do their job instead of doing processing. Brian, its amazing that they are they are so frustrated at what is happening as you correctly noted. And one day in texas, kathy hochul is saying this is not a complicated issue that the white house just needs to do something. They are to blame. Just watch. Why dont you roll up your sleeves and sit down with democrats and get in a room and dont come out until you figure it out. Its not that complicated. I can do it about in about five minutes. Its about Finding Balance and putting the resources out there for the borders but also for states like new york that have extraordinary expenses, managing the crisis thats unfolding. Lawrence the president taking her call . The president refuses to meet with her. Brian any time they try to say we are trying to get these people jobs . Big magnet. Dont buy that number two is this president of the United States do not also say give me money for these refugees. That also is a problem. I dont want these cities afloat with federal money of ours to keep these illegal aliens getting their three meals a day, their mini menus and laundry done and noses wiped. Not in our country. I love what New York City mayor eric adams is doing. Is he doing what the Vice President should be doing. This guy is going to mexico city. Hes going to colombia. He is going to the darian pass. Going to meet with leaders and find out what the problem is thats just it. You have got to listen. A lot of these central americans, and South American countries are mad at us for making it so easy to come in. They are losing their workforce. Other times there is the cartels, more powerful than the government. Until you go down, you dont know what the issue is. Steve what is he going to do is tell those countries dont send your people. Because we cant handle it. Governor hochul said i can fix the problem in five minutes but heres the thing. Two days ago she said the border is too open. Got a lot of blow back. They were inquiring about that yesterday in the Briefing Room at the white house. After she said the border is too open, yesterday she amended it and walked it all back you know what we really need is immigration reform. Ainsley they keep clarifying what they really meant. Because they get backlash from other democrats. So, an adviser to the mayor of New York City, who is trying to find solutions for all this because were getting 100,000 migrants. We did at least in the last year. His stop adviser, Ingrid Lewis Martin was being interviewed by a local news outlet and said something very surprising. Saying we need to this is a democrat close the borders. Listen. Steve what . The federal government needs to do its job. We need the federal government, the congress members, the senate, and the president to do its job. Close the borders. Ainsley after she said that, after she said that though, a spokesman for eric adams came back and clarified the mayor believes the u. S. Should continue to welcome immigrants, however, fabian levy says there need to be Decompression Strategies at the border. Steve a National Border security comprehensive reform. Thats not going to happen. They all know it. Brian main thing is, the main issue was what do you do with the people here . You dont even touch that until you seal the border. And now, the issue is going to be even more dynamic because you have doubled the number of illegals in our country and then if you hermetically deal with the border deal with the central and South American issues get mexico to deal with their border by the way. They say more than ever coming right through. Then do you all that. And then you consider the people here already. Thats how far away from comprehensive. Also, its not healthy when the white house accuses republicans of pulling a political stunt. Thats political stunt they were not republicans. These are democrats. Lawrence the reason why they are saying this now though, brian, its election time. Right now the leading frontrunner is donald trump. Which this was his signature issue. When you look at the New York Times today. They doing an expose about what donald trump wanted to do with the cartel and the fentanyl that he wanted to go after the mexican gangs and the drug lords there. Brian now they are here. Lawrence i think its a big problem for the next president ial election. And its gonna only help them with independent voters. Steve well, nonetheless, there are a bunch of democrats who are now drawing attention to it saying hey, mr. President , do something. While, in the meantime the phone is ringing at the white house and nobody is picking it up. Brian going to live off roe v. Wade. I dont think so. Not in 2024. Steve 7 17 here in New York City. Ainsley lets hand it over to carley standing right over there. Carley hello so close yet so far. I will come over and give you squeezes later. I do have headlines starting with a Fox News Alert. Out of thailand the suspected teen gunman arrested earlier today after opening fire at a luxury mall in bangkok. Police say the suspect is just 14 years old. This is a live look at the scene, at least three people were killed and several hurt at the shopping center. Well keep you updated on this developing story as we learn more as the morning progresses. A new jersey man is facing up to life in prison after plowing through a Police Station with his suv last month. Authorities say the driver was blasting Welcome To The Jungle by guns and roses. Officials say he had driven through a womans garage minutes before and was reportedly hoping to get revenge on that woman for, quote, hypnotizing him. Amazingly, no one was hurt. The suspect now faces several charges including terrorism. Happening today. Vice president Kamala Harris will swear in california senator delegate laphonza butler. Gavin newsom picked her to replace Dianne Feinstein after the ninthyearolds death on friday of natural causes. Butler was a jeanier adviser to harris president ial campaign and is the president of emilys list which is a proabortion political group. And did you hear about this . England is banning the use of cell phones on School Campuses across the country. The nations Education Secretary announcing the move today. Saying it will improve students focus, prevent disruptive behavior and reduce online bullying. The rest of the u. K. , wales, Northern Ireland and scotland do not currently have a ban in place. I heard a couple people applauding, guys, when i said that i think this is a good idea. Steve i do, too. Carley Big Government move but also schools and cell phones are something that does not mix. Steve we were just talking to tom kersting a couple days ago how the cell phones retrain your brains. Less of them, better. Brian thanks, carley. Carley you are very welcome. Lets go out and check in with somebody with other important people. Ainsley pete hegseth and Tim Montana In Nashville with a left. Pete i have never been described as important but what this guy is doing is important. You had a Big Benefit Concert raised a bunch of money 24,000 for that guitar. Two guitars from fender. These are not cheap guitars. I hate when they could charity things 20 guitar. Fender sent the brand new reissued era from the 70s. Kid rock, travis. Sports legend michael ray. Darryl werley. Shayne. A ton of signatures on here. Pete this one sold. If you want to bid on another one. Yes. Can you right now. Whats the website. Give butter. Com forward slash ats. Forward money can you click money goes to vets and active duty. Click auction. A whole line of really cool stuff, including this signed fender telecaster. Peter i believe the link is on the screen. Do it right now. Out here with green berets. Were going to do a clay shoot next hour. This is, as you said, benefits active duty. Yes. Special ops excursions an organization that helps guys decompress. I met a couple of green berets here earlier. Also, you are raising money for a memorial at fort campbell. Yes, sir. Pete medicine did i vac Helicopter Pilots killed. There accident this year that unfortunately took nine soldiers lives and we will help raise money to put towards a memorial there and honored to do so. Its our duty to give back and this event is how we do it. Pete tim montana is the real deal give the website. Give butter. Com ats. Pete lots of school stuff. I checked it out already. We will be shooting a little bit later. Am i going to outshoot you. Pete top 20 got a top 20 rock hit. Top 20 rock hit. We finally went in top 20. My wife still treats me the same. Its not fair. I should be treated a little different. Pete play us out. Im on fox friends this Morning Raising Money for a real good cause yeah. Pete its to ainsley, can you toss it to ainsley hey, ainsley back to you. Yeah. [laughter] ainsley so touching. Thank you so much. You are all so patriotic. We love you both. Tell me your name . Carlos. Ainsley lets talk about some issues because we are going to the polls in about a year. What are your top issues going into 2024 . Jobs, education, health, getting the economy back just getting a good leader. Ainsley do you want to tell me how like . Trump. Ainsley okay. Good job. Thank you so much. Tell me your name sir. Hi, my name is ben. Ainsley where are you from. New york, long island. Ainsley what are your issues, then . Right now fixing the lack of vision and the fracturing within the republican party. Somebody like President Donald Trump created a very Strong Movement in 2016. My only fear is that it kind of lives and dies with him. I like someone like vivek because he seems to be almost following in trumps footsteps. He is the next generation of what would be the maga movement. I think someone like him with the tutelage of trump as a Vice President. Trump is leading by so much in the polls that its hard to see anybody taking it from him. So maybe at this point they are all kind of just running for second place. At that point someone like vivek is very unpolished, but could do a lot of great things with the proper mentor. I think four years under trump in the white house could definitely do him some good and help continue. Ainsley you like him for Vice President . Yes, i like him for Vice President. Ainsley you already told me before. She said i dont want to talk. I wont ask you some questions how are you doing . Good. John. Ainsley what are your issues . I think definitely the border. Definitely the economy and as you saw in philadelphia, there is just a lawlessness that has just come over and the lawlessness from the border is permeating into all the different major cities whether it be new york or all over the country. So we need some sense of Law And Order in the country. Ainsley all right. Thank you so much. Lets go back here to these ladies. They are from South Carolina originally she lives here in new york now and her mom is visits. Whats your name . Blakely. Ainsley what are your issues . The economy. And just the downward spiral. Ainsley new york is a lot more expensive than South Carolina . Yeah, yeah. Its insane. And i mean i think we need to restore of a lot of where we were in 2016 took place. I think trump had us on an upward trajectory and trump was extremely happy and proud to be an american we lost so much. Ainsley can you scared to tell people you like trump. Absolutely im scared. Ainsley republicans keep their mouth shut here in new york and vote silently. And your mom, whats her name . Elaine. Ainsley you are from simpsonville. Yes. Ainsley as you these northerners are moving down. My sister says it too she is in charleston. What are your issues . I would think the border is the biggest one. The economy also. I would love to have integrity in our elections. I cant trust what were getting. I hate to say that but its true. I would love to see somebody take that on. Ainsley what about all the stuff thats happening to donald trump. He was in court yesterday. Going back today. He could go to jail absd would still vote for him. I dont really care. Im sick of all of that. Ainsley brian made a good point so much crime in, no. People are getting pushed in front of subways and they are worried about his transactions back in whenever, whatever day . Its crazy. It really is. Ainsley all right. Well, thank you. Yall were great. Steve, im going it turn it over to you. You are over there at the desk. Steve i am, indeed. Great having breakfast with friends. Thank you so much, ainsley. Ainsley you are welcome. Steve now a Fox News Alert. This is disturbing. At least three armed carjackers at this hour still on the loose after holding a texas congressman at gunpoint yesterday just about a mile from capitol hill. Alexandria hoff is live in washington with the very latest. Alexandria . Hi, steve. Good morning. And the good news is that texas congressman Henry Cuellar did escape the situation without injury last night. He was robbed of his vehicle, his phone, other items in an armed carjacking. It happened around 9 30 p. M. In the navy yard neighborhood. Thats a popular area about a mile south of the capitol building. Dozens of other lawmakers they live there as well. And Congressman Cuellars Chief Of Staff wrote this as Congressman Cuellar was parking his car this evening, three armed assailants approached the congressman and stole his vehicle. Luckily, he was not harmed and is working with local Law Enforcement. Thank you to pretty throw pd and Capitol Police for their swift action and for recovering the congressmans vehicle. Republican senator mike lee, he weighed in as well writing my friend, rep cuellar became the victim of a crime tonight in what is considered a night par of d. C. D. C. Is dangerous. Something has gone terribly wrong here for far too long. Has the power to make d. C. s laws and must ernesto intervene. So yeartodate 750 car jacks have only 25 closure rate on carjacking offenses there is a good chance that police are going to be looking for these suspects for quite some time. If you remember, democratic congresswoman Nancy Craig Assault in the elevator of her apartment building. Earlier this year the suspect in that case was charged. Guys . Steve alexandria, im glad you put the numbers up there. Its like two or three a day on average in washington, d. C. We have heard soft on crime mayors and d. A. S property thing stealing the car. 75 according to that graphic involve a gun. You are exactly right. 65 involve when there are charges and when somebody is found. 65 of these crimes involve juvenile suspect. 10 and 2 a. M. When happening. Hard to control especially when you have a deficit in the number of Law Enforcement. Steve seems like the only time we talk about it is when somebody famous gets carjacked and the washington commander Football Player last year. Yeah. Yeah. Thats and thats terrible Something Like this happens but you have plenty of people in navy yard and elsewhere yeah, maybe there will be attention now given to this. Steve we will see. We are glad Henry Cuellar is okay. Thank you very much. Meanwhile a Fox News Alert coming up at 7 30 in New York City. The former President Donald Trump expected in a New York City courtroom about 10 00 this morning after raising new questions about the validity of the case against him that the statute of limitations is a very real thing in this country that would be about 80 of this case would be over. Well, were going to talk to new York Attorney paul mauro about that argument coming up. But, first, no chance of slim pickings from this menu. Americas Fastest Growing food chain slim chickens joins us with the details of their success. Stick around. Were having breakfast with friends. Fox square, on this tuesday. [cheers and applause] there are giants among us. They are the men and women building our navys next generation submarines. They are giants in what they do because they work in a place where they can grow. Where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as the beasts they forge. We build giants. Because it takes one to build one. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose new neuriva ultra. Unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including Mental Alertness from one serving. To help keep me sharp. Try new neuriva ultra. Think bigger. Dont delay act now [cheers and applause] steve welcome back. Were having breakfast with friends live on fox square all morning long a perfect day thanks to our friends at slim chickens and currently it is 60 degrees right here in midtown manhattan. More with the chicken guys in a second but first our next guest spent years chief of police of michigans largest city before retiring in 2021. But former Detroit Police chief james craig says his oath to protect and serve the people of michigan did not come with an expiration date. He joins us right now from michigan. Chief, good morning to you. Hey, how are you doing, steve . And good morning to you and your team and especially to my good friend, lawrence. Send me some slim chicken out here to detroit. Steve will do, absolutely. They got locations all over the country. You will could actually pick some up in michigan. Now, chief, you are joining us today. Even though we have been watching congress and so much dysfunction in the senate and in the house, youve got a big announcement on this tuesday morning. Dont you . Yes. And im making that announcement right here on your station and im excited about it. As you know, i served 44 years as a Public Servant. Im excited and, you know, i serve not as a partisan individual but someone who protected and served. Lets be candid. There is some Establishment Republicans that dont want me in this race. And certainly there are some liberal democrats that are afraid of me being in this race. But im here to tell you im in the race. Im going to run. Im running for u. S. Senate for the great state of michigan because i want to be about change for our state and for our country. So im extremely excited. We have so many issues. Our National Security is in question. We talk talk about the open borders and fentanyl deaths and, the fact that these cartels are enemy combatants. And then the e excessive spendi, our economy. There is so much that we need to do and im excited. This didnt happen overnight. Its been weeks and weeks of planning. So i have got to give thanks to my team and certainly to your viewers out there who are interested in this candidacy because we are going to win. They can go to www. Chief james craig. Com. Lets make it happen. Steve all right. Chief, we are honored that you would make the announcement live here on fox friends this morning. You were talking about the issues. You know, we were just talking about an issue that does not get enough coverage on at love channels. That is crime. I mean, Henry Cuellar, who could be a colleague of yours. If you make it to congress, you know, he was carjacked by armed men just about a mile from the u. S. Capitol. Something has got to be done. Well, you know, i got to tell you, steve, its shameful. Look, per capita probably d. C. Has more Law Enforcement officers than anywhere else. More than detroit. But, when you talk about 700 carjackings in d. C. This year. Let me put it in perspective for you. When you took over detroit in 2013, crime was at an alltime high. We had over 700 carjackings that year. The year i left, the full year that i did just before i left, we dropped carjackings down just below 200. 200. Now, certainly thats not a lot to brag about. Carjacking is very violent and intrusive crime. But here we got per capita more Law Enforcement and not just the texas congressman, you had another lawmaker who was a victim of crime just in the recent past. What is going on in d. C. . I know whats going on. Its run by ineffective blue leaders. They need to step aside. And you are ready to take a post in washington, d. C. Before you go though, you know, there are already, chief, a whole bunch of republicans who are running for this the seat thats being vacated by debbie stab now. What separates from you all the other republicans who want the job . Well, first of all, i have been a Public Servant all my life. I understand. And do you know what is very interesting about my background, you know, i have been a chief in three different cities starting in portland, maine, cincinnati, ohio, and then certainly home in detroit. And spent almost three decades in los angeles. I have always worked in democratrun cities. Now, i wasnt always a conservative. Most of my adult life i was a conservative and then i transitioned to a republican. I have always worked very effectively in those cities and detroit, by the way, a blue city. I was also as the chief of police the deputy mayor. So i understand governing. Municipal government and i know what Public Service should look like. It has nothing to do with ego. It has nothing to do with power. It really has to do with working for the people. Steve and getting stuff done. James craig, former chief out there, thank you very much for joining us live and making that Billing Announcement and good luck to you, sir. Thank you, have lawrence send me that chicken. Steve i will do that. We will send you some chicken and waffles. Thats what we can smell right now. Thank you. Steve 20 minutes before the top of the hour. The chief is right the chicken is delicious. Carley the chicken is so good. I still have Chicken Grease on my hands if im being completely honest. I do have news to get to. New overnight a wrong way Driver Who Led Police on a four hour long chase makes a run for it in what looks like a real life game of frogger. The suspect ditching that truck before Dodging Traffic on a busy freeway right outside of los angeles. They ran toward a nearby dennys restaurant before police hauled them off. Ford and g. M. Are furloughing 500 workers in the midwest as the uaw strike continues for a 19th day. The union still not agreeing to a new contract with the big three detroit automakers, g. M. Put another offer on the table that the union countered yesterday. No word on if it will be accepted. And a major Healthcare Strike is on the horizon. As many as 75,000 workers across five states could walk off the job as early as tomorrow. Theyre asking Kaiser Permanente for pay increases. Retiree, medical plans and other protections. Those are your headlines. Lawrence, my friend, over to you. Over to all of you. Steve thank you very much. Ainsley thank you so much, carley. Lawrence so from humble begins in their arkansas garage next guest aims to change americas Fried Chicken game for the batter. [laughter] steve good. Ainsley 20 years later slim chickens has the whole Country Clucking for more with over 200 locations nationwide, it is one of the Fastest Growing food chains in the United States. Steve here live all morning long feeding us we have slim chickens cofounders tom gordon and greg smart. Good morning, how are you. Steve first time i ever saw slim chickens road sign driving by one of your is that a play on slim pickens but it came from your mom. My mother drove down the road all right i got it the name is slim chickens, thats it, done. Off we go. We were about to open up our restaurant we didnt have a name Thank Goodness his mom came up for us. How did this happen . We were friends in the early days of high school. Ainsley in arkansas . In arkansas. Steve he was the smart one. Because your last name is smart. We had seen some of the concepts and greg had seen some of the concepts. No one is doing this right. I was doing restaurants. Join forces, do this right. Great food. Great service. And a different spin on this kind of product. Lawrence i have to ask you guys, as a texan, the key to good chicken is being able to taste the flavor all the way through. So how do you get the batter as well as the chicken to be flavorful . I say that is our kind of proprietary signature recipe. Lawrence i was almost there. But when you become a franchisee we will tell you. Steve good idea. Chicken tenders 100 percent all natural. Buttermilk marinaded hand breaded with our proprietary recipe breading. Ainsley added something to the menu. New tender bowl three cheese. Brian what are these things . That looks great. Steve Lawrence Lawrence what is that . Praline pumpkin desert. Ainsley can you eat these with your finger. Steve folks watching right now guys, do you know what . I would like to be a franchisee . What is your website and how do they get ahold of you. Slim chicken. Com has all the information. Franchising. We are opening about a store a week. We have lots of commitments. Territory opened and we are in the jar desert style. Slim chickens. Com. This is the chocolate brownie. Ainsley yum. Steve have you had these yet . We make them in the restaurants every day. Steve chef susan is over there cooking up during that segment. Ainsley when are you going to open one in New York City. Steve in one now today. Lawrence we may invest. A live look hunter biden is settle expected to plead not guilty to gun charges would carry up to 25 years in prison. Ainsley plus, fancy like fox friends on a tuesday. Walker hayes is rocking out on the fox square all morning. How he went from costco, an employee there to country stardom. 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There are no Term Contracts or line activation fees. And you can bring your own device. Oh, and all on the most reliable 5g Mobile Network nationwide. Wireless that works for you. Its not just possible. Its happening. Last five minutes was outstanding because the judge essentially conceded that the statute of limitations that we won at the Court Of Appeals is in effect; therefore, about 80 of the case is over. I was going to come out and say that as you know we are not entitled to a jury, which is pretty unusual in the United States of america, so, we think its very unfair that i dont have a jury. But the judges last statement was very fair. Brian you are looking live at trump tower where the former president will soon head back to utter do. You heard him yesterday after declaring day one of the Civil Fraud Trial a good one for his defense. Is he right . Retired nypd inspector and himself paul mauro here. You heard what the president was saying. He heard what the judge said. All the charges prior to 2011, the statute of limitations is out. So 80 of the case is done. Is he right . Not entirely accurate. So what happened here is that the judge acknowledged the fact that there is an Appeals Court decision that would cut across the Letitia James side of this here. What is interesting to me the trump team had to sue to get judge end ron to acknowledge the Court Appeals decision i dont know why it took such a drastic motion to get the sitting judge in the case to acknowledge con controlling precedent Appeals Court. If the judge follows his statements that he made at the end of the day yesterday. Then trump is right. A number of these statutes, a number of these charges, rather, theyre civil would go away. Brian every time i hear this case i get more confused. Why do you have to sue to get a judge to Pay Attention to the statute of limitations and if that is, in fact, the case, he admitted yesterday, its out of his hands. Thats right, thats right. Brian what other decision key possibly make . Remember something else, the case against ivanka here the civil allegations against ivanka have already been dropped. So, they have made up some ground. Look, lets take lets just draw back a little bit and look at this from a macrosense. This is about just driving him out of new york and cuttings out his funding so that he cant run. Letitia james came into office. She ran on this. Brian we can roll the tape if we want. She did a similar thing against the nra. They went back at her said this is selective enforcement. They lost. Essentially, lets ask ourselves this. Were his name not trump, is there case going on . Have you heard of a similar case . Brian never, never. They are arguing over what we would call in the Real Estate Agents world comps. Anybody who sold a house know these look at the neighborhood. They see what the houses are worth and they say okay were going to evaluate your property based on that. How in the world in this case they could be off hundreds of millions of dollars based on comps, you got to ask yourself what is going on. Brian want to marginalize Accounting Firm too and get it separate from the cfo. I was just going on the word of the cfo and cfo looking at the numbers. Accounting firm is responsible when they sign on to something, right . Thats correct. Look what they did even to the golf course that he leased from the city. They wanted him to buy that instead he leased it. Brian bloomberg begged him to buy the bronx golf course. Im here my whole life. I remember when they begged him to take over the wallman rink they couldnt fix the rink. He came in and did it in no time compared to the city which could never get it done. Brian why does this take three months . Why do they say this case three months and judge decided on a portion of it already erroneously. You touched on it. First of all, complicated. Only really decided on the one count, okay . Which is the first count that he decided on. There is five more that are pending. Furthermore, then you are into the damages portion of this whole thing. The trump people want to put on all kinds of experts to address. So things you and i are talking about now. This is reportedly going to go until december. I wouldnt be surprised if it goes into the new year. Then there is going to be appeals et cetera, et cetera. Look, lets cut to again. 5 november next year. They want to get him out of the mix before then. Brian they deny that they just are getting to the bottom of a fraud case because theres no other crime in new york. Its only donald trump saying he is worth too much. Remember something else. The midatlantic d. A. s office. No friend of donald trump. Walked away from this case when they looked at it criminally. Letitia james brought it civilly. Why . Its a lower standard. Its preponderance of the evidence. Its civil court. Thats only a 51 standard. Dont have to hit that high bar of yard. Look like a double play. We will see where this goes. The judge looks like a silly guy. When he took off that glasses and had a dumb smile on his face adjusting his hair. Unbelievable with all this at stake. Thanks so much, paul, appreciate it . Good to be here. Brian go over to carley for more news. Carley i certainly do. New jersey senator Bob Menendez Corruption And Bribery Trial is set for next may. The democrat and four other defendants including menendezs wife all pleading not guilty to fraud and bribery charges. Menendez and his wife are accused of taking gold bars and closed to half A Million Bucks from three businessmen and Court Prosecutors reveal that their there might not be five defendants praising the possibility rather, raising the possibility that one may have cut a deal. And the nfl removing its taylor swift inspired social media post following backlash from football fans. The bad blood comes after the league changed its Instagram Bioto chiefs are 20 and swifties following the teams narrow win over the jets on sunday by noon monday, the biowas nothing more than a blank space. Fans say they are more focused on the questionable calls that led to the chiefs victory. But, Donna Keith Ellisony is reportedly giving taylor her stamp of approval. Sources telling people donna likes taylor and things thats good news if you are taylor janice were talking about taylor swift again . Carley still going on. Janice i think it is fake. Really . You are clapping for fake love . Janice the last relationship she had, she wanted to keep it quiet, now she wants this everywhere, the n. F. L. Covering us and us to be interested in it. Carley the couple name is sw swellce. Janice okay. Carley not into it . I will exit stage left. Janice are you into the food here . Slim chickens, how are you . What is your name . Chef susan. You make all this . Yes, maam. Janice can you tell me what the secret sauce is . Then it wouldnt be a secret. Janice it is the best chicken ive ever had. What a spectacular day we have for eating wonderful slim chickens. It is a Beautiful Day and well get into the 80ses for much of the country. Half the country in the 60ses, below 60 . New york. We will take it, my friends. Cold front moving through, could bring showers and thunderstorms. Fall on pause. By the weekend, it will feel like fall, we will enjoy the next couple days, feels like summertime, were eating Fried Chicken. Showers and thunderstorms and threat for severe weather, watch for warnings and fox weather. Com, will keep you up to date. Janice can i have some of this . Ive been eating this all morning long, you dont get sick of Fried Chicken. Thank you for being here. The chef, everybody, right here. Steve janice, eat up, the free food stops in one hour. Steve moving on, songs about simple joys of life. Nothing about walker hayes simple rise to Country Music stardom was that simple. While Writing Songs during the day, he worked at costco. He is Grammy Nominated and he has a new album called new money. Ladies and gentlemen, he joins us live. Start with the costco job. You are Writing Songs in the morning and at night doing what . Stocking produce, in charge of vegetables, making sure there was no mold on vegetables and getting the dates right. That is important. Get freshest strawberries. Steve at costco, what do you do . Freshest lettuce on the bottom . Yes, because people like you, we make you dig for it. Brian how much more special is your success knowing you had to do jobs like that . Yeah, i mean, i got a bunch of kids, so i also got that costco discount. Ainsley how many . Six kids, three girls, three boys. Ainsley how fun. Fun . It is chaotic. Ainsley how do you do that . My wife laney is a trooper, she home schools them all. They travel with me everywhere. I miss the chaos. Im here this week alone and im kind of boring, i dont know what to do without them. Steve you better be boring. Ainsley get in your hotel room, order room service, no kids. Nobody is stealing my food. Lawrence talk about your blooen of music, country, little hiphop, little soul, how do you merge it together . I dont do it on purpose. I just write what im feeling, i grew up listening to all types of music. My dad passed that to me. He didnt specifically pick one genre, just everything. Ainsley you grew up in mobile. Brian tell the appleby

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