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Yeah. Yeah. My god, those make making which kids can sure scream. Anyway, its friday. You know what that means thats welcome to its guests. Grab a map because youre about to get blast in his eyes. Hansen. She is so southern she recently traded in her ipo bracey be radio, cohost mcdonald. Like most of Philly Sports fan she was the needles jersey and naked monitor approximation hos mcconnell. And finally he gets a from the refrigerator. Tomasello. We are in. The show has begun before we ge to the news, lets do this. Grades leftovers. Its leftovers. When i read the jokes we did no use that as wicked as always my first time reading these. Dont they a . Woolbright joe mackeys arms an i except for some to play twister. Lets go. Brazil has reportedly seen the advent of nudist barbershops where no one wears any close. Meanwhile uncircumcised customers have been asking for little off the top. A pair of tickets it from th performance of that president Abraham Lincoln was watching when he was assassinated. Theyve been sold for 262,000. Anyone willing to pay that much must have a hole in her head. Too soon. Like 150 years ago. Anyway, a man was gored to deat during a writing of the bulls i spain. The funeral will be a closed casket from the waist down. A come on. Terrace wouldve laughed. Thats a great joke. A white some bob we have i thin i said that wright was crowned as of the nations and has a universal representative sparking outrage in a country thats 99 percent black. Citizens of all colors came together once they realized at least a she does not have a. Penismac the lobar these days. A new ai tool that is short for Artificial Intelligence the new ai tool has been able to generate what Marilyn Monroe wouldve looked like today he i picture. I couldve done that. The National Cathedral is replaced Stained Glass featurin confederate generals with protesters that allegedly support the theme of racial justice. Itll help the cathedral save o fire insurance. Thats a good joke. It makes you think. I would prefer you laugh. Thinking is overrated. Kamala harris is incompetent qualified in the west Vice President and 40 euros accordin to voters in a daily mail pole and everyone else on the planet. They like that one. After years of anticipation, nasa has returned Asteroid Samples to earth and historic first. Not to a surprise, its a rock. Its always a rock. During the gop debate Chris Christie said he knows trump is watching because he cannot control himself. This from a guy who knows a lot about selfcontrol. Id say look in the mirror but you need more than one. Ojai california thats a place has become the first us city to recognize the legal rights of elephants. Thats if you dont count new york already allowing the view to take your. They blackwell a Social Media Influence who uses them they meatball it was charged with eight felonies after encouragin whites at her mug shot should tears running down her cheeks a the police that mightve been marinara sauced. Last week the Canadian Parliament gave a standing old to a ukrainian man who turned out to be a former nazi. House speaker anthony road apologized for his lack of Due Diligence and hope that they would not hold him against his next cats, mr. Batum peace peddler. While speaking on inflation during the bait ron desantis an spoke of a woman who had to tak food out of her basket at the checkout. To which Chris Christie replied food at . That someone take food . The will Howard Institute of virology wanted another coronavirus out late outbreak i highly likely the new strain will begin circulating as soon as doctor fauci and vincent. A British Airways pilot was filed fired after bragging abou a preflight cocaine party. Who does he think he is a biting . Earlier this year at michigan president by joins joys of tricking autoworkers on the picket line evidently theyre the same workers who are credited with assembling mike pence. Whatswrongwithyou. Wandered into a green house and ate 600 pounds of Marijuana Plants and then they wandered into a 711 and 8900 pounds of doritos. The nypd is deploying a securit robot to patrol the times squar subway station. So far its working perfectly. It successfully transmitted 12 photos of that thieves who skeletons deliver parts. And finally during an impeachment hearing thursday democrats asked Marjorie Taylor green to show pornography again as she did in previous testimon about hunters criminal behavior. Disappointing former cnn they galindez Jeffrey Toobin who was watching at home. To the news. That men his chance now its time to put on his pants to thi fake workingclass guy now has to wear a tie this week they u. S. Senate unanimously voted t restore his former dress code that means they reverse the shortlived Fetterman Road Whic allowed lawmakers to wear whatever they wanted on the senate floor. Appeasing the pennsylvania senator who is related hoodies shorts for the rest of us. Spotted to the Role Reversal an at by posting a picture of Kevi James Which was a same photo we used in their reporters snapped at this photo of him filing a suit giving two thumbs up. So why did schumer and his colleagues put himself through such needless humiliation especially mother so much necessary humiliation that they richly deserve . I guess its to avoid a buildin to nominate fetterman and then lied to the American People about his condition for the pas 18 months in other words becaus The Democrats while crime reaches of the border dissolves that they thought the well concern was making one to be doofus comfortable. As usual Data Priorities like joy behar to its hygiene. Liberal activist on edge which is formerly twitter played the trans card posting its a Culture War Resolution that men must wear a coat tie and slacks so if youre a transit, does a resolution requires you to dres a certain way . When i guess it depends if they have a penis penis. Whatever they want as long a the back covers the entire face. But really, dress codes are important because when she become lenient about that, they can only get worse. Greg wright. Look at that they have think they get the senate can do it why cant i. I guess its a fair point i nee to get that checked out. Not again. They had to blur a lot of real estate. Pete we had all these problems going on and it is so weird thi was the politicians at limit. Going to far is not when you talk about mutilating kids are fighting foreign words or let i millions of biblical immigrants its about decorum. The only thing we can get bipartisan bill passed is put close on. That is absolutely at. My office is next to yours and can attach the test thats frequently how he dresses. Fetterman delivered a case o bud light recently to the impeachment. Which seems fitting. Why is it fitting for him . He didnt expect a followup, digital . I didnt. I expect expected laughter. You were like mike pence and th debates. It laugh now. Ill let you go on this one. They can. Or care about decorum. Why dont they extend this concern to the streets with her getting mugged and be in up exactly. There the little people. Too high and too dirty to actually go vote. Im really upset that they reversed this up. Because your wardrobe is the window into your soul. So i am going to avert my eyes for the time being. I wasnt looking forward to to fetterman and tank tops in the summer and watching the reapplication of deodorant. In the middle base in that session or in his roomy Basketball Shorts cooling down his steamy junket. With an washcloth. Im serious. If you would let all of these goals in the senate dress exactly how they want two, don you think we would know that menendez was up to something if his wife dressed him. Even versace or like a purple leather matching warmup outfit. You said versace at like tha on purpose. Yes i did. Because i dont want to correct you a. Lykan showgirls. We all remember that maybe i had a small role in that. Yes i did. I was up all. Casey casey. Why did they feel it necessary this is the problem with america. We are changing all of these roles for one person. There were doing that with no cash bail we have to do it for minority of people we change thing for person and when everyone else suffers. The bull are there is nobles are. You can do whatever you want yo can get away with whatever you want you look at the riot will talk about that. And youre saying im a man of the people i want to represent the people this is how they dro dress we all know to address an look like we have a chat and a few days. He got a pomo shoulders since h believed the levitt dr. Oz. He may have steered people wron with the great copy. But we still have him and i think he wants so badly all of the senators all of these representatives that want to be celebrities and they want to be famous and influencers and are not doing their jobs. He should be addressing for his constituents and not himsel because he should be inspiring to something greater. You are very well dressed. Box is actually changing the dress code because im killing it so hard with the suit. I was going to say that fetterman does a chip on his shoulder its an intelligent bu i hope something. Tommy, terrible. We have to pussyfoot around the fact that he is disabled. When i bring it up the guy should not be senate because he is disabled. A people say how dare you say his disability makes them unabl to do his job. I am surprised they changed the law now or changed at the stress could because they let a lot of other codes go like that one that says dont marry your brother. And to immigration pureed had that when they overlook that one. I see what you did there. And with menendez, the old don sell gold bars into your suit. That one was. He actually said his excuse he said im old school. That was his excuse for the gol bars of pureed like grandma and grandpa they all to the end of the world in the event that that. I just walk around with gold in my pocket. Hes like a parrot. Thats what he shouldve said that dont make fun of his pirate heritage. How dare you. We got a bit on when a girl say shes so its decided, well park even deeper into Parking Spaces so people think theyre open. Surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, Muffled Talking ] cant hear you, jerry. Sorry. Uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someones bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone elses . No no or you can get a quote with americas numberone Motorcycle Insurer and maybe save some money while youre at it. All in favor of that. [ horn honking ] theres a lot of buttons and knobs in here. I would like to think donny osmond for that. For not doing it. The verdict they rendered cottle s at them as gender of the Michigan Supreme Court as prohibiting all judges in that state to miss jen bring anyone who comes before any court. Pass 52 with the liberal justices aborting part in the conservatives against it. True liberal justices mandated what judges can say although just a man getting should be outlawed as well. It comes after a 2021 case involving a trans woman who demanded being addressed by they , them pronounced. The states lower Court Of Appeals finally chose two that request. This Transit Madness has gone from the Girls Bathroom to the courtroom but for the purpose, that said they, them is the perfect legal strategy. If you win, you walk out a free man. If you lose, you get to go to a womens prison. Its a winwin as my stuttering uncle used to say. Are you laughing at my stuttering uncle . Hes probably watching right now. Im kidding, hes dead. That took a while. This is kind of scary to me because theres no Science Behind is it. Its all based on people demanding things in the courtroom should be immune to this. Absolutely at shed. Im surprised its happening no because demi lovato was kind of the peak of this nonsense. A few months ago, she said she was going back to using she, he instead of just a they, them because it was so exhausting an confusing. To everybody. Can you imagine how cocked out this court system is going to b when the judge is addressing someone and that the defendant goes, no, its of them and the judge goes who and its them be mike hill. As them. Who did it . So the lawyer will gowho attacked you and they did you mean there was more than one person. No they. Its like whos on first . I know our audience will understand that. They were born then. Its true. This is so illogical. This goes against common sense. It never used to be like this. That was one of the points one of the judges is that it al just have to pay more attention in the footnotes. The adjusted thing put it that they as referencing one person in whom it is. They can say plaintiff and defendant so thats a little loophole you get a little on my get. Im the one in the Orange Jumpsuit right now you know what . What work relates to a escape from . He was a low flag. The highway flighted. It know what i was going to say is mx i actually am just naive or did not know and how to it u as monks. They them would be monks got failed. Not mister. I did not know that. Mx or mocks. Im confused. This is terrible. This is basically a step toward compiling this in everyday life. Once its in the courts. Its quite dangerous a i agree, its almost like youre surprised that this is happenin now because most people are starting to wake up and say thi was a little bit silly we got goofy but there were certain places like a College Campus of the professors are still there is still acting like its a thing. We expect them to be last in line this is why i dont trust judges. Whenever a decision comes out and they say the court decided while the court decided theyre just people and a lot of them are stupid. A lot of judges are down. Youre not on the 21st floor with judge within easy for you to say. Shes a good one. Shes alright. Shes a she. You know who is good tv judges. Im not saying that. Hed be like he she thats it. Exactly. That was Something Else when i was growing up. You know what this is . People talk about freedom of speech. This is when they compelled speech that is still an attack on freedom of speech. You have a right not to say things if i were in the courtroom and i say im not going to say they and it will compel me to. Thats an attack on me. But this is what they do wha big institutions. By the way all the law students coming out to have lived in thi nonsense. The judge will see you now. Theyre used to that. Its a big in the Military Righ now. They use institutions more hierarchical like the courts is like the military where they have their freespeech rights but you kind of dough and as a result of you dont comply theres this nebulous land wel be charged or pushed out and in the meantime, the inmates run the asylum. The privates in the military or in this case the criminals can object to the use of the language on them all day long. This is an interesting point because the military is based o hierarchy. The entire premise. And because of this Identity Politics stuff, its completely flipped. You have it people the top obeying people on the bottom. Exactly. We dont need to get to the whole military things its what commanders say is the biggest problem they cant maintain the grooming standards of a private. Shape, you cant to me to shave. You ms. Gender of me and asked the commander in trouble or the judge in trouble and its all being done out of fear. They dont agree, they dont believe in the scrap there just scared. What burns me up as youll have a male rapist in Court Demandin everybody call him a she and yo have to play that charade. It makes a mockery of the whole system. I would pick a sound. You cant call me a pronoun im a sound. You have to take your pants off to make that sound. How parking can you go . Thats a great point. Although i think you took it to far. Up next and influence return do you ever feel dehydrated and need to feel better quickly . Liquid labs from force factor hydrates better and faster than water alone. And, liquid labs is delicious, easy to use and affordable. Rush to walmart and find liquid labs in the vitamin aisle. Charlotte charl every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, Delicious Fage total yogurt. If it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off a porcupine and youre sweatin your next trip to the loo colace is the brand you need to soften stools were all agreed 2 should be easy to do trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. About a Cashew Farmer from mozambique named carlos. Carlos lifted himself out of poverty with the help of techoserve. Go to technoserve. Org and see how you can support struggling farmers like carlos. Its a different way to make a difference. We are on top of the story her claim to fame is shes got Shame Meatball once money from donors or men with owners of. In interrupted her streaming an let this meatball steaming. Days after instagram influence at Dejah Blackwell known as meatball was charged with Live Streaming litters and valleys shes now begging her fans for cash money to hire a lawyer and painter toenails she hasnt see for a long time. I wonder if shes never been through nothing like that in he life. I never been nothing like that ever in my life. I dont even know what happened. I need some sleep. Im scared. Im traumatized. Never again in my life. Everybody is screaming welcome home. And thats not including the tearful grating she got from th folks at the local burger king she keeps up her daily Order Th Manager can buy a boat. Profile Pic Instagram her mug shot. Shes also gotten only fans page thats the internet conten Subscription Service primarily by sex workers who produce point. Apparently solib will post erotic videos but in a white widescreen format. So far results have been mixed with fans actually giving her money to put her clothes back on. So casey she has said she is sorry but the fact shes trying to sell herself based on the crimes mixer makes her think shes maybe not that sorry she not sorry youre making her mug shot your Profile Picture you put your cash up handle out there to get a pedicure. It that make sense and keeps compounding and embarrassed to be from from pennsylvania especially on the show weve ha a lot of red flags so far. You do stupid things this is justice when you do that you your lifestream and safely iphones and your stealing and looting of destroying property and setting this example for th people who probably go, this is what can happen. There is a lesson in here bu the liberals want hear it. What scared her was the night i jail. She never wants to go to jail again what does that tell you. Jail works. The reason my people keep committing crimes is because they dont see jail. They get booked and released an that this case she only spent a entire night there. But she came in and said that she was frightened. Thats how gel works shes not graduate again but theres so many people behind her and thos videos and i hope theyre resting them as well she was ou there in social media. Obviously shes not too bright. If they do feel bad for her she was in over her head. Thats what happens when you go to riots and people are writing i hope that people who divorced damage that her are also punished because those people every time they do it people at this riot a bid to 25 by 30 riots. We set up a president of the cities at rockwood too arrest you for this it would tell the people in the stories dont chase them. Plus weve got people january 6 who were invited into the capital and their writing in prison right now. True. I also do get the sympathy because you just get her she is the product of the education system. Before you get the High School Crush are end up with meatballs. Im not a fan. I like the beef meatball, how soon before meatball gets 8 00 p. M. Slot at cnn . Quite possible. I like my meatballs with beef and sausage. Jesus christ. Coach skinner. He said was exactly right. Shes in the video i dont know what she said. Your ass just got arrested. Thats just what happened. A never going to do it again, good. We cannot find every other person there and do the exact same thing. There is a probably dudes in there that have done this dozen of time. Find them and lock them away so the consequences are real. May give her 5 to get a toenails painted. It does not cost 5. Like 35 or 45. I will do it for free. I will pay you to do it. Dagan its like you came bac for more and shes getting a parade on instagram. At my god help me. Meeting come back from afghanistan. To keep it from living at apple store. Shes got a new phone. Im tik tok. This is what happens from all The Body Positivity [bleep] one minute you got a morbidly obese megalomaniac. With her got flopping over on her parents. On the top. The boom shes got half a million followers and shes inciting a riot and looting in the middle of philadelphia. Fitness freaks doesnt happen. The kettle bell crowd they are underfed. Is true whenever they left Something Else to put it back down. Again, Underfed Calorie Deprive exhausted and sore. Theyre not looting. The fact is, this is a microcos in a world where were Incentivizing Bad Behavior and we have no disincentives anymor and that is jail. I remember growing up with scared straight, that show. Unlike you watch that i thought i was going to be arrested. Every day i watched so many cop shows i thought i was going to be arrested when i was a kid. There is no way out for me because i watched it too dragnet. While in healing too much aqua net. Im not making sense. Up next its not too late to answer were not writers, but we help you shape your financial story. Were not an airline, but our Network Connects global businesses across nearly 160 markets. Were not a startup, but our Innovation Labs use new technologies to help keep your information secure. Were not architects, but we help build stronger communities. Were not just any bank. We are citi. Youre watching mailing it in. It welcome to it in. Youre right, ill read every flow bribe into a bottomless pitt with spikes at the bottom. Thats impossible. Pug duell asks if you are running for president , who woul you pick as your vp . At tom i thought you wouldnt make a good one. You look like Kevin Spacey Afte Being put placed on iraq. Neither thats neither here nor there. I can do the cant beat me spacey did he murder someone to become president . He got a step up i would pick jane the guy who warms up the audience. He would be a great president. Hes highenergy. But heres the problem. Only the audience sees him a warm up. The people not go what is he talking about. He always comes in and the leather best to serve you things. It. The audience knows jean. Hed be my hype man. He has no political views whatsoever. I dont talk to him. I stay as far away as i can. Hes a weirdo. It about you . Taylor swift is. Everything shes torching turns to gold. Yes but the nfl everyone is watching the nfl. Not because of taylor swift she sells them out. If i wanted to be president i would bring taylor swift. I think shes an idiot yet. I. Have you ever heard her talk . It. Shes talented. Those a lot of talented people out there who are idiots. Id still win the election. Poo on you. Go back to pottsville. I would like to announce my Vice President ial candidate would be meatball. Why not. Thats what politics deserve it. Executive order, pedicures for everyone. Fivedollar pedicures. I dont think it will came. He was a guy. Thats weird. Isnt that weird . Pete and willow. Kind of strange. Basically, youre not going to grow your fan base with him. You can to get the people. I know. You ever get confused between him and will came both have the same hair and other stuff. What say you vague and . My gut reaction when you read that was cut libertarian. Libertarian diversity reviews and at the end of the day shes always lf. Always up for anything. I dont know. I bet its three. I would even the due date and immediately resign so she could be president or a tyros and he could carry me around wherever go. We go on foreign trips the prime japanese minister and it like greg. And im like, hello. Hello there. Your voice will change too . My voice would change. All right, captain baltimore. What gave him that title . Who was your first Celebrity Crush and did you ever end up meeting that person . Casey, we give yourself. If you say peeler swept, youre back on theit. She wasnt developed when i developed this crash. As Leonardo Dicaprio and titanic. I never bet him. I dont want to. You but even look at you now. It. Im too old. Out to pasture. Its sad but true. What was your first Celebrity Crush . Did you ever end up beating tha person . Who played robin and the bar word. Why did i know that. I have a great story. Markowski has a fred work. Burt ward live action. That batman a rabid. You liked the red underpants. Pretty much. That due to party to him and frank orris and the reds they would go to some pretty wild hollywood parties doing some nasty stuff in their little outfits. I know too much about this. Khiry struck. Remember the gymnast who landed on one leg in 1996, for some reason and i even looked up her she became famous like this. And i think i found her phone number and called her from a payphone. Negative . Absolute factor from a payphone at a gas station in forest lake, minnesota. Pulled over put a quarter and left a message. Its somewhere in voicemail box. It never worked out. I hope she watches mo call you back. I would not say leave majors wasnt my first Celebrity Crush growing up but i idolized him. I idolized lee majors it. Lets face it, specimen of a ma in the big valley. Remember he was heat and the 6 milliondollar man. That was my lee majors eyram. I did not get to the fall guy. I was too old for that. At the guy text me on the all the time when im on the five f it. Isnt weird . Came to one of my shows. Is coming to houston october 15. Is he going to run slow . Yes, lets hope. My crush was and that you ar going to know who im talking about, Lisa Garretson played at phylliss daughter and mary tyler moore. Jesus. You remember her . She was so cool such a good actress. I dont know whatever happened to her. She was great. Is it weird when you have crushes on people that disappeared. A ever see that movie picnic on hanging rocket . The brunette. She disappeared shes gone. Watch that movie it was peter wiel first maybe before he did witness it is a creepy movie. And the movie was inmusic by ampyra. Not kidding. Im the loser too. Were going to move on becaus were all feeling really awkward. Up next, mix it got millions to flock but hi hi, im sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. Before golo, i felt sick, i felt sluggish, i was diabetic, and my cholesterol was high. I would always be bloated and my stomach was always upset. Now my stomach is flat. Im happy with how golo has made me look, but whats more important is how i feel. I feel like i can walk the runway. I justi want to show that at this age i can look and feel this good. A story in five words a. Mick jagger screws his kids. Tom, and a recent interview he indicated his children dont need 500 million to live well suggesting they might not inherit his for a are your kids and hurting your fortune . Is. Yes all 500. I cant believe mick jagger only has 500 million appeared think taylor swift made that in august. Isnt that amazing . Because the british take other taxes. Its like 90 percent tax. He lives in mystique. They still take his money. It. Thats. I have good intelligence. I had a nextdoor neighbor who lived next to him and it mick jagger would never paper anything and stole his painting Paving Stones. Isnt that weird . The Paving Stones and his house . East freestyle them from my neighbor. Hes a will cheapskate. It clearly. Have that you get get 16. Yes. Which means to get point i will get 100. It. I like this philosophy. The chic oneil philosophy wher he said he looked at his kids and said, youre not rich, i much. Youre not rich, im rich and i you work on it someday you can be too. I like the attitude. Ive said this before, ive always wanted kids it just to keep them out of the house. What say you . Is a good incentive for kids to find their own vocation. 100 percent. Maybe there a conversation if you are that well off that they pitch you an idea for a busines or an idf or whatever it is and pitch it to me give me a Business Plan and i will invest in it at some point in time. I dont think you should give your kids all your money. He has a kids and im sure the old is in their 50s is like really. But hes doing a lot better for his kids in the Big Guy Is Doin for hunter biden. Fifty yearold kid mick jagger has it. The kids could make some money if they selma Jagger Jagger their blood. Yeah. Forever young. The real headline should be, my fortune would be 2 billion if i had worn a robber and not side yard eight loser kids. Who drained at my fortune because ive had support them a six for maybe the six yearold salty language. Mom mom every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, Delicious Fage total yogurt. Believe it or not baby. At university of phoenix. You. You. You. You could earn your. Masters. For under than 11 thousand 11. Yes 11 masters degree for under 11k in less than a year. Some things are too obvious to be a coincidence. Earn your competencybased masters at university of phoenix. When you bundle your home or renters with your auto, progressive provides protection for almost everything you own. But do you really need. My weighted hoop . Its for my snatched waist. Foot treadmill. Purse that says purse. My tuesday chalice. Lake making kit. Mushroom humidifier. Futuristic coat rack. Tells you how many coats are on it. Two. If it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off a porcupine and youre sweatin your next trip to the loo colace is the brand you need to soften stools were all agreed 2 should be easy to do trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. We are out of time. Fox news at night is next. Trails. Thats how fox reports this Saturday September 30 i am jon scott. Thanks for watching

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