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Editorial report im Paul Gigot Funding Set to lapse at midnight lawmakers on capitol hill are scrambling to avoid a Government Shutdown. With the house voting on a clean, 45stop Gap Funding Bill in which was a major shift for speaker Kevin Mccarthy lets go right to Congressional Correspondent Aishah Hasnie live on capitol hill with the latest. Reporter i can tell you Speaker Mccarthy is beaming right now. He absolutely has a victory in passing this 45day clean cr. He actually came over right before the vote and whispered in my ear and said look what the senate just did did you see what the senate just did and he was smiling and what he was talking about was that the senate, Senate Republicans leader mcconnell had basically decided to take a step back, back off, and let the house move forward with its cr. And that was important because House Democrats were trying to stall a vote on this so that they could wait and allow senate to take up their cr. So it really did work out for Speaker Mccarthy able to get enough votes for the 45day cr this includes i believe Disaster Funding and it does not include Border Security and it does not include ukraine funding. The senate cr that we anticipated would be voted on at least procedurally today did include 6 billion in ukraine funding so it looks like now they have backed off. I just spoke to Senator Mullin who came over here to watch what was happening on the house floor. And he told me that it was really the white house at the very last minute that made a phone call to House Democrats and told them you know what just take the deal and thats where we saw the shift in all of a sudden where they were stalling. They went ahead and voted and a large majority of democrats voted for this cr. All right aishah thank you very much very informative bring in our panel dan he henninger ad kim strassel looks like the immediate crisis may be over here on the shutdown. But we still have to see what the senate does. But what do you make of speak or mccarthy shift to open this up to get democratic votes to keep the government open . Well he did the only thing he could do paul. Look cognitive thats been coming out of a handful of republicans on the right is really something to behold on the one hand they kept saying all we want toed is work through Appropriation Bill and passed four of them and there are eight to go but at the same time they refuse to vote for any cr that would actually give them time to do that. And they scuttled even the negotiations that mccarthy has been giving them to give them more provisions like more spending cuts thing of the border and kept saying no to everything. And so in the end you know theyre losers here and that mccarthy in the end had to go for a clean cr and democrats for help and government will stay open thats good for the country but these guys that just had dug their heels in. This is what happens when you wont get onboard with republican unity, and you end up with situations like. Dan, what do you expect the senate to do pass this luges like the white house behind it so mcconnell is certainly behind it and even if this bill doesnt have ukraine aid, i assume hell come back later and try to get that. I think it is likely that senate will pass it for sure and the reason is the subject on the table, i mean, we have to take the conservative Caucus Members at their word. They said we were elected to cut federal spend okay we get that. What have we been talking about for the past week not federal spending but talking about shutting down the government. That has been the subject and everyone understands and if you shut down government you are the party that gets blamed. And the extraordinary white house, white house made this call because they thans too. Republicans were in an excellent position they have been joe biden, weakest incumbent president in living memory his numbers are underwater on the economy, his numbers are underwater on spending. That should be the subject that the republicans are putting in front of the american people. Not shutting down the government. Of course could have paid a price bill have they not supported what mccarthy offering because of what you cant pay the military sample. But mccarthy is now taking a risk Political Risk up for his future because there are a lot of people not a lot of but a handful in his conference who will not like this. They wanted to shut down the government. What do you make of that risk . Look thats always been the risk from the beginning of these negotiations. Right, they were threatening mccarthy and i think that he played the only hand said he could play and also with that hand dan alluded to it. He put pressure on the Senate Democrats because then, the key is not to have the hot potato of the shutdown in your lap. Right at the end of the day, an he put it to them are they really going shut down the government over ukraine aid in so i think he played it very well. Kim, what is the what are the republicans hold out want . What are they looking for . No one knows paul thats the problem. A lot of them want headlines and thats the really unfortunate aspect of this. Were not talking about have many here but enough when you have a four Seat Majority as mccarthy has you have toen will to all of them and i think theyve done themselves real damage, though. And in that theyve really got a lot of resentment up from the rest of their caucus who watched Kevin Mccarthy over past couple of weeks dance and say what more can i get you and more do you need and they put together a giant cr that would have additional provisions that conservatives said they really wanted, and then when it came up to a vote on friday 22 of them voted against it again. So if you cant get to yes then you have to go to plan b. And we still dont know what they want because they also just kept moving the goal post all along again you have to come to conclusion what they wanted was their name in headline not necessarily to get something done that would be helpful to the republican goal is dan said of Cutting Spengdzing in the end. And dan nancy pelosi former speaker came out and said, dont democrats advise them dont save Kevin Mccarthy speakership with this. Looks like she was overruled by white house which unked that consequence of a shutdown, though, it would hurt republicans would also hurt the president a potentially the economy. Because a week or so ago it was nancy pelosi who was giving a very tipid endorsement of joe biden himself. So i think the white house is decided nancy is no longer speaker they have a deal with players that are out there. Paul is that smart or should they let mccarthy stew here . Smart on the part of the white house because shutdown thing is like bill said a hot potato and they just didnt want to get tagged with it. Paul panel thank you well be right back after this short break. Paul race to avoid a Government Shutdown now in the hands after the senate after house passed a 45day stopGap Funding Bill moments ago lets go Aishah Hasnie now live on capitol hill. Reporter hi there well the house has now adjourned until monday. And Speaker Mccarthy just passed by me on his way to his office, and i asked him how do you feel . He said he feels very good. Hes absolutely beaming because now his job is done. This continuing resolution this clean cr now moves over to the senate. Its in their hands, and from what im told by senators, it will move very quickly, and it will pass very easily before the midnight deadline to fund the government and now questions are swirling here on capitol hill. About what happens to speak or mccarthys job, of course, weve been watching congressman matt gaetz make threat after threat that he would file a motion to vacate if speaker Mechanic Mccarthy moved on moving resolution and receive support from in thes exactly what happened here moments ago. Matt gaetz actually tried to speak on the house floor as this vote was going on. But then they gaveled out so he was not able to and now every reporter on the hill is looking for him to get a definitive answer as to is he going to or not will he actually follow through with his threats . And file a motion to vacatesome we know that Speaker Mccarthy has been asked multiple times today and hes basically been a telling gaetz and whoever else try it go ahead, go for it and hes not worried about it. If it were to happen, there are questions about whether or not democrats would pitch in with republicans to save mccarthys job and come through again as they have done today. Theyve been sort of not giving us a yes or no on that. Basically saying that they would make that decision they would cross that bridge once hay got there. Back to you. Aishah thank you bring back our Panel Bill Drama assume Senate Passes this and government stays open. The republicans rebels decide that they want to Depose Mccarthy is that their goal all along . It looked like because theyre not getting anything else they want as dan mentioned lower spending which i agree with. Thats not coming out of this. So i think a lot of his just animosity it is so mistaken because seldom do you place a leader in a fight and new guy is strong or. You always think that new guy is going to be stronger with fewer the problems than you always get a weaker guy. And the irony is that if matt gaetz is successful, hes a Attacking Mccarthy for getting democrat votes and democrat votes to do it and it is okay if you are voting against your own leader. But not okay on a bill . Yeah it seems like Holdout Strategy here is to hold their breath until they pass out. You know, what do they hope to achieve as kim said is it all clear and kind of a personal against mccarthy strategy doesnt make a lot of sense because weve got a divided government. President and senate run by democrats you have to compromise. Best way you have leverage is if you hold together in the house. You pass the spending bills you go to conference and compromise and some victory thats the way because you have the leverage of the majority of the house. If as soon as you dont have that leverage youve got nothing. And youve got a House Democrats to get to the support and they have, and then you have to give them something. Thats right. So the question at this point is whether matt gaetz is going to blank or going to go through with this because i think at the moment he looks to be in a fairly weakened position, i mean the idea was they were going to shut down the government Kevin Mccarthy said basically make my day and through the and now question is will gaetz get support from other conservatives to go forward with trying to take down Mccarthy Speakership which would precipitate a bloody civil war inside the Republican Party and nothing but destructive to republic. Theres no Public Relations upside to this. So i think pressure is going to build on matt gaetz to step aside at this point and give up trying to overthrow Speaker Mccarthy. Kim how do you read it . What are your sources in the house caucus telling you . Well, look i think that these rebels as you were as it were have really put themselves in a weakened position here as dan said. They have inspired a great deal of animosity from the vast majority of the rest of their caucus because regs of the caucus is working diligently day and night to try to figure out some way to bring them onboard to be told no, no, no and its become very clear to everyone this is about having reporters run after them and be the in spotlight. And that it is against again against mccarthy so youre going to see a lot of pressure on these guys to stand down. And you know, on the one hand you can say what do eve this to lose right . You know they can go out they continue to get the headlines, on the other hand there can real consequences a member of being entirely alienated from everyone else in your caucus because of your blind mindedness. Who else would want to be speaker . You dont want the job bill . No. As you pointed out in your editorial like the fifth wife of Henry The 8th such headache. And you would have the threat of nonunity people going to Jurngdz Mine You i dont know why anyone would do it. Just asking for trouble, i mean, theyve been trouble for every speaker weve had recently and who else would want to take it dan briefly any nominees . Paul gigot you know, im not that stupid. Paul made Career Mistakes but not big enough with that one. Much more ahead as scramble to the Shutdown Heads to the senate if anything happens in this hour well bring it to you but first the republican divide on full gley on wednesday nights debate as candidates sparred over future aid and whats at stake for the u. S. 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Its not just possible. Its happening. Get started for 59. 99 a month for 12 months. Plus, ask how to get an 800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. Comcast business, powering possibilities. Paul growing divide within the Republican Party on ukraine was on full display wednesday night as republican president ial candidates sparred over whether to continue support for kyiv and its ongoing effort to defend itself against russias invasion. Take a look. Were not going to have a blank check. We lo not have u. S. Troop and were going to make the europeans do what they need to do. Our National Vital interest is in the degrading the Russian Military by degrading Russian Military we keep our homeland safer. China is the real enemy and were driving china further into chinas arms we need a republican peace plan to end this. Paul were back with our panel, so dan on that do Ukraine Exchange who do you think got the better it . I think that everyone except Vivek Ramaswamy and ron desantis got the better of it. I mean thats basically your divide here. Mr. Ram swam is made that explicit and with intensity that i find a little bit weird. I dont quite understand why ramaswamy is extent on selling out ukraine but hes clearly on doing that but desantis suggest that we ought to continue supporting them. But the europe should take the lead or 90 which is completely unfeasible. While the rest of them, seem to recognize that this is something that is in its second year. The idea that were driving russia to hands of china Chris Christie maybe said it best china iran, north korea are all supporting russia in this enterprise in ukraine. And that threatens nato existence and simply wouldnt stop there. So yeah theres a divide in the Republican Party. There are conservatives who want to pull back. But i think at least most of those candidates are describing the reality of the ukraine war exist right now, rather than trying to pretend that it will just float away as mr. Ramaswamy seems to think. Who do you think helped him or herself . I think the ones from my view that came out the best were nikki haley at least at the beginning of the debate and i think that Governor Desantis did pretty wellhead a couple of moments on prolife issues on education, so forth he was able to be strong. But one thing that was lacking in all of them and especially i thought in desantis when he talked about a nation in decline. I dont think that really works. He did a great job in florida. And if you go back to reagan yeah it is not morning in America Reagan didnt say mourning in america only in 84. But implicit in reagan message is we can do better were not declined we just took a couple of wrong turns and reagan always said our best days are still ahead. Yints i didnt get the sense that have kind of message coming through. And i would like frankly just one of the candidates, i mean, tim scott talked about fixing head start. I would like him to say Government Programs arent the answer dont we have enough already . Paul nikki haley did well in the first debate people think she did in this one too. Why is she making an impact . What is it her policies, demeanor, sense of conviction . What is it . I think its a couple of things one shes very good on policy and shoos actually taken the time to put together plans, deliver speeches on those plans and economic plan. Her Foreign Policy vision but she also delivers them very well on stage. She stays on topic talks about whats gone wrong and her own leadership when she was South Carolina governor and u. N. Ambassador and how shes going to fix it simply her message is getting through to people. Where a lot of people up there they seem like theyre bickering back and forth shes presenting vision that really says something about what the republican electorate is looking for. And tim scott seemed to be more animated this time dan he broke through more than i think he did. Some scraps and when he fought with nikki haley over a United Nation curtain that seemed to be laingt of a culdesac. But but do you think hes going to get another hearing from voters before iowa . I do think hes going get a hearing because he seems extraordinary authentic statement he made criticizing the Great Society and what it had done to black families maybe one of the highlights of the night. So this is a guy that has very strong beliefs. My take away from the debate and i think it was a good one is that other than ukraine maybe tariffs and whether should set up National Laws to do things like the culture war, most of these candidates agree on 80 of republican policy with economics and to save taxes indeed culture wars. And theyre very serious people, and were getting to poangt where voters, Republican Voters have to think about which of these individuals do i think and personally take it to the other side because i think on policy by and large theyre in a pretty strong place. Kim when do these candidates have to take gloves off and cut into Donald Trumps lead . Yesterday [laughter] i mean, look, it was really remarkable the degree to which these guys all spent their time up on stage training their firepower on eachre. And i understand that people are jocking for second place or third place. But the reality is that yawning gulf between the second place person, third place person and donald trump. And you had a few of them yes go after him on the fact that he had not shown up but issue has got to be Policy Differences but also making the argument to americans look, this guy is not the way forward. For this party we cant win with him at the head of the ticket. But theres an argument to be made there. So none of them have been willing to grasp that medal yet. Thanks kim still ahead President Biden former President Trump both making their case to autoworkers in michigan this week as the battle for blue collar voters heats up. Didnt get their way. Well al, you know, Speaker Mccarthy did say that he is concerned. He wants electric vehicle mandates that will spell the death of the us auto industry. You know, it doesnt matter. I watch it. Youre negotiating a contract. Youre all on picket on the table. You know, just for instance, the border crisis is a big deal. Thats a government agency. Those agents will have to continue working if this doesnt get resolved for the long term, beyond 45 days. You know, they have bills to pay. Their own government issued credit cards that are due for the next 45 days. Those bills are due the next 45 days. And beyond. Youve got those families wondering what is going to happen to us as a family. You know, you have the issue with ukraine. Theres a lot of support for funding in the in the congress as a as a whole, Funding Support for funding for ukraine, including mitch mcconnell, which is a powerful voice, as you well know. But again, you know, the approach in how this got done, its messy. And you have america is watching this and asking why . Why does it have to be this way every single time . And as you highlighted at the top of your comments, eric, politics are very much at play even inside the house where Speaker Mccarthy basically he this afternoon finally saying regarding the threats by matt gaetz and others, especially gaetz saying, hey, if you dont play ball the way we want you to play ball and if you play with the democrats, were going to can you i mean, how does that how do you function like that, eric . How does Congress Function with that sort of infighting . Well, thats a good point. We have andy biggs, congressman andy biggs, though, tweeting out this instead of siding with his own party today, Kevin Mccarthy sided with 209 democrats to push through a continuing resolution that maintains the biden pelosi , schumer Spending Levels and policies. He allowed the dc uni party to win again should he remain speaker of the house again. So you have, you know, some of the Freedom Caucus members and others now questioning whether because the speaker decided to keep the government open and sided with the democrats should he keep his job. Tom emmer, whos the majority whip, has been mentioned as potentially being a replacing it, but were far from that. Well see how, you know, if matt gaetz and the others try to propose as a motion to vacate. It hasnt really happened since 1910. You know, i think the question is, eric, by, you know, to Congressman Biggs and others who have a problem with the speaker are working with democrats when they chose to run to represent their respective constituents, and did they choose to be the representative or senator for a particular party or their entire area . I mean, its absolutely absurd. I mean, nothing can get done without compromise. That is the name of the game and that is how we as a government works. And that is how we as a country will remain strong to work together, to have Congress Work together and not be just, you know, resort to really such a level of picayune behavior that really he doesnt even you know, they dont even rise up to their positions. Yeah. Sometimes you have to scratch your head, you know, about the faith in government. And when you see politics in washington and the gridlock and a lot of americans just sick of this, and thats something that some of the president ial candidates have been talking about to stop this , what they call a sham or this fake continuing resolution ran up against the debt debt, you know, raising the ceiling that they put the country through these dramatics. And here we are on the weekend wondering if the government is going to stay open later on today on a saturday, because as you said, though, they cant agree in washington. And now well have to see what happens as it goes to the senate. Senate is expected to have a vote on this later on today to perhaps then avoid the Government Shutdown and as you said, the issues of ukraine and other border issues that that were taken out of some of this bill, those likely will be addressed later. But then thats part of the frustration that a lot of us have in terms of how government is or is not functioning in our nations capital. Yeah, and to be clear, there are pressing issues that have to be ironed out. And to be clear, both parties have major points to make and that they have good points and there so theres either neither side should be disregarded. Thats all im saying is that work together. I get it that spending should be under control. Well, theres definitely a crisis at the southern border. You youve got youve got, you know, social a war, would i say, provisions that need to be, you know, taken care of. And addressed. So, i mean, lots of, you know, important issues that affect americans who put them there to do their jobs and in the midst of all this, we have that report that New York City congressman Jamaal Bowman pulled a fire alarm this as as the report said, the democrats are trying to stall the vote to read the whole continuing measure. And theres apparently a video and a still picture of bowman doing just that, that the speaker said there should be an investigation. Hes going to talk to the democratic leadership about this. It sounds like high school, if bowman indeed did that, it does. Bowman spokesperson saying that the congressman was rushing to vote and did not expect that the fire alarm would be pulled, whatever that means as well. By the way, thats happening. And also in about ten minutes, eric. 3 45 p. M. Eastern, the Senate Democrats will be meeting. So well keep you posted on what comes out of that as we are watching this likelihood of a im patriotic kenny. 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Resulting in higher prices andd diminish service from millions of american consumers. Wall street Journal Business world columnist joins us with more. Welcome. So l so lets start with the claim that Amazon Disngt Monopoly thats what they claim. Do you agree . Well thats going to be the first hill to climb. You know under the Antitrust Laws as theyve been enforcedve last 50 years theyre very hard to show that amazon is a monopoly it doesnt control Online Retail and doesntdo control retail overall. You know, its less than 10 of all retail sales in the u. S. It is hardly a monopoly and a argue that irgt is a Narrowof Category N of what ftc calls online superstores and what you mean stores that sellth everything. At but that doesnt work in amazon case because nobody goes therese to buy everything and they go b there to buy one or two things e the a time and easily compare against other retailers on thegn web so i think theyre going to have a very hard time proving case. But then lean of the ftc lost a lot of cases lately and doesnts seem t lo mind losing them andi rying to build a record for changing the Antitrust Laws ifw democrats win big after the 2024 election. Yeactioh so the case ive red that 172 pages on as i know you have and they go to Great Lengths to keep out brickandmortar stores so theyb gout further and say, that your average mom and pop seller or even Big Department store sellee isnt part of the conferencenopo market but superstores but as you say is that really how people shop . Its not how people shop atam amazon see they made this case in the against Offline Office supplies superstores years ago thats because, you know, Business Customers would bo there with a list of 75 things they wanted to buy was easier w just to go to one store and nobody does that at amazon whena im looking for cat food ill see amazon and charging and seeh other sites arate charging same thing because it is so highly h competitive and pricineyg is so transparent it is impossible to argue under those circumstances that amazon has Monopoly Powerh which is power to raise pricese and get away with it. Paul so the argument is on pricing here is a little different in this case. They basically say that amazont punishes sellers who are on itst site whoe use other sites to discount so if they sell something, for less on another site then amazon punishes thatsl seller, by giving it less preferential placement on amazon site and that according to the ftc ends up in higher prices overall in hurts customers. What do you make of that argument . Thats actuallyhat a separaa monopoly, ftc says amazon has two monopolies one is on providing Online Services to small retailers who use its site. It is going to be to have a hare time proving that case tooe, t because they have store frontso they sell from and other brickandmortar stores they sell from so lots of competition and amazon is using customers making sure anything thats offered by stores on its site ia not available from same store cheaper from somewhere else and amazon model is pleasing customers. If you want to work with amazon you haveork to get in line witb that but you have lots of otherh ways tero sell too and theres t monopoly there toohe. Ab what about Consumer Welfare and consumers overall overall suffer because other competitort to amazon charge higher prices because they also want to be in amazon therefore Consumers Arems not benefiting from what might be lower prices say on aon walmart or somewhere else. Re is tha et is that not predatory behavior . L itow is too lower price and thas what, you know, lean and Herw Famous Law Review Article Abouta Amazon years ago that got her present job she argued that amazons engaged in Predator Pricing driving other businesses out ofdr the market by chargingo prices that were too low it isgr hard to argue and amazon was tog big that disrupts too many otheo peoples businesses and it the shouldnt be in power of the private company and everything should be controlled fromnk government. Ursuing lawsuits that she constantly loses so she can go to congress in a year or two and say we need new laws to redefine antitrust, to mean big as bad. How do you see this case ending with a victory for the government or for amazon . Because i look at the stock price of amazon since the suit was filed, hasnt gone down very much. I havent seen any expert who rates very high the chances of this case prevailing. As i say, lina khan has not really looked for big wins in her cases. Shes looking to make a record that big tech is getting away with too much and we need to change legislation to get after it. So her real game is to have congress do something good luck with that. Thats been a long time effort. Yeah, well, shes hoping for a big democratic sweep in 2024. You know, donald trump gets wiped out and joe biden wins. And the democrats take both houses of congress, you know, finally doing these things becomes possible. It would be terrible. You know, for these Big Companies that lead the world in these categories that are one of americas greatest triumphs. But its what some in Congress Want to do. All right, holman, thanks so much for being here. When we come back, the retail theft rampage. Rage gets worse as target closes. Nine stores in four states and were not writers, but we help you shape your financial story. Were not an airline, but our Network Connects global businesses across nearly 160 markets. Were not a startup, but our Innovation Labs use new technologies to help keep your information secure. Were not architects, but we help build stronger communities. Were not just any bank. We are citi. Frustrated by skin tags . Dr. Scholls has the breakthrough youve been waiting for. The first fdacleared athome skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. 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Crime streak coming as target announced that it is closingosin nine stores in four statesur s because of rampant shoplifting retail theft is now a nationwide epidemic with National Retail federation reporting that they lost 112 Billion Dollars in 202s thank to what they call inventory shrink bring back our panel bill, euphemism for theft . Chaos. Yeah. Remember how people poo poo broken windows a few years ago thats a theory if you leave a broken window unattended unrepaired, it will lead to further vandalism. Same thing were not going to prosecute crimes like shoplifting. Criminals are smart. Market news travels fast. Hey theres no penalty so im going to do it i go to penn station amazed at what i see. Casualness of it people reaching in and just taking stuff and no one dares most of the stores have a policy dont confront the shoplifter, whatever. And no cops. You know, they know theyre not going to and theyre sophisticated like in philly you see when they go into more serious stores. They create distractions, and they target specific areas. Theyre not dumb. Paul these arent people dan who are in desperate need of lululemon sportswear. You dont know that. [laughter] theyre grabbing this and the way they describe it is, you know, gangs, Organized Crime in many respects. Also kind of unofficial Organized Crime where some groups hire a drug addict to go in grab some stuff come out, and they give them the money for the drugs and then these other criminals post this goods right away on ebay sometimes within ten minutes. I mean, why is it that we are letting this happen . Well, one of the big reasons, of course, is political and ideological you have weve talked about it many times progressive prosecutors, like lawry in philadelphia who basically decriminalized shoplifting so the crooks have moved in. [laughter] right, and prosecutors will not stand back from those policies. So the crime continues. Philadelphia is really in a kind of state of meltdown. The mayor is a lame duck. They have an interim police chief. But i will point out that the leading candidate the Democrat Woman named Cherelle Parker running an tough on crime, and she wants to bring backstop and frisk believe it or not that was a policy that worked in New York City. Youve got to start somewhere, and it is nice to see that some of the democrats even in cities like philadelphia realized that they are losing their city to these progressive policies. Paul kim, this has real business consequences, target ceo said theyre going to lose Something Like 500 million to shrink that is theft this fiscal year and you hear it from walmart, other retailers now some of these folks theyre putting clothing, you know, socks behind Plexiglass Toothpaste behind plexiglass to stop theft of even common items. I guess that question i mean, i find shocking somebody who didnt grow up with any of this. When are people and public going to lose patience and start to punish politicians . Well, i think its starting to happen already why youre hearing people like the person dan was just talking about running for office on a new way because this doesnt just have enormous consequences for the economic centers. But you know, this is why youre seeing these deserts Desserted City Centers at the moment because these retail verse moved out it is too dangerous for their employees and too dangerous for them to continue doing this living in this kind of environment and you know thats also just not the economic consequences. But you know who gets hurt the most by this . You know one of the target store is closing downs in harlem. We hear all of these proximate results saying we cant prosecute these crimes because it is unfair to minority communities which communities are now having to live without any Retail Options because the stores and their communities have become simply too dangerous to exist in . And i think theres going to be more blowback here soon. Paul bill, Grocery Stores in chicago now mayor wants to get in Grocery Business because theres Grocery Deserts with so much crime. Poorest people pay highest price for this. In my suburb theyre not Closing Stores but poor and minority areas. So theres human cost in the in addition to the cost you laid out to the businesses like target. Paul and somehow chicago Grocery Business i dont think is going to be a model of efficiency. All right we have to take one more break. When we come back hits and misses of the week. After advil dual action back pain yo. Who. Haha. [dog barks] what . My back feels better. [rewind sound] before advil [grunts] oh. Advil dual action back pain fights back pain two ways. For 8 hours of relief. Paul time now for our hits and misses of the week. Kim first to you. Paul a hit to the North Carolina legislature for passing a budget that now makes state the 9th to adopt Universal School choice. Meaning that pretty much every North Carolina family now has access to dollars that will follow their kids to the school of their choosing. This is, was a hard fought Battle Democratic governor roy cooper declared State Of Emergency but people spoke. Winner here are the kids not just many North Carolina but other states and lets hope many other states including texas follow on soon. Paul bill. Paul, hit for our friend and fellow newspaper man, jimmy lai who just marked his 1000th day in jail in hong kong waiting trial on National Security charges and has been convicted of Business Fraud all spurge charges as state department points out. He could have fled hes rich, but he stayed because he wouldnt abandon his principles or the people of hong kong. So we wish him well. Tremendous bravery, dan. My miss goes to company that makes legos announced it is giving up its attempt to make multicolored bricks out of recycled plastic bottles because legos for years has been trying to find alternative to making them out of petroleum. They try to make them out of corn but those were too soft and tried to make bricks out of wheat but those had a funny color. So now theyve given up on making it out of recycled plastic bottles because it causes more Carbon Emissions than Petroleum Looks like for a while your kids are going to have to call legos their favorite fossil fuel company. Stop insanity thats it for the show thanks to my panel and to all of you for watching. Im paul gigot we hope to see you right here next week. On this about hav

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