Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240703

your studio, always. >> jesse: i did. it is jacket and tie only. i'm looking forward to the debate moderated by goes by ingram and schneider. take. >> laura: take it away. >> jesse: thank you so much. ♪ ♪ we are an hour away from the second republican primary debate at the ronald reagan presidential library in simi valley, california. joe biden from the last election as the battle for the soul of america. the selection is a battle for civilization. property memory americans are obsessed with the roman empire for a reason. they collapse because of inflation ideology and it was invaded by barbarians. and when the romans needed their government, rome was plagued by corruption. today, america is succumbing to invasions inflation and evil ideologues. numb politicians are caught with gold bars and diamonds. the entire government is protecting a person person on the take. but there's more concerned with themselves following the fall of america. the politicians tonight have to explain the stakes. show backbone and inspire voters with a specific vision. i'm going to scream if i hear another slick line about bidenomics. you are not competing for a street -- a seed on the five. breaking into philadelphia stores and looting with impunity. anyone can condemn a mob. but what is going to do to break the mob? and articulate how cartels operate the smash and grab rings and they are driving up price hikes in suburban. we just reported the cia is complicit with the cartels. earning side money for their black ops and docking oversight. the cia. >> reporter: agents up the chinese lab league. the cia was, conspiring with taji to spin wuhan. tech monopolies are conspiring with the object to the sensor is. the food industry is poisoning us in the pharmaceutical industry is prescribing us fake pills for profit. the american middle class feels preyed upon by forces it can control. voters are yearning for an adventure. somebody to protect us from our own government. coaches feasting on the -- vultures feasting on the way of life we know and love. clear, crisp old solutions. anything less than that is johnny says, forget about it. and if trump were on stage, well, let's just say you are lucky he is not. trump is sitting on a 42 points lead. and all the other candidates are a stagnant. i wrestled in middle school and when you are pinning your opponent's shoulder blades to the mat, they scratch like a feral cat. so if these politicians on the stage tonight with ronald reagan watching down from heaven, don't show more tenacity than what we have seen so far, it will show western civilization that you don't think we are worth fighting for. joe biden is the most vulnerable position politically of his presidency. finish him. joining me now, america's newsroom coanchor bill hammer and fox news contributor charlie hurt. do you agree that these are the stakes? >> i think without a doubt and i think your comparisons to the roman empire could not be better. you know, at a time where we have this almost unprecedented corruption in washington and this disregard for what donald trump called the forgotten man and forgotten women. is -- you know, on the stage tonight, you know, going after donald trump, is not going to do any of these people any good because that is still where the party is and donald trump did a very good job of bringing the people to communicate to her remembering the forgotten man and woman. and so, you know, it is going to be interesting. you know, i think that without going after donald trump necessarily, these people have to make the case against the biden and against everything that is wrong with washington. >> jesse: you have covered these for years. let's just say you are experienced. how do you see the energy moving into tonight at 9:00? >> i'm gracious of you, jessie. i think you had a lot of things there. i see these primaries seasons whether republican or democrat, like a novel that we are already at the same time. and you can make a case that a month ago, it was the introduction of chapter one and tonight is chapter two. we're going to watch it together. i have three things on my mind going into this debate. number one is nikki haley. i think everyone is watching. she did very well and debate number one, the poll numbers reflect that if you look at what is happening in new hampshire and other polls that take on specific republican voters. can she be effective in back-to-back debates? that is question number one question number two, who -- as opposed to going after a republican on that stage. like reagan's first commandment, right? and i think about the economy inflation and the price of life in america and the border that you can watch live on tv if you choose to watch a network that covers the porter live on tv. and major americans cities have changed significantly and only three years. so who gives voice to these changes in america? keep an eye on that. i'm not quite sure. i'm not convinced yet that one of the seven can do it. with the skills that ronald reagan had in the third question that i have since you are in megan proffitt's, during his campaign, you can look at this stuff on youtube and find it for yourself. in october of 98, he has specific pro growth policies for what he would do when a country was on its economic back. he ordered to cut regulations. he want you to keep more of your money because he said repeatedly you can make better decisions with your money that the government can. who will push forward those programs american policies now and i will be listening for t that. >> jesse: charlie, we have not heard that yet. in 2016, you have the tax cut cut. >> had filled the wall. you had destroyed isis. these were very precise pronouncements that had vision. where have we heard any of that yet so far and should we expect that tonight. >> i think that is a very big reason why donald trump holds the lead that he holds right now is because none of the republicans, you know, on paper, you know, you take ron desantis. he ha has a tremendous record to stand on the he has been tremendous accomplished he has been tremendous accomplished was to play to and in florida, but he has yet been unable to help sort of captivate and capture it does vividly capture that sort of -- the kind of change that he wants to bring to washington. so that voters regular voters, you know, feel like he could be the fire for them. and they don't have that that about donald trump. they have a lot of other complaints about donald trump. but one thing they don't complain about him is they do believe that he is willing to fight against anybody for these things and you know, going back to your reference to roman empire, you know, double-checked identified very early on that those people who work, people who work in this country are some of the most disregarded and dismissed people by washington. and the only way out of this as bill talked about, talk about prosperity, is to encourage people to work and to celebrate people for working and celebrate people who do work. and we have seen it with this -- the strike, the fourth district, the uaw strike where you have donald trump doing a far better job than joe biden at appealing to uaw workers. it is about work. and the only way forward is where. and so it will be interesting to see. i have not seen any of the other republican candidates capture that the way donald trump does and if they don't, i think they're going to remain double digits behind donald trump. >> jesse: you have to align yourself emotionally and financially with the working class of this country which is a large majority of the country. bill hemmer, the one guy that is a worker that has not been a lifelong politician is perfect. he was pretty rambunctious the last debate. where do you see tonight with vivek? >> i think vivek ramaswamy has the fast life. and he has been very successful at it in the short 38 years. and i think doug burgum, the governor of north dakota has a fascinating personal life before he got into politics. he was an entrepreneur of the at a time when you know, he was getting into the software industry in the early 1980s. who was thinking that way back then? he turned it into a multibillion-dollar career. really fascinating stuff. he has not really -- he has not enunciated as well i think as he would like to print the point about trumpeter is not in the room, but he is very much in the room. but he is dominating these po polls. karl rove make a point with brandon a little bit earlier tonight. at first debate in milwaukee was on red bull. and he made a the point that reagan was always comfortable whenever he was in the settings or situations. and reagan used something that few politicians exercise today. that is humor. and he did it so effectively and just relaxed everybody at the same time. and the last thing i would add is who behaves tonight? you know. you got a great line, right. and you have been working on it and you want to stick the landing and you can't because somebody else is talking at the same time and the audience at home, hear it. travis boak, dana has a flyswatter and not afraid to use it. she will keep everybody in line along with the other co-moderators. charlie henry, great to. >> going to see. >> jesse: congress just released 700 pages of evidence proving the biden family was selling out our country for cash. hunter biden referred to access to his father joe as the keys to my family's only asset. he also discovered that joe biden hosted two of hunter's mexican billionaire clients at his official vice presidential residence in washington. and then through his son to mexico city on air force two so he could submit a deal. another piece of evidence when hunter was complaining he didn't have enough money. joe biden's brother jimmy text him saying don't worry. we will get joe's help for this to work. and more e-mails released proved to biden administration block foreign influence peddling investigations into joe biden. this explains why the cia wants biden to bow out before dirty laundry is exposed. and to market republicans host the first hearing of the joe biden impeachment inquiry. you can see that here on fox news channel at 10:00. up next, navigating the trump factor. ♪ ♪ we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. ♪ ♪ every day, businesses everywhere are asking: is it possible? with comcast business... it is. is it possible to help keep our online platform safe from cyberthreats? absolutely. can we provide health care virtually anywhere? we can help with that. is it possible to use predictive monitoring to address operations issues? we can help with that, too. with the advanced connectivity and intelligence of global secure networking from comcast business. it's not just possible. it's happening. >> jesse: the seven candidates onstage must prove they are the future of the party. if they can't, goodbye. the men who represent the party now and who is changing the character and complexion of the party is absent and looming with a massive lead. navigating the trump factor is a delicate dance. the vanguard of the american first movement has been spied on, impeach, raided and indicted and yesterday, but thursday democratic officials got one step closer to stripping the former president's power over the company he built from scratch. of the trump organization. savage partisans are revoking trump's new york business license. they claim he inflated his net worth. and is a mar-a-lago is only with $18 million. which means if hunter sells a few pages, he could buy the crown jewel of berliners in palm beach. real estate brokers valued at mar-a-lago as high as $725 million. 28 -- 20 acres, 62,000 square foot of state touching the atlantic to the intercoastal. see, this empty plot right th there. $200 million for 2 acres on palm beach. so soviet style prosecutions and property seizures against the leader of your party, the former president can't be dismissed as politics that will change if you vote for me instead. went eagerly with injury for leaks indictments to cnn, when a source for the d.a. gets left out of court, one button from the rays are blocked and fbi agents rummage through belongia's underwear drawer and securely guarded as it is stated, instead of a chop shop in chinatown where biden stashed his documents, you have to lead americans against injustice. whether you are running against the victim of injustice or not. the viciousness of biden's party futures was driven home today when a prosecutor for the u.s. attorney in tampa charging january 6th defendants was arrested in a road rage incident where he is accused of stabbing a man with a knife. are political enemies are not well balanced people. it is well past time for the republican politicians to become gladiators and hold plotline against this assault on our constitution. meg ryan is the founder and ceo of american majority. you got trumper. they are stripping his license. a lot going on. he is not there. how do these candidates handle that? >> oh, i think they have got to demonstrate tonight that they can't be enough. for 20 of them are going to be -- beat trump in 2024 and they understand the republican party is america first and america first is here to stay and they have to be clear -- be able to clearly them stay that they get it on immigration, that they understand we want the border security we want a merit-based immigration system. they understand we don't want any traders that are unfair to us. but most importantly, jes jesse, and, jesse, and this is where i really this is where i really think it gets to the hard of the matter. if they truly are america first and can articulate a foreign policy that is america first, they will be an enemy. it will be the will be the next enemy of the administration fi--administrative state, do thy understand that? do they realize that? do they have a plan? should they become the leader? should they win the white house and actually go into more and evolving the american because i think that is the thing, jesse, that is the thing moving forward. i think it is the greatest threat to our freedom. it is the is the greatest her to, a constitutional republic and understanding if you do not know that the administrative state is that big a threat, you have no right. you have no right at all to actually be worthy of the nomination of the republican party. >> jesse: you hear these guys will go -- talking to abolished the fbi. i'm going to make everybody get on their knees and beg for forgiveness. that is not a plan to execute a strategy. i mean, that sounds good in a sound bite. but we need more specifics. so how do you get up there and not just trump butt but also say you're going to get up there and hold the line against this assault on the american people. >> you can oh, i think they have got to lay out a very clear plan on how they're going to do a reduction in the force, the federal workforce. how they are going to do selective firing schedule. all of these things. lay out a very clear plan, step-by-step and how they're going to reduce federal government by 40% four years. if they don't have a plan and if they have not given it real thought, again, i don't think they are worthy of the nomination. and so it is one of those th things, you can have this quick little quips this quick little quips of sin, we are going to do away with the doj or the object. we are going to bring him to a healer. i want to hear a clear plan on how they plan to evolve the average state of state and return governments back to the duly elected representatives of the american people. because an addict again, the minministry of state is really doing most of the governing in dc and not really constitutional republic. how do they plan to actually restore the republic and return governments that are the duly elected representatives of the american people. unless they have a plan for the image they have not given any thought and if they have not given any thought, i don't know what they are running because they don't know what time it is picture with the revenge tour is already in full swing. recent charges, pulling licenses, with the people are looking over their shoulder producing he could pull it off. >> i think he could. i know for fact that there are some good plans in place for the first six months of a second trump administration on how they were going to address the administrative state and deal with it forcefully and bring it to the heel. i think he has a good plan. and i think he has to get the right people running potential personal they were and if he does that, unlike his chances. >> jesse: we will see how that shakes out picnic, as always, thank you so much. up next, philly at war. ♪ ♪ xvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. determine the candidates are debating in california. i's action in philadelphia should be showcased as a graphic reminder that american civilizations on the brink. hordes of riders stormed rittenhouse square the most beautiful and historic section of center city philly. a 60 year of opportunist use to justify a police shooting as an excuse to break into as many stores as they could and lived in the name of social justice. >> what we have was a bunch of criminal opportunist take advantage of a situation and make an attempt to destroy our city. >> jesse: joe biden holy campaigns in philadelphia that silent. federman, pence for a senator did -- that solid. the first lady. 's hometown and not even a scolding is heard from the dnc. scrutinizing the democratic base is racist. they have to be held to a different standard. and as we lower the standards, we should lower expectations. prep and prime time expects every american city to look like detroit in the next 10 years if american leaders who we believe are on stage tonight don't take a stand for civilization and say no. lock some heads together. throw the book at the surge. reopened the prisons. the white gold has to stop. it is time for american courage to return. told the truth be force the law evenly and punish the criminals instead of ourselves. fox & friends weekend her cohost will cain and tomi lahren join me now. what happen in filly last night? >> business as usual of course, jesse and this has been this week since 2020 when people, drugs, violence and out-of-control teens were told that they could act this way and they could pass it off as a social justice for george floyd or whoever else and they can get away with it. the president was set in 2020 and until someone resets that president, this is going to continued. but i think the most interesting part is it was a ocl et cetera consequences who famously told us that these people have to do this because they need to feed their families. they need bread and they need eggs. including an iphone store. order sousaphones are much more tasty and nutritious than i ever thought because they're using those to feed their families. god bless them. >> jesse: god bless them, will cain, it is a must for these politicians that break through the american people tonight to discuss the scene in philly and make everyone go google it if they have not seen it already and that will galvanize the country if they have any leadership shots. >> will: and i think he used the operative word in their set up to our panel here, you, -- more than one occasion he used the word civilization because i think when you watch those videos and you come away with, is less a display of criminal activity and more display of a breakdown in civilization. and therefore the solution in the conversation has to be bigger than simply about the criminal justice system. those were people simply looking to do damage, to be uncivilized. they were not taking anything important. iphones were at the top of the list. they were taking bottles of liquor and snacks. and by the way, jesse, you would sit there and go, how stupid do you have to you have to be to risk it all for some tito's vodka? you know? and then film yourself and put it on social media for the world to see so your guild is obvious? how stupid do you have to be? but then you say, well, maybe they are not stupid because they know ultimately that they will get away with it. there won't be a penalty. they could take whatever they want. there's no accountability. at the bottom line is what you're seeing here is the pillar of civilization. i want to hear a can they talk about this from a very broad perspective. yes, punish criminals. but please restore civilization. >> jesse: and tommy, who else from their crimes because they knew they could get away with it? i mean, this is the biden family right here. it is just all trickles down. >> you, again, young people are doing this for content. we have seen this over and over again. there's actually somebody that calls themselves meatball that livestreamed this whole event actually ended up being arrested thank goodness. these people are looking for content. he saw in new york a couple of months ago when they promised three playstation giveaways and there was again mass chaos. you see it with the two teams that grab that apartment on a bicycle in las vegas. these young people are doing this for content and i have to ask, where are the parents, the candidates tonight also need to talk about making parenting read again or maybe just make parenting a thing again. that is a part of this broader approach and i agree with will play. it can't just be more in order. has to be, where is the return of basic decency? >> jesse: they have to capture the american spirit of the american family and they have to touch upon the lack of fatherhood, a lack of accountability. will play? >> will: yes. yes. stop, you know, whatever we can do to stop feeding our brains, full of, you know, scrolls across the internet, porn, everything else that is valueless, everything we are doing is the destruction of civilization. so we need purpose. we need values and we need wisdom and strong leaders and that is what it takes us past this potential breakdown of honestly the foundation of the united states of america. >> jesse: all right, what we are 30 minutes away from that. hopefully these leaders call themselves leader. speak to some of these issues. thank you. ♪ ♪ after five days, the sun is finally out. i felt like i've been living in seattle. i have been praying to sungard, finally finally. we have sunshine. and i think we can all thank god for that. let's do some texts. greg from texas, i would love to hear what the candidates are going to do about biden's 80,000 new irs agents. my wife is a democrat and i'm a republican and this concerns both of us. married a democrat. good for you. robert from bethpage, new york, somebody get dana perino an airport -- airhorn. she may need it. good luck to dana, all the co-moderators. stay tuned for fox's all-star debate coverage starting now. ♪ ♪

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Changes , Seven , Eye , Cities , Voice , Stuff , Skills , Policies , Campaign , Growth , Youtube , Megan Proffitt S , 98 , Country , Money , Back , Regulations , Decisions , Wall , Listening For T , Tax Cut , Programs American Policies , 2016 , Pronouncements , Isis , He Ha , Lead , Republicans , None , Paper , Ron Desantis , Record , Florida , Change , Sort , Kind , Fire , Thing , Complaints , Anybody , Work , Most , Some , Reference , Disregarded , It , Strike , Bill , Prosperity , District , Uaw , Workers , Bill Hemmer , Working Class , Majority , The One , Digits , Vivek Ramaswamy , Politician , Worker , Doug Burgum , Politics , Entrepreneur , North Dakota , 38 , Software Industry , Career , 1980 , Point , Karl Rove Make A Point With Brandon Little Bit , Room , Trumpeter , Po Polls , Milwaukee , Red Bull , Humor , Situations , Settings , Everybody , Home , Dana Perino , Co Moderators , Audience , Landing , Flyswatter , Travis Boak , Hunter Biden , Family , Evidence , Pages , Father 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Brokers , Atlantic , Square Foot , 25 Million , 28 , 725 Million , 62000 , 20 , Leader , Prosecutions , Ith , Plot , Property , Seizures , Style , 00 Million , 2 , 200 Million , Belongia , Injury , Court , One Button , Source , Leaks , Rays , Fbi , D A , Cnn , Underwear Drawer , Injustice , Party Futures , Viciousness , Documents , Chop Shop , Victim , Chinatown , Road Rage Incident , Prosecutor , Enemies , Knife , Defendants , Attorney , January 6th , Tampa , 6 , Plotline , Assault , Founder , Constitution , Gladiators , Ceo , Meg Ryan , Trumper , License , American Majority , America First , Beat Trump , Immigration , Border Security , 2024 , Foreign Policy , Jes Jesse , Immigration System , Traders , Matter , Plan , Enemy , White House , Threat , American , Freedom , Big A , A Constitutional Republic And Understanding , Nomination , Forgiveness , Knees , Guys Will Go , Strategy , Sound Bite , Butt , Specifics , Force , Workforce , Reduction , Firing Schedule , Lay Out A , Thought , Step By , 40 , Four , Quips , Healer , Sin , Doj , Governments , Representatives , Addict , Governing In Dc , Minministry , Republic , Charges , Licenses , Picture , Shoulder , Image , Swing , Revenge Tour , Fact , Plans , Place , Heel , Six , Vaccine , Chances , Arexvy , Picnic , Philly At War , Xvy , Rsv , Immune Systems , Ingredients , Respiratory Disease , Injection Site Pain , Reactions , Response , Side Effects , 60 , Muscle Pain , Pain , Headache , Fatigue , Debating , Civilizations , Philly , Action , Reminder , Brink , Hordes , Riders , Section , Opportunist Use , Police Shooting , Center City , Rittenhouse Square , City , In The Name Of Social Justice , Opportunist , Situation , Excuse , Advantage , Bunch , Attempt , Hometown , Base , Silent , Senator , First Lady , Scolding , Federman , Pence , Dnc , Leaders , Standard , Standards , Expectations , Prime Time , Stage Tonight Don T Take A Stand For Civilization , Detroit , Gold , Courage , Heads , Book , Surge , Prisons , Truth , Law , Criminals , Filly , Fox Friends Weekend , Her Cohost , Tomi Lahren , Teens , Business As Usual , Social Justice , Course , Violence , Drugs , George Floyd , 2020 , Part , Someone , Consequences , Ocl Et Cetera , Families , Order , Store , Bread , Sousaphones , Eggs , God , Iphone , Must , Scene , Leadership Shots , Will Cain , Go Google , Word , Will , Set , Occasion , Panel , Display , Breakdown , Solution , Damage , Criminal Justice System , Videos , Activity , Conversation , Bottles , List , Top , Snacks , Liquor , Vodka , Iphones , Tito , Won T , Guild , World , Penalty , Accountability , Pillar , Perspective , Restore Civilization , Yes , And Tommy , Content , Trickles , Crimes , Event , Livestreamed , Thank Goodness , He Saw , Teams , Playstation Giveaways , Chaos , Bicycle , Apartment , Parents , Las Vegas , Return , Parenting , Decency , Approach , Everything Else , Whatever , Black , Fatherhood , Spirit , Porn , Brains , Scrolls , Stop , Doing , Destruction , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240703

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your studio, always. >> jesse: i did. it is jacket and tie only. i'm looking forward to the debate moderated by goes by ingram and schneider. take. >> laura: take it away. >> jesse: thank you so much. ♪ ♪ we are an hour away from the second republican primary debate at the ronald reagan presidential library in simi valley, california. joe biden from the last election as the battle for the soul of america. the selection is a battle for civilization. property memory americans are obsessed with the roman empire for a reason. they collapse because of inflation ideology and it was invaded by barbarians. and when the romans needed their government, rome was plagued by corruption. today, america is succumbing to invasions inflation and evil ideologues. numb politicians are caught with gold bars and diamonds. the entire government is protecting a person person on the take. but there's more concerned with themselves following the fall of america. the politicians tonight have to explain the stakes. show backbone and inspire voters with a specific vision. i'm going to scream if i hear another slick line about bidenomics. you are not competing for a street -- a seed on the five. breaking into philadelphia stores and looting with impunity. anyone can condemn a mob. but what is going to do to break the mob? and articulate how cartels operate the smash and grab rings and they are driving up price hikes in suburban. we just reported the cia is complicit with the cartels. earning side money for their black ops and docking oversight. the cia. >> reporter: agents up the chinese lab league. the cia was, conspiring with taji to spin wuhan. tech monopolies are conspiring with the object to the sensor is. the food industry is poisoning us in the pharmaceutical industry is prescribing us fake pills for profit. the american middle class feels preyed upon by forces it can control. voters are yearning for an adventure. somebody to protect us from our own government. coaches feasting on the -- vultures feasting on the way of life we know and love. clear, crisp old solutions. anything less than that is johnny says, forget about it. and if trump were on stage, well, let's just say you are lucky he is not. trump is sitting on a 42 points lead. and all the other candidates are a stagnant. i wrestled in middle school and when you are pinning your opponent's shoulder blades to the mat, they scratch like a feral cat. so if these politicians on the stage tonight with ronald reagan watching down from heaven, don't show more tenacity than what we have seen so far, it will show western civilization that you don't think we are worth fighting for. joe biden is the most vulnerable position politically of his presidency. finish him. joining me now, america's newsroom coanchor bill hammer and fox news contributor charlie hurt. do you agree that these are the stakes? >> i think without a doubt and i think your comparisons to the roman empire could not be better. you know, at a time where we have this almost unprecedented corruption in washington and this disregard for what donald trump called the forgotten man and forgotten women. is -- you know, on the stage tonight, you know, going after donald trump, is not going to do any of these people any good because that is still where the party is and donald trump did a very good job of bringing the people to communicate to her remembering the forgotten man and woman. and so, you know, it is going to be interesting. you know, i think that without going after donald trump necessarily, these people have to make the case against the biden and against everything that is wrong with washington. >> jesse: you have covered these for years. let's just say you are experienced. how do you see the energy moving into tonight at 9:00? >> i'm gracious of you, jessie. i think you had a lot of things there. i see these primaries seasons whether republican or democrat, like a novel that we are already at the same time. and you can make a case that a month ago, it was the introduction of chapter one and tonight is chapter two. we're going to watch it together. i have three things on my mind going into this debate. number one is nikki haley. i think everyone is watching. she did very well and debate number one, the poll numbers reflect that if you look at what is happening in new hampshire and other polls that take on specific republican voters. can she be effective in back-to-back debates? that is question number one question number two, who -- as opposed to going after a republican on that stage. like reagan's first commandment, right? and i think about the economy inflation and the price of life in america and the border that you can watch live on tv if you choose to watch a network that covers the porter live on tv. and major americans cities have changed significantly and only three years. so who gives voice to these changes in america? keep an eye on that. i'm not quite sure. i'm not convinced yet that one of the seven can do it. with the skills that ronald reagan had in the third question that i have since you are in megan proffitt's, during his campaign, you can look at this stuff on youtube and find it for yourself. in october of 98, he has specific pro growth policies for what he would do when a country was on its economic back. he ordered to cut regulations. he want you to keep more of your money because he said repeatedly you can make better decisions with your money that the government can. who will push forward those programs american policies now and i will be listening for t that. >> jesse: charlie, we have not heard that yet. in 2016, you have the tax cut cut. >> had filled the wall. you had destroyed isis. these were very precise pronouncements that had vision. where have we heard any of that yet so far and should we expect that tonight. >> i think that is a very big reason why donald trump holds the lead that he holds right now is because none of the republicans, you know, on paper, you know, you take ron desantis. he ha has a tremendous record to stand on the he has been tremendous accomplished he has been tremendous accomplished was to play to and in florida, but he has yet been unable to help sort of captivate and capture it does vividly capture that sort of -- the kind of change that he wants to bring to washington. so that voters regular voters, you know, feel like he could be the fire for them. and they don't have that that about donald trump. they have a lot of other complaints about donald trump. but one thing they don't complain about him is they do believe that he is willing to fight against anybody for these things and you know, going back to your reference to roman empire, you know, double-checked identified very early on that those people who work, people who work in this country are some of the most disregarded and dismissed people by washington. and the only way out of this as bill talked about, talk about prosperity, is to encourage people to work and to celebrate people for working and celebrate people who do work. and we have seen it with this -- the strike, the fourth district, the uaw strike where you have donald trump doing a far better job than joe biden at appealing to uaw workers. it is about work. and the only way forward is where. and so it will be interesting to see. i have not seen any of the other republican candidates capture that the way donald trump does and if they don't, i think they're going to remain double digits behind donald trump. >> jesse: you have to align yourself emotionally and financially with the working class of this country which is a large majority of the country. bill hemmer, the one guy that is a worker that has not been a lifelong politician is perfect. he was pretty rambunctious the last debate. where do you see tonight with vivek? >> i think vivek ramaswamy has the fast life. and he has been very successful at it in the short 38 years. and i think doug burgum, the governor of north dakota has a fascinating personal life before he got into politics. he was an entrepreneur of the at a time when you know, he was getting into the software industry in the early 1980s. who was thinking that way back then? he turned it into a multibillion-dollar career. really fascinating stuff. he has not really -- he has not enunciated as well i think as he would like to print the point about trumpeter is not in the room, but he is very much in the room. but he is dominating these po polls. karl rove make a point with brandon a little bit earlier tonight. at first debate in milwaukee was on red bull. and he made a the point that reagan was always comfortable whenever he was in the settings or situations. and reagan used something that few politicians exercise today. that is humor. and he did it so effectively and just relaxed everybody at the same time. and the last thing i would add is who behaves tonight? you know. you got a great line, right. and you have been working on it and you want to stick the landing and you can't because somebody else is talking at the same time and the audience at home, hear it. travis boak, dana has a flyswatter and not afraid to use it. she will keep everybody in line along with the other co-moderators. charlie henry, great to. >> going to see. >> jesse: congress just released 700 pages of evidence proving the biden family was selling out our country for cash. hunter biden referred to access to his father joe as the keys to my family's only asset. he also discovered that joe biden hosted two of hunter's mexican billionaire clients at his official vice presidential residence in washington. and then through his son to mexico city on air force two so he could submit a deal. another piece of evidence when hunter was complaining he didn't have enough money. joe biden's brother jimmy text him saying don't worry. we will get joe's help for this to work. and more e-mails released proved to biden administration block foreign influence peddling investigations into joe biden. this explains why the cia wants biden to bow out before dirty laundry is exposed. and to market republicans host the first hearing of the joe biden impeachment inquiry. you can see that here on fox news channel at 10:00. up next, navigating the trump factor. ♪ ♪ we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. ♪ ♪ every day, businesses everywhere are asking: is it possible? with comcast business... it is. is it possible to help keep our online platform safe from cyberthreats? absolutely. can we provide health care virtually anywhere? we can help with that. is it possible to use predictive monitoring to address operations issues? we can help with that, too. with the advanced connectivity and intelligence of global secure networking from comcast business. it's not just possible. it's happening. >> jesse: the seven candidates onstage must prove they are the future of the party. if they can't, goodbye. the men who represent the party now and who is changing the character and complexion of the party is absent and looming with a massive lead. navigating the trump factor is a delicate dance. the vanguard of the american first movement has been spied on, impeach, raided and indicted and yesterday, but thursday democratic officials got one step closer to stripping the former president's power over the company he built from scratch. of the trump organization. savage partisans are revoking trump's new york business license. they claim he inflated his net worth. and is a mar-a-lago is only with $18 million. which means if hunter sells a few pages, he could buy the crown jewel of berliners in palm beach. real estate brokers valued at mar-a-lago as high as $725 million. 28 -- 20 acres, 62,000 square foot of state touching the atlantic to the intercoastal. see, this empty plot right th there. $200 million for 2 acres on palm beach. so soviet style prosecutions and property seizures against the leader of your party, the former president can't be dismissed as politics that will change if you vote for me instead. went eagerly with injury for leaks indictments to cnn, when a source for the d.a. gets left out of court, one button from the rays are blocked and fbi agents rummage through belongia's underwear drawer and securely guarded as it is stated, instead of a chop shop in chinatown where biden stashed his documents, you have to lead americans against injustice. whether you are running against the victim of injustice or not. the viciousness of biden's party futures was driven home today when a prosecutor for the u.s. attorney in tampa charging january 6th defendants was arrested in a road rage incident where he is accused of stabbing a man with a knife. are political enemies are not well balanced people. it is well past time for the republican politicians to become gladiators and hold plotline against this assault on our constitution. meg ryan is the founder and ceo of american majority. you got trumper. they are stripping his license. a lot going on. he is not there. how do these candidates handle that? >> oh, i think they have got to demonstrate tonight that they can't be enough. for 20 of them are going to be -- beat trump in 2024 and they understand the republican party is america first and america first is here to stay and they have to be clear -- be able to clearly them stay that they get it on immigration, that they understand we want the border security we want a merit-based immigration system. they understand we don't want any traders that are unfair to us. but most importantly, jes jesse, and, jesse, and this is where i really this is where i really think it gets to the hard of the matter. if they truly are america first and can articulate a foreign policy that is america first, they will be an enemy. it will be the will be the next enemy of the administration fi--administrative state, do thy understand that? do they realize that? do they have a plan? should they become the leader? should they win the white house and actually go into more and evolving the american because i think that is the thing, jesse, that is the thing moving forward. i think it is the greatest threat to our freedom. it is the is the greatest her to, a constitutional republic and understanding if you do not know that the administrative state is that big a threat, you have no right. you have no right at all to actually be worthy of the nomination of the republican party. >> jesse: you hear these guys will go -- talking to abolished the fbi. i'm going to make everybody get on their knees and beg for forgiveness. that is not a plan to execute a strategy. i mean, that sounds good in a sound bite. but we need more specifics. so how do you get up there and not just trump butt but also say you're going to get up there and hold the line against this assault on the american people. >> you can oh, i think they have got to lay out a very clear plan on how they're going to do a reduction in the force, the federal workforce. how they are going to do selective firing schedule. all of these things. lay out a very clear plan, step-by-step and how they're going to reduce federal government by 40% four years. if they don't have a plan and if they have not given it real thought, again, i don't think they are worthy of the nomination. and so it is one of those th things, you can have this quick little quips this quick little quips of sin, we are going to do away with the doj or the object. we are going to bring him to a healer. i want to hear a clear plan on how they plan to evolve the average state of state and return governments back to the duly elected representatives of the american people. because an addict again, the minministry of state is really doing most of the governing in dc and not really constitutional republic. how do they plan to actually restore the republic and return governments that are the duly elected representatives of the american people. unless they have a plan for the image they have not given any thought and if they have not given any thought, i don't know what they are running because they don't know what time it is picture with the revenge tour is already in full swing. recent charges, pulling licenses, with the people are looking over their shoulder producing he could pull it off. >> i think he could. i know for fact that there are some good plans in place for the first six months of a second trump administration on how they were going to address the administrative state and deal with it forcefully and bring it to the heel. i think he has a good plan. and i think he has to get the right people running potential personal they were and if he does that, unlike his chances. >> jesse: we will see how that shakes out picnic, as always, thank you so much. up next, philly at war. ♪ ♪ xvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. determine the candidates are debating in california. i's action in philadelphia should be showcased as a graphic reminder that american civilizations on the brink. hordes of riders stormed rittenhouse square the most beautiful and historic section of center city philly. a 60 year of opportunist use to justify a police shooting as an excuse to break into as many stores as they could and lived in the name of social justice. >> what we have was a bunch of criminal opportunist take advantage of a situation and make an attempt to destroy our city. >> jesse: joe biden holy campaigns in philadelphia that silent. federman, pence for a senator did -- that solid. the first lady. 's hometown and not even a scolding is heard from the dnc. scrutinizing the democratic base is racist. they have to be held to a different standard. and as we lower the standards, we should lower expectations. prep and prime time expects every american city to look like detroit in the next 10 years if american leaders who we believe are on stage tonight don't take a stand for civilization and say no. lock some heads together. throw the book at the surge. reopened the prisons. the white gold has to stop. it is time for american courage to return. told the truth be force the law evenly and punish the criminals instead of ourselves. fox & friends weekend her cohost will cain and tomi lahren join me now. what happen in filly last night? >> business as usual of course, jesse and this has been this week since 2020 when people, drugs, violence and out-of-control teens were told that they could act this way and they could pass it off as a social justice for george floyd or whoever else and they can get away with it. the president was set in 2020 and until someone resets that president, this is going to continued. but i think the most interesting part is it was a ocl et cetera consequences who famously told us that these people have to do this because they need to feed their families. they need bread and they need eggs. including an iphone store. order sousaphones are much more tasty and nutritious than i ever thought because they're using those to feed their families. god bless them. >> jesse: god bless them, will cain, it is a must for these politicians that break through the american people tonight to discuss the scene in philly and make everyone go google it if they have not seen it already and that will galvanize the country if they have any leadership shots. >> will: and i think he used the operative word in their set up to our panel here, you, -- more than one occasion he used the word civilization because i think when you watch those videos and you come away with, is less a display of criminal activity and more display of a breakdown in civilization. and therefore the solution in the conversation has to be bigger than simply about the criminal justice system. those were people simply looking to do damage, to be uncivilized. they were not taking anything important. iphones were at the top of the list. they were taking bottles of liquor and snacks. and by the way, jesse, you would sit there and go, how stupid do you have to you have to be to risk it all for some tito's vodka? you know? and then film yourself and put it on social media for the world to see so your guild is obvious? how stupid do you have to be? but then you say, well, maybe they are not stupid because they know ultimately that they will get away with it. there won't be a penalty. they could take whatever they want. there's no accountability. at the bottom line is what you're seeing here is the pillar of civilization. i want to hear a can they talk about this from a very broad perspective. yes, punish criminals. but please restore civilization. >> jesse: and tommy, who else from their crimes because they knew they could get away with it? i mean, this is the biden family right here. it is just all trickles down. >> you, again, young people are doing this for content. we have seen this over and over again. there's actually somebody that calls themselves meatball that livestreamed this whole event actually ended up being arrested thank goodness. these people are looking for content. he saw in new york a couple of months ago when they promised three playstation giveaways and there was again mass chaos. you see it with the two teams that grab that apartment on a bicycle in las vegas. these young people are doing this for content and i have to ask, where are the parents, the candidates tonight also need to talk about making parenting read again or maybe just make parenting a thing again. that is a part of this broader approach and i agree with will play. it can't just be more in order. has to be, where is the return of basic decency? >> jesse: they have to capture the american spirit of the american family and they have to touch upon the lack of fatherhood, a lack of accountability. will play? >> will: yes. yes. stop, you know, whatever we can do to stop feeding our brains, full of, you know, scrolls across the internet, porn, everything else that is valueless, everything we are doing is the destruction of civilization. so we need purpose. we need values and we need wisdom and strong leaders and that is what it takes us past this potential breakdown of honestly the foundation of the united states of america. >> jesse: all right, what we are 30 minutes away from that. hopefully these leaders call themselves leader. speak to some of these issues. thank you. ♪ ♪ after five days, the sun is finally out. i felt like i've been living in seattle. i have been praying to sungard, finally finally. we have sunshine. and i think we can all thank god for that. let's do some texts. greg from texas, i would love to hear what the candidates are going to do about biden's 80,000 new irs agents. my wife is a democrat and i'm a republican and this concerns both of us. married a democrat. good for you. robert from bethpage, new york, somebody get dana perino an airport -- airhorn. she may need it. good luck to dana, all the co-moderators. stay tuned for fox's all-star debate coverage starting now. ♪ ♪

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