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Camera and said this. The state versus Richard Alexander murdaugh, defendant, indictment for murder sc code 163, cdr code 0116 verdict guilty. So murdaughs attorneys say that they have sworn testimony that hill, that woman that you just saw, told jurors to not believe murdaughs testimony. She pressured them once they went in to the deliberations to get to a verdict quickly. Thats their side of the story. Thats what theyre saying. Two jurors have signed affidavits to. So this trial captivated the nation as the former South Carolina lawyer was convicted of shooting and killing his wife, maggie and his son, paul at the kennels on their property on june 7, 2021 at 8 44 or there abouts that evening. These murders were just the beginning of this deep and storied tale. Bizarre revelations came to light during this trial and the investigation prior to it, one after the other around his addi addiction. He said he took as many as 60 pills a day and then it started to spill out that he took millions of dollars from his clients, many of whom were poor and add Personal Injury cases. He ended up with the money. He said this on the stand when he testified. Then three months after the murders, he hired a hit man to kill him, which he later claimed was another form of insurance fraud. He was trying to get money for his son, buster, the only remaining free member of the family. Now a new probe in to the death of gloria satterfield, their longtime housekeeper, this is an incredibly complex story. Jonathan serrie reporting live on the breaking developments just a short time ago today from atlanta. Hi, jonathan. Hi, martha. Alec murdaugh serving two consecutive Life Sentences is not only asking for a new South Carolina trial, but also a federal investigation in to whether any State Officials tampered with the jury that convicted him in march. Take a listen. Immediately in the aftermath of the verdict, we had received information that we needed to look into what happened in the jury room. Murdaughs team cites sworn affidavits from jury members. Before murdaugh testified that the jury should be fooled by the evidence presented by mr. Murdaughs attorneys, which would mean that he would lie that he testified. And she also urged them to have a speedy verdict. Martha, we have reached out to the Clerks Office for comment. Were still waiting to hear back. Back to you. Martha now we bring in mercedes colwin. One thing to point out during the beginning of this, this request for a new trial based on new evidence is based what happened with the jurors. Its not based on the evidence that people heard or saw or any new person that is now a suspect. This is totally separate from the activities that happened on june 7. That being said, if it is true what these two jurors have attested to, what do you make of what this clerk reportedly according to them did. Im shocked. Im absolutely shocked. Its routine after a conviction for Defense Attorneys to file a notice of appeal. Thats standard to say that a state actor like becky hill actually tampered with jurors and they have sworn affidavits to that effect . Shocking. The crux of the entire defense was that Alex Murdaugh took the stand. Many Defense Attorneys will say that is the most critical question when defending someone, especially someone charged with murdering Family Members or anybody. Will you want to take the stand . Its youre right. But its dangerous if you do. He takes the stand. He testified. Then you have someone that basically says that he cant be believed. You have two jurors saying that . Its unbelievably shocking and really is, if it is to be proven, obviously theres steps here, preliminary there will have to be a preliminary investigation to any validity here. If there is, it goes to the very essence of the case, the essence of this Man Professing that he did not kill his wife or his son. If he is, he gets a new trial. Martha this is a clip from my discussion with buster murdaugh. This is a few months i did not interview rebecca hill. She was interviewed by one of the other producers. I did sit down with bustermer day. He believes his father is innocent. Heres what he said. If you believe your dad and innocent, your mom and brothers killer is out there somewhere. Thats what i believe. Would he get someone else to do it . No, maam. I dont think he could be affiliated with endangering my brother and brother. Martha not unusual, right, for a child whose father is accused of murdering the other. We believe that. Its so painful to watch him during that interview. The pain is obviously palpable. He has one surviving individual in his family, one parent. Thats it. Hes going to want to believe in his innocence. Well see how this plays out. When Alec Murdaugh took the stand, he testified in a way that belied that he was being truthful. Martha he undercut his own credibility on the stand. That was a huge problem. Thats completely separate if this rebecca hill did the things that these jurors say she did, there will have to do you agree with jonna, the judge has to allow a hearing on this . Oh, yes. Did you have any opportunity to discover this during the course of the trial . No. The last part is, would this have actually returned in favor of him in terms of exonerating him of his conviction . Absolutely. The crux of his defense is i didnt kill my wife. I loved my wife. I loved my wife, maggie and my son, paul. I would never have done this. Taking the stand, professing his innocence is the crux of the defense. Something as we said before doesnt happen very often. Martha the jury, what we this is separate, too, from what the jury believed. They believed that his credibility was completely fell apart on the stand. He admitted to lying about stealing money from people he cared about. He admitted to a major addiction that he had. So he undercut his own he lied about ever having been at the kennel five minutes before they were murdered. That was a big Turning Point for these jurors as well. As soon as they realized he was at the Scene Of The Crime moments before it happened, that was a huge Turning Point for them. But all of this, this is why we have a system, a legal system. If any one of these pieces falls apart do you think were likely to see a whole other trial in this case based on this . I warn everybody, youve heard one side of this story. You have not heard from rebecca hill or the jurors. If it is a doover it will likely to happen. If does come out if theres tampering, it will be different. Alex murdaugh could not overcome those tapes while on the stand. Doesnt matter how brilliant he was, he couldnt overcome them. Likely he wouldnt take the stand. It will be a different trial if it happens. Martha i would point out, when i saw this interview with rebecca hill, the documentary producer, hes very open to sharing everything she thought about the family, the history of the family and this verdict. Heres a piece of it. Youll see the rest. Its a threepart series On Fox Nation on this trial. This is rebecca hill. Im the one that read the verdict of Alec Murdaugh. My breath was knocked out for a moment. But then i have to tell myself to treat this like any other trial, any other verdict and praise my mind there and take them out, any other personal relationships. She seems cool, calm and collected. She at that point would have never assumed that this could come to be. Well see. The u. S. Attorneys office, the local Attorney Generals Office is looking into these actions. If theres any issue which is allegedly, it could be problematic for her. We need to hear her side of the story and see exactly what the jurors testified to in terms of what happened and the judge will decide whether or not he has to do a hearing here. Thank you, mercedes. Theres never a dull moment in this case, right . It continues on. You can watch the trials of the murdaughs On Fox Nation as well. So a live look at the senate floor. We are waiting for remarks, live remarks from Mitch Mcconnell. The Senate Minority leader. After two scary episodes in which he appeared to freeze mid thought. His doctors have said that theres nothing to prevent him from doing his duties, so well watch for Mitch Mcconnell in just a few moments and take you there live. Also, the president , joe biden a lot of talk about his age. Brand new polling of American Voters on this issue. A majority of democratic voters believe that the 80yearold president is too old to run again. 2 3s of democrats voters say hes too old. So that concerns that the white house just dismissed again. Bret baier, Marc Thiessen, mark penn coming up next. If job does not run, how much of a surprise will that be to you . It would be a surprise to me, but it wouldnt be a total surprise. Not a total shock. Im your footballobsessedbestman. And i think you having your big day, during the big game, is the worst. What are you kidding me . Physically im right here, but mentally, im here. Yeah, i do cmon speed it up. So, when all eyes are on you, my eyes are glued to the game. Touchdown yeah and if you didnt bundle your home and auto insurance. All of this. This could be tough to tackle. So, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem. Like me. Im not just accomplished. I am accomplishing. So im doing all i can to help lower my risk of breaking a bone. For postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at high risk for fracture taking calcium and vitamin d may not be enough. Adding prolia® is proven to help strengthen bones and reduce Spine Fracture Risk by 68 with 1 shot every 6 months. Do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. Serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. Tell your doctor about dental problems as severe Jaw Bone Problems may happen with prolia®, or about pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual Thigh Bone Fractures have occurred. Talk to your doctor before stopping, skipping, or delaying prolia®, as spine and other fractures have occurred. Serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain have occurred. I have so much more to accomplish. Talk to your doctor about prolia®. Martha brand new polls and President Biden facing tough numbers when it comes to his age. Hes 80. 70 of voters say that is too old to run again. Less than half say the same about former President Trump, that is three years younger than the current president. 2 3s of democrats say that President Biden say is too old for a second term. 70 of independents. Heres the reaction from the white house. Heres what i can speak to. I can speak to that a president who has wisdom, a president who has experience. I can speak to a president who has done historic taken historic action and has delivered in historic pieces of legislation. Thats important. Martha lets bring in Marc Thiessen, former speechwriter for george w. Bush, Washington Post columnist and mark penn, former polster and ceo of stagwell. Mark penn, lets talk to you about this. The list we just heard from Karine Jeanpierre is obviously what theyre leaning on. His wisdom, his experience. But that decembernt answer the about whether or not he is fit to carry on for a whole other term. Well, ive been tracking this question for a while on the harris poll. The harris poll ive seen it the last year or so go from 64 who think hes too old to 68 . Interestingly, his vote share has not changed. Theyre saying hes too old, theyre voting for him anyway. So it is not really something which they have concluded that he cant continue to serve as president. Obvious anyone that is serving as president that has numbers like this has to dispel them either through the debates, through actions, through their schedule. The white house is trying to do that. Martha one person that would love to debate him is r. F. K. Jr. Theres no signs that that will happen. Heres what he said about that. I think its important for the president to have a debate. Too show that, you know, its a rigorous job, to show that he has the vigor and the mental acutie. Martha Marc Thiessen . Yeah, hes not going to debate robert kennedy. He might not debate donald trump. Hes going to try to avoid that. Joe biden is 80 years old. He would be 86 at the end of a second term. If you look at the Social Security table, theres a 60 chance that he wont live to the end of the term much less than being president. So theres a 60 chance according to the tables that Kamala Harris will assume the presidency at some point if joe biden gets a second term. Shes on the ballot. Its not just age that is an issue. Its approval of the job hes doing in office. If he was old but doing a great job and the inflation was low, the inflation was low, peace in the world, nobody would have a problem. Its the combination of the age with the incompetence and the fact that people have concluded hes mentally unfit. This is the problem that he faces. Its tough. Hes going to have to get on a debate stage with a republican and dispel and beat that person. Were not sure he can do it. Martha thats interesting. This is the headtohead. Donald trump 46, joe biden 46. Undecided, 17 . Jim garity makes the case that bidens strongest argument for another term is the nations reluctance for four years of trump and the same things works the other way around. He said these two need each other because theyre the only other person that the rival could beat, mark penn. This race has been stalemated for a long time. Weve its almost a 50 50 country. 4646 would notary in this poll. Donald trump has a low rating. Biden has low ratings. Most voters would wrath very a race with neither but at the moment theyre getting both. So whether age is going to play a major factor. Performance is where the economy comes out and donald trump, how he handles the criminal indictments. Theres so much here up in the air. The voters have not moved a single inch in over a year or two years. Martha its absolutely fascinating. Thank you very much, gentlemen. Gait to have you with us. Mark pen and Marc Thiessen. Were getting a look at the impact of the first republican president ial debate and how it affected the race. Former President Trump has polled far ahead as mark penn has just said of Governor Desantis of florida. This is the new numbers from the Wall Street Journal. Hes up by 46 points, former President Trump. So he has an enormous lead over his closest competitor. Hes doubled the lead in the same survey in april. Desantis is back at 13 in these polls. Everybody else is in the Single Digits. The journal says for now the former president has no formidable challenger. With that, we bring in bret baier and My Co Moderatorer to that first event. Good afternoon, bret. Initially desantis and haley got a little pop out of the debate. We see what has happened to those numbers. Theyre all stuck basically in the Single Digits or close to it. Its pretty amazing. The former president has increased his lead every indictment, the first debate, he saw his numbers go up. He has really since april capitalized again moving up in the polls. The only person that may be shifted a little bit is nikki haley. The national poll. In new hampshire, shes now up to second in the latest poll there with ron desantis. Really, it has not changed the dynamic of this race. He is likely not going to be in the second debate. You know, i think he looks at these numbers and his political advisers say this is where he should be and were not going to take any chances to change anything. Martha it is i guess you wonder about whether or not theres an outside dynamic that impacts any of this. Certainly looks at this point that were headed into a bidentrump faceoff and rematch again for the white house. Heres adam schiff saying that calling for the removal of President Trump through the process through the 14th Amendment. Here he is sunday. Watch. I think its a valid argument. The 14th Amendment section 3 is pretty clear. If you engaged in acts of insurrection or rebellion against the government or give aid and comfort to those that do, youre disqualified from running. Doesnt require that you be convicted. It just requires that you have engaged in these acts. Its a disqualification from Holding Office again. And it fits donald trump to a tee. Martha former President Trump says this is a trick on truth social. He says that this is another trick being used by radical left to steal an election from their candidate. What about this discussion, bret . Youre hearing it more and more from democrats that appear really trying to get him off the ballot. Listen, these indictments and how they have been stacked, how the trials have been stacked and the calendar opposite political events next year, you know, for average independents, they are even now looking at this saying its just not fair. The 14th amount section 203 clause is a reach. Even legal experts on the left are saying once you open this door and you determine how this falls under that section, you suddenly empower a lot of political keeping people off the ballot. It depends on the determination by the u. S. Supreme court likely whether this is going to fall in that category. They may weighin sooner than anybody thinks. The trump attorneys are going to file saying this is not fair the way its stacked up like planes coming in to dulles. Martha that will be one of the interesting elements that come in to play the next several months, whether the Supreme Court gets in to this discussion on this. The other big factor here is whether or not all of these court dates that you have mentioned, bret, that are mapped up against these big primary contests may have the same effect as the indictments. People that say they support him say that they support him partly because he is under fire. I mean, youre seeing independents and even republicans who have long since left former President Trump take another look and say, wait a second. Maybe they are coming after him for a reason and maybe i need to look at him again. Its showing up in polls. The Wall Street Journal poll is the stunning martha im sorry. We have to jump in to Mitch Mcconnell. We have to listen to what he has to say here. One particular moment of my time has received its fair share of attention in the press over the past week, but i assure you, august was a busy and productive month for me and my staff back in the commonwealth. I kicked off the month in West Kentucky and then in my hometown of louisville where i met with Small Businesses and community leaders. We had a Candidate Conversation on the Critical Issues facing our state. From relentless inflation, straining families and Business Owners to the challenge of Finding Workers in a lagging labor market. Also had a chance the travel to the eastern part of kentucky where i met with healthcare and Recovery Workers in manchester. Tragically the Substance Abuse crisis has become Even Deadlier in recent years especially in my home state. So we discussed what were doing to combat it and find ways the federal government can fill the ga gaps. Also welcomed dr. Gupta to hear fr more from dr. Gupta object how to make kentucky a safer place. Throughout the month, i was pleased to see over 6 million go towards addressing the Opioid Crisis at home. This federal funding will go a long way in supporting programs that offer a lifeline to countless kentuckians that struggle with Substance Abuse. In bowling green, i met with Community Bankers to discuss what Senate Republicans are doing to put a check on the Biden Administrations reckless spending and regulatory overreach. At the kentucky state fair, i had a chance to indulge in some of the best that the blue grass has to offer like the farm bureaus ham breakfast. This is an event that is a highlight of mine. This year was no exceptional. I met with farmers to discuss their priorities and concerns as Congress Takes up the allimportant farm bill. This input will be vital to our work here in the senate in the months ahead. In northern kentucky, i wrapped up the month with local Business Leaders to talk about some of our landmark Infrastructure Investments underway in this state like overall the spence bridge and revitalizing our river ports and railroads. From rural farm families to businesses of all sizes, every kentuckian i met voiced the same message. Theres too much government, too little being done to boost the economy and help everyday people. So as the senate gets back to work in washington, ill keep these conversations and concerns in the forefront of my mind. This month, of course, Congress Needs to address our nations most pressing needs with timely appropriations and we need to keep the lights on from october 1. Back in january, i pointed out that washington democrats, the new normal they faced, the American People had elected divided government and demanded that we Work Together on our most basic governing responsibilities. Well, as i reminded our colleagues regularly, that meant funding the government through regular order. Been encouraging to see senator collins, senator murray and our colleagues on the Appropriations Committee make serious head way in that direction. Next week well aim to pass the first batch of their work out here on the floor. Also made clear the senates top priority must be keeping the American People safe. This month well have a chance to do that with supplemental appropriations for Urgent National security and Disaster Relief priorities. We need to continue to invest in americas Defense Industrial base both to support our partners in todays fight and to help our forces deter tomorrows threats. As our colleagues from florida and hawaii know all too well, Emergency Personnel are working overtime to help communities shatter by natural disasters over the summer. So the Senate Reconvenes with our work cut out for us and a deadline fast approaching. I hope each of our colleagues have returned ready to do their part. Martha all right. Mitch mcconnell addressing congress as they get back to action after a fairly long break. Joining me once again, Special Report anchor bret baier. Obviously hes had a couple of episodes recently where he took very long pauses that were unnerving, unsettling to everybody watching and concerned about his health. His doctor said he had a clean bill to return but no comment from the Senate Minority leader about that situation, bret. Theres one tangential mention in which he said one particular moment of my time back home has received its fair share of attention from the press, but i assure you august was a busy month for me and my staff. Hes trying to show that hes continuing business as usual. Weve seen dozens and dozens of these speeches from Senate Majority leader and now Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell. Its clear hes lost a stop in his vibrance and presentation. The doctors are saying hes cleared to go. There is still whispering up on capitol hill about how well he can do in that position. Its going to be a battle as we get ready for another budget showdown, another physical cliff. Hes pushing for a supplemental, another continuing kind of funding where the house is saying no go. So hes going to have to be vigorous if he wants to hold that line. Martha indeed. Everybody paused to watch his returned today having witnessed some of that and having heard about the update from his doctor. He got through it without any problems in that moment. Bret, thanks very much. Bret baier. President Biden Awarding the Medal Of Honor to larry taylor a Vietnam Veteran that rescued four soldiers in the middle of a firefight. He landed his helicopter under fire and got them all out. One of the men that he saved the odds were absolutely zero without taylor. Lets listen. Gentlemen, The Very Best the nation has to offer. We owe you. The same goes for Sergeant David hill. Vietnam veteran, former firefighter and the last surviving member of larrys mission, the Driving Force behind his Medal Of Honor nomination. On behalf of our nation, thank you all for being here. Finally, tony. Larry learned many ranks and call signs throughout his Military Service. He earned them. Captain, dark horse, mustang. Probably a few we cant say out loud. Best left out of the president ial record, i guess. I believe that larrys most proud of being called your husband. Its an honor to have you both here as we give this Heroism Theful recognition that it deserves. Born in the volunteer state, duty to find his life. As a young man, he volunteered to join the College Rotc Unit at the university of tennessee, knoxville. After graduating in 1966, he commissioned as an armor officer. Larry had dreamed of leading men in battle on what he called chariots of steel. It didnt take my days on the ground for larry to realize that he belonged in the sky. He wanted to be a pilot. Not just any pilot, a cobra pilot flying the newest fastest army helicopter, a gunship built for two people and their ammo. So when larry was ordered when he was offered to flight the in the fighting first at vietnam, he jumped at the spot. It was then when he went beyond the call of duty quite literally. June 18, 1968, it was pitch black. No moon. No stars. No light beyond the glow of lieutenant taylors Cockpit Controls when he heard a whisper coming through his radio. Were sur rounded. Thats the call he heard. A unit came including Sergeant David hill. Earlier that day, the men had sent out to recon the area. But then they found themselves in the middle of a vietcong strong hold. The men picked up their radio and made a call. It was no longer a recon mission. They needed a rescue mission. Without hesitation, lieutenant taylor and his copilot began racing toward them. Over the radio, he laid out the game plan. He would use his cobra to give the unit cover until a Rescue Helicopter could extract them. There was one simple problem. It was pitch black. Lieutenant taylor couldnt determine exactly where they were. So he asked his men to launch a flare, a move that revealed their location to him ands will to the enemy. Lieutenant taylor knew the risks but he was ready. Over the radio he said, lets get to work. A flare went up. The fight was on. The enemy fire lit up the night. Lets taylor and his co pilot dove down, positioning their cobra parallel with the vietcong fighters. They flew dangerous low levels Firing Thousands of rounds of rockets to cover the ground, cover the ground in which the men were. Then lieutenant taylor heard a sound. That meet one thing. His helo was hit again and again and again. At that point according to army standards, he could have left the fight. Lieutenant taylor had his own sacred standing. You never leave a man on the ground. He tried to find an escape route. His cobra taking more rounds as he did. He kept trying to radio for rescue knowing his men were almost out of time and ammunition. On his last try, he learned any attempt to save the men had been called off. The Rescue Helicopter was not coming. Instead, lieutenant taylor received a direct order. Return to base. His response was just as direct. Im getting my men out. Lieutenant taylor would perform the extraction himself, a maneuver never been accomplished in a cobra. Remember, the cobra was only a gunship only. No cabin for passengers. That was the least of his problems. First, lieutenant taylor needed to give his men a way out of the rice patty where they had been pinned down. He needed a diversion. So despite the fact that he had no rockets or rounds left, lieutenant Taylor Drew The Fire himself. Using his Landing Light to trick them to still thinking he had ammo. He made runs on the vietcong fighters. The roost worked a few times. It was enough for the men to make it to the extraction point. There lieutenant taylor landed. The men mounted the exterior of his helo, claiming on the rocked pots. In second, he was back in the air. The mission wasnt over. Lieutenant taylor saw his fuel light flickering. Started with 1,600 pounds of gas. Now he had about six. Not enough to make it back to base. Worse, the soldiers he was carrying with wet mud and gooing against 50 knots of wind. If he could make it back, his men would freeze or fall first. So he once more risked his own safety for his fellow teammates. He located a Friendly Area to set his bird down. Four men dismounted the helo and disappear back into the pitch black night. No moon, no stars, no light beyond the glow of the helicopter. He wouldnt see some of these men again until 30 years later. By that time, lieutenant taylor had long become captain taylor. He had flown more than 2,000 combat missions. He received the Silver Star A Bronze star and 43 air medals. Thank god his not putting him on his chest. He would have trouble standing. Its incredible. The greatest honor of all, family showed up at these reunions, too. They looked for larry. They would hug him. Theyd say, you dont know me but you saved my daddys life. A few days, young soldiers about the same age as larry was during the dark night in vietnam. Theyll arrive at ranger school. All of us today, theyre inspired by his story and will be. But how, by how he refused to give up, refused to leave a fellow american behind. Renewed to put his own life above the lives of others in need. When duty called, larry did everything to answer. Because of that, he rewrote the fate of four families for generations to come. Thats valor. Thats valor. Thats our nation at its very best. Thats why its now my great honor to ask lieutenant hughes to read your Medal Of Honor citation. May god bless you all and may god protect our troops. . Attention to orders. The president of the United States of america authorized by act of congress, march 3, 1863, has awarded In The Name Of Congress the Medal Of Honor to First Lieutenant larry l. Taylor, United States army. For conspicuous galatry. He distinguished himself by act as Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty while serving with first infantrity vision 1968 in the republic of vietnam. He commanded a team in a Night Mission and responding to an urgent call of aerial support. Upon arrival, First Lieutenant taylor found the patrol Team Surrounded and heavily engaged by a large vietcong force. Despite intense enemy ground fire, he flew at a perilously low attitude placing a devastating volume of Machine Gun Fire on the enemy and circling the friendly patrol. For over 45 minutes, First Lieutenant taylor and his wingman continued to make low level danger close attack runs on the surrounding enemy positions. When enemy fire increased from the village, he requested Artillery Rounds with lower Illumination Altitudes to be fired on the village so the burning rounds ignited the enemy positions with cobra gun ship us ott of ammunition and closing in, taylor flew the potential evacuation route. Returning to the location, he continued to circle at a low level under intense enemy fire and distracting the enemy. Running low on fuel and with the patrol team nearly out of ammunition, First Lieutenant taylor decided to extract the team with his two man cobra gunship. A feat never accomplished. He directed his wing man to fire on the patrol teams east flank. First lieutenant taylor then fired his last mini gun rounds on the enemy positions opening an avenue of movement to the east team. He directed the patrol team to move 100 yards toward the Extraction Site Where First Lieutenant Taylor Under Fire landed his helicopter and instructed them to climb aboard. With the fourman Long Range Patrol Team seated On Rocket Pods and skids, he evacuated them to the nearest friendly location saving their lives. First lieutenant taylors gallant try, profound concern for his soldiers at the risk of his life Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of Military Service and reflect great credit upon himself, hi unit and the United States army. [applause] martha we get the learn about extraordinary heroism today on the part of captain larry taylor during the vietnam war as he saved four of his fellow veterans in and extraordinary Chopper Rescue in vietman. So we thank him very much for his service. Were glad that hes honored today with the nations Medal Of Honor given to him by President Biden at the white house. Also at the white house today, the Biden Administration vowing consequences if north korean dictator kim jongun and russian leader Vladimir Putin move forward with an arms treaty to aid the kremlin in its brutal war against ukraine. What i can say is this providing weapons to russia for use on the battlefield to attack grain silos and the Heating Infrastructure of major cities as we head in to winter, to try to conquer territory, this wouldnt reflect well on north korea and they will pay a price for this in the international community. Martha the New York Times reports the two leaders plan to meet this month to discuss pyongyang to providing weapons to moscow. We go to jack keane, former vice chief of start of the army and chairman hoff the institute for the study of war. General keane, good to have you with us. First, your thoughts as we watch this ceremony at the white house for captain taylor. Ive lived in honor of people like captain taylor my whole life. Its an experience when you met people that are absolute heros. They look and act just like everybody else. But in a moment of intense danger, they respond in a way that is truly extraordinary. Ive always felt its always about their heart. Their heart and the sense of right there, at that moment, theyre willing to give up everything that they care about in life to help their fellow man. That is amazing to be around that. I always i told my family and my friend that i live the life among heros. Here we have another one right here, captain taylor. My god, What A Wonderful American. Martha What A Wonderful American indeed. Im glad the nation pauses in those moments. All cameras were on the white house. Its so important that we witness these true heros and we have an opportunity to praise them and the thank them. As you say, who among us in that moment would you do what he did to risk your own life to save four of your brothers. Thats exactly what he did. General keane, thanks. I do want to ask you about the other story to get your reaction to today. That is this growing actively advancing relationship between north korea and russia as they potentially give more arms from pyongyang to the kremlin. We have four major adversaries, china, russian, iran and north korea in that order id suggest. Most of the time russia had been providing weapons and aid to china and has assisted iran certainly and also russia has assisted north korea. But what has changed here, the tables have turned. Because russia has major Defense Industrial base issues. Theyre known for their artillery and known for that being a Center Of Gravity of theyll military and war efforts. Theyre short Artillery Rounds. As a matter of fact, ukrainians are making gains because of the russian shortage in their artillery effectiveness. It doesnt surprise me that the administer of Defense Wendt to north korea a few weeks ago and appealed to them to assist, which drove the meeting that were going to see with putin and kim jongun. This is desperation on russias part. North korea will blow off any threat of the administration that sanctions are coming just like iran blows it off, just like china blows it off as well. This is all about they serving together to help each other to do what . To reduce the United States control and influence in the world. They will help each other in moments of crisis or stress. Were seeing it right now. Martha general jack keane, always a pleasure to have you with us. Thanks very much, sir. Well see you soon. Quick break and well be right back with more of the story after this. Ental health was much better, but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. Td can be caused by some Mental Health meds. And its unlikely to improve without treatment. I felt like my movements were in the spotlight. Ingrezza is a Prescription Medicine to treat adults with td movements. Ingrezza is different. Its the simple, oncedaily treatment proven to reduce td thats 1 prescribed. People taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most Mental Health meds. Ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. Dont take ingrezza if youre allergic to any of its ingredients. Ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including sleepiness. Dont drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how ingrezza affects you. 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Great to have you with us. A lot of people are hearing about this festival for the first time because whats going on there this year. Why is this your eighth time . Why do you love going so much, first of all . Martha, its a very special experience. Unless you have been here, its unexplainable. Theres art, theres camps that offer all kinds of things from Poetry Readings to Trapeze Lessons to cotton candy and hot dogs. Our camp here, we have Pickle Backshots for free. No money exchanged except if you need to buy ice. Theres something that really catches your heart when you hear thank you all day. This is incredible, amazing. A great way to live for a week. Its fun to be part of a Build Project and then a strike project, a lot of people are doing strike right now, striking down their camps and getting ready to leave. Its a nice way to live, this communal effort, the gifting idea, the immediacy, the selfreliance. We do come prepared. It has rained before. It was apartment catastrophe. Most of us got there this just fine and will head home time. Looks like its gorgeous there right now. When it was at the worst of it, i guess it took eight hours to get out. What is the effort like for people getting out now . Were looking at this passive traffic. Are all of those people lined up to get out . Yes, theres i think they set up 12 or 10 lanes to get out. This is a live picture of several people heading wards the exodus line right now. Once you get the pavement, its a twolane highway. So it can be a 12hour wait in some cases. We have some friends that left at 4 00 a. M. Took them eight hours to get out. Now we understand that theres an accident a semi truck rolled over on the twolane highway and spilled propane. So people are having to be detoured even further just to get to reno. So its a really long effort to get out. Its a long effort to get in because of the twolane road. People are heading out, braving the traffic. They have jobs to get back to. They have child car issues to take care of, pets, that kind of thing. Responsibilities at home. So theyre braving the traffic jam and heading out and hoping for the best. Hopefully they have snacks and water and podcasts to keep them away. Martha youre beautiful. No worse for the wear. Obviously a great experience overall for you. So we thank you. Wish you luck. Sounds like a good strategy to wait till tomorrow to leave. Thanks so much for bringing us in to your world there at burningman. Thanks, claudia. Good to see you. Good for her. So that is the story for this tuesday, september 5. The story goes on. Were all going next year. Well see you back here tomorrow at 3 00. Your world starts right now. Labor day may be over, but President Joe Biden is facing a bigger problem. The United Auto Workers threaten to go on strike in nine days. No deal in sight. More on your Inflation Headaches for americans and the president. A new poll finding the economy is worse than it was two years ago. Welcome. Im Charles Payne in for neil cavuto, this is your world. To alexandria hoff in washington where the president is feeling th

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