Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240703

that matter most and age is a major concern we found in that polling as we say happy tuesday, goodbye summer. i'm bill hemmer, live in new york. hello. >> dana: can we explain to bill summer is not over yet. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." great to be here. a big month planned for you. stick with us. new polling from the "wall street journal" showing the president's age could be a major hurdle to his re-election. the question was this. is president biden too old to run? well, 73% of voters say yes. >> bill: that poll contrasting the president with the republican frontrunner former president donald trump. here are numbers here. graphs on the board. more voters say trump is mentally up for the job. more agreed that trump has a vision for the future. >> dana: meanwhile president biden was joking yesterday about his age in philadelphia. take a look. >> president biden: i tell you what, someone said, you know, that biden he is getting old, man, i tell you what. well guess what? guess what? the only thing that comes with age is a little bit of wisdom. [cheers and applause] >> president biden: i've been doing this longer than anybody and guess what i will continue to do it with your help. >> dana: can the president convince americans he is up for the job? we'll ask a group of voters from iowa. can't wait to talk to them. let's go to jacque heinrich at the white house to kick us off. >> good morning. this was another tough poll for the president who turned 81 in november. 22% of respondents in that survey saying his age is not an issue for a second term. 73% think it is. as for trump who is only three years younger than biden he fared better. 47% believing his age is an issue. this is not just a one off poll. a.p. survey has 77% of voters agreeing that biden is too old including 69% of democrats. only 51% said the same of trump in that survey including only 28% of his republican base. biden has taken this criticism joking about his age more than a few times lately. allies are taking to the airwaves to portray the president as sharp. >> talked to him before i left for china. he gave me the best advice of about 200 people that i spoke with. i talk to business leaders, other folks in the administration. he was sharp, he was clear. he has a ton of energy. and i'm so excited to be on his team. >> it's not just the age issue that could rattle the biden campaign. the "wall street journal" survey found biden fails to reverse widespread pessimism about the state of the economy despite a push from the white house to do that. he was in philadelphia yesterday contrasting his record with his predecessor's. with majority of voters disapproving of his handling of the economy, inflation and growth of the middle class a lot of work to do for biden to turn attitudes around. >> president biden: the guy who held this job before me was 1 of 2 presidents in history, he was -- 1 of 2 presidents that left office with fewer jobs in america than when he got elected office. the last guy didn't build a damn thing. >> biden biographer promoting his new book made headlines over the weekend saying it wouldn't be a total shock in biden jumped out of the race for 2024. dropped out of the race. franklin foer had unparalleled access to the president's inner circle over the last 2 1/2 years and he talked about 300 people for this book. that was an interesting headline there, guys. >> dana: jacque at the white house, thank you. >> bill: from washington we move to middle america and bring in some of our iowa voters. michael is a pastor from des moines. pastor, good morning to you. nichole is a banker from clear lake, iowa. and cole is an agricultural worker in hard wick. thank you for being here. on the "wall street journal" poll over the weekend voters concerned about biden's age, 73% say they feel biden is too old to seek a second term. 47% said the same of trump who is 77 years old and 2/3 of democrats said biden was too old to run again. not great numbers there as jacque pointed out. michael, you went to the debate in milwaukee. you are back home and leaning desantis then. what do you think about what you've heard since? >> i'm open to listening to all the candidates. i think governor desantis is really doing a great job. i get the pleasure of being a part of an organization called faith lands led by chad connolly. we put together pastors to meet with presidential candidates to be able to speak into their lives and into their staff's lives and i tell you what we're listening to everybody right now. >> dana: nichole, call for number six. recent iowa polling. it's about 2 or 3 weeks old. iowa caucus goers saying that trump 42%, desantis the closest second at 19% and then the rest in single digits. does that match up with what you are hearing and are there candidates that will be debating the end of this month that you are considering? >> absolutely. i think that we need to not count anyone out just yet and i think nikki haley showed up at the debate and really made a place for herself at the table. and i expect to see her to continue to grow. anyone who meets her and has the opportunity to hear her speak, myself included, walks away encouraged and inspired. i think she has momentum. >> bill: you have not -- you may have hardened your position on nikki haley. >> i absolutely have. >> bill: cole, 29, married, two kids and a farmer. so much of your life depends on the weather and the economy and decisions that are made for people like you. how are you feeling about all that today? >> it's definitely a lot harder than it has been in the past i can tell you that. money doesn't go nearly as far as it used to. >> bill: and you supported trump. i want to get this right twice now. >> yep. >> 2016 and 2020 but you are leaning desantis? why? >> i don't know what's all going on with his trial and everything. if everything is cleared and he is able to run of course that's the route i'll go again. i think he is the frontrunner for this country and done a lot of great things for us. he will keep on continuing, you know. he will open that pipeline up. get these fuel prices back down where they need to be. so -- >> dana: let me ask the pastor michael, this is from george stephanopolous on abc yesterday morning. look at this one. >> it is kind of shocking in a way that despite all of the baggage that donald trump carries he is tied with joe biden right now. >> dana: i imagine that you don't think that's shocking. iowa went for the republican candidate last time around in a big way. but i wonder if, as you and the other caucus goers pay attention to this race, are you thinking about who is best for you, who is best for iowa, or who could best win against biden in november of 2024? >> what i believe is not really what's best for me personally or even necessarily the state of iowa. who is best for our country? and frankly what they are doing to joe biden is sad. it is criminal. the man should be in a nursing home. he should be being cared for by family that loves him instead of paraded around like he is. it's a real sad thing. i think that we want a person that is going to speak to the values that americans believe in, a person that has the record to show that they have actually done it, and a person who has got character, moral standing to say i can lead and we can trust in this person to do so. >> bill: on that point, nichole, when you think about that and you can reflect on what the pastor is saying and maybe just the issues that affect you personally, you and your family and your own personal life, what is number one for you? >> well, i think absolutely i have four children and i'm concerned about their safety, the strength of this nation, and i want to know they will have a bright future. that's number one for me. i also want to be able to know that my children have a good role model in our leader and that's important. >> dana: cole, i come from a ranching and agricultural background. what do you think the most important thing that a new president could do immediately to help farmers and ag workers across the country? >> definitely have to get the interest rates down for loans. these farmers around america, they are taking massive operating loans at high interest rates right now. and it's tough. it takes a lot of money to make this stuff go around and work and to feed people. and with the higher interest rates makes it that much harder going to buy new equipment to keep their farm going, it is just that much harder. >> bill: i can imagine. and they shot up considerably in the last two years, you are right about that. >> yep. >> bill: good luck. we'll stay in contact with you, cole and nichole and michael. my best to all three of you. speak to you down the road. >> dana: interesting if you look -- you love history. want a history lesson on tuesday. let's just look at how trump's lead in iowa compares to history. the largest republican caucus lead recorded by the polls in 2000 won by george w. bush. dole is up by 46 points. i need to look at that election 1996. trump now at plus five. >> bill: if he had a big lead now doesn't necessarily translate into a victory in the iowa caucus. you'll have a chance to ask questions to the candidates at the end of september semi valley. >> dana: september 27th i'll be joined by two others shaping up pretty well. got to tell you, my mind is like a pinball machine. a lot of questions up there. that will be at 9:00 p.m. eastern on september 27th. >> bill: big night. we'll talk about that through the month of september. >> dana: the latest on the escaped prisoner in pennsylvania. police are expanding the search to find the prisoner with schools in the area closed due to the manhunt. nate foye is in our new york city newsroom with more. >> the search for cavalcante now on day six. in the past hour we're learning the search for him has expanded south about five miles from the previous perimeter to longwood gardens, also in chester county, pennsylvania. take a listen to this. >> this morning we were notified by security at longwood gardens that they had trail camera photos taken on their property which appear to be cavalcante. this area is just south of the perimeter. investigators examined those photos and we can confirm it is cavalcante. several steps were quickly taken, including shifting our perimeter in an attempt to contain him between the southern end of the established perimeter and an area south of route one. >> chester county d.a. describes this man as extremely dangerous. the u.s. marshal's office says he entered our country illegally after being accused of a murder in brazil, his home country, in 2017. he has been on the run since thursday morning after being sentenced to life in prison for murdering his former girlfriend in pennsylvania in 2021. the escape happened as he was awaiting transfer to a state prison. he has been spotted multiple times, including most recently near longwood garden as you just heard. take a look on the right side of your screen. he was captured on this home security camera. he was also spotted on sunday by a state trooper who gave chase but not able to track him down. authorities are using a recorded message from his mother in portuguese to try to convince him to turn himself in peacefully. authorities are asking residents to lock their doors for their safety and so he can't get anymore supplies. he has a duffel bag and backpack, new sweatshirt as well. authorities aren't sure how he got that. they are also concerned about people returning from labor day weekend, perhaps not being in their homes and they are telling people if you have any thoughts that maybe he is inside to give them a call to check it out before you return in your home. there is still a $10,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. state, local and federal authorities are all working together to capture him and we just learned in that news conference from an hour ago at this point u.s. border patrol and f.b.i. joining the u.s. marshal's office as well as state and local authorities to catch this very dangerous man. authorities still won't explain exactly how cavalcante escaped. prisoner escape from the same prison earlier this year. the warden would only say that all protocols were followed. once he escaped the warden would not say exactly how that happened. authorities did say they are searching or investigating two burglaries in the area. not sure in cavalcante was behind them but looking into it. >> dana: maybe we'll get news even this morning. thank you. >> i'm delivering an urgent and formal appeal to the federal government for intervention and action. >> dana: a democrat-run state mobileizing the national guard in response to the migrant crisis. will that prompt the white house to finally step in? >> bill: it's not over yet. why folks have to wait a bit longer to march through the mud and make their way out of burning man. >> most of us are hunkering down making the best of this situation. it is still a fun burning man. there are dance parties to be found, some of the camps are still open. veteran homeowners, credit card debt piling up? great news. you can use your va benefit to pay off your high rate credit card debt with a lower rate va home loan from newday. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. so pay off your high rate debt with a lower rate newday home loan, and you can save $500 or more every month. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ directv sports central gives you access to every game. but terry doesn't have directv. come on. work for dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! get in the redzone with sports pack. call 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captured on a trail camera on the property of longwood gardens, which is an area in southeastern pennsylvania. they released that bottom right-hand screen. maybe they are getting closer or maybe further away from a man who seems intent on being on the move because the perimeter has expanded and we'll see how it goes throughout the morning. stay on the story and let you know. >> dana: police say he is getting desperate. that's why they have several schools closed. we'll keep an eye on this and have live cameras there for you all morning. democrat led state struggling to handle the influx of my grant. governor saying they don't have the resources to take in more. molly line is in massachusetts where the national guard is being mobilized. let's go to jeff flock in southern new jersey where the biden administration is looking at the atlantic city airport as a new spot to house migrants. tell us more. >> dana, it's not the world's busiest airport, atlantic city airport but it could get a lot busier. it is on the list of ten federally owned facilities where some migrants from new york city, perhaps as many as 60,000, could be sent. they've been flooding into new york as you well know. bus loads and the city is not ready to say uncle, i think. the mayor there saying he needs federal help and they need to go somewhere. bloomberg first reporting that among the ten cities, yeah, atlantic city and just as a point of order we're in egg harbour township where the airport is. this has set off a firestorm of local protests and it is not just republicans but democrats as well, including the governor of new jersey, who has famously dubbed his state a sanctuary city. phil murphy said this. i don't see any scenario where we're going to be able to take in a program in atlantic city or anywhere else in the state. we would need scale and enormous amount of federal support and resources. so he is saying yeah, maybe not. and the local politicians say he needs to go a step further, not just be against this but call the president and say don't do it. listen. >> it is time to go to the president and say it is unacceptable, i do not support it. if they try to do it, block it from happening in any way. >> the local authorities here say the last time there was this much bipartisan support for something was when they passed casino gambleing in atlantic city. i mention that as a positive but it depends on your point of view. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: also new jersey isn't the own democrat run state scrambling to house migrants. in the commonwealth of massachusetts the governor there mobilized the national guard to transport asylum seekers to emergency shelters. molly line picks up the story live in boston on that. molly, hello. >> good morning, bill. the massachusetts national guard soldiers will begin to take their places early next week. they will be working at emergency shelter hotel locations across the state. members will work on site to coordinate things like transportation, food, medical care delivered by a wide web of vendors. community organizations and state and local governments including enrolling children in schools. they were called into service last week by governor healey, a democrat who issued an order activating up to 250 national guard soldiers coming weeks after she declared a state of emergency tied to the numbers of rapidly rising numbers of migrants arriving here and stretching shelter capacity to unsustainable levels. mass malls boasts a unique right to shelter law that requires the state to provide shelter to pregnant women and families with children. massachusetts is spending more than $45 million a month on programs and shelter for the arriving eligible families according to a letter that healey sent to homeland secretary mayokas last month. they received 1.9 millions in a grant in fema to support shelter services. while the healey administration is urging bay staters to welcome migrants including opening their own homes protestors on cape cod took to the streets to fight the potential placement of migrants in a resort motel. there are currently more than 6,000 families in the emergency shelters across the state. put that in perspective. the border patrol apprehended an estimate 177,000 migrants at the southern border in august alone. bill. >> bill: molly, thank you. more to come on that. very soon. molly line in boston, massachusetts. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: bill, did you see this? the stunning upset in college football last night. watch. >> making a house call with the escalation point on this one. down goes clemson, the devils win 28-7. >> dana: unranked duke blue devils spoke number nine clemson tigers at home in a season opener 28-7. that's quite a bit in football. dukes' first win over a top ten team in years. the fans went crazy and stormed the field. >> bill: i think this could be the wildest college football season we've ever seen because it is portal system. i haven't studied this game yet. how many guys were transferred to duke or transferred to clemson or away from clemson or duke. so when that happens, you don't know how good the team is. that's the first thing. the second thing is poor ainsley earhardt is from south carolina. watching at 6:00 she said good morning, i can't believe duke beat clemson. that was her greeting. it will be wild and crazy and something that could be great fun or could be a little really out of whack. >> dana: will you explain to me the portal thing whatever that means? >> bill: i shall do that. alarming new details on chinas efforts to spy on military basis. the strategy beijing is using to access sensitive sites coming up. a store owner tackles a smash and grab thief inside a jewelry store. check him out. the whole thing caught on camera. what the store owner did next. >> seeing he has a hammer and he starts breaking the showcase. we realized he was one of those guys that is just a smash and grab. at that moment i thought more 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opinion. all these walls gotta go! ah ah ah! i'd love a second opinion. take the first step to see if your small business qualifies. >> bill: another violent weekend. long weekend in the city of chicago. police say a 6-year-old boy was shot in his home on sunday night. it's not clear who is responsible. that boy is in stable condition. he is 1 of 40 people shot over the labor day weekend in chicago. six of them are dead. atlanta also had six fatal shootings as well. not a good weekend in some of america's big cities. >> dana: homeless squatters trashing an abandoned motel in kasper, wyoming. the next guest is the mayor there. his community is fed up. mayor joins us now. any chance to talk to somebody from wyoming. i wish it was under different circumstances. do you have a growing homelessness problem in kasper? >> we do. it's so hard for us to wrap our heads around it. our weather is not conducive to homeless population. over 200 at the current time. >> dana: we have here wyoming homeless population over the last few years, it certainly at 648 now. it had been up to 639 in 2018 and you could see it's moving up. if you are any indication i even talked to somebody from colorado saying they have a problem as well. it is not just here when you step onto the streets of new york city. one of the things i thought was interesting, you are trying to get services for people, mental health, drug counseling. you also say you can't arrest your way out of the problem. do you as the leader of your city have a suggestion how to get a handle on it? >> i think we do. our issue is not with the homeless per se. we have a shelter in place that gives them their ability to get educated, to find jobs, to become productive members of society. the problem we're having or with the non-conforming. the addicted, the criminal element that just don't want to conform to societal rules. those are the ones out in our community wreaking havoc and the ones that we are desperately trying to find a way to deal with it. my personal opinion is the mentally ill need to be institutionalized and criminals put in jail. our community doesn't deserve this. the people that live here live peacefully and we have a lot of great minds in the room with our coalition. we're trying to find ways to tackle this. we don't want homeless here. this is not a place for them to survive. our winters are harsh. it is ice. it is unbelievable they are coming here. >> dana: what happened at this motel? >> it was abandoned, foreclosed and it had flooded. some pipes broke and later on, of course, we got some calls and we went into the hotel and you could see the pictures of the degradation that took place. they completely ruined it. it's unbelievable to me. it shows you the mental illness aspect of it. here they have a hotel that nobody knows they are in. they have a great bed to sleep in and they literally tore this place apart from top to bottom. millions of dollars in damage. >> dana: were they from wyoming? >> that's hard to tell. i know our police have been questioning a lot of them. a lot them told them they came for a new start. if you are homeless what does that mean and look like? i don't understand it. the strain on our community and social services. we had over 200 calls by police and fire before we got the building locked up to where they can't get in it anymore. >> dana: it is even having an impact on parks in your place. >> it is. in fact, we get complains daily of the loitering in the parks and you know, i understand there are people that are homeless that need help and we offer those services to them just like they do in the big cities but these people that are doing this are not -- they are not beneficial to our society. they are destructive. they are not here looking for a fresh start. they are here to enforce their will and live lawlessly however they want in our town and that's not what we're here for and we won't have it. >> dana: they are lucky to have you in kasper. you are not alone. mayors across the country including small towns are dealing with it. casper has a population of 60,000. i know you want to get it solved. let's stay in touch. thank you for being on the show. >> thanks for having me. >> bill: 22 minutes before the hour. the ousted mayor of chicago lori lightfoot is teaching students at harvard how to deal with media. >> dana: i'm shocked. >> bill: how will this work out? plus this. check it out. >> bill: not a good scene. another music festival that went sideways this time in new york city. talk to brian brehmburg and carley shimkus about why this keeps on happening. so many hotels... 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>> well, we just didn't go to burn man. i think that's how we got here. it has been a muddy mess at the festival. now finally roads around burning man, around black rock city are dry enough to drive on. the exodus is finally on. for those trying to leave, hours-long waits. up to seven hours to get out. you can see the images from space of people trying to get out of there. this after tens of thousands of people were stranded over the weekend due to rain. flash flooding closed roads and made for a sticky, muddy mess in black rock city. the temporary city that pops up during the burning manifest val. a 32-year-old man died during the rain event. it hampered the investigation. no immediate cause of death was determined. some continue their burning man experience chris rock and another decided to walk out not knowing how long they could be stranded. it was a rainy, muddy weekend the party still did go on. last night they burned the famous burning man. now i think a lot of people are trying to get out of here and a lot of folks probably are in need of a good shower, bill. >> bill: i would say, maybe two. thank you, max, for being there. >> dana: let's bring in our panel brian brenberg and carley shimkus. here is what i learned. never go to a music festival. >> doesn't dinner -- first of all thank you for having us on together. we always tear up the festival scene. i don't know how you do that but we're experts. actually didn't know anything about burning man until the weather thing happened with the mud and yesterday i was on the burning man wikipedia page to learn more, why not? apparently the festival is guided by ten principles which include radical inclusion, gifting, radical self-expression and self-reliance and a little rub. this was kind of interesting, between festival organizers and city officials because they are trying to send resources in. because of this radical self-reliance thing they don't want it. supposed to be a do it on their own. >> bill: i have been to burning man. and i went so you don't have to go. i went for 48 hours and that's plenty, all right? part of the whole thing is to make you suffer and -- the whole thing about -- they have one big gate you are supposed to drive through. it can be a six hour or 16 hour wait or a two-day wait and on and on and on it goes. the people who go there love it. it wasn't for me, brian. >> the brenberg family's camping trip ended in rain. this is the most relatable and glad not the only one to look it up. i had no idea what they were burning. apparently it's temples and burn the man. the man. who is soaking wet. >> dana: the song burning man is excellent and everyone should look that. i want to ask you about this. i'm not shocked that lori light foot, remember she got kicked out of the mayor of chicago by the voters. she will now teach at harvard and going to teach students how to deal with the pandemic and with reporters, which is sort of ironic. >> that's right. she will be teaching policy and leadership course at harvard university. a mock press conference. she had a lot of issues with the press during her tenure as mayor of chicago. the goal is to teach students about the dangers of politicizing a pandemic. that means the only way you would be qualified to teach that class as if you didn't politicize the pandemic when former president trump got covid, i remember she called him stupid for not wearing a mask. there is also rolling stone headline from april 2020 chicago mayor lori light foot isn't holding back. trump's coronavirus task force is clueless. she said the obstruction and deflection is to hide the fact they aren't keeping people safe. that's the best example of not politicizing a pandemic. >> they say you weren't able to get a lot of things done because of covid. i tell you i bristle at that a little bit. i'm proud of the record. >> there is value in studying failure, i will give you that much. you want to do it with somebody who can bring wisdom to the conversation. this is the same program that bill deblasio taught at harvard. you get a sense what's the lineage here. what's sad is i don't think they are studying this as a case study in what went wrong but somebody who can lead a city. no body should be taking cues from lori light foot. >> she did fight the teachers union. >> dana: i was going to say that. >> the schools stayed open. >> dana: who didn't stand up for mayor lori lightfoot at the time? joe biden. but that in your pipe and smoke it. >> bill: see if it makes the program at harvard. thank you, carley and brian. police have expanded the manhunt search in southeastern pa. authorities warning the convicted killer is dangerous and desperate. what he is accused of doing and why he is behind bars. mysterious objects found in the ocean could be from another solar system. what? the scientists who made the discovery and says he can prove it. he will join us live next. more shopping? you should watch your spending honey. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. 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october 2017 discovered by a telescope in hawaii millions of miles away. now in 2019, you plan a trip to new guinea. in april of last year the u.s. space commands confirmed a meteorite 1.5 feet wide came from another solar system. making it is first known interstellar visitors to earth. what is it? >> that's what we were aiming to find because it had material strength tougher than all space rocks previously identified by nasa over the past decade. 272 of them and moving very fast. faster than 95% of the stars near the sun. so we wanted to check if it's voyager meteor. imagine our own spacecraft crashing into another planet, appearing as a meteor than unusual strength and speed. that's what we were going to check and we recovered the molten droplets from the service of the object and then we brought them to harvard for analysis. and we found a unique type of composition that was never found in the solar system, including hundreds of times more elements like uranium and other substances. up to 1,000 times smaller than the solar system materials. that implies -- >> bill: let's say you are onto something here. what does that mean that you just shared with us and our audience? >> what it means, it came from an object outside the solar system. it could be a molten lava planet, magma ocean. we mentioned that but also it could have been manufactured by other civilization. that's another possibility we need to explore. the way to figure it out is to find a bigger piece of the object that can tell us whether it's a rock, or a technological gadget. >> bill: you hope it's number two, right? you would have a better story. let me show the map to our viewers at home. this is new guinea, south pacific. how deep are these waters where you found these objects? >> it is more than a mile deep and the region that was identified by the department of defense is the explosion site was seven miles in length. so it was quite a challenging task to find these millimeter-size particles from the surface of the object. we managed to do that. the next challenge is to use a sonar for imaging the ocean floor and finding those bigger pieces. and of course if it's a gadget, the question is should we press a button? >> bill: on what? >> if it's a technological gadget. you know, i asked my students at class this question and half of them said please don't press any button, it will affect all of us. the other half said sure, we would like to know what would happen. and i said i will bring it to a laboratory and examine it before engaging with it. >> bill: if it's not a rock you are on to something. if you're on to something, we'll bring you on back, okay? thank you for your time, good luck. give us an answer soon. thank you. >> dana: a growing trend sparking espionage concerns on u.s. soil as intelligence agencies warn of chinese nationals posing as tourists and trying to breach u.s. military bases and other federal sites. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. good morning to you. >> bill: it's tuesday. how are you feeling? >> dana: good. i like the hour.

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Breathing , Difficulty Swallowing , Signs , Fatigue , Neck , Pain , Users , Medications , Conditions , Muscle , Sooner , Nerve , Botulinum Toxins , 92 , Festival , Northern Nevada Desert , Didn T Go To Burn Man , Mess , Max Gordon , Space , Black Rock City , Images , Exodus , Seven , There , Thousands , Weekend Due , Tens , Muddy Mess In Black Rock City , Flash Flooding Closed Roads , Cause , Old Man , Rain Event , Investigation , Manifest Val , 32 , Another , Party , Chris Rock , Shower , Famous Burning Man , Need , Go On , Panel , Doesn T Dinner , Brian Brenberg , Anything , Wikipedia , Festival Scene , Experts , Self Reliance , Principles , Inclusion , Expression , Gifting , Festival Organizers , Interesting , Officials , Rub , Plenty , 48 , Gate , 16 , Brian , It Wasn T , Brenberg Family S Camping Trip Ended In Rain , Temples , Song , Pandemic , Harvard , Reporters , Light Foot , Press , Teaching Policy , Leadership , Goal , Tenure , Dangers , Mock Press Conference , Class , Mask , Got Covid , Rolling Stone , Lori Light Foot Isn T Holding Back , Deflection , Obstruction , Coronavirus Task Force , April 2020 , Safe , Value , Example , Covid , Sense , Lineage , Failure , Conversation , Bill Deblasio , Case Study , Sad , Cues , Pipe , Teachers Union , Didn T Stand Up , Manhunt Search , Killer , Carley , Southeastern Pa , Solar System , Objects , Scientists , Ocean , Bars , Discovery , Shopping , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Spending Honey , Mom , Switching , Reminder , 00 Dollars , 700 , Pay , Phone , Ohhhhhh , Clearchoice , Implants , Let S Dig In , Chow Down , Consultation , Teeth , Chuckles , Menu , Daddy , Breathe , Just Sinex , Ahhhh , Ahhhhhh , Vicks , Sinex Saline , Speaker , Wounded Warrior Project , Warriors , House , Tools , First , Camaraderie , Narrator , Community Support , Mental Health Services , Life Skill Training , Advocacy , Career Assistance , Fashion , Ella , Bills , Control , Enterprise Intelligence , Operations , Production , Level , 5g 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Planet , Audience , Magma Ocean , Rock , Piece , Civilization , Possibility , Gadget , Region , Waters , Guinea , South Pacific , Map , Particles , Explosion Site , Task , Length , Department Of Defense , Pieces , Challenge , Imaging , Surface , Sonar , The Ocean Floor , Button , Don T Press , Half , Laboratory , Espionage Concerns , Trend , Soil , Intelligence Agencies , Answer , It S Tuesday , Nationals , Military Bases , Tourists , Chinese ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240703

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that matter most and age is a major concern we found in that polling as we say happy tuesday, goodbye summer. i'm bill hemmer, live in new york. hello. >> dana: can we explain to bill summer is not over yet. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." great to be here. a big month planned for you. stick with us. new polling from the "wall street journal" showing the president's age could be a major hurdle to his re-election. the question was this. is president biden too old to run? well, 73% of voters say yes. >> bill: that poll contrasting the president with the republican frontrunner former president donald trump. here are numbers here. graphs on the board. more voters say trump is mentally up for the job. more agreed that trump has a vision for the future. >> dana: meanwhile president biden was joking yesterday about his age in philadelphia. take a look. >> president biden: i tell you what, someone said, you know, that biden he is getting old, man, i tell you what. well guess what? guess what? the only thing that comes with age is a little bit of wisdom. [cheers and applause] >> president biden: i've been doing this longer than anybody and guess what i will continue to do it with your help. >> dana: can the president convince americans he is up for the job? we'll ask a group of voters from iowa. can't wait to talk to them. let's go to jacque heinrich at the white house to kick us off. >> good morning. this was another tough poll for the president who turned 81 in november. 22% of respondents in that survey saying his age is not an issue for a second term. 73% think it is. as for trump who is only three years younger than biden he fared better. 47% believing his age is an issue. this is not just a one off poll. a.p. survey has 77% of voters agreeing that biden is too old including 69% of democrats. only 51% said the same of trump in that survey including only 28% of his republican base. biden has taken this criticism joking about his age more than a few times lately. allies are taking to the airwaves to portray the president as sharp. >> talked to him before i left for china. he gave me the best advice of about 200 people that i spoke with. i talk to business leaders, other folks in the administration. he was sharp, he was clear. he has a ton of energy. and i'm so excited to be on his team. >> it's not just the age issue that could rattle the biden campaign. the "wall street journal" survey found biden fails to reverse widespread pessimism about the state of the economy despite a push from the white house to do that. he was in philadelphia yesterday contrasting his record with his predecessor's. with majority of voters disapproving of his handling of the economy, inflation and growth of the middle class a lot of work to do for biden to turn attitudes around. >> president biden: the guy who held this job before me was 1 of 2 presidents in history, he was -- 1 of 2 presidents that left office with fewer jobs in america than when he got elected office. the last guy didn't build a damn thing. >> biden biographer promoting his new book made headlines over the weekend saying it wouldn't be a total shock in biden jumped out of the race for 2024. dropped out of the race. franklin foer had unparalleled access to the president's inner circle over the last 2 1/2 years and he talked about 300 people for this book. that was an interesting headline there, guys. >> dana: jacque at the white house, thank you. >> bill: from washington we move to middle america and bring in some of our iowa voters. michael is a pastor from des moines. pastor, good morning to you. nichole is a banker from clear lake, iowa. and cole is an agricultural worker in hard wick. thank you for being here. on the "wall street journal" poll over the weekend voters concerned about biden's age, 73% say they feel biden is too old to seek a second term. 47% said the same of trump who is 77 years old and 2/3 of democrats said biden was too old to run again. not great numbers there as jacque pointed out. michael, you went to the debate in milwaukee. you are back home and leaning desantis then. what do you think about what you've heard since? >> i'm open to listening to all the candidates. i think governor desantis is really doing a great job. i get the pleasure of being a part of an organization called faith lands led by chad connolly. we put together pastors to meet with presidential candidates to be able to speak into their lives and into their staff's lives and i tell you what we're listening to everybody right now. >> dana: nichole, call for number six. recent iowa polling. it's about 2 or 3 weeks old. iowa caucus goers saying that trump 42%, desantis the closest second at 19% and then the rest in single digits. does that match up with what you are hearing and are there candidates that will be debating the end of this month that you are considering? >> absolutely. i think that we need to not count anyone out just yet and i think nikki haley showed up at the debate and really made a place for herself at the table. and i expect to see her to continue to grow. anyone who meets her and has the opportunity to hear her speak, myself included, walks away encouraged and inspired. i think she has momentum. >> bill: you have not -- you may have hardened your position on nikki haley. >> i absolutely have. >> bill: cole, 29, married, two kids and a farmer. so much of your life depends on the weather and the economy and decisions that are made for people like you. how are you feeling about all that today? >> it's definitely a lot harder than it has been in the past i can tell you that. money doesn't go nearly as far as it used to. >> bill: and you supported trump. i want to get this right twice now. >> yep. >> 2016 and 2020 but you are leaning desantis? why? >> i don't know what's all going on with his trial and everything. if everything is cleared and he is able to run of course that's the route i'll go again. i think he is the frontrunner for this country and done a lot of great things for us. he will keep on continuing, you know. he will open that pipeline up. get these fuel prices back down where they need to be. so -- >> dana: let me ask the pastor michael, this is from george stephanopolous on abc yesterday morning. look at this one. >> it is kind of shocking in a way that despite all of the baggage that donald trump carries he is tied with joe biden right now. >> dana: i imagine that you don't think that's shocking. iowa went for the republican candidate last time around in a big way. but i wonder if, as you and the other caucus goers pay attention to this race, are you thinking about who is best for you, who is best for iowa, or who could best win against biden in november of 2024? >> what i believe is not really what's best for me personally or even necessarily the state of iowa. who is best for our country? and frankly what they are doing to joe biden is sad. it is criminal. the man should be in a nursing home. he should be being cared for by family that loves him instead of paraded around like he is. it's a real sad thing. i think that we want a person that is going to speak to the values that americans believe in, a person that has the record to show that they have actually done it, and a person who has got character, moral standing to say i can lead and we can trust in this person to do so. >> bill: on that point, nichole, when you think about that and you can reflect on what the pastor is saying and maybe just the issues that affect you personally, you and your family and your own personal life, what is number one for you? >> well, i think absolutely i have four children and i'm concerned about their safety, the strength of this nation, and i want to know they will have a bright future. that's number one for me. i also want to be able to know that my children have a good role model in our leader and that's important. >> dana: cole, i come from a ranching and agricultural background. what do you think the most important thing that a new president could do immediately to help farmers and ag workers across the country? >> definitely have to get the interest rates down for loans. these farmers around america, they are taking massive operating loans at high interest rates right now. and it's tough. it takes a lot of money to make this stuff go around and work and to feed people. and with the higher interest rates makes it that much harder going to buy new equipment to keep their farm going, it is just that much harder. >> bill: i can imagine. and they shot up considerably in the last two years, you are right about that. >> yep. >> bill: good luck. we'll stay in contact with you, cole and nichole and michael. my best to all three of you. speak to you down the road. >> dana: interesting if you look -- you love history. want a history lesson on tuesday. let's just look at how trump's lead in iowa compares to history. the largest republican caucus lead recorded by the polls in 2000 won by george w. bush. dole is up by 46 points. i need to look at that election 1996. trump now at plus five. >> bill: if he had a big lead now doesn't necessarily translate into a victory in the iowa caucus. you'll have a chance to ask questions to the candidates at the end of september semi valley. >> dana: september 27th i'll be joined by two others shaping up pretty well. got to tell you, my mind is like a pinball machine. a lot of questions up there. that will be at 9:00 p.m. eastern on september 27th. >> bill: big night. we'll talk about that through the month of september. >> dana: the latest on the escaped prisoner in pennsylvania. police are expanding the search to find the prisoner with schools in the area closed due to the manhunt. nate foye is in our new york city newsroom with more. >> the search for cavalcante now on day six. in the past hour we're learning the search for him has expanded south about five miles from the previous perimeter to longwood gardens, also in chester county, pennsylvania. take a listen to this. >> this morning we were notified by security at longwood gardens that they had trail camera photos taken on their property which appear to be cavalcante. this area is just south of the perimeter. investigators examined those photos and we can confirm it is cavalcante. several steps were quickly taken, including shifting our perimeter in an attempt to contain him between the southern end of the established perimeter and an area south of route one. >> chester county d.a. describes this man as extremely dangerous. the u.s. marshal's office says he entered our country illegally after being accused of a murder in brazil, his home country, in 2017. he has been on the run since thursday morning after being sentenced to life in prison for murdering his former girlfriend in pennsylvania in 2021. the escape happened as he was awaiting transfer to a state prison. he has been spotted multiple times, including most recently near longwood garden as you just heard. take a look on the right side of your screen. he was captured on this home security camera. he was also spotted on sunday by a state trooper who gave chase but not able to track him down. authorities are using a recorded message from his mother in portuguese to try to convince him to turn himself in peacefully. authorities are asking residents to lock their doors for their safety and so he can't get anymore supplies. he has a duffel bag and backpack, new sweatshirt as well. authorities aren't sure how he got that. they are also concerned about people returning from labor day weekend, perhaps not being in their homes and they are telling people if you have any thoughts that maybe he is inside to give them a call to check it out before you return in your home. there is still a $10,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. state, local and federal authorities are all working together to capture him and we just learned in that news conference from an hour ago at this point u.s. border patrol and f.b.i. joining the u.s. marshal's office as well as state and local authorities to catch this very dangerous man. authorities still won't explain exactly how cavalcante escaped. prisoner escape from the same prison earlier this year. the warden would only say that all protocols were followed. once he escaped the warden would not say exactly how that happened. authorities did say they are searching or investigating two burglaries in the area. not sure in cavalcante was behind them but looking into it. >> dana: maybe we'll get news even this morning. thank you. >> i'm delivering an urgent and formal appeal to the federal government for intervention and action. >> dana: a democrat-run state mobileizing the national guard in response to the migrant crisis. will that prompt the white house to finally step in? >> bill: it's not over yet. why folks have to wait a bit longer to march through the mud and make their way out of burning man. >> most of us are hunkering down making the best of this situation. it is still a fun burning man. there are dance parties to be found, some of the camps are still open. veteran homeowners, credit card debt piling up? great news. you can use your va benefit to pay off your high rate credit card debt with a lower rate va home loan from newday. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. so pay off your high rate debt with a lower rate newday home loan, and you can save $500 or more every month. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ directv sports central gives you access to every game. but terry doesn't have directv. come on. work for dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! get in the redzone with sports pack. call 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captured on a trail camera on the property of longwood gardens, which is an area in southeastern pennsylvania. they released that bottom right-hand screen. maybe they are getting closer or maybe further away from a man who seems intent on being on the move because the perimeter has expanded and we'll see how it goes throughout the morning. stay on the story and let you know. >> dana: police say he is getting desperate. that's why they have several schools closed. we'll keep an eye on this and have live cameras there for you all morning. democrat led state struggling to handle the influx of my grant. governor saying they don't have the resources to take in more. molly line is in massachusetts where the national guard is being mobilized. let's go to jeff flock in southern new jersey where the biden administration is looking at the atlantic city airport as a new spot to house migrants. tell us more. >> dana, it's not the world's busiest airport, atlantic city airport but it could get a lot busier. it is on the list of ten federally owned facilities where some migrants from new york city, perhaps as many as 60,000, could be sent. they've been flooding into new york as you well know. bus loads and the city is not ready to say uncle, i think. the mayor there saying he needs federal help and they need to go somewhere. bloomberg first reporting that among the ten cities, yeah, atlantic city and just as a point of order we're in egg harbour township where the airport is. this has set off a firestorm of local protests and it is not just republicans but democrats as well, including the governor of new jersey, who has famously dubbed his state a sanctuary city. phil murphy said this. i don't see any scenario where we're going to be able to take in a program in atlantic city or anywhere else in the state. we would need scale and enormous amount of federal support and resources. so he is saying yeah, maybe not. and the local politicians say he needs to go a step further, not just be against this but call the president and say don't do it. listen. >> it is time to go to the president and say it is unacceptable, i do not support it. if they try to do it, block it from happening in any way. >> the local authorities here say the last time there was this much bipartisan support for something was when they passed casino gambleing in atlantic city. i mention that as a positive but it depends on your point of view. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: also new jersey isn't the own democrat run state scrambling to house migrants. in the commonwealth of massachusetts the governor there mobilized the national guard to transport asylum seekers to emergency shelters. molly line picks up the story live in boston on that. molly, hello. >> good morning, bill. the massachusetts national guard soldiers will begin to take their places early next week. they will be working at emergency shelter hotel locations across the state. members will work on site to coordinate things like transportation, food, medical care delivered by a wide web of vendors. community organizations and state and local governments including enrolling children in schools. they were called into service last week by governor healey, a democrat who issued an order activating up to 250 national guard soldiers coming weeks after she declared a state of emergency tied to the numbers of rapidly rising numbers of migrants arriving here and stretching shelter capacity to unsustainable levels. mass malls boasts a unique right to shelter law that requires the state to provide shelter to pregnant women and families with children. massachusetts is spending more than $45 million a month on programs and shelter for the arriving eligible families according to a letter that healey sent to homeland secretary mayokas last month. they received 1.9 millions in a grant in fema to support shelter services. while the healey administration is urging bay staters to welcome migrants including opening their own homes protestors on cape cod took to the streets to fight the potential placement of migrants in a resort motel. there are currently more than 6,000 families in the emergency shelters across the state. put that in perspective. the border patrol apprehended an estimate 177,000 migrants at the southern border in august alone. bill. >> bill: molly, thank you. more to come on that. very soon. molly line in boston, massachusetts. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: bill, did you see this? the stunning upset in college football last night. watch. >> making a house call with the escalation point on this one. down goes clemson, the devils win 28-7. >> dana: unranked duke blue devils spoke number nine clemson tigers at home in a season opener 28-7. that's quite a bit in football. dukes' first win over a top ten team in years. the fans went crazy and stormed the field. >> bill: i think this could be the wildest college football season we've ever seen because it is portal system. i haven't studied this game yet. how many guys were transferred to duke or transferred to clemson or away from clemson or duke. so when that happens, you don't know how good the team is. that's the first thing. the second thing is poor ainsley earhardt is from south carolina. watching at 6:00 she said good morning, i can't believe duke beat clemson. that was her greeting. it will be wild and crazy and something that could be great fun or could be a little really out of whack. >> dana: will you explain to me the portal thing whatever that means? >> bill: i shall do that. alarming new details on chinas efforts to spy on military basis. the strategy beijing is using to access sensitive sites coming up. a store owner tackles a smash and grab thief inside a jewelry store. check him out. the whole thing caught on camera. what the store owner did next. >> seeing he has a hammer and he starts breaking the showcase. we realized he was one of those guys that is just a smash and grab. at that moment i thought more 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opinion. all these walls gotta go! ah ah ah! i'd love a second opinion. take the first step to see if your small business qualifies. >> bill: another violent weekend. long weekend in the city of chicago. police say a 6-year-old boy was shot in his home on sunday night. it's not clear who is responsible. that boy is in stable condition. he is 1 of 40 people shot over the labor day weekend in chicago. six of them are dead. atlanta also had six fatal shootings as well. not a good weekend in some of america's big cities. >> dana: homeless squatters trashing an abandoned motel in kasper, wyoming. the next guest is the mayor there. his community is fed up. mayor joins us now. any chance to talk to somebody from wyoming. i wish it was under different circumstances. do you have a growing homelessness problem in kasper? >> we do. it's so hard for us to wrap our heads around it. our weather is not conducive to homeless population. over 200 at the current time. >> dana: we have here wyoming homeless population over the last few years, it certainly at 648 now. it had been up to 639 in 2018 and you could see it's moving up. if you are any indication i even talked to somebody from colorado saying they have a problem as well. it is not just here when you step onto the streets of new york city. one of the things i thought was interesting, you are trying to get services for people, mental health, drug counseling. you also say you can't arrest your way out of the problem. do you as the leader of your city have a suggestion how to get a handle on it? >> i think we do. our issue is not with the homeless per se. we have a shelter in place that gives them their ability to get educated, to find jobs, to become productive members of society. the problem we're having or with the non-conforming. the addicted, the criminal element that just don't want to conform to societal rules. those are the ones out in our community wreaking havoc and the ones that we are desperately trying to find a way to deal with it. my personal opinion is the mentally ill need to be institutionalized and criminals put in jail. our community doesn't deserve this. the people that live here live peacefully and we have a lot of great minds in the room with our coalition. we're trying to find ways to tackle this. we don't want homeless here. this is not a place for them to survive. our winters are harsh. it is ice. it is unbelievable they are coming here. >> dana: what happened at this motel? >> it was abandoned, foreclosed and it had flooded. some pipes broke and later on, of course, we got some calls and we went into the hotel and you could see the pictures of the degradation that took place. they completely ruined it. it's unbelievable to me. it shows you the mental illness aspect of it. here they have a hotel that nobody knows they are in. they have a great bed to sleep in and they literally tore this place apart from top to bottom. millions of dollars in damage. >> dana: were they from wyoming? >> that's hard to tell. i know our police have been questioning a lot of them. a lot them told them they came for a new start. if you are homeless what does that mean and look like? i don't understand it. the strain on our community and social services. we had over 200 calls by police and fire before we got the building locked up to where they can't get in it anymore. >> dana: it is even having an impact on parks in your place. >> it is. in fact, we get complains daily of the loitering in the parks and you know, i understand there are people that are homeless that need help and we offer those services to them just like they do in the big cities but these people that are doing this are not -- they are not beneficial to our society. they are destructive. they are not here looking for a fresh start. they are here to enforce their will and live lawlessly however they want in our town and that's not what we're here for and we won't have it. >> dana: they are lucky to have you in kasper. you are not alone. mayors across the country including small towns are dealing with it. casper has a population of 60,000. i know you want to get it solved. let's stay in touch. thank you for being on the show. >> thanks for having me. >> bill: 22 minutes before the hour. the ousted mayor of chicago lori lightfoot is teaching students at harvard how to deal with media. >> dana: i'm shocked. >> bill: how will this work out? plus this. check it out. >> bill: not a good scene. another music festival that went sideways this time in new york city. talk to brian brehmburg and carley shimkus about why this keeps on happening. so many hotels... 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>> well, we just didn't go to burn man. i think that's how we got here. it has been a muddy mess at the festival. now finally roads around burning man, around black rock city are dry enough to drive on. the exodus is finally on. for those trying to leave, hours-long waits. up to seven hours to get out. you can see the images from space of people trying to get out of there. this after tens of thousands of people were stranded over the weekend due to rain. flash flooding closed roads and made for a sticky, muddy mess in black rock city. the temporary city that pops up during the burning manifest val. a 32-year-old man died during the rain event. it hampered the investigation. no immediate cause of death was determined. some continue their burning man experience chris rock and another decided to walk out not knowing how long they could be stranded. it was a rainy, muddy weekend the party still did go on. last night they burned the famous burning man. now i think a lot of people are trying to get out of here and a lot of folks probably are in need of a good shower, bill. >> bill: i would say, maybe two. thank you, max, for being there. >> dana: let's bring in our panel brian brenberg and carley shimkus. here is what i learned. never go to a music festival. >> doesn't dinner -- first of all thank you for having us on together. we always tear up the festival scene. i don't know how you do that but we're experts. actually didn't know anything about burning man until the weather thing happened with the mud and yesterday i was on the burning man wikipedia page to learn more, why not? apparently the festival is guided by ten principles which include radical inclusion, gifting, radical self-expression and self-reliance and a little rub. this was kind of interesting, between festival organizers and city officials because they are trying to send resources in. because of this radical self-reliance thing they don't want it. supposed to be a do it on their own. >> bill: i have been to burning man. and i went so you don't have to go. i went for 48 hours and that's plenty, all right? part of the whole thing is to make you suffer and -- the whole thing about -- they have one big gate you are supposed to drive through. it can be a six hour or 16 hour wait or a two-day wait and on and on and on it goes. the people who go there love it. it wasn't for me, brian. >> the brenberg family's camping trip ended in rain. this is the most relatable and glad not the only one to look it up. i had no idea what they were burning. apparently it's temples and burn the man. the man. who is soaking wet. >> dana: the song burning man is excellent and everyone should look that. i want to ask you about this. i'm not shocked that lori light foot, remember she got kicked out of the mayor of chicago by the voters. she will now teach at harvard and going to teach students how to deal with the pandemic and with reporters, which is sort of ironic. >> that's right. she will be teaching policy and leadership course at harvard university. a mock press conference. she had a lot of issues with the press during her tenure as mayor of chicago. the goal is to teach students about the dangers of politicizing a pandemic. that means the only way you would be qualified to teach that class as if you didn't politicize the pandemic when former president trump got covid, i remember she called him stupid for not wearing a mask. there is also rolling stone headline from april 2020 chicago mayor lori light foot isn't holding back. trump's coronavirus task force is clueless. she said the obstruction and deflection is to hide the fact they aren't keeping people safe. that's the best example of not politicizing a pandemic. >> they say you weren't able to get a lot of things done because of covid. i tell you i bristle at that a little bit. i'm proud of the record. >> there is value in studying failure, i will give you that much. you want to do it with somebody who can bring wisdom to the conversation. this is the same program that bill deblasio taught at harvard. you get a sense what's the lineage here. what's sad is i don't think they are studying this as a case study in what went wrong but somebody who can lead a city. no body should be taking cues from lori light foot. >> she did fight the teachers union. >> dana: i was going to say that. >> the schools stayed open. >> dana: who didn't stand up for mayor lori lightfoot at the time? joe biden. but that in your pipe and smoke it. >> bill: see if it makes the program at harvard. thank you, carley and brian. police have expanded the manhunt search in southeastern pa. authorities warning the convicted killer is dangerous and desperate. what he is accused of doing and why he is behind bars. mysterious objects found in the ocean could be from another solar system. what? the scientists who made the discovery and says he can prove it. he will join us live next. more shopping? you should watch your spending honey. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. 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october 2017 discovered by a telescope in hawaii millions of miles away. now in 2019, you plan a trip to new guinea. in april of last year the u.s. space commands confirmed a meteorite 1.5 feet wide came from another solar system. making it is first known interstellar visitors to earth. what is it? >> that's what we were aiming to find because it had material strength tougher than all space rocks previously identified by nasa over the past decade. 272 of them and moving very fast. faster than 95% of the stars near the sun. so we wanted to check if it's voyager meteor. imagine our own spacecraft crashing into another planet, appearing as a meteor than unusual strength and speed. that's what we were going to check and we recovered the molten droplets from the service of the object and then we brought them to harvard for analysis. and we found a unique type of composition that was never found in the solar system, including hundreds of times more elements like uranium and other substances. up to 1,000 times smaller than the solar system materials. that implies -- >> bill: let's say you are onto something here. what does that mean that you just shared with us and our audience? >> what it means, it came from an object outside the solar system. it could be a molten lava planet, magma ocean. we mentioned that but also it could have been manufactured by other civilization. that's another possibility we need to explore. the way to figure it out is to find a bigger piece of the object that can tell us whether it's a rock, or a technological gadget. >> bill: you hope it's number two, right? you would have a better story. let me show the map to our viewers at home. this is new guinea, south pacific. how deep are these waters where you found these objects? >> it is more than a mile deep and the region that was identified by the department of defense is the explosion site was seven miles in length. so it was quite a challenging task to find these millimeter-size particles from the surface of the object. we managed to do that. the next challenge is to use a sonar for imaging the ocean floor and finding those bigger pieces. and of course if it's a gadget, the question is should we press a button? >> bill: on what? >> if it's a technological gadget. you know, i asked my students at class this question and half of them said please don't press any button, it will affect all of us. the other half said sure, we would like to know what would happen. and i said i will bring it to a laboratory and examine it before engaging with it. >> bill: if it's not a rock you are on to something. if you're on to something, we'll bring you on back, okay? thank you for your time, good luck. give us an answer soon. thank you. >> dana: a growing trend sparking espionage concerns on u.s. soil as intelligence agencies warn of chinese nationals posing as tourists and trying to breach u.s. military bases and other federal sites. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. good morning to you. >> bill: it's tuesday. how are you feeling? >> dana: good. i like the hour.

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