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Understands upfront this is not going to be me. I want you to answer and give your views. I would say you represent probably about half the country, your view about hst other half represents mine. You agree . What kind of divided plus or. Minus . Certainly divided, yeah. Question i mea plun, you know, pol were polarized, were traumatized. We clearly are in thesares. And were in these echo chambers. I mean, lets be candid, john. I mean, you know, night your folks are watching you and getting a certain perspectivin r my folks are watching other networks getting shot. We have Studies Thatorks and sht of democrats watch me. Well, including me. So im actually im here for watc too. Oint, with the point, though, i think we need more of that crosspollinatiowen. Lariza we need more of these kind ofti conversations. And we need to not just, you know, accusing each other of misleading the American People, but i think confront each other in the context of Providinother Ong Opportunitiesm to address some of the facts that are often omitted in terms of the conversations and topics we choose to pick up. I se so what i what what i see is i dont know how you reconcil e some of these belie differences. Now, you either believe in secure borderf ans and Law And Order and people want to come into our country. You have to do it legally. Im the product of that. A producright. E pe there are people that wantop open borders. You believt ope in defund,ail la dismantle, no bail laws like cities like in new york where the show originates from. Or you believe Law And Ordern Safety Security is ad prerequisite for the pursuit of happiness. You want Energy Independenceof i you want you dont want any any domestic energcy production. I mean, how do you reconcile and i see those i dont see those binaries at all. I dont see itl. At all. De no, i dont. I mean, i want Border Security. Democrats want bordecurity. R sey. We also want you dont want any walls. I want comprehensive Immigration Reform sea want. T comp i want to actually address the issue more comprehensively, just like Ronald Reagare N did in 1989. Just like and with respect with yourselfromoted with the gang of eight and Bipartisan Legislation that go t eight votes in the senate only to die in the house, that could Fundamentallonly Ty This , which is the issue. So i dont see that i always ise had as my position build the wall first. Youre against Building Anyep i no, i have Nroo Probleme with the 650 plus miles we have on border wallave a nes. I come from a state with the largest i mean senate see drille is the largest land port in the western hemisphere. I dont need to be Educatestn Ho on the issue of the border or issues of immigration policy. Well, i dont think medical illegals is 2. 7 billion to the state. And how many billion7 billion te spending for uncompensated care people end up in the emergency. I ask you the back end, wasting taxpayer money. Why is it wrong to just demandar if you want to come to this t country, obey our lawshi, respet our borders, respect our sovereignty, apply to come in and we can expedite the application. The latter part. Now youre having a conversation. This is where i think the vast majority o is whenf america. Thats why im here. Well, thats the point here in bringing us together. And that was the point of the comprehensiv that is e reform. Wheres congress . I mean, ill get look, you can criticize Biden Alwherl the tim. Bidens border crisis. I watch 24 7 surround soundn. Anger around that. It i get it. Ean wait a minute. In three years, he will allow over seven and a half Million People illegally into this country y. You have to see theres something wrong with that. No, i do. And i see theres somethin that. Ig right with what hes done. Post title 42, a 70 reduction, taking a lot of the core tenants that the previous administratiotenetn use. Hes now being sued by the left, not just being applauded i certainly by the right. That said, heres whatsnl missing. Ha the conversation. You just, you know, just suggest that we should be havinyou just wg around dealg with Asylum Seekers and backlogs and updatin g modernizing our visas and addressing a pathway that Ronald Reaga N himself hav acknowledged. Let me ask you before this. Things are missing. Should we have Background Checks in the middle of t a pandemic, Health Checks we did. Shouldhe pandemic, have means tt the people that enter this country are not goin goingg to n financial burden on the American People. We prioritize alread oamericy with certain we prioritize with stem. We prioritize with visas alread m, we pry prioritize, give a fre college education, and 2. 7d billion of taxpayer dollars in california to medical. R and thats for Illegal Immigrants only. G the and were spending the money already. I know everybody on the righmoyt cant stand sanctuary policy. I understand that rudy giuliani, by the way, trumps olentury policd attorney, was ae proponent of sanctuary policy. U i didnt know that. Actually said it could be a healthier, safer and heaargument more educated actually made those arguments. But he was governor a rather mayor of new york. Its the cards that are dealt in the absence of comprehensivwe reform. Im all for Comprehensive Reform. Im for Background Checks. Im for Addressinghensive Refory in all its forms and manifestations, not just walls. Im addressing im ad legal pathway. Im actually wanting to address all of these issuesi ,but i want to do it in aration rational way and not just bastardize the conversatioaln as exclusively about the border. Okay. Sean e pile of stuff,re the exact federal law that prohibits. T deci now there are two Court Decisions that you might be able to citsi might be is the the Trump Lawsuit that was in the ninth circuit. The other is some wording. C. And in one opinion that juste scalia gave some years back. Obut for the it is unambiguous when you read the 18 year codei as it relates to entering the country, that youve got you o so legally by by Character Izing the stateg as sanctuary. Are you therthe e violating fedl law, the laws that are on the books and that our own constitution states very unequivocally that in fact you should be Followinlly Thatg Sanctuary Policies Have Beenn on the books for decades. Cities, Democratic Citiesthe led cities in the past, democratic states. Clearles in thy more modern conr around dealing with reality. The cards that are dealt. You want people that are victims of crimee victim to. And report those crimes. Thats the purpose of sanctuary. You want a kid be educated thats here regardless of regae. Y got her you want that kid educated, you want to take care of someone thats an Emergencgod Ty and not have them concerned that theyre going to be deported by a nurse. The poinint is you deal with reality. But look, i stipulate im to get rid of those those protections by doing the work of actually coming together as a nation across our difference s and support Comprehensive Reform and modernizs and sue our asylum and modernize our immigration system. , this issue will only get worse. Its not just a border issue. Its seven and a halfop Million People under joe biden Will Illegallyle enter this country in three years of his presidency. To me, thats unconscionableunfr thats unfair to the American People. Thats unfair to the states, includinesg your state. Thats unfair to border states like texas. But heres what i want to just pause a second and ask you a really seriousa second question. I dont think biden isbiden mentally, physicallyis capable f being the president of the United States. Hang on. I suspect if i toosuspk your phc and i took a look at it, not that i believe in privacy. I would never do thai belit. T i would bet on a daily basis that there are people urging you to run for run president and primary him. Am i wrong in my assumption my phones been lighting up how well he did with the u. K. Prime minister. My phone let up and how hes not. Thats a nice talk. Mccarthy on the desk, your phone light up, phone lights up with republican friends saying, you know what . Despite all ofu kn the rhetoric these bipartisan bills, he keeps passing on infrastructurthe and the chis and science act, the bipartisan work he did on gun legislation, infrasreform and around the debt ceiling make me feel maybe hes done a little bit betterha job than that wasnt my question. Ah, doeonquestion. S your ligp with gavin . You need to get in this primary. Hes not ablgavin, you have e t. Hes not up to the job. Look, theres everybody has their quiet chatter and everybodys out there i haing for america. Im rooting for our president. I have great confidence in his. I dont i dont Want Himonfidenc to fail to accomplish. I think his policies are failin g. Chip at science act. You oppose that . I will tell you, on everyro measure from the economy, inflation borders, energy,lation national security, hes missig in action. Lets talk about them in order to hang on. I wait, but i want to challenge the premise. You said the economy, 13. 1s million jobs. Hes created more. S. Se are postcovid job you know that. Thats an artificial number. No, no. Let meas auster stipulate this as an as an opportunity to engage civillycil on. Okay. Fair point. Your president , donald trumpy. Int. , lost 2. 6 million jobs during his four years. Wev lost e created 13. 1 may find creat you can maintain a covered frame. Edhow about the fact thatd more joe bidens created more jobs, e six times more jobs than the previous job three republicr president , joe biden . Are you going to tell me thaesit average family where we have two thirds of americans now livingtwoth paycheck to paychet was 70 under trump. Shat was to 70 under donald trump, living paycheck had the lowest Unemployment Rate for every demographic we have the lowest unemployment in history. And you and i are living with the lowest Unemploymente Ar in our lifetimes and help make the demographic and the economy like unemployments record low under joe biden. Okay. We had a historic low after historic low under donald trump. Donaldo d thei trump i mean, hes why. But hes got i dont want to have trumps cloc k biden in terms of the progress on job creation, you look at what hes done on jobs, would you gradee e joe bidens presidency . Youre at odds with thnesencee American People and the democratic party. Im just dealing with your facts. You dealing with the facts just what is your grade . Im going to go back. Lets talk. You brought up six. Well, you go somt to answer some questions. Im answering the ones in order. You messed up the Econom Aringi on the economy. Lets talk about the economy. Give me an Inflation Stubbornth around the globe. Lets lets. But lets talk about inflation. Its dowe n 40 since last summer, ten months in a row, 4. 9 . He was just with the u. K. Primet ministerh at 6. 9 . Ime mi is that because of bidens . I think his economicni and eneri policies directly impacted the u. K. Is inflation. Noci infla, i aware the fact t france is 5. 5 or germanys at six. Youre not inflation were moving in th. E are right direct. On the issue of the Border Security of heritage 1. 4 inflation. It went up to a 40 year high, a 40 year high fully globally because you just brought upyo you were making an excuse forcue trumps dismal jobs record dueec to covid, wasnt it . He was runningor covids relationship to inflation globally. D by the way, covid and immigration impacting our inflatio s n. Are we let me stop you. All right. So i would assume thats me getting annoyed. And i heres the problem that Joe Biden Has. You re youre fighting, youre battling, youre articulate. We could sit here battlie for 3, probably have a beer or two in the middle of Thisd Have A And N keep going. Heres the problem. Youre your president cant have this conversation. Hes not capable of itconver. Now, my question is a seriousio one. All right. Okay. Is joeus up to the job of being president . And as a little reminder, take a look at your president and the monitor. And theres an awful lot of stories that are told probably e much apocryphal about a guy, the former Prime Minister like ,i think parts of that anyway, wandering around at three In The Morning. Winston churchill, by the way, i met with the who, those guys that fly over shortly. You heard him having and the chair for mozart for richer for muslim athletes like kareem, alger alger. I abduljabbar. And i mispronouncingth that so im trying to think ofe the last words the last placela i wast phard ts its hard to ke i was i mean yeah youre right ireland matter was 80 8 he should do too much. Too much like that guy who led the revolution. It guy is only the guy who ispr the Prime Minister. Mii dont. He said you got to be less like a military guy. They shot higum. God bless you all. Lets go, lets go. Lets look. Lid. Ean a lets get it done. Ndu and then you got joe biden is having a hardhave time standa up. Take a look a loot thatk at. I want you to tell me thatee you think he is cognitively Strong Enough to this countrycon against china, russia, iratrn, O North Korea and a new axis of evil. And that hes the guy he cannoth articulate the economyat, the wy you just did. Yeah, but i dont think hes capable. I knowt t capable. I see results. Ive seen a masterclass results the last few years. You donesults. T see the resulte on the chips act. You dont see the results on the infrastructure and Infrastructuresults On Weeky week for years. So importing them all from taiwan is about to be taken over by china. We had 4 billion proof point just here in californiusa with Applied Materials bringing Semiconductor Investment back here in the state of california. Semiconduc im going to talk about real results, but bipartisan results, real resultultss, jobs programs, the ira, i know you dont like it. I mean, hundredsprog of billiona dollars in green energy investment, mostly in red ndmostlystates, youre biggest beneficiary of the ira raise taxes on a strugglinbiggest g b coal, pensions and, quote,as, pa taxes. Corporations. Corporations dont pay taxestie they pass the cost on to consumers. Thats all they do on to consum you know that on the issue of energy independence, i think it was your second of the list of items you thinkofit ems. Is cognitively Strong Enougo to be president. Conversations them all the time. Yes. You do. Ationsu whatesident . Im dead serious about that. Ive come ive talked to him when hes been overseas. Been ive been in air force one, marine one. Ive been in the limo with him. Ivean ive time with him. They never answered my question directly. How many times is your phone pinging a day . People saying you need to get ge Agreerace Becaused with me that hes not up to the job. I would say i see what you see. Where are you going with that . Im asking. No and im not answering under any circumstances. Would you get in . Theres no any, no, none. I look, i really am. I think hes a man o f decency and character. Im really proud of the president. Im proud of what hes accomplished. Strong enough to bf thident. Lesident. Thats a Strong Enough about what he just did. Mccarthy he rak whatn circles. I look at the vote card i just got i want to go to fort. But exactly. Kevin got played by thely iesident, United States. Im for results. Im for results. I dont think the American People benefit. I like the plan that would have saved 4. 8 trillion. All right. No e bew so were at a point i thik you are far more articulate, far more versed, far more energetitec. Im just i have this theory that people are going to come calling because i dont in yourt party, they think hes the guy. Thats my my thought. Isi now ive got a buddy have well, i dont want to make this an argument i want you to explain because my argumeni want to you is conservative policies work. You i dont care if dont its ronald reagan. I dont care if its newt gingrichsif contract. I dont care if its Donald Trumps four years as president. I believ e his policiesrength are peace through strength, Worth Building up our military, buildingup a wall, enforcing Law And Order, Energy Independencee ,which biden gave up, which you didnt bring up. Upylet me which im happup to direct. Let me show you a list of s Corporate Headquartersean i tht are leaving your state in droves. Well, lets bring in i look forward to having this conversation. Im well aware Corporate Headquarters are leaving. Look at San Francisco in particular. Theyre Closint San Frrticularge they cant keep their product in the store because theyre getting robbedause the. I got another one for you. Seasonally adjusted businession. Applications, you always bring up florida. I compared you to florida. I thinring up a, i k you have a higher population of im not mistaken, significantly higher. Wh bettersinessing in Business Formula . Well have to take a look at that and more. You take a look. Im happy and im happy. Looking forward. How many more of these you havwe lets go about am on lets do bring them all on lets have this conversation. Okay let me ask this is a tought question for you. Ques will be will. In lets find out. All right. So youre the first governor in historthgoverny that has had a t migratioy n out of the golden state. Go west, young man. Yeah. Yeah, i lived here. S. I lived here five years. Horace greeley. I was the poorest guy in Santa A Barbara at the time. Y 80. Athrae earl if you look at. I want you to really look at this. Yeah. And explain the year 2021 and 2022. Yeah. Why . Florida is taking in nearly a thousand people a day and youre losin g 800 people athey day. Theyre leaving. Tegl me why theyre leavin arev. Your state. So well stop at three. Or you want to do the whole. No, no, well just d answer one of the 18 states. 18 states had declinespulati in population. Californias was 0. 3 . You didnt bring up any ofon the red states that had the kind of populations. Its an interesting factd states , and idont dont see it on here. An interesting admitted facst. Whats that . Per capita, more floridians moved to californi a than california is moving to florida that i dont imagine, is in one of your eight slides. Let me take another stab at thise anothe in 2021, californi of gdp, gdp in this country, one of the Fastest Growing economies anywhere on planetrowt earth. This state continues to be the temple of the american economntinuee thy. My. 25. 6 of all american jobs came from this state in april. In the last two fiscal years, we enjoyed 177. 7 billion in operating surpluses on our way to be the fourth largest economy. Eat your heart out. Germany in the world, Numbernumr One in r d, venture capital. Omore scientists, researchers,r more nobel laureates, more patents emanatinges out of this state than any other state in america. With All Due Respect other statd doesnt even come close. Eat your heart out. Texas. Californiase continues to be the dominant economic engine for the. I promised you before this interview i would let you give full answers. Thats a full thank you. Okay, now im going to challenge it. Good. Now im and the challenge is, ih is the first time in the history of the statee thatthe i youve lost population. Yes. The first time right nowrst time im going to give you another sheet here. And this is about incomer tax. Write your state. Income tax is 13. 3 atest numb the highest number. I also did more diggin. G. The top 1 of californians pay 50 of that total income tax bill. Th yeah, wel taxl, he has rough. Yeah, thats redistribution of wealth, isnt it . It well, its progressivs ree ta policy. Now look at yours. 13. 3. What does florida what does that sayn does flo so zero . Well, its factually untrue. Its not zero and they have zero the top one while the top1 1 pay pay. Look here here youre promoting your shores. Is that is that alive . No. Lets heres what youre promoting. Youre promoting regressive tax policy. We dont believe in regressive tax policy. Youre promoting one component of entire Taressive Policieso not believe. X, the 1 d thth All Due Respect, you and i may pay the 1 . The vast majority of people watching dont you pay more taxes in states like texas from the middle class thanornia. You do in states like california right now . Hold on. No, no, no. This is we have too many of the American People know this. We have the highest taxth pet ratet ta for the 1 . But middle class familiex she actually pay less than the majority of states in america. In californi ana. Ric so who are you for . E yo so who are you fighting for . Ghting fi am for. Im just wondering, because i have homest wo in. Yeah. And pay a lot of property tax. Theyre double what you pay in california, i would think. Well, i say except i f you addmillio the millionairnae property tax a that youve just put in l. A. County, thats a transfer tax. And we didnt do that on our taxes like a half a billion dollars. I dont know if you can get half. Sure. And so youre telling me the loss of net population, 18 states, we were number 0. 4es in this number here,. 13. 3 . Now, the every californian also hadever not for a decade d right . You supported it for a decade. The public actually initiated it was supported by the public. But the point is florida has zero. The net popular growth hang on, florida is almost 8 . S its almost 1000 people a day. And youre 100 people in a state. Hey, my question is this thd to that no, i respect your audience too much to let them be misled on thisoo. The audience is alive in that rare if i know this is a lie. Youre a sea manipulating some fundamental facts. Youre omittinanipulatg the fact the vast majority of people do not live in the 1 youre talking about , the 1 tax, 1 pays half of it. Tax. Yeah, i understand that. O no li but im talking about the American People dont live e and when we come back, i asked Governor Newsom about the homeless crisis in a state. That and much more as weat t continue. On. Thank yo theres some things that go better together. Burger and fries, soup and salad. L choi thank you. Like your Workplace Benefits like your Workplace Benefits and retirementce. With voya considering all your financial choices together can help you make smarter decisions for a more confident financial future. Hey is hand a bicycle and you cant do that by yourself . Oh yeah. Well planned, well invested well protected. Christian mccaffrey on niners take on the steelers then in americas game of the jordan vs the packers against Justin Fields and the bears its a huge week one Double Header next sunday and once after a decade of waiting americas favorite nightmare is back. Oh my god. And its better than. Kitchen nightmares returns monday, septembe and par 25th o. Attacks against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are on the rise. My simple solution to the my simple solution to the problem was remove people from the scenine and help them feelle safer. In terms of hate crimes. I thined come tok there is so mh more work to be done. More work to be done. We really nee and tackle this issue as a community. What are we talking about . Grab, clap, clap, clap, clap clap. ,,,. Everyones talking about. Apple is the new comedy. Dan harmon, cocreator of rick and morty. You still cant die right now. I cant die. Im a goddess. What kind of idiots are you . Witness the start of civilization. I swear, its not as bad as the name sounds. All that look awful is special Premieres September 24th after Football Wrap Part of Animation Domination on fox brace for impact. Its friday night. Smackdown on fox listeners twice crowned as witness in History Network televisions greatest spectacle has the best superstars on the planet unleashed in primetime. And friday night, smackdown sponsored by progressive eight eastern on fox, emily harris and kaylee. Theyre taking on the hot to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a built n engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch, its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. And think you will do. I could be the winds of change. Welcome to news live. Im Jackie Ibanez in new york. Labor day marked the unofficial end to summer and airports across the country. Theyre bracing for big crowds through tuesday. Millions of americans are returning home after hitting the roads and skies over the labor day holiday. According to tsa, about 7 million passengers pass through Security Checkpoints since friday. The agency expects to screen more than 14 Million People. Some of the most popular destinations for us this weekend were seattle and orlando, florida. For over the counter drug used to reverse an Opioid Overdose will be available in Retail Stores and online tuesday. The with the brand name narcan will have a retail price of about 45. The fda approved the drug in march. This is due to the rise of record high deaths from Opioid Overdoses driven by powerful synthetic drugs like fentanyl. Im Jackie Ibanez. Now back to the hannity special. Now. So i asked governor gavin newsom about the Out Of Control Homeless Crisis that crisis is consuming the state of california and the lengthy liset of businesses. Thats right. Whose headquarters are leaving san Franciscf Terso and the resf the state. Take a look. So with a declinin g population, it is no secret that americans are now fleeing drlifornia in droves despite its vast natural resources. Greaast, beautiful coastline. Now california is shrinking rapidly. But its not just people. Businesses also are leaving the state. Look at this. According to one cbs report,accd a 65,000 have left since 1990. And that exodus continues to this da1990. Y and is especiae palpable in San Francisco. Y pathe citys Famed Union Squas Neighborhood is now quickly turninqug a ghost town with 19 Major Store Closures sincet s 2020. So whats going on in the golden state going . And will the states governor take any responsibility . Heres Pars Governake any witwo of my interview with governor gavin newsom. Sk t let me ask about quality of life issues. When you have these back,i wi by the way. Im well aware of these. I think if you pute yo. Them ard the governors mansion, this is going to be a classic interview. You know, listen, it may seemee, and youre very i appreciate your passion for your state. I love it. I appreciate the Fac Statet Yout for the things you believe it down. You know, and this goe issis back to the original premise of not only this discussion because this really is a friendly sion bec discussion. No no, i know theres theres no personal animus between us. Betweeits just i dont agree with your views. Youre good at givingd reasoned rationale for losing population and higher state income tax. And now im going to askgoing to you about the homeless population. We have stores now in San Francischomeless Populo Becausey and grab robberies. Theyre leaving. Yeah. You know, walgreens has one. I think target is the other is at least three. Whole foods is another. Youre Leavingwhole San Francit okay. Soio my question to you is between taxes, bureaucracy, homelessness and the homeless, numbers are not good for you in your state. Personal knowledge and no, and i wouldnt compare ourselves to anyone. Its a disgrace. The homelessa issuedisgra in 2. You had a ten year plan. Yeahmeless i, i got the tape. Let me play it for you. Do it, San Francisco. We believe fundamentally that fa food solves hunger, that sheltersme solve sleep, and that housing solves homelessness. And if were going to solve the problem of those that are ou out ot on the streets th. Define as homeless, we better anlve the Housing Problem if were going to have an impact. And thats why we established framework, what we call a tenyep year plan to end chroniclaessnes homelessness in San Francisco. Okay, now here wen franci ar. You want to know the results after ten years . Okay, heres comparison. No, i dont need to look at my charts. I know charts. Chartsi know the charts. I know these charts so well. Ten after ten years, We Reducedye The Street by 33 . Y Popula You Know What . Im proud of . The fact we established the goal b. With we did it with the with the bush administration, with republicans. We admini did it with a framework. What we actually identified by George W Bush as one of the leaders in terms of establishing not only a framework of a plan, but delivering on what we promoted and promise. And i agree with you. You know, michaelangelnd promiot best the biggest risk in life is not that we aim to low and reach its way into high and miss it rather the opposite. My point being, we have to be Audacioumy Point Being is, and e actually made progress. This has not made progress in the last two decades as it relates to homelessness. Why . Because housing are too high. Our regulatory thickets are too problematic. Localism has been too impactful, meaning people locally a Pushingusing St back against new Housing Starts and construction. Ive been here for i cant make up for the fact in 2005 we hadve an historic number of homeless under republican, and right now theres 171,000 in Oc O Disgracefukal and all right ill compare to florida at 26,000 of course. Same weather, similar state. Both i mean ive lived the Growth Dynamics are very different. En that said, we own thit. Sefen sean im not im not here defending. But heresding sean the differ. Youre going to build 1200 homes this year. Sad thats not true. You have a proposal, got 60 8000 people off the streets last year. And by the way thats been politifact, 68,000. We had we had over 15. 3 billion homeless plan when i got here was hal f 1,000,000,000. The state of california was not involved in the homeless issue. We got. Was noted in th involvedt were holding cities and counties accountable. Im suing cities and not producing housing. Housing. We actually have a 15 year high, a new Housing Starts in the state of california. Were actually seeing programsss ,real results. But i want accountability. I waility. A mayor of californi. Im governor of six states, larger than 21 states population combined. And the difference between mee and most politiciansan is i ownl this. I take responsibility for this. This is personality for th to m. I love the state and i like whats happening with the encampments thats happened, s p the streets and sidewalks. I dont like the bashing of it old city, San Franciscoenree whole foods did shut down b one business, but that was a bad location to begin with. Eginth. Theyre a new one. We have two point sisters out here recently with a team. I said, its go to the wharf. Certain parts are bad and we ows arn. I just put the National Guard and the chp down there. Hundreds of. I know. And by the way, you mentioned defund police. Dont accuse Me Ofu Mentio that. Ive never been part of that. Say people who are saying you didntd not wa want to buily more border wall that that caught our eye because it was sort of farcical, this notion that somehow you can have a physical structure l struct thats 2000 miles long. Why not . Witdentl due respect, i si here watching the former h president say he did it and somehow mexico paid for it. Its laughable. Those are certainly you got a Better Trade Deal with mexico and canadait is sean g. Not im not here to takeit cheap shot on that floor. And coming up, i asked Governor Newsom about his feud with Florida Governor Ronh Flor Desantis and will this debate happen when we continuide continue with goldman . You can on your own terms. Miniss retinol overnight means retinol overnight means the smoothino days. G benefits of retinol are now for your whole body. Plus fast Working Corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days, go by, champions your skin. I visit a dry eye, drops made with hydrating, polymers, moisturizing hyaluronic acid, and revitalizing trehalose for Instant Dryness relief that lasts up to 8 hours. I visit. We see a better way. Lets look on the bright side. South dakota stayed for business during the pandemic. Now weve got more jobs than people. So im filling in until you get here. South dakotas the freest state in america and the best state to work and raise a family. 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The nio is nearly invisible with its tiny in the Ear Canal Design and you can get two nio hearing aids with a 45 day riskfree trial, Free Shipping and free lifetime support for only 299. So call now 835 six 4900 again, thats 800 356 4900 when you cant watch. Listen. Get the latest new business and News Headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. Fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. And welcome back. During our sit down interview. Ei i asked Governor Newsom about his feud with florid aska governor desantis. Lets take a look at last week afters. Florida confirmed the state flew migrants to california, which is a sanctuary state. Well, california governor gavin newsomntur, he this tweet threatening Florida Governor Ron Desantithissng Cha with kidnapping charges. They did sign waivers. Now, thirg. Dids the fact that the biden administration, theyve been flying Illegal Immigrants all over the country, often landing in the dead of nightry and. Hmm. Wonder why. Also, repeated assertions from florida officials that illegali immigrants all willingly made that trip. Ernor we did ask Governor Newsom about his feud with governor desantisne and whether he would agreane to debate one on one win me hosting. Heres what he had to sayg. Heres my question. Maybe i have an idea that youdt agree with. I want to start a series off debates and get some of the bestd ge, Brightest Leadinga Conservative Minds and some ofdg the best, brightest leftwing minds or liberal. I put you in that category, tha and i want to call it like the great debates. Love it. And the first one i want to do is with you and governor desantis. Great. Ive offered it. Ive been trying to debate hiere is h will go. Ate could i say governor nelson, s. Ernor desanti economy. Thats the only word im going to throw out of it. You minute by minute, then you go at it. Next topic right. At and ill moderate it that way. And you have my word, ill moderate it that way. E it i am im in. Of you will do a two hour m debate with roakn to say i make it three three hour debate. Yeah. So i hear mebate. You mean like one day notice with no notes . I look forward to that. We can tal forwardk about his zr demonization. We could talk about his assault on youabou. Kidnaper everything i said. Question mark. Still be a Question Mark was still being investigated. Still be wan t to sit and you may bring charges the people you know kind of youre kind of Faith Tradition. How nice was this as youd treat the spotlight this Ron Desantis Out of the Goodness Ofnd his heart. Hes going around the country to try to help migrants and Brinelp Migrthem Tg them to. Could you ask me a question about bryce . S plansendehat he send load of people to marthas vineyard, a liberal enclave, rights for one and a half million bucks . Okay. What is fox . Nt and whos the fiscal conservatives part . We went and we looked therkedane more than double the amount of rooms available for everfoy one of the people that that landed there that day. Okay. Nded theand all of them signed r for all of them, by the way, i they i read the waiver. They showed me the way. I couldnt even understand. And i have a decent education. They goti have this sanctuary ll enclave, couldnt handle, you know, 50 Illegal Immigrants dont take this room out tha and let them stay through the last 20 4 hours. Why then why did they do that . Why did you most people as pawns . You bet. I mean, this is what Faith Tradition teaches you to treat a Human Beingsan like this, to belittle that you are in an awful sanctuary state. Why dont you embrace dealing with the cards that are dealt them for comprehensivdont yo e reform . Im proud of our president for putting a strategy outof our anu guys have been silence on it. You havent even discussed it. You are sanctuary state. Yo why dont you embrace them and say thank you for sending themu for . E ever we embrace everybody here. We deal with the cards, a date and a human way forwaryb. D. Its not a state being told under false pretense. Being one thing i dont think te happened. I know it. I sat down with these migrantsn. I sat doo. I talked to every single one ofv them. They were lied to. They were misledof the. Bs. While this was a setup, they were told they had jobs. They toltod they were going to get Certain Court dates changed. They were droppeurt dated off. They knocked on the door and they left. And it was not coordinatedleft. I mean, what kind of faith . Tradition . Of is,source thereradition a videotape in possession of the people getting on them because they were all liedon the to and told and they were being taken care of. Everythings going to be great. I woultored be proud and happy. O and then because by the way, i have the rfp, becausere goi they landed in your sanctuary state, youre going to take care of them. They should be happyngtake car. , look. Well, well deal with the big come on. This is californiathis i. Conomi i know its cold. Its all this way. The fourth largest economy in the world we can handle. Of course. Yes. This. Okay. Im a borderon. Ron desantis is not. I know hes desperate to get a lot trump iow because of belly flop donald trump is going to clean. Is it his hair, the Joe Biden Desantis . Yes, belly flop. He will clean his clock. This up he dont have a Crystal Mansion and he set this up months ago by doing an rfp. I have the contractor. Okay. My client, he tried to hireo saying he was going to send people to california. This is a stuntot. Embarrassing, pathetic. I this is not i think hes the right thing. His states not a sanctuary state. Well, Joe Biden Has wanted to help people. He will apply the same e biden. To jo hes flying all these Illegal Immigrants, Coordinating Theminn with me. Im engaged indirectly with the Administrationg Sean e landin In The Morning in westchester airport, not not kennedy, westchester. You know why . Becaus ae theyre sneaking himog in when states arent looking and is perfect, but theyre coordinate cood. Erent theres a different spirit. Theres a different level of engagement level. Its its different in daylight in darkness. Its not perfect. Im theres some humility in this. Oh, isnt joe bideinand mpinople in florida and all these other states and dumg peb people anywe dissent. Whats the difference what joeg . T joe is doin pretend desantis is an appellation more of exclusivetee interview with california t, Newsogavin Newsom up nexw well talk about his relationship with President Donald Trump straighm. Ext, wt a. I love playing golf, but as you get older, the holes get further away. Balance of nature helps me being healthier and play more. And a whole lot of times ill go play 18 In The Morning and then have lunch and someone will say, hey, lets go an extra nine. And you know, a lot of my friends are having trouble keeping up with me. Harry, this is your last chance for labor day to get 40 off your first order as a preferred customer by discount code. Fox news with the moms who have lost our children to social media harms, we we wes have had. Enough. Have had. Enough. Our politicians have failed working for lobbyists, not us. Working for lobbyists, not us. We neejo the kids Online Safety act this fall. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Lets lead the way and hi, choe im sharon and i losstt £52 on goal of before goal. On goal of before goal. I felt i was diabetic and my cholesterol was high. Is how i would always be bloated. My stomach was always upset. Now my stomach is flat. Im happy with how gola has meo. Look. But whats more important is how i feel. I feel like i can walk the runway. I just. 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And i totally violated the spirit ot ilrongf what i wa. Preaching and it was wrong. And i own that. I dont care. Else. From the what . For the grace of god, no one else has ever made a mistake. I guess i did. A mistake,i own that. Mistak everybody makes mistakes. However, that was a dumb one. It was donese and i own it, so i dont need to be reminded of it. Close quarters, no masks. And im like, all right, that wa. S right. I think it was your birthday party, right . I was good friends, 50th birthday party. The restaurant was legally open. It was par done. You said on Diane Feinstein just to get one piece of news and that sean you will if yoe to replace her. Oyou have a set of criteria. An only an africanamerican woman. Why is it that was the right thing to do . We lost with the kamala harris. We lost that representation. Iti its important. Its historic. Storici appointed the first lato in californias history, 37 of the state, latinos, 39 of the state. I thought that was important. I it shouldnt the criteria just be the best person. But theres plenty of africanamerican pers. Ri she as best person and just not have a criteria. St time i think i think representation. I think i think representation does matter. Does it matters. You got a recommendation of 1. 2 million. I think person for one form. Ca yeah, i stand1. Corrected and you want to see the full report can you for that. I mean, are you really going to pay that monen . U going y . Ronald reagan did reparations for the japanese. Im asking for that. Iits it doesnt have to ben th in the frame of writing. The check. Reparations comes in many different forms, but one cannot deny these historical facts. And i really very stronglye c we have to come to grips, how do you justify up and Peopleom Sean Hu Just Goino Connection Generationally to anything to do slavery. Aver. How how do you justify them havingw either a lower standar, a higher standard, or st for something that they or their family would not response . Responsibllook, i understand deeply understand that. I deeply understand. Do the math. The 1. 4. Okay. We want us to level set. You ha d a group the lastar two years that is making a series of recommendations that wasthat is one of many recommendations you guys ran with that over and over and over and over again still today for some moneyn suppo, it even seen the recommendation when you see the recommendations. And we may find to supportstatem the money, i put outen a statement saying reparations is more than just about money. That implies a deeper rationalization of what is achievable, whats reasonable and what is righat is ret. And thats the balance that well try to advance. And coming up, governor gavin newsom explains how he would handle chinas Growingsion A Aggression as We Continus E on the next launch of Cross Country and partnering with ancestry to get a deep dive into my familys history and genealogy. And i want you to be in on the surprise with me. Dont miss it. On the next morning. Charles Cross Country Lawrence Jones Family History is brought to you by ancestry in the race for president. Theres one candidate tough enough to win the cold war with china. Conservative governor and Business Leader doug burgum. We need to stop buying energy from our enemies and start selling energy to our friends and allies. As president , burgum will strengthen Americas Energy independence, lower gas prices, and rebuild our military. Conservative doug burgum a strong leader to take on china and win best of america. Pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Have you ever felt leg pain, restlessness, cramps, tingling, swelling, numbness, itchiness or coldness . 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Dont be fooled by higher priced hearing aids. The neo is a true hearing aid, not an amplifier with Rechargeable Technology. Many customers say is superior to more expensive models. Go now and get not one, but two new hearing aids for just 297 plus will add in a portable charging case and ship your order absolutely free. The neo is nearly invisible, all with its tiny in the Ear Canal Design and you can get to neo aids with a 45 day risk free trial. Free shipping and free lifetime u. S. Based support for only 297. So call now Eight Hundred and 40 67573. Again, thats 808. Voice 67573. The new fox news primetime is number one. The right voices at the right time. Fox news Primetime Weeknights on fox news. America is watching. Youre welcome. America. Now, i asked Governor Newsom about how he would handlee the growing threat from china. And heres what hreat froe st lets give you credit. You have entrepreneurs, silico. ,by the way, San Francisco in the last two years lost 7. 5 of the population. Im sure you saw that article. But heres the pointpulation. Me i would argue these companies are leaving and theyre e moving their headquarters and theyre moving employees and theyre going througesh that expense because regulatione , taxation, Bucause Regulatione , taxation, to build businesses here. Now, i would argue to you that if you lower taxesyour and lowered your Regulation Standards that californi rega wd be a net migration state. But i know youre not going migrthat know youre not going about regulatory reform. Ive got 11 regulatory bills on permitting and Procuremen Tk never taken a backseat to anyone. Ive reformed our sequoia bills. Ive done it as it relates to vegetatioo anyone. S itn, Forest Management related forest fires. Again, im not an ideologue related to this. Ideologue i have not argued for increase. The tauex rate for the top 1 hs been around a decade. And look at the receipts. Talkin lkin the receipts over the last decade and economic growth, weve outperformed ls most wesn democracies. The state has grown just like demown is growingwn just like by 4. 4 trillion since bidens been in office. Our global gdp continues to be darling of theseofly bet countries doing remarkably better. Then i thintek a lot of your viewers believe under no circumstances would thrcumstances would president , running for the democratic nomination. Oh, nonee. Not af none to this conversation. What is this conversation . The first interview you had. Thats a pretty listen, i wantou passion. Im just telling you, joe biden could not do what youre doing. Ght to and by the way, that ought to tell you something. And you know what . W i know i couldnt do what hh. I know i couldnt do what hh. Years of his, you know, deep down inside, you know, its trun e. A but youre your party guy. Youre sticking up for your guy and use countrys economy. I love my president. You knoww hes, i dont dislike. I just want him out of office. Decency and character. I want i want somebody who can stand up to china, russia, iran and north korea. And i think a master. Weve united nato in ways its never beeh n united. Russia is not. What would you handle the chinese spy . What would you have done . Oh sean , come on. Chines you know, what would you have done . I dont have the details of knowledge oflloon. New. Or the based on what you know, i would have taken that sucker out ofnces. The air before it n hit the airspace. A lot of peoples lives at risk whenould they originally talked about it, there was a reason they delayed thoset of firstther attempts to do that. I think his Containment Policy has beens they. For years as it relates to just on him taking out a lot of our drones when wet should knowledge. President bidens policies are not completely dissimila bet as it relates to china, to what trump was promoting as it prs to transfer ofg as it sensitive technology. Craz wasnt he made it the trumean p china was a saber rattling. There was a confronting leaker. Theyre comparing alliances now and maybe longer. G7 has never been stronger nev in putting our navy in the South China Sea in the pacific. Theyre confrontin beeg, ah, hat on, fighter jets in anrnationa international ways. Theyre taking the spying overl. Our country drones are being taken out by russi a and flexing around. You know what the consequences were . Nothing. Ces wewould you allow nothing tu a consequence for china and russia if they did thassia t . His i think his policies against china have been very impressiviv in terms of whats in the context of a building, ironically, on some ine policie all of the bluster as it relates to Tech Transferbl , ast relates to building alliances in the pacific, as it relates to building Allianceo Buildisher their Defense Secretary rejected our outreach to meet with his counterpartretary. You know, these are situational challenges that weve had Historically Arounituation D the as Ity Arounituation relates to the navy confronting our navy there there. How do do fighter jets. We talk about 200 and these guys have less than 300 on th billion to spend every year on the military. Litary. Americas at 887 going u to Million Dollars for a decade. How manean they have by mily around the world does china have shown be the exact number . I wouldnt know it. Only one. R but we have 750. Im worried about whats happening in cuba. China is extending their sphere of influence in africa in latine america. They have now one treaty arrangement, and thats in north korea. We arrangemt have 50 around the g. I mean, its apples. In norway, we spend ten times more on the next ten countries on military spend year. Nger i our alliances have never been stronger in places like australia, whichik is like missile defense. What about these are concerns, president andif are concerns, china wants to fulfille their two territorial ambition and take taiwan. What would you do . Im not going to gett woyou do . S a more nuanced and complicated thing. Thats for a president ial aspirant to answer. We have a policy. Its well Articulaterantanswerd Stand by it. Youve got to be convinced to be one. But thats my its my theory. Tit thats my its my theory. All right. Unfortunately, that is all srtunately, that is all have left thisyou evening. As always, thank you for being with us. Thank you for making thifo s. Snk you for making thifo possible. Please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an ho hope you had a great labor day and have a great night. Happy labor day, everyone. Yone im kat timpf. Im , so he askedto me to check in to see how you were doing. Good. Ou wer thats great. Doing. So we had some great shows this summer, some amazing guests that its almost too tough to pick what the best segmentsns. But were going to try anyway. Enjo wer

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