Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

control and of course, your favorite, fan mail. of course -- first, one of our favorite segments, we get to talk about all of the funny stories. here's a look back at some of the best. >> research shows dudes are forming tight bonds with one another, having a heartfelt conversation and expressing their feelings like never be before. >> greg: i feel like i'm going to shut up, this is so fake. and guys don't say that to each other unless they are so wasted. >> to that point, this is something and i think we have discussed this before but it is irritating when you watch your partner to get information from their guy friends so they are going out and they come back and they have nothing to say. what about his divorce? i don't know anything. yeah. are you crying? >> no, i was laughing. i love crying. i'm crying all over, man. greg, kissed me. >> greg: you have the most portable phase. >> some schools in canada are bringing up mandatory cursive writing. i want everybody at the table to please write out "the five." >> jeanine: "the five"? >> turn it over. [laughter] >> robert louis. >> that is pretty good. >> nice penmanship. >> what were you sick thinking the exercise was about, exclamation point? >> greg: i was going to write something dirty about you. >> i think we are all old enough to have one this contest -- >> that is a closed -- >> look at my f. >> her teeth does not work. >> taylor swift's concert should be an unforgettable night for devoted swifties but unfortunately some, remember it all too well. numerous fans report experiencing post concert and they should. it is a rare phenomenon where an excessive surge of excitement renders them unable to recollect specific details of the concert. have you had that happen to you, greg? >> greg: yes. have you ever been so ecstatic that you forget where you are? it happens every time i run into larry kudlow and the law. especially when he is shirtless. >> jeanine: yes, okay. >> dana: i was interested in this because i don't understand how that could happen. thankfully, i have a pretty good memory. i live in fear that i'm going to lose it. i imagine paying that much for a ticket in the not remembering it. that will be careful. >> jeanine: a lot of these kids, $3,000 for the ticket. so excited. they are like in a state of shock. >> if they wanted to give me a ticket, i will remember. american couples are getting a slim divorce. >> i don't snore, so that is not a problem. she steals covers. i still have back, so we are even. she is making me put my alarm in the bathroom and then she does not like the bathroom area, door opens. she makes me go and then i can't hear it because the doors cl closed. >> and you just put it and that is too loud. so that is a real issue with the marriage right now. >> jeanine: if you let her have the covers, maybe you wouldn't have to deal with that. >> there's plenty of covers to win around, judge. >> greg: there is. >> jesse: i knew there was someone in there. >> dana: it is the foam and can you turn that off? and if you are scrolling through instagram and it starts playing horrible music. that has happened once. >> i got a french bulldog. that snores like a rest home of carnival crowns. it is just like -- i mean, the noises that come out of a french bulldog or straight out of a warner bros. cartoon. it is like -- [laughter] people know this if you have one. you will hear this insane noise and you don't even know what orifice it is coming from. >> they can now add org into their summer road trip list. as they will be ending its 72-year ban on self-service gasoline. that lives good old new jersey is the state of the union that requires gate waiting on a gas station attendants to do the job. some people who love new jersey. you love having your pump? >> i'm perfectly comfortable with new jersey keeping this policy. i love having a little chat when we are getting our car filled up. >> greg: i think it is great to pump your own gas. it makes you feel like you know something about cars. you get up there. you feel good twisting the cap off and then you pull the lever and you light up a cigarette. [laughter] and you take it in. sometimes i will just be smoking and just filling up a car and then i just -- when i'm done, i just toss the cigarette, hop in the car and off i go. jesse, you should love self-service because you get to get out and it is a chance for people to recognize you. country you know what i do. when i do it -- >> jesse: you know what i do. when i do it myself, i stand with my back and i have the reverse grip. i look out. [laughter] i just look out. he can't see it there. >> greg: do you ever offered to pay for people's gas? >> jesse: do you? >> greg: all the time. >> jesse: you are live. >> getting rid of stuff and she has given up on tidying up after the birth of her third child." my home is messy. the way i'm spending my time is the right way for me at this time and this stage of my life. >> i'm kind of a fan. about the work. i liked it. i love to clean a closet. i'm in quite a mood right now. i will give it everything i have in my house. i am really good. i have no sentimentality at all. it is out of here. i will take a picture of it for you. you can look at it later but i think what happened is she is such a perfectionist that at some point, perfectionists have to figure out a way to let some of there and now she has a third child. it sounds like she maybe had either a friend talk to her or a therapist talked to her and she is like, it is okay for me to allow my house to be a little bit messy and good for her because that sparks joy in a different way. >> jeanine: i did it is great. you make a decision to have three children, that is very much a full-time job and a half. i would be -- i would be taking care of the kids and trying to be as neat as you can. >> let me tell you how many books she has sold. if she wants to hire help, she will have plenty of money to do that. >> jesse: what men are really good at is focusing on one thing at a time. >> jeanine: that is why. >> greg: your hands? >> jesse: and then we move. once we are in that zone, we are all in. we can't be doing -- [laughter] talking about it around the house. >> jeanine: every woman juggles a lot of that. you are working the background and you are cooking dinner. the dogs wanted to go outside. then. then you or think about what you're going to do in the morning and then you have the laundry going and now you know the laundry has stopped and you get it -- i mean, give me a break? >> do you agree with jesse? >> jeanine: no, this guy is 88. he is a guy. >> this is from a man. the wall street journal has an article on whether pop callers are cool? >> if you think about it, the jacket that you wear, the overcoat or the rain slicker, you can pop at that and it still looks good. so what is wrong with apollo. >> greg: there are only three people that can pop a color. james dean, fonzie, and dracula. you are not fonzie, you are not james dean. you are almost a vampire because you saw, the blood out of every issue. >> jeanine: and you left out elvis. you, i think it is pretentious. >> jesse: okay you think it is pretentious. [laughter] >> greg: she died her poodle pink? >> jeanine: at least i did not up a collar. >> jessica: i think jesse pulls it off well. [laughter] >> is it cute to wear a collar? >> no. [laughter] >> dana: so much more to. up next, our favorite debates at the office. stay with us. ♪ ♪ my name's dan and i live here in san antonio, texas. my wife magda and i have been married for 39 years. about three or four years ago, i wasn't feeling as if i was as sharp as i used to be. i wanted to try something that was over-the-counter. i saw the prevagen commercials. after a short amount of time taking prevagen, i started noticing a difference-- that i'm remembering this, i'm remembering that. i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. i feel as if it's brought me back to the good 'ol days. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. 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[laughter] >> "the five." >> jesse: what if work life balance is a good thing? what is being a workaholic is not what it is all cracked up to be, dana? >> greg: it does not really take much to pretend you are a go-getter. people have this idea that you have to work hard. you don't. you just show up. you get your nice little hair and your time. you show up on time. >> jesse: i just got here. i was doing errands all day. >> jessica: people do need to work and part of what is going on here as baby boomers make a ton of money. but they also did not retire. the normal chain of command is not happening. so -- right. and so a lot of people and i'm not saying there are not issues with wanting to avert a full week. i get it. millennials and gen z's have different ideas in terms of, you know. >> greg: judge just flipped me off. >> jessica: something was happening and i was trying to go along. baby boomers involved. >> i think the best way for colleagues to bond and to develop friendships is if they have success at work. so if there's a goal that the company is trying to reach and everyone works together to get there and you when the business or even finish the job or you win the case, and then you go out and you party afterwards, that is when you bond. >> greg: and then you don't talk about it. >> jeanine: we don't want to go out and have to discuss things about work. the whole point of going out, with people that you work with is not to discuss work. is to find maybe a common ground in your social life and to have fun and laugh and see them in a different life and actually we did that last night for the five. and i hear you were dancing all night, harold. >> harold: if i could stay up all night, probably would. jen's years are staking -- taking a stance against after were drinks. the new york post talking to workers in their 20s who refused to socialize on -- "healthy work life boundaries." >> dana: one of the great ways to enhance your possible career attainment is to socialize a little bit with people that you work with because you never know what you might be thought of for the next opportunity. and then the other thing is you should figure out a way to maybe -- you could beat somebody at the office. >> two and five employees will sniffle and cough around the office just to prove to their coworkers that they are actually another weather instead of just taking a sick day. have you done that recently? >> jeanine: no, but i will tell you what, they do it. does that mean i did it? they do it to prove to the people they really are sick. you don't want people to think you are just lazy and say, oh, eat candy, dark chocolate. >> greg: the sixth day is what they call getting your botox. because your face is swollen. you can't come in. >> you get botox? >> greg: with this beautiful face? i would not touch this. >> dana: up next, highlights from some of our favorite moments on the climate crus crusaders. when our "best of the five" special returns. ♪ ♪ it's like, no matter how hard i tried, math didn't make sense. we see it far too often. students get stuck in a cycle and they can't break out of it. my teacher got me started on acellus gold, and any time i struggled it would tell the teacher and we worked through it together. acellus gold gives educators a way to address learning gaps even from previous levels, so that students can begin to experience success and get back on track. from our perspective, teachers constitute the bedrock of learning within our schools. our job at a acellus is to empower the teachers so they in turn can reach the students. i had a student who had completely given up on math and he's starting to believe in himself again, and now he's succeeding. i realized that even though i learn differently, i have the power to learn. seeing students regain their self-esteem inspire me as a teacher. it impacts the parents. it's transformed our school. and that's the power of the acellus effect. we, the first generation of moms to lose our kids to social media, are sick of waiting. for 25 years, there's been no new laws protecting kids online. while our children are dying. we can pass the kids online safety act. join us. join us. join us. join us. ♪ let's lead the way. we're traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? 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i mean, you know, let's say that you are someone who is passionate about, i don't know, animals or you are passionate about this issue or that issue. why are these lunatics always the ones who are destroying property and paintings and damaging things? what, what? is there something in their brain that makes them do this? they are mad. i think that the climate movement is so based on fear and not reality that we all want a clean earth. with all also want to have logic to realize that we are not -- not going to cut it just yet. we need advances in technology. we are working on that to give people a slow ramp to it rather than trying to do it all at once. >> it is so absurd. every time i see it, i think it is fake that it can actually be that there are people destroying these works of art or even attempting to mess with them. completely -- everyone -- the lions —-dash better than destroying a monet or they did a van gogh. >> van gogh. >> greg: they know how to play the media. they want the attention we provided so the more we play their stuff, the better it is for him. there are ambulances trying to get somewhere. ththere are people trying to get to work. there needs to be an exemption for people in cars to get out, grab these idiots and hurled them into the bushes and if need be, hold them down, take off their pants, throw them into the lake so they can't go anywhere and then get back in your car because we can do that at a baseball game. we can do that -- may be not take off their pants. >> that was just for fun. >> greg: that was just for fun. >> the author of this actually working out are basically zero. people just get annoyed if you are in other countries like in italy, where people got out of their cars and picked protesters off of the road and move them out of the way so they could get on with their day. the climate crisis is real and that it is important to be addressing. but when you use terms like it is a civil rights movement or you are talking about the suffragists, everyone who knows anything about this, their eyes glaze over, roll your eyes. >> jeanine: if the sun does not shine, if they want to lower the global temperature and block the sun, i'm depressed. >> greg: yeah. it is terrible. >> jeanine: i'm looking outside and i'm saying to myself, it is getting lighter. thank god i'm starting to feel good. we feel good. we feel positive. we had a pandemic. we were lock down. we were masks. they just take vaccines and now they want us to live in a dark world. i'm not into dark worlds. >> yes. >> jesse: we have not even installed a single electric car charging station and we think we're going to pressed into orbit. but intergalactic ray band that is going to just go like this and keep us -- you can even build sunscreen that lasts for longer than three hours. and you know what, greg? that scientists, let's sit this one out. it is kind of watch the wuhan gain of function. stay in your lane. work on cancer. we will deal with the sun. >> jeanine: i'm not going to eat bugs to save the planet. i would rather not eat. enough of this nonsense. they want to promote that as a way to save the planet. i'm sick of saving the planet. >> jessica: it means more innovation. >> dana: innovation leads to great technologies that will help you power were people there in their homes so that they can have the air-conditioning that they need and what the infrastructure bill should do is take a look and say, what do we need do to be -- reinforce and adapt to make sure that we can deal with this not just by saying that energy companies should go bankrupt and go away and we should get rid of all of those jobs about to say, what is the smart way to deal with this and there's literally nobody on the left talking that way. >> harold: everybody is so comfortable being in the pocket, and that they don't want to say, you are right about this but i'o but you may not be right about this. let's figure out ways in which to figure out how we build a new grid in texas and across the southwest but how do we provide more -- how do we provide more investments to your point about innovations to help create more energy, and re-surprise here in our country. it reminds me of when some democrats like to say the cashless bail is working. they are on. those putting themselves submitting themselves were trying to glue themselves to the ground at airport, they do nothing for the cause but basically make angry those on both sides. i get it. if that anger translates into us wanting to sit down and figure out how we reach some, common ground here, that it is good. but i'm not sure that does it. >> greg: 90% of all wildfires are started by humans. campfires left unattended, burning of debris, discarded cigarettes, equipment malfunctions, and get this, and allow people in california know this, concerning the homeless. one in four wildfires are caused by arson. people start them because they are mentally ill. and you are right that we have advocated real forest management and so there's a lot more to bring and that is why insurance companies are -- i love the haze. it is the best thing to come from canada since jason priestley. first, it is really hard to see what is going on on the street and when you live in new york, that is a good thing. [laughter] you got a junkies shooting up. you have the homeless defecating. all of that is obscured by that magnificent haze and the air is so thick it can slow down bullets. so it helps. when you are on the street, and caught in a crossfire which is now often. you are right about the apocalypse. your city needed an airborne environment that match its current state of despair. you already have -- it is like the road where your you already got the gangs. that range street maniacs, filthy streets. he just needed the toxic icing on this crusty cadaverous cake. this is as hazy as he rolled's dorm room in college. >> harold: oh! >> jeanine: up next, we will look back at another one of our favorite topics. tipping. when our "best of the five" special returns. ♪ ♪ more shopping? you should watch your spending honey. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ tonight is going to be a jailbreak ♪ >> welcome back to the "best of the five" special. it is no secret my friends love to tease me about my to -- tipping habits but here's a look at some of our favorite tipping segments. >> i got an order for mcdonald's and the dude is right across the street right here. i don't get it. he could just walk across the street and get his own meal. people these days, bro. >> jesse: the driver got a generous ten-dollar tip. >> the shorter the delivery, the higher the tip pictures to make yourself a little bit better. >> greg: i had a delivery from a nice restaurant across the street because i can't be bothered to put on clothes an outside and it is nice and it is like -- and also, i'm helping the economy. >> you put on clothes and the delivery person comes? >> greg: it depends. sometimes i will be in a satin shorty robe depending if i have any barry white. >> harold: we learn things about credit cards and now learning greg's naked -- >> a want to say it is a nice house for five dollars. >> you're welcome. >> jeanine: the problem is we are all afraid to not to because you're going to be called out by huber or somebody else. -- uber or somebody else. but these people think, i mean, they see the world according to the social media and all the good stuff and they are like, i should be able to get more than that and they demand more tips and 25% on $20 is absurd. and you know what, he should lose his job. >> greg: it should be about the distance. if a guy is driving 10 miles to your place and for $20 thing, 25% of that is five bucks. it is not can to pay for his gas. you have to do it on the amount of effort that goes into it. if you have $130 meal, you should take the same, which is 10. >> want to be able to pay for the guy's gas. maybe it is 15 bucks. if you are in the suburbs, that is what you should know. >> also for the driver, you don't know who ordered the food. what if it is a cleaner who was working at the house or a babysitter? this is -- >> this is a tough one because if you go out to eat a lot, which people who live in cities tend to do, you always leave a 20% tip and you can feel good about that if it is fantastic service, 25%, even if the service is not fabulous, you still leave 20% because there's an acknowledgment that servers have a tougher life than you do if you're going out on a monday, trust me, you can avoid to do that. i totally agree about the distance issue. the weather as well when i hear the stories about the torrential downpour and people are giving the same that they would if it was a sunny day. >> dana: i love having a little chat when we are getting our car filled up. >> jesse: you talk to them? >> dana: yes. and you know what, excited, too. i tip well. yes, i do. >> jeanine: yes. >> yes, you're supposed to tip. >> jeanine: that is what jesse is saying. >> dana: yes. >> jeanine: yes, tip. german because someone is doing nice. >> they are doing a job. >> stop it, jesse. >> jesse: q-tip five bucks. >> jeanine: it depends on how much gas i got at least. >> jesse: and least? you guys are over tipping. >> if you give someone who is working pumping gas a tip, they are definitely people who, one, could use that money and will use it wisely because they work hard. >> jesse: all right, i will start tipping these guys. [laughter] >> i hate this, the public tipping thing. >> greg: is it the great larceny of 2022? weren't tipping george the first thing taken when people were stealing show -- so they couldn't -- because there's a lot of money in those tip jars. i think that was easy pickens. so -- and i agree with what you said in the green room that we should be cutting off the hands of shoplifters. >> some -- nothing is sacred. >> jeanine: they do that in egypt. >> jesse: does the to count if they don't see it putting in the tip jar? and you make eye contact with the breeze to. in sumter's u-turn and go, josh. >> take it back? if it is your regular place, sure. >> jeanine: jesse, i am worried about you. all right. is it my turn? >> dana: if you want. >> jeanine: what is interesting is the baristas are not on board with the new system. >> jessica: who wouldn't feel uncomfortable? >> jeanine: i wouldn't think they feel less uncomfortable than me. i got to add a tip. i feel bad. when i go up to pick up something, why do i have to the tip? >> jessica: that is a question if you leave anything. >> jesse: you believe a dollar. >> jeanine: no, jesse! >> jesse: and think for a cup of coffee, you add a custom one dollar to. vincent's. >> jessica: if you order she was pickup. >> jeanine: if you order it does. >> jesse: if it is a place i go to her, no. [laughter] if it is not a place i go to, no. >> jessica: okay. >> jesse: i think it is genius that i did not think of this. you, take a moral failing and consider it a medical condition that can't be discriminated against. this is brilliant. >> greg: you should have tipping blindness. >> jesse: i am generosity deficient. >> greg: yes, you are tip blind. >> jesse: it is like taking a hostage, sitting there trying to be a human and they are staring you that in the eyeballs while you are looking at the 30%. you don't have to do it. >> jeanine: what do you do, jesse? >> jesse: note tip, while you look them in the eye. sometimes i do it and i go slow. >> harold: slow motion. >> jeanine: and then you call them a name? >> jesse: like you? >> jesse: up next, our favorite fan mail questions and the be best -- when the "best of the five" special continues. ♪ ♪ acellus courses for parents independently homeschooling their children. our complete k through 12 homeschool program includes courses in math, science, social studies, reading and language arts. it also includes electives such as music, 3d printing and programing. power homeschool has really transformed our child's experience and allows her to work at her own pace. visit our website at power homeschool dot org to learn more and start your child's educational journey. ♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back. you are in for a a treat. it is time for a best of fan mail. let's watch. ♪ ♪ what sucked as a kid but is awesome as an adult? dana? >> dana: naps. >> greg: naps. good answer. >> jeanine: that was good. >> dana: i did not know, because i took one today. >> greg: that is a family feud. >> dana: i remember being at an airport and this little kid was being a real jerk to his parents. he was about five years old and they said, you are going to have to take a nap. and i was like, i would love for some want to tell me that. >> harold: church and faith for me. i did not like it as a kid. but it is now much more —-dash. >> greg: you are running for president. [laughter] the church gets better with age. would you rather go to jail for one year or go to jail and get released when you figure out a rubik's cube? >> jeanine: rubik's cube. >> greg: definitely? how long do you think it would take? >> jeanine: six months. [laughter] >> greg: you have been kidnapped. two hours later, you are returned because you can't stop talking about -- jesse? yourself? >> jesse: myself. [laughter] i mean, well, you make -- >> greg: you made the kidnapper's sake of a topic. >> jesse: i don't think i talk too much but i think of all the people in this table, i'm probably the least annoying. maybe herrill. he does not talk about. >> jeanine: are we on? >> greg: what was your first magazine subscription? that is an interesting question. i bet people don't know what that is anymore. >> jeanine: didn't you just ask me? >> greg: i said pay attention pickup go to you first. >> jeanine: 17. >> greg: how old were you? >> jeanine: 16. i wanted to be 17. >> jessica: this is completely true. that was my first magazine subscription. >> greg: and here i thought you would say "a boy's life." i never understood that book, magazine, a boy's life. >> that was before my time. >> greg: what is the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you. i had a good first grade teacher. forced me to write. that was lucky because i did not really grow that much after that. there was no athletics scholarships for me. yeah. >> jesse: now we are lucky because you know how to write. >> greg: exactly, we have come full circle. yes. and viewers are lucky. the movie that traumatized me the most as a child and this would be easy, dana? >> dana: my parents never let us watch rated r movies or horror movies and i went up to a slumber party and they played "carry." >> greg: yeah. >> dana: i have never seen anything like that. i remember the moment like they were yesterday and if you saw that, you are traumatized. >> greg: what is your most unbelievable yet true story about being late? >> harold: i was late for a wedding back in november of 2004. i get seated next to a woman who i married four years later. >> wow! >> i love that. >> greg: you get divorced and then married again. what character from a movie, you play perfectly, dana? >> dana: election? crazy slick was mine, too. >> mine as well. >> greg: "election" is a great movie. >> dana: underrated or under watch. >> greg: matthew broderick. who was your biggest idol growing up? judge idol? >> jeanine: you are going to last. charlton heston. >> greg: that was mine. i was -- >> jeanine: no, i had [indistinct] >> greg: i will put a different one. i had "the planet of the apes" dolls. the things i did with that doll. >> oh, come on! >> greg: i used to play games with it, you per verts. i don't think purchase needs to be -- what that did you fall for that maybe you put money into it? >> jesse: are used to cinch up the ends of my pants and roll them up all tight like that. >> harold: used two courts. >> jesse: shut up, harold. from tennessee, they probably don't even get there. like 30 years behind. >> greg: what hype did you complete fall for anything, jessica? >> jessica: andrew cuomo. >> greg: nice, and you are honest. that is a good way of -- >> jeanine: that is. >> greg: judge? >> jeanine: you know what? i got a car. i don't know. it was a car that looked like those cars from the '40s? >> greg: the pt? pt cruiser! >> jeanine: it was not -- >> greg: that is so cute. >> jessica: that is a good one. >> greg: if someone looked under your bed, what would they find? judge? >> jeanine: i don't want to say. >> oh! >> jeanine: okay. guns and slippers. [laughter] that is the end of it. >> greg: that was great, everybody. up next, some of our best "one more things." ♪ ♪ frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. (ella) fashion moves fast. setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand... real time. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) with verizon business, we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) so our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) it's not just a network. it's enterprise intelligence. (vo) learn more. it's your vision, it's your verizon. ♪ ♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." we all love hilarious animal video. take a look back at each of our animals. j jesse's bear news. there it is. we have a bear eating a fruit at a picnic table just like a human. unsure what kind of fruit that is. mango, dragon fruit. >> cantaloupe. >> looks like a watermelon. >> if you look at me i don't eat fruit clearly. >> squash. >> very orange. >> squash is in season. >> i have this. dana's sports corner. baseball playoffs. here you have pepper. and she is a pi pup that can rey hit a home run. look at that so, so smart. i love her. i don't really know what is going on in the rest of the world series. >> judge jeanine: this is how i feel on most friday nights when i run around all week like a lunatic. look at this dog. he is being dragged along the beach. is he hanging on to a towel. he is not walking. his name is tiki from oregon, as you can see her wagging tale suggests she sees nothing wrong with it and she actually likes it. >> greg: i don't believe can i fly news. this guy trying to give the pigeon a pep talk by singing because it couldn't fly. let's watch. >♪ i believe can i fly ♪ i believe i can touch the sky >> come on, come on. good boy. [dog barking] >> oh, no. >> the poke county sheriff's office has employed a dog named koda to help save a message about safe driving. >> coda is not looking at her cell phone. she is not looking at her driver's license. she is not being reckless. she is just being cool. >> very smart messaging from coda. don't text and drive and maybe one day you will be as cool as little coda. >> dana: that's it for us for this best of "the five" special. have great night and we'll see you tomorrow ♪ she was a heartache on the dance floor ♪ heartache on the dance floor ♪ through my mind ♪ i got to know her name ♪ i got to see her ♪ she got me wandering ♪ >> mike: good evening welcome to washington i'm mike emanuel in for bret baier a shooting at a birmingham hospital. our whatever happened to segment deals with the east palestine, ohio train disaster. and the quagmire at the burning man festival in the nevada desert. a president who has always fancied himself a big labor politician touting economic policies on this labor day along with his intention to keep on doing his job. president biden was in philadelphia

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, Homes , Nonsense , Air Conditioning , Energy Companies , Infrastructure Bill , Being , Nobody , Jobs , Left , Pocket , Grid , Innovations , Energy , Let , Figure , Re Surprise , Investments , Airport , Democrats , Bail , Cause , Wildfires , Humans , Danger , Sides , 90 , Equipment Malfunctions , Homeless , Cigarettes , Debris , Arson , California , Campfires , Haze , Insurance Companies , Forest Management , Jason Priestley , Street , Junkies , Homeless Defecating , Crossfire , Bullets , City , Apocalypse , The Street , Environment , Estate , Despair , Filthy Streets , Icing , Gangs , Range Street Maniacs , Crusty Cadaverous Cake , College , Tipping , Dorm Room , Liberty Mutual , Spending Honey , Shopping , Car Insurance , Mom , Phone , Switching , Reminder , 00 Dollars , 700 , Pay , Dad , Ohhhhhh , Erosion , Cavities , Defense , Shield , Pronamel , Product , Gamechanger , Nutrition , Mission , Enamel , Patients , Support Immune , Nutrients , Protein , Muscle , Heart Health , Minerals , Vitamins , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , Friends , Jailbreak , Secret , Meal , Dude , Tipping Segments , Habits , Mcdonald S , Note Tip , Delivery , Pictures , Bro , Ten , Clothes , Person , Restaurant , Economy , Want , Robe , Credit Cards , Satin Shorty , Naked , Barry White , Five Dollars , Somebody Else , Huber , Distance , Tips , 0 , 10 , Place , Same , 25 , Effort , Five Bucks , 130 , Cleaner , Suburbs , Food , Babysitter , Bucks , 15 , 15 Bucks , Service , Cities , Servers , Downpour , Acknowledgment , Trust Me , Stop It , German , Q Tip , Pumping Gas , Jesse , The Public Tipping Thing , Who , Larceny , Couldn T , Tip Jars , Weren T Tipping George , 2022 , Room , Shoplifters , Egypt , Go , Eye Contact , Tip Jar , Breeze , U Turn , Josh , Sumter , System , Baristas , Question , Dollar , Coffee , Cup , One Dollar , Pickup , Vincent S , Condition , Failing , Human , Hostage , Tipping Blindness , Eyeballs , Tip Blind , Generosity Deficient , Name , Eye , Slow Motion , Questions , Courses , Social Studies , Program , Science , Language Arts , Reading , 12 , 3d Printing , Electives , Website , Programing , Journey , Power Homeschool , Space , Experience , Dot Org , 3 , Aa Treat , Family Feud , Adult , Answer , Nap , Jerk , Church , Faith , Rubik S Cube , Six , Topic , Sake , Kidnapper , Maybe Herrill , Didn T , Magazine , Subscription , Pay Attention Pickup , People Don T , 17 , A Boy S Life , 16 , Grade , Book , Athletics , Full Circle , Movie , Most , Viewers , Movies Or Horror , Slumber Party , Story , Wedding Back , 2004 , November Of 2004 , Election , Slick , Character , Idol , Matthew Broderick , Charlton Heston , Indistinct , Planet Of The Apes , Purchase , Dolls , Doll , Verts , Games , Tennessee , Ends , Courts , Shut Up , Andrew Cuomo , 40 , Pt Cruiser , Bed , Pt , End , Slippers , Guns , Doctors , Smile , Struggle , 100000 , Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Emily , Patio , Facelift , Practice , Setting Trends , Stop Waiting , Brows , Wax Museum , Customer Demand , Customers , Network , Take A Look , Love , Animal Video , Fruit , Picnic Table , Eating , J Jesse S Bear News , Squash , Looks , Me I Don T Eat Fruit , Watermelon , Season , Dragon Fruit , Mango , Cantaloupe , Sports Corner , Pi Pup , Baseball Playoffs , Smart , Rey Hit A Home Run , Dog , Judge , Lunatic , Series , Beach , News , Tiki , Towel , Tale , Oregon , Pep Talk , Sky , Pigeon A , Watch , Couldn T Fly , Coda , Koda , Safe Driving , Boy , Message , Come On , Poke , Dog Barking , Drive , Cell Phone , Messaging , Text , Driver S License , Heartache , Dance Floor Heartache , Dance Floor , Mind , Me Wandering Mike , Whatever , Segment Deals , Quagmire , Bret Baier A Shooting At Birmingham Hospital , Ohio Train Disaster , East Palestine , Burning Man Festival , Biden , Politician , Intention , Policies , Nevada Desert ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

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control and of course, your favorite, fan mail. of course -- first, one of our favorite segments, we get to talk about all of the funny stories. here's a look back at some of the best. >> research shows dudes are forming tight bonds with one another, having a heartfelt conversation and expressing their feelings like never be before. >> greg: i feel like i'm going to shut up, this is so fake. and guys don't say that to each other unless they are so wasted. >> to that point, this is something and i think we have discussed this before but it is irritating when you watch your partner to get information from their guy friends so they are going out and they come back and they have nothing to say. what about his divorce? i don't know anything. yeah. are you crying? >> no, i was laughing. i love crying. i'm crying all over, man. greg, kissed me. >> greg: you have the most portable phase. >> some schools in canada are bringing up mandatory cursive writing. i want everybody at the table to please write out "the five." >> jeanine: "the five"? >> turn it over. [laughter] >> robert louis. >> that is pretty good. >> nice penmanship. >> what were you sick thinking the exercise was about, exclamation point? >> greg: i was going to write something dirty about you. >> i think we are all old enough to have one this contest -- >> that is a closed -- >> look at my f. >> her teeth does not work. >> taylor swift's concert should be an unforgettable night for devoted swifties but unfortunately some, remember it all too well. numerous fans report experiencing post concert and they should. it is a rare phenomenon where an excessive surge of excitement renders them unable to recollect specific details of the concert. have you had that happen to you, greg? >> greg: yes. have you ever been so ecstatic that you forget where you are? it happens every time i run into larry kudlow and the law. especially when he is shirtless. >> jeanine: yes, okay. >> dana: i was interested in this because i don't understand how that could happen. thankfully, i have a pretty good memory. i live in fear that i'm going to lose it. i imagine paying that much for a ticket in the not remembering it. that will be careful. >> jeanine: a lot of these kids, $3,000 for the ticket. so excited. they are like in a state of shock. >> if they wanted to give me a ticket, i will remember. american couples are getting a slim divorce. >> i don't snore, so that is not a problem. she steals covers. i still have back, so we are even. she is making me put my alarm in the bathroom and then she does not like the bathroom area, door opens. she makes me go and then i can't hear it because the doors cl closed. >> and you just put it and that is too loud. so that is a real issue with the marriage right now. >> jeanine: if you let her have the covers, maybe you wouldn't have to deal with that. >> there's plenty of covers to win around, judge. >> greg: there is. >> jesse: i knew there was someone in there. >> dana: it is the foam and can you turn that off? and if you are scrolling through instagram and it starts playing horrible music. that has happened once. >> i got a french bulldog. that snores like a rest home of carnival crowns. it is just like -- i mean, the noises that come out of a french bulldog or straight out of a warner bros. cartoon. it is like -- [laughter] people know this if you have one. you will hear this insane noise and you don't even know what orifice it is coming from. >> they can now add org into their summer road trip list. as they will be ending its 72-year ban on self-service gasoline. that lives good old new jersey is the state of the union that requires gate waiting on a gas station attendants to do the job. some people who love new jersey. you love having your pump? >> i'm perfectly comfortable with new jersey keeping this policy. i love having a little chat when we are getting our car filled up. >> greg: i think it is great to pump your own gas. it makes you feel like you know something about cars. you get up there. you feel good twisting the cap off and then you pull the lever and you light up a cigarette. [laughter] and you take it in. sometimes i will just be smoking and just filling up a car and then i just -- when i'm done, i just toss the cigarette, hop in the car and off i go. jesse, you should love self-service because you get to get out and it is a chance for people to recognize you. country you know what i do. when i do it -- >> jesse: you know what i do. when i do it myself, i stand with my back and i have the reverse grip. i look out. [laughter] i just look out. he can't see it there. >> greg: do you ever offered to pay for people's gas? >> jesse: do you? >> greg: all the time. >> jesse: you are live. >> getting rid of stuff and she has given up on tidying up after the birth of her third child." my home is messy. the way i'm spending my time is the right way for me at this time and this stage of my life. >> i'm kind of a fan. about the work. i liked it. i love to clean a closet. i'm in quite a mood right now. i will give it everything i have in my house. i am really good. i have no sentimentality at all. it is out of here. i will take a picture of it for you. you can look at it later but i think what happened is she is such a perfectionist that at some point, perfectionists have to figure out a way to let some of there and now she has a third child. it sounds like she maybe had either a friend talk to her or a therapist talked to her and she is like, it is okay for me to allow my house to be a little bit messy and good for her because that sparks joy in a different way. >> jeanine: i did it is great. you make a decision to have three children, that is very much a full-time job and a half. i would be -- i would be taking care of the kids and trying to be as neat as you can. >> let me tell you how many books she has sold. if she wants to hire help, she will have plenty of money to do that. >> jesse: what men are really good at is focusing on one thing at a time. >> jeanine: that is why. >> greg: your hands? >> jesse: and then we move. once we are in that zone, we are all in. we can't be doing -- [laughter] talking about it around the house. >> jeanine: every woman juggles a lot of that. you are working the background and you are cooking dinner. the dogs wanted to go outside. then. then you or think about what you're going to do in the morning and then you have the laundry going and now you know the laundry has stopped and you get it -- i mean, give me a break? >> do you agree with jesse? >> jeanine: no, this guy is 88. he is a guy. >> this is from a man. the wall street journal has an article on whether pop callers are cool? >> if you think about it, the jacket that you wear, the overcoat or the rain slicker, you can pop at that and it still looks good. so what is wrong with apollo. >> greg: there are only three people that can pop a color. james dean, fonzie, and dracula. you are not fonzie, you are not james dean. you are almost a vampire because you saw, the blood out of every issue. >> jeanine: and you left out elvis. you, i think it is pretentious. >> jesse: okay you think it is pretentious. [laughter] >> greg: she died her poodle pink? >> jeanine: at least i did not up a collar. >> jessica: i think jesse pulls it off well. [laughter] >> is it cute to wear a collar? >> no. [laughter] >> dana: so much more to. up next, our favorite debates at the office. stay with us. ♪ ♪ my name's dan and i live here in san antonio, texas. my wife magda and i have been married for 39 years. about three or four years ago, i wasn't feeling as if i was as sharp as i used to be. i wanted to try something that was over-the-counter. i saw the prevagen commercials. after a short amount of time taking prevagen, i started noticing a difference-- that i'm remembering this, i'm remembering that. i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. i feel as if it's brought me back to the good 'ol days. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. 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[laughter] >> "the five." >> jesse: what if work life balance is a good thing? what is being a workaholic is not what it is all cracked up to be, dana? >> greg: it does not really take much to pretend you are a go-getter. people have this idea that you have to work hard. you don't. you just show up. you get your nice little hair and your time. you show up on time. >> jesse: i just got here. i was doing errands all day. >> jessica: people do need to work and part of what is going on here as baby boomers make a ton of money. but they also did not retire. the normal chain of command is not happening. so -- right. and so a lot of people and i'm not saying there are not issues with wanting to avert a full week. i get it. millennials and gen z's have different ideas in terms of, you know. >> greg: judge just flipped me off. >> jessica: something was happening and i was trying to go along. baby boomers involved. >> i think the best way for colleagues to bond and to develop friendships is if they have success at work. so if there's a goal that the company is trying to reach and everyone works together to get there and you when the business or even finish the job or you win the case, and then you go out and you party afterwards, that is when you bond. >> greg: and then you don't talk about it. >> jeanine: we don't want to go out and have to discuss things about work. the whole point of going out, with people that you work with is not to discuss work. is to find maybe a common ground in your social life and to have fun and laugh and see them in a different life and actually we did that last night for the five. and i hear you were dancing all night, harold. >> harold: if i could stay up all night, probably would. jen's years are staking -- taking a stance against after were drinks. the new york post talking to workers in their 20s who refused to socialize on -- "healthy work life boundaries." >> dana: one of the great ways to enhance your possible career attainment is to socialize a little bit with people that you work with because you never know what you might be thought of for the next opportunity. and then the other thing is you should figure out a way to maybe -- you could beat somebody at the office. >> two and five employees will sniffle and cough around the office just to prove to their coworkers that they are actually another weather instead of just taking a sick day. have you done that recently? >> jeanine: no, but i will tell you what, they do it. does that mean i did it? they do it to prove to the people they really are sick. you don't want people to think you are just lazy and say, oh, eat candy, dark chocolate. >> greg: the sixth day is what they call getting your botox. because your face is swollen. you can't come in. >> you get botox? >> greg: with this beautiful face? i would not touch this. >> dana: up next, highlights from some of our favorite moments on the climate crus crusaders. when our "best of the five" special returns. ♪ ♪ it's like, no matter how hard i tried, math didn't make sense. we see it far too often. students get stuck in a cycle and they can't break out of it. my teacher got me started on acellus gold, and any time i struggled it would tell the teacher and we worked through it together. acellus gold gives educators a way to address learning gaps even from previous levels, so that students can begin to experience success and get back on track. from our perspective, teachers constitute the bedrock of learning within our schools. our job at a acellus is to empower the teachers so they in turn can reach the students. i had a student who had completely given up on math and he's starting to believe in himself again, and now he's succeeding. i realized that even though i learn differently, i have the power to learn. seeing students regain their self-esteem inspire me as a teacher. it impacts the parents. it's transformed our school. and that's the power of the acellus effect. we, the first generation of moms to lose our kids to social media, are sick of waiting. for 25 years, there's been no new laws protecting kids online. while our children are dying. we can pass the kids online safety act. join us. join us. join us. join us. ♪ let's lead the way. we're traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? 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i mean, you know, let's say that you are someone who is passionate about, i don't know, animals or you are passionate about this issue or that issue. why are these lunatics always the ones who are destroying property and paintings and damaging things? what, what? is there something in their brain that makes them do this? they are mad. i think that the climate movement is so based on fear and not reality that we all want a clean earth. with all also want to have logic to realize that we are not -- not going to cut it just yet. we need advances in technology. we are working on that to give people a slow ramp to it rather than trying to do it all at once. >> it is so absurd. every time i see it, i think it is fake that it can actually be that there are people destroying these works of art or even attempting to mess with them. completely -- everyone -- the lions —-dash better than destroying a monet or they did a van gogh. >> van gogh. >> greg: they know how to play the media. they want the attention we provided so the more we play their stuff, the better it is for him. there are ambulances trying to get somewhere. ththere are people trying to get to work. there needs to be an exemption for people in cars to get out, grab these idiots and hurled them into the bushes and if need be, hold them down, take off their pants, throw them into the lake so they can't go anywhere and then get back in your car because we can do that at a baseball game. we can do that -- may be not take off their pants. >> that was just for fun. >> greg: that was just for fun. >> the author of this actually working out are basically zero. people just get annoyed if you are in other countries like in italy, where people got out of their cars and picked protesters off of the road and move them out of the way so they could get on with their day. the climate crisis is real and that it is important to be addressing. but when you use terms like it is a civil rights movement or you are talking about the suffragists, everyone who knows anything about this, their eyes glaze over, roll your eyes. >> jeanine: if the sun does not shine, if they want to lower the global temperature and block the sun, i'm depressed. >> greg: yeah. it is terrible. >> jeanine: i'm looking outside and i'm saying to myself, it is getting lighter. thank god i'm starting to feel good. we feel good. we feel positive. we had a pandemic. we were lock down. we were masks. they just take vaccines and now they want us to live in a dark world. i'm not into dark worlds. >> yes. >> jesse: we have not even installed a single electric car charging station and we think we're going to pressed into orbit. but intergalactic ray band that is going to just go like this and keep us -- you can even build sunscreen that lasts for longer than three hours. and you know what, greg? that scientists, let's sit this one out. it is kind of watch the wuhan gain of function. stay in your lane. work on cancer. we will deal with the sun. >> jeanine: i'm not going to eat bugs to save the planet. i would rather not eat. enough of this nonsense. they want to promote that as a way to save the planet. i'm sick of saving the planet. >> jessica: it means more innovation. >> dana: innovation leads to great technologies that will help you power were people there in their homes so that they can have the air-conditioning that they need and what the infrastructure bill should do is take a look and say, what do we need do to be -- reinforce and adapt to make sure that we can deal with this not just by saying that energy companies should go bankrupt and go away and we should get rid of all of those jobs about to say, what is the smart way to deal with this and there's literally nobody on the left talking that way. >> harold: everybody is so comfortable being in the pocket, and that they don't want to say, you are right about this but i'o but you may not be right about this. let's figure out ways in which to figure out how we build a new grid in texas and across the southwest but how do we provide more -- how do we provide more investments to your point about innovations to help create more energy, and re-surprise here in our country. it reminds me of when some democrats like to say the cashless bail is working. they are on. those putting themselves submitting themselves were trying to glue themselves to the ground at airport, they do nothing for the cause but basically make angry those on both sides. i get it. if that anger translates into us wanting to sit down and figure out how we reach some, common ground here, that it is good. but i'm not sure that does it. >> greg: 90% of all wildfires are started by humans. campfires left unattended, burning of debris, discarded cigarettes, equipment malfunctions, and get this, and allow people in california know this, concerning the homeless. one in four wildfires are caused by arson. people start them because they are mentally ill. and you are right that we have advocated real forest management and so there's a lot more to bring and that is why insurance companies are -- i love the haze. it is the best thing to come from canada since jason priestley. first, it is really hard to see what is going on on the street and when you live in new york, that is a good thing. [laughter] you got a junkies shooting up. you have the homeless defecating. all of that is obscured by that magnificent haze and the air is so thick it can slow down bullets. so it helps. when you are on the street, and caught in a crossfire which is now often. you are right about the apocalypse. your city needed an airborne environment that match its current state of despair. you already have -- it is like the road where your you already got the gangs. that range street maniacs, filthy streets. he just needed the toxic icing on this crusty cadaverous cake. this is as hazy as he rolled's dorm room in college. >> harold: oh! >> jeanine: up next, we will look back at another one of our favorite topics. tipping. when our "best of the five" special returns. ♪ ♪ more shopping? you should watch your spending honey. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ tonight is going to be a jailbreak ♪ >> welcome back to the "best of the five" special. it is no secret my friends love to tease me about my to -- tipping habits but here's a look at some of our favorite tipping segments. >> i got an order for mcdonald's and the dude is right across the street right here. i don't get it. he could just walk across the street and get his own meal. people these days, bro. >> jesse: the driver got a generous ten-dollar tip. >> the shorter the delivery, the higher the tip pictures to make yourself a little bit better. >> greg: i had a delivery from a nice restaurant across the street because i can't be bothered to put on clothes an outside and it is nice and it is like -- and also, i'm helping the economy. >> you put on clothes and the delivery person comes? >> greg: it depends. sometimes i will be in a satin shorty robe depending if i have any barry white. >> harold: we learn things about credit cards and now learning greg's naked -- >> a want to say it is a nice house for five dollars. >> you're welcome. >> jeanine: the problem is we are all afraid to not to because you're going to be called out by huber or somebody else. -- uber or somebody else. but these people think, i mean, they see the world according to the social media and all the good stuff and they are like, i should be able to get more than that and they demand more tips and 25% on $20 is absurd. and you know what, he should lose his job. >> greg: it should be about the distance. if a guy is driving 10 miles to your place and for $20 thing, 25% of that is five bucks. it is not can to pay for his gas. you have to do it on the amount of effort that goes into it. if you have $130 meal, you should take the same, which is 10. >> want to be able to pay for the guy's gas. maybe it is 15 bucks. if you are in the suburbs, that is what you should know. >> also for the driver, you don't know who ordered the food. what if it is a cleaner who was working at the house or a babysitter? this is -- >> this is a tough one because if you go out to eat a lot, which people who live in cities tend to do, you always leave a 20% tip and you can feel good about that if it is fantastic service, 25%, even if the service is not fabulous, you still leave 20% because there's an acknowledgment that servers have a tougher life than you do if you're going out on a monday, trust me, you can avoid to do that. i totally agree about the distance issue. the weather as well when i hear the stories about the torrential downpour and people are giving the same that they would if it was a sunny day. >> dana: i love having a little chat when we are getting our car filled up. >> jesse: you talk to them? >> dana: yes. and you know what, excited, too. i tip well. yes, i do. >> jeanine: yes. >> yes, you're supposed to tip. >> jeanine: that is what jesse is saying. >> dana: yes. >> jeanine: yes, tip. german because someone is doing nice. >> they are doing a job. >> stop it, jesse. >> jesse: q-tip five bucks. >> jeanine: it depends on how much gas i got at least. >> jesse: and least? you guys are over tipping. >> if you give someone who is working pumping gas a tip, they are definitely people who, one, could use that money and will use it wisely because they work hard. >> jesse: all right, i will start tipping these guys. [laughter] >> i hate this, the public tipping thing. >> greg: is it the great larceny of 2022? weren't tipping george the first thing taken when people were stealing show -- so they couldn't -- because there's a lot of money in those tip jars. i think that was easy pickens. so -- and i agree with what you said in the green room that we should be cutting off the hands of shoplifters. >> some -- nothing is sacred. >> jeanine: they do that in egypt. >> jesse: does the to count if they don't see it putting in the tip jar? and you make eye contact with the breeze to. in sumter's u-turn and go, josh. >> take it back? if it is your regular place, sure. >> jeanine: jesse, i am worried about you. all right. is it my turn? >> dana: if you want. >> jeanine: what is interesting is the baristas are not on board with the new system. >> jessica: who wouldn't feel uncomfortable? >> jeanine: i wouldn't think they feel less uncomfortable than me. i got to add a tip. i feel bad. when i go up to pick up something, why do i have to the tip? >> jessica: that is a question if you leave anything. >> jesse: you believe a dollar. >> jeanine: no, jesse! >> jesse: and think for a cup of coffee, you add a custom one dollar to. vincent's. >> jessica: if you order she was pickup. >> jeanine: if you order it does. >> jesse: if it is a place i go to her, no. [laughter] if it is not a place i go to, no. >> jessica: okay. >> jesse: i think it is genius that i did not think of this. you, take a moral failing and consider it a medical condition that can't be discriminated against. this is brilliant. >> greg: you should have tipping blindness. >> jesse: i am generosity deficient. >> greg: yes, you are tip blind. >> jesse: it is like taking a hostage, sitting there trying to be a human and they are staring you that in the eyeballs while you are looking at the 30%. you don't have to do it. >> jeanine: what do you do, jesse? >> jesse: note tip, while you look them in the eye. sometimes i do it and i go slow. >> harold: slow motion. >> jeanine: and then you call them a name? >> jesse: like you? >> jesse: up next, our favorite fan mail questions and the be best -- when the "best of the five" special continues. ♪ ♪ acellus courses for parents independently homeschooling their children. our complete k through 12 homeschool program includes courses in math, science, social studies, reading and language arts. it also includes electives such as music, 3d printing and programing. power homeschool has really transformed our child's experience and allows her to work at her own pace. visit our website at power homeschool dot org to learn more and start your child's educational journey. ♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back. you are in for a a treat. it is time for a best of fan mail. let's watch. ♪ ♪ what sucked as a kid but is awesome as an adult? dana? >> dana: naps. >> greg: naps. good answer. >> jeanine: that was good. >> dana: i did not know, because i took one today. >> greg: that is a family feud. >> dana: i remember being at an airport and this little kid was being a real jerk to his parents. he was about five years old and they said, you are going to have to take a nap. and i was like, i would love for some want to tell me that. >> harold: church and faith for me. i did not like it as a kid. but it is now much more —-dash. >> greg: you are running for president. [laughter] the church gets better with age. would you rather go to jail for one year or go to jail and get released when you figure out a rubik's cube? >> jeanine: rubik's cube. >> greg: definitely? how long do you think it would take? >> jeanine: six months. [laughter] >> greg: you have been kidnapped. two hours later, you are returned because you can't stop talking about -- jesse? yourself? >> jesse: myself. [laughter] i mean, well, you make -- >> greg: you made the kidnapper's sake of a topic. >> jesse: i don't think i talk too much but i think of all the people in this table, i'm probably the least annoying. maybe herrill. he does not talk about. >> jeanine: are we on? >> greg: what was your first magazine subscription? that is an interesting question. i bet people don't know what that is anymore. >> jeanine: didn't you just ask me? >> greg: i said pay attention pickup go to you first. >> jeanine: 17. >> greg: how old were you? >> jeanine: 16. i wanted to be 17. >> jessica: this is completely true. that was my first magazine subscription. >> greg: and here i thought you would say "a boy's life." i never understood that book, magazine, a boy's life. >> that was before my time. >> greg: what is the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you. i had a good first grade teacher. forced me to write. that was lucky because i did not really grow that much after that. there was no athletics scholarships for me. yeah. >> jesse: now we are lucky because you know how to write. >> greg: exactly, we have come full circle. yes. and viewers are lucky. the movie that traumatized me the most as a child and this would be easy, dana? >> dana: my parents never let us watch rated r movies or horror movies and i went up to a slumber party and they played "carry." >> greg: yeah. >> dana: i have never seen anything like that. i remember the moment like they were yesterday and if you saw that, you are traumatized. >> greg: what is your most unbelievable yet true story about being late? >> harold: i was late for a wedding back in november of 2004. i get seated next to a woman who i married four years later. >> wow! >> i love that. >> greg: you get divorced and then married again. what character from a movie, you play perfectly, dana? >> dana: election? crazy slick was mine, too. >> mine as well. >> greg: "election" is a great movie. >> dana: underrated or under watch. >> greg: matthew broderick. who was your biggest idol growing up? judge idol? >> jeanine: you are going to last. charlton heston. >> greg: that was mine. i was -- >> jeanine: no, i had [indistinct] >> greg: i will put a different one. i had "the planet of the apes" dolls. the things i did with that doll. >> oh, come on! >> greg: i used to play games with it, you per verts. i don't think purchase needs to be -- what that did you fall for that maybe you put money into it? >> jesse: are used to cinch up the ends of my pants and roll them up all tight like that. >> harold: used two courts. >> jesse: shut up, harold. from tennessee, they probably don't even get there. like 30 years behind. >> greg: what hype did you complete fall for anything, jessica? >> jessica: andrew cuomo. >> greg: nice, and you are honest. that is a good way of -- >> jeanine: that is. >> greg: judge? >> jeanine: you know what? i got a car. i don't know. it was a car that looked like those cars from the '40s? >> greg: the pt? pt cruiser! >> jeanine: it was not -- >> greg: that is so cute. >> jessica: that is a good one. >> greg: if someone looked under your bed, what would they find? judge? >> jeanine: i don't want to say. >> oh! >> jeanine: okay. guns and slippers. [laughter] that is the end of it. >> greg: that was great, everybody. up next, some of our best "one more things." ♪ ♪ frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. 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(jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) with verizon business, we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) so our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) it's not just a network. it's enterprise intelligence. (vo) learn more. it's your vision, it's your verizon. ♪ ♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." we all love hilarious animal video. take a look back at each of our animals. j jesse's bear news. there it is. we have a bear eating a fruit at a picnic table just like a human. unsure what kind of fruit that is. mango, dragon fruit. >> cantaloupe. >> looks like a watermelon. >> if you look at me i don't eat fruit clearly. >> squash. >> very orange. >> squash is in season. >> i have this. dana's sports corner. baseball playoffs. here you have pepper. and she is a pi pup that can rey hit a home run. look at that so, so smart. i love her. i don't really know what is going on in the rest of the world series. >> judge jeanine: this is how i feel on most friday nights when i run around all week like a lunatic. look at this dog. he is being dragged along the beach. is he hanging on to a towel. he is not walking. his name is tiki from oregon, as you can see her wagging tale suggests she sees nothing wrong with it and she actually likes it. >> greg: i don't believe can i fly news. this guy trying to give the pigeon a pep talk by singing because it couldn't fly. let's watch. >♪ i believe can i fly ♪ i believe i can touch the sky >> come on, come on. good boy. [dog barking] >> oh, no. >> the poke county sheriff's office has employed a dog named koda to help save a message about safe driving. >> coda is not looking at her cell phone. she is not looking at her driver's license. she is not being reckless. she is just being cool. >> very smart messaging from coda. don't text and drive and maybe one day you will be as cool as little coda. >> dana: that's it for us for this best of "the five" special. have great night and we'll see you tomorrow ♪ she was a heartache on the dance floor ♪ heartache on the dance floor ♪ through my mind ♪ i got to know her name ♪ i got to see her ♪ she got me wandering ♪ >> mike: good evening welcome to washington i'm mike emanuel in for bret baier a shooting at a birmingham hospital. our whatever happened to segment deals with the east palestine, ohio train disaster. and the quagmire at the burning man festival in the nevada desert. a president who has always fancied himself a big labor politician touting economic policies on this labor day along with his intention to keep on doing his job. president biden was in philadelphia

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, Break , Wall Street Journal , 88 , Rain Slicker , Overcoat , Jacket , Color , James Dean , Apollo , Fonzie , Dracula , Blood , Saw , Vampire , Elvis , Collar , Least , Poodle , Jessica , Up Next , Us , Stay , Debates , My Name , Dan , Texas , San Antonio , Prevagen , Amount , Over The Counter , Commercials , Wife , Difference , Magda , 39 , Four , Applause , Prescription , Stores , Implants , Clearchoice , Consultation , Confidence , Good , Flash My , Small Business Wouldn T , Innovation Refunds , Opinion , Cost , Erc , Tax Refund , Coughs , Go , Walls Gotta , Skin Tags , Small Business , Step , Skin , Dr , Breakthrough , Treatment , Remover , Fashion , Ella , Scholl S , Fda , Jen , Operations , Level , Production , Agility , Efficiencies , Vision , Vo , 5g Network , Verizon , Enterprise Intelligence , Marquis , Devie Duckduckgo , Fo , Blocks Cooi , Ads , Companie , Pi , Engine , Searchs , Google , Chrome , Doesn T Spy , Built N , Privacy , Devices , Catch , Millions , Duckduckgo , Fre , Work Ethic , College Grads , Office Talk Topics , F , Nine , 9 , Spaces , Employees , Distaste , New York Times , 1300 , 2 , Terms , Lunchboxes , Times , Lunch Box , Points , Return To Office Park , Colleagues , Everything , Comments , Open Plan Office , Conversations , Listening , Inflation , Page , Plan , Offices , Plumber Working From Home , Forth , Open Plan , Bloomberg , West Wing , Toilet , Wouldn T , Plumbing , Plumber , Zoom Snake , Zoom , Tran14 Covid , Pajamas , Airports , Supermarkets , Collaborative , Home Employees , Martha , Coworkers , Human Brain , Nerves , Sounds , Plans , Buzz , Offenders , Stack , Kid , Desk , Staff , Second , Dead End , Fam , Eight , Family , Work Life Balance , Mentality , Workaholic , Idea , Go Getter , Hair , Part , Baby Boomers , Chain , Command , Millennials , Ton , Gen Z , Ideas , Business , Success , Friendships , Goal , Company , Case , Things , Bond , Ground , Workers , Harold , Against , Drinks , Stance , Staking , New York Post , 20 , Ways , Bit , Career Attainment , Work Life Boundaries , Opportunity , Weather , Somebody , Two , Dark Chocolate , Face , Botox , Highlights , Best Of The Five , Special Returns , Climate Crus Crusaders , Students , Teacher , Acellus Gold , Matter , Cycle , Math Didn T Make Sense , Teachers , Levels , Educators , Perspective , Learning , Track , Learning Gaps , Bedrock , Student , Math , Power , Turn , Parents , School , Self Esteem , Acellus Effect , Generation , Moms , Social Media , Waiting , Laws , Sick , Kids Online Safety Act , 25 , Heart , Hearts , Ekg , Pads , Fingers , Kardiamobile , Anywhere , Order , Causes , Atrial Fibrillation , Stroke , Amazon , 30 , 79 , Mike Emanuel , Washington , Special Report Newspaper , First , Fox News , Others , Shooting , Police , Emergency Room , Hospital , Lounge , Birmingham , University Of Alabama Birmingham , Alabama , Concerns , Philadelphia , Attacks , Big Labor , Age , Supporters , Audience , Labor Day Parade , Leonard Zielinski , Removal , Military Jackets , Special Report , Leadership , Minister , Procurement , Scandal , Department , Ukrainian , Zebinski , 6 , Extremists , Eastern , Climate Change , Suffering , Climate Crazies , Human Suffering , Jail , Cleanup , Conviction , Fine , Activists , Animals , I Don T Know , Ones , Paintings , Property , Lunatics , Brain , Climate Movement , Reality , Logic , Earth , Technology , Advances , Ramp , Dash , Works Of Art , Monet , Lions , Van Gogh , More , Attention , Ambulances , Media , Pants , Somewhere , Exemption , Bushes , Idiots , Ththere , Baseball Game , Lake , Road , Protesters , Italy , Climate Crisis , Author , Countries , Zero , Eyes , Civil Rights Movement , Suffragists , The Sun , Temperature , God , World , Vaccines , Pandemic , Clock , Masks , Electric Car , Dark Worlds , Sunscreen , Intergalactic Ray Band , Charging Station , Orbit , Planet , Scientists , Lane , Function , Gain , Bugs , This One Out , Wuhan , Work On Cancer , Innovation , Technologies , Homes , Nonsense , Air Conditioning , Energy Companies , Infrastructure Bill , Being , Nobody , Jobs , Left , Pocket , Grid , Innovations , Energy , Let , Figure , Re Surprise , Investments , Airport , Democrats , Bail , Cause , Wildfires , Humans , Danger , Sides , 90 , Equipment Malfunctions , Homeless , Cigarettes , Debris , Arson , California , Campfires , Haze , Insurance Companies , Forest Management , Jason Priestley , Street , Junkies , Homeless Defecating , Crossfire , Bullets , City , Apocalypse , The Street , Environment , Estate , Despair , Filthy Streets , Icing , Gangs , Range Street Maniacs , Crusty Cadaverous Cake , College , Tipping , Dorm Room , Liberty Mutual , Spending Honey , Shopping , Car Insurance , Mom , Phone , Switching , Reminder , 00 Dollars , 700 , Pay , Dad , Ohhhhhh , Erosion , Cavities , Defense , Shield , Pronamel , Product , Gamechanger , Nutrition , Mission , Enamel , Patients , Support Immune , Nutrients , Protein , Muscle , Heart Health , Minerals , Vitamins , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , Friends , Jailbreak , Secret , Meal , Dude , Tipping Segments , Habits , Mcdonald S , Note Tip , Delivery , Pictures , Bro , Ten , Clothes , Person , Restaurant , Economy , Want , Robe , Credit Cards , Satin Shorty , Naked , Barry White , Five Dollars , Somebody Else , Huber , Distance , Tips , 0 , 10 , Place , Same , 25 , Effort , Five Bucks , 130 , Cleaner , Suburbs , Food , Babysitter , Bucks , 15 , 15 Bucks , Service , Cities , Servers , Downpour , Acknowledgment , Trust Me , Stop It , German , Q Tip , Pumping Gas , Jesse , The Public Tipping Thing , Who , Larceny , Couldn T , Tip Jars , Weren T Tipping George , 2022 , Room , Shoplifters , Egypt , Go , Eye Contact , Tip Jar , Breeze , U Turn , Josh , Sumter , System , Baristas , Question , Dollar , Coffee , Cup , One Dollar , Pickup , Vincent S , Condition , Failing , Human , Hostage , Tipping Blindness , Eyeballs , Tip Blind , Generosity Deficient , Name , Eye , Slow Motion , Questions , Courses , Social Studies , Program , Science , Language Arts , Reading , 12 , 3d Printing , Electives , Website , Programing , Journey , Power Homeschool , Space , Experience , Dot Org , 3 , Aa Treat , Family Feud , Adult , Answer , Nap , Jerk , Church , Faith , Rubik S Cube , Six , Topic , Sake , Kidnapper , Maybe Herrill , Didn T , Magazine , Subscription , Pay Attention Pickup , People Don T , 17 , A Boy S Life , 16 , Grade , Book , Athletics , Full Circle , Movie , Most , Viewers , Movies Or Horror , Slumber Party , Story , Wedding Back , 2004 , November Of 2004 , Election , Slick , Character , Idol , Matthew Broderick , Charlton Heston , Indistinct , Planet Of The Apes , Purchase , Dolls , Doll , Verts , Games , Tennessee , Ends , Courts , Shut Up , Andrew Cuomo , 40 , Pt Cruiser , Bed , Pt , End , Slippers , Guns , Doctors , Smile , Struggle , 100000 , Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Emily , Patio , Facelift , Practice , Setting Trends , Stop Waiting , Brows , Wax Museum , Customer Demand , Customers , Network , Take A Look , Love , Animal Video , Fruit , Picnic Table , Eating , J Jesse S Bear News , Squash , Looks , Me I Don T Eat Fruit , Watermelon , Season , Dragon Fruit , Mango , Cantaloupe , Sports Corner , Pi Pup , Baseball Playoffs , Smart , Rey Hit A Home Run , Dog , Judge , Lunatic , Series , Beach , News , Tiki , Towel , Tale , Oregon , Pep Talk , Sky , Pigeon A , Watch , Couldn T Fly , Coda , Koda , Safe Driving , Boy , Message , Come On , Poke , Dog Barking , Drive , Cell Phone , Messaging , Text , Driver S License , Heartache , Dance Floor Heartache , Dance Floor , Mind , Me Wandering Mike , Whatever , Segment Deals , Quagmire , Bret Baier A Shooting At Birmingham Hospital , Ohio Train Disaster , East Palestine , Burning Man Festival , Biden , Politician , Intention , Policies , Nevada Desert ,

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