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Pete there we go. [cheers] were having fun. Why not . You know, guy oh, they are still cheering. [cheers and applause] pete somebody get these people some food. Were going to talk to the chef in a moment. They have been very patient. This place doesnt normally open until 10 00, guys. They have been here since 5 00. Kitchen is firing up. We will be talking to the chef in a moment. It wasnt a strike, dr. Saphier. It of i know you are disappointed it was a spare. Nicole i do expect more from you, pete. I really do. At least you got the spare. I dont know swlawltd done with yourself if you didnt get that. Griff are you in a bowling lead . That was a strong spare. Pete no. The lane is 20 feet long this is a Junior Bowling league. Nicole dont dampen it down you made it look good. Pete good to see you both. Griff looking like a stud. I have to issue a section dr. I have been called out. I attributed the song manic monday when we opened at 6 to belinda carlisle. She was part of the gogos not the bangles. So i stand corrected. I cant bowl or get 80s music correct. Pete how dare you. Nic thick it is a beautiful monday morning on this labor day. Im a little jealous that were not down there with you. You seem like you have a great crowd, pete. Pete you should be. Nicole its wonderful. Griff we have a story that we want to share with your. [applause] griff there is the crowd. There it is. Pete they agree with you. They love griff, too. Griff share this with everybody in nashville and everybody watching on labor day. That is a border story shocking for the guy who covers the border. Tijuana, the mayor there has put a slab of the actual berlin wall near the border. You are looking at that now as a, quote. Lesson to the u. S. It comes as socalled Sanctuary Cities struggle, including in new york where nicole and i are, are where 41 migrants have reportedly been arrested that the Roosevelt Hotel since may and Staten Island resident pushing to secede. Why in the world is tijuanas mayor putting a slab of the Berlin Historical wall there . Well, he tells us. Listen. Most Staten Island elected officials believe we would have a better government no matter which party leads us as long as we have a sane person who actually represents our own community making decisions. We shouldnt be surprised that we see people now protesting, wherever these migrant shelters are popping up. This was going to be a woke experiment by the Adams Administration here in the city. And we were going to virtue signal and just make everyone feel so good about how well we were taking care of these migrants. Now we have a situation thats unsustainable to to say the least and outright dangerous is probably a more accurate description of it. This guy hit the trifecta. He got the benefits of bail reform, Sanctuary Cities, and open borders. He has hit the lot dough of Democratic Party policy. Griff thats Congressman Joe Borelli in new york upset about the migrants here. The mayor a full screen of him trying to explain why in tiawain that, how many families have shed blood, labor and lives to get past the wall. The conflict is different than the berlin wall but its a wall at the end of the day. And a wall is always a sphinx that divides and bloodies nations. I dont know, pete, what your viewers there in that diner would think about this, but i just simply dont think that the mayor of tijuana, one of the Great Southern cities there that we have a lot of Cross Border Trade is doing anything positive to deal with what is a humanitarian and a National Security crisis. No, i mean, that statement is nonsense. I do recall the berlin wall separated a country, flight it was east and west germany that was divided up after world war ii. And very different conditions on both sides and that wall fell down when the soviet june fell down and thats a good thing. Totally different from a sovereign nation of the United States of america. Desiring to have a delineation between the chaos south of the border. A different country and our own people that we seek to protect with, as donald trump said, big golden doors. You want to come into the United States, go through a legal port of entry. Go throughs process. But, walls are necessary to keep our own people secure. He knows that griff, you know that they all know that. This is a political statement meant to get some headlines which has worked. Now we are dealing with the ramifications. You played that joe borelli soundbite. You know the hotel that they are talking about, the Roosevelt Hotel in new york city. Its only a few blocks from our headquarters. It used to be a beautiful hotel. Now its overrun by illegals. They have arrested 41 illegals since may most of which desk abuse and child abuse. This is the humane approach to the border . They are saying we should tear the walls down . This is abject failure for our country and obviously terrible for joe biden and sang the area cities thankfully nashville not a sanctuary city. [applause] pete they are dealing with it and their citizens are dealing with it. Maybe it will be held to account at some point for the lunacy of these policies. So far not yet. Nicole griff, pete makes a a good point the berlin wall was to keep people in unwillingly against their will. This is very different. The histrionics on this is political posturing. Does sound good a World Without walls. That checks all the right emotional boxes. When you actually look at the pragmatic truths like borelli laid out shall essentially that you are who is going to fund healthcare, education, safety, and all of the other concerns that come with an outpouring of Illegal Immigrants across the border. There is a safe and clear path to legal migration for the United States and that is what we need to continue to promote but as we are seeing all across the nation, we cannot keep having people coming across the border. We dont know where they are going and we are seeing these scenes pop up especially in new york city where you have people on the streets, lots of arrests happening and they are taking up a lot of spaces and really transforming in a negative way a lot of these cities. Coming up later in the show, we have ken cuccinelli, former dhs Acting Secretary he will be here to talk more on this. Griff another story we are watching and its video. We have seen it before. This one is particularly good. And this is a shop owner completely saying no. Its a jewelry store. You see here the large individual in the black shirt is trying to rob it. And the two other individuals are trying to stop him from robbing their jewelry store. The workers fighting back against this thief who bear sprays them, smashes the store days after california Business Owner protested a new crime bill that would fine them 18,000 if workers try to stop the shoplifters. Its just unbelievable and we have got yet again these videos coming out of people saying we have had simply enough. Now, an unnamed employee telling the local abc channel i heard my uncle screaming like really loud. And that is when i came and i seen that the suspect was hitting him with a hammer to our showcases. Me, my uncle and my dad were tugging him out. I was trying to defend my family. Because as you can see he was hitting my dad and my uncle so i defend and fight back to do my best and he just ran away and you do at the end of the video see the guy running away. Pete amazing. Griff pete, not the first time we have seen these videos and wont be the last. Pete no, it wont. If democrats in california get their way, those store owners will be fine. They will be the ones charged. Not that huge g dude in a Hoodie Wielding a hammer. Thats how upside down california is. These democrats democrat one cities effectively criminalized selfdefense. Not like he pulled a gun. He tried to tackle the guy. Get out of the store. Dont steal my valuable jewelry livelihood for my family. Not trying to inflict undue get out. Yet, they would be the ones charged. That is how upside down this moment is of course effectively. It could at some level end Small Business in california. Not all Small Business will you the ability for businesses to stay open. Protect their merchandise. Is completely compromised. Thats not how hospitals run, doctor, right . You cant just run in and steal stuff out of a hospital . No, you cant. Listen, this is what is going on in the country right now. You have a lot of economic worries. You have the borrowing costs. The rates are skyrocketing. Higher than last 20 years. So you are going to see a rise in shoplifting because people cant afford a lot of their bear necessities and trying to make an income that in turn as you said it hurts the Small Businesses. Small businesses are not going to be able to survive if you keep having shoplifting like this. D. A. S removing the penalties for shoplifting. California alone less than 950. Its petty theft. There is essentially no punishment for it. Essentially encouraging people to go out. They are now passing these laws that the employees cant fight back and part of that is the safety of the employees, i get it. You dont want the employee to put their own life in jeopardy. Who is going to protect those Small Businesses . Griff yeah, pete, what do the diners think about this . Pete its a great point. Who is going to protect those Small Businesses. You know, in a small town, this is nashville that song went viral try that in a small town. Small town where rule of law exists, that cops, security guard, individuals with Second Amendment rights, Business Owners. Elsewhere though maam, whats your name where are you. From rachel from spring hill. And when you look at the crime thats hamp pant in so many of these cities, in your mind, just common sense, why is that happening . I think people are desperate. I mean, they dont have jobs. They dont want to work. They have lost their homes. And i think they are just desperate to do whatever they can to survive and i think it goes awry and a whole lot of occasions and but a lot of them are getting away with it. Thats the hard thing you watch did and you are like, man, there just nothing happening. Pete if there is no consequence it doesnt stop. By the way, see your beer over there starting early. Im impressed. Whats your name . Where are you from . Im david from thomas station. Pete talking about crime and illegal immigration and complications of that. Cities like new york city and nashville based on policy of leaders . Absolutely. California looks like they have subsidized crime. You know, we have got a lot of californians moving in here because of that. I mean, this is everyday you will see california tags here. And part of me say its a different culture things have changed in california. [audio] happen cant take california. Pete cant swing a cat without hitting a californian here. You will see some flashes. Even here there are sharp lines. I know that williamson county, which is where i live is considered one of the most conservative counties in the country. And part of that is not just who they vote for but how often they go to church, things like that and their values. And, yet, in nashville, you start to see more and more liberal influence and then you have pete cities, states and towns but a lot of counties around here still very conservative. Sir, thank you very much. Appreciate it. By the way we are here at the nashville underground, which has some yummy food. We are talking to the chef. Chef, how are you doing . Very good. How are you . Pete thanks for having us. Thanks for coming. Pete are you use dod firing up the ovens this early in the morning. Im not used to be awake this early. This is different. Pete people dom nashville underground, what are your specials . Sure we have been featuring hot chicken longer than anyone on broadway 15 years. We took our time to perfect it. We Just Launched out a new brunch menu this last weekend. We do a nashville style eggs benedict spicy holidays sauce, cheesy hash browns on the side. Full underground breakfast, but berry waffle, sausage, pancake, bacon, eggs any stivment hot chick Chicken Sandwich staple here we have been doing it a long time on broadway. Varied levels of heat. That one is hot. That one is incredibly spicy. Pete nashville is known for hot chicken you have been doing it how long. Longer than anyone on broadway. 5 years. Pete what makes it differential. Our sauce is proprietary underground. We do everything we can inhouse here. Pete there you go when you are in the area, coming out here check out nashville underground. Now you know the chef jp thank you for your time. Thank you so much. Pete smells great, do you want some food. Yeah. Pete they are getting hangry. Get them some food now. Nicole he had me at spicy eggs benedict. Griff i love hot chicken as a fellow ten seen. Turning now to your headlines and this. At least 385 people are still missing almost one month after the deadly maui wildfires which killed 115 people. The fbi is updating the figure one day after hawaiian governor josh green said he had hoped the number had finally dropped to double digits it. Comes as 12,000 residents are forced to live out of hotels and temporary housing after the fire destroyed about 3,000 structures. And ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy is replacing his Defense Minister 18 months into russias invasion. Politician im roof will take over this week. Zelenskyy explaining predecessor went through 550 days of full scale war. I believe that the Ministry Needs New approaches. Both military and with society as a whole. And the star studded los angeles crowd coming out for more messi mania. Prince harry and selena gomez among those spotted in the fans. Of the Soccer Super Star Making Sure Deliver A Hollywood performance. Messi, oh for 2 messi coming through. Mefs is i coming back. Leaving it. Griff messis two assists helping inter miami go to the three goals to one to win over the lafc. Those are your headlines, its really fascinating nicole because i feel like is he playing with like children. Backyard game where you play with kids and actually the professional because he is so good. Nicole i took my kids to see him last weekend when he was in town playing the red bulls and watching him, he is just incredible. I actually like because is he much shorter than the rest of the players. So being a short person myself. Griff you have messi mania. Nicole i think i have a little messi mania. He really is that good. Impressive. He is great. Dont go anywhere. Kathie lee gifford will join us live coming up. Griff first President Bidens economic adviser says real wages are up. Many americans are not buying bidenomics. A mac Throw Trends Adviser and Founding Partner says all you have to do is look at the food and gas prices to know. He is here with us. Hey, man. You ok . Yeah. Any truck can help you make a living. This one helps you build a life. Chevy silverado. The first time you connected your Godaddy Website and your store was also the first time you realized. Well, we can do anything. Cheesecake cookies . 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Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Take a stand, and start a new day with trelegy. Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy, and save at trelegy. Com katie un nicole under President Biden cost of food alone risen 20 . According to advisers americans love bidenomics. Real wages are up. Real wages higher than they were before the pandemic. Especially higher more middle and low wage workers. I have to live in the real world and real history and in the real world wages are beating prices that is a very welcome trend. When someone tells us americans dont like bidenomics its false. Americans approve of the components above 80 . Nicole our next guest says the spin is filled with half truths. Mitch is a Founding Partner with macrotrend advisers. He joins us now to explain. Mitch, when i saw this interview yesterday on fox news sunday, immediately thought of you and could only imagine what your thoughts were on this. So full disclosure, i watched it this morning while shaving and thankfully good thing you are a doctor because i could have cut myself shaving screaming. Real wages are the difference between actual wages, adjusted for inflation. Right . So the rate of inflation, year over year is coming down. But, if you look at cumulative wages. Since biden too close to call office, and adjust that for inflation, people are behind. We would not have a record amount of Credit Card Debt if people were doing so great. We wouldnt have 60 plus percent of americans disproving of the economy. And look at gasoline. Its almost 4 a gallon again. So, i cant understand how jared bernstein, the president s chief economic adviser can say that people are happy with bidenomics. Nicole in the interview he also went on to tout saying that under President Biden 13. 5 million jobs have been brought back to the market. I think 10 million of which, shannon said, is because the covid wo recovery. We also understand that home prices are not affordable. We are going to support low income house credits. How is that good for the long term . No, its not good for the long term. Go job recovery for a second. Biden loves to talk about how he has created more jobs than any other president. The fact of the matter is we just look at this summer, the pails of job growth is actually slowing considerably. We are creating less than 200,000 jobs a month. We need more than 200,000 jobs a month just to keep up with the growth in the population. So, right now, the job market, which has been the only good story in this economy, the job market looks like its starting to teeter. Quickly show a full screen showing what the inflation has been like under President Biden. It has gone up up for the most t going down a little over the summer and starting to tick back up again as summer continues on. Thank you so much, mitch, for breaking this down for us. Appreciate you. Coming up a new poll shows trump is far and away the leader of the 2024 g. O. P. Primary field. And he is picking up some endorsements from rappers. The latest on the rails for the white house. Plus, pete is having breakfast with friends in nashville all morning long, and im extremely jealous. And, coming up Grammy Nominated Christian Music artest tony carnes joins us live with a special performance. You dont want to miss it. L pro. By getting the most out of our deals now. And with lowes pay, its never been easier to shop at lowes. Labor day savings are here. Instore and online. Frustrated by skin tags . Dr. Scholls has the breakthrough youve been waiting for. The first fdacleared athome skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. 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In a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. Most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. And your Vyvgart Treatment Schedule is designed just for you. In a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. Vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. Tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. Vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. Available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as Vyvgart Hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. Additional side effects for Vyvgart Hytrulo may include injection site reactions. Talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. Identified the remariners using d. N. A. Testing. Investigators are still looking into a motive. The suspect did not know the victim. The a giant food market in washington, d. C. Is getting rid of major brands in its beauty and health isles in an attempt to stop shoplifting. Store will replace Household Name brands with store brands. Items removed from shelves to protect the struggling store from shutting down. Giants president saying we want to continue to be able to serve the community but we cant do so at this level of significant loss or risk to our associates that we have today. And popular Fast Food Chains are seeing a 375 rise in Class Action Lawsuits since 2010. Many of those lawsuits accuse chains, including mcdonalds, burger king and taco bell of false advertising. One legal expert asking theres a legal line when is it puffery and when is it deceit . Last mo month refused to suit burger king overstate the amount of meat in what happenner burger and other sandwiches. Those are the headlines. Are you weighing the amount of meat in your Burger King Whopper or taking at face value . Pete its a face value thing, doctor. You know what you are getting a whopper. Maybe its properly cooked. Maybe its big or small, john. I know griff agrees with me. Take it away. Okay. Three time Grammy Nominated sicker whose album Firm Foundation taped during a live worship event right here in his church in nashville. Singer and songwriter cody carnes joins us now cody, thanks for being here. Good to be here. Pete in your backyard. Church a few miles from here. Drove from home this morning. Pete you write and sipping beautiful music. Tell us about most recent song and where it came. From Firm Foundation is the title of the album. I wrote it in the middle of a panic attack. Really having some moments of deep depression, anxiety, for a few weeks. And i woke up one morning and god gave me this song. And it is beautiful how just in the journey of writing the song that morning, the truths in it and the very spirit of god just pulled my heart out of that pit. And really just changed everything. And it comes from matthew 7, jesus is saying at the end of everything he says on the Sermon On The Mount how the Kingdom Of God is the opposite of the kingdom of the world. If you take these truths and apply them to the life you are like a wise man built his house on the rock. Everything will come against you but you cannot fall because you are on a Firm Foundation. That foundation being jesus. I experienced that in a moment that really jesus is the only foundation we can build our lives on. Pete beautiful message. You are exactly right. Im sure folk also check out this song by the way. Firm Foundation Title track. Check it out. You had a big hit before i believe it was called the blessing hundreds of millions of downloads. People really connected to that song as well. That was a song that came right before the pandemic started. We wrote it two weeks before we released it a week before the pandemic to the day. March 7th. And yeah, and so really god just gave us that song right at the perfect time. And it really just encouraged people. It encouraged my wife and i through the pandemic just holding onto the promises of god and getting through that time and, yeah, so very thankful for that. How do you stay grounded, nashville, bright lights, neon lights, Christian Music. Keep that Firm Foundation . Its a daily walk with jesus. And its a l daily recognition f how much i need jesus. And yeah, it just keeps you humble when you realize how really dee dee completed i am and how much i need god to sustain me. Pete amen, you are talking for both of us, brother. Absolutely right will you perform Firm Foundation for us . Sure love to. Take it away. Christ is my Firm Foundation the rock on which i stand when everything around me is shaking ive never been more glad i put my faith in jesus hes never let me down hes faithful through generations so why would he fail now . He wont yeah he wont i know, i know he wont fail he wont fail rain came wind blew but my house was built on you i stayed with you im going to make it through rain came and wind blew but my house was built on you if i stay with you im going to make it through oh im going to make it through because my house is built on you christ is my Firm Foundation the rock on which i stand when everything around me is shaking o, ive never been more glad that i put my faith in jesus because hes never let me down hes faithful through generations so why would he fail now he wont yeah he wont i know that i know he wont fail he wont fail he wont [cheers and applause] pete so well done. Thank you, brother. Amazing. More fox friends in a moment. Dont go anywhere with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your Glucose Level and where its headed. No fingersticks needed. Manage your diabetes with more confidence. Freestyle libre 2. Try it for free at freestylelibre. 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Sure, hes the 76yearold guy who still runs marathons, right . Sadly, not anymore. Wow. So sudden. Um, were not about to have the we need Life Insurance conversation again, are we . No, were having the were getting coverage so we dont have to worry about it conversation. So youre calling about the 9. 95 a month plan from Colonial Penn . I am. We put it off long enough. We are getting that 9. 95 plan, today. jonathan is it time for you to call about the 9. 95 plan . Im jonathan from Colonial Penn Life Insurance company. Sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. If youre age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole Life Insurance starting at just 9. 95 a month. There are no Health Questions so you cant be turned down for any health reason. The 9. 95 plan is Colonial Penns number one most popular whole life plan. Options start at just 9. 95 a month. Thats less than 35 cents a day. Your rate can never go up. Its locked in for life. Call today for free information. And youll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. soft music hello, Colonial Penn . Pete a new Wall Street Journal poll finds former President Trump widening his lead in the 2024 Primary Field with nearly 60 support amongst g. O. P. Voters. This comes as more big name rappers pledge their support to the former president in the wake of his georgia arrest like chief keith, lil pump and band man who even got a at that time to of the former president s mugshot. Looking at this there. Here to react Deputy Editor of restoring america Kaylee Mcghee white. Thank you for joining us. What do you make of the new Wall Street Journal poll that came out that kind of has some in the media scratching their heads why is trump continuing to poll so well and even getting better. It confirms a trend that we have been seeing really over the past year that trump is running away with the g. O. P. Nomination at this point. But what i find important as well is to look at general election polls to look up at these hypothetical matchups between trump and biden. In a recent a. P. Poll found that more than 70 of Republican Voters said that they would support trump in another election. 53 of overallamerican voters, including independents, including is You Bourbon Women said they definitely would not support trump again that same poll asked those voters to describe trump in two words. And they chose corrupt and dishonest. Now, you could argue that this may very well be one of the motivations behind the democrats recent indictments of trump is that they are banking on this idea that independent voters and swing voters wont care so much about the legitimacy of the individual charges against trump so much as they care about the fact that he is being charged in the first place. So, of the goal may very well be to make him unelectability in a general election. Griff kaylee do we have a poll of the Rap Community . I believe he would be even higher there. What do you make of these news that all of these rappers from little fowmp chief, Band Man Kev Kevo is it trumps swagger or more. The black community, in particular, feels akin to trump in the sense that they feel like there is a double standard of justice that is used against them as well. But this is interesting. Because its a part of a bigger realignment that we have been seeing over the past several years, which is that democrats are losing support among the Working Class and among minorities. And they are becoming the party of the rich, white, and educated. Back in 2020. Biden lost 8 Pe Percentage poins among hispanics. Three Percentage Points among blacks compared to Hillary Clinton in 2016. Trump meanwhile gained in both of those kepple graphics. There is no telling what he might be able to do this next time around. Kaylee, whats the path for the Desantis Camp . They were 24 in april now it shows them at 13. Some of their super pacs are pulling money out of states. Where would they go next . What do they do . Tough line to balance attract Trump Supporters without repelling them. Hasnt found a way to get them. Tried to be aggressive against trump to begin with. Didnt help his poll numbers. Now is he not mentioning trump by name anymore. Again, its not doing much for his numbers. He has to find a way to make himself stand out. To sell Republican Voters on what he as an individual can offer and not make this some comp tips of who can outtrump donald trump. Pete going to be tough. I dont see how they do it but they are trying. Kaylee mcghee white, thank you for your time and your insight. Appreciate it. Turn now to few additional headlines. Starting with this one. A minnesota Prison Lifting Emergency Lockdown after 100 inmates refused to return to their cells during a heat wave. The prisoners were reportedly protesting over a modified Cell Release Schedule which limits access to Drinking Water and shower. Officials say the protest was peaceful and no injuries were reported. And its been seven months since the toxic Train Derailment in east palestine, ohio. Joe biden still hasnt visited the area. Why . Because the man who takes 40 of his days on vacation is too busy. Earlier we spoke to a few frustrated residents about the apparent snub from the commanderinchief. I just wanted to see federal support come in to east palestine. Everyone is focused on the economic recovery, the businesses, putting in a new park but nobody is focused on the residents. I just still dont feel comfortable and i dont want to take my kids into something that is obviously biden doesnt even want to show up. So there is obviously some reason as to why he is not coming. Its really frustrating to see him go and say he is too busy for people that literally put him in the office. Pete after the derailment, biden promised to visit the area at, quote some point, when it works for him. Chaos breaking out at the Electric Zoo Musical Festival in new york city. Thousands of Concert Goers rushing through the gates after organizers reveal the venue was at capacity and Ticket Holders would be turned away. You got a ticket but you cant come in. One attendee calling it, quote, the worst experience of his life. Maybe he has had an easy life. This comes as the e zoo called off the first night of the throwday festival on friday just hours before it was set to begin those are your headlines. Lets check in with adam klotz for fox weather forecast. You would be disappointed if you got turned away at the door with a ticket. I would be horribly disappointed. I would disappointed if it started raining at a done setter, too. Can you tell its happening on fox square. I will get this done really quick so i can get back inside before it totally opens up on us. Really the rainiest spot continues to be all of that rain that proved across portions of the desert southwest. A ton of rain in nevada caused all of that flooding. That system is lifting up into the northwest and rockies. One of the wettest spots across the country here on this labor day. Yes, the rain is picking up out here. Sunshine drying out folks out there burning fan festival. Good news for them. Here is what it looks like across the west rest of the country. A lot of spots in the 90s. Warm one. Hopefully get out to the beach and enjoy this labor day. Tossing it back inside to you guys. Griff that festival turning into a dumpster fire. Burning man leaving some 70,000 Stranded In Foot Deep Mud with no working to its. Nicole deals have just begun on fox friends. We will show you how to save 80 on favorite gear coming up next escription. She found it. The feeling of finding the Psoriasis Treatment shes been looking for. Sotyktu is the firstofitskind, oncedaily pill for moderatetosevere Plaque Psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. Its like the feeling of finding your back. Is back. Or Finding Psoriasis cant deny the splendor of these thighs. Oncedaily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. Dont take if youre allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. Sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. Serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. Sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. Tyk2 is part of the jak family. Its not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. Find what Plaque Psoriasis has been hiding. Ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. So clearly you. Sotyktu. Griff griff the Summer Season is coming to an end as we celebrate labor day. Nicole Fear Not Megan Meany is here to cheer you up with her last chance summer blow out deals available exclusively to fox friends viewers. Good morning. Good morning. Nicole so excited to have you here this morning. Griff what have you got . Lots. Two different sets of sheets. Who doesnt need an extra set of sheets. I wish i had these which i took my son a week ago. Could have used an extra set. We have a cotton per kale set crisp, cool to the touch kind of sheets. And then we have the is a teen satinen. 300 and 500 thread coun. Lots of colors to choose from. This is 73 off today for the sheets. So they start at 39 and they go up to 69. You like the crispy cool or you like the smooth and soft . Im a crispy cool. I get hot at night. My wife after 25 years of marriage still irons them. These are the hotel edition. Sunglasses some for men and women. Sporty vibe. Great for outdoor activities. The Nose Grip Slip nice and tight. They are made of as at a time and metal, so theyre light. They are polarized lenses. Scratchresistant. They have uav and c protection. Little discreet champion logo almost cant see it. Nice styles. Start at 1 19. 95. Go up to 29. 95. Thats 80 off. Great deal on the champion sunglasses. I think you found yourself a pair. I need to go kayaking or something. Teeth whitening. This you can do at home. Dental grade formula just like the Dentist Office but get to do it at home for a lot less money. Comes with a mouth guard got an led light which speeds up the bleaching process. These are great for sensitive teeth, actually. Wont hurt the enamel. Mess free formula. Some of them the formula doesnt cling to the teeth and oozes over the edges and messi. You wont have that problem with this set. And its as low as 80 off today. So 29. 99. White teeth at home. 30 minutes a day if you want. Griff thats a huge thing 30 bucks. Costs so much at the dentist. I whiten my teeth at home ever like every dental appointment or whatever. Melamine bowls. So they are washable. Go in the dishwasher, bpa free. There are four that nest i appreciate because i have a new york city apartment. They save space. Come with lids. There is also a coal dar. Choose from different colors when you go online when you see the mega morning deals logo. Fox friends website go there do your shopping. 42 for the set of four and the coal dar and the lids. These are phantom chef bowls and they have the flat bottom so when you are wisconsining madly or have the electric beater they wont tilt on. 58 o58 attached byvelcro. Wont get messy if things spill. One for refrigerated products. Smaller items, eggs, wine, 50 off and 10 goes to charity. You wrap it all up and throw it in the back of the car. We all need recyclable bags, right . Nicole these are amazing where can people get these. On the fox friends website. Look for the logo, click away and start shopping. Nicole i will be getting these for sure. Dont go anywhere, Kathie Lee Gifford will be joining us live im just so glad y exist there are some things that go better. Together. Burger and fries. Soup and salad. Like your Workplace Benefits and retirement savings. With voya, considering all your financial choices together can help you make smarter decisions. Voya. Well planned. Well invested. Well protected. Sleep more deeply and wake up rejuvenated. Purple mattresses exclusive Gel Flex Grid draws away heat relieves pressure and instantly adapts. Sleep better. Live purple. Right now save up to 900 off Mattress Sets during purples labor day sale. Visit purple. Com or a store near you. Chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. With up to 13 camera views. And the z71 offroad package. You ok . Yeah. Any truck can help you make a living. This one helps you build a life. Chevy silverado. Whats considered normal for your cat. Is interesting. Its curious. And its sweet. But if your cat isnt their quirky self lately, they may have pain from a common condition called osteoarthritis. Now, theres solensia. Solensia is a oncemonthly injection. It works like your cats naturally made antibodies to reduce pain signals. In a study, 77 of cat owners experienced an improvement in their cats pain after 3 doses. Veterinary professionals administering solensia who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or Breast Feeding should take extreme care to avoid selfinjection. Selfinjection could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. Ask your vet about solensia and help get your cat back to their normal whatever that is for them. Live in nashville, tennessee at nashville underground. Good morning, everybody. [cheering] were having a good time. It is labor day, we hope you are not laboring at home. This is work for us, we get to hang out with great folks. Look at this shirt, a finelooking shirt here. Look at this guy

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