Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

background. it's not west virginia but western virginia. >> it's western virginia. and i'm guessing it's penn hook lake. >> have you ever seen -- just reminded me of this. have you ever seen virginia tech, virginia tech football. hokies. rachel: i have nieces that go to school there. >> have you seen what they do before a game? it might be the best. they play "enter sandmann" by metallica and the stands go like this and the whole stadium is bouncing and it will give you the chills. rachel: speaking of football, since we had our little tutorial on football earlier, a lot of people have been sending me like websites that they actually have camps for women to learn about football. [laughter] rachel: who knows, maybe "fox & friends" will send me. >> i think that would be an awesome idea. >> great idea. rachel: so maybe i can participate in all your boring conversations. >> football education camp. rachel: yes, yes. i'll get a degree, like, you know, like from trump university or something. [laughter] rachel: it's a football degree. you got one too. >> an honorary degree from the pennsylvania gun smith. rachel: exactly. i could frame it in my office that i went to football camp school. >> all right. [laughter] >> stay tuned. rachel goes to football camp, can't wait. at various times over the past couple of weeks, it's been brought up the amount of support that places like maui or for that matter florida now that survived hurricane idalia have received compared to the united states government and biden administration's commitment to ukraine. that comparison has been made direct by a reported request from the biden administration to, yes, increase the amount of funds needed by fema in the wake of these two tragedies, there's a report they're going to ask for another $12 billion in funds for fema but they're going to accompany that with an additional pair it with an additional ask for ukraine. >> that comparison has been made, will, and i -- but credit you for first bringing that up, you did it from lahaina, from maui. the first announcement was $700 per be resident and you contrasted that with the billions and some people could say those are different pots of money or different comparisons. now it's apples to apples. this is a funding request of what are your priorities and eventing testifily it's 12 -- effectively it's $12 billion for fema, a lot earmarked for hawaii, more on top of what we've already spent. rachel: always say show me your checkbook or bank account and i'll show you your values. that's certainly happening here. in addition to be outraged by the amount of money going to ukraine, something that a lot of americans still don't understand how that's in our interest, i frankly think it's making us more unsafe. it's bringing russia and china together. we can talk about the politics of that. but i just hate the idea of putting these pots of money together, that you can't vote as a congress person, you can't vote to give money to florida or to maui without also agreeing to give money to ukraine and if you say well, i don't want to give money to ukraine because my constituents don't want their tax dollars going there, what will happen is you'll get ads that you didn't support people in maui. it's such bs. >> one of the premises for kevin mccarthy's speakership was not doing this, a lot of the members of the freedom caucus demanded, saying we'll vote for you as speaker if you'll allow for individual votes for precisely the reason you're talking about. from what i understand, this is a budget request. let's see what happens in the house of representatives. they should decouple piece things. rachel: of course. >> you can vote for hawaii aid and not vote for ukrainian aid. rachel: when your constituents go why did you give that money to ukraine, you go i wasn't, i was trying to give money to maui. it judd muddy -- just muddies the water. >> ukraine, $43.7 billion in security aid, another $26.4 billion in economic and humanitarian aid, compared to at least in just the case of maui, $95 million for electric grid repairs, $16 million in humanitarian. >> bs versus ms. >> bs versus ms, billions versus millions. whether hearing someone on the ground in hawaii or florida or listening to politicians who articulate the idea of america first is do you serve the interest of americans first? or must it only be accompanied with your commitment to ukraine. peter doocy put this to karine jean-pierre. here's what she had to say. >> it seems like hurricane response so far is robust. did you realize that the initial what hawaii wildfire response it that good or is it easier for people to get help from the white house when the president is not on vacation? >> so, the way you pose your question, i disagree, just for the record. so if you talk to -- if you were to do your reporting and speak to the governor of hawaii, the senators of hawaii, the folks on the ground, they would say that the president reacted in record time when it came to dealing with the wildfires. so your question is wrong, it's flawed in many, many ways and i would advise you to go speak to the governor and the local and state officials in hawaii. >> if i might, you were gyrating during that sound bite. >> i've done my reporting. [laughter] >> now, karine jean-pierre, perhaps if you spoke to a politician of the same political party as the president, you might get some type of answer that would be satisfactory from that podium. if you did talk to people of maui, and i have spoken to the people of maui, you will not i assure you hear that same endorsement. as recently as this morning, when we had sidney cook, a maui resident on the program here on "fox & friends." >> it's really upsetting. so many people here on maui that need funding and help, basic necessities and ideas of what they're going to do to rebuild their homes, $700 per household, it was a slap on the face to everyone but ukraine is getting all of the funding and none of the money that's coming in is really being utilized or we don't see where it's going, it's not going to the people. it tells me they don't care about the what which an people, don't -- hawaiian people, don't care about what's happened here anand we're just put on the back burner yet again. >> to be clear, that's not just some republican we found in maui who wanted to come on "fox & friends" and offer criticism of the biden administration. that's bipartisan, it's everywhere in maui. rachel: on the money that is going to ukraine, they won't allow us to track it. i mean, there have been efforts, people saying let us know where it's going, americans are generous. maybe some people want it to go there but they want to know where it's going too and at the same time they're seeing nothing going -- not enough going to maui. and by the way, also we're seeing if you -- on social media, all kinds of reports about leaders in ukraine buying up villas in europe and americans deserve -- we know that's the most corrupt country in the world. it should have been understood that if you're going to send money there, we need to know where it was going to. then you add this with maui, i mean, it's just too much. people can't take it anymore. >> speaking of america first, how about the condition of our cities these days as well? you've got -- you have what happened under co-individual. you -- covid. you had what happened with all the riots. you had police departments defunded and being reduced. you've got rampant crime. now you've got sanctuary cities being a magnet for illegals and texas assisted with that as they bussed illegals from that state which is not a sanctuary state to sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. a lot of the cities are now under siege as you see in new york city and elsewhere. mayors are complaining. they want more money. they're trying to find rec centers and shelters and places to put them. the problem is particularly acute here in new york city. here's an anonymous quote from an nypd officer. he's talking about an illegal immigrant who has been here, arrested six times for 14 crimes in just two months that they're dealing with this, this guy. he's been wreaking havoc. these are not isolated incidents. the migrants are getting arrested often here and we don't know they are. they don't have id. they're not vetted properly. some of them are committing the most violent crimes here. the biden administration is letting them across. they're coming to sanctuary cities, demanding every possible creature comfort and it's begin givento them and violence is gin return in a lot of cases. rachel: i interviewed a res doesn't hyde park -- resident of hyde park, doris lewis. the new york times telling vivek ramaswamy that you're lying when you say the inner city or the black communities that you've been giving your immigration security and stop the open border policy speeches to, he says they're the most well received when i go into those communities. new york times says that's a lie. well, here's doris lewis, saying what she feels or how you she ss about illegals being moved into a hotel across from her condo, she's a former school teacher. shy she retired there. she can't believe what is happening to her neighborhood. >> you put 300 migrants across the street from the new port condominium, a condominium where a lot of retired teachers and doctors, nurses live. we have worked hard to live here. we pay a lot of money. it's very expensive to live here. yet, we have immigrants across the street from us who are not paying one dime. the taxpayers of the city of chicago are funding their lifestyle. yet, in the city of chicago, you have a serious homeless problem. there are between 60 to 70,000 homeless people in the city of chicago. what is the city doing for them? nothing. what is the city doing for americans, chicagoans, legal citizens of the country, of the city. they're not doing anything to help us, to help them. >> yeah. what about the homeless? what about vets? rachel: yeah. >> this is america first inside the context of a city. >> yes. >> as opposed to what you're talking about with ukraine and maui. that's international. this is inside our own country. rachel: it's interesting, as soon as i had the interview -- i'll post it online after the show. she's on fire. the whole thing was interesting. people were immediately responding. a lot of people are like i feel for her, but these are the people who voted for this leadership and at some point where does that make -- when do they start to make the connection? >> you might, i say this humbly, you might be arriving at that point. i do think whether or not you voted blue in lahaina or red in east palestine, you are having to come to the -- maybe it doesn't resonate until it truly touches you personally. rachel: right. >> and you're living on the streets of chicago and you voted blue your entire life but you're coming to the realization that government is too incompetent to fulfill its vague promises and to bureaucratic and too fat to muster real empathy and priorities are people far, far away and not people who live under the red, white and blue. rachel: your analysis is charitable. it assumes they're so bloated and they can't muster up support or help in time or i don't know what. >> i think that's the basic nature of government. there is -- rachel: i interviewed representative van drew from new jersey. i asked why have they opened the borders. new you jersey is wanting to put illegals into small farm towns in new jury sigh. he said they're -- new jersey. he said they're trying to change the population, destabilize the country. all the players that are wanting it are people i don't trust and i don't like. so i can't make sense of it either. >> go ahead. >> i wonder whether that moment is still possible. like new york city had that moment, david dinkins to rudy guliani moment when a democrat city turned to a republican to fix it to be a law and order mayor. would the city do it again? rachel: they had a chance with lee zeldin and they said no. >> that's for governor. for mayor of new york city -- rachel: for mayor, sure. >> we'll see. >> the other day i was watching the big short, the movie about the financial crisis in 2008, ryan gosling's character said you try to distinguish the difference between fraud and -- there is a ton of fraud when it comes to politics but it is driven by stupidity and a fraud starts with stupidity. rachel: i think that's a fair point. when you look at the players in ukraine, when you look at what's happening, when you look at what they won't tell us, i just -- i have to -- there's a lot of bad people involved there. >> i've been a part of a lot of things that were dubbed as grand conspiracies and you're like if you only know what idiots there are and those idiots go how can i get mine? rachel: that's true. i remember marco rubio said before he got into the senate he said i can't believe -- i can't believe i might possibly be able to be part of the senate and then once he got in there he goes i can't believe these people are in the senate. [laughter] so fair enough, will, fair enough. we're going to turn to your headlines. the convicted murderer who escaped from a pennsylvania prison on thursday was spotted on home surveillance cameras in the footage the fugitive seen walking in a wooded residential area about a mile and-a-half from the chester county prison early saturday morning. the retired fbi special agent joined us earlier with the dangers that this escapee brings to the community. >> this individual is extremely comfortable with violence, crime, and murder. the mark of violence in his life makes him this dangerous. being labor day weekend, people being away from their homes make opportunities for them. it's important for people to take an assessment of the outside of their homes first to make sure there's been no break-ins or any change. rachel: the escapee is an illegal immigrant who was sentenced to life in prison last week for killing his ex-girlfriend in 2021. is wanted on murder charges in his home country in brazil. no word on how he's scaped. overnight, the ticketing airoff of los angeles interairport is temporarily evacuated. police needed to divert traffic and a bomb squad was called in. authorities deemed the area safe after an hour. it's unclear what the suspicious item was that prompted the investigation. a husband is asking reddit for opinions after he refused to help fund his wife's friend's wedding. he said the friend wants the dream wedding and is short on money and would like donations. his wife asked if i was okay donating $300. i told her no. i wonder if i'm in the wrong. the most liked comment on reddit says someone should not have to donate money to anyone for any reason. and those are your headlines. >> couldn't it be a wedding gift? rachel: you could say that's the gift. my gift is to help you have the party. >> i could see that. all right. by the way, you can celebrate the end of summer with a customized shirt of your favorite fox show. very cool. now part of the labor day sale on the fox news shop. >> there's "fox & friends." you can get 15% off a shirt like this using discount code labor day 2023 through tomorrow. rachel: you can head to for that. >> can i get "fox & friends weekend" too. >> get your face on it. >> also. no, your face on it. rachel: i'm sorry to backtrack a little bit, it's on my mind. we were talking about stupidity versus nefarious. didn't we just do a story on george soros. with regard to the involvement in ukraine. i've got to get that -- i'm sorry, i couldn't let the show go without saying that. >> doesn't mean alex soros is smart. got a rich dad. rachel: maybe his daddies the bad -- dad is the bad guy. >> tide, c c colgate, advil, yu won't find this on some shelves. you can blame it on rampan' crime.s ls h we'll talk about it, next. 1-gallon cans and 5-gallon pails of hgtv home by sherwin-williams, valspar, and cabot. only at lowe's. trying vapes to quit smoking might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. 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(announcer) go to that's >> america's soaring crime crisis hitting hard in the nation's capital, violent crime soaring 40% compared to last year, forcing the city to implement a juvenile curfew. as robberies soar 70%, one area grocery store is pulling tide, colgate and advil from the shelves and will only sell store brands. customers have to show receipts before leaving. d.c. police union chairman gregory pemberton joins us now. those are staggering numbers i shared. changes in quality of life and way of life for people and the real question is with that kind of sacrifice pulling stuff off shelves, is that going to work? >> thanks for having me, will. wore no the middle of another violent weekend here for labor day. we've had 10 or 11 separate shootings were five fatalities, many of the victims juveniles or teenagers. we're at 180 homicides this year, on pace for the most number of homicides in the past 20 years. violent crime is up 40%. all crime is up 30%. we're nearing 700 carjackings on the year and this is completely unsustainable and as you pointed out in your intro, many retail stores are closing or threatening to close. we're making a number of provisions about what you can buy or what can be displayed on shelves due to rampant retail theft and organized crime. citizens are fed up with this. it's impossible to keep up with it given the fact we're short 500 police officers in the district. will: here's what the president of giant said to the washington post, we want to be able to continue to serve the community but can't do so with the levels of significant loss, risk to our associates that we have today and i don't want to do this, i'd like to sell those products but the reality is, tide is not a profitable item in the store. people stock the product and within two hours it's gone so it's not on the shelf anyway. it's a matter of time, gregory, until they turn to -- i'm sure the store brands as well, it's the only thing to steal, that's what they'll steal. something i asked, but something we read in the beginning about the juvenile curfew, i don't think we focused on that enough. how much of this is done by teenagers? >> a lot of this crime that we're seeing, even violent crime, not just retail theft and organized crime like we're talking about. much of the violent crime we do, particularly armed carjackings that we're seeing the surge on, the suspects are often s juveniles. the prosecutor that handles juvenile crime in the city has a restorative justice model that will almost never put a you've juvenilebehind bars for even tht violent offenses. they can commit crime crime and never held accountable. it's difficult for the police officers to do their job to keep communities safe when the suspect you put out and bring him in, he's on the corner laughing at you the next day. it's a frustrating situation, until we get the number of police officers to where it needs to be and we have prosecutors and judges taking the crimes seriously, i don't think the numbers will go anywhere. will: on the issue of teenagers, how do you solve that? that's an issue that -- it's obviously increasingly such a massive contributor to the rising crime crisis, is more officers the answer? how do you solve teenagers becoming the source of a lot of violent crime? >> well, it's definitely a socioeconomic problem that falls outside of the rank and file police officer. but if these kids understood there were consequences for their actions, i think that would be the biggest factor in impacting their decision to engage in this kind of behavior. if they started to learn their friends and the people they went to school with were actually being held in jail for doing a robbery or doing a carjacking, i think that would have a very significant impact on the others deciding to engage in that kind of behavior so there's obviously a lot of work to be done, doesn't just fall on the police. we're more than happy to help those areas but we've got to do something about holding violent criminals accountable. will: you lays out the recidivism of restorely justice, -- restorative justice, it's more so when it comes to kids. yeah, we're the victims of violent crimes, we're also losing generations of children. gregory, great to talk with you this morning. thank you. >> thanks for having me. will: coming up, trump come t dominating the field. what that means for everybody else, coming up. ♪ get on your feet. ♪ get up and make it happen. ♪ get on your feet. ♪ stand up and take some action. ♪ clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. mass general brigham -- when you need some of the brightest minds in medicine. this is a leading healthcare system with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two world-renowned academic medical centers. in boston, where biotech innovates daily and our doctors teach at harvard medical school and the physicians doing the world-changing research are the ones providing care. ♪ there's only one mass general brigham. there are too many options. how do we decide what hotel to book? 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[whoosh] [ding] or, a cambria hotel downtown for just the two of you. hold my wand. don't wave it at anything. stay twice and get a $50 giftcard when you book direct at mmm! yeah! what did i say!?! rachel: the race for 2024 is heating up. a brand-new poll showing donald trump still dominating the gop field as the top choice for nearly 60% of republican voters. fox news contributor and our friend, former gop congressman jason chaffets joins us now. welcome, jason. let's take a look at the poll. what do you make of this? i mean, they keep -- we've got four indictments and a mug shot and the numbers keep growing. what dust it tell you about the republican -- what does it tell you about the republican voter and what does it show you about what's going to happen in the general? >> i think most people see the indictment as excessive, not necessary. and it bolsters up donald trump. and it creates all kinds of problems for the re rest of the people in the field. they can't get the oxygen to make the case and donald trump's numbers get stronger and stronger. be the you're one of the competitors, particularly governor desantis, you've got to say you can't win in the general election, mr. president. that's his case to be made. look at the state by state polls, georgia and iowa and wisconsin, some key, vital states he's going to say i do better than you do in a general election against joe biden. now, whether or not ultimately every voter buys into that, but that's his story. rachel: what is in the mindset? you touched and talked to a lot of people out there, you travel a lot. you're a former congressman, of course. what is going on in the minds of -- if you're a democrat, trying to understand, why would republicans vote more for donald trump after an indictment and after a mug shot than i think they thought was going to be a fatal blow to donald trump's campaign. what's in the mindset of the republican voter that more of them are flocking to trump. >> because they recognize, you have a department of justice that's been weaponized, unequal application of justice, the way they treat hunter biden, the bidens, hillary clinton, you name it on the democratic side of the aisle, they treat it so differently than they do donald trump, for goodness sake. it's case after case. so they've emboldened donald trump, they don't understand why -- don't even begin to understand what republicans feel about just application of law, liberty. you know, self determination. in like the way -- when donald trump was president, energy prices were low. the economy was good. the world was safer. people like that. and they didn't forget about it, conveniently, two and-a-half years after it happened. rachel: do you think it is for many of the voters existential where they think if donald trump-if they can do this to him, they're coming after -- there's a two tiered system of justice, that i'm going to be -- you know, i'm going to feel like a dissident in my own country or i do feel like one. >> i think they're coming after their liberty, coming after their way of life, going after moms, for goodness sake. the department of justice targeting mothers and people that care about their kids at school and the american people feel that and what's also interesting about this poll, the poll overwhelmingly said the majority of people don't want joe biden or donald trump to run. but they are the two leaders. rachel: how do you explain that? >> i can't explain. [laughter] rachel: it's interesting, ride? >> it is is interesting. on the case of joe biden, he is too old, his cognitive capabilities have dim endish. rachel: will -- diminished. rachel: will he be the ultimate -- >> i don't think so. rachel: who will that be. >> i don't know. i said the end of the calendar year, i don't think joe biden is the president. he has less than 10 campaign staffers on joe biden for president. he's not working hard. he's not going to the swing states. he came to utah. he didn't go to montana or nevada, didn't go to colorado. rachel: that's interesting. only 10 staffers, that says a lot about -- you may be right. >> i hope so. rachel: we may have a president caykamala before the end of the term. >> no. rachel: i think you broke news on that. >> i'm not that crazy. we have sunday morning futures, you're hosting, always a great lineup. what do you have on this weeknd? >> look, duck and cover, america, congress goes back into session this week so we have senator marsha blackburn. we've got mike gallagher, the chairman of the -- looking at china and everything that's going on there and claudia tenney is coming on and the chairman of the ways and means committee, jason smith. hunter biden, the biden investigations, what's going on with china and then the a appropriations, how are we going to fund the government by the end of the month. big show. love the guests. it's going to be good. rachel: and a great host. >> thank you. rachel: make sure you tune in right after the show. >> thank you. rachel: thank you, jason. a prime upset, deon sanders gets emotional after debut win as colorado's coach. >> we told you we're coming. we told you we're coming. you thought we were joking. we keep receipts. god bless you, america. god is good. rachel: dan dakich has the highlights, next. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. my little family is me, aria, and jade. just the three of us girls. i never thought twice about feeding her kibble. but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. she was always out of breath. that's when i decided to introduce the farmer's dog to her diet. it's just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. now she's a lot more active, she's able to join us on our adventures. and we're all able to do things as a family. ♪ get started at >> we told you we were coming, you thought we were joking. guess what, we keep receipts. thank you, jesus. i'm so thankful. my son, my little son. this is a blessing. everybody. those who supported us, all the hood who had my back. i thank you all. god, this is good. >> an emotional coach, deion sanders reacting as colorado pulls off a huge, 45-42 upset over last year's national runner up tcu in the first game as buffalo's coach. joining us now, former coach and host of don't ask me on outkick, dan dakich. thanks for being here. it is staggering, colorado was 1-11 last year. you'll be able to tell me how much of their roster they turned over. it's a huge part of their roster and tcu is really good. >> tcu got the national championship game last year, playing at home, had a quarterback that beat out the national championship game, quarterback. i'll give you the numbers. 1-11 last year. ten scholarship players is all that was left. remember, there is 83 scholarship players in football, 68 new players and coach brian got himself criticized because we're supposed to cater to 18 to 23-year-old athletes. he walked into a meeting, explained his plan. a lot of guys bought in. some didn't. as it went along, less guys bought in so he got rid of them but thankfully he had two players, he mentioned his son. he was unbelievable. i mean, unbelievable, over 500 yards, four touchdowns and then the other kid, second son, travis hunter, 19 yards and played defense and got an interception. it is a great story. i'm all in on it. i've been all in on it. but promoting because here's the deal, you know this, given your history, you can always lighten up but you can't toughen up. as a coach or leader in the military. he came in, he laid the law. some bought in. most didn't. he said to heck with ya, we're going to find new players and at least for right now, what a great start for deion and his crew. >> this is -- is this unprecedented in college football, the amount of turnover for a program like that? is that also because rules have changed as far as who can transfer and how often? >> yeah, absolutely. the answer to both of your questions is absolutely. we've never seen 68 players out the door, right. i mean, that's just never happened and yes, the rules dictate that kids can transfer. used to be once, you had to sit out, now you can transfer almost unlimited. when i saw a video of deion sanders and the message to his team, i thought man, would i like my son to play there, boy, would i like to play there. >> what a is his message? explain his message to the audience. >> his message is simply this, we're going to work harder than everybody. if you don't want to be here, i'll get you somewhere else. you're 1 and 11. i don't want to here about last year, how we used to do it. this is a completely different regime with completely different ideals and d different staff. one and 11 was embarrassing. if you want to do what we're doing and he put them through tough stuff, urban myers, a good friend, urban told me after spending three days with him, he said this team is really good, really well coached, tough as heck, disciplined and together and that happens through incredible hard work in the world of football. guys didn't want to buy in. dei. on showed them the door. he kept the two main guys, the three main guys, himself, he's the main guy, his son and travis hunter and right now, look, college football is long but right now what a story. >> it's going to be a huge story. what a draw. games to watch, nebraska next weekend, why couldn't they do that too. dan dakich, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> all right. toss it over to william. will: thank you. we're back with your headlines. president biden schists his hectic schedule for why he hasn't visited east palestine, ohio seven months after the tox toxic train derailment. >> i haven't had the occasion to go to east palestine. there's a lot going on here. i haven't been able to break. i was thinking i would go to east palestine this week but i was reminded i've got to go to literally around the world and so it's going to be a while. will: about a month after the derailment, biden promised to visit the area, quote, at some point. ohio senator dv vance is accusing the president of refusing to visit the town. there could be a new lead in the search for amelia earhart's long lost plane. a 2009 image is being analyzed because it appears to show part of the aircraft's engine. here's the photo. it's very hard to make anything out. but the executive director of the international historic aircraft recovery group says it appears to be a lockheed engine cover from the same plane earhart was using. and lost in translation teen slang is confusing parents with words like suss, riz and vet popping up in everyday conversations. tom shalu. hit the streets to see if the average new yorker knows how to speak gen z. do you know what riz is? >> riz? no. >> riz. >> i don't. >> what kind? >> i know -- i can do it. riz is short for cay charisma? is that only one. what were the others? riz, sus. suspect. you know, you're suspicious. mid, you're average. bet, for sure, 100%. i'm doing this, this isn't in the prompter. fire, you know, it's good, it's really good. drip, it's your style. your ou outfit. what are you laughing at, i nailed them. >> according to you. >> they'll get all over me if i get it wrong but i'm feeling pretty confident. >> our camera guy is going through it really fast. he'll be able to do that better than -- you did pretty good. i didn't know drip. >> mid, mid. >> look at the weather map. we've got a lot of tropics, more tropics coming this week. this is how many people that are without power, 44,000 homes without power in florida right now. we've got a number of disturbances out there. the only one you need to watch is the one that says 80%, that's a storm that's going to continue to pull off towards the west, maybe getting towards the caribbean, 80% chance of developing into some sort of tropical system. would get the name lee, if it does. too early to say if it will impact the u.s. there is something out there, we'll continue to watch it. sundays i like to show you the rain over the next seven days, the way the models look right now. arizona, you should be getting rain, not getting any. all of the moisture will be up across parts of the northern rockies and far northern planes, also across arkansas, southern missouri and mississippi. all right, back to you inside. >> all right, your riz is a little mid, but your attitude sus but your weather report was fire. >> you like my drip? still ahead, it's national waffle week and we're serving up a stack of fun on fox square, next. ♪ hungry eyes. ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise. ♪ i've got hungry eyes.ou ♪ ild feel the magic they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ sleep more deeply and wake up rejuvenated. purple mattresses exclusive gel flex grid draws away heat relieves pressure and instantly adapts. sleep better. live purple. right now save up to $900 off mattress sets during purple's labor day sale. visit or a mattress firm near you. feeling sluggish or weighed down? it could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. metamucil gummies make it easy to get the fiber you need. promoting your digestive health for a better you. metamucil gummies. the easy way to get your daily fiber. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch, it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> we're back with a couple quick headlines, starting in tennis. an unwelcomed visitor bringing a u.s. open doubles match to a halt. >> replay the point. >> oh, my gosh. a squirrel. [laughter] >> how did it get in there? the match resuming after the squirrel escaped into the stands. >> look how much more forgiving we are with squirrels than rats. rachel: so true. >> if a rat ran out there -- >> a group of hunters in florida catch what is believed to be the state's second largest alligator on record. they joined us earlier and described how they wrangled the beast. >> it took everything we had, inch by inch. the back of the boat went under water. we had the gas cans floating, coolers floating, water bottles floating everywhere, it was like a movie. >> they say they snuck on him and hooked him, it measured 13 feet long and 920 pounds. is that an animal you like? you like every animal. >> i do like almost every animal. i think they're pretty cool. >> look at that thing. look at that. they had to roll him up onthe ground. >> prehistoric. rachel: it's such a manly segment we did, i love it. >> today kicks off national waffle week. rachel: so waffles has stopped by fox square to help celebrate. >> waffles get a week. >> derek devos joins us now. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having us. >> tell us about waffles and how do you pronounce it, dingus. >> we are a family owned company, belgian american company. our founder, thomas, moved to the states and had the idea of getting a food truck and start making waffles so we've expanded. we've been doing this for just about 17 years now. and we had expanded in five permanent stands right here in the city. we do catering events, buffet style like you see in front of us or on the food truck. we ship nationwide, do gifting. we have expanded with some of the very difficult belgian spreads, spikilos, you see the cookies on airplanes and the cookies are based on the spread. we have of course the belgian chocolate, the fudge and we have set up some of our signature waffles for you guys. >> anyone that's been in new york has smelled this business. rachel: it's so good. >> it's grown explosively. tell us about your waffles. it's national waffle week. we're about to jump into these fancy waffles. >> the best way to describe it is really these are the waffles our grandmothers used to make. exactly the same style. we imported the waffle irons directly from belgium. there's ingredients in there that give us the taste that it has. rachel: what's different about a bel b belgian waffle. >> the sugar c caramelizes it. we have number of -- rachel: what is dingus. >> it's a word, in this case toppings, it's a word we use in belgium to describe things, stuff, it could be a person, it could be a thing. >> waffles and stuff. >> what should we call it? rachel: waffles and stuff. >> it's with one f. >> that's correct, spelled the dutch way. >> thank you so much. >> thanks for having us. >> more "fox & friends" in a moment, while we eat waffles. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain. treat it anytime, anywhere do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. they say seeing is believing, but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort... every single night. stearns & foster® ... what comfort should be during our labor day sale, bring home incredible comfort with savings up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets. learn more at (upbeat music) - [narrator] what if there was a hearing aid that could keep up with you? 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Options , Whoosh , Comfort , Wand , Kiddos , Oooo , Cambria Hotel Downtown , Don T Wave , 0 , 50 , Donald Trump , Poll , Choice , Field , Race , 2024 , Voters , Take A Look , Former , Voter , Mug Shot , Indictments , The General , Four , Indictment , Problems , Rest , Oxygen , The Field , Election , Competitors , State Polls , Stronger , Mr , Desantis , Mindset , Key , Georgia , Iowa , Wisconsin , Republicans , Department Of Justice , Campaign , Blow , Weaponized , Application , Bidens , Side , Hunter Biden , Aisle , Goodness Sake , Hillary Clinton , Liberty , Law , Self Determination , Safer , Economy , Energy Prices , Feel , Dissident , Two Tiered System , School , Mothers , Moms , Majority , Ride , I Don T Know , Ultimate , Capabilities , Dim Endish , Swing States , Campaign Staffers , He Didn T Go To Montana , Utah , Staffers , Didn T Go To Colorado , Nevada , Caykamala , Sunday Morning Futures , Weeknd , Duck And Cover , News , Hosting , Term , Lineup , Session , Everything , Mike Gallagher , Marsha Blackburn , Ways And Means Committee , Biden Investigations , Jason Smith , Claudia Tenney , Host , What S Going On , Guests , Appropriations , Big Show , Jason In For Maria , Upset , Debut Win , Colorado , Deon Sanders , Dan Dakich , Joking , Receipts , God , Investment Research , Highlights , God Bless You , Plan , Investments , Advisor , Connect , Goals , J P Morgan , Wealth Management , Aria , Jade , Farmer , Dog , Three , Breath , Diet , Girls , Kibble , Bubbles , Mouth , Adventures , Jesus , Son , Guess What , Back , Everybody , The Hood , Blessing , Coach , Me On Outkick , Runner Up Tcu , Buffalo , 45 , 42 , Roster , Tcu , Championship Game Last Year , Scholarship , Quarterback , Championship , Beat , 83 , Ten , Guys , Athletes , Meeting , 18 , 23 , 68 , Touchdowns , Kid , Second Son , Unbelievable , Travis Hunter , Interception , Deal , Defense , History , 19 , Leader , Start , Military , College Football , Rules , Crew , Turnover , Both , Door , Questions , Team , Message , Audience , Boy , Video , Man , Ideals , Regime , Staff , Somewhere , Urban Myers , Guys Didn T , Heck , On , Dei , Games , Draw , Nebraska , Hasn T , Couldn T , Pleasure , Schedule , Biden Schists , Haven T , Train Derailment , Occasion , Ohio , Seven , Senator , Derailment , Quote , Image , Town , Lead , Plane , Search , Amelia Earhart , 2009 , Engine , Aircraft , Recovery Group , Plane Earhart , Engine Cover , Photo , Executive Director , Riz , Words , Parents , Teen Slang , Vet , Translation , Suss , Average , Tom Shalu , Gen Z , New Yorker , I Don T , Cay Charisma , Isn T , Suspect , Prompter , Mid , Sure , Bet , 100 , Fire , Drip , Style , Outfit , Camera Guy , Weather Map , Tropics , Power , Disturbances , 44000 , 80 , Storm , System , West , Sort , Name , Caribbean , Rain , Parts , Sundays , Planes , Models , Moisture , Arizona , Northern Rockies , Right , Weather Report , Attitude , Mississippi , Southern Missouri , Arkansas , Waffle , Hungry Eyes Ou Ild , Eyes , Disguise , Stack , Fun On Fox Square , Phone , Car Insurance , Switching , Reminder , 00 Dollars , Airport , Pay , Ohhhhhh , Purple , Pressure , Mattress , Gel Flex Grid , Rejuvenated , Purple Mattresses , Visit Purple Com , Sleep Better , 900 , Mattress Firm , Digestive System Isn T , Fiber , Sign , Metamucil , Metamucil Gummies , Devie Duckduckgo , Fo , Blocks Cooi , Companie , Searchs , Catch , Pi , Google , Chrome , Doesn T Spy , Built N , Fre , Privacy , Devices , Duckduckgo , Visitor , Tennis , Doubles , Halt , U S Open , Squirrel , Match , Gosh , Rat Ran , Group , Hunters , Squirrels , Rats , Alligator , Coolers , Gas Cans , Boat , Water Bottles , The Beast , Animal , 920 , 13 , Waffles , Segment , Onthe Ground , Prehistoric , Dingus , Fox Square , Derek Devos , Food Truck , Belgian American Company , Thomas , Making Waffles , Catering Events , Front , 17 , Cookies , Gifting , Airplanes , Belgian Spreads , Spikilos , Signature Waffles , Spread , Fudge , Business , Belgian Chocolate , Grown Explosively , Grandmothers , Ingredients , Taste , Bel B Belgian Waffle , Irons , Belgium , Sugar C , We Use , Case Toppings , Waffles Com , One F , Dutch , About Ubrelvy , Pain , Migraine Pain , Option , Migraine Strikes , Tradeoffs , Push , Symptoms , Dose , Reactions , Migraine Pain Relief Starts , Sleepiness , Inhibitors , Nausea , Seeing Is Believing , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Materials , Stearns Foster , Beautiful Mattress , Ultra Conforming Intellicoils , Stearns Foster That , Memory Foam , Mattress Sets , Savings , 800 , Jabra , Hearing Aid , Hearing Aids , Smart Hearing Solution , Select , Notification Dings , Narrator , Calls , Hearing Aids Custom Programed , Premium Package , Hearing Test , Settings , Doctor S Office , Hearing , Audiology Team , Premium , Colleagues , 95 , Hearing Aid Technology , Hearing Aid Models , Clinic , Fraction , Cost , Visit Jabraenhance Com , Tickets , Location , Grand Ole Opry , Sunday , Go To Church Everybody , Sunday Morning , Influence Peddling , Government Shutdown , Cock Head , E Mails , Fa , The National Archives , 5000 ,

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