Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Lawrence 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Lawrence 20240703

week, quote, parents do not own their children. kids are. not things. they have a right to privacy about their sexuality and gender identity choose when and to whom they share intimate details about their life. the irony being some state and school boards are now taking control over the lives of all students. treating them like property trying to help a select few. all this while keeping parents in the dark and treating those who dare ask for more information. fox news contributor curative's deputy manager of a red state. this is a coast-to-coast problem, let's begin with this in michigan. use the girls bathroom. this is insane. >> i wish there were another word to describe this. it doesn't feel strange to be on fox news having this conversation, why girls shouldn't be an boys bathrooms. i live in california and that's what's happening here. my daughter goes to a school where boys are allowed to use the girls bathroom not only that, there are menstrual products in the boys bathrooms and they need those things and treated as normal meanwhile girls are afraid to go to the bathroom in public schools. this is the definition and i keep asking myself, where our turnips? it time, we've had enough of this, this is insanity and whose most at risk? our young women but where are they standing up saying i'm uncomfortable and scared, i don't like what's happening as i don't have a say in it, they are called bigots, to shut up and silenced as if me to never happened. it's to use your word, insane. >> so true. do parents have any rights now? it seems they are being removed from the process. take whatever you may believe about the transition, that's irrelevant. we know what parents rights should be since they feed the children and make sure to have a roof over their head and now you say they have no involvement in any decision is life-changing while they are minors. >> this runs to the heart of what's happening. this idea of gender identity is being used to separate kids from the parents, the people who love them the most in the world and we are not talking about people who are 18 or 19, we are talking 5-year-old covered in school districts and in this michigan case, these four girls walked into a restaurant, a guy exposes himself to them this is indecent exposure to children. everyone should be outraged. you couldn't do this in the street you can in the school with the protection of the date and school district, i think not. these parents are right to sue them and it's happening coast-to-coast. cross-country you might say. virginia, florida, michigan, all of these places and the state has to get involved and give the parents the rights back. >> i would like to say i live in california, you can't expose yourself in the streets. [laughter] >> you can in louisiana, they arrest you still. >> i didn't expect there to be such coalition. it seems they've managed to unite all religions. you got people, muslims and christians, all races, black, white, hispanic, people just want you to leave the children alone. they want to be able to love the children as they go through but they want you to leave them alone as they guide their children, they don't like people getting involved with the kids. >> they don't like that because you have control over their children as a sign of individuality so people don't want to foster american individuality, it's dangerous to them so what do you do to retrain your population? get the kids. how to get the kids? kicked the parents out of the way but of course, the people who love our kids the most, of course i love my child more than her teachers do. they don't know her favorite color or movies or what hurt her or make her happy, they know nothing. with having now is sick and indecent because we have a public school system we don't pay for, they are legitimately setting up all parents as the natural enemies of children. when in history have we ever done this particularly in this country? when you hear the teacher union bosses talking, they act as lgbt pushing the agenda, they accuse all parents of being monsters and we are the people are children have to be saved from. purely insanity and if we don't step in and step up from what we are going to lose. >> take us home, raymond. >> one 100% right. it did happen where parents were separated from fists in places like cuba, china, russia where the state assumes they know better. parents are answering back and they should. our children are the most precious commodity we have. they are our future and responsibility and no one should take parents placed the life of the child. >> majority of americans are making clear, not on our watch. thank you so much. one of the founding principles of our country is the right to free speech over the last couple of years of students across the country have been sworn of their offense by speakers but they don't even agree with. these conservatives have done their best to shut down conservative on campus and some turned violent. coalition of presidents are launching a new campaign to help support free speech and debate on campuses throughout the nation but it's a little too late. i'm joined now by a panel of college students and they are part of the new initiative. a junior at madison university and joseph is a smart sophomore at richter's as well as caitlin ricker at georgetown, a senior. thank you for joining the program. i want to take you to this whole says, have you held your tongue over the last year over concerns about retaliation or harsh criticism? 55% said yes. would you consider yourself in that category? >> absolutely. multiple times in the classroom i felt i had to bite my tongue over these issues because of retaliation not only from the professors but also my fellow peers feel i am going to be judged and treat be different because of that. something i feel needs to stop on college campuses. >> when you notify professors to have a conversation, what did they say? >> i've had professors who were like i tried to explain they are like i'm sorry, you are simply wrong. have had professors tell me before i should be an abortion rights activist and history class, telling me i should have an opinion over that in history class especially you know what happened in the past. >> what is your experience? always reading some of my notes, you have several incidents on camera, tell us. >> my freshman year at georgetown was after joe biden won the election the next day in class my professor went around and said, did you celebrate last night? asking if we celebrated joe biden in the election and one was used what he was talking about, no idea because he hesitated and the professor said it my job as a professor to any trump supporters in the class so he made a threat to us we couldn't disagree with his political opinion or he would assert his power over us as professor. >> michael, you ran for sga as a result of all this so now that you have leadership position on campus, noticing anything ch change. >> iran for roosa and when they had anti- mask rally during the lockdowns, they announced they would make sure to curb any such events from now on. ian smith was running for congress at the time came down and they said they would make sure to prevent any such political speech in the future and that's why i joined because that is simply unacceptable. these covid lockdowns need to be about, these are unprecedented policies enforced on the people and we are not allowed to talk about it and if you do, the administration and student administration will come after you and it is simply unacceptable so now with the new covid policies in place, let's see if we can do anything to prevent curving of speech in the future. >> matthew, i'm curious, because you are on the campus. when you talk to other students, do they have the same beliefs as you but less likely to talk about it because they don't want this pushback we've been talking about on the show? they hide their view? >> i think -- college campuses are more liberal than they are but these professors and administrations are scaring students so much they have to be quiet which allows liberal students to express their ideas further pushing down ideas and opinions and it's not how it should be run, it's bad for education and democracy as a whole. >> it's just not fair, you all have been so brave and bold speak out against this nonsense. i hope you inspire other folks on campus to do the same thing, thank you for joining the program. fascinating take on slavery from john mellencamp. >> there is one or 2% of black people in america who have a better life. >> that's what you think? one or 2%? >> i think i 9% disagree. we'll talk about that next plus you may have seen headlines about this brian johnson, he may have found the fountain of youth after all. he's built secret in the exclusive interview ahead on cross country. ♪ in providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. is why people love to have it. >> the playing field a better than the cotton fields, plus will, slave picking cotton, not as good as playing left field for the yankees. i'm sure reasons were -- [inaudible] >> no doubt there's one or 2% of black people in america who have a better life. >> stop, that's what you think? one or 2%? >> let's say 10%. pulling a number out of my league. >> let's say 10%. another example of them thinking they know what's best for the rest of us. john mellencamp become an expert on black americans, assumptions leading to a dramatic drop in blood butter democrats. about enthusiasm among black voters for joe biden. we will get to the poll numbers i want to bring in sonny johnson as well as felicia. i'm going to pass it to you, sonny, that was absurd but let's get to the plan to grab black voters. >> i think this is war on white people being waged by other white people so i will let them handle it. what we see right now is major fluctuation especially when it comes to the and late october 2021 of certain fox news host and there is probably time to fire his entire team and a little while after, i went to cpac and said black men are fathers, husbands, they are leaders in their communities, coaches to the kids little league teams and if you start to reach out to them in that aspect, he would have a chance to win the black vote. i was immediately canceled for saying that and now we are talking all of these stories now on the black male vote is wide open and republic and have the chance and this is not and i told you so moment, it's you do not have any more time to waste moment. this is you have two chances you blue and god gave the third so you better take it moment and you have to be serious, no stereotypes and talking points will work, it's going to be based on policy around issues like illegal immigration. criminal justice system reform, not just police, the entire system and of course the republican adage is economy is stupid. >> felicia, i want to go to recent polling that shows a d drop, black support with joe biden as well as shows the amount of support in the past election and looks like support right now so you see here 66% to 23%, now we are seeing i'm sorry, 34, now 66 and it was 77%, 22%, why is there a setting change? what is different about this moment? >> i think right now we are seeing as more blackmailed voters start to align with the idea of conservative politics particularly and how it can protect what they are building locally then it presents a viable opportunity for republicans especially for individuals like president or former president trump but even with these numbers, i want to make it clear while polls might say they are looking at trump or republicans or conservatives more favorably, that has to translate to vote so what we do for those of us on the ground have to be adamant about going out registering voters, we don't want to see what happened in 2020 or we saw polls, a shift in approval ratings for republicans did not match the actual turnout of the voters so it's advantageous for those of us taking things on the ground do not just talk to the voters but get them activated to minister effectively to those who don't want to participate in the voting process have the opportunity to make this great change. >> it's funny because i see dependence on tv as well as social media and they say this can't happen and is reflective of who they spend time with and they are not talking with black voters on a day-to-day basis and we should treat them as such. sonny johnson, thank you so much up next, i responded to steve smith who says maybe democrats should look at gavin newsom for president. don't go anywhere. ♪ welcome back, as we talked about already tonight some democrats are looking for an alternative to joe biden from 2024 honestly, what are the options? kamala harris she's fail that everything she's been given during this administration. with got mary and williamson, their president -- the democratic party won't let them debate or replace but this week stephen smith in headlines after saying the quiet part out loud revealing the left could select. >> i personally believe it wasn't for my taxes in california, i would be a gavin newsom the border. biden has been president, anyone on the liberal side more forceful, convincing and defining against the right thing gavin newsom. >> everyone knows i like him, he's one of my favorite on television and clear why he's bringing up in the first place. joe biden is not equipped for another term in but americans down and concerns over his age and acuity are valid but that's where the agreement ends. that and high taxes in california but that only scratches the surface of what gavin newsom leadership looks like and gavin newsom california homeless crisis runs rampant making them one third of the entire american homeless population. gavin newsom california criminals are emboldened and victims are afraid. people are leaving in droves instead of growing. experts estimate population today will be the same in 2016. i've seen california struggle firsthand visiting city after city falling into what can only be described as chaos and disarray. that's what gavin newsom does in california. is that really want for our country? i want to dive deeper into the crime problem plaguing the country but california especially retail theft driving businesses out while criminals go unpunished and 37 that terms crimes and misdemeanors the value of stolen property is $150 so petty criminals can steal without consequence. my next guest, he said enough is enough and time to undo damage caused. david is the county supervisor joins me now, thank you for joining the program. you are a democrat and said enough is enough, why now? >> no mistake, the issues we face in california as mentioned, they need to be addressed in one issue is retail theft. we cannot continue on to have people run through stores, create chaos and steal $10000 worth of goods. that is not the direction we want the state to go to. i'm a democrat, we have a big tent and what i am encouraging other democrats and the state register is to really look at how we can change this law. there isn't a day that goes by where we see people taking things, stealing things, we had in my district $3300 worth of lego stolen and lawrence, they were building the castle so enough is enough, we need a new normal, a new paradigm and make sure when we go to local stores we can go and actually take something off the shelf. what i've seen in my experience is i have to wait three to five minutes to push about and for a clerk to come and get me something. let's not normal. we need to look at what we are doing. >> i don't mean to interrupt but i sincerely want to know, who thought this would be a good idea to begin with? how could this be good? >> i thought it was a great idea, i supported in 2014 and the reason was because i thought it was a compassionate approach giving people a second chance, third chance, whatever it is. in retrospect, what people did was they've taken advantage of this law and that's why what we need to do on prop 47 is rescind that law so i made a mistake, i think others made a mistake and now it's time for us to move forward in a way where we value public safety. public safety isn't a democratic issue, not republican issue, it's a people issue so that's why i've been so outspoken and i think there will be others, democrats in the state of california that will follow. >> i hope other folks in california come to their senses on this issue. i know you are a compassionate people but the has to be law and order and hopefully we can move on from this. thank you for joining the program. >> we have to, thank you for your time, lawrence. tens of thousands attendees stranded in the desert after a harsh storm and flooding washed out festivals. attendees were advised to stay in place and conserve food and clean water. second the desert, claudia. >> hi, lawrence. i want to show you where we are in front of pickle black mountain, this is one of 1600 camps that just got pummeled by a fierce rain storm that lasted many hours yesterday, friday and it's a muddy mess. there's a lot of alkaline in the dust here and when it mixes with water, it creates a terrible sludge so the roads are closed until further notice which could mean monday or tuesday because more rain is coming in and seeing drops already now so the cancer hunkering down supporting each other and making sure neighbors have enough food and water and blankets and we are still finding fun, just a different kind of fun, not so much cars and parties but connecting with each other and that is part of the spirit so we are going to get through this and it certainly one to remember and know we are safe and we will get home eventually. for now, back to you. >> next, closer than ever defining the fountain of youth, he shows us fancy equipment putting time on pause. that's next. ♪ >> your current age is what? >> biologically, my left ear is 64, my diaphragm is 18, my heart is 37, cardiovascular the top 1.5% and 18-year-old. ♪ welcome back to cross-country. had to go we are trying to fight the effects of age but there are some of us will go to extreme lengths to find the fountain of youth. you may recognize him in these photos from a tech ceo who spent millions researching to find different strategies to not only slow aging but potentially reverse plasma gained him some online attention. we asked about that and the other work he's doing. we got a chance to talk with him one on won this week. >> i become the most measured person on history, as evidenced and we say how slow the speed of aging? >> brian johnson is a tech entrepreneur and want them for billing dollars and now he's spending the money to stay young and we got a front row seat. >> everybody talking about the bus of not aging, and expert and i'm going to talk to him. >> how are you doing? >> glad you're here, come on in. >> how many doctors are overseeing this program? >> we currently have about 30 doctors and they all specialize in organs. >> what are the markers you are evaluating? >> trying to measure every organ in my body, liver, prostate, heart, the brain, everything billing a new intuition on how to determine health so things like how fast are you aging? there is a number. i currently age at .69 so someone's over one at their speed of aging, 54% more likely to have an incident in the next seven years. >> current age is what? >> biologically my left ear is 64, diaphragm is 18, my heart is 37, cardiovascular capacity is the top 1.5%. >> brian showed me high tech treatment daily to great his own fountain of youth. >> this is your skin. >> spectrum aging and it gives ten biomarkers. let's call ground and gives you a panel how healthy your skin is. this is electromagnetic stimulation so we bought this as part of muscle building to accelerate the process so if you put this on your ab, is the equivalent of 20000 sit ups. [laughter] >> how often do you do this? >> three times a week. [laughter] >> with the benefit? >> at the graph, on the 99 was percentile for muscle and fat. >> is there any science that you sell that's not the path for me, we are not seeing the benefits? >> yes, i did some plasma exchange with my son and father and for me it didn't have any effect. >> is the program the gets a lot of attention. what did you learn? >> it helped my father and dramatically lowered his speed aging and proved other markers. for me, no difference. >> i'm kind of surprised right now because i guess some of your critics talked about technology you are using as if it wasn't available yet on the market and i've seen a lot of this, you brought it to your house. is there anything in this room not available to the public? >> everyone has access. i spent millions doing this and i share everything free eve everyone. we say here's the protocol and evidence and here's what you should do and don't do and we want everyone to do this with us. ♪ i guess i could show you the food i eat. >> i said i'll let you have supplements. >> every calorie has had to fight for his life, nothing trendy or cool, nice to have every ingredient across this whole thing is perfectly attuned for the body. >> let's see what we've got from a i'm already seeing some red flags. [laughter] >> we can take those out. one 100% dark chocolate. >> let's star, chocolate. [laughter] >> it's one 100%, be ready. >> a well. i don't case amounts of sugar. >> what you think? >> it's good. there's no sugar. [laughter] i feel like that actually tastes chocolate now. if you want to take a sip -- >> what is that? [laughter] >> are you prejudging? [laughter] >> i see stuff floating around, it's green. within the drink? >> chlorella palo powder which is permitting which is impo important, mushrooms. collagen peptides, amino acids, senate and creating. ♪ >> okay, so it tastes fine, just smells horrible. [laughter] >> confusing. >> smells and tastes totally fine. >> most people, the first exposure, that's the reaction. when to do it for a few days, it's pretty good. [laughter] >> if we did this together for two weeks, you probably say you've never felt better. >> an invitation. [laughter] >> let's meet see if i can work up. the average person, is there a wave to accomplish what you have? a little bit less expensive. >> so many great things. this is more advanced but even the basic stuff saying no staying up late skipping exercise and doing the basics, everybody can do that. i know it's not doable so for people to say no to bad stuff and yes two basic free stuff is it. >> i actually hit the gym brian johnson. we are going to place it on instagram to go to the instagram account. this is a real doctor, so an interesting guy, i hope in questions as well but i will say a lot of the stuff he showed me his widely available to the public, what are your thoughts? >> to thoughts come to mind when i watched the video, the first is why our tech models so we are? [laughter] second, what is he doing with his left ear at 64 years old? that struck me but as a man of extremes, having alcohol for breakfast and now drinking green stewart young. maybe he's on to something, too. 2 million a year sounds expensive for the average pe person. some things like he said in his room there are available to the public, the machine, 20000 sit ups in an hour is available in plastic surgeons office is everywhere. his diet, can't argue with the results. it is not absent. batman absent. i'm jealous about. his face looks a little uncanny, sci-fi. i liked his dad's better actually. a little more natural in my opinion. >> i make about two weeks to go through the program, i have not decided yet. i found him to be a nice guy, interesting program. a team of 30 doctors. i want to talk to you about new trend ozempic. there's a lot of folks using it for weight loss but some you will say they are getting of benefit as well to fight other addictions, what you tell us? >> he's new class of drugs, the biggest breakthrough big pharma has come up with viagra and botox, these are drugs and work extremely well, game changers for diabetes. i have a patient who lost 100 pounds in a cured or compulsive shopping so the mechanism of action is still a share of these are powerful drugs, expensive right now unfortunately in my opinion, i think the government should write a check to big pharma and put it in the water chloride because it really here obesity in this country and efficient in their studies on going right now for all kinds of addictions, gambling, shopping and all of those things cured by these meds. >> i promise i will have you back because of this. thank you for joining us. >> up next, got comedian john chris. ♪ he. ♪ meet the portable blender we can barely keep in stock. blendjet 2 gives you ice-crushing, big blender power on-the-go. so you can blend up a mouthwatering smoothie, protein shake, or latte wherever you are! recharge quickly with any usb port. best of all, it even cleans itself! just blend water with a drop of soap. what are you waiting for? order yours now from before they sell out again! our ears connect us to the moments that matter. give them the nutrients they need with lipo. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch, it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. welcome back, america. as our president doing what he does best, vacation. the rest of us, this will be our last chance to get to the beach for a while. opal reveals tough feet from proper spacing to proper music with brooklyn's right beach to see is following these rules. watch. >> each etiquette, is it a thing, not a thing? >> it should be, you should keep other people's feelings and considerations going to the beach. >> following other people, interfering with someone's good time. >> if you have kids, control the making sure they are not on other people's picnic blankets. >> if someone is kicking sand in your face, you're probably not having a good time. >> people have these little fences they put up like each fences where they make their little spot. people who don't put their umbrellas all the way in and they pull out. you got to be responsible. >> people blocks music, i come to relax in the view and get some, i don't need to hear wearing music next to me. >> people we've stuck behind like trash basically. >> besides litter, what you think? >> don't be naked. [laughter] >> john chris is here. i like music at the beach, maybe even lasted a little bit, are we taking it too far? >> are we calling brooklyn, are recalling the a beach? fairly. i don't mind, i don't mind the music, i guess we don't get to choose but how has no one spoken about asking someone else to apply sunblock on you? have you -- i mean no one discusses it, who, another man asked another man to find your wife, go to the store and get the spray, i'm not sitting suntan lotion on another guy and no one has discuss that at all, i'm surprised that didn't come up. >> factors create some issues with some folks. [laughter] >> i mean, i don't want to say this live on television but i probably go as far as saying i would kiss a man before i would do that. talk about the spray oil. sometimes you seek the situation for the guy goes about 97% and can't get back. >> that creates the problem. if you spray the guy, i think he's rolling with it but it's the rub. >> no, then you have to rub it in. maybe get the top of my back versus, he just gives you the bottle and goes hey dude, you got me? i'm going home, i'm going home. >> i've got to ask you, what you feel about these drones making their way all over new york city to you know, spy on partygoers and see what they are doing? >> i'm going to go, on the list of priorities the nypd has, i think monitoring peoples backyard flavored parties can't be the top 1000. you talk about crime, homelessness, drug use, fentanyl and probably the same guy trying to rub suntan lotion, he's at the precinct and says tomorrow, i'm going to wrap the drone, i'm going to go to the suburbs, i'm going to be out there all day, don't bother me. the people who have backyard and paying taxes are the least of nypd. >> that's the last thing to worry about. thank you, i wish we had more time. i'll talk to you soon.os more cross-country after a quick break. io♪ to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. we're carvana the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100 percent online now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car whether it's a year old, or a few years old we want to buy your car so go to carvana enter your license plate answer a few questions and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds when you're ready we'll come to you pay you on the spot and pick up your car that's it so ditch the old way of selling your car and say hello to the new way at carvana >> out of control here thanks so much for watching cross country ancestry is dipping a big real native american and african-american not the fake, but here next week so you want to tune in for that live here next even time find me on social time lawrence jones b.3 and set your dvr never miss a show. good night america. ♪ ♪ >> well hello america i'm kennedy and this is fox news saturday night. ♪ ♪ kennedy: oh yeah baby it is labor day weekend in the us of a kicking back relaxing all weekend i don't you to work let me do the heavy lifting. all right, the political gods have sprinkled crap all over the election cycle and it's bad news for just about everyone running for the top job. now, it's my job to ve

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Have , Joe Biden , Experience , Incidents , Notes , Camera , Professor , Election , Job , Supporters , Threat , We Couldn T Disagree , Ch Change , Michael , Power , Result , Leadership Position , Sga , Congress , Lockdowns , Events , Running , Rally , Ian Smith , Roosa , Iran , Covid Lockdowns , Administration , Student , Place , Curving , Let S See , Covid , Matthew , Show , Pushback , View , Beliefs , Administrations , Ideas , Opinions , Folks , Thing , Democracy , Speak , Nonsense , Slavery , John Mellencamp , 2 , Brian Johnson , Headlines , Disagree , 9 , Secret , Interview , Fountain Of Youth , Priority , Family , Community , Network Restrictions , Convenience , Provider , Health Care Ministries , Member , Anytime Enrollment , Health Care , Christian , 40 , Mother , Mind , Dot Org , Expenses , Peace , Chm , Devie Duckduckgo , Like Google , Pi , Fo , Searchs , Doesn T Spy , Ads , Blocks Cooi , Money , Companie , Catch , Millions , Google , Chrome , Fre , Devices , Duckduckgo , Slave Picking Cotton , Will , Cotton Fields , Reasons , Doubt , Field , Yankees , Inaudible , Rest , Number , League , Example , Stop , 10 , Drop , Expert , Blood Butter , Assumptions , Sonny Johnson , Voters , Poll Numbers , Felicia , Enthusiasm , War , Plan , Fluctuation , October 2021 , Team , Host , Men , 2021 , Vote , Chance , Husbands , Leaders , Little League , Communities , Aspect , Stories , Republic , Chances , God , Two , Policy , Police , System , Adage , Economy , Immigration , Points , Stereotypes , Criminal Justice System Reform , Republican , Support , Polling , Ad Drop , Amount , 66 , 34 , 23 , Setting Change , Politics , Blackmailed , 77 , 22 , Opportunity , President , Ground , Polls , Numbers , Trump , Individuals , Shift , Turnout , Approval Ratings , 2020 , Who Don T , Minister , Change , Voting Process , Dependence , Social Media , Tv , Democrats , Steve Smith , Gavin Newsom , Basis , Anywhere , Don T Go , Back , Alternative , Options , 2024 , Everything , Kamala Harris , Fail , Williamson , Got Mary , Left , Stephen Smith , Wasn T , Taxes , Side , The Border , Television , Favorite , Age , Leadership , Term , Agreement , Acuity , Surface , Criminals , Growing , Droves , Victims , American Homeless Population , California Homeless Crisis , City , Experts , Same , City Falling , 2016 , Chaos , Disarray , Crime Problem , Retail Theft Driving Businesses , Value , Crimes , Consequence , Guest , Terms , Misdemeanors , 37 , 50 , 150 , Damage , County Supervisor , David , Mistake , Issue , Retail Theft , Stores , Direction , Goods , 10000 , 0000 , Law , Register , There Isn T A Day , Tent , District , Worth , The Castle , Lego , 3300 , 300 , Paradigm , Shelf , Clerk , Three , Five , 2014 , Reason , Advantage , Second Chance , Approach , Retrospect , Prop , Others , 47 , Public Safety Isn T A Democratic , Safety , Senses , Law And Order , Desert , Lawrence , Tens Of Thousands Attendees , Water , Food , Storm , Attendees , Flooding , Festivals , Second The Desert , Claudia , Rain Storm , Camps , Front , Hi , Black Mountain , 1600 , Lot , Notice , Mess , Dust , Sludge , Roads , Alkaline , Each Other , Neighbors , Blankets , Rain , Seeing , Cancer Hunkering , Fun , Parties , Kind , Cars , Spirit , Fancy , Equipment , The Fountain Of Youth , Ear , Pause , My Diaphragm , Biologically , 64 , 1 5 , Effects , Lengths , Photos , Ceo , Aging , Attention , Strategies , Plasma , Work , Speed , Person , Tech Entrepreneur , Everybody , Billing Dollars , Bus , Front Row Seat , Doctors , Come On In , 30 , Body , Markers , Health , Liver , Organs , Organ , Intuition , Brain , Prostate , Someone , Incident , 54 , Capacity , Biologically My Left , Seven , Spectrum Aging , Skin , Biomarkers , High Tech Treatment , Ten , Sit Ups , Stimulation , Equivalent , Muscle Building , Ab , 20000 , 20000 Sit , Benefit , Muscle , Percentile , Fat , Graph , 99 , Father , Plasma Exchange , Science , Benefits , Path , Son , Yes , Speed Aging , Effect , Technology , Market , Critics , Difference , This , Public , Room , Anything , House , Access , Protocol , Evidence , Supplements , Cool , Calorie , Ingredient , Flags , Let , Sugar , Chocolate , Dark Chocolate , Well , Star , Sip , Stuff , Powder , Chlorella , Drink , Important , Mushrooms , Collagen Peptides , Amino Acids , Senate , Fine , Smells , Reaction , Horrible , Invitation , Wave , Exercise , Basics , Gym , Questions , Doctor , Account , Instagram , Thoughts , First , Video , Tech Models , Man , Breakfast , Alcohol , Extremes , Green Stewart Young , Pe Person , 2 Million , Face , Everywhere , Results , Surgeons , Diet , The Machine , Batman , Dad , Sci Fi , More , Trend Ozempic , Addictions , Drugs , Weight Loss , Game Changers , Botox , Viagra , Diabetes , Breakthrough Big Pharma , Shopping , Patient , Mechanism , Government , Check , Action , Share , Big Pharma , Studies , Kinds , Meds , Gambling , Obesity , John Chris , Up Next , Got Comedian , Big Blender Power On The Go , Blender , Blendjet 2 , Stock , Latte , Smoothie , Protein Shake , Usb Port , Soap , Ears , Matter , Lipo , Ingredients , Blendjet Com , Nutrients , Hearing Loss , Ear Ringing , Dizziness , Lipo Flavonoid , Built N , Welcome Back , Music , Beach , Vacation , Spacing , Opal , Rules , Feet , Brooklyn , Considerations , Etiquette , Feelings , Kicking Sand , Picnic Blankets , Making , Fences , Spot , People Who Don T , Umbrellas , Some , Litter , Trash , Don T Be Naked , Bit , Sunblock , Wife , Store , Suntan Lotion , Didn T , No One , Spray , Factors , Spray Oil , Situation , 97 , Top , Rub , Bottle , Drones , Going Home , New York City , Partygoers , Spy , Priorities , Has , List , Nypd , Peoples Backyard Flavored , Crime , Drug Use , Homelessness , Fentanyl , 1000 , Backyard , Drone , Precinct , Suburbs , Least , Break , Os , Io , Product , Gamechanger , Patients , Erosion , Cavities , Car , Car Vending Machines , Company , Carvana , Offer , Old , Brand , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Out Of Control , Fake , Big Real Native American , Cross Country Ancestry , Dvr , Night America , 3 , Well Hello America , Saturday Night , Weekend , Kicking , Kennedy , News , Lifting , Election Cycle , Gods , Ve , Crap ,

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