Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

>> there's a large crowd and party in the backyard, we will utilize to check on the party to make sure -- we will be able to determine the many resources we need to send to that location. >> expected to be a record amount of people in the skies this holiday weekend but already a nightmare for travelers at airports across the country with about 2500 delays today alone but mayor pete says we are on an upward swing. >> most of the rough days we did have to do with storms that affected hugs which had cascading effects. we look at delays attributed to national aviation system which does not include things under airlines control. we see 2.6% of delays had to do with air traffic control staffing issues. i'd like to see that number at zero but has improved substantially from what we saw a year ago. >> how big a problem are flight delays really? only september and 21% have been delayed so far this year, already more than the total for all of last year but not to worry, mayor pete is just like us. >> hopefully my flight is on time. >> making a joke about it. hopefully my flight is on time. he knows they are late, have yol impression of what's going on? we see the stats but i've been flying for years, it's never been worse than this and my personal, that's the way i see it. >> every time i come to do this show i say with the secretary said, i hope my flight is on time and almost always delayed and that's not just me, it's everybody out there you can see frustration and hear it in their voices but also the people working in the airlines doing right now with pilot shortage and airline mechanic an airplane mechanic shortage as well as those in the towers so you have shortages and end up with a shortage of patients and everybody is frustrated and so frustrated because they know what's going on and to be talked to as if they are not aware of what's going on around him, only decreases the value they see in this position. >> i want to talk about the holiday weekend, we got drones lying on us. let's take a look, i want to show this video of republican joe pirelli, new york city council minority leader and he's concerned about privacy. >> the fact that the police want to drone in your backyard to see how many you have a party, it really is scary except for policing and in general. we live in a vertical city so is it safe to say the least could now potentially use a drone to peek into apartments high up in the sky? >> not just looking down, looking in the windows. i don't like this, i don't like drones and don't know what they are going to do. we should have had legislation already on this. >> my first reaction is are you kidding me? we got a crime problem in new york city but the resources are going to be a breakup large barbecues, people are barbecuing too hard, large parties gathering and drones to monitor and things of that nature. in this city, you're kidding me. that's the priority? not smash and grabs, not theft or crime in the streets, not people taking people out on subway platforms? the drones need to monitor barbecues. i feel this is setting us up for covid 2.0, when we have decrees which you know will happen especially in liberal cities, no more than eight gathering in a place and they say we got drones, we've tested it over labor day weekend and we are ready. if you are having fun unmask, i can see this coming down again with covid 2.0, i don't like and the priorities are astonishing. >> it's about the priorities. the fact that we can stop crime now and we are not doing it, the surveillance in the stores but the smash and grab school on and we watch the videos so how is more video going to help if they are not willing to enforce the law? >> it's not just video and that's what's scary because when i was in congress, we had oversight hearings about this and what the fbi is doing with facial recognition, they did it on black ice protesters and january 6 in other situations where they go in and capture your facial recognition and match it to the database. if you get your drivers license and your 17-year-old daughter has her face out there, that's already in government database but we are different in america. if you are, you're not supposed to be in the database, it "easier to collect your hair sample or fingerprint when you're born but we don't do that. you have a fundamental right to privacy in this country and the yahoos think they can look in your backyard and that better be limits soon because what they are doing is more than we just want to see if there are too many people barbecuing. they are collecting the information and matching it to other things. >> project see advocates, the slippery slope is very real so everyday weekend, find so you go to another holiday weekend and easy for the city to say we did it labor day weekend, we will do it now and what privacy experts worry about as they start with this and folks get used to it even if they protested at the beginning because eventually they don't feel they have a choice and it could be something monitored on a daily basis. >> i don't even know who qualifies as a privacy expert anymore because the aclu was a wall during covid, no good but we do get a statement from the aclu, they say it's troubling so glad to have them on our side. it's a troubling announcement and flies in the face of post- act deploying drones in this way is a sci-fi inspired scenario so glad when the aclu comes on board, you live in the south, tomi. do you think if there are drones over people's property, i think they will take them out. >> i'm from south dakota so this would never fly in south dakota. fly a drone over a rancher and it will be down in 2.2 seconds. same in tennessee or anywhere the south, they would not last. new york city i'd be surprised if they lasted here as well. i don't think -- this might be a unifying issue, i don't think there are any americans, maybe gen z out there who are not bothered by being spied on on tik tok, maybe they are okay but it could be a unifying issue, i don't think anybody wants the idea of any type of law enforcement government entity spying over your party, seeing what you're doing flying overhead and let's think about the high-rises across somebody's bathroom window. there's a lot of issues and priorities, how much is it costing? i'd like to know that as well. >> they have -- they like these gadgets. >> this is an faa issue, where is mayor pete? who owns the airspace? if you have a backyard and a good law, is that airspace 200 feet? 10 feet, 1 inch? faa things it owns all of it so one out of every five flights in the country right now is delayed 2500 today and mayor pete is out there saying i wish my flight, i hope it's not late. go figure this out and create rules about drones. if you have a drone over your yard, who are you supposed to call? >> ghostbusters is who you call. >> smith and wesson or browning, they can take care of it. >> mayor pete is famous for talking about racist roads but mayor pete deputy andrea has a statement want to read her tweet, she says it's simple. all cars are bad. what you think? >> that was it. >> i got to give it to her for brevity but he's the transportation secretary. obviously -- >> she is on the advisory board and what she says is she's not trying to get rid of cars but pushing the secretary so americans would be less dependent on private use cars. let's see how that would fly. she works with a new school in new york city. try that in south dakota, china in utah or colorado, try that anywhere where people are driving their cars every day and they need to. otherwise things shut down, the businesses shut down and the can't go to work. >> public transit is often answers they like to use. i lived in l.a. for three years, i would never go on public transit because i would want to see homeless people defecating and pulling pants down, i'm sure it's the same situation in new york city so the push toward the public transit option, pushed out the subway platform and a homeless person tweaking out, i don't think so and this is not going to fly but watch them move us closer and closer to something like this, drones in your backyard and tell you all cars are back to drive less credit to plano control they got in 2020. it's not listening when you give your right away, the president has said and unfortunately now we are going down the toilet bowl with all these presidents. >> well, everybody have a great weekend. straight ahead, president biden get a snub while visiting hurricane damage in florida and makes a whopper of a comment about visiting these policy. >> i haven't had the occasion to go to east palestine, there's a lot going on here. >> lights, camera, kamala. exposing what it's like for the ep to be part of the biden administration. could it be all those last and gaffes? 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[laughter] [laughter] >> that book describes harris as quote sidelined and sabotaged as noted by new york magazine. we are going to get to this and seconds but i want to go back to florida because a reporter didn't ask the president when he is going to visit palestine, ohio and everyone will remember in early carboy there was a train derailment that left loads of chemicals in the air and the water and soil. take a listen to what the president had to say. >> i haven't had the occasion to go, there's a lot going on here and haven't been able to have a break. i was thinking as i go to east palestine this week but i was reminded about to go literally around the world from washington to india to vietnam so it's going to be wild. >> so far the president has had 382 days of vacation so far, 40%. presidency and jason, i want to go to you first, your thoughts? >> i still hope he goes. i've been to east palestine since the accident, lovely town, i feel for those people. nobody was walking around, a lovely day but they've been devastating from this. i thought president biden was kind and thoughtful to governor desantis and praised his efforts and the people of florida. i thought that was appropriate but it is totally unacceptable for the president biden to be able to say i haven't had time. how many times have we seen pictures of him on the beach or hanging out in lake tahoe are going to camp david leisurely? who are the puppeteers saying you can't go? he evidently said i could go this week but i can't because my schedule is so busy. it's been six months, get your butt out there and visit those people and make sure they have the assets that need to be there but he hasn't and won't and my guess is, shall of words and will never happen. >> you got to remember the folks there are seeing the president make the visits to other places devastated and they remain devastated. let's get to this book here and i'll begin with you. the last politician, the author writes that harris possessed what one of her colleagues described as rabbit ears whenever there was a hint of criticism of her, either the west wing or the press, she seemed instantly aware of it. what are your thoughts on that, she's paying so close attention to criticism? >> i think she's paranoid but for somebody concerned about witticism and being spoken ab about, maybe not a positive fashion, he would think she would do something. if people give criticism especially at your job in an important role as vice president of the united states of america, you would think instead of saying i've been sidelined and sabotaged for rumblings behind the scenes, usa i will prove myself and. she could be a strong woman and strong example, i wouldn't agree with everything but i would like to see her do something. it's this not doing anything but show up and photo ops and i've got to tell you, if i see kamala harris, president biden or white house we out one more photo op of kamala and joe standing next to each other with the cheesy tagline, i think i might be physically sick because we see it on a daily basis, a cheesy line like the post on instagram for likes and followers and it bothers me. do something. 40% of biden's time on vacation, kamala has gone to the border maybe once if you can even call it that and they are complaining they are criticized unfairly. i think they are not criticized enough and there should be more, they deserve that. >> inside the west wing and outside here in the public, vice president received a lot of criticism with her handling or not handling of the border, she was asked about it before she went to visit about possibly going in 2021. >> do plan to visit the border? >> not today. [laughter] >> in the book the author writes she left criticism got her instead of diligently sticking to central america assignment she seemed to accept wisdom about it, a futile gig so she let it fall to the side missing an opportunity to grind her way to a meaningful achievement. >> i think her problems are because of her. i don't know if she doesn't take notes or doesn't have advisors but if i were her advisor, i would say vice president harris, just go read the speech, she thinks she can wing it. she loves winging it and hanging out and things she's like ellen or oprah and can be a talkshow host and she can't so that's okay, we all have our weaknesses, do you know who could weigh in? tent but he would show up and read the speech, he was boring and embraced his boredom but i think should just be vice presidential, you know? don't try to be cool or talk about the moon or wing it and go off on word salads. it's easy enough to read the speech and move on. he should have better relations with his vice president, they don't get along, it doesn't look like and they have to pretend. >> hard to come back from being called racist on the debate stage, i think that's where it began. >> i'm going to read the script. high school football coach back under friday night lights following his supreme court victory, a victory for faith and football. next. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend show, a victory for prayer as a high school football coach returns and notify the night lights after being fired for playing with players on the field. that began an eight year legal fight that went all the way to the supreme court where i course side for personal expression and after his first game back, all the coach could say was thank you, god. >> after eight years sitting in the sidelines and not be able to be on the field with my team to be with them, feel the crack of the pads and look into their eyes and pumping them up, what an incredible experience and like i never even left before. i feel so thankful and the only thing i said when i took my knee after the football game last night, i walked midfield and took my knee and i was so thankful, the only words i could get out was thank you, god because i have no other word. >> it's beautiful, i had coach kennedy on my show after he won his legal battle, 11.7 million dollars settlement but still going back to the field says a lot about him but a bigger message here. i know you are a man of faith, what does it say to people of faith, whatever their faith might be about expressing that especially in the public square? >> coach jeff kennedy, so exuberant after going through this legal battle, it's satisfying. are trying to think, who is suing these people? where the victims in this case? for him to go to this eight years is ridiculous but you should wear your faith proudly, who should not have to be pushed aside from any faith and you should wear that rally so take a knee at the end of the game and give thanks to jesus christ or however you might pray, it's okay and i'm glad the court finally settled after eight long years. >> i can't help but think about the number of people who got on their need for different rea reasons, black lives matter and to speak out against police brutality and oppression that was never criticized, i don't remember anybody losing their job, i could be wrong but i don't remember seeing that so for him to be fired and come back and when that, what do you think it says about maybe trying to level the playing field about competing ideology? maybe we can kneel for everything? are we going to seek more political activism? >> i think more activism on the part of people who want religious liberty and expr expression, i think it's gone so far i'm not satisfied. 1.7 million? i don't even think they paid his salary and i will others fired. the people who fired him should be fired and we should know their names, they are villains. we have something called the list liberty in this country but trampled upon and we have victories oh yeah, no guy has a right not to bake this cake one time. no, we need to stand up across the board because the whole idea the state does not establish religion has been worked to any state employee cannot express religion anywhere anytime and i can't stand that when these people get fired. i think we have to come back and fight on the other side and push further on this because religious liberty is still under attack and i'm not as forgiving as him, he says it's over, i think we should keep fighting. >> we have to keep biden but part of this, we will play a clip on "fox & friends" but part of this, was he having his team do this, imploring others? let's listen to what he says about having kids join him in prayer now that he's had this victory. >> this is american and the kids can do what they want, it's never mandatory. i will never ask them to come join me, it has to be something of free will but i will stop anybody from coming out, they have just as much right to say a prayer as i do. >> so before he got fired, some of his team was joining him voluntarily because they wanted to see what he was doing and give thanks and pray, what do you think it says to him thing they can join me even after the hoopla, do think kids would join him? >> if they want to, they will, they have the freedom but i think there are a lot of people who see a man who's truly living his face. >> he is, living his face and he didn't back down, he goes back to work, that's the biggest part that makes me happy, he won and goes back to the field and does it in the face of all that so congrats to you, coach kennedy but we are excited for this one. do you know what race is? tom hit the streets to find out what people think and i will educate my cohost about the gen z vocabulary, that's next. >> do you know what riz is? >> i don't. ♪ ♪ >> beautiful beach, welcome back to the big weekend show. every generation has its own language older people just don't understand. >> whatever. >> as if. >> do think she's pretty? to make a full morning. >> what someone a? >> from far away, it's okay but up close it's a big old mess. >> do you know what riz is? i still don't think i know what it is but according to the "wall street journal" it's length that's bottling parents everywhere so we got to go to our expert tomi, explained to me what riz is. >> on the millennial but i still know what this means because i watched reality tv including love island, they use a lot so i become educated in my elder millennial years but if you break it down, it's short for charisma so you have an x factor, personality, spice and flavor so that riz. >> people have said it a lot. >> you have raised and you have no idea, good or bad. >> i took it is good. >> i think everybody here has raised but you went to the streets to find out if others knew what riz was and i'm curious to get their reactions. >> i figured new yorkers are pretty hip so i went out and did a groovy segment and i think you will dig it. ♪ >> do you know what riz is? >> i don't. >> it can be good. >> what kind? >> peanut butter. >> is that your back or shoulder? >> both my back and my shoulder have risk. >> if somebody said you've got riz, is that good or bad? >> it sounds back. >> the new definition of cool. >> you got game. >> like you are smooth. >> how you talk about girl or a guy. >> do you think i have raised? >> i don't know. >> be smooth, make a scene but something you don't. >> like saying hey with riz. >> the motion, motion creates a motion, it's the only way if you don't know, you clearly don't have the riz. >> i love it. >> that last guy, he might be a scientist or something but i think riz personally has to do with someone who's unexpectedly attractive like on paper he doesn't have the goods but uses his personality to punch above his weight. >> did he get it right? >> that can count, somebody who has personality so you are on the right track but there are so many phrases and i think you've got how many gen z in your household? >> five. >> so you should know all of these. >> absolutely not because of i say them, that's even worse if i say things the kids in our house say no way but my daughter told me when i asked her, she laughed at me and said there's another, that's it goes hard which means that the nice outfit you are wearing, that fit goes hard but the one that confuses me is that and i share about a lot, someone says something to the other and the other will say that. is that -- >> you are affirming it instead of saying you bet it's like you're right, i'm affirming what you said, doubling down, did a. >> it sounds a little suss, suspicious going on. >> drip? >> dripping, you're dripping and ice must dial. >> and mid like dinner and they say it's mid and i'm like -- that's good, bad? it's just okay. >> there's things i said, i was giving out awards to these kids in high school and they were going to get their picture taken and i said come on up, a kodak moment and all of these kids are like what in the world? kodak moment flex they had no idea what i was talking about. >> that is funny. >> role of the window? my kids are like to what was the window, roll it up? >> you know from this show you don't call short shorts, you call them short pants which i don't know if that's a testament to your generation or adjacent is him but short pants i learned from you. >> i get teased a lot about t that. all right, here are some phrases gen z do not understand. the bullet, cut the mustard, let sleeping dogs lie. those are so easy, they make sense to me, i use them like every week. >> i think regular people, people older than gen z, they must use cut the mustard, they mix it up with past mustard, i've heard people say it doesn't past the mustard. >> as long as it's not cut the cheese. [laughter] young people might not know what that is. >> they are efficient because all of their stuff is not even one word, it's half of a word, yours are full on sentences almost. >> my kids watch the brady bunch they last like that is groovy, far out. getting close to suppertime, my kids have no idea what supper is. do this every week. all right, coming up. checking the boxes, once influencer is putting out a boyfriend application to find a match. the search for love turning into a job interview coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show. how far would you go for love? any people buildup dozens of profiles for dating apps, how about administrative paperwork? determined to find your soulmate, one influencer is asking potential suitors to fill out boyfriend applications. the 23-year-old posted request to her $6 million on instagram and seems pleased with the response saying she had 3000 applicants and what exactly is on the application? questions include, do you have a full-time job? if you were picking three adjectives to describe his of come up with one be due she? if we live together, what i get the walk-in closet? [laughter] would you want one of your kids looking for love in this manner? >> we saw her picture, she's good looking she's going to get responses to her dumb service but at this dumb and nobody takes it seriously, their life walk-in closet, you can have it, definitely. the words described me are riz so they are going to fill this out because they want to get together with gayle but if she were not so good looking, she's not going to get resumes in the mail and nobody will apply for the job so that's the secret i think. i think obviously -- i've been seeing a lot among women during the girl lost thing like they i ask how much money he makes, show me your bank account, i've seen the activity and i think it's fine if you want to get a guy like that but the kind of guy who says i'm not going to tell you how much money am going to make on the first day, that will impress him in the same way if you ask a woman out and she says no, i can't make it, then you may be come back for more because you are impressed she's not impressed by you so i think maybe a good answer is none of your business, why don't we have dinner? see how that works out. >> and she was interviewed by an outlet at the uk and she said some people think it's weird i use an application to find love but overall the responses positive with a lot of candidates, it's hard dating in 2023 so i want to know who's a good candidate right away and if we will be a good fit. >> you want to know why it's hard dating in 2023? instagram and only bands which this girl obviously is off of so what i find hilarious, do you have a full-time job? maybe she does have a nine to five but it looks as though social media is her job posting for stay photos we cannot show seems to be her job so it's rich she wants to cast someone to be her boyfriend when she posts provocative photos online and complains dating is hard in 2023. dating is hard because of women like that coast feels like that on social media and that is the problem, she is the problem but she got her 15 minutes of fame and got subscribers from this so the cycle continues. >> she makes 360,000 a month on only bands and wants to know if candidates have a lot of booty calls and wants to make sure they are loyal and willing to watch cartoons. >> i think this is great idea. if my wife of 32 years said give me an application, i would never have passed that test, i wouldn't be there today but she's like a sugar daddy, not looking for love. if you were looking for love, she would be fine but she wants a sugar daddy. any dude who has a walk-in closet, come on. that's not looking for love. good for closet space. >> when she said she wants a full-time job, a guy who watches cartoons, it's a narrow venn diagram. [laughter] >> stick around because the big four is next. ♪r ha ♪ nervive contains ala to relieve nerve aches, and b-complex vitamins to fortify healthy nerves. try nervive. and, try nervive pain relieving roll-on. introducing the limited edition disney collection from blendjet. nine exciting designs your whole family will adore blendjet 2 is portable, which means you can blend up nutritious smoothies, protein shakes, or frozen treats, just about anywhere! recharge quickly via usb-c. it even cleans itself. order yours now from and bring a little disney into your life. welcome back to the big we can show for it is time now for the big weekend flops, our picks for the biggest sales of the week. i will go first. burning man is at a standstill festival goers are being advised to conserve food and water as well shelter in place as monsoon downpours in nevada desert have less tens of thousands of fans stranded in a muddy mess. can you believe that? folks have massive range i live in utah a a and in utah and neva we got pummeled with the rain. these people on the middle of the desert a socket and get in your car and go drive somewhere else or check into a hotel but once you are out there, you are out there. that stuff turns to -- it is worse than mud it is like >> what happens for a quick summit who took these pictures are corresponded out of san francisco. she is there. she is stuck and going to go with lawrence jones later on tonight to talk about the disaster. >> i hope she watch her brought her wellington boots. tommy? lex this is a good one. our friend riley gaines is swimming laps former msnbc claims sheet sucked at swimming so she let all of her trophies do the talking. take a look. >> the sec title second in the country this is my sec community service leader of the year award. got me a lot of money. another sec title trophy a scholar athlete of the or believe it or not a p i'm pretty smart. another sec title a trophy that is what we want and sec championship as a team but hhonors,and another one broke t0 butterfly record. which i still hold one of folks i love this would all the haters on this. also what a nasty person after a young girl like this it takes it bring a bitter old man to go after a 23-year-old on twitter simply because she's standing up for women's sports for this is how far the left has fallen good for you riley for calling them out, owning him props to you great job, jason what is yours? >> isil you cannot beat her in a debate cannot beat her in the pool that is for sure. [laughter] this you've got to see this for rethinks that heated on a podcast by the owner of the comedy cellar with "washington post" columnist philip bump when he was pressed about covering up for biden's corruption, have a at this. >> when you take the text message to his adult daughter to a 50% of my income to pop. courts have no idea what that means i don't have noisy what that means. >> is circumstantial evidence. >> what could it mean? >> i appreciate person would ask her? >> i don't know i don't know "what you think someone should ask her? i just said i don't know. feel you want me to leave walk out in the middle of this. >> you can ghost assist weight the washington post handles people who disagree with them? to agree to go in for 45 minutes i get on for an hour and 15 yes after a while. >> he walked out. this guy is supposed be the resident expert he wrote about the bidens with the republicans are doing just a couple of days ago, you are pretty familiar with the podcast request i have done it pretty also is a comedy so you sit around a table there are comedians there has all different people is that i'm the best argument for the other side and some he said philip bump he is one who writes about in the post- who brought him in and said i want you are the expert. he asked them a few difficult questions very simple and he destroyed him it is fantastic. >> he got so visibly uncomfortable. i think that is was so crazy here. he got visibly uncomfortable when he be asked about shows which side the media is on unfortunately. >> are my turn. blue city pays up for enforcing the law this one is personal denver's paying $5 million to settle a class action lawsuit that alleged protesters were unjustly targeted for violating the city's curfew during georgia floored riots in 2020. i will tell you the destruction left behind by those protesters began a very dark. in denver's downtown history and it continues until this day they have not quite recovered. that doesn't for us but we will see you back here tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. eastern for the big weekend show. "one nation" with bryant starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ alright it is saturday at hi everyone welcome to "one nation." and tonight we have a very special show lined up this labor day weekend here we go. all year long to the been tryio make america funny again. breaches of my favorite comedians, jon chris, jamie has been on twice. my personal mission since i started this show to bring comedy back to the funny business. we used to know we used to love it. that is before cancel culture took over and hit it

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Big Weekend Show , Spine On Labor Day Weekend , Tom Shillue , Allysia Acuna , Tomi Larry , The Big Story Tonight , Drones , Drone Teams , Cookouts , Backyard Parties , Guests , Monday Morning , Nypd , New Yorkers , Party , Backyard , Resources , Crowd , Location , People , Pete , Country , Nightmare , Record , Airports , Amount , Travelers , 2500 , Delays , Hugs , Aviation System , Storms , Cascading Effects , Most , Swing , Things , Airlines , Issues , Number , Air Traffic Control Staffing , 2 6 , Zero , Problem , Wall , Flight Delays , Total , September , Big A , 21 , Flight , Us , Joke , Way , Show , Secretary , Stats , Personal , What S Going On , Impression , Everybody , Frustration , Pilot Shortage , Voices , Airplane Mechanic Shortage , Shortage , Shortages , Airline , Mechanic , Towers , Patients , Position , Value , Drone , Privacy , Joe Pirelli , Video , Fact , Police , Take A Look , New York City Council , Republican , City , Policing , General , Least , Don T , Reaction , Sky , Apartments , Legislation , Windows , Barbecues , Breakup , Barbecuing , Crime Problem , Crime , Streets , Parties , Priority , Nature , Grabs , Theft , Subway Platforms , It , Place , Covid 2 0 , Decrees , Gathering , Cities , 2 0 , Eight , Labor Day Weekend , Priorities , Fun Unmask , School , Law , Videos , Stores , Surveillance , Smash And Grab , Recognition , Hearings , Black Ice Protesters , Fbi , Congress , Daughter , Database , Situations , Drivers , January 6 , 17 , 6 , Right , Government Database , Hair Sample , Fingerprint , Yahoos , People Barbecuing , Doing , Weekend , Information , Project , Slippery Slope , Folks , Privacy Experts , Holiday Weekend , Something , Statement , Basis , Privacy Expert , Aclu , Choice , Side , South , Face , Flies , Scenario , Sci Fi , Announcement , Property , Rancher , South Dakota , Tomi , Anywhere , Issue , Tennessee , 2 , Idea , Anybody , Type , Law Enforcement Government Entity Spying , Tik Tok , Lot , Somebody , Bathroom Window , Faa , Airspace , Gadgets , Feet , Flights , 10 , 200 , 1 , Five , One , Care , Rules , Figure , Yard , Ghostbusters , Browning , Smith And Wesson , Cars , Deputy Andrea , Tweet , Roads , Transportation Secretary , Brevity , Advisory Board , Use , China , Utah , Businesses , Can T Go , Colorado , Pants , Transit , Situation , Push , Public Transit , L A , Three , Platform , Option , Subway , Person Tweaking Out , President , Plano , Credit , 2020 , Biden , Occasion , Florida , Presidents , Policy , Haven T , Snub , Comment , Toilet Bowl , Whopper , Hurricane Damage , Part , East Palestine , Administration , Kamala , Lights , Ep , Gaffes , Camera , Rsv , Make It Arexvy , Respiratory Disease , Rsv Vaccine , Airways , Lungs , Fda , 82 , 60 , Everyone , Reactions , Health Conditions , Ingredients , 94 , Response , Pain , Muscle Pain , Vaccine , Side Effects , Immune Systems , Injection Site Pain , Headache , Fatigue , Doctor , Pharmacist , Damage , Hurricane Dalia , Desantis , Plan , Yes , Governor , Sunshine State , Politician , Book , Message , West Wing , Vp , Pic , Insecurities , Source , Bombshell , Laughter , Quote , Reporter , New York Magazine , Water , Hair , Train Derailment , Soil , Carboy , Chemicals , Loads , Ohio , Vacation , World , Break , Washington To India , Vietnam , 382 , Thoughts , Presidency , Jason , Accident , 40 , Nobody , Efforts , Pictures , Times , On The Beach , Lake Tahoe , Butt , Schedule , Puppeteers , Camp David , Six , Words , Assets , Guess , Won T , Places , Visits , Possessed , Colleagues , Hint , Rabbit Ears , Criticism , Press , Attention , Witticism , Job , Role , President Of The United States America , Fashion , Woman , Everything , Behind The Scenes , Example , Anything , Mother , Photo , Photo Op , Tagline , Joe Standing , White House , Post , Instagram , Line , Likes , Followers , Border , Unfairly , The Public , Handling , 2021 , Assignment , Wisdom , Central America , Gig , Problems , Achievement , Opportunity , Speech , Wing It , Notes , Advisor , Doesn T Have Advisors , Boredom , Host , Oprah , Weaknesses , Tent , Word , Relations , Vice President , Doesn T , Wing , Salads , Debate Stage , Racist , Moon , Faith , Victory , High School Football Coach , Football , Script , Supreme Court , Friday Night Lights , Next , Prayer , Fight , Expression , Night Lights , Players , High School Football Coach Returns , The Field , Game , Coach , Back , Sidelines , God , Team , Experience , Eyes , Pads , Crack , Thing , Knee , Football Game , Battle , Field , Settlement , 11 7 Million Dollars , 11 7 Million , Man , Jeff Kennedy , Public Square , Victims , Case , Thanks , Rally , Jesus Christ , The End , Court , Help , Need , Police Brutality , Oppression , Reasons , Matter , Lives , Activism , Playing Field , Ideology , Liberty , Others , Salary , Expr Expression , 1 7 Million , Guy , Victories , List , Names , Villains , Religion , Estate , Board , State Employee , Cannot , Fighting , Attack , Fox Friends , Clip , Kids , Some , Coming Out , Free Will , Pray , Hoopla , Work , Freedom , Gen Z , Race , Cohost , Tom Hit The Streets , Riz , I Don T , Vocabulary , Generation , Think , Beach , Language , Whatever , Someone , Morning , Big Old Mess , Expert Tomi , Everywhere , Parents , Bottling , Length , Wall Street Journal , Personality , X Factor , Reality Tv , Spice , Charisma , Love Island , Bad , Flavor , Segment , Kind , Peanut Butter , Shoulder , Definition , Cool , Risk , Girl , I Don T Know , Scene , Motion , Paper , Goods , Scientist , Weight , Track , Phrases , Household , House , Fit , Another , Outfit , Doubling Down , Drip , Dripping , Little Suss , Dinner , Ice , Good , Picture , High School , Awards , Kodak , Up , Window , Flex , Testament , Mustard , Bullet , Sense , Sleeping Dogs Lie , Cheese , Stuff , Half , Sentences , Brady Bunch , Supper , Influencer , Boxes , Coming Up , Suppertime , Love , Match , Boyfriend Application , Job Interview , Search , Paperwork , Dozens , Profiles , Dating Apps , One Influencer , Application , Request , Applicants , Soulmate , Boyfriend Applications , Suitors , 3000 , Million , 6 Million , 23 , Questions , Walk In Closet , Of , Adjectives , Responses , Life Walk In Closet , Service , Manner , Women , Secret , Mail , Money , Activity , Bank Account , Business , More , None , Answer , Outlet , Uk , Dating , Candidates , Candidate , Positive , 2023 , Nine , Social Media , Bands , Job Posting , Stay Photos , Photos , Boyfriend , 2023 Dating , Cycle , Subscribers , Coast , 15 Minutes Of Fame , 15 , Booty Calls , 360000 , Wife , Cartoons , Wouldn T , Test , 32 , Dude , Sugar Daddy , Come On , Closet Space , Venn Diagram , Big Four , Four , Ha Nervive , R , Nerves , B Complex Vitamins , Nerve Aches , Ala , Try Nervive , Nervive Pain Relieving Roll , Disney Collection , Designs , Treats , Protein Shakes , Family , Smoothies , Adore Blendjet 2 , Blendjet , Life , Blendjet Com , Big , Sales , Big Weekend Flops , Picks , Mess , Monsoon Downpours , Fans , Well Shelter , Food , Burning Man , Nevada Desert , Tens Of Thousands , Standstill Festival Goers , Car , Middle , Drive , Rain , Desert A Socket , Somewhere , Hotel , Range , Utah Aa , Mud , Summit , San Francisco , Lawrence Jones , Friend Riley Gaines , Boots , Disaster , Lex , Wellington , Tommy , Msnbc , Title , Sec , Leader , Talking , Trophies , Swimming , Award , Community Service , Claims Sheet , Trophy , Championship , Trophy A Scholar Athlete , Ap , Hhonors , Person , Butterfly Record , Haters , Left , You Riley , Women S Sports , Pool , Debate , Podcast , Comedy Cellar , Rethinks , Owner , Washington Post , Isil , Sure , Text Message , Columnist , Corruption , Adult , Philip Bump , 50 , Courts , Evidence , Pop , Income , 50 , Walk , Ghost , 45 , Expert , Bidens , Republicans , Podcast Request , Couple , Comedians , Comedy , Who , Table , Argument , Philip , Shows , Media , Denver , Protesters , Class Action Lawsuit , Curfew , Riots , Blue City , Georgia , 5 Million , Destruction , One Nation , Eastern , Bryant , 00 , 7 , Tryio , America Funny , Breaches , Culture , Mission , Jamie , Jon Chris ,

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