Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703

had any damage go to disaster assistance to register for assistance. earlier this week i visited fema headquarters in washington. to think the emergency responding personnel for working 24/7 here in florida and throughout the southeast. and in maui, and hawaii. i want to reiterate that appreciation today. i also convened my entire cabinet as part of a whole of government response. that responses to increase the number and intensity of the extreme weather events we are going to use all the resources available in the government to do it. nobody can deny the impact of climate crisis ease. nobody intelligent can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore but just look around. around of the nation and the world for that matter prehistoric floods, intense droughts, extreme heat. deadly wildfires. wildfires that caused serious damage like we have never seen before. just a sense of being a president in two and half years i have flown over more land burned to the ground as a consequence of wildfires that occupy the entire land of the state of maryland. from down in new mexico and alabama over too montana and around it has been devastating. folks, when i took office i directed my team to raise our game and how to lead and coordinate our response to national disasters. i met people here today that are in when they need our help the most there's a reason why we have done it. just look around this community and every other community you follow me too. folks, to not only meet people where they are when they need help the most but to build it b, build back stronger and more resilient. just like i directed my entire cabinet to do in maui, to help devastated communities recover and rebuild their as it was before. you know, these crises are affecting more and more americans. every american rightly expects fema to show up when they are needed. to help in a disaster. i am calling on the united states congress democrats and republicans to ensure the funding is there to deal the immediate crises as well as our long-term commitments to the safety and security of the american people. i am here today deliver a clear message to the people of florida and throughout the southeast. as i told her governor, if there is anything the state needs i am ready to mobilize that support. anything they need related to the storms. your nation has your back and we will be with you until the job is done. before i conclude as i'm about to head back north, i want to say a word to the people of jacksonville, florida. on a different subject. they are still reeling from the shooting rampage near edward waters university last weekend. a terrorist act driven by racial hatred. our hearts are with you. those of you who were affected at all of your families. terrorist attacks driven by hatred. hate will not prevail in america. hate will not prevail in america. racism will not prevail in america. domestic terrorism will not prevail in america. to make it real clear, silent on this issue both public and private sector we must not and will not remain silent. bob much more to say about it later. you saw firsthand these are good people, good people who have been devastated imagine you being a family tree that's more than 100 feet a gigantic tree comment that close to take at your daughter's bedroom and your daughter in the process is tough stuff. but again, people know we are with them they will get through this. just knowing we are not going to forget and we will not forget. thank you also very much. i will take a few questions, yes, ma'am? [inaudible] >> no i'm not disappointed but he may have other reasons he did help us plan this. he sat with fema and decided where we should go, we would be the least disruption. i'm very pleased a guy who we do not agree very much at all a distinguished former governor and senior senator. he came, talked about it to me and you all about what an incredible job the federal government was doing. i found that reassuring. and so i think we can pull this all together i really do. >> you said in march a good east easter palestine, ohio. you came here how commitment to easter palestine yet? >> i've not had the occasion there's been a lot going on here and i just have not been able to break i was thinking i would go there this week but i was reminded i've got to go a while. we are making sure easter palestine has what they need materially in order to deal with their problems. >> are you confident there will be enough money to deal with this disaster and the other disasters that have happened and will continue to happen on the country? >> the answer is i'm confident because i cannot imagine congress and we are not going to help. they're going to be fights about things that don't relate to this trying to connect this to other money or not. but we will get through it i just cannot imagine people saying no they're not going to help. ladies and gentlemen. >> i am sorry. i'm not supposed to take the questions that mr. mayor, i apologize i apologize for. >> a podium is yours mr. mayor. >> all right you the aftermath hurricane idalia in live oak, florida i am anita vogel and for arthel neville. rich: and i am trying to. let's get that live very latest from florida. the latest from katie byrne and suwannee county in florida but first lucas tomlinson's life at the white house, lucas? once we just heard from president biden on the ground there heat toured the devastation first from the air for marine one and then on the ground with local officials. before t governor ron desantis d not meet with the president florida senator rick scott did but of course the former governor. it is notable president biden not only think first responders, also think the power companies. he said power lineman from 20 different states showed up at her from president biden speaking about the horrific shooting in jacksonville just a week ago today. but back to the meeting with senator scott and other local officials here was present biden earlier. >> want to thank the senator and i mean that sincerely. giving me all the information i needed. very complementary about your operation. and i appreciate that. i told them we are here as long as it takes for. >> for small did a great job with the coast that was a big deal it h helped all these first responders. and how fast you approve through fema the individual assistance, the public assistance it was a big deal to everyone. >> president biden is also asked if he was disappointed he did not get to meet government to santos the president that he is not the governor to santos has actually helped them facilitate the visit and plan it out. a spokesman for governor desantis said the governor is in dixie company today which includes a horseshoe beach were the hardest hit areas that's about an hour south of live oak where the president just spoke in a spokesman for governor desantis" we do not have any plans for the governor to meet the president today in these rural communities so soon after impact the security preparations alone would go into setting up such a meeting which shut down ongoing recovery efforts. before leaving for florida, president biden was asked about not meeting governor desantis. >> but i don't think is going to be there. [inaudible] >> we are going to take care florida. >> president biden was also asked about funding for the clean up and the recovery efforts in florida as well as in maui the president seven congress returns here in washington in the coming days from the august recess he expects congress to step up and the fema administrator heard from her earlier she said she needs $12 billion in recovery aid. rich: lucas tomlinson live at the white house lucas, thank you. anita: florida on the road to recovery after idalia wreaked havoc in the big bend region. for many it is going to be a long road. powerful winds and heavy rains destroyed homes and businesses, twisting metal and uprooting trees. "fox weather" multimedia journalist katie byrne is in live oak on the ground there where the president toured the storm damage earlier today. katy, what are you hearing about the president's visit, what are people saying? x-height and needed. people are definitely happy he came into town. it was right behind us the school where you see the police presence in front of he had about a half-hour meeting with some local leaders and people who were impacted by the storm. this area is interesting. it is different damage depending upon where you are across the state. this area was hit hard by the strong winds. we are a bit more inland in live oak. then some of the other coastal and rural communities that were hit by that really strong storm surge. so here in suwannee county you'll see trees and power lines down. it is delicate work for cruise up trying to restore power to more than 50000 people still spoke with a local cattle farmer who said enough trees came down on his arm t farm to cause halfa million dollars with the damage. >> it was like a bomb went off. we got probably half million dollars of damage on the farm. the house was spared our vehicles were spared. so we are blessed. a lot of other people of worse damage than we do. we are blessed in the storm anyway. >> the power restoration remains the biggest priority for crews on the ground. still more than 50000 without power about half of the county we are in right now people have been telling us is meant rough sleeping in the heat going days without hot shower. anita: i can only match i see the supplies being packed up and sent out behind you've no doubt this will be going on for quite some time. katie byrne on the ground in live oak for us, thank you katy. fox is teaming up with the american red cross to help people affected by hurricane idalia you can use the camera on your phone to scan the qr code on the left side of your screen or log on to forward lots of ways to help. >> right now we are encountering people from all over the world but some the countries we see most frequently are folks from ecuador, senegal, egypt. >> the remoteness of this area present significant challenges for logistical and humanitarian standpoint. anita: border patrol agents their struggle to keep up with the migrants seeking u.s. asylum at the southern border. they are encountering more migrants on the terror watch list. 442 migrants were suspected terror ties were caught at ports of entry in july. that is up more than 13% from june but let's bring in chad the former acting dhs secretary executive director at the america first policy institute. secretary, thanks so much for joining us this afternoon. i want to get into the terror watch list issue but what does it take to be on the terror watch list? what is the profile of people coming across who are on this list? does it mean the evidence against them is such that should be considered dangerous coming into the country or what is the threshold here? >> absolutely. this individuals known to the u.s. government. they have taken actions in participating in terrorist attacks or they are suspected or have ties to individuals. perhaps the financial backing behind some of these organizations and some of these people. the number of individuals on these databases some of the information we have on them is very good. some of the information is not. to make it on the databases it has to be collaborated and so i would say if an individual finds themselves on the terrorist database, these are individuals we should be concerned about by the fact they are showing up at our southern border in record numbers not only at ports of entry which the number you put up indicates that but between ports of entry. the number coming across in the desert and on that river is skyrocketed over the last two and half years. the security crisis along that border needs to be your front and center i know it is. that is what they are most concerned about h pickwick to mention that as well. let's take a look at between ports of entry was ports of entry walk and encounter someone basically on purpose but then there is between them the numbers we have fiscal year 2023 and 2021 and 16, 98 by 20 2022102023 the fiscal year they are 149. why do you think encounters have gone up over the last several years? >> is extremely concerning. there needs to be a little more investigation into why this is occurring. i certainly have my suspicions it is because the board is wide open for is because the by administration is allowing tens of thousands of individuals being released into the country every single month. when you have such a large force of individuals coming across there is a chance they're bad people will embed themselves within the flow would solve this during the trump administration but we had migrant caravans approaching the border. you are certainly going to see this when 200 or 300 groups of individuals try to cross the border in mass. border patrols a very difficult time interviewing all of them and trying to ascertain who they are and then of course we talk about the got a ways. we talk about the individuals we've never encountered along the border and how many known or suspected terrorists and other bad individuals and that flow as well? all of these numbers are very concerning data points back to a border policy that is encouraging more and more individuals to come across the board approved at the end of the day our southern border there's no other border in the world treacy said the border. sent cap the same policy for two and half years progress throughout recent reporting now that isis connected human smugglers brought over some nationals. the administration said the nationals very likely don't have a connection to terrorist plots. there is an organization that's bringing people across. is this something you saw at your time in the department of home and security those with terrorist organization links or organizing efforts to bring people across the southern border? >> we did not see this during the trump administration. a vast majority coming across the border were mainly from mexico and central america. i think we have today is alm almost -- it has flipped it for you got the minority folks coming from mexico and central america. the majority are coming from all over the world party of 10,000 or more chinese nationals that have showed up at that border in addition to other nationalities. you have to ask yourself why? why is this occurring now? the answer comes back because now the seat opportunity to come to the border, cross illegally they know the policies of this administration nine times out of 10 they will be released into american communities if encountered at all. they will be released and be allowed to go on their way. many of those given financial backing by the government to do that. it's very, very concerning. >> the former dhs secretary mr. wolf thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> thank you. anita: alright, breaking news on the manhunt for a convicted killer who escaped from a prison in pennsylvania. authorities say he was spotted in a home surveillance camera just after midnight. that is just a mile and a half from the chester county prison he escaped there thursday morning but police have not said how. the brazilian national was convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend earlier this month. authorities believe he is still within a few miles of the prison. they are urging residents in their area to keep their doors and cars lock t locked they wors considered extremely dangerous. >> we are asking, if they have ring cameras or any surveillance video footage to review it for us and let us know if you see anything that is remotely suspicious. every tip is important we are following up at every single tip that comes in. >> police are offering a 10,000 dollar reward for information leading to his capture. they say call 911 if you see him or the u.s. marshall tip line 1877 wanted too. >> still ahead this our "fox news live" new school year means new rules for students who want to change or gender identity or pronoun some districts are bucking state laws that require parents to be notified. that is coming up. uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ directv sports central gives you access to every game. but terry doesn't have directv. come on. work for dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv my barbecue is ruined. sleep more deeply. and wake up rejuvenated. with purple's new mattresses fall asleep 20% faster have less aches and pains and sleep uninterrupted. right now save up to $900 off mattresses sets during purple's labor day sale. visit or a store near you when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a 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can help you save. parents should be in charge of the children's live because kids want to the parents of the state. this is pretty straightforward. we put forth model policies our attorney general who is a rock arockstar came out last week and said the school districts have to adopt the policies consistent with those model policies. it's very straightforward but it is the law. >> okay virginia governor backing parental rights in the classroom as students head back to school some districts are resisting state orders to inform parents that their child shows signs of changing their gender identity. the issue sparking outrage and inlegal fights across the count. that's bringing someone at the center of these invites ian prior is the author of parents of the world unite. senior advisor at america first legal. it is good to see you. i think the last time i saw you in person we were standing outside the loudoun county school district building talking about the district's transgender policy. that was a couple of years ago. this is been going on for quite some time. you got this new law in virginia now that says school districts have to notify parents if their kids are using different pronouns or identifying as the opposite. in school district fairfax and prince william county those of the biggest school district in virginia they are pushing back sink that creates a dangerous situation for the students what is the latest on that? >> this is a law that was actually passed in 2019 in virginia which required the virginia department to put together these model policies. that occurred in 2021 when you are out there. these school districts are more than happy to implement the model policies they said the law requires us to do it. here you have governor youngkin coming in. using applicable federal state laws and saying okay, you now need to pass this fiddler changing course we are putting parents back in charge not the schools. the same school districts are saying we do not have the pass that when two years ago they said we will pass it when it meets the political agenda. that's part of the battle there was listen to lieutenant governor on the subject. >> it would be a wonderful thing if the parents really got involved in that by bringing, imagine that, a lawsuit against the government to say i don't think you understand this. we will decide what happens with our children even after we drop them off at school. we are always in authority over our children not you and we do not coparent quickset lieutenant governor, my apology there. click thoughts on what she said? what she's actually right you are going to see potential litigation on the school systems. when you your time with someoneo may present with gender dysphoria and the fourth circuit that is considered a disability under the disability act. an education may have the statute that governs diffs abilities they are part if you have a disability you have to go into an iep and individualized education program which requires parents to be involved. the fact that schools are allowing them to claim transgender status and not put them into an iep and getting the parents involved are not dispelling the constitutional rights of other students, they are also violating federal law. i think at some point they are going to be called out on that and find themselves in court on that. >> we will be watching for that. in the meantime let's put it in the map of the states with school districts that do not tell parents you can see is the vast majority across the country that had that policy. i want to put up a poll showing the breakdown by party who thanks parents need to know it's happening with their kids. 92% independence 81% democrats 61%. let's go to california of what's going on emerging at the salon california it says school districts are not allowed to tell parents what's happening with their kids. the chino school district suing, saying we are not going to go by that policy. we think parents should be able to know. the school board president calling at government overreach. you've got the state attorney general now filing a lawsuit. forcing them to comply. what do you expect is going to happen there? >> when you look at these two things in the polls and what you're se saying and california leasing in new jersey is really political suicide. for the republican and democrat those numbers are overwhelming. that is the one issue when it comes to this date want to know is not that they are against anything they want them to be mean to someone because of something. no, they want to know it's going on with their kids. everybody does this not a political issue put a portion of the left is made into a political issue. and i think as we see through the years are going to start losing political battles whether it is at election day or in congress or state legislatures. this is going to be a big problem if they do not pull back and start to parents more rights. anita: it's a big big issue affecting school district at the country for thank you for being there to help walk us through. we appreciate it ian prior good to see you today. >> thanks for having me. before serious concerns and new york city police say they're going to monitored gatherings this holiday we concluding private events like backyard barbecues. mayor eric adams is defending the move insisting police are focused on public safety and not quote what is on the grill. what is on the growth question roxie to cut and live in new york city with this, cb? works irish in preparation for some large-scale events this weekend, nypd announced it would have eyes in the skies as officers using drones to monitor any gatherings in this backyard barbecues. through june officers use drones nearly 80 times for emergencies or public safety. each time requiring the chiefs approval. for example the city has been using drones on its beaches to watch for sharks. officers turned to drone technology when a riot broke out in the city's union square park during the social media influencers game console giveaway. on friday at it new york city mr eric adams that drones allow officers to be more strategic with resources. he also tried to put some privacy concerns to rest, listen. but we have the pushback on the sci-fi aspect of drones no one is going to be monitoring what you're talking about what your conversation records report released this summer from the american civil liberties union found more than 1400 police department's in the country already use drones. some privacy advocates question here in the city with the drone use a violates the city's laws n police surveillance thing there are concerns from all sides of the political spectrum about this but republican new york city council minority leader says lawmakers may need to take a second look at how they drones are being used here in new york city, listen. >> the fact the police want to drone into your backyard to see how many people you are having at a party, it really is a scary step four policing in general. we also live in a very vertical city so is it safe to say the police could now potential use a drone to peek into apartments high up in the sky? these are all questions of city council and the state legislature should really rein them in on. >> is privacy concerns sorely reach out to the mayor's office for comment on this, we were directed back to mayor eric adams public remarks this week, richburg rex rac be cut and live in new york, cb thank you. we will be right back. tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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>> i have been reports north korea has been selling munitions to russia for seven, eight, nine, 10 months probably longer but in a sentence is not going to change anything. there is an indication north korea might up the level of the sales. but really what we are talking about is a series of sales that have gone without sanctions by the united states and others on north korea and china and russia. >> is this a reluctance to sanction china to sanction some of these countries? how effective you think they'll be if the unit united states weo so? >> has been extreme reluctance to sanction china he has been supporting the russian war effort in ukraine from the very beginning with lethal assistance. president biden keeps on ensuring these warnings in the chinese keep ignoring them. that is not good hollow warnings can actually lead to war. the point here is the united states believes it must communicate with china and if we impose these costs china will stop talking. china has now but basically a free pass to do anything that it wants. that is a very, very dangerous situation for us. >> 's ongoing conversation one in which you have been a part of this toward pace of growth china has enjoyed for the last few decades is coming to a close. what does that mean for the defense relationship here and how china acts as a military entity. >> seizing thing has been imposing policies that are accelerated china's economic decline. people are getting extremely concerned because in china the it's probably contracting when you look at underlying indicators. i think xi jinping is going to come to a realization either he can let trends continue which will lead to the end of the communist party in his role or he can rally the chinese people with a war. that is why i believe china has been much more provocative over the last couple of months. there does appear to be a direct correlation between economics and foreign policy and the part of china. >> very quickly as munitions from adversaries and up on the battlefield in ukraine, does it weaken those countries? is north korea a weaker country is iran a weaker country for providing these weapons to russia? >> on the contrary for they are getting money for these weapons which means they are stronger than they would have been before. that is another reason why we need to stop this trade. and we have the power to do it would just do not want to use our power to accomplish important goals. >> gordon chang alive for us this afternoon thank you very much. >> thanks rich. anita: well, some sadness for formerun ambassador bill richarn has died but . he was also the former democratic governor of new mexico and a longtime advocate for americans detained overseas. richardson start his book political career in the house servant more than a decade before joining the clinton administration. first is un ambassador and then energy secretary as new mexico governor he was the nation's only hispanic governor during his two terms but after politics he founded the richardson center for global engagement to help free americans held captive by foreign adversaries. he was nominated for a nobel peace prize last month and a recognition of his work the richardson center said in a statement that he died in his sleep at his home in massachusetts but he was 75 years old. we here at fox news send our condolences to the richardson family including his wife barbara and their daughter heather. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. meet the portable blender we can barely keep in stock. blendjet 2 gives you ice-crushing, big blender power on-the-go. so you can blend up a mouthwatering smoothie, protein shake, or latte wherever you are! recharge quickly with any usb port. best of all, it even cleans itself! just blend water with a drop of soap. what are you waiting for? order yours now from before they sell out again! ♪ ♪. anita: cheeseburger in paradise one of the many songs we know so well from jimmy buffett. the legendary singer/songwriter died at the age of 76 last night but he spent many of his childhood years in alabama before rising to start it with a beach bum classics like margaritaville. he later turned that song into an empire of resorts, restaurants and merchandise. his life outside the margaritaville vacation club in atlanta. height madeline. quick to get afternoon i needed. buffett serenaded his hands up laid back songs as you mention he was also the man behind the billion-dollar empire margaritaville which include hotels and restaurants inspired by his 1977 hit song of the same name margaritaville. ♪ ♪ ♪ hang on hang on hang on ♪ ♪ wasted away again and margaritaville ♪ ♪ >> a statement on buffett's website said in part he passed away peacefully on september 1 surrounded by his family, friends, music and dogs. a cause of death was not mentioned. buffett was born in mississippi. however he found his footing in key west which gave him the inspiration for songs that exuded fun. overall buffett has sold more than 20 million albums around the world but he was also an author and a pilot print folks up and leaving tribute that his recording studio in key west here is what one fan here in atlanta had to say. >> i just think the happiness he brought people, you can never go a day not listen to jimmy buffett. he made such a great impact on the world and on people. he just bring so much happiness thsb money like you want happiness. >> president biden among those sharing words of support he wrote in part over more than 50 studio and live albums and thousands of performances to devoted parent heads around the world jimmy reminded us how much the simple things in life matter, the people we love, the places we are from, the hopes we have on the horizon we hope buffett is now enjoying his cheeseburger in paradise. i need it. anita: his songs brought people a lot of happiness they sure did. madeline thank you so much for that lab report. our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire buffett family including his wife jane and their three children and to his many legions of fans. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. and you may lose weight. adults lost up to 14 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. join the millions already taking ozempic®. ask your health care provider about the ozempic® tri-zone. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch, it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. our customers don't do what they do for likes or followers. their path isn't for the casually curious. and that's what makes it matter the most when they find it. the exact thing that can change the world. some say it's what they were born to do... it's what they live to do... trinet serves small and medium sized businesses... so they can do more of what matters. benefits. payroll. compliance. trinet. people matter. stay for a big win for kevin costner in divorce court as a judge lowers his child payments. the yellowstone start speaking about the legal fight for the first time. he and former wife kristine have traded messy accusations ever since their split in may. christina coleman is life in los angeles with this, christina? >> hi rich his estranged wife fashioned decider was seeking a one third 61000-dollar a month in child support for their three children break things a did noto her way. bmc obtained this video of costner outside the courthouse yesterday judge in santa barbara worded $63000 a month in child support less than half of what she was currently receiving part one of hollywood's famed divorce attorney representing kim kardashian and angelina jolie is representing kevin costner during his divorce proceedings. wasser accused costner's estranged wife of asking for unreasonable financial demands after already receiving $1.5 million payout. an amount specified in their prenuptial agreement in the event of a divorce. during this week's hearings he questioned her future plans for employment. she filed for divorce back in may to end her 18 year marriage. the former couple cited irreconcilable differences. use that live together in his beachfront compound estimate one or $45 million. she moved out she is renting a home. costner testified the properties are equal but not comparable. he spoke to fox digital after the judgment over their child-support dispute was reached yesterday, take a listen. >> it feels like there is no winner here. there is no winner. you realize how vulnerable you are. >> costner also described his estranged wife as an incredible mother. moving forward is certain they will figure out their coparenting plan. before christina coleman live is los angeles thank you. quite an hour as the tributes were jimmy buffett pour in, someone had the relaxed lifestyle but built one heck of an empire around them. >> so many happy songs like the band set in the report we heard. it's about to be 5:00 right here. >> it is we are back at noon eastern tomorrow. p the five iros next. re, i'll tak! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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77% of the country say he wouldn't be if reelected and trying to defend her boss. >> you're part of th

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Briern Kilmeade , Wouldn T , Boss , Th , 77 ,

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