Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703

and mr. biden will not meet during the president's visit adding that would disrupt recovery efforts on the ground. we have fox team coverage with max in cedar key, florida and lucas tomlinson with the latest from the white house. we'll get to that in a second. sad news for jimmy buffet fans, the margaritaville singer has died at the age of 76. live outside the margaritaville hotel, hi, maddie. >> good afternoon, mike and griff. for more than 50 years, his songs about the beach with margarita in hand. and the hotels and restaurants like this one behind me inspired by the hit song of the very same name. ♪ it helps me hang on, hang on, hang on ♪ ♪ wasted away again in margaritaville ♪ >> buffett was born in mississippi, it was in key west he found his footing as a songwriter. his laid back rhythms reflecting his life style at the time. a legion of fans called parrotheads showing up to concerts with hawaiian shirts with toy pair parrots on his head. and he sold songs like finch and cheeseburger in paradise. >> ♪ >> a statement of buffett's website says he passed away peacefully on september 1st surrounded by his family, friends, music and dog. and he lived his life like a song until the last breath and will be missed by so many. he was 76 years old. cause of death wasn't mentioned, but in another statement back in may, buffett referred to a hospital stay that forced him to reschedule a concert in charleston, south carolina. tributes have been coming in from his supporters. actor myles teller posted a photo on x of him and the late singer. and there was a post on x, saying that buffett lived life to the fullest and the world will miss him. survived by his wife, two daughters and son. mike and griff. >> let's hope he's enjoying that cheeseburger in paradise, thank you. griff: mike, president biden is on the way to florida to see the idalia devastation firsthand as the sunshine state begins the long road to recovery and biden has commented on that august jobs report that showed an unexpected uptick in unemployment. lucas tomlinson is live with the latest. hey, lucas. >> hey, griff. well, president biden and the first lady are airborne aboard air force one headed down to live oak, florida. located about halfway between tallahassee and jacksonville to see the devastation from hurricane idalia firsthand. he will not be meeting governor desantis and he spoke to reporters on the ramp before departing andrews. >> desantis, sir, with governor desantis today? >> i don't think he's going to be there. >> do you have a message for him? >> we are going to take care of florida. >> now, as mike mentioned off the top, here is the statement from the desantis camp. we don't have any plans for the governor to meet with the president today in these rural communities and soon after im impact, the security preparations alone that would go into such a meeting would shut down ongoing recovery efforts. >> this is not what we heard from president biden head, he said he was looking forward to meeting with governor desantis. and talking about the jobs, and would he be meeting with desantis, yes. and the visit has been planned close coordination with fema and state leaders to make sure there's no impact on operations. earlier this week governor desantis took a question-- excuse me a phone call from president biden that he took while the governor was touring the damage. >> we're in horseshoe beach here, it's pretty rough here. a lot of folks are putting stuff together. we'll let them to. >> the administration offered in i assistance so far? >> we're all good. >> now, a spokesman for governor desantis tells fox that's where the governor will be today, in dixie county, home to horseshoe beach, one of the hardest hit areas from the hurricane, and no meeting planned between the governor and president biden. so disaster politics reigning here today. griff: indeed. lucas tomlinson live from the north lawn, thank you. mike. >> griff, many floridians spending their labor day weekend picking up the pieces after hurricane idalia slammed the gulf coast earlier this week. max gordon is on the ground in cedar key, florida, on idalia efforts. hello, max. >> hey, well, the cleanup is well underway here on cedar key and there's a lot of work to do here. you can see some of the destruction right behind me. this, after a seven-foot storm surge inundated parts of this island, wreaking havoc on homes, businesses here. you can see the far away inn behind me, this hotel not opening up anytime soon. now, you can see some of the destruction from hurricane idalia from space. the satellite images really painting a picture of what happened. well, there wasn't the same loss of life as hurricane ian, governor ron desantis confirmed that one person died in a vehicle crash during the storm. the damage will also be costly and could hit $20 billion. still, power provider duke energy estimates that 95% of customers in some of the hardest hit areas will have power restored by tonight. so some good news there. here on cedar key, cleanup efforts have been moving along and neighbors helping one year scrub mud out. and people say they want to build things back and the storm hasn't made them want to move away. for those who rode out the storm on the island, a harrowing experience. >> you could feel the whole building shaking, shaking at times and wind whipping through the power lines and palm fronds whipping around and it's sad. your friends and family's businesses you see are now ruined. >> president biden expected on the ground in florida touring the storm damage later on today. this comes as the biden administration requested additional $4 billion for fema's disaster fund after a string of natural disasters have run the fund dry. back to you. >> max gordon live in cedar key, florida. thanks a lot. and coverage on the weather app or check your local channel. and there's the red cross relief effort, a partner enabling the red cross to respond to hurricane idalia for aid and recovering. here is how to help. red cross fox forward or scab the qr code on the screen and jay has more on the recovery efforts and what else you can do to help. >> republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy out on the campaign trail today after pushing back in a fox interview over criticism he's receiving since the first g.o.p. debate while other candidates are gearing up for the next showdown on fox business in just a few weeks. alexandria hoff is live with the latest. hey, alex. >> griff, good to be with you. there's a risk in coming in hot on the trail or the debate stage for that matter. the other candidates, they're going to fire back. today vivek ramaswamy was the sole g.o.p. candidate on the trail as he hosted a breakfast with vivek telling the crowd there are other good people running despite the back and forth that's been had. >> i wish you well for your career. >> you have no foreign politics experience and it shows. >> yesterday ramaswamy responded to a section of the website that refers to nikki haley by her maiden name, and called a dog whistle. >> it's a play that she's been pronouncing my name wrong, it's vivek, rhymes with cake. i'm expecting a banter like on the basketball court, we're having fun in this race. >> and chris christie and maybe not having fun and claims that he's made sounding off. >> it's pretty pathetic. first of all, i was born with nikki on my birth certificate and raised as nikki and i'm haley, my married name. he can say and do what he wants, but can't step away from the fact that he's the one that said he's going to abandon israel. >> he says something gets roundly criticized and practically laughed at over some of the stuff he said and then he says, i didn't say that, i meant this. this is not the kind of person you want sitting behind the desk in the oval office. >> well, you can see some of the heat rise again in 25 day's time. the candidates who have so far qualified for the next debate. christy, desantis, pence, haley, ramaswamy and scott. griff: we'll see if vivek which sounds like cake comes in hot. thank you very much. >> for more on campaign 2024 we're joined by vivek representative, and governor desantis has been off dealing with the hurricane. let's hear him. >> we have to look support of the people in harm's way and difficulties. that's going to triumph over short-term political calculation or any type of positioning. >> what's been the impact on your campaign, james? >> well, you know, ron desantis is doing what he does best. he's leading. he's stepped off the campaign. he's putting service over self. we're not really focused on the campaign right now given that you know, we're in the wake of a very extreme storm. so he's doing what he does best. 's on the ground. he's been with first responders. he recruited over 30,000 electric linemen to be ready to respond at a moment's notice and thankfully we've restored over half a million homes over 90% of homes and you know, he's just out there on the ground doing what he does best and america is seeing true leadership right in front of their eyes. >> vivek was taken a number of hits, including in the debate and recently here is nikki haley. >> he has shown that he's naive. the idea that he doesn't think we need to continue to partner with israel. the idea that now he's saying that we shouldn't worry about iran getting a nuclear bomb. >> trisha, what do you make of the attacks? >> the establishment is absolutely coming after vivek whether it be chris christie, nikki haley, msnbc, new york times, all of them coming after him. i think that shows he's over the target and we're at the state fair and we're hearing about real issues, not the n nikki haley squabbles of the day. and she's wrong, he's talking about making it stronger thatten before. she's establishment, threatened by his rise and she's not going to change the truth and that's what he's delivering today. >> to trisha point, vivek is all over new hampshire this weekend. let's play a sample from this morning. >> we have a government that systematically that we the people can't handle the truth. if this campaign stands for one thing, it's that we the people, we can handle the truth. we demanded the truth, we require the truth. this is why young people don't trust the government anymore. we don't trust the government when the government does not trust us back. trust is a two-way relationship. >> james, does that concern your campaign that he's the only candidate out on the stump this long weekend? >> it does not. you know, he's down there at horseshoe and the beaches needs to be. he's enduring the damages, he's their boots on the ground. ale he be there for the next few, and iowans are seeing a true leader, driven by faith in god, love for family, service over self and seeing somebody who actually walks the walk and delivers. he's got the record in florida none of the other candidates have, so we've seen him come out, you know, on a different stage, a level above everybody else and i think you'll see that separation grow, but we certainly look forward to iowa in the early states. >> trisha, is this an opportunity for your campaign to make inroads in the state? >> 11 stops scheduled so far and i'm sure we'll do a couple of ad hoc ones, we're seeing about double the crowd sizes we've seen. we're trying to get bigger venues, but had to turn people away and have vivek meet folks outside because we're above compass i it and above the fire code. we're seeing momentum off the debate and i think we'll see more in the next 30 days with the fox business debate. we're looking forward to it. >> we are, too. >> let's look at the most important issues facing the country according to voters in the latest fox poll. the economy, 38%. immigration, border security 11%. guns 11%. the rest of the issues in single digits. james, how is governor desantis connecting with voters on those key issues? >> i think he's connecting very well. i mean, they're loving that he has a true vision, but he can back that up with results. in florida in the last legislative session, the governor working with the legislature had the most widespread success in the history of the state passing constitutional carry, record investment in state infrastructure, bringing the surplus in the state to record setting levels over 22 billion, family focused tax relief, toll relief over two and a half billion and out of the pockets of most floridians in the state. he doesn't just talk the talk, he gets the job done, no drama, no excuses, just get it done. >> trisha same question for you, how is vivek connecting on those key issues. >> we're definitely hearing about pocket book issues in new hampshire. vivek has offered specificity when it comes to growing the economy, how do we do that. we unleash american energy, drill, frack, burn coal, we stop people being paid to stay home the lyndon b. johnson and society. and vivek talked about actually informing to single mandates and let's get out of our own way. vivek is bringing fresh new ideas and i think that's why we're seeing our crowds build and numbers grow. >> trisha, maybe we'll get you a turkey leg at the fair and lemonade because you're working hard and trisha and james, thank you for your time. have a wonderful labor day weekend. >> thank you. griff: great panel, mike. next, we'll take a deep dive into the communications between hunter biden's firm and then vice-president biden's office. stay with us. rotein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ sleep more deeply and wake up rejuvenated. purple mattresses exclusive gel flex grid draws away heat relieves pressure and instantly adapts. sleep better. live purple. right now save up to $900 off mattress sets during purple's labor day sale. visit or a store near you. hi, i'm william devane. did you know it took our founders 116 days to debate and draft the u.s. constitution? 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in the larger picture what does it mean for hunter's larger future? >> i think i'm skeptical when i hear that e-mails between the vice-president and a business, that many, are subject to executive privilege. so, i think congress should keep pushing on that because they're the only people-- the house of representatives is the only group that really is interested in pushing and finding out more. griff: that's such a good point. because we've seen joe biden routinely as president, every time he's asked about any, you know, thing transpiring between his son's business and him in any capacity, whether it's president or vice-president, he's shot it down. so if there's nothing to hide why not release it all and let everyone see? >> well, yeah. i would like them to have to articulate in a legal setting what the basis is for executive privilege. you know, these things have to be set up and typically they will be set up by a subpoena for records and then the party who is subpoenaed, if he or she has a privilege, you litigate that issue. and we saw a lot of that with respect to congressional requests in the trump administration. and you're never going to get to that articulation from the biden team until you serve it up for litigation and i think that's what has to happen. griff: and as you mentioned trump, i want to get to his legal woes, but before we finish on hunter, i was the reporter in wilmington, delaware when that plea deal fell apart before the judge and now we know that david weiss is the special counsel. where do you see things standing in regards to hunter's plea deal falling apart and is it still intact, will he face worse charges? >> i think that he'll face worse charges from david weiss are very, very low. the plea deal is scuttled and potentially new charges should be filed. the thing i keep stressing, the hunter biden team takes the position that the pre-trial agreement is valid because it's signed by the prosecution and defense and doesn't require judicial approval. if they're right and by the way, they may be right, it's that pre-trial diversion agreement that has the broad immunity protection for hunter biden. so, what i would say to your viewers is, you could get rid of weiss as special counsel, get the most aggressive special counsel you can find, and the government may have real problems prosecuting hunter biden for anything because of that incredibly unprecedented deal that was almost worked out between hunter biden and david weiss' office. griff: it was unprecedented, indeed. and the judge rightfully highlighting that in the courtroom. let's move now to former president trump in his legal woes. we saw the trial date in d.c. set for march 4th, the day before super tuesday. many people see that as politically motivated. meanwhile, we're learning that the former president has pleaded not guilty in the georgia case, waived his right to arraignment. where do you see things? >> well, setting a march date for a case, the d.c. case, march 2024 trial date, a case that has 12 million documents, while the defendant faces three other trials, is just ridiculous. and the judge's comments, some of her comments are very disturbing. she actually told defense counsel, you should have been-- this is not her exact words, but the gist of it was you could have been preparing before the indictment. essentially, you knew an indictment was coming or was a possibility. that's an incredible statement for a federal judge to make, particular will i-- particularly one who used to be in the d.c. defender's office. to me it's evidence of bias and amazing thing to say and set that trial for march. forget about the fact that it interferes with his political schedule. griff: yeah. >> i don't -- you know, to me, if she wants to say, i don't care about that, that's one thing. forget the political schedule, the idea that he could be ready for trial under these circumstances by march when he has a due process right to have his attorneys prepare for trial is just simply ludicrous. griff: i've only got about 20 seconds left. i want your prognostication whether we see any lawsuits or states try and bring a 14th amendment case against allowing trump to even be on the ballot? >> i think all he find a democratic secretary of state somewhere who will say we're not going to put him on the ballot. i think it will go up the court system quickly and get to the supreme court and rule there's no way you can keep donald trump off the ballot without congressional enabling legislation of some kind. by the way, we have it. there's a criminal statute for insurrection and rebellion and he wasn't charged under it. so i think that's going to ultimately be resolved in his favor. griff: here we go. it's going to be very interesting to watch. thank you as always for your insight. have a great weekend. >> thanks for having me. you, too. griff: mike. mike: smart conversation, griff. recovery efforts ongoing in maui three weeks after wildfires destroyed the historic district of lahaina and killed 115 people. the number of people missing has fallen slightly to 385 even though the governor indicated it would be around 100. house speaker kevin mccarthy is visiting the damage, and the house expected to investigate biden's delayed response to the wildfires. griff: all time high migrants numbers in august at our southern border, more than 90,000 people crossed as part of a family unit. we'll discuss the details in a moment. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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regardless of what the biden administration is saying, they're witnessing thousands of people entering the country illegally every day, thousands being released sent to the city of their choice at taxpayer expense and governors and mayors working to give them work authorization. the very thing they came to the country for is a job, now we're going to give them that. if mayor adams, or governor hochul, you're giving too much. you're going to get more. they're exactly what they want. more people come. as far as the numbers about 240,000 total encounters on southwest border. when you add the northern border numbers in in airports bringing them in on cvp-1 app, 270,000 total encounters about the third biggest since joe biden has been president. the secretary, he can go and testify as much as he wants the numbers are down 50, 70%, these numbers prove he's wrong and it's going to get worse. griff: you at that you can about the work permits and what's happening with governor hochul and mayor adams. we have a little of mayor adams and what he said. take a listen to this. >> the institute as questioned is not can we find more places for migrants to fit in new york city and in new york state. that's just not the answer. the answer is, how do we stop the flow and if we don't engage in that conversation, then we have a problem. griff: let's engage in that conversation, shall we, tom? as i understand it, in the decade and more that i've covered the border, there are push factors and pull factors that drive illegal immigration. the push factor is, they don't have a high paying job or any job for that matter in their home countries. the pull factor is, they believe that they have a chance of getting it in america because we are still the greatest beacon of hope on the planet. in this case you seem to have the strongest of all pull factors because this is a work permit guaranteed for asylum seekers, rewarding them for crossing the border illegally. >> absolutely. and eric adams, how do you slow the flow, you detain people, and i gave three meals a day and get hearing in 30 days and a judge will give them 30 days, and past data, nine out of 10 don't qualify for asylum, and put them on a plane and send them home. there's consequence. people call them asylum seekers, and right to a hearing. you know this, based on immigration court data in the last decade. nine out of 10 people claiming asylum never get relief because they don't qualify. catch and release, put the mexico program back in place and the supreme court said it's legal and it will stop the flow. and this is by design. griff: and the attorney general made a statement this week, to our own peter doocy, saying that president biden has done more, nobody has done more than joe biden to secure the border, do you agree? >> no, i saw, actually watched that when she said that and it's so blatantly untrue that she can stand there and lie to the american people and lie to everyone in the room. either she's knowingly lying to everybody in that room or to the american people or she's just an idiot, one or the other because everybody in that room, every reporter in the room knows what the data says. they know that trump got immigration to a 45-year low and within months, this president, president biden came to office and unsecured the border and took the most secure border in my lifetime and went to historic illegal immigration. she knows that. everybody in that room knows that and i wish the reporters when she made that statement called her on it, presented the data saying you just made the statement. here is the data. how can you possibly say that when comparing trump to biden. griff: and you know, the fact is that despite the rhetoric coming from the white house, the numbers, the facts tell a different story of the unprecedented number of my grants crossing illegally, but then, finally, tom, i want to ask you about your concern, along with these facts and numbers, is the highest number of known got-aways. we don't know who they are, where they came from, why they're here. the former border patrol chief rodney scott saying it's an absolute national security risk and threats. what do you say? >> i'll say a thousand times, border patrol arrested people from 171 different countries. many of these countries are sponsors of terrorism. arrested 270 on the terrorist watch list. 1.8 million got-away, people that didn't want to be fingerprinted, didn't want to be arrested, didn't want to be vetted, and a lot of them are criminals, a lot of pedophiles, gang members, carrying fentanyl. they pay more to get away because they're bad people and didn't want to be vetted. my biggest concern, said this he ever over a year and a half, is the biggest national security failure this country had as ever seen at least since 9/11. i don't know how many terrorists got across the border, if you think the answer is zero, you're know the paying attention to the data. this should scare every american. griff: i think americans get it. when you saw in the segment with mike the number two top issue on americans' minds is immigration because the border states aren't the only ones feeling it now. every state in america is feeling it and we probably will hear a lot about it in the next g.o.p. debate coming up on fox business. tom homan, have a great labor day weekend. >> thank you, and we'll fix this january, 2025. griff: all right. mike. mike: good conversation. griff, a manhunt is underway after a convicted murderer escaped from a prison in pennsylvania thursday morning. he was recently convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend and sentenced to life in prison in chester county and also wanted for homicide in his home country in brazil acould areding to the u.s. marshal service. law enforcement says they're using resources including helicopters, drones, dogs to aid in the search to find this extremely dangerous individual. with pennsylvania law enforcement now offering a $10,000 reward for his capture. griff: and new york city labor day parties may see some unwelcomed eyes in the sky above their gatherings this weekend. that's right, it's a drone and it may be coming to your back yard party. more on that after the break. businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. kayaking is my thing. running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. i was always so itchy especially when i was hot. now my skin doesn't itch as much. now we're staying ahead of her eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and 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with more. hello, cb. >> hi, mike. a bird's eye view of labor day festivities. everyone is not too happy about it. this weekend officers will use drones to monitor complaints about large gatherings or back yard barbecues. according to city data drones were used about 80 times for public safety or emergencies through june of this year and n.y.p.d. says the instances require the chief's approval. for example, drones were used after a shark attack at a city beach earlier this summer and early august when chaos broke out during a social media's inflew influencers. >> there are numbers of calls of loud music, disruptive behavior and instead of the police having to respond and look at those, they're going to utilize drones from a safe distance, not down flying in someone's back yard to see what they have on the grill. >> but some privacy advocates whether the drone use violates the city's laws on police surveillance. a report from the american civil liberties union found more than 1400 police departments in the country already use drones. a new york based nonprofit fighting against surveillance practices says there are concerns from both sides of the aisle about how drones are being used. >> we see really broad bipartisan concern that there's a huge amount of potential for abuse when government agencies can weaponize new technologies to track our lives. people don't want these drones dropping in on their barbecues. they don't want to worry that every time they go out to the pool, someone is going to be peeping in on them from the skies. >> now, a response to some of these we reached out to the mayor's office back to mayor eric adams' public remarks. mike: cb, remind us all, isn't major crime up in new york city, and something else the mayor could focus on. >> some types of crimes are up, but the latest data shows shootings and homicides have actually declined. so, it just depends on which type of crime we're talking about, mike, but it's going to be really interesting to see about how this drone use plays out over the weekend. last year at some of these labor day festivities, things sort of got out of hand. so, we'll see whether or not these drones act as a true deterrent this year to some of that crime. >> cb cotton, live in the big apple. thank you very much. despite assurances from both mayor adams and the n.y.p.d. some residents and privacy advocates remain unconvinced and say it's a violation of police suffer laws, griff your thoughts on this one. griff: now we know how the sharks feel. they were using the drones, as cb pointed out, to see where the sharks are. the sharks back yard and we're just using drones to spy on them and fortunately we're using drones on the water to spot the sharks. i think, if i have a bag yard pa party-- a back yard party and there's a police drone over hee, of -- me, of course, and anything they use to fight crime, you ever who, everything we go triggering the privacy rights people and they've got a strong case. there was a colorado town, mike, years ago that issued drone hunting licenses so if there's a drone over your back yard you could shoot it down. maybe you could bring that back. >> you've got a wife and daughters, and i've got a wife and daughter and they like to get sun. i can imagine them in the back yard getting some sun with a drone overhead, i think i'd be out taking aim at that drone. griff: and there's already so much damage to law enforcement, and the law enforcement after the covid summer and they want more pr perspective. and putting drone over back yard private parties isn't a win for them. mike: let's hope that d.c. doesn't follow suit. griff: let's hope not. throw a rock at it, even if you can't shoot it down. who knows. anyway, moving on to the moon and to the sun. less than two weeks after a successful uncrewed landing on the moon, india launched a rocket this morning to study the sun in its first solar mission. india's space agency says the spacecraft is equipped with seven payloads to conduct the research it is predicted to take four months to reach its destination and i'm just going to add if its destination is the sun it's probably not going to survive, mike. mike: not a successful mission ahead. yellowstone star kevin costner speaking out following his bitter divorce battle. hear what he has to say next. y to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. we went to there's no one else we'd trust. their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our car's advanced safety system. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. on other diets, i could barely lose 10-15 pounds. thanks to golo, i've lost 27% of my body weight, and it was easy. 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Warming , Heart Attack , Adults , Stroke , Isn T , Death , Heart Disease , Type 1 Diabetes , Events , 7 , Help , Share , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Needles , Pens , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Neck , Stop Ozempic , Side Effects , Gallbladder Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Changes , Health Care Provider , Insulin , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Provider , Families , Washington Post , 5 , Asylum Seekers , Officials , Tom Homan , New York , Work Permits , High , Encounters , 177000 , Border Patrol , Cvp , 200000 , Migrant Encounter Numbers , Family Units , City , Thousands , Governors , Mayors , Saying , Taxpayer Expense , Choice , Authorization , Mayor , Adams , Hochul , Border Numbers , Southwest Border , Airports , 240000 , Secretary , Biggest , 270000 , 70 , Institute , Little , Answer , Conversation , Flow , Places , Migrants , It , Pull Factors , Immigration , Factor , Problem , Push Factors , Chance , Pull Factor , Home Countries , Beacon Of Hope , Strongest , Work Permit , Planet , Hearing , Eric Adams , Meals , Data , Asylum , Plane , Consequence , Nine , New Mexico , Program , Immigration Court Data , Catch And Release , Attorney General , Place , Design , Nobody , Peter Doocy , Room , Lie , Mother , Idiot , Lifetime , Low , Unsecured , 45 , Rhetoric , Concern , Facts , Story , Grants , Security , Border Patrol Chief , Threats , Got Aways , Countries , Terrorism , Terrorist Watch List , Away , Sponsors , 1 8 Million , 171 , 270 , Didn T Want , Criminals , Gang Members , Pedophiles , Fingerprinted , Terrorists , Failure , Least , 9 11 , Minds , On Americans , Attention , Segment , Zero , Ones , Border States Aren T , Prison , Manhunt , Murderer , Pennsylvania , 2025 , January 2025 , Law Enforcement , The Drones , Home Country , Chester County , Homicide , Resources , Helicopters , Acould Areding , U S Marshal , Brazil , Individual , Labor Day Parties , Search , Reward , Capture , Pennsylvania Law Enforcement , Drone , Back Yard Party , Gatherings , Sky , Break , T Mobile , 5g Solutions , Aaa , Partners , Back On The Road , Fan Experience , Network , Members , Game , Pano Ai Innovate , Mlb , 5g Network , Spread , Running , Moderate , Kayaking , Skin , Eczema , Itch , Passion , Body , Reactions , Inflammation , Source , Dupixent Works On The Inside , Doctor , Eye Problems , Pain , Infection , Eye Pain , Joint Aches , Asthma , Healing , Child , Eczema Specialist , Investment Research , J P Morgan , Investments , Plan , Advisor , Connect , Goals , Wealth Management , Cb , Cb Cotton , Back Yard Parties , Privacy Concerns , Nypd , Labor Day Festivities , Safety , City Data , Weekend Officers , Complaints , Emergencies , Yard Barbecues , Bird S Eye View , 80 , Instances , Shark Attack , Chief , Chaos , Example , City Beach , Social Media , Inflew Influencers , Someone , Police , Back Yard , Calls , Distance , Behavior , Loud Music , Privacy , Laws , Drone Use , Report , Police Surveillance , Grill , Police Departments , American Civil Liberties Union , 1400 , Amount , Concerns , Sides , Aisle , Surveillance Practices , Potential , Nonprofit Fighting , Lives , Barbecues , Abuse , Pool , Government Agencies , Peeping , Skies , Crime , Crimes , Types , Remarks , Homicides , Shootings , Deterrent , Violation , Residents , Assurances , Big Apple , Sharks , Thoughts , Spy , Sharks Feel , Police Drone , Drones , Water , Hee , Town , Everything , Privacy Rights , Colorado , Of , The Sun , Daughter , Drone Hunting Licenses , Drone Overhead , Aim , Parties , Pr Perspective , Win , Let S Hope That D C , Covid Summer , Isn T A , Doesn T Follow Suit , Rocket , Rock , Moving On , Uncrewed Landing , Moon , India , Spacecraft , Destination , Mission , Research , Space Agency , Payloads , Four , Kevin Costner , Divorce , Battle , Yellowstone Star , Windshield , Experts , Safety System , Safelite Com , Recalibrated Our Car , Guy , Singers , Sharon , Safelite Repair , 52 , 27 , Tissue Test , Body Weight , Soft Music , Diets , Teeth , Golo , 27 , 15 , Whiter , Crest 3d Whitestrips White , Whitening Toothpaste , Crest , Ulcerative Colitis , Toothpaste White , Ooof , Uc , Damage Rinvoq , Rinvoq , Check , Symptom Relief , Remission , Urgency , Leave Bathroom , Colon Lining , Infections , Ability , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Risks , Cancers , Skin Cancer , Intestines , Stomach , Blood Clots , Fatal , Lymphoma , Tears , Tb , Abbvie , Gastroenterologist , Fox News Alert , Bill Richardson , Energy Secretary , Player , Ambassador , United Nations , Democratic , 75 , Summer Home , Sleep , Condolences , Loved Ones , Massachusetts , Richardson Center For Global Engagement , Child Support Battle , Child Support Payments , Christina Coleman , 70000 , Child Support , Children , Santa Barbara , 3000 , 150000 , 50000 , 63000 , Attorney Wasser , Yeah Ye , Kim Kardashian , Hearing Baumgartner , Pre Nup , Employment Costner , Money , Mom , Marriage Situation , Shock , Passing , Updates , R , King , Rec , Chaz , Deck , Electrolytes , Owner , Let S Stain , Behr , Pedialyte , Healthcare System , Medicine , Stain , Hospitals , Mass General Brigham , Home Depot , Five , Doctors , Physicians , Academic Medical Centers , Biotech Innovates , Harvard Medical School , Boston , Brigham , One Mass General , West Coast , Tens Of Thousands , Bide ,

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