Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Cavuto 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Cavuto 20240703

and this is whether governor desantis is trying to avoid a chris christie moment, with sandy ravaged new jersey in 2012. i don't know if that's the case, but the two are not expected to meet when they get down there. we'll keep you posted. i'm sorry for that confusion on my part. developments in new york regarding migrants. i did get that right in new york about migrants. a lot of these that had been moved to american cities, in fact, what they call sheltering cities can't handle them and right now it's gotten so bad the democratic mayor, the democratic governor in new york have petitioned the biden administration to do something, anything. and curtis sliwa, former candidate, with us now. this is messy and getting messier. >> it's almost like when i was a kid, three stoppages, mo, larry and curly, which way did they go. eric adams, no plan during the process. getting along well with hochul for so many months and all of a sudden they turn on one another. unexpectedly almost like football camp and mayorkas comes back, give me the play book back. you're not playing by the federal rules. all at odds with each other. and the buses coming every day, and overwhelming adams and hochul doesn't want them in the other parts the state and they're at odds. a hot mess here. and they're arguing publicly with one another, and what does it say to republicans, democrats, independents, you can't depend on the politicians and that's why you notice all of these demonstrations by the various groups, moderate democrats, republicans, independents and say, no to tents, no to shelters, no to hotels, no to the migrants. neil: what do you think of those who want to sue texas governor abbott for creating this firestorm. i notice the 300 or so cited in new york outside of the new york peninsula hotel a couple of blocks from here. he deals with this by the tens of thousands. with a do you think of that? >> yeah, go ahead, knock yourself out. remember, eric adams, an august ago took on the governor, you're a republican, i'm a democrat, i'm not getting relief, i'm shipping them to you, and he invited eric adams down to the border to see for himself the problem at eagle pass, and nuevo, laredo. and eric adams said you're a racist, we can do it better, 72 inch plasma tv, obama phones, three squares a day, hotel rooms. once they saw that in these countries they made a bum rush to the border. and eventually they'll seal up the border, operate other side tell them you want to go to new york, you get everything that even citizens don't get in new york. that's the problem here and now, they're unvaccinated. so on thursday, school starts, 19,000 children will enter the public school system unvaccinated. he wants to give jobs to the illegal aliens right out of the box. none of them are vaccinated. i'm thinking to myself these brave civil servants, many of them, cops, firefighters, health care workers, remember how we applauded, when we applauded in the middle of the lockdown and pandemic every night at 7:00. some of them zeros after heroes because none of them would take the vaccine. none of them called back and they can't get back pay and can't get benefits and look at illegal aliens who are not vaccinated immediately jumping the queue and getting work potentially. you know, if you happen to be an american citizen, even a moderate democrat, you're saying, what has happened to our party? we've become the party of the illegals and the republicans actually are using a lot of common sense in this issue. it may well be the ticket, the pathway to majorities in the senate, the house, taking the presidency and sweeping a lot of these legislators clean of their veto proof majorities come 2024. neil: we'll have to watch closely, curtis. thank you very much. and by the way we did put out calls to mayor adams to come on and talk about this. we've not heard back and also wanted to let now that some appeared even within the mayor's own party, the democratic party, that any jobs or offers to get a structure for the migrants will only encourage others to come here. and murphy, quoting from new jersey news 12, where he spoke, where new jersey can take in these displaced migrants. bob cusak is the editor in chief. this issue is exploding before our eyes, isn't it? >> it is. it's a problem for the democratic party. you have a number of democrats who criticized the president and these are not just centrist, but gallego, who is a running, has been critical. a problem for the white house and inflation is a problem for 2024 and also borders, not just as you say in these border states because fentanyl is getting in and fentanyl is everywhere. neil: you know, much has been made of the fact that the president when he first took office kind of reversed a lot of trump policies, stopped building the wall and didn't take onnerous steps to sort of lock down the border, it was interpreted as a sign that he was actually welcoming immigrants. and that's in the eye of the beholder, a big difference between legal and illegal. and it's now become a mess what the governor of texas decided to do to send these migrants to so-called sanctuary cities like new york, los angeles, and that changed the game, did it? >> i think it changed the game and changed the tune of a lot of democrats and seeing the problems in a lot of their states. and honestly, as far as this country being divided, it's very divided and polarized. until they can get together what the democrats want and part of what republicans want, he think we'll be continuing in tough times. immigration must be fixed and the system is totally broken. neil: you know, bob, stepping back, i wanted to pick your patron on the president's trip to florida, not meeting with ron desantis, that was a desantis decision. what's your take on all of that? >> well, i think this is a good move by the president, especially after the white house mishandled maui. you didn't know whether biden was going to go. he said no comment at one point. it was not a good look for the white house so i think this with as a situation, we have to get to florida and get to florida soon. i understand why biden and desantis kind of don't want to meet with one another. neil: it can appear political either way. being with the president as was the case much chris christie during sandy, he said what governor would refuse help from the president of the united states. of course i met with him. desantis calculated gamble not meeting with the president didn't want to look like he was in lockstep with him. how does something like that sort out? >> you know, i think that from desantis' perspective, especially in the heat of the primary battle, it's probably a good move he's not. because at that would be used in campaign ads against him and at the same time, they are communicating. they are talking, the white house and florida are talking and that's a good thing. neil: there's a new wall street journal poll out i'm sure you saw where donald trump has expanded his lead over the field. in fact, it's grown in this particular poll, i believe 13 points just since the last big one in april. he seems like an unstoppable force. what do you think? >> he does. i mean, at this rate he's going to win the nomination. the indictments have not hurt him at least not yet. convictions could be something else, but right now, it's going to take a lot to capture and take-- i mean, all of these guys in the single digits are going to have to make their move soon. neil: there's no guarantee. in the latest poll, governor desantis is a number two, distant number two, a lot of people are bunched up around him. he doesn't lay claim to that second place position, does he? >> that's right, that's right. everybody, all the people on the screen, they need to do well in iowa. that's where trump did not win in 2016, ted cruz won. whether it's nikki haley, vivek ramaswamy or desantis, or tim scott, that's where they need to be and then new hampshire. neil: the former president is shown to be the top choice for six out of 10 voters. six out of 10, that's amazing. in the meantime we are waiting to hear from the president of the united states when he embarks in the sunshine state. we don't know where he's going, they don't announce that out of abundance of caution, as it should be. he's not meeting with ron desantis. much more after this. cond you. that's why lowe's has the best deals happening now. buy one get one 50% off on 1-gallon cans and 5-gallon pails of hgtv home by sherwin-williams, valspar, and cabot. only at lowe's. 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>> i agree and i think when we look at when this hurdle, this level was already raised back in january, 2020 to the current 35, 568. fair enough, with inflation absolutely in the past three years, perhaps there should be an increase. but they're increasing this by a 60% jump and so, that really translates to essentially paying these workers. let's say they're working 45 hours a week, that's translating to about $25 an hour. and so, i think businesses will simply have to look and say, you know what? we're going to have to-- instead of paying you a salary, we're going to have to pay you by the hour because we can get away with $20, $22 and pay you significantly less. so, i think you know, businesses when you're looking at such a big jump because this is really a 60% increase, businesses are either going to look at technology where neck technology and eliminate workers or the margins of small businesses are not there. there just isn't enough room to have this type of increase. neil: is that a realistic fear to you, samantha? >> absolutely not. this is a bill that is protecting workers and when you look at what has happened in terms of inflation, the average median salary across america in most major cities is well above $55,000 a year. so, we are talking about protecting employees who are making well below that and to survive, if you're also supporting a family, you're going to need to take on a second job and you can't do that if your primary job is not paying you enough and not paying you overtime. neil: but you can't do that either if your boss can't afford it, right? >> well, in many cases the people who are hiding behind fighting this for small businesses are actually advocating for larger businesses because if you talk about a traditional mom and pop restaurant, they don't have their employees on salary anyway, so what we're really talking about is larger businesses and they can afford to pay the overtime. neil: what do you think of that? this is really like a trojan horse thing. what small businesses are talking about are actually what big businesses are dealing w with, it's really a big business issue and not a small business issue. >> i disagree. when you look at the amount of people employed, 52/48 split. and even when we look at margins for big businesses, i know we love to say that big business has all of this money, but it's simply not the case when you're looking at margins and profitabilities. so, this is going to impact them and like i said, businesses are going to find a way to still be able to make money and that means getting around it by either going to hourly wages or simply going to technology because when you increase costs, that's the catalyst where this they'll say, you know what? i didn't want to go to this change and adopt new software, now it's expensive and i'm going to have to find a way to do this and become more efficient because i simply don't have the money. >> we're not talking though-- it's important to note we're not talking about inflating already large salaries, we're talking about the very bottom of the salary rung, so people barely surviving, we're helping them survive a little bit more. so we're talking about surviving, not thriving. neil: but to that point, i'm just curious, samantha, businesses have done this in the past. they have either laid off or cut back hours for the workers in the face of higher hourly cost and that wasn't a case when we were seeing an economic boom. a lot of them that a lot of employers were accepting and pushing and ended up trimming staff or expanding where they would go and how many would work hours versus salary. not why let the conditions warrant whether they do this? that they decide what they can afford or not because ultimately it's in their interest to have the workers when they need them and sadly not when they don't? >> well, in america, we have a ton of advocates for big business and business interests, we don't have a lot of add voe advocacies. >> and-- >> we have a very good environment for workers, right? in these generous union contracts for pilots. >> and that's-- >> don't sound like the worker is some poor abused cast out of the economy victim, right? >> this happens to be, you know, an echelon people low on the totem pole. these are people not typically unionized. making well under $55,000 a year in salary and not survivable sadly in most cities. neil: where do you see this going then, erin? >> like i said, neil, i think employers ultimately, when you just look at the margins of most companies, whether it's a small business or within larger businesses, when you're looking at companies like the s&p 500, they really don't have the capacity to have another 1 to 2% cut into their margins. and so, like most issues, you resort to technology, to either eliminate jobs or find a way to cut back on hours and make people more efficient for every hour that they work. and so, i think, you know, translating into hourly pay rather than salary, which frequently offers stability to people is one of the things that-- >> i'm jumping on you, erin, i apologize for that. i want to thank you, samantha, as well. the president speaking en route to florida, take a look. -- does not look like governor desantis will meet him. he's going nevertheless. seems surprised by the question and the fact that he won't be seeing governor desantis. a little more after this. planning to move? 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everybody was hoping for a lull in action. >> the counter offensive is somewhat stalled and they're making progress, the ukrainians in the south. the drone issue has been building for months. we've seen attacks in moscow and even a year ago, we saw a small attack against an airfield in southern russia. the most recent ones, very sophisticated deadly drones have gone into at least six areas in russia and they're really costing the russians. now, keep in mind, you know, they want to push the russians, they, the ukrainians, into a tipping point that's going to really break the morale. they already have the russian forces are in a morale slump anyway because mobilization is forced to many tens of thousands of the men there and you know, they're complaining at home. so, given all of this, it's not good news for the russians, but the same time, just yesterday, the russian space agency announced that it put its intercontinent ballistic missile, the most sophisticated on high alert. now, this is just part and parcel of the saber rattling with nuclear weapons that putin and medvedev and others in the chain of command are using. there's a tit-for-tat here and it's not looking good. neil: you know, i was looking forward to talking to you, colonel, i always do, but on vladimir putin post deaths some say, the targeted death of wagner group's prigozhin, the leader. and putin trying to coalesce, don't mess with me, i'm back in charge, that he's sending clear messages to anyone who counters him that without saying so, you could suffer the same fate. what do you make of all of that and where vladimir putin stands right now? >> you know, i think that's true, neil. in 2007 when putin was at the munich security conference, he made it very clear that he wants to isolate the west and create his own axis of evil. and keep in mind, the event at brics recently he's doing things with president xi next month and moving forward this that. using the global food supply to lefrm leverage. he didn't do so well on energy, but stoking up diplomacies in ways that other international institutions are beginning to rethink their current policy. all of this having been said, putin has not given up. he's won the oligarchs and his own people and conducting interesting arrests especially of nationalists in his own country and now the ukrainians are taking the fight to russia and of course, that's only going to sour with regard to the russian people and it's going to create more problems for mr. putin. neil: you know, colonel, vivek ramaswamy, the surging republican presidential candidate was on fox and friends this morning, it was a fascinating interview in which he shared his views on ukraine. he's not keen on pouring good money after bad and didn't put it in so many words, but said it in so many words. what's more, he said, motivation for this was this idea we don't want to drive russia into the hands of china or the closeness of china. what do you think of that argument that we should be cognizant of the fa fact that china is our bigger threat, not russia. >> i agree that china is likely our larger threat, neil, but at the same time i think that putin and xi are in bed together anyway and it's ongoing. keep in mind, back right before he launched this invasion of ukraine, putin was at the end of really the olympics in beijing, he sat down with xi and from all reports, he was reporting out to xi what he intended to do. i think behind the scenes xi and his administration have been helping the russians, maybe not with a lot of lethal equipment, but certainly with some high-tech, microchips, certain some energy purchases. so, there are a lot of variables here, but i would tend to disagree with vivek in that regard that china, yes, it's a significant threat, but at the same time, you know, russia and china are two peas in a pod at this point. they're using bricks and whatever method they can, and saudi arabia and others coming to their camp, they're doing well, especially as we're beginning to apparently diminish in our statute across the world. >> i'm curious on your take, if you're xi jinping who do you prefer win the next presidential election? joe biden, or if donald trump maintains his lead, mr. trump? >> i think mr. biden. i believe that the chinese have leveraged to a certain degree some media, certain political figures. certainly, they're getting the payback that they've sought as president xi has said so long about the opium war of a century and a half ago through the fentanyl invasion in this country. there's not one area that i can think of that xi would favor mr. trump over. certainly not economically and given the chinese situation today, which is in are the doldrums to say the least economically, that they don't need mr. trump coming in, reimposing new tariffs and making it more competitive for them. they need help and xi won't buy into, you know, the agenda, i believe mr. trump would bring to the table. neil: amazing. i had a lot to throw at you there, colonel. i thought i'd get you stumped and you were at ease. i've got to do better homework. no, thank you for your service to this country. >> thanks, neil. neil: we're following closely the president of the united states who is en route right now to florida. of course, that state will be getting a whole lot of aid in support whether the two men, the president of the united states or the governor of florida physically meet. i'm told by my buddy on all of these matters, lucas tomlinson at the white house. it's not the first time we've seen the president and a government not together at the site of a disaster. we'll explore all of that after this. this one wins the ser] struck out with the cheap seats? 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(vo) close in a matter of days. start with an all cash offer at opendoor dot com >> with governor desantis today? >> i don't think he's going to be there. >> do you have a message for him? >> we're going to take care of flo flor florida. >> all right, there you go. the president of the united states saying we're going to take care of florida even though we will not be there walking and looking at damaged areas in florida with governor ron desantis. i've been stressing and it's important to stress even though the two gentlemen won't be physically together, their staffs have been working throughout the week providing coordinated relief for florida. flor floridians concerned that may get lost in the sauce. they don't have to. to hear the president tell it, help is already there. we'll be monitoring that and monitoring another development that gripped the nation before the storms gripped florida. the notification over trans gender policies, a big one in new jersey not resolved and another festering in california that's just getting started. william la jeunesse, william. >> governor newsom and the state attorney general wants to prevent a school system from notifying parents if they want to change their gender identity at school. requiring the student's gender identity without their permission puts the student in danger by outing them to their own parents. >> i refuse to stand by and allow chino valley or any district's board of education to put our children at risk or infringe upon their rights, especially not one of our most vulnerable at risk groups. >> they literally waged a war on parents. they're saying, we do not want you, the parents, to be involved in your children's lives. >> chino valley is one of three california districts that require a school to notify parents in writing within three days if they become aware that a student is using a name, pronoun, or changing a bathroom that does not match their biological sex. >> i think the plan to fight back is just stand our ground. we're not going to cave in to their bullying tactics. i call it the political cartel here in california of newsom, vaunta and thurmon and they think they can flex their muscle and dictate what our school districts will do. >> related to that, neil, this week a california mom won a $100,000 settlement from a district that failed to tell her that her daughter had socially transitioned to a boy while at school. and now, the teachers union wants in on the issue saying they need special training to handle parents and students and that any disclosure requirement should be part of a collective bargaining agreement. back to you. neil: all right. william, thank you. william la jeunesse. well, just trying to get away from the divisive issues to one that unites us, that's labor day weekend. of course celebrating the american worker and also celebrating a good barbecue, but prices are up, right? so our buddy ron is back right now good at finding ways to enjoy some very tasty samplers and not pay through the nose after this. # ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch, it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> you know, food prices are expected to jump. when all is said and done about 6% this year. you might have to cut corners when you get that grill started up. rob has some-- actually some delicious alternatives for you. celebrity chef with us right now. and we need your help, my friend. what do we do? >> i've got you covered. how are you doing today? >> very well, my friend. >> great. great. well, i'm excited to be back on the show. i was so excited to bring you the news that last time i was on bacon was up 13, 14% astronomical. bacon and pork prices are all down and i was happy to be the man who bring you this news. so, we're going this year with a lot of ground beef, ground pork, than the full steaks themselves and you can save money. you can get creative with the ground products. what i did today here, we made our-- it's called a tortita, a tex mex meatball. a nice flavor to it. and we used fresh corn, really cheap corn and tomatoes, most of that coming from new jersey, so it's beautiful. grilled corn some cotija cheese and meatballs, we're using these red onions, tomatoes, some peppers, cilantro, eggs and bread crumbs. and eggs are way, way down they were three or four times, but you can get a dozen eggs for $2. neil: do you have to use the cilantro? i'm not a cilantro guy, you can take that out. >> you can take those, use herbs. neil: there is t. >> you pick your herb and we'll throw them in. neil: when it's ground beef and meatball. some people use bread crumbs or something to expand it and stretch that dollar. what did you do? >> absolutely. so you could use some of the bread that you've had in the house a little while starting to go stale and soak it up in milk and it will take up the surface of the meatballs and add texture. i'm glad that you know that. i feel like i'm rubbing off on you, neil. neil: i think you are. but you're a master on the grill and i've seen new action and you know what you're doing. a lot of americans don't. when it comes to that, hot dogs and hamburgers, i know this is such a dumb question, but a lot of people put them on at the same time, but obviously, the hot dogs will finish sooner, right? so what do you do? >> so, you could use two different parts of your grill. you could use a hotter part of the grill. we like different temperature zones on my grill. especially if you have charcoal. hot dogs are pre-cooked and you're just heating. neil: it sounds like you're anti-propane and you made it clear right now. >> the prices of propane, that's getting up there. well more expensive than it was even a couple of months ago. so, but the flavor for a charcoal, the art, the love that's put into a charcoal grill you'll want to cook those. and depending a little longer, burgers, internal 145, 155. neil: quickly, you're going to have a big gang yourself, and your beautiful children, what have you planned? >> my daughter is off playing softball. turn back around, i'm on my food truck right now. you see the guys working hard. we're in yorktown. neil: okay. >> they're working hard. wave, guys, wave. they're working hard back here so we're over in yorktown. neil: rob, i knew you when. now you're a big muckity-muck and like elvis, all right, guys, bring me the food. hope you have a great one, rob. >> next time bring me back to the studios and we'll get you some goods. neil: no cilantro, stop that. rob, always the best. he knows what he's doing. i need him when i'm grilling. . hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. lowe's knows that fall's shorter days... call for bigger deals. get the most out of your fall projects... by getting the most out of our deals now. and with lowe's pay, it's never been easier to shop at lowe's. labor day savings are here. in-store and online. how can you sleep on such a firm setting? gab, mine is almost the same as yours. almost is just another word for not as good as mine. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shop now only at sleep number. >> president biden headed to florida today to survey the damage left behind by hurricane idalia after the category 3 storm slammed the sunshine state earlier this week. this comes as the president faces questions on the august jobs report that showed an unexpected rise in unemployment. welcome to fox news live, i'm griff jenkins with mike emanuel in the studio. >> griff, great to be working with you. griff: let's do it. >> i'm mike emanuel. florida governor ron desantis' office say

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Homework , Service , President Of The United States , Lucas Tomlinson , Support , Aid , En Route , Time , Matters , Site , Disaster , Ser , Style , Farmers , Savings , Anywhere , Insurance , Seats , Crowd Cheers , Aren T Worth Compromising , Samsung , Farmers Mnemonic , Door Refrigerator , French , Hats , Store , Polly Pratts , Saving , Line , Appliances , Bespoke Washer , Hat , Stack , Tap , Turkey Legs , Excitement , Viking , Experience , Grad Cap , Puppy , Phoenix Edu , Fresh Meat , Kibble , Brand New , Nutrients , Vegetables , Packs , Dried Pellets , Drill Mud Flaps , Water Repellent , Seat Protectors , Weathertech , Floorliners , Mattresses , Vehicle , Woman , Pains , Aches , Houses , Matter , Don T Worry , Message , Dot Com , Care , Flo Flor , Two Gentlemen Won T , Flor Floridians , Sauce , They Don T Have To , Tell , Storms , Festering , Gender , Nation , Notification , California , Parents , California Of Newsom , William La Jeunesse , Gender Identity , School System , State Attorney General , Student , School , Permission , Danger , Outing , District , Children , Risk Groups , Rights , War , Vulnerable , Chino Valley , Board Of Education , Districts , Lives , Writing , Bathroom , Pronoun , Ground , Sex , Bullying Tactics , School Districts , Settlement , Cartel , Muscle , Thurmon , Vaunta , 100000 , 00000 , Teachers Union , Daughter , Students , Disclosure Requirement , Boy , Training , Collective Bargaining Agreement , Labor Day Weekend , Prices , Barbecue , Buddy Ron , Nose , Samplers , Built N , Food Prices , Grill , Rob , Corners , Celebrity Chef , 6 , Friend , Bacon , Pork , Ground Beef , Ground Pork , Steaks , Ground Products , Corn , Flavor , A Tex Mex Meatball , A Tortita , Tomatoes , Cotija Cheese , Eggs , Cilantro , Meatballs , Bread Crumbs , Red Onions , Peppers , Four , Herbs , Herb , Little , Meatball , Bread , Dollar , Surface , Milk , Add Texture , Master , Hamburgers , Hot Dogs , Temperature Zones , Charcoal , Charcoal Grill , Propane , Love , Art , Yourself , Burgers , Longer , Gang , 155 , 145 , Wave , Yorktown , Food Truck , Softball , Muckity Muck , Elvis , Great One , Studios , Goods , Best , Connect , Advisor , David , Investments , Goals , Wealth Management , J P Morgan , Projects , Sleep Number , Labor Day Savings , Gab , Setting , Base , Home Delivery , Florida Today , Questions , Biden Headed To , Studio , Office Say , Unemployment , Griff Jenkins , Mike Emanuel , Fox News Live , Rise ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Cavuto 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Cavuto 20240703

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and this is whether governor desantis is trying to avoid a chris christie moment, with sandy ravaged new jersey in 2012. i don't know if that's the case, but the two are not expected to meet when they get down there. we'll keep you posted. i'm sorry for that confusion on my part. developments in new york regarding migrants. i did get that right in new york about migrants. a lot of these that had been moved to american cities, in fact, what they call sheltering cities can't handle them and right now it's gotten so bad the democratic mayor, the democratic governor in new york have petitioned the biden administration to do something, anything. and curtis sliwa, former candidate, with us now. this is messy and getting messier. >> it's almost like when i was a kid, three stoppages, mo, larry and curly, which way did they go. eric adams, no plan during the process. getting along well with hochul for so many months and all of a sudden they turn on one another. unexpectedly almost like football camp and mayorkas comes back, give me the play book back. you're not playing by the federal rules. all at odds with each other. and the buses coming every day, and overwhelming adams and hochul doesn't want them in the other parts the state and they're at odds. a hot mess here. and they're arguing publicly with one another, and what does it say to republicans, democrats, independents, you can't depend on the politicians and that's why you notice all of these demonstrations by the various groups, moderate democrats, republicans, independents and say, no to tents, no to shelters, no to hotels, no to the migrants. neil: what do you think of those who want to sue texas governor abbott for creating this firestorm. i notice the 300 or so cited in new york outside of the new york peninsula hotel a couple of blocks from here. he deals with this by the tens of thousands. with a do you think of that? >> yeah, go ahead, knock yourself out. remember, eric adams, an august ago took on the governor, you're a republican, i'm a democrat, i'm not getting relief, i'm shipping them to you, and he invited eric adams down to the border to see for himself the problem at eagle pass, and nuevo, laredo. and eric adams said you're a racist, we can do it better, 72 inch plasma tv, obama phones, three squares a day, hotel rooms. once they saw that in these countries they made a bum rush to the border. and eventually they'll seal up the border, operate other side tell them you want to go to new york, you get everything that even citizens don't get in new york. that's the problem here and now, they're unvaccinated. so on thursday, school starts, 19,000 children will enter the public school system unvaccinated. he wants to give jobs to the illegal aliens right out of the box. none of them are vaccinated. i'm thinking to myself these brave civil servants, many of them, cops, firefighters, health care workers, remember how we applauded, when we applauded in the middle of the lockdown and pandemic every night at 7:00. some of them zeros after heroes because none of them would take the vaccine. none of them called back and they can't get back pay and can't get benefits and look at illegal aliens who are not vaccinated immediately jumping the queue and getting work potentially. you know, if you happen to be an american citizen, even a moderate democrat, you're saying, what has happened to our party? we've become the party of the illegals and the republicans actually are using a lot of common sense in this issue. it may well be the ticket, the pathway to majorities in the senate, the house, taking the presidency and sweeping a lot of these legislators clean of their veto proof majorities come 2024. neil: we'll have to watch closely, curtis. thank you very much. and by the way we did put out calls to mayor adams to come on and talk about this. we've not heard back and also wanted to let now that some appeared even within the mayor's own party, the democratic party, that any jobs or offers to get a structure for the migrants will only encourage others to come here. and murphy, quoting from new jersey news 12, where he spoke, where new jersey can take in these displaced migrants. bob cusak is the editor in chief. this issue is exploding before our eyes, isn't it? >> it is. it's a problem for the democratic party. you have a number of democrats who criticized the president and these are not just centrist, but gallego, who is a running, has been critical. a problem for the white house and inflation is a problem for 2024 and also borders, not just as you say in these border states because fentanyl is getting in and fentanyl is everywhere. neil: you know, much has been made of the fact that the president when he first took office kind of reversed a lot of trump policies, stopped building the wall and didn't take onnerous steps to sort of lock down the border, it was interpreted as a sign that he was actually welcoming immigrants. and that's in the eye of the beholder, a big difference between legal and illegal. and it's now become a mess what the governor of texas decided to do to send these migrants to so-called sanctuary cities like new york, los angeles, and that changed the game, did it? >> i think it changed the game and changed the tune of a lot of democrats and seeing the problems in a lot of their states. and honestly, as far as this country being divided, it's very divided and polarized. until they can get together what the democrats want and part of what republicans want, he think we'll be continuing in tough times. immigration must be fixed and the system is totally broken. neil: you know, bob, stepping back, i wanted to pick your patron on the president's trip to florida, not meeting with ron desantis, that was a desantis decision. what's your take on all of that? >> well, i think this is a good move by the president, especially after the white house mishandled maui. you didn't know whether biden was going to go. he said no comment at one point. it was not a good look for the white house so i think this with as a situation, we have to get to florida and get to florida soon. i understand why biden and desantis kind of don't want to meet with one another. neil: it can appear political either way. being with the president as was the case much chris christie during sandy, he said what governor would refuse help from the president of the united states. of course i met with him. desantis calculated gamble not meeting with the president didn't want to look like he was in lockstep with him. how does something like that sort out? >> you know, i think that from desantis' perspective, especially in the heat of the primary battle, it's probably a good move he's not. because at that would be used in campaign ads against him and at the same time, they are communicating. they are talking, the white house and florida are talking and that's a good thing. neil: there's a new wall street journal poll out i'm sure you saw where donald trump has expanded his lead over the field. in fact, it's grown in this particular poll, i believe 13 points just since the last big one in april. he seems like an unstoppable force. what do you think? >> he does. i mean, at this rate he's going to win the nomination. the indictments have not hurt him at least not yet. convictions could be something else, but right now, it's going to take a lot to capture and take-- i mean, all of these guys in the single digits are going to have to make their move soon. neil: there's no guarantee. in the latest poll, governor desantis is a number two, distant number two, a lot of people are bunched up around him. he doesn't lay claim to that second place position, does he? >> that's right, that's right. everybody, all the people on the screen, they need to do well in iowa. that's where trump did not win in 2016, ted cruz won. whether it's nikki haley, vivek ramaswamy or desantis, or tim scott, that's where they need to be and then new hampshire. neil: the former president is shown to be the top choice for six out of 10 voters. six out of 10, that's amazing. in the meantime we are waiting to hear from the president of the united states when he embarks in the sunshine state. we don't know where he's going, they don't announce that out of abundance of caution, as it should be. he's not meeting with ron desantis. much more after this. cond you. that's why lowe's has the best deals happening now. buy one get one 50% off on 1-gallon cans and 5-gallon pails of hgtv home by sherwin-williams, valspar, and cabot. only at lowe's. 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(dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. hi, i'm michael, i've lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. but since golo, that weight has completely gone away, as you can tell. thanks to golo and release, i've got my life and my health back. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> all right. looking at joint base andrews. the president and first lady left 10 or 11 minutes ago. and the president paused when a reporter asked about a meeting with desantis. and the president said i don't know, heand of course, the president will be going down to florida. not much we know about this, but i want to stress the two sides have coordinated relief in the area. they just might not physically be meeting. we're on top of that. also on top of a rather dramatic development on the part of the white house this past week to expand overtime pay to upwards of three and a half-- actually 3.6 million salaried workers of the very latest on that with gerri willis. >> business owners are pushing back on a new rule from the labor department that would extend pay to additional 3.6 million workers. the rule raises the threshold at which workers must be paid time half for working more than 40 hours by 55% for those earning less than $35,568 to $55,000 a year and puts in automatic increases every three years. >> the proposal could not be more tone deaf in terms of sticking it to businesses who are really trying to struggle and navigate this inflationary environment. it's really tough out there. >> the labor department saying the new rule will cost employers 1.2 billion, associations representing manufacturers, builders and small business organizations say the change is simply not affordable. for example, the average restaurant runs on a 3 to 5% pretax margin. food and labor costs account for 33% of sales each. rent and credit card swipe fees represent another 29% of sales and at that leaves profit of 3 to 5% after taxes and 21 states sued the obama administration over a similar proposal back in 2016. so, neil, it's back to the future. back to you. neil: here we go. all right, thank you for that. gerri willis following those developments. to hear the small businesses say you're killing us, mr. president, advocating for workers, thank you, mr. president. someone in the middle is maybe a solution to all of this if it ever happens. aaron gibbs manager cio and samantha with us here tonight. work place experts. and a lot of small businesses say we're already up against the wall and now expanding the pool of people we have to pay overtime to. you're killing us. you say? >> i agree and i think when we look at when this hurdle, this level was already raised back in january, 2020 to the current 35, 568. fair enough, with inflation absolutely in the past three years, perhaps there should be an increase. but they're increasing this by a 60% jump and so, that really translates to essentially paying these workers. let's say they're working 45 hours a week, that's translating to about $25 an hour. and so, i think businesses will simply have to look and say, you know what? we're going to have to-- instead of paying you a salary, we're going to have to pay you by the hour because we can get away with $20, $22 and pay you significantly less. so, i think you know, businesses when you're looking at such a big jump because this is really a 60% increase, businesses are either going to look at technology where neck technology and eliminate workers or the margins of small businesses are not there. there just isn't enough room to have this type of increase. neil: is that a realistic fear to you, samantha? >> absolutely not. this is a bill that is protecting workers and when you look at what has happened in terms of inflation, the average median salary across america in most major cities is well above $55,000 a year. so, we are talking about protecting employees who are making well below that and to survive, if you're also supporting a family, you're going to need to take on a second job and you can't do that if your primary job is not paying you enough and not paying you overtime. neil: but you can't do that either if your boss can't afford it, right? >> well, in many cases the people who are hiding behind fighting this for small businesses are actually advocating for larger businesses because if you talk about a traditional mom and pop restaurant, they don't have their employees on salary anyway, so what we're really talking about is larger businesses and they can afford to pay the overtime. neil: what do you think of that? this is really like a trojan horse thing. what small businesses are talking about are actually what big businesses are dealing w with, it's really a big business issue and not a small business issue. >> i disagree. when you look at the amount of people employed, 52/48 split. and even when we look at margins for big businesses, i know we love to say that big business has all of this money, but it's simply not the case when you're looking at margins and profitabilities. so, this is going to impact them and like i said, businesses are going to find a way to still be able to make money and that means getting around it by either going to hourly wages or simply going to technology because when you increase costs, that's the catalyst where this they'll say, you know what? i didn't want to go to this change and adopt new software, now it's expensive and i'm going to have to find a way to do this and become more efficient because i simply don't have the money. >> we're not talking though-- it's important to note we're not talking about inflating already large salaries, we're talking about the very bottom of the salary rung, so people barely surviving, we're helping them survive a little bit more. so we're talking about surviving, not thriving. neil: but to that point, i'm just curious, samantha, businesses have done this in the past. they have either laid off or cut back hours for the workers in the face of higher hourly cost and that wasn't a case when we were seeing an economic boom. a lot of them that a lot of employers were accepting and pushing and ended up trimming staff or expanding where they would go and how many would work hours versus salary. not why let the conditions warrant whether they do this? that they decide what they can afford or not because ultimately it's in their interest to have the workers when they need them and sadly not when they don't? >> well, in america, we have a ton of advocates for big business and business interests, we don't have a lot of add voe advocacies. >> and-- >> we have a very good environment for workers, right? in these generous union contracts for pilots. >> and that's-- >> don't sound like the worker is some poor abused cast out of the economy victim, right? >> this happens to be, you know, an echelon people low on the totem pole. these are people not typically unionized. making well under $55,000 a year in salary and not survivable sadly in most cities. neil: where do you see this going then, erin? >> like i said, neil, i think employers ultimately, when you just look at the margins of most companies, whether it's a small business or within larger businesses, when you're looking at companies like the s&p 500, they really don't have the capacity to have another 1 to 2% cut into their margins. and so, like most issues, you resort to technology, to either eliminate jobs or find a way to cut back on hours and make people more efficient for every hour that they work. and so, i think, you know, translating into hourly pay rather than salary, which frequently offers stability to people is one of the things that-- >> i'm jumping on you, erin, i apologize for that. i want to thank you, samantha, as well. the president speaking en route to florida, take a look. -- does not look like governor desantis will meet him. he's going nevertheless. seems surprised by the question and the fact that he won't be seeing governor desantis. a little more after this. planning to move? 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everybody was hoping for a lull in action. >> the counter offensive is somewhat stalled and they're making progress, the ukrainians in the south. the drone issue has been building for months. we've seen attacks in moscow and even a year ago, we saw a small attack against an airfield in southern russia. the most recent ones, very sophisticated deadly drones have gone into at least six areas in russia and they're really costing the russians. now, keep in mind, you know, they want to push the russians, they, the ukrainians, into a tipping point that's going to really break the morale. they already have the russian forces are in a morale slump anyway because mobilization is forced to many tens of thousands of the men there and you know, they're complaining at home. so, given all of this, it's not good news for the russians, but the same time, just yesterday, the russian space agency announced that it put its intercontinent ballistic missile, the most sophisticated on high alert. now, this is just part and parcel of the saber rattling with nuclear weapons that putin and medvedev and others in the chain of command are using. there's a tit-for-tat here and it's not looking good. neil: you know, i was looking forward to talking to you, colonel, i always do, but on vladimir putin post deaths some say, the targeted death of wagner group's prigozhin, the leader. and putin trying to coalesce, don't mess with me, i'm back in charge, that he's sending clear messages to anyone who counters him that without saying so, you could suffer the same fate. what do you make of all of that and where vladimir putin stands right now? >> you know, i think that's true, neil. in 2007 when putin was at the munich security conference, he made it very clear that he wants to isolate the west and create his own axis of evil. and keep in mind, the event at brics recently he's doing things with president xi next month and moving forward this that. using the global food supply to lefrm leverage. he didn't do so well on energy, but stoking up diplomacies in ways that other international institutions are beginning to rethink their current policy. all of this having been said, putin has not given up. he's won the oligarchs and his own people and conducting interesting arrests especially of nationalists in his own country and now the ukrainians are taking the fight to russia and of course, that's only going to sour with regard to the russian people and it's going to create more problems for mr. putin. neil: you know, colonel, vivek ramaswamy, the surging republican presidential candidate was on fox and friends this morning, it was a fascinating interview in which he shared his views on ukraine. he's not keen on pouring good money after bad and didn't put it in so many words, but said it in so many words. what's more, he said, motivation for this was this idea we don't want to drive russia into the hands of china or the closeness of china. what do you think of that argument that we should be cognizant of the fa fact that china is our bigger threat, not russia. >> i agree that china is likely our larger threat, neil, but at the same time i think that putin and xi are in bed together anyway and it's ongoing. keep in mind, back right before he launched this invasion of ukraine, putin was at the end of really the olympics in beijing, he sat down with xi and from all reports, he was reporting out to xi what he intended to do. i think behind the scenes xi and his administration have been helping the russians, maybe not with a lot of lethal equipment, but certainly with some high-tech, microchips, certain some energy purchases. so, there are a lot of variables here, but i would tend to disagree with vivek in that regard that china, yes, it's a significant threat, but at the same time, you know, russia and china are two peas in a pod at this point. they're using bricks and whatever method they can, and saudi arabia and others coming to their camp, they're doing well, especially as we're beginning to apparently diminish in our statute across the world. >> i'm curious on your take, if you're xi jinping who do you prefer win the next presidential election? joe biden, or if donald trump maintains his lead, mr. trump? >> i think mr. biden. i believe that the chinese have leveraged to a certain degree some media, certain political figures. certainly, they're getting the payback that they've sought as president xi has said so long about the opium war of a century and a half ago through the fentanyl invasion in this country. there's not one area that i can think of that xi would favor mr. trump over. certainly not economically and given the chinese situation today, which is in are the doldrums to say the least economically, that they don't need mr. trump coming in, reimposing new tariffs and making it more competitive for them. they need help and xi won't buy into, you know, the agenda, i believe mr. trump would bring to the table. neil: amazing. i had a lot to throw at you there, colonel. i thought i'd get you stumped and you were at ease. i've got to do better homework. no, thank you for your service to this country. >> thanks, neil. neil: we're following closely the president of the united states who is en route right now to florida. of course, that state will be getting a whole lot of aid in support whether the two men, the president of the united states or the governor of florida physically meet. i'm told by my buddy on all of these matters, lucas tomlinson at the white house. it's not the first time we've seen the president and a government not together at the site of a disaster. we'll explore all of that after this. this one wins the ser] struck out with the cheap seats? 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(vo) close in a matter of days. start with an all cash offer at opendoor dot com >> with governor desantis today? >> i don't think he's going to be there. >> do you have a message for him? >> we're going to take care of flo flor florida. >> all right, there you go. the president of the united states saying we're going to take care of florida even though we will not be there walking and looking at damaged areas in florida with governor ron desantis. i've been stressing and it's important to stress even though the two gentlemen won't be physically together, their staffs have been working throughout the week providing coordinated relief for florida. flor floridians concerned that may get lost in the sauce. they don't have to. to hear the president tell it, help is already there. we'll be monitoring that and monitoring another development that gripped the nation before the storms gripped florida. the notification over trans gender policies, a big one in new jersey not resolved and another festering in california that's just getting started. william la jeunesse, william. >> governor newsom and the state attorney general wants to prevent a school system from notifying parents if they want to change their gender identity at school. requiring the student's gender identity without their permission puts the student in danger by outing them to their own parents. >> i refuse to stand by and allow chino valley or any district's board of education to put our children at risk or infringe upon their rights, especially not one of our most vulnerable at risk groups. >> they literally waged a war on parents. they're saying, we do not want you, the parents, to be involved in your children's lives. >> chino valley is one of three california districts that require a school to notify parents in writing within three days if they become aware that a student is using a name, pronoun, or changing a bathroom that does not match their biological sex. >> i think the plan to fight back is just stand our ground. we're not going to cave in to their bullying tactics. i call it the political cartel here in california of newsom, vaunta and thurmon and they think they can flex their muscle and dictate what our school districts will do. >> related to that, neil, this week a california mom won a $100,000 settlement from a district that failed to tell her that her daughter had socially transitioned to a boy while at school. and now, the teachers union wants in on the issue saying they need special training to handle parents and students and that any disclosure requirement should be part of a collective bargaining agreement. back to you. neil: all right. william, thank you. william la jeunesse. well, just trying to get away from the divisive issues to one that unites us, that's labor day weekend. of course celebrating the american worker and also celebrating a good barbecue, but prices are up, right? so our buddy ron is back right now good at finding ways to enjoy some very tasty samplers and not pay through the nose after this. # ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch, it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> you know, food prices are expected to jump. when all is said and done about 6% this year. you might have to cut corners when you get that grill started up. rob has some-- actually some delicious alternatives for you. celebrity chef with us right now. and we need your help, my friend. what do we do? >> i've got you covered. how are you doing today? >> very well, my friend. >> great. great. well, i'm excited to be back on the show. i was so excited to bring you the news that last time i was on bacon was up 13, 14% astronomical. bacon and pork prices are all down and i was happy to be the man who bring you this news. so, we're going this year with a lot of ground beef, ground pork, than the full steaks themselves and you can save money. you can get creative with the ground products. what i did today here, we made our-- it's called a tortita, a tex mex meatball. a nice flavor to it. and we used fresh corn, really cheap corn and tomatoes, most of that coming from new jersey, so it's beautiful. grilled corn some cotija cheese and meatballs, we're using these red onions, tomatoes, some peppers, cilantro, eggs and bread crumbs. and eggs are way, way down they were three or four times, but you can get a dozen eggs for $2. neil: do you have to use the cilantro? i'm not a cilantro guy, you can take that out. >> you can take those, use herbs. neil: there is t. >> you pick your herb and we'll throw them in. neil: when it's ground beef and meatball. some people use bread crumbs or something to expand it and stretch that dollar. what did you do? >> absolutely. so you could use some of the bread that you've had in the house a little while starting to go stale and soak it up in milk and it will take up the surface of the meatballs and add texture. i'm glad that you know that. i feel like i'm rubbing off on you, neil. neil: i think you are. but you're a master on the grill and i've seen new action and you know what you're doing. a lot of americans don't. when it comes to that, hot dogs and hamburgers, i know this is such a dumb question, but a lot of people put them on at the same time, but obviously, the hot dogs will finish sooner, right? so what do you do? >> so, you could use two different parts of your grill. you could use a hotter part of the grill. we like different temperature zones on my grill. especially if you have charcoal. hot dogs are pre-cooked and you're just heating. neil: it sounds like you're anti-propane and you made it clear right now. >> the prices of propane, that's getting up there. well more expensive than it was even a couple of months ago. so, but the flavor for a charcoal, the art, the love that's put into a charcoal grill you'll want to cook those. and depending a little longer, burgers, internal 145, 155. neil: quickly, you're going to have a big gang yourself, and your beautiful children, what have you planned? >> my daughter is off playing softball. turn back around, i'm on my food truck right now. you see the guys working hard. we're in yorktown. neil: okay. >> they're working hard. wave, guys, wave. they're working hard back here so we're over in yorktown. neil: rob, i knew you when. now you're a big muckity-muck and like elvis, all right, guys, bring me the food. hope you have a great one, rob. >> next time bring me back to the studios and we'll get you some goods. neil: no cilantro, stop that. rob, always the best. he knows what he's doing. i need him when i'm grilling. . hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. lowe's knows that fall's shorter days... call for bigger deals. get the most out of your fall projects... by getting the most out of our deals now. and with lowe's pay, it's never been easier to shop at lowe's. labor day savings are here. in-store and online. how can you sleep on such a firm setting? 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, Bum Rush , Barack Obama , Everything , Americans Don T , Citizens , Side , School Starts , Unvaccinated , Children Will Enter The Public School System Unvaccinated , 19000 , Health Care Workers , Jobs , None , Many , Aliens , Cops , Out Of The Box , Some , Lockdown , Vaccine , Middle , Heroes , Pandemic , Zeros , 00 , 7 , Party , Saying , Work , Benefits , Queue , American Citizen , Issue , Presidency , House , Ticket , Majorities , Illegals , Common Sense , Pathway , Senate , Legislators , Veto , Calls , Proof Majorities , 2024 , Structure , News 12 , Murphy , Editor , Others , Bob Cusak , 12 , It , Number , Chief , Eyes , Fentanyl , Inflation , Gallego , Border States , Running , Everywhere , Borders , Sign , Trump , Policies , Kind , Office , Lock , Didn T Take Onnerous , Immigrants , Difference , Texas , The Eye Of Beholder , Game , Sanctuary Cities , Tune , Los Angeles , Country , Problems , States , Times , System , Immigration , Move , Patron , Trip , Desantis Decision , Maui , Situation , Point , Look , Comment , Course , Help , Heat , Didn T , Lockstep , Gamble , Perspective , Battle , Campaign Ads , Talking , Wall Street Journal , Donald Trump , Big One , Poll , Lead , Points , Field , 13 , Something Else , Convictions , Force , Nomination , Rate , Indictments , Guys , Take , Guarantee , Digits , People , Place , Everybody , Screen , That S Right , Position , He Doesn T Lay , Iowa , Vivek Ramaswamy , Ted Cruz , Nikki Haley , Tim Scott , 2016 , Voters , Choice , New Hampshire , 10 , Six , Deals , Lowe S , Caution , Abundance , Cans , Pails , Sherwin Williams , Hgtv Home , Cond You , 5 , 1 , 50 , Football Season , Neighbors , Value , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Get Nfl Sunday Ticket , Josh Allen , Verizon , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 , Valspar , Cabot , Hero Fan , Myplan , Youtubetv , 449 , 49 , Weight , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , My Ozempic , Studies , Cv Risk , Type 2 Diabetes , Majority , 2 , Risk , Adults , Death , Isn T , Heart Attack , Events , Heart Disease , Type 1 Diabetes , Stroke , 14 , Family , Side Effects , Needles , Share , Reuse , Pens , Lump , Stomach Pain , Neck , Reaction , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Stop Ozempic , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nausea , Diarrhea , Provider , Purple , Rejuvenated , Pressure , Gel Flex Grid , Purple Mattresses , Sleep Better , 25 , Labor Day Sale , Mattress , Visit Purple Com , Mattress Firm , 900 , Offing , Don T Know , Decision , More , Sites , Hurricane Idalia , Rebuilding , Hi , Ka , Katie Byrne , Food , Water , First Lady , Supplies , Guard , Aerial Tour , Gainsville , Town , Storm , Oak , Officials , Wind Damage , Storm Surge Damage , Visuals , Speech , Power , Counties , Bomb , Towns , Shower , Madison , Taylor , Damage , Priority , Power Restoration , The Farm , 60000 , Show , Information , Game Plan , Guy , County , Cattle , Bubba Jenkins , Hit Areas , Customers , 95 , Meeting , Deal , Gentlemen , Update , Live Oak , Staffs , Funds , Emergency , Page , Government , Development , Notion , Pep , Step , Magic , Dog , Farmer , Dog Bark , Effects , Pet Food , Coats , Michael , 62 , Health , Most , Thanks , Belly , Insulin Resistance , Life , Release , Golo , Devie Duckduckgo , Like Google , Fo , Money , Ads , Companie , Blocks Cooi , Searchs , Pi , Catch , Google , Doesn T Spy , Chrome , Fre , Privacy , Devices , Millions , Duckduckgo , Joint Base Andrews , 11 , Reporter , Heand , Area , Top , Sides , Workers , Half , Gerri Willis , 3 6 Million , Pay , Rule , Labor Department , Threshold , Business Owners , 5568 , 5000 , 40 , 55000 , 55 , 35568 , Businesses , Proposal , Environment , Terms , Change , Restaurant , Builders , Example , Manufacturers , Small Business Organizations , 1 2 Billion , Sales , Profit , Rent , Margin , Taxes , Credit Card , Swipe Fees , Labor Costs , 21 , 3 , 33 , 29 , Right , Back To The Future , Mr , Someone , Solution , Advocating , Manager Cio , Aaron Gibbs , Samantha , Place Experts , Pool , Hurdle , Level , 2020 , January 2020 , Increase , Enough , 568 , 35 , 60 , Salary , 45 , Technology Where Neck , Jump , 20 , 0 , 22 , Margins , Room , Type , Bill , Fear , Employees , Job , Cases , Boss , Hiding , Mom , Overtime , Pop , Big Business , Small Business Issue , Trojan Horse , Amount , Split , 52 48 , Either , Profitabilities , Technology , Costs , Software , Catalyst , Wages , Bottom , Salaries , Salary Rung , Employers , Face , Boom , Cost , Wasn T A , Conditions , Staff , Interest , Business Interests , Advocates , Ton , Voe Advocacies , Worker , , Pilots , Union Contracts , Economy Victim , Sound , Cast , Poor , Echelon , Totem Pole , Small Business , Companies , Erin , S P 500 , Issues , Capacity , 500 , Things , Stability , Take A Look , Speaking En Route To Florida , Question , Families , Planning , Smarter , Pods , 30 , 6 Million , Sale , Hello Savings , Blendjet , Go , Beverage , Blendjets , You Ice Crushing Big Blender Power , Usb C , Colors , Blends , Head , Soap , Drop , Kaleidoscope , 15 , Scout , Protection , Chew , Simparica Trio , Dogs , Ticks , Simparica , Heartworm Disease , Reactions , Use , Intestinal Worms , Seizures , Class , Drug , Disorders , History , Protection Go With Simparica Trio , Desan Desantis , Men , Walking , Doesn T Know What S Going On , Shouldn T Say , Didn T Know What S Going On , Idalia Storm , Coordination , 8 Billion , Billion , Shutdown , Congress , Measure , Emergency Funds , Weeds , Staffs Talk , Fema , Track , Drones , Southern Russia , Ukraine , Action , Counter Offensive , Lull , Lieutt , Colonel Bob Mcginnis , Ukrainians , In The South , Drone Issue , Attacks , Attack , Building , Progress , Airfield , Moscow , Russians , Mind , Ones , Tipping Point , Morale Slump , Mobilization , Morale , Forces , Russian , News , Russian Space Agency , Home , Weapons , Ballistic Missile , Parcel , Alert , Saber Rattling , Intercontinent , Colonel , Tit For Tat , Command , Chain , Group , Don T Mess , Leader , Deaths , Vladimir Putin , Wagner , Prigozhin , Anyone , Messages , Charge , Fate , West , Munich Security Conference , Axis Of Evil , 2007 , Event , President Xi , Food Supply , Leverage , Ways , Institutions , Policy , Energy , Diplomacies , Oligarchs , Regard , Fight , Nationalists , Arrests , Interview , Views , Fox And Friends , Words , China , Closeness , Motivation , Hands , Idea , Threat , Argument , Fa , Bed , Xi , Invasion , Putin , Reports , Olympics , Behind The Scenes Xi , Beijing , He Sat , High Tech , Equipment , Energy Purchases , Microchips , Variables , Pod , Peas , Statute , Whatever , Camp , Bricks , Method , Saudi Arabia , Joe Biden , Xi Jinping , World , Election , Degree , Chinese , Media , Figures , Opium War , Payback , President Xi Has , Reimposing New Tariffs , Least , Economically , Doldrums , Trump Over , Won T Buy Into , Table , Homework , Service , President Of The United States , Lucas Tomlinson , Support , Aid , En Route , Time , Matters , Site , Disaster , Ser , Style , Farmers , Savings , Anywhere , Insurance , Seats , Crowd Cheers , Aren T Worth Compromising , Samsung , Farmers Mnemonic , Door Refrigerator , French , Hats , Store , Polly Pratts , Saving , Line , Appliances , Bespoke Washer , Hat , Stack , Tap , Turkey Legs , Excitement , Viking , Experience , Grad Cap , Puppy , Phoenix Edu , Fresh Meat , Kibble , Brand New , Nutrients , Vegetables , Packs , Dried Pellets , Drill Mud Flaps , Water Repellent , Seat Protectors , Weathertech , Floorliners , Mattresses , Vehicle , Woman , Pains , Aches , Houses , Matter , Don T Worry , Message , Dot Com , Care , Flo Flor , Two Gentlemen Won T , Flor Floridians , Sauce , They Don T Have To , Tell , Storms , Festering , Gender , Nation , Notification , California , Parents , California Of Newsom , William La Jeunesse , Gender Identity , School System , State Attorney General , Student , School , Permission , Danger , Outing , District , Children , Risk Groups , Rights , War , Vulnerable , Chino Valley , Board Of Education , Districts , Lives , Writing , Bathroom , Pronoun , Ground , Sex , Bullying Tactics , School Districts , Settlement , Cartel , Muscle , Thurmon , Vaunta , 100000 , 00000 , Teachers Union , Daughter , Students , Disclosure Requirement , Boy , Training , Collective Bargaining Agreement , Labor Day Weekend , Prices , Barbecue , Buddy Ron , Nose , Samplers , Built N , Food Prices , Grill , Rob , Corners , Celebrity Chef , 6 , Friend , Bacon , Pork , Ground Beef , Ground Pork , Steaks , Ground Products , Corn , Flavor , A Tex Mex Meatball , A Tortita , Tomatoes , Cotija Cheese , Eggs , Cilantro , Meatballs , Bread Crumbs , Red Onions , Peppers , Four , Herbs , Herb , Little , Meatball , Bread , Dollar , Surface , Milk , Add Texture , Master , Hamburgers , Hot Dogs , Temperature Zones , Charcoal , Charcoal Grill , Propane , Love , Art , Yourself , Burgers , Longer , Gang , 155 , 145 , Wave , Yorktown , Food Truck , Softball , Muckity Muck , Elvis , Great One , Studios , Goods , Best , Connect , Advisor , David , Investments , Goals , Wealth Management , J P Morgan , Projects , Sleep Number , Labor Day Savings , Gab , Setting , Base , Home Delivery , Florida Today , Questions , Biden Headed To , Studio , Office Say , Unemployment , Griff Jenkins , Mike Emanuel , Fox News Live , Rise ,

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